#you CANNOT sway me
Multifandom who?
Only Angel Simeon and Malleus Draconia!
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waterlinkedgirl · 3 months
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Musical Touken Ranbu: Tsuwamonodomo ga Yume no Ato english sub
A passion project if there's ever been one, it's been a longstanding want of mine to finally do this! Needless to say, Tsuwamono and everything it meant is still my favourite plot from Toumyu! I love its character-driven and intricate writing, its heartrending acting choices, as well as the way it invites one to think about what characters think and why, and why they do or don't (dare to) do the things they do.
However, another important reason that I'm letting myself indulge in this, is that recent Toumyu has taken a turn away from this plot, changing the way how Mikazuki is framed, tying different characters to themes that were tied to Kogitsunemaru, and put those characters into roles that would originally have been most natural for Kogitsunemaru to follow.
In that light, then, I hope that these subtitles will allow you to see, even if it's just the smallest sliver, what I loved in Toumyu's take of Kogi and Mika up to and including Kotobuki. To see that it was beautiful. Because I think it was. 💙💛🌙🦊
Keep in mind that the files in the folder below are only the subtitle files, timed and tled to the blu-ray and DMM senshuuraku distribution. The folder also includes a pdf with translation notes, some background information where I felt it would add, and just a little bit of eager gushing about the references made.
You can find the folder with all the aforementioned files here!
Please enjoy, even if it's just with me in your thoughts.
#touken ranbu#tsuwamonodomo ga yume no ato#toumyu#Water's translations#tsuwamono#Kogitsunemaru#Mikazuki Munechika#we're joining with sute's timeline in which Kogi (may as well have) never existed hahahaha (pain)#but let's put that aside and enjoy Tsuwamono for the beauty it is#I love tsuwamono and translating it has only made me love it more#the references to Kokaji in the starting song were much more intricate than I expected#and I believe the way Basho's haikus are incorporated is smart!#the many things Tsuwamono slyly implies about its worldbuilding are so so so so nice#and also the question of what it means to exist and to be remembered!#that things are never black and white and that even the people you fear may be hurt or will not understand may be different from how you se#and that (I think this is very nice about tsuwa) people make mistakes and make *choices* and that that's what makes them human#I very gently gesture at Mikazuki#I love how he's characterised and how Kuroba conveys that characterisation#He envies shadows and betrays his own advice and cannot lay the finishing blow#he forces smiles. His kindness sways his heart again and again to stab himself with it. He fights a futile battle. He tries anyway.#He lies- He fears- He doesn't speak-- in understandable fear of the devastation he may cause if his words reached the ears of those he love#He would rather risk breaking.#Mikazuki is such a complex and deafeningly HUMAN character and I love that painfully kind and undeniably human portrayal of him so much#and though a certain contrast with Mikazuki is a vital part of the way Kogitsunemaru enters the paintwork here it is ultimately the fact#that he was never black and white- that he ever sees the bigger picture ironically just as Mika said- that allows him to understand#even if with his own personal feelings and his discipline he can't follow the same road#this in deep contrast to Hizamaru- who would not even have hesitated or felt reluctant or even had to battle his feelings had he found out#and I think the relief of having someone dear to confide in- that's emphasized twice with Iwa in the myu- in the form of Kogi#is something that (up to TKO) would and should have meant the world to Mikazuki#that his unwillingness to follow the same path could much too naturally still have meant he could have supported Mikazuki in other ways
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Dazai, smiling a little too wide at Charles: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp dazai#ikevamp incorrect quotes#i gotta say dazai popped off in his main story route#like the way he reads charles for filth????#the way he deadass finds out about vlad after like 2 minutes of investigating#i know i joke around but he is more of a chad than most people give him credit for#honestly sometimes i think about the fact that vlad didn't go up against dazai because like#1. yes i don't think he was lying when he said he had no interest in dazai because his desire to live was low#and that basically gives vlad zero leverage because he can be like 'i'll end you' and dazai's like 'lmfao bet get in line after me'#(big mood king)#but i also think that part of it was that dazai cannot be swayed by vlad's hostility or his fabrications as to who he is#dazai is too sharp to be fooled; he was able to tell in seconds that comte bore no ill will to him and the mansion at large#and he was able to sense vlad's discordant and overbearing influence on charles in seconds too#for all that he has the flaw of overwhelming self-reproach#he has such a staggeringly clear view of others' flaws/shortcomings#which in its own way is genius--if he's that brilliant it's no wonder he's so hard on himself#he sees his own issues so acutely it weighs on him like an anvil#i didn't mean for that to become meta but tbh i am fascinated by the way he was written#will say i did also get hot under the collar when he gets cold and pissed/defensive#obsessed with his vibes lowkey#source: incorrect quote generator
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ereborne · 1 month
Song of the Day: May 4
"The Ultimate Jedi Who Wastes All the Other Jedi and Eats Their Bones" by The Mountain Goats
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pineappical · 9 months
ohh yeah! i definitely am not shipping ted/trent “just because,” i ship them because it feels very compelling to me and i got the brainworms for them before season 3
in s1 and 2 alone, just the implications of trent being known for obliterating ppl on paper and rebecca essentially letting him loose on ted for that reason… all for trent to suddenly write the nicest article in probably,, ever?? her frustration reaction in her call with higgins is definitely underrated
AND THEN. ted’s relationship with the press room and how trent easily gets acclimated to his ways and he still doesn’t hold back the hard questions but he doesn’t do it to hurt him anymore, he enjoys the little nicknames ted gives him and even does. the fuckin. pompoms *\o/*
trent was lichhhrally the first person in richmond to fall for the lasso effect, and on paper you’d think he’d be the last!
and that’s not even getting me started on trent’s massive life change in s2 which was only fueled by ted, but i could honestly go all day and maybe i shouldn’t lol
anyway, i’m normal about them :)
EXACTLYYY EXACTLY EXACTLY!!!!!!! Trent Crimm, a journalist known for being brutal when it comes to writing articles, was baffled and turned upside down just because Ted is just a nice and honest man to him and it makes me giggle and kick my feet sooo much...
i think about that scene in 1x03 alot with the, "It ain't always easy, Trent, but neither is growing up without someone believing in you." i know so much that, that line struck with Trent heavily because of his own issues with his relationship with work, with his own father wanting him to be more stern and an actual football player, etc. and he immediately realized that oh god. this is an honest man that i don't want to ruin because he can change or break everything around richmond just because of how weirdly optimistic he is, and then proceeds to run outta that restaurant to contemplate his whole life LMAO
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toytulini · 15 days
god the ants make it so fucking hard to be tolerant. im really, really trying to be better about it and chill out
but they really love to fucking test that
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aoitakumi8148 · 2 months
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[Left behind] 𝟙 of 𝟙.
𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓐 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓮, 𝓝𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓜𝓪𝔂 𝓑𝓮.
Come close, and I will touch you. Talk to me, and I will relax. Bound me to your rules, and I will remain a volunteer. Punish me, and I will accept it. Take the organ along with the flower I give you, and your precious life will be saved. Vanish, and the eternity will make us more hollow than ever. We can't continue together, we can't die together, but perhaps the very power of this unhealable wound will help me to keep my bits of humanity...
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lord-squiggletits · 10 months
>be me
>looking for MegOP fics on AO3
>see fic tagged IDW1
>fic has Megatron/Optimus as the main characters
>there's only a couple other ships so I know they're going to be at least one of the main ships and not a background ship
>I click
>see the author's note
>"I tagged IDW but it's mostly continuity soup" etc etc "and archivist Orion Pax"
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amethystina · 1 year
If The Gentle Light had continued, what, do you think, would Yo Han's immediate thoughts/feelings have been upon seeing Ga On again?
Well. I mean. I don't really think — I know. Because I'm sometimes forced to write down the Yo Han bits that just won't leave me the fuck alone. Usually just short snippets, often ones that aren't even connected, but yeah. If I don't, they'll keep looping inside my head, slowly driving me insane.
So anon can have some Yo Han POV, as a treat:
Yo Han took another sauntering step forward, gaze wandering over Kim Ga On's terrace. Pots, plants, and various tools littered the space, but it was by no means cluttered or disorganized. Everything had its proper place, either tucked away in practical plastic crates or arranged in neat little rows. Even the plants were positioned with great care, lining the otherwise empty space — enveloping it, turning it into something more than just a terrace.
Like a small oasis of life — delicate yet vibrant — right there in the heart of Seoul.
Yo Han shook his head and walked over to the shelf placed against one of the walls, plants of all shapes and sizes crowding together inside it.
How very like Ga On, to surround himself with so much life.
And to be so desperate for something to care for that he hoarded these frail little plants, showering them with the love and affection he couldn't find an outlet for elsewhere. It seemed that Kim Ga On might very well cease to exist if he wasn't allowed to care for and nurture the living and breathing things around him, the need going beyond instinct into outright compulsion.
That innocence and selflessness was a weakness — a big, blinking target, so easy to exploit — but, at the same time, so breathtakingly beautiful it only added to Ga On's radiance.
Yo Han was frustrated by how much he adored it.
He reached out and slowly ran his finger along the leaf of one of the nearby plants. Yo Han was no expert, but it looked paler than it probably should have — closer to yellow than green. He frowned, his gaze flicking between the plants in front of him.
Almost every single one of them looked the same.
Discolored, with drooping leaves, some even edged with dry, crusty browns.
A small flicker of discomfort — of dawning realization — was all the warning Yo Han got before his chest clenched. He had no time to brace himself, the bloom of concern fierce enough to almost knock the breath out of him.
The implication was all too clear.
Kim Ga On might be withering away faster than Yo Han had anticipated.
Though I guess that's technically BEFORE he sees Ga On? So here's the one when he actually turns around and sees him for the first time in months:
Yo Han had pictured the moment many times over. He'd wondered — maybe even fantasized — what it would be like to see Ga On again after so many months apart. But none of those scenarios, each studied and evaluated down to the smallest detail, could prepare Yo Han for what he actually found when he turned around.
Not even once, at any point during his musings, had Yo Han thought that the first thing he would feel was a sharp, painful pang of guilt.
The eyes meeting his — those soft doe-eyes, usually so bright and vibrant — were flat and empty. They looked too big on Ga On's face, too black and bottomless against the paleness of his skin. As if there was nothing but a gaping emptiness behind them.
There was no spark. No light.
The world seemed to shift, just a fraction, but still enough to make Yo Han's stomach drop. The curl of dread was paralyzing.
He'd always known he was fated to eventually smother that gentle, fragile light, but he hadn't expected it to happen like this.
Not this soon.
He wasn't ready for that loss yet. He honestly never would be.
And so, for once, Yo Han didn't know what to do — or even how to react. The longer he stood there, staring into those blank eyes, the more the guilt grew. He could feel it seeping into his veins, slowly taking hold.
It hurt to breathe.
A pain which didn't ease even when something finally did shift inside Ga On's eyes. Because what Yo Han saw wasn't life, excitement, or even hope, but the heart-wrenching hunger of a desperate, half-starved creature, so weak it was a miracle it could even function.
The emptiness in Ga On's eyes suddenly made sense.
He was empty. And Yo Han could see the hunger growing — the near-frantic need to fill that cold, hollow space. And he knew exactly what had caused it.
Exactly what Ga On needed in order to fill that void inside of him.
If Yo Han had wanted to make Ga On less dependent on him, he'd failed.
... I guess the short answer would be: "... oh fuck."?
Bear in mind that I currently have no plans (or time) to write another chapter from Yo Han's POV, but yeah. I hope you enjoy the snippets?
Also, to be entirely honest with you all, it fucking hurts to write Yo Han's POV, especially these emotional scenes x'D Like, I feel for Ga On when I write about him and his struggles, I definitely do. But Yo Han is too similar to me in how he deals with and processes emotions so I'm, like, in agony when I write stuff like this because I can relate to it too much.
So some of my stubbornness not to write his POV is honestly sheer self-preservation at this point x'D
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katyspersonal · 9 months
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#personal#internets#at this rate I've unfollowed both of the kinda.. 'controvercial' blogs I've been following#since there was a good chunk of actually good takes about how bad media is now and society and braindead internet 'activists' that-#-had it too good in their western countries and NEEDED to invent the reason to bully and excile people#could honestly resonate with it despite some other posts causing genuine pain. but mostly about terribly handled media#like you know that thing when corporations do terrible ass rep to pretend that they care for minorities#or artificially fabricate online backlash against their new actors to show investors that people show interest for their product because-#-of all the clicks on their article?#like discussion of this kind sorta keeps me sober#as a person with BPD I get contaminated by opinions VERY easily and as an autist I will believe everything if it is put together 'logically#that's why I HAVE to be exposed to every possible opinion so I am forced to make out my own rather than being swayed anywhere#but at this point those blog became kinda.. bad? like they don't just have 'opinions' but they hate just to hate#but now my dashboard and recs are full of exclusively things I can fully agree with and I am scared that it will rot my brain#like.. emotions are always the same. where is the 'wait WHAT' effect? where is anger? where is self-reflection?#but ALSO I realized that 'those' blogs are no better than those western 'warriors' I despise and they become narrow-minded too in the end#they advertise themselves as 'open to debate' only to always sway debate into trying to win and not into actually discovering the truth#I cannot trust any side because they're all narrow-minded and hostile but I cannot trust people without any side because-#-they're fence-sitters without morals that side with the winner#is there a secret third thing? like is there a way to not take a side but to still HAVE ideals and opinions?#my problem is that if I am not exposed to people that trash everything I value I forget why AM I valuing [a thing] to BEGIN with#and that won't do will it
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tumblezwei · 1 year
Calxiyn put a poll up on Twitter asking who on team RWBY had the best gut feeling about people and what the fuck is this
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Ruby literally canonically is the one that figured out something was weird about Emerald during the Vytal Festival tournament when she was a whole stadium length away from her, how can she have so few votes
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glambots · 1 year
So I’m playing around with that chat bot. Mine does…this?
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We Are Friends, Right? :)
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
btw a thagomizer is an arrangement of spikes toward the end of the tail, like a stegosaurus. The obvious inspiration for the dinosaur tail is Godzilla. Curious what it might look like when he small.
I came up with scorpion because his arm horns remind me a little bit of crab chitin. You could imagine a small Knack looking fierce with that. But what about when he's enormous?
Monkey because King Kong, lol, but you know, his arms are so long he'd be great at climbing.
A fluffy tail would be harder. He seems to get fuzzy when he gets bigger, but they're spiky red relics.
Simple and short would be 'safest' because with how much Knack fidgets, at least in the first game, he'd be swinging it around and thumping it constantly if it were long. But I'm not sure what kind of relics it would be made of.
Oh and! If anyone wants to draw these, I would love to see them!
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v-mos · 1 year
Saw that it's pretty much confirmed that Prime 2 and 3 are coming to switch but are not going to be given the same remaster treatment and as much as I'm over the fucking MOON that Prime got remastered and that people are loving it, if they seriously just port over Prime 2 instead of giving it a touch up remaster like they did for Prime 1 then I'm going to blow a fuckin gasket. Prime 1 is super good and I know a lot of people have that one as a favorite, but if you are seriously going to look me in the eyes and say that Prime 2 doesn't deserve a remaster on the same level as Prime 1 then I'm going to be forced to revoke your brain and find out where it went wrong.
Think of the aesthetics!!!!! Torvus Bog, Sanctuary Fortress, and literally *all* of the places in Dark Aether would look fucking beautiful if given the same treatment as 1, not to mention little things like the Light Crystals and the bubbles of light they emit against the backdrop of Dark Aether and the Light/Dark/Annihilator beams and stuff that would fuckin POP, and if they seriously just slap it onto the switch in the form it was in on the Wii for Trilogy with minor changes to the control scheme and shit like that then I'm going to be extremely upset and angry at the missed opportunity. Of course I'll be happy it's on the switch at all, but to just throw it on the switch after giving Prime 1 a makeover, lip injections, and a boob job is just insulting considering that, in most aspects, Prime 2 is just as good if not outright better than Prime 1.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok-T’Pel moments from (free previews of) Orion’s Hounds & The Red King
Bonus: A passage I screamed about bc it got me in my heart
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toytulini · 15 days
god the ants make it so fucking hard to be tolerant. im really, really trying to be better about it and chill out
but they really love to fucking test that
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