#we’re 2 episodes in and she’s hooked on that one now too
raeathnos · 1 year
#so I’ve been trying to get my parents to watch the mandalorian for the longest time#cause we have Disney+ and we’re paying for it and they don’t watch anything#I keep trying to tell them that you just gotta watch stuff you normally wouldn’t sometimes cause you never know what you might like#so they agreed at the start of March cause I was supposed to go down to the beach for the day for my birthday but my car started having issu#I was really down cause I had been looking forward to going for a long time so they were like alright we’ll watch the mandalorian with you 🙄#thought my dad might be vaguely interested and didn’t think my mom would like it#dad is eh but it’s growing on him#my mom? completely hooked. I’m shocked#like she’s the last person I ever pictured liking Star Wars and she’s really into it#I get home from work and the second I’m in she wants to watch the next episode#we finished season 2 and we’re on the book of boba get now#and she was kinda hesitant and didn’t think she’d like it as much#we’re 2 episodes in and she’s hooked on that one now too#she says she’s sad cause we’re almost caught up and that season 3 only has a few more episodes#but she wants to watch all the movies and other series now and I’m like shocked#in a good way I mean#I just never anticipated her being this into it?#she’s very much a prim proper white suburban woman who only wants to watch the bachelor and hallmark channel#she’s kinda surprised by it too cause she didn’t think she was gonna like it either#but she said it feels like a nice change of pace from what she normally watches#i guess I’m writing all this cause it’s nice#we don’t get along a lot and we don’t really share any of the same interests#it’s nice to have something in common for once
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bengiyo · 10 months
Love Class 2 Eps 5 & 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week…I gotta be honest, besties, I’m a little foggy on this one. J-min is giving the most compelling performance that is holding my interest. Lee Hyun wrote poetry about Kim An that was pretty, and the two of them hung out on the roof after Lee Hyun learned about what happened up there before. Maru moved in with Minwoo and ate dry cereal before pouring milk into his mouth (unhinged). Minwoo kissed Maru while he was asleep. Joo Hyuk is determinedly pursuing Sung Min, but I’m not sure I’m into it.
Episode 5
You know what? I respect Joo Hyuk and Sung Min hooking up on the first date. We do not get that often enough in BL.
Well, Maru defeated the manager.
Meet the friends? I’m looking forward to this mess.
Is it just me, or are Korean chopsticks generally longer than Japanese and Chinese ones?
“They seem like best friends.” Sirs, come on.
I like Joo Hyuk. Everything he said was true and correct.
See, Minwoo? They’re great friends!
I see we’re going to have discourse over this show, too. Sigh.
Oh, it’s the weirdo from last week. What does he have on Kim An?
Minwoo and Maru are making me anxious.
Is this the guy who supposedly was pushed off the roof? He feels so sinister and possessive.
Lee Hyun said simping is a full-time job. All day, every day. Believe that.
Episode 6
I don’t know who this girl is, but I hope she doesn’t get played.
This may be unpopular, but y’all should not be feeding stray cats. They do not help control pests. All they do is kill birds, and birds help keep bug populations under control. Cats should be kept indoors if you want them to help keep pests out of your house.
Pringles seems invested in K-BL. I also noticed a can in Why R U yesterday.
I’m okay with her helping Minwoo. This could be fun.
Oh hell it’s that asshole again. We don’t even know his name, but he’s tedious.
I don’t like the implications about money being thrown around in this flashback.
Oh, nooo. They were in an orphanage together for most of their lives?
I need to learn this girl’s name because she’s amusing.
Joo Hyuk has Sung Min modeling for them a payback. I love this.
That’s right, Joo Hyuk! Make him work for it!
Lee Hyun is using all-in-one hair and body wash? Well, he is a boy I guess.
Oh, now Kim An can tease him about how gay he is?? Sir, I am going to fight you.
Minwoo, can you just tell Maru what you’re feeling instead of messing with him like this?
Oh my goodness, this orphanage dude was mad about Lee Hyun when he said he didn’t want more from Kim An? This feels cruel.
Besties, I don’t know how I feel about the way the three stories happening play out with each other, but I at least appreciate that it’s coherent.
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katherineholmes · 1 year
SEND ME A FANDOM (+ number) AND I WILL TELL YOU: 1, 2, 3, 15, 17 and 18 for TVDU fandom.
SEND ME A SHIP (+ number) AND I WILL TELL YOU: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 14 for Elejah and Klena.
SEND ME A CHARACTER (+ number) AND I WILL TELL YOU: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 for Elena, Klaus and Elijah.
Thank you so much for this question, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so flattered before. It means a lot to me that you want my opinion/answer on so many questions!
Since these are long, I’m going to answer this in three parts!
The moment in the story that I started shipping my OTP from this world?
Well, my OTP is definitely Klena, and I think I started shipping them in episode 11 of season 2. Elena goes to Slater’s apartment to send that message to Klaus - the doppelgänger is alive and ready to surrender. And 14 year old me was immediately like 😍🤭👀. After that, Klaus asking Elena to save a dance for him and all was just….loaded.
Like, even before they met, there were these vibes and I was just in love with them. The way he holds her at the sacrifice, their chemistry during the prank night episode, it definitely got to me. They’ve been waxing and waning in my mind since then.
My three favorite characters and why I love them so much.
The first is, of course, Elena. That very first scene in the cemetery where she’s writing in her diary had me hooked. I was so intrigued by her loneliness and her depression, someone I could identify with, who was so internalised. I’d always felt weird about being an introvert, and Elena was one of the first characters that I identified with. Now, after a decade, I can also identify with her grief, and it’s just that much more personal to me.
The second is Klaus. When he first came on the show, I wasn’t sure what to make of him. I def found him attractive 😅 but I thought there was more to him that I needed to see. I thought, multiple times “what an asshole”, but I could also recognise his loneliness and his fear of being abandoned, and they just resonated with me. By s4 of TVD, I was already in love with him, and followed him onto TO. (That was for Elijah too 🤭)
And third, I think, is Cami. I loved Cami, I saw her as this girl trapped in darkness, and trying to find her way out, until eventually she didn’t want to find a way out anymore. It was nice to see someone who was somewhat ordinary getting trapped between these vampires. The beginning of her relationship with Klaus is so fascinating to me, like she obviously sees him as a tortured soul, while he is actively hurting her through his mind control. But she fights back, and she’s tenacious, she’s probably one of the few people who fights against Klaus’ compulsion and then gets out of it. Refuses to play by his games but also plays him sometimes to get what she wants. Her struggle with vampirism was so, so real, and both her deaths were the saddest I’ve seen in that universe.
Which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
Ugh, the entire torture episode. Where Damon and Stefan (the saviours 🙄) both torture Elena to turn her humanity back on. Get Katherine to help too, just disgusting. That episode shows just how much internalised misogyny some of the show runners themselves held.
Which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone?
Probably Matt. Like, I like him well enough, but after a certain point, what does he even bring to the table?
The world-building aspect of the story I have the greatest admiration for.
The Originals for sure! I absolutely love s3 of TVD but s2 is so fucking good. The build up is amazing, first we’re introduced to Isobel, then that Katherine entry (like damn), just when we think she’s the baddest, Elijah shows up and scares the fuck out of Katherine.
And then, this intense build up to Klaus and sun and moon curse, only for us to learn that it was all fake, and to know about the real curse. It’s just…. Brilliant storytelling. Like yes, there are loopholes, and it’s the CW, but it’s just so well paced. I’ll be honest though, once the originals show up, it feels like we go into a different level. So much of the credit for that goes to Daniel and then Joseph, they were both brilliant, and they brought something unique to their roles that made us want to see them more. They elevated every scene they were in and Paul, Nina and Kat were the only ones who could keep up imo, at least in terms of screen presence.
The perfect number of books/seasons/movies needed to tell this story properly.
I think 4-5 seasons were more than enough. I’m not a fan post s4 (and s4 hangs on by a thread).
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girl4music · 2 years
ANDI ORTIZ: “So the series is called ‘First Kill’, obviously because you’re both kinda going through your first kill. Juliette does end up getting her first kill not till a little bit later. Not till, I think it was episode 4?.... But her first kill comes as she’s trying to protect Cal. And we don’t see her kill again except for when she’s with her sister. I think you only have 2 kills in this series. But that first one is definitive. She does it out of a need, out of a drive to protect Cal. How does that inform the character going forward? Because she doesn’t wanna kill people but clearly she’s willing to do what she’s gotta do. Is she like a vigilante vampire now? Is that what we’re looking at?”
SARAH CATHERINE HOOK: “Well, I really thought that we were gonna-and maybe this is-god willing there’s a Season 2 or just more seasons to come. I’m feeling like-because now we can talk about spoilers and stuff. Season 2, I feel like she’ll go through more of a like a dark emo phase of “I’m just gonna kill now. I’m so depressed and sad and heartbroken.” Umm, but I did always think, oh she’ll have this realization of that “I can use my powers for good and kill the bad guys” ‘cause that’s essentially what she did. But I think that that’s just because Season 1 is such an introductory season, we didn’t get to explore that part of it. Of like, umm, if Juliette is going to use her powers for good, basically. We didn’t get to get to that part. But I do hope-and I feel like that would be the case for her because it’s not like she really can be human at any point. So at some point she’s just going to have to accept who she is, you know? I think there is a way to use her powers for good and like in a way that she wants it to be. Even Elinor said that, in like episode 3, when Juliette was still freaking out about killing someone. She was like “We’ll do it your way. We’ll find the right person.” And of course Elinor totally tricked her like the sneaky girl that she is.”
ANDI ORTIZ: “But we love her. She’s so good!”
SARAH CATHERINE HOOK: “She’s so great. She really is. She just pops. Umm, but yeah. So I think that there will be some sort of happy medium for her in the future.
*A little later in the interview*
This is what I’m hoping for. I kinda wanna see a little bit of a dark side. I don’t know if it’s too soon for that but-and when I say ‘dark side’ for Juliette, I’m talking Elinor dark side. So like the blonde heels. Like go into the scary Barbie phase. You know what I mean? And just really embrace that like really high class southern bleach blonde vampire thing that her mom and Elinor have going on. That’s what I’m envisioning. But I do think things will go back to normal eventually. And then you know, Cal and Juliette will probably by the end of Season 2 come back together. I don’t know. We’ll see. I have a lot of thoughts though. I’m like,... can I join the writer’s room?”
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i think we’ll get Dark Juliette! Me and Sarah Catherine seem to be on the same wavelength for Juliette’s character development arc in Season 2. The writers would listen to her thoughts, right? She’d have some creative control with where they take the writing for her character. This has just got to happen! Oh my god, I’m so excited! 
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.65--Episodes 1-2
I have watched through S7E2; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—I know I started this with a salty attitude, but I’m already invested. First episode didn’t do it for me, but goshdarnit if episode 2 didn’t just get me. Still a bit shady going forward, but I’m checking it.
—Alice’s lil mushroom shirt is cute. Of course, mushroom shirts are among the most sapphic of things, so I’m legally obligated to like it.
—Her glowing-mushroom cave is fun, too.
—Other Hook having his daughter’s rook while she has his knight is sad-cute. I might be willing to place some money (not much) on Alice being his daughter? Mostly because she’s s u s and because chess is very Wonderland. Also, that Hook is a bit older, so the vengeful witch who locked up his daughter could be Cora.
—Hunny, I cannot stand Rumple’s outfit. And I don’t even know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. He’s supposed to B styling in either a suit or some leather, but he’s gone full Texas tuxedo. On the other hand, he do be cuffing those jeans a bit, so….even wash. (Also, the shaggy hair is really top-tier.)
—I feel much better knowing that other Hook is the one in Hyperion Heights. He’s still sad, but at least CaptainSwan are together in Storybrooke.
—Also, Hook and Emma expecting a baby? YES!
—It amuses me to no end that Hook’s last name in Hyperion Heights is Rogers.
—Rumple looking for a moral compass in a partner is v swaggy. I was expecting the writers to put their heads up their asses and write him as a villain, and even if he seems a little dubious anyway, at least he seems to be a pretty chill dude.
—Mmmkay, so why do he and Alice know each other? And does he actually know her, or does the Rumple from the wish-world know her? Is that even our Rumple?
—Henry inviting his mom to come on his adventure in Cinderella world is nice. And I adore him for not acting like he’s too grown to use one of his Operation codenames.
—I think maybe these two episodes, especially the first one, have been trying too hard to recapture the spirit of the early first season. Is it interesting to see the story repeat with Henry? Ngl, I do enjoy a decent cyclical narrative. But it’s kinda copy-and-paste for my tastes, although I do have faith that it will improve with time. The potential almost makes me disappointed there’s only one season of this.
—Gee, there’s a lady who can cook and makes frog references? Wonder who that might be.
—I’m also not sure how much I like that we’re basically exploring the concept of a multiverse. I hate most multiverses. It makes stuff overcomplicated. However, I will concede that the idea of seeing how different choices make the same people different is cool, and I have liked the alternate realities we’ve visited. But this is different, because Cinderella is an *entirely* different person, yk, different actor and all that rubbish, so it’s not quite the same.
—I’m also not sure I like the way she’s been characterized. Cynical princesses aren’t really my thing. Hope is the inborn magic that draws me to Disney princesses. A lot of their lives low-key, maybe high-key, suck, and if they can be hopeful than so can I. I can deal with a lot of personality traits, such as the difference in Cinderella’s enduring kindness and Merida’s brash recklessness, but hope is something I think those ladies need. Having a cynical Cinderella doesn’t hit the sweet spot for me.
—Do they really expect me to take that bland-ass boring old dry toast biddy seriously? *old person voice* Back in my day, the evil ruler of a cursed town was the one, the only, the stunning, the inimitable, the QUEEN Regina Mills! Tremaine don’t got nothing on my girl.
—Henry’s clothes in the Cinderella world are very Charming-esque.
—I think they cast adult Henry pretty well. It’s nowhere near the caliber of young Snow White, but let’s be real reaching that bar is impossible. His voice is the best, and every now and then he gets an expression that looks very much like Henry.
—Kinda gives me mental vertigo when I think about how much time has passed in the show since the finale of season 6, or since the beginning of the show. Henry’s a full-grown man with a wife and a daughter now. It’s gotta be at least fifteen, maybe twenty, years since the first time we saw him. *sniff* they grow up so fast!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
My Re-Watch of Ghosts, Part 2
So, after I did my re-watch and writeup of Ghosts last week, my fellow theorists had a lot of thoughts. It had been a long time since we were able to have a good, long discussion and riff off one another's insights like this. I've missed it!
I love this! I'm going to give you my first thoughts on what my impressions were when I read it. You talked about Carol seeing something that will only make sense later on. TF not understanding what they're getting into, the large gym, possibly finding Beth where she was not expected to be.
Here's what came to my mind. S5e1 No Sanctuary. With Carol basically being unconscious during most of the time she was at Grady I just started thinking as I was reading that a lot of this sounds to me like No Sanctuary. Remember Carol wondered around Terminus and we didn't necessarily see all the places that she could have gone. I've always believed that there was a direct tie between Terminus and Grady. I've personally always thought that the police car was actually coming back from Terminus when Daryl and Carol saw it pass and followed it. That Grady might not have been able to get a hold of Terminus on the radio and sent a couple of officers to go check it out. There was such a buildup for Terminus and then it was over in two episodes. Not likely. More like I'll give you all these hints and clues that you will not understand for many seasons but the signs are all there. Of course I absolutely had to go back and run through the episode quickly. Here's some reminders.
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The Walker on the railroad tracks. People always wanted to associate her with Andrea but also thinking that it might be a nod to Beth. The Walker is blonde and has handcuffs she obviously was a prisoner just as we know Beth was at Grady. The walker has a missing eye and her mouth is mostly gone, it just reminded me of See No Evil, Speak No Evil and being a walker Hear No Evil would count as not being able to understand what is being said.
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The mention of the red machete we still don't know where it is or who has it.
Crazy tattoo guy.
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Abandoned police car?
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Big Auditorium, large room whatever you want to call it and Carol with Mary, not a walker but definitely a foreshadowing of Alpha. Two mothers.
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Carol finding Rick's watch. The time is 10 minutes after 5. S5e10 is Them. If you read it the other way with the number 2 and 10 you have s2e10, 18 Miles Out.
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TF meeting up with Carol when they never expected her to be there. The little talked about Rick, Carol embrace.
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Now should we talk about Coda?
Or I guess I should say one of the Coda's. The other one was s5e8 Coda.
3 trees with that strange symbol of a circle with X, cross hair?. This was also one of the tattoos on the crazy tattoo guy face.
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No Sanctuary was written by Scott Gimple. The planner and the person who ultimately laid out or oversaw all the hints, clues, Easter eggs of the series.
I was thinking about Morgan earlier today when I had a spare hour and I rewatched that coda to No Sanctuary. We’re on the same wavelength here! I never thought about Grady being hooked up with Terminus. Interesting theory!! If anything, I bet they’d poach ppl off the tracks who were trying to get there. It was like bait. There are codas too all over No Sanctuary. On the cray tattoo guys face and also on the trees. I view the shrine as a massive wheel of fortune, as in the tarot, signaling a huge shift in the narrative, a rebalancing of the scales.
Season 5 brings Grady, Coda. We’ll see another in the coda to I think Conquer…? When Michonne takes her sword back off the wall. There’s a wall hanging that looks just like the wheel of fortune behind her. Then season 6 brings Negan, but also Jadis. 5.10 is the first reset, back to the beginning. Interesting it shows up in No Sanctuary, when we see the coda signs. I was thinking about the coda today, and how WHAWGO is like this weird coda in and of itself. It’s like a time out, in which the rules are explained. Then we go back to the beginning. Speaking of WHAWGO, that brings me to Ghosts. I decided to spend my evening re-watching it based on your brilliant thoughts, @twdmusicboxmystery. I’ll come back tomorrow with those notes.
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts, @galadrieljones! Loved all your connections, @wdway! I totally agree that a lot of things about Terminus and No Sanctury have yet to be explained and therefore are more than likely part of this. I also always remember that along with the missing scenes around Beth (white cabin, etc) back during filming there was a report of a huge car chase scene, filmed at night I think, right around the Terminus location. Most of the principal players (ie Rick, Michonne, Maggie, etc) were seen filming for it. So, there are definitely more missing scenes from S5 than just the ones surrounding Beth.
In rereading @twdmusicboxmystery's brilliant review of Ghost sparked some new thoughts not only about Grady but of Terminus. All the tracks led to Terminus. We see that as each TF group gets on the tracks and all of the signs gives a map with colored routes emerging at Terminus.
In mentioning how Carol could have come across some things that we did not see in No Sanctuary I started thinking about the railroad terminal itself and how in s11 we are exposed to the working train system. Is that just a coincidence that they would ever so often remind us of Terminus either in the series or during cast interviews. We now know the the train system was used to transport people and products throughout the country under the guidelines of the CRM.
I really am just throwing thoughts out and have no idea where it might led. I put in s5e4 Slabtown this morning to get the shot of Beth at the end of the episode with a white coffee cup very purposely placed in the frame showing us several seasons in advance of the episode Same Boat that Beth is to be connected with coffee. Coffee put in water and heated changes the water rather than the water changing it. Beth at Grady was definitely put in hot water multiple times.
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As is typical when I go back to get a shot of something I see something else that catches my attention and I want to share and bring attention to it also. In this case in the same scene just a different angle we see a mysterious case with a lock.
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I remember see the case first when Beth brought Edwards his meal of guinea pig, peppers and strawberries things that could have been brought through the train system from other places.
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After sharing the guinea pig with Beth, Dawn appears in the doorway calling for help with a new arrival.
We can see behind Dawn and earlier when Beth comes into Edwards office a map on the hall wall above a water fountain. We can make out that it is a map but could it also be a map of the train system?
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Dr. Edwards with Beth goes in to check the new arrival and we get a look of the open doorway and the map on the hall wall in the background with Beth standing in the doorway holding the black case with a lock on it. Very intriguing that we only see it quickly and then it disappears.
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Just a few reminders of the strange happening of Grady.
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bc-johnson · 1 year
The Inconvenience of Drama
I guess I just don’t understand what story the Mandalorian is telling? 
Season 1 had the typical “Wolf and Cub” mixed with a traditional Western. Hardass man becomes slightly less hardass, learns to love, etc. 
Season 2 had a “what’s best for the parent isn’t always best for the child,” Din tries to make a better life for Grogu with his “people,” even if it hurts him.
Season 3 seems to be “Din sees some stuff, starfighters are cool.” 
Like, the season isn’t over so obviously the narrative arc is harder to map, but I feel like this show takes every possible opportunity to do the least interesting thing possible. When Grogu left, the most interesting season 3 would be to explore Din WITHOUT Grogu but with the lessons he’s learned in season 1 and season 2. Then they just brought the little dude back on a different terrible show that no one watched?
What they should have done was keep the drama of season 2′s ending, but do a Luke/Grogu/Jedi Academy show. That way Din’s decision still holds and season 2 actually mattered, but the audience still gets to see Grogu in a different show (which also becomes a hook for that show). So you can have your corporate desires and your story, too, but for some reason they did neither. 
So now Grogu is back, but there doesn’t really seem to be a story there. He’s just gonna be Din’s kid now. Din is sorta just content. They’ve chosen the least dramatic path possible. 
And now with the Darksaber. They seemed to be setting up an confrontation between Bo and Din, where two marginal friends and actual allies have this nearly literal Sword of Damacles hanging over their heads. They’re going to have to fight, both of them know it. 
That’s drama! Story is drama! Milk the drama! They want to be friends or allies (or more?!?!), but they literally can’t because her ambition conflicts with his honor. The audience gets to feel the tension knowing this won’t work, they will have to duel at some point, and they’ll have to both mean it. 
Then they just...side-stepped it? “She saved me guys, trust me, here’s the saber.” Like, are we going for convenience or drama? 
Is Mandalorian the story of the guy who is kinda friends with the person who unites his people? What are we doing here? 
Of course, the answer is “we’re making an endless loop of shows that introduce other shows that introduce other shows,” but its so transparent that it’s killing the enjoyment. I don’t want to watch the next thing if it’s just a commercial for the next thing. Every show should stand alone, or at the very least, every show should actually have a story. 
Has this ALWAYS been done? Yes, of course. But it used to be done with a little subtlety. Sure, Winter Soldier introduces Falcon, but it’s in service to Cap’s story: he’s finding veterans to connect to, he easily inspires people to join him, etc. Falcon doesn’t suddenly become the main character of the Winter Soldier. He doesn’t beat the Winter Soldier in the climax while Cap cheers on.
I’m for a Bo Katan show, I’d watch that in a heartbeat. But just, like, make that show. Don’t spend six episodes of another show sneaking in the first season of the Bo Katan show. 
What does Din want? Season 3 has yet to even hint that he wants anything. He’s literally a protagonist with no desires or apparent agency. I get that this is a franchise for selling toys, but, like, there used to at least be the bare bones of a story there. 
Boba Fett suffered from the same problem. I had no idea what he wanted, or WHY he wanted to do the things he was doing. 
Star Wars plays in archetypes, that was always the fun of it. Big cliches slamming together at high volume. But, also basic stuff like three act structure, protagonist wanting something, drama. We can do this. It’s not asking a lot. 
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hismercytomyjustice · 26 days
I once again find myself yelling at the tv today.
This is what happens when my husband is traveling for work.
…and also when he is at home.
Bridgerton and Helluva Boss spoilers below the cut!
This post is also basically borderline gibberish, so 🤷
Tho ngl part of me kind of shipped her and Lady Danbury but that would be a little weird what with the events of the Queen Charlotte series… STILL. I’m glad they’re at least besties.
BUT OMGGGGGG. I am so excited for her to get another chance at love!!! 😭 God the scenes in the Queen Charlotte series and the 2nd season with her broke my heart.
I also have such a soft spot for multiple great loves in one’s lifetime idk I am a sap like that. I’ve seen it in my own family and my in-laws and I just find it so sweet and bittersweet.
It’s possible they actually do introduce him but I paused the episode like right after so lol I am as yet in the dark
Also I LOVE seeing Colin realize he caught feelings. Especially after Pen has pined after him for so long.
But omg her having to write about herself HURT MY HEART
I was wondering how they were going to mend fences somewhat with her and her struggles with Colin and Eloise and DAMN she went straight for her own jugular
Ugh there is so much sweetness this season so far that I’m gonna get cavities T_T
I love getting to see the characters get to play more and be unabashedly themselves
I am a season 2 super fan lol. It’s been so nice getting to see more of the fucking phenomenal chemistry between Kate and Anthony
I love them so much T_T
I love Lady Danbury too. And that we’re getting more of her friendship with the Queen because MY HEART THE FUCKING PREQUEL OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD
T_T her love with George gives me life and also SO MUCH SADNESS
Lol it’s also a little weird watching this because I live in Charlotte, NC which consists of Mecklenburg County both of which are named after the queen lol
We are ~the Queen City~ literally. That is Charlotte’s literal nickname.
I pretty much watched the entire two seasons over the past two days
I wasn’t sure how I was gonna feel about it after Hazbin but I loved it in a different way
love Stolas so much T_T he is such a sad little bird man and CAN HE AND BLITZO JUST BE BOYFRIENDS AND GIRL DADS OKAY?!
also as soon as his dad showed up I was just like “wait one goddamn second, JAFAR?”
And it was! But I recognized him from the Broadway and then I fucking found out he had basically been Jafar since goddamn 1992???? I had no idea it was the OG Jafar in the Broadway Original Cast recording
I also really love the portrayal of Lust and his relationship with Fizz (I am too lazy to look up the spelling of his name). Just s’cute! And god the panic attack he had…ouch. Lol I really felt him on the thought spirals too. WELCOME TO THE CLUB!
Ngl Blitzo annoyed tf out of me at first but he really grew on me and PLEASE LET THEM BE BOYFRIENDS AND GIRL DADS OKAY
the episode of them as kids omfggggggg so goddamn CUTE
I also love Millie and Moxxie or however you spell it
Of course I was gonna that’s literally Invader Zim right there but omfg they’re so cute and I love how stupid in love they are
just nauseatingly so and in such a good way
I literally watched Hazbin for the first time like…2 or 3 weeks ago? And have been obsessed since. Alastor is my fave but Stolas from Helluva is right up there with him
I actually only watched Hazbin because Spotify played some of the music for it on my daylist and I got hooked and now I’ve been listening to electro swing and I didn’t even think I liked jazz but then I realized I like a lot of jazz vocals from other stuff so it fit really well
~It’s all gibberish from here folks!~
I love…idk how to word it…like unique instrumentals? Which duh jazz, but I’ve never been a huge brass/band type instruments person
I played violin, strings are my fave
Except for the organ and the harpsichord omfggggg god I love me some fucking organ and harpsichord music
Ngl growing up going to church the organ music and hymns were my fave part
I don’t really go to church anymore, but damn if I don’t miss the music. Lord of the Dance is my fave hymn of all time and I used to get SO HYPE when we’d sing it
Communion was always the best too because we just got to sing hymns the whole time lol
If I’d stuck with church I’d def be in the choir now because I LOVED IT
One of my fave church memories was when I was a teen and they had a session where everyone got together and just sang favorite hymns
But I mostly stopped going to church because of how fucking toxic the folks at my church were (in addition to all the problematic shit about gender/sex and the rampant Christian hypocrisy etc) but it’s hard to escape church in the south
I drive 5min down one road and pass like 10 churches which is not much of an exaggeration because there is literally like one on every corner down here
Also found out the other day that the denomination I’m part of JUST removed the ban on lgbt preachers??? Didn’t realize we still had one, so that was a bummer, but hey at least they got there in the year of our lord 2024…..
Continuing on the church tangent I’ll never forget the time we had Baptists come to our door when I was in high school to try to share the good word and I told them I was Methodist and they just looked at me in borderline disgust before leaving 💀
Or the time the MORMONS CHASED ME when I was trying to go pick up food for my dog 💀💀💀
I saw them a few stores down and started power walking and they started hustling and I was just like “am I genuinely being chased by Mormons right now???” and I was!
To each their own, but I am not interested in being converted kthnx
I’ve got a lot of complicated stuff already with Methodism so I’m good on the religion front! Still consider myself Christian but don’t feel the need to harass other people about it! Or to evangelize! Or to actually go to church! But again, I live in the south so church in general is still very much present in the lives of my loved ones and nigh inescapable
Lmaooo no one is gonna read this monstrosity of a post but goddamn can you tell I didn’t take my adhd meds today and that my body has refused to sleep for like two weeks now!
So of course I’ve been having ocd spirals of “this is it, we’re an insomniac now, we’re never gonna sleep again, we’re gonna die from never sleeping again, it finally fucking happened” 🥰
Yaaaaay I need to go to bed
shut UP ocd 🖕
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amtrak12 · 1 year
Lucifer Rewatch Liveblog: Ep 1.01
Oh god the NERVES I have over doing this. It’s so stupid. Anyway before hitting play, let’s give a little backstory about how I stumbled ass-backwards into watching Lucifer.
It was September 2021 and the sixth and final season was about to drop on Netflix. Both my spouse and my mother were rewatching the series in preparation of this and both had reached S3 when we were visiting my parents for my mom’s birthday. So Lucifer became the de facto show playing in the background of the visit. All I knew about the show going in was a) it was about the Devil, b) he ran a nightclub in LA, and c) it had at one point been canceled by a traditional network and then ‘saved’ by Netflix. Oh and d) I had absolutely no interest in ever watching it.
But circumstances change don’t they? Because between the time that I first heard about Lucifer and the time when it was playing in front of my face while I visited with my family, the following events happened:
the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the world
Anxiety and depression set in making new shows feel like too much work to watch
both my spouse and I rewatched old favorites instead
I got a shih tzu puppy which confined me to the living room for months until she was fully potty trained.
Now, for my spouse, these go to TV rewatches included The Originals and Frasier. And friends, I got hooked on both. Two shows I never had any interest in watching. Two shows my spouse played in the living room so we could still be in the same room while I raised a puppy. TWO SHOWS I GOT FUCKING HOOKED ON AND HAD TO WATCH ALL THE WAY THROUGH TO THE END.
So of course the same thing happened when they played Lucifer right in front of my face. And like The Originals and Frasier, I merely picked up where my spouse was in the rewatch and refused to go backwards. ‘You should really watch it from the beginning--’ NOPE! We’re starting here. Just fill me in on backstory when it’s relevant.
Which is how my first experience with Lucifer was scattered S3 episodes and then S4-6 straight through. I loved it! It was fab! But it was months before I got the itch to go back and watch S1-2 and when I did oh boy.... OH BOY.
Well, I’ll share those thoughts live. :P
*hits play on the pilot*
OMG this little text intro they do during S1 is so trying to be edgy but is instead just cheesy.
I hate this opening scene. I mean I understand it. It does it’s job. Lucifer hates rules but enjoys punishing people! He can pull out people’s desires! Cops aren’t here to protect anyone! Just take money from the rich and terrorize the rest! Oh wait they probably didn’t mean that last one.
Weird move then to open with a dirty cop in a cop propaganda show
I am too asexual for this show in general but I’m especially too asexual for S1
I do love how Amenadiel is nearly always introduced in S1 with time slowing down. It’s a fucking awesome power! Shame he stopped using it.
Though I cannot take early Amenadiel seriously because he is so I’m Super Serious and I have seen S4-6 okay? This version of Amenadiel is a total hilarious lie.
I do love Delilah. Also I lose my mind every time that like 8 minutes into the pilot, they foreshadow the show’s end game of Lucifer helping the souls trapped in Hell to confront their guilt when he calls in his favor with Delilah to tell her to get her life together. It means nothing with the pilot alone, but when boosted by the next six seasons, it becomes a nugget of gold.
And RIP Delilah :( You should absolutely not think about how the poor thing was definitely stuck in Hell until Lucifer had his series finale revelation. :( Definitely don’t think about that.
Cool trick to pull back a very recently deceased soul to talk to it. I understand why that never really happened again (because he wasn’t usually there when future murder victims died) but since I’m a sucker for all kinds of ghost/afterlife stories, I kind of wish it had been utilized again.
~Ooo~ narrative mystery. What’s Palmetto Street????? What’s the deal with these two cops????? I wouldn’t actually care if this was my first experience with the show. Oops.
Now, they did not show that Lucifer’s supernatural charisma draws everyone to him before introducing Chloe but that’s okay. It’s the pilot. In general, they’re doing well with the plot and characters.
And by well, I mean I only like S1 because it’s hysterical after knowing where they all end up. Don’t get me wrong! I completely agree that this is the cast’s starting places. But who they all are before meeting each other and growing together is repulsive to me so in that sense S1 is terrible.
Ooph the anti-black racism in this scene with 2 Vile. I mean it goes hand in hand with cop propaganda but WOW. The rap bashing and pretending that liking blues music means you’re not racist. Wow.
I do love Chloe’s backstory of being an actress who had a nude scene in a movie because that’s the kind of thing that is so far outside my lived experience that I never would’ve thought of that for a character in a million years. But it works absurdly well in the context of this show. So kudos to the writers there.
Okay now we’re starting with the real Lucifer and Chloe banter that we know and love. I had nothing to say during their intro scene because I kept seeing all the fanvids who splice it with the series finale callback to it but here’s the actual good stuff.
“I just threatened his life. He would’ve said, trust me.” *long blink of disbelief* “You did what?” -- Oh Chloe you have no idea what a headache the next six years are going to be for you. (And also the rest of your life because I met Rory, okay. That girl is not going to be easy to raise. Trixie is your easy child.)
“Yeah, isn’t that illegal?” -- “Uh, little bit, yeah.” Finally! Chloe has an excuse to arrest Lucifer for being an ass!
Which lasts all of 0.2 seconds because Lucifer can get out of handcuffs. Which Chloe for some reason was not expecting.
Like I know through internet osmosis that sex handcuffs and police handcuffs are two different things, but c’mon Chloe. Does this not strike you as the kind of guy who would experiment with police handcuffs too? Even not believing that he’s the Devil, I feel like you should’ve seen that one coming.
Ah here we go! The mojo demonstration again... that utterly falls flat because Chloe is a gift from God.
(Oops! Spoilers! :P)
Heh heh heh. That may be the first time Lucifer forgets Chloe is a trained actress and falls for her playing him, but it won’t be the last! lol
Lucifer calling picking up her daughter an ‘errand’ is like the 4th time Chloe pictured herself shooting him.
Why is this fifth grader bullying a first grader? I just feel like fifth graders have better things to do like pick on each other in preparation for the ruthless ‘every child for themselves’ warzone that is sixth grade.
Poor Trixie sticking her fingers in her ears while her parents fight :(
Dan really does earn his douche title in S1. RIP Dan.
The cynical part of me that’s bought into purity culture is dismissing Lucifer defending Chloe as dumb hetero ‘This is the couple you’re supposed to ship!’ nonsense, but the rest of me that’s remembering it’s okay to like boy-led shows and junk food can actually analyze it and see that this is just him keying into behavior that isn’t justified and therefore should be punished. It’s not special to Chloe just yet. He does already like her. He is already intrigued by her, and he’s even already slightly charmed by her daughter. But he genuinely cared about Delilah too and wanted to see her turn her life around. The whole pilot is driven by him wanting to punish those that took that opportunity away from her, and I really like that. Again, it’s set up for the S6 end game of saving the souls in Hell.
“Isn’t he funny, Daddy?” followed swiftly by asking Chloe “What’s a hooker?” is some dichotomy. LOL
Oh, Chloe. Just wait until Trixie befriends Maze. ;)
(Just wait until Dan meets Maze ROTFL Okay I will definitely have to keep liveblogging so I can rewatch that ep. OMG it’s hysterical.)
“Daddy will tell you. :)” Oh this separation is not going well. I mean that’s been pretty obvious from every scene that Chloe and Dan have shared so far, but that line really cements that. lol
Chloe and Dan both being different shades of shocked that Trixie likes Lucifer is fab. Chloe is just ‘huh’ about it and Dan is like ‘I want to kill this guy so bad’ x2.
“Planned... sort of.” -- Dude you can’t say that kind of shit to me. I wouldn’t ordinarily care, but this show is already bonkers so now I want the gossip. The full story. What do you mean by ‘sort of’ in this sentence? I *will* pry.
(Did the writers know already? I mean, presumably they did if they’re dropping giant anvils like that. But writers also sometimes write characteristics like ‘is immune to Lucifer’s desire power’ without having the explanation ready to go in the pilot because it gives them freedom to flesh things out later. But this really feels like they had that explanation formed from the beginning.)
I’m excited for her. I am not excited for this scene. This scene where Linda nearly jumps Lucifer is where I would’ve walked out on the pilot episode. If you had even convinced me to sit through more than that intro scene, that is. This pilot and I are very different people who live very different lives :S
However, it is hilarious in retrospect. Utterly ridiculous LOL
I mean it wouldn’t have made the Devil revelation any less shocking to Chloe and so S4 would mostly be unchanged BUT STILL! MY EYEBALLS! PLEASE THINK OF MY EYEBALLS!!!
Lucifer really doesn’t understand how a movie set works, does he? Just walks right into the middle of a massive and expensive practical stunt and then gets confused why the lead actor isn’t doing the stunt.
“You know you’re gonna have to get much better at lying if you’re going to be President?” -- “I know, right?”
“Why else do you think I’ve been sleeping with Bobby?” -- This marital fight is hilarious, I’m not gonna lie. They do not have a healthy relationship!
“Despite your proclaimed revulsion, you can’t deny that there’s a connection between us.” -- Because she can see that spark of genuineness in you which doesn’t make sense with your everything else, and she’s trying to figure out why that contrast isn’t as conflicting as it should be. You’re both puzzles the other is trying to figure out.
(You two are also a walking, talking soulmate AU which is a quickfire way to make me feral -- but that’s a conversation for a different season.)
It’s always about the money. :/
“I told you, it’s fine. I’m immortal.” -- But that poor band member isn’t, Lucifer! Dumbass.
PFFFTTTT! A fan vid cut Delilah being shot side by side with Chloe being shot here in the pilot and I LOST MY MIND ABOUT IT! I never realized that was a full proper parallel with the falling back onto shattered glass and everything until I saw that fanvid. So good!
This show LOVES using parallels and by god they do it well.
(Except S3. That’s still a hot mess, but I think they were trying for a foil there and not a parallel. Keyword is *trying*.)
TRIXIE! And then Lucifer drops her right on top of Chloe’s wounded side. Good move, Lucifer. A+ lol
“Look forward to seeing you soon, Chloe.” -- “I don’t.” Adorable.
“Glad you’re not dead.” -- my GOD when people splice that with Chloe’s S5 death in fanvids, it makes me tear out my hair. I love it!
And once again, I cannot take Amenadiel or this ‘tense brotherly stand off’ seriously. They’re just babies squabbling in comparison to where they end up. It’s nothing but comedy to me.
Bad news, Maze. Humanity is about to rub off on you too. *Jean-Ralphio voice* You’re gonna get a SO-OUL! :D
And we close with Lucifer going back to hold up his end of the deal with Linda and strike a new one with her: sex for therapy. Which thankfully, she switches to ‘money for therapy’ like a normal person at some point in S1. I mean, sex for therapy -- that’s the kind of thing that can get your license revoked. *glances at S2*
In conclusion, this was fun! I think the act of liveblogging helped my enjoyment of the show. It certainly got me to watch a full episode again. I did keep pausing to write things down which interrupted the flow. Fine for my third viewing of the pilot, but that’s going to bug me for later episodes. I’ll have to either be less wordy or take the bare minimum notes of what I want to say and then go back after the episode and flesh everything out.
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glowyjellyfish · 1 year
OUAT Rewatch Report Part 7: Into the Deep through The Cricket Game, and Bad Blood through Dirty Little Secrets
I stalled so much on making a post that I ended up mushing two sessions into one post! Whoops.
1. I adore how Jafar’s father issues are paralleled with Alice. And it’s really intriguing to me that all the major villains in both shows so far are motivated by love—more accurately, by the loss of love. The more redeemable villains are the ones who open themselves to finding love again and changing themselves to earn it. Jafar’s motivated by having his love for his father spurned and betrayed, and it fascinates me how vicious they both get towards one another. The Sultan in the present day seems like a reasonably good guy, and we’re given little to no concrete motive for his murder of Jafar—it’s not hard at all to read between the lines and see that he was protecting his son from a bold, smart, ambitious bastard that even if he meant no harm could easily be used by someone who did, and it’s still so interesting that he has zero regrets in the present, no apparent concern that he made Jafar who he is. It’s understandable, seeing who Jafar is now, and it’s also not hard to assume Jafar might have been less cruel if his father was nicer to him, but he still would have been bold, ambitious, smart, and burning to prove himself. It does make me wonder what Jafar’s mother was like.
2. I love team Rumple-Regina-Charming-Henry doing magic alchemy and working together. Rumple’s always so nice to Henry, understandably, and it’s wonderful to see Regina and Henry together and see her working at showing love for him rather than clutching him posessively.
3. what’s with all the magic compasses, that’s the third magic compass there has been in this universe.
4. it’s great how Cyrus quickly figures Ana out and places his trust in her; really, the show had to have SOMEBODY on her side in order to keep her around Will and Alice, but it was well done, and I like that Cyrus gets positioned with Ana when we recently had Alice paralleled with Jafar. You’d expect the male hero to be paired with the male villain, while the heroine and villainess pair off, but this show went with what worked for the characters.
5. it’s kind of funny how OUATW has the three genies coming from Agrabah, with no mention of any others even existing, while regular Once also had a completely different genie from Agrabah in his own lamp. Obviously, Amara had her reasons to only seek out these three genies, but… did Jafar ever find other genies that weren’t the three brothers and discard them? I mean, Sydney became a mirror no more than maybe ten years ago (ignoring the curse years), and wasn’t a genie anymore at that point, but Jafar’s been looking for genies for a good chunk of his life (albeit we don’t know how old he is, or how old he was when Amara told him about the genies). It would be odd for the three genies plus Sydney to be the ONLY genies anyway, so I have to assume that Amara’s spell insists upon those specific genies that the show was just too vague about. The other option I can think of, that would answer some things but also cause its own problems, is that there are two different Agrabahs—one that’s a region in Fairy Tale Land, another that’s a world of its own. That would explain how it escaped the curse, but I doubt it works overall.
6. It’s fascinating to get Cora’s Wonderland backstory in between OUATW episodes. Cora seemed to feel she ruled Wonderland, and so did Ana, and yet I know they co-existed for a long time! Probably Wonderland is just a chaotic mess of little kingdoms everywhere, and Cora grabbed one for herself, and Ana happened to luck into a larger one, but it’s funny how both talk like they rule all Wonderland.
7. So, yes, Hook was deliberately being completely sincere when he was adventuring with Emma, including the part about being willing to follow whoever would get him to his goal. I think he was also using his charm and swagger to try to get her to like him enough to trust him, or at least wear down her defenses. And he probably would have preferred going with the heroes because he’s not stupid, Cora is clearly dangerous even to those close to her, while the heroes are honorable enough that all he’d have to do is play nice and he’d be pretty safe. But he also just does not give a single shit about anything but his revenge at this point, and he has absolutely zero qualms about anything he might have to do to get there. Nice and manipulative? Cruel and aggressive? Whatever gets the job done. He’s also pointedly honorable in a way appropriate to Hook (well, a version of Hook that is a bit of a weenie imo), but while I appreciate the show using “good form” a few times, sometimes they don’t seem to understand what it means. No, OUAT, it has nothing to do with sword form, what are you smoking?
8. it’s a bit hard to take seriously how single-mindedly Hook pursues revenge for the death of his true love for centuries, knowing that in like a season he’ll be making googly eyes at Emma for real, but it does at least tie back to my note about redeemable villains being the ones capable of finding love again. And it also does make sense considering that he spent most of that time in Neverland, and it isn’t hard to conclude that not aging in Neverland would also hamper one’s ability to mature, change, and grow even if one is already fully adult. Definitely does not seem like a healthy place to grieve.
9. I complained a lot about the split seasons back in the day, but honestly in this rewatch, this first half of s2 is pretty well done. Fairly tightly written, where even plots that seem like filler either come back later or contribute to the theme or character development. A solid theme, as I described, and it just barely manages to juggle three plot threads (Storybrooke, Fairy Tale Land, and Flashbacks) without staying away from any one plot for too long or dragging too much—although it does come close to dragging. And it’s setting up a lot for the second half of the season, too. Aurora and Mulan are good characters, and on top of that they are useful to the plot, filling needed roles and making them unique and memorable. It didn’t even drop the ensemble cast like s3a does in my memory, and managed to give several minor recurring characters their own arcs. I love to talk about what I would want to change about this show, and right now I’m not sure I would change a thing. Well… I might give Hook a wig or at least long hair. He can lose it in mourning, just give him his dignity! And it’s tempting to say I would tone down his obnoxious hitting on Emma (well mostly Emma), but I feel like I need to rewatch more and figure out his character wholly before making sweeping decisions like that. It’s not that I think this half-season is perfect; it doesn’t have any great wham episodes like Red-Handed or Skin Deep or anything, but to me, it doesn’t have any glaring flaws that any fic writer could do better with, and it doesn’t have anything incredibly stupid like Dreamy. Just standard nitpicky flaws, character flaws, and bad CG in a pretty respectable half-season.
10. Super love Ana getting kidnapped and almost murdered for being a bad queen, and her emotional reaction to that. It’s the sort of thing I wish Regina had to face, but then again Ana never got as bad as Regina, and there’s no evidence one way or the other how Regina did at ruling. OUAT works hard to sell Regina changing, and it’s not that I think she isn’t, it’s that all her change has been “behaving herself” and very little “making amends” or “admitting she wronged people”. The two shows reflected one another, showing Regina trying to change in one, followed by Ana struggling to redeem herself in the other. I love that Ana recognizes and owns up to all her mistakes, and not just the ones that cost her directly. I love that she comes up with a plan to do better and be better for everyone, on the assumption that it’s not even possible to win Will back anyway. And I love that it’s not easy, that she still has to face all the shit she’s done, and all the darkness and shallowness inside her head. Regina’s feelings are always great, and in this rewatch I did notice that her time living in Storybrooke with Henry had already changed her quite a bit, even if she’s quick to revert when threatened, but I wish there was more struggle with her redemption. Regina’s redemption feels very black and white. She’s either behaving herself and deserves to be fully accepted immediately, or she’s totally murderous and rejecting everybody before they can reject her. There is no in between, nobody talks about the possibility of making real amends with the townspeople or anything. Maybe it just speaks to her forceful and dramatic personality.
11. Episodes in this section are what inspired my theories about how genie magic works. Of course, it’s impossible to tell from what is given whether the magic was so cruel because it was inflicting a price for extravagant and impossible wishes, or if it might be because it was filtered through Will’s cynically heartless ass and his perception of things, or possibly both. I mean, logically, the magic definitely understood and followed his intent when he made his wish, because that could have easily been creatively misunderstood and led to Alice’s death. I could posit a theory that the only way to truly end Alice’s suffering included defeating Jafar, which meant there had to be a replacement genie to reach that point… but I’m not sure whether magic is that farsighted or sensible.
12. I really liked Emma being the one willing to reach out to Regina, showing that what Regina did to everyone is less real to Emma than to them; that Emma recognized how much Regina loves Henry and that she was willing to put him above everything else; and that Emma doesn’t see herself as being that much better a person.
13. Season 2 has been reminding me that I really wanted to ship Regina and Archie back in the day. I don’t think I got to the point of actively shipping them; Robin Hood was fine and clearly more her type. I just loved that Archie was nice to her and wanted something to come of that. Of course, during s2 that would be a tad unethical, but still.
14. I haven’t been actively trying to update my Unexpected Disney Songs For OUAT Characters playlist, but it has occurred to me that Surface Pressure is an excellent Emma song, probably much better than any of the songs I had for her before.
15. I think avoiding Alice’s questions about his backstory is the most intriguing Cyrus ever was; I don’t think he’s boring like some other people I could mention, but he was emphatically not the reason I tuned in, adoring literally every other character significantly more. I do love the way his backstory fits perfectly with everything we’ve seen him do, and I found it very interesting that OUATW explored some of the aftermath—what happens after they find each other and get to be together, and it wasn’t afraid to show them having to figure out the reality after putting each other on pedestals for so long.
I struggled a bit with finding a good collection of gifs this time, and decided to just scrape together a set describing Emma. I can probably do better, given time; I think Leela will be a great source for Emma-like incorrect quotes.
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reachingforthevoid · 2 years
Dr Who: Planet of Giants
As I noted in my last post, this serial marks the start of what we now call season 2… only it doesn’t feel like it. I’m far from being the only one to note this. Jon Arnold tweeted on 7 December 2022, “You can tell that there’s no real concept of a season opener here: it’s not particularly setting up themes, nor does it have an obvious hook outside the big idea. Plays very much like a warm-up act, killing time before the blockbuster thrills of The Dalek Invasion of Earth.” Graeme Burk tweeted in response, “Less ‘a season opener’ and more ‘we’re back after a few weeks off for summer hols’.” Both tweets catch the feel of it very well.
I watched this serial on 8 December 2022, using the wonderfully new blu-ray edition only just released. It was an unexpected delight the first time I attempted to watch Dr Who all the way through (where possible) from the start. Brilliantly, the three episodes hold up well. In fact, the main story is becoming evermore relevant as far too many people in power ignore science for greed, regardless of how many deaths or how much destruction is likely. 
Jacqueline Hill plays Barbara to perfection with her being poisoned and at real risk of dying. I also think that despite all the brutal deaths the series so far, there’s an evil banality in both the murder and the attempts to cover it up that’s chilling... especially now when politicians/business people like Forrester are in power and use these techniques. 
In terms of the series, the Doctor continues to be quite gentle and polite to Barbara even before she’s poisoned. It’s like he gets her strength as a person and treats her closer to an equal than either Susan or Ian. I adore the continuing effort to educate the audience about science — not only chemicals, but the differences with audio frequency given relative sizes, notes about plumbing that help the Doctor and Susan escape drowning by hiding in the overflow pipe. I don’t think I noticed before how the Doctor and Susan identify their problem before Barbara and Ian do, and just how much Ian resists the idea when Susan suggests it to him. 
The serial also marks the first musical score written for the show by Dudley Simpson… and it’s a strangely discordant thing. It’s jaunty in parts, and lends a humour to what is actually a story about some quite horrific things. While it’s not great, I find it fairly easy to disregard. Although I did wonder at moments if it was deliberately made to flip the feelings from horror to humour and vice versa to keep the audience unsettled.
Anyway, I quite like this odd little serial.
0 notes
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, voyeurism/exhibitionism, slight stalking, masturbation, naughty talk.
This is dark!(camboy!)Andy Barber. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your guilty pleasures becomes and all too real terror.
Note: Okay, here’s the second and last part of this short little piece. Thanks for reading and the excitement. I’m sorry if I’m a bit blegh rn.
Thank you so much for your patience! And support!!
As always, if you are so inclined, please like, reblog, and comment. <3
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Andy stared at the chat. He waited and waited but the green dot didn’t pop up. Maybe she was freaked out after meeting him. Or maybe she was over him. Her name hadn’t blipped up in any of his sessions in the last week and he even invited her to an impromptu private show after he got back from the café. He hoped her seeing him might nudge her but it only seemed to scare the fuck out of her.
He recalled how she nearly fell on her face running away from him. That wasn’t the reaction he was expecting. No preening or smiles, just terror and a quick escape. He didn’t understand. He was a good looking guy and she was obviously lonely. Hell, she was cute too. He was hardly disappointed.
He waited another fifteen minutes, distracting himself with the colour matching game on his phone but her status remained inactive. He scrolled through his bookmarks and clicked on her insta profile. She had commented on some DIY tutorials in the last hour but hadn’t posted. She only ever added pictures of flowers anyway; her last photo of herself was from a year ago. It was her and some guy but he could guess they were no longer together.
He was starting to get upset. She was ignoring him. He wasn’t stupid but what had he done? Their sessions were going well up until this week and he actually looked forward to them. He felt that same thrill he had when he first started his hustle.
He slammed his laptop shut and dropped his phone face down. Fuck it, he had better stuff to do.
He crossed the room and grabbed one of the boxes still stacked against the wall. He hauled it over to the empty bookshelf and flipped it open. He unpacked the books one at a time and the heavy bookend shaped like half a globe. He didn’t know why he brought all these things, he didn’t use them. He wasn’t a lawyer anymore.
He leaned against the side of the sofa and crossed his arms. He boxed up his whole life, or what was left of it, and drove halfway across the country. She couldn’t even give him a hello or her name. She could hardly look at him and she wouldn’t answer his goddamn messages.
He pushed himself straight and stormed over to his laptop. He ripped it open and clicked on the chat. Still, nothing. The invitation was scheduled for less than an hour. Well, if she wasn’t going to open it, he’d have to get it to her another way. He was done waiting on her and he was done playing with her through a screen.
He wanted the real thing and he knew she wanted it too.
You were still slightly addled from your encounter at the café. After you got home and unpacked your groceries, you didn’t find your coffee again until it went cold. You dumped it and replaced it with a glass of wine. You bought the bottle a month ago, expecting to unwind and that time finally came.
You sat with the healthy dose of alcohol, almost to the brim as it darkened the full belly of the glass. You wore only a baggy Winnie the Pooh tee and panties as you lounged and flipped on the tv. 
You rarely used the front room anymore, ever since your boyfriend moved out you spent most of your time in the bedroom, exhausted and lonely. It was easier to just linger there between responsibilities.
Your dainty sips turned to greedy slurps as you turned on an episode of Project Runway and lost yourself in the competition and drama of it all. Your ex hated that show and you hadn’t watched it in years. It was time to get caught up with what would forever be your unfulfilled dream of being a designer.
By the runway, your glass was empty and the television had a soft glare as you were slightly buzzed by the high potency. The dark blend had a percentage in the double digits and you were feeling it, delightfully so. As the designers came up for their feedback from judges, more so a roast, you leaned back and wiggled your hips as you stretched. You yawned and closed your eyes as you listened to a designer give cutting critique of a hem.
You peeked under your lashes as the camera panned in on the fraying stitches. Well, it looked alright from far away. You bent your arm under your head as you turned onto your side and your eyes closed again as you pondered another glass of wine. That might give you a decent night’s sleep.
You inhaled and sat up, intent on another indulgence but you stopped short as you blinked in shock. You hadn’t drank that much. You couldn’t be hallucinating. You pressed yourself to the back of the couch and shook your head as you gaped at the figure stood just beside the tv, eyes calmly watching you.
“What…” you gulped.
“Shhhh,” the man, the one you watched all those nights on your laptop, brought his finger to his lips as he hushed you, “it’s okay, honey.”
“I--” your heart leapt into your throat and you stood as you swiped up your glass, “get out. How did--”
“I sent you an invitation. Several this week. You haven’t answered--”
You hit the glass off the table so it cracked and left a jagged edge. You jabbed it out at him from the other side of the coffee table, your hand shaking as the shock turned to a jolt of adrenaline.
“Go! Get out!” you snapped, too terrified to think on how he found you or if your meeting that day was truly a coincidence. It didn’t seem like it, “you’re crazy, get out of my--”
He marched around the table as you backed up and swung the glass at him. He caught your wrist and twisted it as he wrenched you close to him and pointed the sharp edge at your throat. The scent of him filled your lungs and mingled with the taste of wine as the glass pressed to your skin.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he warned, “so don’t make me.”
He said your name, calmly, as you drowned in his oceanic eyes. You quivered in his grasp and tensed as you tried to lean away from him, “Andy,” he offered, “that’s my real name.”
“Please, I don’t know what you want--”
“You know exactly what I want,” he hissed as he pulled away the glass and tossed it to shatter against the wall, “the same thing I always wanted… that you want.”
You took a deep breath and he clapped his hand over your mouth and tutted. His brows wrinkled in irritation and your drunken fingers bounced futilely off his shoulder. He turned you and sat you down on the couch and knelt with you, shushing you again as he settled on his knees on the floor.
“Honey, aren’t you tired of this? Of being apart? Of just… watching?” his eyes strayed from yours and he smiled as he eyed the yellow bear on your shirt, “that’s cute.”
You shook your head and murmured against his hand. His lashes flicked up and his jaw squared. His lips thinned as he considered you.
“Thing is, honey, I’d love to talk but you gotta promise not to scream,” he said, “and I mean that because I don’t want to gag you… not yet, anyway.”
Your eyes rounded and you nodded fervently as your breath puffed under his palm. He narrowed his eyes and shifted his hand slightly, moving it just an inch at a time as he watched you. You sniffled as he let his grip fall to your knee.
“Why? How…” you stuttered, “it was a mistake. Just a show--”
“You were always there,” he said as his other hand came up to your other knee and he ran his hands up and down your legs, “it didn’t sound like a mistake.” He pushed his fingers along the top of your thighs, “you enjoyed it.”
“It wasn’t… like that, just…”
He squeezed your thighs painfully and you winced. His fingers crawled up under the hem of your tee to the elastic of your panties and he hooked them beneath the fabric. You grasped his wrists in shock at his sudden movement and he looked you in the face.
“Say whatever you want, make your excuses,” he snarled, “you said you wanted me, you said it a dozen times, and I know you do.”
He tore down the cotton and you flailed out and caught yourself against the back of the couch. He rolled your panties down and untangled them from your ankles as you tried to close your legs. He kept your panties around his wrist as he stopped your knees from meeting and moved between them.
“Honey, now, I think we’ve had enough build up--”
“Hel--” you screamed and he grabbed your chin and snapped your mouth shut so that you bit your tongue.
He growled and shook your panties down over his hand. He brought up the twisted fabric and shoved it into your mouth. You tried to turn away from his grip as he stuffed the panties in with two fingers as deep as they would go and you almost gagged.
“It’s too bad,” he said, “I wanted to try that mouth… next time.”
You batted at his arms and chest and his hand shot to your throat. You stilled as he choked you, just enough for lungs to burn. He kept his hand on your neck until you sat back and he let it trail down the front of your shirt. He groped you through the fabric, rolling his thumb around your nipples as they hardened.
“I know you can be good, honey,” he hummed, “you’re just… nervous. I know what it’s like, trying to get over someone else. Trying to move on from a life you built-- a break-up, right? That lanky guy on your Insta--”
You gave a terrified flutter of your lashes and he smiled, a tight-lipped sympathetic gesture.
“Look, we’re two lonely people,” he kneaded your chest as he spoke and leaned in, “so, it only makes sense, and I promise, honey, the shows are over. It’s all for you now.”
You trembled as he dropped his hands and pulled up your shirt. He tickled your stomach with his knuckles and framed your tits with his hands as he admired them. You squirmed as he flicked them with his thumbs and leaned into you. He took one in his mouth and suckled. You whimpered as you felt a pluck in your core.
He parted with a pop and licked his lips, “I never… it was always hard to think of what you’d look like but I couldn’t picture anyone so perfect.”
Your nails dug into the couch cushions as you tried not to flinch. The glimmer of delight turned to disgust as you watched this stranger fondle you and he sealed his lips around your other nipple. You bit down on the cotton and moaned. You were so pathetic. It was your stupid moments of lonely desperation that brought you to this, that brought him to you.
His large hands spread along your sides and he pressed his fingertips into you sharply as he toyed with your nipples. He grazed his teeth along each bud and pulled back to look at you again. You grasped his shoulders as you begged him with your eyes and shook your head.
“I… always wanted to do this in the bedroom,” he said, “that’s where you usually are, huh? Touching yourself for me all alone in the dark--”
You hung your head in defeat and he pulled you forward on the cushion. He lifted you onto your feet and spun you around in the space between him and the couch. He put one hand on your hip and the other on the back of your neck and walked you around the sofa. He paced slowly behind you as he urged you down the hall and paused to peer through your bedroom door.
“Here we are,” he said as he angled you through the door. You reached up as your jaw ached around the wad of fabric and he caught your hand and yanked it down, “I didn’t say you could do that.”
You dropped your arm and he let you go. He pressed his body to your back as he nudged you closer to the bed and stopped you right before it. He bunched your shirt in his hands and tugged it up until you raised your arms. He swiped it over your head and let it crumple beside your feet.
“Go on, sit nice and pretty for me,” he tapped your ass lightly.
Naked, you shivered as you stepped away from him and got onto the bed. You turned as you bent your legs over the edge and lowered your chin. You hugged yourself as he stood watching you with his hands on his belt.
“Don’t you worry, it’s still a show,” he said as his hands slid over to his buckle. 
He winked and ran his fingers up the front of his jacket and pulled it off. He draped it over the folding stool by your bookshelf and bent each leg to tug off his shoes. His socks followed shortly after and he squared his shoulders before he scooped his shirt up and off. He returned to his buckle and tilted his head at you.
“Look at me, honey,” he said as you stared at the pile of clothing, “we both know you love to watch.”
You raised your eyes to him and clamped your hands around your shoulders, arms crossed over your chest. He grinned and unbuckled his belt, his zipper gliding down smoothly beneath his fingers.
“You got me hard as fuck,” he said, “I didn’t like that earlier, you know? The way you ran from me.”
You just sat and tried to swallow the hopeless acceptance. He pushed down his pants and stepped out of them, his arousal bulging against his boxers. Your fingernails cut into your skin as you curled your fingers.
“You’ve been so good to me, honey,” he continued as he rolled down his boxers, “you know, I only want to return the favour. I came all this way just to get close so that--” he paused as his dick sprang up before him and he kicked away his underwear, “I can take care of you now.”
He gripped himself and stroked his length with a hum. His stomach tensed and the lines of his muscles deepened as he groaned and played with himself as he would before the camera. You were mortified as you watched him helplessly and he got closer and closer.
“Now you get the live show, honey,” he reached out and took your hand, closing it around his dick as he guided it up and down.
He moaned and hung his head back as he used both your hands on his shaft. He shuddered and leaned into your grasp. You listened to his pants as they grew quicker and quicker and he stopped you abruptly. You looked down at the glistening pre-cum as it leaked from his tip and he trailed his thumb through it as he let you go.
You flinched as he moved towards you suddenly and grabbed your hips. He lifted you and dropped you onto your back. He took your ankles and placed them against his shoulders as he stretched your legs up his torso. His cock slid along your cunt and hovered over your folds.
“Fuck, I can’t wait any longer,” he bit his lips and looked between your legs as he let go of one leg and reached down to guide himself between your lips, “oh, honey, your so sexy.”
He pushed apart your cunt with two fingers and slid in between his knuckles. He gasped as you stretched around him and you pushed your head back and whined around the fabric in your mouth. You whimpered as he drew back just a little and pushed in deeper. He rocked his hips, getting further each time as your walls strained around him.
He tilted you against him so that he reached his limit and slid his thumb along your bud. He swirled around your clit as he carried a slow motion, gliding in and out of you as you slicked around him. The tingle of his touch crept like tendrils beneath your flesh and made you clench around his dick.
He groaned and sped up, just a little as he played with you, pressing more firmly on your clit until your hand shot down over his. You didn’t move him away, only gripped his wrist as he toyed with you, fucking you deliberately as the sensation melded into a maelstrom. The twisting spring inside of you compressed and released suddenly in a ripple of sheer delight.
You groaned and bent your legs against him, raising your pelvis higher so he dipped even deeper. Your eyes rolled back and you ripped the panties from your mouth in your ecstatic trance. You balled them in your hand and writhed on his dick. 
He grasped your hips and dragged your ass over the edge of the bed and rammed into you. You cried out and he did it again. It was as if he lost all control as his pelvis slapped against you loudly and his voice rumbled through the room. You gulped and gasped as he pressed the heel of his hand to your clit and rubbed harder, his fingers stabbing sharply against your flesh.
His other hand snaked up to pinch your nipple and cup your tit. He braced you as he bent over you and fucked you furiously. He stepped up onto the edge of the bed frame as he curled your body beneath his and brought both his hands up beside your head as he held himself over you.
He plunged down into you over and over and he huffed as he watched the joining of your bodies. He growled and pulled out of you suddenly, bending your legs up as you were contorted further. He grabbed your hand again and trapped it around his dick, moving it quickly as he muttered.
He came in thick ropes onto your chest and down the folds of your stomach as you were in almost a C beneath him, his knees around your thighs. You shook and lifted his chin as he snarled and kept your hand moving, still cumming over you. He tore your grasp from him as he grew over sensitive and hung his head as he quivered.
“Shit,” he swore as he backed off of you and stood, leaning on the bed to steady himself. Your legs fell over the edge and his cum cooled across your skin, “you look good like that, honey.”
He stepped closer and pushed his fingers through the mess. You shivered and stopped his hand as you slowly returned to reality. You lifted yourself on one elbow and batted your lashes in confusion.
“How did you even find me?” you uttered.
“Doesn’t matter how,” he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to sit up gruffly, “only that I did.”
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absolutebl · 2 years
Can you talk about BL that ‘feels like fanfiction’? Here and elsewhere I’ve seen BLs described as ‘feeling like fanfic,’ but what does ‘fanfiction-like’ connote/denote? Is it pejorative? Is ‘fanfickiness’ defined by tropes, or plot structure, or pacing? I might be asking what countries’ BLs feel more fanficky, but are webnovel-to-screen adaptations or manga/manhwa-to-screen more fanficky usually? How is fanfic-community taste/$$$ shaping BL texts (originals/adaptations) lately? TY ILY help plz
BL that has a Fanfic Style 
Ah it's a commentary on narrative style. And not pejorative. At least not from me.
I think fanfic-ness is defined by narrative style, or lack of one. Fanfic rarely has an intentional narrative arc or structure (so no 3 act or kishōtenketsu or anything like that). Most fanfic isn’t planned out or outlined from start to finish, as a story, (intentional or instinctual planning) the way traditionally published books are. It doesn't follow romance beats, or a narrative chassis like the hero or heroine's journey, save the cat, etc.... OF COURSE THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS. Don’t fucking @ me in a huff you drama queens. 
It's more episodic, in that the distribution of tension (and peril) is less predictable (kiss at 1/3, relationship crisis at 1/2, confession at 2/3, twist at 3/4, etc...) and more based on reader retention from one installment to the next. So the idea is more that each segment needs a hook and a draw to retain readers for the next one. 
Frankly in BL this is owed to webtoons and manga more than fanfic, but for writers and narrative analysis critics, fanfic makes a better reference point.
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This style is particularly common in Thai BL because of Love Sick and then Make It Right which started the trend in Thai BL. And these two shows spawned what I like to call the Thai pulps, a whole tradition in Thai BL that acts a lot more like fanfic than anything else.
There's often multiple couples and an ensemble cast. Sometimes one couple is given more attention than others (see Gen Y; Top Secret Together; You're My Sky), sometimes two couples are weighted relatively equally with a few other couples (Why R U?), and sometimes it just a big joyous mess (see a few Pinoy dramas).
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So the viewer appeal for something in this fanfic arena is more like a soap opera or medical drama etc... Viewers are following the series for character interactions first (plot second, if there is plot). Often we’re bought in not even for the main pair. We tune in because we like side couples. We accept that some of those side pairs might not even end up getting together and we might have to wait for a second season.
For older viewers (who have no soap opera background) fanfic style BL can be a turn off. And we can lash out in frustration over the lack of a narrative arc. I tend to prefer a “clean narrative arc and strong point of view” myself (I started out as a reader of romance, than then yaoi, not a watcher of romance or anime). I'll get annoyed when a show “waffles too much.” I'm learning, however, to chek myself and appreciate this style as a different art form. 
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And then Gen Y 2 happens and I get mad all over again.
For most viewers who grew up with fanfic and reading it, there's no barrier to entry on BLs of this type, it's just a different kind of story structure. Or they're okay with the lack of it.
Neither is better or worse, they just both ARE.
(Incidentally there are now MAJOR authors who started in fanfic and still use this style and some of the more frowned up (but WILDLY popular trope) like Mary Sue, they just sell so well big publishing whistles softly to itself and turns a blind eye: Stephenie Meyer, E. L. James, Cassandra Claire. I don’t know how she started but Sarah Maas also uses this style. These tend to be authors who are wildly popular and pillorized by critics. Of course.) 
So yeah, what the hell do the critics know? Well they know what they once learned about in school mainly. Which means they tend to be behind the times. 
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There are legitimately some BLs that started out as fanfic. Nitiman was originally a GOT7 fic about Jinyoung and Jay B. Which, frankly, I prefer not to think about. 
(I’m one of those who draws the line at IRL fanfic... sorry. I know too many celebrities personally to find that anything but really quite gross. Personal hang up. Call it a trigger if it pleases you.) 
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multifandomfanficss · 3 years
The Road to the Afterlife
Platonic!Dead Boy Detectives (and Doom Patrol) X Reader
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Prompt: After dying, your friends at the Dead Boy Detective Agency will do anything to get you back. This includes diving into one of the most dangerous planes of existence with their friends at the Doom Patrol by their side.
Warnings: blood, anxiety
A/N: I’m a big fan of both the Dead Boy Detectives comics and Doom Patrol so after their appearance in season 3 I knew I had to throw something together. This was inspired by both the comics and the tv show, but you don’t have to read the comics to read the fic. I do suggest watching the episode of Doom Patrol first. This mostly surrounds around everybody’s 2 favorite dead boys, but Crystal, Dorothy, and the Doom Patrol do make appearances. Let me know if you want more Dead Boy Detectives or some Doom Patrol centered fics!
It was just a normal case with your best friends Charles, Edwin, Crystal, and Dorothy until it wasn’t, but then again when is anything truly normal in your business? One minute you were bleeding out on the concrete gripping Crystal’s hand and the next minute you were hanging from a hook like meat in a horror movie. You had just woken up from what felt like hours of darkness. You had heard the stories of people seeing loved ones in the afterlife to persuade them to crossover, but you had no one. You never knew your family because you grew up bouncing from orphanage to orphanage. You were told your parents were alive, but they just couldn’t have you in their lives. The only people who were ever there for you were two dead boys running from the afterlife, a teenage medium, and a 107 year old child with real imaginary friends. There was nobody to greet you. No one to keep you company and give you any form of hope. Nobody to calm you down. You tried to take deep breaths. Your friends would surely come for you.
Charles was anxiously pacing around the tree house while the rest of the group was sitting down trying to figure out their next move. They all knew what they needed to do wether they wanted to go or not.
“I’m going to get them” Charles blurted out. He stopped pacing and stood seriously in front of his friends. He tried to fake confidence.
“Don’t be rash. We need a plan” Edwin said thinking about what to do next. Dorothy and Crystal sat at a table with a couple of (Y/N)’s things trying to reach them. One of the items on the table began to glow.
“We’re running out of time, Edwin!” Charles began to get frustrated. Edwin stood up and put a hand on Charles’ shoulder.
“I know you’re worried about them believe me I am too, but we can’t just go running into the afterlife with no backup” Edwin begged his best friend. 
“Well somebody needs to figure out something and fast” Crystal added. Dorothy knew what she needed to do. She excused herself from the table to call her old friends at Doom Manor.
(Y/N)’s POV
“I’m dead…I’m literally dead…I bled out and now I’m actually really dead. What the actual fuck” You whisper aloud to yourself. You can feel the tears begin to roll down your cheeks. You try to keep your sobs quiet as to not alert the monsters above that you were awake. You had heard about Watchers and you weren’t very excited to meet one. You heard the hatch lift over your head as you were lifted off the hook and onto the platform above you. You wiggled and kicked trying to get the person to release you.
“I’m not going to hurt you” The voice promised. You looked up to find a man with kind eyes, eyes that seemed to have seen a lot. You recognized him from descriptions of the last time your friends had been to the afterlife. Underneath cuts and bruises this seemed to be the man who had helped your friends escape. He must have been tortured for helping them escape. You felt terrible. You found yourself to be staring at him until he pushed you down a corridor.
“Run!” He said with urgency. You couldn’t even say thank you before your found your feet taking you away as quickly as possible. You turned down another corridor and stood at the end of a long hallway trying to catch your breath. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. Why did you need to breathe anyway? You were dead. You thought death would stop the feeling of a racing heart and breathlessness, but it only made your anxiety worse. You felt footsteps coming towards you. You tried to hold back your sobs as you came to terms with what was happening to you. You didn’t know what would happen next. What would happen if the Watchers found you? You turned the corner to find a dead end. You had nowhere to go. Your legs gave out in fear as your slid down the wall, collapsing to the ground. The footsteps were only getting closer and closer until they stopped.
“(Y/N)?” You heard a familiar voice say softly. You looked up to see Charles, Edwin, Cliff, Vic, and Jane.
“Are they okay? They’re kinda freaking out…” Cliff asked.
“Leave this to us Tin Man” Charles said as he slowly kneeled in front of me and put a hand on my shoulder. Edwin follow closely behind him and crouched down. The others kept their distance.
“Very funny jack ass” Cliff said before Jane pushed him.
“Not the time” She whispered.
“I’m gonna go stand guard” Vic said running down the corridor.
You avoided eye contact with the boys. You were scared and embarrassed. Most of all you were still panicking. You felt like you would throw up on them if they got any closer. You were still holding back a lot of tears.
“It’s okay (Y/N) we’re going to get you out of here” Edwin began.
“But I’m de-dead” You let out a sob you didn’t realize you were still holding in and Charles brought you into his arms. He rubbed circles into your back and spoke softly. He reminded you that everything was okay and that they were there to take you home. Charles felt different in this plane of existence. He felt more solid and less cold. He felt more alive…or maybe you just felt more dead.
You apologized profusely for putting them in this danger. Edwin assured you that you had nothing to be sorry for.
“I hate to break up the reunion, but the Watchers are coming” Vic said running back to the group.
“Then let’s take those sons of bitches down! We fucked them up once we’ll do it again” Jane said before receiving a high five from Cliff.
“That is really not a good idea” Edwin chimed in as the three of you stood up. Charles stood up first giving you his hand to help yourself up. After standing you didn’t let go. You don’t think he minded as you ran for the river. As scared as you were you knew he was probably feeling worse at this moment. He would probably never get over his fear of water and who could blame him? The boat rocked back and fourth before you sat settled between the boys, your boys, your heroes. You had no idea what horrors they had been through to get to you. You were thankful. You laid your head on Edwin’s shoulder. Being the less affectionate of the two you were only a little surprised when he barley stiffened at the touch. You sighed of relief. You were going home.
When you got back to your body you were surprised to see there was little to no evidence of your mortal wound. You bolted up taking a deep breath. Dorothy, Crystal, Larry, and Rita immediately ran to your side as Cliff, Jane, and Vic returned to their bodies from astral projection and Charles and Edwin came through the mirror. You were in new clothes. This was no doubt Rita’s doing. She confessed she didn’t want you waking up in blood soaked clothes. You gave a small laugh as that had been the least of your worries.
Hours later after everyone had left, you sat alone in the tree house with Charles. Dorothy had gone back to Doom Manor to visit for a couple days and Crystal was trying to show Edwin how to play her favorite video game, Yonda, for the fifth time this week.
“Thank you for coming. I know how much you guys risked to come save me” You thanked Charles.
“It was nothing” He tried to down play it.
“Do you ever think about getting back into your bodies?” You asked.
“We’ve been dead for too long. Edwin’s remains are lost and my body has been decomposing in a plot at St. Hilarion’s for decades” He explained. You felt bad for asking. You got quiet.
“It’s okay though. Being a ghost has its perks” He smiled.
“Like what?” You asked.
“Like this!” He laughed as he lifted you up and floated out the door and to the roof of the tree house. You laughed along with him.
“Don’t drop me!” You begged.
“I won’t drop you!” He promised. The two of you sat on the roof and were later joined by Edwin and Crystal for some star gazing. You saw a shooting star.
“What are you going to wish for?” Crystal asks you.
“I already have everything I’ve ever wanted and more” You respond as you lay with your best friends, your family.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Tech x Reader: Pause - PART 2
(Set during episode 3 “Replacements”)
SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3 below if you haven’t seen it yet!
Note:  I had multiple people ask for a second part to the first one, and I had so much fun writing it, so here we are!  This had me swooning at 8 in the morning while I was writing up the end!  I really hope you enjoy!
Link to Part 1 (set during episode 2)
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   “I should’ve gone with them,” you muttered to yourself, staring through the viewport of the ship into the darkness outside.  “Omega is so young.  She really shouldn’t have gone in the first place.”
   “Hunter will look after her,” Tech spoke up as he welded a few parts of the ship together at one of the main consoles.  He didn’t take his eyes off the project in front of him, only spoke over his shoulder.  It gave you room to admire his profile for a moment while he so diligently worked.
   “You’re right,” you sighed.  “But still, I can’t help but worry.  Please give me something to do so I don’t drive myself crazy thinking about it.”
   Echo chuckled as he worked on a separate console on the other side of the cockpit, nodding you over.  “You could hold these sheets of metal while I screw them back into place.”
   “Yes, sir.”  You clambered past the assorted parts and pieces that littered the space, catching your foot on a particularly heavy chunk of metal.  It made your eyes water.  “Okay, ow.”
   “Are you alright?” Tech actually paused his endeavor and pulled his helmet up to glance your way.
   “Yeah,” you replied, shaking off the pain.  “I just tripped on this thing.”
   “Be careful.”
   “No worries, I’ll try not to break any of the parts.”
   “The parts weren’t what I was concerned about.”
   Your gaze found his for a split second before he lowered his helmet back on and resumed welding.  Rather than dwell on it too much, you turned your attention back to Echo and took hold of the metal sheets so he could screw them into place properly.  Wrecker was causing a bit of a commotion in the back of the ship, most likely putting together the room he announced he was going to make for Omega after she and Hunter had departed.  You were touched by his gesture and listened with amusement to the sounds of stuff being dragged around and dropped back there.
   “Hey, _________!” he called.  “Could you give me a hand with something?”
   You exchanged looks with Echo who had finished replacing all the sheet metal on his side by now.  He gave you a nod, letting you know he could spare you for a minute.  
   “I’ll be right back,” you told him.  You headed down the hall to see Wrecker holding a strand of lights in his hand with the other hand ghosting over the spot where he hit his head during the crash.  “What’s up?”
   “Can you hold this end of the strand?  While I hand the other side?”
   You smiled.  “Sure.  You know,  this is really nice of you.  Omega is going to love it.”
   “You think?”
   “I know it, Wrecker.”  The two of you exchanged grins before setting to work on hanging the lights.  Wrecker paused when he reached the end of the strand, and you were struggling to hold it up so high.  “Uh, what’s the hold up?”
   “I took too many hooks,” he said.
   “Oh,” you nodded.  “Well here, you hang the last part, and I’ll put the rest of the hooks away.”  He dropped the set of hooks into your palm, and you made your way to a compartment where the squad kept miscellaneous supplies.  On your way through the doorway, you encountered a figure on its way out.
   The first thing you registered was Tech’s eyes widening slightly in surprise as the two of you ended up squeezed in the small space together, nearly chest-to-chest.
   “Sorry, ________.”
   “No, it’s my bad,” you insisted.  “I didn’t look before going in.”
   “Well, I didn’t look before going out.”
   Meanwhile, neither of you had moved from the spot.  His close proximity sent your heart racing as he gazed down at you, close enough that you could lean in a few inches and kiss him if you wanted- which you did want, of course.  Did he?
   “Everything going okay up there?” you asked.
   “Yes, most of the individual parts repairs are complete.  “All we need now is that capacitor.”
   “That’s good news.”  Your face fell a little.  “I just hope Hunter and Omega both make it back alright.”
   His gaze was so sincere as he responded, “they will." The hand he had just rested on your shoulder twitched as he hesitantly pulled it away.  “We, ah, never had a chance to talk on Saleucami.���
   You nodded.  “Yeah, things have been a little crazy.  What was it you wanted to talk about?”
   “I recall we both had something to speak to the other about.”
   You suddenly felt bashful and tore your eyes from his and let them fall to the floor.  “Well, you first.”
   He went quiet for a moment.  “Alright.”  He inhaled deeply as if gathering the nerve.  “I wanted to speak with you because over the course of our missions together, I’ve developed feelings-”
   “_________!”  Wrecker called, his thudding footsteps nearing the closet.
   Tech clamped his mouth shut while you replied before he reached the closet.
   “Yeah, Wrecker?”
   “Omega’s room is done!  Wanna’ see?”
   “Oh, awesome!  I’ll be there in a minute!”
   His footsteps faded down the hall again, and you glanced back at Tech with a chuckle.  He adjusted his goggles, a small smile on his face at the amusement of the situation.  You were convinced that he was about to say what you really, really wanted to hear. 
   “Anyway, as I was saying,” he continued.  “I’ve developed feelings for you, _________.  It’s never happened before, and I only know from what I’ve read that the proper thing for me to do would be to tell you and to ask to court you, if you wish to do so.”
   Your heart was fluttering, eyes were watering, and the smile on your face grew even wider.  “Tech, I feel the same way,” you told him.  “I know this situation we’re in as a squad isn’t conventional, but I do have feelings for you and would love to ‘court.’”  The last word broke off into another giddy laugh.  You only had to move forward a few inches to wrap your arms around his form in an embrace.  It wasn’t super comfortable with his armor on, but it felt right when you pressed your cheek against his chest plate, and you felt his chin on your head.  The two of you stood there squeezing each other for a minute or so and listened to the quiet breaths that filled the air.  Then, you pulled your head away to angle your face up towards his, and he accepted the invitation.  His eyes fell closed as he kissed your lips.  It was warm and a sort of relief washed over you as your hands traveled up to grip his shoulders while his pulled you in tighter.  He was still a little rigid at first, but as soon your lips moved against his he responded.
   Your back fell against the cool metal wall as his lips chased yours.
   “Ah, sorry,” he murmured.  You bit your lip and smiled, leaning in for another kiss.
   “It’s okay,” you assured him.  “Didn’t bother me.”
   The moment was beautifully awkward as he pulled away to stare at you like he had many times before.  The pause went on longer than you expected, so you finally spoke again in a humorous tone.
   “I’m just admiring your beauty,” he said, reaching up to run his thumb down from your forehead to the tip of your nose, a small gesture that made you smile again.  “So many times I wanted to have this moment.”
   “Well, now it’s here.”  Then, your brows went up.  “Oh, I need to go see Omega’s room.  I told Wrecker I’d be there in a minute.”
   Tech was hesitant to let you go, but he seemed to understand.  He most likely also wasn’t up for a situation where Wrecker would come looking for you and see the two of you in the supply closet.  Even if he didn’t see any lips making contact, the jokes would go on and on for the rest of the time on this moon.  Neither of you were entirely up for it.  You’d let the rest of the squad know about your new relationship when the time was right, though Hunter might pick up on it before then.  He was pretty observant.
   “I’ll go with you,” Tech said.  “Wrecker will want me to see the room anyway.”
   “Okay,” you nodded.
   “Ladies first.”  He gestured to the small doorway, and you grinned.  You took his hand and headed out the door first, him following behind.  Neither of you let go until you neared the room where Wrecker was showing Echo already.
   “There you two are!” Wrecker said.  “Check it out!”  He gestured to the room past the lifted curtain to show the space he had made for Omega, and you gushed at how great it looked while he stood there proudly.  The lights shone in your eyes and reflected off Tech’s goggles beside you.
   There had been some rough times behind you, and there were sure to be more ahead.  The galaxy was in disarray while this new Empire claimed it was order.  The squad had lost one member.  Everyone missed Crosshair, but there was hope of bringing him back.
   This moment felt like another pause from all of that.  It was a day of new beginnings.
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
L is for Lunacy (M)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jungkook / Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Established Relationship / Light Angst / Fluff
Synopsis: After two years of being sworn enemies (and 42,000 words of shenanigans), you and Jungkook had finally begun dating. As it turned out though, dating wasn’t any easier than coming up with the perfect witty retort to wipe the smirk from his face. When you came to the first Big Decision of the relationship, it was honestly anyone’s guess as to how things would go.  
Warnings: handcuffs (male + female), oral (male + female), very explicit dirty talk, degradation, semi-public making out, spanking, condom-less sex, cum play, things get soft (except Jungkook’s dick). Seokjin randomly procures invitations to formal events; no one really knows how.
Word Count: 15,790
Author’s Note: In order for this to make the most sense, I would recommend reading The Art of War More first! Thank you :)
“One thousand bottles of Smirnoff on the wall, one thousand bottles of Smirnoff!” sang Seokjin, wildly off-key. “Take one down, ice someone with it, nine hundred and ninety-nine bottles of Smirnoff on the wall!”
As the bus jolted over a pothole, you were launched sideways to land on Jungkook’s thigh. His response was a grunt, steadying you with one hand – lingering longer than necessary on the small of your back.
When you looked at him, Jungkook wriggled both brows.
“Fine,” he sighed when you withdrew from his grasp. “Just know that my lap is always available seating.”
“For anyone?” Taehyung popped over the seat in front of you. “Or just for Y/N?”
Jungkook’s brow crinkled. “Why would you want to sit on my lap?”
“You have solid thighs.”
“He has a point,” you agreed.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung a moment, then you. “Only you on my lap, thanks. I don’t like the way he’s looking at me.”
Feigning outrage, Taehyung opened his mouth only for Seokjin to hit a high note at the back of the bus. All of you winced.
“How’d Seokjin get an invite to the hockey midseason banquet, anyways?” you wondered out loud. “He’s not even on the team.”
“I’ve long given up on asking pointless questions like that,” Jungkook said. “Seokjin’s going to go where he wants to go.”
“I guess.” You paused and then shrugged. “At least he decided to bring Gina as his date. Now we can all hang out together!”
Jungkook made a non-committal sound. “Is Gina still hooking up with Hobi? Surprised he was cool with her being Seokjin’s date.”
“No. That kind of fizzled,” you said, disappointed. “I don’t think he was ready for the whole boyfriend thing. Gina’s been kind of bummed, so hopefully tonight’s a good distraction.”
“Good thing distraction is Seokjin’s middle name.” Jungkook grinned. “Plus, I hear this hotel’s amazing. The banquet is being held on the fiftieth floor with this amazing view of the lake.”
Horrified, you stared. “Fiftieth floor? Sounds dangerous.”
“It’s all enclosed, babe.”
“Still. I wouldn’t put it past Taehyung to fall out.”
Taehyung popped back up over the seat. “You rang?” When Seokjin hit another high note, Taehyung winced and threw a crumpled-up tissue in his direction. “I swear to god, Jin!” he yelled. “If you sing one more annoying verse, the next tissue I throw won’t be clean!”
Seokjin immediately shut up, much to Gina’s laughter beside him.
Taehyung returned to you and Jungkook. “Anyways. What’d you say?”
“My girlfriend thinks you’re going to fall out of a window tonight,” Jungkook said cheerily. “Bets for or against?”
“Hm.” Taehyung considered. “I mean, it’s in my best interest to bet against me falling out, but what’re the odds?”
“Taehyung,” you laughed, reaching up to smack his arm. “Stop.”
“You didn’t say which window!” He shot you a grin. “I could just tumble from the first floor and make a fortune.”
“Well, now we know your plan,” Jungkook pointed out. “So, that’s out.”
Before Taehyung could respond, Gina plopped down in the seat across the aisle from you. Stretching both legs, she lifted her arms overhead.
“Hey, guys,” she yawned. “How much longer until we reach the hotel? I’m beat.”
“Half an hour. And maybe you wouldn’t be so tired if you hadn’t stayed up until 4:00 AM…” You gave her a pointed look.
“I had to! I was studying.”
“Oh?” You arched a brow. “And what about after that? When you were just re-watching old episodes of The Vampire Diaries?”
“Y/N.” Gina looked at you, appalled. “You can’t just end things right when Klaus shows up in Alaric’s body. I’m not a monster.”
With another large yawn, Gina settled into her seat. “What’s the plan for tonight, anyways? Do I have time to take a quick nap?”
“Depends on how long your naps are,” said Jungkook, leaning over. “We’re supposed to reach the hotel at 4:00 PM, check in and then have until 6:00 PM to get ready, which is when the banquet starts. You could probably sneak a nap in there.”
Grinning, you turned. “Look at you,” you cooed, poking his cheek. “Memorizing the schedule and everything.”
Jungkook’s cheeks turned faintly pink, but he seemed pleased with the praise.
“Aw.” Gina made a face. “Gross. Anyways,” she said, turning to Taehyung. “Where’s your date?”
Reluctantly, Namjoon popped his head over the seat. “Hey.”
When he appeared, Gina cracked up. “Wait – you’re Tae’s date? Hope you put out. I hear that’s expected at these things.”
“Really?” Taehyung arched a brow. “So, are you and Seokjin planning on doing the nasty?”
Gina made another face. “Don’t be revolting, Tae.”
“Huh?” Namjoon looked around in alarm. “What’re you talking about?”
“Bad timing,” Jungkook laughed. “Gina had just finished asking who Tae’s date was.”
“He came with Maria.” Namjoon pointed at the back of the bus. “She’s back there somewhere with Nichole.”
Gina glanced in the direction he pointed. “And how are you invited to hockey formal?” she asked, turning back. “Aren’t you like, afraid of sports, or something?”
Namjoon looked somewhat offended. “I’m not afraid of sports. I’m a student athletic manager! I have a place at this banquet, which is more than I can say about you and Seokjin. How’d you two get here?”
As they started arguing, you felt Jungkook stiffen beside you. Namjoon wasn’t the only student athletic manager for the men’s hockey team. Last year it was a guy named Luis, but he recently transferred to women’s soccer, sticking hockey with a new face. 
A familiar face. Park Jimin.
You happened to see him when you first boarded, settling the question of whether or not he would go. He had decided to go; he was here.
It had been almost three months since you’d found out about Jimin’s lie. Back in freshman year, you and Jungkook had flirted and made plans to hang out at a party one weekend. Jungkook had to bail and asked Jimin to tell you – which he then didn’t. The resulting spiral of miscommunication resulted in you and Jungkook being enemies for almost two years.
Obviously, it wasn’t entirely Jimin’s fault. At any point, you and Jungkook could’ve gotten over your pride and just talked to each other and cleared up the whole thing. Neither one of you did though, which let the dumb feud continue – it was Jimin’s lie which started it though, and that was a hard thing to forget.
It was also something you had yet to talk to Jimin about. When word went around campus that you and Jungkook had started dating, it could’ve been your imagination, but you saw less of Jimin after that. It seemed pretty clear he had been avoiding you.
He had seated himself as far away from you and Jungkook as possible; all the way at the back, where Seokjin was taken a seat. Based on his uncomfortable posture beside his date, you got the feeling Jimin was having second thoughts about coming.
Squeezing Jungkook’s thigh, you waited until he turned his head. Even if Jimin was here, you weren’t going to let him ruin your weekend.
“We ended up together,” you murmured, only loud enough for him to hear. Resting your head on his shoulder, you sighed. “It really doesn’t matter.”
“I know,” he said quietly. “I just… get so annoyed when I see him. If it weren’t for his lie, I could’ve been with you this whole time.”
Jungkook blinked. “Maybe?”
“Maybe,” you repeated, glancing up. “Or – maybe we would’ve both argued over something dumb and because we were young and immature, we would’ve broken up.”
Jungkook bit his lip. “But we’re still young and immature.”
“Touché. I’m just saying things happen the way they do a reason,” you added. “Or maybe they don’t, but you can’t change the past. What’s important is we’re together now.”
“I guess.”
Reaching for his hand, you entwined your fingers. “And more importantly – if you don’t stop sulking, you won’t get your present later.”
Jungkook perked up. “Present? You got me a gift?”
“Maybe. If you keep asking what it is though, you won’t get it.”
Mouth snapping shut, Jungkook stared out the window and you began to count down in your head. 5, 4, 3, 2 –
“So, is this present in addition to my Christmas gift?”
Bursting into laughter, you smacked his arm. “It’s just a fun gift, okay? You’ll see later tonight. Gosh, can’t a girl spoil her boyfriend?”
Jungkook’s gaze darkened, caught on a singular word. “A gift for tonight, tonight? Or for the banquet?”
“We’ll see,” you said smugly, sitting back.
His voice dropped an octave, sending a shiver down your spine which you pointedly ignored. Turning away, you faced towards the aisle.
“You could always take a nap now, Gina,” you offered. “Before we reach the hotel.”
“And have Seokjin take pictures of me drooling with my mouth open? No thanks,” Gina sniffed.
She was right. Seokjin would do that.
Taehyung popped back up over his seat. “Are you and Seokjin sharing a room?” he asked, curious.
“What’s with your weird, pervy interest in Seokjin and I? Unfortunately, yes,” Gina sighed, slouched low in her seat. “I’m too poor to afford the single room rate.”
Seokjin finally appeared over the seat back behind you. It seemed he had managed to convince Parnce to switch seats – something he’d been texting about in the group chat since you boarded over an hour ago.
“Hey!” he blurted, offended. “I’m a delightful roommate, I’ll have you know. I leave chocolates on the pillow and everything.”
“Seokjin, it’s a hotel,” you pointed on. “They already leave chocolates on the pillows.
“Shhh,” Seokjin said. “I’m trying to impress a date here.”
Gina threw her scarf at Seokjin’s head. “I’m only your date because no one else agreed to go!”
“That’s not true!” 
“Is so!”
“I mean, it’s kind of true,” Seokjin fake whispered to you, as though Gina couldn’t hear. “Allison and Elaine found out about each other.”
“Well, why did you keep them a secret?” you huffed. “No wonder you’re alone if you pull douchebag shit like that.”
“I didn’t keep them a secret!” Seokjin protested. “I told them both we weren’t exclusive, but…” Trailing off, he sighed. “What can I say? The ladies always want more.”
Another wadded up tissue hit Seokjin square in the face.
“Thanks, Tae!” Gina flopped back in her seat.
“There’s more where that came from,” Taehyung said, sitting down.
Seokjin stared in horror at the tissue on the floor. 
“Hey! That... that one wasn’t used, was it?”
Sliding her sunglasses onto her nose, Gina pretending to sleep as the bus descended back into chaos. 
Reaching out, Jungkook poked you in the side. “Seriously,” he whispered. “What’s my present?”
“Oh, would you look at that?” you said, sitting up straight. “There’s the hotel!”
Although Jungkook pouted, he allowed the conversation to be redirected and even helped gather your things off the bus.
As soon as you entered the revolving doors, you were immediately met with a blast of warmth from the lobby. You sighed in relief – and then came to a stop. Based on the lobby alone, this banquet was going to be fancy as fuck.
Jungkook had explained what the purpose of this banquet was once or twice, but you weren’t really listening at the time. Apparently the hockey team had a midseason and an end of season banquet. The midseason one tended to fall during their time off around finals, since it was one of the few times during on season when the players could drink.
“Whoa,” Seokjin breathed, coming to a stop alongside you. “I definitely didn’t pack nice enough underwear for this place.”
“Underwear?” Gina looked up in alarm. “Nobody’s going to be seeing your underwear this weekend, Seokjin. Except maybe the mirror.”
“I’ll know though,” he said. “Deep down, I’ll know I’m wearing cotton boxer-briefs instead of silk, like I should.”
Jungkook turned to face you. “Is that the present? Did you get me silk underwear?”
“Did you get you silk underwear?”
“Still nope.”
“Huh.” Slightly deflated, Jungkook began to walk towards check-in. “I’m becoming less interested in what this present is.”
“Hey!” you laughed, punching his arm.
Check-in in was luckily fast – the hotel had set people aside for your group and before you knew it, you were loaded onto an elevator and pressing the button for the twentieth floor. Even though it wasn’t as high as fifty, you still warily eyed the panel.
“What?” Jungkook set his bag on the floor.
“Nothing.” You paused. “The windows all lock, right?”
“Oh my god.”
“I’m just saying! If Taehyung really fell from the twentieth floor, he would die.”
“Well, I guess Taehyung will just have to stay out of our bedroom, huh?”
Jungkook arched a brow when he spoke, gaze dark with something which made your skin tingle. Suddenly, the long hours of banquet ahead seemed like too much. It was fairly tempting for you to skip the whole thing and spend it in your hotel room with Jungkook. In bed.
The elevator dinged to announce your floor.
“This is us,” Jungkook said, grabbing your suitcase.
Slinging his duffel bag over one shoulder, Jungkook wheeled your suitcase out of the elevator. Your room was all the way at the end of the hall, past the ice machine and neon red exit sign. Dubiously, you glanced at this as you passed.
“If there were an actual emergency,” you said, slipping both arms around his waist to rest your head on his back. “Those stairs would be a death trap.”
“Hopefully there’s no emergency, then.” Jungkook pushed open the door. “Here we are.”
As you glanced over his shoulder, you froze. 
“Holy shit.”
Wandering forward, Jungkook set his bag on the floor. “What?” he asked, turning around. “Is there something wrong?”
Staring at the room, you somehow managed to close the door behind you. 
The space was airy, light and gorgeous. The décor was simple in that way which made you absolutely certain each item cost more than the entirety of your suitcase. Fluffy, white pillows were piled on a bed with an actual metal latticed headboard. Gauzy curtains covered the windows, and –
“Champagne?” you blurted, rushing forward. As you passed the front hall, you caught a glimpse of the closet. “And oh my god – robes. Robes, Jungkook! Plural!”
He grinned, watching you run about the room in excitement. “So, you like it?”
“Like it?” You came to a sudden stop, crystal champagne glass in hand. Realizing something, you frowned. “Wait, Jungkook. How the fuck did you afford this?”
“I came into some money overnight.”
“Sounds ominous.”
Jungkook grinned. “Actually, Seokjin’s Uncle got us a room as a favor. There’s no way I could’ve afforded this.”
Setting the champagne glass on the table, you scanned the room as you crossed to his side. “Not yet,” you teased. “Not until you make it big in the NHL. Then you’ll be able to afford all the presents for me!”
A shadow crossed Jungkook’s expression, gone before you could determine its source. He laughed, turning around and bent to unzip your suitcase. Lunging forward, you grabbed for his hand. 
“No peeking!” you scolded.
Jungkook froze and looked at you innocently. “Whoops.”
“Don’t ‘whoops’ me,” you said, slapping his wrist. Huffing, you pushed your suitcase into a corner. “You’ll get your present later. We’ve got to get ready for the banquet now.”
“That’s not for hours,” Jungkook whined, flopping down on the bed.
As soon as his ass hit the sheets, his t-shirt rode up to reveal a flat strip of abs. Momentarily distracted, you stared before you shook yourself free.
“Nice try, Jeon!” Spinning around on your heel, you entered the bathroom. This obviously prompted a new round of exclamations. (“Oh my god, there’s a heat rack for the towels!”)
An hour later, you were putting the finishing touches on your make-up while Jungkook changed in the next room. Taehyung had texted fifteen minutes prior and invited everyone to drinks in the lobby. Reading his text had made you laugh, since it made you all sound so grown-up and formal.
The entire event made you feel this way – as though you and Jungkook were two kids playing dress up. College was such a weird time. On the one hand, you lived on your own and were forced to make decisions about your future and on the other, you had barely reached legal drinking age.
College was a strange limbo of job interviews and beer pong in the same twenty-four-hour period. This, though – fixing your make-up while Jungkook changed in the next room – felt scarily adult.
Although you had only been dating for months, you could already see this becoming reality. The realization was startling, making you stare at yourself in the mirror.
“Hey, babe?” Jungkook called from the next room.
“Uh, yeah?”
Somewhat dazed, you screwed the cap on your mascara.
“When are you going to be done? I need to go to the bathroom.”
Sliding your make-up bag off the sink, you gave a final pat to your hair in the lights. Inspecting your face one final time, you turned in your robe and walked from the room.
The moment you exited the bathroom, you stopped in your tracks.
Jungkook had already gotten dressed and stood beside the window to survey the city. His hair was parted on one side, slightly slicked back with several loose strands hanging about his face. He was dressed in a suit – grey with a black shirt, and by far the fanciest outfit you’d ever seen him in.
Swallowing, you stood there for a moment while you eye-fucked your boyfriend.
Still facing the window, the corner of his mouth lifted. “Are you going to stand there watching me all night?”
“No,” you said loftily, entering the room. “I’m going to get dressed so we can go to the banquet, come back to this room and I can rip that suit off you.”
Jungkook turned, slightly dazed. “Fuck. Yes. That.”
He walked towards you, pausing his stride to brush a chaste kiss to your temple. Grabbing his lapel, you turned him towards you to press a kiss on his lips. Jungkook smiled, melting forward but before you take it any further, he pulled back.
“Oh, no you don’t,” he laughed, squeezing your waist before walking away. “If you kiss me like that, I won’t stop. And then I’ll definitely mess up your hair and we’ll never make it to the restaurant on time.”
Stepping into the bathroom, he shut the door.
You grinned, wandering further into the bedroom. Your dress still hung in the closet; you’d placed it there upon arrival. Thankfully, it didn’t wrinkle too much on the drive here.
“What if that’s what I want?” you called to him through the door. “We can skip the formal, stay here and just have sex.”
Jungkook remained quiet. He hated talking while either one of you was on the toilet – it was a whole thing with him, which resulted in your merciless teasing.
Slipping your dress from its hanger, you moved towards the mirror. "I'll take that as a yes, Jeon!" you said, glancing around for your shoes. "Stay silent if you want to skip the formal, hang out here and have crazy bunny sex."
After a moment, the toilet flushed and the sound of the sink turned on. 
Jungkook yelled back, "What's crazy bunny sex?"
Plopping down on the bed, you set your dress on the duvet. "You know!" you huffed, feeling around when a phone vibrated. "Don't rabbits have like, a crazy high sex drive? Where'd the phrase 'doing it like rabbits' come from?"
"As interested as I am in whatever hybrid fanfic you've dreamt up, maybe–"
Although Jungkook continued to talk, the sound of it faded when you unearthed his cell phone. A name flashed on the screen – BOB SUTHERLAND, which would've meant nothing to you except for the text message.
Hey, Jungkook! Thanks for finally returning my calls. There are a few NHL teams looking for a second-string center and–
The rest of the message was cut off, but it was enough for you to understand. You recognized the name Bob Sutherland. He was a recruiter for the NHL and a damn good one, if Taehyung's word was anything to go by. The fact that he wanted to scout Jungkook didn't surprise you, but it was surprising to hear Jungkook had returned his calls.
Staring at your phone, your heart began to beat a bit faster. Jungkook didn't want to go into the NHL now – did he?
The NHL, or the National Hockey League, was the end game for any hockey player. It was a mixed bag if players went into the league straight out of high school, played in lower leagues for a bit, or played in college until they got recruited. Even then, there were only so many good years an athlete had to play. It made sense for Jungkook to want to leave University for his dream job, but you hadn't thought it would happen so soon.
The sound of the bathroom door opening jerked you from your trance. Frantically tossing his phone to the bed, you grabbed your dress and stood to look around for your shoes.
Stepping into the hall, Jungkook smiled when he saw you. "Is that your dress?" he asked, spotting the fabric. "Are you gonna put it on? Can I watch?"
"I thought you said you didn't want to have sex," you said, forcing yourself to smile as you brushed past him.
"It's not that I don't want to have sex," he grumbled, fastening a cuff link. "It's just that if we did, there's no way in hell we'd make it on time."
Although you continued to smile, the contents of that text replayed in your mind. Exhaling lowly, you tried to push this aside. Jungkook would talk to you about it when he was ready. You couldn't fault him for being curious about graduating early. A lot of NHL and MLB players did it – it’s just, you had thought Jungkook wanted to finish his degree.
Shutting the bathroom door, you leaned your head to the wood and willed your thoughts to remain calm. It would be stupid to blow this out of proportion. You and Jungkook had only been dating for three months; it was too soon to expect him to tell you every little thing. Especially something so ambiguous as potential recruitment.
You two hadn't even said I love you to each other yet.
Jaw clenched, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Maybe that was why you were getting so worked up about this. It wasn't for lack of emotion you hadn't told Jungkook you loved him, but lack of courage. 
You did love him. You had for weeks, maybe months and maybe longer than that.
It was self-preservation that forced you to swallow the words each time Jungkook did something sweet, sexy or just plain adorable. For the number of times you had bitten your tongue over the past weeks, you were surprised you had a tongue left to speak with.
Still, you’d only told one other boyfriend you loved them and that hadn't ended so well. You and Jungkook had only been dating for three months. It was too soon to place that kind of pressure on him.
Especially not if he'd be leaving University at the end of this year.
Fear gripped your heart, forcing its way to your lungs while you willed yourself to breathe. You waited, taking deep breaths until the paralysis subsided. Numbly getting dressed, you tried several times before realizing the futility of your zipper.
Dropping your arms, you opened the door a crack.
It was probably your imagination, but he sounded far away. In more ways than one.
"Can you zip me up?" 
"Sure thing, babe."
As you walked from the bathroom, you held your dress with both hands so it wouldn't fall down. Jungkook's eyes widened as soon as he saw you, seated on the edge of the mattress with his broad thighs spread. 
His phone dropped from his grasp.
"Fuck," he breathed, staring hard.
The longer he looked, the more your face heated. Jungkook had a way of looking at you which set fire to your veins, which made you feel seen and wanted and heard. He exhaled, tongue darting out to touch the corner of his lips and almost imperceptibly, his hands tightened on the duvet.
"The zipper?" you reminded him, fighting back a smile.
"Right. Uh," he said, standing up from the bed. Immediately, he winced. "Um. Give me a second."
After another deep breath, Jungkook walked closer, but his gait remained awkward; concealing his boner.
"Are you sure you can dance like that, Jeon?" you teased as you turned around.
"No," he huffed, hands replacing yours on the dress. "Maybe if you could be a little less hot, that would be great."
"I'll try. Maybe if I put spinach in my teeth, or something."
"Nah. Even then, I'd still do you."
"Wow, that's l–" Clamping your lips shut, you stopped the l-word from escaping. "Um, that's lunacy, Jeon."
When he didn't immediately respond, you began to panic but then Jungkook chuckled, moving the zipper upwards.
"Done," he announced, stepping back.
Slowly, you turned. 
Jungkook's gaze darkened. 
Nervous, you smoothed both sides of your dress down. It had taken you a while to pick this one out; several trips to the mall with Gina and eventually, she’d been the one to make the final call. The dress was more revealing than what you usually wore, with a deep-cut neckline and mostly open back. It did wonders for your curves though, highlighting what Jungkook claimed to be his favorite assets.
Then again, Jungkook claimed that about every part of your body.
Still, the way he stared made you feel Gina had made the right choice.
"Whoa," he said hoarsely.
Laughing, you took his hand in yours and dragged him towards the door. "Come on. We're going to be late."
Playfully, Jungkook dug in his heels. 
"We can be a little late," he said, contradicting himself.
"Nope." Cheerful, you stepped into your heels at the door. "You're the one who said you couldn't control yourself if you kissed me."
Although Jungkook sighed, he grabbed the key and opened the door to the hall. You followed him outside, where Jungkook shoved his wallet in a pocket and gallantly offered his arm.
"Jungkook," you sighed, accepting the gesture. "That line didn't work on me before. It's not going to work on me now."
"Wrong!" he said as you walked down the hall. "It did work. Now we’re dating, right? You're mine. In like, a romantic way. Not in a creepy, possessive one."
You laughed as the elevator doors opened and you stepped inside. Jungkook followed, refusing to let go of you all the way to the lobby. He wasn't being subtle about it, keeping a hand on your waist, his thigh pressed to yours, his fingers drifting lazily over the curve of your back.
His fondness for touch usually made you feel wanted, but now you couldn't help but wonder if there was something else to it. Maybe the reason he wanted to be so close was because he knew he was leaving at the end of the year.
Stomach sinking, you told yourself to stop it. Jungkook hadn't made any decisions and you were sure he’d talk to you before he did. 
Or – you thought that he would.
Anxiety remained even once the doors opened and you entered the lobby. It refused to lessen throughout the entirety of pre-dinner drinks and even as you rode towards the banquet in the elevator, you found yourself in the back, quieter than normal.
Apparently this was noticeable enough for Gina to pull you aside as you entered, shooing Seokjin away with instructions to find them good seats.
"What's wrong?" she asked, tugging you behind a plant.
"Nothing!" you insisted.
Gina gave you a look.
She was dressed in a slinky red number tonight. You had picked it out right after she made the final decision on yours. Had Gina been allowed to choose, she would've worn the same t-shirt and jeans she always did. You had thought it would be funny to see her in something so sexy, but like everything else, Gina pulled it off effortlessly.
Based on the way people were staring, including her date, you knew you had made the right choice.
She narrowed her eyes. "Something's up," Gina said. "Normally, Seokjin's impression of Christopher Walken cracks you up – god knows why – but today, it didn't even make you crack a smile. What's going on?"
"It's nothing," you insisted, glancing around the room. Jungkook had paused at your table, scanning the crowd to see where you were. "Gina, we really should get–"
"Is it lover boy over there?"
Alarmed, you met her gaze. "Gina!” You dropped your voice. “I told you we hadn't said that yet."
"Oh, please." Gina rolled her eyes. "Boy is so whipped for you, it isn't even funny. He probably just doesn’t want to say it too fast and scare you off. Remember how long it took you to admit that you liked each other? This is the same. You're both playing emotional chicken."
Unable to stop yourself, you snorted. "Emotional chicken? Maybe, but…” Hesitant, you glanced around the floor. “Gina, what if he went into the NHL this year?"
Gina paused. "This year?"
"I mean... a lot of players do. There's only so long you can play hockey professionally."
"That’d make it harder to date for sure. Where’s this coming from, Y/N?"
"Nowhere," you said. "Just something I've been thinking. It would make it harder to date, right?"
"I guess. But so what?"
"I… huh?"
"So what?" she repeated. "Even if Jungkook does leave at the end of this year, how does that change the fact that you love him?"
Having no response to this, you stayed quiet.
Gina reached for your hand. "I'm just saying," she said, a bit gentler. "There’s always a million reasons it might not work out. All you can control is what you do now and how honest you are. Starting with... oh, I don't know... telling your boyfriend how much you love that flat ass of his."
"It's not as flat anymore!" you blurted, defensive. "He's been doing squats."
"Yeah, whatever." Grinning, Gina pulled you from behind the plant. "We should probably get back before Seokjin grabs the mic to sing Tiny Dancer. Just promise me you'll think about telling him?"
"Okay, I'll think about it," you sighed, following her towards the tables.
Spotting you from across the room, Jungkook grinned and waved a hand overhead. Seeing his face, a familiar rush of butterflies appeared. Except it wasn't just butterflies anymore; now there was a whole goddamn symphony and from the moment you saw him, you knew Gina was right.
You should tell him you loved him.
Maybe not now, though because as you approached your table, a familiar silhouette appeared by your side.
"Y/N?" Jimin said, sounding tentative.
Feet faltering, you came to a stop. 
Even from across the room, you could see Jungkook's gaze darken. Jimin stepped between you though, blocking your way to the table. Somewhat reluctantly, you waved Gina on.
"Go on," you said with a sigh. "Tell Jungkook I want the steak."
Gina nodded once, glared at Jimin, and continued walking towards Seokjin. She knew you could handle being alone with him.
Jimin waited until she was out of earshot before speaking. 
"Hey, Jimin."
Nervous, he swallowed. "Um, you look nice tonight. I mean you always look–"
"Jimin," you interrupted, folding your arms over your chest. "Get to the point."
"Right." He gave you an uncertain look. "I just wanted to... apologize."
"Apologize for what?"
Somehow, you managed to keep your expression neutral.
Glancing over his shoulder, Jimin saw Jungkook staring. He sighed and turned back. "For what I did freshman year."
"And what did you do freshman year?"
"Wow." Jimin gave you a half-smile. "You really aren't going to make this easy on me, huh?"
"No," you responded. "I don't think I will."
Something serious, almost sad entered Jimin’s gaze and he nodded. "Right. I guess I deserve that. I wanted to apologize for lying to you freshman year. I should've told you what really happened to Jungkook."
"You should have.”
"I know." Jimin bit down on his lip. "It's just that... I really liked you. And you seemed to like me back, so I thought it would be easier if Jungkook was out of the picture...." He trailed off, looking miserable. "It was stupid, I know."
Some of your anger lessened at his expression. He truly did seem as though he was sorry and while that didn’t change what had happened, it didn’t seem worthwhile to hold onto something so petty.
You hesitated. "It wasn't... stupid, exactly."
It wasn’t stupid in the way he implied and in a way, you realized you understood. You had liked Jimin freshman year, which was what made this complicated. You had also liked Jungkook and maybe you would’ve stood a chance back then if Jimin hadn’t lied. Then again, maybe not.
It was like what you told Jungkook earlier. It was pointless to ask what if because what ifs weren't what happened. All you had was the current situation and where you went from here.
A thought popped into your mind.
"Can I ask you something?" you said, lowering your arms.
Jimin blinked. "Sure."
"Why did you end things between us freshman year?" you asked. It was something you’d wondered for years. "If you liked me enough to go through all that with Jungkook... then what happened?"
Because he had been the one to end your fuck buddy relationship. You had been perfectly fine to continue seeing him sophomore year, but Jimin had been the one to pull back. It was something that’d always bothered you, but you’d never had the courage to ask.
Jimin gave a lopsided smile. "I wanted to date you, Y/N."
"What?” You looked at him, stunned. “When?"
"Freshman year," he said. "I mentioned going on a date a few times. Getting dinner together, being my date to my dorm's formal... you always turned me down and after a while, I stopped asking."
Dimly, you recall what he’s talking about. He mostly asked first semester, but you remember Jimin mentioning all those things. You always thought he wasn’t serious, but maybe that was just what you wanted to think. You were still hurt by Jungkook, not looking for anything real and maybe you were the one pushing Jimin away.
“I… I didn’t think you really liked me like that,” you said quietly.
Jimin offered a sad smile. “I could’ve been clearer, I guess. I didn’t want to scare you, so I was purposefully vague…” Considering, he shrugged. “I broke things off with you because I didn’t think you’d ever see me that way. Call it self-preservation, or whatever.”
“Oh,” you responded, voice small. 
Seeing your discomfort, Jimin sighed. “Hey, it all worked out – didn’t it? I’m having a good time with my date and you and Jungkook look happy together. I’m glad you are. I just wanted to apologize to you in person, Y/N.”
“Thanks,” you said slowly. “I appreciate that.”
“No problem.” Jimin hovered a moment, clearly unsure whether to go. “Well. I should be getting back to my table…”
“It’s just,” you said, interrupting. “I’m not the only one you should apologize to.”
Jimin looked at you in surprise.
“I appreciate you saying something to me,” you said. “And I’m not mad anymore, but Jungkook trusted you back then. You were a dick to him just because you liked me. I’m not the only one who deserves an apology.”
Jimin’s cheeks turned a bit pink. “Yeah. I know.”
You paused a moment, but he didn’t say any more and at last, you nodded. “Thanks again, Jimin.  I hope you have a good rest of your night.”
“You, too.”
Turning around, you left his side.
Oddly, your heart felt lighter with each step you took. You hadn’t realized how much the anticipation of that conversation had weighed upon you. Ever since seeing Jimin enter the bus, you had imagined something like this would happen.
Even if Jimin had been avoiding you, it wasn’t like you had been close friends before. Acquaintances, maybe, but even that dwindled once you realized Jimin’s lie to you freshman year. That kind of breach of trust really shook your foundations.
Maybe in the future you could be friends with Jimin again but honestly, you had no inclination to do so now.
Jungkook was already seated when you reached the table, his napkin unfolded and set on his lap. As you took your seat in the chair beside him, he looked over your shoulder.
“What did Jimin want?”
You glanced his way. “He wanted to apologize.”
Jungkook said nothing, his expression inscrutable.
“He said he was sorry about what happened freshman year.”
With a rough sort of laugh, Jungkook sat back in his seat. Playing with the corner of his napkin, he slowly exhaled. 
After a moment, he said, “Now?”
“Now?” Jungkook turned to face you. “Jimin says he’s sorry now for what he did?”
“I mean, he –”
“He’s just sorry because he got caught,” he muttered, jaw tight.
“Maybe.” You considered, then sighed. “Anyways, it doesn’t matter. He just wanted to apologize. He said he’s glad that we’re happy.”
Jungkook’s next laugh was sharp and he looked away. It wasn’t often he got mad, but when Jungkook did, it was hard to pull out of. He tended to brood, turning things over and over in his mind until the edges were dull.
Reaching out, you placed a hand on his leg. “Hey.”
Jungkook stayed where he was.
Shifting, you reached to place a kiss on his cheek. “Jungkook,” you said softly, squeezing his thigh. “There’s literally nowhere I’d rather be but right here with you.”
Finally, Jungkook caved and turned to look at you. 
His eyes were large and dark, full of something you couldn’t quite place but felt in your soul. Something fluttered in your stomach and you held your breath, anticipating what he was about to say.
His hand covered yours, thumb brushing gently against your palm. “Y/N, I –”
The sound of the commotion jerked you apart and, craning your head, you spotted the source of the turmoil several seats down at the table. 
Jungkook sat back with a thump, swallowing whatever it was he had to say.
Taehyung stood in front of his chair, one of those silver food platters on the table before him. It seemed dinner had begun to be served and Taehyung had gotten a dish with a lid. When he opened said lid, there had been no food on the plate – only a singular bottle of raspberry Smirnoff Ice.
Dramatically pushing back his chair, Seokjin stood to claim his victory. “Drink!” he declared, spreading his arms. “I’ve finally done it! I’ve bested my enemy, pulled the thorn from my side, tricked the eternal trickster – wait, why are you smiling? Why is he smiling?” he demanded, glancing at Gina.
Gina shrugged.
Taehyung knelt, per the official rules of Icing. He was halfway through what you could only assume to be a very warm bottle of Smirnoff Ice and yet, Taehyung didn’t seem angry. Instead, he had one brow cocked in a way which implied he’d still somehow won.
Seokjin stared at him in confusion.
Continuing to chug, Taehyung gestured beneath Seokjin’s chair.
The next moment seemed to happen in slow motion. Face gone suddenly slack, Seokjin bent and looked under his seat. He paused for a moment, staring at something and then sighed.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
A green apple Smirnoff Ice was under his chair.
“Oh, damn,” whispered Jungkook in sympathy. “Green apple is the worst flavor.”
Finishing his bottle, Taehyung slammed it on the table. “Fuck is right,” he said grandly as he stood. “Don’t forget to kneel, man.”
“But… but – how?” Seokjin cried, looking up. “I checked under my chair before I sat down!”
Mysterious, Taehyung shrugged and sat down. “It’s not your place to question, but to chug.”
As Seokjin sighed and got on with it, Gina leaned over . “Taehyung paid me a hundred bucks to plant it after he’d already sat down,” she whispered, then grinned. “Worth it.”
You snorted into your napkin, hiding it quickly when Seokjin glanced your way. As soon as he was done chugging, Seokjin set his empty bottle on the table and sank low in his seat.
“One of these days,” he muttered to no one. “I’ll get my revenge.”
Gina patted his arm. “Sure you will,” she said, twisting around in her seat. “Oo! They have those mini hot dogs. I love those.”
Seokjin instantly perked up, since he was also a mini hot dog fan. The table settled down after that, once the meals were distributed and people starting to eat. Jungkook cut into his steak beside you, exhaling in relief when he saw it was perfectly cooked. Jungkook had a thing about the temperature of his meat.
You wanted to talk more about Jimin, but the music was loud and the conversation so sensitive, you eventually gave up and figured you’d have time to talk later.
Jungkook’s hand found your thigh midway through the meal, so you knew he wasn’t holding onto a grudge. Or maybe he was and he was just really good at hiding it. Jungkook wasn’t normally the type to be jealous; you knew that wasn’t what this was really about.
It had more to do with what you told Jimin at the end. Jungkook had considered Jimin his friend at one time. It had hurt him as much as you when he’d realized what Jimin had done.
All through dessert you watched Jungkook, trying to read his expression until eventually, his lips quirked and he reached for your hand.
“I’m fine,” Jungkook murmured, arching a brow. “Promise.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Are you sure?”
Jungkook laughed, shoveling the last bite of cake in his mouth. Setting his napkin aside, he stood from his seat and reached for your hand. Pulling you out of your chair, he led you in the direction of the dance floor. Most of the tables had already been cleared, their residents disappeared to start the next part of their evening.
Actual awards were only for the end of year banquet, or so Jungkook had told you on the bus. For the midseason banquet there were superlative awards given out, but they were usually distributed at brunch the next morning.
Jungkook pulled you to face him in the middle of the dance floor. One hand on your hip, he drew you close to the music. 
“I’m positive I’m fine,” he said. “Sorry that I overreacted.”
“You didn’t,” you said, tilting your head up. “I know it’s a sensitive topic.”
“I know.” Jungkook still looked troubled. “It’s like you said, though. Who knows what would’ve happened freshman year? Maybe we would’ve worked out. Maybe not. Either way, there’s no point in worrying. We’re together now and that’s what matters.”
“Right.” Stepping closer, you leaned in and rested your head on his chest. “We are.”
Jungkook’s grip on you tightened. “And besides,” he said with a chuckle. “I don’t really want to spend any more time thinking about Jimin tonight. I’d rather think about you.”
“Mhm,” he said, low in your ear. “You, and how beautiful you look in that dress.”
“Just this dress?”
“All dresses. All clothes. Also – no clothes. Hell, you could wear a potato sack and I’d still think it was hot.”
Laughing, you looked up. “Now you’re just being ridiculous.”
Jungkook grinned, his smile bright in the newly dimmed lights. Within the past half hour, someone had turned down the overhead lights for ‘mood lighting.’ The tables had all been pushed back to clear space for the DJ and make a path to the windows. The sight of the city laid out before you was, indeed, spectacular.
A view rivaled only by the man standing before you.
“What?” Jungkook’s grin widened at your expression.
“Just thinking about how good you look,” you said with a sigh. “Can’t wait to use my present on you later.”
His eyes darkened. “So, it’s something to use on me?”
“Whoops,” you said, delicate. “Did I say that? Must’ve misspoke.”
His grip on your waist tightened as you danced. Lowering his head, Jungkook’s lips grazed your ear.
“Y/N.” He spoke softly, one hand sliding to the small of your back. “Don’t tease me. I’m not above public indecency.”
A thrill ran down your spine. “How indecent?” you asked, just as quiet.
To everyone around you, it merely looked as though you were dancing – turning around the room in time to the song. In reality, Jungkook’s breath quickened while your heartbeat raced, tilting your chin upwards to see him.
His gaze had turned positively carnal. “Y/N, just say the word and I’ll fuck you right here and right now.”
“Jungkook,” you whispered. “There are people around.”
His ensuing smile was cocky. “So? Bet they could learn a thing or two.”
“And you think you’d be the one to teach them?”
“I’d say so,” he said quietly. “Based on how loud you are when you come, I’d say I’m doing something right.”
“I see.” Blithely, you continued to dance. “Its statements like that which are exactly why I needed to bring your present.”
Jungkook’s expression melted to nothing. “Y/N,” he whined, all semblance of cockiness gone. “Please tell me what the gift is?”
“Nope. The build-up is half the fun!”
“When it comes to you,” Jungkook groaned. “It doesn’t take much to get me worked up.”
“Hm. You’ll have to control yourself better than that if you want to cum tonight, babe.”
Jungkook made a tortured sound in his throat. “Y/N...”
Rather than answer, Jungkook grabbed your hand to pull you from the dance floor. Grinning at the broad panes of his back, you grabbed your dress in one hand so as to not trip on your heels.
“Jungkook,” you laughed, passing knowing expressions. “Slow down!”
Jungkook obliged but continued to walk until he found a suitably secluded alcove. Pulling you with, he turned you around to press your back to the wall, dripping his head for a kiss.
Melting into his touch, your arms found his neck to pull him even closer. Jungkook’s body molded to yours, one arm on the wall while his lips devoured you. You arched against him, fingers sliding up his back to entwine in his hair. Jungkook whined when you tugged, breaking away briefly to rest his forehead to yours.
Breathless, you laughed.
“Why are you laughing?” he murmured.
“Mm, nothing.” Your hands slid to his waist. “It’s just… this kiss reminds me of another one.”
“Which one?”
“You know… the one at that party…”
“Oh, yeah.” His lips quirked. “When I beat you in beer pong.”
“Okay, you didn’t beat me.”
Lowering his head, Jungkook’s lips brushed that sensitive junction between neck and collarbone. A sigh escaped when he slid to rest either hand on the wall beside you. Keeping his body carefully separate, only Jungkook’s hot lips chased over your skin. His tongue flicked a heated path up your throat, holding himself back just to prove that he could.
Pulling away, Jungkook met your gaze. Heat radiated from every line of his body, tempting you further to close the distance between you.
“You’ve gotten better at that,” you whispered. “Less tongue.”
Jungkook’s upper lip twitched.
Before you could respond, he bent to kiss you again and all thoughts of reprimand went out the window. Instead, you arched upwards, craving his touch. Jungkook seemed to be of the same mindset, hips caging yours as he ground his way forward.
Hands returned to his hair, you anchored yourself with each breath you stole. Whatever lipstick you’d had on was long gone by now; Jungkook’s hand found your back and – remembering the backless dress you wore – he groaned.
“What bra do you wear with this, anyways?” he said, pulling back.
“None.” Staring at him, your upper lip curled. “I am wearing underwear, but I’ll admit they don’t leave much to the imagination.”
Jungkook looked tortured. “What are you doing to me?” he pleaded, looking at you with puppy-dog eyes. 
Before you could respond, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to your jaw.
“When we get back to the room,” he murmured, marking his way towards your ear. “I want this dress off. Panties on. Keep the heels on. Splayed out like that on the bed, so I can bury myself between your legs and eat your pussy all fucking night.”
“Sounds ambitious,” you breathed, your head hitting the wall.
“It is.” Jungkook smirked. “I like to set goals for myself. And whether I win or lose, you still win.”
“Oh, do I?”
“Mhm. If I don’t edge you all night, you get to come. And if I do, you still get to come. Win-win.”
Laughing, your fingers curled in his hair. “Well, I –”
“Get a roooom,” Seokjin booed as he walked past. “The bathroom’s right here, guys. People have probably been nauseated walking past you for however long you’ve been back here making out.”
Flustered, you glanced over Jungkook’s shoulder and realized Seokjin was right. The back of his tuxedo disappeared into the men’s bathroom, with the women’s room directly across from it in the hall. Groaning softly, you lowered your face to Jungkook’s lapel.
While you hid, Jungkook started to chuckle. His laughter shook your frame, making you smile until eventually, you started to laugh as well.
“Whoops.” Jungkook pulled back, only to wince. Reaching down, he adjusted the too-tight fabric stretched over his crotch. “Um. Maybe we should head to our room.”
“Already? There’s still a few hours left of the banquet.”
“I know, but…” Jungkook glanced past you, looking into the main room. “We came, we drank, we danced… I just kind of want to be with you now.”
“Well, alright,” you said, allowing yourself to be led down the hall. “If that’s really what you want.”
“It is,” he assured, pressing the down button for the elevator.
You smiled, leaning your head to his shoulder while you waited for its arrival. The lights in the hall were dim, bass thumping loudly from the DJ in the next room. Laughter and shouting echoed down the hall, but the spot by the elevator was relatively quiet.
When Jungkook’s phone went off in his pocket, you jumped. “Oh,” you laughed, glancing up. “That scared me.”
“Sorry,” Jungkook said, fishing around in his pocket.
When he saw who was calling, his expression changed and he immediately pressed off. Stuffing this back in his pocket, he shot you a quick smile and faced forward.
The elevator dinged.
You stared at his back as you entered, uncertainty churning your stomach. Things had been going so well, you had almost forgotten about the events of earlier – the text message you saw on his phone and what it might mean for your future.
Now, it was all you could think about. It wasn’t fair to press Jungkook to talk before he was ready but in all honesty, you were kind of going crazy. As the doors shut behind you, you turned to face Jungkook.
“Who was that?” you asked, innocent.
For a moment, Jungkook looked panicked. He hid this quickly behind a mask of indifference, which looked even stranger than the panic had on his face. Jungkook was not an indifferent kind of person.
“Um, no one,” he said quickly – too quickly. “Just my mom.”
Jungkook was a terrible liar.
Setting aside the fact that he was a classic mama’s boy and would have never have ignored her – maybe he would’ve said he can’t talk right now, but he at least would’ve answered – he now fidgeted anxiously like his feet were on fire. Eyes narrowed, you stared as his profile while the numbers of the floors ticked slowly down.
“You can call her back if you want,” you offered.
Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, then shut it. “Uh – no, that’s okay. She’ll send me a text if it’s important.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Facing forward, you casually stepped from his arm in the guise of being too warm. The numbers had almost reached the twentieth floor, but it wasn’t the descent which had your stomach tied in knots. In your peripheral, you saw Jungkook glance your way while you stared stubbornly at the doors.
The elevator slowed.
“We’re here,” you announced, striding into the hall.
You kept a few steps ahead of him as you walked, gaze focused on your room at the end of the hall. Even though you knew it was unfair to be mad, you couldn’t help the hurt which hounded your thoughts.
When Jungkook had taken out his phone, you had seen the name of the person calling him – Bob Sutherland, the very same recruiter who’d texted him earlier. Each step you took made you angrier, wondering if he’d already gotten the offer, or maybe he’d even accepted. You weren’t sure what the NHL recruiting process was, let alone what your place in it would be as his girlfriend.
Coming to a stop at your hotel room, you halted and waited for Jungkook to catch up.
He did so easily, brow creased as he reached to take hold of your hand. “Hey,” he said gently, turning you to face him. “Is something wrong? Did you want to stay at the banquet longer?”
You looked at his hand for a moment before raising your gaze to his.
“No,” you responded. “Nothing’s wrong.”
Jungkook hesitated. “Want to talk about it, whatever it is?”
You scowled. “I said nothing’s wrong.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Y/N,” Jungkook said with a smile. “Come on. You can tell me – what is it?”
For a moment, you just stared at him. Your first instinct was to push this down, to pretend it didn’t bother you, but that was cowardly. The situation clearly upset you and trying to pretend otherwise wasn’t fair to you, or to him. 
Before you could change your mind, you blurted, “Why’d you lie about your mom calling you just now?”
The words slipped past in a rush and Jungkook froze. The look on his face would have been comical had the circumstances not been making you sick to your stomach.
“I – what?” 
“Right now,” you explained. “Before we entered the elevator, you said your mom called, but she didn’t. Admit it.”
Jungkook stared at you a second longer, then glanced at the door. “Maybe we should talk about this inside…”
“No. Let’s have the conversation right here.”
Gaze narrowing, Jungkook returned to you. “I really think this is more of an inside the room conversation, Y/N.”
“You can’t tell me you want to go into the NHL in the hall?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. “I – what? Who told you that?”
“I saw your phone earlier,” you said, swallowing past the lump in your throat. “That NHL recruiter texted you – Bob Sutherland, right? I didn’t mean to see it, but it was right there on the bed, and I…”
Jungkook paused, then shook his head. “And you... waited this long to talk to me?”
“Um, hello?” you shot back. “Pot, this is kettle.”
He winced. “Okay, fine. I guess I deserve that. I just... didn’t want to say anything until I was sure this was even an option.”
Bleakly, you laughed. “What does that mean? You were only going to tell me once you’d decided? Maybe once you had your jersey and a new apartment in some other city?”
Jungkook’s expression darkened. “It’s not like that,” he said as you pulled away.
“It is like that,” you responded, stopping before the door. “Can you open this? I don’t have the room key.”
Jungkook didn’t move. “Y/N.”
“Open the door.”
“Y/N,” he said, softer this time.
You waited another moment, then slowly exhaled. 
“What?” you said, glancing sideways.
This was a mistake, since Jungkook was an awful liar and you could tell he wasn’t lying right now. All his emotion was etched clear on his face – regret, uncertainty, and something more, something stronger. The feeble spark of anger in your stomach extinguished with a hiss.
Stepping forward, Jungkook placed both hands on your arms. “I didn’t want you to stress over nothing,” he said quietly. “That’s the only reason I didn’t tell you right away.”
Jaw tight, you glanced over his shoulder.
“I swear,” Jungkook continued. “It’s just… we haven’t been dating long and things are going so well. I didn’t want to mess things up between us.”
“Don’t you think that’s kind of dumb,” you muttered, moving your gaze to his. “You didn’t want to mess things up, so you kept something big from me?”
“Come on, Y/N,” he pleaded, frustration notched between his brows.  “If I went into the NHL this year, I’d have to leave University before you. I’d have to move to whatever city picked me.”
“I know.”
“We only just started dating!” he said, looking tortured. “You only just started calling yourself my girlfriend. I didn’t want you to break up with me. Not when I don’t even know what I want. I don’t know if I want to go into the NHL this year. I just…” 
He stopped and inhaled, looking helpless.
There was such confusion on his face, such ardent sincerity that whatever anger you felt began to ebb away. It didn’t vanish entirely; you still wish he would’ve told you, but looking at him, you understood why he did it.
“It’s... okay,” you said finally.
Jungkook glanced at you, uncertain.
“It’s okay,” you insisted, sliding both hands up his arms. “I… yeah. It’ll be fine, Jungkook. Now, will you listen to what I have to say?”
Although he seemed skeptical, he nodded.
“Jungkook.” You looked at him seriously. “This is your career, okay? This is your future. I’m not going to break up with you just because you graduate early.”
“You don’t know that,” he countered. “That’s a lot to ask. Long distance is hard, Y/N.”
“I know.”
“It’s unfair of me to ask you to do that.”
“I think I’ll decide what’s unfair to me, Jeon.”
“I just...” Running a hand through his hair, he left the strands ruffled in the back. “I needed more time. More time to figure out what I wanted, more time to make you…”
“Make me what?”
“Make you fall in love with me, too,” he said quietly.
You went still.
The hall around you fell silent – so quiet, you heard the sound of your heart beating. Or maybe that was his; the sound was too loud, whoever it belonged to. It drowned out all coherent thought and left a ringing noise in your ears. 
Before you could respond, Jungkook shut his eyes.
“You don’t have to say it back,” he groaned, rubbing his forehead. “I know it’s too soon. We haven’t been dating that long and fuck, I probably shouldn’t have said it like that. I should’ve done something romantic, right? With flowers and music and – I don’t know. I just love you, Y/N and it’s really hard to keep it in, when –”
Reaching up, you pressed your palms to his cheeks. “Jeon.”
He opened his eyes, face squished in your hands.
“I love you, too,” you said seriously.
Jungkook’s eyes widened and he tried to speak, but the sound was constrained by your hands.
“Oops, sorry,” you said, releasing his face. “What was that?”
“You... love me,” he repeated, dumbfounded.
“Wow.” Jungkook paused. “Huh.”
Futilely, you tried to hide your smile. “Is that seriously all you have to say?”
“Kind of.” Jungkook grinned but after a moment, his smile began to disappear. “I really am sorry I lied, Y/N. I promise I wouldn’t have kept it a secret much longer.”
“I know,” you said quietly, taking his hand. “I get why you did it. That’s a giant change to be thinking about.”
“It is, yeah.”
“But,” you added, grip tightening. “I love you, Jungkook. I want to be with you. You don’t have to hide these kinds of things from me.”
Wonderingly, his gaze roamed your face. “No?”
“No. We’ll work through it together. Okay?”
“Okay,” he said, expression softening.
“Good.” You smiled. “You won’t scare me off, Jeon. Promise. Just tell me where your new apartment is and I’ll rack up frequent flyer miles.”
When Jungkook smiled, the corners of his eyes creased. “What if I decide to move to the moon?” he challenged.
“I might question your sanity, Jeon, but I wouldn’t be scared.”
“What if I decided to move to mars?”
“I might be a little scared,” you admitted. “Only because then, you’d probably be neighbors with Elon Musk.”
Jungkook laughed, reaching past to press his key card to the door. The light on the handle turned green, letting you in. Jungkook grabbed your hand and pulled you with, not bothering to turn on the lights.
As soon as the door fell shut behind you, Jungkook turned and pressed you to the wood. He immediately bent and began to kiss up your neck, placing one hand on the door and the other firmly around your waist. Pulling you close, he curved your body to his.
You found yourself no better, one hand sliding into his hair to open his mouth with your own. Jungkook groaned, his voice graveled, and the heat shot straight to your core.
“Jungkook,” you said, breaking away.
“Yeah?” he murmured, kissing back down your neck.
Heart stuttering, you forced yourself to focus. “I love you,” you whispered, your curving in the darkness.
It felt so good to finally say it out loud, to stop holding back what you had been feeling for some time. 
Slowly, Jungkook bent to press his forehead to yours. “You sure?” he said quietly. “Don’t feel like you need to say it because I did. Just because I’m stupid in love with you doesn’t mean you need to be.”
“Stop being dumb and kiss me.”
Jungkook snorted when you grabbed his tie with one hand to pull him towards you. Elbow buckling, he pressed you against the door while his laughter fanned your face.
Tilting your head upwards, your lips lightly brushed. “Want to know what your present is?”
Jungkook answered immediately. “Yes.”
“It’s going to sound silly now that you told me you loved me.”
“Hey, you said it back!”
“I did.”
“… I still want to know what my present is.”
“Mmm,” you hummed, walking a hand up his chest. “Alright, so maybe I went into that one drawer of your nightstand.”
Jungkook stilled.
“And maybe I brought something for us to play with.”
In the darkness, you heard him audibly swallow. 
“What… what did you decide to bring?”
Placing a hand on his shoulder, you lifted your lips to his ear. “Maybe the handcuffs.”
The next moment happened faster than you could comprehend.
Seizing you around the waist, Jungkook picked you up to carry you towards the bedroom. You squealed, smacking his ass from your upside-down position. Ignoring you, Jungkook flipped on the light as he walked and, upon reaching the bed, deposited you on the mattress.
You bounced on the landing, grinning as you adjusted yourself on the duvet.
Jungkook had already begun to remove his tie. He paused with it half-undone, staring at you on the sheets. Wriggling your ass deeper, you arched a brow.
“Alright.” Jungkook placed his hands on both hips. “How do you want to do this?”
You grinned. “What do you mean?”
He glanced at your hands. “I mean – do you want to wear the cuffs, or should I? Should we do this on the bed? Do you want the cuffs on my wrists, or what?”
“Whoa,” you exhaled, sitting up. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve never done this before.”
Jungkook paused, then nodded and smiled. 
Leisurely, he began to walk towards your suitcase. He undid his cuffs as he walked, placing them on the nightstand before he bent to the zipper. Opening the flap, he scanned the inside and immediately spotted the handcuffs on top of your sweatpants.
Glancing over his shoulder, he arched a brow. “Really?”
“What?” you said, somewhat defensive. “I wanted to protect them from damage.”
Jungkook reached out and shut your suitcase. With the cuffs dangling from one hand, he stood and looked once more at you. A hunger had entered his gaze which made you squeeze your thighs together.
“Why don’t we start with you?” he said, moving closer. “I’ll make you feel good and then you can decide if you want to cuff me.”
“That sounds good,” you whispered.
Jungkook came to a stop at the foot of the bed. Gaze raking your frame, he traced every curve with an indecency bordering on obscene.
“I wasn’t kidding before,” he said, gaze lifting. “I want you naked except for those heels and your panties.”
A thrill traveled your spine, slowly extending your legs to stand from the bed. Without looking away, you reached behind your back to slowly unzip your zipper. You caught your dress before it fell, pressing it to your chest and keeping it there.
Jungkook exhaled. “The rest of it, sweetheart,” he said, sounding hoarse. “I want to see those pretty tits of yours on display.”
“Oh, do you?”
Teasing, you lowered the fabric until your nipples were practically visible. They caught at the fabric, pressed against silk while Jungkook swallowed hard.
“Yes, please,” he said.
Without looking away, you dropped your dress to the floor.
Jungkook sucked in a breath as he stared. His gaze trailed your breasts, rounded and peaked; the apex of your thighs, where you could already feel yourself slick with arousal. He glanced at your feet, still in the heels he said not to change out of.
A growl escaped him when he reached for his cock. Palming himself over his pants, Jungkook stared hard at your body.
“Jungkook,” you whimpered, needing him to touch you.
His gaze snapped to yours. “Look at you,” he murmured, stepping closer. Sliding a hand to the back of your neck, he tilted your face up. “Nipples already hard for me.” Reaching out, he palmed your breast. “Is this pussy wet for me, too?”
“You know it is,” you said breathily.
Nose ghosting your neck, Jungkook traced a path down your throat. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
“What’re you going to do?”
“Gonna take a look.” Jungkook pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “Gonna see how wet I can get you – just me, though,” he said, stepping back. “You’re not allowed to touch yourself yet. Understand?”
Eager, you nodded.
It had been a few months since you started having sex and in that time, you had learned to read each other well. Jungkook knew that after a fight, you usually liked him to be in control. The mental exhaustion was tiring and you just wanted to come, and come hard.
“Good,” Jungkook said with a smirk. “Now, sit on the bed.”
Turning around, you sat and scooted until your back hit the headboard. Jungkook’s hands found his belt, slowly undoing each notch while you watched. Pulling this from the loops, he dropped it on the floor to shrug from his jacket.
Once free, he knelt one knee on the bed. “Spread your legs,” he said quietly. “Good girl.”
You obeyed, feeling liberated by the lack of control. You trusted Jungkook to take care of you, to listen to you and to know when to stop. It was part of what made sex which him better than anyone else. He understood you in a way you found hard to describe.
“Here?” you asked, spreading your legs on the sheets.
Jungkook moved towards you. ���Here,” he agreed, slipping one metal cuff around your wrist.
You inhaled when he closed it, threading the links behind the bedpost and taking your other hand in his. He clicked the second cuff in place, leaving you with both arms overhead, splayed out on the mattress. Arching experimentally upwards, you found your arms restrained.
Withdrawing, Jungkook sat back on his heels. He stared at you a moment, then slid his hands up your torso. Almost recently, he bent his head to flick your nipple with his tongue.
“Oh,” you gasped, arching upwards.
Your wrists strained at the metal, but the sensation was more discomfort than actual pain. The fact that you couldn’t touch him had your skin on fire. Jungkook’s mouth was sloppy, teasing your nipples just the way you liked, urging them to peaks so he could suck with abandon. You arched on the mattress, the cold metal of handcuffs biting into your skin.
You hadn’t been lying – you’d never done this sort of thing with any previous boyfriend but with Jungkook, you found yourself wanting to explore. No one had ever made you feel this comfortable, this open and trusting he would make you feel good.
Switching to your other breast, Jungkook blew on it gently before taking it in his mouth. When he grazed you with his teeth, you let out a whimper and he sucked in earnest. The noises he made made your cheeks heat, your barely clothed core grinding against the duvet.
Your lace thong was sticky, drenched in evidence of easy arousal. Jungkook seemed to realize this as you did, his finger drifting to dip beneath the edge of the fabric. Reluctantly pulling away from your chest, Jungkook twisted the fabric to stare at your cunt.
Although you couldn’t see, you could feel how indecent it was. Drenched lace snagged in the folds of your pussy, revealing your glistening sex to his darkened gaze.
“Fuck,” Jungkook groaned, brushing his thumb up your folds.
The way you shuddered made him moan and he did it again. Jungkook’s thumb slid lower, lazily stroking the entrance of your pussy. He teased until you clenched around him with need, arousal dripping from your cunt to gather at your ass.
“Feet up.” Jungkook pulled back. “Thighs spread.”
You did as he said, placing your heels on the mattress to spread your legs. Jungkook’s jaw clenched at the sight, staring hazily at you like it was the first time. Immediately, he bent and lowered himself between your legs.
“Y/N,” he moaned, dragging his tongue up your sex.
You shuddered at this, tugging on your restraints, which held. Arching against him, you pushed your hips forward while Jungkook ate you out. He wasted no time, lips immediately wrapping around your swollen clit, coaxing you hard and fast towards your first orgasm of the night.
Sliding both arms under your thighs, Jungkook used them as leverage while he licked your pussy. Burying himself between your legs, he devoured you with such ecstasy, you could barely breathe.
The hard lines of his back strained against his shirt and you wished this was gone, wished you could see his pretty skin, but Jungkook seemed determined to make you come like this – his tongue buried in your cunt and his nose brushing your clit.
Your entire body seized, ready to come but then he pulled back and slid two fingers in at the hilt.
Gasping, your entire pussy quivered when his tongue returned to your clit. “Oh my god,” you blubbered, arching against him. “Oh my fucking god, Jungkook.”
His fingers were relentless, immediately fucking the warm wetness of your pussy. The squelch they made sliding in and out was obscene, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. It felt too fucking good, with them pounding your cunt and making you see stars.
If you could have, you would’ve grabbed his hair and ridden his face, but you couldn’t. Instead, you arched as hard as you could and gripped your thighs together – Jungkook growled between them – unable to do anything but take it when he gave you your orgasm.
It crashed into you like a wave as you cried out in pleasure below him. You shuddered apart; Jungkook kept both arms wrapped around you until you were done. As the pleasure finally subsided, he gradually slowed his mouth to look up.
He grinned, lips red and wet from his exertions.
With a groan, you collapsed back on the bed. The metal bit into the skin of your wrists, your chest rising and falling while Jungkook shifted above you.
“You okay?” he asked gently, dropping a kiss to your lips.
You nodded, turning your head to capture him in a kiss. Jungkook kissed eagerly back, thighs settling on either side of your hips. He finally pulled away, reaching for the bedside to locate the key.
“Yeah,” you said, waiting for him to unlock the cuffs. “I feel really good, in fact.”
Jungkook grinned and released the cuff from your right wrist. You lowered your arm to your side while he undid the other, patiently waiting for your wrists to be freed. When you were, Jungkook bent his head to press his lips where the cuffs used to be.
He then moved to your feet – you had nearly forgotten you still wore your heels, but Jungkook slid them easily off to drop them to the floor.
You moved to sit up but Jungkook bent and kissed you again. His hands slid to your hair, thighs caging your waist while his tongue slipped past your lips. Desire lazily curled in your stomach; rather than sate you, your previous orgasm had left you hungry for more.
“Jungkook,” you mumbled against his lips.
“Why’s your shirt still on?”
Jungkook snorted and sat back, reaching for his front. Without looking away, he began to undo his buttons. He moved slowly, pushing each button through fabric at a maddening pace until you whined and pressed your hips up to his.
“Eager?” he teased, tugging an arm from the sleeve.
As soon as his shirt hit the floor, you sighed in satisfaction. No matter how many times you saw him, the sight of Jungkook shirtless never ceased to amaze.
“Wait – stay there,” you said, reaching to run a hand up his front.
One of Jungkook’s tattoos dipped to his pec, swirling above his dusky nipple in delicate lines. When your thumb casually brushed this, he shuddered.
Pleased, you looked up. “Sensitive, Jeon?”
“You know I am,” he grumbled, though he seemed far from perturbed. Gaze glinting in darkness, Jungkook lowered himself to his palms. “Do it again.”
You obeyed, casually dragging a finger over his pert, rosy nipple. Jungkook inhaled through his teeth, staring at you while you began to tease. When your fingers moved to his other nipple, he actually whined and lowered his head.
“Okay,” you said, making a decision. “I’m going to need you in those cuffs now.”
Jungkook lifted his head. “Oh?”
“Yeah,” you exhaled.
He immediately sat back on his heels, shirtless and slacks strained across his erection. It was obvious from the way he sat it was uncomfortable and yet, Jungkook made no move to relieve himself. The sight sent a thrill down your spine.
This scenario had crossed your mind more than a few times, you had to admit. Having Jungkook seated before you, ready to do whatever you wanted. He was just so big and strong – the sight of him kneeling was more than you could bear.
“Scoot back,” you said, jerking your chin at the headboard.
Jungkook obeyed, scooting until he leaned against the latticed metalwork of the bed. Arching a brow, he asked, “What now?”
“Now,” you said, grabbing the handcuffs to move towards him. “I’m thinking about how I want you.”
He smirked. “What’re you thinking?”
“I could cuff you to the bed,” you wondered. “Or… no, I know what I want. Get back on your knees.”
Jungkook licked his lips and nodded, moving into position.
“Wait,” you said, making him pause. “Take off your pants first.”
He stopped and slid his hand under the top of his slacks. Undoing first the button, then the zipper, Jungkook slowly dragged them down muscular thighs. Once his slacks fell to his ankles, Jungkook kicked them to the floor.
“Now your boxers,” you instructed, gaze hungrily roaming his frame.
The handcuffs remained in your hand, but Jungkook paid them no attention while he stripped down to nothing. Keeping his gaze on yours, he dragged his boxers lower. The second his cock was freed, it sprang up to smack his muscled abs.
You nearly groaned at the sight of how hard he was. The tip of his cock was reddened and leaking, a thick bead of cum working its way down his shaft.
“Hands behind your back,” you said, lifting your gaze.
Jungkook did as he was told, the muscles in his biceps bulging as he went. Although you audibly swallowed, you pushed past this and went to attach the first cuff.
“Is this okay?” you asked, glancing up at his face.
Jungkook smirked. “Yeah. Put the other one on.”
Cheeks hated, you nodded and fastened the other behind his back. Jungkook exhaled, dark hair flopping forward while he experimentally tugged with his arms. The cuffs didn’t give. You stared at him a moment, drinking in the sight of him naked, kneeling and utterly yours.
Unable to stop it, you smiled.
Jungkook glanced up. “What’s that look for, baby?”
“Nothing,” you said, scooting backwards. “You just, um…”
“Look fucking hot.”
His cheeks flushed, a fact you found endearing – even with his dick standing hard and thick between his thighs. Bending, you placed a hand on either side of his legs.
Curious, you looked up. “Have you ever done this before?”
Jungkook shook his head. “No. I never really… wanted to do this with anyone else.”
Warmth filled you, knowing exactly what he meant. There’d been no one else you trusted this much either. It was a strange thing to relinquish control, to surrender yourself to someone else and trust they wouldn’t hurt you.
“Same,” you whispered. 
You bent and licked a strip up his cock.
Jungkook groaned, head rolling back as you teased his length. Sitting up, you spit in your palm to wrap most of the way around his cock. You began to slide up and down and Jungkook exhaled, thighs twitching beneath your palm. His eyes drifted shut, enjoying your touch as you stroked his dick.
Seeing the way his arms strained at the cuffs, you grinned. “Enjoying yourself?”
He cracked open an eye. “Wanna touch you,” he said.
“Too bad,” you sing-songed, bending to wrap your lips around his cock.
Jungkook groaned, straining once more against the cuffs. You refused to take him all in your mouth at one go, sucking on the tip before tracing his sensitive head with your tongue. Jungkook exhaled, hips pushing forward in an attempt to coax you further onto his dick.
Pulling back, you left him with a pop. “Uh-uh,” you said. “You’re not the one in control here, Jeon. I am.”
“Oh, yeah?” A devilish glint entered his eyes. “Prove it.”
Heart pounding, you pushed yourself up and moved closer. Sliding a hand into his hair, you angled his head to kiss him on the lips. Jungkook melted forward, lips chasing yours before you pulled back. 
Settling just beyond his reach, you smiled and let your hand return to his cock.
“Fuck,” Jungkook whimpered.
“In a bit,” you answered, thumb brushing his tip.
Jungkook’s tongue poked the side of his cheek, staring while you continued your motions. Head lowering, you took him again in your mouth and slid partway down. Lifting off, you trailed his frenulum with your tongue and then bent to take him all the way.
“Shit,” Jungkook gasped, staring while you deep-throated his cock. “Fuck – that feels so good, baby. Ah.”
His hips bucked when you took him deeper and in response, you pulled back.
“Nope,” you said with a smirk. “Every time you do that, I’ll stop. Keep still, baby,” you said, continuing to fist him with one hand. “You can do that for me, right? Be a good boy?”
Jungkook’s gaze turned heavy with desire. “Yeah,” he breathed. “Yeah, I’ll be so fucking good for you, baby. Promise.”
Taking him back in your mouth, you hollowed your cheeks to move faster. Balancing both palms on his thighs, you forced your head down until you gagged on his cock. Pulling back, you let spit break over your lip and fisted him roughly, making him sloppy and wet.
Jungkook whimpered again, straining at the cuffs. His nipples were rock hard and upon seeing this, you lifted to lick over a nub.
“Oh, fuck,” Jungkook blurted, hips thrusting forward.
You let him fuck your hand for a few seconds, his hard length chasing the warmth of your hand. And then you pulled away, relinquishing your grip and Jungkook’s eyes widened, realizing what he’d done.
“No,” he groaned, chest sagging.
He looked utterly defeated by the realization you might stop – or at the very least, you’d make him work for it harder. The only thing wrong with this assumption was that you were now obscenely horny and just wanted him inside you.
“It’s okay, baby.” Using the same hand, you lifted his chin. “You did so well, lasting for me as long as you did.”
Jungkook looked at you, hopeful. “So, you’ll let me come?”
“Oh. No.” His face fell. “At least,” you allowed, positioning yourself over his cock, “not until I feel you inside me.”
It had been a few weeks since you had stopped using condoms. Soon after you started dating, you decided to get tested since you were already on the pill. It was worth it the first time he came inside you and swirled his fingers through the mess.
Jungkook watched you remove your sodden panties, dropping them on the floor and returning to his lap. Lowering yourself, you let the soaked folds of your center gently brush his cock. Jungkook hissed as though you had wounded him, straining against the cuffs like he could break them.
Immediately, you stopped. “Jungkook?” you asked, gaze roaming his face in concern. “Are you still okay?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, practically panting. “Fuck, yeah. I’m good, but I need to be inside you. Now.”
“So impatient,” you tsk-d, reaching to grasp his cock beneath you. One hand on his shoulder, you began to lower yourself on his length.
Just his tip entered at first, parting the velvet walls of your sex and making you moan. You’d already come once tonight, but with how tight you were, that seemed a distant memory. Sliding your hand lower on his cock, you dropped yourself lower to take him inside you.
Jungkook stared; transfixed by the sight of him entering your pussy. “You’re doing so well,” he murmured. “Feel stretched enough, baby? Need anything from me?”
“N-no,” you stuttered, already feeling the burn.
He looked up and arched a brow. “How about this?” he murmured, shifting his weight. “Since I can’t use my hands or my tongue on your pussy, how about I get you wet like this?”
“Like what?”
“Take your hand off my cock so you can touch yourself,” he suggested sweetly. “Put your finger in my mouth first, though. Wanna taste you.”
You obeyed, thighs trembling as you released him and brought your finger to his lips. Jungkook opened, wrapping his lips around your digit to easily suck. You inhaled at the sight, thoroughly aroused as you felt yourself slip another inch on his length.
Jungkook released your finger. “Now put that hand between your thighs,” he said, waiting for you to do so. “There you go, baby. I know how swollen your clit was when I sucked on you earlier. Is it still like that? Still puffy and needy for me?”
Slipping your hand between your legs, you circled your sex. “Yeah,” you breathed, sinking down on him another inch. “It’s still like that.”
“Good.” Jungkook smirked. “Give it a pinch, then slowly rub it.”
The second you did this, a wave of pleasure swept through you.
“Again,” Jungkook said.
You did it again.
“And again.”
This time when you did it, you felt your hips settle against his. Glancing down in surprise, you realized his cock had nestled all the way inside you – his thick girth split you so prettily, the wetness of your pussy soaked into his base.
“Oh,” you exhaled, looking up.
Jungkook’s eyes glinted. “Ride me.”
The way he spoke sparked fire in your veins, reaching for his shoulders as you slowly moved upwards. Once you were nearly empty, you dropped to take him all in one motion. You gasped at the sensation, head tipping back as you did it again.
Gripping his shoulders, you controlled the pace to slowly move up and down. You went purposefully slower, reveling in the feeling of him being inside you, the sight of his chest rising and falling with each breath he took.
Leaning onto your palms, you lifted your hips and sunk down on his cock. You swiveled your hips as you went, letting him feel how wet you were for him.
“Fuck,” Jungkook groaned, taking a deep breath.
His gaze roamed your chest, rising and falling with your hips; your cunt, swallowing him whole to drip onto his thighs. A moan left him at the sight of your clit, so swollen and pretty but unable to touch.
“Baby,” he moaned.
Sitting up straight, you let him fall from your body and repositioned yourself above him. Sinking down on his length, you slid both hands to his hair and eagerly kissed him. Your chests brushed as you rode him, rolling your hips over his massive cock.
Growing impatient, Jungkook finally snapped his hips upwards. “Please,” he panted, lips dropping down your throat. “Please undo the cuffs, Y/N. I need to fuck you.”
“Okay,” you agreed, reaching beside you to grab the key.
It took you a few seconds to unlock a cuff and the moment you did, Jungkook moved. He didn’t wait for the other one to be released – pushing you back on the bed, he hiked your leg up and buried himself in you to the hilt. Lips parted, you stared at him dazed as he suddenly filled you. The stretch felt so fucking good, your eyes watered.
Softening, Jungkook brushed a kiss to your lips. “That okay?” he murmured, reaching down for your clit.
It was swollen, like he said and your eyes nearly rolled back as he began to play with you.
“Oh my god, yes,” you mumbled, stretched out beneath him. “Jungkook?”
“Fuck me hard.”
His gaze immediately darkened. “Alright, baby.”
Knowing exactly what you meant by this, Jungkook pulled out. He flipped you over, pulling your ass in the air so your pussy was on display. His fingers swiped at your entrance, feeling how soaked you were before he lined himself up and plunged inside you. It was a more intense stretch this way – his cock hit so deeply like this, filling you up with a despondency you craved.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, chest pressed to the bed.
Your thighs were eagerly spread, Jungkook’s hands on your hips while he fucked himself into you. Each time he filled you left you groaning, your pussy deliciously stretched by his massive cock.
“That’s it,” Jungkook grunted, fingers gripping your waist. “God, you take my cock so well, baby. Such a good little slut for me.”
He paused, waiting for your reaction and you moaned in response. You weren’t always in the mood, but sometimes all you wanted was to be called his filthy whore. Wanted Jungkook to use your pussy like his cum dump, fucking you over and over like he couldn’t control it.
“That’s right,” you groaned, spreading your legs wider. “All yours, baby.”
Jungkook grunted and spanked you, jolting you forward. Your ass quivered when he did this again, timing his efforts with each thrust of his cock.
“Fuck yeah, it’s for me,” he panted. “Got you on all fours like a bitch in heat. You just want to be stuffed full of cock – right, baby? Want your pussy fucked full of cum?”
“Yes,” you moaned, pushing back. “Full of your cum, Jungkook. Oh.”
“That’s right – only my cum,” he said, satisfied. “Only my dick knows how to fuck you this good.”
You moaned, unable to be more coherent than that.
“You think the rest of the floor can hear you?” Jungkook mused, his hips never wavering. “Think they can hear you moaning my name, making such a sweet mess of my cock? Think they’re all jealous they don’t have a perfect pussy like yours?”
“Fuck, Jungkook!” you gasped, arching your back.
He spanked you again. “Hope they can all hear what a perfect slut you are. How nicely you take a big cock, how much you like being fucked full of my cum.”
Reaching down, Jungkook slipped an arm under your chest. He lifted you against him, pressing his chest to yours from behind. His hips never ceased, his cock continuing to split you open while he fucked like that. You could feel yourself quivering, core clenching hard on his cock while you neared your next orgasm.
Which is why it felt so sudden when Jungkook decided to pull out.
“Jungkook!” you gasped, sagging in his hold.
Your head spun, wanting – needing­ – to come and if it weren’t for his arms around you, you would have collapsed to the sheets. Jungkook kissed your neck once before he turned you around and laid you down on the bed. It was necessary for him to take the lead since your thighs were still shaking.
Balancing his weight on his palms, Jungkook gave you a shy smile. “I just…” He shook his head. “I wanted to see you.”
Melting at his words, you stared back at him. His gaze was so open, so hopeful that you lifted your arms and pulled his chest down to yours.
“Wanna see you too,” you whispered, kissing him softly.
Jungkook reached down to position himself between your thighs and this time when he filled you, it felt different. He began to move slowly, rolling his hips while he kissed down your throat.
Each thrust he gave was deep, purposeful, and designed to complete you. It did – no, he did, you realized as your arms slid around him. When he fucked you like that, each roll of his hips brushed your clit and soon enough you found yourself right back on the edge.
“Jungkook,” you groaned, pressing your face to his shoulder.
Your fingers dug into his skin, hips chasing his while he buried himself inside you. Over and over, his cock hit that place deep inside which made you cry out beneath him.
“Oh,” you gasped, clutching him tighter. “Jungkook.”
Dropping to one elbow, he began to fuck you faster. Grabbing one of your knees, he hiked this over your waist and began to thrust harder, driving you towards your orgasm.
“Love you,” he murmured, hips chasing yours. “Fuck.” Jungkook sighed. “So glad I can say that now.”
“Love you too,” you whispered, fingers curling into his hair.
With each thrust he gave, you felt yourself closer to falling apart. His heat was everywhere – on your lips, on your neck, with his thick cock inside you. It was nearly unbearable, how full of him you felt.
“Jungkook,” you whimpered, burying your face in his chest. “P-please. Come inside me. Wanna feel you.”
“Yeah?” His breath hitched. “You want me to fill you up? Get this pussy all messy with my cum?”
“Please, Jungkook,” you gasped.
“You first,” he demanded, thrusting into you with an intensity which stole the breath from your lungs.
Gasping him by the shoulders, you felt yourself clench as he fucked you harder. When you came, it was with his name on your lips and his cock inside you. Feeling you clench tightly around him, Jungkook swore and gave several deep thrusts.
It was only a few seconds later you felt him release, hot spurts of cum filling up your cunt. There was so much of it, your pussy eagerly taking until it couldn’t take anymore. You felt some of it dribble out the sides, sliding to your ass from your fucked-out hole. Jungkook stayed there as long as he could, pushing his cum deeper inside you with each lazy thrust.
Your sensitivity was overwhelming but you pushed through it, wanting him to stay inside you as long as possible. Arms wrapped around him, you pulled his chest down to yours and smiled happily upwards, feeling his cock soften inside you.
Jungkook brushed a kiss to your forehead. “Y/N…”
“Can we get this other cuff off me?”
Snorting, you looked and realized he still had the cuffs attached to his left wrist. Twisting beneath him – Jungkook whined when he slipped out – you reached for the key. He immediately brightened once the cuff was released.
You grinned. “Better?”
“Better,” Jungkook said, flopping back down.
“Jungkook!” you grunted when he landed on your hips.
“I need to get up.”
“No, you don’t.” He pancaked on top of you and grinned. “See? Now you’re trapped.”
Laughing, you grabbed for his bare ass. “I really have to get up,” you said. “All your cum is still inside me, Jeon.”
“Damn, okay,” he said, shaking his head. “If that’s a hint, fine. I’ll eat it out of you, just give me a minute.”
Your eyes widened, intrigued by this idea but you pushed it aside. “No – now, Jeon,” you said.
Jungkook grinned. “Alright,” he exhaled, rolling off. “But come back here soon!”
“Or else what?” you said, swinging your legs over the bed.
“Or else I’ll be lonely.”
When he exaggeratedly pouted, you laughed.
Stretching both arms overhead, you made your way towards the bathroom. Your entire body felt sated; full of that heavy-limbed sensation which only came from a mind-blowing orgasm. At the bathroom you paused and looked over your shoulder.
Jungkook remained on the bed, hair rumpled and clothing still on the floor. He looked gorgeous, but that wasn’t what first crossed your mind. The first thing you thought was you wanted more nights like this in the future.
Not just the sex part (although that would be nice), but this. Him in your bed, ready to go to sleep next to you. Ready to wake up in the morning. Laughing and talking and just being together.
It was easy to picture yourself doing this with him five years from now, twenty, even fifty. Realizing this, you paused and waited for the panic to come.
Nothing happened and after a moment, you exhaled.
Jungkook glanced up from the bed, caught you looking and smiled – which sent a wave of rightness through you. This might be it, you realized. He might be it.
Oddly enough, the thought didn’t scare you at all.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
Author’s Note: Thank you very much for reading!
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