#worlds most autistic dad
elifinchsart · 1 month
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the pit stop in hatchetfield stream reminded of this tinky and ted drawing i never posted. tinky takes all the dead teds and makes a new one out of all of them and this absolutely does not backfire on him
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not-lock · 9 months
father figure is too tall, cant hug antyhing but legs 😔
I can pick you up
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falled-over · 6 months
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#photos of my guitar my dad posted to his blog years back when he bought it#it’s the most beautiful guitar in the world. it feels warm and alive to play#as you can see in the first two pics it used to have a newer pickup installed on the bottom. luckily he found an era appropriate online#it’s from 82 if you were curious#it says squire on the headstock but it was made on the fender line. they bought squire out and swapped in the name soon after this#but he got it a little cheaper than it was worth at the time because people aren’t as autistic as him and don’t know about production lines#basically it wasn’t brand name#basswood body and dark rosewood on the neck 😋✌️#it’s actually a replication of a ‘62 model! which was 20 years old at the time. mines now twice that. isn’t that incredible#i actually saw a modern fender replication of this exact model in an op shop yesterday#for more or less exactly how much this was bought for#dad finished his blog post by saying he thinks this is better made than the original. and despite not knowing the og i’m inclined to agree#people in the comments of his post are saying that this era was supposed to be something special. hehe. they’re right#i’ve played many guitars. i own this one because my dad collects them and he let me try them all out#and i have a lot of friends who play guitar and ive hung out with them to do so#and i’ve never felt one like mine before or since. it’s so obviously beautiful#when i picked it out i hadn’t played much but i knew right away how good it was. i prefer strat bodies because i can hug my torso around#them without getting poked like a tele and the necks are thinner than acoustics (small hands. bad)#unless we’re talking parlour#love a wee parlour. pa has a little one he got for 30 bucks that’s one of my favourites of his#he’s insanely good at finding deals#he fixes them all up#anyway. the body feels#how would you even describe it#heavy. and alive. warm and wet and still full of sap#i feel like it’s breathing#it’s sort of the only thing that motivates me to be better. i could cry just thinking about it. i want to be good enough to play it
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heartbeetz · 6 months
Ok whatever. Designing Jazz/Anton (au) fankid. Who cares.
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the new genre of oc drawings: Mani spying awkwardly at people dear to her, to their dismay (that's a pencilcase and pen)
context to the strange family tree: Mani and Soto are biological strangers, were (younger) aunt and (older) nephew after two relatives married, a legal scuffle over Mani's mistreatment later and they're siblings now.
Despite his denial Soto does see Mani as family, but because of how young he had to take care of her he's conflicted on what type of family she would be, a niece or a sister or a daughter. He feels robbed of his youth at just 26 but also feels guilt due to inaction
Inaction for what? Not even he knows for sure, but it's a constant hunch that everyone, including him, failed at something extremely important by forgetting about it
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cuntstable · 1 year
oh while im talking about jojo ships that are just jokes to me, jotaro x pucci really is so funny. and im not saying this out of some disguised yaoi fever, like if i saw fan art of them i would respectfully cover my eyes and look away, but it really is so funny fucked up. especially because option 1 for it is like its pre-stocean which would mean it would be like a mediocre date for jotaro but conversely (due to Knowing who jotaro is) it would be pucci’s worst grindr hookup ever. nightmarish for him. or option 2 which is post stocean where jotaro i guess forgives pucci for the Stole Your Memories and Tried To Kill Your Daughter thing and when people ask him why hes just like ”Well catholic pussy is immaculate what can i say”
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cassioppenny · 2 years
i really really want cynthia's grandma to be retconned into being cogita so bad it would be so cool to me
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jadewyton · 1 year
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Introductory paragraphs for the narrating characters (+the town intro) for the novella I wrote to celebrate our year-long dnd campaign entering its final arc!
I still am really excited to have done this! Please check it out if you feel like reading something. Its got so many cute moments.
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intertexts-moving · 10 months
in my thinking about ya lit era (rereading inkheart) & retrospectively artemis fowl is still so baller. what if fairies were real & they had a militaristic cyberpunk underground world & they fucking hated u.protags are the worlds least likable pretentious irish 12 year old autistic cunt & a dyke fairy special ops cop whos his bestfriend and also thinks hes the most annoying person on earth. and his huge also autistic chill butler whose name is butler whos job is killing people.& is his other bestfriend. half the plot revolves around him resolving his daddy issues & when he finally gets his dad back his dad is like ah jesus fucking christ. you are NOT normal please be normal! other half of the plot revolves around irish fairy special ops police station drama.
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tainted-liquor · 9 months
'La Princesa De Mi Corazon⋆˙⟡♡
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E42!Miles Morales x Daddy's Girl!BlackFem!Reader Ingredients: Sugar, kisses, n a lil bit of smiles ! TWs: Cursing, realistic teenage dates (he didn't spend no 5k cmon now) W/C: 2.4k A/N: This can be read as an autistic reader if u squint rllly hard ! Another lovely request I got!! Enjoy luvs
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For as long as you can remember, you've never actually been told the word "no" by your father. When your mother didn't wanna get something for you, you'd just ask your dad! Since you were the youngest and first daughter in your parent's long line of sons, with you having 4 older brothers, there were times when you didn't even have to ask, it was just yours before you could even think about it. Clothes, phones, shoes, makeup, perfume, all of it was yours. You were a daddy's money girl, with everything in the world right at your fingertips. So naturally, you tended to avoid serious relationships with boys due to your insanely high standards that had been curated since birth. Until you met him, Miles.
Miles was the complete opposite of you and your aesthetic. Where you were giddy and childish, he was serious and mature. You possessed everything under the sun in the shade of pink, where he barely had anything besides black and purples in his closet. Originally he didn't fuckin' like you, like, at all. He thought you were a 'spoiled air-headed dressed up money drowned bimbo' due to his experience in 'working' with rich people. They all seemed to act the same way and wanted the exact same thing, money or power.
But that view dropped immediately when he saw you interact with others. You weren't rude, you definitely weren't stupid, and you were the kindest most giving person he had ever seen before. People all in your circle constantly praised you for how sisterly you were, handing out gifts and words of wisdom like candy. Your only 'flaw' was your ignorance, living blind to the world around you due to being so heavily protected by your father. Sure, there was crime everywhere and New York was a walking murderhouse, but you didn't know that!
You were casually talking to one of your best friends Brenna when you bumped into someone, knocking you straight on your ass and causing him to stumble back a little. "I am so so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" you empathized as you picked yourself up and immediately offered to help the stranger. He shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket as he spoke, his voice quiet and steady as he did. "Oh my bad, It's all good. Just be careful." You gave him a warm smile and a brief nod before setting off again, assuming that would be the last time you two spoke. And damn were you wrong.
The next time you'd see Miles, you were at the mall the following Saturday with a shit ton of bags in your hands. You practically skipped through the concourses of the mall, smiling and giggling with Brenna. You were in a brand new off-white dress and rounded the corner to see Miles waiting for a Cinnabon in line. As soon as you saw the blue and white logo of the bakery, and the smell of sweet sugar and baked goods kissed the tip of your nose, you stopped what you were doing and stood behind the familiar set of twin braids. "Hey, Miles!"
Miles looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening a fraction when he saw over 10 bags on each of your arms. "Yo…what's up with all your bags? You don't feel your circulation gettin' cut off?" he asked with a bewildered expression, "Damn, how much money you spent here?" he gawked. Truth is, you weren't sure. All your dad said was to have fun and he didn't necessarily…give you an amount to spend, he just handed you the card and told you the PIN. "I actually don't know. This has to be a minimum of 600 dollars, Daddy just kinda told me to have fun with it!" You shrugged like that was completely normal.
Miles stared for a minute, analyzing the 20 bags you had in total from various stores. he sighed with a small smirk, shaking his head in disbelief as you sort of merged with his spot in line. Neither of you realized, but you unknowingly recruited Miles in your shenanigans at the mall as soon as you both left the bakery with a series of sweets. You three set off to the nearby sneaker outlet, buying everyone a minimum of 4 pairs of sneakers to match every outfit they'd ever make. If Miles didn't know before, he knew now that you were the gift god when it came to generosity and Daddy's money.
His entire perspective of you changed that day, with you more actively talking his ear off and surprising him with random shit you got with your dad's credit card. He knew then and there that your standards were sky high and anyone who ever fell in love with you would be up for a bullfight ahead of them. He saw how your dad showered you with absolutely anything you asked for, with you even having a real-life princess crown from 2011 plated with morganite and rubies stationed in a plastic case on a high shelf in your room. But as he spent more time hanging out with you or spending time over at your house with your brothers, it hit him like a fucking truck. He knew whoever found themself head-over-heels for the pretty pink princess of her family would be in for a fucking hell of a time, he just never expected it to be HIM.
The day he realized he loved you was just like any other day, with you speeding up to him whenever you saw him. Your usual poofy dress skirt flows behind you like something out of a Disney animation. As soon as he knew to grab you so you didn't send the both of you falling to the ground, he felt a sudden warmth in his face. No, not you smushing your face against his as you gave him a spine-breaking hug, but a new kind of warmth that screamed danger. He suddenly became aware of your perfectly fitting style and the way each of the features on your face harmonized perfectly to create the perfection that is you.
Even though you came from completely different backgrounds, you never ONCE in your life dared say something about his situation. There were nights when he would just watch you as the prowler, skipping through his neighborhood like you didn't hear any of the gunshots, screams, explosions, or see anything wrong at all with where you currently were. It's not that you didn't notice, but you were completely aware that not everyone was as fortunate as you were, so you had no right to look at situations that weren't identical to yours any differently. And despite how "uppity" you looked on the surface, you truly thought of everyone as a new friend.
You, on the other hand, were crushing HARD. On some, you actively got quieter and sometimes just shut the fuck up entirely when Miles was nearby. You knew that you were probably making a mistake by genuinely loving someone so fully in this age of infidelity and communication issues, but you couldn't help it! He was just so pretty and listened to everything you had to say and he never once asked you for anything! Ever! You didn't know how Miles would behave in a relationship, but you damn sure weren't prepared for it.
When Miles asked you out on a date, you were a squealing mess. You threw on a pretty pink dress and quickly threw your goddess braids into a quick bun. When your dad watched as you eagerly checked your outfit in the mirror, he was a little taken aback when you told him that you were going on a date. He gave you a warm smile, telling you to be safe and if he tries anything that he'll blow his fuckin' top off. You laughed at him being so overprotective, calmly explaining to him that Miles wasn't like that at all.
You silently pondered where Miles was planning on taking you. You didn't want your first date to be all fancy, because that made them look like they were trying way too hard. But you also didn't wanna sit in some random diner, either…you didn't know what you wanted. All you did was hope that he paid attention to any of your conversations as you patiently waited on your velvety couch. You immediately perked up at the sound of the doorbell, flying to the door and waiting a couple of seconds before swinging it open.
"Mírate! La princesa de Nueva York! You love your dresses, huh?" He asked with a small smile, bracing himself as you dove straight into his arms. You giggled as you did a small little spin, showcasing the new silk dress. "I was debating on a different babydoll dress I have or this one. This one just felt more fitting!" you shrugged as you closed the front door behind the both of you. Miles had no idea what a babydoll dress was, but he made sure to let you know that you looked stunning in this seashell shade of pink. You follow closely behind Miles, loosely wrapping both of your arms around his left arm as you begin to break down the various types of dresses, and which one was your favorite.
"I didn't even know dresses had names…What's your favorite kind?" He asked with a small amused smile. Not only was this the first time someone had actively listened to you rant about your love of dresses, but he made an effort to even ask what your favorite one was? Lord, he was in for an earful. And he clung to every single word you said like it was the sweetest of melodies. When you finished your long-winded rant regarding pink flowy sundresses, he nodded with a bashful grin. "So a puff-sleeved peasant dress made of chiffon?"
You nodded eagerly as you realized he had been listening to you the entire time. "Yeah! I drew it in my sketchbook a little while back, I think I'll show you when we walk back." You chirped as you slowly began to approach what looked like the most gorgeous candy store of your life. It smelled like heaven and looked just like eye candy. You didn't even get the chance to point before Miles gently guided you through the frosted glass double doors. You beamed as you immediately set off (taking him with you) toward some of the pastries.
You filled up two mini bags with various types of candy, croissants, and two rock candies, one in purple and one in pink. "Miles, what's your favorite candy?" You asked as you scooped gummy sharks into your bag. "Uhh…those sour airhead stripes," he replied as he grabbed two near-frozen sodas from the wide commercial fridge. You got two packs of his favorite candy and slipped it into one of your candy bags, skipping over to him to pay for everything at the counter. You rummaged through your bag for your wallet, looking up to realize Miles already had planted his card in the reader.
"C'mon, this is like, so much stuff! Let me pay!" you insisted as you went to open your wallet. He gave you a firm glare, zipping your entire wallet closed and stuffing it back in your bag. "You good? I'm taking YOU on a date, not the other way around" he asked as you intertwined your hand with his, allowing him to lead you back out of the candy store. You played back his words in your mind, processing each syllable and just how much it meant to you. You giggled to yourself as Miles told you that you were gonna go rollerskating before he took you back home!
There was no actual problem, you loved the idea of going skating with Miles! The issue was…you couldn't skate. Miles laughed loudly as he watched you attempt to meet him on the rink, trying not to bust your ass on the soft and neon carpet. You froze in complete terror, holding both arms out and vaguely resembling a confused cat with its ears back. Miles glided over to you between a fit of giggles, holding out his hand for you to hold onto.
You firmly grasped his hand, holding on for dear life as he slowly guided you to the shiny hardwood floors of the rink. "Miles I'm gonna fucking cry," you state, wide-eyed and afraid as your legs seem to weaken as he gently pushes you forward. "Alright, hold on mama. I gotcha, just drag your legs forward," he instructs as he glides forward like clockwork. He takes both of your hands within his, laughing as you fight back the urge to scream as you look down at the ground. "And here I thought you loved skating!" he laughed.
"I do! I swear I do! But I can't…oh my god I'm gonna faint…" you sighed as you wrapped both arms firmly around his torso, squeezing him like your life depended on it. "Alright, c'mon. Te ayudaré." he shrugs as he propels the both of you forward as slow as he knows how to. It was amazing, and your face lit up when you realized how fun it was to 'rollerskate'. You hadn't realized when, but you naturally picked up the rhythm of Miles's legs, adapting his style of skating slowly but surely. And when you realized you weren't even holding on to him anymore, your face lit up brighter than any star in the world.
When you packed everything up and returned both of your skates, you were giggling like a child and buzzed off nothing but sugar. You wildly explained how much fun you had and how you felt like a flying fairy on the skating rink, thanking Miles over and over for being so fun. He dropped you off at your house, holding a brief conversation with your parents as you skipped upstairs to find your sketchbook. You eagerly showed him the plethora of dresses you had cooked up in your head, explaining every one of them.
"Damn, you really are a princess huh?" He chuckled as you flipped through the many beta designs of dresses comparable to that of Princess Diana's. "I'll just have to get you one of these next time then huh? Tú eres la Princesa de mi corazon." he chuckled as you waved goodbye. You didn't know what he was saying, but you couldn't help but beam at the affectionate energy radiating from his words. He gave a formal goodbye to your parents before disappearing as swiftly as he arrived.
"I like that kid. He's very proper." You heard your mother exclaim. "Will he be over more often?"
You nodded eagerly as you ran up to your room to scream more into your pillow.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Stephanie Brown:
Is poor
Has an abusive dad who was also a supervillain and that led to her becoming a superhero to spoil his plans but she focused a lot on helping out other less fortunate people in addition to fighting crime
Did badly often in school despite her extreme intellegence
Has anger issues and violent tendencies that manifest in her getting extra brutal in fights and being lowkey mean in general but she almost entierly directs it to people who deserve it
Is emotionally intense with ways of showing friendship that her classmates found offputting and that led to her being isolated from them and having almost no friends
Listens to Metallica
Took Tim Drake on a date to a shitty basement party with a bunch of alt teens
Was willing to kill at 14,including her own dad and only changed that because Bruce Wayne convinced her too
Loved Cassandra Cain romantically in a gritty dark future Batman run,has been Batwoman in two which is a mantle that has been held exclusively by a Kate Kane who is a butch lesbian and has shown multiple hints of being bi in the main timelines
Yelled and screamed at and even assaulted grown ass adults in her teen years for treating her badly with no fear and this stays into her adulthood
Grew up to be a Team Mom by at least her Batgirl days and the targets of her mothering were a biracial boy(Damian Wayne),two darkskin black girls(Nell Little and Tiffany Fox),a japanese girl(Maps Mizoguchi)and MANY other unnamed kids we see her being implied to care for
Presents super femininely but in a way that most guys in-universe find bad instead of attractive and she dosen't care about this because she dosen't want normies
Is a literature nerd,an artist,a gamer,a pianist AND a gymnist
Makes her own superhero gear
Uses optimism for a better world and trauma fueled spite as her motivation for heroism
Got treated like shit by almost everyone as a kid but we see this explicitly in her hero days with how much Bruce puts her down because she wasn't good enough for him
Does activism even outside of hero work
Is canonically pastel punk and accidentally autistic-coded and genuinely a real weirdgirl,not a fucking 'basic white girl' or a queen bee just because she's blonde and blue eyed and it's worth noting she's also been described as flat-chested as a jab but it not working because she loves her looks perfectly and that she's never shown any particular liking for being blonde and seeing as she got her hair from her dad,this is completely valid
She's Stephanie Brown,not Stacie White.Stop.Making.Her.Only.Trait.Her.Gender.Babygirl deserves better
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hazelnut-u-out · 6 days
When you think about it, Jerry and Rick aren't really all that different. The illusion of their difference is by both Rick and Jerry's design, and Rick alone is a notoriously unreliable narrator at best. Rick creates a distance between their personalities by belittling Jerry. Jerry creates the same by painting Rick as a monster. Really, they're both shitty, autistic-coded dads at the end of the day.
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It makes sense that their similarities become more obvious as the show progresses. Rick's control over the framing of events on screen loosens with each season, especially in Seasons 6-7. Unlike earlier seasons, the words coming out of his mouth often highlight his warped perception rather than reinforce it. Not to mention, Jerry starts to drop the pitiful act more.
Rick points out that Jerry's like a parasite feeding off of Beth's willingness to support him in 'The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy,' but by 'The Jerrick Trap,' Jerry points out that Rick's at the breakfast table eating the eggs Beth bought. Both of them are unemployed (cred to @dirty-bear-rick-sanchez for that point). They seem to like the same media, are both chronic complainers, and canonically hang out (and drink) together enough to agree to give each other what they want most in the world.
Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if Rick was a stay-at-home dad focusing on his science while Diane was the breadwinner, at this point. Jerry is to beekeeping as Rick is to science.
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(The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy) Rick: That all ended because she felt sorry for you. You act like prey, but you're a predator! You use pity to lure in your victims!
(The Jerrick Trap) Jerry: Oh, fuck you. Eat your eggs that my wife bought.
Most notably, Jerry Prime is exactly who Rick would've become if he hadn't been able to invent interdimensional travel on his own. He watched his wife and daughter die at the hands of a Rick, too. Without a shot at revenge and in the wake of his family's death, Jerry admits that Rick was always right. When a shot at revenge comes around, he's willing to sacrifice anything for it.
(Solaricks) Jerry Prime: Maybe. Why? Because if you hate them, too... I could be down for a little team up.
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I honestly think a younger Rick would've been horrified to know that he'd end up putting Jerry through the exact same thing he could never get over himself.
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bitterkarella · 8 months
Midnight Pals: The Running Grave
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i have a new ssstory for you tonight Rowling: a new ssstory of cormorant ssstrike Jesse Singal: wow mommy it's great! Maya Forstater: the greatest story ever told Rowling: Rowling: well i haven't told it yet
Helen Joyce: i'm not exaggerating when i say that this is 100% the best story ever written in human history Rowling: you haven't heard it yet Joyce: i don't have to hear it to know it's better than any other story in the world Rowling: Rowling: oh
Joyce: i don't need to know anything about it or even hear it to say that jk rowling is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life Rowling: Rowling: i dunno Rowling: for sssome reassson thisss jussst isssn't ssatissfying
[midnight society] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i have a new cormorant ssstrike ssstory Barker: don't you have your own group to tell that to? Rowling: no all they do isss praisss me and tell me i'm great Rowling: it getsss tiring Rowling: you all wouldn't underssstand
Rowling: sso cormorant strike is an ugly detective with a terrible personality who also reeksss of cigarettess and fartss conssstantly and also his hair lookss like pubess Rowling: naturally the women are all hungry for hiss D Patricia Highsmith: crazy dames, who can fathom them
Rowling: the thing iss women can't get enough of cormorant ssstrike Rowling: did i mention hisss hair looks like pubess? Rowling: women jussst look at his sscrotum-like head and think Rowling: damn i can't NOT fuck that
Rowling: but cormorant sstrike hasss no time for women Rowling: women are all just a bunch of dumb bimboss who only care about sstupid clothes and being shallow Highsmith: bitches be shopping, it true
Rowling: cormorant ssstrike is hired by this rich arissstocrat to resscue hiss adult sson from a cult Rowling: ssee, his sson is autisstic so he can't be trussted to make decissionss Rowling: you know how autistic people are Rowling: they're bassically eternal children
Rowling: ssso the dad is all 'i need to have my adult autistic sson declared mentally incompetent sso that i can control hiss life totally and forever' Rowling: as a good father would
King: gosh joanne King: as a father i have say King: i would do anything for my boy joe King: but that seems a little extreme don't you think? King: sometimes the hardest part of being a parent is letting go Rowling: Rowling: you know what ssteve? sshut up Rowling: jusst sshut up
Rowling: this cult, sssee, it sseducesss and recruitss vulnerable autistic youth who, as you know, can't think for themsselvess Rowling: remindsss me a little of another group now that i think about it King: Poe: Barker: Koontz: Lovecraft: Rowling: you know who i mean
Rowling: thiss cult alsso ssays itss about ssocial jussstice & being kind Rowling: but really it's actually a ssecret front for pedophiless Rowling: remindsss me a little of another group now that i think about it King: Poe: Barker: Koontz: Lovecraft: Rowling: you know who i mean Rowling: thisss cult alssso hass lotsss of money and ussess frivolousss lawsssuitssss to sstop criticisssm Barker: gosh now THAT reminds me of someone Barker: but who? Barker: who could it be? L Ron Hubbard: Barker: yes but Barker: i'm thinking of someone ELSE
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ingravinoveritas · 2 months
Hello, lovely followers. I was traveling for work again in the second half of this past week, but I'm now home and looking forward to answering all of your Asks that I've been seeing in my inbox. I first wanted to reflect a little bit, however, because this trip was also a personal one for me.
This week's travels took me to Anaheim, California, which is where Disneyland is (I think I actually must've not been far from where David and Georgia just were, funnily enough, as my hotel was right by the park). It wasn't my first trip to Anaheim, though. The last time I was there was when I was 11 years old, on summer vacation with my dad in California while my mom was on a tour in Italy at the same time. As you'd expect, my dad wanted to take me to Disneyland...but I was too scared and overwhelmed, and we only ever got as far as the parking lot. The gates were visible, and I remember how they loomed, that feeling of something foreboding washing over me...but rather than excitement, my tiny body was filled with dread. I mentioned this while in conversation with one of the hotel employees during my stay, and he said, "What kind of kid doesn't want to go to Disney?"
What kind of a kid. Well, an autistic kid. A kid who was constantly anxious, emotional, and terrified of sensory overload. A kid who hated crowds and noise and rides. A kid who didn't travel well to begin with, because she was afraid of new places, anything unfamiliar, anything that wasn't safe and home.
A kid who was me.
Even before this, there were so many ways that the world had said "This is not for you." But still, there was something different about it happening there, in the bright California sunshine. My favorite Disney princess as a kid was always Belle, because she also loved to read and didn't fit in with the people around her. Belle connected more with books and animals than people, and that made me connect with her. But Belle was also beautiful (as Disney princesses tend to be), and thanks to the bullying from my peers, I was very aware that was something I was not. So no matter how much I wanted to be Belle, there was no way I could ever be a Disney princess.
This is not for you.
Thinking about all of this during my trip made me feel so many things, but I was most surprised to find myself feeling a sense of nostalgia in particular, a longing for the child I was, who I wish I could comfort. It also made me feel such sadness for that child and anyone else who finds themselves in a situation or a place where the world thinks they should be happy, but they're not. And there are few things more difficult than feeling that way in (of all places) "the happiest place on Earth."
I didn't end up going to Disney on this trip, even though I had a little bit of time to do so. It's still not for me, but the difference now is that I am okay with that. That need to be the kid who wants to visit Disney--the "good" child, the child who isn't "broken"--has gone away, and I'm more than happy being adult me, and finding a place that fits me, instead of the other way around.
And that was my nostalgia trip, in quite the literal sense of the phrase. I have a picture or two to share in another post, so stay tuned for that as well...
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jessicarosem · 4 months
My personal view on all of the bg3 companions’ intra-party relationships (without tav):
Acts like Astarion’s younger sister. The two can often be found bitching (about each other and everyone else). But astarion is the one who helps her cut her bangs (after telling her they look terrible, as a classic gay older brother)
She and Lae’zel have a very “two cats who live in the same home” relationship. They fight a lot at first but eventually learn to coexist
Likes adventuring with Karlach the most (because she needs less healing than the others)
Is the camp mom (and HATES it)
Is the mom to Scratch and the owl bear cub. They usually sleep in her tent and they both like her the best (because she gives them treats)
Him and Gale are in love. Obviously.
Low key hates Wyll because he’s always trying to save people (and, let’s be honest, there can only be one drama queen in the party)
Surprisingly doesn’t hate Karlach, actually views her as a small (big) puppy dog of a person that is a little misguided but mostly adorable (even if he won’t admit it)
Shadowheart starting calling him the camp grandpa after he started calling her the camp mom (he pretends it doesn’t bother him but he hates it)
“Hates” Scratch and the owlbear cub (one night the cub ran away and he spent all night looking for it. He was crying when he came back until he noticed it was in Shadowheart’s tent burrowed under blankets. No one is allowed to mention said night)
Wyll is her best friend in the entire world. They’d both readily die for the other one.
Both her and gale have taken it upon themselves to teach Lae’zel about Faerun. Most of these sessions entail Karlach saying horribly incorrect things about Faerun and Gale going on long-winded explanations of how “well, no actually Karlach that isn’t quite correct. In actuality-“ while Lae’zel sneaks away
Loves the animals more than anything (and cries over the fact that they like shadowheart more than her)
Bonus: Damon and her are in love and you can’t change my mind about this
Respects Wyll for his fighting prowess but is extremely confused by his morals. Decided in act 1 that she couldn’t talk to him about morals for the safety of them both
She and Astarion are feral buddies TM
Hates Gale. Hates him so so so much. The only reason she hasn’t killed him yet is because there’s (allegedly) a bomb in his chest
Surprisingly Karlach is her favorite, both because of fighting ability and her just being impossible to dislike
Really, truthfully believes that Lae’zel likes him. Astarion is too amused to correct him.
Loves Karlach like a little sister. Will often keep her entertained with magic tricks. Autistic to her ADHD
Very good friends with Wyll mostly because hes one of the only ones that will enthusiastically listen to his ramblings (and understand them)
The animals don’t like him after he tried to reduce the owlbear cub and it went poorly
Genuinely likes every single member of the party for different reasons (his least favorite is Astarion, but he’d never say it out loud)
Is the camp dad (and LOVES it)
Camp matchmaker. Was the reason that Gale and Astarion got together and was the reason that Karlach and Dammon got together.
Him and Shadowheart aren’t close during the adventure, but become very close while they’re both residing in Baldur’s Gate after the fact.
Likes Scratch more than the owlbear cub, which is the only source of him and Karlach’s disagreements
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luci-luck · 2 months
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Earth “ponies” go first! MASSIVE autism dump comin’ atcha live
TW: ableism , grief , parental death (just in case the tags failed)
This is more so for me but I still wanted to share 🫶
Sandstone (Pinkie):
- b i g puppy energy
- Built for work but prefers to play
- Has crystal pony genes but depression makes them subdued. Can only go full crystal mode in a moment of pure and raw jubilation.
- after constantly being told who she’s supposed to be, they rejected the idea of labels entirely
- no labels for gender or sexuality means loving Pinkie does not impact your sexuality score!
- (intersex is not about gender but biological sex. That being said many intersex people use intergender as their gender as it relates to their experience as an intersex person.)
- deals with internalized ableism due to conservative fillyhood environment. Feels bad when they need to ask for help/support. Got herself an unofficial certificate in psychology so he can be his own therapist (it doesn’t work out)
- Parents would totally support the pony version of Autism Speaks just saying. Pinkie’s dad thinks neurodivergency is curable with hard work and the right attitude whilst her mom mourns the loss of her son after the diagnosis.
- ADHD makes xeir rejection sensitivity off the charts
- Internal battery runs on the company of others so can’t ever live alone.
- Had problems with food insecurity
- Relies on sugar as a steady supply of dopamine
- Can have moments of poor motor control. Clumsy
- Eyesight is bad but doesn’t wear glasses. Afraid that ponies will start thinking he is smart and they will expect even more from him. (In human world she wears contacts)
- Feels embarrassed being high support needs and just wants to be treated like everybody else. Hates when xer parents call her “special”
- Also hates being infantilized but is not confident in their decision making
- Xe is a sensory seeker unlike the rest of their family who are all sensory avoiders. Sisters compromise and try to meet his needs. Pinkie in turn tries to be mindful of their touch aversion but finds it hard sometimes. “Everypony’s just so scoop-able!”
- Trained Gummy to “stay”. Is very proud of his emotional support gator
- Is incredibly strong for her size
- feels like she has to constantly prove herself worthy of taking over the farm. Has gotten into arguments with Big Mac about overexerting herself
- Is a hinny (donkey mom and stallion dad) (ofc hinnies are supposed to have tails more like horse but I love the lion tail on AJ so 💁‍♀️) (I said mule in ALT text because most people don’t know what a hinny is)
- Because of this, she is more calm under pressure and thinks more logically
- has major depression from grief and ptsd (duh)
- Isn’t used to being in a stress free environment so she creates the stress
- Likes running the apple stand but certain families trigger her
- Obsessed with anything from the past generation. A time when her parents were young and happy
- Can be a bit insensitive to other’s problems and wants them to “put on their big girl pants” like she had to.
- Feels like she has to fill in the roles her parents used to do. Especially so Applebloom and Granny don’t have to stress over as many things.
- Was in the process of cutting her mane when she remembered that AB liked to braid it so she stopped half way.
- Is the mom of the friend group. Makes sure everyone’s needs are met before tending to her own. (Which is bad btw)
- Has problems with insomnia but getting better.
- Struggles with OCD and will repeat unnecessary tasks if she believes it will help protect her family
- Has an emotional support dog named Winona who also reminds AJ to take breaks 🐕‍🦺
- Sees no point in getting her chronic pain checked out. Will hopefully change her mind in the future. Wears leg braces to ease the soreness.
- Got diagnosed later on. Grief masked her autistic traits.
- Also has a hard time asking for help but has gotten better after she found out that Applebloom has been internalizing that mindset. She must lead by example
- Stick around long enough and she’ll happily invite you over with a hot cup of cider 🍺
- (Other people tend to fall in love while getting to know someone. Demiromantics however need to get to know the person first and then develop romantic feelings later)
- Thought she wasn’t capable of developing crushes until she got to know Coloratura.
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