bycmykae · 13 days
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Year of The Snake 🐍 a mobile wallpaper project
Content Restrictions and Requirements Rating: SFW, PG Theme: Snakes Requirements: #7ebd5f
🐍 Schedule
Interest Check : Jul 15 - Aug 09
Sign Ups: Aug 12 - Aug 25
check in 1: Sep 30
check in 2: Oct 30
final submissions: Nov 30
🐍What is a mobile wallpaper calendar? Essentially it's mobile wallpaper with the calendar dates incorporated into the graphics.
🐍Who can participate? Anyone who applies during the application period. No previous experience. No portfolio necessary.
🐍What types of mediums are allowed? Traditional art is allowed as long as you can scan, clean, and crop your art accordingly. Photography (photos that you have taken) is okay as long as you are able to incorporate the project color into your final piece.
🐍Contributor Expectations:
English speaking: mandatory.
Discord attendance: mandatory.
Check-ins: optional.
Let a mod know you need to drop: required.
Final deadline: non-negotiable.
🐍 How will this project work?
Artists will just have to provide the art that fits the template. Artists will be allowed to draw for multiple months, but only ONE is required/assigned.
Mod Lucy will format the calendar dates onto the corresponding graphics. Artists are only responsible for creating the art (and ensuring there space for the calendar dates)
All the PNGs will be zipped and the wallpapers will be downloadable through itch.io
Additional Questions? Feel free to reach out through tumblr ask or email ([email protected])
Mods:  Just Lucy
Bycmykae's extensive FAQ: https://bycmykae.tumblr.com/about
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teoriaespacial · 11 months
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shoyoist · 1 year
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𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 — haitani ran.
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haitani ran doesn't care for anything. 
he has always been that way. laid back look in eyes, lips set in that impassive slant that somehow passed as a smile. you've known this about him for the lengthy amount of time you've been friends, and you were used to his languid attitude — and you didn't mind it, honestly.
you knew he only really cared when it was something about himself. his hair, his pride, or something to do with his little brother getting into danger.
which is why you're staring at him the way you are. 
watching him rub the darkening bruise at the left of his mouth as he fixes his hair (of course. his ever so precious hair.) after it had come loose, seated on your couch with that nonchalant look in his eyes — like he hadn't just beat the absolute shit out of your ex boyfriend.
thinking back on it, you weren't even sure why you'd called ran and told him about it. 
all you knew was that you'd just barely managed to move on from the way your ex cheated on you and dumped you months ago; and seeing the jerk at your door, hearing him tell you that he regretted everything and wanted you to give him a second chance — it had you fumbling for the phone in an instant.
"ran," you'd muttered, trying to keep your voice from reaching the guy standing more or less patiently behind the door you'd slammed in his face. "ran, he's here. and he says he wants me back. after everything he did—"
ran had cut you off with a simple 'give me five minutes, yeah?' — and then he was there, grabbing your ex by the collar and spitting in his face before throwing him onto the ground.
you'd stood there for a moment, confused, shocked and stunned to see the anger in ran's usually placid eyes. to see the way he used his fists, rather than the weapons he preferred. to hear him cuss your ex out, talking about how you deserved better than a piece of shit, about how if he ever showed his ass at your door again, he'd kill him on the spot.
you'd only snapped out of it when your ex managed to land a punch on ran's face, sending his head twisting to one side, blonde-and-black braids following the movement — and then you were stepping out, screaming at them to stop. 
ran looked up at you, recognized the upset written over your features, and withdrew. not without one last kick, but the fact that he'd immediately, actually stopped was another surprise. "get the fuck away." he'd hissed at your ex.
naturally, your ex had left the scene without further protest, hopefully never to return, but you were still stunned. because for a moment, it looked like haitani ran cared.
"lemme get a glass of water," he'd mumbled, all casual, shouldering past you into your house and making his way into your kitchen.
you followed, poured him his water, watched him drink and wash his mouth with it, and then followed him back into your living room where he now sat, redoing his hair.
deciding that you'd stared enough, he looks up. "what is it, huh?"
"ah," you scramble to find words that would make sense. "i was just wondering. you got here pretty fast."
"i was on my way." he explains dismissively.
"you were?" you ask. he nods, fixing one braid and undoing the other, letting the alternating waves of dyed hair fall across his shoulder, creating soft shadows over the slant of his face, against the watery sunlight coming through your window. "was gonna take you out for some ice cream."
"oh." and then you realize that in fact, he'd been doing that a lot the past weeks, after your break up.
showing up unannounced and asking you if you wanted to go out for some nothing-in-particular, telling you almost teasingly that he'd freed up some time just for you, so you better accept his offer.
you'd been appreciating his gestures as kindness shown to you by a friend — albeit one that was involved in various criminal activities, that you'd decided to look past because you'd known him for long enough to not care — but now, you were starting to wonder if it was something more.
the signs were all there, after all.
"ran, do you—" the words spill from your lips without your intention, and you hesitate, even as he looks up, flicking a strand of his hair out of his eyes that were now glowing with the light pooling in them. "yeah?"
fuck, you think, as his gaze grows sharper, steeling itself against yours.
"i'm just, uh," you really don't know how to say what you wanted to say. "it's just, you ... do you care?"
he raises an eyebrow, giving you a scrutinizing look. "the fuck's that supposed to mean, hm? care about what?"
"about ..." you take a deep breath. "scratch that. do you like me?"
he freezes momentarily, upon hearing your question — only for a fraction of a second — but you're watching him closely enough to catch it. you don't know what else to say, and there's silence in the air between you two for what feels like an age, before he simply finishes braiding his hair and stands up. 
your heart starts to beat faster, wondering if he was about to walk out with no explanation — perhaps you'd hit a nerve, perhaps you'd assumed wrong and thought too much about something that had no meaning. "wait—"
"look, i don't wanna be a rebound or anything." he starts, voice a little stiff, a little cold — and you shut your mouth, allowing him to continue. "i'm not about to get played or made a fool out of. so, so we'll take things slow. i'll wait for you to get over shit at your own pace. you take your time, and tell me if you ever wanna give me a chance."
"g-give you a chance?" your heart picks up pace again, because god, you weren't expecting him to say all of that. it wasn't like him to be so — so this way, and it was rendering you just a bit speechless. "ran, i . . . you, you really—"
he turns to you again, rolling his eyes — but you don't see any real annoyance behind it. "not in the mood to talk about it right now, love. let's just go get some food. and you know it's not gonna be any tacky shit like what ass-face treated you to, so hurry up."
and now, after that thrown out half-confession, the way he called you love sounded softer, less of a joke and more of something else. you felt bad, but you also can't help but feel relief. 
why relief?
because you know how you used to have a crush on him. 
hell, you'd been in love with ran, going as far as to break things off with your friends that tried to convince you that he was no good. 
and because you can't help the way you've been looking forward to his impromptu visits as of late, daydreaming and wondering when he was going to surprise you next, and with what.
you know how you'd seen your ex at your door and only felt fear and anger stir in your gut — and you know how you'd immediately dialled ran, and felt near-tears with consolation when he picked up so quickly, when you heard his voice in your ear.
because you were starting to wonder if your past love for him was slowly coming back.
you still needed some time to move on, and ran knew that. which is why he'd just said, that he's willing to wait. because he has feelings for you?
"but are you sure you're willing to," locking the door, you turn to him and walk after him, out to where he had his motorcycle parked across the street. "you know, willing to wait?"
"whatever." ran shrugged, not looking at you. you quickened your pace, catching up with him and grabbing his sleeve to cross the street together. his gaze was fixed on his motorcycle, but it didn't look like he was focused on the vehicle.
the breeze rustles gentle in your ears as you walk with him to the other side of the road, and the sound fills in any awkwardness that blooms between you two.
the sequence of events that had just played out, hadn't taken even an hour. but as you search your surroundings for any signs of any unwanted presences, you see nothing.
there's only a couple of kids passing by on bicycles, birds coming down to land on the branches of a tree growing some distance away, and pale sunlight sifting down frim between the clouds to pool on the asphalt at your feet.
you feel calm. ran shakes away the grip you've got on your sleeve, but as your hand falls down to rest slack at your side, he grabs it, and gives it a small squeeze — and you feel a tingle of something bright and hot run through your chest. 
swinging his leg over, he leaps onto the motorcycle, slipping the key into the ignition. you get on behind him, grabbing onto his shoulders for support, suddenly feeling warm despite the chilly wind that was starting to pick up. 
"i've waited long enough already, anyway." he added belatedly, sounding ever so laid back, despite the cherry colour tipping his ears. "take your time. nothing to it, waiting some more."
and as your heart warms, you think that perhaps you were wrong. 
perhaps haitani ran does care. for you.
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note: interactions, reblogs & feedback are much appreciated!<3
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phopollo · 4 months
Saw some folks in cute outfits omw class earlier today and got inspired, thus;
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Gay people
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asmamal-s · 2 months
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Wanted to try something soft and by soft I mean like a style that's a bit similar to these school drawing books ? Anyway, Edd and Tom as childhood friends anyone !
Psssh,i can just imagine Edd drawing stuff for Tom to lift his spirit after the… y'know, the death of his "father" ?
I was going to draw Tom with his original hair but I quickly changed my mind. Kinda proud of the hair now.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 9 months
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A camera trap snaps a photo of a Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) hunting at night near Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park, Thailand.
Contributed by Danielle Garbouchian (Photo: Sebastian Kennerknecht/Panthera)
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nirby-wirby · 3 months
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“You’re right, My Lady,” he concurs. “It really isn’t fair. None of this is.” Slowly and contemplatively, he begins to extend his stick. “I’ll… see you at the next akuma.”  — Chapter 9 of TVL by @literaphobe
I’m formally requesting some sort of financial compensation due to the fact that this chapter KILLED me and I’m going to need help paying for my funeral.
Anyway. If you haven’t read this fic yet I highly recommend it!! This fic has everything. It has fluff, it has angst, it has dramatic irony, it has humor, it has a mysterious subplot of some past trauma, it has identity shenanigans, it has adrienette exes, it has ladynoir practically dating but of course they never call it that because they’re ladynoir and they never do that, it has— basically just go read it.
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tiktaalic · 6 months
this is my personal playlist of amvs of all time. some have slipped my mind some are on there for nostalgia reasons but i stand by my picks. thumb up moji
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keeb0y · 10 months
New Playlist!
Devil Town -Cavetown
Freaks -Surf Curse
New Flesh -Current Joys
Jealous -Eyedress
Eighth Wonder -Lemon Demon
YKWIM? -Yot Club
Soft Fuzzy Man -Lemon Demon
505 -Arctic Monkeys
Ghostbusters -Ray Parker Jr.
Deceptacon -Le Tigre
Bang Bang Bang Bang -Sohodolls
Little Dark Age -MGMT
Hayloft -Mother Mother
Touch-Tone Telephone -Lemon Demon
Sex with a Ghost -Teddy Hyde
Knife Fight -Lemon Demon
Hey Kids -Molina
The Perfect Girl -Mareux
Die Anywhere Else (From "Night In The Woods") -Julia Henderson
Swimming Pool -Marie Madeleine
We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives -Los Campesinos
Notes: This playlist is 1 hour and 14 minutes long.
Requested By: AnonyJerboa
Next Playlist: None (Feel free to request!)
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 1 day
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tag urself
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ol1verdrawsyt · 15 days
"Nothin' but static on channel 4!"
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Oh also @cenri-monpi
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yuzukahachimir · 5 months
When the time for us comes to able to watch the movie,what is going to be difficult would be stay calm in the seat.
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And more having moments of actions so cool like this with Yor
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emilychickenart · 1 year
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He has been Contained
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nyaskitten · 1 year
New Teaser For Ninjago 2023
I have exactly NO clue what is going on here, but I'm gonna TRY.
First off, a rift of some sort opens up, revealing some weird, glitchy area. Then we see Jay in his Core Titan Mech chasing after something, while the Bounty floats around in the background. Jay slices through a storage crate of some sort, then we cut to Cole with his lava arm powers seemingly active (because his scar is glowing). Jay cuts through another crate, and we cut to Nya using her powers to create a water bubble to catch two civilians. Next, we see Kai on the head of the bounty using his fire powers for something, then we cut to Cole carrying two civilians, while on a crate, in front of a floating building.
Next, we see Lloyd sliding down the Bounty anchor holding who appears to be Arin (based on the orange sweater), and in the background we can see what appears to be a giant mechanical dragon through one of the rifts. Next, we get a banger zoom-in shot showing the ninja (minus Jay) on the Bounty with Arin, a scene where a truck and barrels can be seen floating into the sky, and Lloyd can be seen looking into the distance watching the rifts to reveal that we have NO clue what the FUCK is going on. The rifts close in an explosion (which is also my banger banner no WAY OMG)
ALSO it seems like for the most part they're gonna be using their Core gi.
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cluelylikesporn · 1 month
fav band/ song update 😻
tyler, the creator
tv girl
rage against the machine
the smiths
i love you golden blue- sonic youth
blow out- radiohead
tomorrow comes today- gorillaz
blood lust- YOU LOVE HER
west end girls- pet shop boys
marriage- descendants
everybodys fool- evanescence
shes in parties- bauhaus
im trying to post more so reminder to check out my intro and send me reqs ♥️
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