#why the hell would someone reblog that post that’s blowing up saying they don’t agree and they just think the meme is funny and then
badgerfrogs · 2 years
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alirhi · 3 years
Loki ranting
Okay. I had this thought in my head of like just compiling links of all the Loki shit I've posted/reblogged so far so that when I get into a conversation about the show and how it fucking disgusted me, I can just be like "here. here's this masterlist post, go read all this shit. This is my entire argument, and not only mine, but a lot of stuff posted by people far more intelligent and level-headed and eloquent than I am, whom I happen to agree with." Because the alternative is constantly getting fired up all over again, and that is exhausting.
BUT! I'm stupid and don't know how tumblr works. Apparently I can't just be like "give me all the Loki-tagged shit I've got" I can only search all the Loki-tagged shit on all of tumblr. And I'm not scrolling back through all of my posts. I talk too fucking much for that shit 😂
So, I'll try to remember all of my grievances with how the MCU has treated Loki, and all of the excellent posts made by other, equally upset fans, and put it all together here under this nice, neat little cut for everyone else's sanity and scrolling convenience...
For people who actually read my shit fairly regularly - bless you, you crazy, patient people. I love you! - this is going to be a lot of repetition of shit you've already read. Probably at least twice. I'm passionate and I have a terrible memory lol. Sorry.
Anyway, first, for those who don't know me and haven't been following my explosions of rage for the past couple of months, some quick background: I do not read comic books, so Loki's Marvel comic canon means nothing to me. I know almost nothing about it. The reason I'm so in love with the character in the MCU is because I am an eclectic witch and the deity I've actively loved and worshiped the longest in my life (literally for as long as I can remember) is Loki. So when he was mentioned in The Mask, I squeed. When they named Matt Damon's character after him in Dogma, I cheered.
When Thor came out in 2011, I just about died from happiness. I was hungry for any representation of this underappreciated god, no matter what it was. I didn't even bitch about how underpowered he was, because at least he was there. But I'm getting slightly ahead of myself.
I can hear anyone reading this going "Why Loki? Isn't he, like, evil? Like basically the Norse version of The Devil?" Because I heard all this shit irl all the fucking time. And no. So let me give you a quick rundown of who Loki actually is.
Loki is a Trickster God. He's often referred to as the God of Mischief. He is not and never was evil, simply chaotic and hedonistic. Loki Laufeyjarson was the son of Laufey (that's mama; they changed her to a man for some reason in the movie) and Fárbauti. Right from the start, from his name, we get a sign of how Loki goes against traditional norms of the time, because in Norse culture, families were patrilineal, and surnames were "son/daughter of father" (which would have made him Loki Fárbautitason), not the mother. But Loki's surname is matrilineal. Feminist icon woo! lol
Though he's a Jotunn, Loki is counted among the Gods (Aesir) in Norse tradition. Depending on his mood, he is alternately helpful or disruptive to the other Gods. I'm not gonna sit and teach a whole text class on him lol but I'll use my favorite example of Misunderstood Loki - the conception of Sleipnir!
So, get this shit. This is also part of why I DO NOT follow Odin and never fucking will (a very small part, but still part of the reason). So, the other Norse Gods are petty motherfuckers, and they wanted some shit built but didn't want to pay the dude doing the building. So they were like "okay, if you can get it done in X amount of time, we'll pay you, but if you can't manage it NO MATTER WHAT, this whole thing is free." And they made sure he had NO help, nothing but him, his materials, and his Very Good Horsey. And this guy and his horse were fucking BAMFs. So it was looking like he was definitely gonna get it done in time, and Odin was like "nah, fuck that shit. I'm cheap." and so he sent Loki to distract the work horse. Loki transformed into a mare and lured the horse away, got fucked, got pregnant, gave birth to the 8-legged (for some reason) horse Sleipnir. Odin rides Loki's son into battle. Um. Kay.
So Loki helped Odin be a petty mf, and Odin got himself a new pet out of the deal.
Oh, also, because he's smart af and a shapeshifter and a master magician and genderfluid, Loki "fails" to fit the super fucking toxic and narrow Norse/Aesir view of "a real man". He prefers intelligence and manipulation to solve problems rather than violence, he's not afraid to behave like a clown if it gets shit done, and that grosses the Aesir out, so they constantly ridicule him for being "less than a man".
Loki is the God of the outcast and the misunderstood. The marginalized people from all walks of life. He is the God of the LGBT community. In modern terms, he's pansexual, polyamorous (married to Sigyn and they are deeply in love, but boy gets around and I've never seen any indication that Sigyn gives a shit) and genderfluid.
Okay. Focus, Ali. This is part of why I usually post multiple rants instead of one big long one XD The longer I ramble, the more I get sidetracked and forget the original point.
So. Loki's awesome, and being a Trickster, is powerful as all fucking hell. There's not much he can't do.
And now we come to Thor (the movie, not the deity). Loki's there! 24-year-old Ali is spazzing! All is right with the world!
Oh lord, they've actually done him justice?! Amazing! He's complex and nuanced and emotional, just like the real Loki! I loved this movie. Loved. It. The climactic thing with trying to blow up Jotunheim never really made much sense to me until someone made an excellent point the other day about Loki being raised in a racist society that was racist against his own race, he just didn't know it yet, poor child. Baby Thor was never corrected when he pledged to commit mass genocide, so Baby Loki probably absorbed the lesson then that Jotunns=evil and killing them all will win his father's love. Anyway, 2011 Loki was a beautiful, heartbreaking portrayal of the God I've loved all my life and spent 24 years longing to see depicted on the big screen.
Then The Avengers happened. And I saw another Loki very close to Norse mythology - mainly, how he's treated. In the beginning of the movie, he's sick, exhausted, and in pain. He can hardly stand, he stumbles and needs help when he walks. He was very obviously tortured, and the sickly blue light of the scepter's control is in his eyes. That gets less and less pronounced as the movie goes on, showing Loki working his way free of it, but in the beginning, he's a mess. Because he was tortured and used by Thanos. Marvel directly confirmed this, and that he was under the scepter's/Mind Stone's control. Loki's actions are not his own in The Avengers. He's under both threat and Thanos' direct control. The movie actually shows The Other directly threatening him to keep him on task, because this is not Loki's plan. It is not what he wants. He's being used and villainized... Just like in real life. It hurt to see this done to him, but the accuracy was too beautiful to ignore.
Thor: The Dark World comes out. I've heard people complain that this movie is the weak link in the Thor trilogy. I disagree. I think that's Ragnarok, for a bunch of reasons, but we'll get there. (And for the record, I loved Ragnarok, too. It was a funny movie. Infinity War and the Disney+ series are the only portrayals of Loki in the MCU that I truly fucking hated.) Anyway, good, fun movie. Had its faults, as all movies do, but it still followed Loki's real-life arc in a way. How? By having Loki dragged back to Asgard in chains and imprisoned underground. Again, not super happy that this happened to my love, and having to see it on screen was painful, but at least in the MCU he's not chained to a rock with venom dripping on his face for eternity, so there's that. (poor Sigyn. how tired do her arms get, holding up that bowl? best wife ever, amirite?)
In TDW, we're shown Loki's love for Frigga, who favored him and taught him magic as a child. We see his bravado; his attempts to mask his true feelings, especially grief. We see him slowly coming back to himself after the events of The Avengers, and slowly mending his relationship with his brother. He accepts that Odin will likely never love him, but Thor just might, because they were close when they were young. "I didn't do it for him." No, no my sweet, you did it for your brother, and a little out of guilt for what happened to your mother.
At the end, Loki fakes his death and escapes, taking the throne, and I have mixed feelings about this. Not the writer's choices here; I love that completely! A natural progression in Loki's story. But my joy is tainted by how closely they're following the Eddas now. Because Loki's escape from his prison heralds the beginning of Ragnarok. And Loki will die in Ragnarok. I don't want to see that play out in front of my face. I won't be able to handle the grief (spoiler alert! IW broke me. I almost walked out of the theater. Loki's death was legitimately fucking traumatic for me. I don't even care how pathetic that is. That grief was real, it was intense, and I still shake and cry when I think about it.)
Marvel announces that Thor 3 will be called Ragnarok. The internet treats this as a shocking revelation. I roll my eyes and mumble "duh" to myself and move on XD
Then they say Ragnarok will be a buddy comedy. I throw up a little in my mouth and no longer want to live on this planet. If they're going to make something called Ragnarok, could they at least treat it with even a fraction of the respect they've shown these characters thusfar? Jfc. I mean, I'll see it anyway, because I'm a whore for Tom Hiddleston lol. But come on, people!
I hated that they made Hel the long-lost older sister and Fenrir her fucking pet/attack dog. Those are my favorites of Loki's children! Hel is such an incredible badass that the early Christians named their dimension of eternal torture after her! They were terrified of her, to the point of naming the place that terrified them most after her. That's awesome! And Fenrir's just the best. I love wolves. Those two details, and Odin's retcon of "we're not Gods! ...lol, except your sister. she's totally a Goddess. and def gonna kill literally everything, so... good luck! byyyeeeee" pissed me off royally.
The rest was great. I genuinely liked this movie. Still do. And they finally used The Immigrant Song! That was pretty cool. If they'd thrown in Bring the Hammer Down and Thunderstruck, I might've called this movie perfect. XD
I wasn't totally in love with their portrayal of Loki in Ragnarok. Yes, the falling for 30 minutes line was funny, as was "I have to get off this planet" and "YES! That's how it feels!" And "Get Help" was funny as hell. But also, like... There is no way Loki would have been the dumb one in that first encounter with Hela. Also, he can teleport and project copies of himself and shit, so... He would not have been that desperate to go straight back to Asgard and bring her right along with them. Loki's not stupid. But whatever. Movie's gotta movie.
What I did love was seeing the slow mending of his relationship with Thor continuing, and the badass fighting on the bridge. I also loved that, like Real Loki, Movie Loki helped when help was needed, was quick and clever, and while he was carrying out the main plan, he was also planning ahead and grabbing the Tesseract. Yes, that drew Thanos right to them, but that's a whole other thing. Loki never would have left that thing on Asgard to be destroyed or lost.
And now Infinity War. Hooooly fucking shit. You know what? No. I'm not going into this. He was killed, years of character growth were erased forever, my heart fucking shattered. The end.
Endgame. IW hurt me so bad I didn't see Endgame until this year. I actually watched Civil War first (for context: I had actively avoided all Cap movies until this year because I fucking hate Steve Rogers. I find him insufferable. Did not realize what I was denying myself until I watched CW and finally saw the charms of Bucky. When he appeared in IW, I was so lost. XD I was like "...who dis? Murder Jesus?" also I just... didn't care. I was numb by then from crying through most of the movie over Loki)
So, anyway. Endgame. Loki picks up the Tesseract in alternate 2012, escapes, fans go "yay! he didn't actually die!" I go "yes he fucking did. Five years of his life, gone. Five years of growth and change, erased. Loki is dead. This will not be the same."
I was more right than I could have predicted. Now we come to the point of this rant. Sorry it took so long, but you were warned lol.
The Loki series makes me so angry I actually get sick to my stomach. It was fucking TRASH. When I praised Marvel for following Norse mythology so faithfully earlier? Yeah. I DID NOT MEAN TREAT HIM THE WAY THE OTHER GODS DID. I did not mean paint him as a pitiful clown, a joke, a caricature of who he truly was, with his pain and suffering played for LAUGHS.
This is supposed to be 2012 Loki, newly freed from Thanos' control. The Loki we saw in the beginning of TDW - snarky, exhausted, nihilistic. The Loki who rolled his eyes and said "get on with it" expecting to be killed.
The bumbling clown flipping on a dime from posturing to calling himself weak is not 2012 Loki. That is not ANY Loki. That is Tom Hiddleston in a black wig doing what he's told by a shitty writer who had no fucking idea what he was doing and was salty about his (bad) original script (for something totally fucking unrelated) getting killed.
In Episode 1, Loki is mocked, imprisoned, stripped against his will, tormented, belittled, and given a flippant summary of all the trauma Actual MCU Loki suffered that this one skipped out on, with no context, no acknowledgement of the trauma he's already lived quite fucking recently, and with the narrative twisted to not only erase all the abuse he's suffered, but to make it all his fault. And this is supposed to make him want to help these people?
Episode 2, he's a child. Mentally, this Loki is a fucking child. Now we've erased all the growth and development of his entire adult life. He's dopey, impatient, impulsive, desperate for a pat on the back and actually shows it. Yes, abused and neglected children crave the positive attention we never received, and we often grow up to be a bit emotionally stunted. But not all of us, and not Loki. Not as we've seen him EVER in the rest of the MCU. Playful and a bit callous at times? Absolutely! But not a big dumb fucking puppy.
Episode 3, a ray of hope, despite Sylvie! (I hate Sylvie) Loki casually admits he's pan/bi; labels never come up, but he admits to being with both men and women! He sings! Not really relevant to whether I approve of his portrayal or not lol but Tom has a beautiful voice, Norwegian ("Asgardian" lol) is a gorgeous, entrancing language, and I could watch that one bit on loop for eternity and never get bored. And then, finally, we see a glimpse - a glimpse - of Loki's power! He stops a falling building and pushes it right back up! Are we finally getting to see what he can really do? Will the next episode bring us Loki in all his glory?
Nope. 4 and 5 we see him mocked and pushed around and utterly irrelevant. Again. We see tiny reflections of what he could maybe theoretically do in other random Loki variants, but the "main" (lawl. main. it was the Sylvie and Mobius show. Loki was never the main anything.) Loki? Nothing. He wears his heart on his sleeve for no reason, bonds with the man who imprisoned, taunted, and gaslit him, is killed, and continues to be a moron and a joke. Always the clown. Always the dumb one. The one with the bad ideas. The inferior Loki.
Don't even get me started on that finale. I can't. This already took so much out of me. Fuck Marvel. Fuck this fucking show. I just... I'm done.
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avatar-state-kate · 3 years
Okay so @old-and-new-friends I did see you comment on this post and I initially was going to respond with a reblog but the more I thought about it the more I felt it deserved its own post.
I hadn’t noticed this before, but I do agree with you that it is the Mako defence squad that will bring up poverty lok, and thinking about why that I’ve come to a chicken and the egg conclusion where I’m not sure if it’s an awareness of poverty that makes Mako more likeable or if liking Mako leads to fans to pay more attention to the role of economic class in characterization.
Either way I think that poverty is integral to Mako’s character, and so for people to hate Mako (not just dislike, or not jive with, or not make the cut of top 5) you need to ignore the role poverty has had.
The best example of this is with the love triangle. Mako anti’s love to point to the love triangle as proof he’s a fuck boy/bad person. And while a lot of Mako stand will point out that he’s a teen in his first relationship and just doesn’t know what he’s doing (which is also true) I think a lot of his decision making is perfectly logical if you consider money
Mako is shown to be aware of every yuan he has to his and Bolin’s name- he knows when his pay is short he’s budgeted every yuan, the error is only because Bolin took money without asking - blowing they’re entire budget. That one impulse purchase can ruin an entire paycheck shows just how precarious the financial situation is.
Knowing this the line of dialogue; “It makes more sense for me to be with Asami” while callous is true- Asami is the possibility of a whole new life, not just luxury but security, for him and Bolin.
It goes against modern sensibilities to choose for money- you marry for love and whatever. Which is a pretty privileged mindset. Like ideally sure, but if your current girlfriend is in control of your career, your livelihood (which Asami as the fire ferrets sole sponsor was), there is no way in hell I would want to dump her, or upset her. Hence mako’s people pleasing tendencies.
Mako antis will also point to the kiss, even if Korra initiated it he should have deterred her more (? Would love to know how), and he should have told Asami. Well if he upsets Korra too much she might quit, which puts mako and Bolin back on the streets. If he tells Asami and upsets her she might break up with him and stop funding the team, putting mako back on the streets.
If you’re not considering poverty (for mako antis this is greed, he just wants to be rich, wants wealth) then this is petty drama. If you remember that a wrong move could mean Mako and Bolin (which adds so much pressure like this is also your brothers life- you could be giving him everything if you just suck it up and stay with Asami) then the stakes are much higher
Again, it’s callous - this is an explanation of motivation not a defence- but once Asami’s money is off the table with her fathers arrest Mako is stuck “not knowing who to choose” he knew who he wanted but in the first half of season 1 being with Korra would have been the selfish thing, it would have been putting his feelings over providing food and a home for Bolin.
Korra and Asami were not yielding their power over Mako, but that doesn’t change that they had it. Or that someone who grew up the way Mako did, in a way that made him mistrustful, would be acting base on the belief that the worst is going to happen- because the worst has happened for him in the past, always.
And if people want to claim I’m exaggerating the stakes here, firstly I would like to say that only the avatar and Asami, the most compassionate people in the world, would be gracious enough to let an ex live with them. There is no reason Mako shouldn’t be assuming that a break up means he and Bolin are back on the street. And 2, in season 3, after his apartment is presumably destroyed from the spirit battle and he’s broken up with Korra Mako is homeless- he’s living under his desk. What he was trying to avoid in season 1 happens even in the best circumstances (and they are the best because Bolin can stay on air temple island and be safe; if he had to take Bolin with him I think he would have stuck it out)
You also noted how Bolin stand do not similarly notice the socioeconomic implications of lok, which at first glance seems strange. He and Mako come from the same exact background so you would assume that our two fan communities would have a similar awareness, but honestly it makes sense that we don’t as Bolin is the sort of poor person archetype that isn’t meant to challenge our system but comfort middle class and upper class viewers. He’s happy go lucky- see money doesn’t buy happiness. Because of Mako he’s taken care of, we don’t have to actually worry about him, it’ll all work out; he just wears hand-me-downs he’s not in any real danger. And finally, he’s a good, a himbo, no one who is actually smart and hardworking would be stuck in poverty like him, they’d be like Asami, or Varrick, and pull themselves up by there boot straps and ascend to a higher class. Bolin confirms what we already do believe about class in America. But Mako is smart, he solves the bombing case in season 2, and he works hard, he lives at work; but despite this Mako stays poor.
#I notice a trend to that a lot of the evidence of how dire Mako and Bolin’s situation is played for laughs#and I’m not going to pretend I don’t laugh#but idk I’m a fan of the you have to laugh or you’ll cry brand of comedy#like it’s funny because of the tone and editing and line reads but the truth of the situation is so fucking sad#ugh but I could tak about this forever honestly#also how the season 2 plot of Asami needing to save her company is a means to make her a ‘self made women’#even though she literally inherited a company#and future industries come back was due to varrick I.e. war profiteering#like 👀👀👀👀#idk lok has a lot to say about socioeconomic class and it’s not good#like they do try the whole bootstraps thing with Mako but keep making him lose his home which honestly I’m glad he’s a bad bootstraps type#because I think Mako himself believes he can pull himself up- because he has to it’s too hopeless otherwise- but the message again and again#is he can’t#first toza helps them#meetings korra helps the team#he needs Asami to fund the team#one misstep and the probending plan blows up in his face and he’s back to being homeless#he gets a job as a cop but when his apartment building is destroyed he doesn’t have the safety net to bounce back right away#he’s homeless again#heck he might not have had a stable place until he got the job with wu#and yeah if you’re willfully ignoring all that and pretend money isn’t a factor in decision making mako looks a lot worse#okay I’ve gone on long enough here but if anyone wants to keep talking the. yes please do#mako#captain crop top#bolin#lok#legend of korra#avatar#lok meta#meta
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rpbetter · 3 years
PSA - Positivity
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Yes, positivity is important. No, not all positivity is the same, and when we talk about “positivity” in the RPC, we need to be aware of that.
I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but a lot of the “positivity” around is performative positivity, passive positivity. It’s neither helpful nor all that positive. It’s just yelling about and pressuring for positivity, while expending no personal effort to give meaningful acts of any such thing. If you really give a shit about “spreading positivity,” uplifting mutuals and the community, you won’t balk at this. You’ll assess your behavior and try to do better.
Examples of some passive/performative positivity:
reblogging statements like “we NEED to get back into the habit of POSITIVITY” and adding tags or direct statements on the reblog that you “better see everyone reblogging this” and stopping there, with a demanding threat of, at least, shaming
copy-paste, especially anonymous, positivity chain messages (that frequently cite things contrary to the mun and/or muse’s characteristics/personality/writing)
reblogging the “I actually enjoy seeing this user on my dash” and/or “I actually like following this user” etc. style posts - it’s honestly not positive, you’re implying that you don’t like seeing, following, or interacting with some, and the overall tone of the post and action is once again shaming and demanding (not to mention, everyone else’s dash is nothing but this shit while 10+ mutuals wank over each other in this manner)
reblogging PSA’s about how to spread meaningful positivity, then doing none of it
sending an emoji meme in that denotes extremely simplistic ideas of what you like about the poster, leaving it at that
random posts of how much you love everyone, citing exactly nothing or the same handful of easy to throw out, applies to a large amount of people (or it doesn’t, but we all know everyone wants to feel like they write well, have interesting muses, etc. and it plays into this) - you sound like that drunken person every bar has that goes off about how much they LOVE EVERYONE SO MUCH, not like you’re actually encouraging anyone specifically
blowing smoke up people’s asses/using requests for concrit to do nothing but give useless ass-pats about how infinitely great they are in all areas of writing and portrayal
Examples of some meaningful positivity:
engaging with partners and mutuals on their posts - liking headcanons, commenting on answered memes, liking/commenting on OOC posts
getting specific about what you enjoy in their writing, their muse portrayals, threads, headcanons, instead of the copy-paste or emoji route
appreciating mutuals and partners in visible ways (like those stated above, sending ask memes, paying attention to what they post and their muses, showing them respect and interest as real human beings) regularly, without prompting or being guilted and shamed into it
being honest, but polite and respectful, when a mutual posts a meme requesting concrit/asking what you like about the muse or writing and what you’d encourage growth with
when sending an emoji meme in about why you follow, what you like, why you stayed etc. add something to it that is specific about why
responding to replies OOC (where applicable, not all partners mesh well enough for this or desire much OOC conversation), telling them not only that you got it and liked it, but what you specifically enjoyed the most in the reply
seriously, be specific when giving positivity, your partners and mutuals are individuals and deserve to be treated as such with receiving specific-to-them comments on their writing
generally, being respectful of others - the whole environment is far more positive when you read and respect rules, boundaries, and muses, even if that means respecting that you and another mun might not work out together
It’s a minimal effort to actually bother with paying attention to the people you interact with, to take the attention you’ve paid and apply it to meaningful, individual commentary and actions. If you cannot handle this, you have too many people to deal with in a respectful, adult way they deserve...or you may want to reassess whether you have the time, attention span, motivation, and are at the right mental space in your life to be in a hobby that requires interaction with other people.
Giving people lazy “positivity” so that you feel you’ve done what you need to in order to be A Good RPer isn’t positive. It’s kind of insulting, actually. If, IRL, someone told you and the five people nearest to you identical compliments, would overhearing this make you feel good about yourself? Positive? Visible as a person? It wouldn’t, no. So, don’t do it here.
Legitimate positivity doesn’t mean constantly forcing yourself out of your comfort zone OOC, either. Your social anxiety and social deficits aren’t a sufficient excuse; you and every other person here has these complications. I have those complications!
If you find yourself still vehemently pissed at me for saying that, may want to rant back at me about how ableist this is, here’s some things I, a person with social limitations, high distraction, and serious anxiety do:
commenting on comment-appropriate posts something specific ( “the freckle on your cat’s foot is so cute!” “I love how you addressed x in that headcanon” etc.) when I am in a good space to do so
liking posts - OOC posts, meme answers and muse questionnaires that were great whether I’m tagged/sent in the ask or not, PSA’s and resources I think are good
reblogging PSA’s, resources, and other things I know are important to the mun to have shared that I agree with
sending in ask memes, sometimes even just on anon to mutuals I don’t write with - everyone wants to be sent something, this is a great way to allow others to respond to questions no one else might ask them
anonymous, positive comments on their muse, writing, blog that are, again, specific in detail
trying to note when a mutual, even one I don’t interact with really, is clearly needing a boost in confidence or interest, being sure to send a meme or something else in to them when I can
being aware of my partners and mutuals so that I can send them, when the opportunity is present with memes or requests for asks, questions on topics I think they’d like an excuse to discuss (someone keeps posting images or commentary in tags about a muse’s pet, clothing interests, hobbies, mental health, whatever, but no one is biting, for example)
The majority of the above can be done without direct, consistent OOC conversation, and much of it can be done on anon. Sometimes, it makes people feel extra good to feel like they have a secret admirer, a mysterious mutual or partner who is paying attention and valuing their posts. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Especially because so many of us have trouble with random, long, or consistent OOC discussions; sending them on anon means that the receiver doesn’t feel obligated to contact and converse with you.
Positivity’s point isn’t that it be done out of obligation, guilt, or shame. Neither is it to be done out of performative, passive, often enough even vaguely virtue-signaling, or clique-like, circular gushing about each other for an hour repetitively. It isn’t to make you feel like A Good Person, or to show the RPC that you are a model RPer, you care so deeply about the RPC that you...can’t be bothered to expend the personalized effort and pay attention to those on your dash.
If you really care about positivity in the RPC, you need to stop doing it in hollow, meaningless ways.
You need to stop demanding, threatening, and shaming others into performative actions with you. It’s not enough to say you care and do something lethargic to show it, you need to actually be bothered to be specific. And if someone doesn’t feel positive, isn’t interested in playing the reblog or chain letter or tag game, leave them the hell alone. They’re not being “negative,” and don’t need to be assaulted with pseudo-positivity. And you know what? Maybe they are being “negative” because it makes them feel positive, and if that’s the case, remove yourself if it bothers you!
Everyone has a right to be themselves and to do what works for them here, that is part of an overall air of positivity in the RPC.
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scorlettimagines · 3 years
Thoughts on Part 4
So last night I finished Part 4 and put out this post asking if you guys wanted to share your thoughts on the last season of our beloved show. I woke up this morning to quite a few responses so I decided to culminate all of the ones I could respond to onto this post and share my own opinions. 
If anyone has anything else they would like to share, please feel free to do so either by sending me an ask or reblogging this post (this is a side blog so replying to the post, as much as I appreciate it, doesn’t let me respond as @scorlettimagines​). Okay, here goes:
@fearisholdingmedown: lol the whole season didn't make any sense and the ending skdnmgh Sabrina and Nick?????? and Zelda questioning Hecate? and just. left me really underwhelmed
I agree with this. I was extremely underwhelmed with the season; don’t get me wrong, some parts were great and really made me smile, but other parts? To me, and to my Dad who watches it with me, it felt like the writers tried to cram too much into it. There were definitely plot lines that didn’t get wrapped up, and things that seemed out of character for some. 
Zelda questioning Hecate: I kind of understand, because wouldn’t you obviously question your Goddess after you prayed to her to save your niece/daughter and she didn’t? It is out of character for Zelda to question her faith, but I don’t blame her; she’s never lost Sabrina permanently before and I imagine it’s broken her a fair bit. 
Sabrina and Nick at the end: Okay, so when Nick showed up at the end, my first thought was that a lot of time had passed and Nick had had a sort of happy, but long, life. When he said he went swimming in the Sea of Sorrows, I was disappointed. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed with Nick’s character this whole season; it feels like the writers didn’t put enough effort into him and just reduced him to a love interest. (I felt that with another character too but we’ll get to that later). Yay they got reunited, but also not yay for the way it happened at the end. 
@screechingexpertpruneneck​: I loved the ending. I loved that Sabrina saved everyone but sucks she died. I think we can all agree that Ambrose is by far the smartest character on the show. Caliban obviously deserved better. Nick proved himself worthy of Sabrina this season and I’m glad there together now. I still can’t believe he killed himself just to be with her.
I did actually like the end; yes it was sad that Sabrina died, but it was a nice way to wrap up the show. I think her heroic qualities got detracted from in the last season with the whole Queen of Hell thing so it was nice to see her get those back. Kiernan smashed it with the death scene, and that whole montage of her birthdays had me in tears. 
Ambrose is 100% the smartest character on this show. To me, he was the best thing about this season, as he was one of the only ones who seemed not to have changed at least slightly. Ambrose has been my favourite character since the pilot. I don’t write about him because his character is so complex, so eccentric, so fully-fledged that I don’t think I could do that justice. It was nice to see that Ambrose remained that way until the end, and I’m not going to lie, I could watch a whole spin off show about him. This is me being calm before I get to the next point. Oh God, I’m running out of things to say here. Prepare yourselves guys, here goes. 
Can someone please explain to me how the fuck-fuck-fuckity-fuck-fuck Caliban went from Prince of Hell, main villain of last season to well, that? Like when he showed up dancing, I was so confused. Like, they missed out the whole section about what happened after Sabrina literally turned him to stone? The wedding was bizarre; I wanted Calbrina a few months ago, but I don’t anymore. Then in episode 3, when he was sitting on the throne and revealed his plan (you can bet your bottom dollar I’m going to be using that for imagines) hope was restored. He was still the crafty little shit that I fell in love with back in January. But then, it was never mentioned again? Like, he was just there. As Sabrina Morningstar’s husband? For me, it was cringy and I feel like the writers definitely didn’t put enough effort into him- it was like they didn’t know what to do with him. Although, his part in the AU episode made me laugh. Considering that I’ve been following Sam Corlett’s career over 2020 and I know how well he can act, I was disappointed to see him reduced to basically a prop for a bit of eye candy. His “death” was anti-climactic and a bit shit. Anyway, Caliban to me is always gonna remain the Caliban he was in Part 3 (and tiny little bits of Part 4) because there’s character development and then there’s just taking the mick. 
Nick, yeah. He did prove himself worthy of Sabrina, and I cried when they got back together, but as I mentioned before, I feel like that’s all he was used for this season. He didn’t really get a proper arc like previous seasons, and the fact that he killed himself just to be with her grated on me a bit, because that’s not what I would have expected from a character like him. 
@robinisthebestfellow​: Can we just talk about how random some of it was I mean like oh he’s good and honest annnnd then no
Assuming you mean Caliban? Just to add to the above rant, I didn’t want him to be nice. Yes, I write about him being nice in my imagines, but I always try to keep some of his actual character in my work (at least, I hope I do). But yeah, for my rant on Caliban see above. 
@eyebagsarebetterthanhandbags: Whoever was on costume design for prudence knocked it out of the park she was gorgeous every millisecond of screen time- wished her and Ambrose made up tho at the very least😔 they were my fave couple
Prudence was another favourite of mine this season; she didn’t change in her character and she was, of course, absolutely stunning. For her and Ambrose to make up would have been lovely, but I have a feeling from how close they were in the final episode that the writers were planning on it. 
@itscoldinwonderland​: Lilith, Zelda and Ambrose all deserve so much better.
Okay, starting with Lilith. I agree here. I feel like the whole Hell family (Lucifer, Caliban, Lilith etc) was just used and abused this season. I think she got better as the season went on, but for me, killing the baby was a bit extreme. Her last scene was mental; I don’t think she deserved to go as insane as she did, but well done to her for finally taking down Lucifer. Fuck the patriarchy. 
Zelda. Yes. Yes. Yes. She deserved to be happy. Miranda Otto killed it this season with the emotional side of things. The whole thing with Vinegar Tom made me sob harder than anything else this season; it was something I relate to and well done to Miranda for getting that across perfectly. 
Ambrose. I would have liked to have seen a more rounded ending for him rather than just standing at Sabrina’s graveside. But discussing seeing more of Ambrose’s character would open up a whole can of worms, for example, WHY did he try to blow up the Vatican?
@supportstudies: it was so weird?? I guess it’s because the writers had to rush the ending but now I have more questions- also sad bc I wanted more caliban
I was under the impression that this was written before the show got cancelled, but if they already knew then this makes more sense. For me, a lot was rushed and there were a lot of questions that were left unanswered. 
Caliban? You’ve seen the above rant, you know how I feel about that. 
@lizmny3: Mambo Marie really had me there
Same, lovely, same. More for Zelda than any other reason. 
Okay, so that’s it for now. Again, if anyone has anything else they would like to share please do. Requests are open again now and you should be getting another Caliban imagine next week (fingers crossed). I’m off to write two bibliographies now. Wish me luck!
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snowdice · 4 years
Goblin Brain Study Session Fic 1 [Day 35]
Because I don’t want to just have walls of text for my Goblin Brain Study Session posts, I’m separating them by days. If you want to read the previous chapters, click the links below. Chapter 13 and what I have done of Chapter 14 is under the cut.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
See this post for more details and feel free to send me asks to keep me going! It’s been a lot of fun so far! I will reblog this post with the story as I write them today.
The Gobiln Brain is a problem today. I’d planned to start like 2 hours ago. :/
Remy was slumped down in his seat as Emile continued to lecture him on all the possible consequences of his actions in the past 24 hours. Jeezy creezy was Emile miffed about all of that. Remy had been trying to blow it off, but Emile was fully, painfully aware that he almost had lost his brother today and Remy was going to hear about it until Emile’s lungs aches.
“And another thing…” he said.
“Wait,” Remy said, and Emile did because there was a lace of panic to his tone.
“What?” Emile asked.
“The tracker stopped working,” Remy answered pushing buttons a little bit desperately on his device.
“It went completely offline somehow,” Remy said.
“Did it get turned off?” Emile asked. “Or run out of batteries?”
“It doesn’t turn off and the batteries are designed to last for years,” Remy said. “It can even track through 20 feet of water. The only way it could stop sending a single this abruptly is if the thing was destroyed.”
Emile paused. “You said Virgil knows what the blinking light means.”
“Is it possible that he knows, or well, ‘knows,’ you’re dead? Barbara did send a man after him, he could have mentioned it.”
Remy stared down at the device in his hands.
He pressed a couple of buttons and studied the screen for a moment. “You little shit,” he groaned. “You threw it out the fucking car window, didn’t you?”
“How do you know?” Emile asked.
“Because if I look at the history, it was going at 65 miles per hour down the interstate, suddenly stopped cold, and then broke when another car inevitably crushed it.”
“Well, at least the fucker’s probably okay. Dammit Virgil! Where are you going?” Remy pushed a few more buttons almost idly as he thought. “Let me get into Virgil’s head for a minute: emo music, dark clothes, would rather have his toenails ripped out than go to parties, makes split second decisions based on little info. Yep! Got him.”
Emile rolled his eyes, but Remy wouldn’t have noticed as he had his own eyes closed. “Hmm. So, I’m Virgil. My bitch mom killed my dad and sent someone after me. I have no idea what’s going on, but I bolt out of there because fuck mom. I want to get the hell out of dodge so I convince someone to drive me somehow, I guess, but where would I want to go? Someplace safe. Where’s safe? Maybe Emile, but obviously that’s not where he went. Or Janus, but he’s too connected to mom. I don’t really no anyone else, especially not someone who could help with this sort of stuff.”
Remy thought for another long moment. “Oops.”
“Oops?” Emile asked. “What oops?”
He could tell by the expression on Remy’s face that he was not going to like the answer. “I may have let something… slip.”
“What do you mean, Remington?”
“Um, well you see,” Remy said. “A couple of months ago Virgil was being, you know, himself: a little shit. He may have, possibly, found some papers.”
“What kind of papers?” Emile asked.
“They were nothing important!” Remy assured. “There wasn’t any dangerous info in them or anything, but…”
“It is somewhat possible that they had the name on them.”
“How possible?” Emile asked, eyes narrowed on him.
“He asked what Green Bellow Foods was and why they needed 50 top of the line computers outfitted at an old factory.”
“And what did you tell him?!”
Emile glared at him.
“Okay, well I had to tell him something,” Remy mentioned. “I just kind of said that I knew the owner well and was working with him on some stuff. Then I told him not to worry about it, which was probably a mistake, because he’s Virgil. So, then I found him snooping in my car. At that point I had to sit him down and talk to him. So, I told him a bit about Logan.”
“Remy that’s not nothing!”
“I didn’t use his name or anything. I just told him a couple of really, extremely, tremendously, vague stories, so he didn’t think I owed money to the mafia. Which, yes, he did suggest.”
“That’s worse!”
“What do you want from me Emile?!”
“Some common sense!” Emile answered. “I’ve been comparing you to the rat in Ratatouille for years, but I’m starting to think you’re more of a Pinky from Pinky and the Brain.”
“Hey, ouch,” Remy replied. “Also, I personally subscribe to the theory that Pinky is actually the intelligent one who is foiling Brain’s evil plots from the inside. So, there.”
“Now is not the time,” Emile said.
“Oh, it’s not the time to discuss cartoon theories?” Remy mumbled into his lap. “Must be serious.”
“It is serious! Virgil is missing!”
“Don’t you think I know that?!” Remy snapped. “I know, Emile.”
There was quiet. Emile took a breath. “Okay,” he said, calmer. “Do you really think he’s going to Logan?”
“He’s headed somewhere,” Remy answered, “and wherever that somewhere is, it’s inexplicably down the most direct route towards base.”
“Well, Virgil is smart. I don’t think he’d just keep going so quickly without a destination in mind. We should call Logan.”
“Do you honestly believe Barbara doesn’t have your phone tapped when Virgil is missing? If you had one of Logan’s phones, I might agree with you, but as it is, we’d be giving away our position, and possibly clueing her in to Virgil’s plan. If he shows up at base, Logan will take him in no question asked. It’s less dangerous for everyone this way.”
“Fine,” Emile said. “We’ll just keep driving towards Logan and hope you’re right about where he’s going.”
“Of course, I’m right,” Remy said lightly. “I’ve got the paternal instincts going on. Course, they didn’t stop the knife throwing incident of ’09. I blame Janus for that, though.”
Emile shook his head at him.
“It is good for when he tries to steal sweets, or that one time he brought home a baby piglet and tried to hide it from me in his bedroom. Or when he’s feeling anxious about something but won’t tell me because he thinks it’s silly.” Remy’s own fingers tapped out an anxious pattern against his knee. “It also worked with the golf cart incident, but it was too late. Again, I blame Janus. He messes with the paternal instinct meter. He’s far too unpredictable and I make the mistake of thinking he’s responsible, which he is half the time, but the other half of the time I remember that he’s still mostly a kid and one that grew up in an unstable environment. Did I tell you that last month they went and won a bunch of tickets at the arcade and used them to get those 5 ticket rubber ducks and just unloaded them all over my room? Honestly, you’d think a 21-year-old would have a better use for his money or at least have the brains to go buy them at a store. He could have gotten like 500 more ducks for the same amount of money. Of course, it was his mom’s money, so I guess I can get behind wasting it on arcade games and rubber ducks. The prank was apparently based on some comedy sketch Virgil found online.”
“You’re doing the thing again,” Emile pointed out calmly.
“Stop psych evaluating me,” he shot back.
“Fine, fine,” Emile said. “Keep distracting yourself from your emotional responses with silly stories. See if I care.”
“Thank you,” Remy replied. “I will.”
Emile sighed as he started back up again mumbling something about having taken away Virgil’s Gameboy after catching him playing it at 3 o’clock in the morning. He claimed this wasn’t because the boy hadn’t gotten any sleep, but because he insulted Donkey Kong to Remy’s face. After that story had run its course, Remy continued to babble at an increasingly fast pace about all sorts of things. Emile imagined most of the stories he sprouted out were quite embellished.
He’d tried to turn on the radio once, but Remy had slapped his hand away saying, “The next one’s a really good one.” So, he had resigned himself to his fate of tuning out Remy’s coping mechanism to the best of his abilities and just focusing on driving for the next 45 minutes. Which is probably why he noticed that traffic had strangely decreased. He didn’t really pay that much mind until the traffic suddenly increased… in the form of a wall of stopped cars.
“Jenkies, what’s going on?” he asked, as he came to a stop at the end of the line of cars.
“Um…” Remy said looking out of his car window. There, staring into their car with beady black eyes was a cow. As Emile watched, said cow leaned forward to drag its tongue across the passenger side window. “Shit.”
Chapter 14
“You two doing okay back there?” Roman asked, glancing into the rearview window at them as he exited the interstate onto highway 236.
“We’re perfectly fine,” Janus replied evenly.
“Ow ow ow ow ow! You’re crushing me!” Remus complained. Janus was currently sitting on his chest, pinning him to the back seat.
“You should probably put your seatbelt on,” Roman advised.
“You’re probably right,” Janus agreed.
“No! Get off!” Remus said. “Or I’m going to scream!”
“Oh, because you don’t scream randomly when someone isn’t sitting on top of you?” Janus shot back. Roman officially liked Janus; he’d just decided. “Give me that!” Janus said, and a moment later, Remus’s phone was thrown into the passenger seat.
Remus whined and Roman glanced back at them once again, amused. That is when he caught sight of a car behind them. He glanced at his speedometer and then back at the car. Roman was currently going a little over 90mph, having slowed down a bit now that they were off the interstate. Yet, the car was gaining on them.
“Hey,” Roman said. “Wh-,” and that’s when a bullet came through the back window right past Janus’s head. “Holy fuck!” Roman screamed, swerving a bit before getting the car back under control. Remus grabbed Janus by the front of his shirt and pulled him down as more bullets rained on them courtesy of the car Roman had spotted. The glass from his car’s back window shattered over the two of them.
Roman pressed his foot down harder on the accelerator and started purposefully swerving to throw off their shots as Remus shoved Janus down onto the floor so he could lunge into the front seat. He grabbed the gun Roman stored in his glove box and loaded it with practiced ease.
“My bag,” Janus requested, and Remus threw the asked for object over his shoulder before rolling down the window.
“Methinks mommy dearest’s people may have found us,” Remus commented.
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Deadly Class One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Lex Miller
Other Characters: Petra Yolga, Billy Bennet, Marcus Lopez Arguello
Warnings: smoking, swearing, alcohol consumption
Request: @jordsie​ — “My oneshot idea was for a Lex Miller x reader piece where him and the reader have had a bit of a friends with benefits thing going for a while but, when she admits to having real feelings, he freaks out and calls everything off even though he does have some of those feelings himself. Mutual angst ensues, and then eventually (maybe after someone else tries with Y/N?) they get together.”
Word Count: 2,367
A/N: i miss deadly class hgnhgnghnggggg which i say like at least once a day. anyway, thank you so so much to @jordsie for donating to Reclaim The Block, you’re amazing! if you would like to request a one shot of your own, please read this post!
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
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Your name: submit What is this?
“And now the party’s officially started!”
You let out a loud groan as Petra rolls her eyes beside you, and the two of you look over your shoulders as you see Lex burst through the door to the rooftop, arms thrown up in the air as Billy and Marcus trail behind him, shaking their heads with teasing smiles on their faces. Lex jokingly wrinkles his nose as his eyes land on you, and Lex asks, “What are you boring lot doing up ’ere?”
“Trying to mentally hype ourselves up to go to Shabnam’s party.” Petra responds through a puff of smoke, and she passes her cigarette to you as you watch Billy sidle up to Petra. He eagerly nods along to what she’s saying as she continues, “I don’t understand why you idiots want to go. Shabnam’s nothing but a try hard.”
“Yeah, ugh, Shabnam.” Billy pulls a face, trying his best to impress Petra. “We hate him. Right?”
You and Marcus can’t help but exchange a knowing glance, and Marcus chuckles as the both of you know that Billy’s crush on Petra is more evident than ever as Petra shoots him a confused look. Shrugging, Marcus gives you a little nudge as he responds, “Whatever. A party’s a party. It’s about time we blow off some steam.”
“And I take it you’re going to be there?” you turn to look at Lex, putting on a nonchalant tone as you raise an eyebrow at him. Lex’s goofy grin creates a smile on your own face, and you try your best to keep a straight face as Lex slings an arm around your shoulders, giving you a little shake.
“Well, of course! I’m not one to miss a party.” Lex responds, pulling you close to him despite your attempts to shove him away. He laughs, and teases, “Come on, don’t be like that, love. I know you want me at that party.” 
You pointedly roll your eyes, finally managing to shove his body off yours as you tell him, “Fuck off.” 
Lex throws his head back in laughter, and you duck your head, hoping you don’t look as flustered as you feel. You avoid Petra’s suspicious gaze that falls upon you as you hand the cigarette back to her, and you divert your attention to the view from the rooftop. None of your friends are aware of the little arrangement you have with Lex, secretly hooking up in the dead of the night, dragging each other into empty classrooms for desperate kisses. You know you’ve come close to getting caught, but perhaps that’s what you love most about it. The adrenaline and the rush of sneaking around week after week.
But that’s not the only thing you love. You may or may not have feelings for Lex himself, too.
“We gonna get a move on or what?” Lex asks, jostling Petra as she drops her cigarette, putting it out from under her boot. “Come on, lads, let’s go!”
Lex spins on his heel, leading the way as he makes his way off the roof, and you bite back a smile before reaching for Petra’s arm, tugging her along with you as you all make your way to the party. 
You flop against the couch, taking a sip from your cup as you watch the party unfold before you. There’s a mix of everyone from King’s, Rats and Legacies alike, and you flip off a member of the Dixie Mob as you notice one of them scowling at you. Scoffing into her drink beside you, Petra shakes her head as she mutters under her breath, “Remind me why we’re here again?”
You open your mouth to respond, when you suddenly notice Lex in the corner of the room, lingering in the doorway as your eyes meet. He raises an eyebrow at you, a signal you’ve become all too familiar with, and he nods his head down the hallway of Shabnam’s house before he disappears. You gulp down the rest of your drink, straightening your top as you abruptly get up, and Petra looks up at you with wide eyes as she protests, “Where the hell are you going?”
“Come on, you’re a big girl, you can survive without me for a bit.” you tease, avoiding her question as you notice Billy walking over. Perking up, you beckon for him to come over as you continue, “Here, Billy will keep you company.” 
Before Petra can protest, you’ve already darted away, leaving her with Billy as you weave your way through your drunken classmates. You duck into the hallway, tucking your hair behind your ears as you open the first door you come across. You quickly slam the door shut as you see a group of Kuroki Syndicate kids inside, who glare at you as you interrupt whatever discussion they’re having, and you shake your head as you head to the next room.
You peer inside, yelping as you feel a hand reach out to grab yours, and Lex shuts the door behind you before quickly pushing you up against the wall, crashing his lips against yours as you immediately kiss him back. You push his leather jacket off his shoulders as he quickly shrugs it off, and he mumbles, “Kept me waiting long enough, didn’t you, love?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you feign innocence, pulling away from him so you can smile at him, and Lex chuckles as he shakes his head.
“You’re such a tease,” he replies, before leaning forward to kiss you again, his hands roaming up your body as you stifle a gasp. You can taste the alcohol on his lips, which soon trail away from yours, and he presses kisses to your cheek, your jaw, and down your neck, and you tilt your head up as you run your fingers through his spiked hair. 
“Fuck,” you breath out, and you swear you can feel Lex smirking against your skin as his hands pull your hips closer to his body. “I love you.”
The words slip past your tongue so fast you don’t even have time to think about stopping them. For a moment, time seems to stand still, and you feel Lex stiffen as he slowly pulls away, eyebrows furrowing as he asks, “What?”
You gulp, eyes wide as you feel your heart hammering in your chest. “I—”
“Shit.” Lex jerks back away from you, as if your skin is burning against his, and he fumbles to pick his jacket off the ground. “You… you don’t mean that, right?”
You open your mouth, yet no words come out. You can’t even deny it, can’t even pretend for his  sake that you’re not in love with him, but you can’t take back the words now. You can’t deny your feelings any longer. You only wish you had been confronted with a different reaction.
“I do.” you finally blurt, and Lex’s face falls. “I…  fuck, I do mean it! I… I love you.”
“No, no,” Lex paces through the room, his thoughts jumbling together as he doesn’t even know how to process everything. “This was supposed to be casual, yeah? Why’d you have to go and fuck it up?” 
Your breaths become shallow as your vision becomes blurry with tears. Weakly, you try to reason with him, “Lex…”
“I’m leaving.” Lex abruptly interrupts you, pushing past you, and you try to lunge after him.
“Lex, wait!” you desperately try to reach out to grab him, but he slips past your fingers, rushing out the door as you defeatedly watch him run off, not having the energy within you to run after him. Covering your face in your hands, you spin around, falling against the bed inside the room. Tears prickle your eyes as regret and embarrassment washes over you, and you reach for one of the pillows. Burying your face into it, you let out a frustrated scream.
Lex drags his feet through the hallway, head hung low as he shuffles back to his room. It’s been weeks since Shabnam’s party, weeks since you confessed to being in love with him, and he’s managed to avoid you since. Despite your overlapping friend groups, he’s managed to pointedly never be left alone with you, no matter how hard you try to talk to him. Figuring that cutting you out of his life completely is the only way to solve the issue, Lex is doing just that. 
But the more he thinks about it, the more he realises he doesn’t even know what the issue is. Is that fact that you’re in love with him really a problem? Does he feel the same way about you, despite the fact the two of you initially agreed everything would be casual between the both of you? The questions swarm Lex’s mind to the point where he can barely think straight, and he shakes his head, as if trying to shake the questions out of his head. 
He looks up momentarily as he turns the corner, and his eyes go wide as he sees you further down the hallway, shoving books into your locker. He freezes on the spot, and he flinches as you look up and spot him. You blink in shock, but just as you open your mouth to call his name, Lex quickly sprints away, disappearing back where he came from before you can stop him. Your shoulders slump, and you gulp as you slam your locker shut, feeling humiliated and rejected as you try to hold back tears. 
“Hey, y/n.” a voice greets you, and you look up to see Marcus approaching you before he leans up against the lockers. He holds up a pack of cigarettes which he digs out from his blazer pocket, and he asks, “Want a smoke?”
You let out a sigh. Perhaps this’ll help you keep your mind off Lex. Nodding at Marcus, you respond, “Let’s go.”
You dump your bag on the floor as you and Marcus sit down on the rooftop, soaking in the orange glow of the sunset. You lean forward as Marcus offers you a lighter, and you can feel his eyes on you as he lights your cigarette up for you. You lean away, watching as Marcus lights up his own cigarette, and after a moment of silence, he asks, “So, you and Lex, huh?”
You tense up, and Marcus stifles a laugh at your reaction. “Come on. It was obvious.”
“Whatever.” you roll your eyes. “It’s over, anyway. Whatever it is that we had.”
The words sting you, but you try to ignore the pain, pretending that your heart isn’t splitting inside your chest. Marcus awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, and he quietly responds, “Yeah, I kind of figured.”
“He’s such an asshole.” you suddenly blurt, anger bubbling in your chest. “He doesn’t even have the decency to talk to me.” 
Marcus shrugs. “You deserve better.”
It’s only then do you notice how close Marcus is sitting beside you, and you suck in a sharp breath as you slowly look up at him. He’s already looking at you, studying your expression, and your voice barely comes out as a whisper as you say, “Marcus…” 
Maybe this isn’t so bad, you try to reason with yourself. Marcus is one of your friends, and maybe this’ll be a good distraction to get Lex off your mind. Marcus leans closer to you, his gaze momentarily falling to your lips before back up to your eyes, and you feel frozen in place before the sound of the rooftop door opening jolts the two of you apart. You both look up, alarmed, as you see Lex standing in the doorway, and you can’t quite decipher the look of hurt and betrayal that mixes in his expression as he sees you and Marcus. Jealousy swirls in his chest, as Lex wants nothing more than you to himself, and he can’t help but feel slightly crazy seeing you with someone else.
“Oi, Marcus. Fuck off, will ya?” Lex finally speaks, and Marcus’ eyebrows furrow as he opens his mouth to protest. He turns to look at you, shrug at him apologetically, and Marcus rolls his eyes as he collects his belongings and walks off, making a point of shoving past Lex’s shoulder as he does so. Lex approaches you, and you defensively fold your arms as you turn to look away, and Lex says, “Aw, come on, y/n.”
“Fuck you, Lex,” you spit, turning to glare at him. “You don’t talk to me for weeks, and now you’re just going to show up and interrupt me while I’m hanging out with other people?”
“Looked like a bit more than a hangout.” Lex points out, raising an eyebrow at you. “Didn’t know Marcus had a thing for you.”
“Well, it’s none of your business, first of all,” you scowl. “And secondly, why do you care? Since you’ve made it pretty clear you want nothing to do with me.”
“It’s not like that.” Lex tries to defend himself, and you let out a loud scoff.
“Are you serious?” you splutter. “I was the one who fucked everything up according to you, remember? Right before you stormed out an—”
Before you can continue, Lex suddenly grabs your face in his hands, kissing you. Despite how badly you want to push him away, you immediately melt into his touch, his touch you’ve been craving ever since the night of the party. You hate how quickly you soften into him, but as he pulls away, you feel as if all the air has been knocked out of you.
“I’m the one who fucked things up, alright?” Lex admits. “I love you too, okay? I was a bloody idiot not to realise it earlier, but I do love you, and I want you.”
You blink, in shock at his words. “Don’t be a tease. Do you really mean all that?”
“Yes.” Lex reaffirms, cupping your face in his hands. “I mean it, y/n.”
Your lips quirk into a smile, and you lean forward to kiss him again. And this time, it’s no longer desperate, but soft, and tender, and loving. 
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tag list: @mockingjaygirl1221​ / @cnco-babes​ / @asix122747483​ / @lotsoffandomimagines​ / @uhohscarlett​ / @bored-green​ / @ietss​
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human-trash-fire · 4 years
Shot Through The Heart Ch. 2
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Aelin reclined deeper into the massage chair currently working the knots in her upper back, as the water continued to fill at her feet. Mimosa in hand she sighed and closed her eyes, she was at peace for a brief moment before Lysandra shrieked. 
“OH. MY. GODS. A, why didn’t you tell me?!” She practically screamed, much to the chagrin of every patron in the upscale salon. 
“Tell you what…?” Aelin replied, rolling her head dramatically to the right to look at her friend.
“You’re trending on twitter again” she shoved her phone in Aelin’s face, “and you’ll never believe why!”
Aelin looked at the Twitter homepage and there at the top, with 1 million retweets and counting was #AelinCallHimMaybe. “What the hell? Hang on,” she put down her drink and pulled out her own phone. Flipping apps she went to Twitter to find the hashtag. There was a video linked, by someone with the handle “@moonmoon69”right at the top.
“WAIT! I wanna see this” Lysandra said at the same time Elide, on her left leaned in and said “Click it!” All three girls, heads together and mimosas abandoned, crammed in to look at Aelin’s phone.
She clicked play and immediately one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen appeared on the screen. His sepia toned skin was glowing in the sun, and he had long blonde hair pulled into a bun atop his head. He was wearing a Terrasen Army uniform, though the jacket was completely forgotten, and the t-shirt he wore instead clung to every dip and curve of muscle. He was standing in what was clearly a military post somewhere in the desert and smiling with perfect charm. “Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, you are my Queen. I, Sergeant First Class Fenrys Moonbeam, would like to humbly ask you to accompany me to the Army Ball this year. Please, call me maybe?”
Aelin’s jaw hit the floor as the scene before her cut to boots walking on the ground, and the music began. Suddenly Fenrys was back on the screen lip-syncing the lyrics to possibly the cheesiest pop song ever written, and all three women began laughing. Aelin couldn’t help it when her heart skipped a beat as Fenrys turned to the camera and winked at the end of his verse. The scene changed again and this time Fenrys, and four other men, all equally muscular and attractive, were laying on chaise lounges in nothing but short-shorts and combat boots. 
“You have to say yes, look at them!” Lysandra squealed, while Elide nodded vigorously on her other side.
The men continued to lip sync from different places on the base, always shirtless and shining with sweat. Aelin at this point had began to laugh hysterically, and all three girls crooned over the men dancing on screen. They had absolutely no talent, but seemed not to care how ridiculous they looked as they popped up from the dirt and lit off colored smoke in the background. Each of the six men had a turn to solo into the camera. Aelin’s breath caught again when, towards the end, the silver haired man with tattoos seductively danced around in what looked to be a makeshift kiddy-pool.
The last frame was all of them looking over the camera from above and smirking, before they walked away. The twitter handle @moonmoon69 popped up once more with the hashtag #AelinCallHimMaybe below it. All three girls were still giggling as she closed the link out, and looked up from her phone.
“Sweet gods,” she breathed, trying to calm herself down a bit. “Did you know the Army made men that look like that?”
“Did you see the one with long dark hair and black eyes? He looks like an angry sex God, and I think I need him in my life,” Elide replied.
“You’re saying ‘yes’ right? Do it for me, us.. Do it for Terrasen. It’s your civic duty,” Lysandra pleaded.
“For Terrasen?” Aelin replied with a conspiratorial grin, “Fuck it, i’m in. But you two are helping me figure out how to respond to this and, you’re coming with me. But first-” she chugged her previously forgotten mimosa, “Pedicures.”
“How do I even go about doing this?” Aelin asked over brunch a few hours later. The three women hadn’t stopped swooning over the men in the video, and if Aelin was being honest they had watched it three more times before ever arriving at their table.
“Well you obviously need to DM him” Elide replied, ever the voice of reason.
“Buuuuuut,” Lys dragged out the word with a smirk, “I think you should make a video of your own. It’s good press and he’s clearly in need of some feminine attention. You’ll blow his mind, and then hopefully other things,” she finished with an outrageous wink.
“LYS!” both Aelin and Elide screeched before the three erupted into a fit of laughter.
When they finally recovered, Aelin agreed that the first step should be making a video of her own. The publicity would do wonders for her, and she could reach out and worry about the logistics later. After a long debate they decided that the best way to respond would be something flirty but not embarrassing. “Let’s give the men overseas something to daydream about,” Aelin finished with a smirk.
Half awake and entirely pissed, Rowan was sitting at the table eating breakfast with most of his Cadre when Fenrys burst in yelling “I TOLD YOUUUUU!”
“Its 0400. Why the fuck are you yelling?” He practically growled over his coffee.
“Because,” Fenrys smiled as he sat down, “She responded, you’ll never believe this… Hang on.” Fen pulled his laptop out and set it so that they could all see, then directed their attention to a video he had already pulled up. There she was, smiling at the camera with practiced ease, flanked by not one but two equally beautiful and famous women: Lysandra Ennar and Elide Lochan. Rowan’s eyebrows kissed his hairline.
“There is no way-” He began, but was quickly shushed by Gavriel, Connall, Vaughn, and surprisingly even Lorcan. Fenrys pressed play.
The three women were dressed in what could only be described as the “slutty Halloween” version of the uniform Rowan currently had on. Paired with black heeled combat boots and red lipstick, her long tan legs were on full display. Rowan hated to admit it, even to himself, but she was the literal embodiment of his “questionable” teenage dreams.
“Hello gorgeous,” Aelin practically purred. “First and foremost I’d like to thank you and your delicious Cadre for that lovely video.” Rowan choked on his coffee at the name she used for them, the name they used for themselves.
“I’d be honored to be your date to this year’s Ball, but I have a few small requests. My friends here,” she motioned to the women beside her, “would like to accompany us so that we can have a chance to properly thank you for your dedication to Terrasen. We’d like to take you Fenrys, and the men in your video on a night out in Orynth after the ball… If you’re interested.” She grinned at the camera, and the look made Rowan’s heart beat a little too fast.
“If you’ll have us,” Lysandra spoke now, “We’d like to show you around in style. A limo for the event, the penthouse suite at The Palace hotel, and a private after party for your friends and a few more of ours.”
“In the meantime,” Elide continued, “Enjoy the care packages we’ll be sending to each of you just as soon as we get your information. If you have any special requests, don’t hesitate to ask!”
“A little something to help the days go by faster on your long, and hard deployment,” Aelin winked. “We can’t wait to meet you.” 
The last shot was all three women blowing a kiss to the camera. Rowan couldn’t believe it. The Princess of Orynth had responded to Fen. It took them nearly an entire day off to make that stupid video, more than one bottle of whiskey, and it had worked. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, the 6 men were still staring with their jaws on the floor at the frozen image of the women on screen, lips still puckered.
“I KNOW!” Fenrys laughed, “I told you it would work, and when we get home we’ll have the most insane night of our lives. You can thank me anytime.”
“Thank you,” the entire cadre chimed in unison while still staring at the screen. The next 2 months were going to drag along knowing what was waiting for them when they returned home.
Rowan cleared his throat, “But, you’re still on laundry duty boyo.” 
Here’s a link to the video that inspired this fic! 
FIRST AND FOREMOST: MAAAAAAAAD thanks to @highqueenofelfhame​ for editing this work, your writing is an inspiration and I’m so thankful to have you there to read my nonsense before it’s published!
Secondly: Thank you all so much for the positive responses/ reblogs on Chapter 1! I’m so excited to share this chapter with you and I assure you I have many more to come <3 Feel free to follow along on ao3 glam_reaper2 <3
Tag List:
@http-itsrebecca​ @highqueenofelfhame​ @feyrethedarklady​ @someonemagical​ @thebitchupstairs​ @over300books​
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Female Reader
Word count: 1212 words.
Summary: Steve is in love with a girl, and he’s super nervous but he’s trying not to show how nervous he is so he acts overly confident and just repeatedly makes a fool of himself.
Warnings: None.
A/N: The magazine I referred really existed, was very popular when I was a teenager.
This is a request by @what-just-happened-bro​, in this ask. Sorry for taking me so long, I hope you like it.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
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Steve got up from the bench, didn't understand anything, he'd been in the park for a while watching the couples, everything was very different from his time, he didn't know what to do.  
He liked you, he'd met you when Fury introduced him to the STRIKE team, immediately you caught his attention, you seemed beautiful.  
He had a hard time accepting his feelings when she woke up at this time he didn't think she might like someone different from Peggy until he met you.  
For him everything was very confusing, how were women courted now?  
He had analyzed Tony's behavior of women, but he didn't think it was very appropriate, he didn't even think he was capable of doing something like that.  
The advice Natasha had given his was too bold. It just looked like no one could help him.  
He also didn't feel like it was a good idea to just come in and say: ‘I'm Captain America, do you want to have a date with me?’
Along the way, he went through a newsstand, he stops when a cover of one of the teen magazines caught his eye.  
 "CONQUER THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS", that said one of the headlines on the cover, he has no hesitated in buying it.  
 He started reading the article, he could do what was indicated there, he had already decided, would start the next day, although he could not even sleep on his nerves.  
 That meant he shouldn't be nervous in front of you, he had to act very safely and pretend he wasn't dying of nerves.
That day the training was on the outside, a slightly wooded area near the Triskelion.  
You and Natasha were warming up together, Steve thought it was a good time to put the plan in place.  
He started exaggeratedly doing the exercises in front of you.  
"What is he supposed to do?” You asked Natasha in a murmur.  
“He looks very confident, but ...”
“Maybe he wants to get our attention? Natasha remarked.  
"Well... he looks... ridiculous...”
“What the hell are you doing, Rogers?” Brock asked.  
Steve was more concerned with trying to impress you then paying attention to training, you were supposed to be teaching the recruits hand-to-hand combat, Brock launched an attack, which of course Steve didn't realize and ended up falling sharply into the mud as a result of the blow.  
You put your hand on your mouth to try not to laugh. You and Natasha took a look at each other.  
Unfortunately, the training ended in a fight between Steve and Brock. Although Steve thought the first step had been successful.
 Steve was trying to remember if at some point you had commented on what your favorite food was, but you didn't make it, maybe you had never done it, he was walking down the aisles looking for you, it would be best to ask you while making your muscles noticeable again, he was convinced that would work.
Suddenly he heard your voice and Natasha's, he hid to hear you, although it was a little difficult to understand what you were saying.  
"I don't know if it's a good idea, it's that tomorrow," Natasha said.
“... Birthday...”
Steve opened his eyes, deduced that the next day it would be your birthday, he immediately went back to his office and started looking for recipes, coming out bought everything he needed, decided it would be strawberry because the woman in the video tutorial had said that strawberries liked girls.  
Never before in his life, Steve had cooked, the bread of the cake burned, but he thought it was ok, and the decoration seemed worse than if it had been made by a five-year-old, had he even tried to draw a unicorn with whipped cream even though he looked more like a run-down dog.  
The next day he convinced that his cake would enchant you even though he was nervous about the taste, he waited for you to stop by his office, as soon as he saw you, and he called you.  
“Happy birthday do... Y/N!” He congratulated you on coming in.
"Thank you? But Steve... today is not my birthday," you replied mistaking by mentally asking you where he had come up with that idea.  
"No? Isn’t it?”  
"No, it's Clint's, Natasha, and I, we are planning a party for him... “
“Are you and Clint something?” He interrupted you.  
"Friends, though I can't say the same about him and Natasha.”  
You knew about Clint's family, but you and Natasha loved to feed that rumor.
"Oh... Well, I did this for you," he said a little disappointed.
Steve cut a slice and gave it to you on the plate.
"Thank you, let’s gonna eat it... “
You zoomed in on the plate to see it better... the cake was burned and had something else.  
"What is this Steve?” You questioned pointing out what appeared to be a burnt fruit.  
"Strawberries, the woman in the video says girls like them... “
"Oh... Steve...”
“Is there a problem?”  
"I'm allergic to strawberries... “
Steve opened his eyes big and was stunned.  
"I-I'm sorry... I didn't know...”
At Clint's party, Steve couldn't help but feel bad about the cake, he even left early.  
He took the magazine, didn't understand why things didn't go well, decided to jump the third to the ninth council, and read the last one.  
 That was going to take him a few days, he started looking on the internet and found many examples, in many sticky notes he wrote everything down, the day he had everything ready, he arrived early and started to hit them in what he believed was your office, once he finished, he saw the time on the clock, just in time, in less than fifteen minutes would come, he went to the parking lot to wait for you, breathed deeply several times so that his nerves would not be evident.
"Good morning, Steve,” you greeted him.
"Hello," he reciprocated with a smile.  
"Is something wrong?” You asked when you saw that he was still on your side.
"Go to your office," he asked.  
You walked to where he told you, he was next to you, and you stopped four doors before the office Steve had decorated and opened it, when you walked in, it was just like you left it the day before.  
“Steve... there's nothing here.”  
"Is this your office?” Steve asked dumbfounded.
So who belonged to the office where you put the notes?  
"Yes, why?”  
"I thought...”
“CLINT BARTON!” Natasha shouted as she opened her office and saw all the notes.
"Oh no...”
"Whatever you wanted to do, I think you were wrong," you said.  
Steve looked sorry, he didn't know what to do.
"Steve, have all the weird things you've done in the last few weeks been for me?” You questioned.  
"Yes, it's just that...”
"I like you too, you just had to come and tell me," you confessed.
"I... everything in this time is confusing...”
“Do you want to go to the movies on Saturday?”  
"I'd love to," Steve agreed.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
So now I’m gonna be that butch bitch.
Socially relevant wide topics is not a specific sub blog of anyone that happens to hold an opinion in that topic. I barely even touch my home tab because of how insufferable this fandom dialogue tends to be beyond scrolling through entire vats of whatever the hell is going on and addressing it in general address in a wide host of conversational points. Which literally anyone can see with how few blogs I engage and how rare a burst of gif reblogging even is. Did you tag me directly and land in my notification stream, no, then I probably have no idea what you’re saying. This isn’t hard.
This, on the other hand, is a petty gay sub blog.
Please note there’s a very distinct difference between these and LGBT cinema discussion someone may or may not take offense to.
I’ll give you a hint: my sub blogs are short, pointed, sassy, generally include a random media reference like a video game video or this little piece of art, and are doused in sarcasm. They’re the fandom version of “ok, boomer”. Sure, I do sub blog. We all do. Let’s be real dears. But nah fam. That ain’t it.
Anyone that insists on projecting themselves into a set of shoes left on the floor is free to do so, but they need to recognize that’s what they’re doing with general discussion. No, picking a fight with me on a different social media platform and then pretending any other conversation is targeting you isn’t how it works. I can’t stop anyone from recoiling to the content. And I’ve been EXTREMELY forward on where the door is if they want to continue using regressive angles or taking personal offense to general conversation points. This isn’t new.
Jesus fucking christ.
And for the love of fuck stop treating me like I’m some big name fan. I don’t do conventions, events, actors, I don’t give a shit about shipping culture, I don’t do FB groups, I’m literally not *here* for any of that bullshit. Respectively having a few thousand followers isn’t *shit* on a platform where the big blogs range 8-14,000. I am not. Here. For this clout. Chasing. Bullshit. And I don’t want it anywhere near me. And I didn’t ask to be any kind of leader, or want to be any kind of leader, and magically, this BNF leader that I am had a grand total of 0 fucking people coming at anybody. Just a few telling them to stop escalating their own internalized issues against someone else. If you think that’s unreasonable, I don’t know what to fucking tell you.
If you’re here for fandom drama or personal validation, please, leave me the *fuck* alone. I am not here to be the mother to 2000 grown assed people. Thankfully many of you are reasonable, but for whatever 1% is out there getting *mad* that I’m not conforming, I swear to god, leave me the FUCK ALONE.
I have never been a proper agent of fandom. I have never obligated myself to washes of fandom yelling regardless of if it’s “my lane” or “my friend.” And no, I’m not due to “self reflect” just because *somebody else chose to think I was talking about them.* That’s not how that WORKS. I can’t self-reflect to magically engineer intentions or thoughts somebody else put in their head and projected my way, holy shit balls man.
You wanna know why people talk bullshit about Destiel fandom? This narcissistic manipulative bullshit, this false extremization of talking points, all of it. And no, not every Destiel fan does that before someone warps that. But there’s a reason so many people are hiding from this shit in tag commentary, and it’s THIS. You can deadass say “While I agree we should aspire for better representation we should also make sure to not trample on the work of what people ARE fighting for right now” and SOME FUCKER, SOME WHERE, will turn that into “You’re telling us to settle and stop fighting! You’re a homophobe!” even though it says the opposite JUST ABOVE WHATEVER THEY’RE EXAGGERATING, and yet SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, will be like “You know what, this resonates with my current feelings, now I’m going to make it dictate this real person’s reality even though that is clearly NOT WHAT THEY’RE FUCKING SAYING.”
I have. ALWAYS. Said. I am not here. For fandom bullshit. This 0 to 100, all or nothing, black or white, Fall In With The Hoard Or Perish By Us Lying And Footstomping And Demanding People Unfollow The Person Who Won’t Fite Me Nao *bullshit.* No, taking a strong stance or having a strong opinion contrary to the Borg is not hArAsSmEnt. What’s fucking harassment is intentionally stalking down people’s materials to pick fights across multiple SM platforms and trying to make it all about YOU while they’re minding their bullshit on their own walls. CHECK YOURSELVES. What’s ~~bullying~~ is trying to incite hive mind attacks. What’s abuse is demanding anyone else tolerate it, much less warping “them or me” choices just because someone *disagrees* with you. 
Nobody sent anybody at the person in question. In fact, they sent themselves, and continued to double down that it had to all be about them, then directed friends to engage and continue it afterwards. The only person that outted them was them, and they fucking @’ed me, so I don’t know what the *fuck* you expected from me. Even if I WAS sub blogging them -- which 1000% not -- not a soul on the fucking planet would have known them until they threw themselves out into the field because IT WAS ADDRESSING MULTIPLE FANDOM TOPICS; and even when they threw themselves out, nobody actually came at them. They just told them to stop. ... And then after that when their friends were told I won’t judge them? ESCALATION! YOU MUST COME ATTACK ME! uh, no. That’s not how this works. Maybe that’s how you’re all used to this working, but that’s not how this works. I can very well say “Kay, whatever you wanna do with yourself” and leave it there.
I don’t ask anybody to come to my wall. I don’t ask you to come pick fights with me. I don’t ask you to troll across multiple media platforms looking for an opening just to get mad when I’m already too exhausted to deal with you. 
I can tell you the one thing you probably shouldn’t do though, and that’s follow a fandom commentary opinion blog and head nod and bobble to it and go “YEAH, YEAH!!” until your own general behavior crops up into the discussion and then turn into a bunch of rabid bobcats and start saying you had a problem with that blog the whOEL tiEM. So, what, you... agreed when it suited you while having a problem with my methods? They’re only a problem if they apply to someone you prefer? 
Get out. I literally do not have the time and energy for this bullshit. I am literally in the middle of my second legal battle in a year while dealing with crippling pain, I can BARELY make my own content BEYOND this conversation, I haven’t even been able to edit for like two weeks,  my game and my projects are all indefinitely paused, I fucking PROMISE YOU that randomopinion dot tumblr dot com is not the highlight of what I’m just out here to inspire shit for, holy shit. Like sure fam, I can barely walk into dollar general to buy a pizza for dinner right now, my house is in limbo, I’m trying to work side jobs while my hip is literally falling apart and my spine is disconnecting from my ribs intermitantly, I might puncture a lung with the effort of sitting down, but you know what I want to do? Stick it to some random FUCKER on tumblr (who can’t keep themselves off of my content while pretending I’m coming at them.) 
If you’d like, with the magic Clap On Clap Off Gay TV invention, if we can also come up with “disability trade” for a feature to live one day in the life of someone, I would gladly invite you to deal with the pain of your anatomy trying to casually rearrange itself. I mean, if we’re all about shoving ourselves into random shoes, go ahead and try mine on. See if you have the patience for this kind of fandom bullshit, let alone to methodically do whatever the fuck a segment of fandom decided I did as some sort of machiavellian plan to sub blog someone I didn’t know fucking existed beyond some other random name account trolling into the middle of an existing conversation on a whole other social media platform.
Is it absolute bullshit to kick into the middle of a conversation, not catch up on the conversation, assume the worst of a conversation because you heard something applicable to you, and to start yelling at people having a conversation that had NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU? Yes, yes it fucking is. No, I don’t care you think I’m holding some grudge from when you farted wrong in the room earlier today, your self consciousness on that front is yours, not mine, fart the fuck away.
Is it even more bullshit to say you aren’t obligated to catch up to the conversation you entered with this angle to and pretend it’s everybody else’s fault? Sure the fuck is. Is it bullshit to @ someone and make literally famously socially abusive demands and then pretend anyone came at *you* after you superman jumped one, two, and five assumptions that it was ABOUT YOU? To just double down because someone’s your *friend* even when the barest application of logic would show they walked in yelling at someone unrelated to them before they set up their drama with a whole ass bass boosting entertainment boom box for everybody? Why yes, yes that is a huge pile of bull shit. I’m not sure why this is a hard thing to grok.
So sure, now I’m sub blogging you. Because somewhere, in the midst of me blogging on every platform about people’s application of bad faith arguments, you decided to bad faithedly attach some sort of fucking motivation to my posts that made it all about *you*. The irony is fucking mind blowing.
I’m so. Done. With this shit.
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Pumpkin Spice and Football 6/?
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I’m back! So sorry for the delay in updating. I got tangled up in Fictober then I needed a little bit of a break. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Also available on AO3. Thanks to @mel-loves-all for the lovely artwork!
6. The Secret is Out 
Oliver had a lovely dinner out with his family. He smiled as he watched Thea dig into her chocolate cake, his mother sipped her tea.  He really did miss them.
He really should have known the other shoe was going to drop.
“There is something I need to tell you. I want you to know I had your best interests at heart when I made this decision.” Moira gripped her napkin.
Oliver nodded for her to continue but couldn’t help feeling nervous.
“Late last week, I learned that a local reporter, Susan Williams was about to break a story saying Queen Consolidated was nearing bankruptcy.” Moira looked directly at Oliver. “This is not true. Your money has saved the company. So I agreed to do a sit-down interview with the reporter, to tell the truth, the whole truth. I think it was the right thing to do. I told them how we almost went bankrupt but were saved by Oliver’s generosity.”
Oliver reached over, stroked his mother’s hand. “It’s okay, Mom. It had to come out sometime. It’s not like we did anything illegal. I just wish you told me so I could be there for you.”
“Thank you so much for understanding, Oliver. Any other week I would have told you but I wanted you to keep your head in the game. I know how hard you have been working. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Oliver squeezed her hand.
“Aww, you guys are so sweet. You are making me all teary. I think I need more cake.” Thea dipped her fork into the cake once more.
Oliver chuckled, turned back to his mother. “So, when is the interview?”
“Oh, I already did it. It airs tonight,” she looked down at her phone. “In about a half hour.”
Oliver suddenly felt panicked. This was going to blow up. Yes, they had done nothing wrong but it was a secret. Oliver stood up grabbing his phone. “I need to call Felicity.”
Felicity had come home put on some comfy clothes before ordering pizza in. She’d worked hard that day she deserved a treat.
She turned on the TV to see the Jets win was the top sports story of the day. They showed replays of Oliver’s amazing plays over and over. She was so proud of him. Felicity knew how hard Oliver was working to be successful. It was nice to see it work out.
Her phone rang, she picked it up expected to see the pizza company’s name but instead saw Oliver’s. Strange. “Hello.”
“Hey, Felicity, we need to talk.” Oliver tried to keep the panic out of his voice. He knew this breaking news was going to impact him and his team.
Something was wrong. Felicity could feel it in her gut. “Oliver, what’s wrong? How can I help?”
Oliver began pacing outside the restaurant. “News is about to break. I’m not sure what’s going to happen. It’s a bit of a long story. I know it’s late but can you meet?”
“Why don’t you just come over? Or I can come to you. Where are you?” Felicity was suddenly concerned about him driving. She hadn’t known Oliver very long but she could tell this was a big deal.
“I’m at the restaurant. I’ll just say goodbye to my family, then get a cab.” He looked back at the restaurant door. “Thanks, Felicity. I know this is above and beyond your job.”
Felicity smiled. “Hey, it’s not just my job, we are friends. I’m here for you. Don’t worry we will figure this out.”
Felicity had her tablet in hand when she opened the door to Oliver a short while later. He walked in, began pacing again. Felicity could see he was freaking out so she did the only thing she could think of. She hugged him. Maybe not professional but as she said before, they were more than that.
Oliver let out a sigh, pulled Felicity closer. He suddenly felt calmer. They stood hugging for a few minutes before he pulled back. “Thanks for that. Sorry for the freaking out.”
“Hey, freaking out is part of life. Why don’t we sit down so you can tell me all about it.” Felicity gestured toward her couch. “I have pizza if you want to stress eat.”
Oliver smiled, followed Felicity to the couch. “I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you this before. I planned to...it just never really came up.”
“That’s okay. Just tell me now.” Felicity rubbed his arm reassuringly.
Oliver took a breath. “I don’t know if you heard but my father died unexpectedly last year.”
Felicity gasped. “Oh, Oliver, I’m so sorry.”
Oliver squeezed Felicity hand. “Thank you. My father and I had our issues but it was still a shock. After his death, we discovered that my family’s company, Queen Consolidated, was in major financial trouble. The accountants said it was a done deal. The company had to declare bankruptcy without a major influx of cash to pay off the debt. That’s when I stepped in. I sold my homes, cars, anything I had plus signed a contract agreeing to make payments to keep the company afloat. Felicity, it was my family’s company, my father’s legacy I had to help out.”
Felicity scooched up on the couch, she gave Oliver a kiss on the cheek without thinking. “Oliver Queen, you are one hell of a man. You just continue to impress. So, what changed tonight?”
Oliver couldn’t lie. He loved that Felicity thought so highly of him. He smiled. “Tonight, my mom told me she gave a sit-down interview with a reporter, told the world how I bailed out the company. This will change how everyone looks at Queen Consolidated and how they look at me.”
Felicity picked up her tablet. “Okay, when does the interview air?”
“Tonight, maybe right now.” Oliver picked up the television remote. “May I?”
“Yes, see if you can find it.” They both watched, as Oliver stopped on news channels waiting to hear his name. The bigger channels mentioned his name but only relation to today’s game. It became clear they weren’t going to find it. “Hold on, let me find it online.” Felicity went to a Starling City news site found it quickly. “Okay, let’s watch then we will talk. But before we do. I want you to know I’m not worried. Not at all.” She squeezed Oliver’s hand while they watched his mother.
After the interview finished. Felicity put her tablet down on the coffee table, turned to Oliver. “Okay, I want you to tell me what exactly you are worried about.”
Oliver sat up straighter. “Well, it’s embarrassing people now know that the company was in financial trouble. They know that I kept it a secret, that I helped. My family’s dirty laundry has been aired in public!”
“Okay,” Felicity nodded. “I want to tell you how I see it. After hearing your side of the story than watching the interview. This is a PR miracle for you. It’s a good news story. YOU saved your family’s company. YOU were the good son, the knight in shining armour. You saved the day and all those people’s jobs. You have NOTHING to be ashamed of. This will show the world that you are a kind-hearted, caring, wonderful man.”
“Felicity,” Oliver began to blush.
“It’s true! I know you were worried about how this would negatively impact the team but I don’t see that happening. Oliver, you are a hero! On and off the field! If I didn’t already cheer for the Jets, I would now because I want to cheer for someone like you. Oliver, you amaze me!”
Oliver was dumbfounded. He truly wasn’t expected this reaction from anyone, let alone Felicity. He just did what you could to help your family. “Felicity, people know what my father did. I’m not a hero. I just did what needed to be done.”
“Okay, maybe you don’t believe me now but I’ll bring you around.” Felicity smiled brightly at him as though she had a secret. “No matter my opinion you came here for a social media plan. I recommend you not comment, reblog, retweet, share anything until after your first interview. I’m sure the news agency will be fighting to see who gets the first interview. Once you have your story out there, the way you want it told you can go from there. I can help you compose your first tweet.”
“I want you.” Oliver realized what he said, blushed. “I mean, I want you to do the interview. I would be most comfortable with that. Maybe we could do that Facebook Live thing you did with the Coach?”
“Oliver,” Felicity shook her head. “This could be a big moment for you. You could get great publicity if you do the interview with the right reporter. I think you should talk to your agent.”
“I can talk to John, my agent if you like but I’ll just tell him the same thing. I would be most comfortable if you did the interview.” Oliver shrugged his shoulders, “since he’s a great agent, he will agree.”
Felicity chuckled. “I see. Well, let me be clear, I’m not a journalist, I’m a social media coordinator. I can let you make your statement, we can post it on all the social media websites. I’m sure the news agencies will pick it up. I don’t think we should do a Facebook Live though because we don’t want to answer any questions right now, just make the statement. We can do it tomorrow. I have brunch plans with the girls but we can do it after that if your agent doesn’t convince you to talk to a real journalist. You can get some sleep, talk to John, think it over before you decide.”
Oliver got up from the couch. “I should let you get some rest. Sorry, for invading on your personal time but I feel much better now that I talked to you. I think we see things in our head a certain way and sometimes others don’t see it that way.”
“Are you saying you understand my hero comment?” Felicity smiled.
“No, No,” Oliver shook his head. “I’ll never get there but maybe it’s not the worst story that could have come out.”
“Oliver, I’m going to be honest. You had me worried, I thought I was getting to know you and you were a nice guy. I couldn’t imagine what you could have done. Then when you told me, I liked you a little more.”
“You like me?” Oliver gave Felicity the most charming smile before leaning down to give her a quick peck on the lips. “I like you too, Felicity. In case you were wondering.” Oliver smiled back at her as he closed the door.
Felicity smiled to herself as she locked her door for the night. Oliver Queen kissed her! Squee!!
Felicity had Mondays off as she worked Sundays, turns out its way easier to get a table at the local diner on Monday mornings. She invited both Caitlin, Iris and baby Nora to brunch. She really wanted the two women to meet, she thought they’d get along, plus they had already heard about one another countless times.
Iris rushed into the diner to find Felicity sitting alone in practically empty diner sipping coffee. “So sorry, I’m late. Nora sends her regards, seems she needed some Daddy time.”
Felicity laughed. “Well, it will give you some girl time. Caitlin should be here in a moment. I’m so excited for you two to meet.” They both heard the door open, turned. “There she is! Caitlin, I’d like you to meet Iris West Allen she is the interior designer I told you about. Iris this is Caitlin Snow the official photographer for the New York Jets. And you both happen to be my awesome new friends in New York so let’s have some pancakes ladies!”
The ladies place their orders, began sipping their coffee when Caitlin turned to Felicity, “so are you going to tell us? What’s going on with you and Oliver? Did he really bail out his family’s company? We need details!”
Caitlin looked to Iris for support, Iris nodded. “Spill Felicity.”
“There is nothing officially going on with Oliver and me. We are just getting to know each other. As for the bailing his family’s company out, it’s true. I’ll be helping him with his official statement right after lunch.” Felicity smiled thinking she’d appeased her friends.
“Nothing official?” Iris’ eyebrow rose.
“Yeah, Felicity what does that mean? Are you having a secret romance?” Caitlin poked some more.
“I like him and we are getting to know each other. And that’s all I have to say.” Felicity gave her girls a look letting them know that was the end of the discussion.
“Okay, but you have to give us an update next Monday.” Iris chided.
Felicity scrunched her nose. “Next Monday?”
Caitlin nodded enthusiastically. “Agreed, when we do brunch again. I need to live vicariously!”
Felicity smiled at her friends. “Okay, I promise to give you an update next Monday. Look our pancakes are here.”
The ladies settled in to enjoy their carbs.
Felicity texted Oliver as she was leaving the diner.
Felicity: Hey, hope all is good. Did you talk to your agent?
Oliver: Yes.
Oliver: Are you home?
Felicity: On my way
Oliver: Can you swing by when you get here?
Felicity: Sure. See you in a few minutes
Felicity stopped to pick up a pumpkin spice latte and a green tea before heading to Oliver’s. She stopped in front of Oliver’s door with the two cups, she really should have gotten a tray! She turned to place the cups on the ground so she could knock when the door opened.
“Uh, Felicity, what are you doing?”
“I brought you tea.” She held up a Starbucks cup. “And I got something for me, but I couldn’t knock.” Suddenly she felt embarrassed and hot. She blew hair out of her face. “Are you going to invite me in?”
“Yes, of course.” Oliver stepped aside. Felicity walked in, placed the cups on the kitchen island. She noticed that Oliver’s laptop was open to train website. “Going somewhere? Please don’t tell me you are running away. I’m here to help remember.”
“Haha.” Oliver picked up his cup, took a sip. “I was looking at options for Thanksgiving. We have a byweek so I’m going to go to my parent's cabin. Do you have plans?”
“Look at you thinking ahead.” Felicity chuckled. “The Smoaks don’t really do Thanksgiving. My mom has to work and neither of us is great cooks. I usually try to head home for Hanukkah if I can.”
“So no Thanksgiving?” Oliver was alarmed.
“Hey, it’s okay. Really, don't’ feel bad for me. Truly, Oliver let’s talk about what your agent said.” Felicity tried to move to change the topic. He was looking at her with such pity.
“Do you want to come with me? For Thanksgiving I mean.” Oliver suddenly realized it was probably way too soon for that but he really wanted her to spend Thanksgiving with him.
“Oliver, that’s like two months away! We don’t know...we don’t know what will be happening with us then.” Felicity turned and walk toward Oliver’s wall of windows pretending to look out at the view.
Oliver came up behind her, put his hand on her shoulder to turn her to face him. “I think I’ll like you even more than I do right now.” Oliver placed a kiss on her forehead. “Will you at least think about it?”
Felicity looked up at him and smiled. “Okay, I’ll think about it.”
“Okay,” Oliver rubbed his hands together. “I talked to John, he thinks talking to you in best because I’ll be most comfortable. He thinks the news organizations will pick it up once we post it online.”
“Okay then, where would you like to do this. Here?” Felicity looked around Oliver’s condo. “Or shall we go out?”
“Here is good.” Oliver smiled. “I just want to say in advance. Thank you for everything, Felicity.”
So hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading :)
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janiedean · 6 years
My ‘favourite’ thing about them calling you a Nazi apologist is the fact that you’re the one sharing ALL the atrocities Nazis committed. Ironically they’re diminished Nazi crimes and rejecting them as unimportant or simply denying it happened.
no but like the thing is, on one side at this point it’s so absurd I don’t even go there - how the hell you say ‘what a bunch of nazi apologism’ to a post where I literally told you that in europe race has become a banned term exactly because of the nazis using it that way and bringing us to what happened which would mean that if I used it non-ironically *I* would be considered a neonazi by anyone crossing the street but WHATEVER I guess that was a case of purposefully not getting it - but on the other.... like I don’t know who these people talk to irl but like, thing is, while rome’s not usually too right-bent all the neofascist parties/organizations are from here sadly, and I’ve... had classmates whose granddad had a mussolini bust in the house (reportedly but knowing the guy I wouldn’t have been surprised) and who certainly did not think we shared an opinion, I went to a high school where they showed the pianist on january 27th and I can 100% assure you half of the people in the room (300/400) laughed at the scene where the nazis throw out of the window a guy in a wheelchair while arresting the entire building - LAUGHED - and when I asked a classmate (who was also gay but whatever he votes salvini I should have understood at that point that it was a lost case) how the hell he found that funny he backtracks with ‘well come on it was a little bit amusing’ (spoiler: no it wasn’t) and tbh there’s a bunch of reasons why I dropped him like hot coal and that factored into it, I’ve almost came to physical blows with someone on the bus once because she was full-on belting pro-nazi stuff about killing another six million people in concentration camps and tbh I was lucky that was about the only close encounter I had because she wasn’t the kind of neonazi/fascist person who goes to the gym four hours each day and could pound you to pieces (a lot of them sadly do).
like what I’m getting at is that if according to these people yours truly ie someone who a) goes to visit concentration camps b) reads survivors’s memories c) has spent years arguing with the aforementioned negationist classmates who were like ‘meh it’s all fake/jewish people never had it that bad’ d) has openly said that while having Issues with the capital I with the israe/li government I absolutely think it has a right to exist and it should exist also as reparation (or beginning to) for the antisemitism european jewish people had to endure for millennia (linking the reply since the person who said I was a nazi apologist yesterday carefully avoided mentioning that link or reblogging the post WITH THAT LINK), e) would vote far left if she could afford it and given that these days you have to compromise with the center-left party given who’s on the other side feels like she’s not voting left enough and so on.... is a nazi apologist (guess what I’m not like really not)......... I mean, have they ever met a real nazi apologist? on tumblr or irl? because I did and I’m fairly sure I’m not of like any of their opinions.
I mean, just to show off how I’m a nazi apologist in comparison to people on tumblr...
one instance
second instance (this is about the ANNE FRANK IS OVERRATED discourse, wild ride 100%)
third instance of the anne frank discourse in which GUESS WHAT I reblogged a list of crimes against jewish people since the destruction of jerusalem that was compiled by the same user that told me yesterday I was a nazi apologist and in my tags I was like OMG THANK YOU FOR PROVIDING THAT LIST NOW I CAN LINK IT WHENEVER I HAVE TO DISCUSS WITH ANTISEMITES here have the receipt
and that was my personal take on that same OP
there was the time I absolutely didn’t agree with some crazy radical catholic who was pretty damned antisemite
that was my opinion about people who says that the holocaust was a white genocide and so it’s not as important as we make it to be, take two
btw that was the op about the white genocide thing I didn’t comment but I think my tags suffice
I can’t find the OP but it was about people in a london university where some students were doing holocaust denial in spades
this was about a post that got me angry af where someone made a picture with the titanic sinking, the picture with the jewish boy in warsaw getting arrested and a picture of sept 11th and one of a slave galley with a caption ‘WE’RE TOLD TO NEVER FORGET THREE OF THOSE AND TO FORGET JUST ONE GUESS WHY’
like that’s what I found with a ten minute search on my antisemitism/holocaust tags but like, I am the nazi apologist now? I’m really not worrying that much because she slammed that accusation at the bottom of a post that if anyone reads it forreal could never be taken as such but like, if that means nazi apologism idk what they think of the people I was replying to. never mind the real neonazi/fascist people I had the displeasure of meeting/interacting with irl but. *shrug*
like, if they really want to play that song, fine. but honestly, I really just would like to know how they classify nazi apologies because given that I actually agreed with them going against the same person downplaying the holocaust/pretty much doing nazi apologism then... I mean what the hell do I even do except laughing?
btw I’ve been told that someone is sending anon asks to a certain person saying I’m trash talking her and I’d like to state that a) I wasn’t the one preventively blocking people, b) I haven’t blocked that person, c) I wasn’t the one posting screencaps of replies they gave with the name/my url on it and circulating it as ‘LOOK AT THOSE RACIST PEOPLE YOU SHOULD PUT IN THE BLOCK LIST’, I only ever brought up the receipts with the username the moment she did that with me first and I couldn’t defend myself because she blocked me.
so. *shrug* I’ve said my piece and honestly I’d like to think we can get back to proper fandom blogging now and drop this discourse but like I really don’t appreciate being talked behind my back without people not even engaging directly with me when they have a problem with what I say. 
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RvB16 Episode 4 Review: Sis and Tuc’s S**ellent Adventure
(Old Reblog Post. Also sorry for the censoring, I’m trying t be cautious right now.)
With a title like ‘Sis and Tuc’s S**cellent Adventure”, so I even need to write an introduction? That’s enough of a draw-in! So… yeah, lets just jump into it!
It’s been a day since the last episode and Tucker has recovered from the blow to his fragile male ego. He agrees to Sister’s plan on banging past people wanting a six-way with the Spice Girls. Sister points out that he’s setting himself too high and eventually it leads back to Tucker insisting that they banged. Sister expands on what she said last episode, about something happening that made them stop. I guess she thought about it more as she says that Tucker thought that someone was watching them and had stopped due to it. To get a clear answer, they decide to go back to Season 5 now that Sister has figured out how the portal gun works.
Back at The Battle of Broken Ridge, the… Red Army I guess? I assume it’s a Red vs Blue battle. Anyways, they’re all dead. Simmons tries to comfort Sarge after his failure to prevent their deaths… that he pretty much caused. And in the afterlife, Church is laughing cause now they are going through what he did. Sarge is upset and blames the failures… on his underlings idiocy. Of course. But is this going to deter Sarge from fixing the past? Hell no! He is going to create essentially a dream time like The Expendables… a movie I’ve never seen, but screw you Sarge! Harrison Ford makes everything better even if he isn’t necessary! Simmons is just left baffled and confused. You think he’d be used to this by now.
Back with Tucker and Sister, they make it back to Season 5 during the final fight with Wyoming. In order to not cause a paradox, they dodge behind rocks to not be seen… and wouldn’t you know it, Tucker finds a sniper rifle! I’m surprised he didn’t make a bigger deal over finally getting the thing (and… how did it get there? I need to rewatch Blood Gulch man). But with it, he spots he moment where past him was talking to Flowers… and I am still is confused on how he came back to life out of nowhere as I was when I watched Season 5. But we do get an explanation on how he died again. Remember the random bullet that show him down? Well turns out that Tucker’s finger was too close to the trigger and… well, you do the math. Seriously, Church must just be laughing his ass off int he afterlife right now. But Tucker knows when he fucks up and decides to stick to the sword.
We now check on Grif and Doc as Grif has figured out how the gun works now. Okay, so everyone knows how the things work, good. Grif, still wanting to avoid the plot, has sent them back to when he was in college and before he… got enlisted? Wait, I thought he was drafted… meh, maybe time has affected his memory or something. My proof? Well the restaurant is now a Calzone and Stormboli restaurant. Grif, confused, tries to ask some kids what the fuck is happening. Also it’s Halloween so that we can justify them wearing Halo armor despite being kids! Ah, you gotta love those kinds of things!
So… as it turns out… Grif and Doc ended up in a timeline where pizza does not exist. Let me repeat that: Pizza does NOT exist… WHAT KIND OF SICK TIMELINE IS THAT?! Grif yells at children before the fact sinks in and… he decides to grenade himself. Sheesh dude, I knwo that a world without pizza is just sick and wrong, but there’s other Italian dishes to consider! Luckily Doc knows the grenade away, saving Grif’s life for the second time… okay I forgive him for last season now. Cause someone needs to take care of Grif while Simmons isn’t there and Doc is fulfilling that, damn it! Doc is able to convince Grif to instead try and cause the invention of pizza to fix it… after trying to convinced him to use it for the greater good. Someone needs to one day explain to Doc what show he’s in, I don’t think he ever figured it out.
Back in Season 5, Sister now has the sniper rifle and they’re now waiting for the ship with Tex, Junior, and Andy to blow up. Tucker uses the time to ash Sister why she tagged along to begin with. Sister explains how, while the convention business has been going well, her personal life has gotten fucked up. TO put it simply, she got involved with a person working with her… who was married to the head of HR. So… yeah that’s a bit of a clusterfuck if there ever was one. She wishes that things could go back to being silly and fun like it used to be, a sentiment that Tucker can relate to. Back in Blood Gulch, it felt like that nothing really mattered and there weren’t really consequences. No? Wash got injured due to his poor leadership and he’s got a lawsuit on him for who knows how many child support payments. It’s… a rather nice, reflective heart-to-heart. We also learn that Tucker’s mother is dead… that’s a bummer.
So the ship explodes, everyone kind of went to do their own thing, and past!Tucker took past!Sister to the caves to shoe her  ‘surprise’. Turns out that Blood Gulch has a lake in the canyon… didn’t know that. Past!Tucker is trying to, of course, initiate having hanky panky time with Sister (and I imagine past!Grif having a ‘I sense a disturbance in the Force’ moment) and… he is awkward and stammering as Hell. It’s kinda cute… I’m gonna laugh at him anyways! HAHAHA! Fortunately past!Sister is more than capable of taking the initiative and it looks like they were indeed going to have see. ALl as their future selves watch in secret. Sister, having a moment of weakness, asks if Tucker wants to go ahead and bang with Tucker… getting too excited and causing last him to hear him. They don’t get caught and cause a paradox thankfully, but it’s enough to cause past!Tucker to call hanky panky time off. So… Tucker totally cockblocked himself… twice… with the same girl… wooooow.
Sister is of course annoyed as they return to Valhalla as well as disappointed in herself for almost banging with Tucker. But hey, she gets a new idea… to go back and bang her past self! No! Sister, selfcest leads to bad things! She goes off and if they had animated this scene, I imagine that Tucker would be kicking himself right now. Literally. But hey, you came close buddy.
This was a laugh riot, OMG. Before we get to the main event, lets talk about the other pairs.
There’s not a lot to say about Sarge and Simmons really. As expected, Sarge caused his own problem and fails to recognize it. IDK if him saying that he’s going to recruit others is going to go anywhere, but it was there. I did like how Simmons was concerned about Sarge’s state after and him continuing to be a dork with having a log (but… it was a science log here and last time it was a star log… does Simmons keep multiple logs?! NERD!) Him just being completely and utterly baffled at how Sarge could jump to the conclusion he made was also hilarious, especially him just weakly returning the ‘hoorahs’. IDK why the mental image of Gus recording that crack me up… but it cracks me up.
There’s a bit more to talk about with Grif and Doc. First, addressing the brief continuity error about Grif claiming to be enlisted. Now him dropping out of college? I can buy that. But in the Fan Guide and I’m fairly sure that Geoff himself said it before, Grif was drafted. Then again he did claim that he signed up willingly back int he very first episode, so… IDK. It’s not that big a deal and it can easily be hand-waved as him just saying that so Doc won’t question him about it or with pizza no longer existing, maybe he did enlist due to time screwing up and his memory adjusted accordingly. So ultimately, unless this is important later and IDT it will be, it’s not that big a deal.
So we continue to see Grif ignoring the problem and trying to get back to the pizza quest. To Doc’s credit, he is trying to get Grif to focus on it, but this being Doc he can’t really force it and IDT hes going to unleash O’Malley if he can help it. Grif yelling at children (and one I’m fairly sure is voiced by Lindsay? Or at least one sounded like Space Kid) about pizza’s existence also had me about ready to burst a guy. I imagine that Geoff blew his voice out after that, but his sacrifice is appreciate if that is the case. Plus hey, he NAILED it. Seriously, sidetracking, but the voice acting has been perfection so far. But yeah, I assume that something is going to happen to force Grif into facing the problem moreso than the others (I imagine whenever they discover Huggins… where is she BTW?) and I worry that since he’s kept Grif from getting killed twice now, something might happen to Doc… but we’ll see!
Okay, onto the main event! The entire S**cellent adventure was a laugh riot, OMG. Honestly just having Sister have some prominent screentime after so long was SO nice. I am loving how Joe is handling her this season. Her and Tucker’s banter was perfection. Them going form bickering to flirting is just hilarious and I am loving it. I wasn’t sure what to expect from them aside form flirting, and so far having the two most horny characters on the show together has been incredibly entertaining.
Their heart to heart was really nice as well. Sister definitely screwed up as far as her personal life is concerned, which makes her wanting to go back to before then understandable. Tucker being able to relate with what happened in S15 when his choices came back to bit him in the ass was also really nice. Especially as he reflects how back during Blood Gulch, it didn’t seem like he had to care. Regardless of what happened, there weren’t any long-term consequences. I’d have to rewatch Blood Gulch to see how much of that is true, but for the most part he’s correct. Back then you could be as stupid as you wanted and it would work out. Even death wasn’t a big deal. Now? Well… it is. It’s not like how it was back then, and seeing Tucker reflect on that was a really good moment for him.
What else can I say? Ugh… well it ended how I expected. The second I saw the title of this episode, I immideatly went ‘they’re gonna go back to find out about the sex thing and it end sup Tucker messed it up, aren’t they?” And I was right! Yay! I didn’t see Sister deciding to indulge in selfcest coming and tbh Tucker handled the revelation better than I thought he would, but still it went as i expected. But at least we have conformation: Tucker and Sister almost did sex, but Tucker thwarted himself. Ain’t that a bitch?
Final Thoughts
This one is definitely meant to be purely a comedic episode. Which is fine since it was hilarious. Tucker and Sister’s back and forths had me giggling and Grif’s mental breakdown at pizza no longer existing had me in stitches. It was good! My only real complaint is I’d have liked some more plot, but I guess it’s better to get the funny time travel antics out of the way first before going forward. Plus hey, it was still funny, so why complain? Overall, that was indeed a s**cellent adventure.
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vengeancect · 6 years
i want to say some very blunt negative statement that’s very hackneyed and riles people up super good but then i realize that i would get no joy from that because i’m incapable of getting joy from anything and the embarassment i’d get from it is pretty much eternal, in fact it already exists just from knowing i got these types of thoughts in me, i have no position to be smug and no one has to give a shit and no one has time for whatever it is that i’m doing, in fact it feels like i’ve spent the past hour more or less paralyzed in this state and i’m seriously dreading the next few hours because i have no idea what i’m going to do and i feel humiliated just thinking of me trying to do something. but anyway yeah i’m fucking idiot because i want to be “more right” than some abstract concept or blob of people that can’t be called right or wrong in any situation, and i know i’m full of shit so i immediately start running a million internal simulations of what it would be like if was ACTUALLY right and had enough hard shocking evidence to just not give a shit about anything, which is stupid because i’m trying to find validation for a thing i know is fucking idiotic and childish and holds no weight, even though it’s subjective and any other person would think i have plenty of REASONS(?) to act the way i act, but no i need to find the perfect timeline in which this insipid smartass fucking statement is 100% justified and character building, except THAT’S stupid because no simulation is an accurate enough mirror of reality and all of them are running on cartoonish hyper-idealized rules that are always going to be convenient to me one way or another, it’s every single depraved thing about my life except it happens in “the cool way”, i’m not sure how else to explain it because there’s no logic behind them. it’s just a thing that happens automatically. i steal context from things but they lose form in the transition to becoming a thought, when i imagine myself in someone else’s position it is instant, my face looks fucking deformed, my hair is stolen from somewhere else, nothing makes it, i don’t even know why i do it if i get no pleasure from it. maybe it’s for the shame itself. i think i’m an incomplete person. there’s huge parts that just don’t exist. i hate having to be around complete, or even worse, developing people. so is my path to just be the MOST incomplete motherfucker there’s ever been? haha i got you, i proved at least SOMEONE or SOMETHING wrong i GUESS, but i can’t even do that because i hate that there is a path in the first place. i wish there was nothing. 
i don’t hate the difference between me and other people, assuming it exists, at least not as much, what i really hate is that i can’t tell if the difference really exists or not or if it’s me trying to differentiate myself from other people like a teenager and failing at it. because when people give me a big fucking grotesque emoticon glasgow smile and say we’re similar, and they have hope, and they’re waiting for me, it implies that they’re on some higher layer of reality than me and they’re just waiting (very patiently and buddy-like) for me to hurry the fuck up and stop splitting hairs. they’re just patient adults waiting for me to figure something out. none of this seems serious (does any of this seems serious?) (none of this is serious) to them. i don’t know maybe. it’s just like having a tantrum and getting it out of my system before love and faith and other pedophile emotions take their hold and i start acting like a really boring cunt online. i guess. sometimes it doesn’t matter whether there’s a difference or not though. yeah what’s the point of this post again? i thought none of this mattered. no matter what i am or what i’m doing, it’s supposed to not matter because i’ve gone through enough i feel like i can comfortably check out of being a person and no one can do anything about it. oh wait, that’s what i WISH were the case. because just deciding something is too rash a decision, too much boasting about what how things ACTUALLY work. but in real life i can see no justification, nothing that gives me a get out of jail free card (P.S. it’s really fucking annoying that i see everything as just an excuse, a reason to do or not do a thing, a get out of jail free card, and most of the time i feel like they’re not good enough so maybe what i want is for something to justify things not mattering, even if they already don’t matter, becayse y’know). i guess i want things to not matter. you know, like whether or not i’m like this or supposed to do this, i mean i’m not going to fucking adapt no matter what happens, right? i’m too dumb for that. but if i just try to do this now, well i just can’t. it doesn’t feel earned enough, even IF i should not give a single shit whether things are earned or not in my internal logic. it’s never as “cool” as i want it to be. everything i do just makes me feel like an asshole. you know, all this outrage at people being normal and supportive, me very clearly taking it as a personal insult on pure instinct, it means i’m a bad person. like let’s be honest. you can read that and say “oh it’s not like that, things aren’t black and white” but how many times have you reblogged or agreed with something that implies those exact things? when you (ironically) split hairs and get all sassy and smug against some invisible group of people who totally have it wrong. i mean i understand everyone does everything in a bubble and bursting those bubbles is a terrible blow to your self-image or whatever, but at some point you just have to admit that i’m for some reason inserting myself into the amorphous groups that you apparently make fun of for no reason and trying to make some kind of gotcha point about it except there’s no gotcha, i’m just trying to make myself look like the most incomplete motherfucker again for no reason. cool. i wish i were dead. well excuse me for that also hackneyed statement
i like how negating death can be, it’s just bam. fuck you. everything gone. no more of your stupid bullshit. i think of dying or killing myself every day. sometimes when i’m specifically spiteful i like to imagine killing myself in front of people. woah dude. life is so easily wasted, it like doesn’t matter bro. fuck. it’s really relieving though. sometimes. i can just remove myself and be safe. no longer susceptible to any words or attempts at anything from anyone. the afterlife question kind of wormed it’s way into my life again, but i’m aware. i was pretty much always going to go to hell. rather just go there already and stop wasting time. i’m not having fun. this ride is too slow. nothing’s better than the idea of finally being “fixed” and not having to subscribe to any fucking bullshit brand of positivity like “dude we’re all messed up and life doesn’t matter but like it’s really beautiful and there’s so much hope and love everywhere” or “haha dude every teenager wants to die” or anything in between. no thank you. please just neatly dispose of me like the worthless malignant parasite i am and forget i was ever here. also i hate how easily identifiable people are to me in these posts. they’re even less concrete than they already seem. this is just random people that have pissed me off with words they haven’t actually SAID 90% of the time that were just unlucky enough to be assimilated into my psychosis ball. the petty teenager personal human aspect always shines through and it’s so disgusting. i have no actual sub-types of people to hate on. i’m just pretending that they exist in order to make my virulent nonsense seem more rooted in anything that’s not impotent anger and tantrum throwing. so i guess i’m very much a normal person in this aspect XD
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Hey SA I've just seen you reblogged a post about goodbyes in the show and I so would like to know your opnion on this. Do you think the cane scene was in character for John? Tbh I think his character was very OOC in S4 but I'd like to know your opinion on this. Yours are the only fanfic I read post-s4 I really trust you with my heart. Thank you!
Okay, just as a disclaimer, because I really, really don’t want anyone to think the opposite here, I absolutely love John Watson. Please don’t be confused about that. That said, he’s got some massive issues. 
Unfortunately, I do see the cane scene as in character, but I’m also one of those annoying people that would say that there’s a huge range of what could be considered “in character” for every human, you know? I’m just as much myself when I’m being a total dick as when I’m being the best version of myself. One end of the spectrum is not truer than the other. John is just as much John when he’s doing that soft, gentle, tender gaze, like at Sherlock and Mrs Hudson in ASIB as he is when he’s physically hurting Sherlock. Unfortunately, they chose to draw out the ugliest aspects of John’s personality in series 4, showcasing his damage far more than his heroism and the beautiful soul that he also is underneath those trust issues and unspent, ultimately inward-pointing anger and guilt and sense of inadequacy. Walking out when things get difficult is very much consistent with his behaviour from series 1 forward: look at his little domestic with Sherlock in TGG: Sherlock is being insulting and difficult, and instead of trying to talk through it or ask deeper questions, or even just argue it out, John gets up and leaves. 
I would say that it’s canon that he also left Mary after she shot Sherlock. I don’t see how anyone could possibly have maintained “months of silence” while occupying the same space. It just isn’t possible. For a few weeks, maybe, but months of genuine silence? No way. John wasn’t there. To his credit, and this is a big thing, John doesn’t stay mad. His capacity to handle things blowing up in his face is rather limited, but give him time and he’ll go back and give it another go. It took him 24 hours after Sherlock returned. Even when he thought the bearded old man was Sherlock playing a prank, he was laughing in spite of himself and clearly, overtly disappointed when it turned out not to be Sherlock. So he went back. The fact that it took him six months to return to Mary says a lot in terms of how reluctant he was to do it. I hate that he did it, but I get that the weight of his sworn word and the impending arrival of his child were the sole driving factors there, rather than love for Mary herself. His extreme reluctance and over promise of continuing anger during that scene hardly made for a cozy little reunion scene (I once saw an interview where Gatiss referred to it as “so tender and moving” or some crap like that, but that’s a rage post for another day!). The point is, given time to sort himself out, John goes back. He goes back to therapy even when he thinks it isn’t working. For all that Mrs Hudson had to bully him into it (he wasn’t ready and that wasn’t right!), John did finally agree to see and treat Sherlock. He would have gone back. That’s as much in his character as his preponderance for leaving is. 
Furthermore, while it’s ugly that he leaves, I also find it entirely understandable. This is someone who has a history of familial issues, estranged from everyone except a sister, with whom he shares a barely-tolerated relationship. He was in an active war zone: say no more. His superior officer, on whom he clearly had at least a bit of a hero complex for (and I personally don’t see anything else there, but that’s also plenty!), let him down and shut him out. Life had already betrayed John over and over and over again by the point that he met Sherlock. And Sherlock, for all of his intellectual brilliance, had never allowed himself to have a relationship so close that he might actually want to consider the other person’s feelings. He was clumsy and a slow learner and I think it took him a long time to see that John’s feelings needed better care than he was equipped to understand or give at the time. Their shared sense of inappropriate humour always had that edge to it, and while John is mentally healthy, I think he loves it (and I think that that’s why, when Sherlock faltered in the restaurant upon seeing John again and hastily revised his ill-conceived plan, that he turned to the one thing he thought he could rely on, this shared humour) but when he’s having one of his bad times, it cuts sharply. I think that he understands the genuine affection behind it, and when Sherlock said everything he said in his wedding speech, I think he was honestly shocked to hear it expressed so directly. He does know how much Sherlock thinks of him, how much he relies on him, and that any light jokes to the contrary are genuinely jokes. With Mary, on the other hand, they weren’t actually jokes and he knew it. They’ve always had communication problems, ones that lead to living out what they want from each other in the worst ways possible, but the love behind it is a real thing. Their actions only hurt each other so badly because of that very yearning there, one that neither of them seems able to express, or willing to take the risk to express. It’s a truly damaged relationship and they’ve both been damaged by it. As someone who absolutely believes in their love, and in the capacity for them to love hugely, deeply, and without reserve, it hurts to say that. Nevertheless, I do believe that with all of my being. 
I’ve joked that my new “kink” since series 4 is getting them both some therapy. I’ve written more therapy in stories since Christmas than ever before! Since series 4 started airing, I’ve written These Four Walls & Exile (after TST), Where My Demons Hide (John goes back to Ella), Now That the Dust Has Settled (We Can See the Stars), and A Satellite Out of Orbit (told from Ella’s POV in which she sees Sherlock during TLD), (after TLD), and then after TFP: A Case for Domestic Propinquity, Hell Hath No Fury (John goes back to Ella), From the Bottom of the Well (John goes back to Ella), Bridging the Ravine & Set in Stone (which take place at a resort for same-sex couples needing group and one-on-one relationship counselling). I think they need help. I also think that one of them could finally come to his senses and realise one day that they need to talk, and talk properly. I take back what I said about my biggest canon frustration being the way John leaves Sherlock: it’s definitely Moftiss never having once allowed them to have a direct, honest, and complete conversation. (Sometimes direct, sometimes honest, but never complete!) I think that they could get there on their own. It’s possible. It just hasn’t happened yet. 
That said, remember this: in opera we always say that the opera never takes place on the day that nothing happened. Remember all of those other days we aren’t shown: we can safely assume that alllll of those other days, and these are the majority by far, they lived together, cooking and taking out the trash and taking turns in the bathroom (that model of house would rarely have had a third bathroom on the third storey; that’s where the servants would have lived and they’d have used an outdoor privy at the time when this model of house was built, and the other bathroom would be in Mrs Hudson’s suite). They’d have taken cases and gone for midnight dinners at the Chinese restaurant on the corner and laughed at all of the wrong times and provoked speculation from anyone and everyone who ever saw them together. They’d have complained about their respective siblings and been a little nicer to each other every time one or the other was having a bad day. Think of Sherlock buying John beer after things with Sarah ended, according to John’s blog. Think of John, on his honeymoon, yet unable to just stop communicating regularly with Sherlock. They’re a damaged team, but nonetheless a team. Think of Sherlock knowing John so well that he could even predict that John would choose to leave him again, and how. They know each other in ways that no one else ever will, and I stand by that. 
I hope that helps? :)
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fuyu-r1n · 7 years
RANT RANT RANT.Call me a hater or whatever you want, I’m sick of this bullshit.
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of drama around Jin with Seo Taiji’s remake of “Come Back Home.” 
I’m a Jin fan, and I love him just as much as everyone else who stans him. He’s my drive to almost everything and he’s the reason why I’m trying to be a better person for myself and for others around me. I’ve learned so much from him and he will always be my number one, even if I love all the other members, he’s special to me. 
Yes, I am annoyed that he doesn’t get enough lines or screen time, and yes I am annoyed he wasn’t in the banner for CJENMUSIC’s banner, they’re being rude and disrespectful to BTS and Jin for leaving him out, and thanks to many ARMY, they changed it. 
What I’m super annoyed at this point is how people started fanwars based on their own assumptions and calling Jin fans “antis” because they don’t “stand up” for him, and also spreading hate towards the company.
To start off, I’d like to say “Come Back Home” is a REMAKE of Seo Taiji’s original song, it’s NOT ABOUT BTS, IT IS NOT BTS’S SONG, IT’S SEO TAIJI, and to disrespect the legendary Seo Taiji by saying he’s “nugu” because people will only think of the remake as a BTS song, then you seriously need to do your research. Seo Taiji is HIGHLY RESPECTED IN SOUTH KOREA. Don’t assume BTS is the only group in the world that everyone cares about.
okay, let’s move on...let’s continue with BigHit.
Many ppl starts calling them “BigShit” because of the way they “mistreat” Jin. I get it, he doesn’t get enough lines in their albums, I’m upset as well. 
First off, BigHit started off as a very small company, they had nothing, for a company that starts off with nothing and still treats their artists like human beings is rare, do you think they would let Jin or other BTS members upload videos about them complaining about the company? no! if this was SM or YG, they’ll have to either leave the company to do so, or get into serious trouble from the CEO.
As for Jin’s voice. Jin said so himself that it’s unavoidable if his voice doesn’t suit the “color” of their songs. I agree and disagree to this, but it doesn’t mean BigHit has brainwashed him to think his voice isn’t for BTS and only suits ballads. If they don’t his voice only suits ballads, why did they even debut him with a HIP HOP GROUP??? Think about it. If Jin’s voice doesn’t suit BTS, why was he in BTS in the first place? why did they debut him as one of BTS? for visual? is BigHit that petty? is Bang PD that much of an idiot to put someone in a Hip Hop group just for looks? They’re saying his voice suits ballad because it’s soft and full of emotions, they’re not telling him that to put him down. BTS isn’t a group that sings about heartbreaks and love between lovers. Their main genre of music isn’t ballad, they don’t DO ballad. They can if they want to but that’s not who BTS is.
Secondly, when the producers reject his songs/melody etc.
If a melody or lyrics does not fit a song they’re producing, it doesn’t fit. There’s no use sugar coating it. Tae had his lyrics and melodies rejected just as much as Jin has. They’re artists who wants to produce quality music, The line distribution isn’t decided just by Bang PD and their producers, Namjoon and Yoongi are also part of the producing process. The other producers don’t half ass their job, if they do BTS wouldn’t be where they are today. Yes JK gets too many lines, but his voice is known to be very versatile and it’s just the right sound that suits BTS, I’m not saying Jimin, Jin and Tae’s voices don’t suit BTS, I’m saying JK’s voice is “known’ to be the “sound” of BTS, he’s the main vocalist. it’s not something you can just “create” just so people don’t get emotionally hurt in the process, it’s business, this is the real world, wake up.
Third. The case with Jin getting injured and BigHit “not giving a shit” about him. Have you stopped to think about the possibilities as to WHY they didn’t? BigHit has posted a statement in the past when Jin was injured during ISAC. They’re not neglecting him, and knowing Jin, he probably didn’t want to make it a big deal either. The case with Namjoon’s toe was because it happened the day before their last tour dates, wouldn’t people think “Geez, why isn’t he dancing like the others? what’s wrong with him?” it would make sense for the company to inform the fans that he wasn’t allowed to dance BECAUSE OF DOCTOR’S ORDERS, you think Namjoon would want the whole world to know he stubbed his toe that his nails were “lifted”? hell no!. Jin at Kcon was AFTER the performance, he probably didn’t want to make such a big deal about it and hope it would go away if he rest. 
If BigHit is the spawn of the devil, why would they bother to let the boys rest? they might as well drive them like slaves like the other companies do. BTS CHOSE to work hard, they CHOSE to practice, they’re grown men and they have a say in things.
Another thing I would like to point out and it has been driving me nuts...Jin did not cry because Japanese ARMYs clapped for him after Awake during that ONE tour, no, they’ve been clapping for him since DAY 1 whenever he finish singing Awake, this wasn’t a one time thing, don’t blow things out of proportion. I was at 7 out of 13 of their Wings tour in Japan, don’t tell me what I didn’t see.
Jin also got to sing an OST with Tae for “Even if I die, it’s you” If BigHit really treats him like shit, they would easily give that part to JK. 
As for Jin not getting any lines for Special stages, I’m also salty and disappointed that he didn’t get any.... but also he’s not the only one. The maknae line was chosen more of the time because their voices suits it more, can you imagine Jin singing a rock or rap song? (Don’t lie, we’ve all heard him rap) 
Another thing people have been pointing out is from Bon Voyage episode 2. Jin mentioned he makes himself act goofy and silly to see other happy makes him happy. Don’t misinterpret his words. There are many ways to approach this. From my point of view, I see Jin had taught himself how to be happy by making others happy, he’s not forcing himself to do things he doesn’t like, he said so himself he likes to goof around as well, he felt free. 
Lastly, calling someone “fat” isn’t emotional abuse. If you don’t understand asian culture and have only understood it from watching your oppa through a tv screen, then you need to do your research on culture. It’s very common in my country and in Korea to say “oh, did you gain weight?” or “oh, you got fat.” as a sort of greeting. I get called fat ALL THE TIME whenever I visit home, and I weigh 46kg. If Bang PD really didn’t care about Jin, would he pay so much attention to their growth? Bang PD mentioned how Jin’s down to earth personality doesn’t change, he watch these boys grow as their own sons, especially in Asia where showing “love” isn’t as open as what your culture would be like. (my parents still feel awkward saying “I love you”)
There’s so much more I want to say and my thoughts are all over the place, but I’m going to stop here before my blood boils. You can think whatever you want, you can send me hate calling me a fake fan or whatever, I’m simply stating my opinions just like you. I’m just sick and tired of teenagers with thousands of followers on twitter thinking they know shit when obviously they don’t even do basic research. It’s people like you who spreads hate thinking you’re spreading awareness that’s toxic to the fandom. How do you think Jin feels that he’s sandwich in between the company and you people? he’s stressed enough.
Basically, what I want to say is, don’t blindly believe what others say about BTS and BigHit, please judge them through what you know of them and not what people tell you after bending the truth. I’m not saying BigHit is the perfect company, a friend once told me “All bosses are evil, it’s just how they express it.
Jin wants to sing, he wants to shine, we all want him to shine and he shined like the brightest start when he sand his solo “Awake”, but don’t throw shit at the others, without the other members or BigHit, there won’t even be a BTS. Please know when to be grateful and when to speak up.
 I love BTS, I love Jin, Namjoon, Yoonji, Hobi, Jimin, Tae and JK, BTS isn’t BTS without all 7 of them. I will continue to support them despite what you think of me. I’m an ARMY and you can’t take that away from me no matter what. Don’t even bother to justify yourself and proof me wrong or some shit through replies and reblogs, because.....
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 I don’t give shit and I don’t give a fuck.
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