wild-woofs-press · 9 months
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This was one of the very first fics I started typesetting! I started it last summer, when I first got into ficbinding, as it's one of my all-time favorite Stetopher fics and I knew I would want a copy on my shelf. The typeset itself went through MANY different iterations, as I kept revisiting it as I learned more over the last year. It's also one of the only fics that I didn't struggle with design decisions on at all, and it came together exactly as I was envisioning.
Fic: Firebreak by Whreflections (cc: @whreflections) Words: 24,451
fonts title: Good Sunset author name: Lao MN body: EB Garamond
bookcloth (evening red) • endpapers
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saltbind · 1 year
samulet fics
for @hellhoundlair
Hard-Won Inches by BewareTheIdes15 - Oral fixation weecest, amulet centric.
The Consequence by waywardelle - S11 amulet fix it fic with lots of feels
the repeated image of the lover destroyed by hathfrozen - Amulet fic combined with tattoo fic 🥰
Call and Answer by Whreflections - A rare consensual demon!Dean fic, also an amulet fix it.
If I Ever Lose My Faith in You by JustineDelarge - An amulet fix it with big ol schmoopy feels
Catalyst by intrepidheart - Weecest with a focus on intimacy without touch, using the amulet as a proxy
The Nature of Reality by Ferrera - S12 amulet fix it fic, lots of feels, torture aftermath
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cgsf · 1 year
Teen Wolf fanfiction recs — Chris/Peter/Stiles
"Anchors" (E) by TriDom | 115,736 | Stiles falls in love with a married man twice his age. He doesn’t have daddy issues. He doesn’t have a kink, but it still happens. Little does he know he’s about to step into a failing marriage between a hunter and a werewolf, becoming just as entrenched in their shit as they are.
"So Well Suited" (E) by Bunnywest | 111,578 | Chris and Peter run HA Menswear. Stiles works at Gamesworld. They strike up an agreement, sharing kitchen and bathroom access. Stiles would like to share more, but Hot Suit guys are a couple, so he knows it will never happen. Never. Right?
"Warning: Contents Are Under Pressure" (E) by Shey | 68,690 | Recent NYU grad, and new law clerk, Stiles Stilinski is sixty-five hours into a very long work week, the latest in a string of very long work weeks. He’s suffering from a terrible case of no-time-to-jerk-off, and a shared apartment with painfully thin walls. To top it off, his entitled bastard of a boss seems to have missed the memo on personal space. If he doesn’t get some quality time with his right hand, and soon, he’s going to end up fired, or evicted. Unfortunately, his roommate is forever getting in the way of his plans, and it turns out his boss is just plain trouble with a capital T.
"It's an F12" (M) by TriDom | 1,453 | Stiles should be very grateful he's cute. That's why Peter excuses the things that come out of his smart mouth.
"smells like love" (M) by Areiton | 2,419 | They smell like warm love and want. That isn't the problem. The problem is they smell like sex.
"The Pumpkin Patch" (T) by luulapants | 956 | Behind him, Chris heard Peter shove Stiles, who stumbled into their little red wagon of pumpkins. He turned to make sure they hadn’t fallen out, snapping, “Careful!” “Yeah, Stiles.”
"There Is No Handbook for This" (E) by Whreflections | 5,686 | Stiles would have never, ever imagined he'd be at a place in his life where hiring an escort to get some decent sex and feel out how deep his attraction to older men really went was a legitimate option- and he can imagine a lot.
"it's not right (but it's okay)" (E) by DarkIsRising | 24,122 | Two years post-Nogitsume and Stiles Stilinski is Not Okay. It just so happens that Peter is around to make a suggestion.
"we never stopped burning" (E) by forpony | 366k+ WIP | Peter wakes up sane thanks to the remaining Hales taking care of him, Chris is divorced and hasn't gotten along with his family in years and Stiles and Lydia get dragged into werewolf drama by a semi-sentient tree.
"Conduit" 🔒 (E) by DarkIsRising | 52,408 | It could very well be the easiest money Stiles has ever made. A cool 10k to spend a weekend with some rich guy getting plowed in his familial estate during some hoity-toity engagement party for Rich Guy’s niece, with an extra 2k on offer if he can make his ex-husband visibly seethe with jealousy. And all that right there—sex, money, annoying the shit out of people— are some of Stiles’ most favorite things ever.
"Sense Memory" (T) by Shey | 1,452 | Chris goes through the motions, wondering if anything will jar him loose. He leaves the house, runs errands, works with the pack, fights monsters, everything exactly like usual. Routine. The kids argue over the bad guy of the week. Bicker. He doesn’t have the energy to be the adult in the room, the voice of reason. He tries, but he’s shouting into the void.
"Madness" (E) by spqr | 13,208 | “This is a very awkward way to have a conversation,” Stiles says. “I really wish you would put some clothes on.” “Stiles,” Peter sighs, “I’m not going to contort myself into one of your t-shirts just so you can pretend you’re not lusting after my godlike body.” “I’m really more worried about the pants,” Stiles says, “also what the fuck, I am not lusting after your godlike body—” “Ah,” Peter grins, propping his head up on his hand. “So you admit the adjective is appropriate.”
"Torture Most Vile" (T) by aurevell | 1,896 | As a werewolf, Peter's above such trivial things as communicable diseases. Which is why it's a pity that he loves two humans prone to catching them.
More to be added.
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asarcasticwitch · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @cathcer1984 💛
Here's a rough snippet from my next Steddie fic...
When he saw Eddie’s lifeless body, mauled and bloody from demobat bites, Steve felt his heart stop in his chest. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to get to know him—really get to know him—or explore this feeling he has. He could’ve cried then and there, could've collapsed onto the cold, hard ground and sobbed until he was numb, but he didn’t. He sucked in his tears and carried Eddie out of the upside down—no way was he leaving him there—and straight to the hospital.
He was running on pure faith and hope, maybe a slither of denial, praying to whoever would listen that Eddie was hanging on, that there was still a flicker of life in him yet.
No pressure tags: @ash-mcj, @amatchinwater, @nutellarghh, @wolfflock, @softranswolves, @msridcully, @whreflections and @vmures!
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
Proceed with Care
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43630149 by Whreflections On a bitterly cold moon, Obi-Wan falls ill with an intense virus just before Life Day- It'd be terrible, if he didn't have Anakin with him. He's always got Anakin with him, these days, and he's got reason to believe he always will. That's enough to bring peace of mind, even in sickness. Words: 1096, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Life Day (Star Wars), Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Sick Obi-Wan Kenobi, Foreshadowing, Open to Interpretation, Established Relationship read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43630149
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destielficsread · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Croatoan Future Dean Winchester, Croatoan Future Castiel Additional Tags: Mildly Dubious Consent, Drug Use, Angst, Episode: s05e04 The End, One Shot Summary:
Dean happens on something he wasn't supposed to see, and he can't help but try his best to 'fix' some of his mistakes, even if it's just for a little while.
0 notes
shewhomustnotbename · 9 months
It`s a "My Ipod is dying a slow and painful death, so I need to save all of my bookmarked fic`s" Rec List
The Day the World Went Away, pyjamagurl Rating:  NC-17 Word count:  59, 658 Summary: After being reunited with Sam and leaving Lisa, Dean is finding that adjusting back into the hunting lifestyle is harder than he thought it would be. When a particular hunt goes badly, he gets knocked out, only to awaken five years in the future. Things are definitely different; Castiel is a hunter, Sam is married and things between Dean and Castiel have gone somewhere Dean really hadn't expected. And somewhere in all of this there is a lesson to be learned. Thoughts:
 Snow Covered Roads , Alltheroads Rating:  PG-13 Word count:  34,141 Summary: On what was supposed to be a normal hunt, Dean takes a hit to the head, and loses years of his memory. Things get especially complicated when Sam makes Castiel promise that they won't tell Dean anything- nothing of all the grief, the pain, and the death that they've experienced in the recent years. At least until they can figure out how to tell Dean five years worth of hell. Except when one Winchester keeps something from the other, things don't tend to work out for the best. Thoughts:
To Reign In Hell, Whreflections Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 70, 138 Summary: Dean/Castiel, with occasional references to Castiel/OMC When Castiel abandoned Heaven to be with Dean, he damned himself to hell. Now, centuries later, Dean is sent on orders from Heaven to stop a demonic Castiel from leading the armies of hell in another war. Spoilers: Through all of Season 4 Warnings: demon!Cas, torture, dub-con, and general darkness/violence Thoughts:
I Through My Window See dehavilland
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 26,133 Summary: AU in which Castiel remains human after the apocalypse is successfully averted by Sam and Dean. The Winchesters get him set up in an apartment in Sioux Falls and then promptly leave him there, hoping he’ll start a new, normal, human life. Castiel, thinking the reason for this abandonment is his newfound mortality, comes to terms with being human in an effort to prove he has the strength to fight at their side. Dean’s more than a little surprised to come back and find the angel he once thought he knew bussing tables by day and hunting ghosts at night. Warnings: Swearing, Mild Violence Thoughts:
Keeping Faith, zoemathemata Rating: PG for language only. Word Count: ~9000 Summary: After the apocalypse is over, Dean and Cas become a family when they take in a little girl.Spoilers: Season 4 Thoughts:
Looking In the Wrong World, misslucyjane Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 33,000 Summary: For six months Dean has thought Castiel was killed by the Leviathan, but a little girl with an artistic bent insists Castiel is alive and can be saved. Dean doesn't know how to save someone without a monster to fight, but Castiel is in need of rescue nonetheless. Spoilers: Minor rumors for upcoming episodes. Warnings: Depression, discussion of suicide and self-harm, suicidal thoughts. Thoughts:
Well, What Do We Have Here? (Baby Please Don't Go) , shilohslaughter Rating: Explicit Word count: 32125 Summary: Dark!fic AU. Castiel is the black-eyed Angel of the Crossroads with whom Dean barters himself to save Mary from dying. Ripping him from his life on earth, Castiel takes Dean to Heaven to serve as a makeshift pet. The more time he spends with the angel, Dean starts to see that something bigger is happening to him and he's powerless to stop it. When Dean finds out that Castiel has been lying to him the entire time, he realizes just how powerless he truly is. Many of the themes in this story will be upsetting to some people and I urge you take caution if you choose to read this. Neither Castiel nor Dean die in the story, but many other people do. Thoughts:
Hummingbirds, strangenessandcharm Rating: NC-17 Word count: 23,700 Summary: Castiel is rendered mute after being taught a painful lesson, but that enables Dean to learn a few lessons of his own while holding onto something important for him. Elsewhere, someone really loves to count... Set sometime vague in season six, post-Sam being re-souled. Warnings: Hurt/comfort; Castiel!whump; Dean!whump; porn. It’s very gory in places, so please be warned. And it’s also very, very soppy in others, so be warned for that, too... Thoughts:
 A Few Small Repairs, liadan14 Rating: NC-17 Word Count: ~10000 Summary: The apocalypse is over; all is well. Except that Sam's feeling a bit rudderless and missing Gabriel more than he thought he would, and that Dean and Castiel are keeping secrets, and, oh, yeah, that John Winchester decided to rise from the grave and no one really knows why.  Pre-hiatus S5, I suppose – up to maybe 5x14, although not many direct references to spoilery events. Thoughts:
The Consort, ladyoneill Rating: NC17 Word Count: 17,282 Summary: Filled with the souls and grace and demonic presences from Purgatory, Castiel proclaims himself the new god and demands Dean, of all humans, kneel before him. Sam is broken and Dean gets Castiel to agree to fix him by rashly promising to do anything. Anything means becoming an unwilling consort to the new god as he destroys the wicked and blesses the few good and begins his not so benevolent conquering of Earth. Meanwhile, Sam, Bobby and Crowley scramble to find a way to depower Castiel...with a little help from one of the beings trapped within him. A/U Season 7 with no mention of the leviathans and my own take on the church and political office scenes in 7.1. Warnings: graphic non-con sex between Dean and Castiel, violence, language, Stockholm Syndrome, mass murder, minor suicidal thoughts, major character death, non-graphic mentions of child prostitution and rape in Hell. Thoughts:
Snow Covered Roads, alltheroads, WIP
Rating: PG-13 Word count: 22928
On what was supposed to be a normal hunt, Dean takes a hit to the head, and loses years of his memory.
Things get especially complicated when Sam makes Castiel promise that they won't tell Dean anything- nothing of all the grief, the pain, and the death that they've experienced in the recent years. At least until they can figure out how to tell Dean five years worth of hell.
Except when one Winchester keeps something from the other, things don't tend to work out for the best.
Thoughts:It`s a WIP and that infuriates me, but I am so wrapped up in this story I can`t help but wait and hope.
I`m The One Who Gripped You Tight To Screw Over The Other Guys, By HigherMagic,WIP
Rating: T Word count: 34,551
Summary:...To Screw Over The Other Guys. Season 4 AU. Castiel never was an Angel - Dean didn't know who or what had raised him from Hell. It could have been anything powerful enough. What he hadn't expected...was Castiel.
My Thoughts:I rarely like a WIP, unless it`s been abandoned and I can`t get my hopes up, but this fic is so amazing that I`m willing to take the risk. The concept is one of the greatest things I`ve ever heard. Cas is SO GOOD, he is excellently written, and wicked and amazing. I love this one.
Equinox By luchia Rating: T Word Count: 12,101
Summary: In which Castiel is the weird time-traveling freak who just might be the love of Dean Winchester's life
My Thoughts:It`s sweet and scmoopy, with just a little angst. Adorable.
A Judicious Application of Free Will By scaramouche
Rating: NC-17/Explicit Words: 57,000+
Summary: Dean lives the simple life in Lawrence, running the family business at Winchester Hardware. When Castiel moves into the neighborhood, they strike up a friendship that has the chance to become something more. But before that can run its course, the secrets of Castiel’s past catch up with them both, and their whole world changes.
My Thoughts:Twists and turns like crazy! A lot of the time when you have great plot twists, either the parts before or after that point in the story are significantly weaker, but every bit of this fic is well written, entertaining, and an all around great read.
The Mirror By cloudyjenn Rating: R Word Count: 24,500+
Summary: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
My Thoughts:I loved this, I almost never reread anything, but I have read and reread this over again. Its sweet, and a great concept, that is done really well.
Pretty Angel By help_haiti
Rating: NC-17 Word count: 14,800
Summary: Michael has a plan to break Team Free Will, and it involves turning Castiel into a rentboy. Warnings: Prostitution, implied humiliation/abuse, rimming.Spoilers: 5x14 - My Bloody Valentine
My Thoughts:It hurts but it`s so sweet. It has an interesting twist, and while there is angst, there is also schmoop.
Cracky/ Cutesy:
 God is a Hot Drunk By Tippens
Rating: T Word Count: 725
Summary: 6x22 fix-it Crack!fic A certain someone doesn't like Castiel calling himself God.
My Thoughts:Seriously awesome. Adorable and hilarious.
How To Romance A Human By CloudyJenn
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 4,433 Summary: Castiel consults Cosmopolitan magazine in order to win Dean's heart.
My Thoughts:This is so fucking cute and funny that I had to stop reading and just laugh in few places
Signs and Portents By aesc
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 2,730
Summary: Inspired and encouraged by the brilliant and persistent trinityofone. We were thinking back over several seasons of Sam and Dean being mistaken for boyfriends, and got to wondering what happens when Castiel comes into the picture. My Thoughts:Funny, cute, sweet, loved the ending.
Smite the Unrighteous By enigmaticblue
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 2,425
Summary: John pushes too hard; Castiel pushes back.
My Thoughts:DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? IT`S CAS AND JOHN FIGHTING!!! If you can pass up reading this you have stronger willpower than me.
Love Song Of A Madman Rating: R Word count:12,000 Summary:Castiel keeps a diary while at Northern Indiana State Hospital and when Dean reads it, he finally steps up. Thoughts:OW
How A Righteous Man Raises a Rose By swordofmymouth
Rating: T Word count:5,586
Summary:AU in which the apocalypse and angels and demons never happen, and Sam and Jess and Dean live together in a suburban lifestyle -- and then suddenly, nothing is alternate universe at all. Told from Sam's POV. Dean is compelled to tend a dead rose garden, if only Dean could remember why; and remember why it is so important.Spoilers: Everything up to Season 6 finale
 My Thoughts: It`s a bitter-sweet one and it`s a great plot.
All the Hours Wound By Fossarian
Rating: R Word count:47,154
Summary:Alone and wandering, Castiel struggles to survive on his own with little memory of who he is or how he got to be that way, until he is followed by a man who knows his name, and seems to know much more than that. Past season 5
My Thoughts:Seriously great, It had me hooked, I was so turned around and confused, but that only made it better cause so were the characters. Make no mistake, it belongs in the angst section.I would have loved if it was longer, the ending still had some mystery, but I think that was the authors choice.
Wait and See By Oncethrown
Rating: T Word Count: 146,925
Summary: After the apocalypse doesn't happen, Dean goes back to Bobby's house alone. He burned Bobby's body in the field. There wasn't enough of Cas left to burn or bury, and Sam was gone. After a few weeks of drinking and researching, Dean's ready to finally off himself and join his whole family, but a discount Easter card and a sudden reappearance save him.Spoilers: Season 5 finale.
  My Thoughts:Had me crying, a lot. Its one of the best stories, I adore this one because it starts out in one of the darkest places they could be in, but things slowly get better, that`s not to say there is an easy road to recovery, cause wholly shit is it not, but there is hope, and love, and family, of sorts. And that's more than you could have seen in the beginning.
In Your Frail Gesture Are Thing Which Enclose Me By an_ardent_rain
Rating: M Word Count: 27,063
Summary: AR set during 7x01 Cas' grace gets sucked out with the monster souls and he's left human. He leaves Sam and Dean and ends up in LA. After a brief, miserable period of dissolution he turns to writing and through his book reconnects with Dean.
 My Thoughts: I keep forgetting this isn`t 2014!Cas (And I love me some Future!Cas), very similar to the attitude and struggles, but that's cause if cas is human, and has no support system he would probably turn out the same way no matter the rest of the circumstances. It`s sad, and hard to get through cause it hurts. But it`s worth it.
Thursday`s Child By strangenessandcharm
Rating: NC-17 Word count: 114,000
Summary: Thursday’s child has far to go. Notes: Spoilers for 5.04, 'The End'. So I got to wondering: what would have happened if past!Dean hadn’t turned up in 2014, and future!Dean had actually succeeded in killing Lucifer with the Colt? Apparently, it involves lots of angsting. Who knew? Warnings: This is future!Castiel, so be prepared for Castiel/OFCs, drug use and alcohol abuse (hey, it’s all canon!). In addition there’s the odd bit of violence, some whump, muchas porning and very brief implied non-con (nothing graphic at all). Please be warned if you don’t like death!fics that this story is set after Dean had to kill Lucifer!Sam, so clearly there’s (a) no Sam and (b) some mourning. On the bright side, though, there's also a guest appearance from a real-life Hollywood star! (Well, sort of.)
My Thoughts:Im forever in love with everything this Fic chooses to be. It hurts, all the way through and it starts in a desperate place and seems to only get worse, but eventually there is a little light at the end of the tunnel. It HURTS! but it`s a kinda beautiful pain.
Ghost Dance By omphalos
Rating: NC-17 Word count: 51,194
Summary: In post-apocalyptic isolation, Castiel nurses Dean back to something like his former self, but will a time come when Dean's recovered --and rediscovered-- too much? Spoilers: Season 5ish 
 My Thoughts:This is one of the most well written works I have ever read. Ever. The opening has haunted me since I read it, this fic stuck with me. It`s a painful and sad story but it`s really amazing.
The List By daisyham8
Rating: M Word count: 6,694
Summary:Castiel knows things are changing for him and he can't stop it, so he composes a List. Dean/Castiel, spoilers/canon through 5x14. Character death
 My Thoughts:It is heartbreaking. It`s Cas and unfulfilled hopes, and regrets, and confusion.
These Are Not Real Problems By scaramouche
Rating: NC-17 Word count: 30,000+
Summary: Castiel used to be a god. Dean took that away from him, and now Castiel's stuck in a hell of his own making. Futurefic, post-Season 6.
 My Thoughts:Cas is in a really horrible place, literally and figuratively. He is not like himself and he dosen`t want the help he`s offered. It` s a beautiful(PAINFUL) concept and plot. Plus a whole adventure plot along with the angsting. Eventually there is a speck of hope.
It`s not easy Being Dean By strangenessandcharm
Rating: NC-17 Word count: 13,100 (this part; probably around 30,000+ in total) Summary: The Winchesters are given a mission: they have to save Castiel. The trouble is, Castiel isn’t really Castiel any more… Notes: Set during season five. This is a hooker!Cas fic which somehow doesn’t contain any sex (yeah, I know, how the hell did that happen?), but don’t let that fool you: it’s still pretty dark at times and there’s sexual talk.
 My Thoughts:OWOWOW! This one hurts, from how horrible Cas` struggles are, to the fact that Dean knows Cas, but Cas dosen`t know him, to the long term effects of what they go through. It ALL hurts. But there is just a little happiness at the end.
AU: Haaaaaaaaave You Met Dean Rating: T Word count: 19,784 Summary:Title because I'm in an odd mood. AU in which Dean and Castiel meet as strangers, and end up having a little more to do with each other than they expected. Plot partially stolen from the movie 'Dan in real life'. Thoughts: Looking For a Run-In Rating: NC-17 Word count: 21,309 Summary: In which Dean's the ex-pornstar turned bartender, Castiel is the rich weirdo dressed like Columbo, and Sam's the big fancy Lawyer who brought them together by accident. Thoughts: Crossroads State Rating: R Word count: 54,000 Summary: Castiel has a nice predictable structured life teaching high school, even if he happens to be overqualified for it. Then this guy moves in around the corner and literally knocks him on his ass. Thoughts: The Definition of Perpetual Motion Rating:NC-17  Word count:41,112 Summary: Dean Winchester was doing all right. He had a good job, a few friends, and all the people he loved were safe. He got by. Then he got a call from Sam in the middle of the night. Sam wasn't all right, and it turned out he hadn't been for a long time. Dean's little brother had no memory of the last four years of his life and only pieces of years before that, and all Dean could think of was how he'd smiled as he waved Sam-who-wasn't-Sam off to college. Sam didn't want to take over Dean's life, but he didn't know where else to turn. Dr. Castiel Novak was "a bleeding heart" and he was beginning to realize that neither of the brothers had gotten through their experiences unscathed. Thoughts: A Tale Of Survival Rating: R Word count: 5.846 Summary:Terrible Life!AU. After years of not caring about him Dean finds himself obsessed with the wounded Marine that is a regular at his regular coffee shop. An awkward act of kindness leads to a strange friendship between the two man. Thoughts:Odd and sweet, angsty and adorable. My Roommate's a Quirky Sex God Rating: PG-13 Word count: 3,138 Summary:AU where Dean wakes up from a coma and befriends and maybe-sort-of-kinda crushes on his weird but awesome roommate Castiel. Pointless fluff. Thoughts:Heed the description, it`s so fluffy I`m gonna DIE! Right Place, Right Time Rating: NC-17 Word count: 18,873 Summary: When Sam brings his new boyfriend, Castiel, home to meet Dean, Dean is expecting the usual: to hate Castiel and to have to give him the "older brother" speech. What he discovers when he meets Cas is a hell of a lot different. Meanwhile, Sam struggles with maintaining a passing grade in chemistry, a relationship with his closest friend, and his confusing feelings regarding Cas' older brother, Gabriel. Thoughts: Straight On 'til Morning Rating: PG-13 Word count: 4,500 Summary:When Dean was younger, he had an imaginary friend. But everybody has to grow up sometime, and Dean’s too old to believe in angels. Thoughts: Slow the Rain Rating: PG Word count: 5,600 Summary:Dean's got himself a pretty good life going with Cas (who has a girlfriend, but whatever), until a tall, skinny homeless kid breaks into his house in the middle of the day. Thoughts: Sugar Me Sweet Rating: T Word count: 9,478 Summary:Dean hates Starbucks. Luckily, the Saint's Café is both delicious and reasonably priced. Even if the cashier is super weird and stares at him, like, all the freakin' time Thoughts: Your String of Lights Is Still Bright to Me Rating: PG-13 Word count: 5,596 Summary:Hiring oddball chef Castiel could be the best or the worst thing Dean’s ever done for his restaurant. It’s hard to tell, but he’s leaning towards the best thing. Thoughts:
Have Love Will Travel
Rating: NC-17 Word count: 94,000
Summary:Castiel Novak is a reclusive writer with a childhood so tragic it's left him terrified to leave his home—until his overbearing brother, Gabriel, drags him out for a night on the town full of booze and strip clubs, and he encounters Dean Winchester, a mesmerizing and mysterious stripper with secrets of his own. Both men find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, and soon Dean's private dances for Castiel become much more, as both men confess their troubles and find solace in each other's company. But neither can seem to find the courage to take their relationship further than the intimacy of the club's VIP Room—and just when Dean's own brother gives him the excuse he needs to finally admit his feelings, Dean discovers something that brings it all crumbling down. Will they find a way past their demons and their trust issues, and back to each other?
My Thoughts:This is cute and sweet. Dean and Cas are great (like always) and while there are definitely major obsticals, they face them together, eventually,only after some classic Destiel miscommunication and emotional constipation.
The Ghost of Embers
Rating:NC17 Word count:38,500
Summary:Dean Winchester's life has been one big clusterfuck. He lost his mother to a house fire when he was a child, and he lost his father to an explosive car accident when he was a teen, and, now that he's a full-grown man, he's losing his brother to college and to distant, sunny California. Dean, determined not to let his pyrophobia or his anxiety over his absent brother ruin him, and desirous of a change that just might fix everything, makes the rashest move of his adult life: a largely unnecessary, almost entirely unplanned move to New York City. Stuck in the middle of a city that has a reputation for chewing up and spitting out the unprepared, Dean's anxieties fluctuate between bad and worse...until he starts to get to know his mysterious and antisocial next door neighbor, Castiel. But mystery isn't always a good thing; Castiel is hiding a secret...a secret that even the cynical Dean Winchester might have trouble believing.
My Thoughts:I loved the adorable relationship Cas and Dean have. I loved the whole plot, a lot of adorable, and a significant amount of angst. I will say that his kinda triggered me. I had a little bit of a panic attack, because they expanded on pyro-phobia so well and it hit REALLY close to home. So be careful, but it does mean that the writing is really good and descriptive.
Ghost Light
Rating: M Word count: 6,018
Summary:AU. Dean is honourably discharge after becoming a POW and being tortured for information, leaving him emotionally destroyed and physically warped. Sam buys a new 4NG3L series Apple Robot to keep Dean sane.
My Thoughts:This is sweet and odd and then sad, and then sweet again.
Lovingly crafted and tenderly packaged
Word count: ∼17400 Rating: NC17
Summary: wherein Castiel owns a self-run t-shirts printing business for which he also makes custom orders, Dean orders Castiel's shirts online after Sam gets him a customized one and their romance is based on nonexistent boundaries. And where Balthazar owns the sex shop in front of Castiel's store and won't mind his own business.
My Thoughts:This fic is a great story, I love the characterization. I love that it is a little bit crazy, but only in a "is this really happening, what am I doing?" way. It really captures what it feels like when you meet someone you click with and get that little rush from talking to them. Its a fluffy sweet story. I liked it.
300 things
Rating: NC-17 Word count:.76,500
Summary:Dean's life at twenty-four makes him feel like he's forty--he works two jobs to help pay bills for his house and put his genius little brother through private school, and has spent six years (on and off, let's be honest) working on his mechanical engineering degree at KU. With so much of his life devoted to his family, Dean has little time in his schedule for class and no time for social interaction. Then, while getting his classes together for the fall, he finds himself in a do-or-die situation: He must take his last literature class now, his spring already filled with those left for his major...except that none of the English classes will fit his schedule. This is how Dean grovels and begs Dr. Castiel Milton to make a special arrangement for him, and Dr. Milton does.
Thoughts:Whatever I could say has been said, almost every au rec list has this fic AND THERE IS A GOOD REASON.READ IT.
Don't Walk On By.
Rating: NC-17 Word count:60,000
Summary:Dean works several jobs in order to pay for medical care for Sam who has been severely injured. The day he meets Castiel, Dean's luck changes, though it is debatable whether it is for the better or for the worse. Castiel is an angel who has been cut-off from heaven to live with Man for a hundred years. Trying to right a wrong, he accidentally hires Dean as his rent-a-boy and learns a thing or two about being human. Thoughts:It`s funny and Cas is quirky, It`s an AU but still kinda ties in. I liked it mostly for the witty dialog and the goofyness but this fic still has a heart of gold
12 Steps,Gedry
Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 33032
Summary:The 12 Steps tell you to keep it simple, but Dean Winchester has never been good at keeping anything simple.  So, with the help and support of the core people in his life he’s giving sobriety his best shot, which even on a good day is a struggle.  But as he works at it he makes progress and starts to rediscover himself, and maybe find love with the new guy next door.
Thoughts:It hurts, and then it heals. It`s sweet and lovely and has a ton of great meaningful character growth.But still has a great since of humor.
Obiter Dicta, manic_intent,AO3 WIP
Rating: PG-13 Word count:10259
Summary:AU where Dean is the angel and Castiel is a hunter. Father Castiel Novak of the Vatican's 23rd 'Huntsmen' Division knows that he belongs in Hell. He isn't entirely sure what to make of the angel that pulled him out of it, or his increasingly dysfunctional fellow operatives, or the fact that it seems that he's accidentally kick-started the apocalypse. It's going to take more than prayer and salt rounds to fix up this particular mess-
Thoughts:I love reverse!verse and this is my favorite one so far. WIP but it is one of the few that wormed it`s way past my defenses.The characterizations are perfect, and the discriptions are verry detailed without geting boring.
Castiels Star, blackdoggy1, (PDF)
Rating: M Word count:70,953
Thoughts:SO MANY TEARS. tears of sadness, happiness,frustration,laughter.this is just one of the greatest, and so is it`s sequeal
Castiel`s Storm
Rating:  M Word count:40,364
Thoughts:Sequel to Castiel`s Star. Still tears, and still amazing I loved them both and I think everyone should read them.
Didn`t they Teach You Stranger Danger in School?, homeistheimpala
Rating:  NC-17 Word count:7,602
Summary: the pointless, plot-less rom-com one where Dean accidently sends a text to the wrong number and finds himself interested in Castiel.
Thoughts:So cute, it gets a little serious but then we are back to adorableness. They are really sweet and I love the texting format.
But, Honestly, runoutofwit
Rating: NC-17 Word count:42,766
Summary:It's been more than five years since the Winchesters left Lawrence, Kansas. Now, Dean and Sam return, and Dean is forced to confront the one regret he has from when he left: he never told his best friend he was even leaving. When he finally sees Castiel again, it's like meeting a completely new person.
Thoughts:Call back to a Future!Cas. Lots of hurt feelings and self loathing, just like any Winchester event. Dean feels guilty, and wants to help, but what if his help isn`t welcome.
A series of Unfortunate Texts, AlreadyPainfullyGone,
Rating: M Word count: 47,178
Summary:Dean knows his wife is having an affair, he just doesn't know with who - and when he finds out, it's worse than he thought. Destiel Slash AU.
Thoughts:A little angsty, like, as in, kind of a lot. But also somehow a sweet story, even though they are all kinds of confused and hurt.
Bring It On Home, thecouchcarrot
Rating: T Word count: 43,622
Summary:Multi-chapter Dean/Cas AU. Dean the Sales Rep just moved into the neighborhood, and his neighbor is a definitely crazy shut-in. Ch. 30: "I'm not lovely. Knitted tea cozies are lovely."
Thoughts: I think this might just be my #1 I absolutely fell in love with the writing, plot, characterization, and flow of this fic. It is hilarious, like SO FUNNY in places. But it is heartbreaking like "have the tissues close by" in others. It is fun and zany but also heartfelt and realistic. And it does it all seamlessly.
Bring It On Home, Lilyleia78
Rating: T Word count:34697
Summary:When John sells his sons to Heaven in exchange for the Colt, Dean and Sam find themselves separated from each other and in the care of two very different angels. Dean and Cas work together to find out why Heaven wants Sam and how they can reunite the brothers - all the while growing closer every day. Meanwhile Sam should hate Gabriel and his endless string of conquests, but Gabriel's twisted sense of humor and attractive smile inspire something much more complicated.
Thoughts:I am not one for slave fics, but this one is so adorable. I did not believe it when I first found this fic, but after I read it, it was true, so cute!
Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake sparseparsley
Rating: M Word count:30784
Summary:Dean is a waiter in a strip club to put his kid brother through school. Castiel is dragged to the club as a part of his sister Anna's bachelorette party. Dean and Cas hit it off, but Dean thinks Cas is the one marrying Anna.
Thoughts:Another classic, any rec list will probably have this one. As they should,
As We Forgive Those  AlreadyPainfullyGone
Rating:  M Word count: 30,462
Summary:U Priest!Cas meets with a couple who are about to get married. Dean's already feeling guilty when he enters the church with Lisa, and then it gets so much worse, because Dean recognises the priest, from the bar where they met.
Thoughts:OW this one hurts, but its a beautiful story, and the pain is worth it for the really touching and creative story.
Much More Than A Hunch  gedry
Rating: NC-17 Word count:49,300
Summary:For lillyg who wanted FLUFF and got a daycare verse instead.
Thoughts:This is one of my soft spots, long lost best friends. ughhh soo sweet. Dean and Cas are both dads and they haven`t seen each other in years, until one day they bump into each other picking their kids up.
Play It All Night Long  janie_tangerine
Rating: NC17 Word count: 43000 ca
Summary:: the rom-com-ish one where Dean hosts a late night radio show, Castiel is a regular listener of his who starts calling one day and ends up calling more often than not and Dean finds himself liking it. This, until one day Castiel calls for not exactly petty reasons (just before Dean's brother Sam is visiting with his girlfriend for spring break) and things get very, very crowdy at his place. He also doesn't know it's just the beginning of it. Also features Gabriel, Chuck, Andy, the Roadhouse crew and a huge amount of music quoted. Especially Bob Dylan.
Thoughts:I like this one for it`s musical references, and for its general oddness. Cas is odd and Dean knows it should weird him out more, but it dosen`t. Their whole relationship is adorable, and strange in how it grows, and It`s kinda awesome.
Dream As If You`ll Live Forever  commodoresexual
Rating: NC-17 Word count:5,999
Summary: AU #19: Cas hasn't spoken a word to anyone in years and is a drifter who works various odd jobs to finance himself. Dean is a guy with a violent temper who grew up in foster care and has just gotten out of prison for a stupid judgment call. The two cross paths in a pay-by-the-week boarding house run by an eccentric older couple (Bobby and Ellen).
Thoughts:Sweet, surprising and sexy. with a little sad thrown in to round it out.
Things I Should Have Known wolfrider89
Rating: NC-17 Word count:20 000
Summary:Castiel Novak has managed to keep his personal life with Dean Smith separate from his professional life as a secret agent for three years. He expected to continue living a series of detestable but necessary lies cloaked in precarious alibis for the rest of his life, and then his new assignment threatened to throw all of that out the window: Kill Dean Winchester.
Thoughts:Destiel Mr. & Mr. Smith. need I say more?
Coils Of Fate, Seren
Rating: T Word count:11308
Summary:A bad break up, a weird pet and a mysterious heritage may just lead to the perfect romance, because sometimes what you need comes in strange packages.
Thoughts:Weird and cute and for some reason I just love this one. It`s a really creative story.
Stories From The Far Side Of Town, slowsunrise
Rating: R Word count:31290
Summary: Fairytale-ish AU. When he was seven, the street kid Dean was saved by an unknown hero. Now, fifteen years later, he's a notorious thief forced to work off his debt at the King's castle. Not letting such an opportunity slip, he tries to steal from the castle. What he didn't expect was running into the ever sick Prince Castiel no one ever sees. Nor did he expect becoming friends with anyone from the Royal family. Partially inspired by Disney's 'Aladdin' and Frances Hodgson Burnett's 'The Secret Garden'.
Thoughts:Awwwww just awwww like melt my teeth in the amount of sweet this one has. It`s not all cotton candy, but that just makes the happy bits better.
Twin Verse, CloudyJenn
Rating: PG-13 Word count: 2,000
Summary:Dean and Jensen are twins. So are Castiel and Misha. They meet. Things happen.
Thoughts:Funny and sweet, not a super in-depth serious one, but still cute for a light read.
The Weight Of Stones, teh_helenables WIP
Rating:  R Word count: 10,000
Summary:Castiel wants to marry Dean, and John will go great lengths to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Thoughts:Abandoned WIP that will have you pull your hair out and make you believe all hope is lost, but I just love John/Cas interactions, and angst, and this fic is definitely that. The thing that really gets me is that John isn`t an evil monster. He's just a scared father who makes the wrong choices, just like cannon, and it hurts more!!!!
A Brief Glimpse, CloudyJenn
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 12,000+
Summary: Castiel is utterly convinced he can't love anyone, but Sam, so when a strange occurrence at a carnival shows him otherwise, he doesn't know what to do.
Thoughts:This one is sweet and funny but still heartwarming and only a little angsting. A great consept and well written.
Family Business, luchia
Rating: M Word count: 35114
Summary:Mafia prince Dean meets a weird guy named Castiel while working off his multiple parking tickets' community service at the Taft Ave Soup Kitchen. (And there's torture and PTSD and mystery and stuff.).
Thoughts:I don`t even know where to start with this one. The plot is crazy,like a fox. Its just weird and endearing and quirky and dark and just read it.
Paused On The Way Home, CloudyJenn
Rating: R Word Count: 12,900+
Summary:When Jensen finds a homeless man passed out in a pile of snow, he decides to bring him home out of the cold. But it doesn't take long before Jensen realizes that the man is more than just odd. He might be crazy and Jensen's not sure what to do with him.
Thoughts:Another interesting plot. I was confused, for awhile, but it eventually all cleared its self up. Adorable and weird.
Kite Songs, ladytelemachus
Rating: PG Word count:9100
Summary:Dean is hailed as the Vonnegut of his generation; Cas is the highly-respected English professor who can't stand Dean's work and blogs about it for the world to see. Hijinks ensue.
Thoughts:Warning for secondhand embarrassment. :P Dean and Cas are antagonistic and sneaky and perfect with each other.
Folie a Deux by thunder-nari
Rating: PG-13 Word count:5000
Summary:The AU where Henrickson was right: there is no thing as the supernatural, John was a paramilitary whackjob, and Castiel is Jimmy Novak's other personality. A madness shared by two.
Thoughts:Dark and angsty and sad and interesting.
http://www.tthfanfic.org/Story-24294/Luna+Toeing+the+Line+Between+Evil+and+the+Divine.htm Toeing the Line Between Evil & the Divine Rating: FR15 Word count: 75,151 Summary:The déjà vu that Dawn felt around Castiel was slightly alarming…but what was really alarming was how Lucifer was popping up in her dreams acting so friendly. Thoughts:
Doublemeat Palace, Renee
Rating: T Word count: 1470
Summary: A re-writing of the Spike scenes from Buffy's season six episode Doublemeat Palace. With Dean as Buffy and Castiel as Spike.
“Cas, I’m working. Go away.”
“Yes. And I’m looking for service. Don’t you want to serve me, Dean?”
Dean found himself flushing at Cas’ suggestive comment. He forced himself to glare. “Dammit, Cas. Order something or get out.”
Mr. & Mrs. Winchester By: akat, WIP
Rating: FR18 Word count:59,271
Summary:Buffy and Dean fell in love. Buffy and Dean got married. Buffy and Dean don’t know about each other’s secret lives as Slayer and Hunter. But nothing stays secret forever.
The Stinging bitch-slap of the past
Rating: R Word count:42,317
Summary:They both left to get away from everything they'd seen, everything they'd done. They left to find out if normal was even possible and found each other in the middle of all that glaring normalcy. What happens when the past catches up, though?Spoilers: So, let's just go with all of BtVS. The entire series. And for Supernatural? I'll limit it to, oh, say, everything up to and including s2e1. *grin* AU after s2e1, obviously, then.
Apokalypsis(revelation), ladyoniel
Rating: PG 14 Word count:29094 words
Summary:There's an apocalypse and the Slayers are being kept out of it. When they find out that Lucifer's risen and a bunch of angels want the world to end so they can have paradise, Buffy and friends don't take it so well. They team up with the only people in the world who seem to be fighting for humanity--the Winchesters, Bobby and Castiel--and drag in Angel and his gang. Mankind isn't going to go out with a bang or a whimper if they have anything to say about it. A/N: This is the longest one-shot I've written since my very first posted fic, twelve years ago.Timeline: Set after Supernatural 5.10. Post-Chosen and NFA for Buffy and Angel, but Angel Season 5 went differently in that, while the battle still happened and those who died died, after the battle, Angel remained in charge of Wolfram & Hart's L.A. branch. Also, I'm ignoring the comics.
A Not So Convienient Back Up Plan, RIVULET027
Rating: PG Word count:1048
Summary:Castiel suspects that telling Dawn that Dean is her father is the easy part of his day.
Sing Me That old Song Again, pprfaith,
Rating: T Word count:2191
Summary:The world is ending. Enter reluctant Buffy.
A Demon An Angel & A GodKing Meet In The Afterlife,
Rating: T Word count:20,266
Summary:Anya, Illyria and Castiel have died, and have to answer to The Powers That Be - Chuck, Eve and Crowley - for both the good and evil they've done. They also hang out and get to know each other.
Interlude, LadyYueh, Dr. Who/SPN/BTVS
Rating:  PG Word count:1745
Summary:There are more things in Purgatory than Leviathans and the souls of monsters.
A Diffferent Kind of Angel, Alcharma,
Rating: PG Word count:1857
Summary:What if Willow and the Scoobies hadn't been the ones to bring Buffy back from Heaven?
Have a Little Faith in Me
Rating:  FR21 Word count: 2738
Summary:Faith/Cas Faith shows up needing some help with a possible apocalypse.
Timshel, Slinky-and-the-BloodyWands
Rating: K+ Word count:1394
Summary:"Your choices in both life and death are what have led you here. And, they are what will lead you out as well." Post season 7 finale of Supernatural.
Just A Little While, By fieldspar2, SPN/Dollhouse
Rating: NC-17 Word count:2858
The Operating Room, By Thobbi, SPN/Dollhouse
Rating: T Word count: 1038
Summary:Dollhouse!AU of SPN. Sam's a doll and Dean made a deal to get him a shorter sentence. But it's not with "Lucifer" that ex-FBI agent and new handler Dean Winchester is paired.
Pieorities, By MoonGodessShadow, Psych/Spn
Rating: T Word count: 5349
Summary:Even in his wildest dreams, Castiel never would've imagined that this is where they would find God, in this random hole-in-the-wall California diner. Slightly crack-y, especially near the end. Rated for some swearing.
XANDER : (I have a huge soft spot for Xander Harris (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) interacting with the Supernatural universe, so here is it`s own entire section)
Rating: T Word count:9332
Summary: In which Xander hates being the bearer of bad news, Bobby hates uninvited guests, Dean hates witches, and Sam should have known better than to use that word.
My Haunted House
Rating:  PG13 Word count: 2086
Summary: Xander lost his eye and has been back from Africa for awhile now. He now lives in *blindly stabs a finger at a map of America* Hart, Texas? That’s a real place? No way. Okay, I can appreciate the irony. The Heart lives in Hart. For those of you who don’t get what I’m saying, ‘hart’ is the Dutch word for ‘heart’. Don’t try to tell me that you don’t appreciate the irony, because I won’t believe you.
Don’t worry, the Winchester brothers are on their way to help you with all your exorcising needs.
We Need Better Bad Guys
Rating: PG13 Word count:1704
Summary: Summary: Two Brothers, The One Who Sees, a Fledge with delusions of grandeur, and a plot to be enslaved, makes for a good time, right?
Don`t Mess With Big Red
Rating: PG13 Word count:1074
Summary: A one-eyed man comes across Sam and Dean fighting a demon. "Uh, whatcha doin'?".
Along Came Xander
Rating: T Word count:9078
Summary: After graduation Xander is sent away from Sunnydale. On he way he has a little job that involves his family. His real family.
Inheritable Characteristic
Rating: T Word count: 7310
Summary:Sam and Dean know a hunter named Xander Harris. As the apocalypse approaches, though, they find there's more to him than meets the eye. Maybe if Dean hadn't dismissed the fact that he looked a little familiar....
Angel Blood
Rating: PG-13 Word count: 3000
Summary: Xander finding Castiel in an alley.
Family Ties, By GoldenSpringTime, BTVS/SPN WIP
Rating: T Word count: 25443
Summary:Xander always thought Tony Harris was his father he was wrong.Spoilers for up to finale of Buffy and to the Seventh season finale of Supernatural.
A Samhain Gift, Rivana
Rating: PG Word count: 1426
Summary:In a thousand worlds they would never have met, but on this day, on this hour, Dean receives comfort from a man who knows all about the end of the world.
Meeting at the Crossroads, improvedpeanut,
Rating:  PG-13 Word count: 2089
Summary:Cas has an interesting conversation with two strangers at a bar.
Miles to go
Rating: hard R Word count: NA(but honestly pretty long)
Summary: Xander isn’t coping well with the aftermath of Sunnydale, but Willow thinks she may have found just what the doctor ordered….
Find:Institute Cas and  meg cAS HAS DID
buffy xover mussuri`s house
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shamelesslymkp · 1 year
If Stiles had to boil down what it was he'd loved about necromancy since he was a kid, a lot of it had to come right down to the impossibility- A bone dragon shouldn't be alive, but it was; if he played the game right, then it was alive because of him. He wanted that impossibility, wanted to ride it and hold it in his hand and feel the tangible proof that he'd brought it about- and maybe that was part of what drew him to Peter, too. If Peter was real, alive and back from the dead, then he'd done the impossible. Next to resurrection, becoming an anchor for a werewolf that had never outright asked for one didn't sound quite so insurmountable. (Words: 18,445) Part 1 of Necromancer Stiles verse !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:archiveofourown, +fandom:teen.wolf.(tv), ::rating:mature, ~author:whreflections, character:stiles.stilinski, character:peter.hale, character:claudia.stilinski, character:sheriff.stilinski, character:chris.argent, character:scott.mccall.(teen.wolf), character:lydia.martin, character:erica.reyes, relationship:peter.hale/stiles.stilinski, relationship:chris.argent/peter.hale, relationship:chris.argent/peter.hale/stiles.stilinski, ::category:m/m, \graphic.depictions.of.violence, \underage, ~ao3:post-season/series.02.au, ~ao3:though.some.things.from.2.are.changed.as.well, ~ao3:mage.stiles.stilinski, ~ao3:necromancer.stiles.stilinski, ~ao3:i.love.that.that's.a.tag, ~ao3:the.petopher.is.almost.entirely.in.the.past, ~ao3:underage.drinking, ~ao3:consensual.underage.sex, ~ao3:stiles.stilinski.has.nightmares, ~ao3:jealousy, ~ao3:territorial.licking, ~ao3:i.licked.it.so.it's.mine, ~ao3:the.stetopher.is.only.hinted.at.for.the.future, ~ao3:but.the.shadow.of.it.is.present click here for mkp's pinboard and more fic recs!
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spheresofthought · 1 year
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Graphics I made awhile ago for a Destiel fic called 'To Reign in Hell' by Whreflections
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Stocking Stuffer Sunday - Fic - What Follows
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[[follow up to a drabble inspired by the first Thirsty Thursday pic set :D ]]
On November 2nd, Stiles posts a picture of himself by a lake in Estes Park.  He sits on a rock he clearly had to wade to, with boots and jeans back on.  His plaid shirt is half open under his coat, nothing under the shirt; his hair’s blown by the wind.  He looks every inch the approximation of a modern cowboy as told by a romance novel, and sure, it’s not real—and Peter wants to see the real, he truly does.  He’ll wait until Stiles posts a story that will almost certainly show him nearly falling in the lake, and he’ll love that—but he’s a man, too.  He’s not immune to tricks of lighting and setting and strategic undressing.  He’s not immune to beautiful boys—this one least of all. 
He looks in the back of the limo on the way to his meeting, looks again that night after dinner by himself in his hotel room, and thinks about touching his dick.  He does in the shower, then looks again after bed—and there are the outtakes, Stiles with the same red haired girl Peter’s seen him with sometimes before.  His best friend, he’d said.  They’re laughing at the edge of the water, Stiles hopping and high pitched cursing at the cold, and Peter finds himself laughing in the dark with them.
There’s something to be said for that, probably—an essay on social media, how it connects the world, and doesn’t change the fact that you can still be one man in a glorified box with no one to hear you. 
Maybe it’s the reminder of his own loneliness that makes him do the stupid thing that he’s avoided for months; maybe it’s Colorado.  His memories of being there with Derek are so warm, so tightly kept. 
Before he falls asleep, Peter snatches the phone back off his nightstand, and opens Instagram one more time. 
Stiles’ DM’s are open. 
Peter doesn’t let himself think; just types. 
While you’re there, you have to see the Stanley.  It’s a tourist trap that’s worth it, even with all the mountains to see.  You’ll regret it if you don’t.
He locks his phone, and expects nothing, intends to wake up to nothing—but it chimes before it even hits his chest.
Oh don’t worry; I want to.  It’s a little out of the price range right now, though, and I want to stay there, get the real experience, see a ghost 👻 – youcantpronounceitanyway
The very first thought Peter has isn’t one he can voice.  This isn’t a sugarbaby dating site; this is Instagram, and for all that he’s watched Stiles like a goddamn hawk for months, to the boy he’s nothing but a stranger, an older man creeping on him like so many others do.  Peter’s read the comments. 
Never saw a ghost there, but the views and the history were worth it anyway.  The place does have a presence.  I’m sure that’s a disappointment.  -hale7
All that tells me is that you’re a quitter, or you have terrible energy, and I gotta say you don’t look like a guy with terrible energy 😉  I mean, not from that thumbnail anyway.  Full assessment pending  – youcantpronounceitanyway
I may not use Instagram often, but I do have a few pictures up. -hale7
Yeah, and they’re locked- which I mean, totally cool, you don’t have to add me; I appreciate the heads up – youcantpronounceitanyway
Shit.  It sounds like backing up—of course it does, because while he’d been focused on that window, Stiles had requested to follow him, and he hadn’t even noticed.  He’s not ancient; most of the time he’s pretty good with technology.  It might be worth it to tell him he was distracted, might be better to just let it go. 
Peter allows him, and goes back. 
I hadn’t noticed; getting ready for bed.  You can give me your assessment in the morning. -hale7
He has to leave it there; he has to.  If he doesn’t, this might turn into a worse idea than he anticipated.  Peter puts his phone on vibrate, and goes to sleep. 
He checks Instagram before he’s even properly awake.  Apparently, Stiles assessment is nothing but fevered emojis.  It dates him; it’s endearing.  And yes, Peter can’t help but preen a little—they mostly weren’t even his best pictures, just one in a suit, one by the pool, and handful with family.  The most recent shows him with Derek and Chris’ daughter held against his chest, the day she was born. 
He can’t look at that one just now; if he does, he’ll want to go home, and he’s in Boston another two weeks at least. 
I’ll take that as a passing grade. -hale7
Again, he doesn’t expect an answer—it’s nearly 4 AM in Colorado, but he’s barely out of bed and taming his hair when the phone chimes again. 
Your energy passes with flying colors and bonus points.  Such great energy.  14/10.  If we were in the same place, I’d bet money I don’t have that my energy and your energy would be enough to summon like, at least five ghosts. – youcantpronounceitanyway
Peter’s own laughter shocks him, rough with sleep, jarring in the quiet.
I don’t think that’s how most people define good energy. -hale7
Yeah, well, non-ghost energy is boring, and you are not that, if I may say—which I think I can, cause you messaged me first. – youcantpronounceitanyway
It’s there, at his acknowledgement, that Peter stops.  He’s in front of the hotel mirror, shirtless, unshaven, his hair half done and his brush still by his hand.  He’s too distracted to finish it properly or start anything else, going about getting ready with 75% of his mind firmly on his phone, listening and listening.  Is he really doing this?  Is he flirting with the kid he’s watched too long and too intently to not feel a bit like a predator, even if Stiles is 20?
When he closes his eyes to breathe, it’s not the romance novel cowboy staring down the sunset he sees, but the boy in the garden, shaking his hand and showing his spider bite off to the phone so close the pinpricks on his skin had blurred.  Peter had wanted to kiss it, to hold his hand and take the sting. 
Stupid or not, this isn’t some run of the mill influencer crush; it isn’t.  He’s seen a hundred beautiful boys; none of them are anything like this one. 
Peter leaves the brush, and swipes up his phone. 
Compliment me as much as you like; it’ll get you everywhere- just know I intend to return the favor. -hale7
Whatever this is, he’s doing it. 
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stereksecretsanta · 2 years
Merry Christmas, whreflections!
It was so much fun thinking up ideas for @whreflections and i definitely had fun writing this!
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the first time.
When someone dies, you learn to hate your memory. Stiles remembers his mom’s order from the diner across town, how she always wanted half tea and half lemonade with heavy ice at any place that could swing it. But, when he closes his eyes, he can’t see what color her eyes were when the sunlight hit them, if it was her bottom teeth that were crooked or just a couple on the top, if her nose tilted upward at the end or if Stiles made the vision of it up so he could feel like he had a piece of her in himself. Was the small scar where she hit her head as a child threading through her left or right eyebrow?
He doesn’t remember the last time she smiled before the dirt separated them or what she liked to watch on television before they could only choose from the handful of hospital channels that didn’t result in static, but he knows she preferred sneakers to sandals and she thought the way you spoke about yourself was important. She liked trees and bright-colored bugs but Stiles doesn’t know if she knew she was going to die. He likes to think she didn’t, that she was pleasantly surprised when the pain made way for a field of wildflowers, a hospital gown’s chrysalis shed for the wings of the baby pink sundress she always wore on date night. He can’t remember if she believed in heaven, but he hopes she is there anyway.
Continue on AO3
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besanii · 7 years
whreflections replied to your post: whreflections replied to your photo: ...
AMAZING holy cow I am super happy for you and I want one so bad XD that’s my favorite legendary bird
thank youuuuu Articuno’s also my favourite so I’m THRILLED that I got one??? I wouldn’t have even thought to open the app (haven’t played in months) if my sister didn’t point out that there was a huge group of people across from our house playing pokemon =_=
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deterweek · 2 years
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I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who participated in this year's event. You have no idea how much I've enjoyed each and every contribution, and I'm just so grateful to everyone for sharing their works.
You're all amazing!
I've put together a list of all the links to this year's content, so go ahead and give our creators some comments, reblogs, and kudos—just shower them with all the love and support; they deserve it.
Day One
Love and Hate - moodboard by @asarcasticwitch
Run Boy Run - fic by @lucky-bishop
My Death Didn't Change Your Heart - fic by @r3ad3r1
My Boy, Mine! - fic by @panto-x
Tethered - fic by @softranswolves
Hate Sex - art by @andygods
Coins Of Emotion - fic by @geekmom13
Day Two
Medieval AU - moodboard by @asarcasticwitch
Oops? - fic by @asarcasticwitch
I'm Ready To Fulfil My Duty - fic by @r3ad3r1
Two Birds, Freed - fic by @whreflections
Overture - fic by KillerOfHope
Royalty - moodboard by @softranswolves
Medieval AU - art by @andygods
Day Three
Perfect For Us - fic by @asarcasticwitch
An Angry Mediator - fic by @r3ad3r1
Sharing Is Caring - fic by @lucky-bishop
Deter + 1 - art by @andygods
Permission: Pending - fic by @sivan325
Make You Ours - fic by @softranswolves
Rare - fic by KillerOfHope
Day Four
Wholesome - fic by @asarcasticwitch
Relearning The Senses - fic by @lucky-bishop
Better Than A Dream - fic by @r3ad3r1
Close - fic by KillerOfHope
A Fox Is A Wolf That Sends Flowers - fic by @softranswolves
Day Five
Hurt/Comfort - moodboard by @asarcasticwitch
Hurt/Comfort - moodboard by @r3ad3r1
Day Six
Fairytale Fusion - moodboard by @asarcasticwitch
Angels and Demons - moodboard by @r3ad3r1
Angels and Demons - moodboard by @softranswolves
That Gleam In Your Eyes - fic by @lucky-bishop
Day Seven
A Change In Plans - fic by @ash-mcj
You're Not Alone - fic by @asarcasticwitch
The Resurrection - fic by @lucky-bishop
A Month Apart - fic by @r3ad3r1
Healing Broken Hearts - fic by @panto-x
If I've missed anyone off the list, please let me know. I've gone through the Deter Week tag three times to make sure, but it's still entirely possible that I've missed something.
The dates for this event are going to stick, so put them in your diaries, folks, and I'll see you back here next year 💛
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asarcasticwitch · 2 years
heads up, 7 up
rules: share your last 7 lines and tag 7 people
Thank you to @route1961 and @msridcully for the tags 💛
The last seven lines I wrote were for my book. It's really rough, and probably way more/less than seven lines, but my brain's too fuzzy to count 😂
Oh, God.
I set down the tray I had in my hand, bracing myself against an empty table as a rogue thought hit me like a freight train.
What if he… liked me?
I shook my head. Nah, surely not. I huffed out a humorless laugh, but as I ran through everything again, my face slowly evened out.
Could he?
No pressure tags: @ash-mcj, @shey-elizabeth, @yogi-bogey-box, @whreflections, @faevorite-main-blog, @kirah69 and @lucky-bishop.
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Hi! I was curious if you knew any cottagecore fics? I read one (I think the title was 'Bigfoot told me you were coming') and I'm kind of obsessed with just, cottages in the middle of nowhere and softness and self healing with a bit of Stiles mixed in. Thank you if you know of any!
serpensastrum asked:
So...uuuuh...I'm really stressed lately and I was wondering if maybe you have any cottagecore themed sterek fics to suggest? Preferably long and completed. Happy endings only please
You know I thought this would be much harder but it turned out I find a bunch!
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Bigfoot Told Me You Were Coming by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
(9/9 I 25/232 I Teen I Stetopher)
Peter and Chris are on the run when they stumble across Stiles' home in the woods.
A Cottage in the Woods by FaeryQueen07
(1/1 I 2,960 I General I Sterek)
“There’s a cottage,” Stiles’ mother says, and then she presses a kiss to his forehead before turning off the light.
Inadmissible Result by Whreflections
(1/1 I 3,462 I Teen i Sterek)
There's a cottage in the woods that supposedly grants a lifetime of love to couples who spend a night during the Christmas season inside its walls. Since he's 100% certain Derek's feelings for him aren't romantic (and God, isn't that a tragedy), Stiles is sure that Derek is just the right person to help him test the enchantment.
He's also sure that if the enchantment doesn't fail, he just might get everything he's ever wanted.
This Space Is For You by matildajones
(1/1 I 3,908 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek is a lonely, angry man, living in the middle of nowhere.
Cabins, Confessions, and Cockroaches by Nutellargh
(1/1 I 4,009 I Teen I Sterek)
That's how Stiles found himself in the middle of a forest, trying to grab the one bag of clothes and a bajilion bags of mystical powders, liquids, books and weapons, and instantly dropping them as he spotted the cabin dude.
Derek Hale chopping wood with an axe while shirtless was not a sight Stiles was prepared for.
Cold Iron by the_problem_with_stardust
(5/5 I 5,644 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek thought the disaster that ended with Kate Argent almost burning down his family home was a relationship worst-case scenario. So, when Dr. Deaton reveals that his current girlfriend is not what she seems, Derek is ready to swear off romance forever. In an attempt to escape his well-meaning (but insanely overbearing) family, Derek volunteers to take over remodeling the small cottage that was left to the Hale siblings in his grandmother’s will. Connemara is nothing like California, and Derek feels like his luck just might be looking up.
A Cottage in November by Freshnonsense42
(1/1 I 6,522 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek doesn't know why he woke up in Stiles Stilinski's front yard, but he knows he trusts him.
He just can't figure out why he would trust a witch again.
Sweet Vinegar by Julibean19
(1/1 I 10,329 I Explicit I Sterek)
"By design, the cottage only had room for one. That should have been enough of a hint. He wanted to be left alone. He needed to be left alone. It was imperative that the Betas stay far away from him, for their own safety. And Stiles… Stiles needed to stay away more than anyone else. The man was so fragile compared to the others. Derek knew Stiles would punch him for ever suggesting it, but he was so terribly nervous whenever Stiles was around. One little slip. That’s all it would take. With the flick of a claw, Derek could end the human’s life for good. His bright, spectacular light would be snuffed out, just like that, never to shine again. Derek couldn’t stand to let that happen. Stiles was good. Derek ruined everything he touched. There was no room in his life for good things."
After the events of season 3a, Derek becomes a recluse, locking himself away from the pack. Suffering from severe PTSD, Derek attempts to cope with his symptoms alone. He refuses to let anyone in, until a certain someone comes along.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home by turningterrific
(2/2 I 82,866 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
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darkisrising · 3 years
“Write for yourself,” some thoughts
Write for yourself, absolutely. But once you *have* written  it is completely normal and understandable to want an audience for what you made. You spent time on it, you held it in your heart, you wanted to see it out in the world to share it with others. When others don’t see it to the degree you were hoping they would it absolutely fucking sucks. I get this from new writers and established writers, everyone gets salty and sad when they don’t get the response that they were anticipating.  I hate how we use the “you should write for yourself” advice as a purity test for art. You didn’t get the response you wanted? Well clearly you weren’t writing for the “right” reasons. Disappointment happens. No one is wrong for being disappointed. And, unfortunately, when that happens there are really only two options from there: you can keep going or you can quit. I will be completely candid and say in my many creative pursuits I have done both. I *have* quit when the heavy hearted disappointment outweighed my enjoyment, when I couldn’t start the activity without mourning the small deaths of all my past hopes. And you know what? Coming out the other end there is regret that I quit but it was fine. I have also pushed through, continued despite not getting reactions I’d hoped for, and have been rewarded for it. Sometimes there’s a happy ending, attention and feedback that has helped me trudge on. Sometimes not. Either way, it’s not something I could ever control. If anyone is looking at some insight I’ve found it’s this: the best thing I ever did for my writing was to read. And when I read and fall a little in love with the writer, the best best thing I ever learned was to develop an ability to see what they were doing in their writing that I admired and tried to incorporate it in my own writing to improve.  Like currently? There’s this trick that writers whose fic I admire do where instead of including the “he says” “she says” after dialogue they end the dialogue with a period and then include actions before picking up the dialogue again, and it is absolutely seamless. Like this: Bone Dragon, by @whreflections “I’m not talking about bringing Scar back from the dead.”  She tapped her notebook, her eyes warm and bright.  She had always loved sharing with him, telling him a new story he’d never heard before.  “A necromancer doesn’t bring back the dead.  They bring back something else—what that something else is depends on what kind of story you’re telling, and what you believe.  Sometimes, they bring back a monster—but I like it better when they bring back a friend.” ...or... A Thousand Prayers for the Dead, by @sushiburritonoms “It’s a holiday, he’s allowed to be spoiled.” Boba closed the gap between them and pulled Din close, dipping his head so Din could meet his helmeted forehead. The warmth of the taller man’s arms around him made the tension in his lower back ease somewhat. “It looks like you survived your trip.” It seems like such a small thing, but instictually it’s not how I want to write, and for now every time I attempt it, it comes across incredibly clunky. But I know once I get it figured out, I’ll come out the other side with another trick in my pocket to whip out when I write. Does it help the feelings of disappointment when things don’t happen the way I want them to? Not entirely. I’ve “retired” nearly every week since I started writing fanfic, as all my friends can tell you. But it helps to have something else to focus on so that you just. keep. moving. forward.  Anyway, I hope that helps whoever needs to hear it. Keep moving forward. Onwards and maybe not upwards but always onwards. 
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