#why are my tag games always 7 times as long as anyone else’s???
michellemisfit · 6 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @deedala @darlingian @suchagallabitch @energievie @creepkinginc @lingy910y @gembu-tortuesouscafeine @mickeysgaymom
1. if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do?
Hmmmm. If it was ‘anything’ I’d switch with something with wings. But if it has to be a person then I guess the next best thing? Like a Circe du Soleil arial performer? Yeah, I think that’d be cool, but also after an hour I’d be kinda done. Perfect.
2. whats your most trivial / dumbest hot take?
I don’t have baths after dark. No one should. The nighttime monsters are gonna get you, if you’re wet after sundown. I don’t make the rules 🤷🏽‍♂️
3. If you had to teach a college course what would it be in?
Something animal related. Or problem solving and problem prevention. Like, I always say you can’t teach common sense but… maybe I could try?? Cause I think I’d be pretty good at it! Maybe not college. Get them earlier. While they’re malleable. Teach them how to spot shit that’s about to hit the fan. And what they can do to prevent it! Teach them how to walk into a room and register the 13 things that need to be addressed / fixed / saved / cleaned before they walk back out of the room. Yeah. I’d be good at that.
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happening and you’ve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen?
I want them all to be settled and happy. I don’t need life to be perfect. But just…
I like Lip being into the building and decorating, but he’s soon gonna miss using his brain, so I’d like him to move into either the architecture side of things or the business management and franchising side of things.
I love Ian & Mickey being happily married forever and ever, and they’ve gone through so much shit, they should just get to be happy, but! I hate that all mentions of Ian’s bipolar were cut from season 11. This doesn’t just go away. Show me how well they deal with it now, but also how it’s still hard, and how it touches a part of Mickey’s hurt and trauma that he doesn’t want to achonowledge, and how sometimes it makes Ian self-loathing and mean and Mickey scared and angry, and when they get like this they lash out at each other. And then show me how, even when things are hard, they continue to fight for each other and choose each others, because they will ALWAYS choose each other.
Sandy is going to come back and Debbie and her are gonna make a real go of it.
Carl is going to buy and run The Alibi and it’s going to be awesome.
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology).
The Black Rabbit of Inlé.
Oh, there's no more to fear in death than in the changing of the seasons.
You all know how some rabbits seem just to throw their lives away between two jokes and a theft: but the truth is that their foolishness comes from the Black Rabbit, for it is by his will that they do not smell the dog or see the gun…But the truth is — or so they taught me — that he, too, serves Lord Frith and does no more than his appointed task — to bring about what must be. We come into the world and we have to go: but we do not go merely to serve the turn of one enemy or another. We go by the will of the Black Rabbit of Inle and only by his will. And though that will seem hard and bitter to us all, yet in his way he is our protector.
6. what’s something you love about yourself?
I’m funny, kind, competent, hard working, and creative. I hate myself a lot, but I’m also pretty fucking awesome. Two things can be true at the same time. I contain multitudes. 🤷🏽‍♂️
7. describe your day in 5 emojis:
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight?
Jimmy-Steve, Liam, and Fiona. Tommy, Kermit, and Kate. Iggy and Walter Milkovich (if they’re high, which they will be). Also Karen, Ned, and Kash.
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie!
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name?
Mouse was named after Michael ‘Mouse’ Tolliver (Tales of the City) by Ruth and after Mouse the Temple Dog from Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files by me. Full Name: Mouse McFeathers.
Howard was named after the foreman in charge of a big building project at the farm, at the time when we rescued him as a kitten. Howard Alan Crisp, giving his name to our three kittens Howard, Alan, and Crispy. Full Name: Howard ‘Bonk Bonk’ Bambino.
Wiggins was named after the cyclist Bradley Wiggins, because he was big at the time, and it was better than Froome, which was the other name on the table, and closest to Arthur, which is what I wanted to call him. In the end we let Mouse choose by writing all the names on pieces of paper, folding them up, and picking the one she swiped off the table. Full Name: Wiggins Dangerbean.
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence
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12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order?
Chai Latte
I would like to tag @suzy-queued @vintagelacerosette @sam-loves-seb @lupeloto @shameless-notashamed @transmickey @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @francesrose3 @jademickian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @metalheadmickey @gardenerian @callivich @celestialmickey @look-i-love-u @rutherinahobbit @palepinkgoat @whatthebodygraspsnot @depressedstressedlemonzest @rereadanon @the-rat-wins @tsuga-of-mars @too-schoolforcool or just hand you a flower and let you pet a puppy 🐶
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charmedcleric · 4 months
Get to know your tav!
I was tagged by the lovely @auspex-author Thank you so much for the tag!
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Her name is Athena and she is my war domain cleric of eilistraee. Her character sheet is here and this post is very long so I’ll put most of it under the cut! Once I start talking about my tavs I literally can’t stop, also I talk about her relationship with rolan a little bit so that’s why he’s tagged <3
What is your tav’s….
favorite weapon?
- Athena’s favourite weapon is a longsword you find in act 1 called the Phalar Aluve
style of combat?
- She is usually in the frontline swinging her singing sword while casting spirit guardians. She also loves ambushing, as it’s a great way to get advantage over others
most prized possession?
- Athena has two lockets that she wears 24/7. One locket was a gift to her from her mother. The other locket belonged to her sister. Athena’s mother had a tradition to get each of her children a matching locket with a photo of the family in it to remind them that no matter what happens they are with them all the time. As Athena’s parents and sister had passed away she had both the lockets on her at all times to feel close to her family
deepest desire?
- To have a family of her own. She was orphaned at the age of 14 and became her little sisters full time carer. 4 years later her sister got very ill, so Athena became a cleric to help look after and heal her.
Her healing magic helped her sister stay alive for 5 years until her sister Rose succumbed to her illness and passed away. Athena felt empty as she now had no family left and she felt as if she had failed as a cleric. She would love nothing more than to have a family to call her own, yet it’s one of the things she fears most as she doesn’t want to let anyone else down
guilty pleasure?
- Athena’s guilty pleasure is gossiping, she knows she shouldn’t but she loves listening in on others business. Her, astarion and shadowheart basically have a gossiping club at this point where they tell each other all the juicy stuff
best-kept secret?
- That she is a sword dancer of eilistraee. A sword dancer is a specialized priestess (cleric) of Eilistraee. Athena had been a follower of eilistraee since she was little but once her sister died leaving her to be the last in her family, she felt as if the only thing she had left was her religion. She decided that she wanted to become a sword dancer. As she already lived on the surface becoming a sword dancer was slightly easier as to become one you must spend at least a month on the surface dancing each moonlit night for eilistraee and you had to witness dawn at least once.
She also went and offered her services at the Promenade of the Dark Maiden, she wasn’t there for long before she was taken by the nautiloid.
greatest strength?
- Her dedication, when she puts her mind to something or she wants something she will get it
fatal flaw?
- She blames herself a bit to much and she shuts down while doing it. This is seen when rolan yelled at her in the shadow lands and even after saving the tieflings from moonrise she still wasn’t herself and became very quiet for some time although she didn’t let that stop her from her task of infiltrating moonrise towers
favorite smell?
- She loves the smell of freshly baked bread, it reminds her of home when her mother would bake bread for the family in the mornings
*bit of post game lore of Athena x rolan hehe* when Rolan found this out he always made sure that there was bread being freshly baked in the kitchen each morning, nothing made him happier than seeing the smile on Athena’s face each and every morning. Of course when Athena would ask him if he was doing it for her and if he would ask them to also make some of her other fav bakery goods, he would of course deny what she said and tell her to not be greedy lmao
favorite spell or cantrip?
- She loves AOE spells such as glyph of warding and flame strike
pet peeve?
- She hates lying, she can usually see through people when it comes to lying and she makes sure that they know she isn’t happy especially if it’s someone she considers a friend or someone she has more intimate feelings for
bad habit?
- When she is nervous or stewing over something she plays with her hair and pulls out strands of her hair. The only companion that called her out on it was karlach, but as this was a habit Athena wasn’t actually aware she was doing she dismissed karlach’s worry
She was then called out by rolan which made her kinda pull back, shocked he would notice something like that (she thought he hated her) she was now well aware she was doing it and actively tries to avoid doing it. She also went and apologized to karlach for dismissing her worry
hidden talent?
- She is really good at lock picking , she likes to joke that she could give astarion a run for his money which he doesn’t agree with of course. She never lets him forget about when he was struggling to open a chest and after like 100 goes Athena had a go and immediately lock-picked it lmao (based on when astarion failed lock-picking like 20 times and then when i got Athena to have a go she got a NAT 20 lol)
leisure activity?
- Painting/drawing and singing. Before she became a cleric she would paint and sell her artwork on the city streets of waterdeep that’s how she made money to keep her and her sister alive. Now whenever she gets a free chance she will sit down and draw/paint landscapes until the sun goes down. And while she is painting she will be singing or humming along to one of her favourite songs
favorite drink?
- She loves a plain cup of coffee, she has a lot on her mind and she feels coffee helps her to relax, although some people might beg to differ
comfort food?
- Her comfort food is her mums homemade soup, whenever she has the time and ingredients she will make it as it reminds her of home and brings her immense comfort
favorite person(s)?
- Athena has multiple favourite people and all for different reasons. Her most favourite person though would have to be rolan. Even though they had a rocky relationship when they first met, Athena was nothing but nice to rolan, she admired the love he had for his family (a value she thinks is very important). They ended up getting together after the fall of the absolute.
After the fall of the brain, Athena went to rolan to catch up and to tell him that she was going back to waterdeep and well Rolan kinda lost it and confessed his feelings for her right then and there.
-Jaheira is another one of her favourite people. Athena views jaheria as a mother figure and was on the verge of tears when Jaheira first started calling her cub. Anyone around could see that Jaheira was very important to Athena and that she was the mother figure Athena wished she still had in her life
*more Athena x Rolan lore cause I’m obsessed with them lol* when Rolan was thinking of asking Athena to marry him, he went and asked Jaheira for her blessing as he knew the importance of their relationship
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic)?
- platonic: she loves hugs, especially giving them,
-romantic: hugs, hand holding and kisses on the cheek
fondest childhood memory?
- Playing at the local park with her family just before her parents passed away, it was one of the last times as a family and the last time she truly felt carefree and happy
free-response! Is there anything else about your Tav you'd like to share?
- She LOVES reading, once she opens a book it’s all over, you’ve lost her lol you won’t hear from her until she’s finished said book (that’s mainly cause she actually struggles to read and takes forever to finish) it’s one thing that she missed most while traveling to baldur’s gate as she had no time to just sit down and read for hours
Tagging: @esolean @lanabenikosdoormat @commander-krios @orangekittyenergy and anyone else who’d like to do it! I love reading about people’s tavs
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Game: 10 first lines challenge
Tagged by the lovely @confusedshades
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
1. The Kids from Yesterday: Jason couldn’t suppress the whine that tore out of his throat as he regained consciousness.
2. Diadromous: Jason doesn’t jump when the water in front of him is suddenly disturbed by a dark shadow and two clawed hands find purchase on the edge of the dock either side of his hips, it’s something that happens far too frequently to surprise him anymore.
3. Posterity: “Damian has formed an unhealthy attachment to you. My Father and I believe it is time to put your plan into action in Gotham. You will be leaving immediately.”
4. The Trouble with Instincts: Jason blamed the fundraising lunch Bruce decided to throw for the community centre in crime alley for his current predicament, ignoring that it had been his idea in the first place.
5. Unexpected News: Jason had felt off kilter for the past few days, more off kilter than normal that was.
6. That's Where You're Wrong: Jason didn’t turn to look at Donna as she sat down next to him, just kept staring at Dick smiling with Kori and Kyle.
7. Damn the Man, Save the Empire: Dick woke up alone and for a horrible moment thought the previous night hadn’t mattered, that Jason had taken off like he always did and Dick would be left to deal with the fallout and everything that happened on his own. Again.
8. Fake Out: “Why did you run?” His therapist looks at him over the top of her glasses, momentarily pausing the notes she had been scrawling.
9. Valentine's Day: Dick didn’t know what he was doing, well no, he did know what he was doing, he was breaking into Jason’s apartment (his actual apartment, not a safehouse) with the intention of leaving a box of handmade chocolates he’d picked up with Alfred when they’d visited the out of town farmers market.
10. Gay's the Word: Before he died, the only thought Jason had given to his sexuality was staring at Dick’s chest in the goddamn Discowing suit and realising he might not be completely straight.
Okay, so I like long opening sentences 😂 I also seem to favour writing/starting to write from Jason's POV, and either start right away with an action or with dialogue. This was actually pretty interesting to do ☺️❤️
No pressure tags: @stevieraebarnes @lychee-not-dead-yet and anyone else who wants to do it
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mostlymaudlin · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers 💫
thank you @decaflondonfog for the tag !! ill tag @sillyunicorn @starwarned @urban-sith @tea-brigade
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
98!! (woah) plus an unrevealed t&n fest fic, so 99. wow i need to do something rly crazy for 100 lol. what if i do a ridiculous crossover of all my fandoms and everyone in the fandom tags will hate me. 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
544,914. (again. woagh)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly all for the game and simon snow series, have dabbled in & posted even less for check please, captain america, and one direction! i feel like i’m missing something but regardless my fixations are hardcore, so all except like 4k of that posted wc is for either aftg or ss hahahha
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
all are andreil! boyfriend privileges (4k, T) / Trigger (62k, E) / flashes of intimacy (10k, t) / Would you still love me if I was a worm? (6k, T) / Inside Thoughts (1k,T)
man this is long, rest is going under the cut lol
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
not very often, but i wish i did. i am stricken with a combination of being really awkward when people are nice to me & being bad at interacting with anyone in ways i fear could be perceived as ingenuine. im not sure if that makes sense LMAO. and sometimes when i put a story out, i kind of feel like i’ve said my piece — i’ve put so much into it that i don’t really know what else to say!
anyway, i always reply to questions, because that’s got clear social boundaries hahaha, and i DO love talking abt my stories!! and sometimes i’ll reply to comments that really get me thinking. but yeah, i know i reply less than i could, and i want to like double down on the fact that i am endlessly grateful for everyone who has ever left a comment on my work <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i have killed simon snow twice lmfao. i’d actually classify icarus as rather hopeful — it’s about grief & healing. but legacies is just fucked up lmfao
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh man, i write a lot of happy endings haha. i feel like even when my story is tonally darker (rare), it still has a happy or at least hopeful ending. this is probably not the correct answer, but i think sing of the moon has a really vividly happy ending. like — the sun rises for the first time in the whole fic! amazing. or maybe my high school au, We Can Live Forever, which is just the happiest thing i’ve ever written. 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, thankfully! people are smartasses sometimes but overall ive been lucky. there have been a couple of fics where ive winced before hitting post, but it usually ends up fine
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yessss. i guess i mostly write tender smut, bc i write tender things in general. i think my smut tends to be rather exploratory/playful as well? intentionally sloppy and awkward choreography hahaha
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
sort of LOL. once upon a time i was betaing @tea-brigade's medieval snowbaz au, Reliquary of an Arsonist, and there’s this part where three highway bandits mug simon and baz and then get blasted by simon’s chosen one magic. i am sick in the head so im in the google doc like “lol what if its kandreil.” and then i was like… what if it was kandreil….. and so i wrote Reliquary of a Bandit
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don’t think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!! and i’m really thankful for everyone who has done so <3333 shoutout to russian aftg translators, yall go HARD
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i recently collaborated with @thewholelemon on our episode of Star Trek: Redemption, Heart-Shaped Box. by which i mean: i wrote the outline & a few scenes, got really overwhelmed, and jenny turned it into something worth reading! 
i also wrote Good Boy in the snowbaz stoner verse with @starwarned, which was rly fun — we sat in the google doc for like, 5 hours trading back and forth on POVs as we wrote pure porn together LOL. it’s funny to think about this, because lauren knows like everything abt me now but we did not know each other as well back then!!! and we were just like “yeah lets write porn together” hahahahha 
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
right now it is deeefinitely andreil… they are everything to me for reasons i just cannot possibly be brief about LOL so ill just leave it at that
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a postcanon snowbaz time travel/time loop wip that i was going to try to write for COBB this year but i fucked up the deadlines then the brainrot was like “guess that means more andreil !”. i did SO MUCH research for it and i think it’s rather clever and smutty and fun bc they are yeeted back to watford era! but it’s also dealing with snowbaz, who are in their late 20s and are like in a relationship low point/actively fighting when they end up in the loop… so they are dealing with that tension at the same time as they are trying to get out of the loop. and also fucking around watford to fulfill fantasies HAHAHA
16. What are your writing strengths?
characterization is the thing i care most about! and i think that’s the draw of fanfic in particular to me — i love getting such a grasp on a character that i can translate them into endless situations while still making them feel true to self. i rarely let myself publish anything until i can read through the whole thing without any he would not fucking say that moments hahahha. this is of course pertaining to my own interpretations of the characters, which is the only thing i care abt lmfao
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i rely a lot on body language because im always writing abt reticent fuckers who cant use their words. but i think i sometimes overcompensate, or describe actions that don't actually fit the scene. i've seen this described as "cheek-biting" -- like, throwing in action during a conversation just to delay the pacing/further the tone, but when you really look at it, it's not necessary. (cheek-biting being like, "character bites at their cheek" in the middle of a tense conversation)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don’t really know any other languages! i think i’ve put a little bit of french in neil/kevin/baz POVs before, but my french knowledge is elementary at best. love the idea of it though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
one direction babyyyyyyyy !! i wrote quite a bit of it in like 2012-2015 but published very little. there’s 1 on my ao3, some lost somewhere on fanfiction.net (i dont rmr my username lol), and tons in my folders from my old laptop lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
hmmmmm. im gonna cheat bc i cant pick a single favorite. i always say i think No Turning Back is some of my best writing from a craft standpoint, and it also includes my favorite type of conflict (andrew self-destructing lol). however, i reread both that fic & We Can Live Forever on a plane trip recently after not having touched either for 6+ months — and the solidness of We Can Live Forever actually surprised me, especially because i wrote the majority of that fic while i was stoned and also view it as just exceedingly silly. the world of it is just very rich, and also very very different from the typical character backstories, and i’m very proud of how much that reread played with my heartstrings.  
ok last one — there are several installments of my flashes of intimacy series that i come back to a lot, because i’m proud of what they each accomplish in 500 words. especially because i often turn to those when im trying to express my own emotions lol. specifically, my favorites are picking fights, i don’t mind, swimming lessons, and practicing gratitude.
that was such a bullshit and cocky way to answer this lmfaooooo. but tbh i am my own biggest fan and that is by design — i write stuff so that i can reread it months later and have it be perfectly catered to my tastes. i love all my fics <3
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im-immortal · 4 months
WIP Whenever — tagged
tagged by @galadrieljones // thank you!! 💕
I’m currently only working on the next chapter of Small Miracles, which is actually coming along quite nicely! Here’s an excerpt from the next chapter, Part 7: The Train Tracks (I know it’s long, but the chapter is long so this is pretty equal to an excerpt haha):
The sound of the storm door creaking open behind them draws their attention and they both swing their heads around to look. Gale steps out onto the porch, but he keeps one hand on the door as he holds it open, his other hand pressed to his throat.
“Tell her the truth, Mae.”
Mae scowls and turns back to the rope in her hands. “Mind your own business, Biter Boy.”
Beth glances back and forth between the two with confusion. Mae appears frustrated while Gale appears… well, like Gale. Simplistic in his ways, never hiding his emotions but always speaking what he thinks.
Her comment doesn’t faze him. “I am. It’s my business, too. And Beth’s. If you won’t tell her, I will.”
Mae heaves a sigh of frustration and annoyance.
“Tell me what?” Beth asks.
“Nothing,” Mae mumbles.
Gale starts, “She was listenin’ to the radio earlier, before sunrise, and—”
“Stop!” Mae interrupts, chucking her short length of rope to the ground and standing to her feet, spinning around to face Gale as though she is about to leap forward and hit him. “She doesn’t need to know! We don’t need more shit to worry about, okay? We just need to keep moving, that’s it.”
Beth remains seated, frozen and trying to figure out what’s going on. When Mae glances over at her, she locks eyes with the teenager and firmly asks, “Mae, what did you hear on the radio?”
“Nothing,” Mae lies. It is so obviously a lie.
“Mae. Tell me what you heard. You know I’m runnin’ from the CRM, too. If you keep this kinda stuff from me, it’s not just your life that’s in danger.”
“I’m not—”
“Stop being selfish, Mae. It’s not just you anymore. It’s us. All three of us. Tell me right now.”
Mae narrows her eyes defiantly, jutting out her chin. “Or what?”
Beth huffs out a breath of disbelief. “Seriously? You wanna play the rebellious teenager right now? I’m not yer parent or yer big sister. This isn’t a game that we play.”
“No, but you’re my sister-in-law.” Mae raises her eyebrows, and for a second, Beth thinks she can see tears beginning to well up in her deep brown eyes. “Right? So we’re family.”
Beth purses her lips and swallows. She slowly stands to her feet, stepping back a few inches and reaching out to grasp the railing of the porch to steady herself. Hearing it said aloud has suddenly made it seem so… real.
“Yes. We’re family,” she says quietly, voice shaky. She clears her throat and steadies it before continuing, “And that means we look out fer each other. We care about each other. We’re honest with each other.”
Mae’s lower lip is trembling and suddenly, Beth recognizes the look in her eyes that she has been trying to discern all this time that they’ve been sitting together.
It is fear.
“Mae,” Beth says gently. “Please. You have t’tell me. Otherwise, I can’t help.”
“Fuck,” Mae hisses out, turning away and attempting to discreetly wipe away the tears. She sniffles and takes a deep breath. Then she faces Beth once again and vividly gulps. Her voice escapes weak and strained as she admits, “I heard… I heard the soldiers talking to their boss. They-they’re looking for Burke.”
Beth frowns but doesn’t say anything, a crease forming in her brow.
“Burke,” Mae clarifies, “the one who—”
“No, I remember. But why… why’re they lookin’ for him?”
“He’s gone rogue. I think he’s hunting me.
tagging @pipergirl17 @spield @mistressheroine @deerdens @weapon13whitefang @xx-cherryballerina & anyone else who wants to do it 🥰
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my wips
i wanted to organise and share my wips and i am actually sorry to whomever has ever tagged me in a tag game, i actually just don't know how to do them✨ if anyone is curious about any of these please do drop me an ask because i do love the sound of my own voice/sight of my own words and will provide detail 😌
okay so we have britcedes (rip to them ig) to start off, rn trying to figure out how the actual fuck i will write lewis' move to ferrari into them:
End Game: okay so a/b/o au where lewis is coparenting his son with his ex (teammate and boyfriend, buy 1 get 1 free) nico rosberg. lewis might have a lot on his plate but he finds himself attracted to his new teammate (he has a bit of a type) and against his better judgement they start up a "thing". what lewis doesn't realise george is absolutely head over heels in love with him and has been for YEARS. but george tries to play it cool, he fails, shit happens, gax happens (yes okay i don't want to fumble with this, max is incredibly complex in this but i still love him in it) but yes they get their end game of course.
Chasing Silver: set in canon universe, starting from the 2021 season. honestly like yeah that's it. i think this fic is just an excuse to ramble about their racing and ever shifting dynamics.
My Girl: OH THIS FIC. its absolutely one of my favourites if not the favourite. so lesbian britcedes, lady louise hamilton is the first black and female driver to make it to f1 and she is the champion of the sport. its 2022, she has won 7 wdcs and is looking for one more but it is just not clicking, neither is her personal life really. love left her a long time ago, walked away on 6 inch red stilettos. but enter george russell (yes her name is george and no it is NOT short for georgia and yes she will correct you on that every single time) louise's new teammate alex albon's race engineer. all george ever wanted was everything and being louise's girl might just give it to her or maybe it will be what takes it it all?
then there is gax my beloveds, i adore writing them, gax nation will always have my loyalty, i really want them to give me more this season:
Lovely: this is a/b/o, childhood sweethearts, non-driver george, son of toto wolff au i have shared snippets of before. writing this fic feels never ending and i am slowly losing my mind haha but its still! my! baby! and! i! won't! abandon! it!
Mad Max's Princess: this is pure self indulgent fluff. girl george who is once again is casted as alex albon's race engineer in this fic. her (mostly) loving boyfriend of 10 years is none other than rival team red bull racing's star and the reigning world champion. the guy they have to beat to get her driver and team to the top. oh when the love of your life is your biggest fan and your biggest hater. this is gax, of course hijinks ensue.
Fire & Blood: medieval fantasy/game of thrones (a song of ice and fire for the ones who know) au with a/b/o dynamics. mercedes are the rulers of the land and their dragons' fire melted the gold in their crowns and the moulded their iron throne. but a dragon can die and a dragon can be killed. a dragon can be shot from the sky and brought down to earth or a dragon can be trapped in a dungeon till it can fly no more. a dragon's neck can be pierced by a lion's teeth.
galex because okay who am i to argue against true love and george's russell's wishes:
Hell is a Teenager: this is a pretty dark fic where i actually do some social commentary on the a/b/o universe. so george and alex are neighbours and the best of friends who are just on the edge of more. at 14 george presents as an omega and is shipped off to an all-omega private boarding school. alex doesn't hear from him till their final year of high school and all of a sudden george is back in town. he is not the same boy that cried in alex's arms the night before he left begging for him to love him. george has changed even if no one else can tell, what happened in there? why is he back? why does alex's heart still give a stutter when he looks into those blue eyes? even if those eyes no longer sparkle. *sigh* yeah this is a toughie
lastly there is my landoscar wip, they write themselves into ffs not us:
The Only Exception: another a/b/o au (one hit wonder i know), basically its the good boy/play boy trope. lando can't get his shit together and oscar is too oblivious for his own good. it would be angst if they weren't so incredibly adorable and down bad for each other.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 1 year
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Hi! I’m Losty. 👋
A few things about me:
My username is a play on the line “we’re just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year” from Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here. Chronic illness has kept me isolated and lonely and that somehow seemed to express the feeling.
I started writing the kind of comfort and fluff I needed in my own life. I started sharing my writing in case anyone else needed some comfort too.
If you ever want to talk, feel free to send me a message or an ask.
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My Writing
I’m currently fixated on Stranger Things, and most of my stories take place in a post-s4 alternate universe where Vecna was defeated and everyone (from s4) survived… especially my beloved Chrissy and Eddie, who inspired me to start writing again in the first place.
Work(s) In Progress:
📬 Since I Found You - updated 5/30
No-UD AU. After an amicable breakup with Mike, El forges a bond with her new penpal Gareth.
Completed Works:
🏀 Vecna Can Wait (one-shot; 5k wc) No-UD AU. Eddie postpones The Cult of Vecna, and the Hellfire Club goes to the championship game.
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 GreatMage: The Series
🪽 Next Time I Fall (24 chapters; 83k wc) The story of how El “Weirdo Girl” Hopper and Gareth “Junior Freak” Emerson went from just friends to something more.
🎶 Next Time I Fall chapter title playlist
🕸️ Lost and Found and Turned Around (7 chapters; 31k wc) In the winter of 1988, El reunites at last with her long lost sister Kali.
🪻 With a Little Help From My Friends (84 chapters; 207k wc)
Covering two years after spring break ‘86, this collection of stories intertwines into a (long) tale of found family, love, support, overcoming challenges, forgiveness, and the power of friendship.
🪷 Father of Mine: The Series
Why Should I Cry For You (one-shot; 3k wc) Eddie’s father briefly reappears in his life. It doesn’t go well.
Bereaved (two-shot; 4k wc) Eddie, helped by his friends, deals with the death of his father.
Into the Shining Sun / Breathing (9 chapters; 21k wc) in Shining Sun, Eddie meets some estranged family he never knew he had. Breathing is a short postscript to chapter 5 of Shining Sun.
Gone Away (8 chapters; 14k wc) a love letter to uncle Wayne, as he takes little Eddie in and learns to care for him.
🌺 55 Fiction Collection
55 stories of 55 words each.
🌸 The Stone (one-shot; 1.5k wc)
Max Mayfield isn’t afraid of anything, except maybe being vulnerable.
🪴 Signed, Sealed, Delivered (one-shot; 2k wc)
A collection of letters written back and forth between Eddie and Chrissy while she’s away at school.
🍁 Darkness Before the Dawn (one-shot; 3k wc)
Hawkins may be right side up again, but Eddie is still upside down. His friends are there to help him through some of his darkest days.
🌴 Tattoos and Trash Talk (one-shot; 1k wc)
Eddie and El bond over being weirdos.
🌼 Not-so-iron Maiden (one-shot; 1k wc)
Max finally has the big brother she’s always wanted.
🌻 the shield and the shepherd (one-shot; 2k wc)
In this no-Vecna AU, Chrissy learns first to stand and then to fly.
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Silly Corroded Coffin and Other Assorted Headcanons:
Use the tag below “losty headcanons” to read the collection! 😜
Commissioned Artworks:
Use the tags below “little help: artwork” - “eleverson artwork” - or “stali artwork” to see the collection!
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strayheartless · 4 months
For the character ask thing you have pinned, Leon from Kingdom Hearts, if you feel up to it perhaps? I love your writing, I spent the other day scrolling through your KH tag in light of taking turns playing through the first game with my partner and accidentally reviving the interest in it.
Don’t mind me just getting emotional over here! I’m really glad you enjoyed my writing, it means so much to me when you guys interact! ❤️❤️❤️
YES! We love and appreciate Squall “Leon” leonhart in this house!
Sexuality Headcanon: Demisexual. Squall need a deep connection with someone to be able to see himself being intimate with them or having a future. I think he probably went through a very frustrating period in his teenage years where everyone else was beginning to get obsessed with sex and relationships and he just couldn’t get his head around why anyone would want to be touched like that so casually.
Gender Headcanon: cis gendered. Although I don’t think he’s actually ever thought much about it. What Leon knows is he wouldn’t feel comfortable in a skirt, that’s about it. That being said I do vibe with Trans Leon/Squall fics from time to time. I’m not adverse to Trans male Leon at all.
A ship I have with said character: STRIFEHART!!!! Ahem. Sorry. I’m a strifehart lover and I blame @liverpepper and @letoasai for that completely. But also I’ve liked the idea of them for a long time.
A BROTP I have with said character: bit of an odd one but probably Leon and Riku. I feel like Riku could get a lot from a friendship with Squall, if only because Leon understands guilt and destiny.
A NOTP I have with said character: squall/Leon X Seifer. Don’t vibe with it in ffviii and I certainly don’t vibe with it in KH. Also not a big fan of Leon and Aerith, nor am I paticularly big on Leon and Tron. I tend to find Squall is not all that easy to ship with just anyone. He’s like a skittish colt, you’ve got to approach him slowly with a big net
A random headcanon: oh, errrr… Leon pulls at his hair when he’s stressed and concentrating. This leads to tension headaches and migraines and it can often incapacitate him for a while cause he doesn’t know when enough is enough.
General Opinion over said character: Leon was my first love. The first proper video game I ever watched my brother play, and then played myself was Kingdom Hearts. Maybe it was the fact that he was voiced by David Boreanaz (angel from buffy) in the original, and that is a voice I’d grown up hearing, but there was always something about Squall that Fascinated me. Maybe it’s the cool guy effect I dunno man but I OBSESSED over him from like the age of 7 onwards. Took me a long time to stop calling him Leon, which used to irritate my brother. But I liked that he looked after Sora even though he was grumpy, and that he was grieving grate loss but helping people around traverse town.
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bitbybitwrites · 8 months
fic writer 20 questions - ask game
I was tagged by @kurtsascot - Thanks for thinking of me!💖
tagging the following to answer, only if they want to : @heartsmadeofbooks, @gleefulpoppet, @forabeatofadrum, @rockitmans, @hkvoyage @myheartalivewrites, @clottedcreamfudge @lady-divine-writes, @yadivagirl @kirakiwiwrites @scatter-the-stars @spaceorphan18, @1908jmd @little-escapist and anyone else who may be interested - jump on in!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. whats your ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Right now, just Glee. But I'm contemplating branching out (*cough RWRB cough*) 😉
4. top 5 fics by kudos
1.) If I Can Make Your Heart My Home 2.) Under The Cover of Darkness 3.) Trick of Treat 4.) Come Into My Parlor 5.) Klaine Drabbles and Shorts
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I do! Sometimes it takes me awhile respond, but I like to. I really appreciate when folks drop a comment. I know it's easy to hit kudos and move on, but when a reader adds just a little more, it's a nice thing to see. Like you've taken just a little extra time to let me know what you are thinking, if you are frustrated, if you're happy, if you all are getting the same feeling as readers as I do as a writer - it's nice to see and I like to acknowledge that the reader has done that.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ending? Well I seem to deposit my angst in the middle of fics - so if we are talking about endings that's a tough call. I'm not sure if it would be considered angsty . . but Come Into My Parlor doesn't really have a happy ending - so maybe that one?
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ahhhh . . most of my fics have ended happily - I don't know what the happiest one is. Maybe Under The Cover of Darkness?
8. do you get hate on fics?
No . . I mean I've had some very passionate responses towards characters and what they've done in fics - but nothing that was a disparaging take on my writing style as a whole.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
*blushing* ok . . yes. No PWP written as of yet, but I've had some smut in my fics - though I'm on the fence as to how good I am at it. 😂. I'm getting better! (or at least trying!) I've written mature and explicit scenes in fics . . dabbled a little with some bondage and D/s . . not sure how to answer this "what kind" of smut part of this question 😂
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
So far, have only written one. It was and Adams Family/Glee fic inspired by a drawing by @justgleekout called Dancing In The Moonlight. Now was it the craziest? Well it certainly wasn't a crossover I would have ever expected to write- but it really kind of made sense once I saw the artwork and thought about it for a bit.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. If anyone sees anything, let me know!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Same answer to 11. Not to my knowedge.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not at this time. More of a solo writer. I tend to take a long time to write and I think I'd frustrate the hell out of any poor person matched up to write a fic with me.
As an aside, when you talk about being paired up with another person for a challenge - like someone else provides the prompt/art and you need to fill in the rest - its both very exciting and nerve wracking for me at the same time. I've only done 2 of those so far (my current WIP - the Reverse Prompt challenge and a Secret Santa challenge.) There's always this part of me that's worried that I'm going to disappoint whoever I'm paired up with - will I live up to their expectations to what they are hoping the finished fic will turn out to be. Will my ideas go beyond what they wanted, if I have to tweak or changes to the original prompt, will they be open to it/ my interpretation of the prompt? I guess in my head if its something I'm writing on my own, I only have myself to disappoint if the finished product isn't quite right.
14. fave all time ship?
Right now I'm big into in my Klaine and Firstprince era 😂. I love those boys.
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
Right now the WIP I all have I intend to finish - just gotta find the time.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Maybe dialogue. I think most of my dialogue feels very natural. I think I'm pretty good at editing. Brainstorming ideas?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Spelling. The use of an ellipsis 😂 Timing . . .I'm horrible with deadlines.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I don't mind doing it. I just make sure to add some sort of translation for it somewhere. Either along side ( like having the english translation in parenthesis next to the foreign language parts ) or in the end notes of a fic.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. fave fic youve written?
I really enjoying my current WIP - If I Can Make Your Heart My Home but aside from that since its not technically completed yet, I have to say I really enjoyed writing All Aboard. It probably is overstuffed with call backs to the show, which I love seeing in any fics (call backs to whatever the source material is) - and it was fun trying to craft the story without giving too much of it away at once so the ending (hopefully) will be a surprise?
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livingincolorsagain · 9 months
hello dear! so for the asks game:
1. My favorite fic of yours: favorite choices and rough surfaces
2. My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours: a close call but chapter 4 of careless whisper has my heart
3. The best character you've written for: sam and bucky I'm not choosing. you write them both perfectly
4. The best ship you've written for: sambucky duh
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to: none obviously. (can you say the same, a? can you?)
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: TOO MUCH. bucky's monolgue from ch4, they chase the sun like i chase you sunshine, it was dangerous, they both have their scars, sam stopped caring about those a long time ago. how do you think i notice all those little recurring details
7. What made me the most emotional after reading: I don't recall exactly the chapter but you should. it's the careless whisper chapter thay physically pained me I couldn't reread it again immediately. also ch4 again and deadly kiss. you make me cry a lot a
8. What I like the most about your writing: man i fucking love it all. your attention to details, your descriptions, your poetic lines. your deep understanding of the characters, how you say soo much with one simple line. how you set the scene wonderfully, foreshadowings and callback. i love everything
9. A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting: obviously careless whisper
10. A character/ship I didn't enjoy/think about as much before you wrote about them: sarahrhoedy. i never even considered the possibility but now they consumed me
11. Something I wish/hope you write: god I hope you don't take this as pressure but it's gotta be the soulmates au
12. A fic of yours that i've re-read: so many deadly kiss, i replay every embrace, I'm blanking but you know the ones. i think i reread most of them anyway
13. If i've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else: to anyone who'd listen. uhh i think i did before yes
14. A fic I didn't expect to like so much: favorite choices obviously. and you know why! but dammit that fic is a masterpiece and i adore it so much. made me tear up
15. Aquestion I have about one of your fics: hmmm I always ask the questions as soon as i think of them. let's seeee. do you think you'll make a playlist for careless whisper and share it with us? both songs you used as titles and ones that remind you of it.
okay that's it now if there are typos ignore them im sleepy. byeee <3
hey! hello! omg! I can’t believe you answered all of them omg 😭
not even gonna tag the fics because that’s basically all of them, so instead gonna tag my ao3.
from this list
I don’t even know what to say, I just keep rereading every answer and beaming. Gonna try to say something anyway tho!
2. Chapter 4 of careless whisper also has my heart. The confrontation scene between Sam and Bucky especially is very important. Also I was really happy with the song choice and how it’s echoed throughout the chapter. (I go back and forth between how I feel about my writing in the chapter, but it’s always special to me and ultimately I’m happy with it)
5. No you can’t say that! Have you read my ronarry stuff? No, you didn’t. (Okay and neither can I, but not the point)
6. gonna cry actually. brb
7. That would be chapter 5! I very vividly remember you reading it for the first time and our very emotional conversation afterwards. (Sorry for making you cry a lot)
8. (another crying break) omg you have no idea how much this means to me. thank you so much baby <333
10. sarahrhodey for the win!
11. one day. i promise. it deserves to see the light of day
14. it’s still absolutely crazy to me how much you like that fic. i didn’t even think you’d read it and you not only read, it’s one of your favourites now. man
15. I think I might, yes. Maybe towards the end.
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spicedrobot · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @bluedaddysgirl! Sorry this took so long. ;;
I'll tag: @withercrown @a-aristippus @lacertae-dreamscape @aevallare @loveoaths @kevystel @frogunderarock @wolveria @dreaminghour @bright-thorn @kitewithfish
And anyone else who wants an excuse to do this please tag me I'd love to read your answers!! 🥺💖💖💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I started my writing days in Overwatch and most of my fics are from that era, but most recently, I've written for Star Wars, Baldur's Gate 3 and Arcane.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A New Era - First Jayvik fic I wrote, and somehow it's at the top of the jayvik ao3 tag by kudos even though it's mindrot I wrote between episode breaks. Sorry long form jayvik writers ;;
Lost Time - life-affirming jayvik sex after the s1 finale. I'm just now realizing that all my top kudos fics are jayvik LMAO
Opposites - jayvik fic where someone talks up Viktor at a party and Jayce gets jealous.
Arcane Ficlets - my randomly assorted Arcane stuff I wrote via tumblr asks. All jayvik too 😂
Warm Heart - Viktor has cold hands but Jayce knows just how to warm him up.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! But sometimes it takes me months to get back to people. Once the inbox number ticks up I get a little nervous ;; which only makes the problem worse!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend not to write anything that ends too angsty. I have one or two that have a sort of bad-end vibe. Usually I'll write an angsty ending then delete and rewrite. LOL
Maybe this silco/viktor fic: Back Down? Since Viktor knows he shouldn't be messing around with Silco but he's so drawn to him.
Runner up: one of my ramyatta fics Stargazing because it shows the difference between their past relationship and the present at the end, where they are no longer together. t _ t
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Encore, since I wrote it because Outer Wilds canon endings beat me up so badly. LOL
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Almost always. Any kind, basically. LOL I love pining and unestablished relationship like crazy, and both characters just falling into sex with each other. Blow jobs, possessiveness, breeding kinks, ritualistic sex, size difference, voyeurism, smell stuff, sex pollen, outfits... a VERY wide range. 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I almost never write them. I think I have written a few fics that just takes characters and puts them into another game's setting, but that's about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Most I had one of my ramyatta fics translated into chinese. I've also had my only symbrock fic made into a podfic.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I've done a fic with bluedaddysgirl that was Thrawn/Cad Bane, but mostly I collaborate with artists to do illustrations of my work. I did some RPing back in the day, but none of that's going to see the light of day LOL
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Probably genyatta? But honestly, I have so so many. Obimaul also has a special place in my heart.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My last year's nanofic. It was an AU where Bo-Katan never saved Obi-Wan from Mandalore, so he remained Maul's prisoner. It was going to be a what if where Maul realizes he doesn't know what to do with Obi-Wan now that he's finally exacted his revenge, and they would slowly fall in love while doing powerplays the whole time. LOL It was a bit weird because I had to write it so fast, so a lot of the fic was just Savage and Obi-Wan interacting, so it almost made it seem as if they would be the better pairing TBH. It just needs so much reworking and IDK if I have the power. It probably just needs an entire re-write.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel I'm very good at condensing ideas into short word counts. I also think my sex scene writing, specifically my dirty talk, is pretty good! That's one of those things that I can't stand to read if it's bad in fanfic, so I try to make what they say as in character as I can. 😳
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing anything longer holy shit. I'm really terrible at it because as soon as I have to deal with pacing it's a death sentence for my motivation. 💀💀💀
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It can be done well? But only if you are a fluent speaker. I personally don't do it because I'm an idiot who only knows one language, and I don't want to mess up the mood of writing by accidentally making an embarrassing gaff in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my life? Probably Kingdom Hearts. On my ao3 account: Dragon Age: Inquisition.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Definitely Polite Company, my Obimaul reverse AU fic. It's the longest thing I've ever written and posted. SUCH a comfort fic to me, and it was a blast to work on. There's just something so fun about writing Jedi Maul that I still can't get over it. The ideas kept coming for that fic which almost never happens for me, and somehow it was fairly well received, which I'm just so ridiculously grateful for. I'm always surprised at how much Obimaul isn't a main pairing for Obi-Wan when they have such ridiculous chemistry. Not even 600 fics on all of ao3 for them💀💀💀 A crime!!
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andromedadoesntwrite · 7 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
Thank you @bodyelectric77 for tagging me! I always love participating in these fun things. I am quite new to fanfic though (two months more or less) so I'll do my best to answer as much as I can <3
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
23,538 words
3-What fandoms do you write for?
The Hunger Games. But I'm not closed to maybe writing for others.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Cold Coffee
Fated From The Start
I've only published two atm :)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely love comments. No matter how long they are I appreciate them so much. To know that people read my stuff AND that they like it AND wanna let me know, it completely makes my day. So I try to answer all of them, even if its just to say thank you. I especially love when the commenter references a specific part of the fic that they liked or made them laugh. It hits a spot.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
at the moment I don't have any out. None of my fics have ended lmao. But something may or may not be in the works. Idk, not sure yet.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
once again, none of my fics have ended but I think Fated From The Start's will be the happiest.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
No at the moment, no. But if I keep writing its possible I will. But we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope. Not really my strong suit or focus when writing. I've written a few suggestive scenes but nothing too intense or graphic. It's very difficult to write good smut so kudos to all writers who do.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and hoping it stays that way lmao
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly Everlark. I really like both characters individually and think they're ship is pretty fitting. But if you had asked 12 year old me, she would've said Marshal lee from Adventure Time and me.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There's a piece about Katniss not liking Peeta back till they were much older and both married sitting in my drafts buuuut I don't think I'll ever get to finishing it.
16-What are your writing strengths?
I actually don't know lmao. At least I'm not sure when it comes to fics. But I've been told I'm good at evoking emotion when it comes to sadness in other pieces I've written. I guess I still have to develop them.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
I can get impatient quickly, leading me to sometimes not expand on something at first and just quickly writing it out. It sucks. And in the end slows me down even more. Since I have to come back and write things over. So a lot of times my descriptions fall short. It cringes me out when I read something back that I wrote in a hurry.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would love to. I'm actually trilingual but Spanish is my first language so I'd love to write a fic in it. I think some things are just better written in Spanish, at least for me. Maybe one day I'll include it in one of the fics.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
Fated From The Start! It's the one I spend more time in.
This was super fun and I'm tagging @thelettersfromnoone should they choose to do it, and anyone else who sees this since the rest of my mutuals have been tagged <3
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againtodreaming · 8 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
@lyloneliness you send the first ask but also @mavr4xx @vinylbiohazard @ghostsinacoat @yumaisbored you also asked this too and omg i love u all but also, why do you do this to me 😭😭😭 i was already struggling a lot to think of 5 things with the first ask (and i still haven't even gotten to the tag game of this), and now I have to think of TWENTY-FIVE?!? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ (plus 5 more if I end up finding the tag game again plus the ability to think of 5 more...)
Anyways, thank you so much for the asks (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊♡ (even if they are the hardest asks I have done in my life 💀) (it was interesting and fun tho 🌟) you are all awesome 💖🌟💞 now here we go:
(25 things here in the same post bc…not sure I just started doing it after @ all of u and I am doing this draft in my phone and separating this in the other asks i still have to look for is too much work) (apologies for the length, the further i got, the longer some of the answers became😅)
1 - My hair (used to be really thick and my mom used to make this amazing hairstyles almost every day when I was a kid—there was one that was a huge rose made of braids or smth, the hairpins were awful and it took so long but it was so pretty, I think my mom even made it for the wedding of one of her friends, anyways I lost maybe more than half of my hair when I was like 15, stress probably, and then I decided to cut it even below the shoulder—first time in my life it was so short—bc I was so mad with it but also bc I had zero energy to even try to take care of it by that point. Grown back until like my mid-back—used to have it like waist length before—by now and now I got maybe a little more than half of the hair that I used to have at 13 which is a lot better than it was at 15 and hopefully it gets back to what I used to have in a couple of years more, but for now it's enough to start playing with it and doing braids)
2 - Open-mindedness
3 - Creativity
4 - Patience
5 - That I'm an older sister
6 - Uf, how do I explain this one—like, empathy? kindness? feeling things deeply? putting yourself in the other person's shoes and being considerate of that? being too sentimental? which can be really annoying too but I wouldn't trade it so...
7 - That I can talk really fast
8 - Being expressive
9 - Always thinking things through
10 - Confident in my likes? (okay, so this one feels complicated, but for example, when I was a little kid, 6 or 7 years old probably, I loved superheroes, but my classmates in my all-girls school were like, that's for boys 😒, and I felt horrible bc that was just another thing in that i didnt fit in with everyone else and i always wanted to fit in, but somehow—which looking back feels weird bc who even knew i could be surprisingly confident in some aspects—was that i never thought i was in the wrong for liking superheroes? Like, yeah, I always wanted to fit in and I felt bad that I didn't, but even with all the social insecurity I was constantly plagued with, I never felt like I was in the wrong for being myself or that I should change myself or pretend to like stuff I didn't just to fit in (that strategy didn't even cross my mind until I was…can't be sure, it was somewhere in the last few years in this country, it was either a documentary, fiction, or the group therapy, but the idea of actual people in real life doing smth they didn't agree and had no purpose except to fit in was like: 🤯!?!!?!?!) (I didn't handle it that well either to be fair, if I wasn't with my friends i just decide to hide during recess and/or to not speak at all with anyone, until I changed schools) (I liked the 2nd school better). I assume that in my head I was like: "shame that I'm not like all of you but what can you do, I'm me ╮(╥﹏╥)╭ "
11 - I'm usually also all or nothing with almost all things? Like, for example, math. I don't like math, it has always been the class I struggled with the most and all my math teachers in Peru were really strict and thank goodness that my dad loves math and really good at it or I would have been lost without someone to explain it to me. But last week, my parents got an email from my math teacher who was telling them how proud she was of me and how I always strove to understand everything and there was some implication that I did it bc I liked what I was learning, which like, I mean, I like geometry a lot more than algebra bc it's simpler, and I don't exactly hate it, but I certainly wouldn't do it for pleasure. At all. And yeah, I ask her about everything I don't understand (she insisted to the whole class to please ask her anything if we needed help, so i had permission; if she wasn't available tho, I just would have asked my dad or a friend who is good at math to explain it to me) and ask her to show me exactly what I did wrong and what would be the correct answer but all of that is bc well, if I'm going to do well in the class, I need to understand what I did wrong in order to fix it, and like, math classes always build on each other, so if I don't smth I will later have problems with it, and also like, I'm already stuck with the class whether I like it or not, if I'm going to do smth, I'm going to do it well. Which is smth my mom has complained a lot of times, especially during last school year when I had a lot of late assignments bc I was too anxious about doing any of them bc I was afraid of doing it wrong or bc I didn't have the energy to think clearly so I wouldn't be able to do my best so like yeah…I ended up not doing the assignments at all (this is the part that I hate about this all or nothing thing with me, but let's focus on the positive side right now). Or with projects, I once stayed awake until like 5 am like several nights straight to do a project for economics class which like…I decided to make my own illustrations for each slide of the ppt to illustrate the information on top of doing the reading and answering the questions stuff…and I was already in a hurry with it bc I didn't know the school put assigned summer readings in the school's website (it was my first year in this country and nobody had said anything about it the year prior, plus it was quarantine time) and the teacher gave me a few extra days bc I still needed to hurry up in reading the book so yeah, I should have done smth more simple and fast to just submit it and get a grade but it wouldn't have been doing my best, not even near my best and I was already compromising on some stuff to not take too long since there wasn't too much time for my initial ideas so…yep. The teacher loved my project tho (and gave me a 100 even tho it was one day late) and asked if she could use it for her class of next year soooo…totally worth it. But yeah, i was sort of confused that Geometry teacher thought to send an email like that when I have only been trying to understand the concepts I am assigned to learn?
Thinking, thinking, thinking….you know what, I want to put my height in here just annoy my sister (she would be all dramatic annoying fake pitying dramatic gasp about it and would drag the younger ones to her side of the argument) but she wouldn't even see it plus I don't actually care about heights (I just care that she's annoying about it almost daily) so that would also be a lie so another thing….you know what, i already got 11 in one morning, coming back to this later
12 - Okay, so I hate all my health problems, absolutely hate them, so annoying and expensive and restricting and confusing BUT—how do I word this…it has 2 parts…umm…okay, so I'm really familiar with the clinic in Peru I used to go all the time and, okay I hated having to go to the clinic so many times, especially towards the end, but I liked being familiar with it? Like, the people, the sense of a community, the building, the routine. It was probably more familiar than my schools since I changed schools a few times while the clinic was there ALWAYS (until we moved countries and I never expected to miss the fucking clinic but it happened which wtf but also makes sense which also omg mila (ノ◇≦。) but also, the medical system was definitely easier and less expensive than whatever the fuck they have going on here, plus not having all our usual doctors, so there is also a practical reason aside from me unreasonably missing everything that was familiar including things I didn't even like much). That's the first part. Second part is that it has brought…lessons ig. Like, idk, it's been a huge formative part of my life. About health and food and family stuff and experiences. Like, I hate having the health problems (they are A LOT better now than when I was younger as long I do some things to keep it that way, but yeah, really grateful for that) but also, I don't really know who I would be without those experiences? Changed the whole family too so like…idk, it's weird but felt worth mentioning.
13 - That I'm really curious and like learning.
14 - Sense of style
15 - Loyalty—to people (like, even swallowed down all my shyness and anxiety to try to reconnect with some childhood friends I hadn't talked in forever bc moving countries and depression thing) (going well, really happy that we are talking again) but also like to interests and values ig? Like, most of my likes (superheroes, anime, drawing, maybe writing but not sure about that one, all started before I even turned 8 y/o) and like, aside from maturing and a couple of things, I don't think I've changed much at all. I have never stopped liking smth I used to like anyways.
16 - Openness ig? Like, I never want to be a bother so it depends on the person and the history i have with them and sometimes on the occasion, but I never really had any problems asking for help or speaking about my problems or feelings
17 - My handwriting when it's not written in a hurry
18 - My attention to detail
19 - Not getting mad easily—which is you know good with being an older sister too bc like...my dad is really annoying (but like jokingly annoying) and a lot of times bc of it (or some other times other family members) my sister and my mom get mad about some small comment they take seriously and then they get angry and leave the table or living room or whatever and then it's like all awkward bc the mood got broken (which also, a little hypocritical especially bc the sister also loves to be annoying in purpose with everyone of us) but unlike them, the middle sister and me like...we don't really care much about it? We are usually the ones that get more teased by the others but it's like, smth one therapist didn't understand, which was so annoying wtf did setting boundaries had to do with my siblings being annoying, I don't care that they are annoying bc it's like, we usually get along well (presently; there used to be constant fighting between 2 of them we were little but they are better now) and they have always been annoying but it's like, a game, I know they are not serious about the matter. I can be annoying back if I feel like it and it's all in good fun. The only times I don't like it it's when it's actually serious, with you know, intention to hurt or being passively aggressive mad about smth, stuff like that. Point is that yeah, it's also good for sibling diplomacy bc I'm rarely the one getting mad with the other ones.
20 - That I like dogs
…I can't think of 5 more. Uf, let's see…okay, getting desperate here but—
21 - That I'm Peruvian
22 - Good at cooking
23 - Good at planning
24 - My self-awareness
25 - That I like to be more positive and hopeful about things in general I think? (myself is usually an exception) Constant argument with my sister bc she can be so pessimistic sometimes. Like, life is already hard enough as it is, having fun and connecting with people makes things more enjoyable, so why not try to focus on the bright side whenever possible and make things better. She thinks I'm naive, I know I can be naive, but also, if I have to live I'm going to enjoy it bc what's the point otherwise. Generalizing things doesn't help. I think.
Thank you again and I hope you are all doing well <33
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foibles-fables · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Snagging this one from @mehoymalloy, tagging @tjerra14 @finrays @poetikat @saltygirafe and anyone else who'd like to do it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Horizon, Stray Gods, Control, and [fingers crossed] HOPEFULLY BG3 soon...lots more in the past, and potentially again in the future! (Warrior Nun, Legend of the Seeker, Critical Role, the list goes on. That tends to happen over 18 years of fic writing.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm gonna turn this question around a little and pick the top by kudos in each of my current- and/or most-active fandoms....if I went purely by numbers, the power of Avatrice would overrun the results, hahaha.
Because the Light Is Close (Warrior Nun), The Weight of Us (Legend of the Seeker), rest like you belong here. (Horizon), the veins grow in slow (Critical Role), and brave this time (Stray Gods).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely, to every single one! I appreciate, cherish, and return to every single kind word I get--and I gotta make sure that appreciation is known. Nothing makes me feel better than taking the joy of others and reflecting it back with gratitude!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh man uh....I think waiting through daybreak (Stray) (yes the cat game) fits the bill here. That, or so i'll stay half away (Horizon).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh no, SO many!!! Lemme pick just one here....today I'll toss embodiment (Horizon) into the ring.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not to my face, which I'm glad about!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah I do. Primarily/exclusively F/F, mostly of the very soft variety. But just because it's soft doesn't mean they're not fuckin' Nasty™
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I actually have never written a crossover.
....oh I LIED, I definitely crossed Grey's Anatomy over with Private Practice back in the day. But does that even REALLY count?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've been asked a few times, and I've accepted, but they're not complete yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not in earnest!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I won't choose between Aloy/Talanah and Cara/Kahlan. They can tie.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am holding them in my teeth and growling. I am refusing to let any of them go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
prose-craft with evocative syntax, emotional immediacy, identifying parallels, descriptive introspection, character voice, strength in narrative POV
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOTTING. Can't plot my way out of a paper bag. I am working on this.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Totally would if 1) it actually fit within the fic/fandom itself and 2) if I had a trusted resource/knowledgeable person to reference and check my work!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the Xenosaga series, so many years ago.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is always the most difficult question to answer, and I feel like it changes by the day. I'd say it's either rest like you belong here. (Horizon), for the pure nostalgia of being The First fic I wrote for my current and long-lasting brain rot--or Because the Light Is Close (Warrior Nun), as a product of the exhilarating fandom time in which it was written.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @bonheur-cafe and @lemonlyman-dotcom for the tags!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
99! Must do something special for 100! Any suggestions?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively: 911 Lone Star, Heartstopper
Previously: NCIS LA, SEAL Team, Teen Wolf, others...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Good, the Bad, and the Very Ugly
The House in the Pines Where the Road Ends
Hold Onto Me
The Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! It means SO MUCH to me when people comment, I feel like the least I can do is say thank you! Also, it always makes me happy when someone responds to my comments, so I try and give that magical feeling to others!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I Could Have Loved You- This is a SEAL Team fic that explored the six weeks in season 2 where Sonny and Lisa were together in before she would have left for her officer billet. In the end I had her leave even though both of them wanted to stay together. Honestly still prefer it to the shit show the show turned them into.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It All Fades Away- I finally married Kensi and Deeks off on the beach because the damn show was taking too long. It was really beautiful! Also this is so old that it's only posted on ff.net lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, especially now that I'm on AO3. People used to be real mean over on ff.net.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. I like to let people have their privacy. I will write straight up to the line of smut though.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written exactly one 911 LS/The Rookie crossover for @bluenet13 and I only posted it on Tumblr. It involved the Reyes sisters is was generally hilarious.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Please don't steal my things lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked me many years ago if they could translate one of my fics into German and I said yes. I saw it once, no idea where it's posted now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Tarlos, Ron/Hermione, Nick and Charlie
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Ron/Hermione fic that spans the time from the end of DH to 19 Years Later and it's not done and it makes me sad because I really loved a lot of it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
DIALOGUE. I only have one, but I do think I'm pretty damn good at it. Okay maybe also character voice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scene description. I hate it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Yes? Sure? But like, know what you're doing. Don't guess.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First ever? Star Wars. First posted? Power Rangers. I've come a long way lolol.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ever?!?! Oh, I don't know! Anything involving Adriana and Francesca maybe? Or maybe Requesting Immediate Backup. I loved writing Andrea and T.K. teaming up on Carlos to make him feel better when he's sick.
Tagging (no pressure) @ladytessa74, @carlos-in-glasses, and anyone else who wants to play!
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creativenicocorner · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by nobody! I saw this and felt like doing it to get back in the writing groove of things and maybe procrastinate just a teeny bit ♡
Tagging @babblish @dreamcrow @niemalsetwas @mangatxt @plantpretender and anyone else who would like to!! Also no hard feelings if you don't feel like doing this
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32 and counting!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
605,281 and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to do a LOT of Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) but a few things happened in the show / movie that made me feel... idk, I'm on a bit of a break for the time being. I also write a couple of Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game) fics to explore my silly DnD OCs While my current writing obsessions being Discworld - Terry Pratchett and モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unbecoming 2 Electric Boogaloo (ToA)
Terpsichore - The Comedy of the Danse Macabre - ACT I (ToA)
Cold Green Tea and Colder Feet (mp100)
We'll Meet Again (ToA)
A Study of Avium and Apium (ToA)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do!! I try to respond to all comments!! I can't always promise my response will be prompt, and sometimes I get in my own head and feel...worried? As if my response will somehow sway someone to not want to keep reading? But that's a me thing I'm working through Long answer short: Yes! I do respond to comments!! I adore them and they make me so very very happy!! Honestly a comment can be such a game changer, and a relief to my heart and I just HAVE to express my gratitude for taking the time to tell me such nice words!! I'll always try to respond to them!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm I have yet to finish the fic with the angstiest ending planned. I don't tend to write angst unless there is an ending that has some level of hope and happiness in it - for now.
But yeah, I suppose Unbecoming 2 Electric Boogaloo and The Last Changeling will eventually have some pretty angsty endings.
As well as several fics within the The Collected Tellings of Shigir and Other Changeling Folktales series which can be quite grim.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Another tricky question!! The majority my fics tend to have a happy ending planned despite the highs and lows I hope I manage to put my readers through.
Bit of a cop out answer I know, but it is what it is lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've only had that happen to me once lol. Once so far and for the silliest reason that left me just shaking my head for the most part
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Not as often as my other stuff though. Hmm quite a bit of orgasm control I suppose.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
A Funny Old World MY BELOVED!!! It is essentially the Discworld and Mp100 crossover fic no one asked for hahaha
Quite literally "Reigen Arataka 🤝 Moist von Lipwig" the fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that...I'm aware of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again not that I'm aware of...and no one has yet to approach me to do so. Though sometimes I think of translating it myself into Italian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! It was a great time with @megan0013 on the 23rd chapter of their fic Fallout where we combined the Fallout story with my made up Changeling Folktales.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm too bisexual for this question, I have, like, a fat stack of ships I adore. But of the ones I've written (in no specific order of importance) I really love Adora Belle and Moist, Serizawa and Reigen, Barbara and Strickler, Mort and Ysabell, Polly and Mal, and the list just goes on haha
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I appreciate the defeatist tone of this question haha. I'm sure I'll finish all of them...eventually. Some go in hibernation a little longer than others, that I won't lie. Hmm though, I'm going to be honest with myself the Terpsichore series seems to be the loftiest of goals at the moment. Who even knows when I'll finally finish it...but, like I said, I'd like to hold out hope that, someday it'll get done lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm quite good at keeping characters in character, and my writing 'voice' is quite charming sometimes. I've also been told I'm quite good at writing cozy comfort fics. I hope, one day, I'll be able to add horror and suspense to the list of writing strengths.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Making things concise, I think. Sweet short and to the point. I'd love to get better at suspense and horror, just making readers sweat - you know?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oh man I have a lot of Thoughts about this actually XPP here's hoping they make sense!!
Depends on the characters, and what language they are speaking and what language the characters know beyond what they are speaking.
I viscerally do not appreciate it when, okay... here's an example: Character A and Character B are both speaking Italian, because the characters are Italian - so even though the fic and author is writing in English we ALL know that Character A and Character B are speaking Italian - so why add in an English dialogue bits of actual Italian?? We all know they are speaking Italian to begin with!! UNLESS, for instance, Character B for a moment spoke in a regional dialect which is different than the standard language.
I tend to call this the "Silenzio Bruno!" situation. Why are you having a character who is supposedly already speaking in a language suddenly say something of that language. It shouldn't be "Silenzio Bruno!" but "Quiet Bruno!" though in some cases I get it...and who knows maybe it'll perk up the interest of people and kids to learn other languages but oof does it rub me the wrong way sometimes
Wait hmmm perhaps thats too confusing
EXAMPLE: In Glow Worms I have Serizawa as half Brazilian (there's in fact a huge Brazilian population within Japan! As well as a huge Japanese population within Brazil! Here are two fascinating video essays on the subject if interested [X] [X]).
When Serizawa is speaking with Reigen it is clear and obvious they would speak Japanese amongst themselves and around them, I wouldn't include actual Japanese unless it's a word that I can't really translate well, or is very clearly specific within the Japanese language (the difference between writing 'screen door' and 'shoji door' - both doors, but evoke different specific things). However, when Serizawa speaks with his mother there are often times Portuguese would crop up - an indicator that Serizawa is no longer speaking Japanese in that moment, or phrase or sentence.
The same can be said with Moist von Lipwig, and when he's speaking Morporkian vs Überwaldian. It is agreed that everyone tends to speak Morporkian to some degree as a defect-o Lingua Franca Quirma, and when they're not they're very clearly not!
NOW! In those moments when characters are speaking another language I prefer either it's something that can be figured out via context clues, or a translation is provided either in a footnote or by the character(s) themselves. This is something I feel more confident with if a character is speaking Italian, because then I don't have to worry about translator engines not translating something properly lol But I try to be as respectful and accurate as possible, and if I can't then I wouldn't attempt it and describe in the text that Character A and Character B are speaking another language amongst themselves.
OR (and this is something else I'm doing in Glow Worms) I'll describe a character speaking another language, and another character acts as translator - this is something I always adored in Discworld when characters interact with The Librarian as well as Death of Rats.
Which, again, I try to approach as respectfully as possible. Language is important!! It's a culture and a thought process! And should always be treated with respect
WHEW! I hope this all made sense!!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I don't know about Favorite, but there are several that I'm very proud of myself with...
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Stupid Kid [working title] series, Hand Rolled, The Runaway's Gamble, AU REVOIR, to name a few. Several Trollhunter fics (especially Terpsichore, sometimes I look back on that and go "Wow I really wrote All of THAT?!")
And most recently: Glow Worms or rather: In the Depths of the Safflower Hills a fic that honestly? I find myself going back and rereading what I've written and posted more than once! And has helped me grow as a writer I think  
Welp! ___〆(・∀・) That's it for me folks! Thank you so VERY much for your interest, and I look forward to seeing your answers as well!
Best wishes! Nico ♡
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