xxshitxkidxx · 3 years
☆how to care for your carer☆
with a lot of suggestions out there of how to care for the kiddo, still, caring can be mutual, although maybe not in the same ways. a lot of carers are also mentally ill, sensitive, traumatized, and anxious; just like the kiddos.
(aside for the carers: you need to learn to take care of yourselves, before you can take care of your tinie properly) 
you say what you need, encourage the carer to communicate what they want or need. tell each other if you have a bad day. try to be honest and theyll be honest back 
send them reminders 
like little messages that you love and appreciate them too. carers also need to remember that they are completely adored 
reasonable sleep time
it can be hard to push for when “youre the kiddo” but still, its possible to make the carer promise to go to bed. use puppy eyes, or nag if needed 
self care 
washing up is also a tough one, but if you try the way of “unless you do it too, i wont do it” it might work. if you can see your carer face to face, maybe ask to wash their hair, or bring them lotion - they will find it adorable and itll make them feel cared about 
spoil them
if not with material things, then with crafts like a drawing or a coloring page, or with affection. (if you can get them something like bath bombs, or lotion, it might help with the self care point) 
a good way to make sure an evil witch didnt curse the apples is to help them make a meal. maybe, if youre big enough, make something for them - if you are ldr, encourage them to cook something healthy and yummy
reign back the attitude
sometimes it gets hard for the carers to deal with fussiness, so try to be a bit more complacent with the reasonable little things. this shows your carer that you trust their judgement
make caring for you caring about them too
it can be subtle - like holding their hand during a monster check, or protecting them from a storm in a pillow fort. make sure they know you care about them too
dont be selfish
consider the carer, and their needs, and their feelings. they are human too. all the tips on tumblr usually go to a lot of extremes that are not okay in real world & relationships - never force your carer into anything theyre not comfortable with. dont get upset when they dont comply your every will. treat them like you want to be treated
take time to know each other 
if you are in a relationship outside of regression, get to know each other and do different things. give each other time to rest and grow
love them and be nice
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
some ideas of what to put in a book of shadows:
✓ dreams
✓ spells you cast and how they went
✓ readings/spreads
✓ card of the day
✓ rune of the day
✓ daily devotional
✓ weather
✓ moon phase
✓ sun rise and set times
✓ moon rise and set times
✓ study log
✓ craft project progress
✓ ways you incorporated magick into your day
✓ create a sigil for the day
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
can’t forget your daily dose of witchy shit to add to your grimoire of course!
here’s a quick crash-course - or a refresher for those of you who have been studying the craft for a lil bit longer - in one of my absolute favorite types of magick; 
sigil work!
sigils are such incredible little things; they are so easy and fun to create yet so wonderfully powerful. truly this is an area of witchcraft that is very underappreciated!
How to use sigils
This is the how to use sigils post! This was made so I can link out to it when people ask me how do I use sigils, primarily the sigils here provided on my blog. I will also link to all my sigil posts at the very end, so you can learn more about sigils, and how to use them. There are three steps in order to use any sigil.  These steps are creation, charging, and activation. We’re going to take a short look at each step, and go over how you do them.
In this step you will be creating your own personal sigil, or you will select one from somebody else’s collection. I’m not going to go into the process of how to create a sigil here, but you will be able to find the information on that here:
How to make Sigils
This post is more about how to use sigils, and not how to create them. You are going to want to create, or find a sigil that has to do with the intention you wish to bring into your life. This can be pretty much anything that can be achieved with spiritual energy, or the power of the subconscious mind. Once you have a sigil picked out, or you have created one that fits your desire you are ready to move on to the next step.
In order to charge your sigil you are going to need a representation of it. Whether that be spiritual, mental, or physical representation of the sigil. All you have to do is construct something that is similar to the sigil. Once you have your representation you can then begin the charging process on it. In order to do this you need to interact, or have another construct interact with the sigil in order to send energy into the representation of the sigil, and to implanted in your, or others’ subconscious. This can be done in a multitude of ways such as but not limited to:
Pushing energy into the sigil by using energy work.
Meditating intently on the sigil.
Dancing around the sigil.
Chanting over the sigil.
Masturbating on to the sigil.
Masturbating while looking into the sigil.
Burning candles around, or on the sigil.
Rubbing blood upon the sigil.
Anointing the sigil with essential oils, holy water, spit, semen, and many other substances
Putting the sigil in the sunlight, or moonlight.
Having the sigil by a crystal grid.
Placing a charged crystal on top of the Sigil.
Looking at the sigil while causing pain to yourself, or another.
Submerging the sigil in water.
Having sex around the sigil, on top of the sigil, or while looking at the sigil.
Talking to the Sigil as if it was a person, trying to convince it to do it job.
Having people see and/or interact with the sigil.
Speaking about the sigil to other people.
Having the sigil on your person while going through your day
Having the sigil on you while skydiving.
Having the sigil near you while you playing video games.
Focusing on the sigil while being in a intense emotional state.
Drawing your Sigil on something, and burying it.
Asking a higher power to charge the sigil for you.
Praying over the sigil.
Singing over the sigil.
Giving birth over or near the sigil.
Something dying, or being killed near around the sigil.
Making contact with the sigil through any form of contact such as tapping touching or moving
Passing through the sigil incense smoke
Place the sigil in front of music speakers while music is playing
Breathing on the sigil
Having the sigil outside in a thunderstorm
placing your phone on top of the sigil, while your phone is charging.
All you have to do is pick one, or multiple of these charging methods, and do them preferably when you are in a meditative state, so that you can begin to strengthen the power of the sigil that you are using. Once you feel that it is adequately charged you will then be able to move on to the next and final step, which is activation. 
This is where you are going to send your desire into the universe and you are going to activate it in your subconscious, so that it can begin to start working behind the scenes, and your energy can go forth, and begin to push things towards your desire. There are two forms of activation these are active activation, and passive activation. Active activation is a more forceful form of activation that comes from the act of destroying the sigils representation. Through this act all of the spiritual energy is released, and sent into the universe all at once to act out your will, and the sigil is lost to your conscious mind allowing it to ramp up in your subconscious mind. Passive activation is a very grounded form of activation that comes from the sigils representation being told to work. This will release energy over time allowing your will to be acted upon in a very passive way, and it will also be used as a constant reminder to your subconscious to allow the desire of the sigil to work. All sigils are passive sigils in the beginning until they are activated, or if they have a trigger set on them. Below I will tell you techniques for activating in both methods of activation:
Active Activation:
Putting the sigil on a piece of paper, and burning it in fire
Putting the sigil on a piece of paper, and submerging it in water until it dissolves.
Putting the sigil on a piece of paper, and ripping the paper in half.
Drawing the sigil in to the sand at the beach, and letting the sea wash it away.
Drawing the sigil in the air with your energy, and pushing through it in order to destroy it.
Making the sigil out of dust, or powder, and then blowing it away to destroy it.
Making the sigil in your mind, and then imagining it being destroyed to activate it.
Putting the sigil on food then eating it.
Drawing the sigil on a firework, and then set it off.
Drawing the sigil on a balloon, and then pop it.
Drawing the sigil on your body, and then wash it away.
Singing the sigil out loud for all to hear.
Playing a music, or an audio sigil out loud for all to hear.
Place the sigil on a piece of paper, and rip it up.
Draw  the sigil on a rock, and throw it in a body of water.
Drawing the sigil on food using something that is edible, and then eating it.
Putting the sigil on a cigarette, and then smoking it.
Passive Activation:
Putting the sigil on a piece of paper.
Drawing the sigil on your body.
Carving sigils into a candle, and lighting the candle.
Carving sigils into soap, and washing your body with the soap.
Making a sigil amulet.
Writing the sigils upon stone.
Carved into wood or stone.
Drawing on piece of papers to make fu talisman
Placing the sigil as your computer, or phone background.
Posting an image of the sigil online.
Drawing the sigil  with chalk on the street, or sidewalk
Once you activate your sigil you are done with it, and your desire will start working, and all you have to do is wait for results. If you want to stop your sigil, and it is a passive sigil you can destroy it, releasing what energy it has left, and then wait for that energy to run its course. This will also force it completely into your subconscious which will eventually dissipate. If it is an active sigil you can wait for it to run its course, or you can cast another sigil to nullify the first one. That’s all there is to it my friends. Good luck using sigils.
Extra links that might help:
Linking sigils
Mixed Sigils
Sigil surroundings
Tracing sigils into the air
Ways to charge a sigil
How to make Sigils
Sigil Matrix
Tribal Sigils, And How To Make Them
Active, And Passive Sigil Activation
Name Sigils
Acoustic sigils
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
and some more nail inspo since mine are STILL painfully lacking :(((((
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
another little themed post as I have been feeling quite smol lately.
this one is for help with when you’re being little but also stressed out and shit!
🌸 Breathing exercises!
🌸 Communicate with someone like your caregiver; talk about why you’re stressed! Don’t bottle up your feelings. 
🌸 Maybe practice yoga or do some exercise.
🌸 Listen to music that makes you feel little, relaxed, &/or happy!
🌸 Go on a walk. 
🌸 Pet animals! Go to a pet store that lets you interact with the animals, play with a pet of your own, go to a dog park, etc. (If this isn’t an option, you can just look at videos of cute animals, or something!)
🌸 Put on comfy clothes, or something that you feel super cute and little in!
🌸 Take a nice, warm bubble bath. Maybe light some candles, or use a wax warmer!
🌸 If you’re stressed about something school related, maybe study or prepare, or try to get some of the work done if you’re behind with stuff.
🌸 Laugh! Watch funny videos on YouTube, perhaps.
🌸 Play a game with your caregiver, or ask for a cute little task to complete for them! (Coloring a picture, baking something, etc.)
🌸 Get out the things that make you feel little, like your favorite sippy filled with your favorite drink, a favorite snack, fluffy socks or cute thigh-highs, a onesie or pajamas, and whatever else.
🌸 Turn on one of your favorite cartoons or movies! 
🌸 Snuggle up with lots of warm blankets and maybe browse your tumblr feed or look at things that calm you down/make you feel little. 
🌸 Read a book, or have your caregiver read to you!
🌸 Just cuddling or being around your caregiver can make you feel lots better.
🌸 Plan ahead for things that you’re worried about!
🌸 Make a list of goals or chores to get done for the week so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
🌸 Make sure you’re going to bed on time, and are on a good, healthy sleeping schedule!
🌸 Do certain things in moderation, like TV, games, etc. Make sure you’re not doing one thing the whole day! 
🌸 Get our your coloring book or scrap paper and whatever tools you use (crayons, colored pencils, etc) and draw or color! 
🌸 Play dress-up!
🌸 Have tea-time with your caregiver and/or stuffies!
🌸 Clean up your room really nice! I find that being in a clean, fresh-feeling environment makes me feel much calmer. 
🌸 Do something cute with your hair, or maybe something you haven’t tried before! 
🌸 Organize your stuffies, or other things.
🌸 Take a nap! A lot of the time, you might just be cranky or stressed because you’re tired! Cuddle up with your caregiver or some stuffies and get your paci, if you use one!
Feel free to re-blog with things that you do to help you cope with stress!
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
getting back on top of my posting game hopefully haha so in honor of such lofty goals here is an adorable list of cute shit to do when you’re feeling both little and bored....which I often am especially with daddy not being around as of late :(((((
anywhoo enjoy!
Little Arts And Crafts Ideas
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❤️Make matching bracelets for you, your best friend, your cg, or your stuffies
💛Necklaces to!
💚Make slime
💙Finger paint
❤️Draw something (bonus points if you color it to!)
💛Simple sewing projects
💙Make something out of popcicle sticks
❤️Make a little scrapbook
💚Make something out of perler beads
💙Make a paper chain to decorate your room
❤️Cut out pictures of magazines that make you happy and make a collage of things you love!
💛Make something using pipe cleaners
💚Macaroni noodle crafts
💙Make puppets out of recycle and put on a show for someone or your stuffies
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
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hi guys! sorry I am so flakey sometimes haha!
but I made this for you all to say sorry! not that it does anyone any good but she’s kinda cute I think at least!
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
some nail inspo b/c i need to do mine so bad tbh
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
brilliant washi tape storage idea
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Add a little colour and Washi tape to your life!
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
just for shits
MADE BY ... @.iovable
💟 — YES
💔 — NO    
what titles are you comfortable
with having in your relationship?
  ❥ boyfriend 💔
  ❥ girlfriend 🖤
  ❥ datefriend 💔
  ❥ girlboyfriend 💔
  ❥ boygirlfriend 💔
  ❥ feyfriend 💔
  ❥ enbyfriend 💔
  ❥ lovefriend 💟
  ❥ datemate 💔
  ❥ other half 💟
  ❥ partner 🤔
  ❥ significant other 🖤
  ❥ lover 🖤
  ❥ soulmate 💟
  ❥ companion 🤔
  ❥ spouse 🖤
  ❥ love 🖤
what names are you comfortable
with your partner(s) calling you?
  ❥ babygirl 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
  ❥ babe 💟
  ❥ bab 💔
  ❥ beeb 💔
  ❥ love 🖤
  ❥ lovey 💔
  ❥ lovely 💟
  ❥ darling 💟
  ❥ cutie 💟
  ❥ sweet 💟
  ❥ sweetie 💟
  ❥ sweetheart 🖤
  ❥ hon 💟
  ❥ honey 💔
  ❥ hon bun 💔
  ❥ beloved 💟
  ❥ pumpkin 🖤
  ❥ dear 💟
  ❥ dearest 💟
  ❥ beautiful 💟
  ❥ daisy 💔
  ❥ everything 💟
  ❥ doll 🖤
  ❥ angel 💔
  ❥ princess 🖤
  ❥ prince 💔
  ❥ princex 💔
  ❥ prin 💔
  ❥ prinxex 💔
  ❥ king 💔
  ❥ queen 🖤
  ❥ your majesty 💔
  ❥ god 💔
  ❥ goddess 🖤
  ❥ goddex 💔
  ❥ pet 💟
  ❥ kit 💔
  ❥ kitty 🖤
  ❥ kitten 🖤
  ❥ bear 💔
  ❥ bunny 💟
❥ pup 💔
❥ puppy 💔
  ❥ dove 💔
  ❥ star 💔
  ❥ sun 💔
❥ sunshine 💔
  ❥ flower 💟
  ❥ hero 💔
  ❥ heroine 💟
  ❥ hottie 💔
  ❥ little 🖤
  ❥ my (???) 💟
  ❥ lover 💔
  ❥ muffin 💔
  ❥ my world 💟
  ❥ precious 💔
  ❥ sugar 💟
  ❥ sugarbear 💔
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
okay quick update:
well I was definitely in jail for imbolc which fucking sucks.
but hopefully i'll be out for ostara which is one of my favorite sabbots for sure.
also both my book of shadows and grimoire got stolen and trashed. so i'll have to start new ones of those which is both exciting and upsetting considering how much i always put into that shit to just have them gone again blows.
but i will def post updates and progress shit along the way.
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
sorry 😓😓
hey guys sorry i haven't been around for a minute but you know how shit goes.... especially on the streets haha!
but i do have hella stories to tell you all because of it so i guess that's some sort of silver lining of what the fuck ever right?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
alrighty i will post again soon. promise.
🎃 👑 🎃 👑 🎃 👑 🎃 👑 🎃
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
yes i am aware it's not halloween anymore; this is a goddamn lifestyle at this point guys 🖤 🖤
List Of Kids Halloween Shows And Movies
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spooky Buddies
Monster House
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Hocus Pocus
It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Winnie The Pooh Boo To You Too!
Corpse Bride
Hotel Transylvania
The Addams Family
Monster family
Dreamworks Spooky Stories
Super Monsters
Hotel Transylvania
Scary Godmother
Bat Pat (spanish)
Casper’s Scare School
Monster High
Smighties (YouTube)
Hotel Transylvania The Series
Scooby Doo
Cartoon specials:
Pocoyo Space Halloween
Pocoyo Spooky Movies
Pacs Scary Halloween
Curious George Boo Fest
Toy Story Of Terror
Winnie The Pooh Boo To You Too!
Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Special
Scary Godmother Halloween Spooktakular
Wallace And Gromic The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit
DreamWorks Scared Shrekless
Grinch Night
Mickey’s Clubhouse Monster Musical
Mickey’s Clubhouse Mickey’s Treat
Barney Halloween Party
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xxshitxkidxx · 4 years
holy shit happy new year guys!
sorry i can't think of anything witty or entertaining to go with that haha but i am actually fidna crash out here quite soon hopefully believe it or not b/c we actually have somewhere inside to sleep for the night (and it's NOT jail for once xp) for the first time since our camp got raided which is super exciting!
....especially with how fucking COLD it has been over the last few weeks!
so this is a pretty alright start to the year so far and i hope the same goes for all of you as well!
be safe out there and all that good shit!
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