theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Cream crepe choker with green gem containing cat bone. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShoppeDesMorts
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Cat metatarsal cabochon choker. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShoppeDesMorts
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Ribs and carnations. https://www.etsy.com/listing/500958228/rib-bones-bronze-cameo-with-smokey-topaz?ref=shop_home_active_5
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
Galaxy noise is available now!
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Galaxy mouse skull pendant. Will be available soon!
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Galaxy mouse skull pendant. Will be available soon!
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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More resin jewels available on the shop for you to make your very own jewelry and art with.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Resin cast rejects are up on the shop. They’re available for you to make your very own creations with! I’m excited to share my own projects so you can create great things as well. 
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Upcycled Cicada ring turned into a necklace.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Gonna have some goat heads and tiny baby bunny skeletons to work with.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
Salt/Borax drying
Preservation of small tails, feet, wings and other various specimens using salt/borax I Personally use this method a lot when preserving a variety of items for jewelry use or for my own home collection. You will need - Salt ( i usually buy a few boxes for good measure) You will want to buy enough to completely submerge whatever you want to preserve - Borax ( again i buy a few boxes) you will also want enough to submerge your specimen - a container that can fit your item(s) and hold a good amount of salt ( tupperware, boxes…etc) - A dry ventilated space - aromatic dry herbs ( optional) - and patience.
1) After you have harvested whatever it is you wish to dry, clean off any meat or fleshy bits sticking out of the severed point ( if you are working with a tail, clean up the base where you cut… same for wings, heads and paws) - If you are working with a head, i would suggest removing the brains so you do not get ANY decomposition or odor. You can remove the brains by using a small forked piece of wire ( any thin sharp object ), poking it up through the base of the skull( through the hole in the atlas bone or where the atlas bone connected to the spine) and scrambling the brains until they are able to be scooped, sucked or dripped out. Once most of the brain matter is removed, fill the cavity with a combination of salt and borax.
2) make a mixture of borax and salt… i usually use one box of borax mixed with one box or container of salt ( if you want to add aromatic herbs you can, i usually mix a bit of dry cedar)
3) take your mixture and pour a layer to the bottom of your container ( about half inch - inch )
4) place your specimen(s) inside. Make sure if you are drying more than one specimen, they do not overlap one another.   - if you are drying wings you can take needles/tacks to pin them in am open position so they dry out stretched <3       -You can also pin feet in whatever desired position you would like to dry them in
5) pour in the rest of your drying mixture (salt/borax) over the specimen(s) until they are completely submerged
6) leave to dry in a well ventilated space for a few weeks, the larger and more fleshy your item(s) the longer you will need to let them sit.  - squirrel tails/ bird wings and smaller feet i leave for about 3 weeks ( i exchange the drying mixture around week 2 to keep it fresh, but that is not fully necessary)
Heads i leave for 4+ weeks, again depending on size… - small bird heads = 3 and a half - 4 and a half weeks - squirrel heads = 4 and a half to 5 and a half weeks - goose heads or any similar size i leave for 5+
* if anything is salting longer than 3 weeks i exchange the drying/salt mixture to ensure freshness and make sure no odor will set in.
The timing for drying are just what i have found to work for me, the times can increase or decrease due to climate, humidity and environment. I live in a very humid, damp place so drying can take much longer.
7) once your items are dry ( you can tell when they are firm and have NO moisture left) you can brush off any salt/borax with a old tooth brush or even your fingers. If you notice any odor i would allow it to air dry in a well ventilated space for a few days and then soak it in a dry bath of aromatic herbs  (cedar, clove, flower petals, mint… etc) You can also use smoke to help with odor, all you do is allow any smoke or fumes to further dry/ absorb into your specimen by burning cedar, incense or other wonderful smelling things near or under it.
I am in no way a professional at preservation, these are things i have discovered through trial and error and have worked well for me through out my various projects. Also note i am horrific at explanation/spelling, so if these directions have been confusing in any way, feel free to message me and i will try to correct/fix it.
Here are photos of some items that have been cured/dried using this method. 
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Hope this helps you all <3 
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Wet specimen, adult female skunk front paw. This skunk weighed around 25lbs. She was found on the side of the road dead.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
Please Help Me
I decided to open an etsy site so I could sell my art and jewelery because I’m unable to work due to severe pain and crippling health problems. Its impossible for me to get out and go to school let alone work more than an hour or two a day, even then sometimes working for one day on my art makes me bedridden for days.
With my shop being slow to start I'm struggling to get the supplies and tools needed for making things I would like to for my shop. I'm unable to work due to the chronic pain and fatigue so this is my job. I get to choose my hours and practice self care so I don't get more injured. But without the needed tools and supplies I won't be able to do anything.
It would be a great help if any of you would donate even $5. Larger donations will receive a thank you gift. Send a message if you'd like a thank you gift after your donation. Donations can be sent to my paypal. paypal.me/CSutton7
You can also order something from The Bone Yard at Shoppedesmorts, orders over $30 get a surprise gift. I’ll be adding new items soon too. Not having supplies is making it harder to make things I want to make.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Cleaned and processed bones today. Normally I only do a single soak in peroxide, but these got two soaks and a bath in Dawn dish soap. Can't seem to get those scapula in the cup clean though. The darker bones are from an abandoned building. And the white ones are from a fairly new body.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Thought people might like to know the face behind the art. I was prepping bones today, and the shell of death kind of soaks into everything.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Look at these cute little bug charms! When they get mixed around they look like mini snow globes, only with with a catch. They contain real insects! Currently only have 4 available and they are: -ants -grain moth larvae -two grain moths
All bones are ethically acquired through owl pellets and natural deaths. No animals are harmed for our art.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Death's Head Butterfly A small rodent skull on a butterfly frame, assorted bones as markings on the wings, on a Barrette.
All bones are ethically acquired through owl pellets and natural deaths. No animals are harmed for our art.
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theboneyardshop · 7 years
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Hazy blue satin bow earrings with partial vole skulls. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShoppeDesMorts
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