#would just like a big hug from my friends and to be seen and valued a bit
f-imaginings · 6 months
I am a bit tired and sad. Family stuff just gets raw (not RAWR XD lmao) when you go to therapy to recognise the patterns and learn to feel emotions better. Can't fall back on tried and true repression and ignoring behaviour patterns and my feelings now I acknowledge how dysfunctional it really is, and now I just feel sad when these things happen instead of busy or inspired to write escapism or blindly optimistic to the point of denial. I feel so flat and discouraged and irrelevant when this is usually the time of year where my friends make me feel cherished and recognised and I'm struggling to muster the positivity I usually have in the face of bullshit.
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nnight-dances · 10 months
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PAIRING: jeon wonwoo x fem!reader (ft. kim mingyu)
GENRE: fluff, angst, suggestive content
TROPES: brother's best friend, slow burn question mark, skirting around communication because that's a good plot point, jealousy as requested, banter, teasing, arbitrary social norms about words like "cute" and "sweet" pls don't listen to a word i say ever, etc.
WORD COUNT: 12k (for some reason)
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The first time you re-meet Jeon Wonwoo, your brother Joshua's best friend, you think a lot of things. He does, too. It's really interesting how neither of you say exactly what you think.
"Y/N! Is that really you?" 
If you hadn't been on the phone with Karina when you heard Wonwoo's voice, you think you might've genuinely passed away because his voice is something of nostalgic value to you, something distant and definitely not in the same living room as you. You look up and your eyes widen when you find the man gaping at you. "-Oh, hi–" you shoot up from your seat on the couch and then quickly remember your friend still on the line. You tell her, "Sorry, Rina, mind if I call you back later? Okay, thanks, love you. Night." 
Wonwoo raises an eyebrow at you like you'd said something amusing and it's turn to take him in as you drop your phone onto the couch. "Wonwoo, god, you're alive?" you start with a small smile and continue, "Wow, um, you look… the same." What you mean to say is: How did you get even taller, you attractive bastard?
Wonwoo offers you one of his smug smiles at that and replies, "Thanks? I think. You look much more… grown up, you know." He really should've said: Holy shit, you're pretty. And then he opens his arms, "Bring it in, kid. Let's see if I can still get away with tackling you to the ground."
You scoff even as you step closer to him, ignoring the way his arms are a lot bigger than they once used to be when you tell him, "I think you're remembering it wrong, dude. I was the one tackling you."
 It's no use, though, because when he wraps his arms around you, you sigh contentedly because this right here? This is a hug. Wonwoo's so warm around you and you can only pretend that the way you feel his hard muscles tense around you doesn't send chills up your spine. Wonwoo's smiling wide, only barely controlling a comment about how good you smell and how you might've grown taller but somehow still manage to fit just the same in his arms.
All in all, it's a pretty sweet reunion. You haven't seen each other in over five years so the curiosity and surprise is barely uncalled for. You only wished you could've held onto the hug longer before Joshua entered the room with a disgusted grimace on his face.
"Gross. Can you guys not do that?" 
You're the first to pull away with a flustered sigh at Joshua's comment, rolling your eyes. Wonwoo tries to cover up the way he's slightly out of breath by countering, "Why? You can't handle us interacting like two normal humans? Want us to claw at each other's eyeballs like the good old times?"
"I don't get it, though," Wonwoo tells you, a slice of donkatsu hovering near his mouth, "Why didn't you just move in with Shua?"
"That's what I've been asking her! Haven't I been a good enough brother to you? What did I do wrong? Huh?" 
You'd already seen Joshua's reaction coming, sipping the beer from your glass to brace yourself. "And as I've politely reminded you many times, big brother, it's not personal. I just thinking that would be the equivalent of moving back in with my parents. Plus, I can afford to live alone now, remember? The promotion that came with the reallocation?"
Joshua flashes you the unconvinced glare he always does when you reason with him. But you train your eyes on Wonwoo instead, determined to get him on your side at least. "It would be waste to just live with him and not do the independent thing. Plus, I literally live across from you, man, so I might as well be moving in with you."
Wonwoo nods quietly as he washes his bite down with some beer, "Hmm. That's fair enough. I don't know why Shua's been whining about it then."
You break into a pleased laugh at that where your brothers gasps in offense. "Hey, Jeon Wonwoo, whose side are you supposed to be on here?"
Wonwoo shrugs, "I'm on the side of logic, my man, I'm sorry."
"God, don't let her fool you. She says all this reasonable stuff but–"
"Oh, so you agree that it's reasonable then?" you question him with a raised brow but he ignores you as he spews his nonsense. 
"-- But the real reason she wants to live alone is so she can get laid."
You hit Joshua real hard in the arm at that, "Ew, dude, don't be a pervert." 
Wonwoo looks postively entertained between the two of you as he provokes you, "What does he mean?"
"Fuck if I know. I don't know what gave this guy the idea that I like to sleep around, if anything, he's the player."
Joshua narrows his eyes at you, "Uh-huh, me, the guy who was in a long-term relationship of nearly five years?"
"Emphasis on was in a relationship. How many people have you slept with since then? I don't want to know. I'm just making a point."
Wonwoo chuckles, "She's right, man. You're not exactly on the higher ground here."
"Okay, okay, but I did overhear you telling your friend that, quote, living with my brother would be the greatest clockbock there is, end quote."
Your jaw falls open when you hear him recount your words to Karina only a few hours ago. "You're eavesdropping on my calls? Wow, see, this is why I don't want to live with you."
"You weren't exactly very quiet! And you were sitting in the living room, too!"
"Whatever," you roll your eyes and then catch the questioning look Wonwoo sends your brother and you take matters in your own hands. "Fine, I said that because I mean, yeah, it's not like the hottest thing to be living with your brother, okay? Like what if I meet a cute guy and lose him to the fact that Shua's the biggest prude to exist?"
"Man, you just made a player, and now I'm a prude? Choose a story, goddamn it!" 
You shrug with a grin, "People can be two things, bro."
"So, you all moved in yet?" Wonwoo asks you and you try to ignore how silly he looks with the edges of his glasses fogged up against the heat of the coffee in his hands. Last week, he'd texted you asking if you'd like to get coffee and catch up. You'd replied with a goofy grin playing on your lips at 1 AM with a: sure :))) if u pay!
You hum as you stir your own latte, "I think so. But everytime I think it's all done, there's always something small I forgot. Like, this morning I realized I don't have wine glasses."
He chortles, "Ah, I know what you mean. Something small but inconvenient. Like a good night lamp."
"Ugh, I need one of those, too. I brought my old one with me but ended up leaving it in the study because I didn't have one there." You sigh as you slump in your seat, "God, I hate moving. I'll have age twenty years by the time I'm fully done."
Wonwoo watches you with a bemused smile. "I can help you with shopping, if you'd like."
"Yeah, I mean, it's not like I moved in recently but I still remember some good places for this stuff. And it might be less tiresome if you have some company." 
Your replying smile is so genuine that it's got Wonwoo smiling and he thinks he's helping you out more for himself than Joshua. It's an unsettling thought for a moment but then your voice pipes back up with an anecdote from your work and he can't care for the thoughts. 
"...So, you have any luck finding cute guys to bring home?"
The question catches you off-guard and your grip on the wine glass you were inspecting loosens dangerously, but you hold onto it before it can break like your pretense of sanity. 
"God," you groan as you look at a chuckling Wonwoo who's standing next to you, arms crossed in that infuriatingly attractive way. "I was slightly drunk when I said that, so it would be nice if you forgot about it."
"Why? I mean, it's understandable you'd want to get into the dating pool here. It's one way to get to know a new city."
You turn all your attention to a different glass. "I guess. But I haven't had too much luck, no. Maybe waiting around to find love organically is my problem."
Wonwoo doesn't immediately respond to that, making you uneasy and sending heat to your ears. Whatever. You'd just have to scream into your pillow and cry yourself to sleep so you could forget this embarrassment. 
"Hmm, I don't know. It'll just take more time that way, I suppose. If you're willing to wait."
It's your turn to go mute except this time the silence is comfortable, only broken by a comment here and there about the glasses. 
"What about you?" you ask Wonwoo at checkout, watching the worker wrap up your chosen set of glasses in bubble wrap. "Are you… with someone?"
Wonwoo's lips twitch with a small smile at your question. "Not at the moment. I like the space of being single." You nod in understanding. 
"And I haven't really met anyone worth spending my time with," he says, eyes floating to you as he pushes his glasses up with a finger. 
You pause at his words, thanking the cashier for their help and making your way to the exit. "You make it sound like dating's a chore, Wonwoo."
He shrugs with a shoulder, "It can be. With the wrong person."
"So… tell me all about your hot brother's hot best friend?" 
"Ew and ew, Karina, do you want me to block you for real this time?" 
"I'm just being honest but all right, do you want to talk about your years-old crush on your brother's best–"
"That's not any better. And I don't have crush on him. Also, it would really nice if we didn't say the word crush anymore. We're both adults with jobs."
"And adults with jobs aren't allowed to have a little fun?" Karina's voice is laced with laughter and you groan in frustration. Who has she been hanging out with to make her so much worse? Not you. 
"Anyway, since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you. My older brother is okay. And so is Wonwoo. There."
A few minutes of further pestering from Karina and you finally let slip that Wonwoo and you have been hanging out here and there, sometimes over coffee that led to shopping dates (Karina's words, not yours) and other times spent over at Joshua's, drinking or playing video games on his couch. It was pretty cozy and you couldn't really complain about this new life.
"Oh, so you don't miss me then, huh? Nice to know. But also it seems like you're hitting it off with Wonwoo and before you cut me off, you did like Wonwoo for like half your childhood, remember? Maybe this could become something. Who knows?"
Oh, you remember. It was you who spent long summer afternoons staring at Wonwoo as he came over to your home after class, spending all his time arguing with Joshua about a card game they'd been playing or about which villain was cooler in the new movie they'd watched. For a while, it had been a distant thing but over time, you'd warmed up to them and started talking more to Wonwoo, now a regular participant in their arguments. 
And as it turns out, it doesn't take a lot of arguments to fall for Jeon Wonwoo.
One thing about you is that you're stubborn. You like to think it's a genetic thing because the only person who could rival your firmness was none other than your brother. And this meant that when Karina tried to convince you that you still had a soft spot for Wonwoo, you tried to tell her that's all it was: a soft spot. Like a platonic affinity for someone you'd spent a lot of time with growing up.
And you reasoned it out with yourself that night, thinking back to the time you'd spent with him recently. It was familiar in the best way possible. Where meeting new people at work was absolutely exhausting, coming back home to your brother and Wonwoo was like a hug to your soul.
Speaking of hugs, your mind rolled over to the one you'd shared with Wonwoo a few weeks ago, an event that you often found yourself thinking. As sane and rational as you thought yourself to be, the way you'd find yourself unable to control a giggle in the dark every time you remembered the way you all but melted into his arms, strong but fond in their embrace around your waist. 
And when you come to your senses, you realize it's ridiculous how stuck up on that hug you are. It's stupid your smile that breaks through anyway and the way your heart beats faster when you remember the plans you'd made with Wonwoo for tomorrow, a trip to a local bookstore because he had found your collection of books lacking the day he'd come over for a visit.
You roll over in bed then, groaning a little because you're starting to think the soft spot might be… growing. 
"You know I really didn't think I would spend this much on books today," you mumble as you tap your card at the register. It was almost funny how many conversations you and Wonwoo have had at check-out, almost inevitable because often the shopping experience itself meant a lot of focused silence as the two of you browsed around in tandem. 
It was a weirdly heartwarming way to spend time together. Or maybe that was just you and your weakness for quality time. 
"What do you mean? We literally mutually decided that you needed a better collection." Wonwoo leans against the counter with a cocked brow.
"Well, the mutual part is up for discussion. It's more like you shamed me for keeping a modest book collection. And I mean, I wasn't so sure if I'd find anything good here."
"Really?" he asks, picking up the heavy bag from the counter before you can reach for it, "Because I remember you agreeing pretty quickly and enthusiastically to my proposition to go book-shopping."
"That was only because you made it sound like fun." And it meant that I'd get to spend more time with you. "And it was fun. So that's one thing you're right about."
Wonwoo's smile turns smug as you exit the bookstore, each with a paper bag in hand. You'd settled for carrying Wonwoo's own purchase of two new books that he'd apparently been meaning to come out and buy. 
"Anyway, now what? You wanna go to my place and break into one of these bad boys?" You shake the bag in your hand with a gleeful grin. But Wonwoo's looking at the mall across from you with mouth slightly ajar in concentration. And then he smiles, pure excitement plastered across his face when looks back at you.
"I have a much better idea." That's all he says before his unoccupied hand finds yours and tugs you after him. Admittedly, you're a little dizzy at the sudden touch and let him pull you across the road with quick steps, struggling to keep up with him. At the back of your head, you store away how attractive it is that Wonwoo's holding a good dozen books in a hand and yours in the other, racing ahead like it was the most important thing in the world. And honestly? If it was with Wonwoo, you think you feel the urgency in your veins as if it were travelling across your intertwined palms.
It's a good day to be a romantic for you, as you later find out, standing in line with Wonwoo to purchase tickets to a newly released movie. The genre? Rom-com.
"Well, it's not so much a rom-com as the poster makes it seem. That's actually a deft marketing stunt. It's actually a pretty serious movie about love and I've heard it's not for the weak."
So many questions. You have so many questions. 
For one, "I didn't know you were into romantic movies," you comment, watching Wonwoo from the corner of your eye, too afraid to look him in the eye now that your hand was no longer in his.
"It's possible to avoid romance. Everything is about love these days, even if it isn't."
You also can't believe that you're about to watch a movie with Wonwoo. It's all strangely… different. You'd never been to the movies alone with him. It's a new territory for you. But you're not mad. If anything, the smile on your lips is playful. 
"And it's not just that you're too scared to admit that you like rom-coms?"
"I'm not. Into rom-coms, I mean. The humor is straight-up bad and the romance is tolerable at best. It's like if you're going to do a x to death, you might as well do it well."
"I can't believe this," you mutter more to yourself than him, "Jeon Wonwoo watching a rom-com? This must be a dream."
"You dream about me, hmm?" 
You narrowly avoid whiplash when you turn to look at Wonwoo, his teasing only another addition to the list of things you didn't think you'd hear your brother's best friend every say to you. But the more you know, huh?
The movie itself is insane. The plot is devastating enough on its own but the way Wonwoo's shoulder pressed into yours the whole time, despite there being more than enough space between the two seats, has you more vulnerable than usual. So find yourself tearing up halfway through the movie and sit through the credits with half-contained sobs. And where Wonwoo had laughed at your tears mid-way, when he noticed your sobs, his hand found your back, rubbing it comfortingly. 
"That was horrific," you mumble when you're less overcome with sadness and pout at Wonwoo. "I hate you for making me watch that. I will never find happiness. And worse, I will never find love."
Your words, punctuated with that small pout of yours, has Wonwoo a breath away from falling to his knees with his head in hands because fuck, you're adorable. And truth be told, he was tearing up at the end, too, but he wouldn't let you know that because the way you accuse him for your state is just incredibly precious to him. 
"It was terrific," he corrects you, "And I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd get so emotional."
You glare at Wonwoo at that, as if you hadn't just been dabbing at your eyes with his pocket tissues, "Okay, Mister Emotionless, don't think I didn't catch you wiping tears away in the closing scene."
Wonwoo shoots a guilty grin and pats your head, "You're cute." 
The statement leaves you speechless enough that Wonwoo gets away with it, starting to walk away with a gaping you in his wake. You're deeply confused and slightly jittery when you finally catch up to him with a small "I wasn't trying to be" of affront under your breath. 
"That's bad, right, isn't it? It's so bad. It's horrible."
"Calm down, Y/N, he called you cute, just so we're clear? Not a bunch of bad words right? So why is it bad?" 
"Because!" you cry out, "Because cute is like the most platonic adjective. I thought we were having a moment, what with a movie date and all– but if he thinks I'm cute then I was wrong. So unbelievably wrong." 
"Okay, I know what you mean but that's not always how things work. I mean, you said he held your hand and stuff, right? That's more than platonic. And it's all about the tone. Cute can be a very romantic word if in the right context."
"The context," you tell Karina with a sigh, "is that he's my brother's best friend! He couldn't make it any clearer. Wow, and I was all up in my head over him, too."
"Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how I told you that you still had feelings for Wonwoo?"
"We will do no such thing. Because the feelings are gone now!" 
"Right. I believe you, Y/N," Karina deadpans over the phone, "You can call me when you're done being an idiot. Bye."
It's Karina's sarcastic tone that your thoughts catch onto the next few days, the ones you spend half in agony because Wonwoo hasn't contacted you and after your personal dilemma, you think you'd let someone shoot you before you texted him first. 
So you try your best to distract yourself with work, showing up earlier than you'd built a reputation for, and staying a little later than most. It's a new routine for you, one that leaves you pretty tired in a way that your bones are not used to. 
Maybe that's why your legs don't seem to be working that morning when you bump into someone on your way to the coffee machine. You'd been rubbing your neck, trying to feel out the knot that you'd woken up with, and had effectively lost track of where you were going and collided with a solid figure, sending a few steps back.
You sigh as you regain your balance, ever so thankful that you didn't fall flat on your butt as you look up at the person in front you. He's tall enough that you should've seen him coming so you're first to apologize. "Shit, sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry about that!"
"No, no, I should've been more careful. I'm lucky I wasn't carrying a coffee or that could've been really bad. I'm sorry." The man's voice is hoarse and he talks over himself, as if eager to get all his thoughts before he forgets what he's saying. 
You meet his eyes with a small smile, "I guess we're both at fault, huh?" 
He reciprocates your smile with crescent eyes. "Yup. Can I get you a coffee as reparation?" 
"I mean, it's not a big deal at all."
"I insist," the man levels his gaze at you and you wonder how he looks like he could throw you across the room without breaking a sweat, but still manages to be so soft. 
"I'm Mingyu, by the way," he tells you as he hands you a cup of warm coffee. "Thanks Mingyu. I'm Y/N."
"I've seen you around. You were a new hire, right?"
You take your time with a sip of your coffee before responding, "Yes, I was originally at another branch but my leader wanted me closer to headquarters before they opened up new branches in this city. I don't know, something exposure for me and experience for them."
"You must be good if they sent you here," Mingyu points out and you brush it off with a noncomittal shrug. You find yourself pleasantly enamoured by Mingyu for the next ten minutes or so and you wonder how you'd missed him at all in the first place. But when he tells you he better get going, you nod with a smile, "Of course. It was nice meeting you, Mingyu."
Mingyu becomes the perfect distraction, as one might predict he would. He has a unique charm, what with the contrast between his intimidating physique but surprisingly shy demeanour. He's the textbook golden retriever in people and though you're not a dog person, you find yourself grow fonder of him every time you run into him near the coffee machine or while leaving work in the elevator. 
"You have a work crush?"
You groan loudly, throwing a half-eaten cracker at Joshua. "Come on, what is it with all the people I know and having the most childish vocabulary?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, am I not erudite enough for you? You know it may not seem like it but I am four years older than you and I have that much more–"
"Yeah, yeah, something about experience and knowledge, I've heard it before. And by the way, it's technically three years and three months, not that I'm counting."
"You very clearly are," Joshua points out with a frustrated laugh, "Anyway, you gonna make a move on this guy?"
"No, because if you were actually listening to me, you'd have heard that I like him as a friend and that I need help buying a gift for his birthday."
"Right, right," your brother mumbles in thought, "And that's next week?"
You nod as you pick your phone up, scrolling through the chat with Mingyu to reach the text he'd sent you a day ago: by the way, i'm throwing for my birthday on the 6th. love it if you came ;)
Winky emoji and slightly short notice aside, you'd replied as enthusiastically as you could muster: your birthday??? when were you going to tell me!! and: ofc i'll be there but not before i make you suffer for hiding smth so imp from me :(((
Before you can squeeze any more vaguely helpful tips from Joshua, his bell rings and you sit up with a frown as he stands up to get it. "Ah, Wonwoo's here."
"Wonwoo?" is your shocked gasp to that information, body going stiff because you'd seen him only in passing since the day of the movie. You think you might pass out. Why does nobody think it's important to tell you anything these days? 
You hear their voices in the corridor as Joshua lets Wonwoo in and your mind races with your options. Hiding in the bathroom for the night would be feasible if your brother wasn't a monster who would drag you out within thirty minutes. Maybe you climb out a window? But you were on the eight floor and as much as you liked to joke about death, you'd prefer to escape alive. 
Your brother's voice breaks you out of your scheming, alerting you they're in the living room. "Oh yeah, Y/N, here's someone with not childish vocabulary if you want to replace me." 
You look over your shoulder with a scowl but immediately lose your spirit when you lock eyes with Wonwoo, a lopsided smile greeting you. He's wearing a cozy sweater that's a shade of blue so dark that it might as well be black and you want to start crying because his hands are concealed beneath the sleeves, fists turned sweater paws as he stands there, looking between you and your brother. 
"Why are you two fighting this time?" 
"Nothing." "She has a crush at work." 
Wonwoo lets out a sigh when you both answer simultaneously but seems intrigued by Joshua's statement, eyeing him. "What did you say?"
"She has a–" 
"I'm warning you, if you say the word crush one more time, I will do something so unimaginable to your face at night–"
"She likes a guy from work."
Wonwoo looks surprised as he looks back at you inquisitively and you frown. "Untrue. It's just a guy I made friends with recently. And I only mentioned him so I could get advice but clearly, nobody here supports me so I'm going to take this conversation elsewhere."
"I support you." Wonwoo's quick response has you freezing in your dramatic exit and you turn to look at him in doubt but when his expression is clear of any mischief, you sit back down. 
"Nice to know. But I'd love it if we talked about something else for now. Like dinner." 
The night takes on a more comfortable journey from thereon, with the three of you ordering take-out and fighting it out with a card game while it was on its way. You were actually proud of yourself for acting normal around Wonwoo, despite all your past internal conflict. And you would've gone to sleep somewhat peacefully if he hadn't approached you in the kitchen, while Joshua was taking out trash, having lost the game. 
You were placing the leftovers in the fridge when Wonwoo materialized behind you, the only warning of his presence the question he asks you, "You want any help?" 
You barely hold in a surprised squeak as you spin around to him. "Goddamn it, Wonwoo, make some noise next time you sneak up on me?"
"Then I wouldn't be sneaking up on you, would I?"
You roll your eyes, closing the fridge behind you as you declare, "Well, I'm done here. Thanks for washing the dishes, by the way."
"Sure, I know how much you Hongs hate touching water. I was surprised you installed a faucet in your kitchen at all."
You give Wonwoo a push in response, "That's a very funny way to conceal the fact that you lost at rock paper scissors." 
"I just think it was an unfair way to decide tasks. I'm really bad at that game."
"Right, and assuming one can be good or bad at a game of rock paper scissors, what else would you have preferred to play?"
Wonwoo's eyes twinkle with an idea and then, he puts up a hand and wiggles it around in your face. "Arm wrestling."
Your smile falls, "No. That's just–"
"See," he points at you, "That's how I feel about rock paper scissors." 
Despite how much you claim that the two games are not at all on the same par, you let Wonwoo drag you to the kitchen table, standing across from you and arm ready for the wrestling. Slowly, you lean closer to him, hand coming to rest against his.
"Don't be too cocky," you mumble when his hand squeezes yours, already triumphant before the game had begun. The result of the game itself is pretty obvious but when you start to wrestle and feel Wonwoo's forearm tense against you, it has you light-headed. Your eyes leave the match to look at him, only to find him watching you with a glint in his eye. He smiles when you make eye-contact with him, going strangely silent for all his gloating a minute ago. You raise a brow at him and the bastard has the audacity to send a wink your way before pressing your arm against the wood of the table.
"Whatever," you tell him before his already obnoxious grin can swell any more. He opens his mouth and you're already anticipating something insulting to meet your eyes. But instead, Wonwoo says, "Your hand's so small." You look up at him only for him to take your hand in his and carefully line it against his own palm. 
You feel your cheeks burn. It's all so cliché, especially if he's flirting with you. Arm-wrestling turns into a hand-measuring contest. So trite. And yet, you find yourself smiling.
"See?" your hand wriggles, imitiating Wonwoo from earlier, "This game was rigged. Maybe if you had a handicap or something."
"Okay, I think I better leave before you take a knife and cut my hand up or something…"
wonwoo: hello you
you: hi?
wonwoo: heard there's live music at the pub today. wanna come with?
you: ok creep
wonwoo: excuse me??? just informed you of a one in lifetime opportunity. shua's treating
you: WAIT he is???????
you: the one time i can't come?
wonwoo: you can't?
you: yes… have to attend a coworker's birthday party tonight. sorry :(
wonwoo: u should be sorry
wonwoo: imagine how much damage we could've done to joshua's wallet
You throw yourself into your sheets with a disappointed sigh, stomach uneasy at the thought of missing a hang-out with your favorite duo. But then you roll over to your side and think it's better if you go out with people who you didn't grow up with, for once. It might be a new experience. Just to be clear, this was Karina's voice resounding in your head. She had her way of giving you advice without you calling her for it. 
Three hours later, you're tiring yourself out at Mingyu's birthday party. It's intense, the party, bustling with people but then again, you'd be a fool to think Mingyu wouldn't have a roster full of friends to invite to a party. You meet the man of the night an hour into the party and he throws his hands around when he recognizes you. 
"Y/N, I'm so glad you could make it!"
"Of course. Happy birthday, Mingyu!" 
He leans over the bar and yells something at the bartender who eyes Mingyu and upon recognizing him as the birthday boy, places two shots in front of you. 
"Have a shot with me?" Mingyu grins, a slight layer of sweat shining on his forehead. You chuckle in defeat, "Sure, why not?" 
A shot turns into two and you're working on swallowing the third one when your phone buzzes in the back-pocket of your denim shorts. You're about to take a look at the caller ID and decline almost immediately but when you realize it's Wonwoo calling you, you pause. You excuse yourself from Mingyu's side quickly, making your way to a slightly quieter cornern of the party and answer.
"Oh," comes Wonwoo's voice, a little distant, and he seems shocked as if he hadn't expected you to pick up. "Hey, Y/N. How are you?"
"Um. I'm fine, Wonwoo, just at that party I told you about. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah. You're not too drunk, are you?" he asks, ironically slurring the question. 
"I should be asking you that question. Wonwoo, where's Joshua? Do you need me to come pick you up?"
"No," his voice is laced with disbelief, "I'm fine. Just a little tipsy. Sorry, you should get back to the party."
"Yeah," you reply, feeling a little uneasy as the liquid in your stomach sloshes around with each movement you make.
"Stay safe, Y/N. Call me if you need anything? I'm gonna go find Shua now."
Before you can ask him what he means by finding Joshua, Wonwoo's hung up on you, almost as quickly as he called you. Okay, so that was weird. And cool, now you're nauseous. 
When Wonwoo drunk-calls you, he thinks he's officially lost you. If you didn't find him weird before, you probably thought him a lot weird now. That's great, he thinks. But the regret of his decision doesn't outweigh the need to see you right now, something about the fact that you're at some guy's birthday party making him all worked up. It should be obvious why he's like this but Wonwoo can avoid a serious thought for days if it keeps him slightly more sane than usual. 
But then the Joshua's bell rings and he opens the door, finding you standing there just like he'd imagined a few minutes ago. You're in a slouchy shirt that unbuttoned all the way to your mid-torso to reveal a black bikini top. He clears his throat to contain the thought that threatens to escape him: fuck, you look hot. 
"Shit," you exclaim when you see Wonwoo, "This isn't my place. Ugh. I'm stupid."
Wonwoo steps closer to you, "Are you okay, Y/N? Did you just get back?"
You nod silently and then take a step back from him. "Sorry, I'm just gonna go to the right place. You can sleep… or whatever."
"Wait, no," he rushes to your side, taking your elbow in his hand, "I'll help you."
You roll your eyes, "It's okay, I'm not drunk, Wonwoo. And by the looks of it, neither are you." But you don't push off the hand on you and simply let him follow you to your door, "Is Shua already asleep?"
"Hmm, he passed out. I don't know why he claims to be heavyweight when he can barely handle alcohol. I had force him to leave the pub before he made himself sick."
You listen intently, unlocking the door with a hum, "He's an idiot." You throw the door open and Wonwoo lets himself in after you. He's clearly not too sober because when you bend down to take of your shoes and your ass juts out dangerously close to his crotch, he almost falls over in an attempt to jump away to give you space. But he remains close just in case you stumble, his own shaky state be damned.
But you're unnervingly stable as you stand back up, taking your hand off the wall when you're done taking your shoes off and brushing them against yourself with a suspicious look thrown at him– unnerving because Wonwoo just wants an excuse to get his hands on you somehow. You're effortlessly magnetic, moving across the hall to your kitchen to pour yourself some water, still unebelievably stable, and Wonwoo follows you in a trance-like manner.
"You want something to drink?"
Your question hangs in complete silence and it's only when you look over at Wonwoo that he comprehends that you're asking him. He clears his throat again, "Um, I don't want to bother you if you want to go to bed." 
You raise a shoulder nonchalantly, "'M not sleepy. And you're here so we might as well hang." You disappear from his sight as you crouch down behind the counter, sliding open a shelf, "I have some shiraz I've been meaning to break open, if you're up for it?" 
"Oh, that sounds great actually," he replies and you reappear with two wine glasses in your hand. You beam at him and he feels a thrill down his spine, recognizing the set you'd bought with him. "Great. Go sit in the living room and I'll be right there." 
"No, I'll help you get the stuff."
You pause your movements toward the liquor shelf, "Come on, I thought it was clear I'm not drunk by now."
"I know," Wonwoo walks closer to you, picking up the glasses you'd set down earlier, "Just want to be here with you." 
You turn back around and Wonwoo doesn't know it's to hide the flush that colors your face at his confession. You spend a minute too long picking out the shiraz to recover and you're glad Wonwoo also doesn't know that you could pick the bottle of red out without actually looking. 
"Geez, I've got sand in my feet now," you complain as you take your first sip of the wine from your glass when you catch sight of the particles lodged in your toes. 
"Sand?" questions Wonwoo as he leans over to get a look. 
"Yeah, it was a beach-themed party," you tell him. He nods, thinking that your outfit makes a lot more sense now. "Mingyu's a silly guy for someone who's turning twenty-five."
"Mingyu, huh?" Wonwoo tries out the name, watching out for how you react. You don't give away much, simply taking another sip but your chest burns for reasons other than alcohol. 
"Hmm, yeah." 
"So do you like him? Joshua seems pretty convinced about it."
You hide your face against the couch, "Fuck Joshua. He's an idiot." 
"So you've said."
"No, but really. Mingyu's a sweet guy and all, but he's… not my type."
Now this is something Wonwoo can work with, relief flooding his veins at your honest reply. "What is your type?"
You meet Wonwoo's gaze for the first time in this conversation and groan again. In your head, you can't help but be burdened by how unbelievably cliché your situation is. Your brother's best friend sitting next to you swirling a glass of red wine, asking you about the guy you liked when it was clearly him you liked. In fact, you think your entire relationship with Wonwoo's always been full of clichés: falling for his charm as a youth and growing into the feelings long after, hanging out with him as grown-ups, going on dates that are left unlabelled, measuring hands with him for fuck's sake– It was a little too on the nose, you think. 
But you don't tell Wonwoo any of this, maybe because you're too scared to or maybe you'd liked to see the plot thicken a little. "I don't have a type." 
Wonwoo is surprisingly quick to leave the topic alone after that and you're thankful, but half-irked because you'd hoped for more. But you can't complain when he has you wrapped up in a completely different conversation, distracting enough that you can barely remember how you finished the wine in your glass. 
"Want a refill?" he asks you when the empty glasses have been sitting on the coffee table for long enough. 
"Mhm, I think I'll have some apple juice instead."
"As you wish." 
He doesn't even bother asking you where you keep your juice and takes off with the glasses to the kitchen. You watch him keenly, letting your heart lead your mind for a little as you take in how cozy the night is when you're in Wonwoo's company.
It's with that uncontrollable giddy smile on your face that Wonwoo catches you. 
"Happy about something?" he asks, placing a cup with golden liquid in front of you and keeping his glass of wine next to it. 
"Yeah. About everything. I'm happy."
Wonwoo smiles, arm reaching to your side and squeezing your hand in a way that leaves you thinking that you might actually like physical touch more than you've been led to think. "I like the sound of that."
Your smile only turns goofier. "What about you? Are you happy?" 
He huffs out a breathy laugh, "I'm not too bad myself. Things have been looking up recently."
Fucking fuck, even everything you say to each other sounds like it's been said before, somewhere else in an idealistic movie about two people slowly falling in love with each other. But you can't get yourself to hate the idea so you simply shift closer to him. 
Wonwoo notices, obviously, and smiles a little because he notices the light dusting of red on your cheeks. Your hair's come undone from what was presumably a low bun at the back of your head and he has an itch to brush the strands away from your face– a thought that if you were privy to would only be an addition the list titled reasons why wonwoo and you are a straight-up cliché.
But you find out soon anyway, because Wonwoo acts on the itch, hand coming to cup your face before a few fingers find the crown of your head, gently tucking the stray hair behind your ear. 
You hum in satisfaction and Wonwoo's heart hammers, thinking that is probably the best reaction he could've hoped for. He takes a sip of the wine in his hand and moves to rest his face on his fist. 
Except you intercept him mid-way, closing the space between you with a noise of surprise that Wonwoo lets out when he feels your warm lips against his. The shock causes the wine in his mouth to bleed into yours, just like you'd hoped, and before Wonwoo can act on your advance, you've already pulled back.
Your smile is warm with shyness when you notice the starstruck expression on Wonwoo's face. "Sorry, I wanted to taste the wine." 
Wonwoo's silent as he processes this, moving slower thanks to the wine in his sytsem and now– the feeling of your kiss on his mind. When he does break from the silence, he moves to take another sip of wine and this time it's him crossing over to you, big palm steadying your jaw so he can spill into you, literally and not. You let out a little noise this time, not expecting him to reciprocate your shameless move but delighted anyway as you move against his mouth. 
There's a third kiss. And you pull away with a dreamy sigh because really, this was straight out of your dreams. Wonwoo rests his head on his hand like he'd intended to about three kisses earlier and watches as you avert your gaze, suddenly bashful. You fix your gaze on the coffee table, proud that you'd finally chosen to place it opposite the couch instead of near the bookshelf. 
"I haven't dated anyone for a while, you know," Wonwoo suddenly blurts out, your hair once again in your face when you turn to face him. "I was in a pretty… fucked-up relationship after high school and that made me give up on love altogether."
You listen attentively, eyes on his as he tells about the person he was with, voice dropping to a soft octave. When he finishes you find his hands with a smile, "Thank you for telling me that. And I'm sorry. You deserve so much better than that. You're a pretty solid guy."
"Really?" Wonwoo's mood turns light again at your comment and you try to maintain your composure, reminding yourself that his smile might be casual but your words still hold weight. 
"Yeah, you're a rare find, Wonwoo. Quiet but not boring, witty yet funny, tall but nice to hug." 
You bite your lip at that last part, clearly giving yourself away. But Wonwoo's eyes light up anyway, "Nice to hug, huh? That's a new compliment. Glad to know." 
You can feel him lean closer to you without looking because his voice is closer to your ears. Flustered, you reach for your abandoned apple juice and take a sip, but overestimate your own sobriety because you manage to spill a third of it on yourself. "Fuck," you curse under your breath and throw your head back against the couch in frustration over yourself. 
"Fuck," Wonwoo echoes you, shifting beside you, "You okay? Wait here, I'll get you a towel." He's already standing up by the time you have it in you to find your footing. You stop him with a slightly damp hand on his arm.
"It's okay, I'll just go throw this in the laundry. Needed to change anyway." 
Wonwoo nods as he makes way so you can pad lightly to your room, ears adorably red. He lets out a heavy breath when you close the door behind you though, placing a hand against chest because the sight of your half-exposed chest slightly wet with juice– well, it was doing more things to him that he'd like. Your low expletive followed by your limp body hadn't helped his wild imagination either, instantly wondering what it might be like to run his hands through– 
"All right, that's it. I need some fresh air." Fresh air so he could feel less like a pervert and more like… normal. And it helps to step out onto your balcony, the scenery of the moonlit night a pleasant surprise to his senses. He hums happily, almost forgetting about his preoccupied thoughts entirely.
And then he hears your voice resound in the living room faintly. He calls out your name, telling you to come out to the balcony, and a minute later, you step out, now clad in a cozy night set, matching blue shirt with shorts. "Hey," you mumble as you join him near the railing, body visibly relaxing in the night air. "Woah, it's nice here."
"It is, isn't it?" 
"Yeah, this is actually my first time coming out here since I moved in. I always figured this place would be full of spider webs and like bird shit." 
Wonwoo chuckles, "I mean we're probably standing on something that's not supposed to be here but it's for us to worry about tomorrow." 
When you wake up the next morning, it takes you a good amount of groaning and screaming to figure out if last night was real. Taking shots with Mingyu at his birthday bash? Understandable. Receiving a call from a self-proclaimed tipsy Wonwoo? Confusing but not impossible. Inviting Wonwoo over for wine and ending up making out with him? Insane. 
What's worse, you couldn't really remember how the night had ended, a consequence of your inebriated self combining with sleep deprivation. But that was a pretty important thing to remember, wasn't it? It could be difference between a regretful farewell and a promising one. You don't know which one would ease the storm in your stomach faster. 
You roll over to unlock your phone and sit up when you see you have two unread texts. And then, you see they're both from Mingyu. 
mingyu: thanks for coming last night :D
mingyu: sorry i couldn't see u out. hope you made it home safe! 
You sigh in barely contained disappointment as you throw your phone back into the sheets, looking up at the ceiling. You suppose you ought to do something about the Mingyu situation soon but right now, you find the idea of suffocating in your bedsheets for the next two hours much more comforting. 
See now, this right here is your problem. As much as you complained about hating being a cliché, you kind of wish your situation with Wonwoo was more of a cliché because right now doesn't exactly feel like something out of a film.
It feels like hard cold reality. And it's not the first time either.
1: things will happen between you and Wonwoo: he holds your hand, he kisses your lips.
2: he doesn't text you about it and you're too much of a coward to force him out of his shell.
3: things end up all in the air. And now, you're miserable.
But later that evening, you find out there's more to this list of not-so-cliché things that happen between you and Wonwoo.
4: you run into Wonwoo at your brother's place.
He's so casual, too, dressed in a plaid shirt and lounging on Joshua's couch, gaming his time away. You almost immediately regretting making an impromptu trip to your brother's place but it's too late to back out because Joshua's already set the dinner table for three. How you despise your extroverted, loving brother. 
"Did you make that deadline you were complaining about yesterday?" Joshua asks you over a spoonful of his soup. You nod, "Yeah, turns out it was easier when I stopped whining about it."
Wonwoo lets out a laugh, earning him a look from you which you quickly retract, going back to your quiet self when the two engage in conversation. You're glad to ignore but they find it less than easy to, given how unusual your disengagement is. Wonwoo does have an idea for your mood but he doesn't feel like discussing it with your brother just yet. 
So when Joshua asks him, "Do you know what's up with her?" when you excuse yourself to the bathroom, Wonwoo stiffens. Why was he asking Wonwoo? … Had he been obvious?
"Dunno. Maybe work's busy or something."
"You think I should go pester her with some ice-cream later tonight?" 
 "Best if you don't do that. She might disown you."
"That's like legally impossible, Wonwoo. Right?" 
When you take an unexpectedly long time in the bathroom, Joshua goes on. "Did something happen between you two?"
Again, Wonwoo tenses up. "...No. Why do you ask?"
"I mean, she seemed fine yesterday when she came over. So I don't think I'm the problem here. Not that I'm accusing you of anything. Just… I know y'all have been bonding recently."
Wonwoo averts his gaze, deeply uncomfortable with this chat. "Um, yeah, I guess."
"Listen, man, I don't mean to take on the older brother tone in this conversation or anything but…" Joshua sighs as he plays with a leftover piece of bread, "You know I'm okay if something does happen with you and her, right? I trust you. And well, she was an adult long before me so I hardly have a say there."
Wonwoo stares at his half-empty glass of water, frowning. "Okay, cool." His answer is curt because he's still caught off-guard by this conversation. He'd wanted to bring up the developments between you himself, in his own way, but this left him a little panicked. Like, he was being rushed to make a move. And his brain ended up shutting down in the process.
…but it really wasn't the best time for his malfunction, given that you'd managed to overhear a good half of that conversation, specifically on the Joshua asking Wonwoo about you and him being indifferent about it. What was he thinking? What were you thinking?
5: you storm out of dinner without an explanation. you pretend you don't hear wonwoo call after you when you do. his texts that night go unanswered. 
How's that for a cliché, huh?
These days, you're trying find the joy in small things. Like waking up to your very first alarm for the morning. Or brewing an especially aromatic coffee at home. 
Like making it to the end of a phone-call with Karina without talking about Wonwoo. 
"Oh, wait, before I forget to ask, how did it go with Wonwoo?"
You take a deep breath to steady yourself, "Not too well. I mean, we kissed. But then, he didn't text me for like three days after. Then I run into him at Joshua's and he acts all… cold. And judging by that one conversation I overheard, he thinks everything that happened between us was a mistake." 
"Okay, okay, hold your horses, friend, I feel like a lot happened there. You kissed? Why is this the first I'm hearing of it?!" Karina sounds genuinely upset and you let out a groan.
"Well, I was trying to stop bringing up Wonwoo every time we catch up. It's annoying and I want to hear more about your life than complain about mine."
"We can both complain about our lives, Y/N. I have all the time in the world. At least till six. Anyway, that's besides the point! You kissed but he ghosted you afterward? And did he actually say he thought it was all a mistake?"
You bite your lip in rumination and then admit, "He didn't actually say that but it was implied. You would agree if you'd heard the same conversation as I!"
As it turns out, Karina doesn't seem to approve of the conclusion you've come to all on your own. But then you point out that it's been over a week and it's been radio silence. So you have every right to feel as hurt as you do. 
"I suppose you do. But still, it wouldn't hurt to approach him first." 
"I would rather die."
"Okay, well, maybe find out how he's doing from Joshua?"
"Will not."
"You're being difficult right now, Y/N. What do you want to do then?"
"I want to move on and not think about Wonwoo. Maybe I should go on a blind date or something."
"We're not in a movie right now, man, plus, I'm pretty sure you were the one who swore your life to finding love organically and whatnot."
"...Gah, I was hoping you'd forgotten about that. Fine, I'll do… something." 
Your words are nothing if not misleading because by something, you don't mean to communicate with Wonwoo like a sane person might. Instead you check up on Mingyu, who you've still been succesfully making small talk at work with, and ask him if he wanted to get dinner. The enthusiasm with which he responds is comforting, a relieving contrast from the tension in your relationship with you-know-who. 
mingyu: omg i woud love to
mingyu: but im unfortuntely busy tonight :((((
mingyu: would you be down for tomorrow? i can make some killer spaghetti if given the opportunity
you: make???? i was thinking of buying the food… but i won't turn that offer down
mingyu: i'm a man of many talents ;) 
You work out the details of the date (neither of you call it that, but it's understood to be one) over the night and you feel a little uneasy as the afternoon of the day comes to a close. Either way, you find a comfortable dress that is flattering against your skin and welcome Mingyu into your place, letting his excitement work its contagious magic. 
If you're following the plot line of this story closely, you'd figure out that the next cliché is this: Wonwoo behind the door across from your home, just now learning about this date of yours with Mingyu. 
He's broken his pledge to himself and asked Joshua about you, after having missed seeing you there for the past week. Joshua had hesitated to respond but is honest anyway, muttering, "I think she has a date over."
"A date?" is Wonwoo instantaneous question, barely-concealed dread underlying in its tone. 
"Yeah, remember that guy from work whose birthday she attended?" Joshua pretends to have forgotten his name but his best friend is quick to chime in, "Mingyu?"
But you'd told him he was just a friend. You'd called him sweet for fuck's sake, and that was the most platonic adjective you could use for a potential love interest. Well, he's been proven wrong by your date tonight.
He looks down at his clasped palms, the same ones that were intertwined with your skin, first the skin of your hands, then your cheek when he'd leaned into kiss you. And if he hadn't spent the last four days regretting every minute he didn't call you up, he sure did want to punch a hole in the fabric of time right about now. 
"You okay there, buddy?" 
Joshua's concern brings Wonwoo back to his body and he looks up, lips pursed and your brother thinks how ridiculous it is that both of you won't just talk it out. But he keeps that judgement to himself, choosing to sit back and watch his best friend pace it out. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. Fine. Really fine. I'm okay." He clears his throat, the first tell. "I'm just… um, a little hot. It's hot in here, huh." 
Joshua tames his bemused smile. "Is it? I just turned up the air-con though?"
"Oh, well, it's just me then. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, um, I love this video game."
"Wonwoo, we were in the middle of choosing a card game to play."
"Fuck. Okay, sorry, just give me a minute, I need to go call… my mother."
"No worries, my guy, give Mrs. Jeon my greetings!" 
Across the hall, you're busy watching over Mingyu as he makes his way around your kitchen. You say watching over because really, the man is so clumsy in his own feet, you wonder how he's lived this long. You have to make sure he doesn't cut a limb off every two seconds.
But then your phone buzzes urgently in your pocket and you pull it out, the light smile playing on your face falling when Wonwoo's name pops up on your screen. Now he texts you?
wonwoo: hey! you think we could talk?
You lock your screen almost as soon as you read the message because honestly, you don't have time to dwell over this man in your phone when there's a whole another person cooking you dinner in front of you. That's what ends up leaving a heartbroken Wonwoo, slumped on Joshua's couch as he barely zones into the movie that was playing on the screen. 
Joshua's had it with sitting around when Wonwoo stays unmoving throughout the ending credits– the man hates the credits for crying out loud!-- and instead decides to play cupid. It wasn't ideal, having to set up his sister with his best friend but well, any commoner could see how clearly you were meant to be with each other and he'd rather not have to listen to both sides' misery. 
It's okay timing, you've finished eating dinner with Mingyu, showering his food with compliments the whole time and flustering with your genuine shock at his abilities the whole night. He's helping you clean up with a cheeky grin on his face whenever he leans in a little too close to place a utensil back in its place and you let a smile overtake your face. But you can barely let yourself enjoy the date because if Wonwoo ill-timed text wasn't enough, you're done for when both him and Joshua show up at your door.
"What the fuck?" you ask your brother because you're positive you told him you had a date tonight and then you spot a spaced out Wonwoo next to him, and suddenly put two and two together. 
Wonwoo's eyes never leave your figure, taking in how beautiful the blue dress you were wearing was and how you'd put your hair up in a half-bun, a few strands framing your face prettily. He feels sick, first in a good way and then Mingyu pops up behind you, and now Wonwoo's sick in a bad way. The tall man looks so comfortable next to you, arm brushing against yours as he raises his eyebrows in confusion at the two intruders.
"Sorry, Gyu, these are…" you start to introduce them as they are and then, find a particularly provoking way to put it, "...my brothers."
Wonwoo might actually throw up right here and right now. Gyu? Brothers???
Joshua butts in quickly, "Well, technically, I'm Y/N's older brother, and this is Wonwoo, my friend."
"Ohhh," Mingyu nods in understanding, bowing when he realizes Joshua's your sibling, "Nice to meet you. I'm Mingyu and I work with Y/N."
Before you know it, Joshua works his charms on Mingyu and suddenly, date night for two turns into family night for four. You watch in dismay as your date spends a full hour talking to your brother about one thing and another, actually considering setting them up for a minute. And then, Mingyu glances at his watch and sighs, telling you he needs to take off. 
Joshua, devil incarnate, offers to walk Mingyu out and before you can protest, Mingyu accepts (????) and you watch helplessly as your brother leaves you alone with Wonwoo, narrowly missing the pointed look Joshua sends his best friend on his way out. 
The room now silent with them gone, you stand up with a wary sigh, patting down your dress. Wonwoo's watching and you know because the first words he says that evening are, "You look beautiful tonight."
You hate how the heat creeps up your neck immediately at his beck and call. But you keep from telling him off because even that would mean you caving in. 
But then he follows you to the kitchen, steps in tandem as you pretend to busy yourself with the dishes. The space between you is small though and you end up bumping into the man trying to reach for the fridge. He takes the chance and holds your wrist in his hand. "Hey," he breathes, "You won't even look at me?" 
"No, I've seen enough."
"I'm assuming that includes the text I sent you tonight. And the ones before that?"
God, you hate how good Wonwoo is at frustrating you. You snap, "Don't act like this is on me, Wonwoo. You're the one who pretends like nothing's happened between us." 
"Really? Because a lot's happened between us, Y/N. A lot of things that haven't happened with you and that Mingyu." 
You scoff, brushing his hand off your wrist. "That is so typical of you. Coming around because you're jealous? But you can't stand to tell my brother something happened between us? What is this, a game to you?"
Wonwoo freezes when he considers what you've said. "Did Shua say something to you?"
You cross your arms, "No. I overheard you telling him. I can't believe it though. I really thought we had something good going for us."
You break away from the arm that Wonwoo raises to keep you close and throw yourself onto your couch with an exasperated sniffle. This couch sure has seen a lot, you think wistfully, silently listening as Wonwoo's footsteps came closer. He's sitting next to you then, hesitant arm around you.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm really sorry. What you heard was… me being an idiot. I wasn't ready to talk about it with Shua so soon. I meant everything happened so fast. I hadn't exactly planned on falling for my best friend's sister, you know? Or kissing her in her apartment either. But it happened and I'm so glad it did. I was just slow at processing it. I'm sorry."
You groan. "It's not completely your fault, I guess. I just wish you would've talked to me about it. I felt so alone the whole time." 
Suddenly Wonwoo's moving up from next to you and dropping onto his knees so that you're now meeting his eyes. He looks concerned, mouth ajar as he takes your hands in his. "Are you with Mingyu?"
You let out a sound of disbelief, "No! I'm– I just called him over because I was mad at you! I thought you thought it was a mistake so I…"
"I don't. And I never did. I'm just scared. But I shouldn't have made that your problem. I love hanging out with you though and I especially love kissing you. It would be great if you'd let me take you out on a date instead, please?" 
And in that moment with Wonwoo on his knees in front of you, looking at you like you'd just told him he would live forever, you don't think you could do anything but say yes. 
"You think we're a cliché?!" 
You flinch at Wonwoo's shocked question after you'd revealed to him the mental list of clichés that you embodied in your relationship with him. He's nearly seething when he finds out you're not joking. 
"Y/N, you know that's the meanest thing you could ever say to me? Am I really that bad a boyfriend?"
"Woo, my love, will you calm down?" you take one of his hands in yours, "I don't think clichés are as bad as you think they are. They're cliché for a reason! It's because they're meant to be done over and over again. They're tried and true."
"Tried and trite, more like."
"Come on, Woo, you can't act like you don't see it! From the very beginning!" 
He takes a lick at his gelato and you smile when you see him softening a little. You stop walking and stand in his way, barely concerned about the strangers littering the small ice-cream shop when you press a kiss to his lips. "I love you," you mumble against his ice-cold mouth. He shoots you a look that informs you that he knows what you're doing but he shoots back, " I love you, too."
"And love itself is cliché, don't you think?"
Wonwoo closes his eyes as if in physical pain while you uncontrollably laugh. "I knew I shouldn't have fallen for that! You're trying to make me cry in public, aren't you?"
"Aww, it's okay to cry, Woo, baby. Emotions are only natural–"
"I'm calling Shua and asking him to pick you up. I'm leaving."
"Okay, I went too far. Don't make me commute with my brother, I beg you."
"Love, you ready to go?" you hear Wonwoo ask from the living room. You'd banished him to the couch after he'd made it his life mission to get in your way while you tried to get ready for your date. Well, double date actually. Karina was visiting you on break with her boyfriend, Taeyong, and she'd asked if you'd be down to get dinner with them. You had never agreed to dinner plans faster. 
"I am," you call back, just as you smear on lipstick, checking your teeth for any missed food particles for good measure. "Can I come in now?" 
You can see Wonwoo's silhouette at the door, gingerly watching you from the back for confirmation. You melt with a soft smile, beckoning him in, "Yes. Your exile's over."
Wonwoo celebrates with an exaggerated fist pump and you laugh at his antics when he skips over excitedly. "I'm a free man," he murmurs as his hands naturally slide down your arms to find your fingers. He twirls you around, admiring the black dress you broke out for the ocassion. "You look gorgeous," he says with a kiss to your cheeks.
"Are you quoting Taylor Swift at me?" you ask him with a giggle.
"Who's that?" he questions with a poorly feigned frown of confusion. You roll your eyes but open your arms invitingly, "Will you hug me?" 
Hugging had gradually become your favorite part of your skinship with Wonwoo, even more so than kissing, because the way he would shoot you a loving smile before wrapping his arms around and swallowing you into a world of cozy and comfort… yeah, you don't think anything could compare easily. Sometimes, he would hum happily, the vibrations would only soothing you into the embrace further and often your boyfriend had to peel you off him so you could actually get on with your day. 
Today, he lets you cling on longer than usual (he likes to say he's rationing his hugs. You tell him he's just a big tease), probably because he's busy relishing in being overwhelmed by your scent and the little kisses you sprinkle across his exposed neck. When he pulls away, you don't complain like normal, instead revealing the stars in your eyes to him. "You're warm. I love this sweater of yours." 
It was the same navy sweater that had you sweating over Wonwoo back when you were still going back and forth with your feelings for each other. He chuckles in amusement and then steps away without warning, earning a whine from you. But then he tugs the sweater off and your expressions turns playful. 
"Woo," you start warningly, "you know we're meeting them at the restaurant by nine–"
You're stopped mid-sentence when Wonwoo straightens out his garment and commands out, "Raise your arms for me, baby?"
But this is not his bedroom voice, no, no. This is his sappy voice and you already know what he's doing when he pulls the sweater over your head and down your torso. "It looks cute," Wonwoo comments by the time you have the sleeves pulled down properly. 
"You know I hate that word, Woo," you complain but he doesn't let you, pecking your forehead. You sigh in defeat and admire the sweater in the mirror, the fabric sitting surprisingly well against the skirt of your dress. You shrug, "I suppose I can work with this new outfit."
"If not, I can always just take it off for you–"
"Okay, we're leaving before you say another word!" 
Wonwoo laughs as he lets you pull him out after you, out the living room and into the hallway. He stands next to you, hands in his pocket while he waits for you to lock the door and glances at Joshua's door, wondering what his best friend was up to. You don't give a chance to do something about it though because your hands back on his arm in no time – and he swears you touch his arm for reasons beyond appropriate but you'd rather die than admit to it– and walk into the night. 
You meet Karina at a place called Love in the Air and Wonwoo's had listen to you go on, super smug, about how beautifully cliché the name and ambience of the restaurant is. Each dish has a romantic origin, like the shall I compare thee to a summer's day cocktail that Karina and Taeyong share, down to the lipstick-shaped bottles of wine served to your table. And as much as Wonwoo pretends to hate the cliché of love, he still orders the matching Valentine's soup as you just so you can watch his order come out in surprise. 
And as much as Wonwoo pretends he doesn't love the cliché of love, when you lean into his arm at the end of the night, already dozing off when he runs his fingers through your scalp, he can't help but let his heart soar with affection for you. And he thinks he would, after all, be in a cliché if it means to end up in your arms night after night. 
hiii oh my god why is this fic actually long!!! i wrote in like a day too so i'm just confused... it was 3k a minute and then 29 pages the other?? that's just wonwoo magic or smth i guess... this was requested and i hope the anon who asked for this enjoys it!!! writing it made a lil sick because of how sappy it is but ... it is what it is.
and consider this me admitting that i wouldn't mind having joshua be my brother... and that's just the flavor of parasocial relationship i'm dealing with these days lol
as always: lots of love to all friends and foes !!
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thoughtsforsoob · 2 months
delinquent bf!jake x f!reader
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you two met when you were on the train, commuting to your morning lecture!
he was just standing there and minding his own business when he saw you trying to push away a much larger guy than you who kept trying to talk to you and touch you
he knew you couldn't get him away yourself so he took it upon himself to punch the guy and tell him to get lost and quit bothering you
the whole situation sent you into a panic attack and once jake was sure the guy was gone, he went over to you and assist you
he was so kind to you and even let you hug him tightly to ground youself
why was this handsome stranger being so kind to you?
your stop was nearing and you have finally calmed all the way down. you ask him how you could repay him and he only asks for you to go on a date with him
of coruse you accept and the rest is pretty much history
On that first date he took you out for dinner and for a walk around the river in your town. 
He surprises you with flowers and he pays for everything! You insist on paying for something but he simply did not allow it. He would never let you pay for anything in your relationship
Jake was very much the “i want to provide for you” type of guy but he never put up a fight when you insisted that you were going to work too to support yourself because he loved your strength and independence 
The delinquent side of his life is not something you know much about because he likes to keep it away from you
He doesn't want you to think differently of him if you were to find out how he beats the shit out of people for money and how he also sells drugs
If it weren't for this insistence that follows…you would've never found out about his ‘job’
You were leaving your job at the bookstore one evening and it was already dark
You didn't usually walk alone in the dark, jake always accompanies you or a friend but today, you had neither of those options as you were closing alone and jake was working
He offered to have a friend walk you home but you didn't know his friend much so you insisted that it would be okay
Jake did not take that for an answer at face value so he sent off one of his friends, niki, to keep and eye on you and follow you home from a distance to make sure you got there safe
Niki was following you from said distance when he noticed 3 men started to trail behind you and when he recognized who they are, he sent jake a text about coming immediately and ran up
One of the guys pulled you back by your hoodie and you gasped for breath. You were sure you’d die and that the last words you'd hear would be “your boyfriend beat the crap out of our boss. Left him in the hospital. Now you need to answer for his crime.” 
Surely your boyfriend did not do that…he was the sweetest man you'd ever known. Hell, in the first month of your relationship, he would ask for permission to hug and kiss you! Now why would he ever put his hands on anyone else, especially in that way?
Niki socks one guy in the face, effectively knocking him to the ground which resulted in him letting go of you
Now the only things you could ask yourself were 1, why did this man say that about my boyfriend and 2, why are men always coming to save me?
You recognized niki’s face from the 2 times you'd seen him in the past. You’d told Jake to bring his friends to your apartment and you cooked them dinner. They were all friendly and sweet but you still didnt know them well or too personally.
Anyways, niki starts to beat this shit out of these guys and you’re scratching your head at how tf he's doing this all by himself.
Jake swoops in and when they see him, they scoff as if they weren't beaten to a pulp and ran off
You go to hug Jake just like that first time you both met and looked up at him with your big, watery eyes, “They said you hurt their boss? What is that supposed to mean bub?” 
Jake let out a long sigh and looked down at you with his pretty eyes, “we can talk about this a bit okay?” you just nod and kiss him
You thank niki profusely and he was left red in the face, “it’s no big deal. You're Jake's girl so always expect to have us defend you as well. We care about you.” Best believe you’re red in the face too because this sweet guy just said that
You assure him that he's welcome at your apartment anytime and to call you if he ever needs anything. He agreed, letting you and jake leave to your apartment
You sit Jake down on the couch and notice, finally, his ripped t-shirt, scratched face and bloodied knuckles. 
He explains everything to you and your heart breaks when you think of him getting hurt the way he does 
Why would he hide this from you? This is a big deal and he didn't feel comfortable enough to tell you this?
Of course you question him and his choice to not tell and you and he gets a little upset at you for questioning him
He storms off from your apartment and you’re left there, crying and wishing he would come back
You don;t hear from him until 2 days later when he shows up at your doorstep, bloodied and bruised all over. He no longer had on shoes nor a shirt and his face was cut and bruised, his chest and arms covered in bruises and wounds as well. 
Wordlessly, you usher him inside and start attending to his wounds
He starts to cry and you notice when you’re patching up his knee and feel a droplet of water on your hand
He lets out a hiss from the sting of the salty tear touching the wound on his knee. 
You stop what you're doing and cup his handsome face, kissing his lip even if it was a tiny bit bloody
“I'm not mad at you, jake. Please don't think I am. I just feel sad that you couldn’t trust me enough to tell me about this. I just worry about you. What's going to happen when you’re not around hmm?” You give him a soft expression
He looks at you with his red, teary eyes. He looked so lost and upset. You felt your heart rip into a million pieces. You've never seen him so low. 
“I didn't want you to think differently of me if I told you what I did for a living. I know it's not right and i didnt want to involve you and get you into trouble. Too late for that. For fucks sake, that guy was going to kill you just because youre my girlfriend!” Jake only cries more and you hold him close. 
After patching him up and having him wash up, you bring him to your bed and hold him close to you. 
Sure, he was bigger than you but he loved being held flush to your chest. 
You whisper to him as he drifts off to sleep, “I love you no matter what. Even if you’re a little delinquent. You’re my little delinquent.”
Over time, you continue to go to school and you finally graduate! You best believe jake went all out and got you the best gift ever…an apartment overlooking the city…just like you always wanted
When you start working, he slowly starts to detach himself from the business he was into and started to look for a new job, which was not easy given his past
He found a cafe that was willing to hire him and give him a second chance and he was happy to work there! 
You start working at a high school so you have early mornings
Jake helps you by making your lunches everyday and packing you little snacks also
He packs in little notes too with i love yous and words of encouragement thrown in there are well
He never thought he'd settle down like this but he finds himself loving this life style
Once he's able to sever all ties to his past life (except for his ties with the boys because those are his best friends) he asks you to marry him
The both of you plan a small wedding with just close family and friends
He buys you a pretty dress and lets you pick a theme and decorations and everything
He wants this day to be memorable for you because he thinks you deserve the whole world
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leuchtstabrebell · 2 months
just saw the Jesus Christ Superstar production in Nuremberg with a friend and thought i'd share some of my observations because this was WILD
details under the cut because i have a lot to say but this might be one of the queerest and boldest productions of JSC i have ever seen. the pope is herodes, nuns are participating in orgies, Mary is a mother, the catholic church is critizised every step of the way, hirarchies and power structures are questioned, and Judas wears a skirt. There are neon crosses and halos and a lot of blood, and so much thought and love put into this. The production value is very good as well. The cast is very young, especially the apostels and Judas and Jesus who are all in their early to mid-twenties, and the vibes are simply amazing.
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This production is set in modern day rome and the vatican. jesus and the apostels are queer leftists activists trying to reform/act against the catholic church. like, this is the central element of this production.
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(text on these signs reads, from l. to r.: No mandatory celibacy, God is a woman, Maria 2.0, #outinchurch, renewal now, the head of the fish is rotten. The banner reads "God is the love")
Many of these signs are references to reform movements inside the church and discussions around abuse of all kind in the catholic church, as well as demands for a more inclusive christianity (and society).
Jesus officates a wedding between two women apostels and everything is very gay. there are several rainbow flags involved. jesus is draped in a giant version of the flag at one point.
that being said, it is made pretty explicit that mary and jesus have some kind of relationship thing goin on??? They also sometimes seem removed from the rest of the group who have major found family vibes. they go on picnis and protests together, they care for each other, they dance, they sing, they cuddle. there was so much going on, I probably missed a lot of interactions between the apostels. Judas was very involved in the group, more than mary or jesus even, and judas and simon had a very cute friendship (they even play-fought in the beginning). They all hugged and kissed each other a lot as well. (Fun fact: many of the apostels are still in actors school and they did a cooperation with the staatstheater nuremberg which offered them the chance to participate in such a big production)
Now my thoughts on the individual characters:
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Mary: sadly, my least favourite character in this production. i didn't really vibe with the actress, although she was great vocally. She rarely interacted with the apostels and kept mostly to herself and the apartment she shared with jesus and her child (I don't like the decision to have them live together almost like a nuclear family). it also did not help that she was noticeable older than the rest of the group and her costume wasn't great either. i loved her kid though, she was really cute (apparently, the gender of the kid changes depending on the child actor that day, here it was a girl). The child also connects the group, there were some cute found family vibes (although they could have done so much more with this ahhh). there are also several moments where the child symbolizes a brighter future to come, and hope, and innocence. she was such a cutie!!!!
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This Jesus is a weirdo. Just a weird guy. Kinda Enjolras vibes, kinda angelic, kinda high as a kite beliefs in magic, depressed queer vibes. He would sometimes do weird motions with his hands to summon his powers to heal people????? his outfit was a statement as well.
I liked the acting, although the interpretation is one i had not seen before. The singing was pretty good, although the actors voice was a bit weak sometimes and he often had difficulty with belting higher notes. the actor has a very very soft voice in general??? it kinda contributed to the vibes of this jesus though and worked fine
I didn't like that they actually showed him being able to heal people, I like it more when it stays ambigious if he can actually do wonders/if he is actually the son of god. Interestingly, at the same time this Jesus felt very deserted by God to me? Gethsemane was very intense but also so absolutely defeated. it did not feel like a conversation with god but more pure desperation screamed into a void... This Jesus was really broken :( Also, the torture and whipping (which happens in the vatican???? kinda illegally???) was absolutely brutal and very bloody and he was sobbing in fetal position at several points of this production. also shaking like a little deer. in the last scenes, they filmed close-ups of his tortured face with a camera live and projected it on the large background screen which was very horrifiying and genius, especially during superstar. poor guy. he seemed very sad and burdened a lot of the time
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Judas: There he is!!! My boi!!!! He was my absolute fave. The acting and singing was amazing, one of my fav interpretations of this character. The costume choices for him were amazing ( I mean look at him in that skirt and these boots) and this production chose to portray him in a very sympathetic light. He is the soul of the group in this production, while Jesus is the brain and Simon is the heart. (Peter is the bedrock, and Mary and her kid are honey-grease holding them together)
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I mean, look at him!!! This judas cares so much, he contains multitudes. He is clearly loved by the people around and loves them back fiercely. He hugged people a lot and was very physical in general and the actor had so much charisma!!! In this version, Jesus and Judas also kind of seemed like two sides of the same coin, which I really liked. While Jesus is kind of otherworldy, charismatic, calm, and enigmatic, Judas is much more hands-on, real, passionate and energetic.
This Judas (like the whole production really) was very angry but he had every right to. In this production it also seemed like his anger at Mary and Jesus being with her was less about Mary (taking out some of the misogyny, luckily) and more about jesus retreating to something that could be perceived as a bourgouise lifestyle (my interpretation, at least). This judas seemed very queer but then again, most apostels in this production seemed to be queer. (The betrayal kiss was very passionate, btw)
Oh, and the cardinals waterboarded Judas with holy water in a church on wooden benches they put together??? And they also threatened and hurt him several other times??? I'm not sure what to feel about this because this makes the betrayal very very cooerced and that might flatten the character but it adds so many new layers as well. They also just push suitcase full of money on his arms and leave him there clutching the thing and sobbing??
Judas death ripped my heart out, it was so raw and cruel and also put emphasis on the cruelty of the catholic church and an uncaring or even cruel god?
and then he absolutely slayed in superstar. all the background dancers were the apostels (which was a deliberate choice because they had a huge cast they could have used for this), including Mary and they all had neon halos?? Judas descended from the ceiling. the staging was kinda similar to the 2012 revival with Judas as a show-caster and entertainer. there was golden glitter falling from the ceiling.
the whole production seemed very angry at institutionalized christianity and God himself but also full of hope and love, and superstar really examplified that.
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Herode is the pope. Just straight up the pope. At first I was a bit underwhelmed because the set was very minimal bit then they revealed the pope and started their amazing choreography and I really loved that! just a good solid portrayal, very sexual as well. (this production was very much about hypocricy and not about condemming lust, the opposite really. this production is pretty sex-positive) 8/10
Caiaphas and Annas were pretty solid, like all the other high priests they were cardinals. I thought the actors did a good job although would have liked a deeper base for Caiaphas and a higher tenor for Annas. I thought it was interesting how often the priests/cardinals crossed themselves and blessed people and did christian gestures, especially during "This Jesus must die". They were also pretty violent both towards the apostels and towards jesus and judas.
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Peter was really giving dark academia vibes except a bit more boring. I thought it was pretty funny that it was easy to tell that he was Peter just from the costume alone. he had a nice, warm voice and I liked the acting choices - he was very soft and calm, except for when he went absolutely wild on the SWAT team coming to arrest Jesus and broke a bottle to use a shard to cut of the ear (i suppose) of one of them. iconic. 8/10
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Simon: what an icon! at one point, he carries petrol and a lighter around to fucking burn the whole thing to the ground. he is passionate and kind and ready to punch someone at any time. his acting and singing were really really good. At the last supper, Simon sucker punches Judas in the face and calls him a "fucking traitor" before shakily ending the song on his guitar to try and comfort the other apostels because their whole world just fell apart. I really love this Simon
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Pilate: He had such a great voice and presence, and carried himself with a lot of gravitas. Pilates dream was very stripped down but it worked because of the actor. He seemed really desillusioned and kind but ultimately deafeated, conforming to the will of people around him (lower clergy and devout catholics in this version) (That reminds me, the ouverture was accompanied by various clergy making out in the vatican with each other while headlines about scandals in the church were projected in the background.
There are probably a lot of things I forgot to mention, and there were also some things I did not like about this production but overall, I am really really impressed and just happy that I got to see it live.
You can still see the production too btw, at least if you can make it to Nuremberg :)
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Could you do Yandere Tamaki Amajiki hcs?
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Warnings: Yandere behavior!
Authors note: Of course!! We love our shy baby 💕🥺
I wanna say, sorry if there are spelling mistakes! This isn't my best, sorry 😭
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Tamaki is known for his quite noticeably for his quiet and awkward demeanor; lurking around the corners with a sulking look like he's depressed.
When Tamaki first laid eyes on you, he thought you were the prettiest person he had ever seen; admiring your form, smile, and hair-do. Watching you from afar, looking at you like a pure God in the sunlight.
To catch this shy boy’s attention isn’t very hard, but a few things he does admire about you is your outgoing and kind demeanor; trying your best to understand people and love individuals for them. You were originally a friend of Mirio’s, an old friend from high school who had accidentally ran into him, making Tamaki meet you.
The minute he was introduced to you, he couldn’t form any words other than a shy ‘Hi’ and mumbling about word after words.
Of course, Mirio has introduced you to him, seeing Tamaki was extremely shy around you and wanted to help him to get out of his comfort zone. Quickly, Mirio had noticed his embarrassing posture, which made him think of some things: did Tamaki, his most anxiety-ridden friend, have a crush on you? By that time, it would have big letters spelled out across Tamaki’s forehead: YES.
Immediately, Mirio and Nejire would team up and try to have you both set up constantly for ‘small dates’ with all of them, whom they would both leave just so the two of you could be alone; watching from the corner of the roads away to see how it’s going.
Within a few months, Tamaki would finally have a rare piece of courage and leave a note on your work desk, asking to meet you for dinner later that night at your favorite restaurant. Upon arriving, realizing that he had ordered a VIP room just for the two of you, already covering the bill with his persistent whispers of, “I’m p–paying, please allow me.”
After having a good few minutes of conversation, he awkwardly confesses: “I– I’ve always loved you! Please… fo–forgive me.” If you confess back to him, that you love him back; he’s delighted, to say the least. Tamaki immediately pulls you into a hug, stuffing his face into your neck before hearing your fit of laughs.
The relationship between you two is considered ‘normal’. Other than his extremely clingy behavior and dependence on you, following you around like a lost puppy, gripping onto your sweatshirt or the hoop of your belt for support; he’s fairly harmless towards you and others. However, Tamaki is not above hurting people if needed. Sure, he’s seen as a shy bunny, but the minute your safety is threatened? All hell is loose.
Tamaki values your happiness and well-being, even more so than his own. He loves seeing you smile, it makes his heart flutter and beat faster; this means he loves spoiling you. You want a new hoodie? Absolutely! He got in X-large so it’s baggy. Need 3 more plushies to help you sleep? He got you more than 3, a body pillow of your favorite animal and a promise ring for the both of you.
The affection within you two is very touch starved. Tamaki loves being around, on, or beside you. He specifically loves to lay on you, feeling your nails drag against his hair as he hides his face into your chest, breathing in your addictive scent. After a hard day of socializing and working hard as a hero, he loves to be in your arms, talking to you about your day and clinging onto you like his life depends on it.
With him being around you so much (even without your awarabouts), he tries to find out everything about you: hobbies, your crush(es), that certain item you’ve been wanting, what you did earlier that day, and what you tend to do later that day once you get home. The minute you step home, you have a neatly wrapped gift handed to you; a huge blush covering his face and tips of his ears, wanting to hear praises from you.
His yandere tendencies consist of being very soft, worshiping, almost harmless, and guilt tripping. Tamaki views you as his butterfly, a purity in the water, and a bunny he needs to protect from the harsh world. No matter what you say, it won’t change his perspective on you; viewing you as the most unique and wonderful person in the entire world.
Tamaki tends to guilt-trip you frequently. He understands that guilt-tripping isn’t the best, he knows so. But, he can’t help but feel immense jealousy and insecurity whenever you hang out with others, watching you talk with pure energy and willingness to those who don’t really deserve it. Tamaki would approach you, gently tug on your sweatshirt, signaling that he’s ready to go home. The next few days consist of him clinging onto you like a koala, hiding his face in your neck while mumbling how much he loves you.
This often leads to Tamaki needing reassurance, needing to hear those words ‘I will never leave you’ or ‘I love you so much, nobody will take me’. He fears that you’ll get sick of his anxiety-ridden and clingy behavior, finding someone ‘better’ than him and throwing him away like the voices in his head say so.
Due to his severe anxiety, he would never kidnap you. The only exception, in this case, would be if you were to get severely hurt by villains, on the line of the deathbed; however, if he did so, Tamaki would gently take you when you sleeping, watching you wake up with pure panic before feeling immense guilt in his gut: bowing his head on the floor as he sobbed, hiccuping out ‘sorry!’ and ‘please forgive me!’.
Punishments don’t exist with him; they never happen. Tamaki absolutely hates punishing you, he can’t even bring the sheer thought of raising his voice at you.
Talking more about the punishment headcanon, it’s very hard for Tamaki to be mad at you, or to show any negative emotion toward you. The only time you’d see him ‘lose control’ is when you threaten to leave him. Either that’s when you get sick of his clingy behavior, or guilt-tripping. The moment those words leave your mouth, he’s immediately on the floor blubbering sobs, begging you to not leave and he’ll be good: “Please! Don’t leave me! I–... Please! I’ll do anything! Anything you want! Just— Please don’t leave me!”
If you ever lash out at him, whether that’s from having a hard day, he’d take it… literally to heart. Tamaki would start crying, asking what he did wrong before hugging you tightly, using the words: “Please, I do–don’t know what I did, but please! Please don’t leave me!”
As long as you can put up his clingy behavior, everything should be fine; acting like a complete ‘normal’ couple within the roads of Tokyo.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
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seven-ruins-it · 2 months
Taking it back: a wolfstar oneshot (?)
“You still have these?” Sirius asks, holding up his Pokémon card deck with two fingers, like a cigarette, just like he had before either of them were old enough to smoke.
“I wasn’t about to throw them out,” Remus shrugs, shifting against his wall and wincing when he hears his Bowie poster crinkle. 
“What, you think they’ll be worth anything in ten years?” Sirius says, wiggling the card over to get the sun glinting in the silver part.
“I wouldn’t sell them if they were.” 
That gets him to turn with a quirked brow. After a beat, a slanted smirk grows. “You sentimental prick.” 
Remus rolls his eyes. “Not everything’s about money.”
“Sure, but, c’mon.” Sirius waves the cards around before sliding them in his jacket pocket. “You’ve got me still, you don’t need the bloody shiny.” Remus pushes himself off the wall and is grappling Sirius’ arm in seconds. 
“That’s not funny, give them back.” Sirius, the prick, prickishly keeps his hands buried in his pockets and swerves any attempt Remus makes to get them out. 
“Why?” He smoothly sidesteps another dive with an infuriating amused smile. “They were mine, I’m just taking back my loan.” Remus straightens, three feet away from his friend. His room isn’t big, they’ve swam around three circles by now. 
“They were a gift, you can’t take back a gift.”
“Why not?”
“How would you feel if I took your stupid bloody radio?”
Sirius, even with his snow white complexion, blanches, smirk finally slipping off his face. “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, you know I would.” He delivers it in a slow, low tone to get his point across.
Sirius shuffles the cards around in his pockets nervously, narrows his eyes. “You like Queen just as much as I do.”
“Not that loudly. And don’t forget who bought you that CD.”
Sirius’ throat audibly clicks in a swallow. “Fine, have them,” he says after a moment, putting the deck on Remus’ desk with a thud. “I don’t even get why you care so much, they’re just stupid merch for a show we barely watched.”
Remus walks over and sorts the cards into a pile. “Would you quit being obtuse? I keep them because you gave them to me.”
He doesn’t need to turn to know his friend is making a face. A stupid one. “I give you things   all the time.”
“It was different then. We were different people.”
Sirius cracks his neck. “We were shorter,” he says sardonically. 
“Yeah, well, I happen to think there’s some value in preserving memories as they happened.” He wraps the cards up with a near-crumbling elastic and puts it back in his cardboard box of childhood memorabilia. 
Sirius snorts. “Oh please, nostalgia is a lie our brains tell us because it’s always out to kill us. It’s our entire job to tell it to shut up.”
“What about our friendship makes you so eager to forget it?” Remus asks irritably, giving the box a good shove so it slides under his bed. 
“That’s not the point at all, the point is that the past is the past, good or not.”
“So do you not think the past informs the present at all? You’re just a completely new person every second.”
“Yes, actually, I do,” Sirius says, self satisfied.
“Great,” Remus says, before punching Sirius in the shoulder like he’s seen James do during Quidditch. 
“Ow!” His friend exclaims, reaching for the offended area. “The hell was that for?!”
“I don’t know, you should ask me from a second ago.” He bats his eyes innocently. “I’m a different person now.” 
Sirius punches his shoulder and Remus’ arm immediately cramps with his nerves’ protests. 
“Sorry, that was meant for you from a second ago,” he says, presumably going for impish but snarling the words.
“I was just proving a point, you did it way harder!”
“I did it just as hard as you!”
“You’re basically wearing armour with your stupid shoulder pads!” Sirius hugs his arms with raised shoulders. “I am not wearing shoulder pads, it’s just the model of all leather jackets!”
“Well, the stupid model of your stupid leather jacket has stupid shoulder pads!”
Sirius shoves him and he has to step back to catch himself, not expecting the attack. “You don’t get to call my jacket stupid when all you wear are ugly sweaters.”
Remus shoves him back, more effectively with the advantage of his height. “You’re being ridiculous!” The last word is winded because of Sirius tackling him onto his bed. They roll around grappling for the upper hand and sprinkle in petty curses. 
“You unfeeling bastard,” Remus gets in before Sirius rolls them over so he’s on top. 
“You went after my style, and you’re calling me the unfeeling one?” Sirius argues. 
“They’re ripped out of a Muggle magazine, they’re barely even your clothes ‘cause you sure as hell aren’t original,” Remus retorts.
“You’re just jealous ‘cause you can’t show your arms,” Sirius says, making both of them freeze. Their hands are clasped together but Sirius’ loosen their grip as he sits back, shocked at himself. “Remus…” he starts, but gets interrupted by Remus throwing him back, landing him on the ground with a thud and a groan. 
“Shit,” Remus says, eyes wide. He retreats into his body, still hopped up on adrenaline from the fight, his mind somewhere above him, looking at his arms frozen in front of him as a stranger’s (as a hairier iteration). He shakes himself and slides off the bed, crouching down next to his friend. “Shit,” he repeats, “Sirius, I’m so sorry, are you alright? Can you breathe?”
Sirius, worryingly, just groans again, gasping air as Remus helps him sit up and tries to teach him how to breathe again. After a minute or two, he gasps out “Fuck-” another gasp “-you.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry, I got so angry, or, I dunno, I couldn’t think-” he chokes out with the breath he’s been holding since Sirius hit the ground. Sirius puts a hand on his shoulder, the one he hit, and shakes his head, eyes dull from the exhaustive panic. 
“Don’t you start now.”
Remus can’t begin to think about laughing it off. “Are you in pain anywhere?” He checks the back of Sirius’ head and spine with medical touch he’s observed throughout his life but only ever handled on his own body. He finds no grievous injuries, at least not before Sirius swats him away. 
“Get off, you tit.” He holds his wrists together and meets his eyes meaningfully. “I’m fine. Some bruises but I’m fine. Nothing to write church about, alright?”
“Okay,” Remus says, finally feeling the edges of himself again, anchored by the warm hands holding him together. 
“I did deserve it, besides,” Sirius says, with a melancholic half smile that’s just as infuriating as all his smugness from before. Remus pushes his hands off and stands. 
“Like hell you do,” he says. Sirius blinks. “You don’t actually believe that crap, do you?”
“Remus,” he laughs -laughs- nervously. “C’mon, you’re allowed to be angry.”
“No, I’m not just going to sit here and.” He takes a shaky breath to collect himself and promptly sits down to level their height. “I am angry. At you, for what you said.” Sirius shifts his legs to sit criss-cross. Their knees brush before Sirius pulls him further in. “But I’m bloody furious at your mum and dad for making you think me shoving you on the floor was in any way right.” Sirius winces. 
“I’m alright, really,” he assures, but Remus shakes his head. 
“It never should’ve happened. I’m sorry about punching you, too. I never should’ve started all that, especially with my…” The remembered chill of hair growing at an impossible rate all down his back runs through his spine. The impact of Sirius’ fist against his shoulder -the other one this time- pulls him right out of it. 
“Would you quit that?” Sirius demands with a look of near hurt. “People get angry, it’s got nothing to do with all that.” He leans back again. “And I’m sorry too, alright? About the cards and the… the thing I said.” Remus nods, rubbing his shoulder. Later, he knows he’ll ruminate on just how visible he is to Sirius, but right now the arm hurts more. The Quidditch has recently really bulked Sirius up, Jesus. 
“I get why you said it. It’s just that… sometimes you act like we met each other yesterday. Like we mean nothing to each other except for how entertaining we can be.”
When he looks up, Sirius is frowning. “When do I do that? I don’t think that.”
“Well, it’s just I’ve noticed-” Sirius stands.
“You’re wrong. We’ve been friends for ages, if you feel like you’re being fake that’s on you, not me.”
“I’m not the one being fake here,” Remus says affrontedly. 
“Oh yeah?” Sirius says.
“Yeah.” Remus pushes himself to his feet, wincing at the strain it puts on both of his injured shoulders.
“Then tell me how exactly I’ve been weirding you out so much.”
“I didn’t say that.” He frowns and takes a step towards his friend, but he steps back. The arguing is rapidly forming a pressure on his synapses, he’d never even meant to start anything and in his attempt to swerve them away from a cliff’s edge they were rapidly careening towards a roaring waterfall. “Oh my God, look, it’s things like that, alright? Flat out denial of things I can see are happening.” Sirius stares flatly. “Things we…” Remus scratches at the back of his ear, bothered. “Things we both remember,” he finishes softly, daring enough only for darting glances up at Sirius, still as the marble statue that served as their hiding place for many pranks throughout the years. He thinks they’d both quite prefer to be there right now, stifling their laughter, wedged in between cold stone slabs.
“What,” Sirius’ voice catches and he clears his throat. “What things. Remus.”
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mtdthoughts · 5 months
Good Guy Akiyama (Migi & Dali Thought)
As we all know, Akiyama is a nice guy that really values his friend Hitori, the one who saved him from isolation and despair. He's also known to be a bit clingy, but I suppose that's just his way of expressing joy and affection. Here's all the times that bird boy hugged the twins in the anime.
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It could be argued that Akiyama may be in love with Hitori, but that's not really important nor is it the point of this post. In fact, this post is a bit more about Dali than it is about Akiyama.
I wanted to talk about Chapter 16, which was one of the chapters that was cut by the anime. It actually contains quite a bit of important subtext (particularly about Dali) that I really wish the anime could have kept.
Here's a summary of what happened:
The twins stay home from school, apparently because they can't get any learning done in their rowdy 1-5 classroom in which their teacher has no control.
The twins hatch a plan to get their teacher to discipline the class, and get the Sonoyamas to invite her over because Hitori is being bullied. It turns out that Hitori really was being bullied, except by Akiyama who stood up for him. Because of this, Akiyama was bullied too.
The twins mock their teacher in order to anger her, but fail (*Note: Dali even does his special laugh here)
Hitori (Migi) lies to his parents and his teacher that Akiyama is bullying him, and Youko is so outraged that she spanks him. Migi runs away, and Dali gets caught up and spanked as well. Honestly, good on Youko for teaching her son not to lie about his good friend!
The twins return to school thinking their plan has failed, but in a funny twist, it turns out that the teacher actually learned Youko's secret technique, and the whole class quiets down. Happy end?
I initially thought this chapter was one of the least important, since it was one of the chapters that was cut, but I think back upon it, and I think there's a little more to be said.
I think the real reason the twins stayed home from school was because of the bullying, rather than difficulty learning. In fact, it was Dali who couldn't stand the bullying, and it is very likely that he may have felt guilty that Akiyama was being bullied too.
At first, I thought it really was because of the learning, since this is what the twins stated, and their goal was to become gifted students so they could get close to Eiji. However, I think this was just a pretext, which would make sense since Dali, the twins' leader and planner, is an excellent liar who tends to hide his feelings and intentions from the characters and even the viewer/reader. Here's my thought process:
If it really was about the studying, couldn't the twins just study at home? Or maybe asked their mother for a tutor?
As was seen in Episode 4, the twins could have just taken care all of their learning in the library, where they can't be bothered.
Because of this, the idea that they stayed home from school due to the learning problem didn't sit right with me. And then, I reread the chapter and came across these panels:
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Sure, Dali may be disappointed that his plan probably failed, but I think he was sad that he had to return to being bullied, which becomes apparent once when he and Akiyama get bullied again. But more importantly, Dali seemed genuinely touched that despite the overwhelming hostility towards him, Akiyama was the only one to show him any sort of warmness and companionship, even after being bullied too. He definitely appreciated Akiyama, and at the very end he was glad to know that he wouldn't be bullied anymore once the teacher intervened with her "discipline". This was truly a display of Dali's hidden soft side.
Now, it all makes sense to me. Dali can't just admit to Migi that he hates being bullied, and insists on toughing it out because he can't show any weakness as the (parentified) big brother. That's why he came up with this roundabout strategy that would just so happen to take care of the bullying problem.
Furthermore, Dali's appreciation of Akiyama make these scenes make more sense:
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In the first, Dali angrily states that Migi just suddenly opened up to Akiyama after abandoning him, and in the second, Dali hides in Akiyama's closet looking conflicted. At first, one might think that Dali's just being insecure about losing Migi, but I think that additionally, Dali wanted to open up to Akiyama too, but he just couldn't due to his anger, his lust for revenge, or because he had to maintain himself as the "strong older brother". Once the twins visited Akiyama's house in Episode 10, Dali likely felt guilty about previously deceiving Akiyama (remember the slap?) and viewing him in a negative way (remember "insolent bird beast"?) that he hid himself, until Migi convinced him that Akiyama would be sure to accept him.
From what I've seen, it seems like common opinion that Akiyama gets along better with Migi, but after reviewing this, I definitely think that Dali gets along with him just as well. After all, a common motif is that although the twins think differently, they feel the same way, so it wouldn't be surprising if they valued Akiyama to the same degree.
Man, Migi & Dali really is a treasure trove of lies and hidden messages, huh? That's one of the big reasons why I love this series so much.
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shannis · 1 month
22 - 17
You're back. It's been 17 years and you return with all the pomp and circumstance of a warrior from battle. Only not with scars and wounds but smiles and her. She looks beautiful and you look happy. Though I have not seen you in person and probably never will again, the moment I saw you in that reunion video, my chest was cut open. My wounds revealed. The pain came crashing on me like a wave in the north sea.
As I watched you hug your buddies in that video, I remembered the when we danced together at the Slackers show at the Knights of Columbus over 22 years ago. I remember the day I saw you on the corner by your house as I was riding my bike and we talked for hours. I remember our first kiss. I remember our first time together in bed. The way we snuggled on your bed. Fought about the Yankees vs the Braves watching baseball together. Our slow dancing together at the Butterfield. How we would hold hands walking around town. Watching Brasil in the world cup with your grandfather. Going to Six Flags and riding Batman over and over in the dark. Going to Warp Tour together and Ozzfest with Shakera. Watching kids play DDR at the Boardwalk. How we were hugging and kissing in the water at Sandy Hook with my grandparents watched from the beach slightly horrified. Getting caught in the act by your friends at the window. I remember how your eyes looked whenever you smiled at me. I even remember our first 'I love you'. I wonder if our initials our still carved into your locker and mine?
And yet, one day you left me high and dry. Abruptly, coldly, boldly. You left. It was the day after Thanksgiving, we were going to listen to 'Steal this Album' together. I thought we were good, I was excited to celebrate Christmas together soon. I was saving up money to get you the perfect gift. I arrived and then you said that you wanted to end it, you didn't give an exact reason why, you said that I could do better and you wanted to be alone that was it. We listened to the album in silence. I can still feel the the tears weighing on my cheeks. The songs still make me think of you.
I begged, I pleaded, I cried. You stood there cold, unmoving, stoic. You lied, we were never friends after. You never talked to me again. You never looked at me again. Never anything again. Then I heard the rumors your friends told me about how you belittled my body and called me names.
I was crushed, I was hurt but yet I still pined for you. I was in love with you. I even wanted to go to prom with you (but you didn't go). I wanted to go on a real date with you. I wanted a real relationship with you or at least actually try to be your friend again. (We were once remember?)
But what I wanted more than anything was to see you smile at me again in those confusing teenage years. But you never did. You made me nothing in your world. Everyday of silence broke my heart.
Did you know I lost my father a year before we got together? Did you know my mother didn't think my father's death was a big deal? Did you know my parents fought every night before, during, and after you? Did you know my stepfather called me ugly and told me I would never make anyone happy everyday? Did you know I was ignored by everyone at home when I came home crying over you? Did you know your friends made fun of my body based on what you said for years? I was suffering and was all alone. I just wanted someone to find value in me and show me a little kindness. Make me feel like I mattered, like my life has some purpose.
So I dated others to try to forget you, maybe hurt you. No one mattered, even if I wanted them to. No one filled the hole you left in my heart. They were all useless and made me feel worse. I couldn't move past you. They were a waste of time and I should have tried harder for you.
At graduation we walked together, I could see how much you hated it. I was happy to end the journey where I started it, with you. Even thought we said nothing to each other.
And we haven't spoken since. When you left for Brasil 17 years ago I was happy and I thought I would be free. I thought I had a chance to get out of your shadow, to live my life without my feelings for you dragging me down. For a long time, I was wrong. I was used and abused in your absence. Literally. No one loved me, or valued me. Everyone after you until the last one, tossed me aside. I was never pretty enough, I was never girly enough, I wasn't anything to them. The truth and the real issue was they weren't anything to me. I was emotionally unavailable to them. They were just company to pass the time. You were always a shadow, lurking in my heart and deep down I knew that.
So years ago I went to therapy to truly forget you and fix myself. I learned in that time that I really had were abandonment issues stemming from my father leaving and dying, my mother's alcoholism, my stepfather drug abuse, my family ignoring me, my friends putting me in the background for others, my partners cheating on me or rejecting me, but one big issue was you leaving for no reason then never speaking to me again except in insults and mockery behind my back. I realized just how much I was hurt by you and how much I thought of you. And how unhealthy it was to love you when you didn't even see me as a person. Plus, when you were truly gone half way across the world, I knew that you would never talk to me again. I realized I needed to break the habit. I burned all your photos. I wrote you a few letters but never sent them. Hell I even debated calling you a few times, clearly I never did. I knew you would call me crazy or insult me so I didn't bother. I still have your old necklace and set of old keys you left at my house all those years ago. I keep them in one of the only boxes left of my old things I have left. Did you know I lost everything else I owned twice? Alot of people have abandoned me over the years. But through it all, I kept your items safe, I still have them today.
You will leave again soon. I'm glad she is making you happy. I finally found someone as well, he values me, he loves me. He has figured out how to open my heart and make me feel again. I've created a wonderful new life and have started my process of getting whatever closure I can for things still left open in my life. You were one thus this letter.
You were my first and I was yours. If i could talk to you, (I wish I could, I wish we really did becomes friends again), all I want to know is; Why did you leave? And what were your real feelings about me? Did or do I ever cross your mind after? If so, in what way? What was lacking in me?
Even if the truth is harsh, I'd what to know.
Maybe one day you can help me resolve those mysteries of what happened to us and allow me to close this chapter completely. Help me heal a bit.
I wonder if you will ever read this? If you do, would you ever reach out and answer?
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1010ninetynine · 5 months
tempted to ship bennefischl because it's bennefischl or fischnett which is banging but i also like the idea of bennett being really bitter towards fischl because in his perspective her life just sort of works out. like she's delusional and kind of reckless and she gets a vision that lets her continue to be that delusional. he's just so fucking bitter about her luck.
but he values her as a friend. so they explore together sometimes
until little things begin to take his notice as time passes on. She avoids eating too much, never eats sweets, and her running is almost on part with Noelle. She's funny when she wants to be, even as the Prinzessin der Veruruteilung or wtvr. She's got a penchant for exploration, and for flexing her familiar - i mean battle. obviously.
And when he meets her parents, and sees her baby pictures, it's a stark difference. Such a round girl, yet such a small woman*. She fights those picture out of Bennett's hands. And when he asks her what's wrong, she says nothing, just pouts. Not even pretending to be Fischl.
In that moment, Bennett realized that her life was...quite normal, all things considered. It wasn't like she's never been sad in her life, never been denied anything for reasons she can't control. That realization probably shouldn't have been so surprising, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Never has been.
And it's after that mental moment that he laughs and says, "Prinzessin, I'm not sure why you're upset. I've never seen a cuter girl in my life."
Fischl looks at him and asks, "You're not joking, are you?"
And he nods, honestly because he does think that she looked adorable when she was in middle school. Chubby cheeks, gorgeous smile, and the perfect size to hug.
But he hopes one day, one fateful day, she won't need to pretend to someone else around him. Neither Amy (apparently her 'real' name), nor fischl, just her.
And maybe have a sweet or two once in a while.
He suspects her clinging to him, hiding her face in his boob window, is a start. Even if he's questioning her intentions. Just a smidge.
Also what if fischl just crushed on him day one because the world is against him but he keeps getting up. Endless positivity, even when she's given up. Also he's got a great pecs and a surprisingly tight ass (don't ask her how she knows that. it was an accident! just a happy one.)
Also she really likes watching bennett suffer the knockback from his skill off a cliff (and will laugh. before getting oz to save his ass).
Her big "omg bennett is actually a person" moment would probably be a moment when she sees Bennett about to give up.
It's not some grand adventure. Hell, it's not even a particularly difficult moment. It's just a date. They'd planned a nice night out at Good Hunter.
But perhaps the both of them should have thought things through, because the meteorological power of Bennett's bad luck simply cannot be denied. It was pouring, and lightning was striking, and of course Good Hunter closed.
It was fine. Fischl understood what had happened. Bennett, in true bennett fashion, tried to play this whole thing off.
"I'll cook whatever you want, Fischl. Who needs a restaurant?"
But of course, then his arms were crushed and broken by the traveler coming in from the sky.
"Sorry Bennett...I wanted to see how far I could fly from the skyfrost nail."
Even after this, Bennett did not lose hope. They went to the Cathedral. It was a miserable walk, but they were together. They had fun, of sorts, with Fischl waxing verbose about how horrid their luck was, and saying she'd fight god.
But of course - Barbara couldn't see him because she was in Liyue on a cultural exchange trip. Of course.
Bennett was tired, his shoes were drenched, and more importantly than any of that (this was mostly a usual day), he couldn't even use his goddamn arms to do anything romantic for fischl. At all. Not even carry her in a way he knows she fantasizes about all the time.
Tears pool in his eyes, but he refuses to cry. Not after he just fucked up their date and she probably hates him by now and who wouldn't, really? This is why he should have just left her alo-
"Bennett, my good subject, is thine eyes watering?"
"What the Princez-"
"Oz, I got it," Bennett wiped his eyes, flashing a smile, "No, it's just the rain."
Still, her countenance betrayed her worry. And before he knew it, he felt arms around his shoulders, a hand behind his head.
"Pain must be felt," said she, "And I beseech you to let it out, lest you let it build up, and consume you one day."
And so marked the one day Bennett cried since the age of 5. And after he was done, the sky cleared up, as if in pity.
It almost made fischl's blood boil, the callousness of the world. She'd fight celestia for cursing her loved one like this.
*fischl's body issues aren't canonically confirmed. i just think the whole genshin cast has body issues unless they r naturally thin
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sweetbillwriting · 1 year
The Real Deal
The Finale Chapter - Don't Let Them Grind You Down
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Characters: AU Bill Skarsgård. A version of Bill where he becomes single 2017 and with a different timeline. AU Skarsgårds and others. The rest is my own original characters.
Setting: This chapter is just set in 2022.
Warnings: 18+, alcohol, sex work, slut shaming, toxic parenting.
Notes: I have loved to write about Bill and Cassie and have really tried to write nuanced characters. I wonder why some of the chapters have so much more notes than others and it would be awesome to get some sort of feedback. Thanks to all of you have read and especially to you that have comment and @b-afterhours that always helps me with the language. 🤍
December 2022
It was quite symbolic that it rained in Brighton when Cassie finally went back there. Many saw it as one of England's best summer cities but she just remembered it as rainy and cold. Of course she had good memories of the town and she knew it was a great city but when she thought back at it, the gray pictures took over. She hadn't had a need to go back there at all but it was Bill that wanted to go. They had known each other for more than 21 years but Bill had never met her mother and brother. Bill mentioned it in their late teens and joked about her being a part of his family while he was her dirty little secret from her family. He realized quickly that it wasn't anything to joke about, that it was a sensitive topic. A bit at a time he learned about her family. It maybe wasn't some horror family but it was a big deal for Cassie. Her mother was a single parent, left by her husband when he had found someone new and decided to break up with his whole family. Cassie had been a daddy's girl and would rather spend time with him than her mother so she took it hard when she woke up on a Sunday and realized he was gone. It was also then their lifestyle changed dramatically and her mother came into some economic problems. They were never so severe they needed others' help but enough so that Cassie saved every penny to buy clothes instead of doing things with friends. She lost many friends because of it but it was then she met Bill. He could understand his lifestyle must have both fascinated and created envy in Cassie. Early on he had quite a big allowance from his parents and they bought him everything he needed and more than that. Even if he had an upbringing where he learned to share what you have and not value a big paycheck he could never really learn to appreciate money because they always had it. They could always afford trips, new technology and luxury food and he knew his parents would always save him if he messed up. He had seen Cassie look at his life with big eyes but he never felt like she used him and rather felt he wanted to give her the things she couldn't afford and he felt it especially when they got older and he got a good paid job fast while she either had a low salary or was a student. He still felt the same, that he wanted to give her everything and now it was a natural thing when they lived together and had a son. But it didn't feel natural that he still hadn't been introduced to her family. He had met her aunt, a lovely woman but hard to get close to, but it wasn't enough. He felt the need to meet Cassie's mother, not to create a relationship but just to understand Cassie better.
The area they were in was obviously a rougher part of town and most of the surrounding area was gray. It looked like the rougher parts of Stockholm but still he felt unease when they walked silently past the high buildings.
"Do you have any memories from here?" He asked and hugged her hand in his. She had mittens on that made it hard for him to even feel he held a hand in his.
"Sure, but like… As you know, I have never really had so many friends.." she said and looked around. She wasn't embarrassed of that in front of Bill. Now that she had gotten friends in Stockholm she would be embarrassed for how restricted her social life had been, they didn't judge her at all but she still felt weird for choosing to live in a fantasy, deep in her vogue, instead of bonding with people.
Bill just nodded and continued to look around. There wasn't really much to look at. Not like his own environment he grew up in, with well maintained houses in orange and red, big trees and playgrounds. "My first boyfriend lived in that house," she pointed to a gray building. "And lost my virginity on his nasty orange couch. I think he had inherited it from his grandma or something." Cassie laughed and shook her head. Bill smiled even if he felt odd thinking about Cassie with other men. He could be surprised how possessive he could feel sometimes but he really worked on it.
"And here it is…" she said with a sigh outside of a similar house. She pulled on the belt to her coat like she tried to protect herself by pulling her long coat closer to her body.
Bill looked at the entrance and then again at his girlfriend.
Cassie just shrugged her shoulders and walked up to the door. It was just to open the door like it always had been, the gate lock had been broken as long as she could remember. She hadn't met her mother since before the pandemic and then she had just done it dutifully, she and her mother had nothing in common and the question was if they even had ever really liked each other.
Inside of the building they walked up the five stairs and then Cassie buzzed on the closest door to the left. It was just to get it done. Bill was surprised how fast everything went and felt his own nerves shake a bit. It took some time before the door opened but when it did a strong smell of cigarette smoke invited them. The woman before them had aggressively bleached blonde hair paired with dark brows that almost made her look comical. Bill had seen pictures of Cassie's mother but then she had been younger and got away with the look better. Her top was deep in the neckline and Cassie recognized it as one of her mother's more fancy tops that she had worn several times at Christmas and New Years Eve. The woman looked first at her daughter then at the tall stranger next to her.
"Hey mom," said Cassie and tried a small smile. The woman smiled back but it looked forced.
"Sandra, darling," she said but didn't make a move for a hug then she turned to Bill with just as forced smile.
"Hey, em, Bill," he said and put his hand out. Cassie's mother shook it with a tanned liver spotted hand.
"Valeria," she said and smiled bigger. She looked Bill up and down once before inviting them in. Bill wasn't prepared for the low hanging chandelier in the hallway and started with smacking his head in it.
"Oh, shit, it didn't break, I hope?" He said nervously and rubbed his head.
"No, no. It was probably already broken," Valeria said and moved into the kitchen.
"Are you okay?" Said Cassie and looked at him worriedly while he continued to rub his head. He messed up his hair completely but didn't seem to care.
"Yeah, I just got that pointy thing right here," he leaned down so Cassie could look.
She dragged her fingers through his hair soothingly and fixed it at the same time.
Bill looked up and smiled a little and then started to take off his outerwear. When he took a hold of a hat rack to take his shoes off he felt a greasy coating on it, probably from dust, filth and the smoke but didn't say anything and didn't even dare to wipe it off, afraid of offending Cassie. She stood and waited on him and looked around in her mother's messy home. She had a lot of stuff but also hadn't cleaned for a very long time. It was similar when Cassie was younger but it had gotten worse over the years. Her whole life she had gotten short splintered strands of hair in her feet because of her mother taking customers, cash-in-hand jobs, in their kitchen. Cassie smiled a little at Bill when he had taken off his outerwear. He looked so misplaced in her mother's messy hallway. He stood tall and pale with his hair growing out from a buzzcut. He looked so clean, dressed in his off white sweater and blue jeans.
"What?" He said and smiled uncomfortably, both because Cassie looked like she thought of something but also because of the messy surrounding and his dirty hand. Cassie then saw how weirdly he held his hand and for the first time in a long time she felt ashamed in front of Bill. She hadn't told him to touch as few items as possible and never to use the toilet as she had planned, the embarrassment had made her forget.
Cassie took her hand bag and found a package of baby wipes and gave him one.
"Put it in your pocket after, if she sees it she will get all offended and must tell you about all the places that hurt and how that makes it hard to clean…" she whispered. Bill swallowed dryly and wiped his hands. The familiar smell from the wipes reminded him of their chubby baby and at once he felt they should have just stayed in Sweden with him. He was already nine months old and could stand by himself even if he wiggled a bit. He had gotten the name Allan, a name that worked in both Swedish and English and he shared it with one of his father's old friends, Allan Edvall, who had been one of Sweden's best actors. He also shared it with Edgar Allan Poe. It was Bill that had come up with it and Cassie loved it. She hadn't met many kids with that name. Allan was a happy and calm child. There wasn't much that fazed him, he was a relaxed little dude that liked his cars fast and his juice strong, his presence was so natural in their life.
They walked into the kitchen and there was just as much clutter and a strong cigarette smell. On top of all Valeria's usual stuff were Christmas decorations, cheap glitter stuff that made Bill's skin itch. He wasn't really used to so much stuff and impressions in such a small frowsty apartment. Cassie looked at her mother who was smoking while serving some sort of dry sponge cake on floral plates.
"Sit down, sit down," said Valeria and then served them tea when they had sat down by her small round table. Bill smiled politely and did it so well that not even Cassie could see conflicted feelings in his eyes, silently wondering if he had entered some sort of role to be able to handle her mother and the surrounding.
Valeria sat down and took a bite of the cake and looked out from the window next to her.
"So how are you, mom?" Cassie said and looked at the cake in front of her suspiciously. Bill had already taken a bite, it was dry as hell but didn't really taste bad.
Valeria sighed and looked from Cassie to Bill.
"I'm lucky your brother helped me… Because of my back, and feet you know. And economically… I wouldn't survive without him," she said with a sad voice and looked a long while at Bill. Neither Bill or Cassie had anything really expensive visible on them but he had a gold chain around his neck he noticed Valeria looked a bit longer at.
"That's good. Hugo is a nice guy…" said Cassie and really tried to sound neutral even if she knew what her mother was trying to do. Valeria spun her teacup and sighed then she looked up at Cassie.
"So… You have a son?" She said it harshly and maybe with all right. Cassie hadn't told her about her pregnancy until she was in the seventh month and didn't tell her the child was born until two weeks later.
"Yeah, Allan," said Cassie and became soft in the eyes and looked at Bill who smiled warmly towards her. Her mother didn't look at them and just snorted.
"He's nine months now and he has just learned to stand up, for some seconds," she giggled and took her phone from her handbag she had on the backrest of the chair. She wanted to show her mother a picture of the light in her life, the beautiful boy she and Bill had created but her mother changed the subject before Cassie had even illuminated the screen.
"I am a bit surprised seeing you here, Bill… I actually thought you mostly played around with Cassie." She didn't say it in a nasty way and Bill could understand what she meant.
"Yeah I guess you heard about me but then you never saw me, but I've met your sister, I think I was sixteen the first time I met her," Bill said but looked at Cassie quickly seeing her looking at a picture of Allan cuddling with one of Bill's mother's dogs.
"I think she said you looked like the sort of guy that would probably just wanna come inside of Cassie's knickers. She didn't say that you were a known actor's son…"
Bill made a sound of amusement even if he wasn't amused, he didn't really understand what she wanted to say.
"Sandra has always liked all that… fame, glamor… I guess it was actually her that tried to ride your dick?"
"Mom!" Cassie said with an annoyed voice. Bill looked at her then her mother with an uncomfortable smile. He hadn't thought Cassie's mother would say something like that.
"What? You have always thought you were a bit too good for this place so I can just guess that riding his rich, famous dick must have been tempting?"
"Eeehh…" said Bill, he wanted to defend Cassie but didn't know if that was the best way to handle this meeting.
"Mom, can you just…"
"It was a joke! Stop being so sensitive," interrupted her mother. "Eat your cake!"
Bill just looked at Cassie, trying to read her face for a signal to leave. This was his idea and now he regretted it all. He looked at Valeria's refrigerator, the pictures of smiling kids and a man that looked similar to Cassie. He understood it as her brother with his kids. Proudly shown off. Cassie had sent a few pictures to her of Allan but he couldn't see any of those pictures up.
"So an actor… What do you do exactly?" Valeria asked and Bill turned his eyes to her fast. Cassie looked at Bill and could see he had been in deep thoughts.
"Oh, ehh… Movies mostly? Some series…"
"Something I've seen?" She took a sip of her tea, she looked interested but Cassie could see how she tried to figure Bill out. He did many of his nervous tics, touching his face and hair and spinning his watch around his wrist.
"I don't know… I have been typecast for a while now for horror…" Bill looked down on his wrist and spinned his watch again. Cassie knew he had mixed feelings for all the horror roles he got offered and didn't like to see himself as a one trick pony but when someone asked it was easiest to say he had done a lot in that genre. Cassie's mother just nodded a little with no judgment.
"And Cassie, your career… Your dreams of becoming some fashionista?" Now she showed clear judgment and sarcasm.
Cassie didn't know what to say exactly. She was pleased with her situation. She had been home with Allan and had her work in NK waiting on her. It wasn't the fashion career she had wanted but she had never thought she would get her dream man and a baby when planning that life. Bill looked at Cassie when she didn't say anything and felt the worry settle in. He wondered if she actually wasn't pleased with her life when it was actually the other way around. Cassie knew her mother would get grist to her mill if she confessed she loved being Bill's little housewife. She would probably accuse her for being a golddigger.
"You have your work as a personal shopper waiting on you when Allan is a little older, right?" Bill said in an attempt to kill the silence. Cassie smiled a little and nodded even if she wasn't really that interested to leave Allan. Before he existed she believed she would want to work as soon as she could and leave the child with Bill. Now she thought about how she wouldn't stop Bill from working. If she didn't work they could all be together all the time because they could follow Bill all over the world instead of having a period where she missed Allan through whole days and Bill being so restless he would have to work on movie projects in the middle of the night.
Even if Bill had given Valeria a good answer she smirked and looked at her daughter.
"Seems like you're well maintained…" She stood up and walked up to a cabinet.
"Do you want a drink? It's Christmas soon. I do a hell of a P2."
Cassie and Bill looked at each other for a bit too long and Valeria could see Cassie's eyes sparkle and even if she didn't know Bill she recognized that manly pride.
"You're pregnant again," she said with a vodka in her hand. Cassie looked at her mother and swallowed hard, even if the neck of her sweater were fairly loose it felt too tight. Bill and Cassie looked at each other again and he smiled and shrugged his shoulders. They had already told his family so it wasn't really a secret anymore.
"Yeah… So one more Christmas without alcohol," joked Cassie. Her mother corrected her glitter top and looked at Cassie like Bill wasn't even there.
"Oh you really fixed it for yourself…" She snorted and continued to take out the liquor.
"What do you mean by that?" Bill asked, that she couldn't even show happiness when they spoke about their children, her own grandchildren provoked him to finally talk. Valeria shook her head and looked at Bill, down at his gold chain then to his IWC watch.
"It's just funny how she has succeeded to get what she wants like that. She's her father's daughter."
"Both of us have got what we wanted, I really love your daughter." He looked towards Cassie and took her hand. She smiled a little even if she didn't see a point nagging with her mother. Her opinion was rooted hard and wouldn't be affected by Bill's words.
Valeria didn't even look at Bill, just fixed her drink and sat down again.
"Your brother has four now."
"Yes I know, I wrote with him on Snapchat just a few weeks ago." Cassie said tiredly and looked at Bill's offended face. He was used to always being listened to while Cassie's mother didn't even acknowledge him. Cassie dragged her thumb over the back of his hand to show him understanding.
"They visit me almost every week. They appreciate me." She looked at Cassie's uneaten and Bill's half eaten cake. Bill could see from her perspective but it was hard feeling sympathy when she had made fun of her daughter since her teenage years and showed little to no interest in her life.
Cassie didn't answer, just gave Bill a pointed smile and laid his hand in her lap. Bill felt done and sighed loudly. Cassie asked generic questions about her mother's life but the answers continued to be quite bitter and pointed about Cassie being a fortune hunter. Bill felt his irritation grow but was quiet because that was how he and Cassie usually solved such things, she talked while he could swallow his irritation without someone noticing it.
"Babe, when did we have that table reservation?" Cassie asked him suddenly and he looked up at her confused. She gave him a pointed look. Bill understood what she meant quickly and looked down at his watch. 5 pm, their reservation was at 8.
"Oh shit, in an hour. We should probably go."
"Oh, Jesus!" Cassie said a bit too dramatically.
The both of them stood up like they suddenly were in a hurry. Valeria gave them a sour look but let them storm out in the hallway. The goodbyes were stiff and no hugs or invitations were shared but one thing Valeria did remember to say:
"And Bill, maybe you can remind her about her old mother's birthday in February."
The both of them felt the need to talk about Cassie's mother after that but it got stuck in their throat. Bill thought about how to express his distaste for her without crossing any line while Cassie didn't know if she should apologize for her mother. Instead they talked about mundane things, Christmas and New Years. It wasn't until dinner when Bill had taken a gulp of his old fashioned he felt ready to talk about Valeria. He looked at Cassie drinking her alcoholic free pina colada from a bamboo straw. She had cravings for coconut and ate it so much their apartment smelled like it. Bill's mother had said that craving meant it was a girl and the both of them had accepted it as a possible truth because she hadn't had any when she was pregnant with Allan.
"So… Your mother?" Bill said, spinning his glass in his hand. Cassie looked up but continued to drink from her straw, maybe to get some time.
"Lovely lady, right?" She said ironically and forced a smile.
Bill snorted.
"Heee… I have always believed you but it is a total other thing to actually meet that sort of person."
Cassie shrugged a bit.
"I guess I am a bit to blame too. I haven't given her much."
"Do you think she's worth it? In that case we can give her a generous Christmas gift." Bill made it sound like he was serious but he smirked ironically.
"Shut up," said Cassie and smiled amused. They both knew Valeria wasn't worth it and Cassie had too little interest in her to really care. "She always says that I am a fortune seeker and so on but it is her who actually begs for money… Do you think I am a fortune seeker?" She looked at Bill with big eyes and scratched her arm.
"God no. You sought happiness, fashion and freedom. That I came in the way is just a coincidence." He smiled and put his hand out so she could lay her hand in his open palm.
Cassie smiled warmly and looked around in the room.
"But maybe you can send her a cleaning team?"
Bill looked at their packed bags on the bed quickly while walking into the living room in their apartment in Stockholm. He picked up a toy car and a battery driven bunny with a sigh. Valter sat on the couch messing with his phone but looked at his older brother cleaning up after his son. Valter had been there all night and had hung out with Bill until Allan woke up and needed his father. Bill sat down on the couch corner and took a gulp from his beer glass.
"So she was a bitch? Valter asked with a smirk, meaning Cassie's mother. Bill felt odd talking about his girlfriend's mother that way.
"She wasn't that nice, I can tell you that. And I get why Cassie wanted to get as far away from her as possible. Even if she felt she needed to do some stupid shit to succeed with that…"
All of Bill's siblings knew about Cassie's time as an escort. She hadn't planned to tell them but it felt natural to do so while they hung out and spoke freely about life and values. No one of them had judged her, but Gustaf, had been a bit too much and wanted to have a long conversation about her respecting herself. She guessed that's what big brothers did and she felt the love even if his long talk about self love and how history forms us without defining us, was boring as hell.
Valter was on his way to say something when Bill's phone called and he left his brother hanging.
"Hey babe, on your way home already?"
Cassie had been with some girlfriends from NK. Bill was prepared for her coming home early because of the pregnancy and the Christmas trip but not already at 9 pm.
"Bill… Bill…" she cried. Bill made a worried, confused expression that made Valter look at him with a similar look.
"Hey, hey, hey, what is it baby?"
"Oh god… I said that girl, Moa, was bad news…"
Moa was one of the girls working on NK, at the Burberry apartment. Cassie had mentioned her because she had gotten the impression that the girl was a little bit too interested in Bill, she more or less seemed to be a fan but tried to hide it.
"She showed me some fucking fan account… They have the pictures, Bill…"
Bill looked down on his feet and was silent for a moment. He knew what pictures she meant, the pictures from that website. He had never seen them because he had never felt a need. Now the thoughts started to tick again. What exactly was the nature of the pictures?
"Babe, where are you? I don't want you to go around sad and alone." Bill stood up and started to walk around. He could hear that she was walking and alone, pregnant in town late at night, sounded like a bad idea.
"I’ll be home soon…" she just said and it didn't calm Bill at all.
"Where? I can meet you?"
"No… I'm home now." He can hear her open the entrance door and then start to walk up the stairs. He walked to the hallway and opened the door for her and hung up when he saw the top of her head come up from the stairs. Her make up was messy from tears and she had snowflakes in her hair that had started to melt. She had a pair of heeled boots Bill had thought were a bad idea for the weather and he now seemed to have been right because Cassie had a bit of a limp. She looked at Bill, dressed down in sweatpants and a hoodie and just the sight of him made her cry violently again. She ran into his open arms and pressed herself against his chest. Bill hugged her hard and at the same time pulled her into the apartment. He hushed her soothingly and when she had calmed down a bit he helped her take off her outerwear.
Valter had come out to the hallway with his hands deep in his front pockets. He felt a bit awkward walking out to them when he heard Cassie cry but he would feel even more weird about hiding in the living room. Cassie looked up at him when she heard his shuffle and tried to smile while Bill pulled off her boots with some struggle.
"Hey Cassie…" said Valter carefully and smiled comfortingly. She tried to smile towards him but it made the tears start again. Valter licked his lips and looked at his brother who had now stood up and dragged his fingers through Cassie's hair and pulled her closer towards his chest.
"I think I should go," said Valter but continued to smile so that Cassie wouldn't feel as though she scared him away. When he had put on his coat, Bill and Cassie stood hand in hand looking at him. To Cassie's surprise, Valter came up to her and gave her a hug.
"Don't let anyone grind you down, okay? Fuck 'em in that case." He said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Cassie laughed through her tears and then Bill gave his little brother a one armed hug.
"Next stop, Bali," said Valter to the both of them with a smile before going. In two days they would go there to celebrate Christmas and New Years but right then Cassie had a hard time looking forward to that when her suggestive pictures suddenly were all over Instagram.
Bill had a habit of humming for Allan when he needed to calm down or needed soothing and now when he helped Cassie take off her clothes and make up he hummed the same song for her. It was some Swedish lullaby he couldn’t remember the words for but it was soothing to hear his deep but clear voice and the soft melody. Cassie smiled to herself while he continued to do his job and put her in one of his knitted sweaters so she could warm up after her walk in the snow. When they had crawled down into bed he looked at her with those big thoughtful eyes and a look that almost made Cassie cry again. She was a bit hormonal so it was easy to make her cry rivers.
"I have a suggestion, what if we look at that post together? Then we know what it is and we could leave it all behind?" Bill said and dragged her even closer to his side. She looked up at him and dragged her finger tip over his plump lower lip. A short moment she thought how blessed she was to have him, while girls like Moa just dreamed about him.
"Okay…" she answered and took a deep breath.
Bill took his phone and paused before he wrote "billskarsgard" in the search field. It had been a really long time since he had done that. Not because he had a problem seeing pictures of himself, he was far too used to that, but to see what people actually wrote. He didn't expect nasty things but it was just as weird reading comments about his looks or speculations about him as a private person.
Cassie looked at the pictures that came up on the screen. There were many from Bill's latest horror movie, some of the action movies that would be realized the next year but among them was a picture of her. A picture of her in her tank top biting her lip. Bill felt his own heart take a sprint when he saw it, filled with nerves from finally seeing the pictures. He clicked the picture so it expanded on the screen. "Bill's girlfriend, Cassandra. Someone was a very naughty girl before she met Bill?;)"
The person that had written the caption didn't seem to have any idea that the two of them had known each other since they were kids. Bill scrolled through the pictures fast. The second picture was a bikini picture and the other one was an outfit picture but you could clearly see her thigh highs and her lacy bra. Bill looked at the pictures one more time with mixed feelings. He couldn't stop himself from looking at her pictures like all men on that site had done, her doe eyed look, sexy legs and peachy ass but he also felt that stupid possessiveness again and felt his blood boil thinking about how many men that had looked at his girl with dirty minds. For Cassie the pictures weren't anything new and she just waited nervously at Bill to open the comment section. She could see the pictures were posted two weeks ago and she was a bit surprised that it was just one account that had shared it. Maybe people weren't that interested after all.
"Can you open the comment section?" Cassie asked carefully, seeing Bill looking at the last picture a bit too long.
"Hm? Yeah…"
They read the comments together in silence but none of the commentators seem to know where the pictures actually came from. Some wrote that she probably had been a sugarbabe or have had an Onlyfans but they were just speculations. Most of them just seem to believe it was from a dating site, that she had been a bit slutty on Tinder or something and Cassie could live with that. Some even wrote that she was beautiful and sexy, that Bill was lucky getting a girl like her. Bill looked at Cassie reading and put her hair behind her ear lovingly. He could see her face shift emotions back and forth but when she looked up at him she actually smiled a little.
"It could have been worse…"
Bill smiled and locked his phone.
"Yeah and if someone knew anything they would probably have commented that right? Nah, now the pictures are out there, it's done. Doesn't that feel like a relief?"
He continued to try to put her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah…" She smiled and played with the string on Bill's hoodie.
"Now it's out, it's done. We don't need to care about their opinions anyway. This…" Bill was interrupted by Allen's cry. Bill sighed and stood up. "Allan Ballan has been a bit cranky tonight. Maybe he just wants his mama," Bill smiled a little and went to the room next to theirs where Allan had his room. Cassie smiled for herself and felt a warmth in her chest. It was relief but also the warmth of knowing she was loved and safe.
Cassie could hear Bill start humming the same lullaby again as the sound came closer and closer. She sat up in bed expectantly, like she hadn't seen her boys for a long time. Bill came into the bedroom with a sleepy looking Allan in a light blue footie pajama with snowmans on it. His lilac binkie bobbed in his mouth.
"Hey baby," said Cassie and put her arms out so her son did the same.
"Hopefully he will fall asleep soon, but he didn't want to do it in bed," said Bill while he gave Cassie their son and sat down next to them. Cassie hugged the soft child to her chest and whispered lowly how much she had missed him. Bill looked at them with love in his eyes and then pulled off his hoodie but kept his white t-shirt on. Then they sat close together a while while Allan drifted to sleep.
"Are you okay now?" Bill asked and looked down at Cassie who softly rubbed Allan's back while he slept. She looked up at Bill with a small smile.
Bill hugged her closer to his side and dragged his thumb over Allan's binkie and cheek.
"Because you know, no one can take this away from us. If we don't let them. This is ours." He said lowly and kissed Cassie's forehead. She smiled a lovesick smile towards him and searched his lips with hers and gave him a much more passionate kiss than Bill was prepared for.
Allan Edvall - One of Sweden's most known actors and directors that was a close friend to Stellan. They did several projects together. Probably most known for his role in Fanny & Alexander by Ingmar Bergman. He directed Alex's first acting job, Åke Och Hans Värld where also Stellan plays a role.
NK - Luxury apartment store in Stockholm. Have different apartments for different designers and offers personal shopping.
Allan Ballan - Translated roughly to "Allan The Cool"
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simslegacy5083 · 8 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 108: And Baby Makes...
As the duo headed to Peppino’s office with their positive pregnancy test results Jack sent a quick text warning ahead of them about Peachy’s drastic transformation. He knew his husband’s confidence was fragile just then and wanted to smooth Peppino’s reaction as much as possible.
Peppino had seen a lot of pregnant sims in his time but was glad for Jack’s message when Peachy came walking into the room. While sims often showed the physical signs of pregnancy right away, the insemination expert couldn’t deny Peachy was looking very pregnant for someone who had only just received the news. Like Jack, Peppino’s immediate suspicion was that the couple might be expecting more than one baby.
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Their ancient friend congratulated the fathers-to-be, but also told them that they weren’t done quite yet. Now that the pregnancy was confirmed they should head over to the hospital for their first trimester appointment and an ultrasound to ensure the baby looked well situated and healthy.
After thanking him for his assistance in helping them start their family they headed out to do just that.
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On the way to their next appointment Peachy took to Social Bunny to share their happy news. There was no way he was going to be able to hide his “condition”, so telling as many sims as he could at once, before they saw him in all his pregnant glory, seemed like the easiest thing to do.
At the hospital they were assigned to a provider and checked in for their appointment. The doctor collected some basic information about Peachy’s past medical history and, after a brief exam, said that everything seemed to be in order.
When Peachy asked about his jumbo-sized bump he was told there were many possible causes. Bloating, weak stomach muscles, the natural shape of his body, and of course, multiple buns in the oven, which the ultrasound would confirm or rule out for certain in just a few minutes.
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In the ultrasound suite Peachy got settled on the exam table while Jack pulled up a stool close by.
The tech quickly located the baby, pointing out the tiny blob on the screen and confirming that Peachy was only expecting one child. On the one hand Peachy felt relief that he was carrying only one baby, parenting a singleton seemed like a plenty big responsibility to him, but another part of him was disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to laugh off his size with the easy excuse of being pregnant with triplets!
Jack’s eyes were glued to the screen. He suspected Peachy had decided to pursue fatherhood now in part because of the traditionalist values that stopped him from accepting any life extension therapy, and with his advanced age assumed this pregnancy would be their one and only. He wouldn’t have minded getting a 2 (or even 3!) for 1 deal but was nonetheless overjoyed to see the one healthy baby and hear its strong heartbeat.
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When the exam was over Jack helped Peachy off the table and wrapped him in yet another excited hug before bending down to say hello to the little sweet pea currently hard at work growing big and strong inside the warm protection of their daddy’s midsection.
As they headed out Peachy requested that they swing by the paternity store on the way home. Unlike his father he wasn’t sporting a cute little bump he could fit his regular pants under or around and he’d need some new clothes if he wanted to look presentable for work tomorrow!
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The Social Bunny pregnancy announcement is from Immersive Social Bunny by Plumlace. It doesn't actually do anything, you still have to tell others about the pregnancy in person, but its great for storytelling.
Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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softxsuki · 9 months
Heyyy!! Congratulations on 1k!!I’m here for the matchup event>:)!
Fandom: Tokyo rev and platonic matchup please<3(any gender)
Personality: At first I might seem like a silent and a distant person cuz I’m not good at communicating with new people. I don’t click with a lot of people, that being the reason I have only a little friend group who I don’t feel awkward around. But after you get to know me, I’m actually a completely different person - really talkative, loud and smiley even though I can get angered and annoyed really easily. When I am, I get really passive aggressive & I tend to stay quiet not to lash out at other people or accidentally hurt them. But if spoken to and I decide to speak back, my tone does not sound aggressive and speak with short sentences, trying to avoid having a long conversation. A good trait of mine is that I’m a good listener and supportive. I really like supporting people I care about and love in any way & their achievements make me truly happy<3 I’m a BIG daydreamer and my head is often in the clouds😭 I cope with stressful events/distract myself from negative emotions by daydreaming and convincing myself they didnt happen. I’m also a VERY BIG procrastinator and do everything at the last possible moment, mostly because I’m too lazy to do it at that moment. I literally can’t have a straight face and be serious no matter what is going on(except if it’s really serious, then I get serious too lol.) I’m responsible when I need to be & I HATE when I bring people down and don’t meet their expectation.
Sun: Capricorn Moon: Taurus Rising: Capricorn
Mbti: Isfp-t (I’m so sorry I forgot my enneagram💀)
My hobbies: I play guitar and attend a volleyball school. besides that I really enjoy cloudgazing<33!! It’s my favorite thing to do. I even have a speacial lil spot I cloudgaze at & I take my friends there from time to time:) I also love listening to music but idk if that’s a hobby😭
What I value in friendship: Loyalty and being there for each other when the other needs it:) Also patience, since it’s really hard to understand me sometimes and I usually don’t mean things I say. Someone with the same humorous with the same humor as me. Being supportive and HYPING EACH OTHER UP>>>
Extra stuff:
whenever I’m angry, a hug is the only thing that calms me down. Like I go soft and my anger immediately fades away. I really get all soft and mushy whenever someone shows affection towards me in general.
Whenever I’m nervous I just play with my hands or with the sleeves of my shirt. I used to chew my shirt too but I let go of that trait💀
I laugh a LOT and my laugh is very loud. I get very happy when I succeed at making people around me laugh too:)
The best compliment i could get is “ur funny” IDK WHY BUT IT MAKES ME HAPPY-
My fav season gotta be winter cuz of all the fun stuff & new year and Christmas are my fav holidays<3
Scenario: Something like helping each other confess to our crushes and helping to plan each other’s dates but messing everything up would be really funny jdkwdkjd or just generally hanging out together.
Once again congratulations!! Take your time writing thing and don’t forget to take care:)!!
1000 Follower Event Matchup #32
This event is CLOSED. You can find the event masterlist here.
Note: 🫐anon! Hello and thank you for participating. I'm sorry you had to wait this long for your matchup! It's been a tough year :3 I hope you still enjoy it though! Thank you <3
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I match you with: TAKEMITCHI (platonic)
Runner-up: Emma
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(Too lazy to edit a picture for him since I don’t take requests for Takemichi :3)
The main reason why I picked Takemichi is because you said you value loyalty in a friendship, and have you seen the lengths this man has gone for his GF and friends??? He’s SUPER loyal
So loyal, that he pushes himself despite how how weak and cowardly he may feel inside
Probably one of the best friends you’ll find; if you ever need him, he’d be there for you, even if it’s 3am
He’s one of the few people you can be yourself around without judgment, and he comes as a package deal with Hinata and Chifuyu so you have your little friend group with them
On the days when you’re all free, you go cloud gazing, enjoying silence, as your watch the clouds and get lost in your daydreams, happy that you have three friends to hangout with like that
Takemichi brings you your favorite drink and foods, memorizing all your favorite things and little habits as your best friend
Whenever you laugh together, your laughs makes each other laugh even harder
Hugs you and reassures you that he’s there for you whenever you need it
How do you help each other confess to your crushes?
Well with him, you were the one that had to push him to make a move on Hinata–he was a lost cause without you and would still be single to this day had you not encouraged him to confess
As for Takemichi, he fakes it till he makes it, giving you all this advice from his own relationship experience, even though half of it isn’t helpful at all
Hina usually gives him the right words to say and he relays them to you, pushing you to at least try confessing because you never know what the other person may feel as well…you’ll never know till you try
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Posted: 9/6/2023
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realcube · 1 year
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @littlelilbun
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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‘i’m a girl, aries, enfp’
𓆩♡𓆪 suga is a gemini 
𓆩♡𓆪 aries and gemini have very high compatibility overall 
𓆩♡𓆪 they are both considered upbeat signs, which seems to be very accurate to both of your characters, so you both have very similar communication styles and approaches to dealing with difficult situations 
𓆩♡𓆪 here are some quotes i found off of zodiac sign sites: 
𓆩♡𓆪 ‘The overall impression of this couple would be good, exciting and challenging, a relationship where both partners can learn a lot and be active in a healthy way.’
𓆩♡𓆪  ‘The spontaneity of the Aries native works well will the unpredictability of the Twins, which is the main reason for the vivacious nature of their relationship. This is a bond that will never be mundane or boring. Both of you will always have a trick up your sleeves to keep the relationship lively and more often than not, you will thoroughly enjoy the company of your partner even after you have been together for years.’
𓆩♡𓆪  ‘As per Aries and Gemini’s compatibility in love, they are a great match because they have so much in common. For instance, both of them value freedom and intellectualism way too much.’
𓆩♡𓆪 Suga is an INFJ , according to personality database
𓆩♡𓆪 the only differences is with him being an introvert (debatable , lol) and you being an extrovert, although i don’t think that would really matter in terms of your relationship. extraversion/introversion really determines how one interacts with others, the public, not each other since you are both going to be familiar with each other and we have all seen how suga is with his friends and teammates 👁👁 
𓆩♡𓆪  you are different in your last types too, however, i think that is probably better for your relationship. differences are really good sometimes, and since judging types to be neat and orderly, while perceiving types enjoy things that are flexible. so you being a perceiving type will definitely help his loosen up and become more spontaneous 
𓆩♡𓆪 it is good that you are both feeling types though, this means you make decisions mostly based on emotions, which means you’ll both be very considerate of each others feelings when making decisions and resolving issues in the relationship 
‘my love language is physical touch!!!’
𓆩♡𓆪 i’m not sure if you mean giving or receiving so i am just going to assume you mean both !!
𓆩♡𓆪 i hc that his biggest love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is a big supporter of random acts of affection, such as hugs from behind and kisses when you least expect it !!
𓆩♡𓆪 but he is also a traditionalist 🙏 cuddles on the couch and on the bed are also appreciated
𓆩♡𓆪 he’s a squeezer though, he suffers from a chronic cuteness aggression though 
𓆩♡𓆪 so if he sees you looking exceptionally cute, he need to fight every urge in his both to squeeze your cheeks with his whole strength 
𓆩♡𓆪  as for words of affirmation, i think that is like a secondary love language of his when he’s unable to express his feelings through physical touch 
𓆩♡𓆪 so instead of squeezing you half to death, he’ll just tell you how cute you are like a normal boyfriend
𓆩♡𓆪 (he also likes to hear how good of a setter you think he is too) 
‘my ideal partner is someone tall and protective, who would take care of me and be attentive to me and my feelings’
𓆩♡𓆪 that is so suga !! 
𓆩♡𓆪 i mean he is 5ft9 before timeskip so you can imagine he will be pretty tall after timeskip too 
𓆩♡𓆪 as for protective, he is the epitome of protective
𓆩♡𓆪 maybe overprotective sometimes.. but mostly just because he cares about you a lot and he wants you to be safe !!
𓆩♡𓆪 especially after he gets a job as an elementary teacher lol, being protective is a second nature to him 
𓆩♡𓆪 i don’t know what you mean by take care of you but suga is definitely one of the most caring and giving people, so he would definitely be tending to making you sure you are as happy as you deserve to be; scheduling dates, ordering presents, writing love poems etc
𓆩♡𓆪 and as i said before , he’s an infj, hence a feeling type, so he will be very attentive and considerate towards your feelings and emotions in a relationship
for @littlelilbun​: it was basically between bokuto and sugawara when i was reading your request but as soon as you mentioned bunnies, immediately suga !! haha
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falseroar · 2 years
Visitation Day
((Y/N goes to visit Yancy after the events of Dog Days. Spoilers for that series, I guess, but otherwise no warnings to be found here.
I said I was going to do this, and I got there. Eventually. Like a month later, but I got there. Tagging @liafoxyfox up front for being the one to bring up visitation day in that very nice message. XD))
“Yancy, you’re wanted upstairs.”
Yancy didn’t look up from his cards. He had a good hand and couldn’t risk Sparkles McGee pulling yet another “spare” ace out of nowhere again to ruin it. “I’m wanted in a lot of places. I’ll raise youse one shift swap, no questions asked.”
A hiss went around the table and Jimmy the Pickle sighed and laid his cards facedown. “Too rich for my blood, I’m out.”
“Yancy,” the guard said again, and the prisoner all but rolled his eyes.
“It can wait,” Yancy said, waving him off as he looked at Sparkles and Tiny. “Well?”
“I’m in,” Tiny answered, and Sparkles hesitated before nodding.
A second later Yancy crowed and raked the pile of tokens and paper slips toward himself—favors and trade deals, the only currency that mattered around here—only to forget it all when the guard said, “It’s visitation day, Yancy.”
Yancy’s winnings hit the floor of the rec room as he shot up from his seat and grabbed the front of the guard’s uniform. “Why didn’t youse start with that?! And why didn’t any of youse tell me what day it was, huh?”
“Since when have you cared about visitation day?” Sparkles McGee asked and Yancy hesitated before slowly releasing his grip on the guard, who took a hasty step back just in case the prisoner changed his mind. “Not like anyone from Happy Trails is coming here to see us.”
Both true and valid points. Wasn’t like Yancy had any family or friends on the outside falling over themselves to come see him, which is one of the reasons he got transferred from Happy Trails to the Bronson Institute in the first place. No need to worry about what happens to a transfer if there’s no one who’ll even notice when they’re gone.
At least, that used to be the case, but Yancy still felt a rush of nervous energy as he took a seat at one of the empty round tables and looked around the visitor center, one of the few rooms in this place he wasn’t familiar with.
It couldn’t be more different than the room for visitations back at Happy Trails—he remembered a room with booths and soundproof glass separating the prisoners from those on the other side, holding a phone to his ear and listening listlessly while his court-appointed attorney spent his one and only visit yapping away about plea deals and a bunch of other stuff Yancy couldn’t care less about.
Here at the Institute though, they were all about presenting a good image for those visiting the few inmates who were allowed to take visitors. A big, brightly lit, spacious room, with windows (barred, but still more real sunlight than Yancy had seen in ages), round tables scattered around, and vending machines along one wall, plus cheerful posters about the importance of rehab with smiling, cartoonish monsters that would probably have offended half the folks Yancy hung out with downstairs.
There were still guards at the doors, of course, but they looked bored out of their minds. Not like they had to worry about any of the inmates causing problems, or not for long. Yancy rubbed at the tattoo-like wards on his wrists, which at any moment could be used along with the matching pair on his ankles to pin him down and put him out of any action until the guards said otherwise.
Well, assuming you didn’t get a jump on the guards first, not that Yancy would know anything about that sort of thing. Nothing that anyone who valued not having a makeshift knife in their side at any given moment could prove.
The people sitting around the other tables barely gave the guards a second thought though. At the nearest table, a vampire so heavily covered up that Yancy couldn’t guess who was under all those layers hugged a woman, their muffled voice apparently audible enough for her as she broke out into a laugh.
Yancy tried to keep his fingers from drumming on the table, only to find his feet tapping out a rhythm on the tiles beneath his seat.
Was it supposed to take this long?
Maybe they’d made a mistake.
Maybe they’d let him sit here, sweat it out a while, then come and take him back downstairs with a sorry or some excuse about how it was easy to get names mixed up.
They used to do that over at Happy Trails, sometimes. Longest Yancy waited in one of those booths was an hour, an hour of picking at his nails and humming the latest song he was working on under his breath, an hour of glancing at the door every time it opened just to see another unfamiliar face focus on someone else instead.
After that little “mix-up,” he stopped bothering to go at all.
Yancy heard the door open again and, despite all his plans to play it cool and not get his hopes up, turned his head immediately and nearly sprang out of his chair before regaining his composure.
“Y/N!” Yancy said before he could stop himself, shooting a wary look at the guard behind you. “I was starting to think youse wouldn’t come. They’s didn’t give youse any trouble up front, did they’s?”
“No, but mostly because I had some help getting in,” you said as you took the seat next to him, tilting your head toward the door and the guy who’d come in behind you and was now talking earnestly with the guard. “I wouldn’t have been able to get in at all if it wasn’t for him, since I, uh, kind of didn’t check with Emma ahead of time about this and don’t really have any current ID.”
“Him?” Yancy asked to be sure, and looked him over again after you nodded. From here, the young man in the cap wearing a faded shirt and some torn jeans didn’t look like the kind of person who could be much help getting in anywhere, much less into a facility as secure as this. “Sure, if youse say so. Made friends with the guards real quick, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, Chase kind of does that,” you said with a shrug. “Helps that he knows a lot of people here anyways. He used to be—uh, here a lot. And he’s Staci’s husband. I mean, they’re still working some things out, but…”
“Oh, Staci? That’s okay then,” Yancy said, but he couldn’t help but notice you were stumbling over your words, your eyes straying toward the guards every time you looked away from him. “Don’t look so twitchy, that’s the quickest way to show you’re hiding something. And youse ain’t got nothin’ to hide, right?”
You winced as Yancy raised his voice on that last line, obviously looking at the guard behind him with a smile and wave that the guard returned.
“Yeah. Sorry. It’s just this place, after everything to get out of here…” You stopped and closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it before focusing on Yancy with the sort of relaxed smile you hadn’t been able to muster the last time you were in here, what with the whole desperate need to escape thing. “You’re looking good.”
“Thank you for noticing,” Yancy said, only to wince. “Yikes, starting to sound like Illinois. When are you taking that guy out of here?”
“They couldn’t force him out of this place if they tried, not with the temperatures dropping every day,” you pointed out. Winter was slowly but steadily coming, and Illinois started shivering if the AC was turned on in a room. “You’re stuck with him until the spring. How’s he and Eric been doing?”
“Good enough,” Yancy said with a shrug. “You could come and see them yourself. When’s the visits with the scientist supposed to start?”
“Not until after my first full moon under observation,” you muttered, gaze dropping to Yancy’s idly tapping fingers. “Assuming I don’t…assuming I pass, Professor Beauregard wants me to do some tests.”
Yancy’s fingers stopped. “And if you don’t pass?”
He regretted the question as soon as he asked it, when your face took on the same tense, strained expression he had seen too often when you were here before. Speaking too loudly again, he brushed his own question off with a, “Yeah, no point in askin’ if it ain’t going to happen, am I right? Youse is lookin’ better—friends on the outside been treating you well?”
 He glanced at Chase, who had taken a seat at one of the empty tables and was tapping away on his phone.
“…Yeah, yeah they are,” you said, smiling down at your hands at some thought. “Do you want to meet Chase? I’m sure he—”
“No,” Yancy interrupted, and quickly shrugged and looked away. “I’ve heard it can be hard to readjust, being on the outside again. ‘S why we kept getting people coming back to Happy Trails all the time.”
“I was only in here a couple of days,” you pointed out, but Yancy just shrugged again.
“Lot can happen in a few days.”
“…Yeah, yeah it can,” and he heard the smile in your voice even before he looked back at you. “I’ve had a lot to think about, what I’m going to do now that—that I don’t have to hide as much. Hopefully. I’ve been thinking about studying law again.”
“What, youse wants to be a lawyer or somethin’?” Yancy asked with a laugh. “Youse? A lawyer?”
“I actually used to be a lawyer, yeah.”
Oh. Oops.
But you didn’t seem too bothered as you admitted, “But that was a long time ago, and I’ve got a lot to catch up on if I want to be helpful to anybody. The stuff I learned back in university is a bit…outdated.”
“Youse was a college kid,” Yancy said, brow furrowed, and after a moment he shook his head. “Nope, doesn’t check out. Youse don’t feel nothin’ like a silver spoon in your mouth, rich kid type, and I mean that in a good way.”
“Well, I wasn’t, even before I couldn’t go anywhere near a silver anything if I wanted to. University was…rough, even when I had friends to help out when things got really bad.” You paused and then shook your head, brushing away whatever memories you had conjured up with those words. “What I’m trying to get at is, I want to be able to help people again, the way I used to.”
You looked him in the eye and continued, “I want to be able to help you get out of here, if you want that.”
“What, on parole?”
You sounded so confident, which was new enough to him, as if the only obstacle you could see to getting him out of the institute was whether or not Yancy wanted to get out.
To be fair, you were probably right.
Yancy rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “I don’t know, I mean, I got a good thing here at the institute, you know? Cushy digs, work ain’t so bad, people who knows what respect is…”
“Until you get ‘volunteered’ to go help out downstairs,” you said.
“Emma said that stuff was supposed to stop.”
“Has it?”
Yancy looked away from your stare, which was another new one for him. “For now, yeah.”
A silence fell over the table, as you both knew how temporary any kind of promise from those in charge could be.
“Been thinking about the kid leaving here in the spring, with that guy,” Yancy said. “Doesn’t exactly sit right with me, Illinois dragging Eric around and getting him into whatever stupid thing he does trying to get uncursed again.”
“Yeah…” Your expression gave away your own thoughts and suspicions about how well that would go.
“Still, a lot could happen between now and then,” Yancy continued. “…But if youse wanted to brush up on your stuff over the next couple of months, it might not hurt.”
It wasn’t a real yes, but you smiled at him all the same, looking so hopeful Yancy couldn’t bring himself to point that out.
Instead, Yancy filled you in on what had been going on since you left, telling you all about how Tiny’s rehab was going and how Jimmy the Pickle got a gold star last week in his anger management class despite what he did to that one guy, and how Bam-Bam and Sparkles McGee won a bet against another cell block. He even spared a few words for Illinois, making sure to mention how the adventurer almost bit him yesterday when he stepped on his tail by accident, and Eric, whose tree was starting to grow some new roots which looked to be a good sign.
Too soon the remainder of the hour was gone and the guard was giving you a sign to wrap things up.
“I’ll be back, after the full moon,” you said, a flicker of unease on your face as you realized that would be true no matter how you handled the supervised change.
“Don’t go giving me that face, not as long as youse gets to walk out of this place free as a bird,” Yancy said, ruffling your hair and grinning as you pushed him away with an indignant sound. “Youse walking around out there like that? Because that don’t make being on the outside seem so great, you know.”
“Sorry I can’t be singing showtunes all the time,” you said, but despite the sarcasm you relaxed into a smile.
Yancy snapped his fingers as the two of you stood up together. “That reminds me, I got somethin’ I wanna show you, next visitation day. If youse comes back that is, and don’t get sick of this place with all your other stuff going on.”
Sure, you’d be back to see the professor, and maybe Yancy could wrangle an invite to be there in the lab when that happened, but this had been nice. Just the two of you, talking without you being stressed about tests or changing and without Illinois slithering into the conversation at every possible opportunity.
“Yeah, of course I’ll be here,” you said without hesitation, and Yancy couldn’t stop the grin even if he wanted to.
Those words made letting go a little easier after you hugged him, same as they did saying goodbye and watching you follow Chase out of the room with one last smile back at him.
Later, as he lay in his bunk staring up at the ceiling, Yancy realized it was one of the few times he genuinely had something to look forward to since going to prison. Sure, there were movie nights or the other odd piece of what passed as entertainment around here, but suddenly he had a reason to keep track of the days until the next visitation day.
And, though he still shied away from dwelling on the thought too long, winter would be here soon, and spring not that long after. He still couldn’t picture you being some stuffed shirt lawyer like the one they assigned him back at Happy Trails, but unlike that guy he could see you sitting next to him at his next parole hearing, ready and willing to argue for his freedom if need be.
Yancy laughed at the idea and rolled over in his bed to get some sleep, but it wasn’t the last time the thought crossed his mind.
And with each following visitation day, the idea only grew stronger. Every time, you made sure he knew it could be a reality the moment he decided he wanted it to be one.
After all, he helped you get your freedom when you’d given up any hope of ever getting out of this place—it was only fair that you did the same for him.
((The end. Thanks for reading!
I can’t guarantee any more stories anytime soon, but I am going to try to get back into the habit of writing again. It’s...been a while.
Tagging and hoping I’m not missing anyone or tagging anyone who asked not to be tagged: @silver-owl413 @skyewardlight @withjust-a-bite @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy @weirdfoxalley @95fangirl @lilalovesinternet-l @a-bit-dapper @randomartdudette @geekymushroom @cactipresident @hotcocoachia @purple-anxiety-blog @shyinspiredartist @avispate @missksketch @autumnrambles @authorracheljoy @hidinginmybochard))
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calzonekestis · 2 years
This is really embarrassing, but I feel like the right thing to do is own up to it because I’ve been so vocal in defending her from hate. It’s come to my attention that Grace Van Dien is in fact - a menace.
It hurts my heart to admit. People kept saying it though, so I did my research. The truth that I found just  might just shock you.
Says she loves pasta - doesn’t she know that could be seen as invalidating to people who enjoy other food groups? Why does she have to shove her fondness for noodles down our throats?
She once said that the favorite gift she had ever given was her own record player, which she gave to her sister who wanted one. She prioritized sentimental value over going out and buying one, which would have helped the economy!
She wastes time on her Twitch channel by personally thanking each person who subscribes! This takes away precious time from the stream!
On the topic of the streams, she often plays Valorant because it’s her current fave and it’s fun and makes her happy. Doesn’t she know that as an actress - she exists for the purposes of our entertainment? The audacity of her doing something to entertain herself!
She doesn’t read fanfiction, but will share cute fan art on her IG story. Oh, so she thinks artists are better than writers? Is that it?
If she REALLY admired passion and creativity - she would go and tell them to create their own intellectual property rather than drawing fan art.
As a performer, you want your art to resonate with people, right? Not just entertain, but hopefully impact them? Maybe inspire them to make their own art and explore their own creativity? So… how dare she get an experience that every actor hopes for, but not all of them achieve! And with such a small part, and so early in her career!
Doesn’t she know this makes other actors feel bad? Like maybe they don’t have the talent and or screen presence to invoke such a response?
She writes poetry, but she keeps this as a private thing for herself as a way of self expression. As an actress and content creator, it seems very selfish of her to want to have a singular thing that is solely Hers.
Apparently she hung out with Joe and Mason when they were in Atlanta, but Mason was the only one to take any photos? I guess she doesn’t care about capturing memories with new friends!
At the premiere she seemed like she was hanging out with Eduardo (Argyle) and Gaten. Someone else took the photos, of course. Never mind the fact they didn’t even share scenes together - she was dancing with them and giving them hugs. Cringe! Why is she so obsessed with these guys?
She poured her heart and soul into the character of Chrissy, knowing that she was going to die. One could only assume she did this specifically to hurt us. Why else would she make the character so sympathetic and endearing?
The Duffers said she and Joe did a lot of improv, taking what was on the page and elevating it. So basically she showed up to work, and showed up the writers - she was so good, they regret killing her. Do you know how much embarrassing that must have been for them to admit? I don’t know how she could have put them in such an awkward position.
Why would she do that to them? Why would she do everything in her power to make she made us fall in love with Chrissy? Despite the size of the part, she went to effort of bringing depth to her performance. There was more to her than met the eye, she smiled bright but had so much pain and trauma that she was hiding. She wasn’t a one note stereotypical cheerleader, you felt for her and wanted things to get better for her.
Grace knew they wouldn’t get better though, and dug the knife in with her smile and big bright eyes anyway. She knew that Chrissy would have only one brief moment with Eddie where she would relax and forget her troubles. To dangle that in front of us, and rip it away? What kind of messed up person does that?
She’s going to a convention on the East Coast this weekend. I guess she expects fans on the West Coast to just fuck off?
Stranger Things has perhaps given her the greatest exposure she’s ever had, but now I have to go out of my way to track down and familiarize myself with her other work. And so much of it is spread across different streaming services - Netflix, and Paramount Plus, and Amazon, and Hulu. Doesn’t she realize it would be more convenient if they were all in some centralized location?
The other day she wore a hoodie in a TikTok, that said “you are worthy of love” … that’s a sweeping generalization if I ever saw one. She doesn’t know who she could see walking down the street.
What if she ran into a certain failed businessman and game show host turned failed president? Would that shirt apply to him? Does she think he’s worthy of love? I mean, I don’t even think his father did.
“You are worthy of love.”
Such an irresponsible sentiment to carry out into the world.
I’m telling ya. This girl, she’s a menace. You were all right, and I was wrong. I’m not too proud to admit it. We’ll definitely have to put this one in the “problematic fave” category. 😔
I feel the sarcasm is thicker than tar, but just to be clear this is all facetious.
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anythingandreitten · 2 years
thunderstruck and hard to breathe.
i have been trying to process the most recent grey's episode where meredith's house was on fire. even without ellen pompeo's recent post about her leaving the show, seeing that scene completely devastated my heart. i did not want to believe it until i watched it myself. this is my intention for writing this: to have a containment of my emotions and everything i have regarding not just this episode but ellen pompeo leaving grey's. i strongly feel that no matter how heavy this is for me, i would want to be able to keep this, because grey's anatomy has been such a big part of my life since the past year.
the show. when i was in high school, a lot of students watched series in their pasttimes. from what i kept hearing then, i had quite a lot of choices to go around if ever i do choose to watch by preference. however, i never saw myself doing so. i mostly stayed on social media to watch rather than committing myself to long minutes of episodes of seasons. a movie was enough. until one time in 2018, in 12th grade, one of my professors (who is also my sweet friend) asked us to watch something and do an ethics paper about it. each of us was assigned a certain medical drama episode to write about. that was the first 'episode' i've watched in my life—'an honest mistake', grey's anatomy s5e16. a year later, my brother started watching the series on netflix. since then, i committed to my first series, and it was grey's anatomy. there were month-long pauses in the process but i was definitely hooked. from being a thing i do on free times, it has turned into something that i anticipated and then learned much from. sometimes, i wish the time when i began really gaining understanding and wisdom (starting around past season 6) from every step of the way happened exactly on the first episode. it was helping me. it was growing me. to this day, i cannot believe how God used what people seem to just use for distraction to expand me. grey's anatomy has been such a great part of my life, and a much greater one since september last year, 2021.
meredith grey. before her, i had lexie grey, and april kepner as my comfort characters. i believe 'comfort character' can be self-defined, and for me, it is someone that does not just give out a hug, but also show parts of you that you understand and love more when you see apart from yourself (like watching a movie but yours). with lexie, it was more of her than of me. the way she carried her life and stood and fought for herself and the things and people she loved was fascinating. she was more than the photographic memory i also had. she was more than the fun and food junkie i so relate to. then april kepner, the woman who definitely matched my beliefs. she was a Christian, barely noticed but really worked hard. her persistence and stubbornness reminded me so much of myself. then came jo wilson, who had a story packed with so much trauma i share with. i did not like her but when i saw her story unfold, and how she rose above and lived and fought for her life despite her past, had me in so much awe. the words i have written about them, i just know, do not compare to how much 'comfort' i found in them. then there was meredith grey. when the hardest season of my life began, i believe i was also starting to see what people meant when they said that she has gone through so much. i was just coursing through episodes and seasons until i reach the latest ones, often without intentionally binging (just more on savoring what i can unpack from each). meredith grey at the time represented the who that i was—dealing with too much loss, fighting through life, and even grieving from all that has been taken away from her. she was learning a lot about herself; she was doing her job; but she also had quite a lot of unprocessed things. ellen's character made me feel seen, remembered, valued, loved, and understood during a time when i shut off from connections, when i was going through life alone, and when all wrong things were happening at the wrong times. though fictional, through meredith grey, the show taught me so much about myself and my story, our context and culture, our relationships, our phenomenal concerns and social issues, our fights, and simply just how the human body works. seeing the whole show unfold from season 1 to the latest episode was a masterpiece that i feel like God allowed ro really be a part of my life. i was not and more than just a fan—it was a part of my story. i can confidently attest that i would not be the person i am if it weren't for 'that phase.' i was shaped through it. it was not a distraction and most importantly not an idol, it was a tool. from meredith grey's house, to the development of her leaving, her storyline was so close to my heart, along with lexie, april, and jo.
the house burning and her leaving. a superficial factor as to why it easily became hard for me to process and let go of meredith grey was this: now that i am in sync with the show as it releases its episodes, the first character who leaves that i real-time encounter (among all) was meredith grey. it hurt when izzie left, ellis died, lexie left, george died, mark died, yang left, derek died, callie left, deluca died, arizona and april left, alex left, and jackson left, but because i had episodes to hang on to after them, there was not that much piercing through. i knew who were still there, but with mer leaving, it hits different, most especially at a time when she has become my home character. and what hurt more is that her house burned. her house was an unrecognized keyolayer in the show. it was a reservoir of everything good (and even bad) that meredith had and went through. it was where the show all began, and i could not have it in me to accept that of all that meredith had already lost, it did not stop with the last one. her house was also being taken away from her. this was just too much. my story tied with a lot of, if not most of, the show's storyline. after a few weeks of finally being stable, i find myself in a low, trying to pick the pieces of what will be because meredith's loss (her house) once again represents the moment when i remember all of mine. suddenly, there's also been something taken away from me, again, like how 'again and again and again' it is for meredith too. the show and most especially her and the other characters taught me so much through their conversations, their advocacies, their relationships, their patient care, and of course, who they are (despite fictional).
i guess that is all for now. i have yet to find a right time and a right space to particularly write about things i have learned and kept through witnessing the show's journey. for the meantime, i will cry to the song that played in this exact scene: 'one step' by jeremy lister. i will cry until i am done. thank you, meredith grey. thank you, grey's anatomy. i will continue to anticipate what it will be until it finally ends. thank you. all this is portrayed so well by the lyrics.
for the meantime, my heart aches.
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