regulusblqck123 · 2 days
I may have re-entered my young royals obsession era.
James: why?
Remus: at least it’s a happy ending?
James: Wenry?
Remus: Walter and Henry, James, keep up.
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bear-band-freak · 5 months
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Moodboards of my OTP Henry x Wendell (Wenry/Hendell)
On the top row, we have three images representing Henry.
The first image on the left is of a raccoon, representing his singing, top hat-companion, and pet raccoon, Sammy. The second image in the middle is of a football with a football helmet, representing him as a retired football player from the Goose Creek Bruins. And the third image on the right is of a guitar, representing his instrument of choice and his transfer to a music career as the MC of the Country Bear Jamboree.
On the bottom row, we have three images representing Wendell.
The first image on the right is of a mandolin, representing his instrument of choice and his title as the "Mandolin Maestro" of the Country Bear Jamboree. The middle image is of a football, representing the fact that he was literally used as a football by two quarterbacks, which led to his early retirement from his "gridiron career." And the third image on the right is of a skunk, representing Randy the Skunk from the Country Bear Vacation Hoedown and my personal headcanon that Randy is Wendell's pet skunk, whom Wendell begs Henry to let perform with him in the show because he taught Randy how to tap dance. (I'm sorry, but Randy has too much of Wendell's chaotic energy to not be his pet.)
The middle image in the middle row of the first moodboard is a framed poster of Wendell and Henry as the musical comedy duo they are, and I just adore it.
I couldn't pick which moodboard I liked best, so I decided to post all three. The quotes are from two songs I like and associate with Henry and Wendell. Not because I headcanon Wendell sounding exactly like Ogie (Christopher Fitzgerald) from Waitress or anything. *Eyes nervously shifting from left to right* 😳👉👈
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traumatizedkids · 2 years
Traumatized Kids Meeting 3X4
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kdkdnfuiahuag · 1 month
thinking about the fact that henry and walter probably went to different schools after hillerska closed. they probably went from being together almost every minute of the day to sending a text every once in a while and barely talking or seeing each other
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black-bonnie · 1 year
More wenry Rockbell please!
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🎀 | Wenry Rockbell !
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reanimationstation · 1 year
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shadows of the stars npc doodle dump
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ohmypenguin · 1 year
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wellsygrahams-a · 2 years
♡ ⋯ ⤳ couples a to z    
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kikikiwi27498 · 6 months
Good morning darling! Here are some more yr fic asks! I'm curious about 20, 36, 37, 42 and 44 💜
Wish you a splendiferous Sunday!
Hello! Thank you so much for asking, and sorry this took so long! Work has been crazy and I might have gone a little overboard haha. I'm going to answer everything in one ask, so here are numbers 6-13 as well. Also these are basically all Wilmon fics because I love those boys so much.
From the 2023 Young Royals Fanfic Ask List: (I'll do more of these if people want, I love talking about fics)
6. Favorite one-shot fanfic: Pretty much everything by NerdGirl07, especially Promise Me (You're Safe) and Centre of the Storm.
7. Favorite chaptered fanfic: I have so may favorites. As Long As We Have Each Other by groenendael (@groenendaelfic) is my current favorite post-season 2 fic. Right now I'm reading Doesn't Everyone Belong in the Arms of the Sacred by painterssong (@alltoowille) and I'm loving it.
8. Fluff recommandation: This is such an angst-heavy fandom, sometimes it's hard to find pure fluff. I loved Playing House by LovelyLittleLosers (@lovelylittlelosers), Wille experiencing normal things, even just getting lost in Ikea, brings me so much joy.
9. Crack recommandation: Simon Eriksson: Just Some Guy From Biology and Patience Is A Virtue and I Have None, both by fandom_commitment_issues (@zee-has-commitment-issues).
10. Smut recommandation: Love Would be Burning Red by embracethevoid (@ungaroyals) and disruptedthesky (@omar-rudeberg) and You Can Send Me to the Lord by YoungRydbergs for smut with plot. They're both parts of series, so you might want to read the other parts first, especially for You Can Send Me to the Lord. If you want smut with less plot, I liked the Sense and Sensuous series by YulianaHenderson. (one of these days I need to make a spicy fic rec list)
11. Angst recommandation: This fandom writes so many incredible angst fics, it's hard for me to pick! I loved A Palm to My Mouth, I Said it, Almost by MyArtificialFlowers and It's All So Incredibly Loud by pysanky (@pysankywrites-updates). Please read the tags before reading these, they are both very angsty.
12. Kid fic recommandation: I love kid fics so much and girl dads Wilmon even more, though I have many thoughts about whether Wilmon would want their kids to grow up royal. Some of my favorites are Thoughts On a Stormy Night by LaChicaMarvel and Painted Memories by NerdGirl07, as well as When Dividing up the Universe, You Could Have Mine by the_old_stairs.
13. Christmas fic recommendation: And That's How Simon Got Banned from Christmas Decorating by ASkyofKai. If you want a slightly angsty one, Merry Crisis by pysanky (@pysankywrites-updates) - ngl I'm low-key obsessed with the Third Year Things series, it's perfect and everyone should go read it right now. (if anyone knows any other third year Wilmon fics please let me know, I'm dying to read more)
20. Your « not Wilmon » favorite ship/couple: Henry/Walter (do they have a ship name?? Wenry? Halter?) probably. It's an angsty post-breakup fic, but I loved Closure by stretchoutandwait (@stretchoutfics).
36. Your favorite trope: This is kind of basic, but I love friends to lovers. I'll also always read a sick fic where Character A has to take care of Character B (bonus points if Character B insists Character A leaves so they don't get sick, and/or they deny that they're sick), such as Baby, You're the Cure (So Let Me Close to You) by isnt_that_wizard (@skateboardtotheheart) - it's part of a series, but you can read it on its own.
37. The trope you didn't expect to like: Only Fools Remain Sane by Elin98 made me love fake dating.
42. Do you like to comment on the fic you read: I do! I'm just really bad at doing it consistently because I tend to write whole essays so it takes me a long time.
44. On what device do you read: Mostly my phone, but I use my laptop too.
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bluekazenateartblog · 9 months
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Chibi-fied the cast of D6 SandTide because I can XD
Art/Cotton(c) @bluekazenatemain @bluekazenateartblog
Wenri(c) @transientday
Myrad(c) @keylligraphy-ink
Roloi(c) @distortiondevil
Holly(c) @pastel-werewolf
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soollarllery · 6 months
matching icons red velvet, seulri, joyri, wenseul, wenri, seulrene, joygi
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sysba · 9 months
my characters
* thought i’d post this list that was sitting in my drafts; not all of them because i have too many but have some (if) ocs ♡
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edith blake. original, the wayhaven chronicles, the exile verse ♡ she/any (queer). november 13th. fc: laura james. 5′11/181cm. ROs: cal, adam du mortain. connections: kiara kingston (sister). 
freddie han. ear candy verse. ♡ he/him (m). february 14th. fc: christian yu. 5′9/174cm. ROs: shiloh rue, winslow montgomery. connections: ryuwon han (sister).
ryuwon han. straight red verse. ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: ryu. fc: kim do-yeon. 5′10/179cm. ROs: jude schofield. connections: freddie han (brother).
zoe beckett. original (modern gods verse), the wayhaven chronicles ♡ she/her (f). fc: misc. 6′/184cm. ROs: veera, nat sewell. connections: jada beckett-jones (cousin). tag.
atalanta daenys ♡ she/they (nb). specialty: spiritism + alchemy. fc: misc. 5′7/170cm. ROs: elias revelois.
ersa altalune peg’asi ♡ she/her (agender). species: kitalphan. fc: emily browning. 5′1/154cm. ROs: vexx serif.
nefta gil ♡ she/her (f). august 15th. fc: misc. 5′1/156cm. ROs: sysba, dreamwalker.
selene king ♡ she/her (f). beta. fc: phoebe tonkin. 5′7/172cm. ROs: farroq khan.
starling baluyot ♡ she/they (nb). alpha. fc: beatrice laus. 5′3/161cm. ROs: marco.
anya petrova ♡ she/they (genderfluid). username: gothitax. fc: florzoye on ig. 5′1/155cm. ROs: nakedtoaster, toastyx.
kim ngo ♡ they/them (nb). fc: naomi roestel. 5′10/178cm. ROs: arthur campbell.
angelica vaughan ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: angie. fc: benedetta gargari. 5′8/172cm. ROs: vinh nguyen.
cahya vinteren ♡ she/her (f). fc: brianne tju. 5′1/154cm. ROs: noir zu, jareth january.
diamond emeraude vinteren ♡ she/they (nb). fc: savannah smith. 5′7/170cm. ROs: sailor bones, hawthorne (spilt milk).
nehal nightbloom ♡ she/all (genderfluid). species: elf. fc: misc. 5′11/180cm. ROs: all. tbd.
victoria torres ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: vic, v. fc: tashi rodriguez/ giovana cordeiro. 5′1/155cm. ROs: bryce lahela.
angel rivas ♡ they/he (nb). fc: omar rudberg. 5′9/175cm. style: all-court player. doubles partner: rayyan. ROs: rayyan afiq. 
persephone ♡ she/any (agender). fc: misc/anya chalotra. 5′6/167cm. ROs: hades, tbd. tag.
kate hanna ♡ they/them (nb). august 23rd. full name: kateebah. stage name: arkane (prev: rickety kate). band: dance of the planets. genre(s): alt-rock, pop punk. fc: nour rizk. 6′2/187cm. ROs: seven lawless.
sung-won kang ♡ she/they (f). december 15th. nicknames: sunni, lucky. stage name: lady luck. band: WBM. genre(s): pop rap, R&B, hip-hop, EDM. fc: jeon so-yeon/kang min-ah. 5′7/169cm. ROs: griffin reign + victoria valentine, orion quinn.
jamie last ♡ they/them (nb). fc: tbd. 6′/182.5cm. ROs: cove holden.
cierra last ♡ she/her (f). nicknames: cherry. fc: kendra bailey/misc. 6′/182.5cm. ROs: derek suarez. 
marina howard ♡ she/her (f). fc: yvonne logan. 5′/153cm. ROs: baxter ward.
sharona west. real name: milagros ramon. ♡ she/her (nb). fc: lizeth selene. 5′3.5/161cm. ROs: flavio esposito.
naomi morren. real name: naomi kurosawa ♡ she/they (f). fc: rina fukushi. 5′10/179cm. ROs: reed esposito, laurent rosier.
sidra. real name: yuna arai. ♡ they/he (nb). fc: misc. 5′7/169cm. ROs: nash, rohan.
gienah. real name: izzi muhammad ♡ she/they (nb). fc: bonzaimai on ig/misc. 5′9/176cm. ROs: rhaxa. 
jamilah durant ♡ she/her (f).   nicknames: jam. fc: sharon alexie. 5′6/168cm. ROs: oliver shen.
shanna wenrys ♡ she/they (f/nb). fc: misc. 4′11.5/151cm. ROs: blade bronwyn.
kiran rhune ♡ they/them (nb/genderfluid). fc: misc. 5′2.5/159cm. ROs: red antiqua.
kassandra farhat ♡ she/they (nb). nicknames: kass. fc: jamie gray-hyder. 5′11/179cm. ROs: li cowles, sebastian wynric. connections: sebille (sister), scooby boo (dog).
sage roe ♡ she/her (f). fc: zoë kravitz. 5′2/157cm. ROs: zillah. 
mordred pendragon ♡ she/they/he (genderqueer). fc: tbd. ROs: galahad du lac.
farja ja’qhar ♡ she/her (f). title: painted phoenix. fc: misc. 5′1/155cm. ROs: syfyn.
nathair cheronobog ♡ he/him (m). title: gilded gorgon. fc: noen eubanks. 6′5/196cm. ROs: vethna, +nikke.
neamhain rezoth ♡ they/them (nb). title: deathless demon. fc: tbd. ROs: freedom.
saeha lygris ♡ he/him (m). title: white wolf. fc: park seonghwa. 5′8/174cm. ROs: sabir + nikke.
reyna santos ♡ she/her (f). fc: shay mitchell. 5′4/161cm. ROs: rylan villanueva.
ziv mays ♡ they/them (nb). fc: jaiiy d. moses. 6′/183cm. ROs: blane rekner.
salvador soto ♡ he/they (m). nicknames: chava. fc: misc/cristo fernández. 6′3/190.5cm. ROs: k de vries. 
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jjongpoet · 1 year
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💐Wenri icons💐
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superherokisser · 2 years
im really sorry i dont know im just  kind of upset right wenri
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black-bonnie · 2 years
Wenry Rockbelle from Fma
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🔧| Winry Rockbelle !
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thelittlesimpworld · 2 years
More about Rosella;
• Relatives; Rosella is the daughter of Margarett and Wenry, a mere human peasant who worked as a baker while Margarett is one of the extinct race which in this case is Founder/First Blood.
• Childhood; Rosella was born in a simple country house that had a beautiful garden and a beautiful vegetable garden, her parents were wonderful with her and always taught her many things, for example, her father taught her to cook, her mother taught her to paint and make medicines.
She always helped her father to deliver the bread and sweets that the people from that village ordered was one of the things she loved to do the most and another hobby of hers was taking care of her father's vegetable garden.
• "The misfortune" / "adulthood"; Rosella's life was good and perfect until an incident occurred... her father died early because of a fire that occurred in the village and she is not sure what happened to her mother, the fire occurred when she was around of her 10 years being like this, she was orphaned very early and as a consequence learned to be independent in the most painful and sad way.
Growing up without parents was not an easy duty for Rosella, she spent part of her childhood wandering around the woods with no destination and was starving, cold and thirsty.
Until she took action and started fishing for her daily food, stole a lot of blankets from people who camped in the forest, and drank river water and improved her knowledge in medicine thanks to animals that appeared injured either by hunters, predators or by accidents. When she was a little older she decided to go looking for a temporary job to get more money, as her father's and mother's fountain were turned to ashes she got this temporary job and worked a long time until she got enough money. to build a new house, which she decided would be in the middle of the forest and she rebuilt her fruit and flower garden. And enrolled in Ryoutei Academy to learn more things.
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