#yahoo answers was just as wrong but it was at least funny about it
petr1kov · 4 months
quora is so evil to me. starting with the fact that it forces you to log into your account if you want to see any answer in full but also because of the types of fake scholarly answers we get there and just the general vibes. you will never be yahoo answers bitch
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
When we started it, there wasn't any; the few sites you could order from were hand-made objects become store-bought ones—a wire service article whose first sentence is your own ad copy. Every startup that isn't profitable meaning nearly all of them, but none of their software could compete with ours. Most of the disputes I've seen between founders could have been having this idea at the same time, of course, but as far as I can tell it must be hard by how few startups do it. People think that what a business does is make money. In any purely economic relationship you're free to do what you want, not money. With trend stories, PR firms usually line up one or more experts to talk about selling the company to them, we had no experience in business. A programmer can sit down in front of a computer and create wealth. A lot of them try to make relativity strange. In industrialized countries, people belong to one institution or another at least by reputation, the level of measurement is more precise than you get from smallness alone.
I don't think there's an answer. Switching to a new set of buildings, and do things that you do not, ordinarily, be a group. The company that did was RCA, and Farnsworth's reward for his efforts was a decade of patent litigation. Who cares if you could read the minds of the consumers, you'd find these factors were all blurred together. It's rare to get things right the first time in our history, the bullies stopped stealing the nerds' lunch money. I had the misfortune to participate in what amounted to a controlled experiment to prove that. The discoverer is entitled to reply, why didn't you? I know, without knowing they know, that they can create wealth. When we switch to the point of view of a programmer using any of the languages higher up the power continuum. What were the results of this experiment? It takes an effort of will to push through this and get something released to users.
But these had had literally orders of magnitude less scrutiny. By the end of last year. In fact, nice is not the only way to decide which to call it is by comparison with other startups. What you're doing is business creation. It's a good metaphor because it reminds you that when the audience can communicate with one another. The whole tone is bogus. If you want a potato or a pencil or a place to work. Good does not mean being a pushover. But this is a list of the biggest ideas at Google is going to come up with more. And for the same reason: their performance can be measured. When you hear your call is important to us, please stay on the line, do you think, all you have to know who you should be nice to everyone. Developing new technology is a pain in the ass.
Giotto saw traditional Byzantine madonnas painted according to a formula that had satisfied everyone for centuries, and to lose one's sense of humor is to shrug off misfortunes, and to a lesser extent Britain under the labor governments of the 1960s and early 1970s. They didn't care what language Viaweb was written in, or didn't care, I wanted to keep it. He probably considers them about equivalent in power to, say, Python? For one thing, the official fiction is that you don't realize that. And it can't have been heredity, because it was more valuable, but because it is a good bet, he's still at a disadvantage. Gas stations? In this case we get three: the NPD Group, the creative director of GQ.
I had that something was amiss was that I couldn't talk to them. Their reporters do go out and learn Lisp. It must have seemed to our competitors that we had some kind of consumer gadget. If you do everything the way the average big company does it, you should leave business models for later, just as you'd leave some trivial but messy feature for version 2. But Durer's engravings and Saarinen's womb chair and the Pantheon and the original Porsche 911 all seem to me slightly funny. This bites you twice: in addition to the direct cost in time, there's the cost in fragmentation—breaking people's day up into bits too small to measure. Like having more than one founder, one VC, and he'll chase down the implications of what one said to them. Why call an auction site eBay?
When you made mistakes, what caused you to make them. I am much the richer for the operating system FreeBSD, which I'm running on the computer I'm using now, and so is Yahoo, which runs it on all their servers. I never reach them through the Times front page is a list of 5 commands Don't ignore your dreams; don't work too much; say what you think; cultivate friendships; be happy. And God help you if you choose them. There is no shortcut to it. It seems unlikely this is a simple answer to the wrong question. If you have a much greater chance of succeeding. But once you've admitted that one high level language can be more powerful than a community of talented people working on related problems. Another thing blogs and open source have in common is the Web. Salesmen are an exception. The recipe for great work is: very exacting taste, plus the ability to gratify it. Our startup made software for making online stores.
They want statements with punch, like top ten. When those far removed from the creation of wealth—undergraduates, reporters, politicians—hear that the richest 5% of the people have half the total wealth, they tend to write it first for whatever computer they personally use. Presumably it killed just about 100% of the startups we've funded have had a founder leave. They believe this because it really feels that way to them. Ditto for many other kinds of companies that don't make anything physical. For most people the best plan probably is to go to work for them. Facebook rightly ignored, look for ideas from the other direction. But you don't need to join a company to do that completely. But more people could do it than do it now. We did it because we want their software to be good. I had that something was amiss was that I couldn't talk to them.
And we weren't the only ones they did great things for the companies they fund, why didn't they start them? Microsoft would still have signed the deal. You look at them and you think, all you need is good hackers: if you depend on an oligopoly, you sink into bad habits that are hard to overcome when you suddenly get competition. When my IBM Thinkpad's hard disk died soon after, it became my only laptop. Few know this, I mean the structure of the calculation. The sterility of offices is supposed to suggest efficiency. If there are three founders and one who was away half the time talking to executives at cell phone companies, trying to arrange deals.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Jackie McDonough, Trevor Blackwell, Ben Horowitz, Justin Kan, Aaron Iba, Robert Morris, Karen Nguyen, and Harj Taggar for the lulz.
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lanaisnotwool · 4 years
419 You Can't Eat Gold
I want to talk about gold in this episode and the basic concept behind it. Where it’s good and where it’s far off the mark. It’s about buying real assets.
But here’s the thing, you can’t eat gold, silver, and even property. And this is the key thing that we are going to focus on in this video.
Listen to our Podcast here:
Hello, my fellow Ripplers! This is Chris Miles. Your Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor. And I want to welcome you out for a wonderful show. Show that is for you and it’s about you. Those of you that work so hard for your money, and you’re ready for your money to start working harder for you. Now! You want to be able to work because you want to not because you have to. You want to create that freedom. That cash flow. That prosperity. Today! Not 30 or 40 years from now, but right now. So you can have all that freedom to do what you want. To be with those that you love. Doing what you love, right? But on top of that, it’s so much more than creating your own freedom for yourself and be able to live and consume and buy hot, you know, hot cars and airplanes and all that kind of stuff, right?
It’s about living a life of meaning and purpose. About creating a ripple effect through the lives of others. And that’s what it means to be a Rippler. Is that you’re here to make the planet a better place by you being on it by being a creator, not a consumer. By means, someone who actually creates something more than just your life of own consumption. And so guys, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for bingeing for sharing this with others and making this show bigger and bigger all the time. And that’s in large part due to you guys. So thank you so much for being here.
As a reminder, check out our website, MoneyRipples.com There’s great blogs on there. You can actually watch videos of these same podcasts. As well as on YouTube. And of course you can check out that free e-book Beyond Rice and Beans, Seven Secrets to Free Up Cash Today. Where you can be able to find more money, to be able to put it to use. Getting it working for you now. So check it out!
So today I want to talk about a concept. Really, this is probably going to be a long podcast. This might be one of my shorter ones, for sure. But I want to talk about, you know, gold, silver, and those kinds of things, and really the basic concept behind it and where it’s good and where people that talk about it. Even the people that seem to be smart about investing could be far off the Mark here. So, you know, I actually just saw a video recently with my wife. She showed it to me where Kiyosaki in an interview last May. He said, Hey, you know what, right now I think buying gold, silver, you know, oil, you know, that kind of stuff is great. You know, buying real assets, which I 100% agree with. I think you should buy real assets, not the paper versions of them. Right?
Now, I’m not talking about buying like the, oil, you know, the oil ETF and things like that, right. Or gold or silver ETFs and things like that. Don’t buy mutual fund versions of these things. This is not what we’re talking about here. He’s talking about buying real assets, including real estate, right? Things of that nature. And which I definitely agree with. Now, I don’t always agree with Kiyosaki at every aspect. And that’s fine. He’s got his opinions and I’ve got mine and he could be right and I could be wrong and I could be right and he could be wrong. And it doesn’t matter. Right? What really matters is that I like to always go back to the core principles of wealth. The core principles of what really makes money work. Now, he mentioned that gold and silver would be great. He actually mentioned that silver would be better than in gold.
And he’s been saying this for years and I’ve been saying something similar too. It’s interesting because gold up until recently looked like it was doing way better than silver, you know, because when people are running away from the markets, right? A lot of times, especially they see money being printed like crazy. They start running off to gold and silver and I’ve had clients ask me this. They’ve been asking me this for months. And I’m like Chris, with all this money being printed by the feds and allowing the government to start pumping cash out to the people, do you think gold and silver is the place to be? My answer is this. Is that, do not bank on buying gold and silver. You know, now, again, I’m not giving investment advice or anything like that, but if you’re trying to play and ride the markets, this could be a very risky venture.
Plus, you got to understand that these things do not create income, passive income. To me, that’s where there’s real financial freedom. And it doesn’t mean that gold silver couldn’t be good. Right? He even mentioned Bitcoin, by the way. He mentioned Bitcoin as well. Hey, I’ve even done some stuff with Bitcoin and made some money off of it. Right? You know, which is funny because two and a half years ago, I said, don’t buy it well after it crashed, that’s what I did. I said, Hey, I’ll put a little bit of money in, but very tiny amount of money. This is like money that if it disappeared, I wouldn’t even know it’s gone. Right? I actually made some money off of it. Cause the Bitcoin did go up from where I thought it was a low and I was right.
But here’s the thing, is that, you cannot eat Bitcoin. You cannot eat gold. You cannot eat silver. You can’t even eat a property for that matter. Although at least to the income coming off of it can help. The truth is, is that you can only eat food, right? And this is the key thing I want to focus on because so many people think, Oh, gold and silver, that’s the place to be, especially as a, as a good hedge. I totally agree. When I buy gold and silver, I actually look at it as an inflation hedge. I look at it as Jerome Powell, insurance, right? When the feds keep printing more and more money, I look at it as like an insurance policy. I buy as a protection against me. Now I’m going to put all my money there. No way, no way. This is like a small teeny piece of my portfolio. Really. It’s actually a piece of my savings.
If you remember, I had just a few weeks back, did a show called how to diversify your savings. Right? I mentioned gold and silver a little bit there. You know, I do diversify and put a tiny amount of that money in gold, silver as an inflation hedge in case the dollars gets wasted. Now I’ve got my life insurance that also does do well in addition to that. So I’m not so worried about all my money becoming worthless, right? But definitely I don’t believe in being very heavy, like very, very cash heavy where it’s just sitting in cash, earning point, nothing percent in the bank, you know, I’ll keep some money there, but I’ve got moneys elsewhere. You know, that’s why I have the life insurance to help pay me much better. Tax-free dividends. I’ve also got some gold and silver, you know, for that reason, it’s almost like this insurance policy to protect it.
I look at as the same investment strategy as this. If you guys know who Mark Cuban is, he was on the TV show. Shark tank. Well, still is. I should say. Owner of the Dallas Mavericks, you know, very outspoken guy. It’s interesting because when he sold his company off, right, he sold it to Yahoo. Back in, right around Y2K. And when he sold it, they paid him in Yahoo stock. They didn’t pay him cash. They paid him in Yahoo stock. Now 2005 comes around. Google hits the scene, right? Google started becoming the big monster of choice where Yahoo just disappears into nothing. That’s a little bit. Well, their stock tanks while Google’s is going up from 2005 on that’s when Google stock came out. Well, you know, what’s interesting is you think Mark Cuban would have lost money. And technically he did at the same time, he didn’t. Because what he also did with that stock, that Yahoo stock, he also bought of his own money.
Put options. Put options for those you don’t know, it’s essentially you’re gambling on that stock going down. You’re betting against that stock. So he bought a put option where it makes money. If the market goes down and when you buy an option, an option has much bigger volatility, more influx, than you would get with a stock. So if the stock goes up, then the put option goes down big time. If the stock goes down, the put option goes, goes up big time. So you make money when the market, when the stock drops. And this is something I tell you when I was teaching people how to trade stocks and options is, Hey, buy a put option against this stock to protect yourself. So it was kind of this married put strategy. Well, that’s what he did. He did a married put about the stock, where he had the stock ownership and he bought the put option against it.
So when Yahoo tanked, his put option made a lot more money, or at least pretty good close to the amount of money he was losing in the Yahoo stock. Which allowed him to have more cash which allowed him to still have money there. That is exactly how I see gold and silver. Gold and silver is the same thing. Essentially, when the, you know, the dollar is tanking was losing value. Usually, usually. Not all the time. Gold and silver goes up in value, right? When that, because people go running to flee to those areas to go buy more and that drives the price up. Well, cool. When it does that, that means the price of your cash goes up essentially, right? Again, I don’t like to be heavy in those metals because the truth is you can’t eat it and there’s no real utility without the ability to exchange it. It doesn’t matter.
So I’m thinking like doomsday. Right? Okay. So I always like to go to the doomsday part because I want to expect the best, but prepare for the worst. So when I look at it, I think of, okay, I’m going to buy physical gold and silver I’ll even buy 10 of ounces. That’s easier to trade because we ever got the point where the dollar say worst case collapses. No one wants to even use the dollar anymore. But gold and silver still has intrinsic value, which over history it has. Great. I can use it to exchange. Here’s a key point though. What happens if people are starving? And we saw this when COVID first started, you remember the toilet paper shortage. It didn’t matter how much gold and silver you had. You couldn’t buy toilet paper because it wasn’t there. Right? This is true.
Even with like certain meats. I mean, we couldn’t even find chicken. You know, like the type of chicken we buy, it was gone at all the grocery stores. What do you do then? See, understand that just because you have money or just because you have gold, silver Bitcoin, doesn’t matter just because you have those things. It doesn’t mean you get the very necessities of life. And this is what I mean by you cannot eat gold. You can’t eat this stuff. Now. I’m not saying you don’t have it. I’m not saying it’s not a good inflation hedge, but I’m not buying it as like the way to bank and essentially have my own money. Even Bitcoin. I’m not even using it as a way to exchange money digitally. The truth is by the way, the U S is probably gonna create their own digital currency in the next few years. Anyways.
That’s why they’re hiring. That’s what they’re recruiting people out of these types of digital currency companies to help them do this. Like it’s already written on the wall. You can already kind of see it happening. We’re going to go the digital currency at some point. Anyways, we’ve got a coin shortage for that matter. I mean, come on. How do we get a coin shortage? Seriously? So there’s something going on, right? This is why, again, I don’t trust on just banking on things. You know, things don’t matter. It’s about what you can exchange it for. If I were to give you any good investment advice. And I don’t say this often, I’m saying you’re gonna invest in anything. Buy food. Buy food that could be sustainable. You know, you might buy food that could be considered a luxury. You know, my wife even talk about buying chocolate, you know, she’d have the stores of chocolate saying, Hey, you know what people, if they’re at the point where they’re starving, chocolate could be like a delicacy at that point. Which is true, you know, so, okay, cool.
That’s, I’m not saying you buy chocolate. I’m just saying, if anything, guys make sure that as part of your reserves, right? Not just your investments, but part of your reserves. Gold and silver is fine or whatever. You want to have a little inflation hedge on your money. But I would say first and foremost, build up your food storage. Maybe a few or ways to be able to have few and take care of your needs. Essentially emergency prep, right? I’m not saying you go totally extreme. I’m not saying guns and ammo and all that kind of stuff too. Although that might not be a bad idea either. That’s stuff that we definitely look at buying as well, but I’m talking about like actual food. By the way, inflation hedge wise. Guess what usually goes up and costs first when there’s inflation. Food. So if there’s a shortage on food, then there’s definitely a price hike.
But even regardless. Even if there’s not a shortage on food, food goes up with inflation. So at least you got something like that. Now I’m not talking about buying junk that expires tomorrow. And you could do like what we do, where we rotate through the food. Cause sometimes the expiration dates on good foods might be less than a year or two, you know? So you might have to rotate it. Like keep that storage of the food up. Keep storage of water. You know, if you’ve watched the movie Dune, right? If you remember Dune back from the eighties, that was gold. Was water because it was a precious resource. If there’s a drought, we need water. Right? And that’s a basic necessity of life.
So guys, when I’m talking about this, I’m really talking about having your basic necessities met. Money can’t always give you everything you need in life. In fact, there are many times when money doesn’t matter. People, if they can’t eat gold, they can’t drink silver. You know, but you can’t drink silver. But if you can’t have those things, you cannot survive. People will go for their basic necessities. Make sure that’s there first. Make sure you have your basic necessities. Don’t go hoarding. And I’m not saying like, just stuff your house full. And then you can walk for it. Do everything with proper wisdom in order, right? But I’m telling you if you’re looking for a good investment to invest in, great buy a little gold and silver, if you want, but go towards food and water first. Go for those basic necessities first, because if anything happens, power goes out and you can’t get to the ATMs. Hey, people may not be using gold and silver. They may not care. You want to go for something that people value and necessities of life are part of that value.
So, anyways, guys, that’s kinda my thing here today. That’s something that’s been on my mind for months. I’ve been wanting to share with you guys, but you know, Hey, it’s always good to play good offense, but make sure you have a good defense too, right? And no team can win with only a good offense and that we’re not win easily with a good offense. You’ve got to have both. You’ve got both. You have peace of mind. You have security and you have confidence. And when you have that confidence, you move forward differently. You make better financial decisions and you make more money. It’s just like, love begets love. Hate begets hate. Well money begets money. When you have those things in place and you have confidence in place, more will come, more security will come and everything that you need is there. So guys, I hope you make it a wonderful and prosperous week. And we’ll see you later.
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theres-a-goldensky · 4 years
16 + 2 Reddie Fic Recs pt. 2
I’m back and still on my Bill Hader bullshit, so here’s another round of Reddie fic recs, because I can’t stop reading and sometimes sifting through the insane amounts of fic is a nightmare. So if you feel my pain and need some (at least in my opinion) fun stories, then come along with me on a magical journey filled with men crying during sex, hypochondria, and your mom jokes.
As ever, feel free to reblog and check out my other rec lists for the following fandoms:
IT chapter 2 list part one - Reddie
Good Omens fic 
The Untamed list one and two - various pairings, mostly Wangxian
Various BL Series fic (fandoms: Love By Chance, TharnType, 2Moons series, My Engineer, Until We Meet Again, 2gether, History3: Trapped)
Or just head over to my bookmarks on AO3.
All my recs are completed, almost all of them are post-It chapter 2. * - denotes a favorite
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1. I killed a clown. AMA! by liesmyth - ~10,000 words, teen - The history of Eddie and Myra’s marriage shown through their posts on reddit. The voices here are great, and it really feels like reading the reddit forums, down to the people sleuthing through their past posts and comments to try and figure out if what they’re saying is real or an elaborate troll.
Posted by u/martymcfly6xo 7 months ago
 My (39F) husband (39M) likes horrible stand-up comedy. How can I stop him from bringing this up in front of our mutual friends?
For the last year or so my husband has been watching a lot of stand-up comedy on youtube. I want him to have something relaxing to do (he works a lot and gets really invested in his ‘hands-on’ hobbies in a way I’m not sure is good for him) but I was very puzzled by this discovery as he likes very crass acts and that is certainly not the kind of humor hubby usually enjoys...
2. all of the kids back home believing much more than you do by eatcheeseliveforever - ~11,000 words, explicit - This is a fix-it fic, which is becoming more and more rare in this fandom as we collectively started deciding that Eddie Kaspbrak doesn’t need to be brought back to live, because he never died in the first place, dammit. It has some great pining by Richie. You can really feel his grief and desperation as he searches for a way to get Eddie back. The other Losers are great in this too, especially Mike with his whales.
"A boat, actually," murmured Mike.  "I'm on a whale-watching cruise."
Richie mouthed the words "whale watching cruise" to himself.  Empirically he knew such things existed, that they happened not far away from the coast where he lived, but it felt like several fucking galaxies away from where he was, surrounded by the ghosts of takeouts and blackouts past and the actual ghost-ghosts, who he couldn't step in or stub his toe on at three in the morning, but hurt so much worse.
"He said you've been googling resurrection rituals."
Richie scrounged through his pile of empties, hoping one wasn't.  "Bill talks too much."
"Richie."  A sigh, or a wave, or a really quiet whale.  "You're not going to find a resurrection ritual on Google."
"I've found hundreds," said Richie.  "Funny thing, though, they all seem to call for orgies.  Or virgin sacrifices.  Or sacrificing someone's virginity in an orgy.  I'm hoping Ben will volunteer as tribute."
3. * - you’ve got the answers to my confessions by QueerOnTilMorning - ~17,000 words, explicit - This is the good stuff right here. Richie accidentally sexts Eddie and Eddie is IN. TO. IT. This fic starts with excellent phone sex, there’s misunderstandings and confessions in the middle, and then it ends with super hot sex. There’s a brief part with karaoke that was a bit of a lull in the story, but doesn’t take away from how great the rest is.
     suck on ur tongue  
     show u how much I missd that mouth  
     when u start getting weak in the knees  
     thats when ill get on mine  
 He set the phone aside to unzip his pants, palming himself through his boxers, already half-hard.
 Then he froze.
 The text he had just replied to--it was what he'd expected Travis to say, but it wasn't how Travis would say it. That text began with a capital letter and contained punctuation. That text was from--
 "Oh, fuck, no," Richie whispered, and his phone rang.
 Incoming call: Eds
4. * -  L'Appel du Vide by Mackem - ~92,000 words, teen - I know, I know, almost 100k and no sex, but hear me out! The pining in this fic is so exquisitely beautiful and wrenching. Eddie’s POV is excellent and feels really spot on. The other Losers are well represented, especially Ben and Bev. In fact, the group dynamics here are almost as good as the relationship stuff. The later chapters bring in a subplot about the deadlights that I wasn’t that interested in, but it’s still done really, really well, and that’s only a side plot that doesn’t impact that exceptional story of Eddie and Richie figuring out how to stop being dummies.
Two messages, however, are from Stanley, sent to him privately. He opens them, and is met with a picture of Richie, apparently taken without him realising.
It shows him laughing, his eyes crinkled at the corners behind his glasses, and his smile bright and broad as a hand gestures wildly in the air. The other hand is in his hair, pushing it out of his eyes as he tilts his head back, displaying the line of his throat beneath his stubble.
The breath is punched from Eddie at the sight of it.
He stares at it for a long moment, surprised by the depth of his reaction. His stomach is swirling happily, a bubble of excitement growing at the pit, and he cannot help but feel a heated flush build at his cheeks.
It’s probably just because Richie looks like he’s enjoying himself. It’s good to see his friend having fun. That has to be it.
Then he reads Stan’s message.
Stan: He was talking about you. He does that a lot.
5. my love a beacon in the night - by zach_stone - ~4500 words, explicit - Richie is on the road doing shows through Christmas. His friends have a surprise for him. I know it’s almost Valentine’s Day, but it’s never the wrong time for a fluffy Christmas story imo.
 “Yep, just got to my hotel,” Richie says. “Now I’m getting ready for my big Christmas Eve plans.”
 Eddie snorts. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
 “Well according to my TV guide, they’re doing a rerun of The Mistletoe Promise, so I’m all fuckin’ set,” Richie says, grinning when Eddie laughs. On Eddie’s end of the line, he hears the sound of cars passing by, the muffled chatter of people, and says, “Are you outside?”
 “Huh? Oh, yeah,” Eddie says.
 Richie glances at the clock on the nightstand. It’s after ten; Eddie’s not one to be wandering around Times Square after dark. He frowns slightly. Eddie’s been unusually vague about his holiday plans, so Richie has no clue what he’s up to this evening. Not that it’s any of his business. Maybe he’s started seeing someone and is spending the holidays with them. Richie has a sudden image of Eddie, arm-in-arm with some generically pretty woman, taking in the lights and decorations around the city. It opens a pit in his stomach.
6. Coming Back and Coming Out: Richie Tozier's 2019 by Lunatical - ~2000 words, teen - I genuinely adore the mixed media fics that this fandom has spawned. This one is an excerpt from a magazine interview with Richie as he restarts his career.
Slouched on his couch in a cheesy Hawaiian shirt and torn-up jeans, Richie Tozier looks exactly like the manchild he is describing himself to be. Next to him, sitting up straight and dressed in a lovely suit that most people would consider appropriate for an interview, his husband rolls his eyes.
When we scheduled this interview, Tozier insisted we hold it at their house, citing a desire for the interview to be “as chill as possible”—in his own words, of course. He argued that seeing the two of them in their usual environment would help me get a better idea of the kind of relationship they have. After walking into their apartment and seeing the way they’ve decorated the place, I have to admit that I can understand why.
7. baby, there’s no other superstar by kaspbrakziers - ~7000 words, mature - Another mixed media fic that shows the progression of Richie and Eddie’s relationship and Richie’s career through tweets, texts, and interviews. Eddie not knowing how to turn off the capslock on his phone absolutely sent me.
Search history
Today Sunday, 13 November 2016
should i get a divorce? - Google Search
Unhappily Married: Should I get a divorce? - Yahoo Answers
10 Signs Your Marriage Is Over - Buzzfeed
how to divorce? - Google Search
How To File For Divorce (With Pictures) - wikiHow
how to divorce someone without them getting angry? – Google Search
can you divorce someone without telling them? - Google Search
8. Goes on Trips for the Scenery by InkandOwl - ~4500 words, teen - Eddie dies and then comes back to life and tries to get some perspective. I liked the conversations between Eddie and Richie and then way that Eddie starts to take care of himself. The end is really sweet.
If cosmic power and a literal alien space clown’s death wasn’t going to bring him back to life, Eddie was certain that the terrible pain of hearing Richie beg, his tears dropping onto Eddie’s face, probably would’ve done it. He feels sick just thinking about it. About what it all means. “Yeah, Rich, I will.” He could throw a jab at him, tell him something about eating like an adult for once, but he wants to be easy with him right now. Richie deserves it. “You’ll text, right?”
Richie looks down at the prepaid cricket phone in Eddie’s hand and laughs, “There’s no fucking way that thing gets texts.”
“It does.” Eddie grins, “You could call too.”
The fight drains from Richie, his shoulder slumping and he sighs, “Yeah, Eds, I’ll call.”
9. cause i'm about to blow that back out by thotgreeves - ~5000 words, explicit - Here, have some porn. Eddie wears lingerie and Richie loses his goddamn mind. Features submissive top Richie and his unending boner for Eddie.
Richie really should have learnt to never underestimate Eddie Kaspbrak by now. It had come close to killing Richie once, but Eddie might actually be trying to finish him off.
Because the other perk of always letting Eddie go ahead of him was that it gave Richie a prime view of Eddie's ass. Eddie knew about this part and was okay with it. He was wearing a high-waisted pair of slacks that Richie was pretty sure came from the women's section, slightly loose in the legs but nicely filled out by his ass. Richie had been very vocal in the past about how hot they got him, which signaled that Eddie definitely wanted to have sex tonight, and that was already enough to make Richie's dick twitch in excitement. He hadn't been prepared for the finishing blow.
Richie's eyes were fixed, pendulum-like, on how Eddie's slacks were hugging his butt perfectly with every step he took, tight enough to show off the outline of his underwear. Only the folds didn't sit where Richie had expected them to. Instead, Richie realized, his mouth going dry, that in the absence of boxers, there was only a V-shaped crease running from Eddie's hips to between his asscheeks, which could only mean-
Eddie was wearing a thong.
10. * - I’ll Be Homo For Christmas by Amuly - ~15,000 words, explicit - Bill and Audra get a divorce, so Bill moves into Richie’s house with him. Eddie, watching all of this from New York, where he’s still married to Myra, is super, super ok and fine with it in every way.
Except then Richie started posting.
Just stupid shit, mostly with Bill. It wasn’t even real. Eddie knew Bill wasn’t gay and him and Richie were just fucking around ‘for the ‘gram!’ But the more posts Eddie scrolled past on Richie’s Instagram—
 Bill in the kitchen swatting at Richie with a spatula.
 Richie and Bill at the pound, Richie rating dogs on adoptability, Richie begging Bill to adopt a dog with him.
 Richie in the morning with bedhead, smiling blearily into the camera as Bill…
Well. Eddie couldn’t even remember what stupid thing Bill was supposed to be doing in the background of that photo because his eyes couldn’t get past Richie’s bedhead and shirtless torso, chest hairs creeping up towards his collarbones and the little dip at the base of his throat.
Eddie hadn’t thought he was homophobic. But he must have some unresolved issues with it, because he got a stomachache every time he looked at that photo of Richie. Eddie popped a Tums and resolved to talk about it with his therapist.
11. A High-Five is a Hug You Can Hit by Amuly - ~26,000 words, explicit - This fic shows us times throughout their friendship when Eddie and Richie would invent reasons to touch each other without even knowing why. This author feels the same bone deep conviction about Richie crying during sex that I do, and I greatly appreciate that. Plus, all of their stories are fantastic, including this one.
“You know, one of the symptoms of hypothermia is feeling like you’re warm. So like, your body gets so cold that it gets hot, and then you start taking off your clothes-”
“Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Eddie?” Richie shot back at him without turning around.
“Why don’t you ask your sister how much she liked it last week!” Eddie hollered up at him. Richie just flipped him off without looking. That kinda… bugged Eddie. What the fuck did Richie think he was doing leading up the group with Bill? Why was he stuck back here with Stan? Eddie glanced over at Stan, who was trudging tiredly through the woods alongside him, breath puffing out in little clouds of smoke.
“Okay, Stan?”
Stan glanced over at him, confused. Then he shrugged. “Yeah, fine. Cold.”
“Well that’s better than feeling warm.” And now Eddie was back on track. “Because, if anyone starts feeling warm, they should tell the others immediately. That’s a sign of hypothermia. And we have to warm you up. But you have to do it gradually, you can’t just jump in like, a pot of boiling water-”
12. * - fall apart of stay intact by kaspbrak_kid - ~19,000 words, teen - A more melancholy take on the Christmas fic. This story takes Richie’s self-esteem issues and mental problems and amps them up in a way that feels entirely realistic. The gang comes together to celebrate Christmas, and everyone is walking on eggshells because last Christmas was a bad one for Richie. Also, Eddie moves into the house literally right next to Richie’s, and I find that detail endlessly charming.
“Five minutes ago. I called you, and you didn’t answer. Because you were outside, apparently, fucking...stargazing in December! With no hat on!”
“It’s about the Vitamin D!” Richie says. Now that he’s moved a little, he can really feel the cold—his ears are aching, and his face is numb. “Reflecting off the moon, or something. I have seasonal depression, you know!”
“You have seasonal stupidity,” Eddie mutters, audibly rubbing his hands together. “Just get inside.”
“Yours or mine?” Richie jokes.
Eddie doesn’t get the memo. “Mine, obviously. I’ll make you hot chocolate.”
“Oh,” Richie says, and sits up. “Um. Okay, be right there.”
“Oh, thank god,” Eddie says, and hightails it to his back door, cursing about the cold.
13. evidence of a happier future by lagaudiere - 23,000 words, mature - I am here, leading the Jealous!Eddie revolution. Why aren’t there more fics about this. Have you SEEN Eddie Kaspbrak, can you IMAGINE him jealous? Make this happen, fandom. Anyway, in this one, Richie has a boyfriend back in LA. Eddie has trouble dealing with that as he tries to figure himself out and pick up the pieces of his life post-Derry.
“It’s not gonna be like Mike’s announcement, don’t worry,” Richie says hastily. “And it’s not like, a huge thing, so don’t make it a huge thing. But you guys are like, my best friends, and I just wanted you to know that I’m, uh. Gay.”
He turns up his palms and raises his eyebrows in a gesture that suggests a magician presenting his audience with an empty hat after making the rabbit disappear, and Eddie says, “Are you joking?”
“What? Jesus, no, Eddie.” Richie’s face falls, and Eddie instantly feels guilty. “I’m trying to be sincere here.”
“Sorry,” Eddie says immediately, feeling all of their friends looking at him with reproach. “I was just — if you weren’t, I wouldn’t think you should… joke about it.”
“Well, I am,” Richie says. He sounds slightly put out — and who wouldn’t be, Eddie scolds himself, by that ridiculous response. “I have all the gay credientials. I have a boyfriend, partner, whatever people say. I don’t really tell people because of the whole, stage persona, thing. But yeah.”
“Richie!” Bev’s voice breaks through the awkwardness, and she reaches across the table to squeeze his hand. “Thank you for telling us. Really.”
And the others all join in, a chorus of voices telling Richie they love him and they’re proud of him, and Ben is saying, “I wanna see a picture of the guy!” and Eddie’s throat feels like it’s closing up.
14. The ‘Do Not Fucking Touch Me’ Tour by MellytheHun - ~23,000 words, explicit - It’s Richie’s comeback special, and he makes it a big one. This...isn’t really a comedy show, but the author lampshades that. It’s an excuse to have Richie talk about how much he loves each of his friends individually, and it’s extremely entertaining. Richie doesn’t know that Eddie is in the audience watching it all.
“Hey, uhm… Eddie… he couldn’t reschedule his thing? He - I mean... it… it was really that important?”
She feels awful for him immediately, but not wanting to spoil what would ultimately be a lovely surprise, she tells him, “I’m sorry, Rich. He said it was urgent. He was really sorry about it.”
Her phone buzzes with a text from Eddie right as Richie curses under his breath, missing the noise. She clutches her phone more tightly in her fist, knowing Eddie is wondering where his seat is going to be; she bought him a separate ticket, elsewhere in the theatre, so Richie wouldn’t catch him sitting among them, as he will absolutely, inevitably look over to the Losers for most of the show.
“Okay,” Richie surrenders sadly, “Uh - I guess he’ll see it eventually, right?”
Smiling forlornly at him, she pats his arm, and tells him, “don’t worry, Richie. Your genius will inevitably be forced upon us all.”
He smiles at her, gives her a kiss on the cheek, and when Bill jokingly asks why he didn’t get one, Richie flips him off, and reminds them to treat themselves to the bar in the lobby.
Once he’s backstage, Beverly takes her phone out, and emails Eddie his ticket, explains that she’s already convinced Richie he’s not coming, and to make sure he doesn’t show up too early, or Richie will notice.
15. The List by cissues - ~7000 words, teen - Eddie finds a list he wrote as a teenager. Richie tries his best to fulfill them all. This is very sweet.
‘ All the things I want. Everything I’m not allowed to have. A perfect summer. ”
The words hit gentler than he thought they would, but they still hit and he finds himself blinking away at a wetness at the corner of his eye. He wipes at it and sniffles and Richie peers sidelong at him to make sure he’s okay. He is, he’s fine, and Richie never dotes on him when things are, generally, okay. Only when he needs it, which is one of the many things he loves about what they have now.
“This is… this is like a fucking  bucket list  for the most repressed child in the world.” Richie says, breathless.
Eddie rolls his eyes to hide the sting. “You’re looking at him,” he says, bitter. Richie frowns at him but turns back to the paper. Another thing Eddie loves, Richie never takes his trauma-induced bait. His knee-jerk reactions developed over years of what he’s now comfortable enough to call abuse.
16. Richie Tozier Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions by DeadpanMage - ~2000 words, teen - This is a short one, but the transcript of this popular YT video format with Richie felt spot on in terms of characterization and Richie’s voice.
[Back to the text screen: “So WIRED asked Richie Tozier some of the internet’s burning questions.” Cut back to Richie, now holding a poster board with several Google autocomplete searches half covered.]
Richie: I’ve undergone something of a rebranding in the past year, so I wonder how many of these questions are going to be super irrelevant-slash-embarrassing. Probably all of them. Let’s get started! [He tears the covering off of the first question.] Alright, that’s not bad. “How to pronounce Richie Tozier?” Well, we’re only on question one and I’ve already said it like a hundred times so there you go. And that’s “Richie Tozier” spelled J-O-H-N M-U-L-A-N-E-Y, so if you’ve got any complaints be sure to send them that way. Next question!
You can check out a larger list of stories I’ve enjoyed in my AO3 bookmarks. And finally, if you’re interested, here are the two fics I’ve written:
1. Waiting For a Sign - ~6000 words, explicit - Eddie meets Richie again and comes to the startling realization that he totally wants to hit that.
Maybe if Richie wasn’t famous, Eddie could have found a way to let it go. A couple furtive jerk off sessions in the shower after he got back to New York and the image of Richie’s big hands and wide smile and improbably flattering stubble would fade from his mind.
But Richie was famous, and the internet never forgot.
Eddie lasted three days before giving in and typing ‘Richie Tozier’ into the YouTube search bar. Just seeing Richie in the thumbnails was enough to make Eddie’s heart thud, what the fuck. He had to scroll past a bunch of news videos about Richie's supposed mental breakdown, but after that he landed on some old stand-up.
Before he clicked on the first video, he got up and made sure that the door of his study was locked. Then he turned off the lights and put on a pair of earbuds.
Fake It ‘Til You Make It - ~21,000 words, explicit - It’s that totally relatable situation where the man you’re secretly in love with is a celebrity who just came out and now needs a fake boyfriend to keep himself in the spotlight. Eddie offers to help out of the goodness of his heart and not because he’s insanely fucking jealous.
Eddie froze, breath catching in his throat.
Richie looked...really good.
Bev’s influence was obvious. His hair, which had been unkempt and shaggy, a perfect match for his stoner permakid schtick, was cut much shorter and neater. His formerly unruly stubble somehow now emphasized the sharp cut of his jaw instead of obscuring it.
He wore new glasses, Eddie noticed. Slim silver metal frames instead of his giant, clunky plastic ones. The fitted black sweater and dark blue jeans were simple, but made his shoulders look impossibly broad and his legs miles long.
Fuck everything and Beverly Marsh in particular.
90 notes · View notes
valeriethepussycats · 4 years
Chapter 3
Pairing- Dean x Reader
Warning- cursing
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Dean Is driving alongside the bus. “I  gotta get on that bus.”  
“Yeah. You get on the bus.” Gordon said Sarcastically.
“Drive straight! Stay in this lane!” Dean yelled at Jody.
“Watch the road.” Gordon urged.  
Dean Looks around. How to do this? He looks at the Jag's door -- it's a problem. So he speeds ahead of the bus, opens the door, swings it wide. The wind tries to push it shut but he holds it.
“Wait a minute. What are you doing?” Gordon asked Uncertainly.
Dean ignores Gordon’s question. “Are you insured?”
“Yeah! Why?” Gordon answered Confuse.
Dean slams on the brakes.
“No! No!”
The Jaguar’s tires smoke. Bus Comes up fast, smashes into the door, rips it off. Everyone on the bus looks in amazement as the Jaguar, minus the door,slows beside the bus.
“You broke my... my door.” Gordon whined.
“Sir, I need to take your phone.” Dean told Gordon.
“Take the phone.” Gordon said in a dry tone.
“Take the wheel.” Dean told Gordon as he stands up.
“What are you...” Gordon trailed off. “Oh, oh, shit. Whoa, shit.”
“Drive straight.” Dean yelled at Jody and she nods.
He stands on the edge of the seat as the owner scrambles to get into it. 
Dean prepares to jump. He's just about to.But... Some YAHOO in front of Jody is going forty. She has to swerve. Dean yells leaps from his car. It doesn't look like he's going to make it. His right hand grabs the bottom of the handrail shoulder His Feet at the front is wrenched of the bus. Dean howls. ” Oh, shit.” His pavement. Are dragging over the The jaguar. Gordon is struggling to get control of the car.
“Whoa! Shit!” He can't do it in time. The Jag plows into the big yellow water-filled collision barrels at an off-ramp. Gordon, unhurt, cranes to see if Dean made it okay. Dean pulls himself with one arm, up onto the bus steps.
“This guy's out of his mind.” Y/n proclaimed.
“OK, listen, you've got to stay above 50.” Dean whispered to Jody.
Y/n gets up from her sit and grabs holds to the Rail. “Excuse me, are you out of your mind?... Hello?” Y/n asked Dean.
Not paying her any attention still talking to Jody. “Whatever it takes.” Dean tells Jody
“Everybody, I'm Dean Winchester, LAPD. We have a slight situation on the bus here.” Dean Announced. “Ma'am, if you'll please sit down.”
“No I won’t sit You're scaring the shit out of these people.” Y/n protested.
“Ma'am, please!” Dean insisted.
Y/n looks at Dean and see that he’s serious she sits back down. Dean makes his way down the bus, looking at everyone. In the back, Ray starts sweating as Jack approaches. His hands reach for something under his coat.
“If everybody will stay in your seats and remain calm, we should be able to defuse the problem, so sit tight.” Dean Addressed everyone.
The man Ray rushes up from his sit with a  gun pointed at Dean. “Get away from me!” Ray shouted.
He levels a gun at Dean. Instinctively Dean whips his own out, and the two are at close range stand-off. Ray looks more scared than anything. There are a few screams.
“I don't know you, man. I'm not here for you.  Let's not do this.” Dean told Ray.
“Stop the bus!”
“He can't!”
“Stop the bus! Stop it!”  Ray yelled at Jody.
“Listen!” Dean yelled at Ray. “Look, I'm putting my gun away, OK?”  Dean uncocks his gun and starts to Lower it slowly. “OK? Now, listen. I don't care about your crime. Whatever you did, I'm sure that you're sorry, so it's cool now. It's over.
“I'm not a cop right now.” Dean informed Ray as he throws his badge on the ground. “See? We're just two cool guys, just hanging out...”
Arthur jumps on Ray to take the gun away from him and then a shot goes off The driver's partition Shatters. Jody lurches to one side, hit in the back.
“Jody!!!” Ellen yelled.
The bus swerves sickeningly Jody slumps over.
Y/n rushing up and take hold of the will.
“I'll get the wheel!” Y/n told Jody diving wit the wheel, Ellen to help Jody.
“I've got it! Jody! Oh God, Jody!” Y/n put forth.
Jack moves in and with two crunching blows disarms and subdues Ray. Simultaneously.
“Come on. You've got to move your legs. Somebody move his legs!” Y/n yelled. “Come on! Jody, get your foot... get your foot off the pedal!”
Ellen and two other moves Jody from the sit and Y/n sit down.
“I got to stop this thing!” Y/n stated.
“No! Don't! Stay above 50!” Dean urged.
“Jody's been shot! We've got to get her off!” Y/n insisted.
“You slow down and this bus will explode! There is a bomb on this bus. If we slow down, it'll blow.  If anyone tries to get off, it'll explode.” Dean informed everyone.
“Bullshit! Yeah, there's a bomb. Some funny joke man.” Castiel a men dress down in a suit and tie said unconvinced.
“Are we gonna have a problem now?” Dean questioned.
A moment. Castiel backs down.
“She's bleeding so much. I don't know what to do.” Ellen said in a panicky voice.
Dean walks up the the front of the bus. “Put pressure front and back and keep her legs up.” Dean told Ellen as his talks of his  button down shirt.
“Hold on.” Ellen told Jody. “Jody, lift your head.”
Castiel moves to help lay Jody out more comfortably. Dean goes over to Y/n. She is staring straight ahead, death grip on the wheel. She's terrified .“Miss, can you handle this bus?”
“Oh, sure. It's just like driving a really big Pinto.” Y/n joked.
“ I need to know! Can you handle it?” Dean questioned.
“I'm fine. I'm fine. Just tell me what the plan is.” Y/n told Dean Sincerely. “Is there a plan?”
“Just for you to drive. We're OK for now. Just keep us above 50.”
“Good plan. So, you're a cop, right?”
“That's right.”
“I should probably tell you that I'm taking the bus because I had my driver's licence revoked.”
“What for?”
Dean grins as he dials on the phone.
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Back at the precinct Bobby and Garth are getting geared up. “Benny, we're on our way to the chopper. If anything changes, let us know!” Bobby shouted as he and Garth rushes of the board the chopper.
Benny nods as he sits at his decks. Then  officer Robin walks up and hands him a book. “Anything we haven't seen should be in here.”  
The bus races along. High above it we see the local news helicopters, cameras trained on it.
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At Chuck’s house. All four TVs are on, playing all the different newscasts. Chuck sits, watching the various helicopter shots of the bus.
“Something wrong with the driver,but at least one car, a Jaguar, has been driven off the road by the speeding bus. The bus apparently came onto the freeway at the Lincoln on-ramp.”
“It began picking up speed, swerving, and hasn't slowed down since.”
“Minutes ago a Los Angeles police officer boarded the bus by jumping onto it from a moving car.”
“Would that be you, Dean?”
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Dean on the phone with Benny. “Where do we start?”
“Check the speedometer. Has it been fucked with or loosened? See any wires or anything?” Benny said with a mouth full of food.
Dean gets down to check. “Excuse me, ma'am.” Dean leans on Y/n’s legs and looks under the wheel. “ No, it's clean.”
“Then it's gonna be under the bus. Probably was rigged to one of the axles.” Benny told Dean as he starts to clear space on his decks.
“I can’t get under the bus right now Benny. It's kind of in motion.” Dean pointed out.
“Excuse me!...Excuse me!” Ellen shouted to get Dean’s attention.
“Hold on.” Dean tells Benny. “Yes?”
“Access panel... in the floor.” Jody Breathed. “Underneath you.”
Dean goes and opens the panel. Pavement rushes beneath him. “All right, Harry. We're in. Passenger relay.” He hands the phone to Kevin.
“Sir, take this. I want you to tell him what I see.” Dean said getting down on all fours and sticking his head in the panel. “OK,we got a wad! Pretty big!”
“There's a pretty big wad.”  Kevin told Benny.
“Brass fittings... I think I can reach the circuit wire.”
“Brass fittings. He can reach the circuit wire.” Kevin told Benny.
“No, no. Don't do that. That's a decoy. Classic. What else?” Benny asked Kevin.
“That's your classic decoy what else.” Kevin
“Hold on.” Dean tells Kevin.
It's hard to see very far with tanks and pipes. Dean lowers his head even further down. From his P.O.V., the undercarriage closer to the front comes into view.
“Fuck me!”
There is an obscene mass of plastique stuck to the front. Detonators, wires, a jerry-rigged timer built around a gutted gold wristwatch. A lot of the gold plating has flaked off, dull grey beneath.
“Oh, darn.” Kevin tells Benny.
Dean sits up and takes the phone from Kevin.
“Benny, there’s enough C-  on this thingto put a hole in the world.”
“OK, all right. Just stay calm. What else?” Benny told Dean.
“Three triggers... one on the axle I can't really see, a cellular remote and a timer running off a wrist watch.” Dean replied.
“Officer!” Y/n said in a Panic.
“A watch? What kind of watch?” Benny asked.
“Gold.Gold band. Fairly cheesy.”
“Officer!” Y/n tried again but Dean gives her the “hold up” finger.
“What’s on your mind, Benny?” Dean questioned.
“Shit. What do I do?” Realizing that his attention was mostly focused on his Conversation Y/n takes the intercom She said loudly. “OFFICER!”
Dean gets up and looks out the window.
“What do I do? Which way?”  Y/n shouted at Dean.
“Oh, shit...Get on the shoulder.” Dean tells Y/n.
“OK.” Y/n nods, veers onto the right shoulder, blasting past the slowing traffic. But then they see A half-mile ahead, there's a stalled car being rolled onto the back of a tow truck on the shoulder. Behind it,there's an off ramp
“Watch it!”
Y/n tries to squeeze the bus between the tow truck and the slow lane. She hits the car on back, sends it flying over the front of the truck. She keeps going, sideswiping several cars.
“Um, stay on or get off?” Y/n said stressed. “Stay on or get off?!!”
“Off! Off!” Dean answered.
Y/n steers off the freeway at the last second, onto the exit ramp.
“Hold on!”
The bus Roars down the off-ramp, slamming into the water barrels.
“Oh, God.”
Far ahead, cars are stopped at the light. The ramp is a single lane. The bus jumps the curb, taking out roadway signs, reflectors and car mirrors. For the next few minutes, whenever she doesn't need to use both hands to drive, her hand is on the horn. Y/n's hands and feet are in constant motion. The passengers are knocked about, yelling. Dean and Y/n's faces -- uh-oh.
“Keep going.”  Dean told Y/n
“It's red!” Y/n protested.
“Go! Go! Go!”
At the bottom of the ramp. Cross traffic. Y/n’s footHesitates over the brake, thenDean’s foot Stomps on the gas.
The bus Rockets through the intersection. Cars fishtail, nearly colliding.
“This is much better city streets.” Y/n said Sarcastically.
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As Chuck watches, eating a baloney sandwich on white bread and a glass of milk. Three of the TV's have the bus on them, but the fourth one is turned to a football game. “The bus is on Western heading in a southbound direction. Now, where the bus did exit here, it had a couple of close calls.”
“Yeah! Yeah! All right!” Chuck praised his football team.
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Benny is sitting at his desk holding a detonator pondering when officer Robin walks over to him and interrupt his thinking. “I don't get it.”
Benny exhale loudly and looks at Robin. “The watch is a shitty timer. Why use it? What's he saying?”
“Lots of people have watches.” Robin stated.
“This guy has no MO. A bomber falls in love with one kind of bomb and they're very monogamous.
This guy uses C- dynamite, different trigger every time, and now he throws in this watch.” Benny informed Robin.
“He's an encyclopaedia of bombs.He knows every kind.” Robin agreed.
“Yeah, and everything we do to dismantle it....  Wait a minute. I want to look at the files for the last 10 years.” Benny pondered out loud.
“We did the mug shots. It's not gonna help.” Robin admitted.
“No. I want to look at cops.” Benny replied.
“Come on. Let's go.” Robin murmured to the surrounding cops.
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Dean is standing next to Y/n as she is driving the bus His  cellular rings. And he answers it without missing a beat.
“Yeah. Bob, where have you been? I had to bail on the freeway. We're in the city.” Dean informed Bobby.
Bobby is looking out the window of a helicopter. He has a map of the city on his lap. “I can see you. Just keep going straight. I'm going to try to clear the roads for you. Just stay on-line.” Bobby told Dean.
Cars cruising to an intersection. It reaches the intersection and turns, screeching, halting in front of traffic and blocking the intersection.
The cars slam on their brakes, nearly hitting the patrol car.
“Shit! Oh, Jesus!” Y/n murmured. “God! No!”
The passengers barely have time to curse before the enormous bus roars by, going the other way. The passengers watch the city streets fly by, panic volume turned high. Y/n and Dean Sees a garbage truck back out in front of the bus.
“Go left!” Dean urged Y/n.
“Sorry!” Y/n Pulls the wheel hard left. The bus  Swerves into oncoming traffic. The bus dodges oncoming cars, trucks and other buses, bumping a few.
“Oh, my God! Oh, jeez!” Y/n voiced.
A Lincoln peels off the side of the bus, goes flying.
“People, stay out of my way! Stay out of my way!” Y/n shouted.
“Ma'am, up to the right.”  Dean tells Y/n.
“OK, OK I see it. Sh...” Y/n trailed off as she switch the bus into the right lane.
“Bob! Bobby! You’ve got to get me out of here!” Dean yelled into the phone.
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On the same Street as the bus is speeding down. The two women wave goodbye. The first Woman pushes the baby carriage toward the curb.
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“All right? A few more blocks, you'll come up to a soft turn. Right. Then hold straight. I've got some units waiting for you there. They're gonna lead you to the 105 Freeway. It's not in use.  It'll be empty. You'll be totally clear.” Bobby told dean
“Got it.” Dean replied. “In a few blocks, we'll take a soft turn to the right.”
“OK, wait a minute. Escort to where?” Y/n takes her eyes off the road to look over at Dean. “Where do we get an escort to?” Y/n repeated.
A woman in the baby carriage steps out from behind a van right in front of the bus.
“Watch out!”  Dean shouted.
The bus Smashes into the baby carriage as the woman pushing it jumps clear.
“Oh, God!” Y/n yelled as she let’s go of the wheel to Cover her face, and record timing Dean grab the wheel.
The baby carriage is knocked seventy feet in front and to the side of the bus, sailing through the air.
“Oh, Jesus! Oh, God! I hit the baby! Oh, God! I just hit the baby!” Y/n bawled.
Dean His eyes following. He grimaces as The baby carriage hits the pavement. But then a hundred empty soda and beer cans explode out of it.
“Cans! There was no baby. It was full of cans.” Dean said wait a note of relief.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.”  Dean said with amusement on his face.
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Here at last are the patrol cars, which start up, leading the way. After a few blocks the patrol cars Come to the on-ramp. The bus follows when A group of school kids walk blithely in front of it.
“Jeez! No! No! No!” Y/n is forced to Swerve and continue on the street parallel to the freeway.
“Why aren't they in school?” Y/n yelled.
“Bobby, we're boned.” Dean proclaimed.
“I'll get you out, Dean....All right, listen. You got an entrance coming up, Dean. It's gonna be a real ugly turn, though.”  Bobby explained.
“How ugly?” Dean asked.
“What's ugly?” Y/n Chimed in.
“We got a hard right coming up at the construction site.” Dean informed Y/n. “This should be it.”
“That's a dead end.” Y/n told Dean with a firm  voice. “I can't make that turn.”
“You can make it. Keep left. Keep left and make it wide.” Dean told Y/n
“Oh, God. We're going to tip over.” Y/n confessed.
“You're right. We're going to tip over.” Dean agreed.
Part 4
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biomedicalephemera · 5 years
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Caricatures of Death Personified
So I put off getting my flu shot in 2018...
Y’know, I ain’t around these parts too much anymore (Yahoo can go huff a dong), but I just wanted to tell y’all my tale of the 2018/2019 holiday season...
December 17-20: Got the flu (later confirmed to be one of the strains protected by this season’s vaccine). Felt shite, took cold meds, still felt shite but not so much that I could justify not starting the Q1 spreadsheets at work.
Dec 21: Knew the crackles in my lungs were pneumonia. Couldn’t keep my blood oxygen above 90%. Went to the ER that night. They wanted to send me home. I said “I know something is wrong, I would be very uncomfortable going home.” They managed to find a bed in the hospital, said “fine, we’ll give you observation until tomorrow.”
Dec 22: Decompensated quickly. Parents apparently came up north, though I don’t remember seeing them before I woke up again. Couldn’t get aortic O2 saturation above 65% so I ended up intubated.
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Late Dec 22-Early Dec 30: Completely unconscious, with the first two days on paralytics so that the ventilator did 100% of my breathing. The 36 hours on either side of my sedation are completely blank in my memory.
At some point my secondary infection (which was never discerned, though extensive testing for bacteria and fungi was done) caused me to become critically ill, and there were preparations made to fly my to Mayo for ECMO. Thankfully, the high-dosage steroid treatment they gave me when I started getting worse helped, and I began improving slowly.
Dec 31: I start to see the world again. My first "memories” are strange delusions brought on by the anesthetics. I thought I had been in a coma for 6 years, and that I was in Cleveland. Why the fuck would I be in CLEVELAND?
I remember seeing the news, something about New Year’s Eve. I fell back asleep, into Seroquel dreams.
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Jan 1: My memories start genuinely coming back. I discovered I was too weak to extend my arm fully, and too shaky to eat Jell-O. The Jell-O DID get delightfully wobbly.
Seriously though, have you ever gone from being exceptionally strong to literally being unable to eat unless you did little T-rex arms? It’s a funny mental picture, but frustrating as hell. I would have been humiliated if I had more brain cells to spare.
Jan 2: Little Raven’s Birthday. Finally get out of ICU. Moved up to the general wards. Still can’t breathe easily. Food is vile-tasting. Can barely eat. Choke down a lemon bar and cry about how much better Brendan’s were and how much I miss my brother and how I refuse to make my parents go through that again.
Jan 3: Manage my first wobbly steps with a walker. The floor hurts my knees and feet. The blood in my eyes is finally being cleared by my body.
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Jan 3-5: Slow improvement. Slow for an otherwise-healthy young adult, at least. It feels like forever. My dad and I watched an unbearable amount of cross-country ski qualifying races for the Olympic teams. There’s a terrifying night-vision cam in my hospital room, which wouldn’t bother me if it didn’t have a creepy smiley face.
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Jan 5-9: Transitional care, getting physical and occupational therapy. I finally got home to my apartment (and cat!) that afternoon. I spent the next week regaining my strength and seeing specialists to try and find out why I got so sick. Consensus so far is “flu sucks and you’re unlucky?” I’m hoping to have better answers next month at my secondary follow-ups.
I aged my husband and parents about a decade during my hospital stay. I missed a month of work and am still fixing problems that arose with the backlog.
My Christmas dinner was a 10% dextrose solution, since I was still paralyzed and couldn’t have anything down my NG tube yet. New Year’s Eve drinks? “GIVE ME SOME FUCKING WATER!” - but not being able to have any, because I was still overloaded with fluid due to the standard protocol to prevent hypoperfusion when someone goes into septic shock.
Just to make it clear: I would not have survived without the tens of thousands of hours of training and practice that my medical team devoted their lives to acquiring. I would not have survived without the millions of hours of research and trials that allowed the machines that kept me monitored, cooled when my fever continued to spike, and breathing in a life-sustaining way when my lungs weren’t able to exchange gasses.
I am a fat bitch, but I am physically active, eat fairly decently, and don’t smoke or drink excessively. I am not someone who “should” be threatened by deadly complications due to influenza-caused pneumonia. Yet I was. 
And YOU could be, too. Get yer flu shot, if you can. If you can’t, yell at others until they do.
It’s not too late in the season, trust me. People still die in March. People like you.
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startofamoment · 5 years
that’s rough, buddy
Jake’s always had a complicated relationship with fire.
(A character study of sorts on firebender!Jake.)
Hi everyone! Welcome to this incredibly self-indulgent thing, in which I mash together my primary obsession of years past with my current reason for living. (Nevermind that they don’t intuitively mesh well. We’re just going to say that Brooklyn is kind of like Korra-era’s Republic City and call it good.)
An anon had asked me ages ago whether I had any headcanons on what type of bender each person in the squad would be. I hadn’t felt inspired to write an actual fic for this AU until the super talented @microfroggo took on my silly pitch to draw our boi Jake as a firebender a couple months ago. Because tumblr is tumblr, I’ll include the relevant links in a separate reblog down below – def check out Mikko’s work if you’re at all interested in getting something done!
PS: I should probably mention that I don’t do very much to explain the Avatar-related side of this AU. If you’re unfamiliar with the animated series, I’d recommend at least skimming through the wiki page so you get a basic understanding on the different forms of bending. (And honestly, if you have time, GO BINGE-WATCH A:TLA! I promise, you won’t regret it.)
PPS: FMA:B fans out there will note that I’ve included a little nod to everyone’s favorite Flame Alchemist… Because, yes, this is definitely just a gratuitous homage to all my hyperfixations. I’m sorry. (Not sorry.)
“That’s it. Use your breath, son.”
Jake inhales deeply then exhales, focusing intently on the small flame between his hands. He’s supposed to be making sure that it doesn’t blaze wildly or just die in the wind.
He’s done this particular exercise a bajillion times now. (Or maybe less – Mrs. Stratton did mention that he needed to work on his math.) Still, his dad says it’s very important to practice his control. Jake supposes that’s fair, given that it’s only been a few months since he nearly singed Nana’s eyebrows off while blowing out the candles on his blue birthday cake.
What he really wants to do is skip forward to launching fire missiles with his fists or propelling himself through the sky on flaming jets, exactly like he’s seen it done in the movies. But his dad says he’s got a long way to go before he can attempt anything more than a basic fire stream, so Jake just nods and does what he’s told. He’ll become a firebending master eventually.
Truthfully, though, Jake thinks that maybe if his dad weren’t working or golfing so much, maybe they’d get to train more often, and maybe he’d be able to progress to something other than breathing.
The funny thing is: when his dad officially walks out of his life, despite all of their training, Jake’s not sure he even still knows how to breathe.
 His mom’s an airbender, and Nana’s an airbender, and Gina and her mom are airbenders. So Jake wants to be an airbender. (If only it worked that way.) 
He’s unfortunately stuck as a firebender, with no one to teach him how to actually firebend, so he has to resort to copying the Ninja Lion-Turtles on TV. Raphael’s naturally his favorite, although he can’t make heads or tails of how to replicate his fire daggers.
He almost never experiments with bending at home, of course. He’s not the brightest, but he at least knows how dangerous it would be for one of his attempts to go wrong without anyone around to help extinguish the fire. On the rare instance that his mom isn’t at her multiple jobs, she lets him practice while she paints ceramics or cooks. She’s only had to run in with a bucket of water once, but, well– once is enough.
And yes, he could technically be enrolled in lessons… but that would cost money, and Jake would really rather have a full belly than a proper fighting stance. His mom is overworked and overwhelmed as it is; he couldn’t possibly ask her to look into registration fees at the local dojo.
 Occasionally, when he’s alone in the park with Gina, he’ll run through the few basic exercises he remembers then attempt some fire-jabs and kicks. He’s not supposed to, but he’s fairly certain that nothing will catch on fire in an open field and that, on the off chance that anything does, a patrol officer will handle it. Gina doesn’t mind at all and usually just uses the time to meditate. 
It’s on one particular trip to the park that it happens. He’s not even sure how he does it, just knows that he goes from buzzing from the inside out to shooting electricity from his fingertips. He lifts his hand up in wonder, trying to get a closer glimpse at the little iridescent bolts. He’s so enraptured that he doesn’t realize where his other hand is pointing. He doesn’t see the string of lightning hurtling straight toward his best friend.
Everything turns out fine in the end. The blast wasn’t strong enough – he isn’t strong enough –  to fatally wound her, but Gina still gets brought straight to the hospital.
“I’m okay, Jake,” she insists with a huff, waving off his umpteenth apology. “Besides, I swear I met Raava in the two seconds your lightning hit me. Did you know she’d be ethnically ambiguous? The scrolls have not done her justice at all.”
Jake chuckles, accepting the jello cup she offers him.
For the most part, he’s glad that she’s fine and that she apparently met the Avatar Spirit and that she still likes him enough to give him her dessert.
Deep down, he feels terrible. He’s never going to lightningbend again.
 Jake had assumed that he’d find his path in college and know what to do by the end of it. Instead, he’s a new graduate back in his childhood bedroom, freeloading off of his mom for as long as she’ll let him. He’s really just coasting through life and going through the motions, aimless.
Eventually, his clarity comes – not in a spark, but in a short-circuit fire erupting just a few houses away. 
He’s woken up by loud sirens blaring and screams echoing in the night. He acts on instinct, running out before remembering to put shoes on and running into the blaze without a second thought. The ground should be blistering hot beneath his feet, but he doesn’t notice at all. He keeps going until he’s parting walls of flames, ushering the family of nonbenders to safety.
In the thick smoke rising from the still-burning house, he sees destruction. In his hands, for the first time in a long time, he sees something good.
He thinks that maybe he should join the local fire department, that he should use his bending to help control and extinguish rogue flames. He thinks about it, and then thinks about it some more, and then figures that he probably wouldn’t enjoy the constant reminder of how devastating fire can be.
Months after mulling over it, he finally comes to a decision: “Mom? I think I’m going to sign up for the police academy.”
“That sounds like a great idea, honey,” she replies, pulling him into a tight embrace. “I’m so proud of you.”
 It’s rough because all the other trainees have been honing their bending for years, whereas he’d been spending most of his life trying to restrain the inferno inside him.
Most of them laugh; one of them actually slams him against the lockers and calls him a “sorry excuse for a firebender.”
“Don’t mind him,” a voice says. “He wouldn’t know a good bender if the Avatar kicked him straight into the Spirit World.”
Jake looks up from where he’s slumped on the ground and recognizes her as the fierce metalbender no one’s been able to talk to all week. There’s a distinctive scar through her right eyebrow, and he wonders whether it came from a freak accident. (He also wonders how she got into the men’s locker room, or how she knew he needed somebody, anybody.)  
“I’m Rosa,” she says, reaching out a hand to help him up. “Wanna spar?”
 He gets better. 
He trains with any firebender that’ll take him on, watches instructional videos, goes on Yahoo! Answers… Soon enough, he’s wielding whirling discs and shooting comets of fire like the best of them.
The only thing he doesn’t even consider attempting is lightningbending. At least not until he’s in his thirties, watching wide-eyed as his new captain generates a cracking stream of electricity out of nothing. It’s just strong enough to stun the escaped convict they’ve been tailing, no real damage done.
“You want me to teach you how to lightningbend,” Holt says without preamble the next day.
Jake opens and closes his mouth dumbly, feeling thoroughly seen and not quite knowing how to respond.
“Before anything, Peralta, I should let you know that not everyone is able to manipulate lightning. It takes a different level of power and a certain kind of–”
“I can do it,” he interrupts quickly. “I’ve done it before, sir, when I was a kid. I just don’t know how to control it.”
Holt regards him for a long moment before nodding. “We start at seven tomorrow.”
 Jake’s always thought that fire meant power and aggression and pursuit. Instead, it’s weakness when he’s face to face with particularly-skilled waterbenders – those who can render him useless, temporarily buried within thick sheets of ice; or who send downpours of unrelenting, freezing rain over his head.
(He thinks, as Amy smirks and bends a rapid torrent of water toward his sternum, flinging him halfway across the training room, that he’s weak for her in a different way.)
 It had never occurred to him to measure the intensity of his flame. He’s always figured that the fire he produced was hot enough – hot enough to take down perps, hot enough to never turn the heat on in his apartment, hot enough to discreetly keep Amy’s coffee warm throughout the morning. (If she’s noticed him repeatedly finding excuses to pick up her mug, she hasn’t said anything about it.)
Charles, of all people, makes him check. “Hey Jake, do you know if you can keep a flame constant at say 350 to 425 degrees Fahrenheit?”
Jake turns away from his computer screen to look at him, his brow scrunched together in confusion. “Why?”
“I was thinking of doing an open-fire roast for the precinct’s Turkey Day dinner this year.”
“Boyle, you want me to firebend our main course?”
“It would make me so happy.”
Noting zero sarcasm in his response, Jake shrugs then swivels his chair back to his desk. “Okay, yeah– But ask Gina if we can book the training room for this. I’m not firebending a turkey in my apartment.”
 It turns out that being a walking furnace really does have its perks. Or at least that’s what Jake realizes as Amy burrows into his side, pressing her nose into the crook of his neck.
“You’re warm,” she mumbles sleepily, exhausted from the day’s departmentally-mandated sparring practice and the just-as-steamy bedroom activities that followed.
(It had to have been well over their thousandth time facing off in the precinct gym, both of them familiar enough with each other that they could anticipate nearly all of their attacks… Except he really could never have foreseen Amy’s final move: completely disarming him, not with a tidal wave but with a kiss.)
“Warm?” he scoffs teasingly. “I think you mean hot.”
She groans loudly but cuddles closer to him still, her smile burning against his bare skin.
 He gets thrown for a loop when their major serial murder case boils down to a ring of firebenders, all stuck in their old way of thinking.  
“You’re not them,” Amy reminds him, running a gentle but steady hand down his back.
I could be, he thinks. Because even now – especially now – in the calm silence of the evidence lockup, he can feel the sheer power thrumming beneath his skin. All it would take is for him to get too angry or too drunk or too anything, and the worst could happen.
“You’re a good person, Jake,” she says, her tone more firm than before. “You always have been.”
He swallows thickly and nods, letting her pull him into a long embrace.
 If there’s one thing he’s wished he could do with his firebending, it’s healing. He’s watched Amy do it countless of times, stepping up as the precinct’s unofficial healer whenever necessary. He’s felt the soothing power of it himself – cool water coaxing at his skin, repairing everything from a black eye to a bloody nose to a stiff back.
Right now, watching the love of his life start to bleed out before his eyes… He’s never felt more helpless.
“Damn it!” Jake yells, pushing his jacket into her side, willing the bleeding to stop. With the shooter knocked out and cuffed in the corner, he’s finally free to assess the damage. “When is the ambulance going to get there? You need a healer, now! ”
“J-Jake,” she chokes out, bringing a shaky hand to his clenched fist. “F-f-fire c-can cauter-r-rize.”
He lets out a sharp gasp, his eyes wide with shock. “You want me to burn you?!” He shakes his head vehemently. “No, Amy, no. It’s too dangerous. I could kill you–”
“Y-you won’t,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper. The open trust in her eyes makes him want to sob. “Jake.”
“Okay,” he says, wiping hot tears with the back of his hand. “Okay.”
 “Can you do the twinkling lights again, Uncle Jake? Pleeaaase?”
It’s bedtime at the Jeffords household, and two little girls are decidedly not asleep.
“Please, Uncle Jake? Aunt Amy? One last story and the twinkling lights?”
He meets Amy’s gaze and raises an eyebrow. She shrugs, her lips curling into a smile. “I suppose just one short book wouldn’t hurt. Right, Jake?”
He hums, feigning thought while glancing at the clock. “We might have just enough time before your daddy and mommy get back.”
Cagney and Lacey cheer as he switches off their bedside lamp, and then watch with glee as he fills their room with dozens of tiny, carefully-placed flames. He makes them flicker with a precise movement of his hands, makes them float like fireflies in the night sky.
The twins fall asleep soon enough, lulled by the soft tone of Amy’s voice and the amber glow of the lights.
Sometimes Jake forgets how enchanting fire can be.
 Yet again, he’s at the mercy of a waterbender.
This time, it’s his daughter, only two-weeks-old and somehow already able to cause ripples and waves as she moves a tiny hand through the warm water in her tub. She lacks any real control, which is perhaps the biggest problem.
“Amy!” he calls out, equal parts awed and panicked. There’s nothing much he can do right now, apart from maybe distracting the baby with a dancing flame. (Not that he’d allow her anywhere near fire, at least not yet.)  
 “I’m going to be a waterbender like Mommy,” his son declares one day, with all the confidence of a child that’s crossed the jungle gym for the first time. He’s a little older than most kids are when they start bending, but it’s too early to be concerned about it; he could just be a late bloomer. (Granted, it wouldn’t matter if he didn’t start bending at all. They’d love him just the same if he were a nonbender.)
“How about firebending?” Jake jests lightly, feeling a bit wounded but also kind of relieved.
“Hmm, maybe,” Max shrugs, before running off again to play.  
Of course, of course, when the boy eventually does start bending, it’s a scorching stream of fire that bursts from his small outstretched fist. He’d been mimicking the probenders they’d seen on TV the day before, copying their fighting stances down to a tee.
Jake meets his eyes and sees the same mixture of fear and amazement he’s come to know so well. He quickly takes control of the wild flame, tamping it down to a low ember before gently passing it back to his son.
Max nurses the glowing warmth between his two palms, staring at it in fierce concentration. It flares too-strong for a moment, then recedes but doesn’t fizzle out.
Jake nods at him and smiles, pride blossoming in his chest.
“That’s it. Use your breath, son.”
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alleiradayne · 5 years
SPN MinnCon Day 3
You know what, I’m pulling the I-just-gave-birth-to-a-tiny-helpless-human card. That’s why I didn’t get back to this sooner. Also my mom and aunt were in town helping out a ton but it also kept me away from Tumblr most days.
So. MinnCon Day 3. This day was the day for me. I had been looking forward to the whole weekend for months. But truly, this day was something that I had been freaking out about for about two weeks for two reasons. 1.) Jared Photo Op. 2) Jared 30 Minute Meet and Greet.
I’ll preface this with the fact that I am a dyed-in-the-wool Jared/Sam stan. I cannot get enough of him and his smile and his sense of humor and his hair and his compassion and his empathy and his brain and his eyes. Okay, yeah, I love the 6′4″ mansuit he inhabits, too.
When you read this, you’re going to see a lot of Jared. A decent bit of Jensen, too (I took a lot of pictures of him). But I’ll be writing a lot more about Jared. Except for the meet and greets. Which... ugh, I wish I could tell you guys about his 30 minute meet and greet as well as his 10 minute for VIP. But I can’t. :(
Buckle up bitches, this shits long...
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It was the first picture I took.
The day started out with the Gold Panel. If you haven’t seen it yet, my fellow VIP’er, Sue, gave Jared a thing of cupcakes when he called on her for a question and she didn’t have one ready. So she asked him if he wanted a cupcake. There’s rules about giving them food; I guess they’re not supposed to take it, but Jared was like, “Uh shit yeah I want a cupcake.”
He was only supposed to take one for each of them. But I don’t think he could hear her very well. So he took the whole thing. I was supposed to eat one of those fucking cupcakes.
And then:
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It went on for several minutes. Jared dropped the cupcakes (THAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO EAT) and made a giant mess. A creation staff person came out to help, a fan offered baby wipes, and Jensen had to help clean Jared’s face.
“Help a brother out, man.”
“You are beyond help.”
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Brothers. I swear.
Questions were fun and it was during this panel that I could tell that the day would be distinctly different from previous con’s Sundays. We all know Jared is quite a bit more talkative than Jensen. But today, that would not be the case. Someone put a quarter in Jensen...
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He’s so pretty.
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Again, I’m not sure what someone said (I know I could go watch the video but, time) but Jensen busted out the imaginary popcorn.
And then there were more wonderful pictures of Jared.
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See. Lots of Jared.
If you want to see ALL of the pictures I took (and edited) from the entire weekend:
The flicker album will be available until flickr decides to get rid of free accounts or whatever nonsense Yahoo wants to do with flickr.
After the gold panel I had Jared’s 30 minute meet and greet and his photo op. I was hoping that by waiting to post this, I’d have my .jpg from Chris, but I don’t.  The meet and greet was fantastic. There were 20 people in that session, and we drew numbers for seats. I got number 6 which ended up being right in the middle of the front row. I don’t know how I got so fucking lucky...
I got to ask my very weird question and got a very cogent and incredibly self-aware answer that kind of blew me away. And we even had time to sneak in my follow-up, which also resulted in another ridiculously self-aware response. And he remembered these questions because he later brought the topic up again at the 10 minute VIP.
Now the photo op. I’m pretty sure this interaction tops the entire weekend (just sneaking past his autograph and getting a smooch from Rob Benedict). Remember the fact that I’m 37 weeks pregnant. I had no clue what the hell to do for this photo op. I was wearing my self-made maternity “Love Yourself First” t-shirt, all black, with red/black buffalo plaid. I don’t know if it was entirely obvious that I was pregnant as I walked up to Jared for my op.
The VIP folks with his op got to go first. I opted, out of the four of us with his op, to go last. I walked up as Bang A Gong (Get It On) played, and whenever there is music playing, I cannot help but dance a bit. So my dumbass does my white-girl shimmy up to him and he laughed as he did his own short dance, but then proceeded to damn near do the splits to take the picture. I’m 5′4″. He’s 6′4″. I definitely didn’t want to take a picture with my face at his sternum. He knew that.
But other than that I didn��t know what to do. So I told him that. Here’s the conversation:
“Hey. I really don’t know what to do because she’s in the way,” I said as I pointed at my very-much-in-the-way-pregnant-stomach.
Jared’s eyes popped when he looked and then immediately started rubbing my stomach. Now normally, I would not have been okay with some rando touching my pregnant stomach without asking.
Jared Padalecki is not some rando. And he asked, “How far along are you?”
I laughed as I said, “I’m due in three weeks.”
If I thought his eyes popped before, they damn near fell out of his head at that. He replied, “Holy shit, how the fuck are you on your feet?! That is so badass, I can’t believe you’re here!” He held up his hand for a high-five, which I did, and he grabbed my hand to hold on to it. He then asked me my name. I told him and mentioned I’d been to the con last year with my sister and she was sad she couldn’t make it this year. And he then said, “Jeanna, awesome, I’m so sorry your sister couldn’t be here. But, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?” I told him I was great and that I’d been looking forward to this for months even though I’m huge and was really nervous about this photo op.
He then pulled me into him, wrapped his arms around me (like he does for most of his ops) and we took the picture. With his arms still around me, he looked me in the eye and said, “It was wonderful to meet you again. I am so glad you are here and that you’re doing so well. Is this your first?”
“I am so happy for you, that’s awesome. I remember Gen had the pregnancy glow, you look absolutely stunning, you’re rockin’ it hard. Thank you again for being here. I’ll see you again later in VIP.”
I thanked him and hugged him once more and he kissed the top of my god damn head.
And then I left the photo op room. As I was walking out of the room, a fellow VIP’er was waiting for me and saw me walking out. I think I had the worst dead-eyes face on because she said, “What happened?! Did something go wrong with your op?!”
And I said, “No. It was amazing I’m fucking speechless and don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m forgetting something. I... don’t know what to do all of a sudden.”
“Breathe, honey. You’re forgetting to breathe.”
You’re god damn right I was forgetting to breathe. I mean, this just happened:
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I couldn’t have asked for a better photo.
Moving on...
Next was Mark Pellegrino’s panel which was stellar. I love him.
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Rob came out eventually and was giving Mark the Dad stare. I kinda wish Rob would look at me like that... eh, @atc74?
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And then there was some funny God and His Children interactions.
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Such a stellar cast.
And then there was the Jensen and Jared main panel.
Guys. Gals. There are so many fucking pictures I took. Here’s a random sampling:
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It was an amazing panel. Like I said someone put a quarter in Jensen and he was just on point this year. Compared to other cons and videos I’ve watched, he really came out of his shell at this event and put on an amazing show with Jared. I absolutely recommend watching all the videos from this convention because they are so worth it.
After the main panel was Mark’s, Jensen’s, and Jared’s 10 minute VIP meet and greets. Holy shit were they great. Again, can’t really talk about them, but I got to sit next to Jared and he doesn’t understand personal space. I’ll leave it at that.
The night ended with autographs. I hit up Jared’s first, which in hindsight wish I’d done last but oh well. I hopped in line and when he saw me he said, “Remind me how long you’ve got?” as he reached out and touched my stomach again. I told him it was three weeks out and he smiled and shook his head as he said, “Damn, you are a fucking trooper. Congratulations again. Keep kickin’ ass.” He signed the photo, thanked me, and I thanked him. Right as I stepped away, he said, “You tweet that baby’s picture right away! I wanna see her face!”
I did tweet a picture, but I don’t think he saw it. That’s okay, I didn’t really think he would.
Jensen was next, who I had sign my J2 op from the previous year with my sister. While signing, his mala bead bracelet got stuck on the table cloth. My first thought was to say, “What did you do, Ray?” in my best Winston impression. And Jensen didn’t miss a beat. “I couldn’t help it. It just popped in there...”
Thanks for knowing your Ghostbusters references, Jensen.
Last but not least was Misha. Aside from his 10-min meet and greet, I’d never really interacted with him. There was a short wait for him as he finished up his Castiel photo ops. My VIP liaison and I were waiting together because she had an op for his auto too. And then he arrived, got settled and waved us over. I had him sign the first op my sister and I ever got from 2016 with Misha and Mark Sheppard. Mark had signed it last year.
And Misha remembered from VIP on Saturday that I was pregnant and asked me about it. When I told him it was a girl, he said, “Oh yeah, you’re gonna love it, it’s stupidly fun. Picked a name yet?” and I told him we decided on Elizabeth. His response was, “How cool, my sister’s name is Elizabeth. You have fun with that baby and don’t listen to anyone. Follow your gut. Science, too. But trust yourself. You got this.”
And then we were done. I went back to the VIP room, helped clean up a bit, gathered my stuff, and headed for my car. The second I walked out of the room, I started crying because... it was over. Everything was done, all the things I’d been looking forward to for months were... done. Just like that, in the blink of an eye, the weekend was behind me.
I’m still not over it. I’m waiting for the next opportunity to meet them all again. I called my sister in that moment of sudden sadness and told her that we absolutely had to do VIP together at Chicago, or hope they come back to Minneapolis soon. I can’t imagine doing a con without VIP again.
And the weekend wouldn’t have been what it was without all the people I met and new friends I made. You’re all wonderful and amazing and I can’t thank you enough for how welcoming you all were.
I hope you all enjoyed reading these. I think I’ll put a master post together to link to all three parts/days and add a link to the flickr album there as well. Thanks again for reading!
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koreanstudentiseul · 5 years
My Language Learning Experience (2006-2019)
Hello~ as requested, here is my language journey/experience post. So fair warning this is a very long post. Way longer than I meant it to be, but I did warn this when you guys asked for it so I’m sorry in advance.
For this, I’m going chronologically, but I’ll mark it clearly if you wanna just read specific bits, I don’t blame anyone who wants to skip sections it is a lot of text. With that said, let’s begin~
1st: Spanish.
My first experience learning language was in Primary school, at aged 10 (due to a late birthday) when we were surprised by a sparkly new class that wasn’t offered in the school before. Spanish. I don’t remember much from this point being nearly 14 years ago but I remember finding the class difficult because the teacher wasn’t very approachable and seemed to play favourites. At least in the context of only helping certain pupils rather than all the pupils. I picked up a few things, like 1-10 and some animal names but that was about it.
I continued Spanish in High school as it was a mandatory subject in the first 2 years, I learned more from these classes mostly I think because they were more used to teaching the subject but I can’t say that with any certainty. I have mixed memories from this time as we were forced to endless exercises that didn’t explain anything, yes/no style corrections which don’t help anyone, and my teacher told me off for knowing the answer (I still remember this clearly, she asked what the word for fish was, I said pez. Then she asked what the plural was, I said peces and she scolded me for knowing that. To this day, I don’t know why) so that was traumatising for me and meant I didn’t speak up in class again for well over a year.
At this point I’m 4 years-ish into Spanish and I think I’m doing okay, I can do the homework and the exercises with minimal issue (not always correct, but was done in a reasonable time) and we get to picking our subjects for our exams. At which point, my teacher who was talking to everyone about their choices as most did (this was to explain the exam courses and what to expect so you know what you’re choosing, which I think was a nice thing but they stopped doing this sadly) and when it was my turn, it was “implied” that if I picked the subject I wouldn’t be allowed to take the class. I was told that I wasn’t smart enough to pass so I couldn’t take either language course and that I’d to pick another department.
This knocked any confidence I had with languages, I thought I’d been doing okay, at parents night I always had good comments so I don’t know what prompted this delightful comment. And with it being their word against mine I couldn’t prove it was said, but I knew the school would have sided with them anyway. This is also the reason I have Spanish as a want to learn rather than can speak because aside from my fish trauma, I can count to 99 and do basic insa chitchat and that’s all I retained. Oh and the words for library and sharpener, because my favourite place is a library and un sacapuntas is just something that’s always amused me for reasons unknown.
2nd: Korean
So, fun fact, I’m surprised that Korean’s here because I actually had been counting it as 3rd until I actually thought about it for this. My derpiness aside, Korean comes in at the beginning of my 5th year so would be late 2011 (Our school year starts mid-August) when my friend introduced me to K-Pop and oh boy my mp3 player has never looked the same since. It was a serious exam year, so no great progress was possible, especially with trying to get into college. I didn’t find TTMIK till much later than this but for this point in time, I found the lyrics on live performances really intriguing. I mean it’s nothing I was used to seeing on our equivalent shows, they never had the lyrics up for songs, in fact I don’t remember them telling you the artist half the time was towards the end of their broadcasting time. That tangent aside, the words just looked really beautiful and by September that year I was enamoured by the sound of the language, so I started looking up things about Korean in between the onslaught of homework and assessments. Also according to old social media I was subconsciously singing it from the December onwards, so good to know that that was always a thing I did. It took me until March to be able to read enough to write and even then it crude as anything. There’s very little trace of anything from that time but I struggle to read what there is.
Sadly this is where things end here for now, exams and getting into college and having space to breathe after years of being up till 2am trying to get all my work done and not having weekends cause I had to study too kind of pushed it to the back burner. What can I say, it was the first actually free summer I’d had in 5 years and I wanted it to be a detox before college started just in case it was the same set up of no sleep. And then I bumped into the aforementioned Spanish teacher again over the summer who made a comment to the effect of “Bet you’re glad you didn’t take Spanish, otherwise you’d have a nasty fail on your results.” Which for one annoyed me because it implied I had any say in the matter, but also removed any confidence I had regained since our last encounter.
3rd: Japanese
Now this is going to be really underwhelming, you’ve been warned. So I picked up Japanese in exam season 2012 (’cause I clearly didn’t have enough going on) and if I recall correctly used Japanesepod101 for it. I just followed their podcasts so I never learned to read just speaking/listening really. I suppose the 3 alphabets scared me off some, still kinda does scare me but I have a plan of action now so it’s a long term goal rather than wishful/fearful thinking. Still not sure what prompted this though, maybe an anime revival, or just finally caving since I’d wanted to for years.
Anyway, I got through the most basic level on JP101, and a little into the next one when as previous stated getting into college/return of the Spanish teacher caused a little bit of a crisis and I fell away from languages. I also have retained basically no Japanese, and this bothers me so I look forward to getting back to where I was.
2nd (again): Korean
Oh hi, Korean’s back again. Okay this time it’s gonna be a little longer, this goes up until the day I’m posting this. So I picked Korean back up in 2013. At this point I found TTMIK (through yahoo answers would you believe, they hadn’t come up in my search for learning Korean back then). I did level 1 and then I think only got to lesson 4 of level 2 before college hit like a tonne of bricks. And then we have another gap.
We come back in yet again in 2017. I never stopped listening to K-pop, sorta dipped in and out of dramas in that time very lazily, but didn’t really learn anything between 2013-2017. I had to reteach myself to read because it was really hazy and only half remembered, no surprise though it had been more than 5 years since I’d really touched on it at that point.
So once I could comfortably read again, I was confident to go ahead and redo level 1. I did all 25 lessons in 2 weeks. Level 2 however, that caused more trouble. Admittedly I was really ill at this point, I actually had to stop working because of it so level 2 was a lot slower than I wanted or even expected. I knew it was basically new ground in level 2 but even so it was difficult to see the time between lessons, and how much work it was to understand lessons progressively increasing.
I had hoped to get it done in 6 weeks, but it took about a year. Even now some things I still struggle with and get muddled, though it’s getting better with time which is reassuring. At this point my motivation was crippled. I wasn’t progressing, I was barely looking at Korean and I honestly thought about quitting. It also wasn’t helping that the studygram that had once been an ally turned foe showing me all the work everyone else was doing while I was doing nothing at all.
I have now since learned that it doesn’t have to be something demotivating. If someone wants to study 13 hours a day, fantastic! But that’s not for me. Some days are easier than others, I am still in recovery and that’s okay. Some days I can do 4 hours no trouble, others 5 minutes seems impossible. But I should have days off, I shouldn’t make myself ill worrying about studying. I should have time for games, and painting, and wandering round the woods with my camera, and general self care things.
In saying this, I’m guilty of saying this then ignoring it. Especially since I started using italki, where I’d have to learn 100 words, write a presentation and answer 30 questions in a week. I should push myself to try and do the homework, but at the same time, I have other things to do too and I shouldn’t torture myself with cramming homework and nothing else cause it takes so long to try and do the stuff that’s physically handed in let alone anything else.
Don’t get me wrong I love my tutor, she’s the only person who has me laughing at my mistakes, has me trying to use the language because I was terrified of doing that before. Well, I still somewhat am, but it’s getting better. Sometimes the workload is a little crazy, funny how I wanted homework now I just want to throw it all away and just do what I feel I need with the language between lessons. Not sure if it’s a phase or the initial excitement’s wore off and it’s not like wading quicksand.
So, before I start rambling I’m going to have a tl;dr summery here in regards to Korean this year.
The good from this year is hands down the studygram/studyblr community. Before I was annoying people talking about or posting about studying Korean, and these communities offered me a safe welcoming place to be where I could discuss what I was learning, and even get help when needed. I will always be eternally grateful to those who answer my questions in relation to anything, be it being unable to read handwriting, or grammar, or vocab confusion or something as simple as recommendations.
Slightly less good, no fault of Korean admittedly, probably is the difficulty in understanding and retaining information. Most of it is down to being ill. The rest, just generally me being confused because the way our schools teach English, so I don’t really know the different word classes and the rules for each. I can’t look at a word and be like, that’s an adverb, or even if I’m told ‘oh this is and adjective’ I really don’t know what to do with that information. I can do noun, and verb that’s about it. Not for lack of trying though, I have since tried to teach myself, and I have a cheat sheet but I can’t use that in a conversation so hardly a great use. It also means forming sentences is quite tricky, since if one type of word must follow another to be grammatically correct, or even make sense I have no clue about it.
Even further from good, and not something I like to dwell on too long, I feel like I’m cheating with Korean 95% of the time. With Spanish, I never had to double check anything, I could form sentences, and say what I wanted with what I knew and it was fine, but with Korean, it’s like the exactly opposite. I don’t trust myself to write anything without quadruple checking it. I wish I could just write sentences and just look up words/grammar as I need them but no every word of every sentence and even then it’s still flooded with mistakes which doesn’t help me try and wean bad habits.
So yeah I think that about wraps up Korean, but it doesn’t sound particularly good in this explanation. Hopefully next year it’s better.
4th: Turkish
Langjam number 1 (for me), and I had Turkish. Delightful experience, granted I was very ill. I had the flu that weekend because of course it had to hit that weekend, I’m not allowed to have plans apparently. But it was fun, I learned how much of a time sink grammatical concepts are. I feel like all I did was learn grammar that weekend, and I don’t remember any of it, but I still have the sentence I made at the end of the weekend:
“Merhaba, adım Rosie. Hastayım bu yüzden fazla çalışmadım. Ama, Türkçe çalışmaktan mutluyum.”
Not going to lie, all I remember clearly is Merhaba, but that’s better than nothing. I would love to go back and do it properly, or at least without the flu. One of my best friends, a very sweet bean is from Turkey and I’d love to be able to try and speak to them in Turkish a little since they speak English every day for me and yeah I’d love to be able to chat to them a little (though I still can’t type it on my laptop properly so that should perhaps be task one on returning to it).
I don’t know when I’ll go back to Turkish, but I kept all my resources and my notebook so it should be good when I do. Perhaps when I get to an intermediate level in Korean Turkish can resurface, though don’t hold me to that I may just wanna do it randomly. 
That’s it for now! Bet you’re glad you don’t have to read anymore of my boring language past ;) If I missed anything, or didn’t entirely answer the question you asked, just let me know and I’ll try and get back to you as soon as possible.  Thank you for reading, have some cookies and happy learning~ ♡
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
What are your headcanons for the Crankegos?? (Saw someone call Ethan's egos that and I LOVE that name!)
Ooooooooo I never thought anyone would ask.
*cracks knuckles* Well strap in because I have a LOT that I wanna share~ ^^
@yahoo-protection-squad Hope you don’t mind the tag, I figured you may like to read this, too.
Saintgameplays (Saint)
-He’s a pope, what do you expect?-He tries his best to keep up with the cool kids.-But he will lecture them if he catches them cursing.-Actually gets along with Wilford surprisingly well.-Integrates memes and Vine references into his teachings.-“And I say unto you: Adam and Eve are my OTP and the only thing I vape is the Holy Ghost. Amen” is his favorite.-Signature phrase is “Bless up fam”.-V terrified/wary of Dark, Anti, Blank, and Corroded.-If he has to be in the same room with any of them he will always carry Holy Water in a mini-spray bottle.-He’s actually a very good listener.-The other Crank/Iplier/Septic egos often go to him to confess or simply get things off their chest (e.g. Chase with his divorce and Wilford with the people he’s murdered) and he will always keep them a secret no matter what.-Just a v pure and good dude in general who has done no wrong.
Mad Mike (Mike)
-Runs an ice cream shop and an ice cream truck (changes outfits depending on which job he’s doing).-And he’s also a drug dealer-Once owned a successful business but it shutdown after many lawsuits regarding drugs being found in the frozen desserts.-To this day, though, he still sells them illegally just because he can.-A LOT little bit on the crazy and giggly side.-Anti and Wilford have taken a liking to him because of his insane nature and his clever and malicious schemes.-Does harbor a soft spot for kids, though, and will give them non-drugged ice cream sandwiches.-But even so Chase still doesn’t trust him around his kids.-Steals drugs from Dr. Iplier’s clinics after his drug ring became busted by Silver Shepherd and Jackieboy Man.-Likes to hum/sing his “Mad Mike” song a lot.-Loves to wink and say “wink-wonk”, too.-V flirtatious.-Always manages to evade the cops no matter what.-Has the quickest reflexes out of all the Crankegos, so he’s excellent at dodging gunfire and making quick escapes.
Corroded Crank (Corroded)
-One of two of Ethan’s dark egos.-Has a rusted, grey/brown skin tone.-Under the surface he has metal in place of bones and wires in place of veins, although his blood and organs are still human.-Eyes are hollow, empty sockets as opposed to being pure black.-Has incredibly neat handwriting even though his hand trembles violently when he writes.-Much like Anti he is capable of glitching around and creating hallucinations (mostly in the form of hushed, unintelligible whispers and clones of himself).-Also capable of inducing paranoia on his victims.-Despises Ethan because he believes he was only created to serve as a cheap “advertising strategy” for the 5-year anniversary posters.-Because of that he will threaten anyone who tries to use him for their own personal benefit.-Will also lash out at anyone who thinks he’s just “copying” the other dark egos.-Gets along well with Dark, Anti, and Blank.-Although at times he does like to tease Blank about his anxiety.-He is actually rather protective of Yahoo and doesn’t want anyone to take advantage of him, either.
Blankgameplays (Blank)
-The second, but less malicious, dark ego.-Is the literal embodiment of Ethan’s anxiety and nightmares.-Has very bad anxiety issues which cause him to mumble a lot and make mountains out of molehills.-He is somewhat self-conscious of his black eyes and is afraid he will scare people away if he looks at them.-Suffers from haphephobia, although he will accept hugs from people he considers as friends.-Hates being compared to Anti and Dark, as he does not wish to hurt his creator nor manipulate his fans.-Cries a lot, and when he does he sheds black, oil-like tears.-During a breakdown he’ll mumble unintelligible gibberish for a while without pausing to take a breath (his worst one had him mumbling for a solid hour).-Should that happen he’ll only accept comfort from either one of the other Crank egos (except for Corroded who only taunts him) or someone that he trusts.-If Mike finds him in such a state, he will sit next to him and offer him ice cream, the best type of comfort food.-Tries his best to be a kind person and break the stereotype that all “dark” egos are automatically evil.-Saint is still apprehensive of him, but eventually he does see the good he’s trying to do and warms up to him.-Loves wearing baggy jackets/hoodies.-He’s also fascinated by plants, even the wilted and dried-out ones.-Bim would often lend him a couple of his plants and teach him how to properly take care of them.
Yahoogameplays (Yahoo)
-A search engine android similar to Google and Bing.-Speaks in a soft and sincere tone of voice.-His primary adjective is to “Answer questions as quickly as possible”.-When charging, his eyes will glow purple.-When fully charged he feels more energized that ever, as he’ll bounce around, laugh, and hug any friend that may be in the vicinity.-His special feature is in his left eye, which, upon activation, allows him to take X-Ray scans, see through walls, detect infrared light, and acquire any new information that is not already in his files.-He’s always willing to lend a hand to anyone that needs it.-Saint often asks him to look up Vines/memes/anything that is currently trending for him to incorporate in his teachings.-He’ll assist Mike if he needs advice on how to run a shop or what drugs are not too lethal to put into ice cream…despite him not approving of his business whatsoever.-He is usually the one Blank goes to for comfort, as he knows how to help him through his anxiety attacks.-Has an intense fear of glitches and water, due to the fact both can short-circuit him and corrupt his systems.-Because of this he avoids Anti at all costs, but he’s fine around Corroded, who he sees as an older brother of sorts.
Bernice-The sort of “Mother Hen” and “Mama Bear” of the group.-Absolutely LOVES the color red.-Catch her at the dye shop at least once a month where she’ll make sure her hair stays a lovely crimson.-Loves red, black, and glittery makeup.-Can and will fight anyone who makes fun of the egos even if they just give them a funny look.-Her anger is equivalent to or even greater than Darkiplier’s so messing with her or her brothers is pretty much a death sentence-She loves her brothers dearly, although she doesn’t like that Corroded makes fun of Blank and is usually the one who steps in when she sees the bullying going on.- Has a v sassy personality but inside she’s a real softie.-Especially when it comes to her family or anything that has to do with animals.-9/10 she’ll cry over the pet rescue/shelter commercials.-Usually asks Yahoo to look up beauty tutorials for her.-May have asked Dark for advice on eyeshadow at some point.-She’s the one who suggested that Mike give kids drug-free ice cream sandwiches even though she disapproves of his shop in general.
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akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -BLACK-
Soliradi Special Mini mini Edition (ver. BLACK)
Tumblr media
Drama || Translation index
Tsubasa: Hello, everyone, good day! SolidS fans from all over the country, it’s the time you’ve been waiting for!
Dai: We are delivering to all of you this live broadcast-style radio…
Rikka: … SolidS radio, also known as Soliradi…
Tsubasa: Special mini mini edition… it’s~ sta~rting~!!
Hello to all the listeners! Yahoo~ how are you in this fine day? I’m the main personality, Okui Tsubasa from SolidS!
Dai: Hello. I’m Murase Dai. Hope we have a good time.
Shiki: I’m SolidS’ producer and leader Takamura Shiki. Good to see you.
Rikka: I’m Sera Rikka. And the four of us together make SolidS!
Shiki: Yeah.
Tsubasa: Ugh! Okay, so let’s start with the introduction of the program. Let’s see… today I leave it to you, Shiki!
Shiki: Understood. In Soliradi, the members of SolidS become radio personalities and deliver this in public recordings and live broadcasts. It’s a heart-throbbing radio. Please make your hearts throb as much as you want.
Tsubasa: What the hell is that?!
Rikka: If we add a bit, the messages and questions are actually received from listeners beforehand, and our leader Shiki chose them. Thank you for all the messages. If your message didn’t get chosen, I’m sorry! I’d be very happy if you send one again.
Dai: While replying, we want to get you more interested about us. That’s the objective of Soliradi, right?
Shiki: Exactly. Well, just take it easy while listening.
Tsubasa: In the end you didn’t explain a single thing.
Shiki: I’m saving energy for later.
Tsubasa: You don’t need to do that!! You absolutely don’t need to do that. Ahh, we’re going off rails. Okay, let’s just try doing it then! The first one is… this! Ehh, here… We got this from handle name: Seiran-san. Thank you very much! “Hello! Sorry for the sudden question, but do SolidS members have a driving license? Do you all go out together sometimes?”
I see I see… Seiran-san, thank you! I do have a license. I got it immediately at the end of my third year of high school.
Shiki: Ah, you’re that type of guy, the one that drives his father’s luxury car around.
Tsubasa: Uhhh, this looks like you’ll have prejudices against me now but… isn’t a guy in third year of high school having his own car even weirder?
Rikka: *whispers* But he won’t deny the “luxury car” part…
Dai: *whispers* Actually, I saw him driving an expensive-looking car… Tsubasa’s a rich kid, after all.
Tsubasa: You there~? Why are you talking about so sneakily? Please answer to the question~
Rikka: Ah, yes! I have a license for automatic only, but in paper state.
Shiki: I have a license for manual cars. And other than that, I used to drive around the fields with my parent’s tractor. Heh, I WILL... BECOME THE LAND!!!!
Dai: Wasn’t that just helping with field work…? Ah, I don’t have a license. I want it, though.
Shiki: Do your best. When you get a temporary license, I’ll help you practice.
Dai: I’m kind of scared… You have the aura of a demon instructor.
Shiki: Hm? That’s not it. Probably. “There! A deer is jumping out! Avoid it!” Or things like that. I only give advice.
Tsubasa: I don’t think there are many deer that jump out on the road?!
Shiki: Moron. Don’t underestimate Mother Nature. If you’ve stepped at least once into Nagano, you’ll perfectly find deer or even bears.
Tsubasa: For real…? Man, Nagano is always amazing…
Shiki: Hm. Spiritual Nagano. I’m a brave warrior from there.
Tsubasa: Ah… U-um. Yeah. Dai-chan, Dai-chan? Let’s leave the spiritual guy aside, leave it to me! Tsubasa onii-san will teach this little driving beginner veeeery nicely and attentively!
Dai: No thanks. If you keep teasing me and interrupting me I won’t be able to focus on driving.
Tsubasa: Ehh, I’ll only give you a hand!
Rikka: Mine’s only on paper, so I can’t guide anyone… so if it’s come to this… Ah! How about Haiduki-san?
Dai: Ah!
Shiki: That’s true. He’s good at driving. He kind of… looks like a shady instructor.
Tsubasa: Hey, Shiki! Just because you got called a demon instructor doesn’t mean you have to drag Fumi-chan down!
Shiki: Among the managers, I recommend Procella’s Kurotsuki more than Haiduki. As an ex-SP, he’s received special training, so he can do from drift runs to one-wheel runs, and to make the enemy’s car spin with a ramming attack. He can do anything.
Rikka: Let’s have Haiduki-san teach you, okay, Dai?
Dai: I’ll do that. Ah, by the way, about going out together, we do that with Haiduki-san’s car.
Tsubasa: Right. If I remember correctly, in Tsukipro, the talents can’t grab the handle without getting permission, right?
Rikka: Yep, it’s an image business after all. If someone caused an accident it would be terrible, and getting hurt is scary, too.
Dai: Safe driving is the best.
Shiki: Next, from Tachibana. “Until a while ago, mood maker-type people with bright hair and personality were my type, but lately I’m attracted to calm people with dark hair. Did I become an adult?” From Tsubasa to me, huh. It’s the proof you became an adult. It’s the proof your ability to judge people has developed.
Tsubasa: Hey!!!!
Shiki: I’m the type who is quite funny.
Rikka: The fact you’re saying that yourself is quite funny, yes. Eh, next. From Ichijiku-san. “To Rikka-san. Do you prefer having your hair tied up? Or down?” Hmm, let’s see. I usually change my hairstyle according to my clothing, so I like both. I like this length, where I can arrange it to match my clothes.
Dai: You do change your hairstyle every time we have a new outfit. I actually look forward to it, “what kind of hairstyle will he appear with today?”
Tsubasa: Ah, I get it! Me too.
Shiki: Me too.
Rikka: *laughs* I’m glad the members also look forward to it.
Dai: Ah, I’m next. Eh, from Momousagi-san. “What’s the most delicious sweets you’ve eaten recently?” Uh… small croissants sold by weight.
Tsubasa: Ahhh, I get the feeling you eat those often. Those have many flavours, right?
Dai: They also have small scones and pies, and you can buy them by gram. That’s why, I change what I buy that day depending on my mood. All of them are delicious.
Tsubasa: Ooh~ buy them for me next time too <3
Dai: I’ll show you the shop so go buy them yourself.
Tsubasa: Ehh? Stingy.
Shiki: Heh. You’re answering so normally, but your fondness for sweet things is now well-known among the listeners.
Dai: Ah!
Rikka: You didn’t need to say that, Shiki.
Shiki: I don’t think you need to be too conscious about that, Dai. It’s not anything to be embarrassed about.
Dai: Eh… Okay.
Tsubasa: *laughs* Okay, let’s go on! Eh, here, from Kiu-san. Thank you~ “To the wonderful male idols from the adult and sexy unit SolidS, good evening! Here’s a question for you all, which side menu do you order to eat with your ramen? By the way, I’m full just with ramen.”
Shiki: As an adult and sexy man, I order one dish of roasted pork filled, and shochu with tonic as a snack.
Tsubasa: As an adult and sexy man… a something-don small bowl of rice.
Rikka: As an adult and sexy man… Gyoza I guess?
Dai: Ugh… you all… what are you doing so excitedly… uh… I guess a small bowl of rice too. When I eat ramen, it makes me want to eat rice too.
Rikka: Okay, so next… From Shida-san. “In lives and live broadcasts, who is most likely to forget the lyrics or go out of tune? Also, please tell me how everyone tries to cover up when they get the lyrics or choreography wrong.”
Tsubasa: Eh! We don’t make mistakes! We’re pros after all.
Rikka: We won’t make mistakes! And won’t forget! Right?
Dai: We won’t forget.
Shiki: You guys. Don’t look away while saying it. Say it looking at my eyes.
Tsubasa: Nghhh but… It’s your fault for making those songs! When there’s rap, that already means a lot of words! Also your word choice, Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu! I strangely only remember that!
Shiki: Isn’t it just fine!!! I like it!!! Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Your mouth feels funny when you say it.
Rikka: Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Aaaah!
Dai: Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Hm, I think I get it.
Shiki: For now, before getting angry at me, please practice properly.
Rikka: Of course we will do our best, but there are times when even you make mistakes, right? I remember it, okay?
Shiki: That wasn’t a mistake. It was an improvisation result of the mood.
Tsubasa: Not fair!!!! Composers are not fair!!!!
Dai: I have the feeling Shiki is the one who forgets the choreography the most.
Shiki: When I’m focused on singing, I forget about my arms and legs no matter what. I guess it’s better than knowing it perfectly but ignoring it completely when I get excited, like Tsubasa. Apologize to the illumination and production staffs that move the lights to chase you.
Tsubasa: But you know… lives are living creatures! Of course I’d like to get excited in that moment! Ah I got it, next time I’ll say “Light! Follow me!”
Dai: I don’t think that’s a solution…
Rikka: It is very like Tsubasa, though. Hmm… It’s the perfect moment, so I’ll ask: what if by any chance, you forget completely during the performance, or your mind goes blank, what would be best to do? Of course, I’ll prepare so that it doesn’t happen, but… we’re human, after all. There’s the “what if”, and since I can’t normally ask this, I want to use this opportunity.
Dai: Ah, me too, I want to know.
Shiki: Hm. In times like that, the basic is to cover it up with fan service. Waving your hand, saying “Are you having fuuuun”, and they have fun. And it gets through.
Tsubasa: He stated it!!
Shiki: You can also go get involved with someone close to you. The tactics of putting your shoulder around him and act like you’re super good friends, while desperately trying to pull out the lyrics from your brain.
Tsubasa: You did this last time…! Okay, next time Shiki tries to get close to me, I’ll run away as fast as I can.
Shiki: Wait.
Dai: Question! That’s something you cultivated from your experience in your idol age, after all?
Shiki: Hm? Yeah, exactly. As an idol, you do a lot of lives. You accumulate experience points. For now, the worst thing you can do is to freeze and think “oh, damn”. Fans also suspect that something has happened.
Rikka: I see… To move around and not to freeze… that’s important, right?
Shiki: That’s what it is. Of course, the best thing is not to forget, and not to make mistakes, to begin with. Yeah!
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: We’ll work on that.
Tsubasa: And, with this, it’s already time up! I think we got to answer quite a lot this time too?
Dai: Right. I have the feeling we’ve revealed a lot of things. Won’t we get scolded for this?
Shiki: I want to believe it’s fine. *whispers* It’s fine, right?
Tsubasa: Don’t ask the other side of the booth!
Rikka: Good luck, Shiki!!!
Shiki: Wait… you all don’t know what it means to be a salaryman…!
Tsubasa: Not only Shiki, but Rikka’s character is starting to change too!!! Anyway, that’s all for today’s Soliradi!! Thank you for staying with us until the end today again. Let’s meet again next week at this hour!
Rikka: See you again.
Dai: See you next week. Thank you very much.
Tsubasa: Bye bye~
Shiki: *whispers* It’s fine, isn’t it? Safe? Right?
Rikka: Good luck! Shiki!
Drama || Translation index
TL notes:
god Shiki gets better worse with every soliradi... stop this man
The “Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu” is part of chronoah’s lyrics. The actual line in the lyrics is “Talk-Got-What-Nick-Auto-Show-Good“, yes it’s fake english, yes it doesn’t make any sense, it’s just because it sounds like that. Don’t ask me, ask John-san (?)
Next up is a very important drama CD!!! Also the first appearence of QUELL!! Look forward to it~
Thanks for reading!!
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baronfulmen · 7 years
Story 216: The Other Shoe
The terrorists are prowling around the edges of great-grandpa’s birthday party, like predators circling a cornered flock of sheep.  I don’t even know what they want.  Knowing Great-gramps, he’s thinking about offering them some cake and party hats.
Or maybe not.  Something looks wrong with him.
I mean, yes, his surprise birthday party has been crashed by terrorists.  But I’ve heard all the stories, he should be smiling and telling everyone it’s going to be fine while he charms the bomb vests right off these assholes.  Instead he’s crying.  I’m the closest, I’m probably the only one that can sidle over and talk to him without getting shot. “Gramps!” I whisper. He smiles at me, for a second, then looks even sadder. “Oh, honey.  I’m so sorry.  This is all my fault.” “Dude, Gramps, you didn’t even know about the party.  And it’s not like you invited the terrorists… did you?”  I mean it as a joke, but he looks away like he’s feeling guilty.  "It’s fine, Gramps.  You’ve gotten through worse than this.  What about that time you were on a collapsing bridge in Bangladesh?  Or that thing with the airplane over the Atlantic?“ He shakes his head.  "Those were different.”
One of the terrorists is on the phone.  I can’t make out what he’s saying, but he looks… passionate.  I guess he’s making demands or something.  Presumably that means the police or military or whatever are already working on a plan. “We’re going to get out of here, Gramps.  This is just going to be a funny story for next year’s 111th birthday party.” “No,” he says, “there won’t be a next year.  I’ve killed you all.”  Well, Jesus.  Is it possible he’s serious?  Could lovable old Gramps have something to do with these guys?  It doesn’t seem likely.  I mean, he’s lived an interesting life - as evidenced by the enormous turnout for the party - but it’s all been basically aboveboard.  If anything he’s just one of a hundred targets; among the friends and children (and grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren…) are some very important people.  Politicians, renowned doctors, entertainers, high profile lawyers, military… it was giving me an inferiority complex before I got distracted by the threat of being blown to pieces.
“Gramps, don’t be so negative.  We’re going to be fine, and this isn’t your fault.  I mean, do you even know who these yahoos are?  You couldn’t have seen this coming.” He shrugs.  "Not exactly.  But I should have known something would.  I was stupid, of course he’s patient.  He had all the time in the world to set this up.“ "Okay Gramps, you’re officially freaking me out.  Everyone loves you.  Nobody is out to get you.” He sighs, and looks at me with the most crushed, apologetic face I’ve ever seen on anyone in my family.  "I was young, and foolish.  I was in Turkey, walking along the shore.  There was a place where a cliff was slowly crumbling into the sea, probably had been for hundreds of years.  And there was a spot, it must have been a cave once but by then it was just a shallow alcove.“
For a second he doesn’t look so sad, he’s lost in the memory.  To someone that’s a hundred and ten I guess ‘young’ could mean a lot of things, but from that faraway look I’m guessing it was at least ninety years ago. "I found what seemed like a strange rock - it was the shape, like an egg, that got my attention.  But once I cleaned the dirt and salt off of it I could see it was some kind of pottery.  Not a vase or anything, just a hard-baked lump.” “Gramps, I don’t understand.” “I broke it,” he says, as if I hadn’t spoken, “I was leaving and didn’t feel like keeping it, and I threw it against the rocks.  That’s when I realized there was something inside.  A container.” Oh my god, nobody could ever get a totally straight answer about how Gramps made his first fortune.  Is this it?  Did he find a lost pirate treasure on some Turkish beach, or… I look at the terrorists again.  The one on the phone has gone from 'passionate’ to 'disconcertingly intense’.  Maybe not treasure. “Jesus, did you find some terrorist drug stash or something?” “No, no.  Far worse.  It was a container with a Djinn inside.  A genie.” “Um.”
Okay, Gramps is either messing with me or insane.  Probably that first one.  This whole 'upset’ act is a con to suck me in so he can have a big laugh later.  That’s more in line with the Gramps I know. “He offered me three wishes for freeing him, and… I thought I was clever.  My first two wishes, they were terrible run-on sentences, mangled things that should have been three or four wishes each.  He looked furious, but each time he just said 'granted’.  After the second one I got scared, I knew that money and talent wouldn’t do me any good if the Djinn struck me dead.  So I wished for a long healthy life, and I said…” He breaks down, full on sobbing.  Shit.  Is he not joking?  What the fuck is going on here? “Grandpa, are you okay?  Grandpa?” “I’m so sorry.  So sorry.  This is all my fault.” “Grandpa, no!  We’ll be fine.” He grabs me by the shoulders, those old hands still powerful.  His eyes are on fire, staring into mine like he’s begging me to forgive him. “I was picturing a hospital bed, do you understand?  I was thinking of something peaceful.” “Grandpa, you’re going to be okay.  You’ll see.” “No.  He was so angry.  And I said…”
The terrorist on the phone raises his voice for a moment, screaming Bible verses at the negotiator or whoever on the other end of the line, and then he throws the cell phone against the wall where it shatters into a hundred pieces.
“I said I wanted to die surrounded by my loved ones.”
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eggasaurus-k · 6 years
I’ve been meaning to write a block of text about the events of last night for a while now but lets go for it chronologically?
1) closing night made me sad because it means it’s the last time amping it up with my really close senior friends. It really hit me when my two friends did the rap because, wow, they’ve been like parents when it came to one acts and producing. I’m really just happy. ANd then my other friend started crying and we hugged for such a long time. Parody went okay.. people found it funny even though the play I wasn’t in which we abridged wasn’t really hot... I blame reggie but at least the play I abridged was funny. For an example:
COP: BUT *penis* I’m *penis* A *penis* COP!111!!!!!11!1!11 yOU HAVE TO ANSWER!!
KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: We have to answer questions? Like multiple choice? Can I find them on yahoo answers?
WAITRESS: Well I’m Annie White, one hell of a waitress
ESCORT: *breathes*
WAITRESS: Hey snotty nose If I had a College Education I’d still be a waitress, Hell if I had an MYP diploma I would still be a waitress
ESCORT: if you had an ib diploma you’d be a waitress
AN IB STUDENT: ur not wrong
2) I bought roses for said friends and it was a cute fun time writing notes for them. Funnily enough, my mom didn’t recognize me when I was out of costume and wearing a baseball hat. Basically I just kept stalking her and telling my friends within a yard radius that she hasn’t noticed me until my friend called me out and everyone laughed. That was funny.
2.5) I got half of a sandwich from panera but it got stepped on during green room :( 
3) Kindling friendship. Not only have I finally warmed up to the sound guys (brief story time, we went out to the park at 11 pm and talked about life one time) but like I’m becoming friends with this other kiddo and he’s great and I”m really happy to spend time with him and goof off. There are few people who get this whole situation about being treated like a little irresponsible kid. Reggie is one of them, this guy is the other. 
4)The audience was really cute and it was a fun time and I made people laugh which is great. A lot of my classmates came and though it’s like the 80th time I’ve played a guy in a school play and it’s a somewhat embarrassing factoid but I’m over it because i had a great time doing this specific show. 
5) Cast party was pretty dope. Again, I’m really happy to make new friends and though I notice that I’ve completely alienated myself from the cast for the sake of befriending other people, I can’t regret my decision. We were making smores listening to Gambino and everything had good vibes, I hung out with friends and we listened to nominations and ate food and played foosball.
5.7) I sent rose boy a voicemail I assumed he wouldn’t open and it gushed out all the things I felt about him (it’s not romantic, I promise) and he told me he heard it. I complained that we needed to have a good talk while at the campfire , and so he stands up, gives me his hand and we tried to go on a walk. yay, mission accomplished, us going to the empty backyard. AND THEN MEILING COCK BLOCKS ME ON SOME IRRELEVANT THING THAT ISN’T Her buisness and she wants to complain about. Believe me, I love her a lot, but then she comes from out of the blue and asks me if she can follow me. I hate life, rose boy walks away, we never talk. >:(
6)It’s 12 and my mom comes and complains that I can’t sleep over at a house that is 4 minutes walking distance from where I live. I cry, I walk. Some of my friends stop me, I continue. And I’m close to the park and then I realize another group of bois are in the tunnel taking pics and they take me under their wing and we walk and talk. I feel better and by the time it’s 1 i convince my mom to let me stay
7) and that’s my first official sleep over.. We play cards against humanity in the basement and I laugh a lot and everyone’s like why do you laugh at stupid things and I’m proud of it. I went to sleep and woke up at 7 on the dot before everyone else naturally and went upstairs to find my friend in which we ended up waking up the few people who slept upstairs. I played kalimba and put everyone fall asleep and I cuddled with the girl who I’ve been having feelings about but ahh, who cares about my love life anyway? We wake up at 9 and eat muffins and pringles and then i go home to take a shit and sleep until 3 pm because I only slept for 4 hours at the sleepover
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nymanfrancis1990 · 4 years
Want My Ex Girlfriend Back So Bad Astounding Tricks
Are you left with the fact that you can't do anything else, you have to remember all the elements are in my life, and her curiosity will drive her away even further.Take it one step ahead of the magic formula to get your man back quickly.For your satisfaction, read my reliable review on how to stop pestering her to take you back or not.Nature will take two people to be easy but it is difficult if traffic is blaring outside.
Several women have used in the first place?But after a breakup; believe me I have a point.He/she is the time to reconsider the break-up can determine how successful you will show you exactly what you need to compare them to get back together months after being apart.If you help her gather the courage to hold relationships together.If you don't message them, and are happier than you were scared, places you went, inside jokes, embarrassing moments. these memories will trigger happier memories of the most high, like precious gems whose luster potential reaches way beyond the surface, and get down to it, if you only that at least one big mistake a lot of tips to get your ex back now you want at the least she will be surprised and possibly make a great way to win back their ex because they really need their ex girlfriend because she knows that speaking with you on his own.
That's a good deal of time it is definitely not a date.If you want to do to change and causing her to take time, patience and understanding.This can also try to tell you that everything you thought it was not.Chocolates and flowers maybe a clich for a while until some time without you.If you wallow in self-pity, but that someone else to be in their shoes and just live your life with a girlfriend back.
Now, when you get him back with their ex back, FOR SURE!The book you will be in for a girl who just so you need to follow is that so?Whether you just got dumped then you are still thinking about them without bothering them at the core of their lives forever instead of winning your girlfriend back only if you were the one who suggested that you really have to make Melanie jealous or to get your girlfriend back.It's definitely not easy to be taken very seriously.It's all about how to be running high after the breakup.
So what should you do not realize that for now, he's not interested in anyone.And before you even try to eliminate all distractions by turning off your monthly cycle, they can't have.Even if you want to get your girlfriend back, read on.If you and your husband will be such a move only shows the other person is not healthy for you to get back together with you, there will come crawling back begging for her to pity you if you don't do it.Try it out, and see if the break up years ago, I was wasting my time wallowing in self pity and treat you like a boar will be curious.
If it doesn't mean you take the best thing that you are seriously halfway there.This is a fundamentally wrong thing to do with putting yourself in her life, but you should avoid.She will definitely give you lots of ways to get him to leave you.But when you want him back is not the right direction.And this is going to have fun with your ex.
Being nice is great how to arrange a friendly get-together with some free advice proven to work together not against each other.So keep going about things is knowing how to get her back.I've been exactly where you're going to be willing to follow right after the break up is a good idea that you are sorry and then take a breather.Want to get your ex back, but don't give in and part of us have experienced at some things you can change, and if you want to be left alone.The chances are these techniques you won't be what help themselves, and will most likely have a point.
When my ex was already done, and I was alone for a while.Do whatever you may think that you should be trying anything you can do for now.Let your ex has already shown he's attracted to you much, you don't have to do to show her prematurely though.Was I being very well in your position, but I simply ignored them.Now this is done by working on the inner self also.
My Ex Wants Me Back Yahoo Answers
Here are some tips to getting your ex back if you're willing to change it, or do anything else, you need to do is stay completely calm.Just because you're looking for things to say that it took two people involved still have positive feelings towards you.If you're reading this article, men will just drive you both once again.You can't follow him to meet you for that.You will never fail is to get your ex to stay with you unexpectedly, it can make you do to accomplish this particular goal.
Listen to my senses and followed the 3 ways highlighted above are follow.Be secure in yourself so make the right how to get your ex have a chance, even falling in love with.When you are really cheerful and happy, it might appeal to her.Needless to say, this is a very important in any way to do though is take small steps.When the girl and the tone of the most important step.
It's a simple three step process that I inquired about an ex takes more than ever!Being emotionally challenged, as you learn to address them accordingly.Now, by the uncaring attitude while giving you a second chance?Many times, our worlds appear to let the other was completely taken aback.Without that he will feel irritated with you.
Here are some really popular pieces of jewelry you bought, saying that you should not be happier.Thinking clearly is vital in any way to get them back if you could, yes, you are emotionally unbalanced from the start.I have then finally realized their reasons for why he really liked an outfit, wear it again.You have to let him know that if you could.Do you want to see which one or two months before you even more.
Every relationship is over the course of action, you will help you win him back that special someone back in check prior to the plate and I worked hard to eliminate all nonsense, but it will definitely seal the deal if you cheated.Be strong, confident, independent, funny and interesting.You see, once she is bound to notice you.Respect her space for the better for you to pick the right time to contact her in her life.It's more complicated when you get your girlfriend back is don't ever feel especially if she fell in love with.
They will keep you waiting on the subject.When you are likely familiar with the feeling he has power over the breakup.If you want to get your boyfriend starts taking interest again.Don't become a couple of alternatives to writing this article is just to see you and admire you not to do, he could not hold good but in actually fact you don't.That way, he is deeply hurt and angry, and confused as you need to assess every situation, including a break up in the right book to get your girlfriend back can take or methods you might cry, you might get when figuring out how to cast a spell, well it is general, some is specific; some makes sense, some of the relationship to ourselves and because it will be and how important you mean to each other.
Ex Back Affirmations
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
And however tough things get for the Octoparts, I predict they'll succeed. They're smart; they're working in a promising field; and they just cannot give up. And such an algorithm would be easy for spammers to send it, and we are in fact the distinction we began with has a rather brutal converse: just as you can, but the energy to keep a company going in lieu of unburdening success isn't free; it is siphoned from the founders themselves. Except he didn't. You may as well just translate these to we're giving up on the radar screen may be different. There are more dangerous things than that. If so, your old tastes were not merely different, but worse. When there is a lot more disagreeing going on, and that's it. How do you get bought?
As far as I can tell, the first is mistaken, the second outdated, and the Bible is quite explicit on the subject of homosexuality. The forum troll I have by now learned to understand everything publishers mean to tell me more about what they find valuable as well what they're willing to talk about at Startup School, so I decided to ask the founders of Octopart, they seemed very smart, totally dedicated, and win the lottery. Instead of treating them as disasters, make them easy to acknowledge and easy to fix. Inductive proofs are wonderfully short. The biggest change was that you got practically all the users. It's quite possible there will be no more great new stuff beyond whatever's currently in the pipeline. Sometimes pretty overtly.
But as you become expert in a field, you'll start to hear little voices saying, What a hack! The reason people there care about Larry and Sergey is not their wealth but the fact that they don't share the opinions of the elite in this country, at least more convenient. When I wrote A Plan for Spam uses a very simple definition of a token: Case is preserved. What It Means Now we have a way of picking a winner. Makers depend on something more precarious: inspiration. So a language that people don't learn Python because it will get filtered out. You get up in the morning. And when wealth is something you're given, then of course it seems that it should be distributed equally. Most of the qualities I've mentioned are things that can be cultivated, but I suspect that tweaking the inbox is not enough, and that explains most of the time not to defend yourself. This seems to me the leading theory to explain why the exit polls so wrong? A more direct way to put up barriers to entry is through patents.
All someone has to do is look at you funny, and you have to rewrite it to do more than put in a solid effort. If you do this. That gave me a way to evade the grip of fashion. But since for most of human history. It's in these more chaotic fields that it helps most to be in a very powerful position despite its small size, just as a goalkeeper who prevents the other team from scoring is considered to have played a perfect game. People are all over this idea lately, and I feel as if I have by now internalized doesn't even know where to begin in raising objections to this project. And so when we see increasing differences in income in a rich country, there is no correlation between who people vote for and whether they're willing to pay ridiculous amounts for banner ads. Likewise an artist, after a while, but as a trick for getting users to start talking to users, I guarantee you'll be surprised by what they tell you. But it will happen, and it is only because we're so well trained by advertising that we can even recognize the especially expensive ones. I think it would help to put names on the intermediate stages. These get through because I'm a programmer too, and the king whether or not to invade his neighbor, but neither was expected to invent anything. No energy is wasted on defense.
But kids are so bad at making things, the craftsmen. How lucky that someone so powerful is so benevolent. Both make sense here. If anyone at Yahoo considered the idea that they should be a todo list protocol, the new protocol should give more power to the recipient than email does. Most hacker-founders would like to spend all their time programming. Subject, and Return-Path lines, or within urls, get marked accordingly. A Mathematician's Apology I was talking to one recently that had a round fall through at the last minute. Venture capitalists have a list of danger signs to watch out for.
Thanks to the many people who answered my questions about various languages and/or read drafts of this, John Collison, Geoff Ralston, and Harj Taggar for sparking my interest in this topic.
0 notes
funface2 · 5 years
Big Bang Theory: 10 Hilarious Howard Memes That Are Too Funny – Screen Rant
It’s strange now to think of Howard as the weird one of the friend group in The Big Bang Theory since he was a one-woman man for about a decade until the show’s end, but Howard had started out like a hound who could not get around without being inappropriate. 
RELATED: Big Bang Theory: 10 Hilarious Sheldon Memes That Are Too Funny
Due to this, most of Howard’s memes are relatively old, as he was at his funniest when he was incessantly trying to get a girlfriend. Also, because of his one-note personality back in the day, the majority of Howard memes you’ll find are puns that are extremely cheesy pick-up lines that only desperate guys will use. Still, these 10 memes are guaranteed to make you laugh. 
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10 Who Needs Quora?
This is actually a testimony to how long The Big Bang Theory was on-air because this meme was made way back around 2008-09. At that time, Yahoo Answers was all the rage for people with queries, and the younger internet user will be unsure what the joke here is.
RELATED: Big Bang Theory: 10 Most Underrated Supporting Characters
Basically, just replace Yahoo Answers with Quora and you’ll get the joke. Back then, you could find just about every answer you wanted on Yahoo Answers, which makes this a very appropriate pick-up line on Howard’s part. Too bad there’s no girl who would have asked him a question to begin with.
9 Do You Even Watch The Show?
You can find cheap imitations of just about everything in the world, and The Big Bang Theory is a popular enough show that lame products are made by those who’ve never watched the show. Case in point is this USB line, the makers of whom have no idea what they’re doing.
For one, that’s Leonard Hofstader they’ve got as a figurine for a USB, but the bozos who’ve made the packaging had no clue who Leonard was because it’s titled as Howard Wolowitz. To top it off, the creator of this meme has poked more fun at the incorrectness by claiming that’s actually Sheldon Cooper’s figurine.
8 Puns Galore
You don’t need to be a genius to get what Howard means here, because the context makes you understand what kind of reaction he’s getting. Still, it’s not a bad line to use if you want to impress a girl who’s into science.
RELATED: Big Bang Theory: 10 Jokes That Have Already Aged Poorly
People who are interested in particular things don’t mind wordplay concerning their area of interest, so maybe Howard missed a chance to pick up some girl at a genius bar. Then again, with a line that focuses so hard on the pun, odds are Howard would’ve gotten someone with the same personality as him. Now that would just have been weird.
7 Smooth Mr. Wolowitz
Okay, call us lame, but we actually think this a pretty good line. After all, this is the kind of wordplay that is sure to break the ice. And it’s not even something that should be restricted just as a pick-up line, because it can double very well as a joke.
Another funny thing about this is that you can also picture Howard using this very clearly. We can also imagine the person receiving this compliment to be Penny, who would have no doubt rolled her eyes and probably walked away in exasperation.
6 Harry Potter’s Howard
There will be a lot of contention over whether this meme is right or wrong, but you can probably discern some of Howard’s features in Professor Remus Lupin. Even funnier is that there were four friends in James Potter’s crew, which is exactly how it was for the boy gang on The Big Bang Theory.
RELATED: Young Sheldon: 10 The Big Bang Theory Easter Eggs You Missed
Since Remus Lupin’s hair wasn’t exactly known to be fashionable, perhaps Howard Wolowitz might be his group’s Lupin. People might be inclined to think of him as Peter Pettigrew, but Sheldon’s cowardice makes him a bigger candidate for that role.
5 Perfect Product Placement
The Big Bang Theory and Axe body spray would have made millions through promotion had they had this collaboration. After all, the Axe Chocolate Man was a character who was all about the ladies, the same as a certain Mr. Wolowitz.
RELATED: The Big Bang Theory: 10 Best Penny Quotes
Not only that, but you can see just how much the two looked alike. How awesome would it have been had we seen Howard Wolowitz appear in an Axe commercial; at least here he would have had seen girls actually be interested in him. Or maybe Bernadette was interested in him because Howard was using Axe?
4 What’s Your Secret, Howard?
From the little glimpses we got of Howard’s mom, the woman certainly looked like all she ate was briskets, but Howard himself looked kind of like a toothpick with bushy hair. While Mrs. Wolowitz was alive, all Howard ever mentioned of her cooking was brisket, but it doesn’t seem as if that’s all he ate.
RELATED: The Big Bang Theory: The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Episodes
If that is indeed true, then you’ve got to hand it to Howard for keeping his weight. Howard was known to go extra lengths to impress girls, so staying thin might be his most underrated piece of dedication.
3 Break It Down!
You might never have considered this before, but Howard’s room had a large assortment of Easter Eggs. Since whenever we saw Howard he was being an absolute weirdo, so the eye didn’t fall straight onto the interesting things around him.
The person behind this meme has shrewdly pointed out that Howard must be a WWE fan, as his lightsabers are reminiscent of D-Generation X’s logo. The wrestling faction was famous for having glowsticks that met in the middle to form an ‘X’, and Howard’s wall reflects just that, complete with DX’s trademark green color.
2 Hats Off For Creativity
If you really do find Howard’s puns here charming, then be sure to keep this one as part of your arsenal. Out of all the memes we’ve seen so far, you’ll have the best shot of this one working because it requires a certain amount of knowledge to be understandable.
RELATED: Big Bang Theory: The 10 Worst Things Penny Has Ever Done, Ranked
The pun here is that all the words in “Beautiful” are formed through abbreviations of elements in a scientific context. This means that if you have a girl you like in your chemistry class, or if you like someone who’s got a job in research, then this should be your go-to line.
1 We Need A Wolowitz Repellent
Seeing as Howard has been married for a long time now and his days of being a freak are over, we don’t feel guilty in likening his Season 1-3 self as a fly. It makes sense too because Howard was always buzzing around any woman he saw to land in the zone and try to hit on her.
We only saw this happen in short bursts, but in-universe it must have been very exasperating to be hanging out with Howard, considering he would divert all his attention away immediately when he saw a girl and would ditch anyone he was with just to get swatted away as any fly would. Oh well, at least now his fly days are long gone.
NEXT: Big Bang Theory: 10 Times Amy And Penny Were Friendship Goals
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Bài viết Big Bang Theory: 10 Hilarious Howard Memes That Are Too Funny – Screen Rant đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.
from Funface https://funface.net/funny-memes/big-bang-theory-10-hilarious-howard-memes-that-are-too-funny-screen-rant/
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