#yeehaw headcanon time
trans-canadiantrain · 6 months
Meta read of why the Twelfth Doctor chose that face
Basically, why the Doctor chose that face can be explained by The Giggle
Twelve tries to figure out why he chose that face, and assumes that it's to remind himself to save people, but that leads to an act of god and hubris in resurrecting Ashildr. He remembers where the face came from, that Donna asked to save "somebody, not the whole town, but somebody", but he only does so in an emotional moment where he's not thinking logically and letting his guilt get the better of him. In actuality, his subconscious chose that face to remind him of Donna, and that he should go back for her and rest a while. After all, he just spent 900 years on Trenzalore fighting a war, that was traumatizing as hell. But he doesn't go find Donna (and Clara, bless her hot mess, is totally an enabler), and whilst he does spend 24 years with River, and then like 70 guarding a vault, he's still on alert, so to speak, not settling, not resting. He embraces endings, but he doesn't know how to emotionally deal with the endings once they've, well, ended. All though Series 10 he's mourning River, he clearly spent that night on Darillium for her sake, not for his. (And as Eleven, he loved the Ponds, but he never settled with them.)
Thirteen's face is the Doctor repressing, hiding this emotional fatigue and weariness under a facade of smiles, choosing in the moment of his regeneration to just keep plodding on because to him "rest" means "death". "One more lifetime won't kill anybody. Except me." The Doctor assumes "oh well, I can just change my face again and be new and maybe this tiredness I feel will go away". They are wrong, they get fucked over with the Timeless Child and the Flux, suddenly have to go through an identity crisis, repress it HARD, friendzone Yaz, then her subconscious goes "Okay time to make this explicit to you" and bam, David Tennant again. The TARDIS gets in on it and drops him down in front of Donna.
And that's how we end up with the specials and Fourteen getting some needed rest and rehab. It's been absolute centuries of the Doctor constantly pushing and pushing and assuming they can't stop running because it's all they've ever known, and now he has finally embraced it with the help of Donna.
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dailymothanon · 11 months
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An itty bitty Louie, for your needs. He makes me think of purple and blue, mostly purple tho, idk if I ever mentioned that 🤔 anyways, sometimes you just need… a guy, and this is the right guy just for that I think
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spacenintendogs · 3 months
these 3 are technically the "older half" of the gang given their ages revealed on the httyd website back in 2014 showing these 3 are 20 and fishlegs & the twins are 19. so, of these three... who do u feel is the oldest (marginally obviously lol)
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emissary-of-the-moon · 8 months
Back on my bs of modern au headcanons
Twilight would bring Warriors and Legend out into a cornfield to have a bonfire and drink
Its there little bro hangout time where they share secrets aka i feel like all three of them just lose a filter with alcohol cause "not like we'll remember much of it anyways" (Legend doesn't ever actually drink enough to not remember what happened plus Wars has the least tolerance out of the three)
+ Ilia has had to bring Twi and Wars home from Telma's bar after work on occasion cause they got a little too shit-faced
++ Wars would only agree to it if he knew Wind wasn't going to show up at his house
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ttuesday · 2 years
Hi ttuesday! Hope you’re having a good weekend! Can I please request some HCs for comforting the guys through an anxiety or panic attack? 💗🥹
Arthur has no idea what’s happening. One minute he was riding out to do a simple stagecoach robbery with you but then while you both waited for the stagecoach to pass by, a sudden wave of dread rushed through him.
You’re there for him within a moment’s notice, telling him to forget about the job. Keeping a firm hand on his shoulder, you speak to him softly, asking him to listen to the birds chirping in the trees and if he can smell the wildflowers nearby. Diverting his attention away from the panic attack helps him ride it out while also making sure he knows his surroundings.
When Arthur eventually relaxes, he talks it through with you and explains exactly how he felt in the moment. He’s still confused as to why he had a panic attack but the more Arthur talks, the clearer it becomes that he’s putting too much pressure on himself to bring back money for the gang and the fear of failing them is getting unbearable.
It’ll take a while for Arthur to fully move on from this fear, feeling the urge to bring in money but getting nervous of failing wherever he goes on robberies. Although he was initially embarrassed you caught him in that moment, he’s glad you know about it now and he appreciates having someone who’ll look out for him.
Charles is normally good at handling his worries, knowing how to calm himself down and that spending a lot of time surrounded by nature will help soothe his mind. And that usually works but sometimes stress can build without Charles even noticing, a pit in his stomach slowly building over time.
Charles likes to avoid crowded towns but sometimes that’s impossible to do and seeing the drunks, loud mouths and snobby people can bring down his mood. It’s easy to feel like the world is a terrible place when he’s around people like this and if he already feels stressed, this can push him over the edge and make him have a panic attack.
He feels trapped in the world, like no matter where he goes there will always be bad people. Looking over at you with pleading eyes, you know instantly something’s wrong. Charles knows he can count on you and that he doesn’t need to explain anything, sure you’ll take care of him until this wave of panic passes.
Charles is very quiet while dealing with this, following you out to somewhere private with his head down. He sits close to you, his shoulder pressing against yours. Bringing some positivity back into his mind frame  helps, feeling his breathing steady as you remind him of all the good out here. Even when Charles thinks his anxiety attack has passed, he stays by you, timidly holding on to your hand and running his thumb across the back of your hand.
Dutch has continuously felt anxious for the past few months, the feeling always being present at the back of his mind. It’s as if he can constantly feel it gnawing away at him, his throat becoming tight and his body tensing whenever he tries to come up with the gang’s next big job.
He didn’t realise how bad it was until one day as he tries to figure out their next move, the feeling becomes unbearable. At first he thinks something is wrong, quickly confiding in you and briefly telling you his symptoms so you can go fetch Miss Grimshaw or a doctor from the nearby town.
But you quickly understand what this is, calmly explaining to Dutch that he’s experiencing an anxiety attack. He tries to downplay it, feeling silly for letting his worries get the better of him but he soon realises how much he needs someone beside him to help him through this.
Physical touch is very important to Dutch and helps him slowly calm himself and regain some control of his mind. Even something as simple as rubbing his back can help him compose himself. As far as Dutch knows he’s never had an anxiety attack before so he really relies on you to help him through this, speaking to you more and more about it afterwards so he has some idea of what to do if it ever happens again,
Micah hates this. He hates that he feels this way and he despises the fact that you’re there to see him go through this. Micah could feel things getting on top of him, the stress of life as an outlaw straining him.
Of course Micah doesn’t want to confront these feelings head on and so instead he opts to drink his problems away… but the alcohol just makes it worse. Now, he’s drunk, disorientated and these daunting feelings are still there.
If he wasn’t drunk then Micah wouldn’t have been so open about how distrusting he is with Dutch’s plans and how close he thinks the law is behind ye, something he would never openly admit sober. 
Resting his head on your shoulder, Micah closes his eyes and focuses on your breathing. It takes him a while to calm down fully and he becomes quiet after he initially opens up but your presence helps him… but if you ever mention any of this again, he will shoot you.
Although there is a gradual build up to John’s anxiety attack, he’s still very confused by his feelings and he doesn’t see it coming, preferring to avoid the signs of his ongoing restlessness and trouble sleeping. 
He feels like he has no control anymore, slowly spiralling and unable to stop it. But like a breath of fresh air, you’re there for him. Even when he tries to cover it up and dismiss your help, you persevere when he needs you the most, showing him just how much you care.
But John is hesitant to accept your help. He's extremely timid but with some words of encouragement and reassurance that everyone feels like this every now and again, he opens up to you about how he’s feeling, clearing his throat whenever his voice begins to shake.
John needs validation, a voice of reason to keep him grounded. Even simple things like reminding John to take deep breaths in and out help him. And although John knows you don’t need anything in return, he wants to get you something as a thank you, even if it’s just an extra box of ammo or some gun oil.
Whenever Javier thinks about the current state of the gang, he can’t help but feel a sudden sense of dread as Javier berates himself for not being able to stop the continuous decline of morale within the gang. 
If he can’t snap himself out of his thoughts, Javier ends up hyperventilating, stumbling towards the outskirts of camp out of fear he might get sick. Although he tries his best to hide this, you notice how he’s been staying away from the main area of camp and how closed off he’s become.
One night when you follow him out to the edges of camp, seeing him try to calm himself down, Javier feels like he has to tell you what’s going on. Initially he’s scared, mainly because of how daunting it is to confront these emotions but he knows he needs a shoulder to lean on. 
He’s a little embarrassed of you finding him in the midst of a panic attack but he knows you understand how stressful everything has been lately and that you won’t judge him. Having you near always helps and whenever you sing to him, Javier finds it easier to let go of his worries and solely focus on your voice.
Too much is happening, Bill is completely overwhelmed and has no idea how to deal with any of this, seeing things as a mountain of work that needs to be done for the sake of the gang with very little time to get any of it done.
He has a panic attack but as he feels more overwhelmed being in camp, he quickly rushes out to guard duty, fearful that the others will mock him if they see him so panicked. You follow him out and after some promising that you won’t ever mention this to the others, Bill opens up to you.
Bill feels like he owes you some kind of explanation but you dismiss that, wanting to focus on helping him through this and not whatever triggered this. He feels safe with you, sighing as he leans in by you and closes his eyes
He doesn’t talk about this afterwards, preferring to move on and act like nothing’s happened but if he ever feels another panic attacking dawning he knows to go to you and that you’ll be there for him.
Sean tries to stay positive, especially when it comes to his own emotions. He likes to be happy and carefree, cracking jokes and looking on the brighter side whenever the gang is in trouble. 
Since Sean never completely faces whatever trouble the gang is in, instead viewing it through rose coloured glasses, he doesn’t really get over any turmoil they face. Instead it builds, each bad thing and mishap mounting until it’s all he can think about.
When Sean has an anxiety attack, he feels like the world is a stick of dynamite and that it’s only a matter of time before it explodes and something bad happens. He becomes more reclusive and albeit he tries to brush it off, he confides in you once he realises the feeling isn’t going away. He’s still skeptical but Sean knows he can count on you and that it’s best to listen to your advice.
Although it feels good to get all of this off his chest, Sean will probably let this happen again, shrugging off any mishaps the gang may have until it all gets too much again. But at least now he knows he can turn to you and truly let down his walls for a while.
The majority of the gang had been gone for nearly 6 hours on a robbery. Each minute that ticks by, the worse Hosea feels, his mind drifting off to the worse case scenario as he tries to silently reassure himself that they’ll be back soon.
The last thing Hosea wanted to do is tell those who are still at camp about his worries, not wanting to make them stress about this too. And so he keeps it bottled up, trying to ignore the nauseous feeling he has and the hot flashes.
He knew you were worried about him, keeping an eye on him throughout the day but every time you ask him how he is, Hosea shrugs it off and insists he’s fine. But finally, he caves and tells you how anxious he is.
Hosea needs reassurance, for someone to tell him everything will be alright. He didn’t think you’d be able to help him through his anxiety attack but Hosea certainly relaxes more after telling you, a feeling of ease washing over him.
This rarely happens to Trelawny but if he isn’t 100% sure a con will work, he can work himself up, stressing over the small risks until he eventually gets an anxiety attack, his breathing becoming irrational as he tries his best to slow his rapid heartbeat.
You notice the change in Trelawny, continually getting worse as the con goes on. As soon as you see an an opening to pull Josiah aside, you take it and ask him how he’s doing. He doesn’t quite know how to explain how he’s feeling, just muttering that he wants this con to be over with ASAP.
Positive affirmations help Josiah a lot. Hearing you repeating that everything’s going smoothly and that it’ll be done soon helps him calm down and take back some control over himself.
Throughout the rest of the con, Trelawny mumbles those affirmations to himself whenever he feels his heart start to race again. He owes you a lot for helping him regain composure of himself and will definitely find a way to show you his appreciation.
Kieran knows he’s safe now. The O’Driscolls aren’t near and he has the gang to protect him. But Kieran can’t help but worry, the stress that maybe the O’Driscolls will get him one day intensifying over time.
The longer this tension and paranoia lasts, the more irate he gets. You were only coming over to help him with the horses but Kieran involuntarily jumps, startled by you suddenly appearing. He apologizes for his reaction, mentioning how he hasn’t been sleeping lately and feels utterly overwhelmed.
He’s hesitate to tell you what’s going on, feelings silly for still fearing the O’Driscolls but he trusts you and knows you can keep a secret. Kieran doesn’t expect you to make him feel perfect in a matter of minutes but he does take some comfort in your assurance that it’s ok to feel like this and that it’s normal to be so paranoid after everything that’s gone on recently.
Knowing that you’ll be there for him helps him relax, giving Kieran a brighter outlook on the future. He’ll always be hesitant to admit he’s still worried about the O’Driscolls but knowing you won’t judge him and you’ll actually try your best to help gives him a lot of comfort. 
Lenny isn't a fan of crowds. If he's at camp and surrounded by people he knows then he's usually ok but in a crowded space full of people he doesn't know in a town he's not familiar with? That's practically hell to him. Lenny tries to keep his calm demeanour, unaware a panic attack was setting into his system until everything became suddenly overwhelming for him.
He feels dizzy, frightened by how fast his heart is beating and how hot his skin feels. Lenny isn't sure what to say or how to describe what's happening to him so he's grateful you notice something's wrong and usher him somewhere quieter.
Lenny doesn't speak for a few minutes, focusing on how the cool fresh air soothes his skin. He still isn't sure how to describe what happened but he thanks you profusely for getting him out of there. He’s glad you pick up on the little things and that you won’t mention this to the others.
Afterwards, whenever Lenny knows he's going to be around a lot of people, he gravitates towards you. He knows you have his back and it comforts him to have you nearby, just in case he feels panicked again.
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kalijhomentethi · 1 year
akali is daddy and actually wouldn’t mind her partner calling her that. the nickname is brought up and you can be sure that she’s 100% topping that night.
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solesnati · 2 years
Luke can’t work with food but he can work with metal,  wood,  and cloth so while he won’t make you a nice meal he will make you a nice trinket,  or patch the holes in your clothes,  or fix your speeder
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velvetcrimsonkisses · 2 months
Biker!Choso Headcanons
Note: I've had this on my mind for a while. I love Bikers and I love Choso 🗣
CW: This is suggestive so MDNI
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Biker!Choso who had to beg you to let him buy a bike and promise you a million times he would be safe while riding. I just know he would do so much research on the bike. Like models, styles, and all that. 
Biker!Choso that once you said yes he quickly went out to get it. You're the first person he shows it too and he's all giddy and happy. It’s definitely all black with dark purple accents. 
Biker!Choso who always carries your helmet with him if he knows he's going to be giving you a ride. Even decorates your helmet with a pretty decal of your name. 
Biker!Choso who always revs his bike to let you know he’s there when he picks you up from college or work. Showing off to your classmates or coworkers. Always always always gives you a kiss and helps you put your helmet on.
Biker!Choso who always carries you onto the back of the bike and calls you his backpack. Loves when you hold onto him tight, not because you're scared but because he knows you like feeling him up.  
Biker!Choso that lets you wear his leather jacket when it’s cold out making sure you stay warm. 
Biker!Choso who at any stoplight always wraps his hand around your thigh and squeezes it teasingly and you just know he’s smirking under his helmet. You know you're definitely getting more than just one ride that night. 
Biker!Choso who sometimes brakes a little harder than normal just to feel you pressed up against him. 
Biker!Choso who loves feeling your hands on his thighs inching closer and closer to his crotch to tease him. Running your fingers over his clothed cock. 
Biker!Choso who looks so hottt taking his helmet off and his hair is just so UGHHH. So fluffy and a little bit messy. 
Biker!Choso with a MULLET omg (imma insert a pic of what kind bc im not talking yeehaw mullet) 
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THISSS... LIKE it's still long but a mullet style yk
Also lmk if yall would like a fic where he eats you out on his bike 😗 I just got that idea
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nightwingsaregoths · 2 years
georg, yeehaw and miette
Thank you :3
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stopthatfool · 11 months
more silly little headcanons (yeehaw!)
ice is the type of guy who uses a lot of “...” when he texts people. mav could be like “what time do you get back from work” and ice would text back: “16:30...”
what are you hiding, why are you being so mysterious, what are you contemplating. what are you thinking about...
or alternatively--
mav: what should we have for dinner tonight
ice: there are leftovers in the fridge... or we could order takeout... 
ok weirdo...
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Have some of my Earthrealm champions (Sonya, Johnny, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao) headcanons. There’s like one lightly angsty one.
Liu Kang’s last name is Liu and his first is Kang. I based this off the fact that Lao’s last name is Kung, the Chinese naming convention, and the character used is a literal last name in China.
Sonya was a twin and was only a couple minutes older than her brother. They were really close and his death was the thing that kickstarted her abandonment issues.
Kung Lao has an insanely high spice tolerance. It’s become a party trick at this point.
Johnny has a wheezing laugh, like a spray bottle. Sonya snorts, Lao smacks whatever is nearest to him, and Kang’s is sharp and squawky and he tends to look away from whatever made him laugh.
Johnny’s mother is an Italian immigrant. Italian was a home language for him and he speaks it fluently. This has gotten him several movie roles.
Sonya was raised atheist and her parents never saw holidays as a big deal and only celebrated birthdays, even then they were small and one parents was usually missing due to work. Had a rude wake up call when she met Raiden.
Kang eats anything. Even if he doesn’t like it. Gets rid of the rotten pieces on food and eats what’s still good.
Lao has really neat handwriting and is scarily good at copying other’s handwriting. Can forge a signature on the first try 90% of the time.
Sonya drives like a Texan and has a big ass yeehaw truck. Drives with the windows down blasting music and you can never hear what anyone’s saying. They usually have Johnny drive and use Sonya as a backup.
Johnny hates winter with a passion, hates being cold in general. The only thing he likes about it are the holidays. Balked when he realized that none of the others have ever celebrated Christmas.
As of the first mortal kombat tournament, Liu Kang is 24, Kung Lao 25, Johnny 29, and Sonya 30.
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desceros · 6 months
i saw on your queue list that you’re wanting to do a papatello au!!! wondering if you would spare some headcanons????
ps your writing is great!!
[with heavy sarcasm] oh no, not someone asking me to discuss one of my favorite fic ideas, the absolute horror
after a terribly unfortunate incident (donnie learns he has a breeding kink and doesn't check to see if the two of you are biologically compatible before enjoying it, thoroughly, over a long period of time) it is discovered that you are pregnant. oops
after a days-long conversation where he freaks out because he's terrified about your safety when he runs some tests and the fetus is very much going to be a turtle with a shell inside of you, the two of you decide to... try. to try and keep it. it feels a bit like a miracle, after all, though he's very very careful to monitor the entire time. and well he should, as it's a difficult pregnancy; they actually end up taking her out a little early and putting her in an egg-like incubator for the last month or so when he starts getting concerned about some pain you're having.
the two of you name her lavinia, after splinter's naming conventions. but very quickly, mikey shortens that to lavi. she's very much a softshell turtle mutant, but she has your smile and (as she grows older) black hair just like papa splinter from having more human DNA.
lavi is the actual poster child of being a daddy's girl. from birth, she favors him for almost everything: being held, being fed, being bathed; if donnie's not doing it or close, she's fussy.
donnie is the actual poster child of being the world's most obnoxious father in the entire world. he's that guy who will insert his kid into every conversation, bending or even snapping its relevance to shoehorn her in. he has pictures upon pictures. videos of lavi doing absolutely nothing except being cute.
and she is so fucking cute. but she's also a bit of a demon, just like her father. wicked smart and always getting into trouble. worse still, if she gets caught, she just looks at donnie with big eyes like 🥺 and it's over. she's not getting in trouble.
lavi also really loves her uncle raph, and she has taken to stealing his catch phrases because she thinks they're funny. you have a video on your phone of her running agilely away from donnie with something very fragile and important, giggling and yelling 'stealing LIKE A BOSS' as donnie chases her, teeth clenched and hands outstretched, going 'lavi, dearest, sweetest little bug whomst i love endlessly and forever, please give that back to papa Right. Now.'
her favorite uncle tho is probably uncle leo. he has cool comic books and watches fun tv shows. she likes to climb onto his shell and curl up to take a nap. a picture of leo crying the first time she did that remains your contact photo for him for a long, long time.
this whole au is just an excuse for me to dump cute headcanons about donnie being the best dad in the world and no one has stopped me yet, so. yeehaw
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hi!! I was wondering if I could request a poly! Lost Boy's with a female s/o (or gender neutral) who has a southern accent? Like it's real hick and definitely not native to California slang? I think that would be hilarious 🤣 if you don't mind writing this! Thank you and have an awesome day! 🥰💗
Poly!Lost Boys With a Southern S/O
Tw: none
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With this, I kind of imagine a southern reader that moved to Santa Carla from a young age that their accent kind of faded, however whenever they’re irritated or not thinking much about it, the accent slips back out. However, your slang never left. 
You were talking about your day before visiting them and you said something like, Hunkey Dorey which literally means everything was great and the boys were super confused, except David.
That’s when you told them that you were originally from the South and said a few things with your accent slipping through. 
Paul was the most surprised out of the boys and was like, “what the fuuuck?”
Marko would react with something like, “Woah, I didn’t know you were southern?? That’s so cool!”
Dwayne would give you a smile and tell you he thought your accent was super cute. 
David basically was like, “Oh damn-” 
I headcanon that David would have a southern accent too which also faded away over the unlimited amount of time that he has. 
Plus, Paul used to tease his accent constantly so David basically went, “yeah, no.” and that accent went straight out the door.  
Paul would constantly tease your accent and say stupid shit like, “yeehaw.” You’re not amused. 
Furthermore, Paul would bug you about saying something in your accent and hear the difference in the way you say things in comparison to California slang.
If you feel a little self-conscious about your accent, well guess what? David would start talking to you in a southern accent too. It kind of slips out of him because it just reminds him of the old times before he was a vampire. Plus, he doesn’t want you to feel out of place. 
He would feel more comfortable that someone else shares the same accent as him and would open up a little more in letting his accent slip on occasion. 
David would use old pet names he used when he would flirt with people back when he was human and they don’t fail to fluster you.
Those pet names would include; Doll, Darlin, and that accent would make those names sound even sweeter with that teasing smirk on his face. 
He would also compare southern slang with you and see which ones were still being used in the South. He’s really surprised that some phrases that he knew were still commonly practiced. 
Dwayne could listen to you talk in your southern accent and wouldn’t get tired of it. He already knew some slang because of David but he liked hearing more common slang that current southerners say. 
Since Dwayne loves to read and he has read some romance that resided in the South and he would call you sweet things like his Southern Belle. 
Marko would happily ask you some questions and how you felt about how different California was compared to where you used to live in the south.
Don’t trust him completely though, he will also tease you along with Paul. He’s still the mischievous vampire we know and love.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Here are some Jack Daniels headcanons I have and I am shaking my fist at the sky because I never thought’d I’d get lassoed in by this cowboy yet HERE I AM!!!!
Also this is for Laura @lowlights for being the best/worst influence yeehaw ♡
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I have a feeling he is a Scorpio - intense, loyal, literally can hold a grudge forever but also loves deeply
This man is a dork and I stand by that because yes he’s gorgeous and suave and yeah can take down a small army but the minute you answer a trivia question wrong about the empire strikes back he is correcting you, polite as ever because he’s an gentleman, but he still knows the right answer and even talks about how the scene where r2d2 is in the mud water was shot in George Lucas’ unfinished swimming pool
This makes sense when you see his rare and signed Han Solo vintage card in his home office
Also probably has a rare stamp collection he prides himself in and it’s adorable and you giggle so much because he is dorky and you are honored to see this side of him!!
Likes butter pecan ice cream because it’s a southern staple and his grandma loved it too so it reminds him of her
When he wanders away from you at the supermarket he comes back to your side and pretends he doesn’t know you, still tries to flirt with you and be playful while you are there smiling so big the entire time just trying to ask him what type of cereal he wants
Loves a good elegant wine dinner but when you decided to order in take out late one evening instead of going out Jack gets hit with those deep domestic feelings HARD
Once he comes to terms with his first wife’s death I like to believe he has this little dream where she kind of reassures him that their love is forever but he is allowed to heal and let love surround him again and it’s then that he really understands that yes she is and forever will be his first love but you are his forever love and after that he feels reborn
This is even more intensified when he stays over at your place and you have a self care night with relaxing face masks and your favorite treats and the minute you offer to put a face mask on him he’s done for, literally in the bathroom when you’re not looking he’s already browsing his phone for matching robes for you and him
Gets hooked into any series you are watching, he is immediately asking questions about who is who and very sincerely gasps when a big plot twist comes (also is an absolute sucker for a good rom com)
Has no ability to play any type of video game except Mario kart which he takes seriously too and he always picks Mario because “he’s a classic honey, can’t got wrong with a classic” and you joke about how boring that pick is until he kicks your ass on rainbow road
Loves to help people on airplanes move their luggage up into the overhead bins, he’s also that guy who can make conversation in line with almost anyone even at the DMV
You learn he almost domesticated a raccoon when he was a boy
Jack also loves a good museum date and can be super insightful but also a bit silly and he makes funny faces at paintings or statues to make you laugh
Big fan of 90’s country and specifically I see him as a Brooks & Dunn man cause he for SURE serenades you with their song ‘Brand New Man’ multiple times
also is probably a Willie Nelson fan and has a framed photo of when he met the country singer himself and Jack proudly tells the story of how they met any time someone comes over and the moment he decides he’s gonna marry you is when you jokingly prove you can repeat the story word for word
His dream is to one day meet Dolly Parton
LOVES to cuddle!!!
Loves dogs of course but when you care for a scared kitten you find under his truck on a rainy night Jack becomes a complete cat dad and even gets the cat a small little cowboy hat that makes him bust out laughing every time the cat wears it
Is a sucker for candles
Isn’t much of a beach guy but would sit in a lazy river for hours
Once you say yes to his proposal he carves your initials with his into a tree on his family’s property and on the day you get married of course shows it to you (you can’t help but cry of course and he does too)
He finds a left over empty bag or wrapper of your favorite snack in his suitcase when he’s on an away mission and calls you crying a bit drunk because he misses you and thinks you left that for him as a reminder that you’re always with him and you’re like ‘no baby that just means we need to clean our suitcases better’
Gets his wedding ring with your birthstone in it
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fan-mans · 5 months
You don’t have to but I’m starving (kidding) do you have any headcanons about tempered glass (Joe x Bull)? Again you don’t have to if you don’t wanna
Yeehaw!! Tempered glass let's go!!
Bull can't cook for shit so Joe does all the cooking in the house, in return, bull does all the laundry and mopping
Bull doesn't drink at all so whenever joe gets drunk he's gotta baby him around lmao
Joe initiates pretty much everything because bull is shy as hell lol
They have to go on dates either in disguise or at home because the paparazzi will not leave poor bull alone
related to this, they also fake a rivalry so the press doesn't stir up rumors about them dating
Joe keeps offering to beat up the paps for bull, which he appreciates... but gently talks him out of
Joe SWIMS in bulls shirts but refuses to stop stealing them
Joe makes bull breakfast (Or rather lunch) in bed most days because he wakes up very early while bull sleeps in
Cuddling is dangerous with how much hevier/bigger bull is than joe, but joe is so happy to take the risk
Bull buys them matching outfits
They fight over whether or not water is 'wet'
Enjoy watching bad movies together and bitching about them
Joe loves giving bull massages and basically spoiling him with fancy bath bombs when he's stressed
Bull abuses the fact that joe is very ticklish every chance he gets
In private they're 200% for PDA but in public they stay at least 1 foot apart at all times
Joe is small enough that he can perch on one of bulls shoulders and does so often
They do that couple thing where they can look at each other and just start laughing for no reason- neither knows why but their sense of humor is like that
They also have a million inside jokes, one so severe that the word mustard cannot be said around them without both falling into uncontrollable laughter
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hellerradio · 1 year
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Two great episodes for the price of one, folks! With angels falling in love with humans, Jensen’s masterclass in staring deeply into our souls, perfect song choices, and headcanons galore, these episodes pack a real punch. So hitch a ride on Larry, cause it’s time to cry, partner! Yeehaw! 🪞
➡️ Listen here!
Episodes discussed:
12x10 - Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets
12x11 - Regarding Dean
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