#willow is in denial but he's a good parent
knwtqm · 1 year
Im coping with humor and foud family
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sepublic · 1 year
            After Thanks to Them and its whole theme of Death and Wanderers, I like how For the Future has this consistent theme of Vulnerability, Adolescence, the role of Adults, and Failure.
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         Like, there’s the obvious storylines with Willow and Luz, who refuse to show vulnerability and don’t forgive themselves over failure and weakness, don’t want to accept love out of shame. There’s the resolution of people accepting others into their life, admitting they need help, instead of maintaining this isolating sense of being a powerful individual.
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         Boscha? She’s deadly terrified of being vulnerable and couldn’t protect Cat and Amelia, and that’s something Kikimora can latch onto, like smelling blood in the water. She tells Boscha she can’t show weakness around her fellow students and must be an iron-fisted dictator to compensate, while also acting as the toxic adult that Boscha craves guidance from.
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         The Collector? Perhaps our most vulnerable antagonist of all, sure he has the most godlike power, but the episode repeatedly emphasizes that he’s still a kid. A scared, lonely kid who doesn’t want to be left by himself and even meekly asks for the companionship of a plush to protect him. A kid VERY vulnerable and open to the threat of Belos, who creeps into his bedroom when he’s asleep, and then manipulates the child as a puppet. He’s been failed by the adult Collectors in his life, who slaughtered potential Titan friends, as well as by King’s dad, who imprisoned him.
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         Even Belos himself counts; This is easily the most vulnerable we’ve ever seen Belos, his lowest point. Sure he was but a mere drop between Seasons 2 and 3, but here we really get to see just how much this dude is suffering, how much his body is falling apart. Turns out he CAN’T fully recover like we’d feared, his limbs are trailing behind Philip, eventually tearing off.
         We see exposed bone, we see how Belos struggles and how he’s haunted by visions of Caleb and the Grimwalkers he killed, it’s a rather humane depiction of his grief. Belos isn’t sound neither physically nor mentally, which is a far contrast to how he’s usually been depicted, cool and collected and always with a plan. Belos is free-styling here and making up stuff as he goes along, and while he’s pretty good at it, he’s clearly at the end of his rope here in regards to his plans, with four hundred years building up to the Day of Unity wasted by an eavesdropping assistant with a grudge.
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         Likewise we have Hunter; He is traumatized by the loss of Flapjack, so he builds up a wall of aggression directed at his abuser in order to cope and feel less helpless. He NEEDS to feel in control and like he’s doing something, like he has agency and is enacting power against another, but that just isolates him from the others. It concerns Willow, and Hunter’s own walls merely encourage hers as well.
         When Hunter reiterates to Willow and Gus how much they mean to him? He’s lowering his defenses, admitting vulnerability. Admitting he’s scared and he isn’t the macho, aggressive hero out to avenge his best friend that he was pretending to be. He needs help, he NEEDS Willow and Gus. And he cares, deeply. As does Willow, who conceals herself in an armor of thorns in denial of her pain, afraid it’s a betrayal of her growth into a stronger person.
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         Camila too! Camila is trying not to show how scared and freaked out she is by the Boiling Isles, because she needs to be a strong parent for Luz. She feels that she has failed Luz (who’s trying to be mature in looking after her mom), so Camila has to make up for it by being the supportive mother she needs, even trying to engage in combat with Kikimora, only to be endangered in the process. But in the end, Camila supports Luz not by being the tough and implacable adult who hides everything and worries Luz to no end as Eda did…
         No, it comes from Camila admitting that she too has made mistakes. That she’s struggled and tripped and stumbled, just as Luz has. And this confession of her own vulnerability inspires Luz, because she realizes her mother DOES truly relate to and understand her pain. And knowing that her mom can overcome this, gives Luz the hope to do the same for herself, and realize she’s not isolated; She can share her vulnerabilities with someone!
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         Plus the running parallels of the Collector and the students at Hexside being chaotic and dangerous, but ultimately… they’re also vulnerable, they need help. They need an adult or someone to look after them, someone to rely on, and without that things just fall apart. The episode ends with the Collector feeling deeply betrayed and hurt, used, all over again, so he begins to retaliate with genuine anger this time. Boscha admits her need for Amity, and ultimately accepts that she needs help and allows the other students to work with her in taking down Kikimora.  
         Belos? Fundamentally a scared child who lost Caleb, the person who looked after him. His precious caretaker, and his entire crusade against witches, the grimwalkers, are all an extension of Belos not wanting to admit how scared and lonely he is. Willow sobbing as she admits she misses her dads, it’s an admittance that all these kids are still kids.
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        Sure, there’s the power fantasy of kids being able to have agency and do something, but TOH also reminds us that it’s nice and necessary to have someone to rely on and look after you; Being able to obliterate any enemy doesn’t feel like much if you don’t have any friends, if whatever adults you do allow are toxic, like Terra or Odalia. Hence the running theme of adults who DO understand and care and ultimately come around (be it Camila or the veneration of Bump, Eda and Lilith consoling King), as well as that search for a place of belonging.
        And it makes sense. The empowerment of these types of stories, where the kids conquer the big villains? Find a family they can truly call as such? It’s because people are still hurting and need help and that’s okay. You can forgive yourself for that. People like Boscha and Belos of course struggle with becoming too co-dependent, but that just furthers the lesson of vulnerability being something you have to healthily acknowledge and deal with in order to survive. Admitting weakness is, paradoxically, a strength in and of itself. Characters come to term with their failures as parents, protectors, and leaders, while others feel haunted or punished no matter how hard they try.
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Rebels Rewatch: "The Future of the Force"
Adventures in babysitting, Rebels edition!
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You already know what I'm going to say, I never get tired of the pretty planets in this show.
This baby is named Alora, a bit of a Shout Out to Lucasfilm's underground cult classic Willow. No I have not watched the new show I have... not heard good things.
That it's Alora's grandmother that's the one traveling with her brings up some ah... disturbing Fridge Horror regarding her parents.
My theory: They 100% dead, Inquisitors already shanked them.
Ohhhhh you can tell from the horror in grandma's eyes she knows exactly why they want the baby.
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Well nice to know Seventh Sister is equal opportunity Bad Touch.
Aaaaaaand there goes Fifth, murdering all the witnesses.
Zero fanfare, just to punctuate the horror of that moment.
After five episodes of doing other stuff offscreen, Ahsoka finally decides to pay the main narrative a visit. I did and do still appreciate that the writers kept Ahsoka to a minimum, like Vader, knowing full well her presence would overshadow and overpower the others. Despite how easy it would have been to fanservice TCW carryover watchers by giving her tons of screentime, she stays mostly as a tertiary character throughout.
Which is why cramming what is essentially the Rebels sequel material into a show where she's the headliner annoys me.
Ahsoka and Kanan quipping about how neither of them are technically real Jedi is both cute and sad.
Ahsoka still deeply in denial about what she sensed when scanning Vader.
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Lol this whole moment. Love Ahsoka's fond little headshake.
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Love this city design, got a very St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia aesthetic to it.
Some of that influence in the music here too.
Oh wow, Zeb jumps out of the Phantom before it's even finished landing, lolol what a drama queen.
Bit sloppy to leave the transport hanging in that planet's airspace, unless the Empire plans to blow it up later.
Even without showing any of the bodies you know everyone on that transport is pretty much dead. It's really only the limits of the rating that prevent us from actually seeing them.
Grandma looks a lot paler here, I don't think she survives much longer past this point.
I talked about it before in "Always Two There Are" but I love subtle little bits of continuity like this, Zeb learning binary in order to understand Chopper, since he had such a hard time before.
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All I'm thinking is, "How long have they left that poor baby there?! Oh gosh she must be so hungry. Is there AC in there? Did they change her? I bet they didn't even change her, the bastards."
This whole episode reminds me SO strongly of the arc in TCW when Sidious contracted Cad Bane to steal Force Sensitive children for him. Would not be surprised if they were being used for the exact same purpose.
Is it me or do a LOT of Force Sensitive children seem to be born to impoverished single mothers? I wonder if it's a deliberate narrative choice sometimes, to lean into the adoption metaphor that being given up to and raised by the Jedi Order often is.
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He's so empathetic Imma cry.
Chopper's actually doing a decent job of keeping Alora happy lol.
Lol, Zeb being grossed out by the Ithorian baby.
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I think he's adorable, personally.
Maybe it's the mom in me but Zeb holding Pypey is just... super cute.
He's actually holding him mostly right, giving him plenty of support.
Pypey is just sensitive enough to recognize the danger the Inquisitors pose to him. :(((((((((
A very fragmented "Shenanigans" cue here, barely more than a few notes. Almost as if the danger is stifling the fun and whimsy that leitmotif usually signifies.
It's Ezra that recognizes the ID9 Seeker and makes Kanan stop, and they move in a very nice synchronized way to hide from it here.
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Underrated Papa Wolf Kanan moment: Kanan yanking Ezra back from the hallway junction just before the Inquisitors get within eyeline.
I shouldn't laugh but this whole scene with Zeb and Kanan and Ezra having no clue how to calm Pypey is so relatable.
(Babies be temperamental and sometimes you just gotta hold 'em.)
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There are so many little cute background moments of Ezra snuggling Pypey or making faces at Pypey aaaah they're so cute.
The detonator Zeb dropped gets flung back at them, Fifth's doing no doubt.
Kanan keeps putting his hand on Ezra's back on the stairs, it's sweet.
Fifth and Seventh sniping at each other lol.
Here's one of the moments of background Ezra being adorable with the baby.
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Ezra gets agitated when Kanan suggests he's going to be luring the Inquisitors away, ouch, poor boy's still not over the thing in "Call To Action".
Friiiiiick Ezra sensing Pypey's fear and Pypey sensing Ezra's and them stuck in a cyclical loop. :((((((
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I too ramble at my infants like this. Lol.
Ezra unlocks the secret to calming babies: Being calm yourself. <3
Obligatory "Seventh's voice actress is married to Kanan's voice actor" mention.
The smoke effects on this show continue to be excellent.
Someone, I think it was @pep-no, theorized that Pypey's special ability in the Force might be compelling honesty. That or connecting with Pypey made Ezra more emotionally open, because he normally would be smarter than to blurt out where the Rebellion is hiding in a spot where he suspects Seventh's seekers might be listening.
(Then again, Ezra tends not to have any kind of filter around people he trusts.)
I definitely think there's room for that interpretation, given Ezra's floating, distracted gaze.
Kanan does really well in his brief clash with Seventh.
Zeb hauling him like a piece of luggage is still funny tho.
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I love this environment. Feels very downtown LA.
A very heroic muted trumpet version of Ezra's theme as he steps forward bravely here.
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Protective little badass.
Also love Pypey being entranced with the lightsaber and trying to touch it. Baby no.
I love this cue. I haven't watched enough Clone Wars to discern if it's a carryover theme but it's awesome.
Ezra's confidence in Aunt Ahsoka. <333
*grumbles* Stupid auto anti-epilepsy features, it makes it so hard to see properly here.
I do like how effortlessly Ahsoka deals with the Inquisitors here.
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Chopper spinning the babies, awww.
Love how the ID9 comes to perch on Seventh's palm, it's so weird and animal-like. Like she's holding a jellyfish.
Ciffhanger reveal DUN DUN DUN.
This episode is so cute. It doesn't really effect much, besides emphasizing how dangerous a world it is that new Force Senstives are being born into (even moreseo than when there was a Jedi Order to take them in and shelter and protect them) and leading into the next episode's plot but it's a fun little romp with our characters and I just find it sweet and heartwarming.
Which we needed before the next episode's plot-heavy-ness.
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sapphic-lottienat · 7 months
october 13 (faith lehane day !!)
hiii guys, so as some of you may or may not know, today is international faith lehane day!! this post may come a bit early to some because i live in australia btww
so what i believe was 25 years ago to this day, season 3 episode 3 (faith, hope, and trick) aired on american tv, and we were introduced to the character of faith lehane
faith was probably my first real celebrity crush, even though i was young-ish when i watched it. i loved her personality, her strength (both emotional and physical), and her obvious queerly undertoned relationship with buffy.
faith goes through so much heartbreak and betrayal and loss, which is why i believe that she was never a truly evil character. im probably saying things that everybody knows, but faith was a kid like buffy too. everyone talks about how buffy was so young when she had to deal with all of this stuff, but faith was young as well.
remember the impact that giles had on buffy. with him, buffy had both a mother and a father figure, completing her little family (at least, from seasons 1-4). but faith's watcher died and her parents were never there for her. she was always so lost and alone, terrified of vulnerability.
that's why when she befriends the mayor, she clings onto him, does anything for him. he is the father that she never had (to clarify, i do NOT approve of their relationship; he used and practically groomed her).
faith had it worse than buffy, and yet people still treat her like an awful person. but what did she do that was that bad? she was manipulated into aiding the mayor. she killed a man? guess what. so did giles. the circumstances were different, yes, but it was a genuine accident in faith's case.
she runs, pretends that nothing happened. because she feels SO guilty about it, and if she buries her guilt deep in her denial, she knows that she'll never have to feel it.
this all leads me onto my next point; fuffy was genuinely a much better ship than bangel or spuffy (no hate ofc, im a spuffy girl too). 
obviously, faith was not a vampire. green flag number one :)
there were always the gayest undertones with their characters (yes i know eliza played her role as if she liked buffy)
she was the healthiest fulfilment-wise?? angel and buffy obviously couldn't do anything without him losing his soul, and sleeping with spike sent buffy into such deep self-loathing. but faith was always her friend, she always went to her if she was in trouble… yall they could make out as much as they want with no repercussions.
there are also many quotes to back up my argument, soo here are some off the top of my head :)
"really, we're just good friends" (buffy)
"let's have another go, see who lands on top" (faith)
"willow said you needed me. didn't give it too much thought" (faith)
and then there's the way they look at eachother, the forehead kiss, and (my personal favourite) the way that scott hope absolutely spread the rumour that buffy was gay because he saw how faith and buffy interacted.
i dont really know what else to write so thank you that concludes my essay <3 i might write a fuffy fanfic after this actually…
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Rise of Change First Arc Summary !
Here are the changes I have come up with for the First arc so far!!!! I will update this post as I change or come up with new ideas!  
have realized this is very long so I am going to put it under here! v
Thistleclaw was the son of Pinestar and Leopardfoot instead of Tigerclaw, this is where Thistle got his hatred for outsiders from! I know that's not really a part of the first series but it is good backstory!
Tigerclaw is Thistleclaw's son and Whitestorm's brother from the same litter, and he learned his hatred for outsiders from his father. He grew to be much more like his dad then Whitestorm, mostly caused by him also being mentored by Thistleclaw
Sandstorm's parents are Redtail and Birdflight (Runningwind). Something I haven't mentioned is I think that a lot of her attitude and anger issues are caused by her mourning and not being able to process her father's death, along will her struggling with high expectations since she was a deputy's kit.
Dustpelt and Ravenpaw are Dappletail and Stormtail's kits, and are deeply affected by the high expectations of the Order since they are half siblings of Bluestar.
Dapple and Storm also had two other kits before Dust and Raven! These kits are Downnose and Cricketstep! They are very good warriors, which is an added pressure on Dust and raven since their siblings have lived up to the Order's expectations.
Dustpelt is mentored by Downnose after Redtail died, apparently he was mentored by Darkstripe but I don't even remember that lol, and this would give more Downnose content!
Darkstripe and Greystripe's parentage! Their mother is Willowpelt but their dad? He's unknown. Mollys are allowed to just not say who the sire of their kits are, but this leaves people with a lot of questions.... In truth Willow had taken a mate from outside of Thunder Order, I haven't decided who, and it doesn't matter much, but she had Darkstripe with this cat. Over time as Dark grew up he realized that his mother must have had an affair outside of the Order, and since he was mentored by Tigerclaw, this upset him greatly, he became in denial about his parentage, distanced himself from his mother, and spent his time trying to prove himself as the biggest outsider hater of all and Tigerclaw follower. When Willow had Greystripe, it was obvious it was with the same cat, he looked so similar to Darkstripe, just lighter in color, which just enraged Dark more, he basically decided to ignore that Grey was his brother at all and Grey grew up barely knowing Dark, but not really liking him.
Fire (paw) does not have a crush on Spottedleaf and Spotted def does not have feelings for him! Spotted views him as a little brother, and took it upon herself to guide him because of the prophecy that she received. Her death was impactful to Fire because it felt like the death of a sister, and someone who believed in him and did not doubt him for being a kittypet.
Raven (paw) does not get to run away to the barn, instead he is chased off by Tigerclaw. Tiger claims that Raven deserted the Order, but Fire and Grey, know that Tiger most likely killed Raven. 
Cinderpelt decides to be a healer because she falls in love with healing while she was recovering in the healer den. She receives the Title Cinderspark instead of Cinderpelt!
Swiftpaw is Tigerclaw and Goldenflower's son! His death was caused by his own father!
Throughout the series Longtail and Fire's relationship has progressed though slower than Sand and Fire's, and after Swift's death things come to a head and they comfort each other over the loss and become officially friends, and after this Longtail is outwardly a Fireheart stan!
Bramblekit does not look like Tigerclaw, at least he doesn't look like him in pelt color, he is gold like his mom, and has a slightly softer personality, (though this more so progresses when he grows older in the second arc and has character development)
Fireheart does NOT hate Tigerclaw's kits for being Tigerclaw's kits, that never made sense to me, I feel like he would be one of their main defenders since he too suffered from judgment for his blood and origins.
After the battle Fire and Longtail become mates (Fire and Sand became mates before the battle) Both Fire and Sand are poly in my au!
Tigerstar is not the one to enlist the help of Blood Order, Firestar is! Blood Order is not evil, but instead cats just trying to help eachother and survive. 
Raven (paw) is not in fact dead! he is Scourge in this au! Tiger chased him off into the city, where Raven grew tough and formed Blood Order! Firestar hears word of a cat by the name of Ravenscourge who sounds a lot like his old friend raven, and goes to find him to enlist his help in the battle against Tiger Order! in RoC Tigerstar would never request help from outsiders and he is very xenophobic, while Firestar symbolizes the fall of old ideals and the beginning of a new era led by newer ideals. Firestar is willing to embrace the help of outsiders to protect the clans, and the side who is willing to accept change and outsiders, is the side that wins in the end!
Ravenscourge kills Tigerstar just like Scourge does, but this time he and the Blood Order show up during the peak of battle as reinforcements! Tiger stops the battle due to his anger at outsiders joining the fight, and Raven challenges him to a fight to settle the battle. 
Sandstorm is made Deputy instead of Greystripe!!!!!!
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cangelgifs · 1 year
Fic Recs Of CA in BTVS S1-3
Some Denial Required by bisexuallydia Rating: G Summary: Angel drives home with Cordelia and ends up meeting the parents
The Broken Pieces by Daisy Rating: NC17 Summary: A caustic comment from Cordelia intrigues a confused Angel, causing him to follow her home. What he finds is not what he expects. During Some Assembly Required BTVS2 then AU
When Good Spells Go Bad by Chelle Rating: PG Summary: Luckylyn’s Bad Spell Challenge After the prom in Season 3 of Buffy, Buffy convinces Willow to perform a spell to make Angel realize they belong together and of course it all goes wrong. Past Angel goes to bed at his mansion in Sunnydale and then wakes up with Cordy and Connor in LA (this is the morning after Provider). While future Angel goes to bed with Cordy and Connor and wakes up in past Sunnydale. He enlists the help of the Scoobies so he can return to his family.
My Senior Year by Dock Rating: NC-17 Summary: This is a response to AngelLuver's challenge. It takes place in season 3 of BTVS and everything in seasons 1 & 2 have happened. The whole essence of the demon in Earshot happens to Angel, not Buffy, hence he hears Cordy's thoughts (possible naughty?), and how the Scoobies really feel about him since his return
Double or Nothing by Lysa Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel discovers a way to secure his soul by giving Angelus a separate existence leading to far-reaching consequences for them and Cordelia Chase. Warning: Possessive behavior, stalking, and attempted rape.
Blinded With Love by Lysa Rating: NC-17 Summary: S1.3 The Witch. Cordelia ends up under Angel’s care after she is blinded by a spell.
Season of Solace by Lysa Rating: Starts PG-13, goes NC-17 Summary: Buffy teams Angel & Cordelia up to teach them both a lesson, but danger brings them much closer than the Slayer anticipated. Spoilers: BtVS Season Three thru Lovers Walk Warning: WIP (though still being updated)
Promise of the Night by Lysa Rating: NC-17 Summary: Warning: Evil Vampire Cangelus and Scooby Character Death.
Long Time Coming by Becjane Rating: NC-17 Summary: Set in Sunnydale, after Angel has returned from hell and Cordelia has spilt up with Xander. Wes and Faith are in it, but the Wes/Cordy crush is non existent because it interferes with the story. This is AU Buffy Season 3 apart from the above, so doesn’t fit in properly with the real timeline.
When He Was Bad by buffystakedthat Rating: M Summary: “I'll just see if Angel feels like dancing.” - Cordelia, 2x01 What if Cordelia and Angel did end up dancing together in When She Was Bad?
A Sunnydale Tale by victoriamartynne Rating: T for 13+ Summary: In 1998, Angel befriends Cordelia when the going gets tough. Warning: This fic deals with the aftermath of Cordelia being r**** by a stranger.
In The Driver's Seat by redeem147 Rating: Explicit Summary: Set during When She Was Bad. Not true happiness, but a nice substitute.
Leaving Hell by anr Rating: NC-17 Summary: The Wish (3x09). Wishing can change things, but it doesn't make them better.
Visiting Hours by califi Rating: R for language Summary: Set right after Lovers Walk -BTVS S3. Angel visits Cordy in hospital.
Home Comforts by califi Rating: NC-17 Summary: Written due to requests. Sequel to "Visiting Hours"
Cursed by Chelle Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel has been back from Hell for a while and it’s Halloween.
Liam by SUPERSCAR Rating: R/NC-17 Summary: Instead of returning Angelus’s soul to his body, Willow’s spell somehow returns Liam’s body from 1753 to his soul in 1998. Warning: WIP/Incomplete
Prophecy Boy by wereleopard58 Rating: Explicit Summary: A travel to the past to see the truth of a future.
Best Laid Plans by beforethecalm Rating: K+ Summary: Xander decides to throw a dinner party in Cordelia's honour when she gets out of hospital following the rebar incident. As with all things on the Hellmouth, things go...awry.
Eclipse by Helen Rating: NC-17 Summary: My first (deliberate) p-w-p and its all smut.
Convergence by Helen Rating: NC-17 Summary: Sequel to ECLIPSE and my second (deliberate) p-w-p and like its prequel its all smut.
Time Trip by Dannyblue Rating: PG-13 Summary: Angel and Cordelia travel to a very familiar past.
Promise Me by Misha Rating: PG-13 Summary: Angel and Cordy go to Sunnydale for Christmas to help cheer Angel up when feelings are discovered. Warning: Some Buffy bashing.
Senior Prom by Misha Rating: NC-17 Summary: It's Senior Prom and Angel and Buffy are fighting, again, and break up. Penn finds Angel in Sunnydale and is after Cor, because he saved her, and has to protect her, bringing on some C/A events. Nothing better.
Bittersweet Symphony by LaLa247 Rating: NC-17 Summary: A lonely Cordy visits a lonely Angel.
Angel, Hear My Cry by Samsom Rated: NC-17. Very NC-17. Summary: Cordelia looks to Angel to help her move on.
Ghosts by Samsmom Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel and Cordelia both have secrets. A sequel to Angel, Hear My Cry.
Not Alone by Samsom Rating: PG Summary: Angel goes back in time, and lands on the worst night of Cordy’s life pre-LA.
Thaw by Dazzle Rating: NC-17 Summary: "Amnesia is an ugly, ugly thing." Cordelia's attempt to recapture her memory has dramatic consequences -- first for Angel, then for the rest of the world.
Living A Lie by Ando Rating: NC-17 Summary: Everything goes AU after Angel and Cordelia leave the Library together. Takes place immediately as they leave.
The Fine Line by anneb Rating: NC-17 Summary: This is in response to a challenge posted by Psychofilly back in Sept. 2003 on the ‘Hiatus Challenge thread’. BTVS Season 3 . Unwittingly, Angel gets a dose of demon goo, or hit by an errant spell. He *imprints* on the first person he sees, namely Cordy. Warning: Obsessive behavior and stalking. WIP but worth reading.
In Control by Nickle Rating: NC-17 Summary: Cordy thinks Angel is Buffy’s lapdog. Even in bed. Early S3 BTVS.
39, 23, 59 by SCORCH Rating: NC-17 Summary: And he thought he knew eternity. Spike blackmails Cordelia into seducing Angelus. BTVS S2. Category: HUMOR / SMUT Warning: WIP but worth reading what’s there.
A Little Bit of Bondage, A Whole Lotta Fun by GreatMinds Rating: NC-17 Summary: Psychofilly's challenge based on Sunscorched's Horrible Words thread: How many different, unique ways can Cordy and Angel have sex. Warning: Sketchy consent in spots. Also a WIP but cuts off in a somewhat decent place. Ghost Hunting Cordelia Chase by Samsom Summary: On Halloween Ghost Hunters comes to town and Cordelia is everyone’s choice for bait. Rating: R
My Angel by Growl Snarl Rating: T Summary: Rewrite of the Buffy Premiere Episode Welcome to the Hellmouth & Harvest with a Cordelia/Angel twist.
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xxgoldenheart · 7 months
notes on my game’s main cast:
(keep in mind that this story is a WIP so many details are undecided, such as their specific ages and details in their backstories, and may change in the future)
ROWAN (protagonist):
- he/they (prefers to usually be referred to as ‘he’)
- a knight in his late 20s
- responsible (he’s a knight so he kinda has to be…)
- has a good relationship with his family and friends
- wanted to become a knight just like his big sister wanted ever since they were little
- LOVES birds. loves to get up early to go bird watching
- is a bookworm but most of the books he reads are about birds
- he has like 10 notebooks that he draws birds and writes about them as he goes bird watching
- he himself has a bird !! and said bird comes along during the game’s story despite him trying to leave it in his parents’ care at their house
- SUPER sentimental. mf has an earring thats literally his bird’s feather that fell out once.
- biggest want: to bring justice to all those who deserve it!! and protect the kingdom
- biggest fear: failure, just in general. he doesnt want others to suffer due to his own mistakes
WILLOW (rowan’s sister):
- she/her
- a knight, three years older than rowan
- responsible-er than rowan
- has a good relationship with her family and friends
- had some really shitty friends at one point so she now has trust issues. she has like. 1 knight friend aside from rowan and beau bc of this
- LOVES cats
- has vitiligo so she saw a cat with vitiligo when she was little and pointed it out to her parents excitedly and was like “look!! that cat looks like me!!” and thus her cat obsession begins
- now that she is an adult, she has a calico cat!! and its 2 years old <3
- LOVES baking. not cooking, but baking. bread, pastries, whatever, she loves baking it.
- you walk into her home at 8 in the morning with the scent of fresh bread wafting through the house
- she would be a plant mom if she had more time but she’s busy enough as is
- due to being busy she often leaves her cat in her parents’ care (rowan does the same with his bird)
- biggest want: protect her loved ones. JUST her loved one. there could be an infant on fire and she would still run to rowan first even if he just had a scraped knee (this is an exaggeration i promise)
- biggest fear: loved one (rowan, beau, her cat, rowan’s bird, her parents, or her knight friend) dying
BEAU (rowan and willow’s childhood best friend):
- he/him
- knight same age as rowan
- SO IRRESPONSIBLE how on earth did this man become a knight
- struggles to take serious things seriously (humour is his coping mechanism)
- is in denial whenever anything bad happens ever
- he grew up rich and his dad disapproved when he decided to become a knight alongside rowan and willow instead of inheriting the family business
- his relationship with his parents is a little strained bc of this but they still get along most of the time and love each other
- cares a LOT about fashion (when hes not working ofc)
- he has the BIGGEST wardrobe it’s literally overflowing bc he spends so much money on new clothes and so much time sewing his own clothes
- he constantly makes new clothes for rowan and willow <3
- loves snakes!! they go hsssssss but they make excellent sentient necklaces and look so adorable in tiny hats
- is NOT a morning person. 8am? five more minutes. 9am? five more minutes. 10am? five more minutes. 11am? five more minutes. 12pm? ok maybe he’ll get up now but first, five more minutes
- biggest want: to get with rowan !! he has the biggest crush <3
- biggest fear: getting crushed by a tree
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freekzoutarchive · 6 months
lying ghost collision crying for both
are they good liars? do they have tells to show they’re lying?
they are BOTH worryingly good at lying. funke (until you get to know him) is inscrutable in tone. it's hard to tell when he's being serious or not, if ever. ruth learned from the best: her parents :)
do they believe in ghosts? what are their “ghostly experiences”, if any?
ruth -- no. or so she says. she has had ghostly experiences that she's in denial about. most of them concerning a closet in her grandparents' house that was unnaturally long and the longer it went on the narrower it became, until you were frightfully cramped. every other part of that house's architecture was normal. and it attracted, and possibly even dispensed, Bad Vibes.
funke believes in everything. yetis, draculas, gnomes, pixies, willows AND, yes, even wisps. he claims to have been visited by his grandma's ghost many, many times. sometimes his grandpa, never his dad. he also met the ghost of jackie robinson, but was unable to complete the mission that was asked of him.
what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
anger, primarily, for ruthie. vulnerability, ENVY, self-criticism and external criticism
funke is kind of? well-balanced. he doesn't do so well with intense sadness, though, and grief and rejection and loneliness etc. he is still homesick after all these years but doesn't ever confront that.
what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
ruth cries out of frustration and HATES it. cries when she's overwhelmed. cries when she's meltdown-ing. i feel her soooo much.
funke is super comfortable with other people crying (he is used to eyes watering around him) but not with himself crying. not that he resists it. i don't even think he knows it's an option. this might tie into not being able to process sad feelings very well -- he never lets himself experience it enough to get to the point of shedding a cathartic tear.
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 years
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I was admiring the Winterfest tree when his voice startled me.
"Kid-free weekend, huh?"
My instinct was to hug him, but I didn't. I figured a contactless friendship would be good for now. "They live with me now, so Ali has them on weekends."
He nodded. "They're so big."
"Too big." I was aware we didn't have much time as I didn't want to take him away from his duties for too long, so I got on with my agenda. "So, how've you been? What have you been up to?"
He had a bashful-looking grin as he turned his gaze to the ground. "Well... Ok, I'm just gonna tell you the whole story instead of trying to be vague and brief."
I got nervous and excited about this story he considered hiding from me.
"So, I came to your house, right?"
I nodded.
"That was the end of...kinda like an...awakening I had. I was in a funk before. Felt stuck, you know? I was bored at work and my life wasn't going anywhere... When I realized what I'd done to you, I knew I needed a fresh start because I was holding onto to something I should have let go of long time ago. So I moved."
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I gasped.
How had I not noticed he wasn't living across the street anymore? Maybe that was a good thing and meant my attention was where it needed to be.
"I don't have a family, and that house was much too big for me. Plus, my parents died there... But I realized I was staying for you, and I figured maybe not seeing you every day would help me let go of the past and move forward with whatever comes next. It would probably help both of us."
I nodded slowly as I processed everything. It was still so wild to me he had all these pinned up feelings our whole friendship. Well, I guess I did too, but he was in much worse shape than me. Denial is a beast. How did I never see it?
"I got a new job too," he said.
"Oh nice! What are you doing now?"
"I'm a lab technician at this scientific research company."
My head jerked back in disbelief. "Science?? I've never known you to like science."
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He chuckled. "I'm trying new things, ok? Besides, I think it will suit me. It's a sterile environment, so at least my urges to clean will come in handy."
"Ha! I didn't think of that! So true. Good for you, Dwayne. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Oh! Where did you move to?"
"Cool. I hear it's nice over there."
"It is. I'm liking it."
"Kinda sucks, though. Who's gonna tell me about Willow Creek's crazy laws now?"
"Ohhhh snap. You're right. Well, you're a long-time resident now. I guess you're supposed to know the law. But you can call me when you change your hair again. Can't have you getting arrested and stuff."
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I missed that playful banter. I suppose it didn't matter where he lived since we didn't hang out that much anyway. Maybe now that I've got myself together and have my weekends free, we could see each other more often. Or not? I needed to be alone when I worked on myself, so maybe he did too. But Dwayne was always straightforward. If hanging out with me was going to be a problem, he'd let me know, right?
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cassiaallen · 8 months
Part 6/6 (not including the Jily Wedding Post I will post right after this one) of my Marauders Era series - this time, it’s my take on Lily Evans’s life!
As per usual, I was massively inspired by @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta, @moonlightdancer26, and @halfblood-princes-crown - thank you again! 🙏🏻
Lily Evans's Journey
Full name: Lily Potter (née Evans)
DOB: 30.01.1960
Born in: Cokeworth
Parents: Dorothy & Robert Evans
House: Gryffindor
In Hogwarts: 1971-1978
-is best friends with her older sister Petunia
-they spend most of their time together
-notices her magical abilities at around 7, but believes they’re just coincidences
-meets Sev at age 9 and they get along really well
-Lily now spends most of her time with him, especially because he can tell her so much about magic
-Minerva McGonagall brings her her Hogwarts letter and explains everything to her family
-everyone except Petunia is excited
-Petunia is devastated when she finds out that she can’t go and because of all the attention Lily receives
-re. Petunia: first, the magical world takes away her sister (Lily spending more time with Sev), and now they’re taking away her parents's love and attention (that’s how she feels and what contributes to her hatred of magic)
-Platform 9 3/4 Scene
-Lily is truly sad that her sister can’t go, but at the same time she is happy to go to this new exciting place with a familiar person (Sev)
-takes an immediate dislike to J&S on the train and is even more upset when they’re in the same House
-is forced to make new friends as she doesn’t share many classes with Sev
-becomes best friends with Mary MacDonald and gets along well with the other girls in Gryffindor
-she still likes Sev, but focuses more on her new friends
-struggled a bit academically in year 1, but after that she becomes a pro
-most of her friends/House mates are very anti-Slytherin and that influences her (and her friendship with Sev) a little
-doesn’t see much of the M bullying Sev and he certainly never tells her
-has a few crushes here and there, but no real relationship
-appreciates that J is a muggle(-born) supporter, but otherwise despised him for the first 3/4 years
-she is fascinated by his good looks though and that is what first sparks her interest in J
-WWI in February 1976
-she heard J talking about heroically saving Sev from the "Whomping Willow danger"
-confronts Sev "you’re being really ungrateful"
-she still likes Sev, but is more interested in her Gryffindor people
-the more she becomes aware of the war and her muggle-born status, the more she wants to distance herself from anything Slytherin related (eventually Sev as well [before the Lake Incident])
-spends less and less time with Sev even though he didn’t harm her in any way, she just associated him with harmful people
-Lake Incident; she is hanging out with Mary and the other Gryffindor girls before "intervening"
-is a bit sad about "leaving" Sev, but secretly glad she won’t be associated with him/Dark Arts anymore
-basically spends all her time with Mary, studying, helping younger students (as a Prefect)
-in the summer of 1976 she finds herself thinking about J a lot
-prepares for her NEWTS in year 6 and occasionally talks to J (largely ignores his bullying)
-starts catching feelings for J but is in denial
-is shocked to see the Head Boy badge on him (both because of her original dislike of him and because of her new feelings for him that she doesn’t want to confront)
-she sees that J is no longer bullying people (nvm he’s still bullying Sev) and thinks she can maybe give him a chance (plus, J does grow up a bit and shows her more of his nice side)
-they have their first date on Valentine’s Day 1978
-they officially become a couple on 31.03.1978
-[James's Journey + Jily Wedding]
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101flavoursofweird · 1 year
Hunter for the meme :3
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Thank you for the Owl House ask!
I’m so totally normal about Hunter. He doesn’t make me want to cry at all :’) I don’t project onto his character but I do feel very sorry for him. I really hope he gets a happy ending, after everything he’s been through! I hope he gets, like, 5 good parental figures to adopt him, and he gets to go to Hexside or stay in the Human Realm or whatever he wants. And I hope he gets to date Willow, if that’s what both of them want.
That said, I do sometimes miss when Hunter was a little bit of a brat. Not the ‘I’m going to follow my uncle’s evil plans to the end of the Earth!’ kind of brat, or when he tricked the Emerald Entrails. I mean like in Labyrinth Runners when he tried to intimidate Gus but failed miserably, or when he refused to open up to Gus and he was acting all edgy. The gang are allowed to make fun of him when he’s acting like that.
The ending of Season 3 didn’t happen :’) I’m not in denial at all
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knwtqm · 1 year
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Im back with more incorrext text post
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unpossession · 2 years
Attendance  at   the  will  reading  was  scarce;    Willow was not surprised to find, sitting amongst the rows of empty seats with one leg crossed over the other, picking at a loose thread in her tights, that aside from herself only three people showed up. Of the three people in the room with Willow, two were lawyers. So really, those who stood to inherit anything at all was whittled down to two:   Willow, and her cousin, Hugo. Their large family used to be so tight-knit, but death after untimely death seems to have thinned the herd to near extinction. Old grudges, too, have had that effect. In fact, if Willow didn’t have to be here she might have skipped the whole thing entirely herself, being estranged from those she was about to inherit her whole life from. 
Charlie initially insisted on joining Willow for support, which was sweet, but her indifference on the topic of her visit unnerved them enough to withdraw the offer when Willow gave them a chance. Charlie had seen this kind of denial before, and the blank look in Willow’s eyes only meant that the more meddling that went on, the more annoyed she would become. The more likely she was going to lash out at any given moment. Willow notoriously needs her space in this country, it’s a very different story with those she has befriended lately. She doesn’t like to be known the way that Charlie knows her. Knew her. It’s fucking embarrassing, to be frank, for someone to remember what she was like before the book. Before everything, not that Willow likes either version of herself too much. 
...But these were thoughts for the taxi there. In the room, Willow was only thinking of one thing: Getting the fuck out of it. 
Because of the small turnout, it meant that the attendees were forced into conversation. Willow had purposely, prior to this, avoided Hugo at all costs. To be alone with him now and feeling his sadness weigh heavier than her own, was near unbearable, with his probing questions and the glare in his eyes that let her know he was reading her the way he used to when she was younger. 
Hugo was like a brother to Willow at one point. Incredibly close with her father and always locking her in the old dumbwaiter in his parent’s house when she visited, banging on the door pretending that she was trapped forever, doomed to a short and cramped and starved existence until one of the adults noticed she was gone. As Hugo got older, he became less interested in her, more interested in his music; he’d discovered the secret to score-writing, absorbed wholly with the process of sound, of emotion. He’d discovered what Willow has always struggled to see about herself. That they were gifted.
Hugo, ever the academic, was a quick study. When he realised he could feel the emotions of those around him, he was fast in understanding that he could also manipulate them. It bothered him what Willow never acknowledged that they could do the same, and eventually as she matured and allowed herself to be ruled by feeling, they drifted further apart. Playful jabs at one another became laced with actual malice. Their relationship deteriorated even further after her book was published. 
Still, they’re family, and he’s all she has left now. They both are.
             “Hey,”          He was never any good at dealing with Willow when she was upset, though. Her feelings were too big, ever present. Standing behind her now, a warm hand on her shoulder, he’s unsettled by the lack of anything at all coming off of her. Melancholy usually rolls off of her in waves. Even more disconcerting is the glassy look in her eyes as she turns, the shell-shock pallor of her face is nothing new, but the void where her eyes used to be... He searches for something behind them, anything... And comes up blank.  Hugo pulls her into a hug. The first time they’ve embraced since they were children.       “I’m sorry. I’ve tried calling you. I didn’t know if you were coming.” 
           “Hi...”       Willow’s voice is strange, she returns the hug tightly but remains guarded. Stunted. She feels frail in his arms.       “I decided last minute.”
Nothing about the missed calls, then. He assumes they were intentional. Silence falls over them, and continues even after they part. Willow has nothing to say, and for the first time in a long time, Hugo can’t think of anything either. They return to their seats. This time, Hugo takes the chair beside her.
           “Where are you staying?”      It’s not what he wants to ask, but he doesn’t want to rattle her. Not today.  
           “You two are still friends? I thought...”  
           “They forgave me,”          Willow answers him with her usual deadpan tone. It begins to worry him. Talking to her has never been so difficult, even when... He watches her straighten the ribbon around her neck, something he used to tease her about.           “They know I was... I wasn’t right in the head, back then.” 
Looking at her now, Hugo doubts that she’s right in the head. How can she be? To flee the country and only return for this. 
         “You didn’t come to the funeral.”        
         “I couldn’t.” 
         “You could have. You just--” 
         “I couldn’t.”    She warns him not to continue this line of questioning with a glare, anger rolls off of her and quickly dampens when she catches it herself. Hugo thinks for a moment he even sees tears in her eyes. 
         “It was a beautiful ceremony. You should have---” 
         “It was two empty coffins. I didn’t miss--”     It’s not like Willow to be this callous. Hugo leans away from her, looking wounded.
          “Willow,”    He doesn’t feel any guilt coming off of her at all. It worries him. He puts his hand over her own, resting on her knee.     “You know that’s not the point. The point is closure, the point is that--”            “Hugo, I couldn’t,”        Trembling now, she turns to him fully. There’s nothing behind her eyes. He’d be proud, if this wasn’t the worst time imaginable to discover the ability to disconnect. It frightens him that she isn’t sad, that she isn’t guilt-ridden and suffering, that he can’t play the role that he wants to play for her. Maybe it was stupid, but he wanted to be here for her. Reconcile. She’s making it clear that she doesn’t need him. As if she can read his mind, she elaborates:        “I’m sorry. I couldn’t be here. It wasn’t-- it wasn’t an option. And I’m sorry. Everyone is expecting me to cry and crumble and I just-- that’s not an option either. I’m sorry.” 
          “Right. Okay,”           Hugo squeezes her hand. She remains cold under his touch. She doesn’t move. She doesn’t feel. He begins to feel sick, being around her, but he wont be the one to leave her entirely alone. Hugo tries a different approach, his voice hushed.      “I’m thinking of moving to LA. We could be a little closer...” 
        “Don’t do that on my account, you love it here.”     Willow looks ahead, staring down the lawyers, talking amongst themselves. She wants to leave. She wants to get this done. 
        “Money’s better. I could do more projects... Meet your new friends. Can I visit? Can I at least do that?”            Hugo asks, and Willow has to give him credit; this is the most he’s admitted to caring about her in a decade.             
       “I don’t have a spare room.”  
       “That’s not what I’m asking.” 
       “They don’t know.”      A pang of guilt comes off of Willow, then mellows out. Suppressed. He’s sure she’s doing it on purpose. 
       “Don’t know what?” 
       “Any of this.”          Willow’s voice is clipped, uncomfortable.
       “Any of..?”        It takes him a few seconds to understand, and when he does, his worries double, triple, quadruple. He leans in, but Willow insists on looking straight ahead. She takes her hand away from him, she pulls her hair around her neck and hunches her shoulders. Cringing away from him.   “Willow--” 
He’s horrified, mostly because Willow has never been one to hide her sorrow. Often crying in public, lamenting in her journals, sighing deeply into bus windows. She has never been secretive about her suffering. If the people that are living with her don’t even know what’s going on, her friends, her new family ---  She’s changed, and he thinks not for the better. The woman sitting beside him now, cold, far-away from herself, is not his cousin. She’s not the kid that he grew up with. She’s a husk --- 
He’s about to write her off, but the dam breaks suddenly, quickly. Shame. Heavy, hot. Permeating the room. Her tears collect beneath her chin. He knows, suddenly, that she is afraid to move. Afraid to feel. Hugo watches her, waiting. Coaxing her to feel a little more, manipulating... Share, Willow. Share.
       “They wouldn’t look at me the same,”         Willow sniffles, dabbing at her tears with the back of her hand.          “I-- I’d be too much. Like before.” 
Hugo holds her hand again. This time, she squeezes his fingers hard enough to turn them white. Then, as soon as she’s given a breather, she closes the tap. She turns it off. She steels herself in time to hear from the lawyers her bounty, the reward for being orphaned:  Her childhood home; her father’s car; her mother’s jewelry; the old house that ruined her life; the money. 
                  “I don’t want any of it,”     She confided in Hugo.          “I don’t deserve it.” 
She surrendered the car and the houses to Hugo before leaving.
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marjaystuff · 6 months
Interview with Amy Vastine
His Texas Runaway Bride by Amy Vastine is the last in the “Stop the Wedding Series.” It seems the author saved the best for the last. 
This story opens with the heroine, Willow Sanderson, about to walk down the alter when she realizes she does not want to be a Dallas trophy wife. She leaves and flees to the small town of Maple Grove Texas where she lucks out and finds a job as the nanny to the sheriff’s four-year-old son, Camden. She makes friends easily and is attracted to Sheriff Bryce Koller.  
Willow becomes suspicious as to why Camden is always thirsty, has tingling in his fingers, and is told he has lost some weight.  At first, her suspicions and recommendation that Camden be tested for diabetes is resisted by Bryce.  But with her insistence they go to the pediatrician where the diagnosis is confirmed. The three of them fall into a routine where each care for the other. 
Readers are spellbound, wondering will Willow go back to her fiancé or will she stay and become a family with Bryce and Camden.  This is a very heartwarming book where the characters come alive.
Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story and series?
Amy Vastine:  This is the last book in the series, and I had not written about a runaway bride yet. I wanted a conflict right from the beginning and what better than a runaway bride.
EC:  How would you describe Willow?
AV: She always did what is expected. Not a complainer.  Thoughtful, dainty, calm, inquisitive, passionate, and positive. She grew up to be expected to be a people pleaser.  She is hiding because she does not want to face the music of having a lot of people upset with her.  Her fiancé and parents never asked her how she felt and seemed to not respect her.
EC:  How about her parents?
AV:  Domineering, dictating, demanding, and controlling. She never stood up for herself.  She was always compliant, giving off the impression that her parents were doing nothing wrong. They were always judgmental. 
EC:  Did you get the idea for the Off-Limits room from “Beauty and the Beast”?
AV: I did not make that connection.  I often think about if you lose someone special there is something that must be kept personal.  It is a little “Beauty and the Beast.”
EC:  How would you describe Bryce?
AV:  Kind, protective, gentle, respectful, charming, and funny. He is a nervous dad.  He is doing both the mom and dad stuff, which is very overwhelming. 
EC:  What about the relationship?
AV: They both have secrets, are stubborn, and are in denial.  At times they act as partners.  She is a good complement to him and vice versa. She recognizes that he has her back, is very forgiving, and is caring. She was always raised to a held to a higher standard, but he does not do that.
EC:  What was the role of Bryce’s son, Camden?
AV:  He is the reason they connected. He is also the reason that Willow comes full circle.  She gets the chance to get back to nursing once again. 
EC:  Why give Camden diabetes?
AV:  My dad and grandfather had diabetes. It could be something that a parent might not realize. But a medical professional might connect the dots.  I wanted to put in the symptoms one could look for and there are a lot of ways to monitor it.  I work at a school with middle schoolers and there are children with built in monitors into their arms. What my dad hated the most is getting pricked in the finger. So, I allowed Camden to have a better quality of life with the monitor. 
EC:  What was the role of the teenage dog walker, Daisy?
AV:  She is a rebellious teenager.  She was one of many ragtag characters that need a family.  There is the grandma type neighbor, June, and Daisy and Camden and even the hero and heroine Willow and Bryce who need a family. They support each other and treat each other as a family. They take care of each other.  In Daisy’s case she is gruff but caring and kind.  She is street smart and will do well in life. In her own way she is industrious. 
EC:  Next books?
AV:  I am working on the fourth book of the series I write with the other authors; about the Blackwell sisters.  It will be out in November 2024 and is titled A Cowgirl Thanksgiving. The general arc has sisters who were part of a rodeo performance group including trick riding. They had a little bit of a falling out as they got older.  Now their mother is being inducted into the rodeo hall of fame.  The five books have the girls reuniting to perform one final performance as a group to honor their mom. My character wants to deny her past life and is resistant to coming back. Melinda Curtis is writing the first book of the series coming out in the summer of 2024, Carol Ross, the second one, Anna J. Stewart the third, I am the fourth, and Cari Lynn Webb is the last one. 
I just sold a new series to Harlequin. It is set in the New England area based around a family-owned hotel.  The first one comes out in the summer of 2025. 
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theartsynoodle · 3 years
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im now invested in this
basically, its two years later and luz is still on the boiling isles.
more info under
- luz has basically developed a hero complex and thinks she has to be the hero, or she has no value in the world
- so she constantly takes on these missions that are extremely dangerous and it gives everyone around her a heart attack because she’ll come back burnt to a crisp like “ hey guys whats up :D”
- shes in deep deep denial that there is no way home for her yet and acts like nothing is wrong
- at the time of this, belos was overthrown about 6 months prior and the boiling isles is sort of a mess
- everyone is getting used to belos being gone and people keep worshiping luz as their next leader to cope. the owl gang is vastly uncomfortable
Non-Luz centric things
- king is taller and bigger now, hes got fluff and his horn is growing. hes kinda acting like an emo teen at this stage
- they havent cured eda and liilths curse yet, but its remained at bay for a long time and theyre still fine using potions. its still a work in progress.
- that being said, theyve really gotten the hang of using glyphs, but no one beats luz.
- eda and lilith are mostly on good terms, its a little tense but theyve worked through it.
- eda has started to refer to luz as “her kid” and daughter. she fully admits to being her second mom
-lilith’s hair has completely grown out and returned to its natural red-curly state. she also has her glasses again.
- amity and gus are good friends
-azura book club is a thing, gus and willow show up sometimes but its mostly just amity and luz
- gus is now taller than both amity and willow by a few inches.
- willow has started to run a small plant business on the side. she supplies all the flowers for grom.
- amity has cut her hair and separated herself from her family. she still talks to her siblings, but refuses to speak to her parents. she couch hops between the owl house, gus’s house, and willow’s house.
- all the kids are in their third year of high school, (Luz, Amity, Willow are 16, Gus is 14) while the twins and detention track kids have graduated.
- gus runs the human appreciation society again with luz, matt is on thin ice but is allowed to stay.
-willow and amity are on good terms and have talked everything out. amity still apologizes all the time and gifts willow various things to help with her plant business. (pots, fertilizer, new seeds, etc.)
-boscha still hates the kids but doesnt relentlessly harass them anymore.
thats all :)
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Hey, I am a little off about what happens in your Au, and was wondering if you could break down what happens in the first series of warrior cats in YOUR Au.
For the first series not much changes! atleast so far I havent changed too much but, that could change at any point lolol.
But this does give me a chance to write out and elaborate on some things/ ideas that I haven't mentioned yet!
The main differences so far are as follows:
Thistleclaw was the son of Pinestar and Leopardfoot instead of Tigerclaw, this is where Thistle got his hatred for outsiders from! I know that's not really a part of the first series but its good backstory!
Tigerclaw is Thistleclaw's son and Whitestorm's brother from the same litter, and he learned his hatred for outsiders from his father. He grew to be much more like his dad then Whitestorm, mostly caused by him also being mentored by Thistleclaw
Sandstorm's parents are Redtail and Birdflight (Runningwind). Something I havent mentioned is I think that a lot of her attitude and anger issues are caused by her mourning and not being able to process her father's death, along will her struggling with high expectations since she was a deputy's kit.
Dustpelt and Ravenpaw are Dappletail and Stormtail's kits, and are deeply effected by the high expectations of the clan since they are half siblings of Bluestar.
Dapple and Storm also had two other kits before Dust and Raven! These kits are Downnose and Cricketstep! they are very good warriors, which is an added pressure on Dust and raven since their siblings have lived up to the clans expectations.
Another idea that I had and havent mentioned was for Dustpelt to be mentored by Downnose after Redtail died, apparently he was mentored by Darkstripe but I don't even remember that lol, and this would give more Downnose content!
Another thing that I haven't had a chance to mention yet is Darkstripe and Greystripe's parentage! Their mother is Willowpelt but their dad? he's unknown. She cats are allowed to just not say who the sire of their kits are, but this leaves people with a lot of questions.... In truth Willow had taken a mate from outside of Thunderclan, I haven't decided who, and it doesn't matter much, but she had Darkstripe with this cat. Over time as Dark grew up he realized that his mother must have had an affair outside of the clan, and since he was mentored by Tigerclaw, this upset him greatly, he became in denial about his parentage, distanced himself from his mother, and spent his time trying to prove himself as the biggest outsider hater of all and Tigerclaw follower. When Willow had Greystripe, it was obvious it was with the same cat, he looked so similar to Darkstripe, just lighter in color, which just enraged Dark more, he basically decided to ignore that Grey was his brother at all and Grey grew up barely knowing Dark, but not really liking him.
Firepaw does not have a crush on Spottedleaf and Spotted def does not have feelings for him! Spotted views him as a little brother, and took it upon herself to guide him because of the prophecy that she received. Her death was impactful to Fire because it felt like the death of a sister, and someone who believed in him and did not doubt him for being a kittypet.
Swiftpaw is Tigerclaw and Goldenflower's son! His death was caused by his own father!
All throughout the series Longtail and Fire's relationship has progressed though slower than Sand and Fire's, and after Swift's death thing come to a head and they comfort each other over the loss and become officially friends, and after this Longtail is outwardly a Fireheart stan!
Bramblekit does not look like Tigerclaw, at least he doesn't look like him in pelt color, he is gold like his mom, and has a slightly softer personality, (though this more so progresses when he grows older in the second arc and has character development)
Fireheart does NOT hate Tigerclaw's kits for being Tigerclaw's kits, idk if I've mentioned that yet, but that never made since to me, I feel like he would be one of their main defenders since he to suffered from judgement for his blood and origins.
I think I want to have Bloodclan not be an evil force, but instead an edgy tough group of cats who are just trying to survive. And instead of Tigerstar coming to them for their help, Fire comes to them instead. I got this idea from a post bit I cant find the post rn but I know I reblogged it at some point, but It basically described just this! and It makes since! Especially for what I want the first series to set up! I want it to symbolize the fall of old ideals and the beginning of a new era led by newer ideals. Firestar is willing to embrace the help of outsiders to protect the clans, and the side who is willing to except change and outsiders, is the side that wins in the end!
After the battle Fire and Longtail become mates (Fire and Sand became mates before the battle) Both Fire and Sand are poly in my au!
Finally after the battle before Ravenpaw returns to the barn with Barley, Fire gives him a warrior name, "Ravencall" for his bravery to speak out and tell others about what he had seen Tigerclaw do, and for his growth in confidence, now not hesitating to state his thought and opinions! after this Fire tells Ravencall that he will always have a place in Thunderclan if he so choses, but he understand just the same if Raven wishes to return to the barn, and he does (though in the second arc he actually will rejoin thunderclan!)
I think that this is all my ideas so far???? hopefully I haven't forgot anything! I think I will post this list a second time, and I will edit it add I change or add new ideas! and I will link it in my pinned post! also I can add it to my Drive!
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