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Oscar Wilde, Only Dull People Are Brilliant at Breakfast
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Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
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why do all the words sound heavier in my native language? scratch that. why did I choose to seek refuge in a language of another instead of training my tongue to bear the heaviness of my own?
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OK you guys - you asked and at last I can deliver - Here are some printable files for my Song of Achilles cover. You can download the full size ones here: https://joshchmartin.wixsite.com/mysite/book-covers - just scroll down to the Song of Achilles cover and click on it! 
I figure most of you will be printing out at home so I added some tabs so you can print out each part separately on A4 and stick them together yourselves.
If you want to support me you can buy my books here: https://uk.bookshop.org/contributors/josh-martin
or here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Josh-Martin/e/B0799QRYX4/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1
or if you’re in the UK, ask your local indie for them!
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It is in moments like these, your humanness astounds me
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I lay in his bed beside him, looking over every few minutes to be sure he still sleeps. It is past eleven, but we had a late night, and in all the time I have known him, he has never once been an early riser.
I lay beside him, phone in hand, scouring the internet for quotes and poems and love songs. All the books I have read, I viewed with cynicism or indulged in their tragedy. I curse myself for my ignorance, for being willfully blind to reason these lovers are called as such.
I lay in bed beside him and he stirs. His eyes open as if they are being pried apart, his lips parting with a small sigh. He says there was a point in the night where he woke up and I wasn’t there, and it had disturbed him greatly. I put a hand to his chest and tell him the hour I came back. He says he knows, that he did not properly rest until I was there. Then he pulls me close, closes his eyes, and promptly falls back asleep. It is more profound than any quote or poem or love song.
This is just to say, I am fucked.
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Lestat de Lioncourt from
I just watched Interview with the Vampires again and once again, I fell in love with Lestat (T▽T)
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What is the gender of champagne and pearls, and greek marble statues and vines?
What is the attraction to ivory and gold, to bruises and lovers who lie?
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Do not let the world tell you that you are too much. Bathe in milk and rose petals. Kiss those you greet on each cheek. Wear formal clothes to mundane activities. Drink terribly inappropriate things from vintage teacups. Wax seal handwritten letters on aged paper. Listen to classic composers while watching the dusk give way to night. Drown yourself in the scent your lover adores. Apply a critical lens to a classic novel that the author would despise. Memorize a poem just to say you have. You were not made to please the world, the world was made to please you; it was prepared for your birth, it is your gift. Do not let external forces scare you from indulging in life’s pleasures and nourishing your soul.
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My most intimate experience has not been skin on skin, nor has it been a heart to heart. It was not a kiss, the touch of a hand, the intertwining of fingers. It was not a late night call, a voice that has become home, words that are not but very well mean ‘I love you’. My most intimate experience has been lying on a living room floor, the lights low, listening to the entirety of an album with someone I wish to know. There are few words, and there is not necessarily a much in terms of physicality, just listening all the way through something they cared to show to you before you do the same. The way their eyes shift when they hear a lyric, the rise of their chest with the swell of the music, how their body shifts closer to yours during parts they have come to associate with or make them think of you. It is someone baring their soul, and you doing the same. Tell me there is something more vulnerable than to be stripped naked by sound, tell me there is something more gratifying than to have someone run their fingertips along your edges and divots without ever needing to cross the room, tell me there is something that brings more relief than them loving you anyways. You can try, but I will always attest to the intimacy of an album.
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“You are a monster.”
“But I am your monster, and isn’t that such a lovely thing to have.”
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Elie Saab - Spring/Summer 2021 Pt. 7
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I try getting back into drawing and painting and all that fun stuff. But like, working on a painting for actually a long time. 
It’s hard. I’m being hard on myself. As usual. But I still try.  I wanted to share a small snippet of my WIP, just because I like to share things I’m working on. 
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There is nothing that can compare to the completely spiritual experience of finally understanding a song. You could have listened to it a thousand times before, broken down the lyrics, analyzed its composition, but it finally clicks in your soul, it is like everything is falling into place and the floor is collapsing beneath you all at once. Even a song that is painful, when you finally get it, there is a spark of joy. That joy, that little feeling in your chest, is connection, to the artist, to an idea, to a group of people who have had the same experience as you, to something bigger than yourself. I think it is one of the most beautiful and human feelings in the world.
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Allow me to break your heart with 5 words:
Enemies to one sided love.
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Details: L'ala nera o Il tocco dell'angelo by Roberto Ferri.
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