#will take one (1) bite and go 'oh that's rich isn't it? ://' and let you eat the rest
incendiorum · 4 months
io doesn't have a big sweet tooth at all. in fact, most desserts make them wrinkle their nose in disgust. there are, however, exceptions to this. ice cream, especially ice cream with fruit, dark chocolate, and fruit pies. otherwise they greatly prefer natural sweet things like honey or again... fruit.
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thenewausten · 3 months
Quackity Imagine: It's not too late. Part 1: "You don't change, do you?"
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When you dated Quackity in 2018 and when you broke up one year later, in 2019, you didn't want to nor expect to see him ever again. Like, never. But for some reason, to make your night even worse, maybe, he's in front of you right 'fuckin now. "Oh, God." You whisper. He's different. More handsome, for sure. His hair is bigger, he's healthier and seems to be happier aswell. Well, good for him. You're terrible. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asks as he sees your blurred makeup (we can say you've been crying in the bathroom). "I'm fine." He approaches you a little and you move away. "Hey, it's okay. I don't bite." He says and you roll your eyes. "Do you still hate me, Y/N?" Alex seems to be chocked when you don't answer. "Really?"
"Really, what? I mentioned you to my therapist last week, I wasn't expecting to see you ever again." You say, a little irritated. "I'm sorry, okay?" You sniff your nose and wipe your tears. "Can I help you somehow?" Alex asks, approaching you again. "You can leave and promise you won't talk to me again."
"I can't do that, Y/N." He answers. "Why not? It was very easy for you to get out of my life in 2019." You, Alex and even the fly in the air heard the bitterness in your voice.
"I'm sorry, we can talk about it later, but I won't let you here in this state." He says. "Please, Y/N."
"Fine." You say, angry. "Can you take me to a calm place, please?" You ask him and he nods.
You follow Alex to the exit of the party. Shit, when you bought your beautiful green dress you didn't know it would end with you getting in the car of your ex-boyfriend.
"Can I drive to the beach?" He asks and you nod, quietly and, of course, crying. "There's a box of wet wipes in the glove compartment if you want to use them."
"My makeup isn't that bad." You say and he laughs a little. "Yes, it's." You roll your eyes and open the glove compartment. "Do you have a girlfriend?" You ask. "No, you?"
"I was engaged but my boyfriend broke up with me that night, so..." You shrug. "What an asshole." He whispers. "You did the same, shut up." You say and Alex ignores you, instead, he asks: "Why did he break up, Y/N?"
"I think he got tired of cheating on me." You said and Alex sighed. "Well, at least I never cheated on you." He jokes and you roll your eyes. "Fuck you, Alex."
"Sorry." He says. "I actually want to drink so badly." You whisper. "I can buy some wine and then we can go to the beach, what do you think?"
"It seems like our old dates." You mumble and he laughs. "Shit, that's true."
"You don't change, do you?" Alex opens his mouth to answer but then closes it again, and then, says: "Well, I can say that if I took a girl out on a date nowadays, it wouldn't be on a beach to drink wine." He says. "What? Did you get rich?!" You ask with a ironic smirk on your face. "No, but I have better conditions and more sense." You laugh. "That's new."
"Oh, shut up." He laughs. "I'm a different man, Y/N."
"I believe in you, Alex. You're probably worse than before."
"Jesus Christ." He mumbles and stop his car in front of a supermarket. "I'm going to buy the wine, do you want something else?" He starts to get out of his car. "Can you buy me a chocolate bar, cheetos and a pair of slippers?"
"Whatever you want, princess." He says, you roll your eyes and watch Alex approaches even more of the supermarket. Damn, you felt terrible. Your groom was cheating on you and broke up with you and now you're with your ex boyfriend which you never got over. You were willing to move on, you always were, but you never did. You even got engaged and still couldn't get over Alex completely. You start to cry again, now because of him. Why your 'fuckin brain, heart and stomach couldn't understand he's not yours and will never be?! Not again?
You had Alex for a fraction of time and it was enough to want him forever. What a joke you were.
You wipe your tears as you see him coming back, he opens the car and gives you the bag. "How much do I owe you?" You ask. "Don't worry." He says. "Good, I don't have any money with me." He laughs. "Thank you, by the way."
"Oh, so you know how to say it, uh?" He starts to drive again and you smile a little as you open the bag and see your favourite chocolate bar. "My favourite. You remembered." He nods. "I used to buy it to you every month, how could I forget?" You smile again and grabs the slippers. Your number. "You have a good memory."
"Yes, I have." He stops and you see you're already on the beach. Alex takes the bag on your lap with an "excuse me" and opens his door. While you take off your heels to put on your slippers, he opens the door for you to leave.
"I have a towel here, wait." He opens his car and grabs the towel. A Mexico flag. You giggle a little and then follow him to the beach, he puts the towel on the sand and sits in it, you do the same. "Here." He gives you the wine and you open it. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"My therapist will lose her mind when I tell her what happened." You whisper and he laughs. "I'm serious. 'Oh, yeah, my groom was cheating on me and then he broke up with me, then I saw my first boyfriend... Yeah, that one you made me block in every social media! And then we went to the beach so we could talk.' She'll die."
"What? Did you block me in every social media?" He asks, confused. "Uhum." You drink the wine while Alex's still in silence. "That's why I couldn't find you on Instagram." He whispers. "Did you try to? Why?" You're the one confused right now. "I just... I wanted to see how you were, I guess."
"You're seeing now, I'm a piece of shit." You answer, drinking again. "You look good, actually." He says and you roll your eyes. The last piece of your heart is gone and it's Alex's fault. "So, what do you do?" He asks. "I have a Coffe Shop with a friend and a Flower Shop with my mom." You answer him. "That's so cool. How's your mom?"
"She's good." You answer. "Can you take me to my house? I want to cry so badly right now."
"Sure, but... I mean, is it good to be by yourself right now?" It's better than be with you, you thought. "I live with my friend. She's actually my best friend."
"Okay." He gets up and helps you to, he opens the door of his car for you and then enters on the other side. "Can you pass me your address?" You nod, telling you his address and watching put it on GPS. The drive to your house is a bit silently, when Alex stops in front of a cute house with a beautiful garden, you look at him."Yeah, it wasn't that bad to see you. Thanks for the ride." You start to open the door to get out but Alex holds your arm. "Wait, please." He says as you look at his face. "Can I see you again?"
"What? Why?" You ask him, so chocked you almost screamed. You expected to never see him again after this night. "Because I want to talk about what happened."
"The past is the past, Alex. It stays behind." You say. Oh, fuck you, you couldn't even forget him, what was you saying?! "Really, Y/N?" He's ironic in his words and you sigh. "I don't want you to pass your whole life hating me and don't living in peace with yourself." You didn't know what to say, but you nod. "Okay, I'll pass you my number." You say, automatically. Alex gives you his phone so you can put your number there. "Thanks."
"Goodbye, Alex."
"See you soon, Y/N."
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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mirikitakato · 3 months
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Owen, I feel like you can't stop mentioning Cain in everything you say lol I love it though
Characters: Owen, Akira (mentioning Cain)
Episode 1: A Sweet and Salty Moment.
Owen: Ha. It's been quite a while since I last had such a dull mission...
Owen: It's not merely a bit dull; it's being exaggerated to an extreme extent. You can just ignore it, you know?
The mission assigned to the Northern wizards that day was a result of the Great Calamity's influence, leading to a house cat turning aggressive.
Akira: It was utter chaos.
Owen helped a bunch by talking to the cat and calming it down.
Owen: Those guys are useless, I have no choice but to talk to it.
Owen: Well...the twins tried their best to act like super cute kids, but they were thoroughly disliked, Mithra and Bradley even got threatened by the cat. That was genuinely amusing and fun to watch.
Akira: Ahaha...Once the mission was over, everyone immediately disbanded.
Akira: I wished we could have gone to the shop together. You all came all the way here, but I couldn't offer anything as an apology. I'm truly sorry.
Owen: Doesn't matter. Besides, you don't get rewarded for being the first to run away.
Owen: Instead of that, don't you think you owe me for this mission? Take me to that store quickly.
Akira: Of course! Let me treat you as a token of appreciation.
Akira: That café is recommended by Cain. The decor is very stylish, and the atmosphere is great.
Owen: Heh...Is there a sweet treat that looks like someone's brain has melted and blended into a gooey, sugary snack?
Akira: Pr-probably...? The menu of that shop is very rich, and their most famous item is the baked sea salt cake.
Owen: Salt…? Cake with salt?
Akira: Yes! The salty-sweet combination is addictive.
Akira: You should give it a try...It should be nearby, I'll lead the way.
Owen: Hey... we've been walking for quite a while. Are we there yet?
Akira: Huh? That's odd...
Ten more minutes passed as we continued our search, but the desired café with its blue roof and round sign remained elusive.
Akira: With its blue roof and round sign, it should be easily recognizable...
Owen: ....
Episode 2: A Sweet and Salty Moment.
Akira: Owen, sorry for making you wander around like this. Are you tired...?
Owen: ...Not really.
I thought he'd be in a bad mood since I got him lost, but surprisingly, he wasn't unhappy, which confused me.
Owen: But, I'm thirsty. So, just continue looking for that store alone. Call me if you find it.
Akira: Eh? Ah, Owen!
Owen: Blue roof and round sign…
Owen: (I guess it's this one…)
Owen: ....
Owen: (I can see them clearly from the window seat. That person is still searching for this store in a daze.)
Owen: Amusing. Sir Sage doesn't have a clue that a camouflage spell has been cast on them, and they're still wandering around the same place over and over...
Owen: Haha... Let's just sit back and enjoy the spectacle for a bit.
Owen: (Although they occasionally gets angry, that person is surprisingly tough and won’t break easily. A very good toy indeed.)
Owen: ...Now you mention it, they said the sea salt cake in this store was delicious.
Owen: (Salty cake, but I doubt it's yummy...)
Owen: Oh well, just one bite.
Akira: This path isn't right either...ugh, so confusing.
I tilted my head in confusion and looked at the map in my hand. Still couldn't find the destination, I sighed countless times.
Akira: (It feels like I have been wandering in the same place since the beginning. I don’t even know where Owen went...)
While thinking this, I looked around again and turned the corner of a certain building, then...
Akira: Ah.........I found it!
A store with a blue roof and a round sign. The exquisite and lovely decoration is exactly the same as when I visited before.
Akira: Owen, Owen. I found the shop!
Akira: (He said to call him if I find it. Guess he didn’t go far...)
Akira: Ah...
Seated by the window in the café, Owen rested his chin on his hands, casting a look as if he was watching a show.
A sense of déjà vu washed over me; it felt like I had witnessed this scene before.
Episode 3: A Sweet and Salty Moment.
Akira: Owen!
Except for Owen, who was sitting alone by the window, there were no other customers in the shop. He slowly blinked his different-colored pupils, before casually directing his gaze toward me.
Akira: Great, you got here first. I have no idea why I've been lost for so long...
Owen: I know. I have been watching.
Akira: Eh? Have you been watching me? Since when…?
Owen: Right from the beginning, I used a camouflage spell on you to prevent you from seeing the shop and made you roam in circles, all while observing your bewildered expression.
Akira: So that's why!? When did you cast that kind of magic...?
Owen: Who knows. Thanks to this, I can see your embarrassed and stupid look.
I sighed, wiped sweat off my forehead, and saw Owen happily lift the corners of his mouth. His eyes, concealing their true meaning, formed a curve. It brought back the familiar sensation from when our eyes met outside the store.
Akira: (Speaking of which, when I first met Owen, I was searching for him too... I glanced up, and there he was, staring at me in the same way.)
Akira: (Gazing into those different-colored eyes that seemingly smiling, left a profound impression...)
Remembering the purple sunset on the castle balcony and the enchantingly eerie purple clouds from our initial conversation, I suddenly felt nostalgic.
Akira: (Reminiscing about our first encounter and now sharing afternoon tea like this...it makes me so happy...)
Owen: What's wrong with you? Why are you still laughing when I've obviously made you walk around in vain?
Akira: Ah, no! It's nothing...Oh, Owen. Is this the salty cake?
There sat a small round cake in front of Owen, with some of its white cream already devoured.
Akira: You ordered it! How do you like it? In my world, this kind of dessert is quite popular.
Owen: Yeah. A salty cake, I don't know how to describe it...
Lifting up his chin, Owen thrust the fork into the cake in one swift motion. He then slowly brought the forked piece to his mouth.
Owen: ...But it's not bad.
Licking the cream from the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue, Owen tilted his head slightly and shook his fork.
Akira: (Although there are times he is inconsistent and difficult to get along with, but I can feel that we are getting closer little by little.)
Akira: (It would be great if I could share more and more things with Owen like this.)
Owen: Huh?
Owen slowly raised his eyelids. Then, with a somewhat mocking look, he gently pointed the tip of the fork at me.
Owen: You can try it. But if it doesn't suit your taste, don't blame me.
This movement, along with the slightly narrowed eyes behind the brim of the hat, seemed a bit different from when we first met.
Card Episode: Owen And The Door Of Days Bygone...
Akira: I heard that on the shores of Borda Isle, there is a door that allows you to see the past.
Akira: Speaking of the past, when I first came to this world, I still had a lot of uneasiness in my heart. Once I recall a certain memory, I feel at ease.
Owen: A certain memory?
Akira: Yes. The memory of a trusted adult reading a book to me as a child.
Owen: Hmm, sounds dreadfully boring.
Akira: B-boring...
Owen: It suits you, though.
Akira: How do you usually comfort yourself when feeling lonely?
Owen: Think of you.
Akira: Eh...
Owen: I think of...
Owen: Your scream as a gigantic dog almost gnawed you to bits and your teary face when abandoned all alone...
Akira: Ple-please stop talking.
Owen: Don't like it?
Akira: I don't. If you suddenly decide to act on those thoughts, I'd be in deep trouble.
Owen: Exactly the kind of thing I'd do.
Akira: Is there nothing else? Ways to comfort loneliness…
Owen: Who knows. I've never known loneliness or anything of the sort.
Owen: If you don't want to feel lonely, why not just be with others?
Akira: Do you mean making friends?
Owen: Of course not. I mean toying with people for my amusement.
Owen: Because there are plenty of humans and weak wizards that can be treated like playthings.
Owen: Threaten them, watch them squirm in terror, and you won't be bored anymore.
Akira: That's too extreme...Have you really done that to someone?
Owen: Of course I have.
Akira: Who...
Owen: The owner of this eyeball.
Akira: Ah...
Akira: …But, you two are friends now, right?
Owen: As if!
Akira: But if you can begrudgingly become friends despite all this...
Owen: I said no. We won't be friends. Are you stupid?
Owen: I've always done things that Sir Knight hates. Same goes for you.
Akira: Eh...?
Owen: I only do nasty things to you. I won't do anything good in the future either.
Owen: Whether I'm alone or you're alone, what you said just now was incredibly stupid.
Owen: Can't believe you said that having someone read a book to you can alleviate your loneliness.
Akira: Ah…No. I mean it's a memory that can comfort…
Owen: Same difference.
Owen: Even without an adult reading to you, you'd still find comfort in an imaginary character within a book, right?
Akira: Eh?
Owen: ...Incredibly boring.
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arachnesbich · 2 years
Lab Rats!Jason Todd pt. 2
I know that Lab Rats isn't a popular fandom (or at least not much with the batman fandom), but I'm on a role and I ran out of space on my last post.
Link to Part 1
And this is where my thought process goes from here.
(Still set before Lab Rats season one)
Jason doesn't want/mean to bond with anyone in this family he just wants help with training his new bionics, but he's invited to come by if he needs anything. Then he ends up stopping by after some long missions for free food, a place to stay and recover from injuries. (after dealing with the bats and feeling emotionally drained)
Every time he comes by, he ends up being corralled by Adam, Bree, and Chase (either together or apart). They are enraptured by Jason and anything he says (Jason is the first person outside of the basement their family(they're excited!) and they want to hear about the 'real world').
Jason didn't have a positive or normal upbringing and he's pretty overwhelmed with the sudden adoring attention. (Lazarus rage still affects him, but not as much as before) He tries to brush them off, give vague answers and redirect all of their unrealistic expectations and questions on the real world and school. (Bree literally asked a question about singing and dancing in the middle of class, like he lived in High School Musical)
It's hard for Jason to not like them(Adam, Bree, Chase and Donald) and overtime he catches himself enjoying the small amount of time he spends with them.
He finds out about the food thing ("Pellets? Like dog food?") and sneaks them all good snacks when he gets back from traveling. He realizes he's having fun after convincing Chase to bite into a lemon slice (and recording it)(he still has the recording).
After Tasha and Leo join the family, he ends up becoming closer with them and spending more time in the house by choice (AKA without an excuse).
Jason's doing his best to stay semi-distant with the Davenports for multiple emotional reasons, but also because he doesn't have much experience interacting with 'normal' people.
He went from being a homeless kid, to being surrounded by the rich snobs at Gotham Academy/the superheroes who were upset that he replace Dick, to dying and coming back to life to be surrounded by assassins. He doesn't exactly know how to be a 'casual civilian' around them, even though they themselves aren't casual civilians either.
He ends up coming across as that one family member that was in prison for the majority of your life, but you don't know exactly why they were in prison.
Leo harasses talks Jason into teach him how to fight. Jason figures that it might be a good idea for him to learn some basic self-defense and first aid. (the bats idea of 'basic' is a bit more advanced than a normal person's idea of basic)
And this leads to unintentional bonding time.
It starts with just learning basic form and stuff, but leads to sparing (Jason's going easy on him, but still not letting him win) with corrections and tips after every spar.
They're sparing and Jason slows it down a little to show Leo what he could do in a given scenario.
"See, if you go like this and you hit your opponent like this, you can nerve-strike 'em and take out their arm from the shoulder down."
"Oh, sweet. I didn't know you could do that!"
"Yeah, it's a good strategy to use if they're bigger than you or if they've got a weapon. I did this plenty of times when I was your age, it just takes a while to get the move down when you're just starting out-"
"You were nerve-striking people with weapons when you were my age?"
"-So, after a nerve-strike like this one, whether it works or not, it's real easy to put 'em in a head lock and choke 'em out.
Jason: *walking Leo through the hypothetical scenario where he has to wrestle a knife away from his opponent and use it against them.* "When-if you stab someone, make sure you know what you're doing before you do it. For example: stabbing me here will hurt more than stabbing me here, but if you stab here I'll bleed out and die if I don't receive immediate medical attention."
Leo: *mentally taking notes, but still concerned* "Dude, where did you learn this stuff?"
Jason: *Shrugging dismissively* "You know...around... Anyways! Next time we work on your field first-aid training we can focus on what to do if you or someone else gets stabbed."
Eddie likes to snitch to Jason just to start drama.
Jason: *Coming back from a long case in Gotham* "Hey Eddie, sorry I was gone for longer than I thought. Anything happen while I was away."
Eddie: "I wouldn't consider it anything too big, considering everyone survived, buuuut~ Don sent Adam, Bree, and Chase to an incinerator after replacing them with robots."
Jason: *starting to see green* "He did what?"
Jason and Tasha end up cooking meals together and bond over trying new recipes and gossiping about her coworkers.
Later on, Jason and Grandma (I don't know her name, I think she would just insist on being called Grandma) form there own small book club.
The other Davenports are very surprised to see their 'pretty-sure-he's-supposed-to-be-in-prison' big brother cooking and gossiping with a pink apron on when they get home from school.
After that, when Jason goes back to Gotham and has a stakeout with the bats, he reflects a bit on his relationship with the Davenports.
He's been recovering from the Lazarus a lot more quickly, his relationship with the bats is improving, he's coming to terms with a lot of things in his life and he doesn't want to be distant with the Davenports.
He's not family level with the bats (yet, cuz they definitely want him back in the family unit), but he's close to family level with the Davenports. They're so open and they don't act like they're just dealing with him.
It's like they actually want him around.
For the first time in a long while, Jason wants to take the leap to be a part of a family again.
If I have a part 3 I will edit and link it here.
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
how do you decide who writes which song? like gustavo writing city is ours vs all the other songs so far written by roxy.
also these lyrics are like over a decade old at this point. are there any in particular that made you wish roxy never wrote? (personally, "if the worlds an apple then its time to take a bite" from someday is soo unserious it always makes me laugh from second hand embarassment)
oh anon let me tell you... please find it under the cut
mostly, she's writing songs that i like bc im the author and that's just how the story goes... but, on the other hand, i'm trying to make her writing go along narratively with what's going on around her!! plus, when i listen to big time rush now, after writing this story especially, i've been kind of forming my own plot around some of the songs (especially ones not featured in the show) and most of them revolve around her for main character reasons lol! i've got big things for "paralyzed", "worldwide", and "picture this" mainly, but i mostly get my ideas from the lines in the song and do my best to use them in the story. if i haven't thought of one yet or can't figure out a plot line around a song, after my years of listening to this band, it's probably not going to be a song written by roxy and gustavo will take the wheel.
so far, she wrote "big time rush" in order to convince her boss that 1. she could write a hit and 2. to keep them in hollywood. she wrote "any kind of guy" around the idea of change and new surroundings - plus as we'll learn (minor spoilers) in later chapters more about her old band; she's mostly a love song writer :) partly from experience and partly bc who knows about teenage love more than teenagers. and along those lines, in my version of the story i truly cannot imagine grown ass man gustavo rocque sitting down and writing "boyfriend"... she didn't write "famous" because she isn't interested in being a rich and famous celebrity - the thought hasn't even once crossed her mind, so it would be strange if she suddenly up and wrote a song about it! "city is ours" (along with not being a favorite of mine...) is a party song, and while she loves to party, she hasn't been in a situation like that quite yet! i don't really have a scientific or strategic way of choosing besides thinking "hmm, does this song feel like roxy?" and at the end of the day, most of the love songs (so the majority of their discography...) do!
also in terms of things i wish she'd never write i'm so with you on the apple line... but (minor spoilers) she will be writing "this is our someday" loll so i simply didn't include her writing that line. it's up to the reader if they think she wrote it in or not i suppose. there's also a lot of terminology that's super old in other songs like in "superstar" and "amazing" that feel like words an older person would use when attempting to write songs for the younger generation but i know those words were supper common place in 2009 so i'm still up in the air about "superstar" in particular as i have other plans for "amazing"... i've also got something planned for "all over again" with logan and camille but i HATE the verse thats like "to the left, left, left" ect so i'm literally just rewriting the entire verse myself because i don't think she'd ever write something like that... not because i think i am or want to be a songwriter (trust me im NOT!!) but simply because i wonder how that part in the song was green lit bc it sucks. they literally could've written anything less boring. additionally i hate "cover girl". the entire song. all of it. no ounce of roxy and her writing magic will make me like it so she will not be touching that song with a ten foot pole...
thank you so much for your ask and your support!! if you have any more questions/comments/one-shot ideas, i'd love to hear them!
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Meeting you was like a dream
Pt. 1
Jeanette is the most spoiled and protected girl in the entirety of the world. And what do spoiled rich girls with overprotective parents do? They cause trouble
Really. It shouldn't surprise anyone that she ran away to go to the festival... even if she was forbidden from doing that.
She knows that she shouldn't. Her mother will be upset, and so would her father, but Jeanette just really wanted to visit the festival and see the fireworks.
So what if she is technically a princess and should never go anywhere without an escort? She didn't even have her official debut yet, so nobody should know what she looks like, right?
Yes, it will be alright.
A nice smell catches the attention of Jeanette. Her eyes droft over to the multitude of stands. She rarely ever sees things like this. They seem so fun and tasty. Naturally, she just has to try them.
Jeanette walks over to a stand with skewers.
"I would like to have two of these," she says and points at a couple of skewers.
The man selling skewers nods and gives her two just like she asked.
The young princess takes a bite, and her eyes begin to sparkle. "That's so tasty!" She calls out cheerfully. One of her hands flies to her cheek.
"Excuse me, does this belong to you?" A sudden voice asks. It's the voice of a boy.
Jeanette turns around to the voice and her eyes meet a young boy with black hair. He seems to be around two or three years older than her. In his hand, he holds the bag that Jeanette brought with her.
"Oh, yes," she replies, her cheeks turning a light pink. "I didn't even notice that I lost it. Thank you."
She smiles at him, and the young boy's eyes widen. He has never seen somebody so pretty before.
All the words he wanted to say escaped his mind. But... Is this girl here alone? She doesn't seem to be a commoner, more like a noble. But that can't be right, no nobleman in their right mind would let their daughter out here all alone.
"There is no need to thank me. But, forgive me if I sound rude, but are you alone here?" He inquiries.
Jeanette pauses for a moment. She shouldn't, right? "Are you alone?" She asks back.
"Yes," replies Jeremy, perhaps a little too fast, "now, answer my question."
Jeanette pauses for a moment. She squints her eyes. He replied truthfully. It's s only fair if she does the same.
"I'm alone too," she says, "but, if we're both alone, would you like to watch the fireworks with me?"
Jeremy blinks in surprise. Was she serious? Isn't she aware of how dangerous strangers can be?
He watches as the girl's smile slightly disappears.
"You don't want to?" She asks, her lips turning into a slight pout.
"No, no, of course I would like to join you. I know a good spot would you like to go there?" He says suddenly. Jeremy wants to punch himself in the face. What the hell is wrong with him today? If his brother could see him, he would never stop making fun of him. Never.
The brunette smiles and nods eagerly. Jeremy stretches his hand out for Jeanette. She carefully takes his hand.
Whatever. If his odd behavior brings a smile to the girls face, then that's okay, he supposes.
"Wow! You're right. This is the perfect place to watch the fireworks," Jeanette exclaims cheerfully.
Jeremy can't help but watch the brunette girl. Her eyes sparkle as she watches the village. She's pretty, gorgeous even. Really, why on earth is she here alone. He knows a bunch of people who would want to kidnap her in a heartbeat.
"We haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Jeremy. What about yours?" He introduces himself. He leaves his last name out of it. People always get squirmish when he mentions it, and the last thing he wants is to scare her off.
Suddenly, the look in the eyes of the girl in front of him is different. She doesn't look nice and happy like before. She looks almost scary.
Jeremy is intrigued by the sudden change in her expression.
"My father says I should never tell anyone my name no matter what," her voice isn't as sweet or soft — it's harsh. Her eyes scan him, almost like she's trying to figure him out.
"Ah, then, sorry for asking," he replies while trying to hold back his smrik.
"It's fine... I like you, so I will tell you my first name. You will probably find out the rest in a few years anyway," she says, waving her hand dismissively.
Jeremy turns to look at the girl. The smile she was wearing earlier found its way back onto her face.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name is Jeanette." She bows slightly. Noblewoman, that much is obvious.
"Hello Jeanette."
Jeremy gives a courteous bow in return. His eyes focused on her face.
They both sit down on a rock and star up at the night sky. Jeremy looks at the side profile of Jeanette.
She looks adorable. Staring up at the night sky.
"Oh, look at that! The fireworks are starting!" She exclaims cheerfully. Her joy is so childlike. She's so adorable. Her smile is so bright, it's like the sun. He could watch her for hours, he thinks.
She points at the sky, her eyes sparkling.
Jeremy thinks that he falls in love a little.
Part 1 ⟨⟩ Part 2 | Masterlist
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Who made me a princess (Jeanette)/The way to protect the female leads older brother (Jeremy)
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine being a corrector (someone there to erase mistakes) and witness Iron Man's progress throughout his life to judge him on his final moment.
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" And how many people will die from this impressive weapon ?"
You asked and Tony smiled widely at your question, as if he had impatiently expected it.
" Hundreds ! With only one big boom, all of America's enemies will be annihilated !"
Stop smiling, you dirtbag. You are selling this as if it was a party cake. You're going to sell a weapon of massive destruction to the US army that will exterminate hundreds of people in a few seconds with it and you can still look at me dead in the eyes with this repulsive self-absorbed smile..You thought and sighed before looking at the paper in your hand where was written in bold letters.
You looked at him and his stupid smile again, wondering if you should erase his existence. It was your job after all, to erase everything and everyone that may be nocive for the world, or that may end up being a problem..Mistakes could happen of course, but taking a life was always hard, no matter how you looked at it. Now, Tony Stark..He was a difficult case. He was an idiot, there was no doubt in your head about that..but, he also had potential..If given the right opportunity, he could even be great. You decided to take a step back and looked at his file. You could give him a bit of time..You had loads of time to watch him and his every move. You wanted a change. And would spare his life, for now. You stepped back into the shadows and disappeared as Tony Stark entered a nearby black car.
A few years later :
Why ?
Why did you save that idiot ? You ask yourself while watching him snap his fingers. Your wide eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. You had given this man so many choices and chances..All that for that. What a disappointment..! You sigh before walking towards the now floating soul of Tony Stark, still in his eye-catching red super suit. Typical. He finally notices you and eyes you up and down with an eyebrow raised.
" I thought angels would look a little bit more..feathery ? And less like one of my ex-associates.."
Oh boy..Here it is, the introduction part.
" Hello, Mr Stark. I am Y/N, your corrector, my job consists in making sure that your life hasn't been wasted or meaningless.."
He smiles proudly before answering in a pompous voice that daddy's rich boys usually took when asked the question.
" I didn't waste any of it ! That's for sure !"
You frown before writing something on the file, moron..He was a complete moron. But, you still had a job to do. You force yourself to stay polite and look back at the record in your hands.
" So, Mr Stark.."
" Please, call me Tony."
You ark an eyebrow, but don't linger on the subject and only look at the file in your hands even though you already knew what was written on it. You had to pretend, if only to make him realize how lying wouldn't help him.
" I see here that you don't believe in any particular religion..So, you will have the privilege to choose which god will supervise your transfer to the afterlife..Your judge, if you will ?"
He seems to think for a moment before having an idea and looking back at you with a wide grin.
" I know ! Can I try to go to the Valhalla ?"
You ark an eyebrow again at his surprising answer, but then remember that Thor was a friend of his during his life. He surely wanted to see a familiar face during the trial. Understandable. Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all ?
You nod understandingly before looking back at the file again.
" As it is procedure, I will ask you a few questions and you'll have to answer them as truthfully as possible, alright ?"
Tony agrees and you start with the first one on the list.
" Okay..So, did you ever experience love in your life ? Did you care about anyone, more than yourself that is ?"
He snorts at that last part before replying sarcastically.
" Nope. Never more than myself. Because I've been raised to look after number 1..However, I would say that Pepper and my girl will always be my first priorities.."
You nod before adding.
" And your father ?"
The question catches him off guard, but he quickly composes himself and seems to hesitate before replying.
" My father and I had a..a very complicated relationship..I admit having hated him for a long time, but now ? I only feel pity.."
You raise an eyebrow at his answer, knowing that he had also admired his father in his youth and felt a certain regret as to not have been able to save him and his mother..But you don't comment on that and only go to the next question.
" Do you think you died a better person than you were at the beginning of your life ?"
He smirks confidently at that question before answering ironically.
" Let me see..I've gone from weapon smuggler to superhero..So, yes. I think I changed. Greatly."
You bite you lip in order not to brutally state him the facts that he's killed more innocents as a superhero than as a weapon smuggler.
" Fine. And finally, are you satisfied with the life you've lived and do you think you deserve to go to the great beyond ?"
He laughs, as if it was some sort of joke and shakes his head before looking up at you.
" I saved the world, isn't that good enough ?"
This is the last straw. You close your book with force, which makes him jump a little as you look at him with your nose scrunched in obvious anger and eyebrows furrowed in clear disappointment.
" You, Tony Stark, are the most selfish blind stupidest man I've ever met ! You really think that all of this is funny ?! Are you really satisfied with the life you've lived or do you really have no idea of the chaos and misery you've created around you ?!"
His mouth is agape in astonishment at your sudden outburst and you decide to show him. You flick your fingers and you both find yourselves in front of a burning city that Tony recognizes as New York..the night when the chitauris attacked.
" I..I don't understand..Why show me this ?"
He asks as his eyes linger on the fire ans the people crying and screaming for help. You smile sadly at his own unawareness..
" Because, Tony, the damage you caused didn't stop when you stopped the bad guy. People died before, during, and after you've fought the bad guy. It takes time to rebuild a city, and human ressources that you seem to have overlooked because, what ? You've send them some money ?!"
Tony brawls his hands into fists, his knuckles turning white and suddenly turns towards you with determination in his eyes.
" I think I did okay !"
He argues, but you only snort mockingly.
" Okay ? OKAY ?! You died, you moron ! You died before you've had the chance to truly do good..The money you've accumulated during all those years ? You were going to give it all to the families of all those who died during all those attacks. You were going to have a child ! You were going to be a wonderful father ! And you gave it all away..The money will now be used by the Shield to create more weapons and destruction ! Your daughter will never grow up to be a hero, because you will not be here to inspire her..And Pepper will be forced to raise her all on her own ! You selfish bastard !"
You yell, not noticing how you get carried away, while pointing an accusative finger at him.
" You could have lived your life ! Happily Ever After ! But no, instead you had to die, leaving a child and your wife behind ! How does that sound, genius ? Does it sound like you did "okay" ?! Now, tell me, before I send you either back to Earth or up there. Tell me why I should let you live ? After you messed up the last chance I gave to you ?"
His breath hitches at your words and he looks at his hands, as if considering what he had done before looking up at you with, what you can only describe as, a feeling of loss.
" I did what I did to save my friends. As far as I know, I didn't waste my life, I saved lives. Those lives were as important as mine, who would I be if I hadn't saved them ?"
You roll your eyes at his hero speech before looking at your datapad. You were only a small gear in the mechanism of Earth's afterlife. You were supposed to bring souls to their final destination..However, there were always tricky situations, like Mr Tony Spark. He had been good, there was no doubt about that, but he had also been awful..Damn awful judging by his long list of infractions and lives sacrificed..You sigh before looking up at him in silent contemplation, wondering what you should do with this one..? Suddenly, an idea pops up in your mind and you smile before advancing towards him and extending your hand.
" How about you come and work for me as a way to get your redemption and reunite with your wife and child ? My work may be tedious, but you'll soon come to find that it had its perks..Of course, you'll still have to get the approval of god you chose..but I don't think he'll deny it. A few years as a corrector, and you'll be able to go to the other side, how does that sound ?"
He looks at your extended hand, and then at you before asking something that you had not thought about.
" Please, could you bring me to Asgard ? Just to say goodbye to an old friend ?"
You sigh loudly, of course he would want to see Thor..He would surely ask the god to save him, try to make him pass without any setbacks. But, who were you to deny a soul its last wish ? You flick your fingers and appear at Asgard. Obviously, you couldn't bring him to a place that didn't exist anymore and not right after his death, this is why you had decided to appear just before its destruction..When Loki was in charge..However, unlike what you had previously thought, Tony doesn't seem lost and walks towards the royal hall with alarming confidence. You tag along and soon find yourself in the throne room with Odin (aka Loki) staring at you with a hint of surprise, but still remaining in character.
" What are you doing here, mortals ?!"
He booms and you sigh, another brilliant idea, as always..Loki would surely report you to the High Council and it would be finished of your career. You try to say something, maybe something to keep you both from being shifted into nothingness..But Tony steps towards him and, to the greatest astonishment of Loki and you, embraces him.
" You've done good, son..You've done good.."
Suddenly, as if the both of them had had a silent conversation, Loki wraps his arms around Tony and starts crying against his shoulder.
" I can feel it..You're gone, aren't you ?"
He asks with grief in his voice and you are too shocked to answer..even Loki, the god of Mischief, the bad god as some would call him, was crying for this mere human..You didn't understand why ? Why would he tear up over his death ? A mortal that he hates..The notion was incomprehensible for you and Loki seems to notice and straightens up to look at you.
" I assume he chose Thor as a judge ? Unfortunately, my brother is out of Asgard at the moment.."
Before he could continue, Tony shakes his head negatively before looking back at you with a slight smile.
" No. I've chosen you, reindeer game."
Loki's eyes widen significantly and he repeats, visibly as dumbfounded as you are.
" M..Me ? But..But why ?"
You couldn't have asked it better, why did he choose him ?! Out of everyone else ?! You grab Tony and put on a wide fake smile for Loki.
" I'm sorry, but I must discuss with him for a moment. We'll be back soon, I promise."
You then proceed to drag Tony out of the throne room and, as soon as you are sure to be out of reach, lose your smile to look angrily at Tony.
" Are you mad ?! You could have chosen Thor and go on your merry way to Valhalla, Paradise or whatever..But nooooo, you had to choose the god that despises you the most !"
Tony doesn't seem that worried and only shrugs with a confident smile.
" I know..Loki is the first one to be chosen, ever. He wasn't the one that was supposed to be king, he always got left behind and never got any chance to prove that he could be better..Maybe, for once, he could be my first choice ?"
You open your eyes wide and want to face-palm yourself so hard..Damn heroes and their moral codes !
" It's not about his redemption ! It's about yours !"
He nods, keeping his wide smug smile and replies nonchalantly.
" I know..This is why I chose him. If even him can forgive me, then I'll know that I definitely deserve to go to..whatever is best after.."
You gape at his answer, but finally sigh in defeat. You couldn't make him reconsider, you know that..He was the most stubborn man that you had ever worked with..You drag him back inside and look up at Loki defiantly and warn him, to his utter astonishment.
" Okay, I know now that I can't change my client's mind..But, I can assure you that if you try to sabotage his only chance to go to the great beyond, I'll personally take care of your case when the time comes..Understood ?!"
Loki's eyes glance at Tony then at you, all malice out of his eyes as he nods in agreement.
" I may not be fond of the Avengers, but I know better than to mess with you people..You are not merely humans and even though we were on opposite sides, I still value the life of the human beside you, as a warrior and the worthy opponent that he is.."
" Aww..Love you too, Reindeer !"
You glare at Tony to shut him up as he only smiles smugly at you. Damn Stark..You extend your hand towards the king, aware of the procedure, he takes your arm and looks directly in your eyes.
" Do you promise to be impartial and to not speak of this trial to any living beings as long as you will inhabit the land of the living ?"
" I promise."
He answers solemnly and takes back his appearance, as he was supposed to judge as Loki, not Odin. He then looks at the coin that had appeared in his hand, either he would give it back to you with heads, and Tony's soul would be saved..or tails, and his soul would be lost forever. You take a big breath before beginning the trial.
" We will start with the beginning. Tony Stark is a selfish egocentric man who did spent most of his life searching for recognition, money and fame.."
Loki and Tony both open their eyes wide, not expecting you to be so hard from the start.
" Hum..Aren't you supposed to be my lawyer ? You're supposed to be on my side, remember ?"
Tony asks, a hint of worry in his voice, but you narrow your eyes at him and respond in all seriousness.
" I am not your lawyer, Mr Stark. I'm a corrector. I am supposed to tell the truth and not hide anything from the judge..Now, is any of the things I just said wrong ?"
He gulps loudly and lets out a defeated sigh, looking at the floor and shaking his head.
" No. You're right.."
Your expression softens, at least he had the decency to admit it..
" However, he has proven on multiple occasions that he was a particularly good man that inspired many that will do good in the future. And, became a very good father figure for Peter Parker that will accomplish great things in the future..I have seen a lot of men change in my career, for better or for worse..But none of them were as impressive as the one of Tony Stark that came from being only an average man to a hero that will inspire millions in the future.."
Tony's eyes widen as you start showing holograms of moments of his life in the air, showing every moment of his life to Loki. The god looks and listens attentively as he plays with the coin in his hand, toying with Tony's soul. However, he seems to take it seriously and looks at each moment with great interest. You are more than happy to answer every question he asks and add.
" I must confess that Tony Stark was and is an incredible man that devoted his life to helping others..even if sometimes he was lost or misguided..He always had the best intentions at heart..You, of all people, should know what the fear of failure feels like.."
You try to appeal to his own history for him to feel pity for Tony, but the god of Mischief knows when someone is trying to play with his feelings and only asks with a small tremor in his voice that sounds like a reproach.
" However, Tony never had any beliefs. His only god is money and that he spent on very trivial things..Plus, he had the audacity to think himself a god, Zeus above his friends that he also considered above anyone else..Why should he get to spend his life in bliss when all he ever did was to mock anyone around him and have very big illusions of grandeur !"
You bite your lower lip, you couldn't say that what he was saying is wrong..However..
" However, he never used his money for destruction, he always had the greater good in mind when using it. He also made sure that Peter Parker don't focus on money to accomplish his goals.."
Loki only laughs before searching for one of his memories and projecting it for everyone to see..It was the man. The man that had helped him build his first suit and that had died, even though Tony had promised to save him..
" You tell me about his accomplishments..but what about his failures ? He sacrificed that man. He made a promise and broke it. How are you going to justify that ?"
You clench your jaw in obvious frustration, knowing that Loki was provoking you. Even if he had no grudge against Tony, he still had the ego the size of the Empire State building and more..He wouldn't let go so easily. You glance at Tony that is looking at the short movie of his life with tears in his eyes..He had surely forgotten about him, or he hadn't ? You couldn't tell..
" That man tried to save Tony..It is not his fault if he died while doing so. He saved many like him afterwards and never asked for anything in return..He always thought that the security of his friends and family was above everything else."
Loki stands up at your reply in disagreement and grits his teeths before reaching for another memory.
" Are you sure about that ?"
You frown at his question before you see the moment he had invented Ultron..
" He created that knowledge monster and, even with the green man's warnings, didn't listen to what was safest..Now, do you think he really always had the purest intentions at heart ?"
He is one tough cookie, you'd give him that..You search in Tony's memories to get the vision he had when Wanda manipulated his mind and show his worse nightmare, the Avengers all dead.
" This, this is his worst nightmare. You have to admit that it is proof of the value of his comrades to his eyes..like Asgardians, he fought side by side with his friends and would have died for them..as he did."
However, Loki doesn't back down and finally yells in frustration.
You ark and eyebrow at that before replying, your arms crossed.
" Well..I don't see how's that of any relevance to him being a bad man.."
Flabbergasted by your words, he stares at you with tears in his eyes before sitting back down, visibly shocked at your answer. But, you know that he is thinking about it..You smile and look up at him to announce.
" This is why, I ask you to welcome Tony Stark to the great beyond, or at least let him work his way there !"
At your words, his eyes flash at you with a certain interest.
" Go on.."
Your smile widens. You know that Loki would not let Tony enter if he hadn't been trained before.
" Make him a corrector. Allow him to correct his mistakes and apologize to all those he wronged.."
Loki seems to consider it for a moment and, finally nods.
" I'll allow it, however, I'll also accept him in Valhalla directly.."
You raise your eyebrows in surprise at his sudden act of mercy..but you quickly understand when he adds with a small smirk.
"..If Tony accepts to kneel in front of me."
You close your eyes, knowing already the reaction of Tony that doesn't waste any time voicing his disagreement.
" Dream on, goat head !"
You sigh loudly, pinching the bridge of your nose and turning towards Tony that still had his mouth wide open, ready to protest. You want to intervene, but Loki does it for you as he suddenly stands up again and grits his teeths at Tony before ordering.
" Kneel ! Or you can say goodbye to your soul !"
You open your eyes wide in fear as he starts crackling the coin in his palm. You turn towards Tony that feels as if he was being crushed himself. You then look back at Loki before yelling at him.
" The trial is not over, your Highness ! You have no right..!"
He glares murderously at you before cutting you short by laughing maniacally.
" That's where you're wrong ! I have every right !"
You look between the two men with panic seizing your whole being before sighing and getting out a lasso. You use it to grab Loki's arm and yank him on the floor, letting go of the coin by the same occasion that starts rolling before stooping just in front of you. You take it in your hand and Loki looks up at you with his jaw clenched and eyes red with fury. However, you don't let yourself be intimidated and take him by the collar to drag him back to his throne.
" You'll regret this.."
He whispers in your ear and you only laugh at his threat before tying him up to the throne.
" There are many things that I fear in this world..But, prince Loki, you aren't one of them.."
You can feel him tense at your words, but still put back the coin in his hand with a small smile.
" Now..I know that my existence is a mistake and that your huge ego can't handle the fact that a mere woman is keeping you still..But, there is no reason for you to deny Tony his afterlife. You said it yourself, he was a worthy opponent and never wielded, even once. He is prideful, a recognition seeker and a liar..But he is also the Iron Man, the man of steel who defeated far more powerful beings than you..I didn't tell you how he died, but I think I should.."
You suddenly turn around and extend your arms to show two things..One is the day Tony died, and the other..when Loki did.
He looks at the images with wide eyes and, even after seeing it over and over, can't believe it..He had died. And Tony had avenged him. He almost laughs at his choice of word: avenge. He looks up at Tony with a new-found respect and Tony doesn't shy away from his gaze that he meets with determination. Loki then glances at the coin in his hand before throwing it at you..it lands on tails and you smile widely at Loki that nods in affirmation.
" I'll allow it..I'll allow him to enter by the doors of Valhalla to the other side. However, as agreed, Tony Stark will have to serve as a corrector for as long as it takes for him to understand the true repercussions of his mistakes, it means until I allow him to pass..Are we clear ?"
He looks down at you intently and you nod vehemently, happy to have saved his soul. Tony himself can't seem to believe it and looks shocked as he looks at you. You can't help but smile widely at him and he reciprocates. You then turn towards Loki and, to his surprise, bow down to him.
" Thank you, your Highness."
He then coughs loudly, making your head shoot up and realize that he was still..well, attached. You blush widely before clapping your hands and the magical lasso loosens to get back around your waist. Loki stares intensely at you and you feel cold sweat rolling down your back. You swiftly turn around to grab Tony and get out of the throne room, too afraid that he would ask for your name and report you to the High Council..When you're far enough, Tony suddenly takes you in his arms and twirls you around to your surprise.
" We did it ! I'll be able to see my wife and kid again ! Thank you so much !"
You can't help but giggle as he spins you around and when he finally puts you down, he frowns, his brain working full on as he seems to realize something.
" You helped me and were so angry at the fact that I had wasted my time..even though you now seem so happy that I made it..Who are you, really ?"
You let out a small sad smile as you look back at him with your eyes filled with tears. You should have known he would guess it eventually..
" I love you 3000.."
You finally mutter and his eyes widen as he understands and his own eyes prickle with tears as he gently runs his hand against your cheek.
" You're..?"
You nod and take a step back to smile at him through your tears.
" It was nice to meet you, dad."
He tries to hold back his tears before taking you in his arms.
" You've grown so much..How..How are you here ? You're not dead, are you ?!"
He asks worriedly, looking at you as if for the first time and you chuckle at his fatherly concern.
" No, Dad..I became a corrector because I wanted to meet you..Some are humans. I asked uncle Thor to make me one."
He nods, and then remembers that you have access to all of his memories..For the first time today, Tony Stark feels a pang of guilt in his chest.
" You must have felt ashamed of your old man, huh ?"
He asks and you smile kindly at him before answering him truthfully.
" I must admit that multiple times, I asked myself if it was good for the rest of humanity to let you live..that I wasn't being selfish in wanting to save you, but, at the end, I knew that you would become a great man..And, you did."
He smiles proudly at you before kissing your forehead lovingly.
" I'm sorry for not being there, sweetheart..I really am."
You shake your head and wipe your tears before answering him with a hopeful smile.
" It's okay..At least, I'll be able to spend time with you, until your final departure at least.."
He smiles at you, understanding now why you wanted him to become a corrector so bad and takes you in his arms again.
" That's my daughter. Scheming plans to spend time with the old man..Stark material, I tell you."
You can't help but snort at his comment while tightening your grip on him and finally closing your eyes in contempt.
" I love you 3000, dad.."
You feel his lips etch into a smile against your skin as he answers back.
" I love you 3000 too, kiddo.."
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
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Warnings: Nothing much for this chapter. Scenes of mild violence. Future smut. Please view the teasers before reading this part.
Word Count: 2.9k
Hyunjin x fem! Reader, Minho x fem! Reader, Jisung x fem! Reader
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A rainy summer’s day. 
Oxymoronic, yes...but what was Neos, if not a city of oxymorons? 
The larger part of the city was crammed with skyscrapers, packed atop each other. The streets were filled with rich cyborgs and their androids, chatting away on their neodisks and living their glamorous, expensive lives. 
The rain definitely wasn’t affecting them too much. Water-resistant metal plating and advanced technology made it possible for them to live their lives as usual, despite the heavy downpour.
However, things were different out here. The outskirts of the city were a lot quieter, the streets empty and deserted. There were no skyscrapers here, just sad-looking buildings and dilapidated abodes. Here, nearly everyone was made of junk and scrap metal dating back to 2032- the rain was a huge inconvenience for most.
As you walked down the street, you made sure to wrap your cloak around you tighter. You couldn’t afford any repairs at the moment. 
Though that would change soon, once you finally manage to earn your Phantom license. You smiled as you thought about the crescents you’d win with each bounty. You’d finally be able to buy a new arm...
Two fingers in your right arm had stopped working years ago- you’d made do with it till now, but being a Phantom meant that you would need your bionic arm to be fully functional, since it was your dominant one. You’d learnt to use your left hand to carry out most tasks- though it was flesh and bone, and weaker than your right, it was definitely more reliable. It never glitched out on you. 
Sometimes, you wished you were entirely human. Being one of the 98% of Xaliens who were technologically advanced definitely had its perks- but it was also expensive. You were glad for Mr. Han’s discounts. 
You continued walking, the icy cold air biting at your skin, and making you shiver. It was supposed to be summer. You sighed, humming a tune to yourself as you made your way to the shop.
That sound could only mean one thing. You paused, the low beeping resonating in your head as you inhaled deeply.
You swivelled around, slipping your dagger out from your waistband in the process and swinging it at the spindly-legged automaton that had been creeping up on you. As soon as the knife made contact with its large, blue eye, it started glitching, convulsing for a few seconds before dying.
Your chest heaved, eyes wide as you stared at the dead machine. Inching closer, you ripped your knife out of its metal, tucking it back into your pants as you crouched to inspect it closely. 
Your suspicions were correct. You pulled your neodisk out of your pocket, scrolling through the news. It only confirmed what you already knew. 
It was a Zenx, though it seemed to be a newer model...it looked a lot more advanced than the ones you'd seen photos of. The arrival of the mysterious, hostile androids had been all the news were filled with, recently. Nobody knew where they came from, who was controlling them or what their purpose was. The royal family had offered the people in the poorer areas of the city a generous amount of crescents if they caught the Zenx and sent them along to the palace for observation. The ones who would sign up were to be called the Phantoms.
It was the very reason you were walking down the street to the workshop, despite it being past curfew. Tomorrow, the applications to be a Phantom would have to be filled and submitted. If you wanted to be a cyber-assassin, you’d have to have two fully functioning arms.
You flipped the machine over onto its side. Unlike most androids, these weren’t humanoid. They were strangely creature-like. You took note of the numbers and symbols on its plated metal belly, mentally jotting them down. Wrenching the plate off of it, you pocketed it with a groan. Maybe Jisung could take a look at it, tell you what you needed to know.
You stood up, sighing as you turned around- only to be met with a dark figure standing right in front of you.
Your eyes narrowed, tilting your head at the hooded man and rolling your eyes.
"I know it's you, Minho."
He let out a grunt of frustration, whipping the hood of his cloak off. "Its unfair, really. You're literally scared of nothing...you sure you're a cyborg and not an android?"
"Hmm...You had your hood on. Maybe I would have been scared if you'd shown me your face."
"Har di har." Minho chuckled. "You know you like my face, baby."
You wrinkled your nose. "Don't call me that. And I don't...like your face-" You stammered a little as he came closer, nose almost brushing against yours.
"Yeah? Why are you blushing, then?"
Your eyes widened as you tried to keep your composure. "I am not blushing." You put your hands on his chest and pushed him away slightly.
He shrugged, looking past you at the upturned machine.
"Woah. Is that a Zenx?"
"You killed it? Alone? Without any government issued weapons?" He asked incredulously.
You glared at him. "Why is that so hard to believe?"
"It's just a little surprising, that's all." He smirks at you. "You're a bit of a badass, hm? But all I have to do to get you flustered is lean a little closer."
You frowned at him. "That's not true." 
Your watch suddenly let out a beep, and you grunted, standing up and scowling at him.
"I have somewhere to go. Leave me alone." You started walking away from him, sighing as you heard his footsteps follow you. Whipping around, you crossed your arms.
"Honestly, do you have nothing better to do? Are you stalking me or something?"
"You wish, princess. I just happen to be in the same places you are."
You pressed your lips together, rolling your eyes and turning away again, walking a little faster...but he was still right next to you, strolling along beside you as he hummed under his breath.
You stopped, making him stop as well.
"Fucking leave."
"No can do. You think I'm just going to leave you alone, especially after you just got attacked? These streets aren't safe." There was no teasing lilt to his words anymore, and his voice was firm as he looked at you. "I'm walking you to wherever you're going."
"No you're not." You said, trying to keep your tone chilly. "I can take care of myself, okay? I don't need you. I don't need anyone." You snarled.
"Calm down."
"You're lucky my middle finger isn't working." You grumbled under your breath, turning away and walking as fast as you could. 
A minute later, you looked behind you, but he was gone. You pushed down the slight disappointment in your heart, and continued on your path.
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A few minutes later, you were finally there. You knocked twice on the shutter, tapping your foot impatiently.
Seconds passed by with no response. You couldn’t shout, since you were supposed to be inconspicuous. About four whole minutes passed before he finally opened the shutter.
“Finally! What the fuck, Sung? You knew I was coming at this time.”
He fiddled with his fingers, avoiding eye contact. “I know. It’s just...I feel like Dad’s getting worse. I was feeding him.”
Your glare disappeared, your expression softening. “Oh...sorry.”
Jisung looked up at you. “What are you apologizing for?”
“I just...feel guilty. I could have signed up earlier, if I hadn’t spilled coffee on my hand...I’m so fucking careless.”
“Y/n. You’re doing more than enough to help.” He met your eyes, sighing and looking away again.  “Seriously...you don’t have to do this.”
You shook your head firmly. “I will. Mr. Han’s the closest thing I’ve had to a father. I’m not prepared to lose him yet. Besides, once I become a Phantom, I’ll have more crescents than I know what to do with.”
You moved closer, slipping your hood off and brushing a hand through your hair as you gave him a soft smile. “I’ll have more than enough money to take him to the city, and get him admitted in one of the best hospitals. We can finally move out of this shitty neighborhood. I promise you.”
Jisung gave you a weak smile, watching you as you pushed past him, making your way to the reclining chair in the corner of the workshop and collapsing onto it. 
You held your hand out. “But in order to make crescents, I need to become a Phantom. And to do that, I need my hand to work right, and I need to be fully charged to pass all my tests tomorrow.”
He chuckled, rolling his sleeves up and flopping onto his chair, rolling over to you. He took your arm, turning it slightly and inspecting it closely. 
“Hmm, you really do need a new arm.” He hummed under his breath, grabbing his oculus from the table and peering through it. He held your arm with one hand, using his other to lift each of your fingers individually. 
“Hmm, okay. I think I have replacements for your fingers lying around here somewhere...” He rolled to his desk, rummaging through a drawer and pulling out a box filled with prostheses. He scoured it for a few minutes before finally pulling out the appropriate parts.
Coming back over to you, he cocked his head to the side.
“What’s wrong? You look...sad.”
He felt his heart beat a little faster as you looked at him, making eye contact with him. “I’m not sad...just a little nervous, that’s all.”
“You don’t need to be. You’re going to be great. I’ve never met someone so strong, powerful and badass as you.”
“Yeah? Well, I’ve never met someone as kind and funn-”
“Can you lovebirds get a room or something?”
You looked up, laughing as you spotted Jeongin enter, his apron streaked with soot. Jisung’s cheeks turned redder than a tomato, his grip on your hand loosening a little.
“Seriously, though. Jisung, you’re supposed to be working on her, not gushing over her-”
“Hey! Remember you’re supposed to be my a-assistant!” He stuttered. “So instead of running your mouth, come over here and hand me my tools.”
Jeongin smiled, walking forward and lifting the wire up from the floor. Plugging it into the socket, he handed the other end to Jisung.
Jisung stood up, gently brushing your hair behind your ear, heart jumping in his chest as he did so. Exposing the circular socket on your head, he attached the wires to it, turning to arrange his tools as you made yourself a little more comfortable. The whirring sound combined with Jisung’s humming had a calming effect on you, your eyes slowly closing. 
Jisung watched as you fell asleep, sighing as he got to work, detaching your arm with his screwdriver as gently as he could. 
“You’re so fucking whipped.” Jeongin called, handing Jisung the prostheses.
“Shut up.” Jisung growled, adjusting the oculus attached to his eye as he unscrewed your middle finger and thumb, attaching the new ones with some difficulty. Your arm was an old make- how he wished he had the crescents to get you a new one. 
You’ve always been his...guardian angel, for lack of a better word. He wished, for once, he could be the one to protect you. Jisung admired your strength, your tenacity and determination. However...sometimes, just sometimes, he wondered why he couldn’t be the same. 
“Seriously though, Hyung...you really need to stop giving her those heart-eyes and just confess, already.”
Jisung looked up at Jeongin, frown settling on his features. “It’s not that simple.” He glanced over at you, eyes still closed as the machine charged the processor embedded in your brain. “She’s not the type to be bothered with things like romance. We’re just friends. In fact, I’m pretty sure she once said I’m like a brother to her.”
Jeongin stayed silent, not wanting to say much more. 
There wasn’t really any point in protesting really, because what Jisung said was true, more or less. Love just wasn’t on your agenda. 
Jisung shook his head at the boy’s silence, affixing your arm back to you and humming as he did so. He stole glances at your peaceful face from time to time, his heart jumping in his chest.
Maybe one day.
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You blinked repeatedly, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the light in the room. Sitting up a little, your eyes landed on Jisung, his back facing you as he worked on something at his desk. You cleared your throat, causing him to turn around and look at you.
“Ah! I didn’t realize you woke up...” He came over, unplugging you. “How are you feeling? Fingers?”
“Yeah, I feel so much more refreshed now.” You lifted up your arm, moving your fingers and making a small sound of delight. “Thank you so much.” You smiled up at him, getting up to wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly. Jisung felt his heartbeat speed up, hesitating as he let his hands rest on your waist. All his senses were flooded with you...he almost forgot how to breathe for a second.
It felt too good to have you in his arms. It was scary.
When you finally pulled away, you went over to the corner to grab your cloak, fastening it around you as he felt his heart drop. He didn’t want you to leave yet.
“Hey...wait, let me walk you home.”
“Oh no, I’ll be fine, Sung. You don’t have to do that...besides Mr. Han needs you.”
“Um, Dad’s asleep. Please? Jeongin already left...and I just wanna talk. We haven’t had a proper talk in ages.”
You sighed, pausing. “Fine.”
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Jisung walked alongside you as you kicked a small pebble with your foot. The subway tunnels were long abandoned, and you often came here for some peace and quiet. It was also the safest place to take a walk, considering it was after curfew.
“So...how nervous are you? For tomorrow?”
“Just...a little.”
“Don’t be. I know you’ll do great. I can come watch, right?”
“Yeah, I think it’s open to the public...which is why I really don’t want to mess up. I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of so many people.”
“Hmm...don’t worry, it’s going to be a piece of cake for you. I’ve seen you train, Y/n. You’ll be able to handle any challenge they throw at you.”
Suddenly, you remembered the weight in your pocket, eyes widening. “Oh wait...um. I almost forgot to show you...before I came here, I crossed paths with one of them.”
“Them? What?”
“A Zenx. I killed it.”
“Wha...what!?” Jisung spluttered, shocked at the nonchalance with which you uttered those words. You pulled out the piece of metal from your pocket, handing it to him. He stared at it with wide eyes, hands trembling a little as he took it from you, turning it over as he inspected it. 
“Y/n...this looks so different from what I’ve seen online...”
“Yeah. They seem to be getting more advanced. I wonder who’s upgrading them...”
“Hmm, it doesn’t have to be a who...but it’s possible. Y/n, you really killed it alone? That could have been dangerous.”
You rolled your eyes. “Please. You’re the one who said I was capable enough.”
“Yeah, but...” He sighed. “I’m sorry. Just a little concerned, that’s all.” He smiled at you. “Now I’m even more convinced that you’re going to be amazing tomorrow.”
You smiled, looking at the floor as you continued along the tunnel.
“So?” You gestured to the plate in Jisung’s hand.
“I left my oculus back home.” He pocketed it, “I’ll inspect it at the workshop... I’ve been reading up on the Zenx lately. Very little information....not much to go off of, but I suspect that...”
You squinted a little as Jisung went off on a tangent, gesticulating as he talked...you tuned him out. Your eyes had noticed something. You blinked, wondering if it was a trick of the light. 
Something...was lying on the tracks. Humanoid, it was panting....you stopped Jisung with your arm stretched out, staring at the body that was a short distance away from you. Jisung looked at you with a confused expression, following your gaze and gasping as he noticed it too.
“What the FUCK is that-”
The figure was lying facedown, writhing a little as it struggled to get to its feet. 
You and Jisung shared a look, considering what to do. Putting a finger on your lips, you slowly approached the body, carefully trying your best to not make a sound. Jisung followed, trying his best to be quiet...but as he took another step with his heavy boot, the stones crunched beneath his feet.
The figure looked up, eyes landing right on you, who was closer to it.
Beautiful, onyx eyes..shiny hair and plump lips...you recognized it. Him.
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His face twisted into an expression filled with fear and confusion. “P-please...help me...” He begged, crawling a little closer. Jisung grabbed your wrist, trying to pull you away a little, but you stayed put, eyes trained on the man in front of you, brain going into overdrive as you tried to figure out what was happening.
“I- Y/n, he’s-”
“H-hwang Hyunjin.” The man choked out, his voice glitching a little as he collapsed right in front of you, eyes closed as he fell unconscious.
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❛ ROJO ❜
Songfic with ‘Rojo’, J Balvin.
Translation of the lyrics.
with Nestor Oceteva.
Request #1: Can you maybe do a Nestor imagine where you're Emily's cousin or half sister and you're living with Emily and Miguel temporarily. You've been flirting and teasing him and it finally comes to a head. Smut involved please?
Request #2: hi hi! I have a steamy request~! (If it's not a bother, of course) Nestor + reader are at a club and they keep teasing him,, maybe you can include lines like “shit, mami, you made a mess” and “you just want the others to hear me fuck you, huh?” 😗👉🏼👈🏼 thank youuu c:
BY @glitchinqhoul.
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Warnings: nsfw, smut.
Word count: about 3.6k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author, I found it on google.
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A quién le mientes si en tu soledad quieres verme otra vez. Por ti respondo lo que tú me das, lo que nadie sabe…
Being Emily's half—sister hasn't been easy. She was a good student, the modelic daughter, always being kind, correct and polite. You used to be like the day and the night. But you supposed that this has to be with the fact that your blood isn't the same. She's american, and you're half—mexican. Different cultures, different cities, different people… Different lifes. But that wasn't a problem to adore each other. Emily and you have been best friends since ever, and even if you're the wild side she doesn't have, you admire her temperance.
When your college in Mexico told you that you could do the MIR at Santo Padre, you both were screaming by the phone for two minutes non-stop, until you heard Miguel telling you to stay at his home. That wasn't a bad idea, keeping in mind that you also could see Nestor every day, for the next six month. That man drives you insane since you met him, and he isn't very sane either.
You're checking the hour on the clock of your car, almost reaching the border with California, checking again that your passport and your papers signed for the University are on the copilot seat. So, when you stop at the frontier, you just have to roll down the window and offer them to the agent. Once that you're actually in American territory, you speed up by the empty road a little confused from not seeing any cars. Actually, you're just tired after almost two days driving. Because yes, you could have flown to San Diego, and rented a car. But you like your old Mustang. He has been with you since seven years ago. Coming back to reality, you see through the rearview two big black SUVs coming closer until one of them places itself after you, making you a signal to stop.
Stopping by a side, you step out of your car as Emily does, both running to each other to collide in a happy hug, screaming again and almost jumping.
“Look at you, doctora!” She says laughing and holding your hands, pulling herself away some seconds, before hugging at you again. “C'mon, let Frankie drive your car, so you can rest a little in ours”.
To your surprise, Nestor isn't the one who is driving, supposing that he's in the other black car before yours. But you're sure he's as excited as you are, waiting to have five minutes alone.
Me decido por ti, te decides por mí, a la misma hora. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
Miguel has organized a party with his sober friends. And you're not in the mood to partying, but the tequila helps a little. You're jumping from senators and other politicians, to lawyers and other rich men, just because your brother-in-law is proud of you. And that makes you feel good, but it's kinda boring. So, when you find a space to disappear, you do it at the speed of the light. Finding shelter in the big garage between expensive cars of different sizes and kinds. Resting your back against the classic red Porsche, you light up a smoke among your lips to take a deep drag. You appreciate all the love that Mikey feels for you, and all the help he always gives you, but you're not the kind of girl who has these kinds of parties.
Turning around for an instant, when you hear the door getting opened, to watch Nestor walking towards you. Rolling your eyes, you smirk at him.
“Ay, ya, no me digas que te pusieron en modo perrito guardián, flaco”. (C'mon, don't tell me that Miguel made you be a guard dog). You laugh shaking your head.
“Más o menos”. (More or less). He says taking you off the cig to smoke from it.
“Okay, ládrame, ándale”. (Okay, bark at me, go ahead).
“Soy más de morder”. (I'm more into biting).
“Mírale… Isn't too early to start with that game?”
“Nah”. He replies bowing to the floor to leave the cig, before placing both hands on your ankles, pulling up the long white skirt of your dress too slowly.
Your eyes are fixed on his, getting somewhat darker as his fingertips touch slightly your skin, until he's able to settle between your legs, that you have been opening for him unconsciously. Soon, his lips find your neck, twisting it enough to give him all the space possible. Your hands go to his head, uttering a soft moan when he nails his hands on your ass under the dress. This is your game. You have it since you met, and it's one of your favorite things. A tug of war to see who gives more.
“Fuck, Nestor”. You mutter biting your lower lip, at the same time his teeth catch your skin, putting himself somewhat closer.
Te quiero sentir aquí. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
“Hey, teens in heat, we're going to serve the coctel!” You can hear Emily's laughs from the other side of the door, making you feel your cheeks burning.
“We're going!” You reply a little loud, with Nestor chuckling against your neck.
Pulling him away to put on your dress well, you arrange your mane behind your shoulders before starting to walk back to the house. But when you're about to open the door, he grabs your wrist to make you turn around. Crashing your mouth with his, the man kisses you trying to hide how much he has missed you after five month without seeing each other. Even so, it becomes softer, slow, as if you have all the time you need. His arms surrounding your waist, and yours the back of his head. You're sure that he has never kissed you like that, but it feels too good. Nestor's touch has been ever so warm that could melt the coldest heart, actually, more or less like yours.
Tres y cuatro de la mañana, ven, mata estas ganas. Vamos a llegarle a mi cama, que todo lo he ignorado por ti, todo ha sido por ti. Mi cuerpo sin saber te llama.
You like to eat. You enjoy eating, and that coctel wasn't enough for you. So, waiting by reading some emails until the family is already sleeping, you step out of your new room silent like a cat. Going downstairs, you walk towards the kitchen to assault the freezer.
“Bendito Miguel”.
You whisper finding all the chocolate ice cream he has bought for you. Grabbing one of the tubs and a big spoon, you sit at the island in the center of the kitchen, with the lights off. And you were so concentrated on your task, that you didn't hear Nestor coming. Not even noticing his presence until he nails a second spoon into the tub.
“Shit! Nestor! Fuck… You're gonna fucking kill me one of these days”. You mutter, placing both hands on your chest, with the covered inside your mouth.
The man chuckles almost in silence, having some ice cream.
“Seriously, you need to stop of being this fucking silent”.
“Yeah, I know you like me being loud”.
Raising your eyebrows, you finally shake your head before such an occurrence.
“What about the kiss?”
“What kiss?” He asks a little confused. “Oh! Ya. What happens with that? It was just a kiss?”
“Yes, for sure”.
“I was just happy for you being here. We're friends, it's been five month since we met last time”.
Right in the friend-with-benefits zone, while you were thinking that finally he was catching the same feelings you have for him.
“It sounded as if I just stabbed you”.
“Why would my friend like to stab me?”
Y estas no son horas de llamar, pero es que el deseo siempre puede más. Podemos pelearnos y hasta alejarnos, pero cuando llega la hora.
You didn't know that Miguel was a friend of the director of the hospital you're going to work at. And he settled a dinner to meet him. Another boring one, and you start to think that your brother-in-law wants to kill you and doesn't know how to do it. You love your work and what you do, but the work stays in the hospital, and you were too distracted about Nestor's words last night. You have been avoiding him the whole day, not even looking at him in the dinner, placed some meters away from the table studying the perimeter. And you know that he's getting more nervous as the hours pass by.
After finishing the meeting, you finally can breathe again inside the big car, checking some messages from your father asking how everything is going. You better don't reply. Keeping it inside your small bag, before leaning towards the front seat with both arms on them.
“Hey, Cartel daddy”.
Your sister breaks into laughs because of the sophisticated name, while Miguel turns at you frowning.
“Listen. Why don't I pull out the stick inside your ass and we go to a real party, ah? There's a new club some minutes ago from Santo Padre, and looks cool”.
“Did you ca—”.
“Hey, Pocahontas, that's the address”. You say to Nestor, offering him your phone to grab it.
Emily is drowning with her own laughs by your side, making you laugh too, when she remembers that you're not allowed to drink red wine because of this. You have the mania of giving funny names to everybody around you.
“What? Cartel daddy and Pocahontas. Sounds like a bad netflix tv-show I would watch”.
Tratan y se caen de la mata, quieren comprarte siempre con plata, pero ese tesoro tiene pirata. Me voy a toda por ti.
While the men prefer a reserved, watching the whole dancefloor from there, and talking about business and appointments, Emily and you enjoy a bunch of mimosas among the crowd jumping and having fun. You really needed it. And you're aware that she already knows that something is happening between the head security and you. Something bad. She doesn't have to be the most intelligent person of the world.
“I would tell him what I feel!” Your sister says, trying to make you hear her above the noise.
“He kicked my ass to the friend zone last night!” The blonde wrinkles her nose confused, seeing you nodding and drinking by your straw.
“Are you kidding me?! He was super excited to see you again! Like super excited!”
“Yeah! He kissed me! But he kissed me like Miguel kisses you! Then he told me it was just a kiss!”
“He's in love with you!”
“No, sista! He's only in love with your husband and with himself!”
“Tell him you don't want to be just his friend!”
“Me?! Oh, no, darling! I'm not gonna humiliate myself like that!”
“C'mon! You fucking pendejos!” She pouts at you.
“You just want Nestor to have a girlfriend, so you can spend more time with your husband! Bitch, I know you better than anyone!”
“I want my little sister to be happy!”
“You want your Cartel daddy!” Breaking into laughs, you place an arm on her shoulders to come back to the reserved.
“What's so funny?” Miguel asks pouring some champagne on two glasses.
“Your wife wants to settle me on a blind date”.
Me decido por ti, te decides por mí, a la misma hora. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
“I'm not going to let you go on a blind date”.
You were refreshing your nape and wrists with water, when you heard him coming closer after locking the bathroom door of the reserved Miguel rented. Looking at him through the mirror, you give him your back to grab some paper and dry your hands. Throwing it into the bin, you turn around to face him.
“It's dangerous”. He just says, tangling his hands on a fist under his abdomen.
“You stabbed me last night, and I survived. I'm pretty sure I will survive to a blind date”. Good point, taking the advantage to pass him away.
But he stops you with an arm surrounding your waist. His chest meeting your back, while his free hand wraps your throat. You're feeling the characteristic heat that Nestor produces in you being so close, running up your legs to your low belly. His thumb caresses your skin, over the jugular vein, leaning towards you to kiss the line of your jaw. Biting your bottom lip, wrapping his wrists letting the free hand goes down by your stomach with a clear destiny.
“We are made for each other”. Nestor mumbles into your ear with a horse tone of voice.
“Yes, to be friends”. You tease him, grabbing his wrist to make him stop, wanting to hear the reality coming from his mouth.
“To be together”. He corrects you then, without a single doubt hitting his vocal chords and turning you under his hands.
Crashing his lips on yours, he makes you walk backwards until your body finds the cold wall. He's as eager as you are, lifting up a leg to surround his waist, while his hand toures your skin until being able to squeeze your ass with a warm growl dying inside his throat.
“I want you in all the ways possible, (Y/N)”. He mutters, trying to hide the anger he feels imagining you with another man. “I want you with me. Only with me”.
Pulling him to the black and golden velvet armchair, you watch him undoing his belt and his pants zipper, noticing the rock under his clothes. Seeing him rolling them down his legs to his ankles, while you take off your dress to leave it over the sink, to sit over his lap with his body between your legs. You haven't taken off the white lace panties, because you know how much he likes the friction of them in every move he does, on a side of his sensible skin. While one of his big hands massage your breast with some strength, the ringed one strokes his needed cock, lying back on the couch.
“Do you wanna fuck me?” You whisper into his mouth, unbuttoning his shirt to stroke his bare chest.
“You don' know how much I need your pussy, cariño”. He just says, looking at you with parted lips grabbing his erection between your fingers.
“I don't think that's enough”. Teasing him, you guide his throbbing and warmth glans to your folds, pressing it against your wet clit and swinging softly your hips.
“I've been waiting five months for you jumping over my cock, mami. You know I am fucking desperate for your soaked pussy suffocating me and pushing me into the limit”. Nestor almost begs, placing his hands on both sides of your waist. “Ride your cock, baby. Look at how hard it's because of you. It fucking painful”.
“And what if I punish you about what you said last night… putting my clothes on again and leaving you there alone, ah?”
“Don't do that shit, (Y/N). I fucking implore you”. He quickly complains pecking your lips with short kisses. “You're already fucking killing me”.
Leading a little back his hardness between your legs, you dig it into you slowly, feeling every inch of his erection pressing your tight walls. He's thicker than you can remember, having passed too much time since the last time, needing some seconds to mold your body to his. A soft moan escapes from your mouths when his glans pushes your g-spot, urging you to spread more your legs forcing you to feel him completely. And you can't describe that sensation.
“Tell me you didn't miss my cock…” He chuckles, erasing that fancy smile from his lips by swinging your hips just one time.
His growl echoes throughout the bathroom, before catching your lips between his to bite them, making you dance on top of him. The pleasure is immeasurable, bouncing over his hard rock once and again. Once and again, arching your back under his arms, while his mouth now devours the skin of your neck, wetting it with his saliva and marking every inch with his teeth. The pace becomes rough and faster, slapping your ass with both hands to squeeze your buttocks so needed that you're desiring to feel his cum filling you up. But you like his cock pounding you.
“I'm going to make the others hear you being fucked by me, mi amor…” He bellows, making you beg when pulling out himself from you to get up.
Guiding you quickly to the sink and giving him your back, placing a hand on your nape, he makes you lean over the sink before putting aside your panties to thrust his soaked cock back to your pussy. The scream you utter when his pelvis hits you so rough, isn't normal. Being sure that your sister and Miguel already heard you. His hands nailed on your hips make each lunge deeper, watching him through the mirror the pleased look on his face, while his gaze is fixed in your. He enjoys seeing you bite your bottom lip and closing your eyes, every time he slaps you with his ringed fingers, knowing that this pleasure it's going to fuck you up tomorrow. But you love the way he has to uninhibit himself, after being the whole day following orders.
“Shit, baby… I want you all my fucking life”. He gasps leaning his head back with closed eyelids, impaling you against the marble counter of the sink.
Maybe you should have taken off the heels to not lose the balance, but you didn't think about it, and now you're fighting against your shaky legs.
“Look how good you take it all… my fucking god, (Y/N). You're fucking drenching me”.
Yes, you can feel it. You can feel your juices and his slipping down your thighs, producing a soaked dirty sound every time his body collides with yours so hard. Urging you to incorporate your chest from the sink with a hand grabbing your throat and the other arm surrounding your waist, Nestor arches your back, placing his face on your shoulder.
“Drown my fucking… dick with your cum, mi amor…” He begs you, biting your love, without removing his darkened orbs from yours, through your reflections.
“Shit, Nestor…” You're not sure when you start to cry because of the pleasure, needing more, needing to reach the orgasm. “Fuck me harder, I fucking beg you… Por favor”.
You can't barely breathe when his finger finds your clit, stroking it with the same pace he's embedding you against the furnishing. Your moans dance all around the bathroom, while he's gasping over your ear how much he wants to fuck you for the rest of his life, everywhere, at anytime you want it. And by crying out his name and clinging to him, a lash of heat evolves you, making your pussy twitch uncontrollably as the tears fall down your cheek. Your palpitating walls clenching his cock, making his vocals get louder as long as he continues diving his warmth hardness into you, closer from his own ecstasy.
You don't need to tell him that you want him to cum inside you, mixing it with yours, because he already has other plans. Pulling himself out and jerking off his dick, he spills his seed over your wet panties, bathing them on it as his throat collapses because of the pleasure. But don't waste time putting them to the side again to pound you again, pressing his body against yours as much as he can, holding your anatomy into his arms.
Te quiero sentir aquí. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
It's four am and you can't sleep thinking about what he said to you. Sighing, you sit up on your bed, curling your knees against your chest and surrounding them with both arms. He already told you that he wants you, but was he talking or his jealousy? You're doubting about going to his house, or texting him, or doing anything. Grabbing your phone from the nightstand and a cig from the packet, you step out of your dorm to walk downstairs towards the terrace. Sitting on one of the sofas outside, you light the smoke to have a drag, unlocking your phone. Your trembling fingers touch the screen over the keyboard; writing and deleting, writing and deleting. But you're unable to send any message. Feeling stupid, you finally write him that you can't sleep, listening the ding of your own notification so close that makes you frown confused.
“Me neither”.
With your lips pursed and a leg curled over the sofa, you turn ashamed towards him. Nestor is wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a white big shirt. You're sure that you have never seen him before without wearing a suit. And you are falling loudly for him much more than ever. Putting out the cigarette, you stand up on your feet to lead them towards you.
“Stay with me, at least tonight”. You mutter, tangling your fingers with his.
“But move with me tomorrow”. Nestor asks you then, before hugging you as close as he can.
“Deal”. You reply, placing your chin on his chest to look at him, receiving some short kisses all around your face that make you laugh.
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Inside Jokes and References in the Full Bios
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Mainly for @spacelizardtrashboys and @kuruumiya
Also: Any time strikethrough text is used it's because it's meant to be secret information, for example on the small bios any time 'Lucifarian' truly isn't their last name their is strikethrough test after saying that it's not their real name. This is to say that no matter what is written or if it's strikethrough text or not, it is there for a reason.
Damien - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for him refers back to his 'King of Hell' gimmick, as does his middle name, Rex means king.
He's protective, like a dad, but also way too overprotective over the gimmicks for the girls. He's an old, old school guy so he enjoys card games with the boys.
He's supposed to sound like a young Hugh Laurie, mainly because if I heard a young Hugh Laurie say Damien's bio quote I wouldn't be able to take him seriously.
His main finisher (Seventh Circle) refers back to (a) him being the king of hell and (b) the seventh circle is for violence, and well, he's a wrestler, that's a pretty violent job.
He calls fans both 'peasants' and his 'loyal subjects' because he's like an asshole-ish king who'd quickly be dethroned if they rebelled.
Vickie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for her refers back to her gimmick along with the old saying 'pride comes before the fall'.
She's called 'Victoria' because of both (a) it meaning victory and (b) the fact that Queen Victoria ruled back when Britain had an empire, then the empire fell (as in pride [Vickie] before a fall)
Both Her and Damien are born in August and are the only two to share a birth month as they are Father and Daughter (non-kayfabe, as in they share DNA)
She's raised Christian as back when she was growing up England was a lot more Christian than when she became an adult so she got lax in her beliefs
Her personality is supposed to make her come across as a vain, rich, arse of a person, yet deep down she's still redeemable, she's got a long way to go before she actually redeems herself though
She's the type of person who makes sure EVERY little detail of her matches and promos are PERFECT to the point that she will control what other people do or say, down to the moment it's said/done and the way it's said/done
She only likes the other D.O.D (Daughters of Darkness) members because she has only made enemies in the short while they've been in the company, she especially dislikes George 'The Animal' Steele because of his very messy style going against her 'everything should be perfect' views
She's the leader, the brain and the mouth because of her control over the group, if she let them have more control, there might be less arguments about her amount of control
Her named moves are also references to both her gimmick and other things. Beheader is named because of the Tudor monarchs of England having kind of a thing for killing people in this way (ex. Henry VIII).
Lineage Ender is named that because if she ever botches that one specific move (it'll make sense in context/ she does it during a training scene) it could end either her own Lineage or the person she's doing it to.
Lion's den is called that because she traps them in a near-inescapable crucifix pin, and normally if someone goes into a den of Lions, they aren't escaping in one piece.
Family Pride is named that because not only is her gimmick the sin of pride, but she's got pride in her family and she's her dad's 'pride and joy' because she's his only child.
Wish for this (her main finishing move) is called that because it's an inside joke of "you're gonna 'wish for this' to be over soon"
As she's Damien's blood daughter, a 'prodigal son' joke seemed somewhat appropriate.
Billie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the Guerreros and the whole 'Latin lover' trope
She was born in February because of Valentine's day, hence why her birthday is two days before the 14th
She's 1/2 Cuban (just in general - both Mexican and Cuban culture is interesting to me) But she's 1/2 Cuban in case I ever need to write for Razor Ramon, I can get away with making the joke of 'my Cuban accent's better than yours'.
Her casual style is 'Suggestive' because how else is Lust supposed to dress.
She dislikes Hulk Hogan because she finds him incredibly annoying and she dislikes Jesse Ventura because she dislikes his fashion choices.
I imagine her uncle Hugo looks like Luis Guzman and her dad's like Raul Julia. Try to imagine those two wrestling as a luchador tag team.
Her mother was basically a valet to her dad, which was usually Billie's role before she was part of the D.O.D.
Her move name references are all song references: Love me Tender - Elvis' song of the same name, Personal Aphrodite - a reference to / joke on 'Personal Jesus', Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye's song of the same name.
Also, I hope to eventually use the joke 'The Babe, the babe with the power,' 'What power?' 'Power of voodoo' 'Who do?' 'You do' 'Do what?' 'Remind me of the babe' because of one of her commentary nicknames being 'The Babe'
P.G - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is in reference to her being greed and (right at the start of the story) her thoughts on money actually being able to buy her happiness
her surname 'Voronin' means crow, and well, crows like shiny things, like money
she wears 'fancy but simple' clothing because if she bought designer clothes she'd be in debt, but she still wants to look like she has more money than everyone else
she's cowardly in a Jimmy Hart way, she'll piss someone off during a promo and run away once she feels like she's in danger
she's a showman because she's more show than work, meaning she works exceptionally quick matches.
Her moves are basically jokes on the fact that she is greed, such as Gold-digger and Diamond Ring. However, Money Maker is also a joke on the fact that it's a facebuster and usually an actor's face is called their 'money maker'
She hates Hulk Hogan and Sgt slaughter because of how patriotic they are
Kirby - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to (a) the fact that she's Gluttony, (b) her being the only one who wears a mask constantly and (c) her basically being the group's scare tactic against people who think they can push them around.
I am planning on eventually making her a part of the machines, maybe as a valet, maybe as a wrestler, not 100% sure as of right now
Her mother is the Norwegian-Scottish one and her father is the Irish-Welsh one
She is the tallest (not the heaviest, that's Damien) but she's still 9 inches shorter than André.
She's willing to bleed hardway, but hates blading
She hates Big John Studd because of his disrespect, she hates Hulk Hogan because she thinks he's obnoxiously 'American', she dislikes Lord Alfred Hayes and Dynamite Kid because they are so insistent on calling her '1/4 Icelandic' whenever she talks about being 1/4 Norwegian. She hates Brutus Beefcake because he's just 'so, so much' energy-wise.
She's always been tall, always shorter than André though, she was 5'6" when she was 12, which is still taller than Sam, P.G and Eli.
Kirby's the best at using folk tales and mythology references in her promos and still keeping them dark and scary.
Her speaking voice is Jessica Hynes, but I imagine her singing voice (which will be important later) to be that of Deee-lite's Lady Miss Kier. On that note, I will be putting up a post on this part of the fic's canon.
Feeding Frenzy is meant to look similar to Roddy's wild punches, hence the 'frenzy' part of the name.
Organ grinder is named because it's meant to look really hard (like she's putting all her force and weight into it) as if she's grinding her opponents organs
Hungry for Blood is an in-joke of during her toughest matches she seems hungry to give the fans the sight of blood
Consummation is a joke of 'the match will soon be over, the match will soon be concluded, or consummated' not the sex-based meaning of that word.
Number of the beast, which is 666, is a reference to the 619, and is a modified 619 basically.
Vampire's Bite is a reference to her sitout jawbreaker looking like she could possibly bite someone's neck, like a vampire, as she performs the move
I didn't want to call her chops, chops, so I made a joke of 'oh it's chopping, like a butcher's knife'
Overfeeding is another basic gluttony reference. Cheshire Grin is a facelock-based joke. Let Them Eat Cake is a butt=cake joke
The ogress is a thinly-veiled way of the commentary team calling her ugly, because why else would she be the only one in a mask
Holly - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is written that way because I always wanted her to sound like she comes from New Jersey
She's very cuddly towards the rest of the D.O.D and thus gets called a teddy bear by the others
She's Pansexual because she doesn't care what your gender is, she loves people just being themselves
She's the only ginger because I've never seen a ginger wrestler from New Jersey
She was raised Catholic but lost her faith upon realising how bad gay people are treated by the church (Holly literally just goes "Y'all it is 1984, how are y'all gonna reject people based on who they love?")
Holly's very much the person who'll ask permission to cut a promo on someone but won't tell them how harsh she's going to be
She's the group's mom friend (mum friend?)
Before she started travelling with another member of the group (Holly travels with Sam a lot) she would accidentally no-show events
She does accidentally give incredibly stiff shots
Holly likes Gorilla Monsoon because their friendship is very much a weird pseudo-dad-daughter friendship, so basically, she's using him as her new dad
Her voice is Angie Harmon because I think Harmon sounds like a badass from New Jersey
Naptime, Dirt Nap and Lullaby are jokes of 'I'm gonna knock you out'
Eli - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a joke of 'this is why she doesn't do a lot of promos'
She's the most likely to be on one of those 'too hot for TV' blooper reels from her promos
Both she and Sam hate people taller than them
Sam - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the fact that her tattoos are her 'masterpiece'
she dresses athletically because she's always ready for a fight, especially because she's usually the one picking fights
She likes Lou because he's like a crazy uncle to her and she likes George Steele because, unlike Vickie, she likes the wild man side of his gimmick
She's voiced by Melissa Etheridge because she's still feminine but is the most masculine sounding
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Birds of a Feather Pt 1: (platonic) Scrooge McDuck & Reader
-i usually do star wars buuuuuut I'm becoming multi-fandom
-the original was deleted
-thanks a LOT technology. Three hours of hard work, down the drain
-comments will really help my mood, so please tell me if you like this
-happy father's day
Important note: You’re cursed with immortality, so you’re forever the age 15
Scrooge has been hiding a secret from you for over two decades. You two argue and your relationship becomes rocky.
A week before
(Y/n) was seething in anger. Her chest heaved and her fingers curled into fists so tight that Scrooge worried she’d draw blood. “Twenty--no, thirty something years, Uncle Scrooge. I can’t believe you’ve hid this from me since the day you found me half-dead! How--how dare you?” 
Scrooge couldn’t stand the way (Y/n) was looking at him. Her eyes were ablaze, filled with hatred and sorrow he could not place into words. Seeing (Y/n), the girl who wasn’t so little anymore, look at him like that made his battered heart burst into little pieces. “(Y/n), I didn’t mean to--”
“No, I don’t want to hear it! You told me my family was dead! You said that I was the only one who survived that assassination.” (Y/n) stuffed a pair of trousers into her suitcase and zipped it shut. “You lied to me for decades! Why?” Scrooge’s lips withered into a frown. “I was trying to protect you!”
“’Protect me’?” (Y/n) echoed. She heaved her suitcase onto its quad wheels with a scowl. “Oh yes, because the wee little duckling who knows martial arts needs help despite surviving countless near-death experiences, adventures as your side-kick, and defeating archenemies. Yes, yes, I’m powerless, aren’t I?” Scrooge’s brows knitted together. He knew full-well that (Y/n) could take care of herself. She survived being stuck on an island as well, being swallowed by a gold-hunting dragon, and so many other things that could have ended her life for good. 
But this? It wasn’t that Scrooge thought she was weak. No, no. It was only that he knew she couldn’t handle the truth. The Eider family were an absolute nightmare. Besides the fact that they were abusive, they were greedier than the greediest ducks, and more power-hungry than the worst of kings. They believed themselves to be the best of the best (which in itself was not a lie), but because of their arrogance, their enemies spread father than the deepest oceans.
Funnily enough, that was what got (Y/n)’s parents killed.
She was a smart lass, Scrooge gave her that, but the one thing she could never seem to do was let them go. During the years Scrooge hid the true story from her, she never gave up in researching and looking into what happened to her parents. It was as if that were the only reason she existed. 
And now that she knew the truth, Scrooge worried what she’d do when she actually got back in contact with her family. Although it looked like she forgave them for ruining her life, abusing her, and for being absolute blockheads, it was clear as daylight to him that she held a deep grudge against her family. “You’re not going back to them are you?” he quietly inquired. 
(Y/n)’s glare made him feel as though he were the dust on an old book. “Guess again, Scroogey.” His expression hardened and the air thickened like jam. “Lass, you are not going back there.” (Y/n) made her way to the door, a tight frown on her face. “I don’t have to listen to you, liar.” 
Scrooge’s jaw unhinged. “I’m your guardian!” 
“Only because my parents died.” 
His shoulders tensed and he slammed the door shut. “You listen here and you listen well!” He yanked (Y/n) away from the door. “Me lying will never compare to how terrible your family treated you. You want the truth so bad? Well, your rubbish aunt hired a hit man to assassinate your parents! There! That’s the truth! Are you happy now?” (Y/n) slapped Scrooge’s hand off her shoulder, but he didn’t pay any mind. 
The two had a silent stare-off that may have lasted for an hour if it weren’t for the knock on the door. “(Y/n)?” Scrooge eyed the door as (Y/n) made her way towards it. She cracked it open just enough to peek out at the little girl before her. “Sorry Webby, I can’t play right now. I’m a bit...”
“Yeah.” (Y/n) offered an apologetic smile, to which Webby frowned and twiddled her thumbs to. “Okay then. I’ll be in my room.” She made her way down the hall. “Alone.” (Y/n) frowned. “I’m sorry Webby, promise I’ll make it up to you in two weeks time. How about we get ice cream?” Webby froze, eyes wide. “You mean it?”
“Promise.” (Y/n) said. Webby smiled. “Okay.” 
Once (Y/n) was sure Webby was gone, she closed the door behind her and turned on Scrooge with a dark glare. “I’m done arguing with you. I’m leaving.” she announced. Scrooge folded his arms across his chest and seized (Y/n) by the collar. “Oh no you don’t!” He reeled her away from the door and kicked her suitcase out of her hands. “You are staying right here.”
“I’m not a kid anymore Uncle Scrooge!”
“You’re fifteen. Still a kid.”
“If you add the years after I was cursed by you--”
“It was an accident!”
“--I’m about thirty-five years old.” (Y/n) finished. Scrooge ruffled her hair with a roll of his eyes and a light-hearted chuckle. “You’ll always be my kid in my eyes. I suggest you reschedule with Webby to tomorrow.” There was a good pause before he added, “You don’t need to see your sad excuse of a family anyway. They’re nothing but trouble.”
“Lauchpad, please try to stay on the road!” exclaimed (Y/n). The large man-child sped through Duckburg as if he were in a NASCAR race. Speed-bumps and pot-holes caused (Y/n) to slam into the door and Scrooge at least fives times in a row, and since he had a long day of meetings, the old man’s patience ran thin. “Eyes on the road McQuack!”
“Sorry Mr. McDee, (N/n).” 
(Y/n) wanted to be nice to Launchpad, but her stomach did flip-flops and her head ached. She should have expected this, because it was always like this, but her being her always held onto the sliver of hope that Launchpad would miraculously learn how to not crash a car. Scrooge took a good look at (Y/n), a short sigh escaping his lips. “Every dent in this car is coming out of your salary!” 
“Absolutely. Hey, hear about that crazy snow storm on the Drake Barrier Reef? I’d hate to fly into that one. You see, I’m a bit of a pilot--”
Without looking up from his newspaper, Scrooge pressed a button on the door. The glass divider slowly rolled up and forced Launchpad to keep his eyes where they should be: on the road. 
(Y/n) lied down on the seat with a sluggish frown. “I’m just gonna...close my eyes.” Either Launchpad forgot how brakes work, or he had zero brain cells left, because he continued charging through the city until he came to the manor’s gates despite Scrooge’s protests. The limo came to a screeching stop. If it weren’t for Scrooge, (Y/n) would have flown into the windscreen. 
“Why aren’t we moving?” demanded Scrooge. (Y/n) harshly swallowed and sat up. The impatient beeping of the limo’s horn didn’t help her spinning head, and neither did Scrooge’s yelling as he hopped out of the car. “Hey!” he shouted. “Jettison that jalopy from my driveway, ya deadbeat!” 
Who was he even talking to?
“Donald Duck.” 
“Uncle Scrooge.”
(Y/n) didn’t care to listen to the arguing. All she wanted was a good cup of tea and a bed. 
“Jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, ya deadbeat!”
“Oh, here we go again, giving orders like he’s the richest duck in the world!”
“I am the richest duck in the world, now move!”
(Y/n) couldn’t take the arguing anymore. Her head spun, she felt like she’d throw up, and she really craved that cuppa probably waiting for her in the dining room. “Can you both shut up?!” A pair of footsteps made their way towards the open car door. Through the disgustingly bright sunlight, and the splitting headache, (Y/n) made out the angry face of Donald Duck.
“What did you do to her Scrooge?!” he shouted. Scrooge let out a large gasp, a clear sign he was beyond offended. “What did I do to her?! It was Launchpad’s driving!” 
There was some more chatter before three identical children piled in the limo. (Y/n) didn’t care who they were, and it seemed like the feeling with Scrooge was mutual. When the gates opened and they arrived at the front door, Mrs. Beakely scooped (Y/n) in her arms and brought her to her room. “My, my, was it Launchpad’s terrible excuse for driving again?” 
(Y/n) wordlessly nodded as Beakley set her on her bed. She poured a nice warm cup of tea and handed it to the car-sick girl. “I suggest you rest for a little before you get caught up too much excitement again.” Mrs. B. said. 
A little rest, Mrs. B. said. It would be good for you, she said. Only after waking up did (Y/n) realise she had been drugged by the one-and-only housekeeper. It was obvious she knew (Y/n) wouldn’t get a wink of sleep because she had a tendency to lay awake in bed until three in the morning, but in her eyes, that did not justify her actions, especially after all the action she missed out on. 
That morning, she stood in the dining room, PJs on and mouth agape as three identical triplets bombarded her with an arsenal of crazy questions.
"Aren't you Uncle Scrooge's famous sidekick?"
"Isn't your family crazy rich and extremely prestige?"
"How do you still look the same after so many years?"
"Water from the Fountain of Youth?"
"No, plastic surgery?"
(Y/n) sent Scrooge a silent look for help, to which he shook his head with a warm smile. "Boys, don't be rude." he merrily said. "She's just cursed is all." The blue one's eyes widened, and for a second, (Y/n) thought he had chocked on his scrambled eggs. "You're cursed? How?"
"Actually, I have a better question, how did you meet Uncle Scrooge?"
(Y/n) swallowed a bite of toast. Her gaze nervously snapped towards the old duck, to which he folded his newspaper shut and said, "Alright, boys. That's enough. I think it's a bit early for all these questions, especially for her. She hates mornings." (Y/n) smiled a little. "Yeah, I do." She returned her focus on the faces of the three kids. Each had large, bright eyes, extremely large smiles, and loud personalities. Which also happened to remind her of...
(Y/n) leaned over to Scrooge's ear and subtly face-palmed. "They're Della's kids, aren't they?"
"You just figured that out now?"
"I was tired, what do you expect?"
Scrooge rolled his eyes. "Besides that, we're going to Atlantis tomorrow." he nonchalantly announced. (Y/n) almost spit out her tea. "Wait, you're serious?"
He nodded, a sparkle (Y/n) hadn't seen in a while shining in his eyes. (Y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for Scrooge. If he hadn't stopped her from seeking out her family, she'd probably be dead. (Y/n) Eider didn't belong with a bunch of prestigious, scholarly ducks. She was an adventurer, an explorer, who walked through every corner of the Earth.
But most importantly, she was Scrooge McDuck's one and only side-kick.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Seventy-Three
Thank you guys for your patience, if I haven't been replying its because I haven't been getting on tumblr for a hot minute but I am back now!!
This is part 1 of 2 of Seventy-Three, part 2 will be up in tomorrow night.
I love y'all, thank you so much!!
Words: 4.8k
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of drug abuse, violence, inappropriate sexual behavior
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @sinningsixx  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @vamprlestat  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7  @fandomshit6000  @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @shamlessobsession @scarecrowmax  @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @loveofmyloif  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx  @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor  @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter  @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror  @mcnibberachi
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“I am going to kill you!” I shout, chasing Stevie and Slash over the hotel beds with Duff eventually tackling me when they lock themselves into the bathroom.
“You’re the one who ate the brownies, Viv! It’s common sense not to do that!” Steven tells me from the other side of the door.
“Your ass is grass and I’m going to mow it!” I yell back.
“No one’s mowing ass!” Duff tells me. “We’re just gonna wait for it to pass." He says in reference to my inevitable high.
“I’m gonna puke.” I insist, pushing him off of me.
“D-Do you feel sick?” He asks me, worried, and I open the door of the bathroom, Steven and Slash peeking their heads out of the shower from behind the curtain.
“No, I’m gonna make myself throw up so I don’t trip balls.” I explain.
“Ew.” Slash mumbles.
“Viv, no, it won’t be that bad.” Steven assures me as I kneel over the toilet, and Duff pulls me up.
“It’s not like it’s gonna kill you, Viv, alright, just stay in the room and let it run its course. Don’t do that to yourself.” He tells me, motioning to the toilet and I raise my brows.
“Just go lay down and relax.” Slash adds.
“Fine.” I state, stepping out of the bathroom.
"So, you've got this handled." Stevie starts to Duff. 
"We're going back down to the bar." Steven declares, pulling Slash to the door with him. 
"Dude, what? They were your brownies." Duff tells him. 
"That she ate without asking." Steven points out. 
"I was hungry!"
"Then you go to McDonalds! You don't eat brownies you find in our room!" Steven replies. 
"Alright, okay, you two go. I got this." Duff sighs. 
"Thank you. Bye." He replies and they leave us, Duff shutting the door behind them as I lay down, getting under the covers and turning the TV on, Looney Tunes playing as Duff steps to the bed.
"You can go back downstairs, I'm sure I'll be fine. I don't even feel anything." I mumble and he looks at me, pointedly. 
"No, I'm staying." He states, taking his jacket and boots off, getting in to bed with me, sitting up against the headboard as I lay my head in his lap.
A few minutes later, I'm getting out from under the covers because it's rubbing against my skin too hard.
"You okay?" Duff asks me when I go to pull my shirt over my head. 
"My freaking skin hurts." I reply and he raises his brows. 
"It's the brownies."
"It's not the brownies." I reply, suddenly freezing when I make eye contact with Daffy Duck, catching him staring at me through the TV, and feel feathers against my fingers. 
"What're you doing?" Duff asks me and I realize I'm rubbing my finger tips together on both hands, and when I look at him, another realization comes to mind. 
"If you combine 'Daffy' and 'Duck' you get 'Duffy'." I tell him and he raises a brow. 
"Or 'Dack'. I feel like this is a perfect time for you to tell me my favorite joke." I tell him and he raises his brows. "'Paint my house'." I mock his voice, giggles consuming me once I'm done and he laughs with me.
"--I'm kinda hungry."
"You ate five brownies, babe." He reminds me.
"Pot brownies don't count as food." I state, reaching for the phone. "I'm getting room service." 
"No, no," he stops me, chuckling, grabbing the phone from me. "You do not want to get food while you're high and hungry. You'll order stuff you've never even heard of and we'll be murdered for running up the bill."
"We can just get Doc to pay for it." I shrug, going for the phone in his hand. 
"Which is why it's not a good idea." He explains.
"If he gets his panties in a wad over room service he can just eat a brownie and he'll feel fine." I snatch the phone from him and dart for the bathroom.
"Vivian, baby!" He calls, opening the bathroom door before I can close it but it's too late, I'm dialing the number for room service, swatting Duff's hand away, though the movement seems as if it's delayed--at least my vision is delayed, or my mind, I don't know.
"Hello?" The man on the other line picks up and I furrow my brows, the fear that he knows I'm high infiltrating my mind. "Hello?" He repeats and I hang up and drop the phone. 
"What if he tells my parents?" I ask myself, trying to stay calm as anxiety rises.
"W-What?" Duff asks me, confused.
"Dad will kill me. Mom--oh, God, mom will never let me live it down." I push past him to pace in the room and he furrows his brows. 
"--How do I even begin to explain to my parents I'm on drugs. Does pot even count as a drug? It's natural--so is fucking arsenic but do you see anybody putting that shit in brownies?" I ask myself. "I'm going to hell." I conclude, tears coming to my eyes. "I'm going to hell." I repeat, my voice cracking. 
"Viv, you ate them on accident, you're not going to hell for accidentally getting high." 
"I want Nikki." I say next, my heart beat beginning to hammer.
"If he finds out you're like this, we could get in trouble, Viv." Duff tells me.
"I want Nikki." I repeat, my breathing getting more frantic.
I stare at Fred, Doc, and Rich Fischer...and Bob Timmons, rolling my jaw as they look at me pointedly, waiting for me to say something in response. Anything.
“Are you gonna say anything?” Doc finally asks me and I lick my lips.
“What the hell am I supposed to say, Doc?” I ask him, furrowing my brows a little. “I-I’ve tried to talk to him about it a million times the past three years and he refuses to acknowledge he has an issue.” I state.
“Because he feels like he’s got nothing to lose.” Doc informs me. “I know you two aren’t on good terms, anyway, but, Vivian, we can’t have one of our guys nearly falling out on stage on smack. That’s not good press.”
“Since when the hell do we care about good or bad press?” I laugh humorlessly.
“Since I don’t want Nikki to fucking die on this tour.” Doc snaps.
“Can’t make money off tickets if the bassist dies and there’s no band to tour, anymore, right?” I ask him, poking my lip out sarcastically for a moment and he glares at me.
“I’m not in it for money.” Fred cuts in, seriously, a genuine look of worry on his face. “He’s like a brother to me. I’m not fucking in it for the money. I just don’t wanna see him dead.”
“We’re already getting a divorce so what the hell is it gonna do to threaten divorce if he doesn’t stop shooting up?” I ask them, raising my brows.
“I promise, it’ll get his attention.” Fred assures me.
“Do you know something that I don’t?” I cut my eyes at him. “Because all I’ve heard is how ready he is to get away from me and be free.”
“Just talk to him.” Fred ignores my question, which confirms that whatever shit Nikki feeds me about wanting to leave me as soon as possible is all bark with no bite behind it.
“What’s in it for me?” I ask them.
“The gratification of knowing you’re doing what Jesus would do.” Doc sarcastically replies.
“Jesus would exorcise him.” I bite back.
“I promise we haven’t ruled that option out yet.” He sighs out.
That was the first of many “what’re we going to do about Nikki?” meetings on that tour. Nikki had gone on high as hell--thinking no one noticed--and nearly passed out after flipping down the stage and taking way too long to get back up, and when he did get up, he nearly fell off the stage and could barely keep his eyes open. They had to remedy his stupor with a few bumps of coke during Tommy’s drum solo.
He got up in arms if anyone tried to confront him about it, brushing it off like he was just really tired that night, so they called me up to bat.
I guess they forgot I couldn’t talk to him about anything without it turning into a fight--especially not about his heroin addiction.
"So, even though we're separated and he's your client, you're leaving it up to me to convince him to get sober?" I clarify. 
"He's not doing himself any favors, Vivian, you know that. This isn't just affecting your marriage." Doc tells me. 
"Um, yeah, I've been trying to tell you that for years now but the second it turns into him risking the loss of money going in to your pockets you're all about getting him some fucking help." I snap, standing up. "Thank you for confirming you're the piece of shit I was afraid you were." 
"Vivian, wai--"
"--Go fuck yourself, Doc. You're lucky I don't fucking fire you." 
I leave the meeting with Fred at my heels. 
"Viv, wait." He grasps at my wrist and turns me to face him, making me flare my nostrils with frustration. 
"I'm not talking to him, Fred."
"Vivian, he's more likely to listen to you than any of us."
"Are you kidding me?! He'll laugh in my face!" I give up and raise my voice, hoping it'll get my point across since they seem to not understand english when it's spoken calmly and quietly. 
"Viv, just try it. Just once. Please." He begs.
I already felt like it was my job to fix him, and having that responsibility of being the only one capable of getting Nikki to slow down only added to that burden that I knew right away I'd be unable to bear but tried to do so anyway.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I was locked out of mine and my husband's room. I accidentally left the key in there before I left and he doesn't have his with him, either." I tell the receptionist at the front desk of the hotel.
"Do you have any ID?" She asks me and I pull out my license, smiling.
"Here you go." I show her. "Vivian and Nikki Sixx, but the room name is probably under Doc McGhee." I add and she flips through bookings for a moment before she nods. 
"Got it." She tells me, opening a drawer and pulling a spare out. 
"Thank you." I tell her politely, taking the key and heading to the elevator. 
"Enjoy your night." She replies. 
"Thanks, you too." I grin to myself mischievously, ready to piss on Nikki's parade. 
I get up to his room and unlock the door, smelling sweaty clothes, vomit, possibly urine, definite shit, semen, smoke, heroin, and coke.
"Ew." I mumble, seeing that he is nowhere to be found. 
I immediately start shuffling through his things, every pant pocket, every compartment in his suitcase, under the bed, in the drawers, under the mattress, in the pillow cases, in the bathroom, the closet, under the dresser, under the TV stand, the night stand, behind the bed, behind wall paintings, everywhere, and find absolutely nothing. 
"You've got to be kidding me." I say to myself, looking at the disheveled room. "If I were Nikki Sixx where would I hide my stash?" I say next…an idea popping into my mind. "The last thing I'd think anyone would suspect I would even touch." I answer myself, going back to the nightstand drawer, opening it back up to see a bible.
I open it and find the jackpot. 
I don't know where he found the time to hollow it out and put a baggie of china white and a small bindle of coke inside but I don't have time to think about it. 
"Really should have taken the expensive stuff with you, baby." I state, taking the china white out and pouring the powder into the toilet before throwing the baggie away, doing the same with the coke. 
I go to fix everything the way I found it but I'm stopped by the sound of the door knob being unlocked. 
I dodge into the closet, shutting the door as best as I can, hearing the room door swing open, and the sound of Nikki stumbling in, laughing while another woman giggles, making my heart hammer in my chest. 
"What's wrong?" I hear her giggling come to an abrupt stop. 
"I don't feel good, take a rain check." He brushes her off, and I hear him walk around the room, probably noticing it looks like a tornado hit it, worse than how he left it. 
"I thought we were gonna have some fun, though." I hear the pout in her voice.
"I'm sure Vinnie would take you up on that. He's across the hall." He sounds even more disinterested by the second, aggravation in his tone, but I don't believe it's because her. 
"Fucking rockstars." She complains, stomping out and slamming the door. 
"I can smell your perfume from here, Viv." He says, and I hear him kick some stuff out of his way before the sound of him sitting on the bed. 
I roll my eyes and step out of the closet, smiling at him innocently. 
"What the fuck are you doing in here? How'd you even fucking get it?" 
"I got a key." I inform him. 
"What are you doing here?" He asks again and I go to speak but can't, not knowing what lie to come up with.
I hesitate for too long, giving him too much time to think about it.
"Oh, you didn't." He sneers, before quickly walking to the nightstand, opening the drawer and grabbing the bible before he opens it to see it's empty. "God damnit, Vivian!" 
By this time I'm already almost at the door, within arms reach, but he's rushing to me and grabbing my hair, pulling me back, causing me to cry out before he's shoving me to the bed. 
"Where did you put it?!" He demands and I take deep breaths, staring at him. 
"I flushed it." I admit honestly and his face turns red, his fist balling up at his sides. 
"You did what?" He shakily asks again and I sit up.
"I. Flushed. It." I repeat. 
"Do you realize how much money that shit costs?!" He outbursts and I move to get off the bed, but he grabs my arm roughly so I can't get away. 
"Let go of me." I warn him, trying to get out of his grasp. 
"Answer me!" He barks at me.
I don't say another thing, my foot jutting out to kick him off of me, hard.
"Trust me, I know how much money that shit costs because you've been prioritizing it over our other finances for the past five years!" I argue back. 
"You fucking bitch!" He screams as I go for the door again.
"You strung out junkie!" I yell back.
The lamp shatters against the door when he throws it, the only light in the room is now coming from the bathroom and I turn to face him, anger growing in me at the fact he threw a lamp at me over something so stupid.
I'm taking my heel off and throwing it at him next before turning back around to leave, but when the blade of his switchblade lands a foot away from me, in the carpet, I get fed up.
I lunge at him, the two of us hitting the hotel floor with a heavy thud, my nails clawing at his bare chest before he shoves me off of him and grabs my wrists, the two of us in a stare off, catching our breath. 
"I'm only here because I'm worried about you, asshole!" I outburst at him."Your health is going to shit and--"
"--Oh, for fucks sake, Viv, when I die everything's going to you so don't act like you're not foaming at the mouth for me to finally croak." He snaps at me, pulling himself onto the bed, laying on his back.
"If I were eagerly awaiting your death I wouldn't be flushing anything to keep you away from it."
"As if I won't call up a dealer the second you get the fuck out. Speaking of which: get the fuck out." He motions to the door and I stand over him. 
"I'm not done talking."
"I am."
"Good, then you won't argue when I say that you need to slow down because Doc's getting uneasy due to that stunt you pulled last night." 
"I was tired."
"You were high."
"They don't know that."
"They sure do know that, they just haven't confronted you themselves because they don't need you going at them like a rabid dog." 
"There was a meeting. They even brought in Bob Timmons, Nikki." I reply and he closes his eyes and lets out a sharp breath before he sits up. "They were hoping maybe us talking about it might encourage you to put your health as a priority." I add, leaving out "get sober or get divorced," deciding that's the last thing he needs to hear, and he nods. "I know it probably won't do much, but, Nikki, we're really worried--I'm really worried." 
"We've had this conversation how many fucking times, Vivian?" He scoffs out, looking up at me. 
"I'm not an idiot, Nikki, you're not okay. You don't look good, you don't smell good, you didn't sound good--"
"--Are you done?" His voice gravels out, unamused, and in denial. 
"I don't look good because I'm tired, I don't smell good because I haven't showered yet, and you don't know shit about music so who the fuck are you to tell me if I sounded good or not?" 
"You realize I'm not that naive little pipsqueak that just wanted to keep the peace and went along with whatever you said years ago, right?" 
"At least you knew how to keep your fucking mouth shut unless I wanted it open for reasons that had nothing to do with talking." He grumbles. 
I glare at him a moment longer and exhale.
"Tell your dealer I said 'hello'." I yield, grabbing my other shoe, leaving in defeat, holding back the tears leaking to my eyes. 
"The fuck's going on?" Izzy asks us as Steven, Slash and Duff look like deer caught in headlights, interrupted as they try to coax me back into the room.
"I'm too high." I state, panicking, and Izzy furrows his brows.
"You're what?" He asks me, looking at the guys. "She's what?"
"Too high." I repeat.
"Who is?" Axl asks, approaching us with a beer in hand, obviously not prepared for what he's about to find out.
"I am." I say at the same time, Steven says, "nobody."
Everybody's at a stand still for a moment, all of us staring at each other before Axl starts in. 
"She's what?!" He demands while Slash and Steven scramble to explain.
"Well, she, like...ate something and now--"
"--Don't tell me she ate those fucking brownies you two have been smuggling." He tells them and Slash slowly puts his sunglasses on to avoid direct eye contact as Stevie stutters out:
"Uh-Um, w-well...she had like five and it was a complete accident." 
"Five?!" He shouts next and I slowly back away as they become further occupied, darting down the hall and turning the corner, hearing Duff say, "wait, Viv!", making my feet go faster. 
The next morning is spent on the phone with Sharise while she goes over last minute wedding details for the date set for the one day the band has off next week. 
"She told me she wants bright pink bridesmaids dresses." I tell Vince, raising a brow.
"Yeah, I helped her pick them out." He smugly replies, knowing I was dreading the idea of looking like a cupcake.
"I hate you."
"I love you." He sarcastically states, leaning back in his chair at the breakfast table in the hotel's cafeteria. 
"Where the hell is everybody else, we're outta here in 20 minutes." Fred tells us and I raise my brows.
"Being that Tansy and Sparkie and Nikki were all up doing God knows what last night, I'm assuming they aren't even aware what year it is, currently." I reply to him, drinking a sip of orange juice.
"And what about Guns?" He asks next. 
"Heck if I know." I tell him and he groans, rubbing his forehead. "Okay, fine, I'll go get everybody rounded up. K?" I offer, standing.
"Thank you." He says to me as I walk to the elevator. 
Once I get to our floor, I start at Tommy's room, banging on the door until I hear, "What?!" from the other side.
"Get up, we leave in 20 minutes!" I say back, going to Tansy and Sparkie's room, knocking at the door.
It opens within seconds, Sparkie, completely naked, standing at the door with his brows raised.
I gag at the sight of him wearing nothing.
"We're leaving in 20 minutes." I tell him neutrally.
"I'll wake Tans up." He replies, smirking at me and I go to turn away but he's grabbing my arm. "You thought about what I said?" He asks me and I roll my jaw. 
"Mmm, still thinking on it." I don't even hide my sarcasm and he licks his lips. 
"Think a little harder, baby, because I almost let it out when we were hanging out last night." He informs me and my blood runs cold. "The longer you wait the easier it's gonna start wanting to just slip out without a second thought." He adds, shutting the door in my face and I let out a defeated breath, squeezing my eyes closed for a second and rubbing my forehead. 
When I turn to walk down to Steven's room, he and Slash are coming out, leaning on each other, both of them wearing sunglasses to shield their hangovers, dragging their luggage along behind them.
"Is Axl, Izzy and Duff up?" I ask them as I pass by. 
"I don't even think Axl slept. Izzy's trying to shoo away some girl and Duff's trying to finish packing." Steven replies flatly, obviously tired, and I go to Duff's room, knocking a few times before he opens the door. 
He opens it and his eyes light up.
"There you are." He says, stepping back to his suitcase that's on the bed as he starts tossing his belongings in.
"Yeah, I got up earlier for breakfast." I reply, grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste out of the bathroom.
"I figured." He states, running a hand through his hair before rubbing his eye. "Um, Izzy and Axl just left, I think, and I'll be down in a second, so." He informs me and I nod.
"Okay, I'm gonna go grab my stuff from my room." 
"K." He replies as I leave, going across the hall to unlock my door and gather my stuff. 
The door, that I left crack, is soon opening again and I think it's Fred or Doc or one of the guys, but when I look up from my suitcase to see Sparkie, I feel sick.
"You do realize sexual coercion is rape, right?" I blatantly ask, wanting him to know good and well what he's doing. 
"Not if it's consensual." He shrugs and I roll my jaw and zip up my bag.
"It's not consensual if you're having to blackmail me into doing it." I bite back, shoving past me to get out of the room, and I run smack dab into Fred, and pray he didn't hear our exchange. 
He opens his mouth to speak, quickly halting when Sparkie comes out behind me, smirking.
"Morning." He says to Fred. "Vivian." He more so sneers, heading to the elevator.
"The fuck is that about?" Fred asks, referring to Sparkie being in the room with me.
"Um, he was helping me pack." I lie, knowing if I tell him the truth he'll be arrested for murder.
"Right." He looks at me with unsure eyes before brushing it off. "We're loading up." 
Fred was a damn good actor.
The only thing keeping him from beating the shit out of Sparkie, was knowing when he told Nikki later on that night, Nikki would do a worse number on the bastard than he would.
"Wow, I can actually run a brush through it." I comment to Duff, combing out his hair before he picks up a can of hair spray to tease it a little.
"Extra conditioner. Who'da thought." He adds, grinning at me like a little kid.
"Viv, can you do this?" Stevie asks next, a slight whine to his voice.
"What is it?" I ask, stepping to him in the dressing room. 
When I see what he means, I look at him, unamused.
"Steven Adler. You know how to lace your pants up." 
"No, these are hard to do because the string is almost too big for the little holes they go through." He pleads his case, raising his brows. "You have tinier fingers, plus you're not fighting off an everlasting hangover and coke jitters."
I look down at his pants, seeing very well he's not wearing underwear, and take a deep breath.
"I'll keep my hands to myself, alright? I promise." He assures me, tucking his hands behind his back. 
"It's not your hands I'm worried about." I mumble, rolling my eyes.
I end up having to crouch to get eye level with the laces, and when the door opens up to reveal Axl, and I'm on my knees with my hands on the strings keeping Steven's penis separated from my face, it looks assbackwards--well, blowjobbackwards. 
"Can you stop blowing my band?!" Axl's meltdown tone on full effect and I look at him, wide eyed.
"I'm not blowing anybody!" I snap. 
"Except Duff." Slash mumbles with a little chuckle and Izzy finds humor in it as well. 
"Axl, dude, she's just helping me with my pants." Stevie defends me, raising his brows. "Besides if she was blowing me that'd be our fucking business."
"What did you just say to me?" Axl hones in on Steven, his eyes sharply narrowing, his jaw tightening. 
"I said, if she was sucking my fucking cock it would be mine and her's business--ya know, since we're both fucking grown-ass adults and you can't tell us what the fuck to do?" 
"You're in my fucking band, Steven, so yeah, actually, I believe I can tell you--"
"--Guys, don't fight." I say, standing up and crossing my arms. 
"--You can't tell me shit!" Steven outbursts. "Just like you can't tell Duff shit! He's a big boy and Viv's a big girl--what goes on between them doesn't concern any of us, especially not you." Steven pushes me out ot the way so he can stand nearly chest with chest with Axl. 
"Axl, Stevie, c'mon, now." Duff says, gently pulling me behind him as he steps to the guys, slowly urging them apart. 
"It does concern me because it's affecting Guns N' Roses." Axl hisses. 
"You act like she's fucking everything up, Axl! Just because he was late for one fucking rehearsal--"
"--A studio session, soundcheck, and, one fucking rehearsal." The red head snaps and I look at Duff, confused.
I didn't know he missed a studio session and soundcheck for me at one point...the look on Duff's face says that Axl was supposed to keep quiet about the studio session mishap and soundcheck.
He looks pissed.
"And I said it wouldn't happen again." Duff cuts in.
"Why can't you just back off?" I ask next without another thought.
"Because you spreading your legs is fucking up my band, Yoko!" Axl doesn't hesitate, and Steven's shoving at his shoulders, sending him shuffling back, catching himself on the closed door.
Just as Axl goes to get back at Steven, Duff intervenes, holding at Axl while I get in front of Steven and face him, keeping him from taking advantage of Axl being held still. 
There's a loud knock at the door and Doc peeks his head in.
"You're on." He tells the guys, shutting the door back.
Axl shoves Duff off of him and storms out while Steven ties his pants since I fixed the laces, and huffs out a breath.
"Izzy, either straighten your fucking buddy out or I will. I've about had his shit." Stevie threatens. 
Axl and Steven butted heads more than anybody in the band did at that time. Steven couldn't stand Axl's uptight arrogance, and Axl couldn't understand Steven's nonchalance. 
I think that's why it was so easy for Axl to give up on Steven when his drug abuse got so bad--he was tired of trying to understand Steven when he was decently sober, trying to understand him putting drugs before the band would have exhausted him to the point of no return.
They just couldn't ever get in tune with one another.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Don't scroll past this!
Why, you ask?
Sorry if I scared you there, I'm just über excited for this one, I sincerely am, you have no idea!!! 
If you haven’t read the previous parts, you can find them RIGHT HERE: 
Part 1: 
Part 2: 
Part 3: 
Part 4: 
Part 5:
Previously on Toppat!Charles: Our pilot friend learned the hard way it's not a good idea to say 'no' to the Right Hand Man, and has accepted his offer. Meanwhile, Henry has been having nightmares of his different end selves disagreeing with his decision and chastising him for letting Charles get taken by Right.
HEADCANON/THEORY FOLLOWING OF THE CHAPTER: Watch this theory by Two Left Thumbs, and you'll know instantly. A hint, though, Ellie is dealing with this in her own way; she and Henry ARE connected in more ways than one😉: https://youtu.be/LjOCfKOqkic
Got that? FANTASTIC!!
Henry walks down a hallway and toward a break room for breakfast; he, Ellie, and Charles do have an apartment, but the general wants them to stay until Charles is back home safely. 
It has been at least a few weeks since part 5, and that time, in addition to the nightmares, has taken its toll. Henry’s hair is messy, his clothes are wrinkled, and bags have formed under his eyes. 
As he reaches the doorway, someone is there to greet him. 
“Morning, Mr. Stickmin.” 
Bill Bullet sits at one of the tables, having just finished his own breakfast and is now fidgeting with his empty coffee cup. 
Henry takes a seat across from him and rests his head on his hand. 
“You doing alright? You look like Hell in a hand basket.” 
'Hard time sleeping,' Henry signs as he yawns.
"Well, don't go sleeping on me. We're moving today."
Henry looks up at him, now awake and alert.
"Some of my men saw movement from the orbital station on oir satellite. They might be paying Earth a visit."
Henry pulls a newspaper ad out of his pocket and uncrinkles it and shows it to Bullet, tapping on it.
It's an add for a museum exhibit in a neighboring city close to the one Henry robbed in StD, said exhibit being a sapphire, like a large sapphire, like the size of the diamond, ruby, and emerald. It's tempting for Henry to not steal the sapphire and slip back into old habits.
This is an excellent target for the clan.
'The Right Hand Man should be, too.'
Bullet smirks and nods. "I've got a team ready for you. We'll leave on your call."
Henry and his team and Ellie enter the museum with little to no problem; Henry brought Ellie for emotional support and so he could show her the sapphire. (A small gift to her for everything she's done as his friend)
They have some close calls like Ellie almost getting seen by a guard, one of the CCC men almost shoots another guard "just in case," and another guard almost falls on yet another guard.
After that, they get to the sapphire exhibit and take out the guards in a way that doesn't get them (the guards) killed. After that, they all sit down and play the waiting game.
The CCC men do a sweep of the area and ready themselves at different parts of the exhibit, hiding in spots and ready to strike. Ellie and Henry take a seat near the sapphire itself, admiring it before focusing back on the mission.
Henry lets his mind wander, thinking about how once they save Charles, Henry will take his place in the CCC. It's the kind of thought that gives them a sick feeling, but all he can think is 'As long as Charles is safe, it'll be worth it.'
He remembers Terrence's words about how life is for living and bites his tongue.
I've seen families live together just fine with no riches, no crime, and no Toppat Clan. We really meant that little to you?
He gets a tap on his shoulder and looks over to see Ellie holding out a cup of coffee to him, a thermos, maybe two, next to her.
"I thought you could use some, since we're gonna be here for a while."
Henry shakes his head and tries to push it away. 'No thanks. I don't really like coffee. Gives me a headache.'
Ellie gives him a withering look. "When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?"
When Henry doesn't answer, Ellie smirks and holds out the coffee once more. "Yeah, thought so."
Henry rolls his eyes and takes the cup, signing with his free hand, 'Fine. When did you become my mother?'
"When you became a child," Ellie barks as she lightly bonks Henry on the head. "And when you came back from visiting your father." She leans back and puts the back of her free hand against her eyes, looking as dramatic as possible. "What they say is true: A boy really needs the love of a mother."
Henry scoffs and shakes his head with a smile before writing on her palm again with his finger. 'I already have a mother.'
Ellie sits straight, now intrigued. "You don't talk about them a lot. Your parents, I mean."
Henry raises an eyebrow and points to her as he nods, gesturing either, 'You don't, either' or 'Neither do you.' Same message, different phrasing.
It's Ellie's turn to shake her head. "They're not people I want to talk about. I doubt my dad would let me visit him, even in a situation like this."
Henry pauses from drinking his coffee.
"Your dad said life is for living. I can't say he's wrong for saying that." She turns her head to Henry, looking him in the eye even those he's staring off into outer space/zoning out. "It's just hard to live life when..." She looks away again, lowers her voice, just so the CCC men don't hear her, and clenches her fists on her knees. "When you can't stop living."
Henry nods as he goes for another sip of coffee.
Then he stops.
'It's hard to live life when you can't stop living.'
Those words make Henry slowly lower his cup and turn to Ellie, looking at her both incredulously and with fear.
"What?" He asks under his breath.
Before Ellie can answer, something is thrown into the exhibit and EXPLODES, filling the room with smoke and no one really getting too injured.
The CCC men fall one by one from being grabbed from behind and put into a sleeper hold, and the toaats responsible run over, mostly undetected because of the smoke.
Henry is seemingly tackled down by Ellie as the two hear glass breaking above them.
The sapphire's case is open.
Henry sees a toppat get close and shoots him in the shoulder, not enough to kill him but enough to get him running away.
"Good shot!" Ellie yells between coughs because the alarms been set off.
Henry points to his gun, then to his hand as he shakes his head with a "Mh-mm." 'I was aiming for his hand.'
The two go toe to toe with a pair of toppats like in the very beginning of this series, but something's different. When Henry kicks his opponent away, the toppat scurries away from the two. And Ellie's just runs when she's just started fighting.
"What's going on?"
Henry shrugs and then looks over at the sapphire.
You know that face and stance he does in Toppat King when the rocket takes off without him? Weeeeellll...
Henry's face drops completely as he holds the sides of his face, gasping loudly.
Ellie is equally flabbergasted, and a little annoyed at how well this plan actually worked in the toppat's favor.
A little too well, I'd say.
"What do we-"
Henry runs after the toppat Ellie was fighting before she can finish asking him.
The three race through multiple exhibits, the toppat throwing down trash bins and benches in order to slow them down.
Henry, however, has the power of friendship and adrenaline and keeps up with him evry step of the way.
"Stop!" He yells. "Where is he!?"
The toppat fumbles, but still continues running. Ellie picks up her pave unitl she's in front of Henry.
"Where's Charles!?"
The chase takes the two of them outside, Henry falls behind, where the toppat makes a sharp turn to the wall.
Ellie sees this a second too late as she is hit in the nose with a cybernetic hand, knocking her down, but not knocking her out, even when a cybernetic foot is put on her freshly healed rib.
"'Ello. It's been a while, 'asn't it?"
Ellie glares up at Right and tries to move his foot.
"Last time I saw you, you had to get carried in a stretcher."
"And you took our friend," Ellie sneers.
Right rolls his eyes; these kids do not play around, which he admires, but it does get annoying when he's in a playing mood.
"Charles. Our friend. What did you do with him?"
Right smirks and looks over his shoulder. "Looks like this one missed you, after all. You'll fit in perfect with the two of them now." Right moves his foot and approaches whoever he's talking to, and Ellie takes this opportunity to try to get the jump on him.
The toppat sees this INSTANTLY.
🤨... I don't know anout you guys, but I feel like I'm forgetting something here.🤔🤔
Henry runs out just in time to see this toppat shoot Ellie in the hip.
If this was a movie, we would hear nothing, no music, no talking, just the sound of the gun firing and echoing as the bullet either gets lodged in Ellie's hip or goes THROUGH her hip, close to the joint of her leg. We would get a shot of Ellie's face, eyes wide, brows furrowed and widely arced, like those despair looking anime faces, and lips slightly parted as shock sets in. We would also get three more shots, one from her perspective as she sees the toppat lower his gun,one behind Ellie as she falls back, and the third being on the ground and slightly in front of her as Henry freezes where he is and watches her fall.
"You BASTARD!" Henry screams as he charges toward Right, who steps back and throws him into the toppat.
The sight of him not only snaps Henry out of his rage, it completely throughs him into a despaired shock.
He's lost a lot of weight in his captivity, and Henry can feel it through his suit and see it in his cheeks, jaw, neck, and eyes, which are blood shot, empty and glassy. His hair's grown longer to where it is past his shoulders and kept in a low ponytail, the rest held back by gel and his own top hat so it stays out of his face. He's gotten pale from his time in space and not being exposed to sunlight and vitamin D.
For a second, neither recognize each other, but Henry is the first to as his chest goes hollow.
"Charles!" He quickly embraces his friend, who is still quiet and nit exactly reacting, but the gears start turning in his head as he realizes who's talking to and hugging him.
Right watches ans his smirk widens as Henry let Charles go and turns to him, tears pouring down his cheeks and now angry as hell.
"What did you do to him!?"
Right looks back at Charles, prompting Henry to do the same.
A smile grows on Henry's face as he helps his friend up.
"Charles, I'm so sorry! I should've-"
Henry falls backward, but doesn't die. Instead, the ground melts away beneath him and he gasps as the bullet wound heals on his forehead. You know that feeling you get when you're falling asleep and feel like your mattress is floating on the ocean waves? Henry feels that until he's back looking up at Right.
This time, he looks at Charles to see Charles is literally about to shoot him, but he hits and throws it away before Charles flips him over and smashes his fist into Henry's face repeatedly until Henry throws him off and stands back up, Charles standing as well and glaring at him, absolutely livid.
"Why'd you do it?" Charles growls. "Why didn't you help me when I needed you!?"
The hollow feeling in Henry's chest worsens as Charles stares him down. Part is him is more than willing to break down into tears, but all the time watching the tapes Right showed him in Part 5 have made his body producing tears next to impossible.
Right only stands back and watches because, as you probably put together, THIS is plan. Not only to take a friend, Charles, away from Henry, but to have said friend destroy him.
"I'm sor-"
Before Henry can finish, Charles punches him again.
"TELL ME!" His voice is a little broken, but he keeps yelling out of frustration and sheer anger because, yes, while Henry sent the destroyers and the government to help Charles, he didn't stop Right in the jungle during the mission. "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP THEM!? WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME!? YOU JUST STOOD THERE AND LET ME GET TAKEN AWAY!"
Henry doesn't have the fight in him to stop Charles from yelling at him or punching him. He doesn't even have it in him to look Charles in the eye.
And that bothers Charles immensely.
"Why won't you say anything?" Charles asks. "No matter what, you've always stayed quiet."
When Henry still remains silent, Charles swings a punch into his face hard enough to make Henry fall down.
Henry holds up his hands, revealing how much he's been crying and how hard Charles has been hitting him; Henry's nose is broken, one of his eyes his swollen shut, his lips are split, and a tooth is loose.
Physically unable to speak, Henry signs to Charles instead, 'I'm sorry.'
Charels quickly kneels down and snatches Henry's hand.
"I want to hear you say it."
Henry tries forcing those words out, but his throat tightens up and leaves him unable to speak. He tries again and his crying becomes worse as he shakes his head.
"SAY IT!" Charles screams.
Henry breaks down as he shakes his head again, signing and gesturing as much as he can.
Charles rises to his feet, his eyes going glassy and his face expressionless. "I figured as much." He kicks Henry in the mouth and turns to Right. "We're done here. Send a message back to the station. We got the sapphire."
Right nods as his smirk becomes a smile. "Yes, sir."
Henry stands up on shaky legs and stiltedly walks towards his friend.
Charles shuts his eyes and heaves a breath through his nose, his top hat in his hands.
"Charles, w-wait-"
Charles wheels around as he watches Henry stumble toward him.
"I... I-"
"Don't bother."
Charles holds the hand gun Henry made him drop and aims it at Henry.
"I've heard enough."
When Charles shoots, Henry does not feel the bullet when it is lodged into his waist.
Henry is standing long enough to see Right, Charles, and any remaining toppats be beamed up to the orbital station with the sapphire.
The glare from Charles stays in Henry's mind as he falls, eyes locked on the night sky as Charles's words replay over and over in his mind.
Ellie groans as she crawls over to Henry and falls on her good side, where Charles didn't shoot her.
"We tried," she says as she breathes shakily and hold his shoulder, more his shirt, but I digress. "We tried."
The CCC guards do eventually wake up and get Ellie and Henry back to the government base. Both get immediate medical attention, which leads to Henry getting surgery to get the bullet out and seeing Ellie suddenly begin to panic and shout repeatedly, "I can't feel my leg!"
Henry wakes up in his own room and finds that Galeforce is sitting in a chair, hunched forward, fists shaking, and his hat off.
Galeforce puts his hat back on and sits straight. His eyes are red rimmed and have bags underneath them now. "Morning, Henry. How're you feeling?"
Henry holds his hand out and sort of tilts it on a way to say, 'Fine.'
Galeforce forces a smile and sighs.
"Ellie's still in the infirmary. That shot form-" He gulps and coughs a little bit. "-From the toppat... did a number on her leg. She won't be on the field for a long time."
Henry sits up, even when his body aches, and picks up a pen and notepad on his bedside table.
'They got the sapphire.'
Galeforce nods. "I know."
Henry shakes as he writes on the notepad again before dropping both and resting his forehead on his knees while loosely hugging his knees. Galeforce hangs his head and lets Henry cry; he doesn't really have much to say anyway.
'Charles,' the notepad reads.
But that is a really good thing😁!
I hope you all enjoyed this one because I certainly did!!
I'm probably going to take a break from this for a little bit because of how much of an emotional roller coaster this is, and so I don't get burn out. I will come back to this because I love this series, I guess you can say I'm letting my cake cool down before adding the frosting or letting the pot sit so it make good caramel or fudge.
Thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for following this series. I appreciate each and every one of you so much!
I hope you all stay safe this season, thank you again for reading and following, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!
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Spidey Senses (pt. 2)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You have a talk with Happy and Tony, and Tony tries to fill in the blanks of your life.
Warning: Angsty memories
Word Count: 2879
Chapter 1 • Chapter 3
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"Holy shit!" You said, surprising Tony over the language. "You're the Spiderman?"
"You're the Spidergirl?!"
You turned to Tony, who was watching this from outside the car. "You! Why didn't you give me a heads up?"
He only shrugged. "You didn't ask."
"You could've put two and two together!" He only smirked and closed the door. You turned to Peter. "Stark museum?"
"Yeah. You too?"
"Yeah." You buried your head in your hands. This was a lot to processs...holy crap, this just made him more amazing. Peter really does deserve the world.
"You okay?"
You brought up your head and nodded, gently smiling. "We have a lot to talk about."
Tony got in the front seat next to Happy, who was waiting in the car as well. Tony put up the divider so you two wouldn't hear the conversation. "I like her. She's got spunk, but is also a lot more mature than she acts."
Happy glanced at the drawing. "What's that?"
"A drawing from my number one fan." He put it on the dashboard and leaned back in his seat. "She's got a crush on him."
"The kid? Why?" Happy furrowed his eyebrows.
"Beats me, but he doesn't feel the same way. How does that makes sense? It's like when Cap turns down a woman for the hundredth time. Not this is the same situation, but still. Why is the history of blind men repeating itself?" He rested his fist over his mouth. "I'm trying to wrap my head around it."
Happy thought about it. "Let me see a picture of them." He showed him the picture of you two together. "Oh wow. She's adorable. What's wrong with him?"
"Who knows." He paused. "Pull over. I'm gonna find out." Happy pulled over and Tony opened your door. "Your sitting in the front for now. I wanna have a heart to heart with the kid."
You got up and looked at Tony in the eye. "Please don't embarrass me." He saluted as you sat in the front seat. "Hi. You must be Happy."
You smiled and stuck out your hand. He hesitated for a second before shaking it. It wasn't really a professional firm shake, but he appritiated your attempts to be polite. "You're y/n."
He started driving again, and you nodded. "Yup. Did Mr. Stark tell you anything about me?"
"W–uh, not really, no." You gave him a look and huffed, giving him an expectant look and unconsciously pouty face. "Okay, he told me you have a crush on the Peter kid."
"Ugh, of course he did. Is he always really nosy? I've literally never met someone as curious as him."
Happy chuckled. "Oh yeah. Why, how bad was it?"
"He intarrogates me about the pictures I have on my walls, goes through my kitchen drawers, looks at my bills, then walks into my room to make fun of me for my drawings."
You both laughed. "So you drew that picture?"
You looked at the drawing on the dash board. "Yeah. I guess you can say I'm kind of Mr. Stark's number one fan."
Happy let out a chuckle. "You don't act like it."
"That's because I can realize that he's a regular person with his own emotional issues going on, and that he's a good guy because he chose to be for the sake of others. Not for the fame, like the guy from Hammer tech. Ugh, their products suck. But yeah, he seems like a pretty good dude, even if he suffers from RPR."
"What's RPR?"
"Rich People Rudeness." You both laughed, and Happy thought for a moment.
"Wait, what do you mean when he looked through your bills?"
"Oh, I assumed that Mr. Stark told you." He shook his head. "I've been emancipated for about 8 months now."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to–"
"It's fine." You said lightheartedly. "It's not like it's common where you work or probably live." There was an awkward silence where you knew Happy regretted prying, so you picked up the conversation. "So, I saw that you're trained in boxing."
He smiled while keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah. Do you know how to fight?"
"Um, I guess I did learn to fight as a kid, but it's considered dirty fighting."
"Hey, don't worry about it. Tony's always using dirty boxing when we go for a round."
You smiled and looked out the window. "Course he does. I wish I knew boxing."
"Well, maybe if there's time with all of this over, I could teach you."
"Aww, you'd do that for me?" You gave him a wide grin, and poked him. "Am I growing on you already?"
"You're not too bad, calm down."
Meanwhile, in the back of the car, Peter was nervous about the idea of Tony wanting a 'heart to heart'. "So," Tony said. "I want to get to know you. Tell me about this girl you like."
Tony took out the container that he put under the seat when he went to get you clothes. He opened it and took out a cookie, taking a bite. "Yeah, talk to me."
"Uh, are those y/n's cookies?"
"Yeah, how can you tell?"
"Those look like the double chocolate cookies that she makes." He unconsciously licked his lips; those were his favorite of yours.
"Do me a favor and don't tell her. I'll buy her some new cookies and give back the container. These are just really addicting."
"Yeah, they really are." Peter laughed out. "Well, the girl like's name is Liz."
"Is that short for anything?"
"No, it's just Liz. Anyways, she's really smart. Like, learning is actually important to her and she tries really hard in everything. My friends and I joined Mathletes for her."
"Your friends being..."
"Y/n and our friend Ned. She's really nice to everyone too. Like, no matter what. Not a lot of people in Queens are like that." Peter smiled and blushed.
"Yeah? You guys talk a lot?"
"Well, no. I get really nervous and choked up. I do get some words out, but I need to work on my confidence around her."
Tony shifted in his place to face more to Peter. "Let me ask you something, and think about it. What does she do when you choke up?"
Peter didn't see how this was an important question. "She usually just stares at me, confused. Her friends would drag her away or this guy named Flash will make fun of me and my friends and I walk away. That's usually how the conversation ends."
Tony had all the information he needed. If Peter was always stumbling over his words and this Liz girl didn't do anything about it, then she wasn't really confused. She was playing dumb, either to not embarrass him or because she wasn't interested. What he did know was that he could use this to his advantage. "Now I want you to compare that to the other women in your life."
"Oh, I don't really have other women in my life. I'm not that kind of person." Peter chuckled at Tony.
"I can see. Who are the women in your life then?"
He shrugged. "Just Aunt May and y/n really."
Tony repressed his smile. This was right where he wanted Peter. For being such a genius with science and technology, Peter was an idiot with people's feelings. "Okay then, let's think of a scenario with y/n."
"Why are–"
"Don't question me when I'm asking you something." He said sternly.
"Sorry." Peter mumbled.
"I want you to think of a scenario where you're trying to talk to y/n, but you can't. You're choked up and it's bothering you that you can't speak clearly to tell her something really important to you. What would she do?"
"Well, she'd probably tell me to stop talking, and have me take a deep breath. I could see her grabbing my hand and telling me that whatever it is I want to say is just as important to her if it is to me, and that I should know that I could always tell her anything. She'd probably make me go for a walk and swing our hands to sooth me while we wouldn't say anything. Then when I'm calm enough I'd tell her."
Tony learned two things from this. One, Peter was an oblivious dumbass who still had this likability to him somehow. And two, you had some game. Your flirting was strong even in a damn fake scenario, and you sounded smooth as hell. Tony needed to think about this. He needed to figure out what to say in order to nudge Peter onto you without saying Just kiss her, trust me.
"Y'know, one thing that I like about me and Pepper's relationship is that we can talk about anything for hours. She makes me comfortable and talking to her feels natural and at home. Make sure you feel your best around the girl you like."
Peter thought about this, and Tony dusted the cookie crumbs off his hands. "Okay that's enough advice I'm able to give." He said.
He knocked on the divider, which Happy put down. You did a double take, quickly turning around to look at the container in Tony's lap. "Are those my cookies?!"
He looked like he was trying to think of an excuse, but couldn't find one. "Yes."
You huffed and shook your head, looking back at Happy. "See what I mean?"
He sighed. "Oh Tony."
"Anyways, switch with the kid. I want to talk to you."
You got out of the car and made your way to Peter's door, where he just got out. "How'd it go?" You asked.
"Uh, he told me some stuff that was pretty interesting. But it was good advice. He obviously likes you more than me."
"I don't think it's possible for anyone to like someone else over you." You both smiled as you entwined your fingers together. "I bet he already loves you as much as I do."
He twirled you around, making you giggle. "Thanks y/n. I love it that I have a friend as amazing as you."
"Course." Happy and Tony both looked at each other to acknowledge the depressing friendzone blow you just took. As you slid inside the car you took the container from Tony, handing it to Happy. "Here you go. You two can have the rest."
Happy joyfully took the tupperware. "Happy, put the divider back up." Tony said. Once it was up, he turned to you and overly smiled. "He's cute, isn't he?"
"You don't have to make fun of me." You pouted.
He laughed. "I can see that he's a good kid, and socially awkward. You two were really friendly with each other."
"Not really. We grew up with each other, so it's just natural."
"I want to know what made you like him the way you do." He leaned his head on the seat as he gently smiled.
You looked down and shrugged, smiling. "He just has this light about him. No matter how sad life can get for me, he always makes me smile. He was there for me at my lowest. He knew about my mom, everyone in school did, but he was the only one who wanted to talk to me. Everybody else saw me as dangerous. Ned was reluctant, since he's always been overly cautious, but he warmed up to me. He was even there when I went to court to get myself emancipated."
"Tell me a story of him and you. When was a time where the two of you used your brains together?"
Your smile grew. "There was this time when Peter and I built a TV for me. I found as much as I could from scavenging around the home we lived in, and he had his parents buy the rest. It was our project together. It was an excuse to get away from my mom, and I was so proud of myself when we finished and it actually turned on. It made me love projects from then on. Projects are a reason to be around Peter, and a distraction from everything else."
Tony loved this. This was better than any Hallmark movie. Better than any romance story he's seen. "When did you first get a crush on the kid?"
Your smile left you. "That's kind of a long story." You looked down again, this time in shame. "My uh, my mom had a lot of friends over all the time. They did a lot of stuff, and put a lot of stuff in themselves. I didn't know what it was back then, but I knew it wasn't good. I stepped on a needle that was left on the floor, and whatever they had just took was in me too. I had a seizure, and whoever was still in their right mind called an ambulance. I was in there for three days, still trying to gain back all the feelings in my body. Peter visited me everyday, and fed me when my hand was too shaky for me to eat by myself."
He saw your watery eyes, and felt guilty for bringing it up. "Kid, I'm sorry for asking."
You shook your head and wiped your eyes. "It's fine. Peter told his parents that my mom was really sick, so let me stay there for a few days. We were only six, so we slept in the same bed. I think that's when I first got my crush on him. When he hugged me after getting woken up by my nightmares."
He smiled at you, but was filled to the brim with sadness. He didn't know what to do, what to say. He just wanted you to feel better. Damn, why did that amazing idiot like someone else? Without thinking, Tony pulled you in for a hug. You hesitated, but hugged him back. You didn't remember the last time you were hugged like this, but it felt really good.
At the same time, Peter was failing miserably at talking to Happy. He tried to ask him about his name, but got nowhere. They both opted for silently eating your cookies together. He did see one of your drawings on the dashboard, and picked it up to examine it. He put it back down, smiling and looking out the window. He was proud of you for giving it to Tony.
The car then stopped. You and Tony didn't say anything when pulling back, but you gave him a smile that he easily returned. As everybody got out of the car, Tony had Happy take out your luggages with new clothes and toiletries. He was going to have Happy bring them up, but you both protested and got it yourselves.
He explained the mission situation, and weak points in some of the people's fighting abilities. He then told you two to find your hotel rooms while he talked to Happy. He had a lot to gossip with Happy about you. He usually wouldn't be doing this with anybody, but he trusted to task Happy with looking after you in the future.
You both went in the hotel and gave your names to the front desk lady. Miraculously, she gave you two room keys without question. You excitedly went up to the 5th floor, and went to your connected rooms. You both went to Peter's side first, then yours.
"Yup, your side is a lot better." Peter said as he put his small luggage bag down at a corner of your room.
"What're you doing?" You asked.
"Don't you get nightmares when your in a new area alone? I'm gonna sleep with you."
You lightly smiled at the innocent but so meaningful statement. He really did care. "You remembered. Okay, let's get ready for bed then."
You both brushed your teeth together, and you changed in the bathroom while he took the bedroom. You were pretty nervous to leave the bathroom, with these small pj shorts on. The only times you've shown your legs are in PE, and even those shorts were pretty long. When you did step out of the bathroom, you saw that Peter was shirtless and had a frown. "Mr. Stark didn't pack any pajama shirts for me."
You shrugged, trying to not melt on the spot at the fact that his powers gave him super hot abs. "Maybe he figured you sleep shirtless."
"I guess." You both went under the sheets, and he cutely turned to face you with an adorable smile. "What did you and Mr. Stark talk about?"
"He wanted to know about my past."
"Oh." His smile was wiped clean off, and a worried expression replaced it. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I really am." You then wrapped your arms around his waist and snuggled into his chest. "It just made me remember how lucky I am to have such an amazing person like you in my life."
He smiled and hugged you back. "I'm lucky too."
You then quickly dozed off in his arms, and he'd be damned if he accidentally woke your nice slumber, so he didn't move you. He thought about Tony's word of advice. He needed to learn how to talk to Liz like a regular person, and become closer. He can always speak to you normally. Maybe you could help him with that. That must've been what Tony meant. Yeah.
Author Note: Someone asked to be tagged but then deleted the comment, so to whoever that was, sorry I didn't tag you.
Tag List:
@flawlessapollo6 @them-cute-boys @lunawndrlnd @the-greatt-perhaps
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 5 years
Good For Nothing
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A/N: Working hard on setting dates that my fics come out so just bear with my randomness until then. Catch up on chapter 1 here. @tephi101 made the moodboard. So all credit goes to her artistic abilities. :)
Warnings: Smoking, Language, Horn Dog Hvitserk's sexual content
Chapter 2
Victoria's POV
I walked up the steps that lead to the school and I looked up at it with dread. I should have just stayed home with Brad today. Biting my lip I walked in and was immediately greeted with the tardy bell. Fuck it. I decided to meet with my cousins where we usually met when we were late for our classes. Bjorn was already there. Ubbe was nowhere to be seen and Hvitserk was practically fucking a girl against the wall. I grimaced and rolled my eyes. I sat beside Bjorn and reached into his shirt pocket for a cigarette. I put it between my lips and he lit it for me.
“Where is Ubbe this fine morning.” I asked, taking a long drag.
Bjorn scoffed and took his own hit.
“Where do you think?” Hvitserk piped up, not taking his lips from his latest conquest's neck.
“Let me guess. With Torvi.” I stated.
Bjorn nodded, blowing smoke out. I knew he was upset. He had been in love with her for quite some time. Yet out of the blue Ubbe came along and swept her away. I patted Bjorn's hand. “It'll be okay. You'll find someone.” I stated.
We heard a door open and we all stiffened.
“Fucking bitch. Why can't I come stay with you?” We heard from the very bottom of the stairs. “I don't want to be there anymore, dad. Why did you leave me there with her?” I furrowed my brows and crept slowly down the stairs to see who it was. “Because Athelstan thinks he is my father and he isn't. No. But dad listen…”
You recognized the boy immediately. He was Aethelred. His mom was big on helping the school, money wise. He was a rich kid, what did he have to be unhappy about. “I only ever see you once every three years anyway. Maybe we can...dad listen to me, please. No…” You inhaled again and blew the smoke towards him. “I can't believe this. So basically you want me to ‘man up’. Un-fucking-believable. Where am I supposed to work here?” He asked, swatting away the smoke and then looked up at me. “I will call you back.” He hung up and glared. “Can I help you?”
I held my cigarette out to him. “Looks like you could use a hit or two.”
“Do you even begin to realize how fucking disgusting those things are?” He asked, wrinkling up his nose.
“Try it. You might like the buzz.” I stated.
Aethelred's POV
Did I want to take the risk of my mother catching the smell of cigarette smoke on me? Woman had a nose like a hound. Fuck it. I took the half smoked cigarette from this girl and put it between my lips.
“Now inhale.” Oh great. She thought I was stupid.
“I'm not an idiot.”
“By the way, the movie theater I work at is hiring. They are desperate for help so you can come with me and they will hire you on the spot. You game?” She asked. Who in the hell was she? Why had I never seen her before?
“Do you always listen to people's conversations?” I asked.
“Only the cute ones. Think about it, Aethelred.” She said and turned to go up the stairs.
What in the fuck? “How do you know my name?”
“I'm a psychic.” She said, before disappearing around the corner for the next flight of stairs. I was struck. That was the weirdest conversation I had ever had in my whole life. Yet my legs were following her path before I could even think. I rounded the corner and slowly crept up the next set of stairs before I heard talking.
“You do know that your father hates Athelstan right? And that Aethelred is Athelstan's stepson. Not to mention they were close knit with my father until he married that cunt Judith.” A guy said.
“I know. But he is intriguing and he seems to dislike them as much as our family does.” Her voice chimed in.
“I hope you know what you're doing.” Came the male voice.
“Hopefully him, soon enough.” I felt a blush creep across my face. I am a literal virgin. Not by choice. I have tried many times but was always cockblocked by my mother. I rounded the corner and looked at the group. Two guys and this random girl. I studied her face. “Oh my God! I almost ran you over today!” I yelled.
“Can you shut the fuck up man, before we get busted. You can talk normally. You don't have to yell.” Said the blonde boy beside of her.
“You also flipped me off. You really know how to woo a lady.” She said, pulling a flask from her friend's hoodie pocket. She popped open the top and took a drink, a single drop dripping from her lips and down her chin. I flicked my tongue over my bottom lip and forced myself to not wipe it off. She was beautiful. I was going to take that job just to get to know her better.
“So, am I giving you a lift to work or do we have to walk?” I asked with a sheepish grin.
Tag list: @tephi101 @jacksonroth @lol-haha-joke @two-unbeatable-beaters @supernaturalvikingwhore @misskalonthelady @grungyblonde @filthyshieldmaiden @unic0rn-world @captstefanbrandt
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spicycreativity · 3 years
A Place Where I Can Breathe - Ch 4
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Chapter: 4/7 Additional Notes: See Ch 1 for more information. Read on AO3 under "WizardGlick." Any formatting/italics errors are holdovers from AO3 that I was too lazy to fix. Chapter Content Warnings: N/A; ask to tag Excerpt: Poor Roman. He made it so easy. Janus leaned in a little, not so much that he was intruding on Roman's personal space, and touched his knuckles to his chin. "Bore me? You're Creativity. What makes you think you could ever be boring?" He cocked his head and looked at Roman with expectation, inviting him to read between the lines. Who told Roman he was boring? Who made him feel like a burden?
The plan went into motion the following evening. Roman kept inconsistent hours and worked in inconsistent locations, and Janus had accordingly predicted long hours spent listening at the basement door for a chance at catching Roman alone. He was already working on a plan to lure Roman down, but it was difficult when his knowledge was barely surface-level. He didn't know in detail what Roman liked. But the wheels of fate turned and Roman bade his friends goodnight and announced that he would be staying up late to work on a project.
"That's lucky," Remus said when Janus informed him of the news.
Janus smiled at him. "Where reason fails, the Devil helps." He fussed with his gloves and straightened his capelet. "It's showtime."
"Beetlejuice is my thing," Remus said as Janus sank out.
He couldn't help the pang of loathing that pierced his heart at the sight of Roman scribbling away in a notebook. Remus had never been afforded the luxury of creative freedom, and it felt so obscene to stand here and watch Roman revel in it.
Willing his face into a more polite expression, Janus sat down by Roman and waited to be acknowledged.
Roman caught the motion out of the corner of his eye, but was too busy writing to spare the processing power it would take to identify his visitor. Whoever it was, they knew better than to interrupt him while he was preoccupied. He finished up his thought, jotted down one final note in the margin, and turned to address his guest. "H--Uh-- Deceit!" He jerked backward in surprise, slamming his notebook shut. "I wasn't expecting you." Despite his best efforts not to stare, his gaze kept falling on Janus' scales, his slit-pupiled snake eye. Roman tried not to shudder.
Janus cursed himself for not anticipating this. He should have sat on Roman's left side. Ah, well. Nothing to do for it now but apply extra charm. "Good evening, Roman," he purred, turning his head a little beyond what was comfortable so Roman could see more of his human side. "Did you know that you bite your lip when you concentrate? It's cute."
"Oh, um." Roman touched his fingertips to his lower lip, equal parts flattered and confused. "Thank you?" The overhead lights caught on Janus' cheekbone, giving him a soft glow. He gazed at Roman with gentle anticipation. Roman looked into the rich brown of his human eye. "I was just working on a story about, um, well… Oh, I won't bore you with the details."
Poor Roman. He made it so easy. Janus leaned in a little, not so much that he was intruding on Roman's personal space, and touched his knuckles to his chin. "Bore me? You're Creativity. What makes you think you could ever be boring?" He cocked his head and looked at Roman with expectation, inviting him to read between the lines. Who told Roman he was boring? Who made him feel like a burden?
"The, uh, the others," Roman stammered, not wanting to talk badly about his friends.
To his surprise, Janus flashed him an almost guilty smile before hiding it behind one gloved hand. "The others don't understand your creative vision, do they? I always wondered how you put up with them trying to shut you down."
"I don't know that they shut me down, exactly," Roman said, making one last effort to be charitable before sliding over the brink. He lowered his voice to a whisper, "But they never seem to want to listen. Logan is always poking holes in my plots and asking boring questions about the worldbuilding, and Patton always spaces out and asks me to repeat myself, like he can't even be bothered to listen to what I'm saying! And he always says the same thing whenever I ask for feedback. It's like, I don't need criticism, but I'd appreciate something a little more in-depth than 'oh, it's fine,' you know?" Janus nodded. Roman took a breath. "And Anxiety. I don't even want to think about what he'd say. He's always trying to shut me down before I even start: 'What if someone has done this before? What if nobody likes it? What if you're not good enough?'"
Janus raised his eyebrows and looked away. Some of that certainly sounded like Virgil, but he had a strong suspicion that most of Roman's insecurities originated from within himself. "I agree, he's not good for you."
"Oh!" Roman ran a hand through his hair and looked away. "I don't- I didn't mean.. "
"You said it yourself," Janus said, preemptive triumph blazing beautiful and cruel in his chest, "he sabotages your function." He pictured Roman alone in his room, hunched over a notebook and scribbling furiously with a pen that would not and could not write. Or better yet, Roman with a functioning pen staring paralyzed at the blank page before him, his own insecurities stilling his hand. "He's bad for you."
"Hold on a second," Roman said, putting up a hand to stop Janus. How did they get here? He'd just been venting, and now suddenly Virgil was to blame for all his problems? He nearly smacked his own forehead when it clicked just who he was talking to. "I didn't mean that!"
"But you said it," Janus said, feigning misunderstanding. "So you lied to me?"
"No, no, that was true."
"Then we're in agreement. Anxiety is bad for you."
Roman shook his head emphatically. "It was true. Anxiety was bad for me. He's changed."
Janus couldn't help himself; he rolled his eyes. "He's Anxiety! It's literally his job to shoot you down."
"I used to think that," Roman said, anger spilling into his cheeks and turning his face red. "But I know better now. Anxiety isn't like you and my brother; he has a place with us and he helps us make Thomas the best possible version of himself. And if you don't understand that, then I don't think I have anything more to say to you. And don't even think about coming anywhere near Anxiety ever again. I won't allow it."
Janus took in a shaky breath, finally letting his hatred, his frustration, his despair show on his face. And he struck, envenomating the weapon Roman had unwittingly handed him: "Very well, Roman. But let me leave you with this: Anxiety has nothing to do with your inability to perform. You're only half a function, and nothing you make will ever stand up as long as you remain afraid of your own potential. You're just as inadequate as you think you are, and it's nobody's fault but your own."
And, still shaking with rage, he sank out.
"Shit!" Janus slammed his open palm into the wall and pressed into it, forcing himself to take deep breaths.
There was no reply but the scratching of pen on paper. Janus whipped his head around and the anger drained from him at the sight of Remus scribbling away in a notebook. At least some good had come out of his little confrontation.
"Well, I'm not sure what you did to my brother," Remus said, not looking up, "but he's definitely distracted."
"I may…" Janus said delicately, rubbing the heel of his hand with his opposing thumb, "have failed to account for certain unexpected variables." He sat down next to Remus, careful not to jostle him, and grit his teeth.
"Mm?" Remus said, turning a page.
"Such as your brother being too thick-headed and stubborn to listen when someone's trying to manipulate him." Janus scoffed.
"Mm," said Remus, still writing.
Janus glanced over at him. Just as Roman had been doing earlier, Remus was chewing at his lower lip while he wrote, his brow creased. Janus tapped his fingertips against his own lips. He shouldn't have called Roman 'half a function,' and not just because it implied that Remus was as well. He knew from experience that lashing out only ever made things harder for himself. Now a whole new barrier towered before him and it was nobody's fault but his own. Janus laughed humorlessly, not missing the irony. He would blame Roman, though. It hurt less that way.
"I suppose it's too much to ask," Janus mused out loud, "that things could just be easy for once."
Remus stopped writing, ignoring the pang of regret, and scooted over so he could put his arm around Janus. It was undeniably painful to throw away an opportunity to make his voice heard, but Janus needed him now. He never admitted when he wanted comfort, so Remus had become adept at picking up on unvoiced desires over the years. "Yeah, probably."
"Please do stop writing; that won't make me feel guilty at all."
"I was pretty much done anyway," Remus said. "There's only so much debauchery and vomit you can fit into one story."
It was an obvious lie, but Janus let it go. He leaned into Remus' shoulder despite the way it knocked his hat askew and tried not to think about Virgil. "I don't even miss him," he said, the lie ringing hollow even in his own ears. "We just can't let him start working against us."
"We won't," Remus promised. "He'll come back. We can be his favorites again." After all, they had been friends before. Whatever Roman and the others had done to charm Virgil could be undone. He would remember his friends again. "And besides, we have Plan B for Butthole!"
Janus laughed despite himself and let Remus pull him in closer. "Maybe let's wait to implement that one."
Roman couldn't breathe properly; something was wrong with his lungs. Every inhale hitched in his throat and his mouth ached like he was about to cry.
But he dismissed that ridiculous thought with a firm shake of his head. He was the guardian prince, the hero! Heroes never wept for themselves.
He swallowed down the ache and got to his feet so he could find Virgil and let him know what had happened.
If a few wayward tears slipped down Roman's cheeks as he ascended the staircase, he wiped them away without giving them a second thought. The jaunt up the stairs did nothing to help his erratic breathing, and he was almost winded by the time he got to Virgil's door.
He had to knock for a long time before Virgil finally answered. He had been listening to his music as loud as he could tolerate it, and had only noticed Roman's knocking during a transition between songs.
Virgil's sarcastic greeting died on his lips at the sight of Roman panting in the doorway. His lower lip trembled and his eyes were suspiciously shiny, but his voice was steady as ever when he spoke. "Anxiety! I need to speak with you."
"Dude, are you okay?" Virgil asked, letting the walls of his brooding facade fall away in the face of his concern for his friend.
"Never better!" Roman declared. He was determined not to let Virgil see just how deep Janus' words had cut him. "May I come in?"
"Uh, sure, I guess." Virgil stepped aside, trying not to feel too self-conscious about his unmade bed.
Roman didn't comment on it, just followed Virgil's lead and sat down on the floor with his back against the foot of the bed. Despite the persistent ache in his chest, he fought for bravado. "I've just faced off against a fiendish foe!"
Virgil's heart dropped into his stomach. "Oh, yeah?"
"Indeed. I went toe-to-toe with a certain sneaky snake and scared him silly!"
"What did he say to you?" Virgil demanded. Everything slotted into place in an instant, Roman's shaky demeanor and false confidence.
Roman waved a hand, annoyed to notice it was shaking. "Nothing of import. You don't have to worry about me, Anxiety, I can handle myself in these matters."
Virgil supposed he should have seen this coming. "So let me guess. You're worried about me ."
"Of course I'm not worried about you!" Roman said, puffing out his chest. "You have the best protector in the world."
"So why did you need to come see me?" Virgil asked. Whatever Janus had said to Roman obviously hadn't altered Roman's opinion of Virgil any.
"Exactly that," Roman said. "That you need not worry. I banished the snake back to the basement where he belongs! And I told him that I would not allow him to see you ever again."
Virgil couldn't stop the look of horror that crossed his face. He pressed his hand to his forehead, trying to calm his own breathing. "What?"
"I stood up to that fork-tongued fiend and told him to leave you alone forever," Roman said, a little less self-assured this time. He knew better than to expect a wondrous display of gratitude from Virgil, but he had been expecting some sort of thanks.
"That's great," Virgil said weakly. He knew he wasn't selling it, but was too overwhelmed to really care. "Thanks."
Roman nodded. "Well, I suppose l'll, ah. I'll just go, then." He hadn't realized how badly he'd wanted to stay until he was faced with the idea of leaving. But Virgil just nodded, his eyes empty, so Roman saw himself out.
Virgil immediately started to chew on his thumbnail, mind racing. He knew should have asked for more details from Roman but panic had a way of demanding attention, choking out rationality. He was thinking clearly now, though. He had failed. Whatever Janus had said had obviously hurt Roman badly, and Virgil hadn't been a good enough friend to try to fix it, and he hadn't been a good enough protector to prevent it. The only thing he could do now was try to stop it from happening again.
Virgil sighed and let his head fall back against the edge of his bed. He was absolutely certain that Janus would be out for blood now.
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