#you make great points anon and i wish i could elaborate more
beevean · 11 months
Especially the justifications ranging from "Sonic is neurodivergent-coded" to "Sonic is canonically neurodivergent" in Prime grind my gears. I'm certain many of the same people are gushing about how awesome it is that Sonic Prime is CaNoN tO tHe GaMeS... as in, the games where Sonic:
knew that simply defeating and sealing away Chaos again would do NOTHING except make its hurt and anger only worse.
gave Blaze a kind and supportive pep talk, acknowledging what she had been through because of her pyrokinesis and duties as Sol Emerald Guardian and offering her his friendship with a reminder she can count on the people she's got to know during her adventure.
defeated Merlina but expressed sympathy with her hurt about her world ending while sharing his own philosophy of needing to live life to the fullest, without any call-outs about her attacking him earlier, boasts about defeating her, or scoldings about her negative view on it all.
Immediately came rushing back from Cannon's Core in the ARK even though he was seconds away from foiling the entirety of Eggman's plan with the fake Emerald because Eggman and Tails informed him Amy was in danger.
And those are only the examples I know for certain on the top of my head, without even touching upon everything that happens in games like Sonic Battle and Sonic Forces. It's not even that Prime!Sonic is particularly nasty or rude, he clearly adores his friends, but he can't read a room to save his life and he is legitimately just stupid. Which is clearly done because it can be used to write jokes, but he is stupid, in a way that a properly-written game!Sonic could not be even if he tried. And you mean to tell me the Sonic from the above examples is the occasionally-insensitive constantly-dumb hyperactive chatterbox that Prime presents him as? Please.
(I'm sorry, I figure you might have gotten tired of Prime discourse now, but in general the whole He's Totes Neurodivergent fandom perception annoy me, because they use that card to completely disregard any (in my opinion valid) counterarguments about any poor portrayal...)
Oh wait I forgot to add: the reason I came up with those examples is apparently because people think that Sonic (aka Prime!Sonic) has low empathy. Stolen from some probably-shady and possibly-unreliable site on the internet whose definition of empathy does otherwise seem to check out: "In general, empathy is the ability to understand or sense another person’s perspective, feelings, needs, or intentions, even when you don’t share the same circumstances. It can sometimes involve acting on that understanding, including offering help." And I ask, in what world does Sonic from the games lack empathy?????? He's literally the most empathic pep-talk-giving perspective-seeing help-providing understanding sweetheart on the entire planet with that definition!
I remember reading a post that proposed that Tails had high empathy and Sonic had low empathy, before Prime was a thing. And I had your identical "bruh???????" reaction. Sonic has low empathy? Literally where. Show me proof that any version of Sonic struggles to empathize with people. My man is actually pretty good at understanding others, as you accurately pointed out.
Anyway, I don't have ADHD and even I am getting annoyed at how it's been reduced to "hehe i'm soooooo silly and quirky and kiddy 🤪". If it's not Sonic, then it's characters like Tangle who has pretty much become a womanchild and fans defend her because she's "neurodivergent-coded".
Also, speaking of differences between Prime and Canon Sonic, while the latter was also relatively slow to the uptake to accept that he was not meeting his actual friends in Secret Rings and Black Knight, it was still not as ridiculous as the former, who apparently could not recognize that he was in the third different AU in a row and still was all "oh Tails am I glad to see you!".
And apparently Apple Metal was built to be like Sonic but way more obnoxious about it, which prompts Sonic to say "if I'm half as annoying as you I need to change". Which. *sigh*
and i'm pretty sure there was a boom character like that, but boom apparently sucks ass now while prime is the best western show ever. okay
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zyonsay · 6 months
could we get some max verstappen x m!reader childhood friends to bfs hcs? hope your day is great :D
Childhood Friends to Bfs Hcs MV1
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: Hcs about how you and Max came to be boyfriends
Reader: Male
Warnings: We hate Jos verstappen in this household
Now playing: 'West Coast' by Lana del Rey
AN: Hey there anon, I hope you like it! <3
And i wish you a nice day too, Merry Christmas!
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The first time you met was when you were about three years old. Your dads had brought you along to a race and it made sense that they introduced their children.
Max was shy at first, but you insisted on him playing with you and your toy cars. You handed him the blue one while you kept the red one and that’s how your friendship was born.
To every race your dad had brought you along, you took the two toy cars with you in a small backpack, in hopes of getting to play with your new friend ‘Mats’.
When you two started karting, you got to see each other more regularly. The two toy cars were replaced by your favorite cars and the baby blabbering turned into elaborate conversations. Or at least as elaborate as nine-year-olds could get.
Both of you could give each other a sort of safe space; Max was scared and probably too proud to confide in anyone, but you were an exception. Whenever his dad would scold him after a race, you were nearby to offer him a hug after Jos had angrily stomped off. ‘You did amazing’, he was sobbing while you patted his back gently.
You both would regularly hang out with each other. Jos didn’t like the Idea of him staying at you place and ‘wasting time when he could be getting better’, so you two worked out a plan. Whenever Max wanted to hang out with you, he told his dad he was going to the Karting track with you to go and talk with mechanics and more experienced drivers. This was only half a lie though, you two would actually go to the track, but not before stopping to get ice cream.
The very first time he got to stay over at your place was when he’d placed second in a race, which made his dad furious. Jos hit Max’s helmet and packed his stuff before driving off. Max wasn’t one to cry often, only weak boys did that, his dad had told him. But this time he felt a sharp sting in his heart. He didn’t even notice the tears running down his face, until you pointed it out. You dragged him behind one of the tents and wrapped him in a tight hug. This time, he let it all go. He cried bitter tears, keeping his arms around you, as if you were going to disappear into thin air. After he had calmed down, you convinced him to come back to your house and sleep over.
Your room was like a dreamland for him; There were a few glow in the dark stars on the walls and ceilings and your bed sheets had Lightning McQueen on them. Giggling, you two laid on the floor of your room, while the light was off. The stars on your ceiling shone in a light green hue and the cassette you were playing talked about an astronaut in space. Max had promised himself, if he didn’t end up becoming a Formula One driver, he’d become an astronaut.
Max first realized that he might feel a bit more for you was when he was 17, he’d just gotten the amazing news of him entering Formula One. You didn’t want to cry as much as you did, but you were worried. You were worried that he’d forget you, that he’d be too busy racing in the big league. It was almost midnight when you arrived outside his house. You sent him a text that you wanted to talk with him. Max crept down the stairs, making sure his dad wouldn’t wake up and find out about this little meet up. The streets were empty, and the dim light of the streetlamps attracted moths. With your hands in the pockets of your sweater, you confessed how you felt about his F1 Debut. You made sure to tell him that you wanted him to rise, but you were just worried about your friendship.
Your fear of him understanding you wrongly was luckily unnecessary. It was his turn to confess now. His boyish grin and his messy hair had you besotted. Max confessed how much you mean to him and how much he… – loves you.
With tear filled eyes you pulled him into a hug, holding him close under the light of the streetlamps while bats swiftly flew above you. With a sweet grin you pressed a kiss to his cheek, before you two walked back to his house.
That night, when you drove back home on your squeaky old bike, you cried happy tears. The wind played through your hair, and you felt unstoppable. This was the reassurance you needed and wanted. You were so damn happy.
Obviously, you had to keep a low image. Jos would probably be seething if he found out that his son was together with another boy. Additionally, Max had just started his F1 season, he didn’t really need any public slander right now.
Though a few years later he revealed his childhood best friend and his now boyfriend. Of course, you two have gotten loads of hate, but Max was happy to finally express himself. He loved you and that was the bottom line.
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fourteenfifteen · 6 months
may i request some friends at the table fic recs? i haven’t ventured really into the tag
HELLO ANON yeth you can.
i am not an expert and have not read everything but i have some faves! which i will sort by season for your convenience : ] also i have not finished sangfielle so i can't help you there lo siento. if you want more fics i would say a good place to start is @arwainian's fic marathon project. he has been reading everything in the tag and recommending things as he goes there's probably as many recs as u could want right there
ALSO stating at the top that i also write fic! not going to rec any of mine but i'm kind of a hottie i won't lie to u so that's there
OK recs under the cut
these are not in any particular order within seasons!
pzn/pld [at the top bc i have a palisade fic agenda]:
bad endings by elanoides
the stellar combustor arc but a time loop. amazing writing and an instant fave as soon as i read it. i mean come on dude it's a time loop fic come onnnnnnnn
i will reveal you by rozecrest
a recent addition to the tag that i really liked very fun brnine/gucci fic. where's that post about wanting every fic to also be a literary analysis essay that's me rn
use you as a focal point by joeysnowy
theeee crysanth/SI fic which ok it's a niche market but this is just a great one
party 2nite @ bc, rsvp capt. kb by fangirl_squee
VERY fun fic where the blue channel hosts a halloween party. i was giggling bro i won't lie to you
the cat who got the whipped cream by bluecloak
how often do you get to say that the most kudosed fic in a tag totally earns that in terms of quality? lovely and funny and absolutely gorgeously written
my place to land by lady_mab
yes it's the longest fic in the tag yes it's worth the time. total au that still manages to hit that tm vibe
as many times as it takes to get it right by theorangewitch
i just read this for the first time within the last couple weeks and oof it's a great one. very funny and creative and sweet reincarnation fic
excerpts/yours/beloved/signet.asmblg by kalcifer
signet and belgard twine fic!! great shit this one goes out to all the divine likers
rising water by yellow
in lieu of a summary i'm just going to say that i'm actively not a cassmako person but i have read this fic a dozen times
light up the way by harpydora
damn i love these crazy kids. very good fix it fic for the ppl who cried at the end of counter/weight (everyone i assume)
moving shadows / moving light by waveridden
uhh ok so do you know the reality show naked and afraid. ephrim and throndir on that. my secsam gift from last year which was a PRIVILEGE
champions of the world by fangirl_squee
an elaborate hieron hockey au longfic. very cozy and well-thought out
presque vu by fangirl_squee
ok this one is odd and hard to describe but very cool. genuinely have read very few fics like it. read if you like: hieron's tone, weird aus, and magical realism
and i follow just to find you by angstandcaffeine
oh my godddd i love this fic. the cw's supernatural WISHES
the killing of the king god's car by the traitor prince maelgwyn by thunder_rolled_a_six
a total classic that probably everyone would recommend to you. marielda high school au but ok i don't usually like that kind of thing so trust me on this one
fits and starts by luckydicekirby
augh. oh my god. does anybody else like crying. totally amazing samfam fic that really digs into god weirdness in a way that i love and also yeah it broke my heart
making something new by harpydora
love the samol characterization in this one also i just think it's fun
who put love in my head? by kaynara
does anybody else remember half past and flashback and absolute territory? no just me? ok well in any case this fic is so fun and the character voices are so great
ok that feels like a good list! i could absolutely generate a dozen more but i'll leave it there lol generally i will say the fic generated by this fandom is pretty high quality and you'll have a decent experience just looking around in the tag like there's some good stuff in there. worth taking a chance on things (esp recent stuff!)
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
This is me and thanks a lot for your detailed assessment of my ask. I genuinely appreciate it. Like you said, I do still like Gen very much along with all her limitations in my opinion.
I connected with her videos and the things that she has spoken about in the past quiet a bit. There is a certain honesty and vulnerability to her especially in the SPN fandom context where most extras seem toxic. I also think she is a great mom who really prioritizes her kids.
However, I do find her lacking towards Jared and feel that she could do more to offer support to him like you very much mentioned in your post. I know it isn't easy being in a relationship with someone who suffers with depression, anxiety and has had struggles with suicide ideation. It must take alot but I feel she could do that public support a bit more instead of trying to act aloof at those moments. Like I really appreciated the note that Sandy (it's heartfelt) put out for Jared even after their breakup but I've never seen anything like that from Gen.
Jared is a very supportive husband who constantly props her up so even if everything is not about money, I would understand why she wants to be with Jared even when she may not be that fully in love with him anymore. That's the kind of partner every women wants and very few men are like that.
For eg, I wouldn't consider Jensen making Danneel the EP on TW being supportive as that was just him sort of using her in his agenda of taking over SPN.
If Gen and Jared are not the ones for each other I would still wish them both well individually.
Welcome back Anon. So there are some good points you make here but also some I can't agree with which I'm going to explain why. Know that I'm speaking from a point of view where I look at things more objectively and am not going about things from a petty stance. "Oh what is she wearing here" or "she looks terrible" kind of thing. Instead, I'm going to talk about things more or less that come straight out of their mouths and will do my best to elaborate on the context of things as well.
As far as the parenting thing goes, I'm not 💯 sure I can say she's a great mom. Yes, being a parent is challenging. It's the hardest job to do but it's the easiest one to have an opinion on. I think however she gives into this "woke culture" a bit too much and it is alarming at times. For one, she talks about the kids' problems too openly and why on Earth she decided to openly say on a podcast from 2020 that her kids are all in therapy along with her and Jared and calling it "brain exercise" is questionable at best. First of all, why would you talk about the kids being in therapy under the age of 10? Outside of the whole HIPAA stuff going on there where therapists can't talk about their patients especially when someone doesn't need to know as part of their treatment plan, why would you air your dirty laundry about your kids being in therapy? A lot of the grown world is aware that people don't go to therapy and PAY for it just for shits and giggles or as she puts it "brain exercise". This is what puzzles, books, etc. Are for, not therapy.
Therapy is to address some kind of trauma, emotional disorder, treat a psychological condition, etc. Calling it brain exercise and generally trying to normalize something like therapy, sure lots of us go to therapy and there's nothing wrong with it. Heck, I do too for depression/anxiety reasons because of a lot of things that I went through as a child pertaining to how I was treated by the school system in elementary school and other things (thanks to being neurodivergent). But for Gen to talk about it casually as if everyone is going to view it the same twisted way she does IS a problem. Don't talk about your kids' issues, let alone use it in your affiliate marketing crap as, I'll dive into below. I took the below screenshot on April 16, 2024, around 11:27am EST and from the time stamp given being 53m (indicating 53 min Instagram style), this makes it so she posted this around 10:34am EST (or 9:34am CST since that's her time zone). I'm going to touch onto some of the stuff these books tap into based on Google searches, as I sadly don't have the time to read as much as I'd like. Going based on the covers here, it seems to me she have some insight as to what kinda issues her kids have, what her flaws as a parent are, etc. "Raising Good Humans" talking about breaking the cycle of reactive parenting.
The Anxious Generation, I didn't read this book but I did watch a documentary called The Social Dilemma tapping into how social media websites are designed to keep people interacting as much as possible. It also talked about how AI behind sites like Facebook can know things about your personality, interests, people who are likely to get into a relationship based on their interactions, if you're struggling with mental illness, etc. The answer to this problem? Don't let your kids be glued to electronic devices or even have social media for a long time. I mean hell my 8 year old son has a friend in his class who already has a Facebook. Like really, why just why?
As for The Explosive Child, based on some comments she's made, general vibes their kids give off in how they react to certain things and behave, etc. It is not difficult to guess which child this is. There are also plenty of easy solutions to this problem, like teaching your child what the word no means. But we're not there to see or hear everything, I'm going based off of what had been observed from publicly available videos, posts, etc.
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To define Reactive Parenting as a synopsis from this site here,
"Reactive parenting is a parenting style where the parent’s reactions are primarily driven by their strong emotions toward a child’s behaviors rather than a thoughtful understanding of the situation. Reactive parenting is characterized by the following.
* Emotions such as anger, frustration, and fear drive impulsive responses.
* Over-reactive, punitive, aggressive, and explosive reactions.
* Yelling, threats, punishment, or bribes.
* Lack of self-control.
* Inconsistency in reactive discipline is confusing for the child.
* Focus on immediate control rather than teaching the child or the long-term results.
Then here are 10 examples also from the same website as to what reactive parenting is:
* Yelling or screaming at the child
* Punishing out of anger
* Reacting physically, such as spanking or grabbing a child in anger
* Using shaming or name-calling
* Resorting to threats or ultimatums
* Getting easily frustrated and snapping at the child over small issues
* Caving in to whining or giving in to tantrums
* Making fake promises
* Feeling personally attacked or insulted by a child’s misbehavior
* Making sarcastic or hurtful comments in response to a child’s behavior
Now, I'm not gonna sit here and say that any parent is perfect. Everyone had moments where they don't react the best to situations and we all have our boiling points. Based on other clips like from the FanX or Atlanta con or maybe even Scotland in a panel Gen and Jared did together, it is clear both Jared and Gen probably have issues disciplining their kids at times. One of the comments made was sobering to the effect of "this is what it's like trying to discipline our kids at home" in a joking manner. I can't for the life of me recall which panel it was but I know it was a more recent one.
Also, if we want to talk about how the boys don't seem to really like being filmed especially Tom, that bizarre vampire cake Odette got for her birthday that doesn't look child appropriate in my personal opinion or even how Gen admitted she lets Odette be mean to Shep from being a sensitive oddball, it's clear to me Gen is permissive yet also strangely territorial against Jared to the point where it seems he doesn't even fit in at home. Just like everyone else, I do have my opinions on raising kids even if they're not mine because guess what? All kids grow up and are meant to be productive members of society, I'd like to see as many of them grow up to be healthy, well rounded individuals who contribute to society as possible. Isn't that what we all want?
Good for Gen on admitting to her flaws as a parent on multiple occasions, seeing something is wrong with what you're doing and admitting to it is the first step to addressing a problem. But seriously, I say she needs to stop airing her dirty laundry and frankly, not everything is meant to be some monetizing opportunity.
Now onto your comments about being with someone with depression and/or anxiety and suicidal ideation. I know I know, it's all just a chemical imbalance right? (Sarcasm to be duly noted here). Gen admitted to having some issues with anxiety in the Rise Together podcast she did in Nov 2020 with Dave Hollis I've mentioned several times lately ha ha. I am going to say no it really isn't that hard, especially if she supposedly has anxiety like he does. She should have some better grasp on his issues as his wife than she does, let alone more than the average person. She made it pretty clear she's very tone deaf when it comes to Jared. Don't get me started on her yellow sticky note talking about "the empaths" and whatnot from this post she made below. It honestly isn't THAT hard to be with someone who has depression or suicidal ideation at times. I think with suicidal ideation people get very uncomfortable when they hear someone thinking about it. I understand why as this is something a professional should deal with but in all honesty, sometimes what these people need is a listening ear.
It's ironic you mentioned the letter Sandy wrote about their breakup as I'm aware she ended up getting her Masters degree in Psychology per her Etsy page. She also sells some sensory kits which seems to stem back to her interests in psychology. It is slightly ironic she is Jared's ex fiancé, got her masters in Psychology and we're talking now about how hard it apparently must be for Gen to be with Jared given his history with mental illness. Ironic given the black magic stuff, how him and Gen met merely within 2 months after he and Sandy broke up, etc. and the educational background she now has. Hmmmm... did Gen's black magic result in this "surprise in the bag" (referring to what that psychic guy I mentioned before said about sorcerers, black magic, and how higher powers always throw in these surprises for them "be careful what you wish for") because Gen's black magic actually "took" Jared away from someone who was maybe a little more better suited for Jared than she is? And now the struggles she must have marrying into these problems. By the way, I was told on a side note Jared and Sandy aren't true love soulmates either but that Sandy would've still been a better fit for him. It could however in a way be said that maybe Sandy's life is more simple and seems overall at least somewhat happy from what I've seen on her posts, where she's at in life and whatnot. I think things with Jared may have ended up less tumultuous if he were with Sandy instead but at the same time we always have a choice in how we behave. We may not always be in control of what emotions arise from things but we all can 100% control HOW we react to things, which I think is a lesson both Gen and Jared have yet to learn (and was implied in the reactive parenting book choice she chose to picture in her story and is trying to monetize off of).
Now with the most recent book post I provided screenshots of below funnily enough, this wasn't something she underlined but it is relevant to the black magic stuff I was talking about. In one of the screenshots from the post she made the other day from the book it says: "This shame is wrapped up with the morality of the sins and baked into our culture, invisible to our eyes. I believe envy is at the crux of woman-on-woman conflict, the unleashing that pulls us back from expression. It may seem unyielding but it's a spell we can break: we need to examine the instinct then unbuckle the col-..." and stops there. It's a spell we can break. Hmmm... funny page to post given the timing of my making these posts about her black magic. Of course this isn't the context from the book but I just found the timing to be rather funny and how she picked that page to take a photo of and post. As for what she sacrifices and whatnot, she lives a very comfy lifestyle and has nannies to help with the kids. Only thing she sacrifices is freedom due to having kids. See Gen, isn't the idea of having more kids just silly at this point? Sure it would be nice to have that kind of lifestyle (oh no ENVY on my part) but I do not see what else I would have to ENVY her about lol.
I remember one conversation I had with my grandmother years ago before she passed away when I was having some issues with my own mom. She talked to me some about how when she came to America from India after marrying my grandfather, she knew next to nothing about sewing, cooking, raising kids, etc. She had to learn real quick after she started having kids and said that my oldest aunt helped her with the rest of the kids (my mom is the youngest of 10 along with her twin sister, my aunt!). Now THIS is sacrifice to me on my grandmother's part and my aunts. She was trying to convey the point that parenting is hard and to try giving my mom some slack on things.
For a bit of some backstory, She grew up in India back when it was taken over by Great Britain and the British families were given Indian servants. Now, families like my grandmother's hid their Indian ancestry or didn't talk about it because of this lifestyle they were given. Point is, my grandmother lived a relatively comfortable lifestyle prior to coming to the USA and had to sacrifice her lifestyle in India to move to the USA with my grandfather and start a family. I'm aware Gen comes from a wealthy family and has a more parallel movement socially if not upward. I'm not sure what she sacrificed as it seems she enjoyed being pregnant and talks a lot about how her source of strength is in being a mother and such. Hmm...
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With Jared and Gen, true love soulmates/divine matches my ass, they definitely aren't. You don't need to be a psychic or have any intuitive gifts to see that if you look closely enough. I laugh when people say they clearly have a rock solid marriage because of you know enough about them, it starts to become clear as day that's not the case. Jared definitely is a very good man, even if he comes with a lot of baggage. I think even though he has many great qualities (very kind, affectionate, supportive, wealthy come on I had to lol, handsome), he also is flawed like anyone else. I think the mental health issues he has however serve as a deterrent for a lot of people. We also can't forget how he has in the past doxxed customer service people online and has said some rather mean stuff about others, which maybe why Charlie and such takes over his page at times.
I am curious about your comment regarding Jensen using Danneel in his agenda to take over the SPN brand. I will say a lot of people blame Danneel for how things with The Winchesters went down and for announcing it publicly when it was announced. They also blame her for starting off Prequelgate. The reality is, it was going to be announced at some point no matter what day they picked. Jensen should've talked to Jared about his plans from the get go and not later, but what do I know? It's debatable as to whether Jared really knew nothing about the show prior to it being announced or not, and also how much of this was Jensen or Danneel's fault. I personally think Jared should've talked to Jensen behind closed doors about it instead of taking it to Twitter but hey I guess he needed to rant, right? Can't blame him for feeling at least left out of this one but then again, I find it interesting Jared came up with the idea for Walker first before Jensen ever came up with the idea for The Winchesters. Jared already had a deal to do Walker before Jensen did for The Winchesters, let alone before Chaos Machine Productions ever came into existence. I say things do not add up publicly as to who is to blame here honestly but I think it boils down to bad communication on all parts. It's also up for debate about Jensen taking over the SPN brand as there's things he's done that suggest this is true. For example, getting the FBBC LLC registered and trademarked back in about 2014 or 2015 before they opened doors on 2018. Also doing The Winchesters could be another one but then again Jared had his Walker deal first and was hoping Jensen would play Cordell. I can't seem to find a source for this but some peeps told me Jensen told Jared he isn't interested because he didn't care for the script, but he did show up for a cameo and ended up directing an episode of Walker. Then there is the whole YANA versus AFK stuff that went on back in 2016 which was at the very least questionable.
I do love your sentiment Anon that even if they aren't soulmates you wish them well anyways as individuals (no sarcasm here, I promise). I can never condone the idea of parents staying together for the sake of the children. Happily married, yes unhappily no. If there are fundamental differences that are leading a married couple to be unhappy, it isn't gonna work. Kids do eventually figure out mom and dad aren't good together if they aren't. It always trickles down to the kids when parents aren't happily married. I think there are definitely worse people out there and far worse parents who do horrific things to their kids. However, I can't say Gen is a great parent but maybe a more average parent or so coming from an objective point of view.
Thank you for the wonderful thoughts and having this conversation with me Anon. And also thank you for taking the time to read my long response ha ha. I hope this post gives some more insights as well, even though we don't entirely agree on everything.
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Anon wrote: Hi, I’m an INFP dating an ISTP in a long-distance relationship. We’re both 21 and have been dating for about 3 years. But I have a problem with our relationship that I don’t know how to fix. We’re really attached to each other and spend as much time as possible together, although I am definitely the clingier one most of the time (he has his moments too).
I find myself getting really defensive and on guard whenever he acts more “neutral” to me or makes “logical” observations… I know it’s stupid, but I start taking everything offensively when he’s not overtly affectionate or lovey-dovey with me, which I know rationally isn’t proper, but in the moment I can’t help but get emotional over nothing, and I kind of feel myself being destructive but struggle to resolve it anyways. I’m surprised he tolerates me, I’m sure it’s incredibly annoying, and sometimes even his reassurance isn’t enough for me because it feels shallow or like he’s just saying what I want to say since he usually isn’t very elaborate about his feelings or moods.
I guess it kind of scares me that I can’t read him, even though he’ll say there’s nothing to read… I can’t help but assume he’s against me or doesn’t like me or something in the moment if he’s not flirty or affectionate, when he’s probably just being his normal self. I also get stupidly jealous when he hangs out with his friends, although he usually tells me he misses me when we can’t spend time together or talk and that he’d rather be with me.
I think it’s because compared to him I lack a social life… most of my friends aren’t close to me anymore and don’t really care about me in my opinion, so I rarely see them. All I do is go to college, and I don’t have any real friends there either, and I still live with my parents who can be toxic and overbearing. So I really only have him, and it’s just hard. But I don’t like the direction my mentality is going, and I don’t want to get worse, so I guess I’m asking for some advice or steps I can take to improve myself and feel more secure in my relationship.
The more dependent you are on something, the more you will fear losing it, which often leads to desperate or overbearing behavior. As a general rule, you shouldn't depend on only one person to fulfill all of your emotional needs. By doing this, you turn love into a burden for your romantic partner. While they may be willing to shoulder the burden, it isn't fair to them, and it sucks all the fun out of the relationship. How can dominant Fi be healthy and feel at peace when you're behaving in a way that is exploitative?
You've already pointed out a major aspect of the problem: you don't have any other social and emotional supports in your life. If you're in college, it means you're an adult, but you aren't properly nurturing adult independence. Independence doesn't mean you have to do everything alone, rather, it means you have to take the initiative to get the things you need and want in life. Independent people take matters into their own hands and don't waste time with waiting around, self-pity, or wishful thinking.
For example, you could put more effort into building yourself a social support network as well as engaging in activities outside of your romantic relationship. Many introverts struggle with this. You don't have to be the life of the party or a social butterfly to build a social support network. A small handful of carefully chosen friends should suffice. Join clubs or group activities. Observe some good friend candidates and take the initiative to strike up a relationship with them. If it works out, great. If it doesn't work out as expected, oh well, simply move on to the next person.
Remember that once you leave school and enter the workforce, it becomes much more difficult to make new friends. College is an ideal time to make friends because there's much more opportunity to meet like-minded people. Knowing more people in college can open more doors for you personally and professionally. Don't waste the opportunities right in front of you. This will require you to develop auxiliary Ne and entertain a wider range of possibility in your life (see the Type Development Guide). Ne development is also necessary for changing repetitive patterns of behavior, through choosing new and different paths for opening yourself up to the world.
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
I remember you saying you disliked ID and particularly how Leon was written. While I'm far less familiar with RE compared to you, I thought I'd ask for you to elaborate and go more in depth as to why you thought Leon specifically was poorly portrayed. I actually enjoyed ID and him. Was it a masterpiece? Well, no. It's a video game CGI film. I first came away thinking it was pretty bad, but I learned to enjoy it for what it was.
I found most characters pretty straight forward about who they are what they wanted to do. Claire needed a LOT more screentime, they fucked her up via laziness imo. Leon was fine. He was very cringe inducing (shudders on behalf of Shen May), but I thought it was a good insight to the chokehold that his duty has on him. How he struggles with making the most ethical choices, guilt and how it impacts his relationships with other people. Did ID do this particularly well? Not exactly, but I looked for it and found it.
I HARD agree that Death Island tops it all though. It had a solid story, a great villain, gave Jill a phenomenal comeback (cough, minus the sexist anti-aging bullshit that all RE women are forced to face), we saw Leon getting his shit wrecked (which I personally found funny as hell) and it was actually FUN to watch. It stuck out to me as a film that anybody, particularly those unfamiliar with the franchise, could easily follow and piece together, which other adaptations didn't do. To me, they only felt like "hey, fans who like these characters will GET it, others won't understand the appeal", but maybe I'm wrong.
Anyways, apologies for the novel length ask, I hope you're kind enough to indulge me, lol. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. (Apologies for grammar mistakes, girl I'm high as shit and just really, really enjoy talking bs with other fans, lmfao! I'm the Mr. X anon.)
I didn't say he was poorly portrayed in Infinite Darkness. I said his voice seemed inconsistent and, as a result, gave me the impression that he was going through wild mood swings at varying points of the show.
One scene that particularly comes to mind is towards the very beginning when Jason is trauma dumping on him, like... Leon is the one who initiates that conversation seemingly out of concern/empathy/genuine curiosity, and his tone starting out is one of like "hey lil buddy what's on ur mind we need to be able to work together on shit if we're gonna survive" and then like
out of nowhere, after Jason's story is over, Leon just like
for no reason? And starts shouting about how no one gives a shit about Raccoon City?
where the fuck did that come from and are you off your meds because you seem a little unbalanced like you might be off your meds
shit literally just comes out of nowhere, almost completely unprovoked, and I have no idea why.
So that's why my takeaway was: I don't feel like ID knew what they wanted Leon to actually be in terms of his placement in his character arc. Is he Mr. Supportive Man of Experience Who's Seen Some Shit? Or is he just full "fuck the police" angry mode? Because putting both not just in the same scene, but in the very same conversation, is just bad dialogue writing.
Like, Leon's character wasn't the problem. There was never a point where I was like "wow, that doesn't sound like him." It all sounded like him, but it sounded like him if you took his lines from the entirety of his character arc and just picked and chose at random which ones he was going to say.
It wasn't the character writing. It was the dialogue writing. Those are two different things. The character was fine. The dialogue was shit.
Infinite Darkness really could've used a first draft.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Hi, as you asked (in the tags) "Why do I feel like the show is kinda underrated"? Cause as you point out, the views and hastag trendings are not so great.
I have to say I didn't notice this but maybe, could it be because people don't understand the plot yet? and maybe because they aren't familiar with the actors (Sea and Jimmy)? Or they too familiar with the character of Wai (played by Jimmy) that they can't help but not be able to unsee him.
And lastly, could it be that the plot is way different of what its usually seen that people are not ready yet?
Nevertheless the show is great. Hopefully if it's not now, maybe with time people will see it and appreciate it.
yeah anon it's really a mystery to me lol.
I've been reading a bunch of comments on MDL and so many people are saying they're confused about the story; there are too many plotholes regarding the universe-switch and that they were expecting a more sci-fi kinda vibe, as opposed to a cute and fun one. Which has me confused because theyre complaining about a plot that’s not abstract enough but at the same time they’re complaining that the plot is too complicated?? Make it make sense. Like obviously ppl are allowed to dislike it lol but also we’re on episode 4. Give it some time. Also as someone who generally has trouble understanding more elaborate plots, I don’t find this confusing at all? Like to me everything makes sense so far. So idk. 
Also some ppl legit said they wanna see more ohmnanon which is just annoying as hell. It was nice seeing them and all the BBS stuff was fun but this is jimmysea's show and they're doing amazing so far and they deserve so much more attention than what they're getting right now.
Also I'd like to point out that when cupids last wish aired earlier this year, people ate it up with no questions whatsoever. I don’t wanna generalize it but from my perspective, the majority was enjoying it so what’s so different about vice versa? it’s literally the exact same concept (except for the universe switch). From the body swap to us seeing the people who are “inside”, as opposed to the vessels etc. - so like??? idk I’m gonna stop rambling now but I don’t get it. Hopefully it’ll gain some more attention in the future because if someone deserves it it’s them 🥺 
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parttimepuff · 1 year
What do you mean “if you were smarter” we love the bird brained bird man as he is
Pretty sure everyone around him does too
However yeah that problem isn’t gonna be solved easily either way//
"yeah no shit." Beep responded quietly, but with restrained force. Thought her father was kinda flattered, and maybe a little insulted, there was a far more pressing issue. "…u-um, do you know exactly, who it was in the photo?" Magolor spoke up with great hesitation, not sure if knowing would help much. "He wasn't that forthcoming about the details." Gremlin replied, shaking his head. "nothing at all?" His niece pressed.
"Just that he had a photo and he knew it was real. So, I'm not sure what all he does or doesn't know." Gremlin explained. "That's… I get why you didn't look so great when I left." Reverie expressed, wondering if he should have stuck around against his wishes. Seeing as they couldn't be sure who it was in the photo, Beep clung tightly onto the shred of hope it wasn't her. Just as tightly as she held the Lego in her hands.
"So, is he gonna have Leo follow you again? What happens now that he has a picture…" Beep asked. "He couldn't really pin me for anything. Was only calling 'cause anons told him I knew something." Gremlin elaborated, his mirror frowning. "Of course." He muttered under his breath. "And he thought maybe I could, 'track' Matters. Which I could truthfully say I couldn't do." The Dream Demon added, clearly uncomfortable mentioning it.
"Geez…" Magolor murmured, unable to verbalize what was going through his head any other way. Anons being involved in this made Beep feel even worse about the situation. But with everything laid out... "So just, stay the same? Hiding?" She questioned, looking drained. "Well, for now. Unless he pushes me a lot more, or finds something else. He's, gonna be paranoid." Gremlin figured. His brother shook his head, lamenting yet another complication. "…yeah. Do you, think he'll start looking more?" Reverie asked.
"I don't know. But I needed to make sure you all knew, so that we're ready if we need to be." Gremlin replied. He certainly hoped he'd gone about this the right way. "does this mean we can never go see him?" Beep whispered. She was practically curling in on herself, the weight of everything feeling like too much. "N-no, it's just, gonna take more caution." Her uncle assured her with what confidence he could muster.
His brother seemed less convinced, though he wished otherwise. "Move slower when he might be speeding ahead?" Reverie pointed out. Gremlin's expression fell. He had to at least share his idea. "…we… It might help, if you met him sooner. Proved you were trustworthy." He suggested. The Dream Fae's feathers bristled instantly at the thought alone.
They weren't really getting anywhere other than upset. Trying to calm everyone down, Magolor took over. "Guys, we shouldn't jump to anything. I'll just keep my ears open, ok? See how Deeds is doing and make sure not to push him." He planned, making sure he had their attention. And it did seem to help, Beep taking a deep breath. "y-yeah, thanks wiz…" She muttered. Much as she wanted to push forward, to prove she wasn't a force of evil, if the others weren't ready, she would wait.
Her friend could tell she wasn't having an easy time, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Of course, Beep. I get that this has set us all on edge, but we don't know if it actually means anything for us yet. So… we just need to, keep doing our best, yeah?" Magolor hoped. Calming down again, Reverie nodded. "y-yeah… Yeah, ok. Um, thanks for coming to tell us anyway, Grem." He said.
Gremlin paused. Maybe he had, entirely overrreacted and just made everyone feel worse. The guilt weighed on him, but he pushed it aside. "Oh, well… shouldn't keep it to myself." He responded. "yeah." Beep agreed, strained as she sounded. Pulling himself together, Reverie came over and patted Beep's back with a wing. "We'll get through it together." He assured her. "together…" She mumbled. As of today, she had more people to be together with. "…we will."
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heartman · 2 years
What are your favorite MCU movies?
Hey anon!! I think my faves are as follows:
1. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers my beloved, I am so in love with her it isn't even funny)
2. Werewolf By Night (because who doesn't love a good shlocky fifties style horror movie? A masterclass in classic horror which surprised me but I adored it)
3. Eternals (I can't gush about this movie enough. There's something about someone being so old and all knowing yet still struggling to find a place even amongst those who are like them and I adored everything this movie had to offer. I love the slower pacing and it was serene and almost sensual in a way and every about it makes me gush I will never shut up about it ever)
4. The Thor movies (always have a good time with these and while Love and Thunder felt a little lacking, every movie has been a good time, Thor never fails)
5. Ant Man 1 & 2 (I love how laid back they are and it's a good starting point because they're so self contained and I loved Ava Starr/Ghost)
6. Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness (Wanda being an iconic horror girl? We love to see it. Also Charlize Theron as Clea is exciting. I loved the creativity with the magic and the set pieces and Christine Palmer is *chef's kiss* perfection. America Chavez was a fun addition and I love Sam Raimi's flair on his movies)
7. Captain America The Winter Soldier (this movie OWNED MY ENTIRE ASS IN 2014 okay I was pretty convinced I was gonna become Sebastian Stan's best friend if we ever met but alas 17 year old me could only dream)
8. Shang Chi and the Legend Of The Ten Rings (the fight scenes! The whole sequence in the beginning where Shang Chi's mom and dad do that fight at the gates of Ta Lo was sexier than any sex scenes I've ever watched like it Did Things ™️ to me and I still haven't recovered)
9. 2012 Avengers (the one that started it all. I still get the same feeling I did that some great was happening with this movie and I love seeing where it all started compared to where they are now. It's a good time and yeah I have nothing more to say on it other than Natasha was fantastic and the fact that Thanos was in Loki's head even back then is mind boggling)
10. Infinity War (Avengers Endgame wants what this movie has and I will not elaborate)
11. Black Panther (a beautiful movie with a superb cast. The way Chadwick Boseman exudes class and charisma and charm through the entire film is stunning and the idea that even family can learn and grow as you learn and grow and try to be better is a wonderful message, I love this movie and Chadwick Boseman is gone too soon. Rest in peace, sir. I am very excited to see Namor in the sequel but it won't be the same without T'Challa, I just know it)
12. Black Widow (a wonderful sendoff for a character who deserves better. This movie came too little too late but it did introduce the wonderful Yelena Belova and Red Guardian. Natasha, I miss you and yeah. Natasha deserved better than the MCU gave her, especially considering she was one of the original six Avengers)
13. GOTG 1 (A great intro to a great team. Gamora has my heart alongside basically every other woman in the MCU and Bucky, and it really was just a fun romp through space after the MCU introduced a much darker tone with The Dark World. I am ecstatic for Adam Warlock's introduction in GOTG 3 and I do wish Dennis from Always Sunny was playing Starlord instead of crispy rat man. It also bugs me that Peter is confirmed to be half celestial in the MCU as of GOTG 2 and it is NEVER TOUCHED UPON AGAIN LIKE WTF FEIGE)
14. Basically the first three movies of the Fox X-Men series (so First Class, DoFP and Apocalypse)
15. LOGAN (made me cry shut up Caliban I miss you)
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threewaysdivided · 2 years
as a fellow painfully slow writer, i'd just like to say—i feel you; i understand you, and you are not alone atop the Word Glacier. stay strong, and if it comes down to it, don't be afraid to rant to the wallpaper! it can't exactly talk back, but i've found getting spoilers into even just the open air can help soothe the ache—either way, i wish you an untroubled pen.
(referring to this post)
Aww, thanks anon! And all the very best with your project as well 💜
I suppose this is the double-edged sword of the planner-writing style.
On one hand, having the story already planned out in depth is great! The path is already there so I don't have to stress about pantsing myself into a plot-hole I can't get out of. I can look ahead and remind myself of future things I love (and know that I've already done some of the prep-work for them when the time comes). I can move up and down the timeline to work on future scenes if I'm not feeling the immediate upcoming chapter (I've been playing around with some Conner stuff recently). And sometimes I can take a break from the storytelling altogether to play with thought-exercises and meta-analyses (hence those posts about The Light and Martian Prejudice). NGL I would love for Deathly Weapons to get a TVTropes page once it's a little further along, so I can see what other people are making of the meta-side. It's fun to be able to plant foreshadowing when I know what it's pointing to - both a little secret for me to enjoy now, and a treat for other people to find later.
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But on the other... they say "write for yourself", and in some ways for me this story has already been written. I'm still relishing the details and having fun tinkering around adding new flourishes, little elaborations and rediscovering things in my upcoming notes, but most of those big emotions and moments of discovery are experiences I've already had in planning. It's not in prose, but most of the substance is already there for me - if someone asked me to make a Deathly Weapons wiki, I could probably do that and do it faster than actually putting chapters out. You can probably tell that I usually engage with fandom via meta and reading more than writing. I’m proud of what I've made and I want to get it written up and posted, but the experience of discovering what that story is is definitely something I'm creating to share with others.   DW started out as the fanfic I wanted to find but couldn't, and as the one writing it I can never experience what that blind-read would have been like - it's why I love it when commenters/ reviewers stop by and give me a glimpse of their experiences with it.
(Also, let it not go unsaid: I massively overcommitted with this one. Deathly Weapons has 11 planned missions alongside intervening character chapters. I think YJS1 captured lightning in a bottle and I wanted to reflect some of that in Arc II, but amidst the throes of creativity I kind of jumped in feet-first and ended up setting myself the task of solo-writing a half-season as my first major fanfic project. Whoops.)
Besides that, I think fandom is a very community experience. I got into writing fic through reading it and finding fanart (which I think is the same for a lot of people). I don't really like the word "engagement" these days because of how overused and corporatized it's become but there is something to be said for reciprocity - being part of that shared community and creative energy. It's kind of like mutual gift-giving but the main gift is time.
Being a slow creator is kind of hard in that space because fandom is so ephemeral. There are some series which have unusual staying power (A:TLA and B:TAS are considered classics for good reason and Danny Phantom is infamous as the fandom-which-does-not-die) but most of them will ebb and flow, and age out and sometimes haemorrhage when canon backflips off a cliff over every shark in existence and fanworks are kind of at the whims of that. It's the price we pay for piggybacking off someone else's work and audience. I thought I was safe, I thought I had picked two series which were finished or at least over but nooooo...
It's one of the reasons I'm incredibly grateful to have found some discord friends who were willing to let me share major DW spoilers with them, as well as to @cryxdraws and @doodly-doop for making and sharing their lovely DW art pieces. Not only was it really generous for them to give me their time like that, it's been amazing to know that there are people out there for who this little hobby project means something, and who also think it's worth seeing through to the end.
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So, until then...
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photogirl894 · 1 month
11 and 17 for Kimber!
Also entirely separate thing, but I hope when the whole “Fall of Kamino” arc happens and Crosshair reveals that he had his chip removed a long time ago — and then he has the audacity to ask “does it matter?” When Hunter asks when he got it removed — Kimber throws up her hands and just screams “YES!!! THE HELL DO YOU MEAN ‘DOES IT MATTER”?!” Because that was me. That was me at that moment and to this day I’m STILL so confused about it. Like. What??? Crosshair it makes a BIG difference in terms of when you got your chipped removed. Bro. Dude. My man. You tried to kill your brothers multiple times. Then you say “I had my chip removed a long time ago,” refuse to elaborate when, and then are so hurt when they train guns on you whenever you hold a gun and don’t trust you. Crosshair, your a great character and I love you, but Hell frozen on a popsicle stick. You can’t just try to kill your brothers (multiple times), try to kill your sister (who was a kid at the time, and again, multiple times), follow the empire when they’re doing some of the most unethical stuff you saw separatists doing, disabuse your family of the belief that it was mind control that was making you do this, refuse to elaborate when the mind control wasn’t a thing, leave them wondering how many times you DID have the chip removed and still tried to kill them, and expect them to be like “aite, sounds good homie. Let’s go join the living and political embodiment of ‘these hoes ain’t loyal’ and help it kill a bunch of innocents and ruin lives, because screw finding our own purpose and doing what we want. Which is like — what being a Bad Batcher is about — but we can always rebrand. Also let’s ditch the literal child that we’ve been raising as our family too. Yep. Sounds sane and normal to us.”
I apologize for that tangent. TLDR; I hope Kimber goes off on Crosshair a bit after the whole “I had my chip removed a long time ago” thing because in my honest, humble opinion: someone should have. Bro was making no sense and then felt betrayed when his squad felt betrayed, hurt, and confused. Not to say Crosshair hasn’t suffered or anything, but he just didn’t seem to consider his family’s point of view.
Okay, for real, my dear anon...this isn't really a huge spoiler, honestly, but OHMYGOSH, I LITERALLY HAVE SOMETHING JUST LIKE THAT ALREADY PLANNED!!! 😆 Hell, I'm pretty sure I have the dialogue already written and I've had it for probably over a year or so now. Cuz I feel the same, I remember being with Hunter in that scene and just thinking, "YES!! OF COURSE IT MATTERS, YOU ASSHOLE!!" And yeah, with how her relationship is with Crosshair (and how strained it definitely will be by that point), yeah, Kimber is definitely gonna be going off on him about that whole thing. You can be sure of that!!
Now, to the questions:
11) What was your inspiration for your OC?
You know, Kimber just started off as a random OC idea I came up with for, like, a one shot-type of fic I thought of that was way different. I'd thought of Hunter being stranded somewhere after a mission or something and he's injured and his squad is trying to find him. However, he's found by a random woman, Kimber, who takes him in and nurses him back to health. He spends a while with her and, over time, falls in love with her and wishes he could stay and have a normal life with her. Eventually, the Bad Batch find him, he leaves but promises to return to her one day.
I don't know how exactly that idea changed into what I've done with Sun and Rain, but I think it was for the better. Kimber became a much more complex, dynamic and all-around fun OC with the direction I've taken her and I definitely think she's grown so much. And she'll continue to grow even more as the story goes on through the rest of the show 😊
17) If your OC has kids, are they a good parent? Do they ever feel guilty if they have to leave them?
I've been thinking about that a lot since the show's finale...(I won't say anything in case of spoilers, even though it's been a week by this point), but I think Kimber would certainly be a wonderful mother. She had a bit of experience with kids back on Tatooine growing up and then helping take care of Omega will prepare her for raising kids, as well. Her and Hunter would be amazing parents, no doubt! Like any mother, I think she would definitely feel guilty having to leave them for any reason.
Thanks for the ask, anon!! 💜
Secret OC Ask List
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cetaceans-pls · 6 months
Apologies if this is a repeat but I didn't trust tumblr not having eaten this ask before so: there's this image that's been living rent-free in my head and considering your 'DG quits the pigs cinematic universe' I think you'll find it just as funny. First some context. I don't know if you are aware but a while ago there was this girl who did a ticktock or smth about her not thinking djs had a ral job and then a dj did a remix of that that became a total hit while displayed the ticktock used to the crowd enjoying the remix. Soon after finding out that ilarious bit of pettiness I saw this tumblr fanart of Jay in full RH going into one of his rant at Bats abt how he only kills those who deserve it, only for Bats to cut in with "what are you a cop?" and Jay to look appropiately horrified as a result. And somehow those two things mixed in my brain until I realized he could have horrified more people as Brucie. Let me elaborate:
So Brucie is at a Gala and somehow Bullock and still-a-cop Dick are there too but the Gala does as Galas in Gotham do and get crashed by the ambitious bad guy of the hour so RH has to go fetch. During clean-up Jay makes the mistake of trying o engage Brucie in a talk about the morality of murder when Bullock and still-a-cop Dick are in hearing distance so -in full Brucie mode- he just says "what are you a cop?" literally all three other men are mortally offended and horrified. Bullock launches into a thin-blue-line speech that has both of Bruce's kids feeling VERY uncomfortable. At one point he realizes he's being recorded by Wayne, but when he asks about it Bruce just says "negative reiforcement" and encourages him to keep going. And yes that does end up in Bruce playing that recording whenever he's too tired to have That Talk with Jay again but unfortuantely for both his kids Brucie is sucha meme for all of Gotham that it could never have ended there.
As it turns out rich people's galas are filled with rich people's ridiculously expensive camera phones and rich people have friends in the artistic scene who know gold when they've struck it. Soon, "what are you a cop?" becomes a N1 hit; containing bastardized samples of Bullock's impassioned speach, Brucie's butal yet seemingly unintentional BURN, and a RH and Officer Grayson who seem to be wishing to be yeeted from their mortal coils. A ridiculously large number of people are now using it as their ringtones for either Jay or Dick and Bruce is just marveling that something so beautiful could have happenned in his life without him having moved a finger to achieve it.
Have a great day! 8D
hey anon! tumblr's been hardcore swallowing messages, it seems like, so thanks for repeating yourself :')
i'm not aware of the tiktok of the girl dissing a dj and then getting remixed to hell and back, but i am very much team #ACAB and i think it's very very funny to have bruce use that as a club when jason acts a little uppity!! it's also much much funnier for the killing blow to happen while bruce is in brucie mode, and dick and bullock catching strays just makes it a 11/10 scenario, no notes, oh my god.
the clip going viral and 'what are u a cop' being used as an insult (gotham man has his card swallowed by an atm machine and snarls what is UP with this cop behaviour) is the reality we deserve.... i didn't think much about the catalyst for dick of dick grayson quits being a cop cinematic universe fame, but your scenario is JUST that right mix of traumatising and so so so funny that i See it.
like jason i reckon not all murder is bad, but also i love the concept of bruce's greatest most positive impact on his kids is becoming an insidious voice inside their head (and on their phones) asking 'is this reasonably or are you being a cop about this?' i will henceforth ponder more scenarios where brucie metaphorically massacres ppl with his mouth.... gosh anon i've really been underestimating how much power my guy holds....
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skeppsbrott · 1 year
Unfortunately the post you reblogged about the perception of autism as something only cool people have was written by a terf. (I agreed with the post so I checked out op’s blog, got bad vibes, searched “trans” and found ugly stuff real fast)
Hi there anon!
So I've been waffling back and forth about how to reply to this but here is (sort of) where I have ended up:
Terfery is bogus. I don't need to elaborate on this. Terfery was embarrassing, destructive, self-cannibalising and reactionary when I first encountered it in like, 2012. In 2023, amidst a quite frankly astounding and terrifying backlash, even moreso. Socially isolating terfs from fellow feminists, activists, and (possibly) queers is a legitimate tactic of activism and I think it is a quite effective one. You treat our siblings, friends and allies like that while calling yourself a feminist? Go take a long walk off a short pier, mate.
And yet...
I do not really want to recieve messages like this.
I understand the impulse and I think the fact that you go out of your way to send me this underlines something important - we have a culture on this corner of the Tumblr that terfs ain't got no friends. It is not controversial to be like "yo fuck feminists that oppose trans liberation and have a gender-essentialist worldview" and that's unequivocally a good thing. I am glad that you trust my politics enough to send me this. I am glad that my politics shine through enough that I would obviously support your anonymous suggestion (except it is not a suggestion, you just gave me this information to, idk, fill out a bingo card and draw my own conclusions with, but nonetheless).
And yet, I do not really want to recieve messages like this.
I gave up social media activism many years ago. It made me miserable. It made me miserable to be around. It made my spaces of respit miserable and it meant I was always fucking on and I am not saying I am a great activist now but at some point you realize you'll just burn yourself out on that shit when instead you could like, idk, talk kindly to young queers who haven't worked out their internalised shit yet and help people come out of their freshly cracked eggs and support your older queer friends in their quests for parenthood in this wretched world. Make sure that anyone in your social circle knows that if they fuck around with gender essentialism they'll find out real soon but not because you make a big deal out of hating terfs but because you are loud and proud about having declared the old ways of doing gender over and done with. Hopefully?
I don't know. If you are my friend or you've followed me for a long time or we're mutuals or whatever and you see me behave in a way that makes you feel unsafe on my blog I think it is fair to reach out. "Hey, Skeppsbrott, this person you reblog a lot of art from is a quite vocal terf on their main blog and I really wish you wouldn't". "Hey, Skeppsbrott, I think you are being way too charitable to the debate happening on that post you just reblogged. This is my read, I hope you'll reconsider."
That seems actionable to me. Like yeah I probably should pay attention to the politics of people who very often end up in my reblog chains! I definitely should pay attention to the changing rethoric used by gender essentialists! I do not, however, want to spend energy wondering whether every post I reblog might possibly be made by a terf and feel guilty if I perhaps missed one. I also struggle with the anon ask as something that demands a response but which also demands it publicly. Would you have noticed if I removed the post but never replied to your ask? Would you get suspicious if I never DID reply to your ask? I guess part of why making it an anon ask is that the act of condemning terfery in an ask is more potent than removing a jokey and a little mean but nonetheless fair post about autism that got like three hundered notes. No one really suffers from that post, that's kind of the conundrum here. Either way, I am not here to scorch the earth, but then again -
"Hey, Skeppsbrott, this person you reblogged a post from is trying to become a tumblr funnyman so that they can infiltrate more people with transphobic propaganda"? Yeah. I guess that is not so different from what I commented above.
Perhaps at the end of the day I am just really, very, terribly equipped for social isolation tactics. I just can't really bring myself to do it. Call it trauma or poor constitution or whatever. It just brings me this great, deep sadness, where I look at who I was and can't help but wonder what I would have gotten lost in if there hadn't been people who looked me sternly in the eye and said "that's fucked up. Get out now before I too grow to hate you".
Or maybe I am just a coward. That is entirely possible as well. Even quite likely.
Thank you, anon, genuinely. I appreciate it. But maybe next time, don't?
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anothanobody · 1 year
You don’t have to answer this, I think it's better to keep this between us. This has brought enough grief for us both. I really want to thank you with all my heart for the heartwarming answer you gave my last asks about Nunkasa. But I don’t want you to feel sorry about this mess and thank you for your kindly reassurance but (I hope I don’t sound like a bitch now) I wasn’t saying I was sorry for what happened, I don’t feel guilty. Nunkasa’s mess was made by other people asking a lot at the same time and a lack of plotline. Maybe because I never proposed any plot, I was just seeking some smut, like the other recent aus we were talking about back then. But I do think people went too far off with Nunkasa and the plot developed is not palatable to me, and quite honestly I think it is unsolvable.
The only reason I wrote those two asks was because earlier today you said you wanted the original Nunkasa anon to come back and help develop it. And I answered you, I can’t help, at this point I don’t even want to because it became a Pandora box I don’t want to get near to. I do hope you cross this storm and reshape Nunkasa into something you and the other anons can enjoy without guilt or stress. To me it’s over. It doesn’t change the fact I love interacting with you here, and reading your fics and still think of you as a great writer 💖💖 To me this discussion is over, I just wished to enlighten you where I could. I will finish by wishing you all the best, and see you soon 💖💖
aww thank you anon but no offense who i meant for og anon was the one about the purge au and the one that was sending the elaborate plot, like i said i thought this ask originated from purge au not your ask. you don’t sound like a bitch, don’t worry, just a bit self centered tho and condescending. and i deeply apologize for saying it. any au that is shared with little to no plot will face this shit when there are no parameters, some more than others, and here a lot of anons were creating their own versions. nothing bad about that. i like that, everyone was being creative even when not gifted about writing particularly. angst is difficult as well so i was kind of happy and proud at all anons that were involved in it or tried. exactly because we were all making smut in all aus that i wanted something with actual feelings so i asked for angst. it’s not anons fault. they didn’t make the mess. it was me. i assume responsibility for the mess. i did when trying to mesh everything together. while everyone was being different. i’m sorry if you do not longer want to participate in it, i understand tho i was stressed out first hand. thank you for your sweet words tho, for reading any of my works. and for being in this blog at all. i appreciate you. see you soon too :)))
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animeomegas · 3 years
Imagine that Sasuke is having problems with his 'future alpha', he doesn't understand some dating methods and ends up 'reluctantly' going to ask Itachi's alpha.He just blushed saying 'I can't believe I'm doing this but I need some advice'.Itachi's alpha comes home late looking happy and Itachi holding his dog asking where he's been.
Anon: I think Sasuke would only start liking Itachi's alpha after they help him stand up to a bigger, stronger, more trained betas and/or Alphas. Because I don't see him as someone who might ask for help from anyone, and his brother's alpha somehow saw them bully him and push him around, so they tell him how to one up those annoying people. (Maybe buy him ice cream or something after). This young Sasuke vs Itachi's alpha thing should be a show, because I'd sell everything I own to watch it.
(Anon 1: This is a big brain idea, anon, thank you for your service 🤭 I changed it a little, how that's okay!)
(Anon 2: I think you're absolutely right that Itachi's alpha does something big for Sasuke when he's at a low point, and it ends up changing their relationship for the better in a lot of ways. I decided not to go with bullying though, because Sasuke seemed to fit this scenario moreso. Also, ahhh, I'm so happy you're liking this mini series!!!!! I'm having so much fun writing it and it fills me with joy that other people are enjoying it just as much!!!)
Okay, so, Sasuke has never been the most intuitive when it comes to emotions. And he’s also never been great at acknowledging or learning about culture surround a/b/o dynamics because he’s always been adamant that he doesn’t care for it or need it.
But now Sasuke is starting to think that may have been a mistake. Because things are going wrong with this whole courting situation (that Sasuke still can’t believe is happening to him.)
Things were fine! But now the alpha courting him is getting colder and not wanting to train as much, and Sasuke doesn’t know what’s changed! He’s angry and upset about it.
He’s been brooding for about a week about the whole situation, but now he’s decided to ask someone for advice.
His friends are useless. His mother just laughed and told him it would work out if it was supposed to. Shisui is on a mission. He’d rather die than ask Kakashi sensei. So, unfortunately, he had to ask his brother, even though he was sure to get some embarrassing and invasive questioning from him. The sadist.
So, he goes to see his brother.
Who isn’t there.
His brother’s alpha tells him that Itachi is out with their pup all day running errands and taking him for his bi yearly check-ups. But Sasuke needs to know what’s going wrong and how to fix this now! He doesn't have time to wait for Itachi to be done with his stupid errands!
His brother’s alpha notices how tense he is and asks if he would like to stay for some tea, and Sasuke accepts before he thinks about what he's doing. Their relationship is much better nowadays but Sasuke can’t help but feel a little awkward around them still.
“Here,” they say, sliding two teacups onto the table. “You like green tea, right? It’s the only type we have in, you know what Itachi’s like with tea.”
“Green tea is fine,” Sasuke says politely if a little stiff.
His brother’s alpha sits down at the other side of the couch with their own tea, and the two sit in silence for a bit, each sipping their own tea
“Sasuke,” they say, shooting him a concerned look. “If you need me to go and get Itachi, I can. You don’t look well, he’ll come back in an instant if you ask him to.”
“No,” Sasuke answers quickly. “It’s fine… I…”
Here goes nothing.
“I’m just having a bit of trouble at the moments, is all, and…”
Itachi’s alpha nods, obviously listening intently with a look of concern on his face that is making this both harder and easier for Sasuke at the same time.
“Go on, Sasuke, I’m listening.”
“I’m sure Itachi told you about my… my er situation,” Sasuke starts, wishing he could punch himself in the face for phrasing it like that.
“That someone’s courting you?” they ask gently.
Sasuke only nods, face burning. He can’t count the number of times he’s told Itachi’s alpha to their face that he’d rather die than enter a courtship. This is so awkward, why is he doing this?
“Did they do something to make you uncomfortable, Sasuke?” they ask immediately after seeing his hesitance. “Because if they did, we can sort it out together okay? It’s not your fault.”
“No!” Sasuke immediately protests far louder than he intended too. “They didn’t… They didn’t do anything, I just… I think I did something wrong…”
Sasuke pretends to drink his tea to avoid having to elaborate any more, despite the fact that it’s still too hot.
“What did you do that was wrong?” they ask, voice still quiet and soothing and Sasuke hates how comforting he finds it. Like it or not, his instincts had branded Itachi’s alpha as ‘safe’ many years ago.
“I don’t know,” Sasuke admits, fiddling with the rim of his cup. “They seemed sad one day and I just thought they had a bad day or something, but now they’re… cold.”
“They aren’t behaving how they were behaving before?”
Sasuke shakes his head.
“Is it possible they have an issue at home or with some of their friends? It might be something in their personal life that's upsetting them.”
Sasuke shakes his head again.
“They seem fine when they’re with everyone else…” he admits. “It’s just me.”
Sasuke forces back the burn of tears he can feel behind his eyes. He will not cry. He won’t do it.
His brother’s alpha hums sadly.
“And you want to figure out what happened?” Sasuke nods. “Okay, why don’t you walk me through what happened on the days leading up to the mood change.”
And so Sasuke does.
He tells them all about how they would meet for training every day and Sasuke would bring two bento boxes for lunch, and then they would sometimes go shopping or go out to eat. Things he hasn’t told anyone about yet. And as he's talking, he really can't see what the problem is, everything seems fine! But maybe Itachi’s alpha might know some alpha thing that he doesn't. Sasuke can easily admit that it’s not his forte.
“I see,” Itachi’s alpha says after Sasuke had finished his story. Sasuke’s tea sits cold on the table next to his brother’s mate’s empty cup. “I think I know what happened.”
Sasuke looks up immediately. No way they’ve already figured it out that easily!
“They thought you were rejecting them,” Itachi’s alpha says simply.
“Wha- But…we spent everyday together! How could that be a rejection?!”
“When an alpha is courting an omega,” they start to explain. “They’re trying as hard as they can to prove to that omega that they can be a good mate.”
“I know that,” Sasuke snaps.
“Listen to me for a second, Sasuke," they softly reprimand. "So, when an alpha, particularly a younger one, is courting an omega, they are very sensitive to rejection, they look for it everywhere.”
“Why?” Sasuke asks, dumbfounded.
“Well, when I was courting your brother, we weren’t that much older than you are now, and I remember thinking that he was the most perfect person in the whole world,” their eyes take on a faraway look as they reminisce. “I was so sure that he must have had hundreds of alphas clawing for his attention every day, and so I was desperate to prove to him that I could be a good mate.
“With every gift, on every date, I would watch his reaction to everything, overanalysing every laugh and smile and frown. I loved him so much, but I couldn’t help but think that he would reject me at any moment. He was too good for me, and I knew that. It always felt like he was humouring me, especially at first.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Yeah,” they laugh, unoffended by Sasuke’s harsh tone. “Looking back, I guess it was, but what I’m trying to tell you, is that I can see how some of your actions could have been taken as rejection by a young alpha who was expecting to be rejected.”
“But…” Sasuke says, looking lost. “I didn’t want to reject them, I don’t understand.”
“Here,” they continue patiently. “Let me explain it to you like this. When you went out to eat, you paid for yourself even though they offered, right? Because you didn't want to burden them?"
“Yeah,” Sasuke trails off, unsure what that has to do with anything.
“But to a young, hormonal alpha, you’re basically telling them that you don’t trust them to provide for you, the one thing they are trying most to convince you."
“But I wasn’t-“ Sasuke protests.
“I know you weren’t,” they reassure him. “But that’s the sort of thing that will run through an alpha’s head at that age when courting. Also, you told them you wanted to train with them because you thought they were strong because you wanted to compliment them, right?”
Sasuke blushes but nods.
“And that’s great to start with, but eventually they would probably start to wonder why you wouldn’t want to train just to spend time with them. And you also told them that you had plenty of leftovers to make their lunch with so that they wouldn’t feel like they were burdening you, right? But that just made them feel like you weren’t going out of your way to do something special for them, even though you were. Do you see what I mean now?”
Sasuke blinks, rapidly trying to wrap his head around all this new information.
“And I also have a guess as to what pushed them over the edge into thinking you were rejecting them.”
“What is it?” Sasuke demands. “Tell me.”
“Did they make that scarf for you by hand, Sasuke?”
“Yes,” says Sasuke hesitantly.
“And they scented it?”
Sasuke nods affirmative.
“Did you give anything back?”
“I… Just said thank you… is that not right?”
Itachi’s alpha shakes their head with a patient smile.
“A handmade and scented gift is the most important and meaningful courting gift that there is, Sasuke,” they explain. “It’s what you give to someone to ask them if they want to move from courting to something more serious, to intended mates.”
Sasuke blushes and feels some panic rising in his chest.
“I didn’t know!” he blurts, feeling the need to explain himself.
“I know,” they rush to reassure him. “But the etiquette dictates that the omega, if they wish to move onto that stage, gives the alpha a handmade and scented gift in return, no later than a week after the original gift was given. They must have been very nervous waiting for you, and very upset when you didn’t even let them down softly.”
“It’s been two weeks,” Sasuke whispers, mortified that he had missed something he should have known. This makes so much sense. The sudden depression, the awkwardness at training, the nerves after they had given him the scarf. He’s such an idiot. Against his will, Sasuke starts to feel tears burning at his eyes again. He messed everything up!
“Oh, Sasuke,” they say, scooting closer to him. They hesitantly lay a hand on his leg, and Sasuke makes no move to push them off. “It’s alright, you can fix it.”
“How?” he sniffs, furiously wiping away any tears that manage to escape. “They probably hate me now.”
“Come here,” they say, pulling him into a hug. And for the first time ever, Sasuke accepts a hug from his brother’s alpha.
“It’s alright,” they soothe. “We can fix this, I’ll help you.”
“What can I do?” he questions, feeling miserable.
“You need to make them something and scent it. Then you can explain what happened afterwards, but the gift should go a long way in smoothing over any ruffled feathers. I can help you make something, what do you want to make?”
Sasuke shrugs, still resting his head on his brother’s alpha’s shoulder.
“How about some cupcakes? Itachi and I were planning on doing some baking with the pup tomorrow, so I have all the supplies. And I’m sure we have some ribbon lying around, you can scent the ribbon and use it to tie up the box, how does that sound?”
“But what will you use tomorrow?” Sasuke asks, feeling a little better, but still red in the face.
“I can buy more, Sasuke, don’t worry, but this is a courting emergency, so we have to do it now, okay?”
Itachi comes back from his errands just in time to watch his mate helping his little brother tie a ribbon around a box of cupcakes. The kitchen is covered in baking supplies and empty bowls of batter.
Did they bake cupcakes together?
Itachi can’t believe it. He had been trying to get them to get along better for years.
When Sasuke sees him standing in the door, he blushes and, holding the box of cupcakes to his chest, pushes past him and out the door with a quick nothing more than a quick and murmured greeting.
His pup wiggles in his arms and demands to be put down. He obliges and they immediately run to his alpha for a hug.
“Hey there, buddy, have a good day?”
“It was boring,” they complain. “And the mednin had cold fingers.”
Itachi’s alpha laughs.
“Well, I know something that might make you feel better,” they tease.
“What?! What?!”
“Uncle Sasuke made you something very special,” they say, bringing down a spare cupcake from on top of the counter, iced in his pup's favourite colour. The way his pup’s eyes widen at the sight of it, makes Itachi smile. “You can have it after dinner, okay, and next time we see uncle Sasuke we have to remember to say thank you.”
Itachi watches in amusement as his pup nods furiously and immediately runs off to go wash up for dinner, despite the fact that Itachi hasn’t even started cooking it yet.
“Did you and Sasuke bake together?” Itachi asks, still unbelieving of what he had seen.
You smile, understanding how crazy that must have been for Itachi to walk in on.
“Yes, we… had a little bonding session,” they say. “I’ll tell you about it later, I promise.”
Itachi accepts the answer despite his curiosity and joins his alpha is cleaning the kitchen so that he can start cooking dinner.
And if both of them were smiling too much, well, neither of them brought it up.
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volterran-wine · 3 years
The most precious of things || Caius (HC)
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"And in the middle of my chaos, there was you" ― Unknown
Requested by Anonymous: "Hello! What do you think about writing some protective Caius headcannons, please? It'd be great! I love your writing and I wonder what'll come up with our favorite angry vampire! ^^ thank you for your time!!!"
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Oh dear Anon, I can write about Caius in my sleep. I will gladly elaborate on how our dear king would protect what he considers most precious. Thank you so much for your compliments, every time I get feedback on my writing my soul soars. I hope the headcanons are to your liking!
!Warnings! Non explicit mentions of violence.
𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰.
I have already written a lot about how Caius is an exceptionally protective man. He is willing to throw himself in front of anyone that is considered precious to him. That goes for both his family, lovers and some coven members. A lot of his behaviour stems from the werewolf attack he almost didn’t survive 2000 thousand years ago. If the coven finds themselves in a perilous situation, Caius will be at the forefront and will gladly perish in order to let his loved ones live. In his eyes, it would be an honourable way to go.
This kind of behaviour has been a topic of discussion multiple times between him and his brothers. Marcus nor Aro wish to see their brother meet his end in such a manner. Caius is stubborn however, and will do as he pleases.
Vampires feel emotions at an entirely different level than humans do. When Caius falls in love, he falls hard. He had heard much talk about soulmates, and how it was a connection truly unique to vampires. He had brushed it off with snide comments, no trivial relationship could ever make him bow to his baser nature. So when that faithful meeting did occur, he wasn't quite sure what to do. Courtship might be slow in the beginning, as Caius works through his feelings. The pull in his chest was near painful when he finally gives in. He would finally go to their quarters, expression unreadable as he took in their form. Resolve starting to form and solidify. Another precious thing he would swear to protect.
In the scenario that Caius finds a potential mate in a human he would be quite flabbergasted, but most of all terrified. Humans are so fragile, lives so easy to snuff out. Having killed thousands of human himself at this point he knows it too well. His anxious thinking would get to him at some point, making it exceptionally clear to his mate that he wanted them changed, now. Perhaps he would be willing to give them some leeway, but even then he would watch over them with a hawkish demeanour. And if he was unable to keep an eye of them, two of his most trusted guards would be on his mate the entire time. They will be sleeping in his chambers, close to him; no questions asked. Caius has a lot of enemies, and while Volterra is the safest place to be; he never fully lets his guard down. If anyone dared take them away from him prematurely, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.
In the scenario that Caius finds a potential mate in a vampire he will be quite more at ease. Yes, he still has many enemies and people who wish nothing but ill will upon him; but they were like him. He could personally teach them how to protect themselves, making sure that if anyone did get to them his mate would come out on top. If they had an offensive gift that kept them out of trouble, even better. He was feared for his battle prowess and strategic mind, his mate would instil the same fear into vampires if it was the last thing he did.
While in an established relationship, a priority for Caius is that his mate feels safe with him. He has a nasty reputation, and he does not want the slanderous voices of others to colour the way his mates sees him. Yes, he is a sadistic man that would gladly tear those who breaks the law and hurts his family limb from limb; but that is not all that he is. He is also wants to be that safe place his mate seeks out, where they can be themselves. The king is the steady rock that will bring his mates hand into his own, hidden beneath cloaks as he grasps it tightly; thumb smoothing over the back of their hand. No matter how much blood had soaked those hands, they were also the gentlest thing his mate would ever feel.
His mate would be the calming grace in the middle of the chaos that is his life. And he would do the uttermost to ensure their happiness.
𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧.
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