bloggedanon · 2 months
Eclipse in Chile
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bloggedanon · 5 months
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bloggedanon · 6 months
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bloggedanon · 8 months
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bloggedanon · 8 months
cats are just like me fr
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bloggedanon · 8 months
Fun fact, “blond” is one of the few words in English that technically maintains its French-rooted gender-based spelling breakdown.
Blond = a male with blond hair
Blonde = a female with blonde hair
Blonds = more than one male blond or a mixed gender group of blonds
Blondes = and all-female group of blondes
Very few people follow this rule anymore. I doubt anyone but the worst pedant would dock you points for it if you got it wrong. But technically the rule is there. And I notice it. And try to get it right in my prose.
(Yes it applies to brunet vs brunette too)
(Now excuse me, I wrote “blond” so much that the word lost meaning to me. Blond. Blonde. Blondondondonnnddd…)
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bloggedanon · 8 months
It's fine to be loveless as an aro. It isn't the end of the world, actually, and you aren't a threat, nor are you an annoyance. If others feel threatened by your completely loveless aromanticism that says more about them than it does about you <2
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bloggedanon · 8 months
too nauseous to eat, even more nauseous bc I don’t eat 😭 I am like that fucking guy with the boulder
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bloggedanon · 8 months
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sometimes i like to just hit the random button on xkcd for a while there's so many good ones
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bloggedanon · 8 months
Body swap movie where one of them has invisible disabilities and when the other one lands in their body they immediately collapse catatonic on the floor from the pain and fatigue and the first one is like 'oh damn guess I don't have to worry that I'm faking it anymore'
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bloggedanon · 8 months
thinking about that post about how, to conservatives, gender is something you can fail at and that is a punishment that opens you up to abuse, and i think the same is true of being a child.
the Innocent Child (to be protected!) is a class of people that does not include all children, and like gender, it is something you can fail at. Failed Children are not longer Innocent and To Be Protected, but instead a class of people who need to be abused back into compliance.
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bloggedanon · 8 months
You do realize every single point you're trying to make has already been addressed by my previous points you evidently failed to read, right? Go back and reread it all if you wanna check to call me on any bullshit, I'll wait. Because guess what? I already said the ND lot pulling that shit were posers. Two wrongs don't make a right. All the harrassment and ableism you described? Guess what, it happens to ND folks too. You of all people should know that.
Until you do go back and exersize some critical reading skills and stop running on bad faith arguements with no substance, and then you or at least SOMEONE comes up with a REALLY persuasive arguement that there acually is a clean, dividing line between whatever the fuck constitutes a "pure" physical disability vs a "pure" mental disability, and then successfully justify the idea of "separate but equal" to go with it (an idea that has something of a historical track record of being reductive and self-defeating to every human rights movement that's come up), then you're just gonna have to accept that this random internet asshole thinks that you and every separatist like you is a fuckin' poser. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
People are out here arguing that gatekeeping cpunk from people is actually perfectly fine because able-bodied ND people have mad- and neuropunk and that's "perfectly fine" with them and it's actually annoying as fuck imo, large explanation under the cut I forgot to add originally
• First of all, try to tell me that physically disabled people are mentally perfectly fine and have never had their mental health compromised as a result of their physical disability. Just try, I'll wait. Just like how I'm waiting to hear about "able-bodied" ND people not having any physical issues purely as a result of being ND.
• Secondly, that doesn't make gatekeeping with the mad- and neuropunk communities okay EITHER, even IF the first bullet SOMEHOW happens to be true. The separatist mind-body dichotomy is predicated in entirely false pretenses. The experiences between the physically and mentally disabled communities have SO much overlap. One "form" of disability is not inherently more or less disabling than another, that's down to the individual(s) and their conditions. A lot of either "form" can restrict people's abilities to perform a lot of the same tasks regardless of what the tasks may be or what "form" of disability is responsible for it. A lot of medical conditions (and systemic ableism) can produce a whole lot of symptoms that present like mental disorders.
• In the same vein, we DO have to acknowledge that some people have their disabilities affect them in ways that not everyone experiences. The experience of having a psychotic break isn't comparable to the experience of being wheelchair-bound. But neither is the experience of being a low support needs autistic that can function independently and being a high support needs autistic who can't bathe or dress independently and will need lifelong supervision, and this is just two examples of the same disorder! A person who's chronically bedbound isn't going to have a comparable experience to a Deaf-Blind individual, even if they both wind up with lifelong caretaking requirements. If we can acknowledge that experiences in the mentally disabled and physically disabled communities aren't going to be universal even WITHIN our own communities and we don't turn to separatists about it, what makes the physical and mentally disables communities as wholes any different?
• This one's the big one, and I see it a lot, you guys really need to learn what punk actually means. PUNK isn't about the "by X group and for X group" mindset at all. It's not about "X group of people vs X group of people." It's a community of people who are standing together against a SYSTEM. It's about highlighting society's wrongs and shouting about it, and trying to enact change in whatever way we can. Its praxis is just activism. You don't have to be black to stand with the Black community and fight for their rights, and fight systemic racism. You don't have to be a woman to be a feminist, and fight the patriarchy. You don't have to be queer to get down in the trenches with them and fight queerphobia (allies still get bottles 'n shit thrown at them regardless). You don't have to be disabled to stand against systemic ableism. You don't have to be the direct target of systemic oppression, or specific, targeted systemic microaggressions to fight it.
What punk is is getting down in the thick of oppression right alongside those who have to deal with it as a concrete force in their daily lives and being right next to them when shit hits the fan, fighting the same fight they are, and taking the blows as if you were one of them, because to those who want to perpetuate it, you might as well be. Anyone can be an ally, and allyship IS what punk is, just as much as being a member of a targeted group fighting for their rights. Systemic oppression doesn't care about the nuances when it lines us all up against the wall, and our infighting is doing its job for it. The second we start singling out groups of people for their identities is when we've already lost. Anyone standing up against these sytems is punk.
Anyone GATEKEEPING a punk movement isn't a punk, they're a fucking poser. A cop. A fed, even, because there are no cops at punk.
Can you have specific communities OF [x people with x identity and experiences], by and for that group by definition, to discuss their specific experiences unique to their situation(s)? Sure! Just don't do any fakeclaiming in the gatekeeping, mmk?
And don't you DARE call it fucking punk.
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bloggedanon · 8 months
hard-right conservatives will be like "question everything" and then accept everything they were ever taught to believe about society plus whatever insane thing they happen to see in an email
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bloggedanon · 8 months
i will never be against piracy ever but i also need physical media to remain
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bloggedanon · 8 months
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gonna go see saw :3
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bloggedanon · 8 months
alright newbies
just got one of these in the ol’ inbox and thought it’d be a good refresher
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this is a scam.
If you go onto the blog itself, there are no original posts outside the “help my cat” pin and no reblog older than two days.
99% are people trying to play your sympathies and take your money.
the best response to this is to report, block, and delete the ask.
do not give these things your money for the love of what ever’s important in your life
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bloggedanon · 8 months
no but for real no weapon formed against me shall prosper, LOL!
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