#wip list game
aalinaaaaaa · 6 months
WIP List Tag
Tagged by @maskedemerald !
Rules: Post a list of all the files in your wip folder(s), no matter how vague, intriguing or placeholdery they are. Let people send you asks with the title that interests them the most, then post a snippet or tell them something about it. Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Listed below are my Scrivener files, mainly from newer stuff but also some older ones:
Caointe na Mná
All Hallows Eve
Sparks by the Oak Wood
Baile Átha Briain
Error 404, Bus Not Found
Eoghain O'Rourke
Saoirse O'Rourke
Ruan (insert surname)
The City Beneath the Bay
Etymology of Irish place names
Geographical features (as Gaeilge)
rough ideas
Notes on title
More ideas
The O'Rourke's business
Healthcare system (South Arobyre)
Trading system
The Practice of World-hopping
Restriva's Curse
Obsidia re-write
Alycja Cartovierta
Eshani Faison
Jerdina Varkaikh
Helindian laws surrounding magic
Principles of judicial punishment (Helinda vs. Morilaste)
Chapter ideas
The Disappearance of Charimone Eschredaine
The Lead-Up
Illicit Diplomacies | 225. I Can't Tell
The Stone Arbiter | 223. By Candlelight
A Wisp in the Shadows
Confirmation of the Inevitable
220. Blood is Thicker than Water
Rough notes
Main plot
Second plot — The Chase for the Chalice
South Arobyre
North Arobyre
Helindian language
Fundamental laws
The Art of Summoning
Desemir Eschredaine
Key moment #1
Aschill Plonchère
Heishel Felerit
Ishar Yvenaire
Cheyorym Dolchère
Audacities at Sunrise
Atrocities at Sunset
Estyia Verlova
Cordelia Aurelius Verlova
Aurandra Romelius Verlova
Andreas Tirilius Verlova
Helian Andriyos Verlova
Emir Omaich Kerrasova
Callabiem Elldraikus Kerrasova
Omar Plaridaich Kerrasova
Avelie Callabiraikus Kerrasova
Maxim Czaraskaite (Old Man)
Rika Edernisz
The Recordkeeper
Maelan Ó Duibhiorma
Selendyia Dellakarre
Timelines + Other notes
In the wake of Zabyelta
Between the Living and the Dead
To Reverse an Allaitriage
Cordelia's Repatriation
The Last Zsar
Fate's influence on Seladian affairs
Apprentice system
Hierarchy of Nobility
Dropping tags for some newly made mutuals as well as my tag game list and anyone else who wants to jump on this. (Feel free to ask if you wish to be tagged for future tag games)
@emelkae @afoolandathief @oh-no-another-idea @talesofsorrowandofruin @talesfromaurea @ettawritesnstudies @drippingmoon @pluttskutt @avrablake @bloodlessheirbyjacques @writerfae @ghost-town-story @druidx @wildswrites @enchanted-lightning-aes @jezifsterswriting @ashen-crest @writing-is-a-martial-art @thesorcerersapprentice @echoing-sailor @saintbrune @splashinkling @copper-dragon-in-disguise @athenswrites @notthatpanda @blind-the-winds @theunboundwriter @sarandipitywrites @forthesanityofstorytellers @scifimagpie
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anyablackwood · 7 months
WIP List Game
Thanks so much @nemaliwrites for the tag! Y'all please don't judge me, I have folders for some individual WIPs where I put a million scraps into, meanwhile some of my other WIPs don't even have their own dedicated doc... I'm a scatted mess and I need to start cutting WIPs I swear (also most of these names are UNOFFICIAL)
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Asteria Heights
Beyond the Mirror
The Blackwoods
Creatures/Amity Hall
Crown of Blood
The Institute
Cell Block Tango
Traveling Bards
Katsuko Gaiden
Ukiyo/Hyakki Yagyo
Teddy and Finn
There's actually more, but those are the only ones that even have working titles/separate documents dedicated to them (I have a doc of just scraps of story ideas).
God I don't even think I follow this many writeblrs 😭, but I'll give it a shot. Gently tagging: @anoelleart, @paintedbutton, @amaiguri, @theunboundwriter, @fayeiswriting, @da-na-hae, @justnerdy15, @desastreus, @disastardly, @thepitflower, @cypriathus, @olive-riggzey, @mysticstarlightduck
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lady-murderess · 1 year
RE: the WIP list game, I would love to hear a little bit about chapter 2 of cat ears and curses! I absolutely loved the first part 🖤
omg hiiii lady!! I'm glad you loved the first part, I had fun writing it 😌
here's the snippet!
"You never let me finish my sentence." The Hyde suddenly interrupted as Tyler was in the middle of handing a black coffee over the counter to one of his customers, the voice startling him to the point where he almost spilled the drink all over the them… Which was not an ideal situation to be in, the last thing Tyler needed right now was to get shouted at.
Looking at him, it was almost as if he didn't have some ravenous, cruel beast trying to start a fight with him inside his head. As he tried to ignore his monster, Tyler looked incredibly sheepish and refused to look the customer in the face. He needed to ignore him and desperately try to pull himself together in order to do some quick damage control, but that didn't seem to stop the Hyde.
"Don't ignore me, Galpin. You know that you and I are one in the same. We share the same thoughts, the same feelings… You may want to be gentle with our beloved Wednesday, but don't tell me that you've never thought about all the cruel things we could do to her… She isn't as fragile as you try to convince yourself, you know. Personally, I think she'd quite enjoy a bit of rough play, don't you?" There the Hyde goes again...
aaaaand here we have the Hyde just being his usual self whilst Tyler is having a mini crisis at work. But that's what Tyler gets for constantly having his favourite kitty on the brain... 💀
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WIP List game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
tagged by @frogenthusiastt Thanks!
Raise Your Voice
The odyssey according to himemiya
Dr. Sex's Mixology Minute
Razlo Day!
The Texorcist
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cypriathus · 7 months
WIP List Game
Thanks to @anyablackwood for tagging me! I haven't even started writing for any of my stories because I'm honestly more preoccupied with character names and worldbuilding (I'm slowly picking my way at it). I'm also kind of lazy, but I do have a lot of ideas that are floating around my head.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I did post the plots of my WIPs, but you still ask me stuff.
I don't know too many writeblrs, but here are a few I'll tag who are writeblrs or writing is a hobby of theirs (it can be any type such as poetry) and you're also open to join if you wish to do so.
@adcmans @chouthechaoticraccoon @writing-n-memes @nunezs-stuff @the-missann @adharagranley-writer @caffiendbard @fidens-world
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fayes-fics · 1 year
WIP game!
thank you for tagging me! @fiction-is-life
rules: post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names. post a snippet from one of them. snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. we’re posting progress here. if you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post. After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. you must then write 3 sentences in that file.
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1. Abdicate & Absolve
2. Canvas
3. It Had To Be You: Chapters 4 to 7
4. Anthony foreplay
5. Mrs Bridgerton sequel
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Snippet from It Had To Be You:
“You really did spiral, didn't you?” he chuckles affectionately, picking his way through the scattering of empty crisp packets and Cadbury wrappers, guiding you back to the sofa.
“She is supposed to be his rebound fling; she's not supposed to be ‘The One’,” you wail, as you collapse down, pointing at your laptop screen, still open to the invitation email.
Benedict takes the laptop and sighs, exiting the email window and smiling to himself as he sees your wallpaper - it's the two of you in the novelty photobooth from last year's New Year party, heads together and smiling inanely.
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No pressure tags: @colettebronte @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @sorryallonsy @eleanor-bradstreet
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adharagranley-writer · 7 months
WIP List Game
Thanks to @cypriathus for tagging me! Let's give this a try.
I have like thousands of random ideas, projects started and unfinished, so I'll put the most recent or relevant ones.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
circus planning
starting to write
somewhere in the past
i am a pirate
just vibes
and the bigger started projects i have, whose translated titles would be:
footprints in the forest
dancing with the waves
vacation in switzerland
i don't know many writeblrs yet, so i'll let anyone who sees this do it if they want!
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
you know the drill: create a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP file folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Thank you for the tag Sierra my love 💗 @hangmanbrainrot
Northern Star / Peter Pan (working titles)
Moon River
Five Stages (working title)
Before You Do, pt. ii
Prove Me Wrong
X Times You Kissed Mickey Garcia
Bookworms (working title)
Sugar and Spice (working title)
Majority of these are still in the ideation/outling process so I can’t promise any blurbs but I’ll be happy to share what I can!🥲
No pressure tags: @demxters @rhettabbotts @mothdruid and anyone else who wants to join!!!
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Tagged by both @fiction-is-life and @fayes-fics Thank you!! 😘
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it
Willow Bark
The Garden
The Kitchen
The Palace
Crashing (working title)
Let Me Be Your Anchor
The Spare
Some Kind of Love
The Hunting Party
no pressure (re)tags! @colettebronte @angels17324
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aalinaaaaaa · 2 months
@scifimagpie replied:
"The Last Zsar caught my interest!"
— from this WIP List Tag post
The Last Zsar of Selade | Maxim Czaraskaite
Up until many centuries previous, the nation of Selade used to be under one set of royals. Inheritance was passed through its bloodline, until it got to Maxim.
He and his wife attempted to have children, only to find she couldn't have any. So they decided that they would elect an heir based on merit.
Maxim sent an invitation to the entire country to try their hand at convincing him and his wife to be the next heir. His offer spread far and wide, resulting in thousands of people showing up at the castle throughout the entire two months he dedicated to the first round.
During this initial selection, he asked the candidates a series of questions to get a sense of their personalities and their general aptitudes. Throughout this process, two particular people stood out.
The first, a young boy not much older than 11, whose family did not have much and lived simple lives. If he got the crown, he promised to be kind and fair to his people.
The other one was a lady with striking blue eyes, and sometimes blonde hair. She appeared in the queue every single day, evading the rejection of the guards who kept record of all entrants. When it came to her turn, she presented the royal couple with the finest jewellery and flowers she grown from her own magic. She would wax poetic and flatter the couple greatly, and promise to do anything that would earn her favour.
When the first selection period ended, he deliberated on his options. He received everything from the pretty to the preposterous to the desperate and the needy. Out of the thousands of options, he already had his mind made up. His wife suggested doing a second and third round at least, just to add an illusion of fairness.
For more of the sake of pleasing his wife, he declared a second round, announcing the twenty candidates that got through. For this round, he left each candidate in a room with an animal and some food and water. They would stay in this room for a few hours, with the result announced a few moments after they left the room.
When the trial ended, he had the pleasure of announcing that most (bar two) of the candidates passed. Having heard of the particular events in one (and later two) of the rooms, it only cemented his decision further.
The phoenix in one of the rooms turned back into the imp he sent earlier to watch above the candidate, somehow locked into the chain originally meant for the phoenix's ankle. He knew exactly who did this, but it was too late when he looked at the list.
The last event was declared to be a ball, destined for a month and a day after the second round.
Some of his one-hundred followers started putting pressure on him, wondering why he overlooked them. They asserted that picking commoners would not be logical nor socially appeasing.
Maxim, in turn, asserted that he was still the Zsar, and that his heir would not inherit the crown for a long while if the fortunes were good. It was his decision, not theirs, and that would be that.
His followers had the issue simmer in the background, leading Maxim to fear that infighting would occur.
His wife suggested bringing the ball forward, but he decided not to. Something was giving him knots and he couldn't deduce what.
He continued with his daily duties, trying to keep the resentments of his followers at bay.
The decision of his heir was approaching fast, and it wasn't so much the decision as much as the announcement that could lead to issues.
A few days before the ball, his messenger rushed in to him, handing him a painting of a house being engulfed in blue fire.
"Is this true?" Maxim asked her, his insides shocked to the core.
"This is allegedly the lady who tried for your crown, people say she survived."
His hand went to his glass crown. It all made sense to him then, Fate had descended upon the world in corporeal form, and she wanted only one thing.
He called his one hundred followers and the young boy to his castle in haste. They all arrived to the castle's atrium by midnight, gathering around Maxim in earnest and worry.
"You might all be wondering why I called you tonight." He stepped off the dais and made his way towards the centre of the crowd, his followers paving way for him.
Once he verified that the young boy, his heir elect, was near him, he continued.
"The Goddess has made an attempt on my throne." He grabbed his glass crown and raised it high above his head. "For those of you with a shard of my crown, you will have a shard of Selade."
Maxim let the crown shatter.
This is the story of how Selade got split apart, and it's where its shard system comes from. Those with surnames ending in '‐ova' are from shard-holding houses, and many of these houses have been amalgamated over the years. Hence why there are only four* main houses left (Vaer, Kerras, Calentask, Jaeristil*) out of one hundred and one initial shard-holders.
*the legitimacy of this one is disputed due to pre-amalgamate shard-holders trying to re-instate their status.
I'm going to tag the Flamebearer taglist here (comment/message/ask if you'd like to be added or subtracted from it): @mundanemoongirl @scarletteflamerald @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @ceph-the-ghost-writer @another-white-void @outpost51 @mattresses-and-macaroni @guessillcallitart @thebluesthourcommunity @original-writing @bigboicol-theflamingcol @thelaughingstag @thereadingfoz @glassstardust22124
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anyablackwood · 7 months
I'm only now getting around to things but I'd love to hear more about "Traveling Bards" for the WIP List game. My head immediately goes to cozy adventure with that sort of name but I might be wrong so I'm very curious. :)
You're kind of right! Lol. I haven't formally introduced this one yet, but Traveling Bards is an adventure-comedy surrounding a trio of sisters, who die due to a cosmic administrative error. As compensation, they get sent to a pseudo-medieval fantasy world as (technically?) mages. After a series of shenanigans, they drop out of magic school, "kidnap" a young boy in need of escape, and travel the world playing music and getting into chaos. And running from the law, since their "kidnapping" of the prince is, well, treason.
I'd certainly hope it comes across as cozy! Though the sisters are certainly very chaotic. Since they still retain their memories of their previous life, it's pretty much impossible for them to even begin blending in, which leads to even more problems for them, lol.
This is definitely one of the ones that I dream of one day getting to see adapted into a comic and/or animated TV series! 😂Thanks for the ask!
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captainderyn · 1 year
Uuuh, tell me about Ill Tidings Continued :D
Heh so Ill Tidings Continued is meant to be the continuation of my LOTRO Yule Festival fic from...*embarrassingly checks Ao3* January 2020 which got put on hold for a variety of understandable reasons.
I think I restarted it back up around Yule time of last year and fell off of it again because school was just too much and I wasn't in the best place but every single Yule festival I get inspired by the story and want to write it out with Wulfwryn and Raenor. So maybe it'll get done this time around after the few gift exchanges I have to get done xD
It intends to have Wulf and Raenor enjoying holiday festivities while exploring the overarching story through Frostbluff. A mixture of the holiday fun and darker understones that LOTRO snuck in.
“Are you here for the eating contest?” A bundled up woman bedecked with a stained apron waved them over. Her sooty blonde hair was falling from its bun at the top of her head and her cheeks were bright red with the chill. She eyed them up and down, eye brows scrunching, “...I don’t wish to presume, but?” 
“No, we aren’t here for an eating contest.” Wulfwryn confirmed, stomach going queasy at the thought as her eyes slipped to the food once again. The mushrooms were already beginning to set in their buttery sauce with the cold. 
Slimy mushrooms…eyuck. Wulfwryn tore herself away from staring at the table, taking in the woman. Frazzled remained the first word that came to mind, “You don’t see many events like this around festivals.” 
Aside from the odd pie eating contest, in Wulfwryn’s experience ingredients were too expensive and food too tedious to make just to waste it or spit it back up. 
“The hobbit folk love these kinds of things.” The activity host eyed the buckets and crates, lips pursing, “I don’t think the kitchens have seen a moment’s rest. Besides, the mayor enjoys showing off bountiful harvests and our ability to farm even in the cold.”
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athenswrites · 9 months
If you see this it is a sign to add me to your tag lists and/or tag me in writeblr games. I love content and I want to consume MORE and interact with it.
If you interact/reblog this, let me know if YOU want to be added to tag lists or be tagged in tag games! Or if you want to get blorbo blursday (OC Thursday) asks!
I need more people to interact with! I know I follow a bunch of people (and a bunch of people follow me), but I have no clue who is willing to play games with me :(
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drive-pdfs-and-stuff · 3 months
I made a huge list with animal fiction books lol
Alt link ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zkzuxcRz-yNsuYroAwYzQaZPn3lZyVLGV6CBzWBL0DE/edit?usp=drivesdk )
I wanted to know how many there are but I figured people could use it for reading lists (actually it took me hours to check if every book was actually animal fiction and I kinda don't want that to go to waste for a list of books that I don't have the time to read entirely sooo)
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fayes-fics · 1 year
wip list game ~ happy 2023!
you know the drill: create a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP file folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Benedict Bridgerton
Moments: family dinner [now posted 1/1]
Moments: baby Amelia
The Gift
A Closer Shave (fic remix)
First orgasm for reader
DIrty dance
Smutmas day 7 - sex toys [now posted 1/3]
Waking Up sequel
Midnight swim
Virgin Benny
Solo Lesson: Benedict
Five times fic - portrait sittings, secret relationship
When Harry Met Sally AU
Happy Birthday, Mr Bridgerton [now posted 1/5]
“You don't always want gentle, do you?”
Anthony Bridgerton
Anthony lake smut
Smutmas day 5 - spanking (this is also very late i need to finish it)
Solo Lesson: Anthony
Both (threesomes)
Emotional threesome
Lessons 5
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
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Wip Wednesday | A.R.C.A.N.E.3
(snippet from upcoming chapter 4)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Eddie woke up to water being thrown on his face. He gasped for air and spat out what had gone inside his mouth, then opened his eyes, moving frantically, but he couldn’t see. Blindfolded.
“Stay put, Voider,” ordered a man in a rough voice.
Eddie’s senses were heightened. He struggled against the restrains on his hands and feet, but the knots were tight. Camp of Voiders, he thought.
The man moved around the room, his steps resonating against the walls. This couldn’t be on the surface. He was underground. Somewhere underground.
“Where is he?” Eddie asked, trying to force his wrists apart. “Where is he!”
Read on ao3
tagged by @spotsandsocks @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz @diazsdimples & @tizniz I haven’t been able to read your works yet but I will asap! Thank you for your love & patience 🥺🩷
tagging in return @lover-of-mine @wildlife4life @tsunamibuckley @loserdiaz @puppyboybuckley @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @theotherbuckley @kitteneddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @honestlyeddie @evanbegins @eddiiediaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddie---diaz @devirnis @bigfootsmom @smilingbuckley @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend @911-on-abc @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @bucksbackwardcap @cal-daisies-and-briars @nmcggg @urfactual & @giddyupbuck ✨ (let me know if you wished to be removed!)
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