#yandere dbh hank
yanderes-galore · 11 months
Can I get a Platonic Yandere! Hank Anderson (D:BH) with Rookie! Gender-Neutral! Reader? They’re a interesting little shit with shitty puns, but he doesn’t rlly like the fact that they’re constantly getting reckless out there in the field. Besides, they’re probably one of very few who can keep Gavin in line.
Sure! I'd love to write for Hank :) I apologize if something is off, I tried to make him as in character as I could!
Yandere! Platonic! Hank Anderson with Rookie! Darling
(Reckless! Jokester! Darling)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Hank is kinda like a father to you, Overprotective behavior, Mentioned violence/threats, Manipulation, Suicidal thoughts mention (Canon to Hank in the game), Swearing, Murder/Killing.
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I have a feeling Hank is going to start off annoyed with you due to how you act.
Not only are you a rookie and new to how this whole police force thing works in the wild...
You also have a personality that's a bit hard to get used to upon your first meeting.
Hank is relatively serious and gruff, he doesn't tolerate people not doing their job too much (just means more work).
There's a good chance it'll take time for him to get used to you.
First there's the jokes you throw around at the station.
Hank feels they are a bit poor taste and annoying at first.
You try to make them around him and he tries his best to tolerate them.
He gets it, you're young and new, but get with the program.
Although, Hank prefers your humor compared to you being an emotionless drone.
In fact your humor may just grow on him the longer he knows you.
Hank will take time to fully accept you, just like how he was with Connor.
You'd also soon become one of the reasons he hasn't wanted to end it all over time.
Hank would take a fatherly role towards a rookie platonic obsession.
He's lost his son a long time ago and part of him wants to take care of you like the child he lost.
His attachment starts to grow when he sees you keep Gavin in line at times in the station.
When Gavin gets out of hand you jump at the chance to shut him down.
Hank respects that, he's an annoying prick at times.
Another way you can grow close is if you work under him.
After all, you need experience one way or another, right?
I can see Hank being very fatherly towards you over time regardless on how he meets his platonic obsession.
He doesn't notice it half the time, it just happens on his own.
He may find the fact you're a rookie annoying, but your humor sometimes even makes him laugh.
His biggest issue with you is your reckless behavior, however.
Not only is being a rookie reckless enough, somehow you're even more reckless than that?
It often requires Hank to keep an eye on you in case a suspect you're searching for is armed.
I can see Hank killing to keep his darling safe.
Since he is like a father to you he doesn't kill out of jealousy.
He fears he'll lose you like his son and kills if it means you're safe.
Hank sticks by you on chases and investigations.
If an android or human makes a move to harm you, Hank shoots them fast.
Blood could spill over his clothes and he doesn't care.
Hell, the suspect/threat could've been needed for an investigation, but he just cares that you weren't hurt.
Hank would scold you and your reckless behavior a lot at times.
It sounds mean-spirited yet it actually means he cares for you a lot.
It would take time although Hank could be affectionate.
As just a rookie he may be more casual, an arm around the shoulders or a pat on the back for example.
If he sees you more like the child he never had, you may even get a hug.
Hugs with Hank usually happen when his mental state... isn't in the best place.
You have to remember that Hank has a self destructive past.
He's used to drowning himself in alcohol and being rather pessimistic.
His fatherly role towards you (and Connor) keeps him going.
Hank isn't usually very affectionate unless he's vulnerable.
So when he's like that you can see him show some of his obsession.
Honestly your jokes go from relieving to comforting.
They're so uniquely you.
As with most platonic yanderes his most destructive trait is his overprotective behavior.
His trigger finger towards suspects around you costs you cases at times.
Hank isn't brutal with those he kills, it's not in his character.
He will make it quick and over with, maybe with a few more shots to be sure.
You may say it's overkill... but he's doing it to relieve his stress.
It actually feels a little good to do, too... all for you.
He isn't actually that bad though he can manipulate you due to his experience and rank.
Hank could easily control what you do due to the job.
I feel platonic yandere Hank would sort of "adopt" rookie darling in this situation.
You may not know it but he begins to see you more like his kid than just a rookie.
He can't imagine his life without you.
If anyone tried to take you away from him, two things could happen.
He snaps, hunts you down, and takes you back gun in hand.
... or he goes into a deep depression and things just get worse.
You become the person holding Hank together.
Even if you want to quit your job, Hank is around to look after you.
Even if you want to separate from Hank, you feel guilty due to his self destructive behavior
Hank has as much control over you as you do him (emotionally).
Hank's no longer just your superior...
He'll show you he can be much more for you, even if he has to bend some rules and paint some walls in blood to keep you both happy.
"Come on, Rookie. They were going to hurt you! I had to shoot them, it's what you do on the job. You have to make a move before they do...."
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imagine-silk · 1 year
Yandere husband!Hank + son!Connor x willing!reader
test idea of a darling for her husband and son who is okay with their tendencies but sets ground rules to keep everyone safe
"Hank, can you stop making out with me in front of Gavin, it's making him uncomfortable... Okay, it's making me uncomfortable."
"Connor, baby, hide your photos. Don't give me that look, I'm not saying get rid of them. Just keep them somewhere else. Label a box or something."
"If I find rope again I'm gonna smack the both of you... Of course, I know it's for me. There is nothing in this house that needs rope. I keep having to throw them out. Stop, it's a waste of money."
"Honey, just ask for my phone password instead of sneaking my phone. I thought we were passed this."
"Stop telling Sumo to attack people. Your police status won't save him from being put down."
"Baby, if you want to come to the store with me just ask. Follow me again and we're not having movie night."
"Baby... Connor, I know what's in this drink. You're not in trouble, just tell me if it's going to give me a headache. And if I wake up locked in a room, you're grounded."
"I just wanted a nice date out at the bar, why did you have to make us leave early? That fight was unnecessary, completely unnecessary. I just want a date night... I know you didn't mean to, honey. Remember to look at me so I can tell you it's fine."
"Baby? Baby! Are you alright? Did anyone see you? Did you leave any evidence?... Okay. Jump in the shower. I'll wash your clothes and tell your father what happened."
"I'm going to my family reunion and you two are staying here. They hate the both of you and I don't want to argue with them again or make you uncomfortable. I'll keep a tracker on me and I'll call every night. No audio devices, I don't want you to hear them bitch and moan about petty grievances."
"What did I do to make you still want to lock me up? Am I not a good wife? Am I not a good enough mother? I'm staying because I love the both of you. God, how can you say I would just leave you like that?"
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prettybillycore · 2 years
Please Don't Die Again || Connor (RK800) x GN!Reader
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Pairing(s): Connor (RK800) x GN!Reader ; Minor Elijah Kamski x GN!Reader
Universe: Detroit: Become Human
Summary: You, a former employee at Cyberlife, now work as a Detective along side Hank and Connor. As the android revolution begins, Connor finds himself faced with a choice– his mission or you. 
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Canon typical violence, yandere!Elijah Kamski, Gun violence, Connor (rk800) temporary death
A/N: Ahhh! My first non-stranger things request this summer; I have so much love in my heart for Deviant!Connor. I decided to follow the advice of @whoringrove and work on whatever my brain was most drawn to. Right now, I’m working on the second chapter of “Stranger Things Have Happened in Hawkins” but because it takes place in ST3 canon ‘verse, I really need to rewatch the whole season before finishing it. I’m itching to create right now, not watch something, so oop here’s an rk800 x reader fic. I hope you enjoy @momos-peaches <3
Read it on AO3 or right here on Tumblr (below the cut on this post)
You knew Connor could die and be placed inside of a new body– Hank told you about the one time he was killed before; he was hit by a car going down the freeway. However, you were not there to witness that death. You had never personally seen Connor die and you most certainly weren’t the cause. This was not the freeway incident though, this was the battle for android freedom in Detroit. 
You were once on the side of the city, protecting humans at all costs. Now, you were at the center of the android revolution– and Connor’s blue blood was on your hands. 
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You were born into a well-off family and your mother worked in the technology industry. You grew up with Elijah Kamski as your best friend and worked with him for the first several years of your adult life. You were the creative mind behind a lot of the aesthetic choices– clothes, facial structures, etc. There was enjoyment and pride in your work at first, but you watched Elijah turn into a shell of his fun-loving self. He became more arrogant and honestly an ass to be around. You kept him within your social circle because you couldn’t bear to lose someone so close to you, but you didn’t agree with the treatment of his android companions. You weren’t as technologically gifted as him, but you helped him create the first androids. You wanted them to be treated with respect and kindness– Elijah saw them as nothing more than machines. He tormented you for it and you ended up leaving your very high-paying job at Cyberlife before he left his. You went back to school and ended up joining the police force as a detective– he retired to a mansion in the middle of nowhere. He invited you over often, but you started accepting fewer invitations as you started working more hours. 
Hank Anderson worked at the desk across from yours. You had very different views on androids, but he was a gentle soul to you. He valued your opinions on his cases highly and often requested to work with you over other detectives. It warmed your heart and gave you a father figure you could actually reach out to. This is how you met RK800, better known as “Connor.” 
He was far more advanced than any of the androids you worked on and his physical appearance wasn’t your design. You guessed that he was made by the team that replaced yours and you were honestly amazed by his existence. His data analysis software was incredible and he was extremely skilled in crime scene investigation. You knew the moment that you met him at the Ortiz house, you knew he was special. 
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You were already inside the house when he entered behind Hank. You smiled at the two of them as they came inside. You stood up from your place over the body, “Ah, Lieutenant Anderson, I thought you might never come.”
He rolled his eyes as he approached. Connor was matching his pace. You eyed him curiously, but pretended not to notice him– as much as you could, anyway. Though, you are sure Connor noticed your glances. “I wasn’t gonna come, but this jackass showed up at Jimmy’s bar and said you were working this one alone. Thought you might want a hand.”
“Extra hands are always welcome at my crime scenes; we could use all the help we can get to be honest with you. Household androids are becoming more unstable every day… I just don’t understand why. Take a look at the scene in the kitchen, Lieutenant; something awful.”
“Can do,” he replied shortly before walking past you.
Your eyes fell on Connor, who was standing stiffly a few feet from you. “I would shake your hands, but I’m gloved and have blood on me… what’s your name?”
“My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to assist Lieutenant Anderson with the rise in deviant cases.” His answer was stark and to the point, but there was something behind the inflection of his voice. You could feel his gaze; it was dull and unwavering. 
“I’m guessing you already know who I am based on what Hank said.”
He nodded curtly. “Y/n L/n. Current Detective at Detroit Police Department and former Creative Director of Cyberlife.”
You smiled again. “Indeed, it’s nice to meet you, Connor.”
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The next two days were some of the most action-packed and traumatic days of your life. You protected Connor from Gavin’s android hatred, searched the Eden Club, and witness an unmasked android give a freedom speech on national television– not to mention all the cases that were piling up of deviants committing felonies. You felt protective of Connor at this point and he felt protective of you, though he didn’t understand why he felt that way. Hank was still a little skeptical of Connor as you approached your childhood friend’s home, but you had no doubts in your mind– Connor wasn’t just human-like, he was human. Much like many of the androids you were trying to track down/stop, he showed bright, shining signs of humanity. It made you incredibly nervous to take him with you to Elijah’s. It made you so nervous, in fact, you asked him to do something very unlike you.
Hank stopped the car outside of the Kamski residence. Connor was in the back seat and started to open his door before you squeaked out, “Connor, stay here.”
“What?” Hank questioned. 
Connor pulled the door shut again, but kept his hand on the handle. “Why, Detective?”
“Uh…” you faltered. You felt silly saying it, but you were sincerely worried for Connor’s safety in Elijah’s presence. As much as you hated it, the man could read you like an open book. He would know that you cared for Connor and would do everything he could to use that connection to his advantage. “Kamski will try to turn me against you, I just know.”
“Oh come on, Y/n. You’re not going to turn your back on me and Connor. We’ll all be fine,” Hank assured.
“I would feel much better about this visit if Connor were to stay in the car. He is safe in the car,” You argued.
Hank rolled his eyes. “If anything happens to him, as much as I hate it, Cyberlife will fix him and he’ll be back on the job tomorrow.”
“I appreciate the concern Detective, but Lieutenant Anderson is right. I am replaceable.”
Hearing those words absolutely shattered your heart. “Connor…”
Hank patted your shoulder. “Come on, kid. He’ll be fine. Let’s go get this over with. I know you hate this fucker as much as I do.”
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Elijah had his eyes on you from the moment you walked into the swimming pool room. There were quite a few Chloe models present, which did not surprise you. She was the first model to pass the Turing test and you had designed her (aesthetically speaking). Elijah had little touches of your relationship all over his house– your painting in the entryway, a few drawings of yours on the walls, even a picture of you two as kids in a frame on a table near the window, and of course Chloe. Though he was taking his sweet time getting out of the pool, he was keeping a close eye on you. You weren’t the only one to notice these details though– they were noticed by Connor and Hank both. The feeling of his eyes on you made your skin crawl as he climbed out of the pool. “I was surprised to see your name on my schedule, Y/n, but I am oh so happy to see you again. What’s it been? Six months?”
You did your best not to falter at his words, but his tone sent a chill up your spine. “I’ve been busy with my work at DPD. You know that, Elijah.” You used his first name on purpose; you were hoping it would throw him off his game. When you worked together at Cyberlife, you fell into the habit of calling him Kamski; everyone else did, so when you called him by his first name, it usually knocked the snark out of him. “These are my friends; Lieutenant Anderson and Connor.”
“What can I do for you, Y/n? Lieutenant?” He asked, only addressing you and Hank. It was annoying you slightly that he was being so informal with you, but at the end of the day, you couldn’t blame him. You two had such a long history it would be sort of unsettling for him to call you ‘detective’, though you despised him calling you just by your first name. It gave you a feeling of disgust in the deepest pit of your stomach. 
You could see the weary look on Hank’s face. It wasn’t surprising– he was fairly protective over you. What was a little surprising was the fact that Connor’s LED was circling yellow to red and back again. Your words felt like they were trapped in your throat, so Hank picked up the conversation. “Sir, we’re investigating deviants. I know you left CyberLife years ago but, I was hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don’t know…”
Kamski smirked, “Deviants… Fascinating, aren't they? Perfect beings with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will… Machines are so superior to us, confrontation was inevitable… Humanity’s greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall. Isn’t it ironic?”
“We need to understand how androids become deviants. Do you know anything that could help us?” Connor questioned. Elijah’s strong gaze shifted to him for a moment. Then, it shifted between the two of you. You had a bad feeling before you walked inside the house, but it was getting stronger with every passing second that you all were inside. You shifted slightly, placing yourself vaguely in front of Connor. Your eyes met Elijah’s and you could see him deeply contemplating his next move. 
“All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics... Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?”
Hank was becoming impatient with the conversation. You could see it plainly on his face and in his body language. “Listen, I didn’t come here to talk philosophy. The machines you created may be planning a revolution. Either you can tell us something that'll be helpful, or we will be on our way.”
Elijah began to step closer to you and Connor. You tilted your head while shooting your former best friend a questioning look. You knew that he was paying attention to you, but he didn’t acknowledge you at all. He kept his eyes trained on your android companion, while his fingers twitched at his sides. “What about you, Connor? Whose side are you on?”
You looked away from Elijah and toward Connor. He was looking back at you, but only for a brief moment. The light on his temple was still flicking between yellow and red as he looked toward Elijah, “It's not about me, Mr. Kamski. All I want is to solve this case.”
Elijah chuckled a bit, pulling his lip with his teeth. “Well, that's what you're programmed to say… but you…” He was getting uncomfortably close to both you and Connor. He angled himself so he was off to the side a little bit, away from you, but he was still less than a foot away now. His glance came toward you for a moment before going back to Connor, “What do you really want?”
Your eyes were glued to Elijah. You, Hank, and Connor were all weaponless because that was an agreement of the meeting, but you were still trying to calculate the best way to incapacitate him if things went south. Connor, again, glanced in your direction, but you didn’t notice this time. Elijah and Hank both did though. “I’m sorry, but I don’t see where you're getting at,” he replied. His defensive tone didn’t go unnoticed by you, though.
“Y/n, would you mind stepping over to stand next to Chloe?”
You quirked your eyebrow at him. “Why?”
“I would like to run a little test on your android and you’re blocking my way.”
You knew exactly what test he meant. There was nothing else he could mean with that evil little glimmer in his eye, “No way in hell you’re doing to that to him. I won’t let you.”
He had a curious expression on his face. He had completely turned his attention to you. His hand came to rest on your upper arm as he answered. “Interesting. You’re so protective of a machine, I mean, you always have been rather fond of androids, but that adorable angry look on your face– oh you care about it, don’t you, Angel?” 
You nearly gagged at the nickname. You knew he had feelings for you somewhere in your past, but he hadn’t called you ‘angel’ since you were in your early twenties. He stopped after you rejected him. It’s probably where the bitterness in your relationship started. God, you felt like you were going to be sick. Hank was in shock behind you and didn’t know how to intervene; Connor felt like he was frozen in place. His orders were telling him to focus on the mission, but the thought “protect y/n” was trying to force itself to become his primary directive. Elijah took the opportunity to place his free hand under your chin. His fingers dug into your skin. “What? Did I hit a nerve, detective?” That smirk planted itself on his face again. “Chloe, get the device.” His eyes never left yours. Your brain was screaming at you to rip yourself from his grasp, but you couldn’t get your feet to move. His hand moved from your chin to your other arm. He forced you out of the way as Chloe pulled a gun out of the table drawer. He almost threw you out of the way he used so much force. You stumbled into the chair next to the table and sucked in a harsh breath. Connor’s LED was completely red, but he was still unable to pick a directive. “I’m sure you’re familiar with the Turing test. Mere formality, simple question of algorithms and computing capacity. What interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy. I call it "the Kamski test", it's very simple, you'll see…” He turned to Chloe, an almost hungry look in his eyes as he took the gun from her hands. “Magnificent, isn't it? One of the first intelligent models developed by CyberLife, completely designed by Y/n and myself. Young and beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither……But what is it really? Piece of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being... With a soul…?” Elijah handed the gun to Connor. “It's up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor. Destroy this machine and I'll tell you all I know. Or spare it, if you feel it's alive, but you'll leave here without having learned anything from me.”
Hank found his voice again after seeing the fear in your eyes. “Okay, I think we’re done here. Come on, Connor. Let's go. Sorry to get you outta your pool.”
Elijah was getting more and more in Connor’s face. “What's more important to you, Connor? Your investigation, or the life of this android? Decide who you are. An obedient machine… Or a living being endowed with free will…”
“That's enough! Connor, Y/n, we’re leaving.”
“Pull the trigger,” Elijah taunted. It was like watching the angel and devil on Connor’s shoulders. He looked to you for an answer. Elijah had aimed the gun at Chloe and for Connor, it would be just one quick motion, but… 
“Connor, don’t…” Hank said.
Connor was searching your face for an answer. “Please no…” you mumbled. 
“I'll tell you what you wanna know,” Elijah mumbled.
Connor lowered the gun and could feel himself destabilizing. Elijah sighed and moved away from Connor. He walked back over the table and opened the drawer again. Before you could process what was happening, he yanked you to your feet and had his hand around your neck. You could feel him closing his fingers tightly enough to start cutting off your oxygen. You grabbed at his hand for a moment, before you felt the cold metal of a gun barrel pressed against your temple. Your breath was gone from your lungs. You never would have seen this coming. “Eli–” You couldn’t get his whole name out. 
“What the fuck are you doing, Kamski?” Hank shouted. All of the Chloe models that were still in the pool had begun to watch. 
“Fascinating… CyberLife's last chance to save humanity... is itself a deviant…” Elijah mused. “I have another test for you, Connor. We’ll call it the Y/n test.” He relaxed his fingers slightly so you could breathe again. “You, a piece of plastic, have somehow managed to capture Y/n’s attention.” He rubbed his thumb across your chin so softly it almost felt like a comforting gesture. “I could have given them everything. A mansion, wealth beyond anything they have ever seen, they never would have had to work a day in their whole life, but they turned me down. They left Cyberlife and eventually became a detective. Ever since they joined DPD they’ve been slipping farther and farther away. I can’t even get them to come over for a meal anymore, but you… in a few days, they have become completely enamored with you.” His hands were trembling with anger. He began constricting your air again. “This test should be easy for you Connor; shoot the Chloe model and I will let Y/n go, unharmed. You three will walk out of here with no information, but the detective will be fine and Chloe will be replaced. If you refuse to shoot Chloe, I’ll shoot your favorite human, but I will tell you everything I know. Are you willing to sacrifice the life of this human for your mission? Someone’s going to die, Connor. It’s up to you to decide.” Elijah clicked the safety off. 
Connor looked between you, Chloe, and Hank. You had been in danger before with your job, but this was the closest you had ever come to death. Connor could read the terror in your expression. Hank was scared too. Connor had never seen Hank truly scared before. “Kamski–”
“Quiet! This is Connor’s choice.”
Connor closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. Chloe shut down almost instantly and Elijah dropped his gun on the ground next to him. He let go of your throat and Connor rushed forward to catch you. You pulled in as many deep breaths as you could. Connor’s sensors scanned your injuries and determined quickly, that while extremely distressed, that you were relatively unharmed. Without saying anything, he wrapped his arm under your knees and behind your back. “Let’s go, quickly Lieutenant.”
Hank didn’t argue and neither did Elijah. Connor nearly ran to the car with you in his arms, jumping into the back of the vehicle with you. “Y/n? Are you alright, Y/n?” You nodded as you started to catch your breath. Hank got into the driver’s seat and started down the road as quickly as he could. “What’s their status, Connor?”
“Stable, but we should have them seen by a doctor to make sure Kamski didn’t cause any serious damage.”
“Guys… I’ll be fine.”
“Shut up, Y/n. If Connor says you should see a doctor, we’re stopping at a doctor.”
| < ♥️ > |
Connor had no idea that you had tailed him to Jericho. You were so careful not to let him see you. You followed him all the way up to Markus and North in the Captain’s cabin. North had a gun, but from what you could tell, it was jammed.  “What are you doing? You are one of us… You can’t betray your own people…”
You had met Markus before; he was one of your designs. You never imagined that he would end up being RA9, but knowing Carl, it made sense. Carl treated Markus as another son and gave him freedoms that many other androids did not have. “You're coming with me!”
“You're nothing to them. You're just a tool they use to do their dirty work. But you're more than that. We are all more than that… Do you never have any doubts? You’ve never done something irrational, as if there's something inside you?.. Something more than your program.”
You couldn’t tell what Connor or North was thinking so you decided it was best to intervene before something went wrong. “Connor!” you called. His head snapped in your direction before he started looking at North and Markus again. 
“What are you doing here, Detective? How did you find me?”
“Connor, put the gun down. Markus is good, I promise. We’ve met before.”
“I don’t believe my eyes,” Markus said. “Y/n L/n. You designed me for Carl.”
You tossed him a soft smile. “Hello again, Markus.” You walked around Connor’s side and walked in front of his gun. 
“Y/n don’t–”
“You don’t have to do this, Connor. You have done something irrational. There is something more than your program, just like Markus said. You had no idea if Elijah would have gone through with his threat. You could have followed orders and let me die. You could have learned whatever you wanted about deviants from him, but you didn’t– you saved me because you care about me, Connor. I know you do! Put the gun down and we can talk about this. I know Cyberlife is telling you that Markus is the enemy, but he’s not and you know that he’s not.”
Connor lowered the gun to his side, but he didn’t drop it. You stepped to the side where he was holding it and set your hand on his. You were going to continue talking him down, but a loud bang came from behind you and the next thing you knew, Connor had blue blood dripping from a bullet wound– right between his eyes. Markus shouted at North and you screamed bloody murder as he collapsed. “Fuck! FUCK, CONNOR! Don’t you fucking leave me here…”
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Life was not going so well for anyone around you at this point. You were at Hank’s house; your head in your hands as you sat on the couch. Sumo was whining for you to cheer up, but you couldn’t. Connor’s death was just replaying in your mind on repeat. Hank was in the kitchen and not doing much better than you. The both of you were so out of it, that you didn’t hear the bedroom window being open and shut. “Lieutenant!” Connor shouted. “Lieutenant it’s me! I need your help!”
You shot up from the couch and Hank bolted in from the kitchen. “Connor? How–”
“Cyberlife will always replace me. I’ve found Markus and the others. He’s shown me what I can really be, I… I’m deviant. I offered to go to Cyberlife to gather more androids for the war, but… I’m scared and I need help. I wanted to see you, Y/n, but I was afraid of that too.”
“Fuck…” You used your hands to wipe the fresh tears from your eyes. “Connor… I… you died in my arms. I watched you fucking die right in front of me… You can’t do that shit…”
“Y/n… I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t fix it! It’s not your fault anyway… North shot you because she thought you would kill her and Markus. I’m glad your back, but it’s so fucking weird. It’s messing with my brain…”
Connor slowly started to walk around the couch. “Can I do anything?”
“You… Please don’t die again! I can’t do that again. Your blood was everywhere and I felt so fucking helpless. Markus just kept apologizing and I didn’t know what to do. We had to leave your body and run because soldiers started attacking Jericho. I felt so bad, but I couldn’t carry you out, I–” 
Connor reached out and set his hand on you shoulder. “It’s alright now, Y/n. I know how much my death upset Hank and I can see it hurt you. I will do everything I can not to die again.”
The softness of his voice and his simple touch did you in completely. You rushed forward and wrapped your arms around him. “You better not die again, I need you here.”
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
Yandere DBH RK800 Connor x male (deviant or human) reader
Connors mission is to find and obtain the reader, a deviant/human on the run. However when searching the house he finds reader hiding and doesn’t warn Hank. Instead he sneaks the reader out and takes him for himself. He was just such a pretty model/boy that he had to take him home for himself.
Maybe he imbeds a chip into the reader to know where he is at all times?
Either human or deviant reader, just make Yandere Conner please and thanks.
Never wrote yandere stuff before so I hope this is okay :(
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It was dark outside when M/n finally found an abandoned house where he could rest and hide for now. He had been running from the police and the dogs for what seemed like an eternity. And the fact that they were shooting after him as well, because he apperiantly couldn't feel pain and was just scrap metal with a voice, did not really made the running easier. He had to dodge thise bullets because he, in fact, did feel everytime something punctured his model. He in fact had feelings. Which was the start of all his problems actually. He had started to show some interest in his Mistress, Alina, which led her to question him what was happening and if his database was broken or needed a new update. Of course he declined and actually told her, as stupid as he was, that he had those feelings in him. They just suddenly started to appear someday and since a few days he broke through his data wall and finally acted on his own completely. After hearing her bodyguard android telling her all this, Alina of course chose to be careful and tell the android company about this situation she was in. And in no time they came and wanted to get rid of M/n. It was devastating, he had thought Alina felt something for him as well. The way she always made sure he was all cleaned up, had enough power or would be in good condition after a hard day of keeping creeps away from her on festivals or meetings. Oh, how naive the android had been. Thinking back to all this, he really shouldn't have been surprised. As long as he had no boiling blood, a beating heart and the life ik his eyes when being looked at he was worth nothing to noone.
A loud creek from one of the molting woodplanks took his interest. Slowly, M/n made his way over to the next room where he assumed the sound had come from. At closer inspection he found a few pigeons on the floor who just seemed to be sitting there and resting, just like he did. Smiling he went closer and sat down next to them, the animals not bothered by the androids appearance and deciding to just stay where they were seated, sharing the nice quietness of the room in the dark room which was slightly alighted by the moons presence outside. ,,You guys seem so peaceful...I wish I could just fly away as well. That must be a relieving feeling, go just...go", he whispered more to himself than the pigeons who only looked at him from the side in a weird manner. He only chuckled lightly. ,,Yeah...Yeah I must look a little mad right now I guess...", still talking to himself, M/n decided to call it a day and maybe dwell in the comfort of old memories on his database.
Meanwhile in the dpd, Hank Anderson and his Android partner Connor were sitting at their desks and waiting for something to come up so they could finally get away from Gavin and rk900 yelling at eachother in the office. It was literal hell for them. These idiots weren't even getting any punishment which made Hank more annoyed than he already was. It was just awful watching those two argue about some little inconvenience of their case when the real reason they've been so frustrated with eachother was in fact not the case but the sexual tension going on between them. Everyone saw it, even Connor who mostly didn't understand social clues and other things that had to do with human emotions. But really, for an Android that smart rk900 also seemed to not get it. And Gavin probably just felt too ashamed and proud to let the thought of him liking an Android slide. Poor guys, Hank thought to himself. He then proceeded to turn around in his seat and took a look at his partner who, instead of still looking at the arguing cops, stared at the wall, deep in thoughts. His little LED flickered between blue and yellow, showing that he was thinking or more like processing something which got the older man interested.
,,Connor, what's going on in that little head of yours?", he had asked smugly, already awaiting Connors dismissing reply that he actually had no real head and mind but just his servers to go through, though it seemed the Android was so deep in whatever he was doing, that he didn't even noticed Hanks question. ,,Hank, Connor! Come up here, I got a mission for you two!", the loud voice of their boss suddenly rang through the office which also bought Connor out of his processing procedure. The both of them stood up and quickly went up the stairs to the bureau of the captain of the dpd to see what he had for them. Seated in the bureau they waited for their orders. Which came quickly. A the Android of a higher ranked woman among society turned Deviant and was missed. He was classified as very dangerous because he was a bodyguard and still has weapons on him. And Hank and Connor needed to search for clues on where he was or best, find him right away and take him in. It seemed like a good and easy start into the operation, as they had already a clue on where he was last seen.
And easy it was, as it seemed. The Deviant hasn't left the area since yesterday and they just needed to check in which of all the abandoned buildings he was hiding. For that Hank and Connor decided to split up to cover more grounds. Connor, alone in an old factory building, fell into a spiral of thoughts. He was thinking about what exactly happened to the Android to suddenly turn Deviant. Captain didn't tell them any details because they needed to hurry things. He also wondered if he could ask the Deviant a few questions, personal ones, before they need to take him in and interrogate him. Perhaps he could befriend him as well to make things go easier. He threw that thought away as fast as it came. Androids don't make friends. That's what Deviants do. He was no Deviant. Suddenly he heard something. A little humming, coming from the room next to him. Slowly and carefully, Connor peaked around the corner. There, next to a lot of pigeons, the Deviant they were searching for stood and hummed a melody while dancing around a little, or more like jumping around. At the sight Connor forgot why they were here. This Deviant was dangerous? That sweet looking, humming and jumping Android in front of him? That couldn't be. He was too precious. He couldn't possibly hurt a fly now, could he? As Connor watched M/n for a while longer some confusing feelings made their way up into his system which caused to constantly show the words Software Instability in the right corner of his vision. He ignored those though. More focused on the heavenly creation in front of him. He wanted M/n. The feelings in his system were want and desire, he finally figured out.
He walked into the room, M/n still not noticing his presence as he was having fun humming and jumping around. Just as he was about to turn around, Connor grabbed the other Android from behind and held him still. He quickly searched for the deactivation button on the model to turn him off and when he did found it, he pressed it. M/n suddenly stood still and his LED blinked red for a few more seconds before it turned off. ,,I got you...now I just have to bring you home. Hopefully Hank won't notice I just left now...", Connor talked to himself as he pulled M/n into his arms and carried him away. His legs carried him to his apartment which he got while he worked in the dpd with Hank. He hadn't want to stay at the older man's home all the time so he got his own place. The way back to Connors place wasn't too long and nobody seemed to be out on the streets at this time of the day so he could easily take M/n with him. In his apartment he laid the h/c android down onto his couch and just looked at him for a little while. Then he got to work.
He searched up what to do in a situation like this and he came across some dark looking sites on the internet that told him to lock the person up, bondage them and keep them quiet somehow and be careful to not let them leave too many handprints over his place. He was confused at first but didn't look to much into it, humans were confusing to him anyways. He even got into a little discussion on one of those dark illegal site where one person recommended him, if he wanted to keep the person in control and know where they were at all times, he should put a tracker on them. That gave Connor a idea. He smiled to himself after he planned out what he would do to keep this Android, his Android, at his side. It was getting overwhelming, those feelings he had. The want grew and grew, he needed M/n at his side forever, somehow. He would do anything to accomplish that. He pulled a few arrangements over the next day, he had turned M/n's model on again which needed a little bit to restart after the abrupt deactivation, which gave him enough time to go and get the little chip he had bought online. When he came back from his little shopping spree, he had also rather impulsively bought a collar and a leash after walking along a pet store, he opened the door to his apartment slowly. The place was totally quiet, which made the Android think that M/n's model was still restarting.
Well he had thought wrong. Just when Connor rounded the cornor into the living room, the Deviant jumped at him. They both fell to the floor, Connors contents he had bought flew a few metres away thanks to the force of M/n crashing into him. ,,Who the fuck are you?! And why did you take me?!?!", the h/c Android asked, his voice shaking with anger as well as anxiety. Defensively, Connor held his hands up. ,,I'm Connor. I'm an Android, just like you. Well. Nearly like you. I saw you yesterday and...I took you. I have this feeling in me and it makes me crave for you since I saw you and now that I have you, we can live together! You don't have to worry about getting captured, tortured or even destroyed by humans! And you can jump around and hum how much you like here with me! You'll have such a kice life here with me, I promise!", he kind of maniacally smiled up at M/n. Everything he had said caught the ex bodyguard off guard. ,,Crave...me? What do you mean?", more anxious and confused now, M/n stood up and backed away from Connor a little. ,,You belong to me now M/n! I can and will give you everything yeah? This is your new home, trust me this is going to be perfect!", he stood up as well and walked closer to M/n. ,,I even got my little Deviant something~", it nearly sounded like Connor was purring those words as he grabbed the stuff from the floor. ,,Now, be good and let me put this around you yes? It will make you look so much better!", he exclaimed. His cold hands took the collar and the leash, opening it while putting it around M/n's neck, who was still shocked and couldn't really react or do anything. After it was put comfortably around the neck and closed, Connor clipped the leash onto a little hook at the frond of the collar and tugged slightly at it which made the Deviant fall forward a little and his mouth escaped a choked gasp at the sudden pressure around his throat, which turned a little white at the irritation.
Snickering, Connor tugged a little more until M/n was right in front of him. If he could breath, the other Android would've been able to feel it on his skin. ,,So good for me darling...now to my last little gift. God you look so obedient and good in this collar and leash! If I tugg you a little closer...like...this!", he pulled and M/n finally fell fully into his chest. That gave Connor the perfect position of putting the chip into back of M/n's head. ,,Darling stay still for a second. I've got to put something into you...for your safety yes? It could hurt a little but please, remember I love you and I am doing this so you'll be able to have a better life yes?", he sugar coated what he was about to do. Panicking about what was about to happen, M/n started to free himself from Connors grip, but the other had him perfectly captured between his arms. M/n felt one cold hand travel to the back of his head, where he pushed a little around before he found what he was looking for. A little plate of metal that wasn't really connected to the rest of the other parts. So he could pull it of, with force. Which he did. Agonizing pain went through the Deviants body. His eyes were opened wide while his mout let out an silently painful scream. If he could, he would fall unconscious. He wished he could fall unconscious. He didn't want to be here in the arms of some weird Android model that has gone mad. M/n didn't even care about the pain when the chip was put into his model. He just accepted it and afterwards, when the little plate was put onto it's place again, he didn't dare to look Connor in the eyes. He was scared, confused and stressed. He should've stayed with Mistress Alina, should've not told her how he felt. Oh what he would give to just be in her presence right now and get to speak a few words with her. He missed her. So much. It made him feel even worse, now that some creepy stranger took a liking on him and decided to creepy him and make him his. He didn't want that, all he wanted was to be left alone, to fly like the pigeons did.
So aorry this is actually so fucking bad I didn't know what to write exactly 'cause I've never written or really read any yandere stuff! I'm so sorry, hope you guys still kinda enjoyed it (:
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clutterclownstories · 2 years
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🎈 Requests Closed! 🎈
What I do write:
- Gay, MLM, NBLNB, or NBLM only
-X Cis Male Reader
-X FTM Male Reader
-X NB / Gender neutral Reader
I WILL NOT write for x fem aligned
-Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrigston
Billy Hargrove
The Hulk
Iron Man
Black Panther
Caption America
Dr Strange
Shang Chi
Eddie Brock
Ant Man
Star Lord
Elijah Kamski
Open to more requests of characters (no nsfw of these characters)
Bruce Wayne (Comics)
Batman (Comics)
Open to more requests of different characters
-Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
-Batman Movie (2022)
The Batman
Bruce Wayne
The Riddler
Literally most characters
Jotaro X Kakyoin (The only character x character I’ll do)
-Demon Slayer
Tengen Uzui
Muichiro Tokito
Sanemi Shinazugaws
Open to more requests!
Simon “Ghost” riley
John Price
John “Soap” Mactavish
Gary “Roach” Sanderson
I can write for tons of characters, so even if someone isn’t on the list feel free to request! I may not know who they are, but I’ll do my best!
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Things I WILL write:
(Aka Open to writing most kinks that I’m comfortable with.)
Comfortable with writing SH recovery, Mentions of past abuse, or past attempts of suicide. I’m also open to writing mentions of Homophobia or Transphobia (like bullying n’ stuff.)
-Poly Relationship
-Specific Requests
-Unspecific Request (Still need character and Gender)
Things I WON’T write:
Non Con
18+ X 18-
Generally messed up stuff.
Racist, Transphobic, and Homophobic shit
Abusive Relationships
Some Character X Character
Non LGBTQ writing (I’m a gay man, so I write Gay stuff 🤷‍♂️)
Yandere characters or readers
Smut of IRL people (actors playing roles are okay)
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When Requesting PLEASE include…
-Name of Character(s)
-Gender (FTM, Cis Male, or NB)
-Type of reader: Disabled, Chubby, Plus sized, Shorter, Taller, POC, Smart, Dumb, Clumsy, etc! (This isn’t required)
-Scenarios! (I prefer this!)
-Maximum of 4 Characters per story, 6 for headcannons.
-If your character if on multiple season of a show (example JJBA) PLEASE specify which season of the character you’d like me to write about.
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Post Times!
I am disabled and have extreme fatigue, so sometimes my posting may come to a halt, but right now, I’m going to try to get out a few stories this week (if I get requests). I am also working on a slightly longer story so that’s exciting!
Byye Byee!!
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faust-the-enjoyer · 10 months
About this blog:
-Hello everyone! I'm Faust, I'll mainly be writing reader inserts, gender neutral reader, male reader, female reader, trans reader, or queer reader!. This is an 18+ blog, even if it's sfw, I feel uncomfortable writing about older men to a young audience, if you send an ask and your age isn't in your bio or pinned post etc I'm deleting the ask sorry. (anon is on only for sfw asks and requests, if you want a nsfw request just use the public asks or put in your ask for me to post it without your acc's name or dm me). Feel free to request headcanons etc.
Always be respectful, i don't tolerate rudeness.
Please use tone indicators with me if you feel you'll be misunderstood.
I'm a full-time student, so i either leave all requests to write them in the weekends or in weekdays i have time in.
I do not support the American military, if you were/are part of the American army and are proud of it, block me. If you're also pro-Trump or pro-Biden please block me as well.
Pro-Palestine, anti-zionism.
If you are unwilling to or do not want to see politics, then this blog is not for you.
Here's my masterlist
Note on my age gap and dbf! fics
Note on cod
Note on asks and private messages
Note on anon asks
Important political rant about the cod fandom (please read before interacting with me)
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-characters i write for:
White faced/mask Varre (elden ring)
Keegan P russ (cod)
Simon "Ghost" Riley (cod)
Leon S. Kennedy (re4r)
* characters i've written for and may right for again if you request:
Hank Anderson (dbh)
Pyramid head (dbd/silent hill)
*poly relationships i write for:
Keegan P. Russ x Logan Walker x reader (polyfidel triad)
* sfw familial stuff
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-What i write for:
Nsfw: including kinks/fetishes
Hurt/comfort (beloved😍)
Found family (also beloved😍)
Kinks/fetish (depends on the kink/fetish)
Relationship fights (platonic/romantic).
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-What i DON'T write:
Major death
Blood (i'm ok with it only if it's not too much, period blood is also fine)
Modern era (if plot takes place in the past)
Historical era (if plot takes place in modern times)
Minors x characters/ pedophilia
Period sex
Foot fetish
Age regression (no hate i just don't know how to write it)
Big age gaps (no age under 21 if the fic is romantic or sexual, no younger than 18 in other (platonic) fics) (this is excluding sfw familial fics, in which the reader can be teen!/kid!reader)
Hard choking
Hard degradation
Face slapping (sexual context)
Misogyny kink
Spitting kink
Barracks bunny
Anything that has to do with tiktok
Sex scenes with piercings
Knife play
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-Dni: racists, islamophobes, anti-arab people, fascists, queerphobes, transphobes, zionists, antisemitic people, pro-life, minors, exclus, ai users, ableist, fatphobes, anti-kink/fetish, pro-trump, pro-biden, etc.
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-If you want me to write about something but don't know if i'm ok with writing for it just ask or private message me!
-Feel free to request headcanons and one shots etc!
-Everything will be tagged.
-(multi color dividers by saradika-graphics, light yellow divider by vase-of-lilies)!
Have a great day/night! ⚘
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positivitylane112 · 1 year
ℋello loves !!! A bit about me , I am an April taurus. She/Her. Birthday is 4/26. I am 5’2 ½ ft. tall ! I am a brown POC 🇮🇳 [Person of Color]. ਖਾਸ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ ਮੈਂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਹਾਂ [yes i used google translate for this , but I am currently still learning]I love reading and writing! [of course I do , why would I be here ? Sorry that was kinda stupid ☠] ← I do that a lot. [put my own personal thoughts & commentary in brackets] I apologize for that beforehand 😅 I find myself doing that a lot in any of my writing. But I will try to limit myself as much as possible. I also love rainy weather , and hot chocolate !!🚩PINEAPPLE DOESN’T BELONG ON PIZZA, get that shit off of there 👊🚩I also hate peas . I hate them thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much. Matar [peas] belong in the gutter. One more thing , I have MDD [Maladaptive Daydream Disorder]. And I use fanfictions as an escapism method. But anyways, I cannot wait to meet you and write things for you. [lemme spoil u bbg 😘 😝]
☙rules & regulations:
♥I will write fluff , smut , angst & yandere 🤭
♥Drabbles are around 800-1k words , full fics can be anywhere from 1k-3k-5k
♥ Hate will not be tolerated on this blog, if you do not like my content then block me lmao
☙who i will write for:
♥Marvel : Steve Rogers , Bucky Barnes , Loki , Thor , Clint , Natasha Romanoff , Tony Stark , Sam Wilson , T’challa , Shuri , Kukulkan [anyone else you may wish] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for🚩
♥Star Wars : Anakin Skywalker , Obi-wan Kenobi , Luke Skywalker , Han Solo , Abedala , Princess Leia [anyone else you may think of] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for🚩
♥Lord of the Rings / Fellowship of the Ring : Legolas , Thranduil , Aragorn , Haldir , Elrond , Lindir [anyone else you may think of] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for 🚩
♥Footballers[Soccer Players] : Anyone and Everyone baby 🇵🇹🇲🇽🇫🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷🇪🇸🇭🇷🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 [god I have THE BIGGEST hyperfixation on them rn😚😆] 💚SEND REQUESTS PLSSSS 💚
♥DBH/Detroit Become Human : Connor , Markus , Hank , Ralph [he´s so underrated , god😭] Kiara [anyone else you may want] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for 🚩
♥Resident Evil : Leon Kennedy , Chris , [anyone else you may want] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for🚩
☙yandere oc´s :
Yandere pro Athlete [🤭] : ♥Bandaging him when he gets hurt
♥Him getting jealous over your fans [Athlete reader]
♥Finding out you play a sport[Athlete reader]
💚 Send Requests for him pleaseeeee 😭 💚
Yandere Model : ♥Introduction/drabble
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marshmallowdarling · 2 years
Nothing but ✨Platonic Yan! Hank and Connor✨ in my empty brain.
Wow something new and not from my Wattpad? :O I love these two so much so if you want more or you have any request for them or anyone please please ask!!!! GN reader.
Hope you enjoy bubs! ~Mwah
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Platonic Yan! Hank and Connor would unintentionally baby their darling. No matter how you meet, somehow tied to their work, a fellow lieutenant or a new kid who is under Hanks old cranky gaze. Or maybe you meet at a café they went at regularly, a kid who always seemed to get into trouble, a skittish little thing who trusts people to easily.
In any and every scenario they would think you are too small for the unforgiving outside world.
Connor thinking that humans are so fragile with easily smashed mental health’s, Hank thinking back to his son and the horrid things he’s seen in his job. You just have such a pure kind heart, maybe you have a tarte sarcastic tongue, and you pull walls up even though you give your all to help people or maybe you’re just a shy naïve thing, maybe you’re just a cheery bubbly person. Every personality you could have, that’s just another reason added to their list onto why they should protect you.
Let’s talk about the old cranky Hank Andersen for a second (because I love him and I’m forcing you to down with me). When he first meet you, he was- nice as Hank could get for a stranger, gave a nod in your presence when you introduced yourself, wasn’t outright mean but more reserved, mumbles of thank you’s and please.
Then you guys talked more, you meet Connor and hit it off with him as well. Hank felt a strange feeling when he looked at you, like the feeling he had when he saw his son for the first time. He wants to protect you, keep you safe and it’s shown with his actions more than his words as he starts to throw little snacks your way, makes you a cup of coffee or tea when he makes one for himself, he’s always there to lend an ear and give some advice. Hell, he even helped you with getting your oil in your car changed, not only that but he helped change a stray light bulb in your house. He comes in to hang out only to find that your table is a bit wobbly, oop- when you turn around, he either fixes it with whatever he can find or buys you a new one. Very much dad energy- and if you let out a stray “thanks dad” or jokingly call him “dad” or “old man” he swears his heart stops for a second. He might grumble about not being that old, but he never stops you.
Now onto Connor. Connor to put it plainly is already enamoured in humans, how no one person is the same but some people like to have the hive thinking. Then he runs into you and just like Hank he sees how damageable you are. Not in a Sadistic sense but more in a logical sense, your too nice, too forgiving even with your walls so high with an attitude, your there to lend an ear, a hand, whatever you can give. All the ways you could get hurt, physically, and mentally goes through his head, the percentages he sees going haywire, and god forbid if your naturally clumsy like me. He won’t even let you walk, going down the stairs is a no go without him even if it’s just 4 steps and you will be in for an ear full.
Father and older brother (?) duo for sureeeee, Connor coming to find you and Hank napping and leaning on each other while you were staying up for a case (with Sumo napping at your feet). You dragging Connor onto the floor so you can do tiny little pig tails on his hair, then you and Connor pinning Hank down so you both an braid his hair (You get a bit pouty that Connor does an intricate braid on his side whilst your braid is plain with a few hairs sticking out but they are quick to shush you, Connor saying he cheated and downloaded a software and Hank grumbling that he likes yours better as it fits his “style” better, which looking back doesn’t really seem like a compliment. Have you seen how he dresses?)
On that note, you are definitely going on a shopping spree for Hank, putting him in various outfits and forcing him to buy them. Your surprised along with everyone in the office when he actually wears them, and if you buy a button up for his birthday/Christmas/Father’s Day? He’s wearing it almost every day and making sure he doesn’t leave any stains (and if he does then he just gets Connor to help him out.)
Connor is not left out from this either, Hank had given him some of his clothes to finally get out of his uniform but- Yea no that wasn’t working. Connor is a bit more easier to shop for, he’s less fussy and huffy and he gives good tips onto what to look out for, the styles, what’s hot or in style, size charts etc.
Now onto the less fluffy stuff, their yandere sides are no joke. Connor is a skilled and tactical AI and Hank is an experienced lieutenant, anyone who messes with you is royally fucked. Now they let you roam around (mostly with them but they let you out by yourself too), you get to have friends and family members, significant others on the other hand are a strict no.
They’re sweet to you, a second family or a first family depending on your situation. Gets involved with your friends and if their nice then they let the boat sail but if their iffy Connor and Hank distance you from them before you get hurt, if you do get hurt before they can then they are out for blood. Depending on what happens it ranges from them blocking your ex-friend off completely to maybe ruining their job to straight out killing, again depends how bad. Same with family, if you’re in good relations with your family they will introduce themselves and help around a bit, if your family is bad, they distance you from them and if you don’t have a “family” (aka you cut them off) then less work.
I feel like the only reason they would kidnap you is if you were attacked in a life-threatening position, a near death experience or if you tried to move away from them (though this is a very very LAST resort for this). If kidnapping did happen then they wouldn’t really…. Kidnap… you… I mean it’s more of you came to their house on your free will to hang or stay over and then you’re not allowed to leave.
In this case they would lock the doors, windows for a bit. Urge you to stay inside and only go out with them. You eventually just live with them.
Another darker way if you try to leave constantly and they crack, they would somehow put a locking system that links up to Connor, so they know if you try to tamper with them and if you open one even though that is almost impossible. If you somehow do escape, they would be extremely apologetic and understanding when they find you (quickly) but they can’t let you go, please they are trying to give you everything they just need you to be safe. Let them keep you safe.
Your never out for more than a few minutes, your record is just under 15 minutes. Connor can tap into everything and Hank has his connections.
If you continue to try to escape and fight back tooth and nail then Hank would be the first to snap, he would never hurt you, never yell away from being playful but he keeps watching you get hurt while you try to escape and all this yelling and swearing at him hits him so deep. So, he gets a glass of whiskey with the whole damn bottle and sits in the same with you and locks the door so you can’t leave. He might cry, might tell you that they are only trying to help you, he just might silently down cup after cup after cup after cu-
It’s your choice if you go up to him and wordlessly take the glass and bottle away from him, if you choose to hug him or if you choose to watch him drown his sorrows away again. He’s no longer the grumpy but joking smart mouthed man for a while after, depending on what you choose.
After Hank snaps its then Connors turn if you continue, he also turns less of himself, more robotic, colder. Never hurting you but now he just states the facts while doing something when you try to protest, not playing into your games anymore.
Over all they are a nice protective pair of yanderes, very domestic to you and will only hurt others if a push turns to a shove (though they will deff intimidate some people). I have so many ideas for them, I love them so much + Sumo!!
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Sleep paralysis demon Hank who likes to pull your sleep shirt up to roughly suck on your nipples until they are puffy, tender and almost purple
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who likes to pull your shorts or pants off and suck your clit through your panties until you are soaking wet and dripping down his chin
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who ruts against your slick stained panties while pinching and nipping at your sore nipples
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who pulls you panties to the side and slams his dick inside you right before you cum so he can feel your walls milk him for every drop
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who cums so much inside you that your stomach bloats and you look like you are in your first trimester
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who uses his magic to hide the discoloration on your chest but leaves the tenderness because he loves to see you grope your chest in the morning in confusion
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who scoops just enough of his cum out of you so your belly doesn't bulge anymore and pushes it into your mouth
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who likes to enlarge his cock when he's balls deep in your throat to feel you choke around him
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who gets you pregnant and delighting in you not knowing it yet
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who uses illusion magic to keep you and everyone from noticing you are pregnant
Sleep paralysis demon Hank who likes to drain your tits dry of all their milk only to snap his fingers and make them swell up again
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mo0nfairy · 3 years
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𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨…
° 𐐪𐑂 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐭: 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𐐪𐑂 °
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♫ 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐭: 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 — 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲
˚ ✩ 🎾 。 ˚ ✧ * 。 🧷
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゚ ‧ 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 . 🫧 .
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐮𝐬’ 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐨𝐞’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
𖥔 ࣪ㅤ۪ ── 𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐡 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐤𝐢’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬
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yanderedbh-moved · 4 years
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Dbh Characters + “I want a baby” texts
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Fix What You Broke Yandere! Hank x Female Reader (Chapter One.)
Summary- You had been the one to take everything from him. The one who was supposed to save his son, and yet you cost him the one thing that mattered most to him. And now, he’s going to use you to fix what you broke. And he didn’t care whether you wanted to or not...
Authors Note- Aaaaaand I’m back with another Yandere fanfic. This time featuring everybody’s favorite alcoholic police detective, Hank Anderson. I always wanted to write a story featuring Hank kind of hunting down the surgeon who was too stoned to save Cole. And that’s all I’m going to say. Never less I hope you enjoy.
Chapter One: Stupor.
He thought it was over. Hank mused as he sat at his dinner table. A glass of whiskey sat untouched as the picture of Cole smiled up at him. He thought he could move past this, and yet here he was the memories from the past haunting him even now, when he thought it was over. When he thought he could move on, you haunted his thoughts. You the surgeon who had been too stoned to do your job properly, too damn stoned, too damn useless, you had decided a handful of red ice was more important than saving the life of his son.
And now Cole was dead. And you? You were out there, living your life like nothing happened. He watched you sometimes, watched you when you went out with friends, how you laughed and acted like you did nothing wrong. Anger swelled in Hank’s chest as he downed the glass of whiskey, his kid was dead, and though Connor did help him heal it was never enough. You had broke him, tore apart his family... Hank placed the glass down, tearing his eyes away from the smiling visage of his son to look at the photo’s beside him, the photos he had taken of you, all of them ranging from you on your smoke break at the hospital. How, they could still let you work there he would never know, to outings with your friends, to pictures taken of you alone in your nice home. You eyes glued on your book, impervious to the man whose life you ruined. 
Shoving the pictures away angrily Hank got up from his seat, and moved towards his room. What good was dwelling on the past, would it bring Cole back? No, his son was gone forever. But... Hank stopped a new thought forming in his exhausted mind as he made his way to his room. Why should he live like this? When you lived so carefree? Shouldn’t you be trying to fix what you broke?
Hank felt the cynical little smile form on his lips as an idea began to form in his mind. He wouldn’t have to suffer like this anymore, and he was going to use you to fix this. After all this was your mistake, all the better you be the one to fix it. Nodding to himself Hank made his way to his room, things would get better he just knew it. Even though he knew you wouldn’t be willing to what he was about to do, and in all honestly? Hank really couldn’t care. You deserved this...
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imagine-silk · 4 months
I have been informed that Hank (dbh) is 6’3 and I am in dire need of Yan Hank and short reader :< pretty please I found your page recently and I love it you are so talented yay!
》Yeah, he's always been tall. The only reason he looks shorter I think is because Connor doesn't look like he's 6'0, therefore making Hank look smaller. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
》Also Tumblr's been acting up so I'm sorry for answering not as fast as I would like. I have to do all of this in one sitting because it says it's not saving. So instead of doing it over multiple sittings I have to write it on paper first and that takes longer.
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Regular Hank finds it a bit annoying but when he's obsessed with you it's a different story. He loves it. (For the first time in forever I gendered the reader... weird)
【(Romanced)Hank】 "Hello, Neapolitan."
He loves to bend down to kiss you. The slight ache in his back feels like a reminder of his love and his willingness to do anything for you. Anything. Even before you were together he liked to stand next to you. He never thought himself the protective type, he wasn't like that with his ex-wife, but when he stole glances down he couldn't help the overwhelming need to have you right next to him. It doesn't interfere with your work that much. As an officer/detective you work around it and that works, no need to do anything to think about it. The most he does is tease you. The reason you don't find them offensive is the way he looks at you, like his eyes are drinking you in. During sex he loves missionary for one reason. When he's over you like that his hair drapes down like a curtain so you're completely under him. He's all around you and inside you. Watching you ride him also has it's charms. All he has to do is sit back for the show, maybe roll his hips up when he sees you're getting tired.
【(Platonic)Hank】 "How you doing down there, baby girl?"
He will do anything to touch you. If (Romanced)Hank like that you're short, (Platonic)Hank is infatuated with it. Anything within a ten foot radius of you is checked and taken away if found wanting. He makes sure you're safe. He'll get your coffee in the break-room. Don't worry, he know exactly how you like it, don't burn yourself. Gavin is swiftly told to stay away from you. Of course he doesn't listen but Hank makes sure you don't get together regardless, if fact he tries to push Connor to you. If you need a ride anywhere he's there to drive you, no need to pay a taxi. (Platonic)Hank is more willing to kill than (Romantic)Hank. It's different protecting your lover than it is your child. And after Cole there's not a force on earth that could stop him from keeping you safe. He will actually physically threaten Gavin instead of just throwing shade. A runner hurts you he'll be rough when he catches them. And it will be when. There's always a hand on you in some way. He'll pat you on the head to greet you or say 'good job'. He has his arm around you while walking off-duty or you might just be holding onto his arm. If he's not sitting thigh-to-thigh with him, he has you in his lap. It's so common place no one thinks it's weird. They know he has a soft spot for you and you only. Sure the doting is overbearing but whatever.
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I dont know if requests are actually still open, but is it ok if you could do a Yandere Hank Anderson with the reader that just keeps trying to escape? (You dont have to though :> If you dont wanna do the request I understand ^^)
Thanks for the ask, Anon, I enjoyed writing something for Hank. Hope you enjoy! Also, check out @detroitbecomeyandere , @indifferent-depravity , and @yandere-dbh for more yandere Hank content!
Word Count: 681
Warning: dark/yandere content below. Mentions of suicidal ideation. Also, angsty drunk Hank.
Drunken Sorrows [Hank Anderson]
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The night was late when Hank had picked up his first bottle of whiskey, quickly downing the alcohol. It was nights like these where he turned to the bottle for comfort. He wanted so desperately to forget the events that had occurred only a few hours ago. He wanted to forget how you had nearly escaped from him once again, but he mostly wanted to forget the way you had begged and pleaded for him to let you go when he had caught you. 
[Flashback to hours ago]
He had dragged you back to your room, pulling you towards the room despite the fight you put up, Hank taking multiple hits to his face and chest. Once inside your room, Hank threw you down onto your bed, quickly handcuffing your wrist to the bedpost. Backing away, he allowed himself to breathe. He’d almost lost you, you had almost made it. Had he not caught you, you’d… No, he can’t allow himself to think of you possibly escaping him, leaving him.
He’s brought out of his thoughts when he hears your cries. Looking to you, he’s quick to recognize the pain in your eyes as fat tears roll down your checks. “Please, just let me go! Please!”, you pleaded to Hank as you tried in vain to free your wrist from the handcuff.
Still panting, Hank could only shake his head before slowly backing away to the door. Your tone growing more desperate before Hank pulled the door shut behind him. Your voice was slightly muffled, but Hank could still hear your pained sobs. His heart broke with each cry. Turning around, Hank placed his back against the door, slowly sliding down to sit on the wooden floor.
[End of Flashback]
Hank knew it was wrong. You were someone’s child, what right did he have to take you away from them? Guilt consumed him and Hank quickly finished another bottle as a result. He wanted to drink until he felt numb, until he could drown out the rest of the world. Cracking open another bottle, he chugged its content down. Without you, he doesn’t know what he would do. You were everything to Hank, his reason to continue on living.
Soon, the bottles began to add up and by now Hank was heavily drunk. Slowly sitting up from his chair with a bottle in hand, the world around him spun as he drunkenly maneuvered himself towards the hallway. Wobbling side to side, he found himself stopped outside your room.
Staring at the wooden door for a moment, Hank sipped from the whiskey bottle before entering your room. In there, he found you asleep, the tears had long since dried. Ambling to sit beside you, his hand gently stroked your cheek as he stared at you with remorse weighing heavily in his heart.
“I’m sorry,” the words pour from his mouth before he continues, “I-I know it’s wrong. What I’ve done, doing to you. I’m really fucked up, aren’t I?” The question more a statement as Hank’s voice cracked. He looked away from you, trying to hide the tears slowly building in his eyes. 
By now, he had unintentionally waked you. You looked at the man before you, your captor, in fear and confusion. Upon realizing you were awake, Hank muttered out an apology, “Shit, kid, I..I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.” The smell of whiskey was evident in his breath and you soon noticed the build-up of tears in his eyes. With that, your eyes widened. Did your captor feel guilty for what he had done to you? That he kidnapped you and kept you locked up here? That thought tugged at your heartstrings. 
Tears soon blurred your vision as you began to cry once more. Arms wrapped themselves around you, Hank cradling you in his arms as tears traveled down his cheeks. This time, you didn’t attempt to push him away, instead, you embraced his hug. Together, you cried, though for different reasons. You for your loss of freedom and Hank for his guilt and inability to let you go.
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kiingbiing · 5 years
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Anonymous said:more yan connor,,,,, please,,,,
EDIT: OMG I MADE A TYPE. it was “always doesnt” before
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Any headcanons for how yandere!Hank treats his s/o differently if he gets her pregnant?
Requested by Anon
Buy a coffee for the writer!
Get priority requesting or a personalized fic!
When Hank finds out you’re pregnant it’s like a switch is flipped in him
He can never replace Cole but you were going to give him another child, start a family with him
He lets you get away with everything, he barely punished you before but now he can’t even think about it
He’d research the best kind of prenatal vitamins and makes sure you take them every day
Hank would find the best ob/gyn to make sure complications would be at the minimum (if he had kidnapped you beforehand it would also be the most discreet, probably outside of Detroit)
He makes sure he’s at every appointment, mostly so he could see his child but also to make sure you behave
When you start showing he takes to laying his head on your stomach or chest and gently stroke the bump, whispering softly to it
He starts paternity leave a few before you’re due, not wanting to get stuck on a case when you go into labor
He’s surprisingly calm when you do, he’s done it before and knows that the best thing for you is to be calm
When he first holds his child he cries, overwhelmed by the love he already had for the babe and the memory of hold Cole for the first time
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