#well played anon
evilxdoodles · 1 year
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they're terrified because octavian is an inch taller than poem
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nextinline-if · 1 year
Nothing can beat a thick, juicy, big piece of meat.
Steak is delicious.
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blackjackkent · 3 days
True/False game: Your community can pin down exactly which characters you're going to romance, in order of your thirst level, with at least 99% accuracy for any given game.
(True/False game. Make an assumption about me in my ask and I’ll tell you if its true or false. Go.)
I'm so called out, but yes, fully true. I have a few Very Established Types. XD
My stream/Discord community has correctly called my romances in advance several times. :P Karlach being the most recent - everyone definitely knew I was gonna beeline for her before I had even met her.
@doriangaymer if you weren't the one who sent this you might find it funny. :P
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thedemon-crowley · 9 months
Anthony Jwouldn't you like to know, weather boy Crowley.
No wonder you only use the J.
Pahaha stop that, you’re not allowed to be funnier than me in my ask box.
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notesonartistry · 1 year
Ask game: you unpack your suitcase as soon as you get back home.
Hahahaha, you are correct anon. Unless it's ridiculous-o'clock and then I do it after I have a cuppa in the morning.
Anonymously send me assumptions about me
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atthebell · 6 months
*shakes can* long hair cellbit? Long hair cellbit to spare please? Please
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order up
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genericpuff · 1 month
goddamn i wish i could take credit for writing this line
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not because it's good, it's just so random and absurd that it seems like something i'd write as one of my text edit shitposts LOL
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pianokantzart · 4 months
I found out that Bowser was going to be meaner in the Mario movie and that they made him more likable in the final move.
Like Bowser in the final movie tries to destroy the mushroom kingdom and preform a ritualistic sacrifice, hold Luigi to later kill to make Mario suffer, his love for Peach is faker than plastic, he treats his minions like trash.
Like outside of being funny Bowser has no good qualities, and I can only think about how he would have been.
Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that figuring out his personality was one of the most difficult parts of writing the script, and they kept making him too much like a "Marvel Villain" (or something along those lines.)
They definitely went the right direction by leaning into the "hopeless romantic" angle and playing up his insecurities. The way he fawns awkwardly over his crush? writes shallow romantic ballads while imagining her swooning? nervously rehearses one-liners? If that was all it was, it'd be adorable!
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You see the seeds of what could have been good qualities. His sensitivity could've garnered compassion and his determination could've made him a good ruler rather than a good conquerer. It's the fact that he's both unable to accept "no" in any capacity and makes his personal insecurities the responsibility of everyone around him that make him so scary.
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He obsesses over what he can't have and enjoys nothing more than the utter destruction of anything that dares to stand in his way, hence the weird adoring/vengeful behavior he exhibits toward Princess Peach. Peach is both something he wants and the thing telling him "no," and as a result he wants to take ownership of her and tear her down simultaneously... marrying her amidst a mass slaughter of her old allies and destroying her kingdom the moment she resists.
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He is both terrifying and pathetic, so wrapped up in himself he can't see that he's a black hole of desires, constantly destroying his own chances at happiness in pursuit of an idealized version of validation. He's somewhat likable because you can relate to his vulnerability, and the way he awkwardly fumbles with his own romantic feelings is incredibly entertaining, but boy oh boy he is not anything close to a good person.
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buwheal · 2 months
...Unfortunately, no. I don't doubt that you hear something, but we can't hear anything on our end. What does it sound like?
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(If you’re going to help out, it’d great to also add something to distract him :-) )
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
It's okay to just be binary you know
It's also okay to let trans people do whatever they want forever. Hope this helps.
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pcktknife · 21 days
what do you think about the newest penacony story patch in hsr?
penacony numero uno. actually the best arc out of the 3 so far but sunday should kill himself*
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simplydnp · 3 months
Sometimes I think Dan and Phil are totally platonic besties and then other times I’m convinced they fuck on the daily. I think they do it on purpose and it’s honestly iconic.
kind of the best thing is that they are that and everything in between. you can tell they just like being around each other. they've made content together for 15 years and the large majority of it was done in the strictly platonic sense for their audience. and they were still having so much fun with it. we're in the 'we know you know' era now so we get to see flashes of different dynamics they have, but they absolutely have more we Don't get to see bc they're not for us.
they like each other. stupidly fond of each other. spending time together doesn't feel exhausting. they're best friends and each others' harshest critics while being the biggest hypeman and also safe space.
dnp's relationship with us, their audience, always has been and always will be different than any other content creators. part of it is how they accumulated it, but another part is just the massive history we have with them. they Get us. they Know us. they're silly goofy sarcastic guys who love us and hate us sometimes. theyre grateful but careful too. they like to rile us up, just like they do each other. it's a love language, teasing, and we've shown positive responses to it over the years. i like to say that my relationship with dnp is antagonistic sometimes--cause i know they're pushing my buttons on purpose. and ykw? it's fun! it's fun for us and it's fun for them because they have the control. i know anything they let out is cause they chose to let it out because they Know how we are. so yes they absolutely adore messing with us. we're a funny bunch.
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ferretwhomst · 1 month
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ghost brothers healing arc real?!?!?!
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anantaru · 5 months
do you think kaveh would like women? asking bc i keep seeing ppl say kaveh would only be interested in men and i’m a woman who rlly likes him and i’m feeling particularly sensitive today 😭 u dont have to answer (ofc!) i just felt like asking you bc i like you and your thoughts
I FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS ASK BUT KAVEH LIKES YOU FOR YOU, HE LIKES AND LOVES YOU AND CHERISHES YOU 💓 i think i already said something similar but no sexuality is confirmed (PSPSPSPSO THEY ARE NOT and it's okay to have headcanons and opinions just don't push them down someone's throat)
and people desperately trying to ruin a ship for others because they do not agree on it is just insanity to me. again, kaveh and others are pixels, they aren't real and you can headcanon them however you like and kaveh (or any other character) likes you because of you, you can write them how you want and imagine them how you want 🙇🏻‍♀️ if anybody actually gets mad at this they automatically confirm to me that they do not have other things to worry about besides fighting over a pixel in a video game that should bring joy and comfort and a way to escape from real life struggles at least for a little while 💓
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oifaaa · 11 days
Tim is the Oifaaa of the family <3
Wait what family?? like what member of the family am I and who else is in the family ???
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silverskye13 · 3 months
For the first time throughout RnS, I have slightly shifted my opinion from "Tanguish needs to be protected at all costs" to "actually someone needs to talk some sense into this headless chicken of a self preserving punk" and I mean this with so much positivity. I live Tanguish as character a lot because he at a glance is harmless and kind, and while he is pretty sweet, he's also pretty self serving at his core. A survivalist who will use whatever tactics he can to make his life as comfortable as seems feasible. He's just a little guy whom I love, but also needs a bit of insight into other perspectives and I'm so excited for the next chapter.
He's just a little guy! He's just a little guy and he needs people! Needs-- like he needs-- like it's a problem he needs people.
But you're absolutely right! He is trying his best, that's evident. Everyone can sympathize with the idea of loneliness, and of not wanting other people to hurt themselves, and of needing companionship. The issue is when his need for companionship overrides both his ability to be comfortable alone, and everyone else's ability to live their own life. He's really good at figuring out how people work, why they do the stuff they do, and right now he's using it to feed his codependency problems.
But! He's learning.
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