#you guys need to know my lore to understand so i was married to a man 10 yrs older for 4 yrs
milkstoner · 10 months
you guyssssss… i have been surviving. here is my candlelit desk
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7 notes · View notes
tremendum · 16 days
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Me and the Devil; iv
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(not my gif)
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previous next series masterlist
word count: 9.5k i think
summary:  "We've always known what the Harkonnens are. And yet, they sent me, happily, to marry the devil. To become one."
warnings: canon-typical violence, blood, incorrect lore probably, brief allusion to blood kink (blink and you miss it), reader has some mommy issues and also some daddy issues, reader is also a bit of a diva buttttt thats ok shes grieving, height difference mention (Paul is taller than reader).
notes: back with chapter four! Thanks so much again you guys for all of the feedback, it's so so appreciated. I'm happy you're liking it!! this is very unedited. lmk what you think :)
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My Dear Niece,
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits, despite the trying times you have endured. It has been far too long since we last spoke, and I have often found myself thinking of you and wondering how you are faring - but I am hopeful that Caladan will be more forgiving with message deliveries.
First and foremost, allow me to offer my condolences. I cannot begin to imagine the pain and sorrow you must have experienced in the wake of the tragedy that befell your family at the hands of those beasts. To have been thrust into the midst of such turmoil and danger, surrounded by those who brought about such devastation, must have been unimaginably difficult.
I write to you also with a sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your recent betrothal to Paul Atreides. While I understand that this union may have come as a surprise, I have every confidence that you will make a splendid bride and wife. Duke Leto is a noble and honorable man, and I have no doubt that his son is the very same. I know that he will cherish and protect you with all his heart.
Please know that you are not alone in your sorrow, my dear niece. Though distance may separate us, if ever you feel the need for comfort or companionship, know that our home is always open to you. You are welcome to visit whenever you please, and I would be honored to meet your new husband and welcome him into our family.
In the meantime, I hope this message finds you well and brings some small measure of comfort to your troubled heart. You are a strong and resilient woman, my dear, and I have every confidence that you will emerge from this darkness stronger than ever before.
With all my love and affection,
Lady Ginaz
- Message sent to Lady Bourbon from the Lady Ginaz. 10191. Caladan.
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For the second time in his life, Paul is roused by his mother in the dead of the night.
When she insists he follow her, she wears a similarly grave face to the first time - spooked, uneasy. He was not given the grace to even find shoes this time before she grasped his bicep, pulling him along to her own quarters and through a hallway lit only by the full moon outside; Too tired to protest and still yawning at the curling tendrils of slumber, he drags his bare feet along the stone floor. Still blinking sleep from his eyes, a sense of dread fills him when he crosses into the dimly lit chamber at the end of the hall; an ornate chair placed in the center, and on sitting atop it is the imposing figure of the Reverend Mother.
Paul's heart clenches; his eyes are alert immediately.
Their previous encounter; searing pain, the Gom Jabbar - a test of his humanity. He struggles to conceal the rage that simmers beneath the surface, a bitter reminder of what he'd endured - and for no reason.
He should never have told his mother about the dreams.
Already knowing, but needing the affirmation, he clenches his jaw. "What's this?" He turns to ask his mother, whose stare is icy and less fearful than it was those years before. She doesn't respond, only nudges him forward, towards the woman in the center of the room.
As the Reverend Mother's piercing gaze meets his own, Paul squares his shoulders, steeling himself for what is to come; He'll have to tread carefully, lest he betray the depth of his emotions - or the truth about his dreams.
The Reverend Mother speaks, her voice a low, commanding tone that fills the room. "Tell me of your dreams, Paul Atreides," her eyes bore into his own. Paul hesitates for a moment, glaring to his mother- Lady Jessica nods subtly, her expression urging him to speak the truth; Anger courses through him, but he knows there is no choice for him now.
Summoning his courage, Paul begins to recount the vivid images that have haunted his nights.
Leaving out the details he suspects are less...important, he instead focuses on the more foreboding parts; The eerie familiarity of the clearing, the ceremonial sheet spread like a shroud. Ash falling from the sky, the missile streaks in the sky and the burning of the large pine; a shiver runs down his spine - the visions feel like a portent of doom, and it brings him to a hushed quiet.
"I've tried to make sense of them," His voice comes out just as frustrated as he feels, "But they're elusive. Fragmented. She's always there."
It seems he doesn't have to elaborate on who he's talking about - the woman's eyes flash before him from under her thick veil. She says nothing, but a sharp glance from his mother makes him clear his throat, confessing the dream his mother had woke him from not minutes ago.
"And in the last dream," Paul's jaw tightens, the memory of the vision burning bright in his mind, "I saw someone... stabbing me," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper. "A black-hilted knife, with an engraved blade."
The words hang heavy in the air, sending a ripple of unease through the chamber. Paul can feel the weight of the Reverend Mother's scrutiny, her eyes boring into his soul as if searching for the truth buried within. He's not sure if his mother is making the connection; you've brought that knife with you nearly everywhere since you got it back. To him, it's inevitable.
The Reverend Mother's expression is unreadable as she absorbs his words. Paul braces himself for her response, knowing that what he's revealed may have far-reaching consequences; He cannot afford to hide the visions that plague his mind—not if what you said about Sabberon is true. The Reverend Mother regards him with a penetrating stare. "Interesting," she murmurs. "Your dreams hold great significance, Paul Atreides."
Paul's frustration boils to the surface as he listens to the Reverend Mother's cryptic response; He knows what she is capable of, he knows how powerful the Bene Gesserit are in the galaxy - yet his resentment grows and boils within him. Resisting a snarl, he glares sharply, trying to quell the anger, confusion.
"Significance?" Paul retorts, his voice laced with bitterness. "I will not be a pawn in your schemes," he declares, his voice ringing with conviction. "I am the heir to House Atreides. I will not allow my fate to be dictated by prophecy or visions."
His words echo in the chamber; Lady Jessica places a sharp hand on his shoulder, her sharp inhale bristling the hair on Paul's neck.
Whatever words of anger he was about to say halt on his tongue. Prickles of anger wash over him when he comes out of the quick haze; she dares use the Voice on him, yet again.
Her voice is harsh when it comes, eyes sharp as tiny beads behind the black of her dressing. "You are the heir to a great legacy, but with that inheritance comes duty. Tread carefully, Paul Atreides. The choices you make will shape the fate of many." These words are extremely discomforting; Once again he is filled with the spoilt disdain of their fanatic manipulations.
The Reverend Mother continues, her gaze steady and unwavering. "You possess a strength within you, a strength born of both blood and spirit; but true strength lies not in the wielding of power, but in the mastery of oneself. Trust in your instincts, but do not let them blind you."
He refuses to speak.
His mother is fearful behind him; he can feel it radiating off of her, and it fills him with even more indignation. His eyes pierce through her veil, waiting for her to finish. "You may go." She dismisses, and he has no problem turning heel, walking briskly to the door.
"Not you, Jessica."
Jaw clenching at the tone of disrespect the woman uses towards his mother, he almost turns around; but somewhere in his mind is a hazy insistence from his mother- urging him to leave them. He does, lingering to listen to the hushed whispers behind the closed door for only a moment.
"-with the girl, too.You must ensure they go down the right path."
He doesn't bother to stay and hear the rest of it.
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The clashing of blades chimes in your ears with surprise when you arrive for training in the late morning.
It's more common than not to find Duncan sitting, cleaning blades or stretching when you arrive for lessons, but today, it seems he and Paul are thoroughly engrossed in sparring and don't notice when you enter.
They move with that dance-like rhythm you grew up learning; one then the other - legs lunging, arms parrying and striking. They circle each other with cautious precision; Paul's movements are fluid and graceful, calculated - his proficiency comes as somewhat of a shock to you. With such a lithe, deft body, you'd assumed him little match for someone like Duncan. Perhaps, in your own vain perception, you'd expected him to have been meagerly gifted in the art of fighting, having been so well-endowed in the areas of strategy, politics, governance. Of course, you sigh. He's grown up here on Caladan - a Duke's son, trained to become a fair and mighty ruler one day. You suppose you shouldn't be so surprised, he's trained for it all his whole life.
You're sourly impressed as Paul matches him blow for blow, cheeks dusted with pink, barely a glean of sweat across his furrowed brow. A strike against Duncan hits unblocked; The older man, in turn, lets out a huff of laughter - pride flickers in his eyes as he watches Paul strike again.
It turns your blood to acid as you lean against the doorframe; waiting is becoming quite a drag. Duncan, watching Paul as if he were his own son; anger bites at your heels, pushing down the resentment you harbor. He couldn't have done anything when you were sent to Giedi Prime; rationally, you understand that, but the bitterness lingers, a reminder of the betrayal you felt at being abandoned to your fate years ago. There was a time years ago where you would spar with him like this in the weapons arena on Sabberon during the Harvest season- leaves falling red and yellow from their branches, the smell of roast and cider rising into the air.
Duncan's blade presses to Paul's side in a sudden move. Grunting, Paul can't seem to parry, and the blade is moments away from penetrating the shield and breaking through; God forbid he hurts that precious porcelain skin, You think. Briefly, as you watch the shield flicker red, you wonder how dark Paul's blood would flow. Feyd-Rautha's blood was so dark it was nearly black - a crimson color when it smeared across his skin; a tangy, sharp metallic taste when he'd pressed his bloodied fingers to your lips. You blink your eyes hard, pressing away the urge with a furrowed brow.
Your patience is gone, but luckily, Duncan seems to notice you first.
A spare glance in your direction as you linger in the entryway and he's fumbling - Paul takes the moment to strike, knocking Duncan to the ground with his blade pressed against his throat. Your brows raise.
With a wipe of sweat from his brow, Duncan's eyes skirt to the clock and he huffs, "Sorry, we must've lost track of the time." He mutters, taking Paul's extended hand. Paul nods at you in greeting; you nod back just as terse, ignoring the shocked look on Duncan's face at your appearance.
"It's fine. I believe I'm early." You reason, turning to walk towards the mat, avoiding eye contact. You can feel Duncan's stare on you; since you refused the veil from Hestia this morning, each person has looked at you the same - surprise, intrigue. You have to resist a snarl.
Paul, whose eyes flick to you then towards the weapons table, seems to be the only person this morning who hasn't stared at you as if you'd grown another head - but you're not fooled by his capacity to regard you simply as yourself this morning. Yesterday, he promised to never disrespect you; you suppose in turn, you will never disrespect him. That much will be given. But respecting someone is not the same as enjoying someone's company, and a moment of camaraderie is just a moment of weakness; You know he doesn't want this as much as you don't, but you will have to use this marriage as leverage if you ever want to make sure the Harkonnens stay off of Sabberon. And that means building trust.
Paul looks at you from the corner of his eyes for a moment before beginning to disinfect the blade he'd been using; Reaching to hold it out for you to take, you decline the offer.
Instead, your hand finds the hilt of your own blade, "No, thank you. I prefer to use my own."
Paul's eyes catch and linger on the blade; He blinks those long lashes a few times, as if deep in thought, before nodding. "Of course." He says, voice quiet as he turns. Duncan watches with disinterest, sipping on a cup of water as Paul brushes past you, giving you a tight-lipped, emotionless smile.
It's not until he's gone that you turn your stare to Duncan Idaho.
"He fights like you," You observe, beginning to stretch; if it's instigative, let it be.
Duncan's brow raises, "That's a good thing." He retorts, running a finger over the blade Paul had set down. You roll your eyes, concealing it by unsheathing your blade to begin sharpening it.
You can feel his stare. you know Duncan - he's not going to come out and say it, given how you've received his presence since arriving on Caladan; Instead, you beat him to it, turning to meet his eyes. "Did you expect me to be bald under the veil?" You ask, lifting a brow, "I lived there long enough, didn't I?"
He holds his hands up defensively, "I didn't say anything." He's right; you're acting up. Acting out. Probably both. You send him a look, "You didn't have to." You feel a defensive streak kick in yourself, considering what you'd learned about your own heritage by Paul yesterday. You'd been embarrassed in front of him - not knowing your own House's marriage traditions, or even the correct mourning phases? You looked like a fool.
He shakes his head. "You just... you've gotten older. You look like your mother." A pain that you've been holding down surfaces, striking you in the small gap your wall had built around your heart; guilt of survival, anger at your mother and all she'd done, everything shatters. You glare, throwing your knife onto the table in front of you.
"Don't speak to me of any of them, Duncan Idaho." You snap, eyes burning with emotion. "I was never prepared to be the last Bourbon alive, but now there's nobody left to witness my traditions being broken but myself." You say coldly, "I'm done with the veils and the gowns; I'm barely a Bourbon at all anymore. I didn't even know there were traditions until my betrothed informed me of them." Your voice is venomous; You can tell Duncan is preparing himself for a fight of words and not blades as he walks towards you.
"You've always been a fighter, my lady," Duncan chooses, his tone filled with respect; you can't help but hear the voice of someone who is approaching a cornered hound. "But you don't have to face it all alone."
Astounded, you almost laugh. "Really?" You snap, "Then where were you?"
You knew it would boil over at some point; By the look on his face, he knew it too.
Hands shaking, you take a shaky breath, "I was there with them - with him - for four years. Four years." You say, heart thundering, "Not one single fucking check-in, no visit, nothing. Nobody batted an eye when my messages stopped delivering, when there was never a wedding?"
You're not finished; the floodgates open, you're at your own mercy to stop and you can't help but continue. "-They had to have known what kind of monsters they'd shipped me off to, right? We were allies with the Atreides for centuries; we've always known what the Harkonnens are."
You laugh mirthlessly, "And yet, they sent me, happily, to marry the devil. To become one." You're breathing hard, hands shaking - the room feels hot and you can't seem to catch your breath. "-And I know, Duncan. I know that your hands were tied." You sigh, pressing your hands to your cheeks to soothe the heat. Thankfully, no tears fall. "I don't blame you, really, but- you're the only person left to be angry towards." Your voice cracks as you look down, shame burning on your face.
Duncan's expression softens, his gaze filled with regret and remorse. "I'm sorry for everything you lost, my lady." he says, his voice heavy; You resist the urge to pull him into an embrace, to feel the warmth of someone else and feel safe for the first time in so long. Instead you stand, barren and alone, in the middle of the floor.
"I should have been there for you - they should have, too."
It strikes a bout of guilt in you to make him admit something so ugly when you know he is grieving their loss just as you are. "They should have done something to help you. It's okay to still be angry with them, what they did to you, even if you're mourning them."
His words cut through the haze of anger and pain and you're stuck with an exhaustion - one that comes from the years of neglect and abandonment. You look down at the ground; perhaps it won't hurt to have someone on your side, someone you trust. It's been a dangerous and lonely several years, and you're tired of always trying to watch your own back. Clearing your throat, you nod. "I'm sorry, Duncan." You utter, looking up at him squarely. "I shouldn't have treated you coldly. I haven't been taking this change well at all." You confess.
He gives you a look, shaking his head, "There is nothing for you to apologize for, Little Bourbon." At the shadow of a smile on your face, he grins; He's always known what will cheer you up - tossing you your blade from where it sat on the table, he squares himself. You catch it deftly, rolling your neck and squaring yourself, thankful for the end of such a vulnerable moment.
The sound of footsteps disrupts you. You crane your neck behind you; A soldier walks through the room, but instead of addressing Duncan after bowing to you, he speaks to you.
"My lady." He starts. You raise a brow in question. "The Lady Jessica wishes to speak with you over lunch in her quarters now, if you have a moment."
You grit your teeth, a shot of uncertainty flooding you. You've yet to dine with her on your own yet - something about her sets you on edge, and you'd really prefer to spar to take your mind off of everything.
But you know better than to refuse the lady of the house's wishes.
"And spoil my fun here?" You ask, voice dry. "Alright."
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Lunch is barely picked at before Lady Jessica brings it up.
When she speaks, your eyes meet hers - less stony than usual, she regards you with an interest in her eyes that you've yet to see before. "You were once on the path of the Bene Gesserit," Lady Jessica starts, her voice tinged with empathy; You try to hide the set of your jaw, looking away briefly.
"Circumstances may have led you away, but your training has not been forgotten." She adds. You suspected this would be one of the reasons she called you in. "Yes, my lady," You affirm, setting down your fork; you send her a tight-lipped smile. "I trained when I was younger."
She nods, "Have you considered continuing this path? Honing your skills once more—to strengthen your voice, your intuition, your presence."
You take the moment she gives you to consider it; of course, you've thought of it now and then. But you have, to put it lightly, a very conflicted past with the Sisterhood, one that you prefer not to relive; Your mother's stern visage, relentless training regimens appear in your mind. Countless hours in rigorous physical and mental exercises - pressure to conform to their strict teachings weighing too heavily upon you and all three of your sisters' shoulders.
There's a part of you that can't help the twinge of curiosity that sparks through you; The allure of such an ancient order, unlocking hidden potential, the possibility of power and mastery of certain skills. It sounds glamorous, but you know better- you saw what kind of mistrust it sewed in your own house; The crack between your father and his court on behalf of your mother and the sisterhood, the loss of thousands of years of tradition.
Your lips open, and they feel suddenly very chapped. "I'm... not sure, my lady." You say honestly, blinking down at the unappetizing food below you.
"I understand your hesitations," she continues, voice earnest, "but given the current circumstances, it may be wise to strengthen all of your skills, including those you learned with the Bene Gesserit. It's imperative to ere on the side of caution."
"Circumstances?" You parrot, tilting your head. You know what she's implying; it doesn't ease the suspicion that rises, the feeling that the strings which tie themselves to Lady Jessica's limbs and lips are being pulled from much higher above your head; high enough to have actual, galactic implications. It is keenly upsetting.
"Yes, my dear." She begins, taking a sip of water, back straight; she doesn't bother to elaborate for you, and a tinge of irritation courses through you. "Tell me," She says, stirring the tea in front of her, "Even after your time with the sisterhood, did you ever experience visions? Dreams that stayed with you long after you woke?"
Your throat dries so quick you almost cough. Cheeks heating up, your eyes lock with hers; so it was a look of importance at the strategy council yesterday. It seems Lady Jessica has been keeping close tabs on you, after all. You hope she cannot read your mind thoroughly, for she would likely not enjoy what your dreams entail.
"You seem to already know my answer." You say, voice chilly in the warm room. Lady Jessica's lips press together. "Indeed," she affirms; gentle, yet probing. "But I need to hear it from you."
You pause, grappling with the memories that surge forth at Lady Jessica's inquiry; The dreams, the visions—they haunt you, asleep or awake - and despite your reluctance to acknowledge them, they have persisted, lingering like a shadow upon your consciousness. Swallowing against the dryness of your throat, you gather your thoughts before speaking.
"Yes," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "I have."
Lady Jessica nods. "I suspected as much," she murmurs, her eyes reflecting a depth that is distinctly familiar. "These dreams may hold greater significance than you realize, dear. They may be the key to understanding the path that lies before you."
Her words hang in the air, pregnant with meaning and yet still exasperatingly cryptic; You are, in your silence, forced to acknowledge for the first times that these dreams - they are a calling, a beckoning towards something that you cannot ignore. You feel the soreness of your jaw and will your teeth to unclench.
Lady Jessica continues, murmuring your name firmly, "I urge you to consider resuming your training with the Bene Gesserit. Not out of obligation, but out of necessity. In times of uncertainty, it is essential to be prepared."
You meet Lady Jessica's gaze; despite your reservations, despite the ghosts of the past, you know that finding your studies again might be effective; the potential you will have with the skills and power of the Bene Gesserit are undeniable, but the pause you feel is very strong. There is something bizarre about the timing, about the whole interaction. To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers, you remember your mother saying years ago.
With a nod of affirmation, you square your shoulders. "I will consider it, my lady," you respond, meeting her gaze, "Thank you for your guidance."
Lady Jessica offers you a reassuring smile, one which does little to quell the raging in your stomach.
"You're stronger than you realize, my lady."
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It is past dark when Paul finally exits his mother's quarters.
Exhausted and overwhelmed, he lets his feet drag across the floor on his way back, thinking quite fondly of his bed and pillow, of the warmth of his sheets.
His stomach growls - his normally ravenous appetite has eluded him all day since this morning; The visit from the Reverend Mother earlier in the day had left him teetering on the edge. Admittedly, she is as commanding as she is disfavored by Paul; yet it was his mother's reaction that troubles him the most.
The last few hours, sparring on knife skills, were spent tense; He, upon entering the room, had asked nearly immediately what the Reverend Mother had told her when he was dismissed earlier in the morning, yet she remained silent and instructed him not to question it. Whispering, quiet and serious: He would find out in due time.
Lost in thought, Paul quickens his pace, his footsteps echoing down the dimly lit hallway; The weight of dual weapons training today has set his muscles to ache and groan with each step, mind not too far behind body - the sooner he is in bed, the better.
But as he rounds a corner, Paul nearly hits someone - you, in fact.
Blinking in shock, for a moment your eyes meet; nothing happens. You've stepped back slightly, seemingly just as startled as he - you're just perfectly positioned in the hall that the dim lights reflect on your clothes and you look warm, comfortable; So unlike yourself in the daylight.
"Apologies, my lady," Paul offers, his voice tight with tension as he inclines his head in a respectful nod, gaze flickering down the hall you both seemingly planned on walking down. Truthfully, he is not in the mood to speak to anyone, in particular you after the uneasy sight of your knife, hilt catching the reflection of the lights beside you.
You return the gesture, expression signaturely guarded as you mutter, "No harm done, my lord."
He clears his throat; Though your hair looks nice and your skin healthy, you look quite tired - he's not sure when he'll get used to seeing your face.
"I was just heading-" He gestures down the hall, and you nod stiffly, "So was I."
And so you fall into stride alongside him, watching the walls pass as you both take a slower pace than either of you would likely prefer. Perhaps, in an ordinary world, he would feel giddy to walk his prospective wife to her quarters after a long day; but this world is not ordinary, and he's still getting used to treating you as less as a threat and more of an ally.
A large window passes on his right, illuminating your figure in silvery light before hushing you back into the shadows again. He wonders what the moons are like on Sabberon.
He doesn't expect you to speak; in fact, he himself has no plans to. Yet after a few minutes your voice comes hesitantly and with the tranquility of a sleeping cat.
"I had lunch with your mother today."
Alarm bells sound in his head; He certainly did not expect that. When he turns to look at you, he finds you already staring up at him; perhaps you're gaging his reaction to this information - he doesn't try hard to hide his displeasure.
"What did she tell you?" He asks before he can stop himself.
You give him an inquisitive look, lifting a brow. "Why do you assume she had things to tell?" You rebut. His shoulders relax ever so slightly as he sighs, slowing his pace as you near his door.
He doesn't respond, yet something in his features must convince you to start again, to be less facetious in your words; You set your jaw as you look away and back to him.
"She wants me to take up Bene Gesserit training again." You say, eyes narrow as you gaze at him - cold, scrutinizing - perhaps to once again see his reaction. His nostrils flare; This must be what the Reverend Mother instructed his mother to do - to ensure you are going down the right paths. Why though, he is still unsure.
"She asked about your dreams, didn't she?" He asks; this time, it's Paul who watches your face for a reaction - and he gets one. Your eyes blink in shock as you nod stiffly. "Yes, she- how do you know this?" You ask, hand grabbing his elbow as you both slow to a stop.
There's a bout of silence, in which he debates nearly everything; muscles aching, he wishes to just go to sleep - but your eyes hold an alarm in them that makes him hesitate.
Opening his mouth to speak, Paul stares down at you; If what the Reverend Mother was saying is true, then you might truly be as dangerous as he'd thought. But he knows what their order is like - all in the way of maintaining power. A faint echo down the hall of someone makes his eyes snap away from your heavy stare; Perhaps the hallway is not an appropriate place for such a conversation. "We shouldn't be speaking of this here," He glances at you, "Would you come in?" He asks. He opens the door that leads to his quarters. You stare at him for a moment, as if surprised - but with a glance around, it seems you decide the coast is clear, and you slip in past where he holds to door ajar with his arm.
You walk less assured than usual in the unfamiliar territory; he knows you've been active in your time here in the castle, but this is certainly one part of the fort you have not yet seen. A guiding hand presses your back as he quickens his pace, hoping to get this over with swiftly as he leads you to his bed chamber; though your back tenses, you do not push him away.
You repose on the chair but Paul is restless, standing in front of your expectant gaze.
"Paul," You start, leaning forward; It's with a startle that he registers your use of his first name - a tone which provides no warmth but a hint of anxiety as you look up at him. "If we are to do this together, we need to build trust." You start, and he knows you're right. This - marriage, ruling Caladan, representing the House Atreides - and whatever else is to come.
"Just tell me. How concerned do I need to be?" You ask; this was not what he'd thought you would say, and it takes him a second to think of anything to respond with. The truth is a thousand pieces scattered through dust and sand, and he cannot stop slipping through it.
"I don't know." He says, candor dripping through his exasperation. "I was visited by the Reverend Mother this morning." He admits, relief finding his shoulders. If you are to be by his side in the upcoming months, you'll surely learn of all of this sooner or later; It's better to come from him than elsewhere.
Your face darkens slightly at the mention and you raise a brow.
"What did she want with you?" You ask.
"I've been having dreams." He admits to yet another person he'd rather not; "Dreams about... Sabberon. In them, I feel like..." He exhales, "I feel like I have to go there. I'm meant to." He finishes, not wishing to delve any further into what the dreams entail. You look completely shocked, though; ghostly, uneasy.
He has no answers and so instead he tells you most of what he knows; Your expression turns more grim as he continues, describing his interaction with the Reverend Mother that morning. Your eyes flick to his in shock when he mentions the previous meeting with her years prior.
"The Gom Jabbar?" You say suddenly, sitting up straighter. He nods, "Yes. It was a test-"
"-No, I know what it is. I also received it." you swallow, brows furrowing. "But I don't understand why she would give it to you."
A deep, pregnant pause in the room, where Paul debates what he's about to say. Knowledge is a weapon and a burden.
"My mother has trained me in the ways of the Bene Gesserit too."
Your face morphs for only a moment as you stare at him in disbelief. Schooling yourself, you're quieted by this revelation; Paul waits patiently for you to respond. You gather your thoughts within a few moments.
"She warned me," You say, eyes swimming through his; he feels scrutinized under your intense stare. "She said that continuing as Bene Gesserit is not out of obligation but necessity." You add, "That continuing is the key to understanding the path that lies before me. That dreams could have more meaning than we think."
His stomach drops that the phrasing. You must ensure they go down the right path. That manipulative crone; playing you, his mother, and him all as she wants for the benefit of her sisterhood. Fury boils within him, but he knows what you need is an explanation. "There's a prophecy that my mother mentioned to my father once. I was young, eavesdropping-" He shakes off the sly look you give him at this, his cheeks heating up, "- and I didn't hear all of it, but I heard parts."
He's not sure how else to piece it together than to just tell you everything he's thinking. "When the Reverend Mother administered the Gom Jabbar, she told my mother there would be two candidates for something. That I may be one of them. Today, she told me to trust my dreams, that they may be the key to unlocking something important. Which is... troubling."
The bitter laugh you let out surprises him, and he lowers himself to sit on the chaise longue beside yours. "Troubling." You mutter, shaking your head. It's the exact thing Lady Jessica implied with you.
"I'm not sure if it means anything," Your tone suggests otherwise, "but I have also been having dreams about Sabberon." You admit - his eyes snake to yours, hands clenched together; stomach dropping, dread fills him. He worried this, too; having the same dreams, however alike or different they may be, are foreboding.
"-On a mountain I do not recognize. My house has a sacred Pine, you know? It represents the Harvest. I dream that I'm there... with you." You let out a sigh, and Paul swears he hears it shake. "I haven't told anybody, not even your mother." Your eyes are sharp - fearful, he realizes.
For a beat, he feels less alone. Another soul, trapped in this web of visions and politics and power; He's sympathizing with you, a foreign and unexpected emotion. Paul is starting to nurse a sharp headache; closing his eyes, he exhales and nods, "You're there in my dreams, too." He admits.
The two of you sit, then; Paul, slumped with consternation and you, back rigid with stress.
A moment of silence in which Paul is overthinking and you likely are too.
"Do you trust her?" You ask; A foolish thing to ask one of one's mother - yet his hesitation shocks not just you, but himself as well.
He starts hesitantly. "I believe that she loves me and my father, and by extension, she cares for you." He is well-aware of the vagueness behind his words. He licks his lips, "I know that the sisterhood instructed her to have a daughter. But instead, for my father, she bore him a son. The Reverend Mother is still unhappy about it."
You stare, but you say nothing. Uneasy with the intensity of your attention, he plays with a spare thread poking from the chaise longue. "This morning, I overheard the Reverend Mother telling my mother to ensure we are on the right path. Both of us."
You, sharp as ever, nod thoughtfully, "Which is why she decided so abruptly to offer for me to train again."
He nods in affirmation, biting his lip; a bad stress habit, one he got from his father. Your voice is almost dreamy as it comes out, his eyes staring off at the small bull figurine that sits on his table. You ask, "How do we know which path is the right one?"
He laughs bitterly, shaking his head as he stares ahead. He has no clue. "I wish I had an answer," he admits, his voice tinged with frustration. "All we can do is trust our instincts, but even then, there are no guarantees. Not if we don't believe them."
You nod in understanding, a solemn but signature expression painting your features. "It's a heavy burden to bear," you remark softly, your voice echoing his sentiments; Heavy, yes. But you seem used to burdens. "All things are known because we want to believe in them." You say. He perks up, looking at you; That's something his mother has said during skills training training before - but in your voice, now, next to him - it sounds much different.
Weary and exhausted, Paul sighs. "Perhaps if I'd had a sister, this wouldn't be happening."
You snort softly from your nose, a gentle exhale that is becoming quite familiar to his ears. "I had three. They were a handful." You say, hugging yourself.
He hums. For a moment, he can almost picture it; You, ten years smaller, just a young teen - fighting in a snow field with three sisters, a little boy chasing after you. He almost hears your screams when your younger sister jumps into a half-frozen lake, the water green as emeralds against the white fields and evergreens in the distance. The laughter that leaves you as you plunge, dress and all, into the icy depths besides her and pull your sisters with you; Handmaids wearing furs and soldiers boasting roaring wolf armor run to fish you out. They almost feel real. "What was it like, growing up with siblings?" he asks, seeking to reciprocate the gesture of openness that you've surrendered in the dark.
Your demeanor shifts slightly, your guard momentarily lowering as you reflect on your upbringing. "It was...complicated," your voice is contemplative, small. "We were close in some ways, but distant in others. There was always a sense of competition between us even when we were young, especially between me and my sisters. My mother was Bene Gesserit and was very strict."
He's studied so much about Sabberon, learned about your House's old customs and traditions - but yet, he realizes how little he truly knows about you; A pang of guilt washes over him for his previous assumptions and judgments.
Your boots look foreign against the rug on his bed chamber floor as you drag the tip of one. "They were like having built-in friends." You acquiesce, "They made me laugh all the time."
It's hard for Paul to picture you joking or laughing at all. "I don't have siblings," He states - obviously - "but I've always wanted to be a brother."
He knows the bittersweet territory he's crossed, and does not wish to upset you or remind you of all you have lost. But instead, you just send him a kind smile; one that's almost shy. "You'd be a good one." Your eyes are nostalgic and sincere; he has to look away.
Clearing his throat, he notices your hands as they sit in your lap. "It looks better," He says, nodding to your hand, where the sting had been reduced to a mere blemish. You smile, a sheepish thing, but it still brightens Paul's dark room. "I thought you'd been tricking me." You admit, face flushed as he lifts a brow, "Trying to make me look foolish."
He hums at this, tilting his head. "I assumed you'd thought I was trying to poison you." He admits, smiling just as sheepishly. Speaking with you feels surprisingly relieving - perhaps he is more tired than he thought.
"The possibility did cross my mind." Your voice, keenly serious, makes him chuckle slightly. He shakes his head, "I wouldn't have tricked you. I know how bad those crabs sting." He recalls one day lathering the chewed root onto his toe, fighting tears as his father watched with an amused sternness. If you disrespect them, he'd said, they'll disrespect you.
"I was considering amputating my hand before you showed up." Another attempt at a joke, from you? You're opening up; despite himself, he grins. Your eyes are deep - under the dim lighting, they shine in a way he hadn't expected; staring, he loses his track of thought. You seem to have as well, clearing your throat awkwardly.
"Is this your book?" You ask suddenly, rising to pad over towards his bedside, tilting your head to run your spine over the book that sits, embarrassingly, on his bedside table. The Noble Lineage: Exploring the Customs and Cultures of the Houses Major of Landsraad: House Bourbon. He nods, "If you'd like to read it, help yourself."
Craning your neck back you look at him, lifting a brow, "Is it interesting?"
For a second, he stares, unsure what to say - it dawns on him that you're teasing, and he cracks a small smile. Odd as it is to see a woman who was a mere shell open up, he's glad to have the priviledge of your trust, no matter how small or weak it may be.
"Haven't decided yet." He retorts, the feeling foreign.
"Maybe I will borrow it, then." You muse, "Perhaps it'll finally be the thing to lull me to sleep."
He stands to meet you; three steps over and he stands before you, taking in - not for the first time - your height and how your neck moves to look into his eyes. "You should get some rest if you can tonight." He agrees, "We've got to be at the Strategy Council tomorrow morning."
You nod, clearing your throat, "Oh- Yes, apologies." You sigh, "It's been a long day."
He hadn't meant to insinuate you should leave, but as he escorts you to the main hall, his eyes are drooping. Mercifully, though he tries to, you insist he need not walk you to your room.
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Alone back in his room, he stares at the book; Despite the barriers that still exist between he and you, there's a shared humanity that binds you together— funny enough that fear and reluctance is the thing that has made him realize such an obvious sentiment. He falls asleep and dreams within minutes.
You return to your chambers, the warmth of the last few minutes wearing off of you slower than molasses.
Alone, you are left with haunting thoughts; What do the Bene Gesserit have in store for you if you do choose to continue? Looming further is the prospect of galactic war should the Harkonnens leverage their petroleum reserves. The implications of you and Paul's shared visions; despite yourself, your cheeks flush with heat - how similar are these dreams of yours...?
And Paul - his eyes are very green.
He keeps his room neater than you'd thought - and with a bit of shock you'd seen all of the books on planets, flora and fauna, biology, culture. You secretly wished you could have observed them all closer - there were ones you've never heard of, and even one that had struck you right in the chest - Giedi Prime. Their culture was horror, after all.
You shake off the warm feeling of conversation - though the subject had left you on edge, it was terribly reassuring to have someone who not only you could speak freely with about your dreams and the Bene Gesserit, but who seems to hold similar opinions as you. Emotional whiplash has given you a staunch headache - you still believe that respecting someone is not the same as enjoying someone's company... but perhaps it doesn't always have to be mutually exclusive.
You sigh, rubbing your eyes; you can't get the smell of his bedroom off your clothes. You change into your robe. Before drifting to sleep, you catch sight of your bureau, the daunting metal that stares at you gleaming from across the room.
Yawning, you pad over to it.
The message remains on your desk, where it's been since being delivered a few days ago. You'd read it already, yes - read, cried, raged, and accepted it. Now, you suppose, it is time to respond. And in due time, it's finished.
My Dearest Aunt Ginaz,
Your letter arrived at a very uncertain time for me and for that, I am profoundly grateful. I apologize for the delayed response, it has been quite an adjustment for me after leaving Giedi Prime; Before that, as you've suspected, my keepers preferred I did not receive or send messages. There wasn't a day that passed where I didn't wish to read them.
For my betrothal to Paul Atreides, your kind words of congratulations reassure me; Truthfully, the prospect of marrying into such a noble family is daunting, yet they have been quick to assure I have felt welcomed. It is a sharp change from my previous engagement.
The loss of my family continues to weigh heavily upon my heart, and there are days when the pain feels unbearable. Yet, every day I am learning to live again. I can walk to the sea - the sea, which I have never before seen in my life. I spend my days educating, training with Swordmaster and your old friend Duncan Idaho, and have begun to sit in on the Duke's Strategy Councils. I believe I will live well here.
The final arraignment at the referendum is nearing, and I wonder if you will be attending alongside Lord Ginaz - Even if you are not able to attend, I will face the challenges that lie ahead knowing I have you on my side.
Your offer of sanctuary is a gift beyond measure, and I cannot express how much it means to me. I long for the day when we can be reunited and I might hear more of your life. In the meantime, know that I am safe and well, and that I carry your love and affection with me always.
With all my gratitude,
Your loving Niece
You almost feel guilty for the lies you've woven through your message - though not explicit, they are little and white and still deceiving. Your mother's bastarded sister, who succeeded your mother's parents when they died, inherited the noble last name as one of her father's dying wishes. They'd had several daughters - all married off to other houses, like your mother - and she had been left to learn to run the Swordmaster School. She now rules over their house with her husband, who took the name Ginaz when they wed.
You smirk, thinking of this: Paul Bourbon - it has a poor ring to it, you decide, wiping away the thought before it can blossom. You blink deliriously, knowing you are in acute need of sleep, and sigh.
You'll have Hestia send the message out in the morning; for now, all you can do is try not to dream as you curl up on your bed, eyes heavy with the weight of the day.
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You know you're dreaming this time.
The clouds are too fluffy, sounds muted as if you'd stuffed cotton into your ear canals. The hands that are on you are Paul's, you know this. But you're not embracing, no - there is no pleasure; his hands are slippery against your flesh and you're gasping in pain, gasping for breath. You are bleeding.
Or, is that his blood?
You squint, trying to find the ground, but all you see is the hilt of your nameday blade glinting in the sun, blood dripping from the tip. Who wields it? You let out a short groan, filled with pain - Paul leans against you, his weight heavy. The air is heavy with snow - no, not snow, ash. Ash that rains from the sky in flurries, fighter ships booming above your heads.
Another flash of your knife, this time in a hand. Gasping,Your hand comes away from your own abdomen, tainted black - black as the sun you once lived under.
"Hello?" A fuzzy voice, laced with pain, but you could pick it out of millions. You look into his eyes and see green; hands cup your cheeks, staining handprints over your trembling skin. An explosion somewhere in the distance -
"Paul." You breathe, fear lacing every fiber of you. You're dreaming, you're dreaming. You can't breathe.
But then, Paul's face changes - a sickening recognition flickers over his features when you speak, and something shifts. There is something wrong; He says your name as if he's surprised to see you, as if... as if you were in the wrong dream.
He looks down, as if expecting to see something between the two of you. But with his head tilted down, you squint, just barely making out the glint of another figure; glowing skin, sickeningly pale. A black smile.
There is someone behind Paul, and he is holding your knife.
It has the blood of your husband on it.
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follow @tremendumnotifs for updates.
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blueballsracing · 2 months
Can u help me understand Lestappen please? I’m trying to get into it because it’s a popular ship and I don’t want to miss out on great fics and stuff.
But I see Tumblr posts of MV and CL that scream “HEART EYES” or “HUSBANDS” and…I don’t see it. I can’t suspend my disbelief. Like I get they’ve been competing for 20 years or whatever but I don’t get anything other than profesh respect. And when we regularly see how they are with other people, like MV with Daniel or Lando, or CL with Carlos, Lestappen looks even worse.
Can you please help me see the Lestappen light?
hi anon! lemme break it down for ya. the reason why lestappen is such a popular ship is bc not only of the mutual respect that they have for each other, but the history they have, and their interactions have been pretty cute and all.
even max and lando don't really interact that much, and lando goes as far as to say that "he's not my bff, don't ever say that again" when asked about him and max's relationship. and max with daniel–well, max has always loved daniel and had a crush on that man since his first days in f1 so... different dynamic for sure. charles with carlos interactions... they are cute and all but i think their racing dynamics are just so awkward? esp i think that the ferrari politics deffo affected their relationship and all. cross-team dynamics between charles and max have a nice dynamic, but i'll break down some of the key events
lestappen lore timeline!
2012 - when the inchident occurs - you just need to watch this video. it's just so funny. no words can explain this 😭
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2014 - when max essentially recommends charles to race for his old f3 team, van amersfoort racing, a dutch team. and the team boss had a lot of positive things to say about the two <3
2019 - the singapore flag incident... mr. i know geography and i love flags SOMEHOW doesn't know the difference between the singapore flag and the monaco flag
2019 - when we get to austria 2019. essentially, charles is about to win his FIRST ever f1 gp with 3 laps to go, and max pushes charles off track, overtaking him and eventually winning. charles is FURIOUS on the podium. and then they have to share a plane back home but max is all like "oh yeah we're good! 😊 he's talented and he will have his first win this year for sure! we have at least 15-20 years of racing together still! 😊" and then on the plane charles unfollows max. max does the same 😭
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2022 - jumping forward to austria 2022, when charles wins the race! and they have this GAY ASS PODIUM
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austria is lestappen holy ground.
2020 - when we get this wonderful clip of sebastian asking whether or not charles thinks max is pretty.
seb: is he pretty? charles: *giggles and then silence* OH WAIT. i thought you said 'is he british?' i was like, that's not physical... *panicked leg shake* i don't know!!! *laughs again*
charles not wanting to answer if max is pretty... we should take that as a yes <3
2021 - the year of their baku love tree <3 according to an old turkish custom, when a couple get married, they plant a tree together, and they water it to symbolize their marriage and their hope for leading a happy and beautiful life!
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and then jumping forward to 2023 in baku, they have the SAME IDENTICAL TIME during first runs in q3. only max is first bc he did his lap first.
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2022 - cota! before the press conference they talk and max goes "fresh again?" and charles starts GIGGLING. like yeah we know u were drunk celebrating 🙄
2022 - secret santa! when charles has max for secret santa and this guy just. gives him f1 2022. with THREE OF HIS FACES. and has a card and writes "one edition for my BIGGEST FAN." not normal about this at ALL.
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2023 - charles admits to drinking red bull after he couldn't say in an interview but then likes a tweet later 😭
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2023 - paddelgate. max loses to charles in october
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and then they're supposed to play together in december!
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but then... Max stays up until 4 am the night before the match (doing a 24 hour charity stream) and sleeps in and misses the entire event. 🙁
ok i could literally go on and on about them but i'm going to end it here with a couple quotes:
"Of course I have a lot of respect for Max. He has done very well and I have a lot of respect for what he has achieved. When we drove in karts, we dreamed of Formula 1 together and here we are now! He has the title I won and I have a lot of respect for that."
"I always thought that, if I'd make it to F1, Charles would also make it."
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
With Mei and MK they adapt to the monkey shenanigans easily. At this point in time they've known Wukong a year or more and know that A) the Monkey King may be an awesome legendary figure but he's still jsut a pregnant monkey and an otherwise regular guy who hides a lot of mental issues under a front, and B) monkey just gotta monkey sometimes. This isn't the first time he's started grooming either of them unconsciously. They're just mainly surprised his feral monkey brain defaults to thinking they're his cubs.
Bai He? Oh boy... she is freaking the fuck out. She's. Sweetheart but that doesn't change the fact that this adorable little girl, a normal little girl, was kidnapped, possessed for several weeks by an ice spirit, fought agaisnt a Sun Wukong who wasn't holding back whole being possessed (somethign that internally hurt Wukongmore than you can imagine since his instincts are definitely screaming at him for attacking a CUB), and when she woke up she found herself surrounded by a strangers, mostly a group made of demons, a dragon, and three legendary immortals.
Oh and one of those immortals is Sun Wukong himself who is not only pregnant but his mate (the Monkey King is married!? Divirced!? When asked MK just says its complicated) seems to think she's his cub!?!?
referencing this post about Mac's instincts declaring Bai He his cub.
Yeah, Bai He is like a main character who literally just got introduced in a later season. Everybody's got the lore and characters down and she's just wondering how she's supposed to heal and move on from being possessed by an ancient demoness that likely damaged her body.
Poor girl has had and is having a Time.
The only human around is ultimately Tang, so Bai He is surrounded by demons, a dragon, and some immortals. She isn't really sure who to approach with help on things.
Then suddenly the darker furred monkey (the Macaque she thinks he's called?) seems to sense her distress and brings her to the van for some reason, and hoists her into the Monkey King's bunk. Before she can ask whats going on, Bai He suddenly feels a pair of soft hands combing through her hair comfortingly.
Wukong: "Hi kiddo. Sorry about grumpy-pants over there, his instincts are acting up cus of me and the baby." Macaque: "Hmph. She's sad." Bai He: *is too surprised to answer* Wukong: "I'm sorry if I hurt you when I fought the demon. I really didn't want to." Bai He, quietly: "is ok." Wukong, softly: "I know it wasn't fun being posessed like that. It felt like something cold and slimy was under my skin - and I'm indestructible! I can't imagine how it must have felt for you to carry her for all that time. You're so strong." Bai He: *gets really quiet and turns to bury her face in the monkey's fluff to hide her tears* Both monkeys: *coo comfortingly as a parent would to a sad cub, and continue to comb through her long hair* Bai He: *is far too in need of a hug to protest*
It is a little awkward when the topic of where Bai He's original home us brought up - I hc that she's a foster kid, or her parents died/went missing when DBK was possesed by LBD. She's not in a good place either way.
There is legitimate talk amongst the fam to keep Bai He (adopted by any of the adults), as most prospective human parents wouldn't understand how she's feeling rn or know how to handle her physical recovery.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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Mark Alan, Count of Queanbeyan
+ explanation & lore
Okay first I'll explain the drawing itself, and then go into Mark's lore a bit, so stay with me!!!
First of all, yep. Mark with long hair. When I first conceptualized how he'd look in this au, I just genuinely could not imagine him with the typical long curly wig. And that irked me, bcs its just sooooooo historically inaccurate for him to have had short hair, no wig. I sketched him and Jense out as chibis, I drew Mark with short hair, and literally wrote "haha wow he looks so bad with long hair!!" Hello, can I take back that statement? It's actually shocking how good he looks???? Maybe it's a testament to my skill that I could make this work. But I did! And man, shameful to admit, but this might be my best portrait ever 😭😭 Funny tho, guy I've barely drawn, and never as detailed as this, ends up being one of my favs. Mark, you bastard!!
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^ lmao as you can see, I tried out a more Seb type wig and then realized ahhhhh nah, he needs a different style. And it worked so, yay!!! I've thought a lot recently, "man it would suck back then if you looked shitty in a wig" and I rescind that. I'm telling you, you think a man would look bad in a wig? I say think again, you're just not conceptualizing the right type of wig for him.
Also wow, its crazy thst I can finally actually visually see what he would look like next to others like Seb and Fernando in this au. Hehehe look at them!!! The boys!!!! Just need Jense :,)
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Anyways, I digress, some lore notes about Mark since I don't think I've really talked about him in this au on main much.
He is, of course, Seb's closest servant. His Groom of the Bedchamber(yes that term makes me feel rabid.) He's actually also based on a real guy, whom was described as the Emperor's "favorite" and despite not technically having very important positions, he had a lot of influence because of his closeness and connection with the Emperor. So, yeah, I think that's gives a pretty good pic of Mark in this au :)
He's actually pretty satisfied with his role, but he does feel a bitter and jealous when interacting with others like Jenson and Fernando. Because Mark doesn't have a title, well not in the same way. He's a count, not a King, not a Prince. Yes he's nobility, but not in the same way. And he's satisfied being under Seb, because that's what Mark was raised to do, take care of and keep Seb in line. But often realizes he's never going to be on par with him, not in the same way Fernando can, even if he's Seb's closest confidant.
To build on that. He's very satisfied with his role, and even continues to be satisfied when Fernando comes into the picture. Fernando and Seb don't get along, Mark is always going to be the closest to Seb, always going to know him the best, take care of him the best. But he realizes, he would never get to marry Seb, he's not ranked high enough for that. He was raised to do what's best for the Emperor, he's never going to be able to compete with Seb the same way Fernando can. He really wants Seb and Fernando to succeed! To grow closer! But it still really hurts sometimes.
His closest friend, other than Seb, is Jenson of course(and eventually Fernando, after they stop growling at each other like they're Seb's dogs.) But he does get bitter about Jenson sometimes. Jenson is a prince, who had some great performances in battle. But eventually got tired of that lifestyle, and "retired" to being part of Seb's court. Mark can't really understand that. How do you throw that level of prestige and freedom away. How do you just become the Emperor's servant, when that was never what you were born for. But also, I think Jense definitely uplifts him, they just get along so well, and Jense truly cares for him, no other motives :)
LOL sorry I realize how depressing this sounds 😭 I think all of the above is just Mark at his most bitter, but he's genuinely pretty happy. Think of the whole "not bad for a number 2 driver thing", that's him in this AU. He knows his station, and god damn it, he's gonna be the best, most loyal groom there ever was!! He just cares for Seb so deeply, and it truly is his life path to serve him. Seb cares for him too, feels like he can always rely on him and always be reassured by him and his eternal presence in Seb's life. It's nice to have someone you can always fall back on. Sometimes literally. Yes he makes Mark carry him to bed.
Not to stray away from just Mark, but aaaaahhh the Martian in this AU. Just Mark having to put up with Seb's brattiness all the time, and care for him all the time :) He's so tired of catching Seb naked tho...Seb please put clothes on, this is not befitting of your station. Seb takes Mark with him everywhere, and they share the same bed on trips. Mark is always the first Seb goes to to ask his opinion. I said earlier that Mark feels like he cannot challenge Seb in the same way Fernando can, but Seb really wants him to honestly! He loves hearing Mark's thoughts and opinions. Mark is widely known as Seb's favorite, and is often seen as the second authority in the palace and in the court.
As for Webbonso? I think they really dislike each other in the beginning just because the roles that they're in. They both feel like they're pitted against each other, and ir doesn't help that Seb loves to tease them and often favor one in front of the other(he later realizes how shitty this is, and tries to rectify it, because he never intended to make them actually jealous, he just loves being bratty.) Eventually they realize they're in extremely similar situations(both beholden to and stuck eternally with the Emperor), and find comfort in each other in that.
Yep that's right...the palace is honestly one big polycule djkfkglg. But I hope thay explains Mark in this AU well enougg???? All you need to know: Seb's long-suffering servant.
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thicctails · 6 months
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"Viva la Viva, baby!"
So guess who watched Trolls 3 today~
Ngl, based on the trailers I had really low expectations for this movie, and it was really only after watching some TikToks with the villain song in them that I decided to give it a chance, and I'm so glad I did. 3 is by far my favourite of the entire series. Was not expecting to love Viva, but she was fantastic and I wish we had more screen time with her!
While I'm not entirely sure how I will/would integrate her into the Rough and Fluff AU, I decided to make a design for her anyways, complete with some little headcanons/additions. (Click the image for better quality)
More spoilery/AU discussions and 4th movie predictions below!
Okay okay, movie discussion first:
-I fucking LOVE the Putt Putt Trolls. Its so satisfying seeing how the trauma from the bergens being more fleshed out, and it makes perfect sense that they are as fearful as they are. I'm actually surprised there wasn't more pushback when Viva stopped them from executing Bridget and Gristle.
-(How did they escape actually? The tunnels collapsed, but were there other tunnels? Or did they have a different way out? How did so many, including the eldest heir to the throne, get left behind? Why did Peppy not get BOTH his daughter's immediately?)
-On the topic of Viva; notice how her ears are lower/sharper than Poppy's? I think that's typically a more masculine trait (not 100% bc we see some male trolls with softer/rounder ears) so uh yeah MTF Viva real suck my entire nards
-Fuck King Peppy. This guy gets worse every movie. He is the Dumbledoor/Sensi Wu of Trolls. Mans cannot just give Poppy relevant information to save his LIFE. I can understand not telling Poppy immediately, the grief of loosing his eldest daughter would understandably make that hard, but its been over 20 years now, and she deserved to know.
-Also, fuck most of Branch's brothers! I'm glad JD went back eventually (when exactly he did isn't clear, but sometime between the night of the escape and the first movie) but if he assumed Branch had died, why not try and contact his other siblings to tell them? Clay I can kinda understand with him not wanting to venture out beyond the mini golf area and leave the trolls he was helping to protect, but the rest of them? Not one of them tried to go back for their baby brother? Not even Floyd? When Trollstice was a thing?? Branch shoulda thrown hands fr.
-Rhonda the armadillo bus thing was hella cute and I want a plushie.
-I. Do not really like Crimp
-Velvet and Veneer slayed sooooooo hard. I hope Veneer makes a comeback.
-I also hope we see more of the other troll tribes again.
-The music for this movie was absolutely fire and I NEED a full cover of Sweet Dreams
-I wish the Grandma's death was touched on more than once for like .5 seconds. Like, come on guys, your brother just revealed a major trauma, and that your GRANDMA died!! For christ sake, maybe go apologize for fighting?? maybe go comfort him????
Movie numero 4 predictions:
-Broppy marriage. Branch fr said "Lets get married" by accident HES THINKING ABOUT IT
-Either Poppy/Viva get their mom back, or Branch gets one/both of his parents. Dreamworks will pull some bullshit out of their ass and say that uhm actually they escaped like years before the others did and have been, idk, trapped in the shadow realm or something.
-We see Chef/Creek again. Creek redemption ark would go crazy hard IF DONE RIGHT and I want to see that fear of some monster trying to eat all your friends come back again
-Broppy kid reveal at the end of the movie. Unbelievable amounts of Plush Toy Marketing and terrible spin offs ensue.
-I just want to see more Trollstice era stuff plz dreamworks
-We get a Sound of Silence reprise
-Branch/his brothers are revealed to be a hybrid/some kind of special troll. I am TELLING YOU this guy adapted to different kinds of music like it was NOTHING, something Poppy and the others struggled with. Hes got something in him I SWEAR
-Tiny diamond is, once again, part of the main supporting characters
Au shiz:
-If Viva IS put in, its going to most likely be during the sequel. Peppy is already going to be dragged through the mud, might have him mention something about a lost sibling near the end of the OG fic, and since the Pop trolls will be looking for a new home, maybe they'll run into her
-Branch's brothers will not be making an appearance. They simply dont fit into the narrative. I may do an alternate au with them included but who knows.
-Mildly considering making Tiny Diamond a Greek kid. (Guy x Creek) would make for some interesting angst.
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yuukei-yikes · 7 months
It’s me back in the ask box again for another super important question:
What “cringe” fandoms would the mekadan have been into as kids. Like we know Marry was a black butler girlie but I need to know the rest. Who was deeply invested in the fnaf lore, who was cosplaying as homestuck trolls, who was shipping creepypastas. I am desperate for answers only you can provide.
EXCELENT question. i ADORE this question.
ayano is into homestuck. used to role play warrior cats. loves the marvel cinematic universe, and just any superhero comic book stuff in general. canonically into jojo.
kido's is BANDS. specifically bands considered emo back in 2013 or something. my chemical romance. blink 189. black veil brides. that was their shit. also im sorry but they were a superwholock. sorryyyyyy i also think they'd be into medical dramas like grey's anatomy and dr house LMAO
i dont think seto did or does fandoms. i think seto goes outside too much. he's the only one who has no idea what being in a fandom is like, also the least online definitely (I'll get to mary)
kano would be into youtubers/celebrities. he's so into celebrity gossip it's impossible to talk to him he knows of names youve never even heard of.
like u said mary is a black butler girlie but i guess she could like other mangas... i also think she'd watch medical dramas with kido. BUT she doesnt internet so she has no idea about any of it she just lore dumps everyone instead about any book she's reading. she finds out black butler is actually animated and forces everyone to sit down and watch it with her
momo was the one shipping creepypastas btw. i also think she's a sims girlie she's obsessed with its lore and loves making ocs in there and ends up obsessed with her own sims families (commissions haruka a bunch)
shintaro is into magical girls animes. like any of them. but i also think he'd like some popular cartoons like steven universe LOLLL he was probably furiously defending pearl online. also i think he used to make youtube poops and sparta remixes when he was like 14
haruka and takane are the fnaf lore guys especially haruka i seriously think he arrives to school one day after he stayed up all night watching fnaf lore videos and told takane all about it. they're the ones lining up for the movie rn. they also probably roleplayed undertale together in highschool. also i think takane likes analog horror which is horrible for haruka bc i think he hates horror but he's also weirdly fascinated by it so he's watching through his fingers anything takane puts on lol. they tend to share their fandoms especially in hs because haruka was furiously googling anything takane mentioned to have conversation topics with her
hiyori's obviously into idols. i think like kido she loves bands too but she's from the directioner bts stan vibes. and hibiya i LOVE to make jokes abt him being into whatever 12 year olds are into (fortnite, among us, fnaf) and seriously i do love that and i think gamer hibiya is possible with the power of him making the effort to learn to use his phone and the internet bc all his friends live far away and in the process learns abt all that. but before that he was like seto he has no idea what it feels like to be in a fandom and cannot understand hiyori's visions. he's still not SUPER online though
i loved this question. more questions like this i beg
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calethelettuce · 9 months
The Sides As ABBA Songs, Because ABBA Slays
I'm on an ABBA kick guys, bear with me- I thought this would be a cool thing to do, plus you get reasons why :3 If you disagree, lmk!
Honey, Honey
- Look, it’s as cheesy as ABBA can get. It’s totally up Roman’s alley
- Probably daydreams about Thomas’ crushes to this song specifically
- Knows almost all of the Mamma Mia! lore (Context: A lot of ABBA music was used in Mamma Mia!, a concert-style musical made specifically with ABBA in mind)
- Puts him in the mood to write some kind of romance novel
- Bro is probably obsessed with ABBA an unhealthy amount, to the point C!Thomas starts having dreams about the group members
The Name Of The Game
- I was originally going to put S.O.S for Lo-gay, but I feel like this one fits better
- Totally jams out to some of ABBA’s chiller songs while reading or while working
- ‘And you make me feel, and you make me show, what I’m trying to conceal’ sounds like somebody is having some funny lil issues hiding something HMMMM???? MAYBE SOME EMOTIONS?????
- Likes to research the members, just to familiarize himself with the artists to better understand
- Probably analyzes every little lyric, but likes this song just a tad more than the others because.. well, he relates in a way.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
- The purp man, listening to something OTHER THAN ROCK????!?? Holy shit it’s a miracle
- The most emo song made by ABBA by far
- ‘Won’t somebody help me chase the shadows away?’ C’MON NOW
- Really likes the instrumentals, that’s for sure
- Listens to it kinda often, although it’s kinda just shoved in his 12 hour playlist
- For some reason it calms him down a little when he’s really anxious
- Probably makes up scenarios in his head based on the lyrics
- Not a huge ABBA fan, but tolerates their music a good amount
- Would totally go to a concert tho
Slipping Through My Fingers
- ‘Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture, And save it from the funny tricks of time’ I CHOKED AND DIED :(
- Pat probably listens to this song sparingly, because he might relate just a lil too much
- He does like it, it’s just he’s a very emotional guy
- Honestly, he probably listens to ABBA just because it’s ABBA
- Jams to Dancing Queen tho
- Come on now. The phrase ‘Nothing promised, no regrets’? Literally Janus in a nutshell.
- Not really his taste, but sometimes puts it on as a boost of some sort (Probably in the morning)
- I mean, this song is just a bop
- DEFINITELY plays the Just Dance version with Remus or one of the other sides
- I lied he likes playing all the ABBA songs on JD okay he just does
- Probably quotes the french in this song (Only Roman gets it, and 85% of the time he just doesn’t remember what it means)
Does Your Mother Know?
- Do I need to explain? 
- This song is just- yes
- Would definitely tease someone interested in him exactly like this song does
- He’s just so silly
- Probably headbangs to ABBA’s more “explicit” songs
- This one though, he likes because of its funny lil’ indications
- Likes Mamma Mia! like Roman, but only because of the dirty jokes and the “funny” content
- Is pissed it’s not on Just Dance
- Most likely changes the lyrics sometimes to whatever weird things pop into his head that works
- Blasts ABBA music in the background when smashing things with his morningstar (need I explain? we all know he smashes things outta nowhere)
Money, Money, Money
- You know this dude is about to spend all his money on starbucks
- It’s just- his aesthetic
- Would definitely marry a wealthy man/woman just for the money
- Hardcore ABBA fan, shut up you cannot change my freaking mind
- Knows all the words
- (Begrudgingly) Geeks out with Roman about it every once in a while
- Causes C!Thomas to lose sleep over this fact (Sleep literally just disappears)
- His personal playlist is half ABBA
- Scored Megastar on Just Dance on every ABBA song (Janus and Remus r jealous of his talent)
- The song reminds me of the therapist friend, so ofc the boi himself deserves it
- Prefers to listen to cartoon soundtracks, though will make an exception every once and a while
- He’s such a sweetheart omg
- If C!Thomas and Emile met in some multiverse I feel like this song describes how a later interaction would go
- I forget that Sleep and Emile aren’t sides lolol
- Also really enjoys Super Trouper for some reason even he can’t explain, he just likes it lol
- Nico where u at bby gurl :0
- It’s one of those correlations you can’t explain in a simple way
- ‘Sometimes, when I’m lonely, I sit and think about him’ LIKE AWH ik the song is actually about a breakup BUT SHHHH LET ME BE DELUSIONAL
- Probably enjoys ABBA a moderate amount, he doesn’t really have a cohesive opinion
- Is tired of Roman’s bs tho lol
- There is a breakup mentioned in SaSi somewhere, so this song does kinda make sense in a way
- Vibes with Patton to Dancing Queen 100%
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readreactrant · 1 month
Hi...Do you know what anime you'll watch this season?
My top 3 fav this season are :
- Tadaima, Okaeri (wholesome BL, also one of my comfort read)
-Black Butler : Public School Arc (yes the ship is problematic but you cannot deny the shipper when you watch it. I'm not shipping SebasCiel but I'm not anti too. Their canon relationship is complicated but great story)
-Wind Breaker (bucchigiri but way better and loveable mc)
Hope you'll like them.....
Hey hey ( ◜‿◝ )♡, Literally following all of these already.
Black Butler was definitely a must, since the announcement dropped sometime last year I've been unable to keep it out of my mind. It's understandable not everyone will ship them but I personally have missed Sebaciel shenanigans so much and seeing favorite characters like Soma (although with less melanin than I remember lol what =_=) in the recent episode just made me so happy.
As for Tadaima Okaeri, I was looking forward to it for a long time, so far I'm not disappointed and it's definitely so fucking cute. All I'm saying is...if any country needs to push baby making propaganda they should go for this instead of the trashy het stuff, I don't make the rules.
I have almost no thoughts on Wind Breaker. It's definitely an upgrade but after the disappointment that was Bucchigiri, I've began to keep my expectations for Delinquent shows low (Tokyo revengers and IWGP are yet to be topped for me). It's not bad but do feel like it's lacking substance in some areas and trying too hard. The main character isn't a bitch tho so I know there's hope for it yet.
To me this year's winter season had way more exciting stuff but there are a number of other anime I'd love to recommend for this spring.
Karasu wa aruji wa Erabanai (The Raven does not choose it's Master) Is almost like the apothecary diaries, but with magic, and without the herbs and medicine...but it has the court politics so yay (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ taking place in a world where people can turn into three legged ravens called Yatagurasu, Yukiya after causing some trouble for his family is taken to serve the most special of specials crown prince who is to become the next Kin'u after picking a bride from the four daughters of the clan heads sent to him. So basically every gay historical romance Wattpad story lol. Unfortunately this isn't a bl and though you can probably tell the prince will get married in future episodes, from these three eps, I think it establishes the focus will be on him and Yukiya, which, I couldn't ask for more.
Another Recommendation is Kaijuu no. 8, I have no words (in a good way). Just spacial forces slaying gigantic monsters while the main character suddenly becomes one of those monsters and has to still join the special force that at some point will kill him if they find out, or if they have found out they realize he's different from other monsters and can help them win the war for humanity *aot flashbacks ಥ‿ಥ* What I'm trying to say is that... it's good. I think it's funny with characters that have to potential to reel you in. I've been told the manga is pretty average tho but we'll see.
Touken Ranbu Kai is...something, I don't watch anime just for pretty boys but even if I didn't like the plot of this one I'd stick with it just for the guys. Beautiful character designs, the lore feels very fresh and intriguing and as well. There's a lot of philosophical topics I think the show has potential to dive into and I'm excited to see where we go moving forward from the three eps out currently.
Last but not least, there's Sentai Daishikkaku (Go Go Loser Ranger) I really don't want to spoil anything but let me just say, it's a brilliant subversion of the Power Rangers narrative. The sound track is fun while also hitting hard, and the characters definitely leave you wanting to know more about them and the world they're in. Definitely give it a try, I don't think you'll regret it.
Got a bit carried away with this one hahah, welp that's all my recs for now. Aside from my shipping stuff I'll probably talk about any of these every now and then, my top three right now tho are definitely Black Butler, Sentai Daishikkaku and Karasu wa aruji wa Erabanai. Anon has amazing taste but I'm a very big action and supernatural fan at heart so I'm based.
Depending on how disappointing or exciting things get along the line this list might change but unfortunately my feelings don't help the state of my FAL ranking so yeah wish me luck (〒﹏〒)
Feel free to leave YOUR current top 3 for this season in the comments, or if you joined FAL like me or just what you think of any of these of you're already watching them (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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sapphire-weapon · 2 months
Gen Z-er here and OH MY GOD YES IT'S ALL FNAF's fault (and game theory but it isn't his fault intentionally LMFAO) That's why so many new horror games (outside of action-based ones like Resident Evil etc) try going the "secret deep lore" route. So SO many horror/gaming gen-z's got into it through FNAF, and to understand ANYTHING about FNAF you had to know the lore, and to know the lore you had to dig and look at stupid random things. That's why IMO when it comes to games that are straight-forward (like Resident Evil) younger fans still go down the route of pointless lore-digging, because for us we got used to having to figure shit out from pointless easter eggs & shit. Gen Z fans can have a character explicitly get married wedding and all in a game but still need to dig through minuscule lore to make sure it ACTUALLY is canon before saying jack shit.
that's CRAZY, man.
and like
i get it because i love that kind of puzzle-like storytelling, too. that's why i got so invested in the evil within the way that i did. that game's story was a puzzle, and i was determined to put it together.
but i can't IMAGINE going anywhere outside of the game materials to do it, other than like... a final fantasy ultimania, which is understood to be a canonical encyclopedia of every FF world.
like, i asked john johanas for help here and there as i was going through TEW, but that's only because he was accessible and gracious and i could. but if i hadn't been able to do that, i wouldn't have bothered looking at anything any of the devs said.
but like
i was talking to a few people about this. @godtier and @friedesgreatscythe and a few others, but like. i feel like this is also a result of people who don't play video games getting into video game fandoms. and i don't mean to say none of you have ever played the game or anything -- just that vidya probably isn't your go-to medium of choice for fandom. which is fine. there's nothing wrong with that.
but when you don't understand how games are made, and you don't understand the industry, it leads to a lot of misconceptions about the end product. like, for example, all of those people who were like "oh man lily gao really listened to the criticism about her performance and did so much better in SW!" while everyone who knows how games are made sat to the side like "... it was all recorded at the same time... they developed SW concurrently with the base game..."
so when your basis is something like FNAF, which is developed by one guy -- it's just scott cawthon -- you don't know that that's outrageously atypical for game production. games like RE are developed by teams in the hundreds and change creative hands almost every single title. it's insanity to try to take all of those devs' words as canon, because the vision is constantly changing and no one's really been steering the ship since shinji mikami left capcom.
you don't know that concept artists aren't told details about the plot or really the characters that they're helping to design, so you have no reason to find it absurd to take the RE1.5's concept artist's word as canon.
you don't know that most devs have no real creative input on the game they're helping to develop. you don't know that the producer has more creative input than the director in JP game production, and you don't know that it's the other way around in western game production.
you don't know that there is no central lorekeeper in game series like this. there's not an encyclopedia of RE canon that each team references every new title. there's not an expert that pores over the details and helps advise the story. the only reference that any of the devs have are the games themselves.
and because there's no central lorekeeper, it's absolutely meaningless to say "capcom signed off on this information, therefore it's canon" because it's like... who? literally who at capcom signed off on this? random level designer #562? "the writing team"? who is that, exactly? do we have names? we don't, actually. because there's no such thing. because it changes all the time.
most RE supplemental material was either devised by capcom's marketing division or was contracted out to independent authors, comic artists, and mangaka. capcom licenses the title to those people in order for them to make their own personal project with it, so that capcom can then turn around and sell it and give the original artist a cut of the profits. that's what happens.
no one is checking their work. there's not an RE story guru meticulously taking notes of everything that's written. it's a business contract between artists and a corporation. that's all it is.
and that's why i wish you guys would like. ask me about the game industry and game development and storytelling more often. because i feel like that more than anything will help your understanding of not just this series, but any video game series you ever get into again in the future.
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atthebell · 7 months
My understanding is that roier was just doing a bit as a pedantic lore nerd and ☝️🤓 actually'ing cellbit's ass about the timeline??? Like "sorry you can't be bobby's dad he was dead very much dead when we married 😔 stick to the timeline".
It's very usual for roier to conceal his feelings with a silly act, and as I was not watching from his pov it's harder to tell how much he meant by that comment, but the moment felt so silly to me I don't know why my dash is like this kk
yes lol everyone is taking it way more seriously than it needs to be which is what always happens
yeah i just rewatched the clip and like. my guy is not that pressed i think he does just view it as a matter of timeline and the fact that cellbit didn't have the chance to be bobby's dad, if that's how bobby and cellbit felt about each other. so no one knows, and no one can know, if that would've been their relationship. and also roier has called richas his son before plenty of times so, again, it's really just more a matter of the timeline for him and also making it clear that jaiden will always be bobby's other parent and was there the whole time with him.
also the fact that bc bobby is dead, he can't really decide for himself what that relationship is, so roier is speaking for him in this case and saying that's not something cellbit gets to determine. which he's right about! cellbit can consider bobby his son in that way, because to him, regardless of bobby's death, he means a lot to him and being married to his dad makes him his kid. but that doesn't mean bobby would have felt that way, so roier wants to make sure that decision wouldve stayed with bobby.
idk i think some people are being like "bobby's ORIGINAL two parents were jaiden and roier, so cellbit wasn't a part of that dynamic" and it's like. families are not all little math problems and stepparents and extended families and shit exist. like i think people get way too nuclear about it, but that's maybe just my opinion and how it works in my family. roier seemed, imo, to be talking about the timing. he literally says it's because bobby died before they got married, and cellbit didn't know him long enough for that to be their relationship. its not about the actual logistics of their relationship had bobby lived. i do not think he would've had an issue with cellbit saying that at all had bobby lived; again, he has called richas son many times. but since bobby's dead, that's not really on the table to him, and i think that's fair. people making it about anything beyond that are kind of being stupid, i think, and i think anyone saying he was mean or whatever to say that to cellbit are also stupid. yes, cellbit was probably hurt by it, but he's a grown ass man and he knows how to take a boundary and stick to it. he'll live. it was not even an argument, and he understands why roier feels that way.
idk it's not worth talking about anymore beyond this i think everyone is blowing it out of proportion and it's just making me tired
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The Demon King Chapters 3-6
Chapter Three:
First Willo mention 🥹
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This just makes the ending so much sadder 🤧
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Bird 😔 🪦
Han being awkward around a girl is so funny. He's so relatable.
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There were so many hints 😭
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That's mother 🫶
You know when a character is introduced as being so perfect there is no way they really are that good, and they're just gonna disappoint you? Willo is proof that that is not always the case ❤️
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Bird is gonna regret saying this if you know what i mean 😭
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Han, you slut (affectionate)
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BABY GIRL 😖 (Gavan when i catch you 😤)
Dancer didn't even know yet 😖
Chapter Four:
I remember that this was the chapter I started reading the book again. It was a Friday and I had actually stolen this book from someone else's hold, so I knew that I had to finish it soon before they missed it. So, I sat in my 8th grade homeroom and started reading.
Cinda did such a good job of showing us just how different Han and Raisa's lives were with the smallest of sentences. Like, Magret telling Raisa that her old clothes being sent to Ragmarket being equivalent to being thrown away to her, meanwhile that's how most people Han knows get clothes.
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Just giggling at Raisa looking over her room, knowing that it actually was Hanalea's old rooms.
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Pls don't stick with that thought, Rai 🙏
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Don't worry, Raisa. The guy that you picked will woo you up until you agree to marry him, and decades after that 🫶
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I love her so much 🤧
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She's so real for that
Fiona 😒
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I wonder why 😒
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Bitch, know your audience 😭
All bow before the queen, Raisa ana'Marianna 🫶
Adam, you beautiful soul 👏
Micah being the first to bring up that the story of the Demon King isn't totally accurate is hilarious since the breaking was actually caused by his ancestors, not Han's. (Also, Raisa's reaction to him asking questions compared to Han telling her a completely different story that she's always known makes my heart fluttery)
Raisa has always been the smartest in the room, and I love that for her, but it also makes me sad for her
My note for the first mention of Vega is literally just "fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufu--"
Chapter Five:
I have a very distinct memory of reading this part the first time. I had just got home that Friday, and was prepared to finish this by the end of the weekend. I locked myself in my family's living room and read this, even tho i didn't understand like half of the lore surrounding it.
That being said, this book is way more enjoyable now that I understand the lore about the demon king and the wars and the other realms.
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Han is such a nerd (affectionate)
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Oh, sweetie...
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It just makes me happy, okay?
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The pieces were always there 😭
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Thanks a lot, Cinda. Now I'm crying again.
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This is literally me and my grandma smh
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This is why I have to give Raisa her props whenever I can, because my girl needs all the love she can get.
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I know it's been 6 years since i read this book, and i kinda sped through this one, but how did I forget this whole Southie plot line?
Quick question, what is the other realm? We know Fellsmarch, Arden, Tamron, We'enhaven, Bruinswallow, and this chapter reminded me of the existence of the Southern Isles, but what is the seventh one? It's not Carthis is it?
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I'm not crying, you are 😭
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Baby boy 🥺
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Hanson, that is your future wife that you're talking about 😒
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alifeasvivid · 4 months
sorry for chatting, but like I love when people just drop the random-est lore, like you were engaged to a mormon? Idk why but every time I hear stuff like that it confuses me, like the guy I associate with being vaguely hot and clearly queer got close enough to a mormon to have been engaged. Also since I don't really do asks that often, I wanted to tell you that your voice is coming along nicely? I don't know if that's the right way to phrase it, but I hope you get the point. Sorry for the rambles
no need to apologize! >.> strap in, tho. This is a tale.
You see, I was not always a (vaguely hot >.> oh, anon flattery will get you everywhere) queer dude. Once in another life, I was a "bisexual" "girl" because I didn't know better. The mormon in question was one of my best friends from high school. We were always on-again, off-again, but even so we were always really close friends.
I should say that my views on marriage are just a little unorthodox. I don't think it has to be tied to romance, necessarily. I think that if two people in a completely platonic friendship who just love each other a lot wanna get married to enjoy the social and financial benefits of it and just to be each other's companion for life, then that's very good.
The mormon obviously felt a lot differently, but he really sucks at communicating. I also partially wanted to get engaged to help get myself out of a different bad situation so clearly... this was a recipe for success (not.) Throughout our entire relationship (romantic or otherwise), I got to know him and his family and they're... odd, but mostly harmless, tbh... although we did have long, heated arguments about whether or not he could/would baptize me post-mortem. He did try to convert me for a few years before he finally gave up because he started having his own doubts and he eventually drifted away from the church and never went on his mission (which I am sure I am still being blamed for to this day).
The ring was white gold with a really sad, pale iolite as the center stone and I eventually sold it for whatever I could get for the metal.
We broke off the engagement after he............... stepped over my consent a little bit, but we stayed friends for a couple years after that and he even pretended to be really supportive when I initially came out as NB. But ultimately, we were always interacting with our ideas of what the other person was/what they should have been and never actually engaging with each other. Also he's a man-child who refuses to take responsibility for his own life and would rather spend all of it blaming his childhood and the bullying he experienced and yes those things were VERY BAD, but by the time we stopped talking at all, we were almost 30.
In 2022, I learned that he joined the Pr0ud B0ys.
So. P: Bullet: dodged. LOL
And yes, I understand what you mean about my voice and thank you, it means a lot ^-^
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myshredda · 1 year
Oh my god, Red and Duck just KEEP adding kids to their family
For Pink’s backstory/lore, maybe she never had a name, just a title- “you’re going to be someone’s special one someday!” (By which they really mean “you’re going to be someone, become a person, when you get married”)
So she ends up with the clump and she can’t help herself from repeating the same bullshit she’s been taught, and she tells them she doesn’t have a name. And they’re like, you get to pick then. And that blows her little mind.
I’ve NEVER thought about her before but… I love her
Yeah they've been infected by my brainrot, sorry guys! Red and Duck grew up with either A. no family (duck, who I've seen headcanoned as growing up in the foster system and eventually aging out of it without being adopted, which breaks my heart but makes SO MUCH SENSE) or B. Had a huge extended family that were all fucking AWFUL and were emotionally distant and pretty unsupportive of Red's personality and life. And they're like. FUCK IT. These traumatized yellow children WILL KNOW WHAT LOVE IS.
You hit the nail on the head with the lore!!!! That's exactly what i'm thinking as well. She really wasn't raised to be her own person, and she CERTAINLY wasn't going to be her own person after getting married, she'd go from virginal prize to obedient wife, to be seen and not heard. So her being allowed to have a name and be her own person is SO FOREIGN to her she's just like "I like you guys, you're fucking crazy" and Red's like "Darling, you're allowed to have a name. People are allowed to have names, we're not the crazy ones for enabling you to have your own name. I need you to understand that having a name is the bare minimum okay? You deserve literally so much more than a name, oh my god."
Red does the Bob Belcher "oh my god" literally every time she brings up some random belief the cult forced on her (like her not hugging anyone because it would sully her purity or some crazy shit) and then he has to go outside and stare into the middle distance until he doesn't feel like biting something anymore.
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locke-n-k3y · 5 months
aodhkdhdkdjd hey hey locke!! i have appeared to scream into the void about my ocs so you may ignore this :]] (these might not make any sensee and warning for violence just in case)
Adele and Josh and Janette. I. am. dead. thinking about them aughhshdjdjd so so as i said before, the adults have a LOT of highschool lore which is mostly there for funsies and stuff!! Those three, which my friend named The Dead Poets Society as a ship name, have the most.
So Adele was known as a bully/group (i don’t want to call it gang since it wasn’t one? really?) leader and probably beat up Janette in highschool once but neither of them remember (josh does) Josh (He went by a diffrent name- transmasc josh <3) was a part of Adele’s group, they dated during that time as well. So adele beat up people and josh kind of stood there like uhhhh this is messed up. When josh comes out as a trans guy when they were in their late teens 17-18 (he didn’t rlly know how to explain it since not many people where out and proud as trans in the town in the 90’s) and Adele threw that aside as ‘oh you know that’s fine’ and never took it seriously. In their 20’s, Adele and Josh started fighting more (there’s a scene in my head for them where they’re just driving in silence and both have a bleeding nose).
They should get a divorce tbh like DUDEE. josh would happily let adele go but adele still has love for josh since she likes men as well but she’s buried that down with disgust from her teens. So adele’s like noo don’t leave to fuck you why did i ever marry you. So yeah D: at the end of the story when adele gets arrested, since she had commited so many crimes, she talks to josh and if this was an animated show i would flash back to them in their teens!! She basically says like ‘hey I still don’t understand everything, and I wish I’d had the courage to ask why you felt how you felt when you first told me’ and then she drives away in the police car. (she gets out of the court with only charges for property damage since she covered her tracks well)
cough. yeah. Them!! head in hands about them (My Boy by Car Seat Headrest is so Josh and Adele coded and i have a whole animatic planned for them with that songsvdhdhdkdj sorry for the lore dump!!)
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Why aren't you a huge fan of MasakoX's What Ifs?
At 9:09 - 9:33 of the video above, MasakoX states that "The Legacy of Goku" games had its own interpretation of the DB lore, just as he does on his channel & says it's relatable to some of his what-ifs.
So, that's why I don't like his what-ifs. MasakoX's what-ifs loosely follow DB & follow DBZA closer. So they are fanfics of a parody.
And tbh, most what-ifs that many YouTubers do are pretty lame imo. Mainly due to the lack of DB knowledge. Many ppl change too much to the point that the characters act OOC or aren't even themselves anymore. Likey due to the fact that most of the popular DB YouTubers don't really understand the non-Saiyan characters. Heck, most don't even understand the Saiyan characters like Gohan, Vegeta, Bardock, nor Trunks.
The way many of the what-ifs are written to appease to Saiyan fans & fans of female characters. Also, they often coddle overly sensitive Vegeta fans who claim Vegeta has the most character development, yet refuse to believe he was once evil. (Vegeta is one of the most innacuately depicted characters in what-if stories.)
MasakoX's videos that I enjoy are his color theory videos, chakra videos, and videos where he talks about obscure things in DB that most fans don't know about. Those are far more entertaining.
Most what-ifs like "What If Bulma Married Goku?" have been done to death & 95% of the time are done poorly by the fandom. Its simply a sexual thing and the real relationship is forced and doesn't work.
Same goes for turning a character into a Saiyan. Earthlings don't need to be a Saiyan to be cool. Besides, turning an Earthling into a Saiyan takes away what makes the humans unique and how they compete above their weight bracket. EARTHLINGS ARE THE UNDERDOGS. Turning Earthlings into Saiyans takes that away from them. There are ways to write Earthlings becoming Saiyans, but I haven't seen anyone do it in a way that catches my attention.
How I would do a "What-If XYZ Was A Saiyan?" is this...
After Bulma found out Goku was a Saiyan, she used Raditz DNA to create something called "Saiya-Pills." It temporarily gives the Earthlings the abilites of Saiyans while keeping their Earthling potential & humanity. So, in a sense, they would be similar to Gohan; Saiyan ability, Earthling potential.
(Idea came from the Super-Pills from the Injustice game.)
Also, the popular Raditz what-if stuff is super boring to me. He becomes discount Vegeta. Talks about Saiyan pride, gets with a woman that one of the Earthlings had a relationship with, ect. Just becomes a Vegeta 2.0. Or even worse... becomes the extremely inaccurate fan interpretation of Vegeta. The interpretation where he's a nice guy with a tough side who takes pride in his Saiyan ppl & is a better husband/father than Goku despite Goku being more human than they are. Its not the character. I like the actual characters, not the husk of them.
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