#why marshall should be the focus
marshallfan99 · 8 months
Third PAW Patrol Movie CONFIRMED!!!
I really hope this one has Marshall as the main focus, and NO it's not just because I'm a Marshall fanboy and want to see his backstory. While it's true that Marshall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else for me (yes I hold him on THAT high of a pedestal...actually even HIGHER but I don't wanna waste this post with ">" to show the REAL pedestal), I feel like a movie focused on him could make more sense since Marshall's insecurities have been canonically shown in the TV series...it's his clumsiness, which in turn effects his self-confidence and leads him to feel like he "can't do anything right" (his OWN WORDS from the season 2 episode Pups Save A Friend). I really think a deeper exploration into Marshall's clumsiness would be an interesting story...at least, for me...since I'm Marshall-levels of clumsy myself, but without the cartoon physics and pain-free wipeouts...mine are painful and I've broken a few bones because of it, one of them caused by just trying to go upstairs...anyway, I'm rambling now...but what I'm TRYING to say is, I GET the feelings of insecurity Marshall has shown, because I experience the same thing. But while Chase's trauma of Adventure City (while I appreciate the portrayal and could relate to it) was only shown in the first movie because Adventure City was CREATED for the movie, and Skye's insecurities about her size have been seen NOWHERE else in the series and they most likely just chose that to be her issue BECAUSE she's the smallest, a possible Marshall focused story has the potential to build off of what the TV series has ACTUALLY shown off already. A PAWtuber I watch called N3BULA V actually made a video discussing a potential backstory for Marshall, and it was pretty good in my opinion. Something like that, where it could go more in depth on his clumsiness and how he gets frustrated/insecure about it at times, would personally get me into the theater to watch it day 1...and also I'm just imagining how ADORABLE baby Marshall would be as an added bonus!
Please Spin Master...give Marshall some well-deserved love after how unfairly the show's treated him lately...and fellow Marshall fans, please feel free to like and reblog if you agree.
I hope this post was understandable...I'm not that good at explaining things, but I tried. Anyway, that's all I have to say for now!
Till next time, Marshall out! ✌️
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Vita Nova
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Orm Marius X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Spoilers, mentions of death, crying, hurt/comfort, reader has some trauma, suggestive themes, angst, and fluff
Word Count: 4.2k
Fic Swap with @the-marshals-wife
(A/N:) Happy (belated) New Year everyone! And my first fic of 2024 and it turned out to be a whopper! My lovely best friend and I just adore the Aquaman movies and in light of the new movie that dropped around Christmas we decided to do a ficswap together! This bad boy is my contribution and you lucky readers get to read it! I hope I can make the other Orm fangirls happy with this as I honestly had way too much fun writing it as you can see! Over 4,000 words of just Orm goodness! I look forward of sharing more writings in this new year and I'm glad I could open up with this! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Reader's POV is in italics.
Orm stood upon the beach, his toes buried in the warm sand as the setting sun painted his features in orange and pink hues. His heart longed for Atlantis once more as homesickness always reared it's ugly head when he was feeling alone. While tension still remained between him and his older brother, deep down he was grateful for Arthur, giving him a new chance at life. With Atlantis finally revealing themselves to the people of the land, he no longer had to be so secretive about himself, except when it came to Atlanteans. He had burned too many bridges that most likely would never have the chance to be rebuilt. He sighed deeply as the warm salty foam washed over his feet.
Orm turned, leaving his regrets and longing to drown in the crashing waves. While he could see why his brother loved the land dwelling humans, Orm normally avoided them as much as he could. Especially when it came to his time on the beach, he rather not be bothered. And despite the world knowing, he still swam in deserted parts of the beaches he visited. His favorite places were around the docks where the shade kept him cool and various sea creatures stuck around. The fish and small crabs made him feel a little less lonely and made everything feel more like home.
Orm's bare feet padded against the planks of the dock as he tugged his shirt over his head. The breeze rippled his blond locks and whispered promises of a good evening swim. His vision staying straight ahead, Orm was preparing to run and dive into the bright blue water when a yelp caused him to stumble and he fell to the dock. He almost slid off when a slender hand caught his wrist and kept him from rolling off and slamming into a boat.
"Are you okay?!"
A feminine voice had him blinking against the pain in his skull before he finally got his eyes to focus. Orm sat up quickly, backing away from the woman looking at him with genuine concern. It was an emotion Orm was unacquainted with.
"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention," the woman blushed getting to her feet and brushing the front of her shirt and shorts off. A quick flash of annoyance had him glaring before Orm sucked in a deep breath and calmed the raging tide threatening to overtake him. She offered him a hand up and old him would have swatted it away with a snarl, but new him remembered his older brother and took her offered hand. She shuffled her feet before him awkwardly, refusing to look up in embarrassment. Though Orm was worried he was intimidating her, though he wasn't trying at the moment.
"Sorry again," she apologized once more only to break the silent tension between them.
"I wasn't paying attention," it was the most polite thing he could say. "Though I can't help but ask. Why were you laying across the dock?"
Her cheeks flushed bright crimson, a pretty red color, and now she really refused to look up at him, more interested in her bare feet. This in turn made Orm feel more awkward, like he had pushed across some threshold that he should have never even touched.
"You'll laugh," she mumbled. Her gaze quickly darting up towards him before once again looking away. When she noticed that he wasn't going to say anything else her shoulders sagged in defeat.
"I like watching the fish. They feel like they're my friends and they're so peaceful living their lives without a care in the world," she whispered. "I've also always dreamed about Atlantis and going there and now that it is truly real I can't help but long for it even more. Silly huh?"
Orm shook his head and smiled remembering his home fondly, "No it's not. I think it's a wonderful dream."
Though home always brought a smile to his face, in this moment of his life it brought a pang of sadness with it. One mistake had taken his chance of ever seeing that beautiful city ever again. And here he just met a mere human upon an empty dock longing for the same as him. Maybe he had more in common with the humans of this side of the world than he had first realized. She smiled and nodded, happy to have someone not laugh at her for a change. She walked away moments later leaving him to ponder upon the dock as the waves whispered softly against the sand. Then Orm dived in.
Usually Orm moved around a lot. If he liked a place more than others he'd normally stay for a few days. But for reasons he didn't want to know he had stayed in this particular spot for weeks. And it wasn't because the food was anything extraordinary nor was the beach one of the most beautiful he's seen. If he dug down deep inside he knew it was because of that one moment, where he had seen a glimpse of that beautiful humanity that Arthur was always talking about to him. So Orm did what every normal man would do, he kept his distance and watched her from afar. She visited the dock he had found her at nightly, just to talk to the fish and to watch the sun set behind the horizon of the ocean. She would hum tunes, almost stroking the water with her gentle hands. She would hide sometimes as people would come to the beach calling out a name he had never heard. What would shatter his heart more than anything was when she would come some nights crying. His heart would clench as her salty tears dropped into the ocean. He shook his head fighting the urge to go towards her. But she was different, she wanted to know his world, that she had no idea he was from. That he had once been a prince, let alone a king of that world but it didn't matter, not anymore. He was dead to that world and he had to find his place in this one.
It didn't take many times of him watching the lone girl sob on the dock before Orm concocted a plan. Atlantean technology to help humans make the trip undersea had yet to be brought to them. Except for the scuba gear the humans already had invented, but Orm wanted his plan to be perfect. So he would do something that would make his older brother proud and possibly bring an end to his life. To get what he needed he would have to venture back to the Sunken Citadel and hope that the pirates that still lived didn't kill him at first glance.
You didn't know what kept bringing you back to this particular beach, though you had a inkling that it was in false hope of finding that same blond haired man that you had tripped. He was a complete stranger and yet you found yourself hoping to see him once more. So every night you came, no matter how bad things got at home you escaped bringing yourself to this little place of serenity, hoping, waiting, that you would see him again. But every night became a disappointment, though you enjoyed seeing the fish. The sun quickly set seeping the warmth from the Earth but the ocean water still held those waning rays of warmth. The lights of the dock quickly blinked on illuminating the surrounding water so you could still watch the fish swim peacefully by. You hummed a quiet tune as the waves lapped against the barnacle crusted wooden posts. A shadow darted by causing you to suck in a quick breath. Sharks would sometimes come up or a curious dolphin but this creature was too fast to be one of them. Your heartbeat quickened but against your better judgement you stuck your hand back down along with your head, trying to find this mystery that had suddenly come upon you.
Orm had a difficult time in the Sunken Citadel and he had gotten into a few brawls, but he did get what he searched for. It had cost him, but if his well thought out plan worked as well as he hoped, it would all be worth it. He made his way back to the normal spot and he had timed his return just right. As his mystery woman he had begun to adore made her way out onto the normal dock. She was light on her feet and she greeted some of the boatmen, who were leaving, politely before going to her same spot Orm could always find her. She stuck a hand in the water tracing the patterns of the fish below as they swam close to the surface. She had a small content grin on her face as she enjoyed the creatures below the surface. Orm moved his arms slower, trying to keep from interrupting this moment as he was more than happy to watch her for a little while. She hummed a tune while tucking strands of untamable hair behind her ear, only for a breeze to send them back to fluttering. He sucked in a breath letting the peace of her presence wash over him. And then he went under the surface and swam close by and quickly. He heard her gasp and he grinned to himself. He could have a moments fun at her expense, especially with the gift he was bringing her. Despite not knowing what he was she braved the unknown and he had to admire that about her. She was proving his theory of humans being a cowardly race wrong every moment he watched her.
You searched timidly for any sign of the shadow you had seen. Your eyes darting across the eerily still waters. You were about to pull yourself back up onto the dock when an arm breached the water and grabbed onto your wrist. You screamed yanking yourself backwards and the person attached to the hand around you came up with your panicked movements.
Orm laughed loudly at your terrified face while he treaded the water. He had never been one to play tricks as he had been trained as a prince of Atlantis, but he found it quite fun. The woman he had yet to put a name to a face laid on her back panting, trying to regain some form of control.
"Why did you do that," she screeched once she finally found her breath.
"Think of it as payback for making me fall on my face the first time we met," Orm smirked as he lifted himself from the water easily.
She took in the fact quickly that his upper torso was bare and the form fitting pants only seemed tighter by the fact that they were dripping water everywhere. She looked away, pink coming to her cheeks.
"You come out here every night," Orm said after a few moments of awkward silence.
Her head whipped around and her eyes widened in surprise.
"How did you know that? I never see you around!" Those moments of wishing to see him again, hoping he'd be around, and he had been hidden from her the entire time.
"I was," Orm paused. He knew he couldn't just tell her that he had been watching her from afar. But he didn't want to lie. "I was swimming."
"Swimming?" Now she was suspicious of him. As she rightly should, though they had already met once he was still a stranger.
"I'm a decent swimmer." Understatement of the century Orm thought to himself.
"I can see that," she gestured towards him before darting her gaze away once more.
Orm chuckled. He liked that little of color that would pop up in her skin. He found it endearing and despite himself his heart began to pick up speed. He offered out a hand and she glanced at it warily.
"I'm Orm," he offered in greeting. "Orm Marius. I should have introduced myself that first day we met."
She laughed, taking his offered hand. "(Y/N). And I should have thought of it too. But I did almost make you faceplant into the water. Though it seems like it wouldn't have bothered you so bad if you had."
Orm shook her hand, reveling in how smaller it was compared to his. "Do you mean to tell me that you wish you had let me fallen into the water now? Instead of rescuing me?"
"Well after you just basically scared the daylights out of me, yes."
Orm pouted playfully, "And here I brought you a gift."
"A gift?!" Once again those beautiful colored eyes glowed in delight. It sent his heart a flutter and he could have sworn it skipped a beat. Is this what his mother had possibly felt when she looked upon the man that fathered Arthur?
"I think I am rather partial to it now," he teased. "Maybe I will just keep it for myself."
"You can't just say that you brought me a gift and then keep it for yourself. That's mean," she whined.
Orm couldn't keep stringing her along though he was finding it fun just to get a rise out of her. He brought the gift from behind his back and he wasn't expecting her to jump up and down. Her confusion was to be expected and he found himself grinning once more. She was so expressive, he found it endearing.
"Your dream of seeing Atlantis stuck out to me and their technology is above what your people have. I wanted to show you a part of that life even if it is just a small glimpse."
He was revealing himself. His heart was almost leaping out of his chest. He had kept his identity a secret, revealing nothing to the humans he had contact with. She would be the first and he didn't know what to do if she didn't accept. She placed her hands on the oxygen helmet, a question on her lips. But without a word he once more grabbed onto her wrist and lead her to the end of the dock. She wordlessly tugged the pirated good on her head and with no hesitation followed Orm into the water.
Orm dived down, keeping a good grasp on her hand, their fingers interlaced as he didn't want to hurt her by tugging on her joints by the speed he could swim at. The oxygen mask was working like a dream and despite the time of the evening the moon was doing a good job of lighting the sea life below the ocean. She gasped in awe at the sea creatures and plant life below. But mostly she gaped at him.
"You are," she hesitated saying the word.
Orm nodded. "I am."
You absolutely couldn't believe your eyes. A true Atlantean. It was everything that you could have ever dreamed of and as he kept you from floating away this moment was more than you could have ever dreamed of.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before," Orm didn't want anything left unsaid. This was his chance. His chance to be himself and to stop being so alone in this world that he was learning more about every day. His time in Atlantis was done and now he was going to have to start anew. Maybe you were that new chance that he had been needing for a long time.
"It's okay," she answered. Her voice muffled in the helmet. Fish swam by coming near to Orm, pecking at his arm. He shooed them away gently causing her to laugh. "You don't have to explain yourself. We had just met that day and even at this moment we are still basically strangers. But I'm glad I met you Orm and your secret is safe with me."
"Thank you," he choked. Gratitude had been lost on him long ago but as he looked at this young woman, so genuine and beautiful in his eyes, that feeling was no longer a stranger. "Would you like to see more of my world?"
"Absolutely!" No hesitation and no fear. Orm kept her close, keeping her safe as he swam them further out into the sea.
Back on dry land you couldn't believe what your eyes had beheld. The world under was far beyond anything you could have ever imagined as Orm helped steady you. Spending that much time in the water had left your legs a little wobbly and you glared at Orm walking perfectly though he did have to take a moment to cough up water. You held out the helmet towards him but he shook his head pushing it back into your chest.
"Keep it," Orm insisted. "I want to take you out more now that you have it. There's so much more I wish to show and tell you. I hope that you don't mind."
She shook her head, stepping towards him. "I would like that so much."
Without a second thought she embraced him, squeezing Orm tightly before backing away, that familiar blush coming back to her cheeks. Reaching out Orm brushed a stray droplet of sea water off her cheek.
"Until tomorrow," he whispered and she nodded quickly.
Days had followed that moment before it had turned into weeks. Orm met with her daily, the helmet in tow every time as they explored together. She the underwater world he had grew up in and him emotions never before explored. Orm knew he couldn't take her far below the surface as he wished. He was trying his best to get a suit that would keep her from being crushed by the water pressure or freezing from the depths, but it would take some time. The helmet was easy to obtain, well easier than the suit. But she didn't complain nor did she beg him for more. Always content with their outings he began to realize that he looked forward to every second they spent together every day. It didn't take Orm long to figure out the emotions he was feeling and everything seemed to fall into place. She was beginning to swim closer to him as every day passed. Gentle touches and encounters that would leave her in awe and him trying to not overstep his bounds.
She swam closer keeping to his side as the day began to wan and like everything good in life their time together was ending that day. Orm always took his time bringing them both back to shore whenever it was time to head back in. She never seemed to be in a hurry herself and it had Orm wondering on things that he couldn't ask her when they first me. He wondered why she came by herself every day and those moments she had hid on the dock as several people had come searching, yelling her name. He wondered at the days that she had came crying as if she could no longer smile. And now that he had gotten to know her more it was something he could no longer keep himself from asking about.
Back on shore she removed the helmet and rung the sea water from her hair. Orm stayed near as he gathered up the courage to ask her. He was about to ask her about something she had yet to give up willingly and he didn't want to cause her to shut him out. He honestly didn't know if he could take losing her. He breathed in deeply gathering up all his courage, he stepped closer and grasped onto her shoulder to gain her attention and steady himself. She grinned up at him before it fell at the seriousness in his blue eyes.
"What is it," she asked covering his hand with hers that still laid upon her shoulder.
"Why do you come to the docks every day? And why do you hide from the people that call out to you and cry on some days?"
There he asked and he felt faint as she looked down at the waves lapping at their bare feet.
"You saw those moments too?" She whispered.
"I did," Orm confessed. " I've come to care for you these past few weeks and I can't help my curiosity getting the best of me. Knowing that you hurt or have any reason to hide is too much for me to bear."
She paused for a moment, gathering her strength. "I was in a bad relationship. I got out of it but the pain is still there and some days are worse than others. I find peace out here and that's why I always come and then I met you. And despite me telling you why that day, you didn't laugh at me like he and several other people did. I was really glad. You made me happy. Part of me was hoping that I'd get to see you again and yet I was afraid of getting hurt again too."
"That was brave," Orm cooed bringing her into his arms. He was warm despite the lack of shirt and all the time spent in the water. She shook from the cold and from telling things that had been hard on her. "You're the bravest and kindest person I have ever met."
"I'm not really," she answered.
"You really are," Orm breathed. "I'm the coward. I didn't like this part of the world at all. I tried to destroy it because of my older brother. I blamed him for a lot of things and I hated him. I still don't love him as a little brother should but my hatred cost me. I was prince of Atlantis once and I was even it's king for a short spell. But that was taken from me and now I am thought of as dead. I cannot go back there because I have officially been killed in action." Orm sucked in a deep breath as he feared what you would do now that you knew about his darkness, though he kept going. "This is both my punishment and my new life. This is both my brother's way of blessing me and cursing me. But I don't see it as a curse anymore, not that I know you now."
"Orm," she sniffled.
He tugged her in, her trembling body pressed to his as he tried to will any form of comfort into her smaller body. He felt lighter and more at peace than he had ever felt and while she held onto him tightly, Orm lost the battle on his emotional restraints. Holding her out he took in the sight of her, clearly seeing everything about her for the first time. And for the first time in his life, he felt truly loved. Not for being royalty of Atlantis or because they had to. Genuine love that asked for nothing in return. He leaned down towards her his stature always towering over her and it wasn't until his lips met her warmer ones did the fireworks start shooting off in his head. She didn't shove him away and she didn't protest so Orm pulled her closer. Deepening the kiss as he could taste the salty water still on her mouth and the scent of the ocean breeze on her skin. In that moment she was everything to him and he could want for nothing else as long as she stayed. She cupped his cheek, stroking his skin before Orm finally pulled away. His chest heaved and he couldn't bring himself to give her up just yet. He continued to hold her against his chest, not ever wanting this moment to end.
"Is it okay that we start a new life together," her voice quivered in uncertainty. She felt like she was going too fast or overstepping her bounds.
"I think I would like that more than you know," he agreed. This was when his life started. That new beginning he wanted for so long, that he dreamed about in that prison cell. This was the moment he longed for and had no idea. That moment he met her had been fate and had lead him to this moment. Their days together didn't have to end when their feet touched the shore, it was only the start of something on the shore. While he was her guide in the water, here on the land and in the midst of people it was her turn to guide him. She took his hand, taking the responsibility for teaching and leading in stride. They would learn together what this life meant and what it meant to know each other and keep together through thick and thin. Orm had baggage and come to find out she did too. But Orm didn't see that, he saw a woman who could light his way. She saw a man that had found redemption and was looking for a way to claim it. The sun had set behind them on the beach but the dawn was rising before them as they left hand in hand towards the life they would find together. Like two ships destined for each other, a new life was just beginning.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Congrats on your new follower event! Can I request pearl with Cody? Thanks!
It's Always Been You
Summary: You’ve been in love with your Commander almost since the moment you met him. Unfortunately, he seems to think that you’re just waiting until you meet someone better.
Pairing: Commander Cody x Reader
Word Count: 797
Prompts: Pearl - Honest Love
Warnings: Some misunderstanding, but it's cleared up pretty quickly
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thank you for your request! Sorry that it took so long~
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You fold your leg under yourself as you scan your datapad for the movie that you’re looking for. It’s late, late enough that you should probably be sleeping, but you’re far too wired to sleep. Besides, Cody is sprawled on the bed next to you, absently looking over your shoulder at your datapad.
You don’t get to spend a lot of time with him, what with the war and him being Marshal Commander, and the fact that you’re technically his subordinate and this whole relationship is a massive gray area.
But that’s a problem for future you to worry about. Present you just wants to be happy and safe and warm.
“Can’t find your movie?” Cody asks, his voice low and warm.
“I downloaded a lot of movies before we left Coruscant.” You admit as you continue scrolling, “And books. And music.”
He laughs and shifts to slide his arms around your waist as well as rest his head on your shoulder, “How much free time do you expect to have?”
“Well, assuming that no one does anything stupid, hopefully a lot.” You press your cheek against the top of his head and are rewarded with the sensation of his arms tightening around you.
“Well, I’m going to intentionally download a virus to give you something to do.”
“That’s so mean.” You say as you shoot him an amused look, “At least make it look like an accident.” He shoots you an angelic look, and you release a bubbling laugh.
For a moment, his expression is warm and fond, though it falters to something a little more wistful and longing. An expression that you’ve been seeing more and more on his face lately. 
Slowly you set your datapad down and you press your hand against his cheek, “Cody, is something wrong?”
“Why do you ask?”
“You look,” You pause as you try to place the emotion, “sad.” You finish.
Cody’s quiet for a long moment, long enough that you think that he’s going to ignore your question, and then he shifts and pulls away from you, moving so that he’s sitting on the bed next to you.
You sit up as well, “Cody?”
“You are far too observant,” He grumbles, as he doesn’t quite meet your gaze, “I’ve been thinking,” he adds, his voice carefully light, “about how long I’m going to have this for.”
You blink at him, “I mean…I’m not going to kick you out, but you have to go back to being Commander when the sun rises-?”
He laughs softly, “That’s not what I mean.”
Cody is quiet for a moment, and when he speaks, it’s slow, as though he’s trying to think of the best way to say what he’s thinking, “I’m wondering how long I get to have you for. How long before you find someone better. Someone more deserving.”
His words hit you with all of the force of a slug shot.
“You think I’m looking for an upgrade?” You ask, genuinely hurt, “Have I said something to make you think that? Or…or did something?”  You wrack your memory, trying to think of a time when you might have even implied that you were looking for someone other.
His hand is warm against your cheek, pulling you from your spiraling thoughts with startling ease, “No. You’ve always been very good at keeping your focus on me when we’re together.” Cody says quietly, “But…we both know that this is temporary.”
“...is it?” You ask, somehow even more hurt, “I kind of thought it was forever. It kind of sounds like you’re the one looking for an upgrade.”
He stares at you hard, “I think there’s been a miscommunication somewhere.” Cody finally says, “Cyare, what are your feelings towards me?”
“I love you.” You say it easily. Because it is easy. It’s the easiest thing you’ve ever done, “But…but if you don’t feel the same way, I can pretend that I don’t.”
“Even though I’m just a clone?” Cody asks, “Even though you can have someone better?”
“You’re not ‘just an’ anything, Cody.” You say with a frown, “Not to me. And I don’t want ‘better’. What even is better? Richer? If I was worried about money I wouldn’t have joined the military.”
“I have no prospects for the future, cyare-”
“Cody is Cody and Cody is who I want.” You interrupt, “But…only if that’s what you want too.”
He laughs softly, and leans in to kiss you, slowly and deeply. “It is what I want. More than anything. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
You sigh softly, and climb into his lap, “You scared me. I thought you were going to kick me to the curb.”
“I would never.” His arms tighten around her, “I love you too, after all.”
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sillyrabbit81 · 1 year
The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood - Part Sixteen
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Series Summary: Lori "Babycakes" Tate swore she would never date a biker but when her life is in danger, she is put under the protection of a small club known as The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood. She suddenly finds herself attracted to not one, but five bikers.
A reverse harem, biker AU.
Part Sixteen Summary: Marshall opens up about his past.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC, Walter Marshall x OFC, Mike x OFC, Geralt x OFC, August Walker x OFC
Word Count: Approx. 3.1k
Series Warnings: Reverse harem, age gap (OFC 23, ages range from 23 to mid 40s), oral sex (male and female receiving), unprotected p in v sex, anal sex, group sex, masturbation, praise kink, mentions of body fluids, drug use, recreational drinking, sex work, criminal activities, mention of death, violence, use of weapons, mentions of war, mentions of abuse, angst, fluff, probably a lot more that I will add as they come up.
Part Sixteen Warnings: slight angst, discussion of murder and violence against women, smut, p in v sex, oral sex (f receiving), mentions of body fluids, I think thats it
Authors Note: Thanks as always to my lovely BBFs (Best Beta's forever) @henryobsessed and @nashibirne .
So... Been a while... I am really nervous about posting because it has been so long! But I put my big girl pants on and I'm just going to do it. This chapter had to be split in half, which was a small reason for why this took so long to put out, the other part is that I think some of it is a bit dry... Exposition is hard!!!! The next part isn't quite finished but this point was a natural stopping point so I figure, post this and then maybe I won't be so in my head about the next bit.
Divider made by me. Edited by me, there will be errors.
Parts Masterlist
Part Fifteen Part Seventeen
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I woke up with a start.
My heart was beating as fast as a mouse’s and I was sucking in huge gulps of air that failed to fill the hollow in my chest. I was shaking, every muscle and sinew quivering with a chilling thrum, yet I was frozen. I willed myself to move but my glaciated neurons refused to fire, iced over, hardened, ready to snap.
From behind me, a heavy arm moved on my waist and a hand pressed against my belly as soft whiskers and gentle lips caressed and the back of my neck. Relief warmed my blood in a balmy rush, my body thawing in a heady and welcomed surge.
Marshall. It was only Marshall.
“Alright?” he asked, his voice low and rough from sleep.
I hummed, not quite ready to speak. I looked at the clock on the nightstand. Small and generic, its garish neon green digital numerals reminded me that my room wasn’t actually my room and my briefly mollified anxiety inched its way back into my tightening chest.
I’d barely slept, little more than dozed. I wondered if I should get up and shower, but I didn’t want to disturb Marshall. So I laid there and listened to his breathing return to its regular cadence while I tried to recall and hold onto my dream. I might as well have tried to catch a cloud, the memories were wispy vapours, too vague and insubstantial to retain, leaving behind echoing stains of dread and emptiness. 
It didn’t take a genius to figure out what I had dreamed of. The strange and rapid life changes over the past couple of weeks made it possible for me to push aside the grief from the loss of my parents and focus on other things like my anger at Nate, the shocking revelations about Jake, and the developing situation with the Brothers. I may have made a conscious decision not to dwell and process my emotions, but my subconscious was obviously not on board.
I focussed on the rhythm of Marshall’s breathing, the soft reverberation in his throat on each inhale and the sturdy snugness of his arms while I pushed down the lingering feelings, stuffing them like clothes into a laundry basket, deep into the recesses of my mind. Even as I crammed them away, I knew I’d have to deal with my emotions at some point. I told myself I would, just not today, or tomorrow. Maybe in a month or two. Or three. When I was home again, or alone, or when things were back to normal.
Eventually, the residual fear from my lost dream ebbed and slowly faded while a myriad of new ones took its place. 
Had last night been another mistake on the long list of mistakes I had made. Was Marshall another Jake? Was Sy for that matter?
Now that Marshall and I had crossed the Rubicon, would Sy still feel the same way about me when he returned and faced the reality of what he had agreed to? Or, had the existence of the pact forced him to adhere to it out of a sense of bravado and loyalty to the Brotherhood? Had I just turned myself into another groupie, a woman destined for a lifetime of disrespect, deception and disillusion, stupidly thinking that an outlaw, an outsider, a biker, could change for them?
I waited for the gut feeling that I had fucked up by sleeping with Marshall to arrive, but it never came. Of course there were no guarantees in any relationship, but everything that had happened with Marshall had felt sincere and genuine. 
“I can hear you thinking,” Marshall grumbled. His breath was warm against my ear and his gentle accent made me shiver as a heated rush rippled across my skin, soothing and comforting me.
“I thought you were asleep,” I said.
He grunted and shifted his body until he laid on his back. I rolled over, following him and he tucked me under his arm. He glanced with a half smile that I barely picked up in the darkness of the room. I returned it and his grin grew slightly bigger before he laid his head back into the pillows.
“My sleep cycle has been off for years. Never recovered from shift work with the PD.”
I shimmied closer to him, pressing my breasts against his side, resting my thigh across his hips and dipped my fingers into the thick, coarse curls that spread across his chest from shoulder to shoulder. In response, I felt him stroke my arm, the tips of his fingers tracing an invisible path.
“Lori,” he replied, one side of his mouth lifting in a smirk.
“How did you end up in the Brotherhood?”
His smile vanished instantly and after a couple of passes over my arm, his hand stopped his caress, pausing mid stroke. His eyes sought out mine and I made it easier for him, by laying my chin on his chest, ignoring the way his wispy hairs tickled my jaw.
“There were a series of murders. Women, young women, some still teens. To call them murders doesn’t go far enough, each one was assaulted, tortured…” Marshall trailed off but his fingers began to stroke me again, this time sweeping over my back.
“You don’t have to tell me,” I said.
Marshall grunted and took a deep breath. “It was a long investigation that led nowhere. We had physical evidence, DNA, but no matches in the system and no motives. There were no useful eyewitnesses, no connections between the victims, they were of different racial backgrounds, economic status, from all over the city. We kept hitting dead ends, every lead we had didn’t pan out. Meanwhile, more girls were showing up dead, nearly a dozen and the media were breathing down our necks.”
He scoffed, his lip curled in disgust.
“They can be viscous,” I said, remembering the media circus that followed my parents' death.
Lifting his head, Marshall kissed my forehead before continuing.
“Eventually a name popped up that looked promising, he had been a contact in four of the victim’s phones. No other number had shown up twice, let alone four times. So we started an investigation into him. Found out he was a CEO of a financial institution or an investment bank, I don’t remember which. He was young, one of those prodigious financial wizards that seemed to have the Midas touch. He was famous in the financial world, puff pieces in newspapers, magazines, you know the type?”
I nodded and he continued.
“We’d barely gotten further than collecting basic background on this guy when the case was taken out of our hands by the Feds. I was furious, obviously, their jurisdiction over the case was on a flimsy basis at best. There was nothing I could do about it but wait for news of the investigation. However, months went by and… nothing. No news, no arrests, no more media reports, nothing.”
“He wasn’t the guy?”
Marshall shrugged. “I thought I must have been wrong. After a year, a homeless guy was arrested and charged.”
“So you had the wrong guy, after all?”
Marshall chuffed and shook his head.
“I knew in my gut the man they arrested was a patsy. I looked into it. I talked to some of his friends from the streets and as far as I could tell he wasn’t even in town when the first three victims had been murdered. His friends said he came to the city to attend the funeral of his murdered daughter.”
“No,” I gasped, my mouth covering my hand in shock.
“Yes,” Marshall said, “He was the father of the first victim we found. We had tried to contact him in the early days of the investigation, but he couldn’t be located. By the time he had discovered what happened to his daughter, there had been other victims and it was no longer a priority to find him and rule him out as a suspect.”
I thought about Nate and my father. I had never been privy to the dealings of the club, but you picked things up. The club had a surprisingly low number of members with criminal records and although I had never been explicitly told, I knew it was because the “right” people had been paid off for years. I figured the real killer must have been doing something similar, but on a massive scale.
“So what did you do?” I asked. 
“I took my theories up the chain and requested permission to do my own investigation. I was told in no uncertain terms that if I did that, it would cost me my badge.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Shit.”
“I couldn’t let it go though. I knew I couldn’t investigate alone and I suspected that I might be under surveillance. I couldn’t ask anyone else in the department to risk their job, so I called a guy I trusted. He used to be a bounty hunter but by then was working as a private security contractor.”
“Geralt?” I guessed.
“Geralt,” Marshall repeated. “He used his connections and reported back that there had been rumours floating about this guy for years, from his college days to his early Wall Street days to this case. Reports of domestic violence from women he’d had relationships with and assaults on sex workers that always seemed to be retracted or ignored. Somehow, this fucking guy kept getting away with fucking murder because of his connections.”
He closed his eyes and the muscles of his jaw pulsed beneath his thickly bearded skin. Swallowing hard, he opened his eyes and his voice was husky as he continued.
“When I realised what they had done to that man, that girl’s father… I wasn’t particularly idealistic and I wasn’t naive, but I had never thought that this level of corruption could happen. The Feds, the media, the PD; how many people must be involved, how many people were paid off or blackmailed? Everything I knew, everything I….”
He shrugged and was quiet. I waited, sure he had more to say. But he stayed silent, jaw twitching again and his eyes seemed to glaze over as his thoughts seemed to drift away.
I placed my hand on his cheek, my thumb sweeping along the bone and tilted my head to kiss his chest softly. Marshall’s hand went to my hair stroking my hair off my face.
“I quit. I couldn’t do that kind of work again, not knowing what I knew. I went back to Geralt, thinking with my SWAT background, maybe I’d try private security. Instead, Geralt introduced me to Sy and Walker.”
“What happened to the CEO?”
Marshall’s grin was a little disconcerting as he replied, “He got his in the end. An international financial scandal ruined him. The bank he headed was laundering money for the cartels and he was directly implicated in running the scam. The CIA got him for that one, apparently his reach didn’t go that far.”
“What happened to the father?” I asked.
“Suicide in prison while awaiting trial. It was a fucking joke.”
“I’m sorry, Walter,” I said softly.
His eyes found mine. Blue, deep and clear, they held me and I couldn’t look away. He sighed and shifted his hips. The movement made his thigh brush high between my legs and I became very conscious of the fact that both of us were naked.
The atmosphere changed, the air crackled with an electric anticipation and a heady jolt of lust worked its way down my spine to my core. I wasn’t alone, Marshall breathing became heavy, his nostrils flaring as he drew in each breath and his chest swelled.
His fingertips began to skim over my back again, and my skin broke out in goosebumps as I shivered with pleasure. His burly arms drew me to his chest, the coarse hair tickled my nipples as he guided me onto my back. Blanketing me with his comfortingly heavy body, his weight was concentrated at our hips and effectively pinned me to the mattress. My legs split beneath him, opening myself up in a shameless invitation. He took the hint, and he rolled his hips against me as he kissed me. 
It was like he was a different man; his feral, almost brutal urgency gave way to languid deliberateness. His lips moved down the column of my neck, hands exploring, clasping my ribs as if he wanted to caress not just the flesh, but the bones beneath. Moving with barely restrained greed, he slipped my nipple into his mouth and his teeth captured it while his velvety tongue flicked. His lips were satin, his beard was rugged silk, equally coarse and soft as he kissed and rubbed his cheeks against the sensitive skin between my breasts.
Opening his bearded jaw wide, he took more of me into his mouth than just my pink pebbled nipple. I watched bleary eyed as creamy skin disappeared into his warm mouth and his tongue lashed. My fingers slid into his thick curls, holding him close, begging for more.
I moved a hand down his shoulder and back feeling his dense muscles ripple under my touch. I went lower, down his side and abdomen, a rush of heat surged through me as my fingers found the trail of hair below his navel. I wanted to follow its path, wanted to feel him throbbing just like I was.
Thwarting my plans, Marshall laid warm, wet, kisses down my tummy, and became out of reach. I let out a petulant moan and he grinned, rubbing his beard against a sensitive spot near my hip, making me giggle and squirm out of his grasp. He caught my hip and pushed me down to the bed again in a flash back to his earlier impatience.
“Shh,” he soothed with a wolfish grin.
His hand swept down my thigh, curling under my knee and gently guiding my legs further apart. His kisses started at my knee and moved down the inside of my thigh, heat from his mouth made me shiver and I fell back onto the bed. He got closer to my soaked, throbbing core and I felt his tongue at the crease of my thigh, lapping at the combined wetness there from both my arousal and his release.
I gasped and leaned up on my elbows to watch and his feverish blue eyes were looking up at me from between my legs. My body looked as aroused as I felt, nipples tight and hard, tummy and thighs trembling, my pussy was swollen and glistening with the remains of our previous, furious love making.
Fingers glided over me, thumbs pulling apart my folds, his breath simultaneously warm and cooling against my hot throbbing sensitive skin. A finger teased my weeping core, swirling at my entrance. I was on fire, desperately clenching at nothing, and I could feel evidence of his orgasm leaked from within me.
“Fuck,” he murmured under his breath.
“Marshall,” I said breathlessly, reaching for his shoulders, trying to pull him up to me, “stop teasing me. Just fuck me.”
“I’ll fuck you,” he said, voice husky, almost gone. Then he mumbled something I couldn’t catch against my pussy.
The feel of his tongue prodding my entrance, no doubt tasting himself as he ate me out was so wickedly filthy to me that I was completely transfixed by the lurid eroticism, I’d never experienced anything like it. I could barely hold myself up, but the sight of him practically pussy drunk and groaning was too good not to look at. He growled, his arms wrapped around my thighs and he pushed his face into me, soft prickles of his beard against me made me shake even more and despite wanting to keep watching, I fell back to the mattress.
Suede-like brushes against my clit had me shaking, the tension in my muscles quivering like violin strings. Jesus christ he was amazing, then he sucked softly on my clit, and I was gone, crying out as my hands tangled in his hair, tightening into fists and held him against me. He didn’t stop as I came, his hands moved to my hips, his long fingers splayed across my belly and waist as if he wanted to feel my body move as I buckled.
My hands unclenched, and I shuddered with aftershocks as Marshall stayed where he was, softly licking at my core. I closed my eyes, bathing in the post orgasm euphoria, running my fingers through his hair. He didn’t stop kissing me as he moved up my body and rested a fraction of his weight against me. His hand was warm as he cupped my cheek and covered my mouth with his. I could taste us on his lips and tongue, his beard was soaked too. I was so turned on that after the flavour faded from his mouth, I swept my tongue over his chin.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “You taste good, don’t you?”
I hesitated, self-consciousness creeping in and my cheeks burned with embarrassment. Marshall stroked my cheek with his thumb and I opened my eyes and realised that he wasn’t trying to shame me.
“You taste good too,” I said.
He smiled, his lips parting just enough to see his teeth, before he grew a little serious. His hand curled around the back of knee, lifting and opening me again, and he adjusted his body in a way that made me gasp. Poised, and ready, his silky hardness waited, his brows raising just enough to ask the unspoken question.
“Yes,” I murmured.
His mouth was on mine as he slid inside me, our kiss muffling both our moans. We stayed like that, joined and locked together, hungrily swallowing the others whispered words and whimpers. Fingers sought mine, and lacing them together he squeezed, gripping me and releasing me in time with his steady rocking movements.
He knew what he was doing, making sure I could feel every inch of his thick and rigid length, making sure he found that spot that made my breath hitch every time. His breath was coming in harder and heavier, each exhale punctuated by a muted grunt. I couldn’t focus, I had to close my eyes. Fuck, he really knew what he was doing.
“Marshall,” I gasped. I don’t know why I spoke. I was riding close to the edge, any second now and I would fall.
“Yes,” he growled, “Fuck, yes.”
I fell.
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verdantmeadows · 8 months
I've been meaning to post this for a bit, but, in the (live action) TV shows I often see in the background that my mom watches (shows like hospital shows, drama shows), the amount of interracial couples, even if the characters are very racially/ethnically diverse, is incredibly small. Not only that, but black characters usually end up with black characters, latine ones with latine ones, white ones with white ones, Asian ones with Asian ones....and honestly not much consideration for people who might not fit into those categories, but, if they are in the show, almost always with each other. If there is an interracial couple, it is usually of people with similar skin tones. Seeing a dark-skinned character with a light-skinned character is very rare. And this makes me so, so sad. Normalization of interracial couples has so far to go. As a kid, I truly thought it wasn't something most people cared about. But as I've grown older, I've learned that most families do care, whether on a small or large level, if their child is in an interracial relationship. Much of many societies do. Within any group or community of any race/ethnicity, it is almost always generally frowned upon or completely acceptable to make jokes about those or directly to those in interracial relationships.
In my experience with ("Western") cartoons, interracial couples are far more common, although still not as common as I think they should or could be. But I am very happy about every year they get more prominent. I do not usually watch live action TV shows, so I don't have as much experience with them, but I think it's often common for cartoons to be more recognizably diverse in their characters, ranging from things like sexuality, gender identity, disability, race/ethnicity, and more (although this still is far from where it should and could be).
That's just a really long amount of text to preface a relationship that means a lot to me that has come about recently, and is canon. In Fionna and Cake, we see a gay M/M couple, which is incredibly rare in cartoons (and if it does occur, usually only happens between gay dads, for meaningless background characters, or is immediately sidelined—I can only think of one gay M/M couple in "Western" cartoons that isn't the first two and is then immediately sidelined). Gay men (as in all MLM) are incredibly underrepresented in cartoons (and in general). All forms of queer people are, but gay men are noticeably represented less in comparison to other queer people, especially in cartoons.
Not only are they a gay M/M couple, they are also an interracial couple and one with a very visible difference with their skin tones. Marshall Lee is inarguably a black person, and Gary is presumably a white person. And their relationship is so, so cute and healing. They are truly loving towards each other. They are supportive. They are incredibly relevant to the plot, not sidelined, and are given their time to shine. We get to see a visible, gay male, interracial couple. One of them is even likely bisexual, and the other commonly and easily relatable to autistic people. They are an on-screen couple. They are relevant. This is the first time the part of me that's MLM has actually felt and been represented in a cartoon that didn't make me feel belittled or frustrated. I'm so, so happy from this.
I have seen very few people talk about how genuinely revolutionary this relationship is for the representation of queer men and queer men of color as well as for interracial and interracial queer relationships. In fact, I've seen many QUEER people be frustrated or upset by it, feeling as if it takes away from other queer people and queer relationships in the particular show/series, which is disheartening.
However, rather than focus on the negatives (although I think it's important to examine why those might come about), I want to focus on the positives. This is genuinely such an amazing push in representation on so many levels that we have. And I am so, so happy about it. I can't even express it in words. I hope that there are other people out there who realize just how big of a deal their relationship was. I am genuinely astounded by it. I don't have much more to say, so I'll just end this post with an image of them.
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spacingstars · 25 days
do you have any recs for good cody characterization?
So, I should preface this by saying I kind of... avoid Cody's fandom, primarily because I'd like to not soil my enjoyment of his character, and as such don't really seek out much fics that do have him.
I can elaborate on this later in a reblog but as of now this post has already gotten ways away from me so I'll be sticking to main discussion of what Cody characterization I enjoy and find to be good.
Additionally, I don't read as much fic as I did a few years ago, mainly because I've gotten pickier in general, but also because real life as of late hasn't allowed much time for seeking out new fics and reading them through.
With that said, much of my change in attitude towards Cody is entirely down to @battlekilt, and much of what I will be discussing with regards to Cody's character is lifting from their conceptions of him (which are strongly based in canon).
Which, with regards to fic recs, I'll put those out here now, these first two will be Kilt's:
Nightmare for Others, Dream for the Self by Aiwha/@battlekilt
note: this fic is Anakin/Rex and while they are the central focus, Cody has some incredible moments, especially with the interplay between himself and Anakin and Rex.
Aay'han—Mournful Celebration: How ARC Troopers Saved The Galaxy by Aiwha/@battlekilt
note: this fic is Obi-wan/Rex but Cody is an incredibly strong character in the main cast, I should also say this can be a heavy read (there is MCD and the grief over that character is a major theme of the story), so, be prepared. But, There is a lot of fluff, especially shared among the Clones.
Also while it's not... out yet, I have been given a lot of previews of their current project and what I've read of Cody in that fic has done a lot of the heavy lifting to change my opinion on his character. So... keep a look out for that one. xD
And, I do have one other Cody fic that's stuck with me:
sun-stunned by ctdogma
note: this fic is gen, it's Cody & Anakin, but it's stuck with me for the way Cody and Anakin relate to each other, and the characterization of them both is also quite enjoyable. It's short, but I quite enjoyed it when I first read it. Also, it is archive-locked, so you will need an ao3 account to read it.
There is also this Cody meta from Kilt that's a good elaboration on the discussion I intend to have on what I do like about his character.
I would also encourage revisiting canon and the moments Cody does have, because there's a lot of character to be garnered from him by observing him. There's this video that compiles his screen time (little over an hour.) The only downside is that certain clips have a giant t.c.w/t.b.b logo thrown over them for, obvious, copyright reasons, but aside from that (which may be a little annoying for certain scenes,) it's a pretty good compilation of Cody.
And, speaking of that discussion, shall we?
The thing that I really enjoy about Cody's character is the internal tension he carries to the dichotomy of his "two halves,” so to speak. He's a character that manages to feel both young and old at the same time. He's young in the sense that, well, that is what he is, chronologically, at the beginning of the war, he's only 20. He comes with a lot of the anxieties and uncertainties expected of him, and those anxieties and uncertainties clash spectacularly with the fact that Cody is expected to be older and more mature. He is the Marshal Commander of the 3rd Systems Army, and the sheer amount of weight and responsibility placed upon his shoulders is massive. It forces him into a position where he has to be older than he is and has to be more assured in himself. He's only at his most comfortable with Rex.
Which, Rex, to me, is a key aspect of understanding Cody's character, because much of Cody's character is fixated to Rex, Cody & Rex are in a same vein as Obi-Wan & Anakin. Which is why Cody's most important moments are tied around Rex. Rex is Cody's most important person, no doubt about it. The sheer amount of respect and adulation Cody holds for Rex is quite telling, he frequently speaks incredibly highly of Rex.
Cody, to me, is quintessentially a character who is both young and old; he's a young man with all the anxieties and uncertainties that come with that pushed into a position afforded to seasoned Generals, men much older than he is, a position that affords him with immense responsibility and authority. Cody is wound tight in his code of honor; he's dutiful and professional, and he's strong in his convictions. But at the same time, all of that soldierliness, all of that which Cody is fundamentally a damn good soldier, in every respect of the word, is conflicted against the "youth" in him. It’s conflicted with his anxieties about himself and his performance. And I think the internal conflict between these aspects of Cody is what makes him so juicy; he will act out of duty, out of professionalism, he will do as a soldier needs to do, as a Marshal Commander needs to do, but at the same time, he's got those anxieties, about himself, how he conducts himself, the decisions he makes, the choices he makes. It makes for a very crunchy internal conflict between his conscious and his code.
I won't play by play analyze every one of Cody's moments, he's got a lot of them, but here's a list of things I noticed about Cody when rewatching much of his canonical appearances.
Also, a note on these, some of these will have additional commentary from Kilt because I was rewatching these scenes and discussing my observations with them. They had some useful additional commentary.
He stands in parade rest a lot, and he loosens up his stance by the time season 7 rolls around, but in the earlier seasons, and thus, the bulk of his appearances, Cody walks and stands in parade rest a lot, especially in comparison to Rex whose already much looser during that time. To me, this is indicative of his stiffness, of that need to pull himself together into an air of professionalism and orderliness. (Kilt Comment: Multiple character sources cite that Rex was a rather stickler for the Rules(TM), even going so far as being compared to Dogma at the start of the Umbara arc. This tells us that Rex had been actively encouraged and given space to become more comfortable and relaxed than Cody did, whereas the Commander took longer to stretch that.)
The only time he really engages in banter or otherwise engages in comfortable conversation, it's with Rex. This is contrasted with his interactions with Jedi, where he's much more professional, on the job, and orderly.
He conducts himself with some more "elderly" mannerisms, calling Rex "ol' boy" or referring to a clone lower in rank than him as "son." (Kilt Comment: Sir, you’re ten. Also, this tells us that Cody believes that by playing up a wider age difference with his subordinates than he would realistically have, he feels he might be given more weight to himself, the respect he is martially owed.)
Yes, he does fling himself at droids a lot, like half the time a droid gets close enough, he just resorts to kicking or flinging himself full body, very hilarious. (or, otherwise Marshal "IDK what it means to chill" Cody.)
He repeatedly salutes Obi-Wan whenever he's given an order in the earlier seasons (most notably the Ryloth episodes), and it's kind of hilarious, but it also reads as Cody kind of... overcompensating for his respect and orderliness.
Cody has a moment (at the Citadel) where he loses one of his men but has to quickly pull himself together in order to keep moving. I think it's also interesting to take this as a way to highlight when Cody cautions Rex against getting too fixated on the idea that Echo may be alive. (Cody has lost men, and Rex has lost men too; they both know the weight of their grief, and Cody knows how fixation upon the impossible could potentially hurt Rex, and that's the last thing Cody wants. It's a concern for Rex that he shares with Anakin, as Anakin expresses the same concerns.)
Cody also having multiple occasions of giving Rex praise is absolutely indicative of how highly Cody holds Rex; how important Rex is to Cody, but it is also kind of funny how Cody will just... repeatedly laden praise at Rex's feet, a persistent reminder of how great he thinks Rex is. (He totally 100% does not have favorites.) (He most definitely has his favorites, his favorite is Rex.)
I really love how much you can see how Cody's a lot looser in later seasons. His demeanor with Clone Force 99 is a good example. As well as his with Obi-Wan, especially compared to earlier seasons (the majority of Cody's interactions with Obi-Wan in earlier seasons is very much colored with professional distance; they don't really banter or have ease of conversation, it's only in later seasons and ROTS you'll get some more comfortable interactions.)
Cody's harshness towards Slick and traitors in general during those episodes is incredibly fascinating in light of his actions in T.B.B, where Cody himself ends up the traitor when he previously denounced them so strongly. It shows a great level of character growth for him. (And it's one of the things I love about his internal tension, is getting him to a point where he questions whether or not his strong sense of duty and the lines he draws in the sand are correct. The idea that Cody was much more dutiful, less forgiving of those who betrayed that duty, fundamentally a military man in every respect with a strong code of honor he'd never break, makes him come to the point of "this isn't right, the decisions I'm making aren't right," so much weightier. He chooses to become the thing he's previously hated, and that's incredible.)
(All of these little traits and moments from Cody can be categorized into either the "younger" or "older" half of the dichotomy he carries within.)
You really can construe a great character arc for Cody, you can pick up a lot of the little minute details of him by watching him. Going from the Cody of earlier seasons, who conducts himself with the utmost professionalism and duty, whose more youthful underside is only shown when he's around Rex. Where he only allows himself to loosen and open up towards the war’s end. Towards that conclusion, he has allowed himself a chance to unravel from his own rigidness (especially in his worldview,) to the point he deserts despite it being in every sense of the word a betrayal of what he's defined as the duty of a soldier, a definition he's so strongly held to, is incredible. He is such a fascinating character for all this juicy internal tension in him that keeps on pushing and pulling until he finally breaks and listens to his conscious in T.B.B.
That is why I've come to love his character. A lot of these are things I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't have someone who hadn't pointed them out to me and hadn't allowed for conversations about Cody's character that were not defined by a narrow viewing of his character I'd come to dislike. He is such a fascinating character, and the contrasts between his strict code and his conscious is one I really love to apply pressure on, the tension that results from putting Cody in situations where he needs to favor his persona of the 3rd System's Marshal Commander over who he is, just Cody, is quite fun. It's just fun applying pressure to his code, making him question himself and his convictions, and getting him to reevaluate his strict worldview.
Cody is simply a lot of fun to pull apart and play with; and I really adore his character for that.
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie loves to look at Buck’s ass
Eddie “Heart Eyes” Diaz can’t hide how much he loves the view he sees of Buck’s ass whenever Buck walks or stands in front of him.  In 3x4 “Triggers” he leaned back and took a long hard stare at Buck’s ass when Buck visited the firehouse to deliver the Fire Marshall report.  Eddie did it again in 6x10 “In a Flash” after he hooked the harness line onto Buck right before Buck walked up the ladder.
Please note the second GIF was included in Buck’s coma dream in 6x11 “In Another Life” but it wasn’t included in 6x10.  Eddie was the first person Buck remembered after he woke up and Daniel told him he should have had someone to spot for him when he was on the ladder to which Buck responded, “I did!”
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The original scene (above) in 6x10 didn’t include a close up of Buck’s ass because when he started walking up the ladder, the camera was redirected to focus on Eddie.
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Therefore, Eddie looking at Buck’s ass as he walked away in 6x10 and Buck thinking about it when he woke up in 6x11 was all Buck’s POV!  That means Buck knows Eddie’s always looking and that’s why he put on a show for him when he started walking up the ladder.
Remember Eddie said, “Alright cowboy go get ‘em” and Buck responded, “Alright!”  Buck knew Eddie was looking at him in 6x10 the same way he knew Eddie was looking at him in 3x4.
They’re in love your honor!
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discar · 1 month
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 45 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
FlameHairSavior: Alva, did you lose something?
DIVINER: ...no?? Not that I know of!
DIVINER: Though now I'm worried!
MARSHAL Kotallo: I thought you were planning a journey.
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, I'm here, I just found something that I thought might be Quen.
FlameHairSavior: [Skiff.jpg]
DIVINER: Wellll... it could be? I don't want to sound arrogant, but we're probably the only people who have the expertise to make something like that! But it's just a small boat, and not one I've seen before!
DIVINER: Where did you find it?
Icarus: I sent her to the place the Tenakth call the Burning Shores.
FlameHairSavior: That makes me sound like your errand-girl.
Icarus: It's not my fault if the title fits.
FlameHairSavior: Hey!
MARSHAL Kotallo: You do tend to take up more tasks than are strictly necessary.
ADMIN [Zo]: I feel like someone mentioned the Burning Shores before.
β: its hollywood
DIVINER: If you're in Hollywood, did you find any archives?? We could finally have our movie night!
FlameHairSavior: I've been a little busy.
DIVINER: Right, right, sorry!
DIVINER: Where exactly did you find the boat?
FlameHairSavior: [FleetsEnd.jpg]
FlameHairSavior: Outside this Quen settlement.
ADMIN [Zo]: Perhaps you should have mentioned that earlier.
β: and made a joke about it
DIVINER: We thought they were all dead! We were never able to get in contact with them!
FlameHairSavior: All their Diviners are dead. It's just soldiers and sailors.
FlameHairSavior: Oh, and Compliance Officers. A lot of Compliance Officers.
DIVINER: Oh dear.
ADMIN [Zo]: Is that as bad as it sounds?
DIVINER: Well, the fact that Aloy is texting us means they didn't manage to confiscate her focus...
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, but they're pushy about it. It doesn't help that the sailor who brought me in, Seyka, stole a focus from one of the dead Diviners.
DIVINER: That is in DIRECT violation of our holy tenants! There's no way she can get away with that! The Imperial FAMILY couldn't get away with that!
FlameHairSavior: Admiral Gerrit didn't seem that worried.
DIVINER: He's alive!?
DIVINER: Wait, why am I surprised? That man would probably survive a mountain falling on him.
FlameHairSavior: I did get something of that impression.
DIVINER: Well, I'm sure he can keep Compliance from doing anything too drastic. Did he let the sailor keep her focus as well?
FlameHairSavior: Yeah. Since no one else is willing to touch it, it's clear she's the only way they're going to get the data.
FlameHairSavior: And let you drive her away? No thanks.
β: i can hack his focus so he cant talk
ADMIN [Zo]: Please do not tempt us.
FlameHairSavior: No, I don't want to overwhelm her. She hadn't even figured out how the radio worked until I showed her.
Icarus: Will someone explain to me why you all put up with this man.
FlameHairSavior: He's good for lifting heavy objects.
DIVINER: Wait wait, Aloy, you said they're looking for data? Is that why they never came back??
FlameHairSavior: No, sorry, I should have explained.
FlameHairSavior: They crashed here and lost a lot of crew. Including Seyka's sister, their only navigator. Some are dead, but Seyka's sister is just missing. I'm unclear on the exact timeline, but I think this has something to do with Londra.
ADMIN [Zo]: Who?
β: walter londra
β: one of the zenith
Icarus: He fled to the Burning Shores when he realized the battle at their base was lost.
FlameHairSavior: I don't know. Does it matter?
FlameHairSavior: ...shit.
Icarus: I misspoke. He split off from the Zeniths shortly after landing. I believe I told you this already.
FlameHairSavior: It's been a busy day.
Icarus: He should still have his shield. Though if he has not come out to personally confront you yet, I suspect that is a good sign.
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, I guess.
FlameHairSavior: Anyway, their last Diviner died at some ruins. Seyka managed to use his focus to get his last images and piece some things together. Except now she can't get into those ruins, because Londra set up a tower that shoots down anything that gets too close.
FlameHairSavior: Which, by the way, is how I met Seyka. Got my sunwing shot from under me.
DIVINER: Oh no!!
ADMIN [Zo]: But you're fine?
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, I landed on sand, it was fine.
β: i dont think thats how it works
FlameHairSavior: So I met Seyka, met the Quen, did some stuff, went to the tower.
FlameHairSavior: Oh, and that reminds me: Alva, do your ships have engines? The big ones, I mean.
FlameHairSavior: I'm just trying to figure out why a couple random Quen sailors and engineers managed to build a skiff with an engine, but your entire empire couldn't build them for the big ships.
DIVINER: No, you're right, our ships are almost entirely wind-powered. I was part of the group that argued against engines, actually!
ADMIN [Zo]: Wind-powered?
β: she means the sails
ADMIN [Zo]: Ah.
DIVINER: The problem was that we couldn't build engines quickly enough. We learned sailing from the Legacy, but engines had to be designed from scratch! It was a huge endeavor! It would have pushed back our departure by months, if not more! We decided that it was safer to leave sooner, with proven technology.
DIVINER: Exactly! Lower margin of error, too!
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, Seyka mentioned jumping out of the boat when something goes wrong. The water is pretty shallow here.
DIVINER: Not really an option on the open ocean!
FlameHairSavior: Seyka and I just destroyed the anti-air tower a few minutes ago. I thought I'd give you guys an update.
ADMIN [Zo]: We appreciate it.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Indeed. I find it doubtful that it was undefended.
FlameHairSavior: It was a trap.
ADMIN [Zo]: For you specifically?
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, there was a message he recorded for me. I don't think he knows I'm here yet, but he was ready for the possibility.
FlameHairSavior: The tower unfolded into this strange machine and started shooting at me, but we managed to take it down. Couldn't have done it without Seyka.
MARSHAL Kotallo: I am glad to see that you understand the value of working with others.
FlameHairSavior: Hey, I just finished leading an assault on the Zenith base. I know how to work with other people!
MARSHAL Kotallo: And then you immediately sent us off on our own missions and jumped at a chance to fly halfway across the region.
β: without taking anyone with you
FlameHairSavior: What, did you want to come?
β: no
β: but you could have asked
FlameHairSavior: ...oh. Sorry.
β: its fine
ADMIN [Zo]: Division of labor aside, I am glad you're finding more allies, Aloy.
FlameHairSavior: Thanks.
FlameHairSavior: Beta, Alva, I was going to ask you about hooking their Diviners back up to your network.
β: i thought you said they didnt have diviners
FlameHairSavior: They have to appoint new ones eventually, right?
DIVINER: If they haven't yet, that means it's most likely all the apprentices died as well! Though perhaps Admiral Gerrit will find a way to allow this Seyka to be promoted!
FlameHairSavior: Maybe. I wouldn't bet on it, though.
DIVINER: No. Neither would I.
FlameHairSavior: I've been trying to convince her to leave them behind. Maybe she can even come back to the Base. The way they treat her hits a little close to home.
β: youve picked up another one havent you
FlameHairSavior: Another what?
FlameHairSavior:  Fine, whatever. I'm going to spend some time exploring before we move on.
DIVINER: Oh!! You're still going to find some movies, right??
FlameHairSavior: ...I'll keep an eye out.
DIVINER: [FistPump.gif]
Chapter 45 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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acaciapines · 6 months
so....abt that adventure time daemon au....sits down with folded hands. im SO SO curious as to what your thoughts are and lowkey wondering if theyre anything like what ive been cooking up in my twisted mind...slash joke...YOU GO FIRST I WANNA KNOW!!
jkdfgdjfkg yeah im gonna focus on the fionna + cake aspects since thats what i posted but if you wanna know about someone else send a followup!! i have the strongest ideas for marceline and more scattered thoughts on everyone else but!! i turn this around in my head a lot lol.
under the cut bc i am incapable of being short
so. the reason fionna world is Like It Is despite nominally being a human au is bc i decided that in ooo, humans are the only people with daemons! everyone else has Something Else, but that something else isnt actually a daemon (this bit is still fuzzy lol since it would just be more bg in anything i write).
so that means the only characters in adventure time who have/had a daemon are finn (tossing around the name honey for her?? shes unsettled but mostly dogs bc they grew up with dogs lol), marceline (she lost her daemon upon becoming a vampire, gets her back at the end of stakes. do not ask me what she is settled as idk as of now lol), and simon (lost her upon becoming ice king, he does Not get her back. i think its fun if she is a penguin bc that makes ice king surrounding himself w penguins super tragic. he knows something is gone but cannot articulate what.)
also i guess people like susan strong and the humans on the human island but shhhh i dont have super strong ideas for them lol.
ALL THAT TO SAY. since fionnaworld was created by prismo (gonna be real idk what his deal is but he is obviously His Own Thing and as a deity type deal he probably is granted w 'can see dust' powers and thus has no idea what daemons are all about) and lives in ice kings/later simons head (one who doesnt know about daemons and one who is mourning the permanent loss of his own) when fionna and cake were "created" finn jake and finn's daemon were mashed into two characters, who are! human and daemon.
everyone else either never had a daemon in normal ooo (ex. pb) or didnt have them at the time fionnaworld was created and thus they werent carried over (ex. marceline.) of everyone tho probably marshall WOULD know the most, this is why he has a line in my fic where he's like, do you know what i'd do for a weird cat? as a sort of hint that he SHOULD have a daemon, but. alas.
uhhh. where am i going with this.
OH RIGHT so yeah basically when fionnaworld became de-magicked it took with it a lot of people's points of connection--everyone ends up way more isolated than they were. since simon is mourning his own daemon that translates to daemons just Not Existing, and so fionna and cake are very much isolated from each other. they dont have the words for their relationship. all fionna knows is she needs cake with her, and vice versa.
cake IS still a daemon, but without that framework shes stuck in the 'normal cat' role even though she does a lot of noncatlike things, n her and fionna are very very good still at sorta knowing what the other is thinking and reacting accordingly. the people closest to fionna (so, really just marshall and gary lol) have SOME idea of what is up but if asked its more leftover instinct than like, the ability to actually explain any of this. fionna and cake try to interact w the world as a human-daemon pair but that doesnt work when the world has no fucking idea what that is.
uh. that. probably answers some question!! i think the plot of fionna and cake itself is MOSTLY the same...really fionna and cake just find out there is a word for who they are to each other n get that relationship reestablished which isnt a far cry from canon. i really like the stuff they do with betty/simon so i wouldnt want to change that, though i imagine there is a bit of simon mourning his lost daemon too--idk i feel like you could tie those feelings in if you were to write a full adaptation but i!! dont think enough changes to do that so i wont be lol.
i mostly just wanted to do episode one bc again. daemon in a world that doesnt know wtf a daemon is. truly the funniest and most tragic thing in the world.
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madaboutmathers · 2 years
Hello!!!! Can I request Marshall falls in love with his therapist and then she tells him they can't continue with the sessions and he's like as long as I keep seeing you fluff + smut, thank youuu!
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
You knew this had to be your last day seeing Marshall. The emotional attachment was becoming less than professional. In every way. You hadn’t meant to fall for him but as the sessions carried on, you couldn’t help it. You wondered how Marshall would take it and you hoped he didn’t see it as another person leaving him.
You hoped he also didn’t feel a change in the air when he finally arrived for his appointment. You greeted him as happily as ever. That smile of his did wonders to you. “Good Morning, Mr Mathers.” You moved to settle on your own chair; opposite the sofa. “How many times have I told you? You can call me Marshall.” He teased, even if he enjoyed the title more than he should.
You fought against the blush but he was always so good with his words and that accent was to die for. “Hmm, maybe once more.” You chuckled, crossing your legs as you moved for your notes. Those eyes of his followed your movements as he settled into his own seat; more comfortable than he’d ever felt before. “How are you feeling today?” You began the session as easy as ever. He really was your favourite client. “Good. It’s been good recently.” Marshall nearly babbled as he tried to focus. You smiled brightly at that; he did seem to be doing well. “I’m glad to hear it.” You looked down and began to sign away.
Thankfully, it seemed he didn’t need you anymore. You couldn’t explain the sadness and relief mixed together at that thought. “You think you are ready to stop these sessions?” You finally asked the elephant in the room question. The silence that followed stretched and you slowly looked up to him. “I’m not sure.” Marshall whispered, looking down now when your eyes met. He played with his fingers some more, paying special attention to his ring. “But you feel like you are in a better place?” You prodded. “Yeah, only because of you.” Marshall hummed and locked eyes with you once more.
“Ahh, you have to take some credit.” You offered with a bright smile even if you hummed at his praise. Marshall only smiled back at you. He wasn’t going to argue even if he didn’t agree with that. Sighing, you placed the notepad down and moved your fingers through your locks; something you did when you were nervous and Marshall had picked up on that. “You okay?” He finally asked after the moment of quiet that had passed over you both. It really was the only place his head seemed to not be screaming at him. “Yeah, all good.” You whispered and forced a smile. “Come on, I know you better than that.” Marshall lent forward as he commented. 
“I just think..we should end our sessions now.” You finally got the words out as you babbled. Your head ducked to hide from his gaze. “I don’t understand…have I done anything?” Marshall’s mind rushed with degrading thoughts. “No..no of course not.” You moved to stand, stepping closer to him. “It’s not you.” You went to say but he scoffed. “Oh, I’ve heard that before.” He mumbled, staring at his hands. “Don’t be silly.” You hummed and moved to gently cup his face. “It really isn't you.” You promised. “You believe me, right?” You whispered and thankfully it didn’t take long for him to nod his head.
“Then why?” Marshall prodded once more after a moment of silence. Your heart skipped a beat at his question. “Isn’t it obvious?” You whispered, looking up at him from under your lashes. Your closeness distracted you as his hand moved to cup your face. “I’m old..I might need it spelled out.” Marshall teased. “You aren’t old.” You giggled out, chewing on your bottom lip. Those blues of his followed your movements. “Hm, you make me feel young anyway.” Marshall whispered as you both leaned in. Your lips are finally touching. A soft gasp escaped you as your eyes flashed open to see him before you leaned into the act.
You moved into his lap without thinking as his hands began to move up and down your sides; moving under your dress. “We shouldn’t..” You whispered out, leaning away from his lips whilst Marshall reached for your arse and grabbed it. “We should..” Marshall purred and you softly gulped as the passion only rose. You didn’t have any more fight left in you as he moved you onto your back. A soft gasp escaped you when you hit the couch. You looked up at him as those blues had you lost for a moment. It was the distraction he needed to tug your dress over your head. Your matching lingerie had him hardening.
“Fuck, you are gorgeous.” He whispered out before leaning in to capture your lips. You could only blush at his words. You moaned out his name as your soaked pussy only tingled in anticipation. “Marshall..” Those blues of his only darkened as he moved to tug his pants; his hard cock moving freely. Your hand moved to the back of his neck and pulled him in for another deep, sensual kiss that had your tongues dancing. Your fingers moved into his hair as his cock moved through your soaked folds. Thankfully, the kiss muted your sounds of pleasure as you shivered and arched into him.
He slowly moved inside you; delicious stretching you. “Oh fuck..” You cried out, your head falling back. You missed his smirk as Marshall moved to burrow into your neck; hotly mouthing at you and marking you up. His hips moved and touched places deep inside you. “I can see you again?” Marshall whispered. The pleasure rushing through you had you distracted for a moment as you shook. Your soaked, sensitive walls are tightening around him. “Yes…” You softly babbled. “Good..” He nearly purred before quickening his movements. He thrusted harder and deeper inside; hitting your spot again and again until he was taking your breath away.
“Such a good girl.” Marshall continued to whisper sweet nothings as your head fell back once more. Your breasts were bouncing with the movements as you wrapped your legs around his waist and brought him deeper. “Oh god…” You cried out, tugging on his hair a little as your climax finally ripped through you. It had you squirting around his cock as those thick fingers of his moved to quickly rub your soaked pussy. His own groans only grew louder as you softly pant.
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kanerallels · 1 year
For my 501st follower celebration, as requested by @auroramagpie here, no. 85 on the list: a The Dragon Prince Au I started and have no real intentions of finishing. Enjoy what there is of it!
Of all the absolutely ridiculous situations Kanan Jarrus had gotten himself into throughout the years, stuck in the middle of the Midnight Desert with little food or water and no idea how he was going to get out was probably at the top of the list. 
He’d had a good enough reason— being chased by Moonshadow assassins and Sunfire soldiers was always a good reason to go pretty much anywhere. But it had been barely two hours before he’d known that he was in big trouble. The scorching heat scrambled his thoughts, but Kanan had known that if he didn’t make it to an oasis by sundown, he would be in big trouble.
It was an hour from sundown when he collapsed.
Facedown in the coarse black sand, Kanan tried to remember why he’d thought sneaking back into Xadia had been a good idea in the first place. Something about research and discovering more about the elves, who the humans had been at war with for years? But all his mind could actually focus on was how thirsty he was.
Made some good time, he thought, attempting to marshall his thoughts. I should keep going. Something in the back of his head was trying to struggle through the fog, to remind him of… something. But his legs were heavy and with the sun getting lower, it was approaching a temperature that wasn’t instantly classified as scalding. It’s a good time to rest, Kanan decided.
And then he heard something hiss and suddenly remembered the other reason sane people don’t travel through the Midnight Desert.
Soulfang serpent! Shoving himself to his feet, Kanan scrambled backwards as a black snake burst out of the sand, its glowing green eyes fixed on him. “Karabast,” Kanan mumbled, racking his brain for a spell, for any possible way of fending this thing off. He’d lost his sword when the Sunfire elves had first caught up with him.
The serpent coiled itself, ready to lunge— and then jerked hard, and crumpled to the ground. Gaping at it, Kanan saw a knife embedded in its spine, pinning it to the ground.
“Are you alright?” someone shouted.
Kanan turned towards the voice— and yep, he was definitely dead or dying, or at least losing his mind, because he was pretty sure he saw an angel flying towards him. 
And that was when he passed out.
He was vaguely aware of time passing, although how much he couldn’t be sure. Once he opened his eyes to see the angel bending over him, her face twisted in concern. The only coherent thought in his mind slipped from his lips before he could stop himself— not that he was sure he could have, even if he tried. “If you’re a dream, I’m not sure I want to wake up.”
Her eyes widened in surprise, but before she spoke Kanan was already sinking back into blissful unconsciousness. His dreams swirled with vipers and elves and the fierce hot sun, swept away by swift and gentle wings.
Slowly, he struggled his way out of the thick fog of dream land, clawing his way to wakefulness. Dragging his eyelids open, Kanan blinked at the light of the sun shining through… leaves?
He pushed himself into a sitting position, rubbing the last of the sleep out of his eyes, and took stock of his surroundings. Palm trees dotted the sand around him, and at a distance he could see a series of stone spires set in a circle, a transparent blue film stretching between them. This must be one of the oases, Kanan guessed as he spotted the large pool of water a few yards away, glimmering in the sunlight.
Climbing to his feet, he noted that he’d been laying on a makeshift bed, crafted from palm fronds and a cloak. A strangely familiar cloak, he realized— it was his. He’d dropped it, along with his pack and his sword, when he’d been ambushed by the Sunfire elves.
And yet here it was. And as Kanan glanced around, he spotted his pack propped against another palm tree not too far away. His sword had been returned to its sheath and was set next to it. No sign of the other sword, Kanan noted as he moved over to the pack, pausing to rummage through it and make sure everything was still there. Which it was.
He’d only been awake a few hours, and he was already dealing with a number of mysteries. Judging by the position of the sun, it was late morning, so he’d survived the night— assuming it had only been one night. But who had brought him here?
Unbidden, a memory sprang to mind— a beautiful woman with wings and bright green eyes. Don’t be ridiculous, Kanan told himself. He had to have been hallucinating when he’d seen… well. He felt silly thinking she was an angel, but there really wasn’t any other logical conclusion that he could think of.
Doesn’t matter for now, he decided as he strapped on his sword. He’d refill his canteen at the oasis, see what he could scrounge up for food, and then figure out his next plan.
He made his way down to the water, first filling his canteen, then splashing his face and forearms with the cool water. It soothed his sunburn— which wasn’t as bad as he’d assumed it would be. Vaguely, Kanan recalled someone covering his burns in something cool and herbal smelling. Someone was here. But who? And where are they now?
“You’re awake.”
The low, melodic female voice sounded out of nowhere, and Kanan’s heart skipped a beat at the sound. Dropping his canteen, he spun around— and froze. He was staring at the angel from his dream. 
She stood a few yards away, but Kanan could tell she was a little shorter than him. She was also an elf— he realized that a split second after he saw her. So, not an angel, he thought wryly. Her pointed ears protruded from vibrant green hair twisted back in two braids, and her skin was a slightly lighter shade of green. Pale circular marks curved across her face. Her clothing was simple— she wore a leather vest, a white shirt underneath, orange pants and, oddly enough, a leather pad strapped to her shoulder.
And then there were her wings. The feathers were a tawny golden brown, stippled with flecks of green and orange. They were broad and clearly strong and incredibly beautiful.
In fact, she was incredibly beautiful in general, and Kanan suddenly realized that he’d been staring at her for far too long. And that he hadn’t even thought to draw his sword, despite the fact that she wore several knives on her belt. 
She arched a brow at him. “You can still talk, right?”
“Words fail me,” Kanan managed.
Her smile was like a sunrise after a cold night. “So they do.”
Marshaling his thoughts, Kanan said, “I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined you or not, honestly. Thank you, though, for saving my life— do I get a name?”
Tilting her chin up, she eyed him for a moment. “Hera,” she finally said. “And you are?”
“Hera,” Kanan repeated, savoring the word. “Nice to meet you. I’m Kanan. Can you tell me where we are? And how I can best get out of the desert?”
To his disappointment, her smile slipped away, replaced by a frown. “That depends,” she said, folding her arms. “What is a human doing on this side of the Breach? Or did you forget that the elves are at war with you?”
Karabast. Ironically, Kanan had momentarily forgotten about that. “I’m not here to hurt anyone—” he started, stepping forward.
Her hand shot to her belt, plucking a knife from its sheath and holding it at the ready. “Don’t take another step,” she said, locking eyes with him in a steely glare. “Lose the sword, now.”
“Okay, I will,” Kanan said, moving slowly to unbuckle his sword belt as his mind raced. “Look, I promise I’m not here to cause anyone any harm. I just came here to—”
“Steal?” Hera asked, lifting a familiar object— a sword, with a simple hilt holding a blue gem. As she unsheathed it, Kanan could see it glowed blue with heat. “What is a human doing with a Sunforge blade?” she asked coolly.
“Where did you find that?” Kanan asked, deciding to start with the basics as he dropped his belt into the sand.
“With the rest of your dumped gear,” Hera said calmly. “It was unusual enough that, luckily for you, I decided to search a little longer and see if I could find the owner. Not long afterwards, I spotted you.” Returning the blade to its sheath, she added, “And not two hours ago, I bumped into a group of Sunfire elves, searching for a thief.”
Kanan’s stomach lurched, but he kept his face calm. “And you told them that you found me?”
Her gaze flicked away from his, only for a second but long enough that Kanan realized what she was going to say before she spoke. “No. Not yet. I wanted to give you a chance to explain yourself first.”
(Author's note: for what it's worth I'm pretty sure he has a good reason. Do I remember the reason? No, no I do not. It might have actually been a sword that he commissioned, but the Sunfire elves found out that a human was buying it (and a really annoying one at that) and decided it was time to murder him a little bit, as you do.)
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almost-a-class-act · 7 months
I know you have better things to do, but will you sell me on why I need to start watching Justified?
Oh buddy. Oh pal. Where to begin.
I enjoyed it very much. There are six seasons, so lots of content, especially if you're in the mood to just deep-fry your brain in something not that deep for like a week and a half. There's lots of action! The characters are interesting! The villains are larger than life! The setting is basically a character in its own right, a thing I love in media! Timothy Olyphant and Jacob Pitts are all-time smokeshows and should probably make out about it!
But it is decidedly the Use of Excessive Force show. LOL. If you can kind of squint your eyes and treat it like the wild west show it wants to be and not you know, the little slice of copaganda that it is, then you're gonna love it. The central conflict, as it were, is the strange, intense relationship between US Marshal Raylan Givens and two-bit criminal mastermind Boyd Crowder, who can't seem to stop orbiting each other based on the fact that they *checks notes* once dug coal together. (Nobody knows what it means! It's provocative!)
As the show goes on, I would say there's more of a focus on what increasingly unhinged shenanigans Boyd and the other criminal elements are getting up to rather than just a tight focus on the Marshals. (Boyd's gf Ava is my favourite. Does she murder a man in the first fifteen minutes? Yeah. And we love it. Justified™.)
A whole slew of HBO War actors are in it, if that's a selling point for you. Jacob Pitts my beloved of course. Scott Grimes has a recurring part later on. Neal McDonough is in it a bunch, Rick Gomez. Dick Speight, Joe Mazzello a few times. Frank John Hughes turns up once.
There's lots of room in and around canon for writing fic, since I know you do some of that. I've been churning out HCs like they're paying me.
I hope this was helpful! It has to be better than my first draft, "An enumerated a list of times when Timothy Olyphant and Jacob Pitts could've made out with tongue and didn't". Hit me up if you watch it, we can yell about it.
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andromedadoesntwrite · 7 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
Thank you @bodyelectric77 for tagging me! I always love participating in these fun things. I am quite new to fanfic though (two months more or less) so I'll do my best to answer as much as I can <3
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
23,538 words
3-What fandoms do you write for?
The Hunger Games. But I'm not closed to maybe writing for others.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Cold Coffee
Fated From The Start
I've only published two atm :)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely love comments. No matter how long they are I appreciate them so much. To know that people read my stuff AND that they like it AND wanna let me know, it completely makes my day. So I try to answer all of them, even if its just to say thank you. I especially love when the commenter references a specific part of the fic that they liked or made them laugh. It hits a spot.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
at the moment I don't have any out. None of my fics have ended lmao. But something may or may not be in the works. Idk, not sure yet.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
once again, none of my fics have ended but I think Fated From The Start's will be the happiest.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
No at the moment, no. But if I keep writing its possible I will. But we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope. Not really my strong suit or focus when writing. I've written a few suggestive scenes but nothing too intense or graphic. It's very difficult to write good smut so kudos to all writers who do.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and hoping it stays that way lmao
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly Everlark. I really like both characters individually and think they're ship is pretty fitting. But if you had asked 12 year old me, she would've said Marshal lee from Adventure Time and me.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There's a piece about Katniss not liking Peeta back till they were much older and both married sitting in my drafts buuuut I don't think I'll ever get to finishing it.
16-What are your writing strengths?
I actually don't know lmao. At least I'm not sure when it comes to fics. But I've been told I'm good at evoking emotion when it comes to sadness in other pieces I've written. I guess I still have to develop them.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
I can get impatient quickly, leading me to sometimes not expand on something at first and just quickly writing it out. It sucks. And in the end slows me down even more. Since I have to come back and write things over. So a lot of times my descriptions fall short. It cringes me out when I read something back that I wrote in a hurry.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would love to. I'm actually trilingual but Spanish is my first language so I'd love to write a fic in it. I think some things are just better written in Spanish, at least for me. Maybe one day I'll include it in one of the fics.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
Fated From The Start! It's the one I spend more time in.
This was super fun and I'm tagging @thelettersfromnoone should they choose to do it, and anyone else who sees this since the rest of my mutuals have been tagged <3
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missroserose · 2 years
Whumptober Day 3: Impaled
“Sam!  Sammy.  Stay with me.  Sam—”
Sam’s eyes flutter open.  There’s something wrong, something big—big as his body, not-right like his body (bigger than Dean, Dean’s his big brother, he should never be bigger than Dean)—something in his body.  It’s not painful, really,  which should be good except that it’s not;  it’s that blunted edge, the adrenaline-dulled oh shit sensation that tells him something really bad has happened, Dean’s words fluttering haplessly nearby—
“Dean?”  His voice feels rusty, though he can’t have been dazed for long; they’re still in the cave—the lair—the ghoul had thrown them around, not fun but not unusual; he’ll have bruises tomorrow, he always does, Dean teasing him she must’ve been a wildcat in bed, Sammy, was that as fun as it looks—he hopes he hasn’t cracked a rib, he did that once he was eighteen and they fought a werewolf, went off to college with a sharp pain in his side every time he breathed deep for months—
“Sam.  You’re gonna be okay, you hear me?  I’m gonna get you out of here.”  
Dean’s using his don’t-you-dare-argue-with-me voice, the one that makes Sam marshal his thoughts into an argument on instinct, frustratingly fuzzy as they are.  “You and what—” He tries for a moment to think of the word, images of people carrying supine figures on stretchers, before they slip through his mind, desert sand through an hourglass.  “—pallbearers?”
“Don’t you fucking say that, Sammy—” The ragged edge of desperation in Dean’s voice wakes Sam up a little, forces his focus, and he finally manages to look down, and see the jagged end of wood sticking out from his lower abdomen.  Gut wound, his brain supplies, clinical, detached..  Probable perforation of lower intestine.  Survivable with access to proper treatment.  Otherwise, likely death due to either blood loss, infection, or sepsis.
“Hey.  Hey.”  Dean snaps his fingers, gets Sam’s attention, goes back to whatever it is he’s doing—winding frayed rope around wood, scraps from the ghoul’s lair.  “Remember that time with the naiad, when you got caught in the water and twisted your ankle and I had to carry you out of the cave?  You couldn’t have been more than fourteen, but you were already growing—God I wished we’d found the thing the year before, when you were still a skinny little stripling—”
“Fifteen,” Sam says, because clearly that’s the most important thing  right now.  And then, “You shoulda researched.  Naiads can cause flash floods.  Since they’re.  Water spirits.”  The words are becoming slippery, thoughts tangled like cooked spaghetti.
Dean waves a hand, goes back to whatever he’s doing  with the wood.   “Whatever, you were already a Sasquatch then—”
Dean, Sam tries to interrupt, but his mouth doesn’t want to form the word.
“—how much more of a Sasquatch can you be now?  Give me a minute to get this sledge together—”
“I’ll drag you out again, get you fixed up—”
“Dean.”  The word finally makes it out, importance breaking through the muzziness that’s settling over him.
Sam has to line up the syllables, make sure he can get them all out in a line.  It’s important, he knows, though the why of it all has receded into the mist.
“‘M not sorry.”
“‘Course you’re not, ‘cos if you hadn’t distracted that watery bitch when you did, she’d’ve turned me into Dean soup, and then you’d’a grown up without such a handsome bastard of an older brother—”
“No.  About—now.”  The words are thick on his tongue, and he swallows.  “Thirteen months ago.  Came with you when you asked.  Almost didn’t.”  He pauses, takes a breath, a stab of pain somewhere in the vicinity of his diaphragm.  “Not sorry.  Was eighteen months...I almost missed.”
“There’s gonna be plenty more.”  Dean’s voice has changed, from ragged cajoling to desperate confidence, that certainty that he can make things happen by sheer force of will.  “Don’t you give me those puppy eyes, Sammy, you’re not gonna be rid of me this easily.”  Thumps resonate through Sam’s head, as Dean knocks together a couple pieces of wood—or maybe that’s Sam’s heart, beating with wild gratitude at the way his brother’s glaring at him, as if daring him to even try dying—
“Don’t want to leave,” Sam manages, and though his eyes have closed he can almost hear the expression on Dean’s face change, the pause in the thumps as he processes this.  “Knew it could end like this—but it’s worth it—”
“No.”  That resolution again, quieter now, certain—the ragged desperation gone, the joking gone, nothing but pure reality, the world changing solely to accommodate Dean’s view of it.  “No, Sammy, we’re not gonna end like this.  Remember what you told me once?  We’re heroes, and heroes don’t die like this.”  Dean’s by his side now, grasping his hand.  “So just hang on. I’m gonna get you out of this, and I’ll get you to the hospital, and we’ll get you a shitty motel room, and I’ll find a gig to make some money and you’ll watch shitty cable TV and bitch at me every day when I bring home dinner.”  Sam can hear the smile.  “It’ll be a great vacation.  Just…stay with me, okay?  Promise me.”  The grip grows abruptly tighter.  “Promise me you’ll stay.”
Sam manages to flutter his eyelids open, shapes his lips around the words.  Hopes that the sudden warmth and pressure in his chest is solely affection, and not some new symptom, hemorrhaging or—he focuses on Dean’s eyes, on the certainty in his face.  “HBO,” he finally says.  “Not shitty cable.”
It’s worth the effort, the way Dean’s face lights up.  “For you, Sammy?  I’ll get us Cinemax.”
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
By all means if he wants to step away from music go ahead. I support him and I think he should be able to do as he pleases career wise. He shouldn’t be tied down to one thing forever. All artists grow and flourish. For example Rihanna and its Fenty beauty and Savage lingerie. Beyoncé with hair care and clothing. Lizzo with workout gear. 50 with movies and shows. I think he should be able to move in and do other and possibly bigger things that he sees for weather that be Moms spaghetti, production, or merch. But if he wants to do merch he needs to step it tf up. Because it’s all the same and it’s getting boring. Do a real menswear like. Do some new hat brand. Or focus on expanding his Resturant or team up with 50 for moves and shows or even put MORE energy into his record label because it could use it if he wants to do producing and not necessarily rapping on the mic.
And yea, he should hear his fans out. They are a big pet as to why he’s here and thriving. And no offense but especially the younger ones now. He had a whole new generation listening to him. He can either use it to his advantage and make another album or not. But to be putting merch out every week is crazy. Because who is keep that man in business? 🤨
As for footnote, I heard that Paul wanted him to do it because Paul’s SON plays the game and he got the idea from that so they r ached out to fortnite… but Paul isn’t Marshall. Why does he have to collab with Fortnite because of your son and you think it’s a good money maker? Marshall doesn’t belong in a kids game period. If anything they should’ve tried to get him to voice in GTA6 or have his music in the game somehow… that would been HUGE for him considering the gta situation with him from back in the day.
And I feel like he’s gonna lose that lawsuit. And tbh I HOPE he does. It’s stupid. I get you wanna go hard for your daughter but babes… they were a podcast first. They been around for a while. No one is confusing the two. Plus, if Hailie cares so much then she needs to be a big girl and sue them herself. Oh wait she can’t because she doesn’t even have permission to use the term shade by legality. Oop- and we all know he wouldn’t sue his own daughter. But I digress.
I feel like all of it is just Paul getting in his ear and it’s bad. The lawsuit is ruining his reputation and he’s just doing things no one cares about anymore. Like get it together please.
YES. I absolutely agree. Eminem has had an incredible career and if he wanted to stop, he should. By all means. If he wants to bless us with more music, I'm here for it too, obviously. But I feel like maybe there should be a proper way to do it. Like, if you want to stop, maybe announce it and quit keeping people on their toes ?
Also I LOVE the examples you have chosen, when it comes to artists expanding and doing something else successfully. Also... Shady Records COULD use some more energy. I think I saw something from Paul saying it was never meant to be a big thing anyway, but... If you're signing people, maybe put some actual energy into their projects ? Because you're not doing them a favor by pretending the musical industry works the same as the 90s and disregarding digital promotion. Just sayin...
I hate that they seem to be disregarding the newer generation of hip hop fans too. Like "your opinion doesn't matter, we've been here long enough". Like... Yeah but they're still the consumer base and even though they shouldn't tell you what rap is all about... Maybe just acknowledge that it is changing ? Also, these people do keep you afloat 😂
Em in GTA6 would have been perfect. And I'm digressing but I think not having him do voice actor work on some occasions (like some animated series or a video game) is a MISSED opportunity. Because very few people modulate their voice the way he does his.
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iammythmaker · 10 months
@setavvo I am surprised and confused, but I am very pleased. Thank you! This is a small WIP to my long fic.
"Rost tried to be a caring father, but sometimes it seemed to me …" She looked around, plunging into memories. "That he did not understand that the child needed not only a bowl of hot food and clothes with a bed. I never doubted his love. He loved me. As only he could. Protection. Shelter. Survival. Training without interruption. Sometimes I saw him take out a carved figure of a watcher, furtively rubbing it and examining it. You know, it was worn and chipped in many places, and the wood was slightly cracked where the tail and back joined. He hid it as soon as he saw me looking. I think the toy belonged to his daughter. It is possible that, despite the fact that part of him never lost love for his daughter and wife, he regretted that he was not with them, but were... well, where do they get to after death. Into the Void or into the Abyss. It doesn't matter. But the duty of the Mother of All is above all, as he told me. Apparently this and his love for me made him live and continue to breathe. But he just didn't find a place for… extra warmth between us. For frankness. For… I do not know how to explain it."
"He was hurt and he was lost. I'm glad he was able to take care of you. Need to have the courage to do this without relying on the past, no matter how much it hurts."
"Yes… but I… sometimes it was hard for me to accept his stubbornness. He believed in the Goddess. He did not accept the facts that indicated that the goddess did not exist. He talked about the stars, about the sun and about fire. About the path that the ancestors passed - Nora and why it is important. About the magic Mother's milk that spilled in the sky, so that children would always remember her maternal love. It was so important to him… I listened to these stories, taught them and repeated them word for word. I sang songs Nora. One day he led me to the wall, so that we would not be noticed. He left me alone in the grass and told me to listen. I listened to… poems and songs. It was sung by matriarchs and older women… it wasn't… important to me. They were about one thing: about motherhood, about military glory in protecting the tribe and in faith to the Mother Goddess. About how the earth and machines were born. There was nothing real about it, Kotallo. Rost said that I should know them, because I am a future woman from the Nora tribe." She smiled mirthlessly, pushing back the hair that hid her face from her forehead. She looked sideways and rubbed her neck, stirring the boiling water with herbs with her other hand. "I once told him that all his legends are mouse nonsense. Everything in them is not true, but this…" She touched her focus with her finger, "is the truth. He… became more silent than usual. Didn't talk to me, and then… left. Didn't come back until morning. Even more gloomy, and… He didn't talk to me for a long time. Only after a while did he say that I HAD to believe if I wanted to become part of the tribe. I was ten or so."
"I once heard the phrase, from Fashav: "Don't take away a person's faith, sometimes that's all they need to exist and live.""
She twisted her face, snorting indignantly.
"My rational mind doesn't quite understand that. You can live for other things: for a higher purpose. For the sake of saving the world." She appreciated the chuckle from his chest by nudging him. "Don't laugh, Marshal Who-Flying-on-the-wings-of-Ten. For… Revenge. Everyone is looking for what they like. But to believe in a creature or creatures that no one has seen… it's stupid. Irrational.
"You're right, you can't believe in GAIA either. According to this logic, it does not exist. Because no one, except our family, has seen it and cannot feel it. Well, or except for those with whom she spoke through focus. Do you get it, my wing?" Kotallo agreed and intercepted her hand, which was rushing to his shoulder. He kissed her knuckles and touched the inside of her warm palm with a smile. "How did we move from talking about your past to talking about higher powers?"
"You started provoking me." She grumbled.
"Sometimes songs… are songs. What the soul requires. Tenakth chose the word, but we sing if it's big celebrate, or we need to tune in to the battle or sing in honor of the Beginning of a new cycle. Each tribe has its own stories. And sometimes… you just have to listen and try to understand what is important to others. Here."
He touched the place where her heart was pounding.
"You're too wise for a man whose whole life is a battle."
"I can hear and have learned patience. In patience I learned to reason…"
She grunted, pulling him in for a kiss.
"I know… And I love you for that and for a thousand other reasons…"
@poulticepurse @poppypopp @hannahmationstudios @han-ban-bam @mancatrex @fogsblue but no pressure <3
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