#y'all are a bunch of enablers
bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
just dropping in to say YES MAKE A PHOENIX OC
i'm gonna give Phoenix a girlfriend
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viaviv124 · 4 months
Little addition to my post debunking Nayfrogs (i shall stay with this term because it's hillarious) because i just remembered. Bullfrog is a war vet. He fought in the Wasteland war.
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We don't know when exactly this war was but Eden exists for roughly 40 years now, meaning Bullfrog is probably in his mid 30s considering he grew up there. Preeeetty sure this man is old and mature enough to decide shit on his own. You're telling me a guy who spent probably his entire or most of his life training to be an assassin and also served in a war against Eden is being groomed by something he saw on TV when he was a small child? We don't know if hybrids can reproduce on their own (allthough Bullfrogs full name "Bullfrog Korvin Jr." suggests it) and if he was made in a lab i'm also pretty sure the Rayman Show was forced on him in an attempt to "form" him.
I really don't get your grooming point, peeps. If y'all watched Spongebob as a kid and 30+ years you meet him and you hated him at first but would end up dating him eventually, would he have groomed you? He didn't even know you existed when you were a child. Please explain your logic to me because i am genuinely curious on how you came up with it.
As people have stated before, if an age gap makes you uncomfortable, that's fine. If you dont like a ship, that's fine. Block and move on. I feel like unless a ship actually has a bunch of problematic shit you want to call attention to (like literally a child and an adult, i will die on this hill) there's no need to say something. There's shit people shouldnt enable from my view point. But consenting adults with an age gap because one of them is pretty much an ageless being made of light? Yeah no. That's just petty.
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bl-bracket · 11 months
Build-a-BL Form!
Confirmed elements of the BL:
Country of Origin: Thailand
Here is the form for y'all to submit things for the Build-a-BL thing we've got going on: right here!
The form will be open until July 27 @ 7 PM (GST)
Some notes for this form that is different than the others:
There are no mandatory questions. Submit anything and everything you want that's relevant, but no worries if you can't think of something for some of the questions!
For every topic, you have an unlimited amount that you can submit for it! This means that I'd appreciate it if y'all only filled the form out once. To make this easier, I've enabled form editing! So you can always go back and add more thing before it closes!
If you would rather fill out multiple forms (with different info in each) that is also fine!
The questions on there are not exhaustive of what we'll be having polls on, they're just the ones I need community input for!
This bracket, more than the previous ones, will really require on word of mouth kind of spreading, as I can't just tag a bunch of popular shows with a fandom for people to discover on their own. That's just to say that reblogs are always welcome and very appreciated!!! Even if it is a smaller bracket compared to the others in terms of popularity, I hope we can all have fun with it!!!
Also if you're only interested in this and not my other brackets, you can follow the tag: #build a bl
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Is internet a thing in your au?
As far as the idea of internet goes, the the Cross-Continental Transmit System enabled a rudimentary prototype of the concept, with towers connecting to each other, so information could travel between them. Relay stations in each city and beyond would also connect to the closest tower, essentially allowing an archaic(from our point of view) system of information transfer across continents.
Satellites aren't really a thing because dust doesn't work beyond a specific altitude and all technology uses dust.
Underground cables have been attempted but they have high failure rate due to underground Grimm (giant worms y'all) as well as erosion in the areas with higher Grimm density. High Grimm particle density tends to warp or blank signals of any kind.
Each bigger city has a local smaller network with the relay station connected to tower and thus to the world, allowing the share of information.
Towers connect to each other and to everything in range.
Relay stations connect to each other and to towers.
Personal devices like scrolls, TVs, radios, etc connect to relay stations or towers(as it's essentially a souped up relay station).
Personal devices close enough can communicate with each other acting as handheld transceivers.
So information could be transmitted from towers to local networks, but wanting to access or transmit to another tower could only be done at the tower.
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That's mainly due to signal strength as a bigger newer device will punch through to weaker ones but not vice-versa. Hence if Weiss wanted to directly contact Atlas, she'd have to do it via the tower.
With Vale's tower being down, that whole system is no longer operational (and there's an actual reason why it requires all four towers to work).
Each bigger city essentially has it's own local "network" as communication entirely relies on relay stations connecting to each other now.
Connections between continents or locations further away from relay stations are outright impossible now.
With CCTS down, cities don't really have access to any of the networks and rely on the closest relay stations for communication. The communication involves physically sending information from one relay station to the other the way it would have been done pre-CCTS.
Any even smaller villages have zero communication with the outside now.
So, for example, the parts of City of Vale on the right bank of the river that remained intact can contact Patch and vice-versa as well as contacting the evacuation area housing the refugees - there's a relay station in the Upper-Class district and the evacuation area has a retrofitted relay from one of the fallen Atlas ships. However the only way to deliver or receive information from, for example, anywhere on the other side of Mt.Glenn would require someone actually travelling there and back again.
Same holds true for communication between Kingdoms as, by their very nature, there's quite a bit of distance between the population centers of each Kingdom. The only official channel for diplomacy and communication remaining after the system went offline is actual physical meetings between representatives.
Different Kingdoms face different issues too - places more centralized like Vale are more cut off from the smaller outposts and towns, while something like Mistral make use of the relay stations lining the logistics points between the four main cities, as well as the ones lining the railway network that has been built after the war.
So as of right now, after fall of beacon, there are local networks with no information flow between them and before it was more akin a bunch of closed off ARPANET-style systems interacting with each other.
Yes I put way too much thought into this.
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bloggedanon · 9 months
Alright, listen up, folks.
My hours have been reduced to nothing for months now on account of disabilities I'm trying to get treated for, I got a med bill I wasn't expectin' in the mail, and now I'm woefully far from bein' able to pay for my upcoming psychiatrist appointment, which I have to pay for by the 24th of this month. This one is really important because there's a strong probablility this one will be the one to prescribe me some meds that just might enable me to be able to acually take care of myself (read: actually function at all) for the first time in my life. I'm prolly gonna need like $300 to cover the appointment. I ain't askin' y'all to help me for free, however.
I can sew together little pillow monster things. They have zipper mouths and button eyes. They're hand-sewn, from a pet-free home.
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This is my oldest (and smallest) example. about 7" wide and tall. The ones I'm proposing to sell will be about 9" wide and tall.
Here are the buttons and (9) zippers I have available for this endeavor. (Sorry about the lighting.) Note the loops on the zipper pulls for easier zipping.
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Uhh, those are soda can pull tabs in the corner. Ignore that, I'm procrastinating on working on a project.
In terms of fabric, I have fleece and flannel of various colors. 'S all preshrunk in a washer and dryer, but I don't have a good way to showcase or store fabric other than shoving it all into one plastic bag. That aside, here's the flannel I have:
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(Dark blue, light blue, teal, white, space [small amount], and scales [purple, blue, and green scales, small amount])
And here's the fleece:
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(Purple, red, orange, and black [small amount])
Note how I have more of some colors in one material or another than in others. This means certain body surface colors may not be possible due to material limitations. I have a whole bunch of thread colors, and just an overall abundance of thread tho 👍
These are custom made to order, and the production is paid in advance. You can do custom colors (body, front vs back color, the color of the inside of the mouth, whether or not you want it to have a tongue, number / color of eyes) and you can POTENTIALLY do other customizations. (Want it to have a ridge on its back like a cartoon dinosaur? Want me to give it horns? Want me to try to figure out how tassles work? Want it to have floppy, doofy, cow-lookin' ears? [I recommend fleece for these kinds of additions, trust me on this one.]) Shape alterations mmmmaayyyyy be possible, but that's pretty dubious. Bear in mind that any customizations / additions will likely drive priduction time wayyy up, and there are things I might not be able to do.
Shipping will be paid seperately, and at the time of shipping. I can't really afford to cover shipping, but also I have no earthly idea how to calculate shipping. I have a tiny scale at home now that I can use to weigh the finished product, but that's about it. These are gonna have to be personally taken to the post office, which means a lot of walking. I dunno, we'll figure it out.
This is all being said and shown in the interest of maximum transparency with this stuff. You will recieve update images with progress on your little monster dude, and you're gonna have to give feedback on the button placements and angles before I sew 'em on so that way I know I've got the look you want on it.
Payments are done over Paypal.
Base price: $35 USD + shipping
Comm slots open: 9
Customizations and additions will add to the price, but the extent to which it happens is (sort of) negotiable. Most customizations are going to be (sort of) experimental on my end, and hand sewing takes forever, especially when you have "everything magically is really hard and takes too long" disease.
If I hit my goal, I'll stop accepting donations. If all 9 commission slots are taken, I will update this post with a good ol'-fashioned pinned reblog and close commissions AND donations. Note that I can only work on one pillow monster at a time, and that it's on a first-come-first-serve basis. If I'm working on one and you want to commission one, I'll let you know and ask if you wanna wait for it. You'll get a number (1-9) to signify whose order I need to do next.
In the meantime, I need to go pop out and sell some blood plasma, probably. 🤡
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stobinesque · 10 months
WIP Wednesweekend: Summer Challenge Edition Part Deux, Electric Boogaleux!
Borrowing the poll + modified rules from @steves-strapcollection! I'm still focusing on my Summer Challenge fics and still have a whole bunch of asks from last week sitting in my ask box, so I'll just loop those in for this week.
The Rules
I post the two remaining prompts I claimed and have left to fill as a poll
Y'all vote in the poll and send me asks requesting a snippet of the fic of your choice
For every vote a fic receives, I will commit to writing 100 words on that fic. For every ask I receive, I will commit to writing an additional 100 words. (So if one gets 10 votes, and 5 asks, that's 1500 words) [If I have existing asks in my inbox from the last round I'll count those, too! But certainly feel free to send in another ask even if you've already done so!]
At the end of the weekend, I will have completed fics to prepare for posting by the end of the month hopefully one completed fic and a hefty amount done of the other! (The Rockie fic has become a beast)
I will post a snippet of what I wrote and tag everyone who requested a snippet!
And A Cure for All That Ails You is already up, ICYMI!
The Snippet
from the opening of the firmament in you
Robin stares up at the ceiling, the glow-in-the-dark stars she’d affixed there when she was eight winking back at her. The only sound she can hear is the hum of the box fan in her window, and the rasp of cicadas beyond it. She’s resolutely refusing to turn her head to the side and face the taunting numbers of her clock staring back at her.
Every time she closes her eyes, she sees smug faces glaring down at her her. Feels Steve’s dead—not dead, just slack, just passed out—weight strapped to her. She invents horrors that never happened. If she keeps her eyes wide open, she only catches it in snatches and brief whispers.
Who needs sleep, anyway?
She thinks maybe the meat monster spider should be getting more traction in her insomnia nightmares. There are certainly times when she squeezes her eyes shut and fireworks burst behind them to a soundtrack of shrieks and groans and echoing fears. But those images have been haunting her less than the memory of the cold fear that gripped her chest when she thought for a moment she had a corpse tied to her back.
Tagging enablers!
I'm tagging people who sent asks last week + my usual enablers! @spicysix @xenon-demon @devondespresso @wormdebut @eriquin @theheadlessphilosopher @delta-piscium @bifuriouswaterbender @starryeyedjanai @inairbinad @patchworkgargoyle @scarcrossdlvrs
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
the rtc characters' favourite tv shows because sometimes that's the vibe
constance: crazy ex-girlfriend. would y'all be surprised if i said i was projecting? it's not just because there are three bi main characters (men and women) and it depicts religious diversity (intelligent atheist, christian, and jewish characters, with their brains not defining their beliefs) although that helps. she loves it thanks to the complexity of the storylines, the willingness to show female sexuality, and of course the musical numbers. she appreciates the catchy melodies and often has a song from season 4 stuck in her head.
ocean: glee. oh come on, it's glee and she's basically rachel berry. she watches it at 17 and part of it is as she gets older it's nostalgia. she recognises it's bad eventually, sure. but santana was her lesbian awakening (i will die on this hill) and she first gets exposed to 85% of the songs through glee. her main issue with it is that it's so surface-level at times. also, her life wasn't as easy as rachel berry's.
noel: the good place (stay with me). i have a post in the drafts about noel's complex relationship with religion (specifically christianity since That's All I Know), especially once he's forced into karnak's limbo. i think he appreciates the creativity of it and it enables him to separate cultural views on heaven from his own beliefs, whatever those end up being. he also likes philosophy and considering these perspectives on what life is. plus, tahani is an awesome bitch and he is here for it.
ricky: doctor who. they just love the space travel and you just know they write a bunch of fanfic for it. they've seen every episode four times, from every series. they like how it goes to every extent possible and explores these ideas they find curious, even if there's no mention of zolar. also, they have a crush on amy pond.
penny: i think she really loves "how it's made". i don't have a massive reason for this, she just fucking vibes with the pretty colours and how GUYS THERE'S SO MANY WAYS YOU CAN USE RUBBER. FUCK YEAH. and the narrator's voice is the one thing that calms her.
mischa: heartstopper, fuck you. i will elaborate. btw this is heavy projection. so he watches it in his own time and then constance suggests that they watch it as a choir. he kinda thought he was straight-ish when he first watched it, but upon looking back he realises oh. he's bi. when he watches it with the choir, he keeps seeing how the bi experience (brought to you by nick nelson) is really close his. so, at one point while their watching it, he says ''i crush on a boy and that is not what that was like" (the boy is in the room. it's noel.) this is how he comes out. he gets really attached to it as a result, and yeah. this is a part of him actually represented. he wants to lift up his friend on the shore and scream that they're boyfriends. believe it or not, he likes the fluff. he desires that queer joy and comfort in his life. even if not all aspects of his identity are represented on the show, it's enough.
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silver3point0 · 21 days
My drafts are full of shit like "I imagined P03 as a redditor and that's why I stopped liking him /j", "*character* could get it" (it's funny because I'm ace), and then there's just this sad kinda purple prose thing I wrote about my ocs. Like it's just a bunch of jokes and then "they're made of starlight and ether, and they're a monster because they enabled her hubris."
If I didn't feel so cringe about my ocs I'd so annoy y'all about them :P
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(he love me) he give me all this money I Part 1 [18+]
Series Masterlist
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summary: A brief interaction with a catfish on a sugar daddy website leads to something quite unexpected and suddenly you're on the radar of genius tech billionaire Nathan Bateman, and honestly, you don't mind the attention.
chapter warnings: just a whole bunch of swearing honestly, catfishing (?), mentions of substance use (alcohol)
a/n: okay so, i've been listening to qveen herby's sugar daddy A LOT lately and if u couldn't tell from the title, that song basically inspired this fic. i really hope y'all like it 'cause honestly idek what this is, i just pumped out 2k words while running on zero sleep , so.. let me know what u think
also just a note about the texts in this fic
> Texts like these are from Nathan. [bold and italicized]
> texts like these are from you [italicized]
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Here's the thing about getting (responsibly) piss drunk with a group of friends who are all enablers and won't ever discourage you from doing stupid things on a whim, as much as it sounds like an epically bad idea, sometimes (read: very rarely) it yields positive results.
Like that one time, fueled by copious amounts of liquid courage and the encouragement of your drunk friends, drunk you had sent that presentation you'd drafted to your then crush (who might have also been an coworker at the time), basically to try and convince him that you would be a good partner, and you'd ended up getting a really adorable email back saying that he was also interested and definitely would love to go on a date sometime.
That relationship had lasted a solid 6 months (which was really great considering your track record), and it had been good run, ended amicably even. You and your now ex co-worker were still on good terms, so yeah, all in all, a positive experience.
Then there was that one time you and your friends had gotten drunk and, for some goddamn reason, had gathered all the unsolicited dick pics you'd received over the years (because again, for some goddamn reason, you still had them in your DMs) and filmed your reactions to each and every dick pic (without revealing the senders, of course), commenting on the quality of the images (lighting, angles, etc.) while also rating each dick. Sober you had then used that footage, edited it to perfection, included digital renderings of said dick pics to add to the video (because as NSFW as your channel could get, you didn't need to put actual dicks in your videos) and uploaded it to your channel.
Currently, it was your most popular video, and the one that had quite literally made you famous overnight. A bunch of commentary and reaction channels were suddenly talking about you, and you'd even gotten messages from a lot of creators you looked up to, commending you on your hilarious content and hoping to see more.
Okay so, it really was just those two instances where you'd gotten something good out of heavily drinking.
That would change soon, though, because your next drunken adventure with your friends would change your life in ways you would have never imagined (in the best way possible).
"I can't believe I let you assholes talk me into this-" you groan as you scroll through the dozens of messages you'd received over the past few hours on your freshly created dating profile.
"Hey, this was your idea babe, we were just being loving and supportive-"
"By encouraging me to sign up on secret benefits dot com?" you ask, glaring at your friend over the rim of your coffee mug.
For context, you'd just woken up with a killer headache (as you do every weekend, because you and your friends have zero control and always, always get drunk off your asses on the weekend) to your phone absolutely blowing up on your nightstand from notification after notification, alerting you of a new 'Daddy' that wanted to get to know you better.
Apparently drunk you had thought it would be a real fun idea to sign up to become a sugar baby, and your equally drunk friends had agreed (because of course they did).
You had begrudgingly opened some of the messages that you'd received, and most of them were pretty tame, surprisingly.
"Yeah, I'm deleting this," you mumble, clicking through the page to find the deactivation option, not before taking a few minutes to admire your own profile (drunk you had a made successful attempt at creating an enticing profile for a sugar baby, it seems).
Once you get your fill of your own pictures, you head to the deactivation page, only to be greeted with a little pop up message that says-
"Oh, what the fuck, I have to keep my profile up for a whole week?" you yell.
Your friends all groan out some variation of "keep your fucking voice down" from various parts of your bedroom, and you turn to the one friend who somehow wasn't hungover at all despite how much you all had to drink the night before.
"It says I can only delete my profile after 7 days," you say, holding up your phone so your friend could see.
"Can't you just delete the app off of your phone?"
"I could...but ugh, I don't just want my pictures up on some app like this- I need to delete my account."
"So just wait out the 7 day period, maybe chat it up with some rich men and see if they'll give you their money, I don't know," your friend shrugs, before turning back to their phone.
"Yeah, fuck it," you mumble, going back to scrolling through the messages on SecretBenefits, looking at the profiles of all the older men you'd matched with.
Maybe this would make a fun video...
It takes you an hour to set everything up, but eventually you're ready to film what's sure to be your next best video "Trying to Find a Sugar Daddy (Not Clickbait)".
"Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a great day," you say, waving at the camera. "Welcome back to my channel, this of course is another episode of Girls Just Wanna Have Funds, Specifically This Girl, This Girl Needs Money and She Needs It Now."
You laugh at your own stupid intro, before continuing. "So, the other day, my friends and I got together for drinks, and yeah I'm sure you can guess where this is going, we got drunk, and I ended up creating a profile on SecretBenefits, and I'm stuck with it for the next 7 days, so here we are," you chuckle as you hold up your phone, checking to see if the screen recording was still working.
"I'm not really trying to find a sugar daddy, this is purely for entertainment," you say before leaning close and whispering, "but if some rich zaddy wants to send me some money I wouldn't be opposed, ya know? Alright, so drunk me apparently already swiped on a bunch of potential sugar daddies, but I think we can do better so I'm going to try and get more matches. Obviously we're going to censor everyone's faces just in case anyone's actual father is on this app and you're watching, like, I really don't want to be involved in any family drama like that."
You set out to swipe on interesting looking profiles, commenting on just how big of a range of potential daddies this app had to offer.
"Okay, so that's not just an older man, that's literally a grandad, nope- wait, this guy included a picture of himself at his own wedding, oh my fucking god- 'looking for something discreet' he says- my guy maybe don't post your wedding pictures for anyone to find? Like I could easily track down this man's wife and snitch on him. Wait should I do that?" you ask, looking at the camera. "Comment down below if I should snitch on Matthew, 52."
You continue swiping through more profiles, occasionally snorting at the few messages that popped up from different matches.
"Okay, Dave wants to know if we've been on any other sites looking for an SD... SD? Sugar daddy? They have codes now?" you laugh incredulously. "I'm going to say...'no I haven't'."
Just as you're about to call it a day on swiping and focus on the matches you'd gotten so far, your eyes zero in on the next profile that shows up, and-
"There is no fucking way Nathan Bateman is on this app, this has to be a catfish situation right? Right?"
You look up at the camera. "I'm going to swipe right. It's probably, most definitely, not him, but if it is..." you trail off, looking off to the side with your eyebrows raised high.
It's a match!
Funnily enough, you'd actually made a video on Nathan Bateman, CEO and Founder of BlueBook. The video itself had been a Top 10 style video, where you'd rated various billionaires based on their looks and wealth, while also ranking them based on how willing you'd be to ignore their massive ego and wealth to be able to fuck them. Other notable figures on the list had been Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor (who'd ranked dead last) to name a few.
You phone pings with a new message from 'Nathan Bateman'.
NB: Hey.
hii :) quick question are you really the Nathan Bateman ??
NB: Yes, I am.
NB: Any matches?
"Imposter Bateman is asking me if I've got any other matches." You wink at the camera with a cheeky smile before typing out-
nope, just you :))
NB: I'll send u money if u send me a picture. Topless.
"Oh wow, he's getting right into it," you scoff at the camera. "No seriously, how stupid does this person think people are, because this sure as hell isn't Bateman 'cause the only pictures he has are like ones you could find online, like they're all paparazzi shots from before he moved to his private island or wherever the hell he fucked off to, and the few selfies I see here look edited so..."
You tap your chin a couple of times, before snapping your fingers
"I'm actually looking to be a sugar baby, without the sugar," you say out loud as you type out your response to Imposter Bateman, before tapping on another message thread.
"James just texted 'you look delicious', bye- okay, he looks kinda cute though, hm."
Just as you're about to type a reply, you get a notification from Imposter Bateman, and it has you gasping.
"Oh- oh my god, he just- I just got absolutely lambasted."
Imposter Bateman had replied to your earlier message about wanting to be a sugar baby without the sugar by saying-
NB: You just want my money
NB: You're not even that hot
You're still wheezing from laughing so hard when you look at your phone again to see that Imposter Bateman had deleted the conversation and blocked you.
"You guys see this?" you ask, holding your phone to the camera, even though you know you're going to be including the screen recording in post.
"Nathan Bateman, I don't know if you'll ever see this but, ouch dude. That was so harsh, you just told me I'm not hot," you pout at the camera, faking incredible sadness before laughing out loud again.
"Also, 'you just want my money'? Uh, yeah, that's what every sugar baby is here for, the app is literally called secret benefits? The benefit for me being money?" you say, shaking your head.
You go through more messages from other sugar daddies (15 to be exact), reading out their texts and formulating responses while talking to your camera, making sure to include as many funny quips you can think of before filming your outro.
"Alright guys, that's it for this video. I hope y'all have a great day and Daddy Bateman if you're watching, make up for my heartbreak by sending me eighteen hundred dollars?" you plead at the camera. "Please?"
The seven day wait period goes by pretty quickly, and once you deactivate your SecretBenefits account, you upload your final edited video, which had been sitting unpublished on your account for the past five days. It was short, only 10 minutes long, and it hadn't taken you a lot of time to edit, but you'd decided to post it after you'd taken down the account because the last thing you needed was for your fans to sign up for the app and try and find your profile.
The response to your video was amazing, but you expected nothing less from your loyal subscribers.
What you didn't expect though, was for them to take to Twitter and flood Bateman's mentions, asking him how he could possibly think you weren't hot. They even managed to get the hashtags #imposterbateman and #daddybateman on the trending page for a day.
And you certainly didn't expect to hear from the man himself, because the very next day, you get an Instagram notification saying @thenathanbateman_official is following you, followed by a text notification that read-
> Send me your IBAN
You blink at your phone for a few seconds before typing up a reply.
> ??
> well hello to you too mr. bateman
> Yeah hi, I need your IBAN
> can't you just hack into my shit and find out?
> why're u asking
> I can, but I thought I'd be polite and ask first.
Just as you're about to reply, you get a notification from your mobile banking app, which almost makes you chuck your phone at the wall.
You've received $1800.00 from Nathan Bateman
What the fuck?
> u watched my video???
> Videos. Saw the one where you ranked me too.
> no way- fr ?? 😭
> Fr.
> wow ummmm i hope u liked them ?? idk what to say
> Your videos are pretty funny . Liked the dick pic one.
> everyone likes that one yea
A few moments pass, and you think maybe that will be the end of that. You move to put your phone back down, but it pings with a new notification.
> Imposter Bateman was fucking blind.
> You're really hot.
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welp, lemme know what y'all think-
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Someone Else's Life
y'all are a bunch of enablers (and I love you very very much for it)
An amnesia story inspired by @takearisk-ao3 but this one's going to be fluffier/happier because my other WIPs are so dreary.
Summary and link below:
Remus Lupin wakes up at St. Mungo's with no recollection of the last four years. His last memory is from the Shrieking Shack, moments before he tried to kill Wormtail for his traitorous crimes.
To his immense surprise, it's March 1998. A beautiful, pink-haired witch claims to be his wife, and, as if he couldn't be more shocked, she's expecting their first child.
Oh, and there happens to be a significant conflict in the background between Voldemort and the Order.
At least some things haven't exactly changed.
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Okay so a bunch of you are definitely familiar with fun little FT in TWST AU stuff, and with all the enabling, I feel like it's something of a group effort at this point.
So riddle me this
I've figured out the other dorms, but Savanaclaw was giving me a pause, because it's the dorm for repression, so I got options. (Though my first instinct was to give Loke the whole housewarden treatment, lol. He's definitely a contender.)
Though I also haven't fully developed everyone's in-story backstories yet so how emotionally messed up they are is up in the air. So I have some biases but without divulging any of my thoughts just yet, I want to know who y'all think is the most likely to snap.
What is an overblot?
(For those are watching me spin in my chair and are here for the FT portion.) Long story short it is characterized by:
—having a large supply of magic and being a good mage —having years worth of emotional stress and/or trauma, built up and ready to burst —a suitable impetus that forces all that emotional stress out in the open, usually in a dramatic way, and usually while using way too much magic —and then it is a matter of getting overrun by the icky stuff and gaining a super-powered evil form and then almost dying in the most dramatic way possible, usually while inflicting unspeakable AoE violence
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wyrmguardsecrets · 8 months
I feel like the big reason some of the worst, abusive, and enabling people on this server never actually face long-term consequences is because y'all are so attention-deficit. This blog will target someone who's ACTUALLY done something disgusting (or an enabler/defender of someone who has), but by the next week everyone's derailed by a bunch of asks like "oh you think THAT'S bad? Well this other project leader... Doesn't run events very well."
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gifsbysimplysonia · 11 months
Imagine deactivating in the midst of a scandal that calls out you and your friends. Your friends are getting roasted so you return to post "evidence" that your friends aren't guilty AND to declare "I didn't deactivate cuz we are guilty, I did it to spend time with family," only to deactivate AGAIN literal minutes after you post "proof" to exonerate your crew.
Things are still ROTTEN AT THE CIRCLE K so I implore all of you? CONTINUE TO CRITICALLY THINK. It is not at all uncommon for people who are exposed for wrong doing to turn on each other and try to scapegoat each other.
The behavior all around is still sus. A bunch of what was said is refutable
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This, for example? All the screenshots I posted yesterday show that their group was pushing the "a family lost everything in a fire GFM" as early as May 24, PERHAPS EARLIER, that's just what I could find.
And now that the "proof bringer" already deactivated again 🤷🏽‍♀️ ETA: the claim is now that they were terminated mid revealing "the truth" but I've never known Tumblr to work THAT FAST with literal death threats, Nazis, etc but oooooook 🤔
I'm expected to work today or I'd continue to poke holes but, like, y'all? Please continue to critically think.
The same tactics are still being used on these blogs so REMAIN VIGILANT 🙏🏼 Stay safe and protect yourselves. Cuz if the accusation that ANYONE got over $3K out of ANY fans is true? These folks enabled that and did so because they didn't pause to ask more questions.
Believing nonsense because you want to believe it because it supports your point of view. Does that sound familiar? If you follow American politics even a little, it should!
Also, the ringleader posted
"I haven't gotten in touch with other sources given we have been dealing with CandyLove"
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As a former journalism major, this is a confession to not cross checking which is a problem. Again, one stops critically thinking because they are hearing what they want to hear. I'd this statement is to say "I haven't been talking to my sources because I've been dealing with a personal situation" why does this blog continue to answer Asks about anyone being fired, unlike by family, or any other nonsense? Sigh. It just don't pass the smell test, either way *I* look at it. I implore you to remain suspicious, if for no other reason than to protect yourself and your peace.
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risu5waffles · 11 months
EXCUSE ME? No one was gonna tell me it was TEN yesterday?
Honestly, y'all just left me hangin' out to dry there. i still love you, but i'm holding on to these cupcakes. [ed.'s note: risuko has no cupcakes]
It's like JplusK made this level expressly for me. Just look at that puppet! Look at it! Seriously, tho', the level is cute wivout being twee, and quirky wivout being overbearing. It's got that over-large, heavy angled build style i love so much. It's expansive, but moves along quickly enough it doesn't feel like it was overstaying its welcome. The power-up introduces a fun gameplay mechanic that can be a little challenging, but not so much you find yourself questioning why. i could have maybe done wivout the fart jokes, but that's just 'cause i'm such a classy gal. But that's really my only complaint, and it's not so frequent as to be too off putting. i tried another of JplusK's levels to see if this was a one-off, or their general idiom, and unfortunately that one, while it looked neat, was heavily focused on doing... clever things wiv jetpacks that may, in fact be clever if you're good at it, but mostly wound up being frustrating to me in the end. There might be a physics difference in there too, but i'm more than willing to say it just didn't click wiv my skill set.
We talked about this last week, and it continues to be what it is, tho' as of writing it continues to be what it is wiv the addition of a pink ribbon. It's nice to know i called it in my review.
This is just a giveaway level for some logic bits we got screwed out of in LBP3, because someone at Sumo forgot (i'm being charitable here) to enable the tutorials that would unlock them. It leaves me pretty salty, tho', seeing as they were part of the DC and Move Pack DLCs; like if you spent money on those, you should be able to get the lot of it, you know? Not that Sumo seems to really care.
We took a play through chairoCAT's CAT RESTAURANT way back in LittleBite-sizedArchive #137, but this one is a very different kettle of fish. Instead of a tightly contained series of minigames, we've got a quite expansive pseudo-underwater platformer that is a lot of fun (even if it gets a touch long in the tooth by the end). But the red thread between the two is the presentation. Highly detailed, wiv a lot of charm. All the little fish you interact wiv are just cute as buttons, and it really elevates the whole affair. Those porkypine fish, tho', gods but i could die. This one's really, really good.
i played this one for the old review show waaaaaay back in the day, and just fell in love wiv it. The gameplay really isn't much of much, but it's far more interested in showing off Kimuko's chops in environmental design and custom stickering. Seriously, the art here is just something else. i wish i could say the same about the music selection; i get what they're going for, and i don't not appreciate it, but gods i just hate every single one of the 50's pop tracks. Easily (personally speaking) the worst part of LBP3's story mode. Which is a total shame, because the Manglewood levels have some of the nicest level design in the game. Not directly related to anything, but i've played this level a bunch of times at some very different periods in my life, and not once have i been able to not make friends wiv the AI. It's just impossible. i challenge you to do it. Go ahead and break her poor heart. You monster.
This one'd actually been suggested by a viewer ages ago, and it just slipped my mind, and would have continued to slip my mind if they hadn't reminded me. i'm glad they did, 'cause i had a blast wiv it. Some really inventive mixing of gameplay and simple, physics/mechanics-based puzzles. This was definitely an unexpected gem for me.
Oh my gods, you can hear me coughing, because i didn't realize the PScamera had a mic on it. At least i wasn't swearing or anything. There were a couple of neat ideas in this one; the time slow-down was a cool effect, but ultimately it was just kinda ok? Like, not a bad level, i don't want to give that impression; but there's not much in the presentation to really sink your teeth into, and the gameplay is, for the most part, pretty standard for an LBP2 level. i certainly don't regret the time i spent wiv it, but i don't really think it's going to stick in my memory all that much.
i adored this level. There's just so much great detail work going on. The gameplay can be a bit fiddly sometimes, but it should be pretty clear at this point that a strong presentation will win me over almost every time. i hate that you can hear me coughing again here. i must have recorded this right after the last one. Also, holy crap, but am i loud on the controller. Like you can hear the button presses, and that can't be good for hardware longevity.
No matter how long it looked in the mirror, it remained Taser Temple.
It is super impressive that tyrew12 managed to pull off this animation in game, but it's such a shame that LBP's audio compression just takes a steaming turd all over the actual song. That's been a problem since 2, so i can't throw shade on Sumo for that for once. Still it's worth a watch because the level is quite a feat.
And that's our ten this go about. Some real good ones in the mix, that's for sure. i am so, so tired tho', and i need to sleep. Before i crash, some fun(?) useless trivia. i made some subplaylists for folx who're interested in stuff from just one game, and it turns out the 226 levels we've played so far 48 have been from LBP, 92 from LBP2, and 86 from LBP3. The LBP2 numbers don't surprise me much, but i honestly thought LBP and LBP3 would have been flipped. It just felt like i was spending a lot of time wiv the really old school stuff, but clearly that's not hardly the case. i'm going to have to do a binge it seems. Anyhoot, i really am beat, it's Sunday, and that's always my chores and errands day on top of a full day of work. Didn't even get my curry made, it's gonna have to be tomorrow morning, 'cause i just have nothing left in the tank, and i still got to get my head shaved up. Hope you're all taking care of yourselves out there and staying safe. Love ya!
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lavenoon · 1 year
I'm like 90% sure I'm sending this when you are asleep so tis the perfect time to attack you with love and praise.
Your comics + writing? Chef's kiss. You are quickly sliding into on of my favorite creators; taking characters and sliding them into a bunch of different what ifs gives me life (AU, AU AU AU).
Just, much love. 💜
It's shown to me as "2h ago" which would have been at any point before 5AM, so definitely very much still asleep!
*remembers there's more to this ask than just the mystery of my sleep schedule* A. puddle mode
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I'M ALSO SENDING LOVE!! Y'all enable and inspire and motivate me so so much, it wouldn't be half as fun without that! I'm so glad I can create something that's fun for all of us, I love holding up my ideas n getting enthusiasm and more ideas in return!!
Much love <3 as you said, that really is the mood <3
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shiny-meowstics · 1 year
not to bitch about pokemon gen 9 on main again, but
the fact that so many first party nintendo games manage to release in a functioning state without super obnoxious pop-in while scarvi released in and is still in an embarrassing state is absolutely insufferable, lmao
(nevermind the states of swsh. and bdsp. and legends, even if I consider legends the best thing that came out of gen 8)
the fact that the dlc will inevitably make stupid amounts of money bc people keep enabling said embarrassing state of existing is also absurdly insufferable
y'all can't keep giving this franchise your money if this is all we can expect in the future. just, an absolute disregard for the barest amounts of qa because they're being crunched to death to keep up with absurd deadlines
fucking wild to me that they think they're incapable of going so long without introducing a new gen, like just release a bunch of pikachu and eevee merch. people don't give a fuck, they'll buy that shit like hotcakes and wait
or they could let side games exist again to give their main development team a fucking break for once, but I guess that's not happening since side games that aren't fucking gachas or mobas with battle passes aren't nearly as profitable, and Mr. Pikachu is just as bad as the Michael Mouse (read: disney) in terms of trying to squeeze out as much money from their consumers as possible, lmaooo
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