#yet everything about it also screams VAMPIRE HUNTER
chumpovodir · 10 months
almost every day after work i boot up PCSX2 to continue my game of Castlevania: Curse of Darkness on Trevor mode. and every time, without fail, i end up simply slow panning the camera around Trevor and sighing wistfully to myself
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
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Ok vampire hunter!König is hot but how about vampire!Engel with vampire!König who seduced and turned her?
König is the meanest vampire there is.
He never lets his angel become an independent, strong creature of the night; instead, he keeps her in his tower and “teaches” her, telling her she must never venture out because the world is a dangerous place and mortals are more cunning than she can even imagine, and Engel, poor fresh young fledgling that she is, just looks up at him wide-eyed and lips drawn into a thin line and believes everything he says.
And so there’s really no one to tell her that König is shunned by all the other vampires: he has a reputation, he’s more feral than any of them and always keeps to himself, never comes to the balls or burdens himself with the need to charm anyone or even dress properly, he’s like a relic from the past when vampires had to scour their meal from wherever they could get it, filthy docks or poor cottages in the hills, bothering lowly peasants whose blood tastes like dung. König lives in a time of war even though there’s peace now, and plenty of good blood to feast on, he has even killed some of his own – Engel really doesn’t know the full depth of the trouble she’s in... She couldn’t have bumped into a more unfit, berserk, depraved sire.
He always picks her meal for her: always fragile, meek women, dragged to the tower screaming and pale and filled with fear and horror: and he doesn’t even let her feed alone because he likes to watch. No one tells her that this isn’t supposed to happen: that a lamia’s meal is a sacred ritual, it's between her and the sacrificial lamb, and it's also a moment when a vampire is at her most vulnerable... But no: König watches her like a mortal would watch pornography or an obscene play, and Engel thinks it’s perfectly normal, she just wants to please her master, as difficult and hard as it is to do so at times.
And sometimes she feels this odd yearning – she was such a cute, well-behaved mortal, she had her whole life ahead of her, she never did anything wrong, and she never asked to be turned... (yes Engel keep telling yourself that) She just wanted to talk to this mysterious highwayman who walked her home when she got lost in the woods, who gave her the most intense hand-kiss she had ever received and after that, left her a blood-red rose on her windowsill every night... And now she finds herself here, in this ungodly tower with a monster – a monster she hopelessly loves and adores.
Sometimes the need to feed grows too strong and she floats down the stairs, helpless and weak, only to be met with König’s imperious form as he opens the heavy oak door and immediately catches on to what’s going on. His heavenly angel was about to disobey him; clearly, she doesn’t yet understand the danger she’s in (in truth König is getting pale even at the thought of her finding some other mentor, were Engel to leave him he would crawl into his coffin and never come out again).
So into the coffin she goes, without breakfast, and has to stay there alone until he's sharpened his knives. Only when dawn is already about to break, only after the sturdy old pine box echoes with her pitiful little whimpers, König finally joins her, gathers Engel in his arms, asks her if she has learned her lesson now, hmm? She must understand that this is for her own good: he’s just ensuring that nothing bad happens to her. After all, she's his responsibility; it was fated that they met. She’s exactly where she belongs; she has nothing to fear.
Then he feeds her himself: another taboo and a perverse act of him, and even sicker than anyone could ever imagine because König pushes them both to their limits, getting lewd pleasure out of Engel drinking from him until he's near the point of going into rigor mortis, groaning that she needs to stop (secretly wishing she wouldn’t… Not just yet…)
And König never tells her that their kind is supposed to sleep in their own coffins for a variety of reasons. He allows her to sleep in his, never even gets her her own, getting sick satisfaction from the way she curls up and clings to him like a pathetic, helpless human.
The only things he gets her are stunning, gorgeously large white dresses: pompous and flowy and frilly and so heavy she can’t possibly even dream of escaping while wearing those. The only time there’s a slightly more benevolent look in those piercing cold blue eyes is when Engel laughs and spins around in them, fresh blood on her lips, eyes outshining all the night stars...
She’s truly the most innocent, beautiful creature he has ever seen. He almost feels… what was it that mortals called it?
Ah, yes. Love.
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dianawinchester03 · 1 month
Season 1, Episode 21 - Salvation
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
The silence was deafening as Sam drove down the interstate to Kansas. They decided to take F/N back to Kansas and give him a proper send off. His body was wrapped in a white blanket in the backseat of the Impala. Dean was behind him on Y/N's bike. Her arms wrapped around him tightly, her helmet covered head buried into the croak of his back. She was in no condition to drive at this very moment. The boys had to be strong for Y/N's sake right now, but seeing her so broken.
It tore into their souls. They lost a father figure themselves, but y/n lost her last bit of blood family. 'Family don't end in blood' as Bobby always said, but it still hurts like hell to lose those you care about. As much as Y/N and her father argued, she loved her dad. He was everything to her, a place in her heart no man could fulfill.
Lawrence, Kansas
Y/N stood infront of the Hunter's Funeral Pyre, her eyes swollen and red, her face blank. A half drunk bottle of Jack in one hand and a almost burnt out cigarette butt in the other. She has cried her eyes out already, she felt drained as she watched her fathers body, wrapped in a white sheet on the pyer in flames. She left empty on the inside, constantly telling herself it should've been her on that pyre and not her dad.
She hadn't noticed when an unfamiliar van parked behind them. "Dad" Dean says in relief when he sees his father jump out of the van f/n loaned him for emergencies. Sam and Dean give their dad a quick hug, "How's she doing?" He asks his sons, concerned about Y/N. They look back at her with pity etched on their faces.
She was lost in her own thoughts, still not aware of John's presence. "She hasn't said a word since we left, Dad. Sam and I had to strap her in and everything. I rode her bike back and we took all the weapons from F/N's truck but abandoned it" Dean tells him, his voice broken. Seeing Y/N so pained yet so emotionless was heartbreaking for him. Not only losing a father figure but also the woman he loves looks like she's on the brink of insanity.
"She tossed that vampire through the air and made those car windows shatter with just her scream, Dad." Sam whispers to him. "You sure it was her?" John asks for confirmation. They both nod in unison. They shared a silent look, contemplating whether or not to tell their dad what they saw in her eyes when she shattered those windows with her mind.
"What is it boys?" John asks them when he noticed the look his sons shared. "Her eyes. They um...they turned...." Sam whispers, trailing off. "They turned what?" John asks him. "They turned white" Dean informs him. John nods, already having a mind of what's happening. "You're not concerned?" Dean asks him, surprised that John didn't have much of a reaction.
"It's typical for psychics' eyes to turn white when using an immense amount of power. It seems as though the trauma from...." John tears up a bit, taking a deep breath, "The trauma from F/N's death activated her powers. It's rare but not unlikely" He informs his sons who are astounded. Y/N is a full blown psychic now, they have no idea what her powers would be like. And neither does she.
"Is it true? Is the Colt real?" John asks them. They both nod, "Yeah. F/N used a bullet to kill the vampire that was going to kill Y/N. It's in the car" Dean tell him. John nods, stepping forward to walk closer to Y/N who's still stood infront of her fathers burning corpse on the pyer. "Hey sweetheart." He says gently, Y/N turns around eyes wide. "John" She croaks, tears again begin to well up in her eyes.
She flicks the cigarette butt to the side, John wraps his arms around her shoulder, pulling her in to a hug. "I'm so sorry about your father, y/n/n" John says genuinely, his chin resting at the top of Y/N's head, allowing his tears flow as he takes in the burning pyer with his fallen friend. A man he trusted with his life, a man he raised his children with side by side when their wives were taken from them.
A man he was proud to call his best friend and hunting partner, dare say, his brother. Now reduced to ash. "It's my fault" She drops her head, now sobbing again. "It's not your fault, Princess" Dean walks closer to her. Y/N breaks the hug with John, "You can't convince me otherwise charming" She says dryly sniffling, handing John the bottle of Jack. Dean pulls her in for a hug, she doesn't shrug him off this time.
She wraps his arms around her shoulders as John walks back to Sam who's leaning on the Impala, tears in his eyes. "He died protecting me, Dean. If Luther had just killed me first he wouldn't be-" She rambles but Dean cuts her off. "If you finish that sentence I swear Y/N...." He clenches his jaw. She sighs, sobbing. "Blaming yourself will send you down a deep rabbit hole, princess. We're here for you. And we'll never leave you...I'll never leave you" Dean promises her sincerely, tucking a stand of her messed up hair behind her eyes.
"Please don't" She pleads sniffling, her heart aching. Deans heart pangs painfully at her tone, she sounded absolutely broken. "Your father died getting that Colt, we have it now. And we're gonna get the thing that killed our moms. In honor of F/N. It's what he would want and you know it. We're stronger as a family, together. We'll get the son of a bitch" Dean assured her softly.
She looks back at the pyre, the heat from the flames gushing over her face. "Hey..." Dean uses his pointer finger to turn her face back to look at him. "I pinky promise" He gives her a small smile, putting up his pinky finger. She chokes back a sob, chuckling weakly. She puts her pinky finger up. "Pinky promise" She croaks, smiling tearfully as she locks her pinky with his.
Sam and John, who are leaning against the Impala, hands in their pockets. They tearfully smile as they look on at the two locking their pinkies together. John takes a swig of the whiskey before handing it to Sam, who accepts, taking a swig also.
Sam, Dean, Y/N and John are now in a motel.
Their motel room was swarming with all of the information of the supernatural John and F/N had collected over the years. Papers stapled and tapes to the wall, John sat at the table while Sam and Dean sat on the bed. Y/N by the window, smoking again. Her expression blank, staring out the window. She nurses a glass of whiskey as she takes a drag.
"Here's to F/N L/N, a damn amazing hunter, a kick ass player of pool and poker, a father, a man I'm proud to have called my best friend. He didn't die in vain, he will be avenged" John and the kids toast to the life of f/n. They look up to the sky, "This one's for you buddy" John says heartedly. Tears in all of their eyes as they throw their heads back, gulping down the last of the Jack, her father's favorite.
Y/N grimaced harshly from the burn of the brown liquid. "So, this is it. This is everything I know" John begins, gesturing to all the information he had stuck to the walls. "Look kids, our whole lives we've been searching for this demon, right? Not a trace, just nothing" He adds. "Until about a year ago. For the first time, I picked up a trail" He explains.
"That's when you took off, then f/n found you and you guys conspired" Dean says. John nods. "The demon must have come out of hiding or hibernation" John suggest. "So, what's this trail you found?" Dean asks him. "Starts in Arizona, then New Jersey, California. Houses burned down to the ground. It's going after families, just like it went after all of us" John explains.
"Families with infants?" Sam asks. "Yeah" John nods. "The night of the kids 6-month birthday" He adds, this catches y/n's attention. "We were six months old those nights?" Y/N asks him in a croaky tone, finally speaking up. "Exactly 6 months" John sighs nodding. "So basically, this demon is going after these kids for some reason" Sam says. "Same way it came for us" Y/N scoffs, flicking her cigarette out the window.
"So Moms death, Mrs. L/N....Jessica. It's all because of us?" Sam says in disbelief. "We don't know that, guys" Dean says. "Oh, really? Because I'd say we're pretty damn sure, Dean!" Y/N snaps, raising her voice that cracks from her sore throat. "For the last time, what happened to Mom and Jess is not your fault, Sam!" Dean stresses. "And what happened to your mom and dad, isn't yours either, y/n" Dean tries to assure her but she rolls her eyes.
Shaking her head, "Yeah you're right, it's not our fault but it's our problem!" Sam defends, raising his voice. "No it's not both your problems, it's our problem!" Dean raises his voice. "Okay. That's enough" John cuts into their argument, he stands up from his chair. They all subside the argument, sighing.
"So why is it doing it? What does it want?" Sam asks him as Dean moves to where John was sitting. "Look, I wish I had more answers. I do. We've always been step behind it" John says a bit frustrated. "Look, I've never gotten there in time to save..." He trails off, it's painful enough to talk about Mary and now F/N's death was so fresh.
Silence fell in the room, "So how do we find it before it hits again?" Dean asks quietly. "There are signs." John answers, turning to his elder son. "Look. It took us a while to see the pattern but in the days before these fires, signs crop up in an area" He begins to explain. "Cattle deaths, temperature fluctuations, electrical storms" John lists off.
Dean looks up in realization when his father lists off the signs. "And then, I went back and checks, and..." John trails off. "These things happened in right here Lawrence" Dean points out. John nods. "A week before your mother and m/n died" He confirms. The three young hunters share a look before John turns to Sam. "And in Palo Alto....before Jessica" John says lowly, Sam's eyes filling with tears.
"And these signs, they're starting again" He tells them. "Where?" Y/N asks John. "Salvation, Iowa" John responds.
Salvation, Iowa
The Impala, Harley and Ford Ranger drove past the sign leading into Salvation, Iowa. Sam in the Impala, John in the Ford Ranger and Y/N with Dean on the Harley. He refused to leave her side, she said she was okay to ride but he still didn't want to leave her to ride alone. Y/N and Sam notice John swerve into a track on the side of the highway, they're confused but follow him in.
John jumps out of his Ranger frustrated, "Goddamn it! Son of a bitch!" John punches the van. "What is it?" Dean asks him confused and concerned as he and Y/N take off their helmets. "We just got a call from Caleb" John tells him as Sam jumps out of the Impala. "Is he okay?" Sam asks him concerned. "He's fine. Jim Murphy's dead" John informs them, his tone angry. "Pastor Jim?" Sam asks him in shock, tilting his head.
John nods. "How?" Y/N asks. "Throat was slashed. He bled out" John looks down, still in shock that he not only lost his best friend but another one of his longest friends. The three young hunters are grief stricken, "Caleb said they found traces of sulfur at Jim's place." John adds. "A demon.." Dean says.
A look on his father face makes him raise his eyebrows. "THE demon?" Y/N asks shocked. "I don't know. Could be he just got- He just got careless, he slipped up. Maybe the demon knows we're getting close" John shakes his head in disbelief. "What do you wanna do?" Dean asks him firmly. "Now we act like every second counts" John responds.
"There's two hospitals and a health center in this county. We split up, and we cover more ground. I want records, I want a list of every infant that's gonna be 6 months old in the next week" John orders. "John, that's could be dozens of kids." Y/N exaggerates. "How the hell are we gonna know which ones the right one?" Sam questions his father in agreement to Y/N's point.
"We'll check them all, that's how" John answers firmly. "You two got any other idea?" John asks them in a hard tone. Sam and Y/N share a look, "No, sir" They respond in unison. They all turn to jump back on their vehicles, John stops and stares down for a second, Dean notices this. "Dad?" He calls out for his father in concern. "Yeah?" John responds turning back.
"It's F/N and now it's Jim" John says in a tearful tone. "You know..I can't" He looks up, tears welling in his eyes. "Yeah. Me neither" Y/N agrees in a croaky tone. John gives her a sympathetic look. "This ends now. I'm ending it. I don't care what it takes" John says firmly. Opening the door to the Impala, he jumps in.
Sam follows behind as Y/N and Dean hop back on Quinn. John starts the ignition, driving out. Y/N places her helmet on, Dean doing the same. He wraps his arms tightly around Y/N's waist. She dismounts her bike, the roar of her engine filling the quiet area. Riding out behind John.
Sam and Y/N are now at the Salvation Medical Center, looking over birth certificates after posing as officers. "Here you go, officers". A nurse approaches them, handing them another file of birth certificates. "Thank you" Sam thanks her. "You're welcome" The nurse smiles before walking off.
As Sam and Y/N walk out of the hospital to meet John and Dean. Their heads begin to pound, the familiar feeling of a building pressure in their heads. Flashes of a vision as they hold their foreheads in pain.
A lit lamp.
A dangling toy clown.
A woman in a white night gown and her baby, she's rocking her baby to sleep. A smile on her face.
She rests her baby down in her crib. Before giving her baby a kiss.
The sound of a train whistle blowing draws the mothers attention outside.
She walks downstairs to look out the window.
She then makes her way back up to her babys nursery, the sound of a music box playing.
When they open back their eyes, gasping from the pain. "Did you just.." Y/N asks him. Sam nods breathing heavily. "A train" Sam says. "Holy shit." Y/N gasps, she digs into Sam's bag and takes out a map. Shakily opening it, they both look for a train line on the map. "That's not too far from here" Sam points out. They share a look before following the map.
A couple blocks over, they run through a park. The pressure in their heads building up again. They hold their heads in pain, as a vision comes flashing again.
The woman opens her baby's nursery to see a strange hooded figure leaning over her baby's crib.
Sam and Y/N open their eyes again, walking a bit forwards. "You okay, Sammy?" Y/N asks him concerned. Sam seemed to be in more pain than her, "Yeah, I'm okay" He nods shakily. Her eyes flicker behind Sam, her mouth agape when she notices the house. "What is i-..." Sam asks her concerned, he turns around. His statement cutting short when he sees the house behind him.
The window identical to the one from the vision they both had. They look over to the sidewalk to see the same woman from their visions, walking with a umbrella over her head pushing a stroller. They share a look, "We gotta go talk to her" Sam says. "We can't just approach her Sam. It'll seem weird" Y/N says exasperated.
"We don't have a choice. Follow my lead" He grumbles. Y/N huffs, shaking her head. She obliged, following Sams leads. "Hi, here. Let me hold that. You look like you don't need that anymore" Sam says politely. Gently helping her hold the stroller. The woman smiles gratefully. "Hi. Thanks" She says sweetly. Closing her umbrella.
"She's beautiful. Is she yours?" Y/N asks her, smiling down at the baby. "Yeah" The woman responds smiling. "Oh wow. Hi" Sam waves at the baby smiling. "Oh. I'm sorry. We're rude. I'm Y/N and my fiancé Sam. We just moved in up the block" Y/N apologizes, putting her hand out to shake the woman's.
Sam raises his eyebrow at her lie but goes with it. "Oh hey, I'm Monica and this is Rosie" The woman politely introduces herself and her daughter. "Rosie? Hi Rosie" Y/N smiles, waving at the little baby. "So welcome to the neighborhood. It's good to have new couples in the neighborhood." Monica smiles. "Thank you" Sam says gratefully.
"She's such a good baby" Sam compliments Rosie. Monica smiles "I know. She- I mean, she never cries. She just stares at everybody. Sometimes she looks at you and I swear it's-" Monica chuckles. "It's like she's reading your mind" She says ironically. The two hunters share a look.
"What about you, Monica? Have you lived here long?" Y/N asks curiously. "Oh, my husband and I, we bought our place just before Rosie was born." Monica tells them, pointing to the house they saw in their vision. "And how old is Rosie?" Sam asks. "She's 6 months today" Monica says proudly.
Their faces drop, "She's big, right? Growing like a weed. I'm sure you guys can't wait to have your own" Monica says, she notices the sad look on Sam and Y/N's faces when she says this. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to assume-" Monica apologizes profusely, assuming Sam and Y/N are having trouble procreating. "No! It's fine, we just uh...we-" Sam says awkwardly, internally grimacing at the thought.
"Just take care of yourself, okay?" Y/N says sweetly. "Yeah. You too, guys. We'll see you around" Monica says politely, pushing her stroller towards her house. "Yeah, definitely" Sam says, looking down. They both move across the street to hear a car honk. "Oh, there's Daddy" Monica says in a baby voice to her daughter.
A red SUV pulls into their driveway and a tall man exits, giving Monica a kiss. The two look on but are cut off when the pain in their heads hit again, a vision flashing again.
The music box in the Rosie's nursery is playing, a clown with other ornaments hanging above the baby's crib.
The music suddenly stops and the toys begin to move. A figure approaches the crib as Monica walks in.
She gasps when she sees the strange man in her room. "What are you-" She yells but is thrown into the wall by a force.
Monica grunts and screams as she's slid up the wall and onto the ceiling. "Rosie!" She screams, crying on the ceiling above Rosie's crib.
A familiar wound appears in her stomach, blood dripping down down into her crib.
Monica then bursts into flames, screaming as she burns on the ceiling.
After their visions returned, Sam and Y/N met back up in the motel room with John and Dean. Now explaining it, they're basically getting chewed out. "A vision?" John is in disbelief. "Yes" Sam and Y/N answer, sat by the table, groaning in pain as they rub their heads.
Dean and John were sat on the bed. "We saw the demon burning a woman on the ceiling" Sam says. "Right. And you think it's gonna happen to this you guys met woman because...?" He asks them. "Because these things happen exactly the way we see them" Y/N responds. Dean gets up, walking over to the fridge. "Yeah, they started out as nightmares. Then they started happening when they were awake" Dean explains.
"Yeah. It's like— I don't know. It's like the closer we get to anything involving the demon....the stronger the vision gets" Sam says, the two younger hunters still holding their heads in pain as Dean pours them some coffee. "Alright, when were you gonna tell me about this?" John asks a bit angry. They all turn to him.
"We didn't know what it meant" Dean puts it simply. "Alright, something like this starts happening to your brother and y/n, you pick up the phone and you call me" John states firmly. Y/N's eye twitches angrily towards John at his tone while Sam shakes his head annoyed. Dean places the coffee next to Sam, handing Y/N hers. "Call you? Are you kidding me?" Dean scoffs in disbelief at the irony, walking closer to his father as the agitation builds.
"Dad, I called you from Lawrence. Alright? Sam called you and I called f/n when y/n was dying!" Dean exclaims angrily. "I mean, getting you on the phone. I got a better chance at winning the lottery" Dean further retaliates. John looks down in shame, nodding his head at the fact his son was right. "You're right" John admits.
They were all surprised when those words came out of his mouth. "Although, I'm not real crazy about this new tone of yours, you're right. I'm sorry" John apologizes. "Look, guys, visions or now visions, the fact is, we know the demon is coming tonight. And this family's gonna go through the same hell we all went through" Y/N chimes in, stating the fact of the matter.
"No, they're not. No one is, every again" John says determined. Sam phone rings, he answers it. Putting it to his ear. "Hello?" He answers. "Sam?" A familiar woman's voice chimes over the phone in an excited tone. "Who is this?" He cocks his eyebrows. "Think real hard. It'll come to you" She smirks over the phone. Realization dawns on him, shock taking over. "Meg" he says in recognition.
Dean and Y/N's ears perk up at that name. Their gazes snapping to Sam. He turns to Dean and Y/N as John gets up from the bed. "Last time I saw you, you fell out of a window" Sam states. "Yeah, thanks to your bitch of a friend. That really hurt my feelings, by the way" Meg responds snarkily. "Just your feelings? That was a seven story drop." Sam scoffs. "Let me speak to your dad" Meg demands
He looks over at John nervously. "My dad? I don't know where he is" Sam lies quickly. "It's time for the grownups to talk, Sam. Let me speak to him now" She further demands. John puts his hand out for Sam to give him the phone. He hesitantly does so, Dean and Y/N look on, not knowing what to say or do. "This is John" John presses the phone to his ear.
"Howdy, John. I'm Meg. I'm a friend of your boys and their bitch" Meg introduces herself. "I'm also the one who watched Jim Murphy choke on his own blood" She smirks. John heart drops, "Still there, John boy?" She says in a mocking tone. "I'm here" He answers gruffly. "Well, that was yesterday. Today, I'm in Lincoln....visiting another old friend of yours and f/n" She tells him, looking down at Caleb who's tied to a chair in a basement, gagged.
"He wants to say hi" She pulls the bandana she gagged him with off of his mouth, putting the phone to his mouth. "John, whatever they do, don't give-" He goes to warn John but she pulls the phone away, "Caleb?" John gasps. "Caleb. You listen to me. He's got nothing to do with anything. You let him go" He demands. "We know you have the Colt, John" Meg says.
"I don't know what you're talking about" John denies. "Oh, okay. So listen to this" Meg smirks, wielding her knife, she slits Caleb's throat. John hears him gasping, gargling om his blood. "Caleb? Caleb?!" He calls out worried. "You hear that? That's the sound of your friend dying. Now let's try this again" Meg says menacingly, tears welling up in John's eyes.
"We know you have the gun, John. We know F/N found it and is dead. Word travels fast. So as far as we're concerned, f/n declared war and now you're in charge commander. This is what war looks like. It has casualties" She smirks. "I'm gonna kill you. You know that?" John growls angrily. Meg chuckles arrogantly. "Oh, John, please. Mind your blood pressure" She retorts dryly as John wipes his tears away.
"So this is the thing: We're gonna keep doing what we're doing. And your friends, anyone who's ever helped you and F/N, gave you shelter, anyone you ever loved. They'll all die unless you give us that gun" Meg threatens. John doesn't answer, the three young hunters looking on in concern. "I'm waiting, Johnny. Better answer before the buzzer" Meg says mockingly. "Okay" He responds quietly.
"Sorry. I didn't quite get that" Meg smirks. "I said, okay. I'll bring you the Colt" He says firmly. The boys and Y/N looks at him in disbelief. Y/N specifically getting angry. "There's a warehouse in Lincoln on the corner of Wabash and Lake. You're gonna meet me there" She orders him. He looks over at the younger hunters, only to be met with Y/N's furious look.
"It's gonna take me about a day's drive to get there." He tells Meg. "That's impossible. I can't get there in time and I can't just carry a gun on a plane" John scoffs. "Oh, then I guess your friends die, don't they?" Meg says ironically. "If you do decide to make it, come alone" She orders, hanging up. John then takes the phone off his ear, turning back to them.
"Are you kidding me?!" Y/N yells at John pissed. "Calm down, I think she's a demon" John says calmly, this makes Y/N's eye twitch more. "You think she's a demon?" Sam asks, "Either that or she's possessed by one. Doesn't really matter. I'm going to Lincoln" John says firmly. "Oh you've gotta be fucking with me" Y/N scoffs, chuckling humorlessly. The boys look over at her worried, "Excuse me?" John says baffled.
"I don't have a choice, y/n. If I don't go, a lot of people are going to die. Our friends die!" John says defensively. "MY FATHER DIED GETTING THAT GUN! He laid in my hands bleeding and took his last damn breath! The demon is coming for Monica and her family tonight. That gun is all we got, you can't just hand it over!" Y/N grits her teeth, eyes wide in anger. Tears streaming down her face.
Sympathy etched on all of their faces at her out burst. "Who said anything about handing it over sweetheart?" John says calmly, her anger diminishing a bit. "Besides us and a couples of vampires, no one's really seen the gun. No one knows what it looks like" John states. "So what, you're just gonna pick up a ringer at a pawnshop?" Dean scoffs. "Antique store" John responds.
They look at him in disbelief. "You're gonna hand Meg a fake gun and hope she doesn't notice?" Dean asks. "Look, as long as it's close, she should be able to tell the difference" John states. "Yeah but for how long? What happens when she figures it out?" Y/N asks. "I just- I just need to buy a few hours, that's all" John reasons. "You mean for me, Dean and y/n" Sam says in realization.
John doesn't answer, "You want us to stay here...and kill this demon by ourselves?" Sam says as Dean and Y/N look between him and John. "No, Sam. I wanna stop losing people we love. I want you to go to school, I want Dean and Y/N to have a home" John croaks, turning away so they don't see him crying. "I want my best friend back.....I want Mary and m/n alive" He sobs lightly, putting his hand over his face.
Their hearts panged hearing John sob. He turns back to them, his face stained with tears. "I just- I just want this to be over" He sniffles. Sam, Dean and Y/N share a painful look.
It's the middle of the day. Sam, John and Dean are parked below the train tracks, rummaging through Dean cars anything John could use against demons. Most items were found from F/N's truck. The engine of Y/N's bike roar draws their attention to behind them. She swerves it, putting it in park. She turns the ignition off, then taking off her helmet. She then swings her leg off her bike before mounting her bike.
"Did you get it?" John asks her as she walks towards them. She nods, taking the paper bag with a gun inside from out of the inside of her jacket. She hands it to John. "You know this is a trap, don't you?" Dean tells him father as he takes the gun out of the bag, it was almost identical to the Colt. "That's why Meg wants you to come alone" Dean further states.
"I can handle her. I got a whole arsenal loaded" John states smirking cockily. "Holy water, Mandaic amulets-" He lists off but Dean cuts him off. "Dad" John looks up. "What?" He asks. "Promise me something" Dean says. "What's that?" John questions. "This thing goes south, just get the hell out. Don't get yourself killed, alright. You're no good to us dead" Dean pleads.
John looks down nodding. "Same goes for you" He responds smiling a bit. "Alright, listen to me." He begins, pulling the Colt out from his pocket. "They made the bullets special for this Colt. There's only four of them left and without them, this gun is useless" John explains to them. "You make every shot count" He orders them. "Yes, sir" The three young hunters respond in unison firmly.
"I've been waiting a long time for this fight. Now it's here, I'm not gonna be in it. And neither is f/n. It's up to you kids now" John says sadly, y/n looks down painfully at the mention of her father. "It's your fight. You guys finish this. You finish what we started. You understand?" John says firmly. They all nod.
Dean still looking unsure about the whole thing. John then hands the Colt to his elder son. "We'll see you soon, John" Y/N says to him. He turns to her and smiles, "I'll see you kids later" He pats Y/N and Sam on their shoulders. Walking over to the van. He opens the door and jumps in. Starting the ignition, he drives off.
Sam, Dean and Y/N look on as he drives away. "Later" Dean finally says. His mind still telling him that John shouldn't have gone.
John pulls into the location Meg gave him, taking off his headlights. He jumps out of the van, the gun in his hand that he was gonna pass off as the Colt. He picks it in his pant and pulls out the holy water and Mandaic amulets from his pocket. Gripping them, he sticks them back in. Now walking towards the warehouse.
Meanwhile. Back in Iowa. Sam, Dean and Y/N are outside of Monica's house in the Impala. Y/N having left her bike at the motel. "Maybe we could tell them there's a gas leak. Might get them out of the house for a few hours" Sam suggests. "Yeah, and how many times has that actually worked for us?" Y/N scoffs ironically. "Yeah" Sam sighs in agreement.
"Could always tell them the truth" Sam shrugs. The three of them look at each other in silence before bursting out laughing. "Nahhh" Dean and Y/N laugh. "No I know I know I Just-" Sam laughs. "With what's coming for these people..." Sam sighs. "Guys, we only got one move and you know it. We gotta wait for that demon to show itself and then...we get it before it gets them" Dean says firmly.
"I wonder how dad is doing" Sam thinks out loud. "I'd feel a lot better is we were there backing him up" Dean sighs. "I'd feel a lot better if he were here backing us up" Y/N chuckles humorlessly. The boys nod at her statement, now looking back at Monica on the window.
Back in Lincoln, Meg enters the warehouse while John creeps around the side. Climbing up a shaft. He opens a tank with water that connects to the warehouse pipes, he begins praying in Latin, holding up the Mandaic amulet. After finishing the incantation, he drops the Amulet in.
Back in Iowa, "This is weird" Y/N says as they stalk Monica's house. Dean turns to her, "What?" He asks her. "After all these years, we're finally here" She says. "It doesn't seem real" Sam adds in agreement. In the back of deans mind, he agrees but they've gotta stay strong. "We just gotta keep our head and do our job, like always" He says. "Yeah, but this isn't like always" Sam further states. Dean turns back to them before saying, "True" He sighs.
"Guys, uh....I wanna thank you two" Sam says genuinely. They look at him confused, "For what?" Dean asks. "For everything" Sam smiles tearfully. "You two have always had my back, you know? Even when I couldn't count on anyways, I could always count on either of you. And now..." Sam says sincerely, trailing on. "I don't know, I just wanted to let you guys know that. Just in case" He finishes.
Y/N's eyebrow raises at the last part while Dean scoffs. "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Are you kidding me?" Dean scoffs. "What?" Sam asks confused. "Don't say 'Just in case something happens to you'. We don't wanna hear that fucking speech man" Y/N says annoyed. "Nobody's dying tonight. Not us, not that family. Nobody!" Dean says in a hard tone.
"Except that demon. That evil son of a bitch ain't getting any older than tonight. You understand me?" Dean adds firmly, determination in his voice. Tension thick in the air. Sam and Y/N nod as they look back at the house.
Back in Lincoln. John appears behind Meg. She turns her head when she hears his footsteps. "John. You made it" She smiles darkly. "Too bad really. I was hoping to kill more of your friends" She smirks, her tone menacing. "Sorry to disappoint" John responds in a dry tone. "I can see where your boys get their good looks" Meg says in a flirtatious voice.
"Though I must admit, considering what they say about you, I thought you'd be taller." She mocks. John just stares at her, not answering. "Well, aren't you the chatty one" She says sarcastically. "Shame I never got to meet F/N, I'm sure he was just as yummy" Meg chuckles darkly hoping to take a bite at his grief, John narrows his eyes at her angrily. "You keep his name out of your filthy mouth" He growls angrily.
"There's the Winchester in you. You sound like Dean" She snaps back laughing. "You wanna get to business" She says, walking closer to him. "Fine. Why don't you hand over the gun" She puts her hand out for it. "If I give you the gun. How do I get out of here?" John says plainly. "Well if you're as good as they say you are, I'm sure you'll figure something out" Meh smirks. "Maybe I'll just shoot you" John says dryly.
"You wanna shoot me, baby? Go ahead, it won't end anything" Meg responds in a coy tone. "There's more where I came from." She says firmly. A man approaches from the dark behind her, "Who the hells that?" John asks. "He's not nearly as much fun as I am, I can tell you that. So I suggest you give us the gun" She smirks, demanding the Colt.
John smirks, looking at the man and back to Meg. "Now!" Meg demands, getting irritated she raises her voice. Putting her hand out. John hands her the gun, she examines it a bit and then turns back to John. "This is the Colt?" She cocks her eyebrow. John nods in confirmation. She hands it to her friend, "What do you think?" She asks him.
The man takes it, then looks back at John with a blank stare. He cocks it and in a swift motion. He aims it at Meg and shoots her. John begins to internally panic as she gasps in shock and pain. "You shot me!" She yells. "I can't believe you just shot me!" Meg further screams. "It's a fake!" The man yells before tossing the gun aside. Identifying it as a fake.
They glare at John who looks between the two of them nervously, both demons moving menacingly closer to him. "You're dead, John. Your boys and y/n are dead" Meg grits her teeth angrily. "I've never used the gun. How could I have known it wouldn't work" John lies fluidly. "I'm so not in the mood for this. I've just been shot!" Meg bellows.
"Well, then I guess you're lucky the hun wasn't real" John snaps back. Meg chuckles darkly, "That's funny, John. We're gonna strip the skin from your bones, but that was funny" She smirks, walking closer as John backs up. That's when steam starts hissing from the outside, drawing Megs attention away from John. He then makes a break for it, locking a door behind him.
He jumps down from the side he crept up to the warehouse, running down the hall. John then turns on a pipe that's attached to the tank he throw the amulet in. The water spraying, coating the floor as it runs down the drainage. Meg and the man look at each other while John has a smirk on his face. The man then steps onto the water, only for the water to burn through his shoes. He groans painfully, falling back toward Meg.
They look at John in shock. "Holy water, John. Real cute" Meg snarks. John's smile widens, strolling away from the two demons who're stuck.
Back in Iowa, Dean tries calling his father. Huffing when he doesn't pick it, "Dads not answering" Dean huffs, flipping the phone shut. They look back at the window of Monica's house, "Maybe Meg was late. Maybe the cell receptions bad" Sam suggests. "Yeah, well..." Dean sighs, shaking his head.
The radio then begins to ring a static like noise, this makes Y/N's head snap towards it. "Fellas, wait..." She says, turning the radio up. They look curiously, "Listen" She whispers, raising it louder. The wind outside begins to accelerate as the radio booms a voice mutter, sounding almost like a man. The leaves outside blowing towards the house. The lights inside and outside of the house flickering.
They call share a terrified look, "It's coming" Sam gasps. They all immediately jump out of the Impala, running towards Monica's house.
Back in Lincoln. John finally reaches his van, stopping in his tracks when he sees the tires have been slashed. "Damn it!" He huffs. Checking his phone, only to have no cell reception. "You gotta be kidding me!" He groans in frustration, running out into the street.
Back in Iowa. Dean opens the door to Monica house after Y/N quickly picked the lock. The quietly enter as Dean closes the door behind him. They slowly walk in but then, "Get out of my house!!" Monica's husband screams, swinging a bat at Dean, who quickly dodges, making the bat swing against a lamp, smashing it into pieces.
Dean grabs the bat and slams the man into the wall. "No! Please! Please!" Sam and Y/N plead with him to listen. "Be quiet and listen to me. We're trying to help you" Dean tries to explain to the man, having him up against the wall with the bat to his neck. "Charlie?!" Monica calls out for her husband from upstairs.
"Okay?" Dean pleads as Charlie breathes heavily. "Everything okay down there?!" Monica asks from upstairs. "Monica, get the baby!" Charlie screams to warn Monica. "No!" Y/N yells. "Don't go in the nursery!" Sam screams. "You stay away from her!" Charlie screams trying to push Dean off but he punches him, knocking Charlie out instantly.
Sam and Y/N made a break for the stairs as Monica opens the nursery door to see a strange man leaning over Rosie's crib. "What are you—?" She gasps terrified, only to be slammed against the wall by a force and slid up the wall onto the ceiling. They run into the room, Y/N with the Colt in her hands.
"Rosie!" Monica screams tearfullly for her daughter. Sam and Y/N are now toe to toe with the demon who turns to them, glowing his yellow eyes. They're terrified but Y/N raises the Colt and shoots instantly, only to miss because the demon had disappeared in a ball of smoke. Monica screams when she falls from the wall infront of Sam and Y/N.
"Where the hell did he go?!" Sam yells shocked. "My baby!" Monica screams, "No, hey. Wait!" Sam and Y/N try to stop her from going over to Rosie's crib. "No!! My baby!!" Monica's cries. Dean emerges through the door, "Get her out of here. I got it. Take her and go!" Dean orders them loudly. They drag Monica out of the room as Dean wraps Rosie up.
After taking her out of the crib and running back downstairs, the crib almost immediately bursts into flames. "Deans got her!" Y/N assures her.
Meanwhile, back in Lincoln. John runs around the side of the building to get some cell reception. He pulls out his phone and begins dialing. Only to be thrown into the wall by a sudden force. "Aah!!" He grunts in pain, groaning from the force crushing him. The man from earlier with Meg, emerges from the dark as the force drags him up the wall. John grunts in pain as the man walks closer to him. A dark smirk on his face.
Back in Iowa. They all run downstairs, Dean with Rosie in his hands. The house in flames. All coughing from the smoke. "You get away from my family!" Charlie, who was outside, yelled at the three hunters, going to attack them.
"No, Charlie, don't. They saved us!" Monica stops him from attacking. "I mean, they saved us" She chokes a sob, putting out her hands so Dean could hand her Rosie. She takes her baby crying, going over to her husband. "Thank you" She thanks them tearfully. They look on at the house, Y/N's eyes widen when the the figure of a man appears in the nursery window that's in flames.
"It's still in there" She growls, ready to run back in but Sam and Dean stop her, holding her back. "Y/N. Y/N! No!" Sam yells as they hold her back to push her towards the Impala. "Sam! Dean! Let me go, it's still in there!!!" She screams, trying to break out of their holds. "Its burning to the ground! It's suicide!!" Dean shouts. "I don't care!" She screams.
"Well I do!" He bellows, her heart dropping. Y/N calms down a bit as Sam and Dean turn back to the house. Their eyes landing in the shadow of the man, it then disappears in the fire. Y/N clenches her jaw angrily as they look on at the house engulfed in flames, burning to the ground.
Now back at their motel room, Dean is trying to get a hold onto John. "Come on, Dad. Answer your phone, damn it!" Dean grumbles exasperated as Sam sits on the bed fuming, his head buried in his hands while Y/N sits on the window still, her face blank as she stares out the window. Her jaw clenching. Dean hangs up the phone after not getting onto John.
"Something's wrong" He says to Sam and Y/N. Sam nor Y/N answer, he looks up from his phone turns to them. "You two hear me? Something's happened" Dean states again. "If you had just let me go in there...I could have ended all this" Y/N's tone is low, shaking her head is frustration as she takes a drag from her cigarette.
Dean moves closer to her, his face contorted with disbelief just like Sam's. "Y/N, the only thing you were gonna end was your life" Sam scoffs. Y/N's gaze snaps to him, "You don't know that" She says firmly, blowing out the smoke. "So, what, you're just willing to sacrifice yourself, is that it?" Dean says irritated.
Her eyes wide with determination, she gets up from the window still, walking up to Dean. "Yeah. Yeah. You're damn right I am" She says firmly. Dean is stunned by this, "Yeah well that's not gonna happen. Not as long as we're around" Sam responds in the same tone. "What the hell are you two talking about? We've been searching for this demon our whole lives! It's the only thing we've ever cared about!" She argues, pacing the room.
"Y/N, I wanna waste it. I do. Okay? But it's not worth dying over!" Dean further argues. "What?" She says in disbelief looking over at Sam. "I mean it. If hunting this demon means you getting yourself killed, then I hope we never find the damn thing!" He adds angrily, his heart pumping out of his chest.
"That thing killed Sam's girlfriend. It killed my mom and yours. It's the reason my dad is dead!" Y/N defends. "Y/N....please" Sam says softly, pleading with her. "We'll get it" He assures her, tears in his eyes. She huffs, taking a drag of her cigarette. "Look, Sam said once and you agreed. That no matter what we do, they're gone. And they're never coming back" Dean tries to reason with her.
Her eyes widen with anger, a laugh rolling out of her tongue. She chuckles humorlessly, strolling back over to the window as the boys look at her in confusion. She takes a drag of her cigarette again before crushing it in the ashtray. She turns back to Dean, her shoulder shaking as she laughs, tears still in her eyes. A look on her face that they've never seen before and to be quite frank, it scared them.
"You son of a bitch" She chuckles dryly. Her face then contorting into anger before swiftly grabbing him by his collar and slamming him into the wall roughly. "You don't say that! Not you!" She growls enraged. Sam shoots up from the bed but Dean puts his hand up, stopping him. Indicting he's fine. "Not after all this. Don't you say that!" She breathes heavily, her entire body shaking from the rage and grief.
"Princess, look...I am so sorry about your father. I really am" Dean says sincerely, his tone breaking, still up against the wall. Tears well up in y/n's eyes again. "But the four of us....that's all we have" Dean voice wavers. "That's all I have" He adds, tears welling up in his eyes also as Y/N grips his collar tightly, shaking her head angrily.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm barely holding it together, babe" He admits tearfully. This makes her feel terribly guilty. She huffs, tears falling down her cheeks. Her heart aching as she shakes her head. Her grip loosens on his collar. "Without you, Sam or Dad. I..." Dean stops when she fixes his collar back, patting his chest, "Fuck. I'm so selfish" She wipes her tears, walks back to grab her phone.
"John...he should've called by now. Try him again" She sniffles, trying to calm herself down. She hands Dean her phone, he takes it and dials Johns number. Y/N sinks in the bed next to Sam as Dean puts the phone to his ear, "You kids really screwed up this time" Meg answers smirking. Deans face drops, looking over to Sam and Y/N.
Y/N sat on the bed next to Sam, her head bowed as he rubs her back comfortingly. "Where is he?" Dean clenches his jaw. His tone makes Sam hand holt from rubbing Y/N's back, the two younger hunters looking up at him in concern. "You're never gonna see your father again..." Meg says menacingly. Both Sam and Y/N's face and heart drop when they see Deans fearful expression.
To Be Continued...
Author's Note: AHHHHHHHH!! One more episode and we're ready for Season 2 babbbyyyyy. I must say, I am kind of sad that this season has almost come to an end but I'm also excited to roll into another chapter of this series. I can't believe I actually made it through, I swore I was going to lose motivation but the wonderful comment and love I've been receiving means the world to me🥹I appreciate every bit of love and I send it back to you time a million!!❤️Just a reminder, this chapter is unedited.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor
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karatekels · 9 months
Dark Desires October Masterlist
Once I finish Fresh Start, my next post will be on October 1st, and I'll be aiming to post 1 part of a fic EVERY DAY in October! Some of these are based on your requests; here's what you're in for! These aren't in any official order yet (with the exception of the last one, I think!), so if there's one you really want to see let me know! While I've currently planned for these fics to fill all 31 days of the month, if you have a creepy, dark idea feel free to submit a request! (If I don't get to it in October, I will eventually!) TW: Most of these are quite dark (because, y'know... Halloween), and some involve non-con, dub-con, or consensual non-consent. Specific warnings will of course be added to the fics as I update them.
"Unjust Reward" (request from @terrysilv): Complete! Part 1 here! A dark non-con with KK3 Terry. Daniel warns Reader that Terry is nothing but trouble, and she tries to avoid him, but when she's being chased by a group of men she turns to Terry's dojo for help. He swoops in to save the day, but expects something in return...
"Disorderly Conduct": Complete! Part 1 here! A dark Reader x Cash fic. Reader is a cop who has been working at the same precinct as Cash for awhile, and gets the vibe that something is... off. Trusting her instinct, she follows him to an abandoned building one day and catches him in the act. Unfortunately, he also catches her, and keeps her as a hostage while he tries to figure out his next move. (Takes place before events of the movie) "Heirloom" (request from @hopes-handicrafts): Complete! Part 1 here! An enemies to lovers fic with Jan Valek. Reader is Jack Crow's daughter and a vamp-hunter-in-training. When Valek attacks the old Catholic school where the Black Cross of Berziers is kept and discovers Crow's daughter is a student, he kidnaps her and takes her with him, hoping that Jack will take the bait...
"Scream for Me": In Progress! Part 1 here! [Finished for DDO; Happy-go-lucky follow up to come... maybe] Part of the "Fresh Start" universe! A dark CK Terry x Reader fic. Reader makes the mistake of telling Terry that she can't believe he was ever scary, and certainly isn't that way anymore. Terry decides to teach her a lesson, hunting her in their own home until she admits that he is still very much something to fear...
"All's Fair" (request from @terrysilv): In Progress! Part 1 here! A dark KK3 Terry. Reader has been dating Terry for awhile, and he's been patient. When she surprises him with a date at their local funfair, he thinks she'll be willing to finally make their relationship physical. At the top of the ferris wheel, he makes his move...
"In Deep Water" (anonymous request): In Progress! Part 1 here! A dark non-con with Gus Travis. Reader is an undercover cop who has gotten in with Gus's gang to get the dirt on him and Malcolm. Gus gets wind of your deception and decides to punish you - for lying, for making him fall for you, for everything. "Clear as Mud": A dark non-con with KK3 Terry. Reader pushes Terry too far asking him about his time in the Vietnam War. He does his best to describe the fear of being stalked through the jungle, but doesn't feel like he's doing it justice, and decides to help her experience it for herself... "Solar Flare": The OC x Valek romance fic I've been babbling about for awhile! Rose is forcibly turned into a weapon by the Catholic Church to help them hunt down vampires, but their ritual goes wrong. Inexplicably drawn to Valek, Rose slowly falls for the world's first vampire as they struggle to stay alive and search for a cure together. "[Currently Untitled CK Terry is a Stalker]": CK Terry x Reader fic. Terry can't help himself; what started as innocent snooping around Cobra Kai's biggest obstacle for dominance of the Valley (Reader) has escalated into full on stalking. He can't keep himself from watching your every move, stealing into your home in the dead of night... wanting. But how far will he take things? "A Tale of Two Terrys: Masquerade": In this much anticipated sequel (well, I've been looking forward to writing more, anyway), CK Terry plans a masquerade at his and Reader's manor for Halloween. He's planned for a special guest to join them, but how long will it take reader to recognize them? And what do they plan on doing with her once she does?
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Turning The Vampire Genre on its Head (Buffy The Vampire Slayer analysis)
The opening scene of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, like many openings do, sets the tone for the whole show, or at least the first season. I would like to remind the reader or inform if you're not in the loop that I've only watched one episode of this amazing series. But I can see how different it will be from other vampire/hunter/action media, just from the opening scene. This will obviously contain spoilers for that scene as I dissect it in detail.
We open the show with "In every generation a slayer is born", etc. After that, the ambience is gloomy, we are in an empty high school, all the lights turned off and... CRASH, a window is broken. We see a fist breaking it. This gesture suggests great strength. We know from the title of the show that we are watching that there are vampires in this universe, so we assume this is one of them. We see a couple, a boy and a girl enter the empty, dark classroom. As soon as we see them, the girl is reticent about what they are doing. She is scared she'll get caught, she is scared of the dark. At the mention of "monsters", she startles. The guy is excited to be here, he wants to do something to the girl, kiss her, make out, have sex, what have you. We all know what he wants. And we assume the worst. If there are vampires on the loose, this might be one of them. Why else would he bring an innocent girl into an empty high school? He clearly has nefarious purposes. She's scared, she jumps at any minuscule sound, we're about to witness a massacre or else a chase scene that rivals the opening of Scream.
But, last minute, everything shifts. "Are you sure we're alone?" She asks. He answers positively. She turns into a vampire about to feed and a man's scream fills our ears.
This reversal of roles was something I did not expect when I first watched this episode and it still astonishes me when I rewatch it. It's so obviously a misdirect, yet I fell for it. This reversal of roles between men and women is a constant throughout the episode (and dare I say, even if I haven't watched it, throughout the whole show). Buffy as a character is a great example of this. She could've easily been a guy, the vampire slayer of the generation could've easily been a man, but we see instead a teenage girl killing vampires. Darla (the vamp from the opening scene) is clearly a strong vampire as her companion at the end of the episode gets immediately vaporized and turned to dust by Buffy's stake while she escapes it and fights back. She even shows up in 5 more episodes AND in the Angel spin-off, so she's a scrappy woman. It also means that she survives both Buffy and Angel in various occasions. I don't know, I haven't watched the shows.
Going back to that opening scene, Darla is the first vampire we see and I think it is indicative of the whole show's premise. The women rule over the men in this one. We see Buffy meet three men in her first time in the new school. One clearly states he is not a slayer and the other two are walking himbos. Meanwhile, Willow is obviously intelligent and Cordelia, even as a mean girl, is socially smart. Darla sets the stage for these incredible women, changing the helpless victim from typical vampire media into the heroin (and in Darla's case, the villain) of the entire show.
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not-so-lost-after-all · 10 months
She saw him, in a dream, in a nightmare.
Astarion was mostly happy, she knew, he tried his hardest. Since their greatest adventure, they travelled the world but he actually got to share home with her too. Who would have thought. They became renown bounty hunters, so their home far from the crowds provided finer things in life. He got to drink blood from their targets if they were marked "dead or alive" and sometimes from the worst people they encountered. And sometimes he drank from her, much to his liking, if their occupation did not require for her to be in full health the next day and she was happy to provide. As unexpected as it was, her heart broken several times over was in safe hands now.
Not everything was great, of course. One day they were attacked by six spawns he helped to create so long ago and while they were able to overpower the spawns, there was some strange acid on their blades. Astarion spent a month in fever and pain but was even more furious that she suffered several deep cuts that only fully healed after many months. Something that painfuly reminded him that he was not much stronger than any other vampire spawn, she supposed.
She knew what was behind that brooding look of his sometimes, although he never spoke about it again and he would give her still the same answer if she asked. It wasn't regret that he refused all the power he craved, not really, but deep-seated anger that it had to be this way. She also knew his smile was fake whenever she went around her business during the day.
And so she asked Gale if he can at least try to help Astarion with his condition, not telling him anything so that he would not cling to false hope. Now, when they entered their home once again, there was small package there waiting. Astarion gasped when he opened it. Sweet, genius Gale… It's been long, long twenty years.
This was a nightmare.
Even after decades, she still remembered that even back then she knew it was a mistake to help him taking Cazador's place. It was a deal with the devil, she knew what the prize was. So did he but he didn't care. Yet he begged her and she caved in. She had a chance to get away, still, but oh, it was enticing for a human like her who loved him. Bound to him but with him for the time unknown, how bad could that be, really?
Her heart was broken several times over before but this crushed it to ashes. It was her choice, as he never failed to point out. He cut out her tongue when she dared to remind him once that he promised to elevate her but that never happened. She never spoke about it again. It took all of her willpower to remind herself that yes, she chose to be with him, but she doesn't deserve to be treated like this. To be locked in an iron cofin for months while he enjoys himself with his other "eternal lovers".
She reminded all of this to herself in a second before she landed a strike with the same dagger he used for carving into her breasts and thights and arms. The same dagger she dared to stole some time ago and send to Gale to enchant.
She started stabbing him viciously, his screams and hers like a wicked melody. She was striking over and over again, she cried and yelled untill her throat gave up. She was there bloodied and on her knees again, ugly sobbing next to his body.
Gale also sent poison alongside the dagger and begged her to break the cycle and resist the urge to take up Astarion's place. She'll drink it the first thing in the morning.
She saw him, in a dream, in a nightmare.
She woke up confused and realized they are still at the cemetery long before dawn. His head was resting on her chest and she gently run fingers through his hair and softly giggled.
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theheightofdishonor · 9 months
it's the guys turn and this one is even easier
Nannam. Ah my chaotic emo little liar who turns besotted after like 10 seconds of interaction, how could I possibly love him more. Not to mention that he walks over to Nithain with a gunshot wound. Adored <3
Nanfah. I can't tell anymore if this is just my Nanon bias or the twins are genuinely great. Nanfah however is really fun here as eviler baby Nanon who throws knives at people for fun and is even more of a liar than his big brother. Not to mention that he's fucking unhinged when it comes to his relationship with Nannam. Delightful
Hunter. He might've gotten 0 backstory yet but the vibes are screaming Weird and Unhinged and im still holding out for him being a vampire. If the backstory ends up being lame, even his anger issues and omnipotence won't be able to save him though
Nathee. 90% of the reason I love him is because I like his dynamic with Florence. Longsuffering is a good look on him. I'd have liked him more if we saw more of his personality in the earlier episodes
Hack. I don't care for him. But I hate Pine more
Pine's the worst and apparently gets less likable by the episode. The stalking? The trampling of all of August's boundaries? His wishy-washiness regarding Irin? Literally everything about his interactions with August? Ughh. Also he suggested an app for tracking all of users' private data. There's nothing he can do to make me like him better
Edit: I added this in an addition but i'm also just adding on to the og post that I forgot about Wayu. He'd be right above Hack because he's just boring while Hack is actually annoying
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realityparty · 1 year
fell on black days | in the beginning
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part i. in the beginning
summary - Dean tried not to think about the past, but it had a funny way on sneaking up on it. The End AU
pairing: dean x jo
warnings: typical canon violence
notes: I know if I don’t post this now, I never will. so I hope you guys enjoy it. 
[part ii] [part iii]
The end happened rather quickly. 
Quicker than Jo Harvelle even anticipated as a Hunter. She knew the world was fragile, but people and their laws and logic were no match for the supernatural, who abided by no laws. Or rather, the all-powerful angels who wanted to throw a temper tantrum with the whole world as their sandbox. 
She knew this could have been the outcome. She had been well aware of the pending apocalypse. The war that was anticipated between Heaven and Hell - Michael and Lucifer.  She knew she was one of the few that knew anything was brewing back in 2006 when grieving brothers stepped through her mother’s door. 
She had been there for the first phase of it with War in River Pass, Colorado. She still didn’t know if she was upset or just frustrated with how easily she was compromised during that hunt. It was just another thing her mother had used to show that she shouldn’t - couldn’t - hunt alone. It was just apparent evidence that she was still some naïve schoolgirl. 
Yet, she was still here. She was still fighting and surviving. She was at least prepared. It was more than most had. She knew how to live off the grid. How to pack efficiently and effectively for all weather types. How to ration her food. She knew how to steal cars and move in the shadows. She knew what lived in the shadows. 
Having all those technical skills still didn’t prepare her for everything. Most of the time, she traveled alone, especially after what happened in the beginning. She didn’t think she had it in her to be with other people. One, it had been proven time and time again that people were worst than monsters. Jo knew that good people don’t survive. They are the ones that seem to run out of luck. Good people are the ones to make the sacrifices for others to survive - to live. 
It was why Jo didn’t think she was a good person - not anymore. It wasn’t just zombies or Croats that she needed to worry about. Monsters were fighting to survive in the depleting food chain. She didn’t think she could worry about herself and try to keep others safe. She was tired of being the last person standing when a camp falls. 
The screams, the terror, and the children were just gone, Jo didn’t think she could handle that anymore. She knew in ways there was a strength in numbers. She knew it deep in her bones, but with this new world, it seemed she was always bathing in the blood of good people. 
Jo wiped a hand across her forehand. The weather was in a state of flux. It was that cold heat where the sun was burning brightly, but the wind bit through the clothes. She was covered in blood, dirt, and sweat as her legs burned to put distance between her and the utter destruction of a small camp she happened to come across. 
She had been alone for days. Her voice was hoarse from the lack of use when she had stumbled upon Lee and Krissy Chambers, a father and daughter duo with Victor Rogers. Both men were hunters. She remembered Lee had been a somewhat frequent patron of the Roadhouse. It was the only reason she stopped to relieve the numbness in her feet. The body also had a breaking point. It could have been no longer than an hour or two after the sun had set when the nest attacked. 
It was a nest of 6 vampires. Jo had taken out two. One had immediately attacked her and she barely managed to sever the head with her hunting knife. Victor had no chance of surviving immediately. His two attackers had gone for the throat. Lee was doubled-teamed as well. Jo was ashamed to admit she thought of running, but she grabbed her machete and immediately hacked into the vampire attacking Krissy. 
Jo knew that it was no use trying to save Lee. As they ran, she grabbed their packs and tugged Krissy along. She ignored the fact that vampires had their scents for life. She knew that they would probably follow their trail. 
They ran and ran. They stopped briefly when a storm cloud passed and they hid in the trunk of a car. Krissy’s loud sobs had turned into hard shakes. The trunk smelled of mold, sweat, and blood. For a moment, with the sliver of moonlight peeking through the trunk of the car. She was reminded of her first hunt in HJ Holmes's tomb he kept his victims. Those times were much simpler. She wished someday she could go back. She wished to relieve the stupid arguments with her mother. Teasing Ash for his inability to lie. Beating hunters at poker. She even missed her horrid days in college. 
Jo knew it was lethal to have these thoughts. Nostalgia was a powerful and dangerous drug. 
She didn’t even realize Krissy was no longer shaking. From the small puffs of air and the even breaths, the girl was asleep. 
Jo didn’t know where to go from here. The girl had to live with seeing her father torn apart by vampires. She had to grow up in this world. 
But through this, Jo had managed to save one person for another hour, minute, and day. That meant something and maybe she was still somewhat of a good person. 
. . . 
He couldn’t afford to remember the beginning. The smaller threads that got him - the world - to this point. Thinking about the past was a luxury he couldn’t afford and it only distracted him from the present. It was all just wasted energy. It only distracted from the present. 
Dean Winchester knew there was only pain and misery thinking about the way things used to be. Even now, fighting to survive if things somehow miraculously changed, things would still not be the same. They would never be. 
When he did lapse into the toxic drug of nostalgia, he wished to go back to the days when the monster to kill was just a ghost, heck even a vampire or a werewolf. Not a Coatoan zombie trying to tear his throat out. He missed the Impala and the open road. Now everything is overgrown and rusted. No classic rock or sweating leather to tide his days. 
Now it was checking inventory for food and weapons. Keeping a whole camp of twitchy survivors in check. 
And he wondered why he did it all. The start of the camp was haphazard at most. It had been more so Bobby’s idea with a few other hunters. Dean just nodded along, but somehow he ended up becoming the leader. Everyone ended up listening to him and his words. But he didn’t want that responsibility. 
But this was his burden. He played a part in this. All of this was because of him. He couldn’t shirk off that onto someone else. This was his mess to clean up. 
The mess kept getting bigger and bigger and the world was just a walking corpse. And the losses were piling up. The only thing he could cling to was warm beer, which his supply was rapidly depleting, and the fact Cas was still alive, broke, but still here. 
He winced as he thought about how Cas acted when he managed to break his foot and was laid up for two months. The plight of humanity - of being human - had crashed down pretty hard on Cas and before Dean could really blink he had himself a hippie with a commune. 
Dean eyed his wooden ceiling with its ceiling fan. He had the luxury of a ceiling fan. He thought about the run they had to do. They were going to venture further out and so far it’s been 30 days without an accident. He wasn’t going to pray and he didn’t have much hope, but he wanted all of his crew to make it back. They were aiming to be gone a week, but he knew it would quickly be extended to two weeks. 
Dean moved up from the bed and rolled his shoulders and neck sighing as the cracks eased the stiffness. He heard a familiar trek up his steps as he made his way to the kitchen to make himself some coffee. They had been lucky to find a nice stash and Dean was savoring every bit of it. He made a mental note to figure out how to grow coffee beans. 
“Oh fearless leader,” Cas announced before he was fully in the home. 
Dean didn’t bother greeting him and it is not like Cas expected it. 
“Everyone ready?”
“Yes, I got the supply list from Chuck. The cars are being checked out and loaded up.”
Dean nodded. And he tried to not be annoyed by Cas’ humming as he seemed to be in a chipper mood.
“You know, Dean, I feel it is going to be a good day.”
Dean ignored the coffee scalding his tongue. 
. . . 
Jo’s not sure how she exactly ended up in Montana. When the end happened, she and her mom were in Minnesota. It had taken about two months for them to even get to South Dakota to reach Bobby’s and by then the house had been overturned. She and her mom stayed for a couple of days and the plan was to go back to Nebraska. Her mom still had property, but her mom never made it. 
Jo just traveled. Alone. She had the hope deep down that maybe someone she knew was alive. Yet, she looked for safety for where ever. It just sucked that out of all the skills Jo had being a decent mechanic wasn’t one of them. 
“My feet are killing me,” Krissy groaned as Jo failed to start another car. 
Jo moved out the white beat-up Ford Taurus. She wiped her hands against her jeans. “Maybe we’ll come across some bikes. At least we wouldn’t run the chance of running out of gas.”
“Wishful thinking,” Krissy replied as she eyed their surroundings. 
Jo was surprised almost by the silence the end of the world brought. Even nature seemed quieter than she remembered. No humming from any type of motor. The birds seemed scared to chirp. It was a still silence that always made her on edge. 
“Come on, we are losing daylight.”
Krissy followed without complaint. The only sound between them is the jostling of their backpacks. Jo wanted to bring up what happened with her dad and Victor. She didn’t know how and even then Jo wanted the comfort of four walls before bringing up something like that. Jo knew how it felt to lose a parent and to witness it. 
The blonde hunter squinted as the sun began to get low and she made out an outline for a sign to a church. Jo noticed a beaten path and followed the trail that took them from the open road to the uneven terrain of the woods. 
They were about half a mile out when Jo finally saw the high church bell peak over into the horizon. Jo grabbed her sawed-off shotgun while Krissy grabbed her revolver. The church was small and picturesque. The white siding seemed to shine amongst the filth of the world. It seemed untouched - pure. She could’ve snorted thinking how a church of all places seemed to be a goddamn sanctuary. 
Jo nodded at Krissy to keep watch in the front as she checked the sides and back of the church. She couldn’t see any movement from the stained glass windows. There was no blood or brain matter smeared against the siding. The only thing that stained the church was the outside elements. Jo frowned as it seemed the only way in or out of the church was through the front. 
Jo met Krissy out front, her body on edge for any type of attack. She noticed Krissy was trying to act tough, but even in her stance of holding the gun didn’t hold confidence. It’s weird now that Jo could slightly see where her mom’s concern about the life stemmed from. This world of monsters shouldn’t be bestowed on any child. Jo could see that now through an adult lens of a jaded hunter. 
“Follow my lead,” Jo told her before they entered the church. They check every crook and cranny. There was a bathroom, an office space, and a storage room. They found the usual Christianity paraphilia. They even found a small stash of canned food with an inventory full of communion wine and dust. 
Jo didn’t like the feel of the place. However, the dust did show evidence that no one had been here for a while. 
“We can fortify this place. It’s also close to a small town. It could be something,” Krissy said as she stood on the altar. 
“Could be,” Jo muttered. Jo didn’t like it. There was no type of fencing. To take watch would be clearly shit. There was no advantage point. If they were attacked, they would be screwed. The place only offered to be a temporary option. A nice reprieve until they found something better. Yet, Jo knew that there might not be something better out there. 
Jo rubbed her forehead. “Let’s fortify this place.”
“So we’re staying?”
“For now,” Jo told her. 
They covered all the windows with boards and carved the inside with as many protection symbols that were ingrained in her memory. Krissy fell asleep quickly after that and it left Jo on watch out front. She just had the front steps to set up with her gun. 
The night was cooler. She could hear some birds - or most likely - bats flying in the distance. She knew Krissy wanted to stay here. She could understand the desire as being on the road with the elements could wear anyone down. Yet, it would require serious planning to make this a home. Jo thought that was what she needed most. Even as a hunter Jo always had a place to stay considering her mom’s connection. Jo shook her head she wasn’t going to go down that route. It wouldn’t lead to anywhere but misery. 
Instead, despite it all, she prayed. She prayed to Castiel and hoped that everything was okay. That Rufus was still out there fighting strong. Ash, her mom, and Bobby were in heaven. She prayed that Sam and Dean were okay. 
She prayed if anything that they had each other. 
. . .
Dean didn’t mind going on runs. The risks were high and it required trusting others to a degree to watch his back, but it was a break away from the camp. It was one of the few ways to keep sharp on his skills and to properly make note of the world and its decay. 
Besides, he never knew what could lead to a clue to the Colt. 
The Colt was the only thing he had that gave him some hope that this all could end. For now, his chief concern was finding toilet paper before Chuck had a stroke. He would think with the man being a prophet and all he could have foreseen the shortage of the ass wipe. Chuck also brought up the concern of condoms and babies. 
The one thing Dean didn’t want to deal with was telling people how to be responsible between the sheets. He knew he couldn’t outright say no babies, but Dean wanted to. They were already struggling, caring for the few families at the camp. 
Yet, he knew it was better to be safe and proactive. The end of the world wouldn’t stop hedonism, hence Cas. 
Dean looked up at the stars and wondered if “God” was listening. Yet, Dean knew that familiar pain of absent fathers. It was the oldest child stuck with the task of watching and protecting. It was them making sure there was enough food for the week if that meant him skipping out on meals. They made sure scrapped knees were mended and homework was done. 
God’s reward was punishment. Punishment because he loved his family too much. 
. . . 
Sleep did not come easy for Jo. In this new world, she could only afford 4 hours every night. If she was lucky she was able to get 5 hours. 
Even when she was a hunter, she was lucky when she could get a decent amount of rest. Sure, she had the occasional night of nightmares that interrupted a normal sleep schedule. In the beginning, she had that false impression that it was good she would hound over a case for hours. Neglecting sleep was a must in her naive brain. 
However, sleep was probably the most important thing the body needed. Being groggy and sleep-deprived would only put herself in danger, but the people she was trying to save. Sleep, food, and water were the things she kept on her priority list. 
In the dark walls of the church, she wanted to drift to sleep. She wanted to escape the circumstances of what life was like now. Yet, every creak and breath Krissy took kept her alert. As much as Krissy claimed to be able to handle herself and was adamant she could take care of herself, it was tainted by the fact Krissy didn’t know how to mute her steps on a wooden floor. 
Instead, Jo found herself in one of those sleeps with her eyes open. Where her mind was blank, but her body was lethargic and just creeping on that precipice of a few moments of bliss. 
Jo didn’t want to admit it, but her constant fight and survival mode wore out on her. She was trying to figure out really want the end goal was for the angels and demons at this point. If they shred the world apart what was there to gain from that? 
Although Jo learned nothing would come from trying to figure out the motive of things. Sometimes things couldn’t be explained. 
Jo rubbed her eyes and the next thing she knew the sun was staining the glass windows. She leaned up from the church pew with her body protesting every move. 
She sighed, knowing she needed to figure out their next steps. This place could be something if they tried. Or a nice pit stop to let their bodies recharge before trying to find something more permanent. 
“You think we should try to loot the town?”
Jo licked her lips. They were tight from the lack of balm. Her breath was sour. Toothpaste or some type of mints were high on her want list. Jo rubbed her forehead before she looked at Krissy. 
“Yeah. Should do that early to figure out our prospects in staying here.”
The walk to town was about 40 minutes. Clouds cover the sun, and the chill still causes Jo's skin to become damp through the trek.
Jo thought she would sell her soul for a shower. 
They reached an abandoned Salvation Army. The store looked like a time capsule. Racks were still full of clothes and the appliances that lined the shelves were coated with a blanket of dust. 
Yet, the most treasured find was located in the basement, apparently. In the middle of the store, the ground had caved in and flooded. From their viewpoint, it seemed the basement was the storage room and there were shelves lined with canned goods. Jo even spotted toilet paper. 
“Just think we can grab you an extra pair of socks,” Krissy commented as Jo went over the dilemma. There seemingly was no con outside of the water damage that could be done to her clothes. 
Jo rubbed her face, as it seemed she was going swimming. Jo began to remove her top layers and stuffed them into her bag. She was going into the water while Krissy waited at the top to grab each item. 
She placed her hair in a high bun before placing her foot on the creaky wooden step. 
“God, this water smells like ass.”
“I can smell it,” Jo countered as the cool water reached her ankle. As she waded in deeper with the water coming up underneath her chest, she wasn’t going to ponder the filth that could be in the water. She assumed it was just as bad as the guts, brains, and blood of the various monsters she hunted. 
She waded in the water with her bowie knife tight in her grip. The water had a slimy consistency. She could see spiders jumping around. She winced at the uncomfortable squish of her feet against her boots as she reached the first shelf. There was a landmine of good finds, especially  the toilet paper that wasn’t submerged in the water. She knew people would kill for these items. 
She grabbed the first clear tote that was filled with boxed goods. From her quick glance, it seemed to be filled with rice, potatoes, and pancake mix. She easily cleared the first shelf. 
When she moved to cross the room to the stash of paper goods a ripple in the water made her stop.
"Everything okay?" Krissy called from the top of the stairs. 
Jo tightened the hold on her knife. She watched the water and waited for a ripple. Maybe it was just her movement. 
"I'm going to grab a pack of toilet paper," Jo announced as she looked up at Krissy. She watched as Krissy's intense look of concentration changed to horror. 
Jo felt herself being grabbed by her shoulders and submerged under the water. The contaminated water filled her lungs choking her. 
She could hear Krissy screaming as she fought against the grip pulling her down. Jo used her knife and cut at the wrist that was pulling her. 
She could hear a startled scream and the grip on her shoulder was gone. 
Jo kicked her legs and her eyes burned in the murky water. She kicked her legs and her lungs were fighting for air as she swam her way to the top. 
The swim was longer than anticipated. Her fingers glided over the sharp edges of torn concrete. 
Jo realized the leak in the basement wasn't just an ordinary leak.
She breached the surface coughing while trying to get in air. Her eyes widen as Krissy moved down the steps. 
"No, don't come down here!" Jo screamed. She tried to move quickly but the water slowed her down. 
"Is it a Croat!"
Jo coughed. Her lungs burned as she tried to reach the steps. She could feel her warm blood pouring down her shoulder from the talons. She grabbed the wooden stairwell. 
"No, I think it's a water nymph."
"I thought they were peaceful?"
Jo nodded her head as they usually were. She imagined the end of the world fucked up the food chain. Monsters that were docile and friendly were desperate and turned ravenous. 
Jo placed a foot on the bottom step when she felt the wood break away from underneath her. She stumbled and scraped her arm against the stairs as she tried to catch her balance. She grunted as the feeling of wood became embedded in her skin. 
It was the only warning she had before she felt a grip on her ankle trying to pull her down. Jo latched on the wooden step as she kicked her leg out. She knew the step wasn't going to hold long. 
She screamed as the nymph's talons pierced into her calf. 
A loud bang echoed and the grip on Jo's ankle loosen. Jo looked up to find Krissy holding her gun. Jo looked behind her and found a floating nymph surrounded by a halo of blood in the murky water. The packet of toilet paper bumped into the still body.
Jo hissed as she moved to stand straighter. She steadied herself as she grabbed the toilet paper and handed it off to Krissy. 
. . . 
Jo didn't want to admit that her body was hurting. They were able to patch her up in the store where she was her own stained glass of bruises and scrapes. Of course, it was the splinter that hurt the most. It wasn't the talons that sliced her that had her cursing everything. It was the piece of rotting wood that had her hissing and on the verge of tears. 
She wasn't sure if the toilet paper was worth it. 
Though the fire in the church had her nice and warm, then maybe the wine she was drinking contributed to the warm feeling in her cheeks. Jo knew it was probably stupid to be drinking in the first place. 
Wine wasn't even a favored drink of hers. Growing up in a roadhouse it wasn't as if they kept red or white wine on tap. Although wine could be an acquired taste. Who knew the apocalypse would have her drinking wine over beer and tequila? She could admit at least the wine did have a decent taste. It's sweet, not dry. And she couldn't feel the stinging of her cuts anymore. 
"So are we staying?"
Jo's head felt heavy as she looked up at Krissy. Krissy was full of hope and optimism. “Yeah, we’re staying.”
. . . 
Jo didn’t remember closing her eyes or even laying her head down on a pillow. Her body felt heavy. Her mouth was dry. Her lips felt as if they were glued together. Opening her mouth, the fresh air stung her lips. 
She wasn’t sure what woke her now, though. Her eyes fought against the crust to open. She flexed her fingers as she tried to hear any movement from Krissy from her soft snoring, the scratching of a pencil, or the sound of fabric running together from walking. 
Instead, there was an eerie silence within the black church. Her fingers searched for the knife that was strapped to her thigh. She gripped the handle as she moved from the cocoon of blankets. Moving slowly from the couch, she winced as the wooden plank creaked under her weight. Her body was on high alert as she moved closer to the door. It’s filled with the tension and simmering adrenaline that only came from a hunt. Something was not right, and she regretted the wine she drank earlier. Creeping quietly to the door, she waited for some sign of life. Her hands are about to grasp the doorknob when a scream of her name ripped through the still of the night. 
. . . 
Dean was restless. Since they crossed over into Montana something had been off. He can’t put his finger on it, but years of hunting have told him to trust his gut instinct. It was the reason he had made it alive this long. Since they made camp in the abandoned schoolyard he felt queasy. The building was half burnt down with charred bricks and busted windows. 
His group had easily made themselves at home. Made a feast out of baked beans and got cozy for the night. He couldn’t settle and he found his way walking the perimeter before he caught sight of a trail that had directions to a church. 
His feet began following the path before his mind caught up to him. He thought the last place he would ever think to seek out would be a church. Yet, he found that most of the survivors they come across have been in churches. They think there was a God out there to protect or worse save them. 
The path was filled with fallen leaves and plenty of twigs. It made it hard to have quiet footsteps, which was why he could make the heavy tread of Cas' steps. The fallen angel hadn't quite recovered since he broke his foot. 
"I know you're following me, Cas," Dean called out. 
"Our fearless leader shouldn't be walking alone in the woods."
Dean didn't bother giving Cas a response. Not like his response would matter. The Cas from before was slowly drifting away. It's being replaced by this human version of Cas being beaten and broken by free will. This once angelic being has been stripped down to a simple human being filled with weaknesses. 
Dean didn't know at this point if death would be a mercy to Cas. He wondered if other angels mocked the once-respected General. 
But that was what happened when you touched Dean Winchester. He corrupted if he didn't get them killed. 
"There is something different here."
Cas' words made Dean stop. He turned to look at his friend. "Are your angel senses tingly?"
The expression on Cas' face gave Dean pause. He wasn't looking at a high Cas or post-coitus one. The serious expression on his face reminded Dean of the early days. Those brief meetings with Cas when he was raised from hell. The face of a soldier preparing for battle. 
Even the walk turned from languid to swift and stiff. Dean thought he could see the silhouette of the abandoned trench coat. 
Dean didn't have a chance to open his mouth for further probing when a scream pierced through the night. 
It’s the innate instinct of a hunter. His feet glided over the twigs, rocks, and all the other debris found in the woods. As he moved closer, he could see the silhouette of the church. It wasn’t a grand display of opulence. It seemed to be a tiny house that, at the last minute, was converted into a place of worship. Cas signaled he was going to check the church from the back. 
The sound of a crash broke his musings on the exterior design. His grip was tight on his gun as he approached the door slowly. He could make the distinct sounds of a struggle. There were things crashing. Grunts and cries of pain. 
It startled him when the door burst open and a body flew down the short stairs. The body landed hard, which even made him wince. The person groaned as their fingers scraped the earth to get their bearings. 
The echo of footsteps approached. “You see, we were going to be merciful. Drain you slowly…”
Dean froze as the person walked past him. The person was too concerned with its prey in front of them. 
He watched as the person turned on their back. The person saw him and fell back laughing. In the dark of the night, he couldn’t make out much, but he knew that voice. He knew that laugh. 
“What’s so funny, hunter?”
A voice that haunted him on the loneliness of nights caused goosebumps to erupt across his skin. 
“Dean Winchester is behind you.”
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Jiang-Shi from the 1985 Hong Kong Action Comedy "Mr. Vampire" directed by Ricky Lau.
"If you meet a vampire, don't breathe." This is the sage advice that Master Kau, the Taoist priest played by Lam Ching-ying, gives to his bumbling apprentices, Man-choi (Ricky Hui) and Chau-sang (Chin Siu-ho), in the 1985 Hong Kong action comedy "Mr. Vampire."
Forget everything you know about bloodsuckers; the undead specimens in "Mr. Vampire" are breath-suckers. They have a very deliberate way of hopping with their arms stretched out in front of them, legs also stiff and straight from rigor mortis. In Chinese, these zombie-like revenants are known as the jiangshi; in Japanese, it's kyonshi, while in English, they're sometimes referred to as "Chinese hopping vampires."
Stirred up by the disinterment of a parent who was buried with bad feng shui, the jiangshi of "Mr. Vampire" are a comedic answer to the unsettled ghosts of subsequent Asian horror films like "Ringu" and "The Eye." They're the reanimated corpses of people who died "with grievances or stress," suffocating to death yet holding one last breath in their throat, which enables them to come back and prolong their existence by sinking their sharp blue nails into humans and sucking the breath out of them.
At a certain point, the tropes of Western vampire films lose their power and become cliches we've all seen done to death on celluloid. If you enjoyed the Asian zom-com flavor of "One Cut of the Dead" and are looking for something a little more off the beaten film path, "Mr. Vampire" draws from Chinese folklore to offer a fresh, hilarious take on vampires, one that jumpstarted a whole franchise and jiangshi genre, complete with four sequels and an 8-bit Nintendo video game ("Reigen Doushi," which became "Phantom Fighter" in the U.S.)
Directed by Ricky Lau, "Mr. Vampire" found a way to uproot the undead from European folklore and Eurocentric cinema and make them work within the context of Eastern religions and Asian cultures. How do you make bloodsuckers scary and/or funny for audiences with a background in reincarnation traditions, ancestor worship, and hungry ghosts? For a Buddhist or Taoist, death and rebirth (or "undeath") would be part of a natural cycle, and for a Shintoist, a vampire might elicit sympathy as a tragic figure, trapped between worlds like the spirit of a family member who couldn't find their way back down the lantern river to heaven.
This goes back to Richard Matheson's idea of vampires not fearing crosses if they weren't Christian in life. Drawing from legends known and recognized by other names across East Asia, "Mr. Vampire" and its jiangshi enjoyed further regional popularity outside Hong Kong. Taiwan quickly followed suit with its own kid-friendly hopping vampire film "Hello Dracula," and Japan embraced both movies, making "Mr. Vampire" board games and televising "Hello Dracula" as a popular miniseries, "Yugen Doshi Kyonshizu."
In his essay, "Enter the Dracula: The Silent Screams and Cultural Crossroads of Japanese and Hong Kong Cinema" (collected in the book "Dracula, Vampires, and Other Undead Forms," edited by Caroline Joan Picart and John Edgar Browning), Wayne Stein wrote of how kids in Asia "found themselves with a new likeness to imitate by copying the hopping movements of these zany vampires," the jiangshi. I can confirm that my own spouse and her classmates were among those kids. To them, the hopping vampires of the 1980s were as much fun to emulate as the dancing zombies of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" music video.
To appreciate the full significance of "Mr. Vampire" and its unprecedented local popularity as a homegrown Asian vampire movie, it's helpful to understand that it was not the first eastward voyage of the Demeter, so to speak. An early attempt at combining vampires with martial arts came in 1974 with "The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires," which marked Peter Cushing's final outing as a vampire hunter (and now, guest lecturer in China) Van Helsing in Hammer Horror's Dracula series. The film was an international co-production between Hammer and Hong Kong's biggest production company, Shaw Brothers Studio, which was ready to capitalize on the kung fu success of the late Bruce Lee, whose posthumous hit, "Enter the Dragon," had overtaken theaters the year before.
"The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires" proved to be a financial failure, perhaps in part because — beneath the foreign-market masquerade — its inner workings were still Western and imperialist. At the time, Hong Kong was a crown colony, and the film's opening scene sees Kah (Chan Shen), the Chinese "High Priest of the 7 Golden Vampires," kneel before the very British Dracula (John Forbes-Robertson), asking for his help back home. Dracula tells his "minion" that he doesn't roll like that; he then proceeds to spell out in no uncertain terms how he plans to appropriate Kah's culture. "I need your vile image," he says. "I will take on your mantle, your appearance."
Before the title card comes up, Dracula turns Chinese, using Kah as his host body, cackling at how "beneath the image, the immortal power of Count Dracula" still lurks. "The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires" wore the cape of a Hong Kong vampire film, but "Mr. Vampire" tossed the cape in favor of authentic Chinese burial clothes.
"Mr. Vampire" imparts useful skills for what to do when you're beset by hopping vampires. Forget holy water; you need sticky rice to deal with these things. Just make sure local merchants aren't cheating you by mixing in long-grain rice with the sticky rice. That will render it less effective in preventing the "vampirification" of friends who are wounded and poisoned in the acrobatic scuffle with hopping vampires.
One surefire method of stopping a hopping vampire is to pin a Taoist talisman to its forehead. They can even be controlled and sicced on other vampires this way. Be careful not to sneeze, as this could blow the talisman off, and then you'll be s*** out of luck, as the French say.
If you yourself begin turning into a stiff-legged hopping vampire, keep active! Dance it out the way you would if you suspected you had restless leg syndrome but had never been officially diagnosed.
Mirrors, as we see in "Mr. Vampire," do repel the jiangshi, more forcefully than their Western counterparts even, so you've got that going for you, at least, if you've been weaned on the rules of Western vampire films. It is possible to plug up the nostrils of hopping vampires so they lose the scent of your breathing.
A separate peril of places in the countryside overrun by hopping vampires is the possibility of ghosts with the face of "Pauline" Wong Siu-fung enchanting you and leaving you with "love bites." As vampire attacks mount, the last resort is to try warding them off with raw poultry, saying, "Big brother, eat the chicken!" Good luck, and remember the most important rule of vampire hunting: just have fun with it.
Read More: https://www.slashfilm.com/976576/year-of-the-vampire-hold-your-breath-for-the-hopping-undead-in-mr-vampire/
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Savage Sunset Chapter 6S
Story masterpost
i prommy i'm also working on my essay but my blorbos are scratching on the inside of my brain and i'm eager to get to the comfort part of the hurt/comfort jasdklsjkd;las I hope you all enjoy
Here is the corresponding chapter in the complementary story.
Content/Content warnings for this chapter: Nonconsensual bondage/restraint/being trapped, gag/muzzle, heavy emotional distress, whump of a transmasculine character.
Lex felt so fucking guilty for telling him everything was going to be OK.
She didn’t know why she’d done it.  It’d seemed to make him feel better in the moment, but after that initial comfort surely it must have made him feel infinitely worse.  They’d both known it was a lie.
Lex and Ari got roped into supervising Nick while the coffin was open quite a lot at the start, because they were both injured and therefore couldn’t hunt and therefore were spending a lot of time sitting around the compound doing nothing in particular.
Lex was fine with this at first.  She’d decided he deserved it, after all.  But her stony facade broke after the first day or two.  He was terrified and in pain and clearly asking for help without words.
Please stop looking at me like that.  You earned this.  
After what must have been a grand total of six or seven times babysitting Nick as he experimented on his vampire captive, Lex quit mid-session, staunchly refusing to come back.
He was a mass murderer.  He was a monster in any sense of the word.
So why did she feel guilty?  Every time Ari caught her crying thinking about his situation, Ari reminded her this was a vampire, and a bad one, a pitiless creature who put no value on human life, and that his captivity here was preventing him from hurting anyone else.
The captivity is not what made Lex feel guilty.  If they had just been keeping him captive, Lex would have felt A-OK about that.  No, it was the sounds she heard every time she passed the basement, the pitiful muffled screams and Nick’s soft yet merciless voice.  The rattling of chains and the sobbing she heard every time, because you had to pass the basement to enter and exit the building.  Occasionally there would be the smell of something burning.
She tried not to think about it too much.  Just ignore it.  You know he deserves it.  This is an emotional reaction, not a logical one.  He’s a monster that’s in the shape of a human to hunt more efficiently, he’s like a parrot, he’s mimicking the sounds that evoke the urge to help in humans.
But she couldn’t just ignore it when Nick started showing up to their weekly all hands meetings to report the results of his experiments.  He brought photos, which he proudly reported he developed himself in the dark room.  He arranged them in a notebook alongside his notes and the results, like a ghoulish scrapbook.
The first week, he showed them all a photo of the vampire’s naked back, a gradient of burns running up along his spine.  Nick proudly reported that he’d tested a variety of silver alloys, and he’d discovered that a weapon with a coating that was 60% silver and 40% steel yielded results that weren’t significantly different from a weapon that was 100% silver, and since silver was getting harder and harder to find, this could save the hunters quite a lot of money.  The steel also made the weapons more durable and more effective in combat.
The second week, he reported that he’d tried a variety of sedatives, poisons, and anesthesias and found that none of them were successful, as he’d suspected.  He did, however, develop a type of dart that delivered a shot of silver colloid into the bloodstream, which was as close as he’d gotten to a poison and which caused seizures when administered.  
The third week, he reported he’d developed a device that can replicate the effects of sunlight, which could be effective in a situation where silver bullets weren’t available.  Nick pointedly did not show any pictures that time.  Lex later found out that was because the pictures were so incredibly graphic that even Nick knew they wouldn’t be well received; the charred flesh was so melted and burned away that bone was visible at certain points.
It went on and on like this.  The experiments started to get gradually less justifiable.
I’ve found out vampires hold up better under extreme cold than extreme heat.  It was seven minutes till loss of consciousness in flames, but three hours in an ice bath.  This could be useful for choosing where to stage fights, and for incorporating fire into hunting.
I’ve found out a vampire can hold its breath for 14 minutes before its body begins to shut down.  This could be useful if we were somehow able to trap one underwater long enough as an alternative method of subduing them.
I’ve found out a vampire can have 40% of its brain removed and still remain conscious.  Non-silvered weapons to the head can potentially be effective if it removes more than this.
I’ve found out that starving a vampire slows its healing capacity by 2% for every day it's gone without feeding, at least for open wounds.  I’m still testing if this is true for broken bones.
According to my calculations a vampire’s strength is lost at a rate of about 1.5% for every day gone without feeding, judging by ability to lift objects with the pectoral muscles.  Walking speed and balance are lost at 3% per day without feeding.
I’ve discovered that a silver bullet in the lung will immobilize as much as three elsewhere in the torso, and that bullet wounds can close up without removing the bullet.
After a week where he showed a picture that included what was clearly flayed skin, as well as whip marks, and was interrogated about when and why the marks had been left, Nick eventually stopped bringing pictures.
Ari was stoic about it, but Lex knew her well enough to know how her discomfort manifested: she ruthlessly criticized every new development Nick brought to the table.
And how’s that supposed to help us?
That’s all you found out?  Were you just sitting around with your thumb up your ass the whole week?
Big whoop, the world is saved!  3% per day.  We’ve got them on the run now, boys!
Nick claimed vampires didn’t feel pain the same way humans did.  That since they were sturdier, they didn’t have any use for such a sensitive nervous system; it would only hamper their supernatural physical prowess.
Nobody was buying it.  Nobody was thrilled with what Nick was doing, even though it did occasionally provide some very useful information, and even though the director–who, notably, was rarely at the actual physical location to hear the screaming–ended up being pretty pleased by it, since it led to improvements.
There was a reason for it, but it was still torture.  Despite the fact that most of them had been hurt by vampires in very personal ways, and hated the creatures, few of them thought torturing one was okay.  Even the ones who found satisfaction in killing vampires did so because it meant taking out threats and serving justice.  Some could call this justice…but most wouldn’t.  Anyone who heard about what was happening and laughed or said Good, that thing deserves it immediately fell silent upon seeing the photographs, and hearing the sickening sounds.
But…none of them wanted to be the one to pull the trigger on saying it needed to be stopped.  Nobody wanted to be the one defending a cannibalistic serial killer.  Nobody wanted the others to see them saying This monster deserves kindness despite the earth-shattering abuse it’s propagated, but more than that, nobody wanted to carry the emotional burden of extending said kindness to said monster.  Being a conscientious objector was easy.  It was easy to walk past quickly and keep telling yourself He deserves it he deserves it he deserves it.  Being an active participant in helping someone who’d hurt you and your family so bad was quite another matter.
Most of them were like Lex and had either been attacked, almost snatched away or taken and escaped, or had loved ones disappear. It was…. hard to extend empathy to someone who did that, even if not to them personally.
But still. The pool of humans willing to watch him do what he was doing shrank.  About half a dozen told Nick they would from hereon out refuse his requests to open the coffin the day after Lex had done so.  Nick started having trouble getting enough coverage to satisfy the “two people present when the coffin is open'' rule.
Lex saw him less and less–she avoided it on purpose–but every time she did see him, he looked worse.  Eventually she refused to go down in the basement at all, and rejected Nick’s requests to help bring the coffin upstairs.
She walked past the basement quickly these days.  Everyone did.  They tried to ignore the sounds and go about their business.  They still had vampires to hunt.  People to save..  Most of them weren’t there that often, or for that long, and the discomfort hearing it was only temporary.
Except for Lex.  The guilt settled in her stomach permanently.
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royal1asset-if · 1 year
Upcoming IF's
Kamusta mga kapatid( Hello brethrens)
So my brain is being a rebellious bitch, I wanted my brain to think of the scenes for the "Royal Assets" but it decided to think other projects.
So I have 2 upcoming projects:
"Turn Them Asunder" and "An IF Within An IF"( Titles might subject to change)
So let's break it down shall we?( Note: I will not start these 2 yet due to I want to finish first Royal Assets but I might make a demo for the 2 so that I can see your reactions)
So "Turn Them Asunder" is inspired by my favorite childhood entertainments namely: Blade(movie), Van Helsing(movie) Devil May Cry(Game) and lastly Hellsing(animation)
So in this IF I'am planning to have the MC their own very leather trench cloth(it's so badass and choose your own color) their own dual pistols and I will be calling them "Justice" and "Vengeance"(Gun Fu shenanigan's) and lastly you can pick your own curse either "Vampire" or "Lycan"(Embrace your inner demons) also I'm thinking if I should write this in 1 POV or 3 POV
So here is a rough synopsis( Might subject to change)
It has been too long since that accursed night, too long since you enjoyed your life but the fates have chosen you as their unlucky entertainment.
Everything happened too fast, your parents were tucking you in bed and kissing your forehead goodnight. You feel safe and happy hoping that this will last forever and you dreamed about rainbows and sweets.
Then you eyes fluttured open to the sounds of scream echoing in the night, you rose up from your bed and went to the noise, creeping slowly on the staircase and you can hear fighting and cursing. Then what you saw that night will forever haunt you, your parents is fighting some sort of monstrosity at first you see them winning but the beast got it's second wind and overpowering your parents.
Killing them, rending their flesh and bathing and eating their organs their blood spraying on the walls and onto you but you were to shocked to notice it, to terrified to move and scream when the beast spotted you and planning that you will be their next meal.
The beast grabbed you by the neck and taking a bite of you( a nibble to be exact) savoring each taste then that is they bit you on the neck.
Well that's in the past, today your a hunter a special one of a kind hunter, you were cursed that night and you turned into a beast as well but you were different than the common creature of the night.
You have their strengths but none of their weaknesses.
The hunt is beginning and you will end their unlife.
You know what they say; "It takes a monster to destroy a monster"
The next on is "An IF Within An IF" let's be honest here I'm sure almost everyone wanted to be transported into their favorite movies or games and that what this IF is all about.
Inspired by me watching these 2 anime's; Konusoba(anime) and Cautious Hero(anime)
This one is a bit complicated and I think I'm gonna look for a second writer to help create this.( ANyone interested in becoming my co-writer just message me and let's talk about it :)
So without further ado these is the rough sypnosis( Might subject to change)
Hello there so I'm your basic and common IF author ever since I was a kid I'm a fan of fantasy genre type of games and novels.
To the point that I got inspired to create my own IF called
"Dragon's Edge" so gist of this IF is that the MC(you) is imbued with a dragon's soul but of course I don't want to make the life of MC's easy that particular dragon is ruthless and stubborn waiting for the opportunity to kill your MC.
I finished the game and launched it lived and I never thought that people would loved it and gaining so many followers on "Rumblr"
Ahh yes life is good, that is until I got roadkilled and a goddess isekai'd me to my IF novel.
Well at least I know what's gonna happen being my story and all and this is gonna be a walk in the park.
That is when I learnt the plotwist that my IF has is been rewritten by the gods.
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bluiex · 2 years
howdy i had a dream about vampires and mumscarian so behold the ramblings of my drowsy brain. i've also gotten distracted like seven times trying to write this lmao boatem as vampire hunters but scar gets turned (because of course he does) and the group is torn between team 'well-he's-a-vampire-now-we-gotta-kill-him' (impulse and pearl) and team 'how-about-we-don't-do-that?' (mumbo and grian) mumbo's got a spine like a wet noodle though so he flip flops between both groups. grian puts up a front of wanting to kill scar but every time the two come face to face he seems to always miss when it counts the most.
it doesn't help that scar's fully embraced the aesthetic and is like 20% hotter with the fangs along.
the two do a lot of flirt-fighting, grian insistent that he can take on scar by himself only to come back battered and even more determined to "handle" scar on his own.
everything boils over when grian's has scar pinned to the floor, sliver chains on his wrists to keep the vampire down, stake poised over his heart, and he just can't kill him. scar does his best to convince grian that he doesn't need to do this, that he can just let scar get away yet again, and grian quietly confesses that he doesn't want to let scar go.
he misses when they were on the same side, and his heart's split in two.
dropping the smug facade, scar bares his heart in return, that he hasn't been attacking humans, he hasn't hurt a living soul, that just because he was turned he wasn't suddenly a completely new person.
"i might be a vampire, but that doesn't make me a monster."
grian caves and lets scar go, but not before making a small side comment about enjoying their chasing game, but that it has to end sooner rather than later.
the two find each other yet again, but it's different, grian's not geared up for one, his only defense a silver cross at his neck, he's slower, he's not putting up a real fight. and he's grinning the whole time.
scar gets grian pinned up to a wall, eyeing up the chain with an annoyed grumble. a contingency plan, grian explains, flushed and breathing heavy.
grian makes scar promise that if he's turned, he'll still be good. it's that blurry line between monsters and humanity, and he promises.
grian yanks off the chain in one clean snap, when they're interrupted by mumbo, silver knife out and ready. he's already lost scar, he wasn't going to lose grian too. mumbo tells scar to stop controlling grian, because surely that was the only reason grian hadn't killed scar yet.
but grian holds up the chain in clear view, and lets it fall. with an open hand he asks mumbo to come with them, that they can all be together again, no more fighting, to run away and live the rest of eternity happily.
grian can feel scar getting impatient, the vampire's breath hot against his neck, fangs lightly pressed to his skin, and he pleads with mumbo to come with him.
mumbo hesitates, and in the distance, pearl could be heard shouting, her voice drawing near. he turns back, and looks down at his knife.
scar didn't want to fight him, and neither did grian. but pearl did.
he steps close, picking up the chain, and for a moment he really considered the offer. but a pair of footsteps grew close, and mumbo pocketed the chain, rushing back down the alley. "i'll cover for you." grian opens his mouth to beg again, but scar's bloodlust had reached its peak, and he sinks his fangs into grian's neck. he lets out a shrill scream, and the last thing grian sees is mumbo warding off two shadowy figures, being carried away in scar's arms. grian wakes up with a vial of blood pressed against his lips, and drinks greedily, curled up into scar's side. "we'll get him," scar reassures him. "we'll bring him home." tl;dr two vampires and their human boyfriend try not to die hope u enjoy like halfway thru this ask basically turned into a fic in it of itself - ☾ anon (im new here :D )
this is such a great idea too. Scar getting turned then force to run from them </3 Grian can't bring it in him to kill Scar cuz LOVE and Mumbo so on the fence.. waaah theres so much angst potential before Grian decides to be with Scar forever amazing amazing, i love this crescent moon anon- sososo much <3 the little ficlet itself is amazingly written too aaaaa
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M4X roleplay voice actors shoutout!
Most of these are smaller creators under 10 000 subs on YouTube, smallest being around 3 000. I want more people to know about their talent! They all use their voices amazingly and their audios are really creative too! I’ll give a brief description of each channel and also a link to it. Go give them some love ^_^
DadeAudio - Mostly romantic M4F or M4A. Not my personal favourite, but I listened to his “Regrets“ and was absolutely flabbergasted by the emotion put into the voice. Worth checking out.
Mage Bunkshelf - Non-romantic M4A. Oh my god I LOVE this guy. A lot of talent, his voice is pleasant and his audios are very unique, too. His “Vampire Hunter” series is my favourite, but I have listened to and love all his audios. Puts a unique spin on overused tropes and makes them fun.
Ted_F - Mostly romantic and non-romantic M4M + some M4A. I will SCREAM about Ted. His best friend audios feel so organic, I love them.  If you want platonic M4M cuddles, this is the guy. His voice is really comforting and I like his accent, too.
RangerPirate Audio - Romantic and non-romantic M4A. Great talent. Both his vampire series got me hooked. Also did like two father roleplays, they’re very comforting. There’s also a few older brother ones worth checking out.
Hollow_VA - Romantic or non-romantic M4A. He has like 100 000 subs, but I HAVE to include him!!! He studied voice acting (and he’s damn good). I love his accents and characters and storytelling and everything really. “The Knights of Dusk“ series is my favourite.
Angels&Bread ASMR - Mostly romantic M4M, some M4A. Another big channel, but I HAD to. Story telling level GOD. I love his characters. He can voice 5 different people in one scene and you still know which one’s talking. His audio mixing is also godly. It all feels like an amazing BBC radio drama. Witchcraft!! The “Dark Prince” series is my life.
Extrovert ED - Mostly romantic M4A, some M4F. I have not listened to many of his audios yet, but damn, he’s talented. His “Reckless transfusion“ series gives me oxygen. It feels so organic...
YourASMRFantasy - Mostly non-romantic. Does M4A, M4F and M4M version of every video. The sole dedication makes him deserving of being on this list. I don’t have a favourite audio, but I do listen to most. They’re very diverse and well-made.
Wholesome Cinnamon Bun ASMR - Romantic and non-romantic M4A and M4F. Very few audios, but they’re all worth it. His stray neko audio is really cute. The “wholesome” in the name isn’t there for just anything!
Okay, I think I’m done listing. Whew, I actually didn’t expect to name so many... Oh well. If you have your own small favourite creators, shove them here as well! :D
If you’re new to roleplay audios, I suggest you start with Hollow_VA, since his stuff feels like a radio drama and it’s all M4A, but it might be too over-the-top sometimes for newcomers. Esp The Knights of Dusk. Or maybe start with Mage Bunkshelf, since his audios are so creative and well-made and don’t use the “annoying” tropes people new to roleplay don’t often appreciate. (I know I didn’t when I started, heh.) Don’t worry, you’ll give in soon enough-
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oblivions-dawn · 1 year
HELLO HELLO HELLO I see you're just as EXCITED AS I AM now I wonder if you saw what I promised to talk about and sent these stars because YOU'RE JUST DYING TO FUCKING KNOW
Anyway. Yeah. Previous chapter. The Guest. The title is indeed a reference to The Guest by Bram Stoker, in case you were wondering c;
The first few lines of dialogue that Vigdis and Serana share? Subtle references to Star Wars ['It's a trap!'] and Princess Bride ['Do you think it's a trap?' 'I always think everything could be a trap! Which is why I'm still alive.']! I thought I was pretty clever, hehe.
To be honest I really struggled with this chapter, at first. I fiddled with the beginning part SEVERAL TIMES, and originally it was supposed to be Bloodchill Manor AND Redwater Den in a single chapter. I'm really glad I decided to split it up because both are my mini masterpieces.
While I was fucking with it, I remember getting stuck and unsure of how to proceed. Then, one day, the idea that led to this scene was born:
Her wrist was snatched within a cold, firm grasp. She looked back and found Serana’s persimmon gaze, wide and pleading. Vigdis’ breaths were hard yet steady as she matched the vampire’s silent question with her own bewildered expression. Serana merely tightened her grip in response. There was no other way. “I won’t hurt you.” Vigdis twisted her arm, the inside of her wrist face-up. Serana shifted her grip; her thumb slipped beneath her sleeve and shoved the cuff back to reveal the freckled yet heavily scarred skin that lurked beneath. The vampire’s nail traced the faint blue veins that streaked across the rosy flesh, stiff under her touch. The hunter forced a harsh exhale through her nose as the nail pierced her skin. Blood pooled, then trickled down her arm. Serana held the chalice beneath the wound, and both watched as the ichor dripped into the spiked cup.
Okay restraining myself to not share the whole damn fucking thing KJSFLJGLKSFJG BUT FUCK. THIS CAME OUT SO GOOD. SO GOOD!! AND I WAS SO WORRIED IT WAS SHIT!!!!
My friend and biggest fan Winter also loved this part:
Blood-curdling screams drowned out Vigdis’ thoughts as the vampires sunk their fangs into their meals. The Khajiit’s clawed hand grasped the hunter’s fiery hair; Vigdis swivelled around and stabbed the short blade deep into his neck. Before he could even sputter, she ripped the dagger across his throat so that blood splattered all over her face and hair. He fell to the ground with a lifeless thud.
Admittedly, fight scenes are always super difficult for me. I never know how to even start with them. But when my friends [and readers] point them out and praise me, I figure that they must be pretty good haha.
This chapter did have some semi-foreshadowing parts, especially at the end--and that's because I have planned for that 21st chapter for MONTHS. Maybe even YEARS. So knowing it was right after The Guest meant that I kept it in mind for this chapter, although my readers were, largely, unaware of the evil that was to come c:< So despite it being super difficult for me, I'm really really happy with how it turned out <3
Now that I've written an entire book on one fucking chapter I MUST EAT AAAAAAAAAAA
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Title: Vampire’s Kiss (Chapter 2)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, Goeniko, Chris
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi (main one)
Genre: AU, BL, Supernatural, Fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Adventure, Slow-Burn, Eventual Romance, Dark Themes, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Demon Relationship
Summary: This vampire already has bad luck on his side, yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end…
AO3 Link
A week before the encounter with this redhead vampire hunter~. This vampire surely was living the best of his life with no worries at all. After all, he was powerful enough that if he wanted, then by simply rising his one hand, everything would have dyed in that beautiful crimson red and accompanied by these screams of pain and despair. It is one of biggest desire of any creature of demon world to have such a power, but it didn’t really interested this brunette. That would be such a waste to slaughter people just to show-off, besides, no vampire could drink off such a amount of blood, no matter how starving or exhausted a vampire could become, or so thought this brunette. Also, he has no pity for the other of his kind, when they get caught by these vampire hunters. It’s their own fault for being reckless, not his.
Anyway, Kyo has his own preying method, which is not so violent and still works pretty fine. Instead of attacking his victim from ambush, he uses slightly different tactic. At least, none of his victims seem to be complaining, but rather are even glad to be a sacrifice. When he finds a suitable prey for his taste, he observes it from a far and then the real show begins. This vampire has one unique ability, which is not pretty common for his kind - hypnotizing victims with his voice. No living being could ever resist to that such a beautiful yet deadly voice. So, when a person is under his sweet spell, this vampire could approach human without any worries. After all, this person’s body and mind now fully belongs to this vampire. So, it’s not necessarily to kill, even a good half litre is enough to satisfy a normal hunger. Speaking of food, maybe he should try his luck this time and spoil himself with better a treat. After this vampire stretched his body, he decided to hunt today.
It’s been really awhile since he had tasted a blood of these church people. Even if it doesn’t satisfy hunger or has any nutritious value at all, it surely had pretty interesting taste, which tingles tongue. However, drinking too much of it, could make feel too dizzy. So, it could be described as equivalent to alcohol. Speaking of which, it could be said only about the lower rank of this group or other people, who has to deal with spirits and other divine beings. Basically, the more blessed is person, the more their blood is poisoned to vampires. In worst cases, if a vampire is not careful enough, they could die in slow and agonizing death as their body will burns and melts from inside as it was touched by strong acids. And even if it could lead to tragic fate, many of these monsters wanted to taste this blood at least once in their life-span, including this brunette.
So, it’s decided then - Kyo would try his luck on nearest church or monastery. Who knows, what kind of sweet and innocent servant of god would become this vampire’s prey and with thoughts of having already sinks his fangs into some young nun’s neck, he began his journey. However, this time he wanted to look more fancier than usual. After all, even these stupid humans wear more appropriate outfit just to hear word of their god. So, he putted his long sleeved black shirt, white jacket and better pair of jeans. And now, he was ready to personally confess about how naughty he was and that only a bite of holy person will help him to become better…
It was a windy and moon-less evening yet there were a few clouds, which greedily hide stars when they could. After good hour, this vampire was close to one local church, which was outside the city and surrounded by tall trees, and it made even more perfect place for picking some food. Without any rushing, he reached one of the windows of this sacred place and after fixing his hair, this vampire was prepared to cast a sweet spell of death upon his new victim.
When he opened his eyes, they’re now were glowing in crimson red color and now this vampire began his sweet and seductive speech ‘‘Oh, the master, of this domain~ Will you let me in?~ Oh, will you let this poor and restless wanderer?~’’. Now he heard someone’s footsteps and this vampire chuckles, soon continuing his deadly song ‘‘You’re the one who can help me~ The one I want to relieve my never ending pain~’’. Soon, this foolish human will fall into his trap and then their precious god won’t help them, only observes how slowly this innocent lamb is going to be taken away. However, after he noticed the silhouette of this person, Kyo was a bit surprised. So, it wasn’t some young maiden, instead that it was one of these priests. But it can’t be helped then. This young man surely has a good scent, so, hopefully, his blood would also will be same. Besides, this boy already almost under his spell, so, now this vampire needs to get inside.
Soon enough, the door of church has been opened and this vampire used his chance. He entered inside of it and now he could see his victim much more better. It young man looked a year or two younger than him and had a bit shorter brown hair. However, as soon as this young man felt a dark aura around this mysterious stranger and noticed Kyo’s glowing crimson eyes, he become scared of this unwanted guest. But now this priest couldn’t more even a single finger, no matter how hard he tried to. This reaction surely amused this vampire and now he approached more closely this young brunette and said in such gentle tone while looking with such a predatory in his eyes ‘‘Oh~ So, you are still on your senses? That’s too bad, boy…’’ now he made sure that this young priest’s neck would be more exposed to him. Just before sinking his fangs into this innocent young man’s neck, this vampire added ‘‘You shouldn’t let strangers inside god’s house at such late hour. And now you will pay for your naiveness~’’
However, when this vampire closed his eyes and was ready to taste his victim’s blood, he was interrupted by someone else voice from above, who sounded like divine being ‘‘Just hurt this boy and you’re dead, vampire.’’. All of sudden everything now were surrounded in white blinding light, without noticing this vampire pushed down this young priest on ground and now Kyo covered his eyes with his arm. After the light began to dim, this vampire removed his arm to see what was that all about. But now he frowned after seeing who was behind this cheap show.
It was one of these demons, who also has to feed on human life in order to survive. Kyo simply disliked this kind of demons, because most of the time they steal his potential prey and just uses, how he calls, too lewd methods to get life force from humans. That’s right, these succubi and incubi are his worst enemy. However, after a short time this incubus finished to materialize.
He had such beautiful pale skin and could been mistaken as a woman, if it weren’t for masculine body features. Not mentioning, that this demon has show-white fluffy hair. Despise being just a sex-thirsted demon, his body looked well-build. Or so, it was visible through the open-chest black leather vest. Also, this incubus wore tight black leather pants with opened view from sides.
While the silver-haired man was still levitating in the air, now he was alerted when heard the voice of the young priest ‘‘Orochi-sama…’’. This demon now looked down at this brunette and said in concerned tone ‘‘Shingo, are you okay? Did this foolish vampire harmed you?’’. Shit, it seems that this Shingo-guy was already released from paralyzing spell. Now Shingo fixed his outfit and while he was still half lying, said ‘‘I’m fine. But why are you here?’’. It seems that Orochi softened his voice and he replied ‘‘I sensed that you’re might in danger and so, I rushed as fast as I could. However-’’ now this silver-kind frowned and his gaze was on Kyo ‘‘This low animal needs to know what happens when you prey on wrong person.’’
Kyo looked dumfolded for a second, but he couldn’t give up to this demon. So, now he began to mock Orochi ‘‘What did you said, you slutty demon?’’ And now he approached closer this demon and thrusts his chest forward, continuing ‘‘More important, what such a demon does in church? Surely, not to pray. Besides, it’s not my fault that priest-boy letted me in~’’ this vampire now such a smug look and waited how incubus will counter-attack. However, Orochi wasn’t so affected and now once again he looked gently at Shingo. ‘‘Sorry, but I had to put under your sleep. You wouldn’t want to see how this vampire dies by such a ugly death. So, please, bear it for awhile.’’. After Orochi lifted his hand until it was the same level as his chest, Shingo already felt how his eye-leads becomes heavier and eventually he fell asleep.
However, this vampire kept his attitude, despise that the silver-haired demon gave him ice-cold and piercing gaze. So, when this brunette chuckled, he said after swooshing his hair with one hand ‘‘Gee, thanks, asshole. But, bribing won’t help you. Besides, you are as powerful as a mere human. So, why don’t you give up nicely and admit your defeat. Hmm?’’. However, Orochi now looked so satisfied for some reason and in same tone said ‘‘Are you done yet?…Immature child.’’ and this demon raised his hand and snapped his fingers.
Now everything was swallowed in the darkness. It seems that Kyo was left alone in this darkness, which eventually was filled with dark purple color mist. Surely, he wasn’t on human world anymore and he didn’t liked this a bit. However, soon the master of this illusionary world shown behind him. Fortunately, this vampire managed to avoid being embraced by razor-sharp long black nails and ducked in time.
Just the moment this brunette stands up, he looked behind him and noticed the true form of this incubus. With having these long nails, the pair of ebony wings has heavy yet quickly flapped behind the demon. Even if this demon remained calm, his long black tail, which small heart-shaped tip shown his impatience to tear apart his opponent as it violently wiggled. There were also visible tattoos over Orochi’s body, which proved his high rank. So, surely, unlike human beings would do it for showing-off, demons recognize it as sign of power.
Now Orochi moved his hand toward his face and slowly retracted his long nails, with devilish look on his face said ‘‘Fufufu~ Not bad for a feeble worm. However, you can’t run away from me. It’s my world and everything here obeys to my rules.-’’ it seems that this vampire only quickly looked around and he scratched head replying ‘‘Well, it’s empty no matter how you look at it. Yeah, like your small and narcissistic head. Agh-’’. Now Kyo closed his one eye as he felt how something wet and slimy was curling up his leg.
When he looked down, he noticed a purple tentacle, which now almost reached his thigh. While the second one was growing up from a ground and repeating what the previous tentacle was doing, Orochi approached this poor vampire and in calm and deeper tone explained ‘‘You foolish creature…I do not only can send anyone to their most secret, most desirable and unforgivable dream, but I can also create their worst nightmare.’’. It’s only got worse, and now after these tentacles reached this vampire’s belly, they were over-lapping each other and soon Kyo was wrapped. He could close his eyes in disgust. This silver demon added ‘‘But you see, not only your mind is trapped here, your body too~ So, if I let you die here, you won’t be able to awake from this nightmare. Hmm, where should I start then…How about I slowly pierce your legs and arms until you will as thorny as holder of rose…Oh, then, I’ll expose your greedy stomach widely opened and each part of it. That’s right~ I’ll show how disgusting you are inside. You’ll bloom as ugliest undead flower. But don’t worry, you won’t see this and you know why?’’
This demon delightfully closed his eyes and after taking a deep breath, he slowly opens his eyes. Just when he wanted to explain his further plans…Orochi felt how something cold, slimy and thick suddenly splashed over him. After this silver demon quickly shakes-off the remains of his lil pet, which gladly kept this vampire, this demon frowned ‘‘You insolent fool!’’. However, now this silver-kind gasped and panicked for a second, because this vampire’s dark aura got stronger rapidly. It’s like the whole new and more powerful monster was standing in front of him.
It seems that while this poor vampire felt unbearable humiliation, he felt that his life was in dangerous and thus it happen. When any of higher rank monster’s life is in threat, they can activate their true or so-called awakened form. For vampires, it’s a huge power boost, which grants enormous strength, fastens the wound healing several times, despise that it’s any thorn body part, extreme level frost-bite, burn. That heals and regenerates in a matter of second. Vampire’s body itself becomes absorbing and even by just sinking their fingertips into a victim, they can suck it dry off until there is only skin and bones left.
However, this a permanent ability. If vampire or any high rank monster stays in this form for longer than couple hours, their body can’t take handle anymore, which leads even to death. It also can take even several months of slumber just to restore energy.
Now this vampire’s skin was as pale as snow, his hair paled until it was linen color. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing crimson red and fangs now were visible. After fixating his hair, there were also visible a sharpened nails. This vampire’s new physical look still was so blank compared to the radiation of such a high amount of dark aura. Now Kyo looked from above to Orochi and in deeper and growing tone said ‘‘Is this your last words, trash? I’ll show you what happens when you test my patience.’’ it seemed that this incubus made a mistake awakening a beast.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 3 Link
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Another Life// Damon Salvatore
She sat alone in the library, the kids where already gone to other places for their free period. But however she always stayed in the library because it was her comfort zone. "Why don't you ever go to any other place besides this one?" A student asked, he sat beside her as she looked up at him. "It's relaxing, aren't you Damon, Stefan's brother?" She said, she knew him but he wasn't always at school, he was one of those bad boys who either skipped school or he ran out of school. Even with the school still wondering how he can literally get out of school faster than anyone in this school, but Damon already has that answer to everyone's question but he never told anyone at the school but his brother, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, and others that are apart of the little Mystic Falls gang expect that the she never know anything, it was all kept a secret from her so she could be protected. Damon always seemed to have eyes for her but he never once said it out loud even if everyone tired their best to push him to say it. He still kept quite but what Damon didn't know she starting to feel the same way. "Yes, and you are Y/n" Damon said, he smiled at her as she laughed, he thought it was a beautiful laugh. "Yeah, I come here because it helps me relax" Y/n said, she closed her book as the bell rang. "Well I need to get to class, I don't expect you to go to class since your the school bad boy" Y/n said, Damon nodded as he laughed, she walked out of the library and headed to class. She did have her wonders about the boy, but she never wanted to ask.
A few days later. Y/n was back at the library and she didn't expect Damon Salvatore to be back at the library. But he was at the library. He sat besides her as she read her book. "What do you want Damon?" Y/n said, she closed her book and turned to him. "Nothing, just wanted to check in on you" Damon said, he truly just wanted to get close with her but he never wanted to get to close. Everything was crazy in Damon's world and he didn't want Y/n getting in the middle of mess. "Since when have you started worrying about someone that's a stranger, who's not you're friend or you're brother?" She asked, Damon laughed but he wasn't really worrying well, he started worrying when he bumped into someone else, someone that knew about Y/n's family. She was one of the most protected families. She was protected by hunters and didn't even know so he thought. "I don't know. You just caught my attention" Damon said, she grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes. "It's flattering but I don't like bad boys" She said, she twisted his hand and broke it, he did scream in pain, than it healed. Y/n walked out of the library and left a speechless Damon Salvatore. "You know, I could compel you to forget everything you saw back there" Damon said, appearing behind her. "I'm on vervain" She said, Damon appeared in front of her ready to knock her out so he could let the vervain vanish from her system. "If you make a move I will stake you in a heart" Y/n said, she got the stake out of her back pocket. Damon knew he could grab it out of her hand, he was confused of how she knew but at the same time her family was full of hunters and protected by them too. "How do you know all of this?" Damon said, he didn't want to go after her just yet, he wanted to make the fun last but he was also cirrus. "You think that with my family protected by hunters, and her family literally full of hunters wouldn't know about the famous Salvatore brothers. I am a hunter, I started training not so long ago but I have been pretty damn good at my training" She said, she smirked at Damon, yet she felt feelings about the boy that she shouldn't feel. She knew it was wrong so she kept it a secret. She knew that if she feel in love with a vampire things would not go well with her family. "Well you're a teenager usually teenagers aren't taught until their older" Damon said, he was about to make the move and when he did she stuck him with vervain. He feel to the floor as tiredness took over him.
She headed home with Damon and dropped him on the living room floor. Her parents walked into the room with surprised looks on their faces. "Well, he wanted to kidnap me. So here we are now" She said, her parents smiled at their daughter who was just now becoming a hunter. She was a natural, but she kept away how she felt about the vampire who was currently laying on her living room floor. "Well then we have some work to do. Go back to school and act normal so his brother doesn't suspect something" Her mother said, Y/n nodded, and left back to school. She knew living two lives where going to be hard, but she knew that it'd get easier in the process. "Hey Y/n, do you know where Damon's at?" Caroline Forbes, She looked up at the girl. "Why would I know where he is?" She asked, she didn't like Caroline. She never did, she didn't like none of the mystic falls gang. No one knew about her, it was always kept secret. It hadn't been a couple of days or weeks ago that she was beginning to start training. She started training months ago, ever day she got better and better but it never seemed to bother her that Damon Salvatore started to talk to her, but then when he started to talk to her more it made her heart jump. She knew that she couldn't do that to her family so she tired to do the right thing. "Sorry, but last time we heard he was going to see you in the library" Caroline said, she looked at her. "Yeah he did, then he left" She said, Caroline nodded and left.
Finally she got back home she helped with Damon, mostly because she wanted to see him with his shirt off. But her family didn't know that and they weren't going to know that. "He's in the basement" Her father told her, Y/n nodded and went to the basement she had everything ready. "So what do you want with me and my family" She said, she held a knife in her hand and she put more vervain on the ropes. "You know this isn't going to make me say anything" Damon said, he grunted in pain as she tightened the ropes on his wrists. "It might not right now, but it will later" She said, she had a smile plastered on her face, placed vervain on the knife and stabbed Damon with it making him scream in pain with the vervain on his scream but also the sharp blade going into his flesh. "So I'm going to ask again, what does the mystic falls gang want with my family?" She asked, he still didn't answer her. She grabbed vervain and poured it down his throat making his spit out the vervain making his throat hurt and the vervain burning his skin as he spit the vervain out. "This is the last time I am going to ask, why do you want with my family?" She asked, but Damon being him he did answer, but he knew she wouldn't believe him. "We don't want nothing with your family, I am trying to protect you from someone who wants you dead" Damon answered, it made her laugh but then she did wonder if he did start to care for her, but she pushed those feelings aside, and ignored them. At least it's what she tired to do. "You're lying" She replied back, she got more vervain.
After a few weeks later with the incident Y/n truly started to believe Damon, it took her time but when she came face to face with the person that wanted to kill her and Damon trying his best to keep her face was all she needed to believe him so after that she started working with him and the mystic falls gang, but she never told her parents, no one at all. The only ones who knew where the mystic falls gang. When her feelings started to grow stronger, his did to. One day she did get drunk and blurted out all of her feelings but after a few minutes she came back to her regular self and realized what she said to him. She didn't talk to him for at least a week. "How do you really feel about me?" Damon said, he was wondering that question for the week that had gone by. He couldn't no longer take the wait anymore so he asked the question. "There's no point, you're just going to laugh at me, and leave me" She said, he looked at her with sad eyes. He didn't know whether or not she meant it. But if he could only hear the thoughts running through her head he would think differently. "And why would I do that?" Damon said, she looked at him with the sadness in her eyes it broke his heart. "Because you're Damon Salvatore, if someone likes you and you don't like them you laugh at them, you toy at their feelings and I don't want that. I like you Damon more than a friend, and I know you don't feel the same. So just leave me alone." She said, she turned away from him and walked away into the other room. She didn't know that Damon was behind her the second she was in the other room she was turned around by Damon himself. "I don't know what things you've heard from people, but for gods sake, I love you Y/n. And there's nothing in this world that can change that. I loved you the first moment I laid eyes on you. Then I heard things about you and I couldn't stop but to think that you're the most amazing person in the world" Damon said, Y/n smiled at Damon, she felt like everything around her was fading away, everything in the world was blocked out, was muted. It was like Damon and Y/n was the only one left on the world. She felt like she was being brought into a world of love. Both of them leaned in and finally shared a first kiss. Things escalated and that was the moment that they both knew that they where meant to be.
Everyone smiled as the pair walked downstairs, Damon and Y/n was confused. But then they knew. They both laughed but they still didn't know why they had smiles on their faces. "We where wondering when you two would get together" Stefan said, he held Elena close, everyone who was together where right beside each other. They all held each other close like there where the only thing they had left. "Well who's ready to celebrate the new love?" Klaus said, everyone was okay with accepting Klaus and Caroline since he changed, he changed for the better. His family was happy and he kept Caroline safe. "I call dibs on the bourbon" Damon said, he headed towards the kitchen with her by his side and grabbed the bourbon.
Few years later things where okay until finally, it was the end for her. Everything was ending. Why? Someone had shot her with a bullet turns out it was Donovan, and when I tell you Damon was pissed. He hadn't felt this much pain since Katherine and Rose. He felt like he was on the verge of killing Donovan but being the person he is, who changed for the love of his life didn't kill him because he knew that she wouldn't have wanted him to do that. "D-damon, please don't do anything stupid when I'm gone" She said with tears in her eyes, she felt pain Damon could heal her right? No, he couldn't, the bullet left a splinter in her heart. Damon had turned her into a vampire because she had asked, she wanted to spend forever with him and that was the only way and she wouldn't change anything. She was happy she was dying in her first lover's arms. "I can't...I can't lose you" Damon said, he held her hand while her body was laying on his lap. "I will still be here even if you won't be able to see me" Y/n said, she felt more tears fall down her cheeks. "Please don't leave me" Damon said, he held her tighter. "I'll see you in another life, Damon. I-I love you" She said and she took her last few breaths and slowly went into darkness and finding the light.
I made this imagine because I was board but also I just wanted to write this because well I wanted to write a sad and not a happy ending. Because life has gotten hard for me. I pretend I am fine, but I'm not. I try my best to feel better but nothing works. But I keep fighting, but I want to tell you guys who are struggling with the same problems, like keeping your head high. You can get through this just keep going, even if it feels like things won't get better keep trying you're best don't give up and keep thinking about the people that make you feel better, and fight for them. Cause that's what I'm trying to do right now and its kind of working for me, but I still feel pain. But no matter I am still going to keep fighting.
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