#you ever find a fic writer who not only has fantastic prose but it seems like every fic was made for you? (ie; hurt no comfort in my case)
lockandkeyhyena · 1 year
do NOT read hurt no comfort fics at three am!!!! nothing supernatural will happen but you will be VERY sad and not be able to sleep
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littlestsnicket · 2 years
7, 9, 11, 19, 31, 44, 69, 75, for the fic ask game?
i was almost done with this, but then i had to go watch everything, everywhere, all at once (which was very good, and very worth seeing in theaters if you have that option), and then i had to go to bed, and now it is somehow the next afternoon.
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
so this is an interesting one, because plot is really hard for me. a lot of why i started writing fic was to have permission to write without having plot, so i almost exclusively wrote drabbles for doctor who and mcu, and they were all missing scene/character study type things. probably the first thing i “plotted” (it was still all vibes and character study) and then never actually wrote, was about amy and rory getting stuck in the third doctor era, and getting to meet the master and the unit fam. 
9. in an ideal world where you're super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work?
absolutely. i am obsessed with the mechanics of adaptation. i would definitely be a bit apprehensive about someone who was *just* doing it for the paycheck adapting my work. but i'd be way too curious to see what someone else would do with it, and how it would change and evolve. i love when adaptations are really different but are still true to something significant about the original work, so it’s hard to imagine being disappointed by anything besides carelessness (but that does seem to be a real concern). 
11. what's something neat you've learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
i recently did a whole bunch of research on how to make gut strings, and know (strictly in theory) how to re-fret a lute. 
for the twin peaks fic i have been working on for literal years, i learned: pittsburgh used to have a vibrant chinatown but it was eventually replaced by the worst highway (is 380/bigalow blvd really even a highway? anyway, notably stupid fucking road in a city full of bad street design) (to be fair, racism and the overall population downturn had mostly destroyed the neighborhood before it became a highway) and paper bags with handles and indiglo timex watches didn’t exist in 1985.
i don't really worry, per say, about research and accuracy, but it's my favorite form of procrastination from actually writing. i also find that having more information to percolate through my brain does inspire me to write and having little, technically unimportant, details in my work thrills me. 
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
probably neil gaiman? there's both a clarity and a sense of whimsy in how he writes. and it sometimes has a toned down douglas adams vibe. i try to be vividly descriptive but only when necessary. i also really internalized e b white's style guide when i read it. i always do a pass of editing that is just... getting rid of words.
31. tell us about on of your characters who's an absolute joy to write
the thing that brings me the most joy is when i feel like the cadence of a characters' dialogue is exactly right, so i have the most fun writing characters that have really distinctive speech patterns. lemony snicket, dale cooper, the eleventh doctor, and jaskier are all great for that.
but also, recently, i just really really loved getting in ciri's head. there's so much going on in there. she's got layers, and she's growing into herself, but not in a stereotypical coming of age sort of way, which i often find kind of boring.
44. name three of your favorite fanfic writers
i tried very very hard not to overthink this and just wrote down the three that came to me first. copperbadge, whoslaurapalmer, limerental. there are so many fantastic story tellers in fandom, but they stand out to me in terms of prose quality. 
69. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the character is feeling?
hmmm. i don't know if i do anything deliberately to write emotional scenes. usually, since it's fic, i'm trying to capture something i felt while watching or reading the source material, so i might go back to that.
i definitely get in the characters heads a bit when i'm writing, so i guess i feel whatever they're supposed to be feeling, but at a remove or dialed significantly down in intensity.
75. do you know how the story ends before you start writing?
not usually. i work things out as i write, but i don't write in order, and almost always write the end before i finish the middle. it helps for me to know where you’re going. sort of like writing a research paper in school--there’s nothing worse than getting to the end and realizing you don’t have a real conclusion. 
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theplatinthehat · 4 years
2019 Good Omens Fic Post
I didn’t think I could let the end of the year go by without celebrating some of my favourite Good Omens fics and authors that I’ve read over the last few months. This fandom has really encouraged me, and loads of others, to write some really amazing and fun work. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has made my time in this fandom something to be treasured – it’s been an amazing experience!
Consider this a love letter to the fanfic writers of this fandom. I can’t include everyone in the list, but if you write fanfic – thank you so much for the time and energy you put into this fandom!
Drawlight / @drawlight
Can you fall in love with a writing style? Because I honestly think I have. I, like many other, came across Draw’s amazing work after Michael Sheen tweeted about Salinity and now here we are! It’s been an absolute privilege to read the incredible fandom works by Draw, and we really have been blessed by his beautiful stories. I remember reading Salinity for the first time, and it totally took my breath away. Whenever I open it up to re-read I find myself taking a deep breath before diving in.
What I Love: My favourite thing about Draw’s writing is the way he weaves in references to music, poetry and other stories into his work (Hadestown makes a regular appearance). His writing often makes me very warm and very soft and are much like a literary hug after a long day.
Favourite Works: Salinity (And Other Measurements of Brackish Water); tell me who is victor; I Will Get Up Now And Go About the City
Atalan / @seaskystone
What. An. Author. Atalan has made me cry floods of tears and laugh until I’ve fallen out of bed! Their long-form stories are a particular favourite of mine, and whenever I get a notification that one of those has been updated I have to read it immediately (even if I’m in the middle of a lecture). Atalan is a superb writer in any style, and I cannot wait to read more of their work.
What I Love: I must confess, my favourites are definitely the comedies – their sense of humour is absolutely fantastic, and their witty writing style makes me grin like an idiot. I remember reading the opening chapter of ‘Instructions Not Included’ and messaging my sister to let her know that I had found the perfect fic.
Favourite Works: Pray for Us, Icarus (and check out this amazing video by @pinkpiggy93) and Instructions Not Included
My goodness where do I even start with this incredible author? JMA takes our favourite angel and demon and explores some intriguing and often dark concepts through them. JMA has a very erudite writing style, and I often find myself reading their work twice or even three times before I even begin to scratch the surface of what they’re saying. Absolutely beautiful prose – I can’t recommend enough.
What I Love: The fact that their work makes me stop and think. Each story is a rich tapestry, which you can admire as a whole, but each individual thread is beautiful in its own right. JMA also has excellent command of both plot and character, which I love.
Favourite Works: Rebuild you from clay (the full series is worth a read in my opinion). You might also like Suffer the Children, which was written in collaboration with Ineffable_Plans
weatheredlaw / @weatheredlaw  
I think it’s safe to say that weatheredlaw is the champion of the AU. There’s not a world that they can’t turn their hand to, and not a setting that they can’t describe in vivid detail. Weatheredlaw is an absolute pro at making me feel all sorts of things, and honestly, it was their fic that made me go ‘Oh, I see why people ship the Bookshop and the Bentley’.
What I Love: What’s not to love in weatheredlaw’s work? If I had to pick a favourite thing, it would absolutely have to be their descriptions. This comes across particularly well in ‘with all your delights’ where the descriptions of the south were so eloquent that I thought I might be able to crawl through the screen and join Aziraphale and Crowley there.
Favourite Works: with all your delights; dream to me
racketghost / @racketghost
I only discovered racketghost’s work recently and I only have one question – how on earth did I manage without their writing in my life before? Oh my goodness, their stories are absolutely marvellous. The main body of their work imagines what Crowley and Aziraphale might have been getting up to during WWI – and let me assure you, they pull no punches.
What I Love: I absolutely adore their storytelling style – it’s fabulous. Their descriptions of war are unflinching, and feel so real. The relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley is explored so well, and their emotions are so well portrayed.
Favourite Works: Strange Moons
With Love, A Symphony – OneofWebs / @tantumuna
This is a beautiful tale of love and music. I remember when I first read this, I fell in love instantly. I have such a weakness for Crowley playing stringed instruments, and this gave me exactly what I needed. The exploration of Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship through the different periods of music was just incredible. If you have an appreciation for classical music and slow-burn romance, this is the fic for you.
Full Circle – Hekateras / @futureevilscientist
Gosh, where do I even start with this series? The first two sentences grabbed me by the lapels and did not let go. An absolutely fascinating exploration into what happens at the End of Days – and beyond… This fic played my heartstrings like a fiddle and I loved every second of it. There’s a lot of angst, but it’s well worth sticking through until the end. I thoroughly recommend if you, like me, wonder what might happen if the Apocalypse comes round again.
Slow Show – mia_ugly / @mia-ugly_ugly
Is there anyone in this fandom that hasn’t read this fic? Well, if there are, here’s a reminder for you to set aside a day and devote it to reading this amazing story. This is a beautiful AU that imagines our favourite angel and demon as human actors; Avery Fell and Anthony Crowley. The narrative, the characterisation and the world-building are all absolutely stupendous, and like me you’ll be absolutely desperate to see Warlock on the screen yourself! Gosh, I don’t want to spoil this too much – go and read Slow Show! Now!
And once you’ve read that, be sure to check out the some faith remix of the fic by attheborder and curtaincall
Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrated Approach – Nnm
Many of us have said that Crowley needs to go to therapy. But what would therapy with a demon actually look like? And what kind of a therapist would be able to unpack all that trauma? Meet Aubrey Thyme, professional psychotherapist. Nnm does a wonderful job with this story, and its equal parts humorous and heart-breaking. And the end… oh the end – I won’t spoil anything. You really must read this fic.
Acts of Service – seekwill / @jasmine-cottage-uk
Another stunning human AU. Aziraphale is a vicar, and Crowley is a mysterious bad boy that can’t seem to keep away, and Anathema is there being an absolute bad-ass, set in the heart of an inner-city community. What starts out simply turns out to be much more convoluted than I ever could have imagined, and there were points where I was literally at the edge of my seat! An intriguing story, with vibrant characters, told by an absolutely marvellous writer.
Made Flesh – rfsmiley / @redfacesmiley
What if two, were in fact three? This is the question that runs throughout this piece of work – where Crowley is shadowed by something that only Aziraphale can see. A thoroughly absorbing tale that explores the love shared by an angel and a demon, and how that love manifests itself. This story settles itself well within the 6,000 year canon, and is beautifully told. An absolute must-read.
The Demons Have the Phonebox – theplatinthehat
You didn’t think I could get through this list without a self-rec did you? I shan’t say much, but I will say that the overwhelming love and support I’ve had for this fic has meant more to me than you’ll ever know. Recommended reading for people who love Donna Noble, creative use of the English language and general hijinks.
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
Tumblr media
Name: Mae Gi
Age: 23
Writing Blog URL(s): @mae-gi-writes & https://embed.wattpad.com/user/nutmeggu
What fandom(s) do you write for?
The Boyz, EXO, BTS, SVT, Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts
Nationality: Mauritian
Languages: French, English, Creole
Star Sign: Pisces 
Favorite color: Mint!
Favorite food: Xiao Long Bao
Favorite movie: Patriot 
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint and chocolate chip!
Favorite animal: Definitely whales
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? Coffee all the way! 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Writer 😍 
Go-to karaoke song: Breaking Free High School Musical
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?
The 70's 
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?
I Would not. I believe that everything I've experienced was for a reason and I couldn't be happier where I am. 
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?
100 chicken-sized horses because that would be cute af
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?
I like to believe that I'd be a badass tough cookie
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?
I am bad at maintaining eye contact so I am always conscious of it.
When did you post your first piece?
I think it was in 2012 that I started my first story!
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?
Fluff and angst are my go-to's because they are the ones that I relate to the most. My writing comes from personal experiences, so there's a lot of fluff and angst involved.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr?
I just started posting without really taking it seriously to be honest. But when people started showing interest, it motivated me to write more and gave me confidence. I also made lots of wonderful writer friends which I am so grateful for! 
What inspires you to write?
Life, people, relationships. Writing is also a way for me to process my thoughts of emotions, it's therapeutic. 
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?
Romcom and slice of life mainly. And my guilty pleasure is the best friend to lover AU. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?
That it makes them laugh, have a good time, or cry in sympathy. I want my characters to reflect real people and I hope that my readers can relate and realize that they are not alone, no matter how tough life may seem sometimes. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?
I stop writing and listen to music. It allows me to imagine scenarios without me actively writing them. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?
My favourite work is definitely my first novel that I recently published on Amazon! It's sci-fi dystopian and is really close to my heart because every character is a piece of me stitched into them. 
My most successful on Tumblr is Deobi Playlist series, which is a fanfiction mashup of the series Hospital Playlist x The Boyz. I think people find it really entertaining and light to read. 
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Kevin from The Boyz, Jungkook from BTS. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?
There's a difference in terms that some elements are already crafts for you and you approach them in a different perspective. Original prose is completely made up by you. 
What do you think makes a good story?
The storyline is important, but characters are definitely the most vital elements in telling a good story. 
What is your writing process like?
Depending on the mood, I usually put on a playlist of slow songs and start writing whatever comes to mind on my laptop. Sometimes if I need to figure out a story, I use pen and paper to quickly outline the series of events. I also usually write better at night or early morning. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?
I actually already did! It was named as Entity and was a BTS fanfic that received so much love I decided to alter it into a real novel now called Terminal. It's available on AMAZON. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?
I am a sucker for Love Triangle tropes and Best Friends to Lovers tropes because, in my experience, they really do happen. I can't stand the "I'm not like other girls" trope, I just think it's overdone and is always portrayed as something that the protagonist needs. 
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?
I definitely don't depend on feedback to write because I write for myself. But getting feedback and seeing people appreciate my work definitely motivates me to believe in myself as a writer. I would not have come this far without support. 
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?
I just kept writing, even though it was shit, even though I was sometimes frustrated. No matter how bad it was, I always told myself that I was doing this for me and never listened to outsiders who didn't appreciate my craft. 
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?
Definitely! Just because we write fanfiction doesn't mean we're not writers. I know of so many AMAZING fanfic writers who are so much better than actual authors!
Do you think art can be a medium for change?
Yes, art has always been involved to portray what can't be said. And that is the beauty of it. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?
Rather than "writing for others" I keep myself disciplined by writing everyday, no matter how bad it might be or how little i write. 
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?
Yes, I don't really understand why writing as an art form is so underrated when it is so beautiful, but there is this misconception that writers, especially fanfic writers, are just thirsty fangirls who are obsessed with their biases. No, we are content creators, we write stories because we are artists and take so much time and effort to write these amazing stories.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?
My boyfriend is the only one and he is really supportive.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?
That I appreciate every single one of them for supporting my work, and that every comment, reblog or like just makes my heart feel so full with love. I also wish to tell them to keep dreaming, keep pushing and stay safe 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?
Be scared to start. Be scared because that means you're pushing yourself and that's okay. Fear is part of the process but you have to go through that to gain confidence in what you do. Throw yourself under the bus, because that's how it gets easier. And don't compare to other writers because like every artist, your story and your craft, your words and your voice will be different. So believe that you can, and you are worth it.
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?
YES!! I'D LIKE TO THANK @pixelelf @choaticdeobi @moondustaeil @aveluant1a @atbzkingdom @thesingingfae1905 @2hyunjae @tbzhours @jenocakes ❤❤❤ 
Pick a quote to end your interview with:
There's no such thing as perfect writing, just like there's no such thing as perfect despair - Haruki Murakami 
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ghost-chance · 4 years
Fanfiction Recommendation: “Fat. Beautiful. Tasty. Ravenous” by MoofyKitten
Title: Fat. Beautiful. Tasty. Ravenous Author: MoofyKitten on AO3/FFN/Wattpad Fandom: BNHA/My Hero Academia Rating: M/MA for a reason. (Detailed sex in over half the posted chapters. Perv away only if you’re of age!) Pairing(s): Fat Gum [Toyomitsu Taishirou] / OFC Found on: AO3
Deets Expect some light spoilers and a mini-rant.
I am an unrepentant fanfiction addict; this is no secret. There are fics I read to wind down after a rough day, fics I read to put myself to sleep in hopes of pleasant dreams, and fics I read to tear my hear into teeny tiny fragments then build it back again better than before. THEN there are fics that don’t fit the mold – the kind that I become so invested in that I physically cannot put off reading that update. THIS, my lovelies, is one of THOSE fics, and it’s earned that place from the early chapters. This story has almost everything I need from a fanfiction, and I have a feeling the rest is just around the corner.
Let’s get the basics out of the way.
The Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all excellent – I have yet to notice a single error, so either the author and her betas are a force to be reckoned with or I’m just getting so sucked into the story an elephant could sit on me and I’d never notice. The formatting is effective and easy to follow, and the chapters have all been of a nice meaty length, perfect for plowing through in a single sitting only to realize you missed a meal and it’s time for bed and your brain is hopelessly lost in ship-land daydreaming about what’s up next. ...wait, that’s just me? My bad.
Syntax – This one requires an entire section of its own. The fact that I’m having to actually think about how well the author’s varying their syntax says they’re effing nailing it. If a story’s syntax is at all static or the sentence even the slightest bit predictable, it’s easy enough for me to recall it because I’m mentally rearranging the bits that irk or don’t impress me as I read. I can’t even get through a bleepin’ news article or an online recipe without itching to push what I’m reading up to the standards my professors held. It sounds harsh, I know, but please take  my word for it when I say I’m not criticizing anyone. Suffice it to say, if my classes did anything, they made editing so instinctive I can’t turn it off. Confession: I have never found myself rearranging a single phrase in this masterpiece. Arguing with the characters? Encouraging the characters? Begging, pleading, and berating the characters for breaking my heart time and time again by stopping just short of the sugary fluff I can just smell right around the corner? Oh, Hell yes. I’ve done all of that and more, but I’ve never found myself with the urge to grab my red pen and strike out or scooch even a single word.
Something that strikes me about this story above others I’ve given the same rating (Spoiler: there are VERY FEW!) is the sheer variety of the scenes and environments. Sounds silly? Probably, but romances often develop a certain amount of location stagnation, and I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to bust through those patterns. (I mean, the majority of “A New Lease on Life” takes place in the Lair in some room, most commonly a bedroom, the lab, or the kitchen.) This story takes the couple off of familiar and ‘safe’ turf like homes and offices and drags them through countless other places without regard for their sense of comfort. Each scene feels real and multi-dimensional and directly or indirectly influences the characters’ behavior and reactions. It’s awesome. That’s a sign the author has done her people-watching!
Now, about that OC. I’ll readily admit, in the first chapter, I had my reservations. At first glance she seemed shallow, obsessed with appearances and her own view of the world, and – strange as it may sound – too skinny and too attractive. Yes, there’s some personal bias involved there, but the majority was practical rather than emotional. BUT! Because the writer of this story is the same who unleashed the beautiful Kacchako torment Hot-Headed upon me without a single breath of remorse, I gave Aiko a chance. Sure enough, my first impressions were entirely incorrect. The things that bothered me about Aiko? They all had explanation or purpose, and she’s turned out to be a pretty well-fleshed out character...pun intended. As the story progresses we’re seeing sides of her that I hoped for but didn’t expect and each chapter leaves me wondering what we’ll learn next.
Romantic connection. First word: “OOFTA.” The second word, I’d spell out, but it’s a shrill, wordless, begging whine that I cannot translate into English for the life of me. This pairing starts without any sort of romantic connection; it skips straight to the shenanigans and leaves hope that the snugglebunnies will follow eventually. Friends…if you’ve read any of my writing before, you’ll know that I. LIVE. For. The. FLUFF. The awkward mush, the sweaty palms, the am-I-gonna-barf-or-do-I-have-a-crush, the absolutely tooth-rotting sweetness capable of sending a reader headlong into diabetes with a dopey grin and heart eyes - they’re my crack and I love them. This story started with no fluff but it’s been slowly developing in the background. It’s an entirely new situation for me! I feel like I’ve gotten used to eating my dessert first then digging into an equally sweet dinner without a moment to cleanse my palate. This story? It’s like gorging on smoky, meaty St. Louie barbecue for weeks on end with literally just a smear of something sweet as an afterthought. Mind. Frackin’. BLOWN. It turns out I’m more masochistic as a reader than I ever suspected.
Another relationship I want to cover is the building friendship between Aiko and Fat Gum – because nope, she has not managed to mentally connect the half-starved Taishiro she’s climbing like a tree with the big-and-beautiful Fat Gum who owns the agency. Yep. She thinks she’s boning Fat’s beefy little brother. It’d be funny if my heart wasn’t whining for fluff. While frustrating to fluff-starved readers, Aiko not knowing the beefcake and the brother are one and the same provides an intriguing and natural way for her to build an actual relationship with him. This means none of the fetishistic bullarkey rampant in other stories pairing plus-sized male characters with OCs.
What sort of fetishistic bullarkey am I talking about? To name a handful: I love you so lose weight. I love you because you’re big. I’m fat too so it’s okay if we’re together. Blatant fat-fetish disguised as romance. Fat character’s life absolutely revolves around food and it’s gross/nvm it’s okay. Lastly, OC’s only chance at being loved by fat character is feeding them. Maybe to thin folks those don’t sound negative but to those of us who fit the description? NOPE. These don’t make healthy relationships. Using these can turn a well-meaning pairing toxic and frankly, it tends to piss off those of us who – GASP! - accept ourselves no matter our size. These...tropes, let’s call them, have made me hesitant to even try fiction involving plus sized male characters because I’ve been let down so many times. Finding plus sized female characters is easy, especially OCs, but appreciation for the chonky bois isn’t nearly as common. They need love too, dammit!
Ahem. Rant over.
As mentioned before, I ain’t seen any of that crap in this story. This author is treating Fat Gum like she would any other character instead of focusing on the fat. I wish with all my heart that more authors were capable of (and willing to) do the same with Fat Gum, and with other plus sized male characters. I can’t even put into words how much it means to me that she’s doing such a fantastic job portraying a character type that so many writers bungle without ever realizing it. I’ve needed this story my entire life and never realized it wasn’t there; I shudder to think of how long I might have been waiting for it if this author never found the inspiration to do so.
If I don’t shut up now, I fear I never will. I love this story that much. Moving on.
Explicit sexual content – do NOT read this around your family unless you have a stronger will than I and can do so without creeping them out. (According to my husband, when I read smut I “look like a demented vulture staring down at a half-flattened ‘possum waiting for it to take its last breath,” complete with hunched shoulders and heavy breathing. Flattering, I know.) The smut scenes, while not my usual cuppa tea, wreck. My brain? Broke. Chapter four’s budding romance? It’s goin’ on my headstone ‘cuz I’m dead.
There are mentions of human trafficking and the future may include more about it. Slut-shaming comes up a few times because men are assholes and asshole exes are the ultimate assholes. Situational fat-shaming and lack of body confidence come up as Aiko comes to recognize Fat Gum for who he is instead of what he is; on the other end of the tag, Fat is also doing a lot of it to himself even when it isn’t spelled out. You can see it behind some of his reasoning in his POV chapters and since the writer is kickass at portraying thoughts and feelings without ever breaking out of restricted POV, you can also see hints in other chapters. That said, if the shaming was really bad without any redeeming purpose, I’d have noped my way right out’a that fic and never looked back. It has a purpose, and it’s not that bad. Give it a chance.
Recommendation level
This story lacks purple prose and excessive fluff, and I haven’t seen any signs of the pop culture, literary, and music references I love so dearly, but the rating remains the same:
Ten. Out. of. Farking. TEN!
YES! I’ve finally found another 10/10!!! A quick reminder for anyone who’s managed to not see my other reading recc posts, I don’t even need both hands to count off all the 10/10s I’ve read. Congratulations, Ms. MoofyKitten – your story rocks my world and I have an addiction I do not care to shake!
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raeofalbion · 5 years
Rules: List 5 quotes from various fics you love and link to the fics! Quotes can be short or long. Tag as many people as you want! (tagged by @leafenclaw - thanks so much! :D)
tagging: Idk who I follow and who follows me who hasn’t done this yet, so, if you want to do it, go for it and please tag me so I can see!
Okay, so I’ve decided to twist the rules a little and use this as a rec list for my current top five Sherlock fics and my top three Fable fics, in no particular order, so people who follow me for either fandom have something to go through. Under the cut because...long.
BBC Sherlock
Inevitable Destruction by @jimswestwood (formerly Dionysisch)
(Ao3; Sheriarty) Bored, Jim invites Sherlock into his home, Sherlock decides to stay. — It’s a beautiful 4 part oneshot series that deals heavily with existentialism and wanting, framed in an almost elegant, bordering on philosophical light. Oh and it makes me cry. It makes me cry a lot.
Sometimes it would hit him so hard it became painful even to breathe. The meaninglessness of it all. It all dissolved into the same ephemeral prettiness of clouds, of smoke, of things that could fascinate but hold no substance at all, vanish at the touch. The air in his lungs, the wall he kept staring at. Himself. The words flowing through his brain. Nothing. Just a casual connection, weak strings giving intolerable heaviness to sounds and letters. In the end, the more he repeated something, the more he realized emptiness. Sounds rolling in his mouth numbing his palate, as he took another mask, another voice, another self - an evocation of something he forgot along the way, and in which he forgot part of himself.
Bored, bored, bored. Bored.
His thin lips part slightly, tongue darting gently over scabs of a tormented nature, sign of a certain carelessness betraying a polished image in all its destructiveness. “Bored,” Jim repeats, again. Just a murmur. Gentle, quiet, making sure not to disturb the non-existent life in a bubble of static silence. It makes him think of grey, grey dullness, something like quicksand but gripping at his brain and his heart and paralyzing him until he cannot breathe and exploding into a million pieces sounds like the most tolerable image. Scattering himself like cosmic dust. He wonders if, in that case, he would give life to other stars or just decay. Once more. 
Not Until Then by @jamlocked​
(Ao3; Sheriarty, Sherlock/James Moriarty) After Sherrinford, Sherlock goes to see Jim’s brother. What follows is in no way straightforward. — There was a three-way tie for me between this fic, Daemon, and Between Shadows and Sunlight, but this fic. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it and I still can’t say for certain what I think is really happening. It’s gorgeous, elusive, and I love how much it makes me think. Jam’s a master at well-crafted, incredibly twisty plots and I’m just...endlessly fascinated by this one.
Sherlock watches his chest stop moving. David’s head tilts a fraction, like he’s listening to a far-off sound. And then…
…and then, his left hand moves to his left knee. It’s an instantly familiar gesture, one burned into Sherlock’s hard drive. Every other thought falls away. Sherlock feels his eyes widen and his mouth drop open, a gasp stuck behind his teeth. The cold, the silence of the country, the light of the windows, all melt to nothing as he watches David ripple his fingers (beats like digits) over his bent leg, pushing a slight emphasis on the roll of his thumb.
For a few seconds, he can’t breathe. His eyes snap up to David’s face - and it is David’s face, it is, but all he can see is Jim. Jim sitting there with his eyes closed and his hair a mess, slumped in exhaustion but still, always, drumming his own beat. Except that wasn't his beat, that was theirs. He knows of no one else who ever saw Jim make that move, and there’s no reason anyone ever should. That was part of their game.
He whirls to the side, back into darkness. His shoe makes a noise as it shifts on the gravel, but it barely registers. He blinks rapidly, playing the movement back, checking he saw what he thought he saw, not just what he wanted. Why would he want that? (Except wasn’t that his secret hope, wasn’t he sad when he realised he was wrong?) He doesn’t want that. It was just…
Logic. Logic. They’re brothers. He doesn’t know what characteristics they shared, and he doesn’t know when they last talked. There are any number of explanations; indeed, they’re lining up in his brain, each one ready to squash down the live-wire burst of shock. Coincidence (rarely so lazy), or wishful thinking, or his brain overlaying a strong moment from his past onto something innocuous.
Sherlock breathes out, and looks back through the window. David is rinsing the plates at the sink, ready for the dishwasher. Just a too-thin, tired man. Sherlock calms himself, and walks back around the house to let himself back in. He has to see this through. He has to know what he’s doing here, and then there’ll be no need to come back.
To What End? by collaborativesheriartyparty
(Ao3; Sheriarty) Texting, drinks, and...something more. Unique. Possibly dangerous. Definitely addicting. — I don’t know what to say about this series that someone else hasn’t already said but gods, they (the writers) are so good. There’s a depth and a complexity and a lovely, wonderful vulnerability to how both of them write their respective characters and watching Jim and Sherlock’s relationship unfold feels incredibly intimate and, at times, like I should have given them a bit of time alone. It’s fantastic. <3
Sherlock had a funny way of getting revenge, of paralyzing his enemy.  Jim appreciated it.  Why do with effort what could be done with a whisper?  The nights he’d dreamt of the detective had transformed his mornings, either giving him a renewed sense of patience or a real urge to get creative in his ventures.  Jim had wanted to give Sherlock every chance to notice him, and chase him down.  If Sherlock slipped cuffs on his wrists right now with a ‘gotcha’, would it be worth it? Yes. “I think…” Jim murmured, his tongue darting out to wet his suddenly dry lips and, oops, brushing Sherlock’s lobe in the process, “that you should be texting John.” How he managed sing-song just now was a bloody feckin’ wonder.  Maybe because he only took John so seriously.  “Telling him you’ll be home…soon,” Jim continued, tone back to a distracted drawl, and took another deep inhale of Sherlock, his leg almost brushing the other’s now.  To Jim, they were the only people in the bar right now, in the world.  His eyes had closed, and it took every effort to keep his hands off Sherlock. “Instead of starting something you don’t want to finish.”  He’d intended warning, but somehow it had turned out sounding like a challenge.
Circadian Disruption by @like-the-direction
(Ao3; Sheriarty) They are many things--brilliant, determined, enemies, lovers, human only in looks--and, if Molly has any say in it, soon they’ll also be free. — It was a tie for me between this series and Corpus Callosum--both invoke similar levels of internal joyful screaming, but I seem to recall CC being recced recently, so I thought it might be a good idea to rec this one. And oh, gods, what to say about these fics. They’re so incredibly well written--the prose is beautiful and feels impeccably well-thought out. There’s so many layers to everything that it’s impossible for me to read without finding myself just sitting there, wondering. And crying. This one makes me cry, too.
“Do you dream of waterfalls?”
Sherlock pauses mid-step.
“Waterfalls,” Moriarty says, hushed, “and a precipice.  You, and me.”  There is something in his voice, a quiet heartbreak, and it cracks ever so slightly when he asks, “Do you dream of falling?”
Slowly, Sherlock turns.  Moriarty is deadly serious when he meets his eyes.
“Victorian clothing,” he goes on, while the image - the recurring dream Sherlock has had since the day he met James Moriarty face to face - begins to form in his mind’s eye.  “Me, all in black.  You, wearing that fucking--”
“Deerstalker,” Sherlock says in unison with him, unsure what is happening, but feeling in his bones that it is significant, important somehow.  Moriarty nods a bit, and Sherlock slowly continues, “I...refer to you as--”
“‘Professor,’” Moriarty finishes with him, and Sherlock is dimly aware of his pulse rising as he makes his way back toward Moriarty at the ledge.  His adversary’s eyes briefly appear wet, but it’s difficult to tell in the light.  Moriarty says, “We stand at the cliff’s edge, and I ask you something.  I ask, ‘Shall we--’”
“‘Shall we go over together?’” Sherlock whispers with him.  They are standing so close.  Sherlock can see his reflection in Moriarty’s eyes.  “Why do you know that?” he asks faintly, looking between his twin reflections.  “How could you know that?”
“You tell me, Detective.”
It’s a test - Moriarty knows, certainly he knows - but Sherlock thinks he may, as well.  “It...wasn’t a dream.”
dinner by @very-trivial​
(Ao3; Jimcroft) Mycroft Holmes is a dangerous man--mysterious, isolated. Sherlock and Jim are convinced he’s secretly a top government official, but they can’t begin to comprehend the scale of his power. To clarify: Mycroft Holmes is a food critic. — This fic never fails to cheer me up. It’s lovely and the descriptions of food, as well as the character interactions, are so amazingly spot-on. Jim and Sherlock’s insistence that Mycroft is a scary government-man is surprisingly funny, particularly alongside Mycroft’s worry that they’ll figure out what his job really is. Also, the end is oddly heartwarming? The whole thing is just really good.
“You’re a crit-”
A hand slapped over Jim’s mouth.
Despite everything Jim now knew about Mycroft Holmes, in this very moment, he looked scarier than ever.
“I’ll tell you everything, but not a single word passes through your mouth - not now, not ever,” the man hisses, sotto voce. The silencing hand did not relent one millimeter as he pressed on. Jim was starting to regret seating them in a corner booth away from prying eyes.
“If my identity so much as appears as a  rumor  on the D-list food  vlogs  , I will make sure you never eat in this town again. You’ll never be able to order  curry  without wondering if the dish has been tampered with. Maybe poison, maybe they just spit in it. I have clout in this world, Jim Moriarty, and you don’t. You put my name out there and  I will use it  . I have friends in high places,  sir , and they owe me favors. I’ve made careers, I’ve launched veritable nobodies into international stardom. Don’t think for one moment you’ll ever be able to set foot into any decent restaurant again if you cross me. You'll live off cheap instant noodles for the rest of your life. Not even the good Korean kind.”
The Sergeant by deadpan riot
(FFN; m!Sparrow & Reaver) Reaver returns home from Samarkand to find Sparrow has usurped his home. Oh, and Sparrow has a new pet. — First things first: I adore deadpan riot’s Sparrow; our Sparrows are somewhat similar, so it makes this fic (well, actually series but the series isn’t up in full) a really easy read for me. This fic balances out the ridiculousness and hilarity of poorly-paired roommates (with a pet balverine) and the solemnity and almost depression that comes from everything that happens in Fable II and all the choices one makes but still manages to keep the story lighthearted and well-paced.
"Did you know, my dear boy, that that beast of yours has, in fact, retained a marginally functional knowledge of the human language? Illiteracy aside, of course…" Reaver toyed with one of the bottles nearest him, watching the hero through his bangs. Smiles had again gone to try his luck at bottle roulette.
"Well, yea, I guessed as much since he does tend to listen to me…But what the hell are you two doing?" Sparrow was now coming down the stairs, prompting Reaver to stretch languidly across them.
"Whiling away my time banished to the foyer, what else?"
Sparrow stopped on the step above Reaver, eyeing the pirate, the bottles, and the general disarray of the room at large. "So 'whiling away the time' includes turning all the pictures upside down as well?"
Reaver cast a glance at the reversed paintings. "As a matter of fact it does, oddly enough."
Snow and Stones by Lilith Encodead
(FFN; f!Sparrow/Reaver) Reaver hears rumours that someone new has taken control of Bloodstone only to find Sparrow and a cursed snowglobe waiting for him. — Considering I prefer platonic Sparrow and Reaver fics, you might be surprised to learn this is my favourite Fable fic of all time. And it kills me that it’s not complete. Lilith creates such an amazing atmosphere in here and there’s such a gravity to the fic that everything, even the lighter moments, just seem to carry a lovely weight to them. The way she writes Sparrow and Reaver is gorgeous too, and I just...Lilith, wherever you are, please??? finish??? fic??? D: Please???
"I'm not going to play your stupid little game." she sneered slowly. "If you want answers - look around."
Reaver did not move. He did not speak. Then, ungraciously he eased his grip, before giving his pistol one last shove into her head. Her fontanelle was knocked back into the stone Cullis Gate, as the force reverberated through her skull. With an aching head and blurred vision, Sparrow watched him rise up and survey his surroundings.
Reaver examined the hauntingly empty area briefly, before looking straight back at Sparrow, as if averting his eyes from something disgustingly gory. Around the two of them were the smashed remains of once mighty stone ruins covered in ivy and surrounded by dandelion weeds. Jagged lumps of stone nested the Cullis Gate, depicting faded carvings of the Old Religion bleached by sun and faded with time. A standalone rock archway stood crumbling in front of them; beyond which was a chalky white path leading down to the town.
Every water, every cell, of Reaver's body could sense a foreboding danger through the archway, down the dusty path, and back to his past.
"This is a trick." he insisted. "An elaborate deception fabricated by a vindictive Will-user."
Sparrow remained sat on the Cullis Gate, knowing that Reaver would knock her down again if she gave another dissatisfactory answer.
"Its not." she said simply, as if talking to a child that should know better. "You know it's not."
That Which Moves the Stars by ingresviolin
(Ao3; f!HoBW/Reaver, f!HoBW/Ben Finn) Beatrice, empath and princess, embarks on a quest to find her missing father shortly after her mother’s death. — It’s still in early days, but there’s something very charming and curious about this fic. I love that the quest is mainly research-based so far and that all the characters have a wonderfully defined depth and clarity. I’m so curious and excited to see how it all comes together in the end.
"You look very young for being very old," Beatrice whispered at a nearly inaudible level. Her mother and Logan did not catch the comment, but both men at the table did. Reaver glared at her with the same menacing expression as earlier that day, but his eyes were darker than before. Beatrice felt an internal prickle of excitement: her favorite feeling.
She didn't need to touch Reaver to know he was upset, but as his glare darkened her excitement turned to fear. She could see her own image in the darkness of his pupils, as well as the glowing flames of the fireplace behind her. And she could have sworn to Avo that the two were not separate, but that the Beatrice-shaped homunculus at the center of the tiny conflagration in his eyes was being burned alive.
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An Analysis of @jungnoir’s ‘First Love’ - Technically a Songfic?
Spoilers ahead for ‘First Love’ by @jungnoir ir (The first paragraph is just a rant about song fics, so that actually will make sense. You should still read ‘First Love’ though. You might also want to listen to Yoongi’s ‘First Love’ for some context as well - and because it’s a great song.
I’m not going hide it: I hate song fics. So much. I just see these little verses scattered throughout a fic and I lose my goddamn mind. Am I meant to read along in time with the lyrics while the song is playing? That makes no sense with fast paced songs - I have to quickly skim past the writing to keep up with the song because otherwise the lyrics I’m listening to won’t make sense with the part that I’m reading. Reading a fic with a slow song is even worse because then I have to wait for the song to catch up with me, so now I’m just sitting there, shrouded in the darkness of my room at 3am, waiting for the chorus of a song, wondering where it all went wrong. So am I just meant to keep restarting the song? That would just break immersion and completely ruin the experience. Should I just not play the song at all? That seems like the most logical solution... but then why are you giving me the lyrics? Now I’ve got to scroll past them every time I see them because they’re there for no good reason.
Ever since I’ve come across these things on Wattpad I just immediately click away when I see them. They just seem like a way to make a fic look longer and they’re used to easily create tone by just copying and pasting words that someone else wrote. I hate them. Have I made that obvious yet?
That being said, ‘First Love’ is sort of a song fic. But I also love it. Notice how I said “sort of”. Yes, ‘First Love’ is associated with a song, which means it could potentially be classified as song fic. But because there are so many things that set it apart from from your average Wattpad song fic based on ‘Colors’ by Halsey (wow, it’s a story about a boy leaving you after you fall in love with him. What a surprise. It’s not like I could’ve told you the entire plot after reading the title). No, this is much more than that.
Aesthetics are unfortunately important for writing because even if your fic is well written, something else with fancy banners and calligraphy in the title is more likely to win someone over. It’s one of the first things that a reader takes note of, so it’s fitting that I talk about it first. ‘First Love’ doesn’t market itself as song fic, which is why I’m reluctant to call it one. To put it simply: it doesn’t do that god awful thing where lyrics from a song are spliced in between paragraphs of writing. Admittedly, even if jungnoir did want to, it would be weird putting in lyrics of a Korean song so it probably wouldn’t have been an option anyways. But nonetheless, there are no lyrics awkwardly placed in between paragraphs, so I didn’t immediately click out of the fic. While this is really just a personal preference out of my hatred for song fics, it leads onto my second point - the title and song it’s based off of.
The title ‘First Love’ is honestly not all that interesting of a title unless you’re aware of the masterpiece that is Yoongi’s ‘First Love’. But here’s the thing: other than the title and the description mentioning a “brown piano”, there are no other explicit references to the song other than a mention of a piano, which could easily just be that; and calling Yoongi the reader’s “first love”, which is completely different to the way it’s used in the song because the “first love” in the song is the piano, not a person. This sets apart the fic from the song and makes them different entities entirely.
The song choice is also a fantastic one. It somehow fits perfectly with the tone of the writing, but if I told you about a piece of writing based off of Yoongi’s ‘First Love’ and asked you to guess the plot, you wouldn’t have a clue. You might’ve guessed a story about Yoongi and his piano and taken the lyrics literally, but the tale of an engaged woman realising her childhood friend is the one she should be with is probably not what comes to mind. This makes it way less predictable than any other song fic I’ve ever read because normally every lyric is taken at face value - a sad song about your partner leaving you will create a sad fic about your partner leaving you (who would’ve guessed it?). ‘First Love’ just doesn’t fall for that trap because how could it? The song itself is never about a romantic love, so to make a fic about romantic love gives it a sense of originality and shows that jungnoir hasn’t just transcribed some verses into prose and has instead made something entirely new.
And that’s what I love most about this fic: it’s different. It’s different from other song fics out there and it’s different to its source material. Hell, when I first read it, I wasn’t even aware of the song that it was based off of. But I still thought it was a masterpiece regardless. Unlike so many other song fics before, it doesn’t depend on pre-existing work to establish its tone. The knowledge of the song adds to the experience but doesn’t complete it. I think that’s why many people add in lyrics to their fics: the experience isn’t complete without the knowledge of the song and the writer knows that. I’m not saying that writers who use songs are inherently bad; it’s possible for songs to be used in a way that heightens the enjoyment of reading. ‘First Love’ is a testament to that. It’s just that people are starting to be dependent on these songs to do most of their work tonally and that just doesn’t work for people like me... because I’m way too lazy to pull up Spotify and find your song.
As well as it being a sort-of-songfic, ‘First Love’ is incredibly well written and I really like some of the choices made in it. For example, I think it’s really clever how the fiancé was never given an actual name. It really shows how insignificant he is to the main character and Yoongi’s relationship and shows how the main character feels so disconnected from her soon-to-be-groom, as the closest to a name that we ever get is “the heir of Kang Group”. It’s such an official title and we only get his surname, which makes his relationship with the main character seem way too official and formal for romantic partners. It also helps with making his family seems more ominous, with them being called “his family” and nothing more personal than that. It’s really good in constrast with all the interactions between the main character and Yoongi, which are so much more personal. The use of language tells the reader from the very beginning that the main character was never meant to be with her fiancé, which makes the moment where she decides to run away with Yoongi full of satisfaction and not guilt, which is a big problem that I have with runaway bride stories. The groom is never mentioned in a bad light so I always feel bad when the bride leaves him because ‘hey, he might’ve actually loved her’. This doesn’t have that problem - it’s pretty clear that the groom considers the relationship to be more like a business transaction.
It also doesn’t make the mistake of having the groom be needlessly bad. Yeah, I’m glad to get away from him, but this isn’t a fantasy universe and he shouldn’t be cartoonishly evil. If I can imagine the antagonist petting his black raven while maniacally laughing in a ‘realistic’ story, then maybe you should tone it down a bit. I’m glad there’s no scene where he gets into a fight with Yoongi and no moment where he calls the main character any derogatory terms because it would’ve been so easy to just put it in, but the fact that there’s more of a focus on Yoongi’s and the main character’s relationship is much better. Instead of just telling the reader that the main character loves Yoongi, it shows them through meaningful interactions, which makes the romance seem so much more believable.
Overall, I think this fic is an amazing example of using song in fiction. It’s perfect in the minimal amount of references to the song, which makes it incredible as a stand alone piece as it doesn’t ever depend on the song to evoke emotion in the reader and the focus on the moments between the main character and Yoongi emphasises the idea that the fiancé never really mattered and builds a realistic and believable relationship between the two.
I give it 10 brown pianos out of 10 (listen to ‘First Love’. It’s so good)
- [redacted]
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
March Angel Fish Awards
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Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle or Mana to check and make sure we got your submission. 
Nominated by @emilyshurley
All I Want (series) by @katehuntington
I got chills because of how well written Michael and Dean are. Hell I somehow mixed up the fic for something that actually happened on the show while watching.
Nominated by @coffee-obsessed-writer
A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement (series) by @kazosa
Its a Dean Winchester x reader AU and tells the story of a fake dating situation that would be both beneficial to Dean and the reader. What makes this fic so so special, is the dialogue between them. Its so natural, and so incredibly well thought out. The Easter Eggs dropped in it throughout the series just makes you giddy with excitement and the grasp she has of all the characterizations is so on point. The fluff will make your heart just explode with rainbows, yet there is a nice twist of angst that comes at the expense of other characters. Its the best AU I’ve ever read and I literally drop everything the second I see a new chapter out!
Nominated by @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish
All I Want (series) by @katehuntington 
As I said when I reblogged it, “that scene is one of my all time favorite things to ever happen on the show. WOW! This is so well written, I am in love! I was totally in the room with the boys and I could feel the emotions and see everything happening! Can’t wait to see what happens next!” The first time I read this, I was hit so many times with “Dang that’s a good line” or I love this whole paragraph" feels! It’s a fantastic read and I am so excited to see what else Kate has in store for this fic!
Nominated by @manawhaat
The Pageant Predicament (oneshot) by @hunterscabin
Ok, this is not only a wonderfully fluffy, fucking adorable fic, but it’s also incredibly IN CHARACTER, which is all the more impressive when you take into account that this is her first Sam fic! And Dean’s goofy ass in perfectly in character, too!
It’s got all the things that are good. Sam’s big fucking warm comforting hands on her shoulders, the sincerity that’s just so damn SAM, the confidence boost, and the little mention of the scar is such a subtle yet beautiful way of tying everything together and making it realistic.
I like, totes adored this.
Sneaking Into Sam’s Room (drabble) by @impala-dreamer​
Ok so this is just a drabble and yet I have felt SO MUCH with these words. They are well picked, well placed, and stimulating! Seriously, you have a fucking GIFT if you can make me feel this much just talking about kissing. Phew!
When In Rome (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer​
Wow. WOW! Okay, so if you like Cockles, this is a must! It’s sexy, it’s daring, it’s subby Mish and Dom Jensen and it fucking murders my vagina. That’s all I have to say. I’m a wet mess. It’s just... go fucking read it.   
The Walls That Bind Us (oneshot by @mrswhozeewhatsis​)
Saint Michelle always, always, always has an incredible way with words. A way with delving into these characters and expressing their innermost thoughts in a way so personal, so vulnerable, that I simply cannot bring myself to believe that it’s fiction. 
“The walls of his prison weren’t made of stone, but they were just as unbreachable.”
I mean COME ON! That’s such a simple phrase but one of the most accurate statements I’ve ever read about Dean Winchester and his emotional torment. Seriously, this one hurts, but it’s goddamn gorgeous. As is everything on her masterlist. Everything!
 Nominated by @oneshoeshort
The Woodsman (series) by @thecleverdame
George's take on a royalty A/B/O AU series is so well written and thoroughly articulated. Sam is the woodsman and the reader is a French princess who's never left her home until she had to. Anything I read of her's immediately sucks me into that universe as if I'm really there! So worthy of an AFA! 
Spanner In The Works (series) by @bamby0304
I'm such a sucker for any mechanic!Sam AU. And this one has a simple yet immersive story tied to it. It details blossoming love, a reader who is unsure of where she stands in the world with her insecurities, and her journey to finding herself with her ever-growing crush on Sam, and vice versa! It's still ongoing but it's SO worth a read! Also def worth of an AFA! :D
Nominated by @evansrogerskitten
The Things We Don’t Believe In (series) by @thecleverdame
This fic has every delicious element of AU + A/B/O. Alpha business man Sam is panty melting hot and I genuinely love the reader’s characterization. The story is so rich and well developed. I get so excited when I get a new notification for the story. And she’s one of the best Sam writers in the fandom so all of her fics are worth nominations. 
The Letter (oneshot) by @atc74
It’s a well developed AU that kept me guessing and wondering about the reader’s past. And I loved psychic!Jensen portrayal. 
Being the Bait (oneshot) by @idreamofplaid (listed as  ravenangel33)
This fic was the perfect blend of tension, fluff, and hotness. It’s always incredibly hot when Dean is watching the reader, even more when she’s undercover as a stripper. And I love so much how he cared for her after! A hot Dean fic from one of our best Sam girls! She can do it all.
Embrace The Future (oneshot) by @idreamofplaid
This fic was so swoon worthy! Romantic Jared sharing his heart and orgasms. Made me equally wanted to make love to him and also just cuddle him and feed him candy :) This is incredibly sweet and sexy.
Nominated by @supermoonpanda
Wet Uniform (oneshot) by  @meganlpie
I Love this Coffee Shop AU!!!
Nominated by @erins-culinary-service
Cursed To Karaoke (oneshot) by @flamencodiva
I know this is about the reader and Dean being cursed, but Sam is the best in this. His comments throughout the fics are hilarious! 
I Can See Clearly Now (oneshot) by @kate-huntington
Not sure if this has been nominated before or not, but always meant to and finally doing it. It’s so angsty and heartbreaking plus the gifs in between the story really make our seem like your watching everything play out. I love it!
Nominated by @risingphoenix761
Comrades In Arms (oneshot) by @slytherkins
Dean and Benny in Purgatory? It’s a lot more chill than it sounds. The banter had me giggling, and the ending was a sucker punch to the feels.
Nominated by @wingedcatninja​
(Just found @winchestersinthedrift and have been going through her Dean masterlist. Her writing is amazing with eloquent prose, perfect characterization, and scorching hot smut. Here are 4 of her fics up for Angel Fish Nomination.)
And Beyond (oneshot) by @winchestersinthedrift​
What appealed to me in this one was the spontaneity of the moment.  
Second Best Suit (oneshot)
Dean tied up? Yes, please! Also, I could almost hear the sounds he was making.  
Untitled (phone sex) (oneshot)
Honestly, I'm not sure I'd be able to walk after hearing Dean jack off over the phone. 
Untitled (Bondage) (oneshot) 
It's sub!Dean, which is my weakness. But also, the way it's written, I felt like I was there. 
Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
As with the BFAs, these are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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lettersfromn0where · 5 years
Creator Tag
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2018. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged, appropriately, by my first-ever Tumblr buddy, @disruptedvice - thank you for thinking of me! 
This is a bit tough because every fanwork I’ve ever posted has been written since April. There’s certainly a few stupid oneshots in my repertoire that I’m not proud of, but considering that at the beginning of the year I was petrified of the mere idea of writing and sharing fanfiction, I’m rather pleased with the fact that I managed to do anything at all. So, without further ado, my top five (in order from 5th-1st):
5. remember me, once in a while (please promise me you'll try) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14936669
Short summary: IW missing scene. After Gamora is taken on Knowhere, Peter struggles to accept the reality that she may be gone. There is a letter. It is 100% intentional emotional manipulation, pure and simple, and I’m pretty sure everyone who read this realized that. 
The faint trails of tears, yet to evaporate, lingered on Peter’s face for all his attempts to disguise them as he turned the sheet of paper in his hands, reluctant to open it for fear of tainting something so precious. He paid no heed to the ever-shifting starscape racing past the windows, trying not to risk being caught in tears as he thought of the moment, on the way to Knowhere, that Gamora had pressed the letter into his hands.
“In case…” She said, but trailed off, neither wanting to confront the sentence’s inevitable end.
“No,” Peter had protested, voice thick with emotion. “You won’t-“
"It’s just a precaution,” Gamora had tried to reassure him, but even she knew her tone was entirely unconvincing.
Peter had kept the letter with him every moment they’d been apart, hoping desperately he’d never need to open it but unwilling to part from it lest it be lost along with –
No, he told himself, feverishly, with all of the desperation his worry-worn mind could muster.
Commentary: This one was not what I’d consider to be my best-written piece, but it was certainly (from the way people reacted) one of the most emotionally impactful. Any fic that gets you multiple angry comments from people claiming you made them cry has to be at least somewhat of a favorite, right? This one was, oddly enough, based on an anime, “Your Lie in April.” I’m not an anime person, but YLIA is about a violinist, so as a violinist I had to watch it, and it BROKE MY HEART INTO A MILLION TINY PIECES. *Spoiler* one of the key moments in the series comes after the protagonist’s death when she leaves a letter to the boy she was in love with for him to read after she dies, revealing things she couldn’t while she was alive. That idea of the posthumous letter, translated to the GOTG-verse (and the fact that I sobbed my eyes out while rewatching the clip where said boy reads the letter), made its way into my mind and wouldn’t leave. And that is why I had several very angry people cursing at me in the comments. 
And to whoever commented “f*** you”: I’m honored.
4. meet me in this broken place https://archiveofourown.org/works/15646347
Short Summary: post-IW, during the (hypothetical) events of Endgame. My Damaged Babies, Peter and Wanda (Maximoff), both of whom lost significant others during the events of IW, find solace in the fact that they both know the feeling of losing everyone one holds dear. 
They don’t want to imagine a world without the ones they love, but – even with their teammates working around the clock, making and discarding endless plans to save them – they realize now that maybe their good fortune had been exhausted by their own returns to life. They are left with no choice but to venture blindly into a bleak future without the ones whose sides they never thought they’d leave.
“What are we going to do?” she asks, too weary to conceal her worry.
“I guess…we just have to keep going,” he says numbly, but it’s plain as day that he doesn’t believe a word out of his own mouth.
“What is there for us in a future without them?” she asks, rhetorically but not entirely so, and plays with the hem of her jacket. It’s frayed with the trauma of the past days, looking about as battered and torn as she feels.
“Don’t know.” He shrugs. “I wish I still knew how to hope that I’d see her again.”
“Isn’t that the problem, though?” she asks, pursing her lips in painful irony. “None of us knows how to hope for the best anymore. We try to fix things, not believing that anything we do is going to work.”
He ponders her statement, turns it over in his mind – it is their problem, he realizes. They are working tirelessly towards an end they all believe to be futile. Yes, they’ve accomplished three-quarters of what they set out to do. But it doesn’t feel like a figure to celebrate when the other quarter of the equation determines the fate of the people they cherish most.
Commentary: this is essentially a super depressing slice-of-life fic. I chose it because A) Wanda Maximoff is the love of my life and I loved writing her, and B) I think the writing in this is just about the best I’ve seen in any of my work. I like the way the prose came out here - the melancholy tone lends itself well to the style in which I write, if that makes any sense, even if at points the excess of run-on sentences and overlong prose becomes rather tired. I was proud of this one. (Not super popular, but it always seems like it’s the super trite stuff I don’t think was good that gets comments while the ones I like are unnoticed. Heh...) 
3. I Guess It’s Half Timing (and the Other Half’s Luck) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14775470/chapters/34172447
Short Summary: high school AU. Peter’s a jock, benched with academic ineligibility until he can get his grades up. Gamora is the type-A star student in charge of the peer tutoring program that may be Peter’s only hope of playing in the State Championships. You can probably predict the ending...
“So, let me get this straight. You’re eligible again, but you still wanna spend every single afternoon at tutoring?” Rocket shook his head, sincerely disappointed. “You’ve got it worse than I thought.”
“Yes and no,” Peter vaguely defended himself. “I mean, yeah, she won’t talk to me any other way, but I’ve realized something, too.”
“This oughta be good,” Rocket snickered. “What, do ya suddenly feel called to be a brain surgeon or something?”
Peter fixed him with a nonplussed gaze. “Why would I want to do that? I can’t even get a shot without losing it.”
Rocket rolled his eyes. “I mean, do you think your future depends on your grades all the sudden? Little late for that.”
“No, but now that I’ve realized I can do better, it should start aiming higher-“ he started to explain.
“…because Gamora only dates guys who care about school,” Nebula finished for him, walking up with her usual inopportune timing.
“Dude! How and why are you always sneaking up on me?” Peter shuddered. “It’s creepy!”
Nebula shrugged. “I pride myself on my timing.”
“Oh, so this is what that’s about,” Rocket cackled. “You’re hilarious. You fall for the smartest girl in your class and all the sudden you decide you’re going to be on the honor roll or something?”
Commentary: this fic. Ohhhh, boy. It was a bit of a trainwreck, but oh, how I LOVED writing it. It’s a light, fluffy high school rom-com mixing my own relentless fixation on academics with excessive melodrama, a very, VERY OOC Nebula, and a million vague tie-ins to the movies that I’m fairly certain no one noticed. “Half Timing” is not, in my opinion, fantastically written (witty at times, mind-numbingly cheesy at others), but it was endlessly fun to write, and I loved the ending. Plus, it’s the reason I became friends with @disruptedvice, who had MANY feelings about the New Year’s scene. MANY. (She was 37% of the reason this fic was so fun to write.) It spawned three unnecessary sequel oneshots and was a productive start to a summer which I spent primarily writing fanfiction and studying for the SAT. This one’s on here for the nostalgia and the fact that it was so central to everything else I’ve written, not for literary merit, but it is and will always be dear to my heart.
2. So Many Things Unknown https://archiveofourown.org/works/14632275/chapters/33818142
Short Summary: Soul World Mantis feels. A half fix-it.
Peter didn’t need to hear his name to know it was him she called to, and exactly who was calling and why and where he was and – He turned. Mantis saw Gamora’s eyes widen, filling with tears, almost beginning to go to him before stopping herself again, for reasons Mantis did not understand. For a while the two simply stood, perhaps thirty feet apart, saying nothing and staring across the distance at each other as if they were not sure of the reliability of their eyesight.
And then she broke into a run, and they were in each other’s arms, and Mantis could not hear everything they were saying, but she knew from the way their shoulders shook that both were crying, and she thought she heard a faint “I love you” and she knew they both said something to the effect of “I thought I’d lost you” and “I’m here” and repeated it until they both finally believed it was really happening, and something inside her felt suddenly warm and whole.
She had seen her share of unfair endings in the last couple of days. Untold numbers of young, gifted, and truly good people had been taken long before their times. Countless others had lost the ones they held dearest, some forced to watch. The future of the universe looked rather bleak; half of her friends were trapped in some sort of afterlife in a rock that had started a war, and the rest were scattered across the cosmos. But she knew, in that moment, that it would not stay this way. They would find a way out of here, and they’d stop this and make everything right again. Mantis was surer of this than she had been of anything before. Optimistic, perhaps, she knew; but she felt this time that her instinct could not be proven wrong.
This, too, would pass.
It had to.
Commentary: my first posted fanfic and the lovely @marypoppinswasmyfatherbitches‘ favorite, I almost didn’t post this. I was deathly afraid of writing fanfiction for years and it took the trauma of IW to make me realize how many stories I had to tell, if I’d only allow myself. I was overly cautious when I wrote this, terrified of writing someone OOC or setting the story at an unrealistically fast pace, and I didn’t think it was much good, but I posted it anyway...and here I am. Some of the sweetest comments I’ve ever received were about this piece and though at time the progression of events is a bit ???, I think it was a decent start. “So Many Things Unknown” was where it all started, and though it’s not my favorite thing I’ve written, I’m proud that I was able to get it out there. 
1. Take What I Took and Give It Back to You 
Short Summary: Mantis feels, 5+1 style. That is all. 
She can’t see it. Mantis has never been an influencer; she’s simply in the background, where she’s always assumed she is meant to be. But perhaps that – sensitivity, a sort of gentleness – is what she brings to the team that it lacked before, she concludes.
She is an empath, after all, and a powerful one. Most of her teammates possess the emotional intelligence of lumps of metal. Mantis thinks, liking the idea more than she admits, that maybe she’s helping to shape those metal lumps.
After all, hearts are malleable, she thinks. They don’t stay the same.
Sitting in the kitchen once again, staring into her beloved mug, chipped with four years of wear, Mantis smiles.
Commentary: and now for my all-time favorite. I rarely think well of my writing, but I was SO incredibly proud of this one. As an ex-homeschooler who grew up relatively isolated and still does not “understand the intricacies of social interaction,” I’ve always connected to Mantis more than any other Guardian; if I had to pick, she’d probably be my favorite character in the entire MCU canon. So I love writing her. It makes me feel as if I can get inside her head in a way I can’t with the other Guardians. In addition, the 5+1 format was a perfectly-suited framing device for the story I wanted to tell, and I’m pretty sure I exhausted a year’s worth of pretty lines on this story. I feel like I risk sounding arrogant, but when you genuinely love your own writing, you have to embrace it - that’s VERY rare. As soon as I saw that I’d been tagged for this, I knew that this would be the story I ranked as my favorite. 
Thank you SO much for the tag, @disruptedvice! Tagging @bevioletskies and @marypoppinswasmyfatherbitches. 
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l-x-ie · 7 years
1-40 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1) Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
mmm I’d say romance I guess, I like having an undertone in my fics even if it isn’t the main thing.
2) Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Soulmates :3
3) Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
idk man, like… idk
4) How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
oh ho, oh HO, OH HO! Boooiiiiii 14 at least wait… 15 mmmmmMMMMMMM, which one, which one, I guess I’m most excited about the soulmate au :>
5) Share one of your strengths.
I’m very good at foreshadowing and little hints left in my fics if they need it.
6) Share one of your weaknesses.
Describing feelings, they seem very 2-D to me for some reason
7) Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Despite what he imagined he’d do if Keith ever came crawling back to his life, he never actually expected it. Which is why, when he answered the door he expected Hunk or Pidge, maybe even Shiro, Allura, or Coran. Never did he ever think that it would be Keith Kogane staring at him through too long bangs.
His heart stuttered to a stop and he’s ninety percent sure when he opened the door Keith punched him in the solar plexus because he didn’t have air. And his chest hurt. Just from seeing him in his damn doorway six months of work just flew out the damn window.
He did what he always fantasized.
He slammed the door in his goddamned face.”
Granted I do really like the first beginning of this fic but like, I think this sums it up well. Also, SCIENCE!! I’m proud of the research man.
8) Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
”“—eith! –eith! –o! –an’t do thi–!” A hand touched his shoulder and he screamed, hoarse and raw. Instantly the hand left but two cupped his face, bringing it up to see a familiar one. “What did you do! You’re the Meister! It’s my job to protect you! It’s my job to protect you!”
….I just like the line
9) Which fic has been the hardest to write?
…..the fic that shall not be named petal soft but it’s untagged, only on tumblr so no one can freaking find it again!!
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Toss up between Meister of One and Tom Cruisin’
10) Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
I’d say both. it’s a fun hobby that i do and relaxes me most of the time but it is  passion because I love it.
11) Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Just the whole of season 3 fam
12) What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
fudge I don’t know, all of them have points that are valid??? The only tag I really have is writing reference and I think they have valid points.
13) What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
fudgenuggets I don’t know
14) If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Considering one of them is based on a film…. but other than that one I think Meister of One would be super cool to film because of the way I set up the transitions.
15) If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
That’s seriously a no brainer, that’s all I ever really write hehehe
16) Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? 
Start to finish but if I come up with something good I write it down for later
17) Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
18) Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
…..he had a man in the basement???
Uh, not really
19) Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Physically alone, mid-afternoon, sunny but shaded, inside at a table with snacks and water nearby with NOTHING TO DO BUT WRITE.
20) How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Once or twice through before I say fuck it.
21) Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
*inhales* I think my old writing style for voltron is pretty close to the same but then I’d have to go get my old fics and I don’t really wanna look at that trash.
*looks* uuuggghhhhhh, yeah, I’m not touching that with a ten foot pole.
22) If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
All of them
23) Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
Yes, It was very petty. I deleted my friend’s bedtime story because another friend said I wouldn’t.
24) What do you look for in a beta?
Someone who looks for the quality of content I suppose and tells it to you in a respectful but truthful manner but still affirms your faith in yourself as a writer.
25) Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I guess? I like doing it but I’m not “officially” and if I was see above.
26) How do you feel about collaborations?
27) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Uuggghhh witty_name, Zizzani, Mytay, I guess they all have excellent writing quality, the characters are in character for their particular situations, they’re amusing and balanced with the seriousness, and what parts are meant to be funny are, excellent plots, they’re just really good.
28) If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there notwritten by yourself, which would you choose?
Not gonna lie I would do more of a companion fic to Lonely Will Wait by ciuucalata (when she’s done ofc)
29) Do you accept prompts?
yeet! It’s easier writing for people, most of my fics are because they’re for my friends.
30) Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I love being canon compliant but sometimes I feel that you need to take some liberties because they would be in a completely different situation and environment.
31) How do you feel about smut?
Read it, enjoyed some, there are really good fics out there with smut or just smut, have not written any though.
32) How do you feel about crack?
………I don’t wanna talk about it…33) What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
Eeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no to non-con but if it turns out to be consensual in the end of a dub-con because it was consensual in the first place but needed to be dub-con for the somewhat plot then yeet.
34) Would you ever kill off a canon character?
…I… do not know ….maybe?
35) Which is your favorite site to post fic?
36) Talk about your current wips.
Currently written written and published, Altea High, Klance Sky High AU, currently on Ch. 7 a third through Ch. 8 (which is gonna be a big ch. btw) slowburn, briefly has Nyma and Lance but endgame is klance, uh, keith has firepowers, Lance has ice powers, there’s Shay and Plaxum and they become friends with someone and helps with their development.
Others are not published so I won’t speak of those, shhhh
37) Talk about a review that made your day.
How do I choose just one??  
”Hi! I love what you’ve written so far it’s amazing and I love your writing style!!! Keep up the good work!!! Do you know how many chapters you have planned by any chance? No matter what I will enjoy every one so great job!” From AceStuckInSpace
”This was fantastic! I enjoyed the flashback bits that showed how their meister/weapon relationship progressed. I now have an urge to rewatch Soul Eater, aha. Loved this a lot =)” from xLindziex
“Well.Im.FCK off. …. Bye…. Nice writing btw” from @bleusarcelle huehuehue
And, like, a WHOLE bunch of others.
38) Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I haven’t gotten any rude reviews actually.
39) Write an alternative ending to Paper Cranes and Paper Friends (or just the summary of one).
Footsteps approach his seat, he starts to get up, to get out of the way, but a tanned hand lies on his forearm.
”Uhm, excuse me, but, I noticed that you were just sitting here.” A young man with a warm smile and blue, crystalline ocean blue, eyes and rich brown skin fidgeting next to him. He licked his lips and offered another smile. “Do you, uh, have a pen? Maybe?”
“Uhm, sure,” Keith rummaged through his bag and handed him a simple ballpoint. 
The man looked at the pen in his hand blankly for a second. Blinked. “Great! Uh, do you have any paper?”
Keith looked through his bag again and shook his head. “Sorry, no paper.”
The man with the blue eyes looked pointedly at the paper cranes scattered about Keith’s person. He flushed and handed him a larger crane. “If this would work?”
He merely took the crane with a smile, effortlessly unwrapping it and scribbling something before folding it again and handing Keith both the crane and the pen. “If you feel like talking more about origami, Keith.”
With that he smiled and waved before jogging from sight.
Keith looked at the newly folded crane in his hand, the black numbers wrapped around in rounded script, and smiled.
…….I think I’m missing one…
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
Tumblr media
Name: Leo
Writing Blog URL(s): @hereisleo
What fandom(s) do you write for?: I write for ATEEZ, VICTON and ONEUS.
Age: ‘99 liner
Nationality: Indonesian 
Languages: Indonesian, English, Japanese and a sprinkle of Korean.
Star Sign: Leo
Favorite color: Neutral but mostly black! (Other than neutral colours, I’m partial to blue, dark green and red).
Favorite food: Indonesian and Japanese cuisine! The taste of home!
Favorite movie: Resident Evil franchise.
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla.
Favorite animal: Owl ever since I was a small child.
Go-to karaoke song: None. I don’t enjoy karaoke.
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? 
Both! Recently, I’ve been ordering black coffee again whenever I stop by a cafe.
Dream job (whether you have a job or not) 
I’m interested in a lot of fields of work, it used to be Red Cross worker, paramedic and flight attendant. Now it’s barista-bartender. It’ll likely change in the future too.
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? 
Teleportation, let’s travel the world!
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? 
The Golden Age of Piracy! I want to sail! And such freedom to spite against governmental standards.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? 
Without a doubt, yes. I’m always down for changes and new adventures.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? 
Holy moly… 100 chicken-sized horses...
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? 
The quiet smarty one at the back of the class. Common? Yes. But it’s true.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? 
This universe is too big to be only occupied by humans.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? 
Badminton is my favourite sport!
When did you post your first piece? 
June 2019!
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? 
I always love writing so I wanted to share my creations and see how they fare in the world instead of keeping them for myself.
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? 
I mostly write platonic relationships, fluff, slice of life, romance, comfort and a lot of AUs. It’s what I’m comfortable with and thrive in best! I do enjoy writing mystery, crime/murder and angst once in a while. Gotta let the dark side out too.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? 
Usually, it’s either member centric and or ‘X reader/ + Reader’, it’s not always romance when reader insert is involved :)
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? 
Definitely friendship and slice of life! AU wise, I’m a sucker for the supernatural side: demons, angels, mythical creatures and mythology, they are all right up my alley. I also enjoyed writing crime AU and anything dark, nothing like unleashing the inner criminal legally through words… and occasionally being questioned, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? 
Tropes I love, I’m a sucker for friendship/platonic, slow-burn enemies to lovers, the cafe/bar occupation, single parent, the demon is suddenly your guardian angel, the breakup and the crime syndicate dynamics. Tropes I can’t stand on the other hand aren’t much, I don't actively read a/b/o dynamics, Hogwarts, hybrids and werewolf/vampire. It’s mostly AUs now that I listed them.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? 
Oh this is tough. I think it would have to be ATEEZ: ‘Supernatural Activities’ series. I’m proud of how ‘Dante’s Inferno’ & ‘Angels in the Streets’ turned out and they are well received too.
Who is your favorite person to write about? 
Song Mingi of ATEEZ. Somehow writing about him always seems personal. Maybe it’s the similarities we carry. It seems like a lot of the time, the bias is the one who is most similar to us.
What inspires you to write? 
Simply the need to escape reality and it’s an outlet to expel excess emotions I carry sometimes. All is well in the mind after I write and sleep.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? 
I hope it provides you an escape for a brief moment, I hope it makes you happy. I hope you could enjoy the world with a touch more romanticism, we are all a part of the aesthetic we see in the media and more. Sure it’s a tough world but there are good in it too.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? 
I take a break. It’s no use for me to push on when I hit a rough patch. I’ll read and do everything else except writing. It rarely happens as I’m constantly full of ideas, it’s the lack of motivation that keeps me from creating.
What do you think makes a good story? 
To be honest, if I enjoyed it, it’s good. I’m a simple person with simple pleasures.
What is your writing process like? 
Messy 😂 There’s no getting around it. I would rewrite a paragraph three times if I don’t like it, delete a thousand words, scrap a different story to incorporate it into another. I don’t always start from the beginning either. A writing piece could take anywhere within several minutes, a few hours to days, weeks and months. It all depends on my motivation and how busy work is keeping me from writing. (Psst, it’s mostly the former).
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?
Yes. Writing in the fanfiction world, more often than not, we are already given much of the relationship dynamics and setting. (Unless it’s AU then that's a whole different animal, it might as well be an original prose). In original prose, we have to weave most, if not all, of the world and characters building… I hope I understood the question right...
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? 
Maybe. It’s usually the other way around. I have thoughts to repurpose an abandoned original story for a fic series. Highly unlikely that I’ll actually do it.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? 
A lot! Please! It’s the biggest motivation for us content creators to keep creating! You have no idea how fast my hand reaches for my phone every time tumblr notifications pop up, hoping for a reblog and comments in the tags.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? 
My mutuals reblogging my works. They’re exposed to new eyes and the readers, on the other hand, find a new blog.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? 
Yes. Fanfic writers are as important to the fandom community as the rest of the content creators are. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change? 
Absolutely. Art is a fantastic gateway to many things. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? 
Only when I decided to take requests which happens like once a year and maybe even less.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? 
No, I don’t think so. No one has asked me to clarify any of my writings. One anon used to send me asks about world expansion and said anon turned into a dear friend. 
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? 
NOPE. DON'T LET THEM KNOW. I WON’T LET THEM KNOW. NEVER. Leave my virtual writing world be. *puts ‘do not cross’ yellow tape all over*
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? 
Please leave me some feedback, even keyboard smashes are fine, I can translate those. Don’t be shy to leave me asks if you want to chat, ramble, or get something off your chest. This is a safe place for you, an escape from reality.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? 
Don’t be afraid. As hellish this platform is, it'll help you grow in the writing department. I know this is not the best advice but you have to try to see the result. 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? 
I don’t think so. There were moments of “Why do I even bother?” but it happens and will happen again in the future but no regrets. 
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? 
I do! Most of the ones who were there from the beginning aren’t there anymore but it’s alright. Their lives outside of Tumblr are always more important than anything else. I don’t have to heart to unfollow their pages. My current handful of mutuals are an amazing bunch too! The sheer talent and creativity they possessed are out of this world. I love seeing their posts outside of the writing world, their personalities shine through and my heart feels fuzzy whenever I see it. Though I don’t interact often with most of them, I adore them all and consider them good friends. 
Pick a quote to end your interview with: 
Since we, writers, create in order to find escape and or brush up our skills or simply for the sake of creating. As we broaden our skill sets, “Necessity is the mother of invention. Failure is the mother of success.” Common, I know, but it’s comforting to know that failure can be a motivation to do better. Don’t stay down, always rise again.
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