Not sure if this is how you request but i couldn’t get it out my mind🤷‍♀️ maybe a teacher reader with a student Larissa. Of age and can be platonic or smut or whatever its your choice?
Heyyy anon! I love this idea. It’s sounds so intriguing and has me thinking how that dynamic would work… I’m going with smut lol. Larissa is of age. I imagine young Larissa to be quite insecure so I went off of that.
Mind’s Betrayal~ student!Larissa Weems & Fem teacher!reader
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Mommy…Master List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, fluff, smut, fingering, finger riding, age gap (age gap but all legal), kissing, hickeys, implied future smut
Enjoy (;
Larissa rolled her eyes at all the PDA morticia and gomez were showing lately. Especially today in history.
They were holding hands, cuddling, kissing, you name it.
It was working Larissa up.
Finally, the bell rang and the students started to file out of your class.
Larissa had had enough of morticia and gomez, so she decided she would speak to you after class.
“Ma’am, can I speak to you for a few minutes?” Larissa asked you.
You looked up to meet her tall gaze from your desk.
You’d always liked Larissa. If you were being honest, you liked her more than you were supposed to. But regardless, she was always a good student.
“Yes, Ms. Weems?” You replied, after probably lingering your eyes at her physique for too long.
“I wanted to talk to you about Morticia and Gomez.” Larissa matter of factly stated.
“What about them?”
“Well, some have said that their PDA is distracting and disturbing…”
Without thinking you immediately quipped back, “And do those people have no one to display affections with?”
You were quite stunned with yourself that your inner sarcasm had surfaced that easily.
Larissa was shook a bit as well.
“Excuse me?”
You had had a long day and just didn’t want to beat around the bush anymore, “Larissa, what’s the real reason they bother you?”
Larissa felt a jolt of electricity shoot straight to her core at you saying her name.
“It’s innapropriate.” She matter of factly stated.
“Really?” You sarcastically quipped, “Is that the real reason, Larissa?”
Larissa shivered at the mention of her name again.
“Now may be a great time to tell you that I read minds, my love.” You purred with a smirk.
Larissa’s face gawked and panicked.
“I… what…” she was at a loss for words, and the nickname had made her knickers wet.
“Larissa, it’s alright to show and want affection…” you said with care.
Larissa gulped, her mind going into a frenzy.
Suddenly tears started to slowly stream down her face, “But what if I don’t deserve affection…?” Larissa chocked out.
You immediately came over to the other side of the desk and embraced the tall blonde.
“Oh my darling, you of all people deserve affection. Your beautiful. Inside and out.” You whispered into her ear, as Larissa silently cried out.
You hesitated before offering what was to follow, but you couldn’t stand to watch Larissa suffer any longer.
“Can I show you, my love?” You gently asked.
“What?” Larissa chocked out, still wrapped in your embrace with her head in the crane of your neck.
“Can I show you how beautiful I find you?” You repeated your offer.
Larissa looked at you in confusion.
“Here, sit on the desk, love.”
Larissa did as she was told.
You gently grabbed her hands and began, “As a telepath, I can read minds yes, but I can also project my mind into someone else’s.”
Larissa nodded, following along.
“Would you like me to do that for you? You would be in complete control. If you don’t want to hear a thought or see a image of mine, you can simply push it away.”
“Ok…” Larissa whispered, wiping her tears off her face.
“Ok, and if you want to stop at any time, all you have to do is pull your hands away from mine, understand?”
Larissa nodded.
“Alright dear, close your eyes and clear your mind. I’m opening my mind to yours.”
Larissa gasped and you felt her enter your mind.
You watched Larissa go through your thoughts of her behavior in your class, your thoughts of her work, your thoughts on seeing her at social events.
Such a intelligent student…
A proper Lady if I’ve seen one…
She then got to your thoughts and images on herself. Her clothes, her body, her face.
She truly is a beauty…
Her clothes curve her figure so well…
This was all you meant for Larissa to see, but she wasn’t breaking the connection. She wouldn’t get out of your mind.
What if she saw your true feelings?
Then you witnessed Larissa come across your images of her.
A tear of joy rolled off of Larissa’s cheek, as she saw how beautiful you found her.
But then she heard a strange yet familiar sound.
You started to panic as Larissa followed the noise.
You were horrified as you found Larissa in front of one of your fantasies.
Larissa was riding your fingers on top of your lap, as your whispered strings of praises and nicknames into her ear and Larissa was moaning more and more, rutting her hips into your fingers…
Suddenly, the connection ended.
But it had been there long enough for you to have a solid spot of wetness in your knickers.
You snapped back to reality, to find Larissa had pulled her hands away and was staring at you in shock.
You were horrified as well, that she had to see that.
“Larissa, I am truly sorry you had to see that. I know that it’s extremely inappropriate—” you began to ramble into an apology, but Larissa cut you off.
“You want me?” Larissa spoke softly with a broken voice.
“Yes.” You confessed in a hush tone.
“Why?” She asked.
You looked up, heart broken that she didn’t see her beauty.
When you didn’t respond, Larissa did, “Can you show me?”
You were stunned at first by the tall, blonde’s inniciative.
You had to way out your options very carefully…
Larissa took your hesitancy as a no, and she began to leave.
But you grabbed her before she could leave, smashing your lips against hers.
Larissa was timid to reciprocate at first, but quickly caught on, letting you lead the kiss.
You gently bit Larissa’s lower lip, gaining entrance into her mouth.
Larissa stifled a moan as your tongue explores her wet cavern.
You pulled back at that, making Larissa stifle a whimper.
“No. Let me hear you.” You reassured her, moving her shirt to the side so that you could kiss up her neck.
You continued to pepper Larissa’s neck and up to her face with kisses and markings.
Once you had finished, you snickered at her appearance.
Larissa, who was thoroughly basking in your affection, broke from her trance and looked at you with conern.
“Look in the mirror, love.” You gently said, indicating to the mirror by your desk.
Larissa went over to your mirror, to find her entire neck and face covered in lipstick marks and hickeys.
Larissa was speechless and was blushing hard.
You leaned across your desk to give her one last peck on her lips.
“That’s how beautiful you are.”
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brienneoftarth1989 · 3 months
Forever Young
Larissa Weems x fem reader
Summary: You tried to save the school from The Hyde but it ended up killing you dying in Larissa’s arms. Larissa was beyond upset due to your relationship and organising the funeral was much harder
Warnings: Violence, blood, Major character deaths, funeral, grief, depression, suicide, overdose
Requests open
“I’ve got to go out there. I’ve got to defend this school” you told Larissa as you got ready to shift into your werewolf form. “You should be careful out there. I can’t lose you y/n. You are all the family that I have left” Larissa told you clearly scared about everything.
You walked over to Larissa as you brought her into a hug and gave her a kiss on her lips. “I promise. I love you Larissa. I will come back to you” you told her as you gave her one last kiss on the lips before running out the door and heading off to find Hyde
You immediately shifted as soon as you exited the door as you ran deep into the woods to find this huge creature. You had to stop this thing before it got any closer to the school. When you reached a clearing in the woods you stop for a second before smelling the air.
You had its scent. You started to follow after it and it wasn’t long before you realised you were making your way back towards the school. The two of you must have ran past each other at some point and not noticed each other. As soon as you made your way back you realised The Hyde was standing in the courtyard waiting for its next victims.
You couldn’t stand the thought it was just waiting for its prey to fall into its hands so you did the only thing that felt right for you at the time which was to attack. You ran straight over to the creature as you clawed at its back. The beast let out a shriek before spinning around causing you to lose your grip.
You fell onto your back and before you knew what was going on you felt its claws going straight across your chest. Pain was all you felt as you then watched it run off into the distance. It wasn’t killing for food. It was killing for sport.
You looked up to see Larissa standing on her balcony in shock at the scene she just witnessed before she ran down to see if you were alright. You had shifted back into your human form by the time she got to you and it wasn’t a pretty sight.
Blood and deep cuts covered your stomach. You weren’t going to make it and you knew it. Larissa picked you up gently and held you in her arms being careful not to cause you too much pain. Your breathing was getting weaker and you wanted to spend the rest of your life looking at the one true person you loved.
“Hey, ssh, it’s going to be ok. You’re going to be ok. We can fix this baby. Just know I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you” Larissa sobbed as she fought back her tears. You felt one of them hit your cheek as you fought back your own tears.
With the strength you had left you lifted your arm and whipped away her tears. “I love you Larissa. I will always love you even from beyond. I just wish I had more time to tell you the many ways I love you…” you said with all your strength before the world went black.
Larissa just looked down at your lifeless body as she held you in a tight grip. “No. You can’t be gone. We still had the rest of our life together. I shouldn’t have let you go out. Maybe then you would still be here” Larissa cried, holding you tighter and tighter.
Larissa sat there for hours with your cold lifeless body before someone eventually found her. The authorities were called and they eventually came to take your body away as Larissa cried not wanting to be apart from you. The next couple of weeks were going to be the hardest as she had to sort out your funeral.
Larissa didn’t leave her room for that whole period. They had to get cover for her position while she grieved your death and trying to organise everything was stressing her out but eventually a day came when she realised everything was sorted just a week before your actual funeral.
Larissa had chosen a nice dark oak coffin for your cremation as well as many wreaths that contained white and black roses which were always your favourite. The songs she had also chosen for the funeral was It’s time to go and Safe & Sound which was a fitting choice considering your love for Taylor Swift and to send you off to your funeral you would be travelling via carriage which would be driven by two white horses.
The wake was the last thing that Larissa had organised. It is to be held at Nevermore where everyone would come to gather to celebrate your life. Larissa decided that no one is to be sad during the wake. It is a time to celebrate your life and Larissa knew deep down that you would have wanted it this way.
With everything sorted now the only thing Larissa wanted to do was sleep and stay in her room until the day of your funeral and that was what Larissa did. She only left her room to eat and go to the bathroom. She was lost with you and she didn’t know how much longer she could go on without you.
When the day of your funeral did come around Larissa finally pulled herself out of bed trying to put on a brave face for the day. She jumped into the shower as she got herself ready for the day. After bathing for the first time in weeks she styled her hair and put on a light amount of makeup.
She then made her way over to the wardrobe to get the outfit that she would be wearing to the funeral. It was a beautiful long black dress and a black coat with a white rose stitched into the pocket. She got herself dressed before looking at herself in the mirror. The urge to cry was already taking over.
Larissa grabbed her large black glasses so people couldn’t see that she had been crying before placing them over her eyes. She took a deep breath and started her day. Larissa spent the day in and out of what was going on. One minute she was at home. The next minute she was at the funeral, the she was at the wake and now she is back in bed crying.
The day had gone amazingly and you had the most beautiful send off but Larissa was hurt and she didn’t want you to be gone but she had to stay strong. That night she once again cried herself to sleep forever thinking of the moment where you died in her arms.
Months went by and Larissa wasn’t getting any better. She had tried to start getting through everyday life but there was something missing and that something was you. When your ashes came back Larissa decided to have something made.
Using one of your favourite hoodies she had a custom bear made with your ashes being put inside the bear as well as in the eyes when they were made for the bear. She then sprayed the bear in your favourite perfume which you always wore which meant that it always smelt like you.
Larissa was currently laid in bed with tears covering her face as she held the bear tight to her chest. The empty bottle of pills laid next to her. “I will be with you soon my love” she whispered as she felt the effects of the overdose taking effect. Larissa awoke to see you standing there at the end of the bed. “Just close your eyes, you’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now” you told her as Larissa walked to you and took your hand.
You both looked back at her lifeless body on the bed as you both stepped into the light waiting to spend eternity together.
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veeisgayasf · 1 year
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She’s like fine wine… gets better with time 😍
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moonysreid · 5 months
scarlettssub’s mini 200 follower celebration
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i know i don’t write very often but i’m hoping that this helps get me out of my slump sooo
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i dabble mainly in wlw or gender neutral fics but if they’re in the spencer reid to remus lupin genre of men i do make exceptions - also your preferred pronouns would be very much appreciated
🌱 describe yourself a little, pick a fandom, (options are below) and i’ll pair you with a character and i’ll throw in a few headcanons
(if you’re not feeling too adventurous feel free to just state a character you want headcanons with- please still give a description of yourself so i can get the feel right)
🌻 send me a character (from the below fandoms) and i’ll write an ‘x reader’ 200 word drabble
🍄 send me a ‘character’ x reader and i’ll recommend some writers and fics
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fandoms: (any female character from these fandoms - there are exceptions for the elite few fictional men lmao)
harry potter , marvel , resident evil village , criminal minds , i also do the men from the marauders (atyd) , wednesday , game of thrones
there’s a couple offshoot characters that i write for e.g. melissa schemmenti (feel free to look at my masterlist to see who i’ve written for before because i also include them)
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Morticia & Larissa || This Isn't Goodbye, This Is Simply 'see you later '
Morticia visits Larissa's grave and reflects on their past together
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alcinaslittlemaid · 1 year
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HELLOOOOOO!! I write too here’s my Wattpad!! This is a short smut story about momma rissa Weems
And this is my oc story about Janet lee Oliver- a character I created for RE8
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romanottsmaximoff · 1 year
Hii! This blog will be under construction for a lil while till I can actually find motivation to sort it out and the same with my fanfic section on my other acc!
This is a multi fandom account!! So if you have any recs please don’t hesitate to ask!
My names Leah and I’m a Sappic poc, my pronouns are They/Them/She, I’m 19! And I’m from the U.K.
Please please pleaseee DNI if you’re a minor as I occasionally like and reblog NSFW fics! ❤️
Empty accounts will be blocked! Especially because I’m getting a lot of P*rn bots following me
If I do end up posting fics in the future or wanting to make my page look pretty, please bare with me as I have an extremely short attention and motivation span. Updates will be sporadic at best and non existent at worst, so I just thought y’all should know!!
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milfsloverblog · 5 months
Secret Benefits (part 4)
Previous part here
Sugar mommy!Larissa Weems x fem!reader
A/N: Guess who’s back, back again. I know, I know. It’s been a while. Life has been a crazy ride in the last couple of months and I just didn’t have the heart to be writing anything. But I thought it’d be nice to gift you this chapter as a new year present. Have fun! ps: this contains ANGST. You’ve been warned. Enjoy <3
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You could tell that The Paragon was another one of those ridiculously expensive restaurants as soon as you set foot inside. High ceilings, heavy velvet curtains hanging by the windows, paintings on the walls.
You took a deep breath and slid your hand into Larissa’s, intertwining your fingers with hers. It felt reassuring, feeling her skin against yours and knowing that she was there with you. Or that you were there with her.
A waiter quickly walked your way, flashing the two of you a bright smile before leading you to a table. You felt a couple of stares as you walked past the other seated people and realised what they were probably thinking about. A young woman with an older one, holding hands. You hadn’t even asked Larissa if this was okay - holding her hand in public. Holding hands like a couple would. That thought made you pull your hand away from Larissa’s as if you’d been burnt, much to Larissa’s dismay.
You sat down at the table and Larissa followed suit, sitting down in front of you. The older woman smiled when you didn’t bother opening the menu that had been handed to you by the waiter, knowing full well she’d be picking whatever you’d be eating.
Good girl, she thought as her blue eyes bore into yours before dropping to the menu in her hands.
Seared scallops with a saffron sauce as a main and a white chocolate and raspberry semifredo for dessert, that’s what she had picked for you that night.
Dinner went like it did last time, Larissa was always more willing to listen to you talking about your life rather than share about hers.
The tall woman chuckled softly when you pushed some semifredo in your mouth, making you look at her.
“You have some-“ Larissa didn’t finish her sentence, choosing instead to reach out and wipe the bit of cream from the corner of your mouth with her thumb.
Almost instinctively, your lips parted. Larissa’s breath hitched, her heart doing that damn fluttering thing in her chest. You looked so beautiful, she thought. So open to her, so inviting.
Without thinking about it twice, she pushed the tip of her finger between your parted lips. And without thinking about it twice, your tongue licked the pad of her thumb clean.
A shiver ran down Larissa’s spine and she pulled her hand away from your lips, leaving you with your mouth half open and a questioning look on your face.
“Larissa, I-“ you started apologising but the older woman cut you off, raising her hand to catch the waiter’s attention.
You stayed quiet as she paid the bill, following when she stood up and buttoned up her blazer. You weren’t sure what you had done exactly to warrant her whole demeanour to change, but it was clear that you had messed up.
She was still silent when you sat down by her side in the car, seemingly lost in her own thoughts as she drove away from the restaurant.
Larissa was as lost as you were, thousands of thoughts rushing through her mind as she remembered everything that had happened that day. This was nothing more than a beneficial agreement - she found herself thinking for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.
She was still quiet by the time she dropped you off at your place, reaching for the envelope inside the glove compartment and carefully placing it on your lap.
“Larissa, you don’t have to-“
“I know. But that’s what we agreed on, I’m paying you for your time.”
You gave a slight nod and pushed the envelope inside your handbag.
“Well,” you started, turning a little to face Larissa who kept her gaze outside the windshield. “Thank you for today.”
The older woman nodded and gently squeezed your knee without looking at you.
For a second you wondered if that was it, if this was the last time you’d see her. And then it hit you, the sudden urge to lunge at her and pull her into a kiss. Maybe it would wipe the worry off her pretty blue eyes and the pout off her crimson lips. But you didn’t kiss her, choosing instead to mutter a quiet “goodnight” before getting out of the car.
You didn’t see Larissa again after that night, at least not for a while. She didn’t contact you anymore, not even a single text to ask how you were doing. And maybe, you thought, maybe that was for the best. Sure, money was tight again but…
“Fuck!” You dropped the letter on your coffee table. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You were fucked.
“What do you mean you don’t do instalments?!” You snapped at the woman on the other side of the phone that was pressed to your ear. “Yes, yes I get that! I get that it’s my fault but-“ you groaned when the woman cut you off again to remind you for the third time that you had missed part of the payment for your college fees and you had to pay for the remaining amount as soon as possible.
“For god’s sake, I’m a college student! Where do you think I’ll find two thousand dollars before Friday?! No, no my parents won’t-“ you pinched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath. It was clear that the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, so you thanked the woman for her time and hung up.
You were fucked.
Asking your parents for help was useless, you already knew that. Maybe you could pick up a few more shifts at the bar but that meant you’d have to skip some classes and even then you would never gather that much money in a few days. And then it hit you. There was someone in your life who did have that kind of money.
You sighed loudly and sat down on the couch, staring at the phone that was still in your hand. You couldn’t just text Larissa asking her for two grand, not after you hadn’t talked to each other in weeks. No, you’d have to come up with a plan. And so you did.
It was a fairly simple plan. You texted Larissa asking how she was doing and chatting for a while before you offered to see each other. “A drink at my place,” you said. You knew that Larissa was attracted to you, a blind person could have told you that. Were you attracted to her though? You shook your head to get rid of the thought. It didn’t matter if you were attracted or not, all that mattered was that she was.
She had arrived at your place that evening with a bottle of Chardonnay. “I hate showing up empty-handed.” She’d told you when you said you had a couple of red wine bottles in the cupboard.
Larissa was a vision, as always. A beige-coloured coat that she shrugged off her shoulders to reveal a tight dress of the exact same beige fabric. Her hair was tied in one of those intricate updos, like the ones you’d seen in old movies, and her lips painted a darker shade of red. She was a vision.
“Make yourself comfortable, please.” You smiled and gestured towards the sofa. After a few seconds of hesitation, you opted to open a bottle of red. You had a feeling Larissa had a preference for it.
“There,” You said, placing the two glasses on the coffee table and sitting down next to the older woman. “Had a good day at work?”
“I did, it could have been worse.” Larissa gently clinked her glass against yours and took a swig of wine. She never shared much about her work which only made you more curious.
She asked about your day and you told her about it, avoiding mentioning the astronomical bill you had to pay.
“I’m glad you could come tonight.” You smiled and took a sip.
“I’m glad you invited me, I know it’s not an easy thing to let people into our space.”
“You’re right, but I trust you.“ How ironic. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” You added, looking around your living room.
Larissa hummed and took another sip of wine, uncrossing her legs and crossing them again.
“Do you live in a house?” You asked, hoping to learn more about her.
“I…No, it’s a bit complicated. I have my own apartments at work.” Larissa explained, visibly ill at ease.
“It’s fine, I know you don’t like sharing about your private life.” You pushed a small smile and carefully placed your hand on Larissa’s leg, right above her knee where the soft fabric of her dress gave way to her alabaster skin.
“Thank you,” Larissa whispered, adjusting herself so she could look at you.
You felt bad at the thought of what you were about to do. Your stomach twisting in your belly as Larissa’s gaze bore into yours. You liked her. You couldn’t do this.
Almost as a reflex you lifted your hand and emptied your drink to give yourself more courage.
“May I kiss you?” It left your lips without you even thinking about it.
Larissa’s eyes widened to the point where she looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a fast-approaching car.
Well, that did not go as you had expected.
The silence was almost too unbearable so you cleared your throat and moved to get up from the couch, hoping to pour yourself another glass of wine when slender fingers wrapped around your forearm and yanked you back down. Next thing you knew Larissa’s lips were crashing against yours, her right hand finding purchase on your cheek and pulling you impossibly closer.
“Yes,” she whispered out of breath when she eventually pulled away from you, her red lipstick smudged around her mouth up to the tip of her nose. “Yes, you may kiss me. And you may not stop.”
Larissa couldn’t help but notice the way your pupils dilated in reaction to her words. So you did want her. You wanted her like she wanted you and that made the woman’s heart swell in her chest.
“Kiss me again.” A demand that you couldn’t say no to, really. And so you kissed her again. And again. And again. Until she pulled you so you’d straddle her thighs and her lips eventually left yours, busying themselves on leaving red marks along your jaw and down your neck.
“Larissa-“ it came out as a strangled cry, your fingertips gently tugging on the woman’s hair and messing up her neat updo.
“Stop me if I go too far.” She whispered against your skin as her hands slipped under your dress to caress your thighs.
You weren’t sure if this was still part of your plan. Sure, you had hoped to seduce her thinking it might make her more susceptible to lend you the money but maybe this was actually going too far.
“I need two grand-“ it was out of your mouth in less than a second and Larissa’s hand instantly stilled their movements.
“What ?” She huffed in disbelief.
“I-I need two grand for a bill, but I’ll pay you back! I swear!”
Larissa huffed again and shook her head, her hands moving to her hair in an attempt to fix her updo - or perhaps to ground herself, you weren’t sure.
“This is why you called me here, isn’t it?”
You quickly stood up from the woman’s thighs and fixed your dress.
“No! Of course not-“ you swallowed thickly as she rose to her full height and towered over you.
Larissa’s face was flushed and you could tell it wasn’t the same flush as a few minutes before. No, this time she was furious.
“Larissa, Listen-“ You tried, taking a step back and watching her take one forward.
“No!” She growled with a severity that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. “It’s your turn to listen.”
You took another step back as she took one closer, then another one, until she had you trapped against the fridge.
“You lied to me,” she said. “You made me come here, made me believe that you wanted to spend time with me. But all you care about is my money, isn’t it?” Larissa hissed, baring her teeth like a rabid dog. “You would sell your body like some cheap whore on the street.”
“And you would buy it!” You snapped, unable to let her bite you without biting her back.
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. I wouldn’t. I don’t mind paying for your time, your company. But this? No. It would feel like using you, and I already feel guilty enough as it is. Although you obviously don’t mind using me.” Larissa took a step back and reached inside her handbag, pulling out her chequebook and opening it.
“What are you-“ you started, only to be cut off by the older woman.
“I care.” Larissa simply said as she wrote the cheque. “And I thought-“ she slightly shook her head and handed you the cheque. Two thousand dollars. “Yes, I thought.” She repeated before giving a nod and putting her beige coat back on.
“Larissa,” you tried, gently wrapping your hand around her bicep.
“No,” she shook her head again and pulled away. “You’ve played me. You won’t see me again, sweetling.” It was said without any animosity. Instead, you found that her blue eyes were filled with melancholy as if she had been through this before and life was just repeating itself.
I’m sorry, you wanted to say, I’m sorry I lied to you and manipulated you. And I’m sorry to be hurting you.
You wanted to rip the cheque into pieces, to show her that it didn’t matter. But it did. You needed the money or you’d be kicked out of college. But, Larissa. Larissa, Larissa, Larissa. Larissa and her melancholy-filled eyes. I’m not like the ones who’ve hurt you before, you wanted to shout. But you were. Perhaps you were even worse than them.
Larissa and her melancholy-filled eyes.
Larissa and her warmth-filled laugh.
Larissa and her love-filled kisses.
Love-filled kisses.
Oh, god.
Of course.
You hadn’t realised it. Not before that moment. Larissa didn’t just like you. She had feelings for you.
“Larissa!” You exclaimed, snapping out of your thoughts only to find your apartment empty.
She was gone.
You were fucked.
Taglist: @raspburrythief @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @larissaoftarthweems @principal-weems09 @kimiinou @winterfireblond @im-a-carnivorous-plant @geekyarmorel @h-doodles @azu-zu @barbarasstar @witchesmortuary @m1lflov3rrr @dumbasslesbi @crow-raven-crow @fridays-coven @lilfartbox1 @shawncantwrite @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @gwens0girl @aemilia19 @the-bagel24 @lvinhs @thefutureisus2020 @gela123 @a-queen-and-her-throne @rando-mango @wheresmyboo @my-silver-spring @hillary-nicks @ablsk @natasha29romanoff @tallvampirelady12 @canyoufeelmyheartsayinghi @i-love-nerdy-stuff @1-800-milfdilf @scarlettssub @jasperobsidian-blog @i-write-sometimes-maybe @brienne-the-brave @slytherinthepms @non-binary-frogking @wife-of-gwendolinechristie @anjo-iludidoefudido @imnotafruitt @opheliauniverse
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Morticia Addams nee. Frump Masterlist
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Mommy…Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
Bend us, Break us Part 1 ~sub!morticia xsub!larissa xFem dom!tall!shapeshifter!reader,
Part 2*, Part 3*, Part 4**, & Cupid Struck Thrice
One Shots
Bite Me ~young!morticia xyoung!larissa*
Mon Amour ~young!morticia**
Pretty Red Lips ~young!morticia xyoung!larissa
Hand on Your Neck ~BrattyBottom!morticia**
Be A Good Girl ~teacher!morticia x Student!reader*
Behave ~teacher!morticia x Student!reader*
All But Done with You**
Women in Power make My Knees Weak ~Morissa xReader*
Pretty Pouty Puppy**
Morticia w/w nsft Blurb*
My Kind of Crazy ~Young!Morissa feat. Professor!Reader*
Some Fun… ~Morissa xReader*
Projected Jealousy & Redistributed Anger*
Mama Didn’t Raise No ~Semi!Sub!Teacher!Morticia Addams xFem Semi!Dom!Student!Shapeshifter!Reader*
Wait Your Turn ~Sub!Morticia*
Biting Kink with Morticia Addams
Consensual Non-Consent Fetish with Morticia Addams*
Caught Red Handed ~Bratty!Bottom!Morticia*
A Shoulder to Cry On ~Soft!Morticia xFem Parent!Reader
Stare Me Cold ~Morticia Addams xFem Tall!Wife!MascPresenting!Reader
Give It To Me Over The Phone ~Morissa (Sub!Larissa Weems xDom!Daddy!Morticia Addams) xFem Dom!Mommy!Reader*
Quivering at Your Touch ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Mommy!Younger(20s)!Assistant!Reader (feat. Morticia Addams)**
Oh and I take Requests, so hit me up with your ideas 😉 Requests & Prompt-List
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billiedeansbitch · 4 months
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞 (𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰)
(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
Summary: The one where in Larissa sex life is no longer boring or Larissa took chance on a young shapeshifter who had a massive crush on her.
(Ao3 link)
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Her thighs trembled, threatening to close around your head and her breath shook with every movement of your tongue against her hot, wet cunt, so soaked with her own arousal and your spit making it so easy for you to penetrate her hole.
“Darling, please.” She pleaded, her voice barely a whisper and her breath stuttered, her back arching off of her seat. “Please.” She repeated. The bucking her hips to receive more of that pleasure betrayed the hand that was pushing your head off from her cunt. She was overly stimulated, her pussy clenching tight around you as you fuck those fingers deep and hard into her, paying no mind to her pleas as your focus was zeroed on giving her the best pleasure you could give.
“One more, Larissa. Come for me one more time.” She shook her head, mouth falling open to protest but before she could get the words out, her own moans interrupted her, spilling out much louder this time. It was like throwing a tank of gasoline to an already blazing pit of fire. The way she breathlessly called for your name on repeat, her fingernails digging to your scalp and fisting your hair in a tight firm grip, oh, it fucking did it for you.
She watched you,  though she was struggling to keep her eyes open, as you finger her until she had tears rolling down her cheeks, “Darling, please, no more.” and the heel of her foot dug on your back, “No more? Oh, baby, but look at you. You really don’t want me to stop, do you?” It was easy to manipulate her body into coming for you for the fourth time. You almost groaned, feeling her body tensed beneath your fingertips. 
When you pulled, Weems could barely form a cognitive thought let alone move a muscle. Her legs, shaky.
Right there, still half naked with her thighs smeared with the proof of your worship, Larissa felt nothing but a limp doll: overused and overfucked.
It wasn’t like she was going to complain but she knew her body would give her hell the next day for all the stunts you both did in her office before moving back to her quarters and though there was one spacious bed, you insisted to fuck her on the couch with her back turned, kneeling, and holding for dear life on backrest while you took her from behind. You had one hand guiding her hip as they slammed right back to you and the other fisting her silver tresses.
She came faster in that position, and yours came mere seconds after, filling her pussy with so much cum it dripped down the insides of her thighs and onto the premium leather. 
Larissa’s knees were still flaming red after bearing her weight for the longest time you’ve fucked her but she was keen to ignore the pain and the visible bruising when she buried your face in her pussy to lap the juices that still leaked from her in retaliation of what you did to her. It was only right to clean up the mess you made and that was how you ended up where you were right now: in between her legs, grinning like cheshire cat with a cum-smeared face.
“Are you hungry? I’m hungry,” you stood up with a popping sound from both knees, “Jesus, how old does my body think I am?” 
Larissa kept her eyes fixated on your physique; shamelessly bare and sweaty, setting her on the edge of yet another urge to pounce on you like a woman starved. Whatever you were muttering went past her ears, her eyes lingered on your breasts down your soft belly before it dipped to the appendage hanging in between your legs. So fucking irresistible. To be honest, you could just stand there and do nothing and Larissa might just have her fifth. Good Lord, what are you turning her into? Some sex-crazed bitch.
She’d been thinking less with her head and more with her cunt and honestly she couldn’t blame herself if you looked like that.
Larissa bit her lip, unable to resist the tempting visual before her. 
From the floor, you picked up your shirt and slid it over your head and straightened it out around the torso. “I’m gonna go out and get us somethin’ to eat.”  next were the pair of sweats, drawing the strings tight before you made a knot to secure it in place. 
“Hmm?” she mindlessly hummed, watching you tuck the strings inside the waistband.
“Food. I’m gonna go get us some food, you craving something in particular?”
“No...” Her mind still clouded with post-sex haze that much was clear.
“How about fish and chips? I heard lots of good things about the newly opened business just ‘round the corner.”
“Sounds good.”
“Okay, I’ll be back in… say half an hour?”
When Larissa snapped from whatever incantation you put her, you were already grabbing your keys and a couple of bills to shove them right in your pocket.
She smiled when you walked up to her and kissed her cheek, “I’ll be as fast as I can. Go shower while I’m gone and then maybe we can watch a movie while we eat, yeah?”
“Sounds like a plan, sweetheart.”
You were about to pull but she was quick enough to catch the neckline of your shirt and drew you closer, pecking your lips one more time. “What if we both shower together? it will be quick I promise.”
“As tempting as you may be, I need to feed my woman, she gets grumpy and blames me when she’s hungry.”
With one last peck, you were out of the door, grinning and humming to the last song that was stuck in your head.
The mirror reflected a blurred image of her, right where she stood in front of the sink wrapped in her robe ready to pick up her toothbrush when suddenly Larissa took notice of how there were two in the holder: one for her and one for you. She took hers, put some toothpaste and started brushing her teeth.
Larissa leaned her lower back on the sink, and took her time to look around her. Two claw clips, two robes, two towels, two different mouthwash (you claim hers was too minty for you so you brought your own) there were always sets of two anywhere she looked around not that she mind that. 
She spit the foam and rinsed her mouth. When she walked in her bedroom, she saw the little trinkets you left on the left bedside table, more hair clips, elastic ponytail, your little lighter, the keys to your apartment, even your phone was there. Your side of the bed was unmade and she could see fallen hair strands on the pillow case where it was still dented in the middle from the last time you laid there. 
You had made your mark everywhere and she could feel her heart leapt to her throat.
Tomorrow would mark six months of your ongoing little arrangement with her and yes sex was good—well, actually, it was the best. Larissa had never felt the real pleasure of fingers and mouth until you came alone and shattered her years of boring sex life. She no longer needed to make a trip to the store in the middle of the night to buy batteries because her vibrator died in the middle of chasing her orgasm.
Fuck, you were too good for your own good sometimes and after making her come in the first five minutes of touching the first night, she knew she needed to keep your around.
She was still dressed in her robe and drying her hair when you came back. 
“Oh God, I’m starving. I need my calories now.”
While you put the take outs on the coffee table she went to grab a bottle red and two mugs. 
From the kitchen she still had a nice view of the living room, and she watched you with a starved look as you removed your hoodie, your shirt lifting up in the process. Oh, yes, she’d have her dessert later.
“If you were to undress me at least do it with your hands and not your eyes.” Larissa’s face visibly turned red, “And let me eat first then I’ll let you pounce on me.” You chuckled, shoving fries into your mouth.
On Monday morning, the woman was greeted with a massive file of work she had to go through, she meant to bring these home for the weekend but her plans went in a different direction when you called asking her if you could steal her for some late lunch at the restaurant nearby the campus.
When you both returned though Larissa wasn’t ready to let you go, she pulled you and locked her office before crashing your lips together, your hands bunching the skirt up around her waist and slipping your hand inside her underwear. You ended up pressing her on the wall, too impatient to even wait to settle down somewhere comfortable. With her legs spread and facing the wall, your hips pressing to her backside and her lustful eyes only intensified when she felt the growing bulge until it was hard and poking, begging to feel the softness of her cunt, to be swallowed deep and to cum inside.
With her underwear pulled down around her gorgeous claves, you took her with long deep strokes, face buried on the crook of her neck.
Her face went red recalling what happened that whole afternoon, how you both couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. She hadn’t been with anyone in a long time and it embarrassed her how the briefest touch of your hands to her thighs, or the whispers on her ears calling her pretty or hot had her panties always in twist…and on the floor.
She sighed, sitting down on the fine leather seat and started working. 
Maybe if she got it done early she’d call you. 
Larissa, however, was consumed by her work, forgetting other things that didn’t exist within the walls of her office. By the time she had a moment to herself after signing and writing corresponding emails and polishing her report for the upcoming board meeting, it was already four in the afternoon, her lunch was barely touched sitting in the corner of her desk.
The woman sighed, pushing her seat a little away from her desk and reached for her phone. She raised a brow seeing there were no text messages or even a single missed call from you. 
Usually there was at least one message waiting for her but today, there was none. She felt a pinch in her heart. No, no, she shouldn’t, she was not entitled to be upset, you weren’t her girlfriend. You two were just fucking around and maybe lately you had became a little too affectionate, blurring whatever rules you both had agreed on. Larissa felt like it was her fault, she let herself be enamoured, let herself to be too vulnerable for you. She let herself be comfortable. 
Rule number one: Never be too comfortable.
Well fuck.
It was another two hours more of work when eventually her body screamed for comfort and some proper meal. She switched the lights off and locked her office, calling it a day. 
When she arrived and put her car into park, her heart dropped. The lights were on and her front door was unlocked. It would have been wise to call the authorities immediately but she felt like this wasn’t an attempt to rob her. She slowly and gently pushed the door open, tiptoeing past the threshold but then the floorboards creaked.
“‘Rissa, is that you?” It was you. She knew your voice from every pitch no matter the distance. It was also impossible that she might be dreaming about this.
And before she had time to pinch herself, she heard the unmistakable padding of your feet across the floor as you approached her, and then there you were, in the flesh, right before her eyes. “Baby, hi…” all the anger and stress she felt within the day all subsided as a tender, sweet smile welcomed her. 
You had a spatula in one hand, and you were wearing one of her old Nevermore shirts. Her brow raised at the lack of underpants but that wasn’t her main concern at the moment so she willed herself to look up.
You then stepped closer to kiss her cheek, your freehand grasping on her arm as you stood on your toes trying to reach for her. 
“Okay lady you gotta bend down so I can reach you and don’t tease me about shifting. I'm too lazy and tired to do that.” 
Her body listened, bending down she felt your lips. “I hope you don’t mind, I used the spare key you gave me. I know I should at least let you know but I have a problem…”
“You’re here.” she mumbled, still in a state of shock.
“I am. I wanted to see you and I’m sorry I know, like I said I should have texted you first but my phone fell in the bath yesterday. I was taking some nasty shots for you but it slipped. I put in a bowl of rice in an attempt to salvage it but it was helpless. I hope you didn’t think I was ignoring you.”
“N-no, no, of course not.” You almost broke my heart.
“Good because I would never do that. Ever.” You kissed her light on the lips, merely brushing your lips together with no indicated force. Larissa felt herself quickly melting away in your touch. 
“I was going to call you at work but I don’t remember your number. Sorry.”
“And you drove all the way from the city just to tell me this?”
“Yes and I’d have to drive back again in the morning because I obviously have work but…yeah, I drove all the way just to tell you this and I cooked dinner and cleaned your house.”
Larissa felt like you were rambling too much so to cut you out of your own misery, she pulled you into a kiss, a long deep one with both hands cupping your face making you gasp before you were able to reciprocate.
Larissa could still feel the ache in between her thighs as she sat in the toilet. It was eleven in the evening and you were currently passed out in her bed, audibly snoring. She might have fucked you too hard, all of the frustrations were channeled in the way she took you and rode your lap resulting on multiple orgasms and it wasn’t like you were stopping her.
When she finished cleaning her hands and was ready to go to bed, something struck her in the midst of exiting the bathroom…her period two was weeks delayed. 
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prazinos · 2 years
Just Go With It
Xavier Thorpe x Reader
Fake dating trope
Disclaimer ~ I do not support Percy Hynes White, this is about the character and not the actor.
WARNINGS ! ~ None just fluff !
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Walking out of class, you saw him. Paul, a siren that honestly everybody secretly hated.
And unfortunately for you, he couldn't take no for an answer. Over and over he had asked you on a date. Countless times. You think nobody's had the guts to say no to him before or he thinks you're playing hard to get.
Out of your peripheral, you saw him look at you and start walking towards you. In a moment of pure instinct you grabbed onto somebody's arm in front of you.
You felt them tense, you look up to see Xavier, a devastatingly handsome young man who you were kind of acquainted with, you had only met at one of Bianca's parties.
'I'm sorry, just go with it, please' you muttered, he looked down at you confused, before nodding.
He put his arm around you pulling you in close, walking towards the courtyard.
Walking out you saw Enid, Wednesday, Bianca, and Ajax. Ajax was handing Bianca a bag of blunts as Bianca complained about the price
'Bianca, you can just get a bag of weed cheaper, the only reason the blunts cost more is because I have to roll them!'
'fine' Bianca mumbled
As you and Xavier made your way to the table everybody was seated, Enid broke out in a smile at the two of you, while everybody else looked kind of shocked.
Sitting down on the table, you saw Paul again, making a bee line towards you. You groaned as he approached the table,
'Y/N can I talk to you?'
'Paul I do not want to go out with you'
'Why not? I'm everything you could want and more baby'
You watched as almost everybody around you cringed at his words.
'I'm in a relationship Paul, stop asking me out'
'With who?'
'Me' Xavier said, his 6'2 frame towering over Pauls 5'6 one.
'Really Y/N? This weirdo? He hangs out in a shed with his free time doing god knows what' Paul scoffed.
'So what? At least he doesn't harass women to make them go out with him' you said crossing your arms over your chest.
'Whatever, don't come crawling back to me when you realise how much of a creep this guy is. You're such a slut for leading me on'
Everybody's eyes widened at Pauls use of 'slut'.
You watched as Xavier pushed Paul against one of the columns surrounding the courtyard, Enid attempted to get off of Wednesdays lap but Wednesday just held onto her tighter, clearly wanting to see how this went down.
'Don't fucking call her that you piece of shit' Xavier spat in Pauls face,
In all honesty, you loved the sight of Paul shitting himself.
Paul looked over at you in hopes you would tell Xavier to back down. You didn't.
'Don't look at her for help, you really think she would help you? You fucking harassed her for weeks just because she wouldn't go out with you' Xavier said, dropping Paul from where he had been pinned.
Paul got up from off the ground, shrugging his blazer back on properly, before running off, probably to tell Ms Weems.
Xavier walked back over to the group, Ajax passing him the blunt he was smoking with Bianca.
As that whole thing unravelled you were just sat in shock, how did Xavier know Paul was harassing you for so long? As Xavier sat next to you on the bench you quickly turned to him, kissing his cheek.
He smiled, blowing out the smoke from the blunt before kissing you.
You didn't know how to react at first before moving your lips with his.
'Alright you two, no making out in the courtyard. Xavier come to my office' Weems said walking over with Paul trailing behind. You broke apart although you really didn't want to
'Pussy.' Wednesday mumbled as Enid giggled.
Xavier got off the bench, kissing your cheek one more time
'Now! Mr Thorpe' Weems said
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This is a lot shorter than my normal things but hope y'all liked it and stuff. I'm thinking about writing some Wednesday x Enid stuff in the future but idk probably will
lmk if you liked this by liking, commenting, reblogging or following !
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Can you please do a Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair x Male Reader imagine? Where Reader is from a popular family of hybrids and tribrids, where Reader is a Vampire, a Witch and a Shapeshifter. And the three of them became roommates temporarily because there were no more available rooms for him in the boys' dormitory.
Tri-problem (Male)
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Art by TanyaF2022 on X/Twitter.
You sigh as you feel the bumps of the road as the family chauffeur, Jack drives you to Nevermore Academy. You pull out your phone and start swiping on Instagram to see all your "friends" stories and whatnot. Rolling your eyes you start to block them all one by one. "Are you okay young sir?" Jack asks as he looks at you in the rearview mirror. "I told you to call me Y/N," you said annoyed. "But if you must know I'm just annoyed. Why am I being punished for something that my parents agree was the right action?" "Well, I doubt the school board was happy to hear you almost ended the life of your classmate," Jack said causing you to roll your eyes. "Please. No one would've missed him. He deserved it. He assaulted Normies to feed his ego. There is no excuse for that." "Yes, but you decided to, hex him, suck out almost two liters of his blood, and shapeshifted into a silverback gorilla to break both his arms," Jack said flatly. "And?" You said as if it wasn't a big deal. Jack just sighed.
"Well Mister L/N your father had informed me of your... predicament," Larissa Weems, the principal of Nevermore said as you sat across from her. "We have had your uniform custom made as your family requested but... I- uh..." she stumbled over her words causing you to raise an eyebrow. "We have no space in the boy's dormitory... and well... since you have no family in Jericho... I'm afraid you'll have to stay in the girls dormitory..." "You gotta be kidding me..."
She was indeed not kidding... here you were... standing in front of a dorm in Ophelia Hall... "Fuck my life..." You sigh and knock. Not like you had a choice all your stuff was there... "Enid. The door," you heard a flat cold muffled voice on the other side of the door "Coming~" you heard a second, sweeter warmer muffled voice. Soon the door was opened. "Hello...~ oh- I don't think I know you... have I seen around?" The girl asked her wide smile which showed off her sharp canines never faltering. She was about 5'2, had fair skin, rosy cheeks, pale blue eyes, blond hair with pink and blue tips, a pink sweater with white and maroon diamonds, a maroon skirt, and white thigh-high socks. You see that inside the dorm another girl was sitting at a desk writing in a typewriter. She had pale skin, black hair that was tied into two even braids, anthracite eyes, and a blank yet focused expression. She wore a pair of black boots, black jeans that went over the boots, a black shirt with white stripes that were slightly above her belly button, a black shirt with Ghostface on it that was the same length as the undershirt, a black vest, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. Before you were able to answer the blond girl's question, the ravenette turned and looked at you, her cold piercing gaze locked with your gaze as she spoke. "Y/N L/N. Correct?" Her voice was cold and monotone. "...Y-Yeah..." You mumble as the blonde's expression lit up. "You're our new roomie!" She exclaimed grabbing your hand and pulling you inside. Now inside you, we're able to see the room clearer. It was split in half, the spider web window was only halfway filled with color on, what you assume is the blonde's side, the other side had no color and was just normal glass with no tint. The blonde's side of the room was very colorful. Her bed frame was white and her blanket was splattered with multiple colors, her bed was on top of a puzzle-like rug with each piece being colored differently, ribbons were hanging from the ceiling, and a desk littered with notebooks, markers, pens, etc. A bean bag chair, posters, and so much more. The ravenette's side was the complete opposite. There was a lamp, a black cello, a black sheet music stand, a desk with a black typewriter, a black bed, and a black leather chair. All your stuff was neatly set in a corner of the room. The blonde let go of her hand as she looked at you her grin somehow wider. "My name is Enid Sinclair! I'm a Fur, AKA a werewolf! Nice to meet you roomie!" Enid said excitingly as she went to the ravenette and grabbed her cheeks making her look at you. "This is Wednesday Addams! She may look gloomy but she's a softie!" Enid exclaimed before Wednesday leaned away scowling. "...Nice to meet two..." You mumbled. "So~," Enid said as she leaned closer to you so close you could feel her breath on your face. "What are you? Fur, Scales, Fangs, Psychic, or something else?" She asked curiously. "Personal space Enid," Wednesday reprimanded her from her chair causing Enid to lean back pouting muttering "I was just asking..." under her breath. "I'm a tribrid... I'm part Vampire, Witch, and Shapeshifter," You explained as Wednesday stood from her typewriter. "Your family is known for that are they not?" Wednesday asked rhetorical. "Your family is known for giving birth to Hybrids and Tribrids," She said monotone with her cold expression. "Yeah... they are," you said as Wednesday nodded. "Weems had informed us of your... incident. Try to behave yourself," Wednesday said as she headed for the door. "Unpack and try not to make a mess of things," she said before leaving. "She always like that?" You ask. "Pretty much," replies Enid.
As the next two weeks passed you got accustomed to living with the two. You found out that Enid would try and snoop when you were on your phone or laptop to find something to put on her blog. When you caught her she blushed and turned away but after that day she would randomly ask to things, favorite color, would you rathers, song taste, etc. You got used to "Addams schedule," as Enid calls it. Basically when she did her writing when she wanted to be left alone, when she would leave for coffee, etc.
As time went on Wednesday had admitted she got used to your presence and even let you watch her write. Yoko, a fellow vampire and friend of Enid said that most Vamipres have a calming presence around them. Ironic. So since Wednesday hadn't really spent a prolonged time near vampires she was getting a heavy dose of it.
Enid on the other hand would paint your nails, do your hair, take you on friend dates, etc. You would talk to her about werewolf stuff, since you had cousins who were part werewolf you could relate in some aspects. After five months of living with the roommates, Weems came to visit.
"Hello girls, and Mr. L/N." "Yo," you did a two-finger salute from Enid's bed, your head in her lap as she dyed the tips of your hair. "I have news, one of the boys has moved out of his dorm as his parents found a suitable house in Jericho, so that means that Mr. L/N here will finally be moving to the boys' dorm. Fun!" Weems said with a smile but Enid stood up causing your head to fall onto the mattress. "What!? B-but he can't- I mean-," Enid stammered but Wednesday spoke I'm her usual monotone and cold tone. "What Enid is trying to say is we don't wish for Y/N's leave. He's been here for six months now. We have grown attached. So much so," Wednesday said as she stood from her desk and walked over to you, who had sat up. She cupped your face, causing you to raise an eyebrow, she then leaned down and kissed you softly. Her hands were cold to the touch. Her lips were soft and plush and tasted like coffee. Wednesday soon pulled away and looked at Weems. "We've started a polygamous relationship," She said as she looked at Enid who was blushing. Enid quickly walked over to you and kissed you as well. She was nervous, unlike Wednesday. Her lips were warm and soft. They also tasted like milk tea. Weems blinked a few times at this action. "W-well... this certainly complicated things..." she said as she looked at you. "I will... talk to your mother... see what she says about this...," She spoke before leaving. You were flustered and confused. The room was silent for a few seconds before Wednesday spoke. "I have him Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We share Sunday." "T-that works..." Enid mumbled. "The fuck just happened?" You ask as Wednesday rolls her eyes. "You just got two girlfriends."
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carmillascrusade · 3 months
Jealousy, Jealousy | Larissa Weems x f!reader
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Summary: Larissa misinterprets an interaction between you and Morticia, only to reject you when you ask her to the Rave’N. She comes to regret it but can you find it within yourself to face her after such a recent heartbreak?
Young!Larissa AU.
Word count: 2,311
A/N: Hurt/no comfort. Something quick I wrote on the bus so please excuse any mistakes as this has not been proofread.
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Nevermore’s air buzzed with uncontrollably excitement. The Rave’n was fast approaching, with only a few hours left to prepare. Perhaps you had left it too late. What if somebody else had already asked Larissa? What is she said no to you?
Snapping fingers and waving hands brought you out of your thoughts. Morticia stood in front of you, smiling at the dazed look in your eyes. “You’re going to be alright, you know.” She stated, kindness beaming from her eyes. A stark contrast from her usual blank, if not bored, facade.
“What if she says no?” You huffed. “Or what if somebody else has already asked her? What if I mess it up so terribly that she doesn’t want to speak to me ever again?”
You brought your nails to your mouth, chewing the skin roughly until it bled- an awful habit you had picked up in childhood. Morticia pulled your hands away from your mouth gently and pushed them down so that you couldn’t abuse your skin any longer. Her hands cupped your face, forcing yo to look into her eyes as you fretted.
“Practise your speech on me. That way you can make it perfect, so nothing will go wrong.”
“Are you sure? It’s really embarrassing.” You murmured , cheeks tinted red at the thought of showing Morticia just how much you loved Larissa through the words you were about to speak.
“Of course I am sure.” She beamed, stepping back and gesturing for you to begin.
You gaped at her for a moment, willing yourself to muster just enough courage to perform your Rave’N proposal to her. You exhaled slowly, subtly picking at your cuticle so that Morticia wouldn’t notice. “Okay,” you spoke, ever so quietly. “I’m ready.”
A shaky nod of approval was given, your eyes flickering to every possible spot in the room; desperately trying to find something to settle on in hopes it would make this interaction less awkward than it already was. Every single word in the English vocabulary seemed to dissipate into thin air as you tried to call upon them. Your love for Larissa so overwhelming that mere words wouldn’t do it justice.
Morticia stared at you as you squeaked out a “Will you go to the Rave’N with me… please?”
She barked out in laughter, loud and boisterous as she processed your pathetic attempt of asking a girl out. Her obnoxious laughing the only sound in the room as you narrowed your eyes at her, your glare only causing her to laugh even more. Not impressed in the slightest, you stood with your arms crossed, an ‘are you being serious right now?’ expression painting your face.
It felt like you were waiting years before her laughter subdued into quiet giggles, a chocked ‘I’m sorry’ escaping her as she looked over at your disgruntled form. “Is that all you got? Good lord, you may as well have thrown yourself down to her feet and begged her for her attention.
“Yeah, laugh it up Morticia. It’s hilarious, truly. ” You spat, seething silently, lamenting at your inability to express your emotions in speech properly.
Morticia took pity on you and ceased her amusement for the time being. She reached out for you, rubbing her hands up and down your arms in an attempt of comfort. “You know, maybe you should just get her a box of chocolates and some pretty flowers. Every girl loves flowers.”
“Yeah. Good idea.” You smiled slightly, ideas whiting in your head as you thought of the perfect flower combination to gift Larissa.
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Larissa stood on the opposite side of the door, just out of view from you and Morticia. She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but the conversation you were sharing with Morticia piqued her interest.
She stood, crestfallen, as she overheard you asking Morticia to the dance. Her hand reached up to cover her mouth as tears blurred her vision, the last thing heard from the room being Morticia’s cruel laugh. How could she be so stupid? To think that you, or anybody, would look at her instead of Morticia. Why was she subject to this awful fate of existing only in Morticia’s shadow? It wasn’t fair.
Larissa took herself to her room, mascara ruined by tears, eyes puffy and red. Accepting the fact that she would never be better than Morticia, she took herself to her bed she laid there for a moment, simply staring at the ceiling as her whole world crumbled around her. Your carefully crafted memories tainted by the lick of flames, charring them a sulky black.
She wouldn’t let this get the best of her. No. She would go to the Rave’N regardless of whether you wanted her or not.
She would make you as insignificant to her as she was to you.
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Pressing eyes and curled lips followed you as you made your way through the centre. Head hung low and feet which you pressed onward to the flower shop, the townsfolk had always had abysmal views on outcasts and today was no different. Children stopped playing, their faces stricken with fear as you passed, parents glaring in contempt. You knew it would all be worth it however as you thought back on Larissa. No feat would be too difficult to pass as long as you were doing it with her in mind.
You walked up to the desk and patiently waited for the cashier to come back; flowers already paid for and ordered in advance, all that was left to do was pick them up. Your fingers drummed nervously against the countertop, weary of the suspicious glances being thrown your way.
The cashier was nice enough, though, as she handed you your bouquet. You smiled and thanked her softly before making your way to the chocolatier down the street. Larissa had a terrible sweet tooth; whether she liked to admit it or not.
Your trip, albeit short, was something you were glad to get out of the way. The townsfolk would never be welcoming to an outcast like you and, unfortunately, it was just something you had to take with a pinch of salt. Larissa was worth the risk.
By the time you had arrived back at Nevermore the busting day to day life had lulled to a stop. Scurrying along to Larissa’s room, wanting to catch her before she would undoubtedly be asleep, you skilfully avoided the teachers on walk around duty, meandering your way up the wide staircases and through the narrow corridors until you reached her door.
Your breathing was irregular as you stood outside Larissa’s door. Whether that was from the minimal exercise you did to get here or the nerves overtaking your body, you weren’t sure. Larissa would be awake at this time. Wouldn’t she?
You muttered a quick ‘You can do this’ to yourself before taking the plunge and knocking in the door. You jumped slightly as the door was forcibly swung upon. If you weren’t in love with Larissa already, you certainly would be after seeing her in nothing but her silk slip.
Words evaded you as you gaped at her like a fish. How could somebody look so beautiful in nightwear? Her curvy figure was only accentuated by the lilac slip she had on, drawing your eyes to her hips. Heat creeped up your neck as you shamefully ogled her.
“Can I help you?” She drawled in the bored tone she used when speaking to people she didn’t like very much.
Her tone snapped you out of your, very inappropriate, appreciation of her in all her glory. “Oh, yes. You can actually.”
Perfectly manicured nails tapped against the door impatiently, the cherry red a striking contrast to the burnt umber of the doorframe. Had you done something to upset her?
Yes. You definitely had.
“I bought these, for you.” You muttered, avoiding all eye contact as you did so.
“Why?” She questioned with a furrow brow as she observed you from where she stood.
“Well. I was sort of hoping that you’d like to go to the Rave’N… with me?”
You shifted from side to side, anxious under Larissa’s unusually stone cold glare. A soft pitter-patter rang out in the silence, the ceiling not yet fixed and still leaking. Larissa barked out a laugh, startling you in the process.
“Do you think I’m a fool?” She snarled, jabbing you in the chest with her pointer finger.
“It’s pathetic really. You coming to my door, begging for my affections.”
“What? Larissa, where is this coming from?” You were beyond confused and hurt at the way she was rejecting you. Why couldn’t she just say no?
“Listen here. I will not subject myself to the torture of being a rebound. So, no. I will not got to the Rave’N with you.”
And with that she slammed the door in your face. You were stunned to say the least. What did she mean rebound? What had you done to warrant such cruelty?
A small, barely audible, defeated sigh sounded out in the corridor. The bouquet drooping miserably as it hung loosely in your hands. Morticia would be asleep by now so you couldn’t even go to her for comfort.
Dejected and heartbroken, you headed back to your dorm. Stumbling into things as you went, vision blurred by the tears you refused to let fall.
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Obnoxiously loud music shook the foundations of the academy, letting you know that the Rave’N was in full swing. Your outfit sat forgotten in the wardrobe. There was no point in going if you couldn’t go with the person you wanted.
Morticia had came by before, asking you about how it went, so she knew you would not be present tonight. Instead, you had chosen to snuggle up in bed and read; desperately trying to get Larissa’s brutal rejection as far out of your mind as you could.
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Larissa has gone all out with her outfit. She wanted to show you what you were missing, that she was far better than Morticia and you were a fool not to see it. Only she hadn’t seen you yet and she’d been here half an hour already.
Her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she surveyed the room. Had you already left with somebody? Raven black hair caught her eye. Morticia. Surely she would know where you were.
Sidling up beside Morticia, Larissa smiled at her, saccharine sweet as she asked about your whereabouts. Morticia gave her a sarcastically friendly grin in return before answering her.
“What’s it got to do with you?”
Larissa stuttered a little. Slightly taken aback at Morticia’s subtle aggressiveness towards her. “Well, I- I would just like to know.”
“You don’t get to know where she is.” Morticia sneered back.
“And why is that?” Larissa was beginning to get defensive. She could ask about you if she wanted to. What has it got to do with everybody else?
“What did you say to her?”
“Look,” Morticia sighed. “You have every right to reject people but she wouldn’t even let me in her room. So, I’ll ask again, what did you say that has her refusing to come here?”
“She’s not here… because of me?” Larissa questioned quietly.
“Why else wouldn’t she be here?” Morticia was getting snappy with her and Larissa knew she had done something wrong.
“I don’t know.”
“Let me spell it out for you. She wanted to come to the Rave’N with you, and only you, but you rejected her so she isn’t here.”
“What?” Larissa’s smile faltered ever so slightly before she managed to school her features.
Her world came to a stop as she mulled Morticia’s words over. Continuously rolling them around her head. Again and again. Over and over.
Her vision swirled as the room spun around her, Morticia reduced to nothing but a blur. She felt sick. Swiftly turning on her heel and fleeing the dance, Larissa set out to find you, intent on fixing her mistakes before it was too late.
It wasn’t too late… was it?
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You were in your room, hidden under a mountain of blankets and pillows in a pitiful attempt to drown your sorrows. Reading had failed- your mind being too preoccupied to truly focus on the words of the page. A sharp knock, brief and to the point, made you peak your head above your fortress. Who would be knocking on your door instead of going to the dance? You sighed as you left the comfortable embrace of your duvet and braved the chill night air of your room.
“Morticia,” you shouted. “I’ve already told you I’m not going to-“
She stood in your doorway; her flushed face a rosy red, her breathing slightly irregular and her normally pristine hair tousled. You went to shut the door, not wanting to deal with the emotions you had failed to bury under your pile of blankets right now. Her foot stopped the door from closing and she forced herself inside your room, carefully as to not damage the goods in her hands.
“Wait! Please, just listen to me.” She begged.
“Why should I?” Were you being petty? Yes. But she deserved it.
“I bought these for you.” She whispered, extending her lithe arms towards you. “I know that they’re your favourite.”
You sighed agitatedly as you tossed up the idea of letting her in or shutting the door in her face. Although it would bring you great satisfaction to leave get stranded on the hallway, you knew the feeling would only be momentary. After a silence that stretched for hours, you finally decided that you couldn’t see her right now and shut the door in her face.
Leaving a stunned and heartbroken Larissa on the other side; much how she had left you earlier the same evening.
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Morticia Addams x Larissa Weems || Friends to Lovers
They were roommates...
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brienneoftarth1989 · 3 months
If we ever meet again
Larissa Weems x fem reader
Summary: growing up you were a student at Nevermore. You had a massive crush on your headmistress but due to your age and the fact you were a student meant you couldn’t do anything about it. 12 years later you got a job at the academy you attended as a child praying that the woman you had feelings for was still there.
Warnings: None
Requests open
Growing up you loved your time at Nevermore. You loved your friends, your classes but most of all you loved spending time with your Principal Larissa Weems.
It was safe to say you had a bit of a harmless crush on Larissa but obviously being a young student, there wasn’t much you could do about it other than admire her from afar. When you were a student there you were sixteen which meant she was about twenty-eight years old.
Did it bother you that there was a twelve year age gap between you? No it did not. You did try to spend as much time around Larissa as you could, for example you would help around her office and complete tasks for her.
To be honest you didn’t always want to do everything she asked but you just enjoyed the company around her. Over the next few years you spent as much time with Larissa as you could considering you were a student and she was your principal.
However the day you left Nevermore was the most heartbreaking day of your life. Saying goodbye to not only your classmates but Larissa was such a hard thing to do. You didn’t want them to know you were hurting down inside so you tried your best to disguise it.
I think Larissa could tell you were quite upset to leave as she told you before you left that it was never really going to be goodbye forever. You did always wonder what she meant by that considering you felt like you would never be returning to Nevermore.
However there was one thing that you were sure of and that was you wanted to get into teaching. After you left Nevermore you went straight to university to get your teaching degree and then getting a degree in botanical science. That subject always did have a way with you back at Nevermore.
You spent about 6 years at university and once you were finished you decided to go travelling for at least a year as it was something you always wanted to do but never got the chance. When you came back you found a small teaching job at one of the schools but it wasn’t teaching what you specialised in. However you needed a job.
In the meantime you did keep an eye out on the Nevermore school website to see if any job applications came about. However there wasn’t much going at all. That wasn’t going to stop you from finally getting a job at the school you grew up in.
After another 5 years and a number of different teaching jobs you finally decided to check to see if Nevermore had any teaching jobs for the upcoming school year. As you were scrolling through you saw one for a botanical science teacher. This was just your luck.
You spent that evening touching up your CV before applying to the job. All you had to do now was wait for a response. That week after a bit of waiting and hoping for a response was the longest week that has ever seemed to have existed.
You were at home scrolling through your phone when an email notification popped up. You were quick to open it to see that you had been selected for an interview with the headmistress. The email had been sent by the school’s office and it didn’t state who the headmistress even was.
Was principal Weems still in charge or was someone else running the school now? I guess there was only one way to find out. You accepted the interview and they later emailed you the details of your upcoming interview.
You had less than a week to prepare yourself for it. You made yourself look up all the relevant information and jotted down notes that you thought would be relevant to your interview. Now all you had to do was face the interview itself.
The day of your interview went great. You got dressed into a smart suit pants ensemble before grabbing all your notes and heading to Nevermore for the time you needed to be there.
Arriving at Nevermore brought you so many memories. It was like nothing had changed. You made your way to the office and waited for your name to be called. There were a few other people also waiting to be interviewed which only made you more nervous.
Knowing you had competition made you worry that you wouldn’t be able to bring something to the table that they might be able to offer. After about 20 minutes of waiting you were finally called into the office where the headmistress was conducting interviews.
You grabbed your stuff nervously before heading into the office that you had been in so many times before. Your heartbeat settled when you saw the one and only Larissa Weems. You sat down opposite her with the desk separating the both of you.
“Principal Weems, it’s so good to see you again” you smiled at her. “I told you it was never goodbye” she smiled as she looked over your CV. The fact that she remembered that was enough to make your heart flutter. “How have you been y/n? It’s been a long time since our days at Nevermore” she smiled at you.
“It’s been good. After my studies here I went to university to get my degree in teaching and botanical science. I then went travelling for a year and then spent the last 5 years teaching at a variety of schools” you told her.
“Aww that’s great to hear. Now, let’s get started with this interview” she smiled. The interview went well. She asked you a number of different questions which you were able to answer perfectly as well as adding your own touch to.
The interview lasted about 45 minutes but it felt like the two of you had been talking for all of 10 minutes. You still got that feeling when you saw and spoke to her which surprised you. Larissa said that you would hear from her in about a week once all the interviews had been conducted.
So in the meantime it was just a waiting game. That week seemed to drag but by the end of it you finally received a call from Larissa. “Hello” you answered the phone waiting for Larissa’s voice on the other end of the line.
“Morning y/n, I’m calling you today to let you know that after interviewing all the other candidates I would like to offer you the job” Larissa told you from the other end of the phone.
“Thank you so much Larissa. I would love to accept the position” you told her, trying your best to hide your excitement. “That’s great to hear y/n! I will email you shortly with everything you need to know. I look forward to working with you at Nevermore” Larissa said before you both said goodbye and hung up. This was the start of a new adventure.
Flash forward to a few months later and you were now finally settled in at Nevermore. You absolutely love teaching your classes and you love that you have onsite accommodation which means you never had to leave the place unless you wanted to go.
You have been getting on well with all your colleagues but there was one you wanted to spend a little more time with as you really got to know the woman you had a huge crush on many years ago. At the moment the two of you have had many chats in the canteen while having lunch and surprisingly you have learnt a lot.
Larissa is currently single which is great for you, she loves fashion as well as her love for Nevermore. It is clear she has such a passion for this school and she also loves going to this cafe called the Weathervane to get herself a hot chocolate most days.
Now you were just finding the courage to ask Larissa out on a date but you were just trying to find the right opportunity to do so. You were currently finishing up teaching your class before heading to the canteen to grab some lunch hoping you would also bump into Larissa so you could ask her a very important question.
You made your way down there quite quickly due to the fact you haven’t had much to eat at all today. You grabbed yourself a tray before helping yourself to the selection of food in front of you. You helped yourself to some pizza, chips and beans before grabbing some cutlery and heading to the tables reserved for teachers.
You sat there as you happily ate your lunch as you scanned the room for Larissa. After about 10 minutes you saw the tall beauty enter the room before grabbing her lunch. When she turned around it looked like she was going to head back out of the canteen but then she caught your eye. ‘
You immediately blushed and looked back down at your food. When you next looked up you found Larissa standing in front of you which only caused you to blush again. “Is it alright if I sit with you y/n?” she asked, waiting for you to answer. “Yeah, of course it is,” you told her. Larissa immediately took a seat next to you as you both happily ate your lunch in peace.
“So how have you found it here these last few months?” Larissa asked as she then took a bite of her pizza. “Yeah it has been absolutely amazing. I love all my students as well as my colleagues” you said smiling at Larissa. “Oh does that mean you love me as well” she teased as you felt yourself blush once more.
“Oh you do don't you, hence why you are blushing” she said laughing but getting more serious. You looked at her seriously for a second debating whether now was the right time to say anything.
“Alright Larissa, I will admit I have a slight crush on you. I have done since I was a student here. However I didn’t want to say anything even now in case I ruin our professional relationship” you sigh as you just looked at Larissa. “You have known all this time haven’t you?” you asked as she had this devilish grin plastered on her face.
“Oh of course I have darling. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure that one out. I understand why you didn’t say anything as a student but even then I could tell. Like who would really want to spend all that time with me? I am flattered though. I was just waiting for you to admit it to me” she smiled at you.
Did she feel the same way? “Ok well now that is out in the open then I guess I have something to ask you. Would you maybe like to go out for hot chocolate with me tomorrow afternoon?” you asked as you felt yourself blush once more. You really needed to get a hold of yourself.
“What? Like a date?” Larissa smiled. You couldn’t tell if she was still joking around or if she was being serious. “Yeah, like a date” you smiled trying to read her emotions. Larissa was quick to look around the canteen before looking back at you to make sure no one else had heard what you asked. “Yeah, I would love to,” she smiled.
You felt the excitement build up inside of you as you had finally landed a date with Larissa. “How does 14:00 sound tomorrow at the Weathervane?” you asked Larissa as you finished eating your lunch. “That sounds perfect. I look forward to it” Larissa smiled as she rested her hand on top of yours.
The two of you chatted for the rest of the lunch break before heading your separate ways for the rest of the day. The two of you exchanged your personal phone numbers before spending most of the day texting each other even though you both should be working.
Your date at the Weathervane went amazingly. The bond between the two of you got closer and closer and the two of you were already planning your next few dates. You couldn’t wait to see where this new adventure with Larissa would take you. The next step was definitely to ask Larissa to be your girlfriend and the thought of it just filled you with excitement.
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weemssapphic · 5 months
Lipstick Stains - Pt. 16
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Larissa Weems x fem!reader
summary: Wednesday gets herself into some trouble. (chapter-specific warning for smut)
words: ~ 4k | ao3 link in title
A/N: here's another chapter to make up for being gone so long! once again thank you to @afeatherformills for all of the planning and beta-ing, and to my gf as well. enjoy!!
Tuesday was one of the most hectic days you’d experienced since the start of the semester. You’d wanted to show up at Nevermore in the early evening, preventing Larissa from working even more overtime and spending as much time with her as possible - but now it was nearing 8 pm and you were still stuck in your university’s art studio, desperate to finish up a project that was due this week. You’d let Larissa know that you’d drop by a little later than planned, apologizing profusely and promising to text her when you were on your way. She said she didn’t mind, of course, but you still felt bad.
A nervous energy filled your entire being as you painted the last stroke on your canvas, then hurried to clean up after yourself. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you rushed out of the art studio and through the halls straight out to the parking lot. The only thing on your mind was getting to see Larissa as soon as possible - you shot her a text that you were on your way, then pulled out of the parking lot and started the drive to Nevermore.
You decided to take a shortcut tonight - usually you weren’t a fan of this route, especially late at night, as it was even more remote than your usual way and kind of gave you the creeps. But it would be worth it tonight, and in your hurry to be with Larissa you didn’t pay any mind to the miles upon miles of tall, dark trees looming on either side of the road or the light fog blanketing the street as you drove. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw your phone screen light up from where you’d tossed it onto the seat next to you - with half an eye on the road, you leaned over and picked it up, glancing down.
Larissa: Drive safe, my love.
You smiled down at your phone, biting your lip as you dropped it into the cupholder next to you and looked back up at the road - your heart leaping as you found yourself slamming on the brakes to avoid hitting the girl running across the road towards a parked car. 
Your car screeched to a halt, the girl illuminated by the glow of your headlights. She stared back at you with wide eyes, looking absolutely terrified - and vaguely familiar, with her blonde hair and pastel sweater. With your heart pounding, your eyes darted over to the side of the road and you felt your stomach drop. Wednesday. Whatever this was, it couldn’t be good.
Putting your car in park, you tentatively opened the door and stepped out onto the road, taking a step towards the blonde, who still stood inches away from the hood of your car. There was a loud clattering as the flashlight she held dropped onto the road. 
Your gaze darted questioningly towards Wednesday, whose face was an impassive mask, impossible to read. She was flanked by two boys - one of whom you recognized as the Weathervane’s barista, though why his shirt was ripped open and covered in blood, you couldn’t fathom. You glanced behind them at the open gates leading up to a huge, desolate mansion, overgrown with weeds and vines - it made a shiver run down your spine, and made your blood go cold as you imagined these kids out here alone. 
“Dare I ask?” 
“Do you know her?” one of the boys asked Wednesday. She opened her mouth to speak, but the next words came out of the mouth of the young blonde who was practically trembling in front of you.
“She’s Weems’ girlfriend.”
“I-” you felt your cheeks heat up at the interested glance the boy then afforded you. You swallowed thickly - there was no point in playing coy now, not when you were standing on a remote street in the middle of the night with a bunch of teenagers who were clearly hurt. “Yeah, I am. I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that she doesn’t know about this and that you’re not supposed to be out here?”
When you received no answer, your gaze darted back over to the mansion. It was definitely giving you the creeps, and you weren’t keen on wasting any more time standing out here in the cold staring at it. “Well either way, can I take you guys back to Nevermore?”
“Yes, please!” the blonde exclaimed - though she was quickly cut off by Wednesday.
“Tyler is hurt, we need to get him home first.”
“I can do that,” you said gently. 
“What about my car?” 
You raised your eyebrow at the boy who’d spoken, whose chest was practically ripped open and dripping blood. “Pick it up in the morning,” you suggested firmly. “I don’t think you should drive like that.”
He looked like he was about to argue, but then he winced in pain as he stepped forward. “Fine. My dad’s gonna kill me…”
With another nervous glance towards the mansion, you gestured towards your car - the blonde immediately picked up her flashlight and got in the passenger side. The two boys looked to Wednesday, waiting for her lead. After another moment’s hesitation, she got into the back of your car, the boys squeezing in next to her. 
You grabbed your phone, unlocking it and handing it to Tyler. “Put your address in Google Maps.” He obliged, handing you the phone back with an address in Jericho - you started the car again, driving a little faster than usual to put the creepy old house behind you.
“What happened to your chest?” you asked with a glance in the rearview mirror. Tyler caught your gaze, then looked nervously down at Wednesday. 
“He was attacked.”
The other boy interjected, giving you a distrustful glare. “The bear that’s been all over the news.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “He’s lucky to have gotten away then.”
The kids remained silent for the remainder of the drive, sharing looks amongst themselves. Once you reached Tyler’s house, they hopped out of the car, escorting Tyler inside. You trailed in behind them - at the other boy’s raised eyebrow, you told him you weren’t driving back to Nevermore without Larissa’s students.
Wednesday took a few minutes to patch Tyler up - the blonde girl (Enid, as you’d come to learn) sat off to the side, openly panicking until Tyler’s wound was dressed and you managed to usher the three Nevermore students back out to your car to drive them back to school. Before pulling out onto the road, you shot Larissa another text.
Y/N: I’m sorry, I had to get gas. I’ll be there in 10.
Okay, so it was definitely a lie, but there was no use worrying her prematurely - you’d figure out how to explain the situation in person.
“I didn’t know Weems was a lesbian.” 
“Xavier!” Enid exclaimed, turning in her seat to glare at the boy. You looked into the rearview mirror with a raised eyebrow. 
“I’m sure there are a lot of things your principal doesn’t feel the need to share with you,” you replied coolly. 
“You can’t tell her we were out, though,” Enid said, her voice laced with panic. “Nevermore is on lockdown, if she finds out she’ll expel us.”
“I’m sure she won’t expel you,” you replied softly, trying to sound comforting as you chewed at your lip. Would she? 
The decision of whether or not to tell Larissa about her students being out during lockdown was taken from your hands, however, when the four of you entered the school. Wednesday turned the corner towards the stairs first, stopping abruptly and looking up to the landing - Enid stopped dead in her tracks next to you, her eyes widening in fear. 
Larissa’s voice sounded from the top of the stairs. “Ms. Addams, I see you’ve found your way back to campus.”
Enid glanced up at you, biting her lip. You placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’ll be okay,” you whispered, leading her around the corner with Xavier trailing behind you.
Larissa stood on the landing of the staircase, glaring down at Wednesday. Her eyes immediately darted over to you when you came into sight with Enid and Xavier in tow and her brow furrowed. You could see her lip quivering as confusion and uncertainty filled her gaze. “Would someone care to explain to me what is going on?” She both looked and sounded furious. “I’ve just received a phone call from the sheriff, who informed me that he came home to find his son injured.”
“I drove him home,” you offered. Larissa’s eyes darted from Wednesday to you, drinking you in carefully and taking in the way you were squeezing Enid’s shoulder. “I took a shortcut here and ran into them, I gave them a lift.” You smiled apologetically - Larissa’s gaze softened a fraction, though she still looked both angry and worried.
“I was beginning to worry. About all of you.” Her voice caught in her throat and you suddenly felt guilt pool in the pit of your stomach for worrying her. 
“I’m sorry,” you mouthed, watching the almost imperceptible upward curl of Larissa’s lips in acknowledgment of your apology, before the smile was replaced with a deep frown as she directed her attention back to her students.
“Mr. Thorpe, Miss Sinclair, I’d like to ask you to come to my office tomorrow to discuss disciplinary action for violating lockdown. For now, please go straight back to your dorms. I’d like to speak with Miss Addams alone.”
Enid met your gaze - after a moment’s hesitation, she pulled you into a tight hug, before turning and walking dejectedly up the stairs. Larissa watched her go, a mixture of disappointment and something else you couldn’t quite place in her gaze.
“Um, I’ll wait in your office?” you suggested, biting the inside of your cheek as you watched Larissa carefully. 
“Please.” Larissa’s tone was just a hint softer when she spoke with you, sapphire eyes swimming with emotion.
You nodded and made your way up the stairs - as you passed by her, Larissa reached out to give your hand a squeeze. You could barely make out the sound of her scolding Wednesday as you disappeared down the corridor towards the office.
It didn’t take long at all for Larissa to come back to her office - you were sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, picking nervously at your nails when the door swung open and then slammed shut. You didn’t bother turning around as you heard the click of Larissa’s heels come closer and closer, until they were right behind you. 
“Darling,” Larissa sighed, pressing her lips to the crown of your head. She buried her nose into your hair, breathing you in as her arms wrapped around your shoulders from behind. “You took so long, I nearly called the police.”
You twisted in her grip to look up at her, rushing to explain yourself and stumbling over your words. “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to break it to you over the phone that I found Wednesday standing outside of an abandoned old mansion with her friends in the middle of the night without worrying you even more.”
Larissa chuckled, her eyes fluttering shut for a moment. “I suppose you’re right, I don’t think that would have assuaged my worries…” She opened her eyes, looking directly into your own and cupping your cheek ever so gently. “I’m extremely glad you’re alright, though.” Her lips pressed against yours in a soft kiss that took your breath away with its tenderness. “Thank you for looking after them and taking them home.” 
“Of course.” You hesitated for a moment. “You aren’t going to expel them, are you? Enid is very worried.”
“I’m not going to expel them,” Larissa confirmed, straightening up and walking over to a little cabinet in the corner of the room. “But Wednesday is on thin ice. I can’t afford to give that girl any more chances.” She let out a deep sigh as she turned to face you again, approaching the sofa with a bottle of wine and two glasses.
“What were they even doing out there?”
Larissa rolled her eyes as she settled next to you, pouring a generous amount of red into each of the glasses. “Wednesday is convinced there’s a monster behind those attacks, and that she can find out what it is.”
You nodded your head slowly, mulling over the information carefully. “And what do you think it is?”
“It’s just a bear,” she said with a sigh, her gaze dropping to the flames in the fireplace, watching them flicker and dance. The worry in her eyes was not lost on you but she seemed unwilling to talk about it further, so you decided to drop the subject. For now. Larissa handed you one of the glasses - you clinked it against hers, causing her lips to curl into a small smile.
“Seems like it’s been quite the semester - my high school wasn’t nearly as interesting,” you said playfully, causing Larissa to chuckle. 
“There’s always something happening at Nevermore, but it’s been an unusual semester even for myself…” She took a sip of her wine, humming softly and kicking her heels off so that she could put her feet up on the sofa, turning to face you. She slid her feet towards you until her toes were stuck underneath your thigh - even through your jeans, you could feel how cold they were. 
“Jesus, Riss, you’re freezing,” you said with a laugh, leaning away from her and trying to shoo her away. She pouted, sliding her feet out farther and chasing your warmth. You rolled your eyes and placed your glass down on the coffee table. “Fine, come here.”
Larissa’s pout turned into a satisfied smirk when you lifted her feet onto your lap, your hands providing her with some warmth. “What would you do without me?” you teased.
“I’d be living a sad life, indeed. And I’d be freezing constantly,” she teased back, taking a sip of her wine. Her gaze softened a fraction and she rested her head on the back of the sofa, watching you with a relaxed, pensive look on her face.
“What?” you whispered, feeling your cheeks grow warm under her gaze.
“Nothing,” she whispered back. “I’m just lucky to have you, that’s all.”
“I’m the lucky one.” 
“Don’t even try to argue with me on that one, darling.” 
You smiled, biting your lip - of course you were ready to argue that point until your face went blue. Subconsciously, your hands began to rub Larissa’s feet, trying to get them warm. As your thumbs soothed over a pressure point on the arch of her foot, Larissa’s eyelids fluttered shut and a barely audible moan left her lips. Watching her face carefully, you repeated the movement - her lips parted slightly, her eyelids fluttered. 
You began alternating between using your thumbs and your knuckles to loosen up the muscles in her feet - every movement of your hands caused Larissa to moan louder and deeper, her cheeks reddening as she seemed unable to control the noises she was making. You paused in your massage, leaning over her and plucking the glass out of her hand, setting it aside.
“Lay back,” you instructed. Larissa’s eyes opened and you could see how turned on she was from how wide her pupils had gotten. She nodded, leaning back against the armrest of the sofa and wiggling a bit to get comfortable. You settled at her feet, continuing the massage, your eyes never leaving Larissa’s face as it relaxed once again. This time, though, you moved your hands higher, rubbing your fingers against her calves and really kneading into her muscles. You took your time with her, delighting in every moan and groan that you were able to extract from the blonde beneath you, every breathy sigh and pleased hum that left her lips.
Once you reached her knees, you pushed her dress up her thighs - though you quickly found that it was a bit too tight to go as far as you’d have liked. “Can I take it off?” you murmured sweetly, waiting for an affirming hum before pulling it as far up Larissa’s body as you could - she sat up to help you pull it the rest of the way off of her body, and you tossed it to the floor.
Settling back between her legs, you returned to massaging Larissa’s calves - nice and slow, reveling in the supple softness of her skin, switching between each leg. The blonde relaxed under your touch, her eyes falling shut again and her head tipping back against the armrest of the sofa. 
You couldn’t help but stare at the ethereal woman before you, desire pooling in your core as you drank her in. The flames flickered and danced, illuminating the soft curves of her torso, catching on the off-white fabric of her bra, bouncing off the golden necklace she wore and kissing her neck. Her lace-clad breasts, her stomach, her face - all cast in shadow. She was the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen - a divine, heavenly creature who seemed to exude a light of her own, one that you were all too happy to bask in.
This time your hands didn’t stop as you reached her knees - you began massaging her thighs, your firm touch becoming lighter the higher you went as Larissa’s breath grew heavier, her moans giving way to soft gasps. When you reached her upper, inner thigh, you leaned in, replacing your hands with your tongue - this elicited a shuddering whimper from the blonde, who arched her back off the sofa. Her hands, which had been folded over her stomach, came to rest on your head, fingers curling into your hair and tugging gently.
“Is this okay?” you whispered, your mouth inches away from her cunt. There was a wet spot at the center of her panties and you felt your own arousal grow at the sight. 
“Yes, darling.” Larissa’s voice was breathy with desire and she spread her legs wider, gently pushing your head towards her center. 
You chuckled at her neediness and began to press featherlight kisses to each thigh, alternating as you got closer and closer to where she needed you most. The scent of her arousal filled your nostrils - it was enough to make you slightly dizzy, drool pooling in your mouth. You placed a gentle kiss to her clit over her underwear, then used your teeth to tug at the waistband of the lacy panties - Larissa moved her hips to make it easier for you to pull them down her body. 
Returning to your position between her legs, you used the tip of your tongue to lick a path up her slit. She bucked her hips up into your mouth, her hands returning to your hair and twisting so hard that it hurt a bit - the pain felt delicious in contrast to the pleasurable throbbing of your own clit, and you squeezed your thighs together to relieve some of the tension so that you could focus on Larissa and her pleasure. 
You allowed your tongue to explore her folds, slowly getting drunk on the taste of her and losing yourself in the sheer ecstasy that came with feeling her drip onto your tongue, knowing that her arousal was all for you. A pleased moan clawed its way out of your throat, vibrating against Larissa’s pussy and drawing an equally filthy groan from her own throat. 
She began to gyrate her hips against your face, setting a fast pace which you met with eager licks. Red-tipped nails scratched at your head as she tugged your hair, drawing more whimpers from your lips which went through Larissa’s body like shockwaves of pleasure.
As Larissa’s moans became louder and more animalistic, your arousal grew, until the ache between your own thighs was impossible to ignore. You found yourself reaching between your legs, rubbing your hand desperately against your cunt, through the fabric of your jeans. The pressure wasn’t nearly enough and you growled in frustration, fumbling with the button and forcing your hand inside your underwear. 
That first touch against your clit felt like heaven - it was nearly more than you could handle as you continued to suck Larissa’s clit. You gathered your wetness on your fingers, smearing it eagerly over your sensitive bundle of nerves and moaning loudly as you matched the pace of your fingers to that of your tongue, your eyes fluttering shut.
“Are you touching yourself?” Larissa’s voice was gravelly and low, and you opened your eyes to find she’d lifted her head to meet your gaze - she looked down at you through hooded eyes, her cheeks gorgeously flushed.
“Mmmh, yeah,” you mumbled, not bothering to stop sucking her clit as you replied. Larissa’s eyes nearly rolled back in her head, and she dropped her head back against the armrest again with a mumbled “fuck”.
Your desire was building more by the second and you could tell that Larissa was close, too, as her thighs began to tremble and the rolling of her hips became somewhat erratic. 
“You close?” you murmured breathily, just loud enough for Larissa to hear.
“Y-yes - ah - ‘mm close…”
“Cum with me?” The words had barely left your mouth as you felt your orgasm wash over you, every muscle in your body tightening as you came. You let out a strangled groan and both your tongue and your hands stuttered in their movements, even as you tried desperately to keep a steady pace. Larissa’s orgasm soon followed, a direct response to hearing you cum, her thighs snapping shut around your head as she reached her peak.
Her hands tightened in your hair, holding you firmly in place to keep her riding her high for as long as possible. You only let up when she released your hair from her grip and allowed her thighs to fall to the side. You pulled back slightly, breathing heavily from your own orgasm and trying to calm your pounding heart when you felt Larissa’s fingers grip your chin. You allowed her to guide you up towards her, your lips meeting hers in a heated, passionate kiss. 
Larissa let go of your chin as you kissed, placing her hands on your waist and pulling you snugly against her. Her own heart was hammering away in her chest, her breathing hard and uneven.
“I really needed that,” she said after a few moments, her voice still hoarse and shaky. Your laugh vibrated against her chest, the sound filling her heart with joy.
“Happy to help,” you quipped, causing Larissa to giggle. You propped yourself up above her, reaching behind her neck to take off her necklace and gingerly lay it on the table so that you could rest your head against her chest.
“Mmm, better,” you mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of her cleavage before resting your cheek against her and letting out a contented sigh.
“Will you stay tonight? I don’t want you driving home alone…”
“Yeah, of course. But you know, I don’t think I’d get attacked by a bear from inside my car or anything.” 
Larissa’s stomach churned uncomfortably. She didn’t know how much longer she could continue lying to you about the monster roaming Jericho’s woods - she didn’t want to lie to you, after all. But fear held her back - the fear that your acceptance of her and her world, of outcasts, wasn’t as all-encompassing as she’d like to believe. The fear that, once you found out that it was an outcast - a hyde - responsible for the attacks, for the many deaths, you’d never look at her the same way again. That you’d see her as dangerous. She swallowed thickly.
“I don’t care. I can’t risk anything happening to you - I was worried sick tonight. I don’t want you out in this area alone at night.”
“Okay, okay. I promise, I’ll stay the night and I won’t go out on my own.” You raised your arm to give her a mock salute, trying to lighten the mood. 
Larissa let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. As you nuzzled your cheek against her chest, she felt both an overwhelming sense of relief and a gnawing sense of guilt. Her arms tightened around you and she sighed into your hair, squeezing her eyes shut to stop a single tear from sliding down her cheek.
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