#we’ll see if it survives editing
walkawaytall · 8 months
Like seven months ago, I was like “I should try to weave the cycles of grief into Purpose of Heritage because that would be a cool thing to do.” And then I promptly forgot about the idea. But I think my subconscious held onto it, and it has apparently decided that it’s time for Anger.
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tolkienocweek · 3 days
Tolkien OC Week
A fandom event for OCs and underdeveloped characters in Tolkien's world!
This event celebrates both characters of Tolkien's world and our own characters that need more love, by creating and reblogging all kind of fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fanvideos, fancrafts, headcanons, playlists, edits, moodboards etc.
The event is modded by @yellow-faerie, @elamarth-calmagol and @stormxpadme and will take place between 25th August - 31st August 2024 for the fourth year running.
NSFW text entries are allowed and we’ll tag them accordingly when we reblog them, but please put them behind a “read more”.
We'll also be tracking the tag #tolkienocweek during this week!
Event schedule for 2024:
Day 1 (25th August): World Building
Create a fanwork about an original character, and use them as a jumping off point for worldbuilding. Share a dwarf from the far side of Rhun, consider the existence of an Aina before the creation of Arda, explore Rivendell from the point of view of an outsider, or tell us about the underground punk subculture of Gondolin.
Day 2 (26th August): Canon-OC Relationships
This year, it’s not just about romance. Today, explore a relationship between your OC and a canon character. Your character could be a lover or spouse of someone canonical, lf course, but they could also be a friend, sibling, teacher, servant, fan, or even rival!
Day 3 (27th August): Alternate Universes
Share an OC who isn’t canon compliant at all. Maybe you want to add a fourteenth member of Thorin’s company or give a reborn Celebrimbor children with a surviving and reformed Sauron. Or, maybe you want to do a crossover with your Star Wars OC or let your self-insert narrate a coffee shop AU. Go wild!
Day 4 (28th August): Gaps and Ghosts
Create a fanwork based upon a character that Tolkien either thought up and abandoned, such as Odo Took oe the characters of The New Shadow. Or, create someone he missed creating in the first place, like… um… just about anyone’s mother.
Day 5 (29th August): Non-Humanoid Characters
Middle Earth isn't just elves, Men, hobbits, and dwarves. Today, share a character who is something different entirely: an animal, a dragon, a Maia who doesn't take humanoid form, an ent or huron, or a creature of your own invention.
Day 6 (30th August): Background Characters
This prompt is all about people who are in the background of the action: the low-ranking soldiers, the servants, and the ordinary people living in extraordinary times. Or maybe you want someone who isn't so ordinary, like an advisor in the Council of Elrond who never made it onto the page, or one of the Maiar who sank the Feanorians on the stolen boats. Show us their view of the action!
Day 7 (31st August): Freeform
Did we miss something? Do you have an OC that doesn’t fit into any day, or did you want to do a second fanwork for one of the days? Today, create and share whatever you want, as long as it has to do with original or abandoned characters!
Since we want to celebrate creations about neglected characters all year long, the mods will occasionally reblog posts and fancreations about OCs and underdeveloped characters. If you would like to see your post on our blog, you're very welcome to tag tolkienocweek. Since tumblr's tagging system is often being faulty, don't hesitate to message us, too!
We are looking forward to see and share all the awesome work you come up with!
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Chapter Nine
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Paring: Geralt x Reader
Summary: Reader is thrown into the Witcher's world. Will she survive?
A/N: Guys we’re are getting to the end of season 2 with two more chapters left!!!! Please enjoy this next chapter. I have not edited or proofread. Please do not repost, translate or copy my work without permission. Please leave comments! ❤️
At some point during the ending stretch to the temple I manage to fall asleep as Geralt carries me there. The first thing I notice when I open my eyes I see a warmly, lit room. I look around and see geralt with his eyes closed sitting in a chair next to my bed. I move the covers as quietly as I can to not wake him so I can sit up. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Geralt rumbles softly. I chuckle reminded back to our first conversation. He opens his eyes and focuses on me. He gives me a slight smile before helping me sit up straight.
“Where’s Ciri?” I ask him as sits back down. 
“Ciri’s fine. She is in the library practicing trying to figure out her first lesson.” He explains. “It took some convincing for her to leave you while you slept.” I smiled at hearing this. 
“How long have I been down?” I ask him looking down, noticing that I am in clean clothes. I look at Geralt wondering if he was the one to change them. That thought has my face feeling warm. 
“Few hours. Blood loss is why you slept so long. How do you feel?” Geralt looks at me and something about his face seems softer now. 
“Tired and sore.” I wince trying to get comfortable again. “What have you found out?” 
Geralt sighs and closes his eyes briefly. “We’re fucked.” He grumbles out. 
“Fairly certain that has always been a given.” I chuckle. Geralt narrows his eyes at me before responding. 
“We can’t help Ciri until we find out what is missing from her.” He sighs leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. I see all the weight he feels in this moment and it tugs at my chest. I lean over to Geralt and place my hand on his arm. 
“Listen, are we a little bit fucked right now? Sure. The bright side is we are fucked together. Being fucked with someone is better than being fucked alone. So we’ll find out what’s missing and then we will be less fucked.” I explain. Geralt looks at me as if I have grown a second head.  To be fair that is not my most eloquent pep talk but I’m running on E right now.  “That’s the best I got right now.” I shrug looking back down at my hands. 
“You rather be fucked by me than fucked alone?” He says. My eyes go wide hearing that and my head snaps up to look at his face alight with amusement. 
“That’s not…. I didn’t mean…” I try to finish a sentence. “You’re not funny. You know that?” I say glaring at him a smile threatening to take over my face. He chuckles and leans back into his chair.  
A chill runs through me just like it did when Triss arrived. A weight comes over me and plants itself in my chest before moving to my head. I suck in a sharp breath at the feeling. 
“What is it? Geralt asks moving to sit on the bed. He places a hand on my arm. I squeeze my eyes shut as the pressure grows. I bring my hands up to my head groaning in pain. Just as my head feels like it's going to pop, the pain stops abruptly.  I open my eyes to see Geralt in front of me. Both of his hands are cupping my face. 
“Are you alright?” He asked me with his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
 I place one of my hands over his nodding yes. I’m still too shaken to speak. He tilts my face to his and his lips meet mine for a split second before the door opens. We both pull away from each other as our heads swivel to the door. 
I feel geralt go stiff beneath my hands as he sees a woman standing in our room. Dark hair and violet eyes, immediately I know I’m looking at Yennifer of Vengerberg. She looks over his face as if she can’t believe what she’s seeing. Then her her eyes roam over to find me in a rather intimate position in Geralt's arms. Something in her face changes from surprise to disappointment. I give Geralt's hand a slight squeeze and he looks back down at me I nod to him. He squeezes my hand before pulling away from me. 
Yennifer eyes shift back to geralt as she watches him stand to meet her. He walks closing the space between them. 
“How is this possible?” She whispers looking at him. He pulls her into a hug. I feel myself tense this time lookin gat the two of them. ‘Don’t like that’ is the only thing rolling around in my head. The embrace which is probably only a few seconds when Ciri comes in. 
“Geralt, I’ve been waiting hours, I want to see…” The words die as she looks at Geralt and Yennifer. They move away from each other. “Sorry.” she says awkwardly moving backwards. 
“Ciri, this is my dear friend. This is Yennifer.” He says. Turning her to introduce to me as well. Yennifer looks at me and I stare back unyielding. 
“You’re Yennifer?” Ciri asks as Ciri walks further into the room walking to me but glancing at Yennifer as she sits on the edge of my bed. 
“And you must be his…Child surprise. But who might you be?” She ask with a tone change I’m not sure anyone else is catching, turning back to me. 
“Just another dear friend.” I say with a smile I don’t feel. She hums before focusing her attention back to Geralt.
“Why don’t we all have dinner? I’m rather famished.” She says looking at Geralt who gives her a small smile. “I’m sure we have a lot to catch up on.” She winks at Geralt. That wink is what sent all the commen sense out my head. 
“That sounds fantastic. I’m starving myself.” I say starting to move. Ciri gives me her hand helping me stand. I feel the room spin a bit. I open my mouth to ask to speak to him alone to tell him not to trust her. That invisible force strains me as it wraps around my throat. 
“Are you sure you shouldn’t rest?” He whispers looking down at me softly. I will myself not to say anything more. I nod before replying. “There will be time for rest later. I want to get to know our new dear friend.” I say grinning. 
Dinner goes by without any hiccups. I find myself likening Yennifer. Under different circumstances I might like her. Hell, I like her now. Trusting her though now that is a different story. Ciri laughs at something Yennifer says. The conversation carries on for a bit before Ciri announces she’s going to bed. 
“This place is a maze. I’ll walk you.” Yennifer offers as she stands.
“No need, I'm going to head that direction. I’ll walk back with you.” I stand quickly. The room spins again Geralt put his hand on my arm to steady me. I watch Yennifer’s eyes track the movement. I smile at him in thanks before moving away and over to Ciri. She takes my hand and we walk back. She helps me back into bed before getting in her bed. We both say good night.  I’m so tired, I’m sleep before my head hit the pillow. 
My dreams are filled with screams of terror. So much hatred and pain. The laughter of a women. Flashes of red light, a hut in the forest, and sand. Women screaming in agony, wailing. I wake in a jolt. 
I hear a tussle in the distance. I try to get out of bed but unable to move, that same invisible force is holding me down. I try to lift my arms but pain erupts, keeping me pinned in place. “FUUUCCKKK!” I scream in pain and frustration. “Let me go!!!” Scream. The pain lifts and I jump from bed, my wounds scream at the sudden movement. I run through the halls closer to the noise. 
A man tackles me to the ground as I see Geralt fighting 4 others. My body hits the floor and take the breath out of me.  He’s got his forearm against my throat. The beginnings of panic start to tingle in my chest before I feel the warm glow begin. I place my hand in his side and push all the energy I have in to that area. I feel a pop and a splat before the man face slacken and he falls on me. I roll him off to see I damn near tore him in half. His blood drips from the ceiling. I stand up panting. Trying not to voimit at the sight when I see a man with a fucked face burning a door.
I run feeling the glow take over my body knowing Ciri is behind that door. I raise my hands and fire just as geralt throws his sword at the man. A portal opens and the fucked face man gets pulled though but not before some of the best I send makes its way in. Geralt glances behind me before moving to the door ciri is behind. 
Geralt stands there speaking words I can’t hear as I make my way to him. The door is still so hot that it’s melting. I look through the holes in the door to see no one is there. 
“Where is she?” I hear the shrillness in my voice. “Geralt, Where is Ciri?!!” I scream. I know shouldn’t be blaming him for this. Everything has happened as it should. This failure is mine. I push him out of the way. He pulls me away from the melting door.  I fight him until he puts me down. I push him away and walk back to the scattered body’s on the floor. 
I turn the corner to see a women stands in front of me with a shaven head in a red dress. She rushes over to me.
“ Are you hurt, my dear?” she ask softly. I look down to see my white dress stained red with blood. 
“It’s not mine.” I explain pulling away from her. I hear Geralt’s footsteps behind me. I turn to see him bend over and pick a coin up from the grown. The woman next to me whispers her failure to the temple goddess.
 Geralt walks over and talks to the woman in hushed tones. I stand to the side looking at the carnage all around. My anger with Yennifer grows. I feel the warm glow of my power getting brighter. Geralt must notice and come to my side tugging my hand and in his and the warmth of power fades. 
“Ciri needs more help than you can give her now.” She say softly walking to us. 
“I swore to protect her!” Geralt growls out. “Nenneke, I will not sit back and wait for something worse than a rouge mage and his aganda to happen to her.”
“Do you believe Yennifer means to harm the girl?” Nenneke ask. The sound of her name and the warmth returns with a fury. I rip my hand from Geralts. 
“I don’t give a good goddamn what she means to do. She took Ciri from us.” I say to Nenneke. I turn to Geralt. “When we find your dear friend, there is nothing that will stop me from ripping that bitches throat out with fucking teeth.”
@purplegardenwhispers @freegardenbanananeck @kas0417 @lillianacristina @mxtokko @wonderlandfandomkingdom @lovemesomuchhh @novaacanee
Tag list is open!!
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the mcu needs to know that they can introduce newer female characters (she-hulk, ms marvel, cassie lang, kate bishop etc) without having to kill off the long existing ones (aunt may, Jane Foster, Queen Ramonda). Like wtf is going with killing off significant female characters like this? 
“but they wanted to leave the mc-” well the actresses who played gamora and pepper potts choose to leave Marvel and their characters weren’t killed off for shock value. Not every departure has to have their characters being killed off (permanently). Like why couldn’t they get the Steve Rogers treatment in endgame and let them retire or disappear?
edit: I forgot to include that yes, sacred timeline!Gamora got killed off for shock value while an alternated version of her survived but is less developed. WIth Zoe officially moving on from the MCU, we’ll sadly never get to see alt!Gamora again, and there will be no more opportunities of alt!Gamora being fleshed out 
all in all, the mcu should not be afraid to have too many female characters, like there’s room for all of them
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cheolism · 1 year
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the important part of cooking
✿ — vernon x reader ❀ — summary: you try and teach vernon how to cook ✿ — wc is approx 1.6k ❀ — genre: fluff, humour, domestic, vernon kitchen-typical clumsiness ✿ — notes: a scar from cooking his mentioned; you're shorter than hansol; nicknames and cursing; inspo from the in the soop episode. maybe accurate depictions of cooking? idk i am self-taught but i've survived so far so. not edited.
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“Okay. So next lower the temperature of the burner with the noodles on it,” you directed from your spot in the corner of the kitchen, adjusting yourself to watch your boyfriend dutifully follow your instructions. “Good boy. Now put the spoon across it.”
Hansol grabbed the wooden spoon, looking between it and the pot of noodles on the stove. You could practically see the gears in his head turning. “Hansol, if you have a question you can ask it.”
“Why do I put the spoon across the pot?”
Humming, you reached out for your water. You took a quick sip before answering. “It keeps the water from boiling over.”
“It does not,” Hansol exclaimed. Your boyfriend laid the spoon across the diameter of the pot. “There’s no way that works.”
You giggled at his dumbfounded tone. “I don’t know if it really does, it’s just something my mom always told me to do. And it’s never boiled over, so.”
“That’s amazing,” he said, as if he was watching some nature documentary instead of boiling water with noodles in it. 
“It is,” you agreed. You crossed the narrow kitchen pathway to join your boyfriend in front of the stove. “Okay, sweetheart. We’ll start on the sauce while it’s cooking. Open up the tomato sauce, will you, baby?”
You grabbed the sauce pan that had been resting on one of the back burners and moved it to the front, turning on the burner after. Quickly the onions and green peppers were thrown into the pan, the fervent sizzling of the vegetables against the pan causing your mouth to water. 
“How is it going with the tomato --”
It wasn’t. 
It wasn’t going. 
Hansol had the can opener seemingly attached to the small can of tomato sauce, that was no apparent issue. He had his entire torso covering the counter space, leaning all of his weight onto the can opener and the can. 
“Dude,” you said, for lack of better words. “Respectfully. What the fuck are you doing.”
Hansol froze. “Uh. Opening the tomato sauce.”
Sighing, you turned down the temperature of the burner with vegetables over it. “Move it, Chef.”
Hansol immediately obeyed, but as he rose, the very top of his head skimmed against the bottom of the cabinet hanging over the counter space. He hissed, hand immediately slapping over his head. “Fuck.”
You furrowed your brow, moving into your boyfriend’s space. Rising on the tip of your toes, one of your hands went to remove his while the other poked at the crown of his head. Hansol hissed, wincing. 
“Well,” you began, falling flat on your feet. You took both of his hands and squeezed. “Every chef has their scars from the kitchen. Do you want me to kiss it better?”
Your boyfriend blinked, heavy lashes fluttering. Hansol seemed to process your words for a moment before he was dutifully bending over, offering you the crown of his head. 
Laughing, you pressed a kiss to his hair. “My silly boy,” you murmured, your voice heavy with affection for Hansol. He lifted his face, and then you were pressing another chaste kiss to his lips. “Okay. Watch me open the can.”
Hansol stood off to the side as he watched you. You hooked the can opener onto the lip of the can, your other hand making quick work of the lever and guiding it around the lip. “So don’t put your full weight on the can. It won’t move or you’ll lose control. Don’t even hold down the can.”
“What if it goes everywhere?”
“Then you clean it,” you responded, discarding the can opener. Using your thumbnail, you flicked the can lid up and off. “And don’t place your fingers on the edge of the lid. If you can’t grab a hold of the lid, use a fork or something. It’s razor sharp and it’ll leave a scar.”
You grabbed the lid and discarded it. You then offered the side of your thumb to Hansol, using your forefinger to point out a thin, barely-there scar. “See? It’s going away, but it hurt like a motherfucker.”
Hansol grabbed your hand, peering down at the sliver of pale skin. “When did you get it?”
You shrugged. “Around six years ago, I think? I was opening a can of peaches for my cousin.”
“Ah.” Hansol slowly brought your thumb up to his mouth, and then his lips were pressing a soft, lingering kiss over the scar. You couldn’t breathe as you felt his mouth against your skin. Then he was peering up at you. “All better?”
Ignoring the fact the incident had happened six years ago and the scar was nearly gone, you gave your boyfriend a bashful grin and nodded. “All better, thanks to you.”
He laughed, a sweet exhale against your thumb. Hansol pressed another kiss to the skin there, his hand squeezing your wrist gently. 
The timer on your phone went off, making you jump. Hansol cursed as you took your hand away, grabbing your phone off of the opposite counter. “Okay. Laundry needs switched. Baby, pour the tomato sauce into the vegetable pan and stir it. Keep the temp low, otherwise the sauce will burn and stick to the pan. And stir the noodles every few seconds, because they’ll stick to the pan too.”
“Stir,” he repeated, nodding and wearing the face of a man going off to war. “Got it.”
You couldn’t help the little smile that grew at your lips. You shoved your phone into your hoodie pocket before pressing a kiss to Hansol’s shoulder, the nearest place you could reach without him bending over. “I’ll leave it to you, Chef.”
It had taken maybe five minutes. 
It had taken maybe five minutes to throw the towels in the dryer and your guy’s combined dirty pajama pile into the washer.
When you returned, Hansol was leaning against the counter on his phone. He glanced up as you entered, giving you a little grin. “All going good, babe!”
“Great!” You gave him a thumbs up and a smile, going to the stove. You glanced over everything, brow immediately furrowing. “Uh. Hansol, why is the temperature for the burner with the sauce on medium?”
“Oh,” he said, relaxed as if he was talking paint swatches or fish or something, but in all honesty that was betraying how fucking excited your boyfriend could get over a cool fish he found while browsing the internet at one in the morning. “The sauce was a little cold, so I thought I should turn up the heat to get it warm.”
Swallowing the spike of panic that threatened to appear, you grabbed the wooden spoon that was keeping the noodle water at bay with one hand, the other lowering the temperature of the sauce burner. You stirred the sauce. “Hansol. My darling. My corazόn. Come here for a moment, baby.”
“Uh,” Hansol appeared over your shoulder, brow furrowed. “I take it I fucked up.”
“No!” You cried hastily, trying not to hurt his feelings. “Just watch this.”
With the wooden spoon you stirred, revealing the dark red tomato sauce that was stuck to the bottom of the saucepan. “I take it that’s. Not good?”
Sighing through your nose, but not able to help the grin stretching at your lips, you shook your head. “That’s burnt, baby.”
“But I was stirring it?”
“For sauce it doesn’t matter,” you explained. “No matter how much you stir, if the heat is too high, the fucker will burn. That’s just the universal truth of sauce, I think. That’s why you keep it on low. And that’s why if you ever want to add anything that needs to be cooked to sauce, you cook it before putting it in the sauce.”
“So tomato sauce doesn’t need cooked,” he surmised, slowly and with watchful eyes. 
You nodded. “Right. You can literally just drink it straight from the can and be fine. But you want it warmed up for the noodles.” Setting aside the saucepan on the burner, you moved to the pot of noodles. You grabbed the spoon from the sauce, dipped it into the pot, and stirred. After a second you stopped. “Hey, baby? Why don’t you show me how you stirred.”
“Fuck,” Hansol hissed, joining you. You handed the spoon to him, wrapping your free arm around his side and pressing close as you watched. Slowly, as if he was approaching a lion instead of a pot of shimmering water, he lowered the spoon inside. You watched as he dutifully stirred the middle, the noodles obeying the flow of water and moving about.
“Not bad,” you said.
“But not good.”
Laughing, you burrowed your face into his side. You squeezed him, just enjoying him for a moment. Then you released your boyfriend, still grinning, grabbing the spoon from him. 
“Okay. So it wasn’t bad,” you clarified. You grabbed one handle of the pot and with the hand holding the spoon you stirred, scraping the sides and getting into the corners of the pot. “But you have to make sure to get the pasta that’s stuck to the sides and corners of the pot, baby. Pasta is sneaky and likes to hide.”
Hansol sighed. He draped himself over your back, arms wrapping around yours and crossing over your chest. He dug his chin into your neck, molding his body against the shape of you. “I can’t believe I fucked up even with you watching me.”
“You didn’t fuck up,” you chatisized him, stirring the noodles once more before turning off the heat entirely. “Just overlooked a few things is all. Nothing caught on fire, no one was hurt.”
Hansol exhaled against your neck. “And I take it that’s the important part?”
Nodding, you turned in his arms. You rested your hands on his upper arms, grinning up at him. “And that’s the important part.”
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cdwarriorcats · 21 days
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In honour of everyone talking about Moonpaw, here is my theorised design for her! She’s partially based off my first ever cringeass Warrior Cats oc (Moonglow)
I have the dumbest backstory idea possible for her:
She’s related to Scourge (bear with me).
Her great-grandfather is Scourge’s brother, Socks. Her mother (Socks’s grandkid) had her later in life. The loner was wandering around looking for a safe place to give birth to her kits, she didnt trust the barn with the twolegs around. She came across a cave with pool of water inside and a wave of calm washed over her.
She didnt survive the kitting (or maybe she did! I think it would still be cool especially with Firestar losing his shit in the afterlife), and the next night the medicine cats arrived at the Moonpool, finding the cold body of a queen and three unmoving kits. Miraculously one of the kits was still alive, crying plaintively. The Med Cats quickly rushed her back to [CLAN] and named her Moonkit, both for where they found her and the dot on her forehead.
Maybe the evil voice in her head is Scourge, maybe we’ll get to see the afterlife of cats who dont believe in Starclan or Tribe Of Endless Hunting, maybe Scourge is just floating around in Cat Purgatory (purrgatory haha) like Fallen Leaves was. the Erins might also make Leafpool or Hollyleaf (i hope its hollyleaf) Moonpaw’s starclan guide/bff/mentor.
(I haven’t actually read any of the series after Omen Of The Stars + Dawn Of The Clans as well as a few of the super editions so honestly my info is wayyyy behind)
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lauriegraham01 · 10 months
i'll never smile again
pairings: 40s!bucky barnes x reader, nurse!reader
summary: with you and bucky away to fight in the war, you both can't wait to come back home and begin the rest of your lives together. what's left of your plans when a mission goes sideway? could you and bucky have been born so unlucky?
w/c: 1,423
c/w: takes place in CATFA, ANGST, major character death, themes of grief
a/n: this has taken me the longest to edit, not sure if im completely satisfied with the ending but it's enough. hope u enjoy, lmk if you like :)
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Time of death: 14:37
You hang your head low in defeat, the death of another soldier baring on your soul. There truly was only so much that you could do. He had come in completely mutilated from barbed wire and eyes blinded form tear gas. With limited options, you and your team of fellow nurses ensured that he could be comfortable for his passing. One of the other nurses raises the white sheet to cover his face, and you gather yourself to move on to the next patient.
You had joined the army nurse corps a little over a year ago. There was news that we were loosing soldiers faster than we could kill enemies and you decided to join the war effort, believing you could do some good for your country. Nothing prepared you for the horrors you faced daily, the chaos and death that surrounded your every breath.
However you weren't alone in your pain. Your two best friends, Steve and Bucky had too joined the war. They along with the rest of the Howling Commandos were going on missions targeting Hydra bases. There was only so much they could tell you, but the little they did still left you uneasy. It just seemed so dangerous and you worried about the both of them- especially Bucky.
Bucky and you had only been dating for two years when news of the U.S. joining the war broke out. Yet after a lifetime of friendship you felt like he knew you better than anyone else in this world. You two had agreed that when the war was over, you would finally get married. These days it was your future plans with Bucky that gave you the strength to survive the war. That, along with the letters that he sent. Writing in detail about what missions he and Steve were on and how things were looking on his side of the war.
The rest of the day had passed by in a haze. By the time you returned to the nurses quarter on base, you feel the full weight of the day in the way that your back aches. Upon looking in the mirror you wince at the amount of blood that's caked into your face and hands. A shower lifts your spirits as you feel the stress from the day drain along with the water. Stepping back into the sleeping barracks, you squeeze past the crowd of nurses until you reached your cot. As you tuck your uniform away you see a letter placed on the pillow. Lifting it up with curiosity, you flip the envelope and a smile tugs at your lips.
You tear open the letter eagerly, it had only been a week since you had last heard from him but it felt like eternity waiting between letters. Unfolding the pages within your hand you read each line carefully, hearing his voice with each word, imagining as though he were reading it to you. As he told you about his latest mission, fear threatened to creep its way into your heart. Yet as you got to the last page, you inhaled a sharp breath- the world around you seeming to go quiet in that moment.
“Doll, I’ve done enough thinking, and I know what I want. I’ve loved you for a lifetime. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I know that there's no one else for me but you, y/n. I wish I could ask this in person but I cannot go another day without you knowing how much you mean to me. When the war is over we’ll get married and I’ll grow flowers like you, and your womb will carry the most beautiful girl in the universe. Make me the happiest man alive - will you marry me?”
You fell backwards onto your bed and closed your eyes, Bucky's words burned into your mind. Tears began to well up at your eyes as your heart soared at Bucky's proposal. Bucky wanted to build a life with you. You began to imagine your wedding day. The familiar faces that would gather to celebrate your love, what it would be like to become the mother to his children, and to be able to grow old with him. As you thought about this, you couldn't contain your excitement anymore. Hastily rising from bed, you make your way to the center of the room before grabbing the attention of your fellow nurses.
"I'm getting married!" You shouted, all the nurses turned to look at you before ensuing in cheerful screams. They all congratulated you and gave you and Bucky well wishes for the future.
As you and the nurses were still caught in the excitement of the news, you were suddenly interrupted when a knock rang on the barracks front door.
As everyone scurried to stand in formation, you felt relieved when you saw that it was Steve and Peggy who had walked through the door.
"Officer y/n, would you please come with us for just a moment?" Peggy speaks up.
Stepping out of formation, you grab your coat as you follow behind the two, stepping out in the cold winter air.
"Angel." He coos as he brings you in for a hug. It had been about 8 months since you'd last seen him. While you were happy to see him, you were slightly taken aback to see him here.
"What on earth are you two doing here?" You breath out as you go to pull away from his embrace. When Steve's grip on you suddenly tightens, you're slightly confused. Looking up at Peggy and seeing the solemn look on her face you know that something was wrong.
"I'll give you two a minute." Peggy excuses herself, making her way toward the field to give us some privacy.
“Steve, hey, hey, what's going on?" As he finally lets you go you look up into his eyes to see that they were glossy with tears threatening to spill over.
“Hey,” you hook a finger underneath his chin fixing his gaze from the ground onto you, "talk to me. I'm here, what's wrong?"
“It’s Bucky, he’s… he’s gone.”
A dreadful weight settles deep in the pit of your stomach as Steve looks at you in a way he's never before. So full of regret and heartache. You search his face for any type of deceit, any indication that what he said had been a terrible lie and that Bucky was alright- but to your avail you could find none.
Steve went on about the mission leading up to Bucky's final moments but it fell on deaf ears as your mind was anything but tethered to this reality.
"No, no." You mumble underneath your breath as you stumble backwards a bit.
"Woah-hey," Steve grabs a hold onto you, steadying your grounding. "I'm so sorry y/n."
“He can’t be gone," your voice comes out strained in a high pitch, "he just can’t be.” Your vision blurred as the crushing weight of reality settled within your head and within your heart.
Bucky was gone- for real this time. There was no rescuing him, there was no saving him.
You felt Steve wrap his arms around you as you buried your head into his chest. That seemed to be the tipping edge as before you knew it a sob began to wrack out of your lips. You cried for all the plans you've made. For the memories and time now stolen from you.
"We were supposed to get married." You manage to choke out between ragged breaths.
"I know, angel," he said softly. "I know."
When you returned to the barracks, it was lights out and you wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and wake up from this terrible nightmare. You found it cruel how the last time you were within these walls you were an engaged woman, and now you return a widow. Memories of Bucky plagued your every thought as your own grief made you restless, sleep evading you.
Bucky and you had shared a lifetime of memories. Growing into the versions of yourselves that both of you had come to love. Now they'll forever be a hole left where the rest of the story should have been written. When you return home, you'll return a widow. You'll never be able to hold him, to touch him, to marry him, have a family with him-
"I'll never love again", you thought to yourself. "There's no getting over you."
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goldensunset · 1 year
AITA for having almost killed a girl for my own benefit?
Please give me a chance to defend myself before you vote.
So recently I (15M) found myself playing a game in a nightmare world where I have to fight for my life for seven days. Long story short, if my designated ‘game partner’ (15F) and I don’t complete certain missions on time, we’ll be erased from existence. I find my partner (let’s call her ‘S’) very annoying and overly cheerful and I wish she’d just leave me alone but apparently I need her? Whatever.
Anyway, we had just completed our daily mission when one of the people running the game came up to us and offered me a bonus mission. This ‘reaper’ (apparently 17F? I could’ve sworn she was at least 25) said that if I erased my partner, I’d be let out of the game instantly. No more shenanigans, no more beating up sentient tattoo art, just instant freedom. And all I had to do was get rid of S. Miss Reaper Chick was being really intensely pressuring about it and it kinda seemed like if I didn’t agree to do this, she would attack both of us. I was scared, okay?
So I thought it over for a bit because as annoying as S is, murder is a bit much for me. That’s a pretty intense and horrific thing to do. I mean, this is a human being here…Then five seconds later I changed my mind.
In my defense, I was thinking that the odds of us having survived the week anyway were pretty low! Wouldn’t S be happy to know that at least one of us could survive? I mean, this is life or death here. Is it that ridiculous to want to take a free ride ticket out of here? And, like, at least I felt bad about it while trying to do it.
A moment later some other guy showed up and intervened, stopping me from killing S. He called out Miss Reaper Chick on having lied about letting me off the hook and told me I’m an idiot for having trusted her or having been willing to even take that deal in the first place. Too good to be true, I guess.
So then I had to apologize to S and it was really awkward and we just agreed to put it behind us because we needed to cooperate in order to survive the rest of the week. Let it be known she said it was fine and that she understood I had been backed into a corner. And all’s well that ends well, right?
So, Reddit, AITA for even having tried that? I really didn’t see any other way out.
EDIT 1: Ok you can stop commenting.
EDIT 2: I’m actually her trophy boyfriend now (long story)
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starryriize · 2 months
xikers reacting to you liking f1
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author’s note: this is a repost from my other acc!! i think i might do an smau for racer xikers…idk we’ll see
🫧laur's taglist: @chiiyuuvv @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent @hyvelxve
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minjae - would 100% be down to watch f1 with you!! strikes me as the type to love the underdogs of the grid (williams, alfa, etc) and definitely watches the funniest moments of f1 with you later :) also watches grill the grid with you just to see if either of you know the answers
junmin- he definitely has f1tv and has seen drive to survive so best believe that he's incredibly happy that you like f1...even if it's because charles leclerc is devastatingly handsome. is 1000% down to watch it with you after you get home from work or when you need a break from studies! he definitely gets you matching f1 merch
sumin - he’s lowkey unimpressed by f1 since it’s watching cars go round and round BUT he’s willing to watch a few races with you bc he knows how much you enjoy it!! doesn’t admit it but later watches drive to survive and orders matching merch for the two of you!!
jinsik - doesn’t strike me as the type to follow f1 all that much but he’s definitely down to watch highlights and binge drive to survive! he’s definitely a big fan of oscar and yuki :) wants to watch past races because he thinks that the history behind f1 is so cool which leads to cuddling while watching the story of fangio on netflix and how f1 started!!
hyunwoo - once again, doesn’t strike me as the type to really want to watch it but is definitely a fan of the ps5 game!! has a whole day set aside for when you each catch up on what kinds of f1 news you’ve been reading and then a cuddle sesh while watching f1 recaps and netflix!! he finds it cute that you support the underdog teams :)
hunter - he’s cultured and tbh gets so hype when you tell him you got paddock passes!! definitely wants to meet yuki and see the mclaren cars <3 the type to take insta worthy pics of you at the GP too!! oh he’s also most definitely aware of every single trend and gossip going around the f1 world
junghoon - he’s seen it and is vaguely familiar with it but decides to start with drive to survive. wants you to not be ashamed to like motorsport! asks why you like f1 and when you begin explaining that you simply like the whole team management concept, he suggests you major in management instead of what your parents expect you to do
seeun - strikes me as the one to be happy for you but he thinks it’s a waste to pay for the f1tv subscription so he finds other ways to enjoy f1 with you!! he’s definitely bought you some ferrari jewelry or apm monaco stuff because he knows you like ferrari!! he’s always ready with two cups of coffee and blankets when you want to play f1 with him!! he usually would play and let you win because he likes seeing your smile
yujun - i don’t think he would follow f1 all that much but is 100% down to watch the race highlights with you :)) definitely listens intently when you explain the rules and how each team has been doing! thinks your commentary is much better than crofty because your voice is 1000x more calming to him, plus he remembered it all!! went and got you daniel’s merch after you kept going on about his story and how you sympathized with him!! whatever team you like, he likes <3
yechan - the type to make bets about who wins in which he always says some underrated driver who definitely has no chance and you say verstappen. definitely sends you reels and edits of f1 drivers immediately followed by a selfie of him where he asks who is cuter!! thinks you only watch f1 for the drivers and you keep repeating that it’s because you’ve liked mclaren since you were little! watches highlights and grill the grid with you, but tells you to spend money on his photo cards not on f1 drivers :(
🫧join laur’s taglist!
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phoeebsbuffay · 9 months
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Imagine “Star Wars: “special editions” songs V.
• When We Were Young.
Imagine you are friends with Anakin Skywalker since childhood. However, once you two are now grown ups following different paths, a new sentiment arises. Part I
Warnings 1: *long post*; drama; angst.
Warnings 2: alternative universe; no younglings are killed here.
Warnings 3: There’s gonna be a part 2 haha
Warnings 4: based on Adele’s two albums “21” & “25”
No minors.
It is dark. Only stars and the bright two moons guide you in this deadly silence as you walk in a fast pace. Your cape hides your features, part of you accuses you of madness for letting your heart burst like this.
This is the end.
You hear steps. Quickly, you try to run. But you are stolen away and what happens next is a struggle to survival.
Funny, you’ve never thought a group of rebels would do this to you. But here you are. Do they know you at all?
“You can take my name, but you shall never have my heart”, you cry out.
You are under torture. For him, whoever he is now, you’d gladly embrace death. But this is too dramatic. Suddenly it gets cold. One metallic breathing gives away his presence.
There is someone over you, trying to steal away your breath, clearly ignoring what’s to come. You smirk.
“Where I go, he goes”, you gasp. “What I see, he sees. I know I’ll never be me without his security of his loving arms keeping me from harm.”
“…And we’ll stand. As I vowed you that day, Y/Nickname”, his voice comes softly in the back of your mind, but only you can hear.
That is how he saves you. That is how the distressed damsel is back to where she belongs: to the arms of the Black Jedi, now known as Lord Vader.
So the sky falls.
How it starts… (I)
You are a child, daughter of a powerful nobleman of Tatooine. But because you are a girl, you are despised by the family. Despite the rejection that would grow into you as a fear of abandonment, you take the opportunity to live life as you wish.
Hence why you come to the part of Tatooine where it’s a complete mess, where the elite rarely—if never—dares to go. This is the context that draws you to Anakin.
A poor boy who is the same age as you and, like you, are enslaved to other people’s way of living—despite the evident differences in your status. Regardless, you bump into him.
“I’m sorry!”, you say louder than you wish. “I-I didn’t mean to.”
The boy of sandy hair and tempest blue eyes stares at you with tilted head wondering why a girl in fanciful robes would be so easily startled and not acting in a self entitlement manner.
Clearly you think you are disguising, Anakin thinks to himself, rather amused.
“No need to apologize, it’s all good”, he smirks at you. “I’m Anakin Skywalker, by the way. Who are you again?”
You are presenting yourself when an older male dressed in grey robes comes at you, eyebrows lightly furrowed.
“Anakin”, he says to the boy you’ve just met. “Who is this young woman you’ve been talking to?”
You can tell he’s been disturbed by this so you are about to excuse yourself—you know when you are being a burden and, frankly, you barely wish to be somebody else’s.
As if capturing your thoughts, the older male softens to you. But before he speaks, Anakin, impulsive as he naturally inclines himself to, promptly holds your hand and says:
“You are not going anywhere, Y/N. You are my friend.”
You giggle softly, albeit embarrassed.
“Why, thank you, Mr Anakin. You are most kind.”
The other one is disconcerted about perceiving young Anakin’s inclination to possessiveness.
“I am rarely kind”, Anakin keeps the conversation, taking the opportunity to show himself. “Which means how I like you.”
You blush lightly. It’s when the older male chuckles and says:
“Well, Anakin. Arrogance is not the best way to welcome new friends”, towards you he speaks now. “Young lady, may I know by what name do you attend to and where are your parents?”
“The name is Y/N Y/LN”, you tell them nonchalantly. “My parents are too occupied to be reminded of my existence. Please sire, I ask you not to report me to them.”
“Master Qui Gon Jinn”, Anakin suddenly comes up with this new idea. “Why don’t you bring her with us? We could train together. I’m going to be a Jedi, you know.”
Delicately, the said Jedi Master explains to Anakin you have no Force: therefore you cannot join them. You don’t understand very well what’s been said, but you appreciate nonetheless the warm attitude Anakin’s been having towards you.
If, however, Master Qui-Gon Jinn attempts to prevent a deeper bond to form, his efforts have no avail. Soon, you have a better reason to make longer the escapes from that prison of yours.
Until the day Anakin is ready to leave, you two architect a plan for you to secretly join him. It’s when Obi-Wan discovers and tells Qui-Gon about it.
But the end is far from catastrophic, as you and him fear. You are now brought under the cares of Padmé Amidala, future queen of Naboo.
Late teenager days.
Next time you see him, you are both leaving adolescence. It’s been five years since he last saw you in Naboo, serving as the Queen’s lady-in-waiting.
Now you and Anakin are eighteen years old: a handsome man he’d turn out to be as you became a full developed beautiful woman. He is now a Knight Jedi, ready to prepare his path to become the next Master of the Jedi Order and you, the confident friend to the Queen.
For a long while you’ve been committed writing to each other, very rarely coming to see one another. But now Anakin is about to see you again for he’s been assigned to guard Queen Padmé.
And when you two finally meet…in a rainy day, to be precise, you are dressed in silvery robes, a heavy make up hiding the delicacy of your features, praying to be as discreet as possible. But you are not counting with the handsome man Anakin is now.
Your best friend, responsible for your liberty, smiles widely when acknowledging you. Indeed, how could Anakin forget you? He’s been dreaming of your sweet words, remembering when you two bonded as children…
No, Anakin kept the memories of you very alive. And now he takes delight in seeing you, although he is taken aback by your handsomeness. Noticing his admiration, though, Obi-Wan clears his throat.
“Now, now, Anakin. We are discussing here the protocols the Senate delegated us to the said mission concerning Naboo…”
Anakin has the decency to blush. But whilst his attention has diverted to the seriousness of the subject, you, however, seem to get lost at the man your childhood friend has grown into.
You cannot look away from his sandy hair, the tempest that forms in his blue eyes matching the bluntness in his speech, which makes your lips twitch in a light smirk…
Here he is, the Anakin I’ve always known…
You lower your gaze for just as this thought runs to your mind he seems to have captured it, so you spot some amusement behind his eyes that earns you some light blush.
“Very well”, you hear the Queen’s voice, thus breaking the spell his presence had put in you. “We welcome you in our retinue young Skywalker. We are very pleased to see you amongst us once again.”
“It is a pleasure as always, Your Grace”, says Anakin, gallantly—or arrogantly, judging by how some other ladies are rolling their eyes. “Duty always calls and I shall not disappoint my queen.”
“Anakin is too good with words, if you ask me”, so snorts Obi-Wan lightly. “Be careful, will you? By that I mean to say you should be mindful of your duties…”
You try to hold back your giggle. Anakin sees you and, already seeing what’s the reason for it, he cannot help another smirk. However, no one seems to notice this subtle admiration between one another—except perhaps Obi-Wan, who seems to choose to ignore what’s happening right under his nose.
This is how it begins. This is how the spark is ignited.
A few days later, he is right behind you—not only following like a puppet dog, but if he can be excused, protecting the Queen like he vowed to. Except his eyes are never far from yours.
“Tell me, Anakin. Do you dance?”, Queen Amidala asks in a tone that makes no effort in hiding her amusement.
“Uh?”, he is distracted by your beauty. Anakin soon clears his throat. “I am a warrior, a peacekeeper. Not the best dancer, my lady.”
But the queen sees what you and Anakin might not promptly see it. She side smirks, pretending to occupy herself with sewing when she says:
“Why, if I were you, I would dance to keep peace. Do you know Lady Y/N is my best lady where dance is concerned?”
Anakin’s mind is finally captured by her web. As your eyes go wide and a blush colors your cheeks, his eyes glint with amusement.
“I do not. In this case…”
“I give you my permission, yes. Don’t be shy, Lady Y/N. Go on.”
You blush violently, much to Anakin’s delight. As he takes hold of your hand, he is surprised to find you cold.
“Are you well, Y/Nickname? What’s the need of being shy to me?”
As you two begin to dance, it feels as if there’s only you in the room.
“It’s not about that, Ani. I don’t like enjoying everyone’s attention…” as you raise your eyes, you are surprised to find those blue irises staring at you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I was merely noticing… You are a woman, Y/N.”
You chuckle lightly.
“Haven’t you noticed that before?”
Anakin smiles and you feel like the sun is shining over you. He can hear you thought, so as much as this pleases him, it makes him blush. He diverts the gaze away, only for one moment.
“Let me protest that. This isn’t what I’ve meant to say.”
“Then what is?”, you giggle lightly as you look at his eyes, your bodies seemingly following the rhythm of the music without your knowledge.
“That you’ve grown fine as wine”, says he smugly, very satisfied for seeing you blush.
Today you both are in the gardens. He’s taken you to stroll all the whilst Senator Clovis is openly courting the Queen. As her favoured lady, you stand safely behind her, although she is far ahead than you and Anakin.
His arm is now tangled against yours, enjoying close proximity. You’ve been spending these joyful days speaking nonsenses, sharing jokes and perhaps something else.
Anakin can read your thoughts: he knows the depth of your feelings for him; the desires that rise without your acknowledgment, the struggle with reason that uprises your heart.
He feels the same. But somehow… He has no idea how to profess it.
“What’s like to be a Jedi?”, you ask him, unaware of how he’s been quietly studying you. “Must be busy for I haven’t received a letter of yours for a good while.”
Smiling at your tone of accusation, Anakin says:
“Well, it does keep me occupied. I’ve been under heavy training and, if you ask my opinion,been looking forward to get a proper mission.”
You sigh, indicating your concern.
“What? I was born for this and you know it”, he gently grips your arm. “There is no need to worry over me, angel. I know what I am capable of.”
You smile, sensing he might be looking for some praise. As your eyes meet again, you say:
“I know that. I’ve never had any question of your abilities, Anakin. But excuse me for worrying about my best friend”, and it’s when you whisper. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You are not going to lose me, Y/Nickname”, he whispers softly, taking your hand to his lips as he stops you so you can see he means it. In truth Anakin knows you mirror each other’s feeling. But speaking those words to you only make it better. “This I promise.”
The moment you smile, Anakin knows. And maybe the time to admit the obviousness has finally come, but not yet. The Queen summons you and Anakin. A grave look is set on her face so this means you two must set apart.
For now…
• “Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time
That we might be exactly like we were
Before we realized”•
It’s been two years before you see him again. It drives you mad: to realize you are getting older and with such little time to see him.
You attempt to escape the questions posed by the Queen, now Senator; but there is an inevitable sadness as everytime you see husband and wife together.
You start to wonder whether wouldn’t be better to tell Anakin how you felt, for now time seems to steal him away from you.
However… Time is not that cruel to you. So before you notice, he comes to find you. Like he usually does.
“I knew I would find you here at the gardens”, his voice comes like a whisper to you, husky yes, but softly too.
When you turn abruptly, you find a matured man right before your eyes. Anakin Skywalker stands dressed in black robes, posing that same old smug pose but with a sweet smile and caring blue eyes that make you melt.
“Ani…” Your lips spread and before you know, you are running to his arms.
This time he is not letting go of you. To your surprise, as his arms involve you in a hug, his lips welcome you and…you don’t hesitate in kissing him in return.
It’s sloppy at first, marked by surprised. But as one adjusts to the other, it’s perfectly synced. Your tongue is subdued by his and you take delight at the moment.
The moment where you and Anakin are no more friends, but something far better than this. It continues so as his kiss is so alluring, as if he’s seeking the intensity there is in you. And you correspond gladly, giving him the intensity there has always been caged.
Your hands hesitantly move to his curls—they are now dropping over his shoulder, wrapping them around your finger as you share a passionate kiss. And this kiss awakes something in you, but there’s no time to discover it for he parts it from you—much to your dismay.
Seeing your emotions so clearly stamped in your face, Anakin smiles—specially aware of your sentiments.
“I had to take a breath, I had to contemplate you for a moment”, he explains to you, hands cupping your cheeks. “I missed you, Y/N.”
You lean against him, so pleased for that moment finally have happened.
“And I, you”, you rest your forehead against his, your body nearly locked to his. “What took you so long?”
It’s when you sense his heavy sigh, the subtle change in his demeanor: Anakin tries to keep it away from you, he has no wishes in updating you about politics.
The reason why both of you avoid such topic is mostly because that’s what you live everyday, so you need a break. Today is not different. But how can he avoid it?
As you hesitantly step back due to his silence, you suddenly become aware of the shadow that’s been cast at him. Very gently you place your hands to cup his face, stroking his scar as he leans against you, eyes closed.
“You know you can trust in me, Ani”, you encourage him softly. “There’s no need to keep it away from me.”
“I do not wish to have you involved in this”, says he, conflicted.
It heavies your heart to see the eclipse occurring right under your eyes. You do your best to deal with it, though. Lifting his chin, you run a hand over his hair all the whilst leaning the other over his chest. You wait until his blue eyes find your y/c ones.
“I want to be involved in this. This is not a burden for you to carry yourself, my darling.”
“I don’t know what to do.” He mumbles, still hesitant about sharing whatever troubles him with you.
“Follow your heart”, you tell him. “I’ll be here.”
As if to reassure him, you smile, aware of the sudden meaning your next words might carry:
“I’ll be here for you. No matter what.”
And that is how you seal your fate…
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gooeseyleo · 3 months
In your au what does leo and goosey eat? Like everyday
Ooh yes I love this question! Food is such a big thing
In general, they eat canned foods and dry goods. Food is scarce, however. He has been lucky in finding rations in old EPF warehouses, but it’s not like NYC was abandoned suddenly, so many of those ration sites have already been used up/looted. None the less, he has been able to find enough to survive. It’s why he hasn’t been able to bulk up as much as say, his movie counterpart. ^^’ He has a kitchen he can cook this food in as well, powered by a solar powered generator above his bunker. As long as he has sauce and pasta, he and Goosey will eat.
Leo also supplements his diet with various vitamin/protein powders he’s been able to find. And after researching the nutritional needs of birds, Goosey gets supplies from the ruins of pet and gardening stores.
Sometimes they stumble across fresh produce (mostly from old gardens) but this is rare and they’re usually not very healthy. He would eat more fish, but there truly aren’t many. There aren’t many animals left at all for that matter, despite the barrier encompassing large nature areas. We’ll get into those eventually…as well as all the animals that lived in Central Park zoo. And what happened to everyone’s pets.
I wish I had time to draw all of this, it would be far more interesting that way, but I have so so many thoughts on the obtainment of food and other supplies in this au.
EDIT: oh one more thing! Leo can also go for months without eating thanks to those turtle genes. When we first see him eat after he shows up in the ruins (here) , he hadn’t eaten in a long time. It’s not ideal of course, and he feels that hunger, but he can survive without it. This is not true for Goosey who needs to eat more frequently. And Junior too of course haha
One more edit sorry X3: It is also of note that geese are a foraging bird, meaning they eat mostly grasses, herbs and other plants! Luckily there is plenty of grass to be found! Leo can hang out in a field and let Goosey snack for a while, or Goosey will forage during all of their adventures~
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roomwithanopenfire · 3 months
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Happy Sunday!! (Or something, there's still like 30 20 minutes left of Saturday here for me, but I've been tagged twice already and am in the mood for sharing) Thanks for the tags @monbons and @shrekgogurt!!
I've actually got a lot done this week! Been editing my Natasha Lives AU WIP which going well! And I flip-flop between thinking my writing is actually the best thing since sliced bread and thinking that everything is awful and horrible, but the truth likely lies somewhere in the middle, and I’m happy with that. I've also figured out a title! (Or at least I think, I hate decisions, but I've changed the name of the Google docs file so it's a step in the right direction). And I've finally split the last bit into chapters and it'll be 15 chapters + a prologue & epilogue!
I’m trying so hard to not spoil anything at this point and all my favorite non-spoilery sections have been used, but I still want to share something (sharing this snippets is the only thing stopping me from posting before it's ready atp adlfkj). So here’s six seven short sentences/sections that I plucked out of context based on their starting letter. Somehow most of them ended up being dialogue. See if you can catch the ‘pattern’.
“Vampires’ll be scared of me with this.”
Agatha sighs. “Yeah, because she clenched her jaw. That’s something people do when they’re annoyed, Simon. You annoy her.”
My leg hurts. And the stupid moon is still behind the stupid clouds. What’s the point of surviving a coffin if you can’t see the moon? 
“Palm up,” she said gently, guiding my hand with her own. She traced the lines of my fingers. “You’ve got fire mage’s hands, Basilton.”
“I’m washing up and going to bed,” Snow gruffed, grabbing his clothes with his uninjured hand. “Try not to drain me while I sleep.”
“Rat hands,” he says as an explanation, but he doesn’t meet my eyes.
“Everyone’s eating out of Natasha’s hand, but we’ll prove them wrong.”
Let me know which one speaks to you. My personal favorite is number 6 because I think it’s kind of silly without context. (Also I just need you guys to know that the fact that some are past tense and some present is on purpose, and I'm not just flip-flopping tenses😅)
Tags and such:
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @run-for-chamo-miles (I haven't had any time to watch more YR, I should have just binged it all spring break 😭) @raenestee @artsyunderstudy @onepintobean @prettygoododds @noblecorgi @hushed-chorus @angelsfalling16 @thewholelemon
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thelostbaystudio · 11 months
Hey folks,
the pre-launch KS page of OUTER RIM: UPRISING is live! ORU is a bundle for the sci-fi survival horror RPG Mothership. The bundle is packed with 15+ 100% original entries from seasoned indie Mothership designers. All items are 1 Edition (which means the new one!) compatible. Below is some info on the bundle and pics of some entries.
OrU builds a huge setting, at the fringes of the galaxy, where corrupt corps fight rebel factions. Each item of the bundle can be used independently, but the items are also tied together by a common implied setting, sharing NPCs, story lines etc. A Campaign Handbook acts as the connective tissue of the bundle: adding factions, procedures, locations etc.
Half of the bundle items are written in a system neutral way, and can be used with any RPG.
We've just ignited the pre-launch page here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thelostbay/outer-rim-uprising, if you dig the project give it a follow, as indie publishers it means a hell of lot to receive the community support.
About this, if you are a blogger, streamer, podcaster and want to talk about this, see drafts or organize an actual play please reach out we'd be happy to help.
Below are some details on a couple of entries, they are sick!
The Hunger in Achernar, zine by D. Kenny (designer of Nirvana on fire)
Survive the void-haunted halls of a cursed derelict; solve the mystery of a missing ship, an experimental hyperdrive test, and a cultist plot; or save the galaxy from a taint leaking through a crack in the universe. Choose one in “The Hunger in Achernar”, a MOTHERSHIP RPG adventure.
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BLINK, zine by David Blandy (designer of Eco MOFOS!)
In this short guide to faster-than-light travel, we’ll show you how to bring the mind-bending possibilities of instantaneous jumping between two distant points in space to your game.
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Rusted to the Core, zine by Chris Airiau
The androids on Poe-V Station are on strike. Descend through the gas giant’s toxic clouds to uncover how the source of this disruption goes deeper than worker mistreatment. A faction-based adventure.
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Surviving Machine parts, zine by Zach Hazard Vaupen
Out in the fringes of the system, a type of cybernetic implants called Machine Parts are popular with those who are savvy enough to find and afford them. Commonly made with recalled corpo tech and stolen military/alien technology, these implants are highly illegal and especially dangerous. This document covers 12 different Machine Parts and their consequences. Can you survive Machine Parts?
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Sentience Assessment Procedure, player facing accessory, by Nyhur (Alien Armory) and IKO
SAP cutting-edge, neuro-semantic analysis technology allows management, officials, and security personnel to perform human/android triage effectively. SAP toolkit is portable, works in any-G environment, and can also be performed remotely.
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Outer Rim: Uprising Campaign Handbook, zine by all the designers of the bundle
The connective tissue of the bundle
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I'll stop here :) that's roughly one third of the items included in the bundle, I'll share more info in the next few weeks
Give it a follow here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thelostbay/outer-rim-uprising
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
The Oak Tree
The Last of Us : Oneshot
Joel Miller x Reader
Word Count: 10120
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 3 😭 angry revenge, blood/violence with raiders, protective ‘who did this to you?’ Joel 🥰 18+ themes, smut, overstimulated, super sensitive, touch starved, unprotected pinv, and aftercare
I’m a massive fan of the video game and PEDRO has been on my mind for WEEKS {thanks TikTok edits} I’m obsessed with this man
Request: This just came from my own head 😊  
A/N: Over the years of making trades, there’s only been one girl that Joel can’t seem to get out of his head
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{2007 – four years into the infection}
Just outside of Lincoln was a reservoir, brimmed with reflective water. It was surrounded by oak and hardwood, a line of color differing in shades of green, orange, and red. Joel looked at the leaves rippling against the stagnant water, thinking to himself that’s quite the view.
Tess, as per usual, was able to say those things out loud, “It’s beautiful.”
He didn’t need to reply.
“The neighborhood is just over there,” she continued, hands wound about her backpack straps, “Third house on the left, near the book café.”
Coffee – thought Joel – what he’d give for a black coffee right then.
“I bet she has coffee,” Tess said, speaking for him again. “She probably has that café up and running.”
It was too casual, too normal, to have a life outside of a QZ. The idea someone was living off the land after four years of a fungal apocalypse didn’t sound right. Something would have happened by now – raiders, a hoard of infected, accident with a gun.
“I still don’t like it,” Joel grumbled, following the colorful leaf strewn trail. People just didn’t survive out there on their own. It was unheard of. They always met a tragic end sooner or later.
“You don’t have to like it,” Tess bit back, “But we have a potential customer and I’m not going to pass up on that just because of a feeling you have.”
Joel gave a gruff sound in reply.
“If Frank says she’s okay then I trust her.”
If Frank said the sky was green and the grass was blue she would’ve believed him. They were thick as thieves.
“Maybe we’ll make a friend.”
“Maybe we should stop answering radio calls from Lincoln,” Joel said.
Tess scoffed, “But then we wouldn’t see Bill and Frank again.”
Joel didn’t say anything, holding back the words that he knew Tess could already guess. She spun around, pausing their walk with a stern look on her face.
“If you need to see this as a business meeting, fine – we’re out here trying to get the best trade. But I am going to meet a friend of a friend. And you will act cordial because as much as you can’t stand the thought of getting to know people past the stage of ‘get out of my fucking way,’ I want to.” She gave him a hard stare, “There’s nothing wrong with attempting something normal.”
Like inviting friends out to coffee.
Joel refrained a sigh, staring Tess down with a look of understanding. He only gave a curt nod in return.
When she was satisfied he wasn’t going to object further, she continued on the path. They passed the reservoir and were met with a crossroads, one direction leading towards a historic looking town.
It was small and safeguarded by mighty oak trees keeping watch. It looked like a quaint place people moved to in search of a quiet retirement. There were only a couple shops, a little food market, and half a dozen houses.
“There are more neighborhoods towards the west,” Tess remarked, “Bill and Frank live that way.”
Joel surveyed the area, used to the routine of searching for potential threats. Nearing the fence line, he put his palm against the heel of a gun.
In similar fashion to Bill and Frank’s, an electric fence encompassed the first three houses, the café, and an electronics store. He knew this girl accepted a lot of help from her neighbors, at least after Frank moved in. No doubt there were a number of complicated traps rigged everywhere outside the fence line.
“She knows we’re coming?”
Tess neared the fence gate, “Yeah, she said she’ll be on the lookout and… oh, there she is.”
Coming out of the first house was a woman, younger than him by some years but that wasn’t the first thing Joel noticed about her. He noticed the bright beaming smile on her face – open and welcoming.
“Hi there!” she called out, walking with quick steps, “Tess?”
“(Y/N)?” Tess asked in return.
“In the flesh,” the woman said, still smiling that wide smile, “It’s nice to put a face to the radio voice.”
Tess started smiling too, “I agree. Frank speaks very highly of you.”
“Oh he’s just a chatterbox,” (Y/N) laughed, pressing a few numbers into a keypad and unlocking the gate. “But I love him for it.” She opened the gate with a squeaky clang of the chain link fence.
“Thank you,” Tess said, gesturing behind her as she walked through, “This is my partner Joel.”
“Partner,” (Y/N) beamed, “Nice to meet you.”
Joel had to tear his eyes away from the grinning lower half of her face to meet her gaze. He could only nod.
“That’s how he says hi,” Tess sighed, “Not much of a people person.”
“I don’t blame him,” (Y/N) continued, “Not with how things are these days.”
Unfocused on her smile, Joel now scanned the rest of her. Her hair was clean, her clothes untorn, there was even a smell of flowers about her. She didn’t look like someone surviving an apocalypse. She looked like how the world used to be.
And it put a strange feeling in Joel’s gut.
“I’ll give you the tour,” (Y/N) said, “And then we can talk over dinner.”
“We’re not staying,” Joel said immediately.
Tess gave him a glare that said: don’t be rude. “We shouldn’t stay when it’ll be dark soon.”
“You’re welcome to spend the night,” (Y/N) said, eyes fixed on Joel’s hard gaze, more apprehensive than hurt at his unwillingness to spend any more time there than he had to. “I have a guest house prepared.”
“A guest house?” Tess couldn’t hold in her laugh, “How much do you rent for?”
(Y/N) was smiling again, “We can discuss the details over roast and potatoes.”
Joel’s stomach made the infuriating decision to growl just then.
“I’ll make the tour quick,” (Y/N) flickered amused eyes towards him.
He set his jaw, choosing to look anywhere but the two girls trying to contain their laughs.
“This is my lookout base,” (Y/N) gestured to the first house she just came out of. “It has a nice view of the surrounding area from each window. I’ll spend time up there looking for any incoming infected. It’s how I get my target practice.”
Joel peered into the open windows of the house and found a rifle fitted with a scope leaning against the sill.
They walked down the center street, (Y/N) talking along the way, “The second house is for guests and has a lot of my food storage and extra supplies hidden beneath the floors. This third house is my own.”
She gestured to the one with a large front porch and a flourishing front garden. Snug between the two houses was a roaming chicken coop and another pen right behind it.
“What’s behind the chickens?” Tess asked.
“Rabbits,” (Y/N) said, “I trade them for supplies at Bill’s.”
“Have they ever stayed at your guest house?”
“A few times,” (Y/N) smiled proudly, “Five star reviews.”
They continued towards the center of her little town. The ground was dug up all around the cobblestone street, housing planter boxes and freshly tilled earth.
“Here’s my garden,” she said, “Mostly root vegetables but I’ve been searching for some summer berries or vine plants. Tomatoes and peppers maybe.”
“We could help with that,” Tess mused, “We know where to find seeds.”
(Y/N) beamed again, “Right ahead is the café. I’ve got coffee beans coming out of my ears in that place. And I’ve been using it as my library too – the perfect place to take a load off.”
That feeling in Joel’s gut was persistent and it was making him uncomfortable now.
“And that is an electronics store,” (Y/N) pointed to the last building within her fenced in town. “It’s where I use my radio and keep stock of my power and water.”
Tess turned full circle, nodding her head like she was impressed, “And that over there?” She gestured towards the fence line where large heavy bricks were piled.
“Oh that’s my ongoing project to keep this place more secure,” (Y/N) sighed, “Along with the electric fence I figured I could add another layer of defense. A brick wall would keep people from being able to peer in.”
“That’s going to take a lot of supplies.”
She nodded, hands in her pockets, “I’ve been disassembling a brick house down the road – it got hit with a car. But I’m running low on cement mix.”
Tess chewed her lip in thought, “I think we could manage that.”
Joel kept his eyes on (Y/N), anywhere but her face. She talked like she hadn’t seen real shit yet. She smiled like life wasn’t hard. She looked clean and unnaturally content for the world they lived in.
The nagging, uncomfortable feeling was urgent. It pushed him to ask, “Are you here alone?”
She looked to him with that sudden air of apprehension, “Yes.”
He shook his head towards the ground, “That’s not smart.”
“I have Bill and Frank,” she said, that smile gone with the first word out of his mouth. “And I’m well prepared.”
“You’re one person sitting on a pot of gold,” Joel said lowly.
“I’ve lasted this long,” she said just as quietly.
It was making him mad, “Don’t be stupid.”
“Joel,” Tess said warningly, “We are guests here.”
“I’m just being honest,” he said, “I’ve seen too many good people get killed because of their good intentions. Pretty soon there will only be assholes and killers left.”
There was a pause where (Y/N) stared him down with an edge of fear. It made her look like a rabbit about to dart away and hide.
“And which are you,” she asked quietly, “An asshole or a killer?”
Joel met her gaze with a sizzle of electricity. He thought she was good – it put a fire in her chest, a want to prove herself capable of being good and a survivor. The defiant look on her face only made his uneasy feeling flare tenfold.
She wasn’t safe. She needed someone to protect her.
“We’re both assholes,” Tess stepped in, “That’s what makes us so great at negotiating trades.”
(Y/N) turned her body towards Tess, burned by Joel’s words, “I could use more assholes on my side.” She refused to look at Joel, “Maybe one will end up staying.”
Tess laughed, brushing over the tension that had settled between them, “Sounds like you’ve heard Frank tell their love story one too many times.”
“He says I just need to find my Bill,” she laughed along, walking them back towards her house, “I guess I just need to find an asshole.” She peered over her shoulder to give Joel a raised eyebrow.
He couldn’t stop the sigh that escaped him, still upset and burning with the desire to argue his point further. Maybe he was more upset with the fact that he’d fixated on her need for a protector.
He didn’t need another person to worry about, not when he already had Tess and Tommy. Adding to that list meant adding to the grief he’d endure if he failed to save them.
It was good she was apprehensive of him. It was good there was an edge of fear when she looked at him. He couldn’t get attached.
“That smells amazing,” Tess breathed, entering the house, “Where did you get a roast?”
“Bill,” (Y/N) said, going to the kitchen to check on the slow cooker, “He carved up a cow near a cattle range a few miles away. I traded some sheets, vegetables, and coffee beans for it.”
Joel leaned against the entryway. Better be worth it – he thought – trading supplies for one measly roast.
“I understand if you have to leave,” (Y/N) continued, “But my home is open to you. You’re welcome to stay for some food and rest.”
“You’ll accept us into your trades, then?” Tess asked. “I thought we made a pretty lousy first impression.”
(Y/N) smiled, “Better than you think.” She didn’t look towards Joel. “I know we just met…”
Joel made a gruff sound that seemed close to a laugh.
Still (Y/N) didn’t acknowledge him, “But I trust Bill’s judge of character. If he’s willing to work with you then I don’t see why I shouldn’t.”
“We’ll work up a supply list,” Tess nodded, “And in the meantime I say we set the table.”
“Tess…” Joel said warningly, “We should…”
“Get the plates,” Tess cut in, “I’m starving.”
{2007 – 3 months later}
The leaves were still crisp and golden along the road to (Y/N)’s town. It was later in the day, much later than Joel would’ve liked, but Tess knew there’d be an invitation to stay the night.
And as much as Joel hated to admit it, a hot shower and a clean bed sounded like heaven. His back was aching with the weight of their trade. Sweat dotted his temples and the falling light made him squint his eyes.
“Fuck, I hope she cooked,” Tess groaned, “That hike felt way longer with full packs.”
Joel wiped his brow, “I told you we should’ve started with seeds.”
“She needs the cement more,” Tess said, “And we’ll get more in return for the mix.”
The town was coming into their sights and Joel was surprised to see the progress made on the perimeter.
The brick wall was finished along one side and barbed wire extended between the electric fence and the wall. Bill had to have shared his high tinsel wire because the fence was reinforced and surrounded by new traps.
They could hear the electric hum of the fence as they neared the front gate. The keypad housed a buzzer to signal (Y/N) of incoming guests, which Tess pressed.
She gave Joel a look and suppressed a smile.
“What?” he asked.
She shrugged, “Still don’t like it?”
He squinted through the fence at the town within, “Don’t be surprised if she’s gone.”
“We talked to her two days ago,” Tess said, “And I think we would’ve seen evidence of raiders if they came through here.”
Joel still sighed his inner turmoil as (Y/N) came out from where the chicken coop was hidden. She smiled that beaming smile and waved at them with garden gloves in hand.
“Long time no see,” she said, “How was the trip?”
Both Tess and Joel hesitated at seeing her limp towards them, a bandage clearly wrapped around her lower leg.
“Long,” Tess finally replied, waiting for the gate to open, “What happened there?” She gestured towards (Y/N)’s leg, unwinding her hands from her backpack to have easy access to grabbing a weapon.
Joel was stiff, a few fingers grazing the gun secured in his pocket.
(Y/N) seemed unphased, waving them off, “I fell while collecting more bricks from the broken house. I got a bad scrape but nothing terrible.” She opened the gate and finally sensed the tension, “Why?”
Tess eyed Joel before muttering, “Show us.”
“Excuse me?” (Y/N) asked.
“We just want to be sure,” Tess said, “We don’t want to be locked in with a biter tonight.”
(Y/N) scoffed, raising her eyebrows, “Um… yeah, sure.” She knelt to one knee with a wince and rolled her pant leg. Blood had seeped through the bandage and made a terrible sound as she peeled it away from her wound.
It was still fresh and speckled with new blood from being torn open again, but it was obviously a scrape and not a bite.
“Satisfied?” she asked, grimacing at the wound, “I’m in need of a clean bandage.”
“Can you blame us?” Tess said, relaxing her shoulders, “We had to be sure.”
“I would think one infected was nothing for you two,” she jested, stumbling to her feet and meeting Joel’s eyes, “I promise it’s nothing.”
Joel didn’t apologize, still touching the handle of his gun.
“You must be tired,” she continued, “I can show you your rooms.” She limped towards the guest house, balling the used bandage in her hands.
Tess followed, Joel left to secure the gate. He grinded his teeth as he fought the sudden urge to lecture (Y/N) about being safe. He had hoped the strange protective feeling of months before would’ve faded. But seeing her again ignited that furious part of him.
“I’ve cleaned your sheets,” (Y/N) said, entering the house and turning for the kitchen, “And there’s extra clothes in the closets.”
“That’s generous of you,” Tess said, “You mind if I shower first?”
Joel shook his head and (Y/N) called out, “No, there should be plenty of hot water for you.”
Tess nodded to her partner and climbed the stairs. Joel listened to her steps, debating on what to do next. He slung the backpack off his shoulders and felt instant relief. A shiver went down his spine as the sweat of his back cooled against the air.
A thud sounded in the kitchen and (Y/N) muttered, “Shit.”
Instinct told Joel to run towards her voice, but he held himself back as he walked into the kitchen.
(Y/N) was leaning against the counter, a stepstool overturned next to her feet. The cabinet above her was open and full of what appeared to be first aid.
Joel put two and two together, choosing not to say anything as he walked all the way over to her. He reached out easily and searched for a bandage and maybe an antibiotic.
(Y/N) inched away, suddenly overwhelmed by his body nearly pressing into hers. “I slipped,” she said quietly.
He didn’t respond, rummaging the top shelf and finding a roll of cloth.
“There’s some medicine up there too,” she muttered, “Next to the hydrogen peroxide bottle.”
Joel found it, placing the supplies on the counter and closing the cabinet.
“Thank you,” she said, waiting for him to move before claiming the first aid. She limped to the dining table, bending over to examine her leg, “I’m making chicken for dinner,” she said, wondering why he was still there, “It should be done soon.”
He leaned against the wall and folded his arms, watching her rub ointment onto the scrape.
“Did you run into anything on your way here?”
He was quiet, standing there with a hard look on his face. His lips were pursed as he contemplated her words.
“You know,” she said, unraveling the roll of cloth, “I’m pretty sure a conversation involves two people talking.”
Joel refrained a sigh, only tilting his head slightly down in her direction. Why he didn’t just go to his room, he didn’t know. The frustration building inside of him was undeniable as he watched her attempt to use the bandage.
“You’re putting it on crooked.”
She lifted her head, “What?”
He grumbled and pushed himself off the wall. He went to kneel in front of her, taking the bandage from her hands and beginning to wrap it around her leg.
She stared at him wide eyed, her mind going blank as he handled her leg. He was surprisingly soft with her, holding her with gentle hands that she didn’t expect. His hair was a soft brown, curled at the edges with the last remnants of sweat. With him bowed before her, she could spy from above easily.
He was warm and toasted from the setting sun, hands still rough and dirty with his travels. He seemed to realize it too as he held her soap scrubbed skin. The flowery smell he found on her months before was overwhelming now. He identified the sweet smell on her skin.
“Thank you,” she said quietly.
The frustration licked his ribs. “Don’t thank me,” he said, “What you’re doing here is going to get you killed.”
She stiffened under his touch, that edge of fear creeping into her vision. “Joel…”
“No,” he said lowly, “What would’ve happened if you got hurt worse than this? There’s no one here to help you.”
“I have…”
“If you say Bill and Frank I swear to god I’ll break this chair.”
(Y/N) clamped her mouth shut, terrified of the sudden anger laced between his words.
“It’s a miracle you’ve lasted this long,” he muttered, “That luck is going to run out eventually.” He tied off the bandage, “And when it does, who will be here to bury you?”
She gulped, voice shaky when she asked, “Why are you so upset? Me being dead just means one less client on your list.”
Joel stood sharply, “It means one less decent person in this fucked up world.” His eyes bored into hers, “Don’t be an idiot.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” she challenged, but her voice was still so small.
“Don’t you understand what’s out there?” Joel said, that anger fueling his tongue. “There are people that thrive in this end of the world shit. They won’t hesitate to burn this place down and skin you alive for all its worth.”
“So I’ll build up my defenses,” (Y/N) said louder than before, “I’ll set a wider perimeter.”
“They’ll work around it,” Joel ground out, “They’ll find a way when you least expect it.”
She stood from her chair, supported by her good leg, “Don’t underestimate what I can do. I’m not helpless out here.”
“But you are alone,” Joel growled, “Alone and cushioned with your electric fences and hot water and three meals a day. There are people that would kill for that!”
“Are you offering a solution?” she said with more vigor, “Or are you just going to keep telling me what a naïve imbecile I am?”
He fisted his hands, “I’m telling you to get out of here before you get seriously hurt.”
“Why do you care so much?” She breathed heavy, her fear ebbing into apprehension again.
Joel set his jaw, staring at her for a tense few seconds before storming out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his room, the sound of Tess still in the shower above.
He had to physically stop himself from slamming the door as he went for the bathroom. He turned the sink on roughly and splashed himself with cool water.
He was doing it again. He was already getting attached.
She wasn’t his problem – wasn’t his responsibility – she was just another trade route outside Boston. It was the mantra he said to himself throughout the rest of the night.
But not before taking a lukewarm shower to calm down.
In the morning he sat on the edge of the bed with a dull ache in his head. He had a strange dream about (Y/N). It was short lived but left him with a race in his chest. He prayed that it didn’t happen again.
Tess was trading the cement mix with a number of (Y/N)’s storage items downstairs, so Joel figured he’d sneak into the café to get some coffee.
He could smell the bitter roasted beans from outside the shop door and his nerves gave a leap of joy at the thought of straight hot caffeine. He entered the café with his nose in the air and his throat thirsting for a drink.
It was a terrible surprise to see that the fresh pot of coffee came along with (Y/N) behind the counter.
Her eyes met his for a fraction of a second, turning away quickly to put away a sack of beans. Joel stood awkwardly at the door, already preparing to extinguish whatever frustrating protective feelings developed.
“Good morning,” she whispered, pouring a cup of coffee.
Joel eyed the steam curling lazily into the air and he convinced himself it was the coffee that made him stay – not because he wanted to see her beaming smile again.
He gave a gruff reply as he walked over to the counter.
She gave him the cup, “Coffee, black.”
It was too good to resist. He sat down and slid the cup towards himself, “Thank you,” he muttered.
The first sip was the richest, god he hadn’t had coffee in so long. It warmed his stomach, easing the knots in his hunched shoulders.
It’s satisfying taste provoked him to add, “How’s your leg?”
She froze against the counter, trailing her fingers along the edge, “It’s fine.”
He nodded to himself, “Good.”
She laughed under her breath, “Good,” she repeated, walking towards the other side of the shop. There she eased herself into an armchair, propping her leg on an ottoman.
Joel peered over his shoulder and saw with a raised brow, half a dozen bookshelves, each laden with more books than he cared to see in a lifetime.
He sipped his coffee again, eyeing her as she selected a book from a pile beside her. Of course she had a book collection.
“We’ll be heading out in about an hour.”
She nodded, now absorbed in her book, “See you later, asshole.”
He jerked his head around to catch her in the insult, but she was smiling softly behind her pages.
{2009 – 18 months later}
“You’re such a hypocrite!”
(Y/N) threw a coffee mug at him, successfully smashing it against the wall beside his head. He dodged the flying shards of ceramic, fuming at her accusation.
“Are you insane?”
“You have no right to lecture me about my safety when you came here alone. Isn’t that the one thing you can’t stand about me living here?”
“Tess is staying with Bill and Frank an extra day!” Joel explained, “She’ll be here tomorrow.”
(Y/N) scoffed, shoving against the café door and stomping down the center street. “Why can’t you just leave it be?”
Joel was hot on her heels, “Because I know what’s out there.”
“I’m sick of that excuse, Joel.” She rounded on him, standing in the middle of the garden, “It can’t be the only reason you’re stuck on this argument.” Her hands on her hips, she squared up to him, “I’ve proven myself for nearly two years.”
He clenched his jaw, a twitch in his cheek, “Don’t…”
She grimaced, so frustrated she was nearly disgusted by his retorts. “You make me so angry sometimes.”
In a rush of aggression, Joel grabbed her by the arms, on the verge of shaking some sense into her, “(Y/N),” he ground out. And it struck him then.
Close and hot and breathing each other’s heavy breaths. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to claim her mouth with his own. The want seized him with such urgency he was temporarily struck dumb.
His hands clamped down on her arms, keeping her close to his mouth.
“Joel,” she said full of heat, “What are you doing?”
But she was eyeing his lips now, so near her own. All she had to do was lean in.
Joel was so conflicted he was fighting every instinct in his body. His lip was starting to curl because of it, turning into a snarl as he gripped (Y/N) close to him. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He wasn’t supposed to get attached, wasn’t supposed to want her.
But god she was so infuriating, so tempting.
His snarl neared her mouth, on the verge of devouring her. But in a sheer act of will he managed to push away – stumble back – and take a deep breath that wasn’t full of her clean, flowery scent.
He was running hot now, growing stiff as he stood there. He couldn’t steady his breaths, hands on his hips as he stared her down.
She was flushed and breathless in a way that spoke of innocent confusion. Her eyes were wide, and a delicate hand was resting on her chest, as if she had to hold back the pounding of her heart.
Oh God.
Joel bit back a growl, “I saw raiders… (Y/N). On my way over here. They were a few miles back but it’s the closest we’ve seen them in years. They’re scouting.” He knew better than to take a step closer to her. “And they will find you here.”
“I’ll be fine.”
He ran a hand over his beard, cursing to himself, “Fucking… this isn’t a joke, (Y/N). You could be in some serious danger.”
“I’ll figure it out,” she said, full of emotion, “I always do.”
That flush was settling in her cheeks and her eyes became glassy with it.
“Don’t be stupid.”
She clenched her jaw, screwing her lips up in a scowl. “I think you should leave.”
“Go away, Joel!” she fumed, standing her ground, “We made our trade – you have no business staying here any longer.”
He cursed her, making for the exit like he didn’t know what else to do. Hot blood was beating in his ears and as much as he hated her choice to stay, he still wanted her. He still wanted to be near her regardless of how angry she made him.
She knew he could reach Bill and Franks before nightfall or else she never would have sent him away. And at their little compound he pushed past Tess and found refuge in his own room for the remainder of the night.
Frank was curious as ever. “What’s gotten into him?” he asked Tess, “Ran into some trouble?”
Tess sighed, holding her glass of wine, “I told him to go on ahead to (Y/N)’s.” She took a sip, “Maybe I thought they could use some alone time together.”
Frank raised his eyebrows, suppressing a smile, “Little miss matchmaker you are.”
“Obviously it didn’t work,” she said, “But I know there’s something there.”
“I believe it,” he laughed, “Every asshole needs their sunshine person.”
Tess shared the laugh, “And a sunshine person (Y/N) is.” She raised her glass, “Let’s hope she manages to put him in his place.”
Frank eyed where Joel had just stormed off to, “If she hasn’t already.”
They shared a drink and wished each other a good night, oblivious to the fact that Joel was tossing and turning in his sheets, livid with the idea that (Y/N) could control him even when she wasn’t there.
He was angry and restless and resented how his cock twitched with dreams of her – how he very nearly kissed her just hours before.
It haunted him until dawn when he awoke with the distinct wish for a coffee from the café. He rubbed hard at his face, groaning with the lack of control on his own thoughts. (Y/N) was there smiling at him in his minds eye. Her clean flowery scent filling his nose.
He willed the blood to keep from rushing downward.
Tess and Frank were at the kitchen table, enjoying some eggs and toast. There was a black coffee waiting for him, steaming with the heat. His eyes flickered to the counter to see a bag of coffee beans clearly from (Y/N)’s town.
Tess followed his eyes and smirked, “You slept in.”
“Or he’s just been staring at the ceiling all night,” Frank smiled, “Figured you needed a coffee either way.”
Joel glared at them, sitting down and eagerly drinking the bitter coffee. He licked his lips, “I want to get back to the QZ before dark. We should leave soon.”
Frank groaned, “I always miss you guys when you’re gone.”
“Why do you think I stayed so long this time,” Tess said, “But we’ve got other trades to make. And there’s always the chance the QZ finds us missing. I don’t think I want to head back knowing there’s a noose waiting for me.”
There was a thud as heavy footfalls came from outside. Frank was to his feet immediately, knowing who was making the sound.
Bill came through the door, his breath a little labored, “Joel…”
“What is it?” Frank questioned, meeting him at the door, “What happened?”
Joel rose to his feet, a spark of fear igniting in his chest. If Bill wanted to speak with him, it could only mean grave news.
“Outside,” Bill said, “There’s smoke coming in from the east. A lot of it. I tried to radio (Y/N), and I can’t get a signal. Her channel has never been turned off before.”
Tess moved her head from one man to the other, “Joel…” she began as if she was trying to soothe him before something reckless happened. “It doesn’t mean…”
But Joel was shoving his way outside to look towards the east, the sun still rising as the day began. In the distance was a large billowing cloud of smoke. It was wide and black, meaning something big was burning hot and still raging.
East meant (Y/N)’s town. It meant something terrible had happened. And his blood ran cold.
“Joel,” Tess said behind his back, her mouth falling open, “What could’ve…”
Joel ran back inside for his pack, Bill waiting for him with a polished handgun and a box of ammo. A silent wish of luck that only Bill could express. They shared a look of understanding – that this was a moment of dread that people prayed would never happen to someone they cared about.
Joel gave him a nod of thanks and set out with Tess only five minutes later. He was keeping a runners pace until Tess asked him to slow down.
“Let’s not exhaust ourselves before we know what the threat is.”
“It was those raiders,” Joel bit back, “I told you they were heading this way.”
Tess was thinking it too, “She has a fighting chance,” she said. “She’s well prepared.”
Joel fought against the fear planted in his chest, “I shouldn’t have left.”
Tess wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “We’ll deal with it when we get there.”
It was the quickest they had ever made the trip, using the black billowing smoke as their guide. It never wavered and it never died down, meaning the fire wasn’t done burning everything in its path.
It would attract people for miles around.
Reaching a clearing, the pair of them paused to survey the area. Tess, as ever, was saying what Joel thought.
“Oh my god.”
The lookout house was in flames. The open windows were licked with fire, sending plumes of smoke into the open air. It crackled with heat and broke through part of the roof, sending ash and smoldering wood to the ground.
Bodies were littered outside the fence line – raiders that were caught in traps, shot by a rifle, or electrocuted by the fence. Some were tangled with the barbed wire lining the walls, others were smoking from once being engulfed in flames.
And how many managed to get inside, Joel thought.
They ran for the gate, Tess putting in the code that (Y/N) gave them months before.
Joel held up his new handgun, aiming for anything that moved. His breath was steady against the erratic beating of his heart. That fear in his chest controlled only by the instinct of hunting down whoever remained of the raiding party.
They kept their heads down, guns out, and feet moving in quiet steps. They scouted the guest house, checking the storage beneath the floorboards – it was untouched. They moved on to the main house and though it was ransacked, there wasn’t anyone there.
They went towards the shops, slowing down when they spotted two more bodies outside the electronics store.
Tess gave Joel a nod, and he went to check the faces – both raiders – before spying inside the open doors of the store. He could hear the crackle of electricity, could see the vibrant sparks of an open wire. The white smoke told him the radio was probably destroyed.
The sudden swing of the café door had them spinning around with scary precision.
“Oh, fuck!” said the raider, fumbling for a gun strapped to his belt.
Joel made quick work of shooting the guy in the leg. The raider cried out, falling to his side and yelling for any other help.
Tess kept her gun out as Joel ran for the injured thief.
“Help! Help me!” the man cried, grabbing onto his thigh, blood leaking out and beginning to pool beneath him. He tried to scoot away, “No, no, man stop!”
Joel landed a punch to the raiders face. He ignored the shots fired by Tess as she took down another exiting the café.
“Where is she?” Joel muttered. He dropped his gun, using his free hands to grab the raider by the jacket, “Where is she?”
The man jerked, a trickle of blood falling from his mouth, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, man.”
Joel hit him again, “Don’t fuck with me, kid. I’m not in the mood.”
The raider looked terrified, “The girl… that lives here…”
Joel was holding him up in a sitting position, hands itching for his throat, “Where?”
“Couple of my buddies took her in the back.” He nodded towards the electronics store.
With a hard thrust of his hands, Joel slammed the man into the cobblestones of the street. Whether the impact knocked the man out or killed him, Joel didn’t care. He stood to enter the store, gun left forgotten on the ground.
“Joel!” Tess yelled, running after him.
He ignored her, barging into the store and tensing at the sound of whimpering coming from the back room.
He ran towards the sound, tearing open the door to see a sight that had the air knocked out of him.
(Y/N) sat curled in the corner of the room, hands outstretched towards the men above her, pleading them to stop. She was bruised and bloody – no longer smiling like life wasn’t hard, no longer clean with fresh flower soap.
She was terrified and hurt. A combination of things that had white noise filling Joel’s ears. He saw red as the remaining raiders turned towards him. The disgusting sound of their laughter ceased with the fire in Joel’s eyes.
Tess realized then that Joel didn’t need his gun. He didn’t need her for backup. He just went wild.
Raw instinct launched him towards the men, clobbering one and manhandling the other. He slammed one against the wall, hitting him until pain finally registered in his hand. The bloodied raider slumped to the ground, signaling to his partner to get the hell out of there.
But Joel had already turned and found the last assailant stumbling to his feet after being hit. He threw the man into the back room shelves, kicking him into the ground. He knelt over the raider and punished him with the fury that fueled Joel.
By the end Tess had a grimace on her face, a twist in her stomach that knew it would take Joel a while to come back from what he just did. She stood by (Y/N), shielding her until Joel was finished.
“(Y/N),” he rasped, ragged from the fight, “(Y/N)…” He met her on the floor, not daring to touch her yet.
Tess backed up, going outside to ensure they weren’t interrupted by any surprise raiders.
(Y/N) couldn’t control her breathing, silent tears running tracks through the ash and blood of her face. She kept her hands up, as if it were a measly last defense in saving her life.
Joel felt the fire extinguish in his head, pain blossoming across his knuckles as his hands began to shake. “(Y/N),” he tried again, “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”
She finally peeked above her hands at him, “Joel…” she said breathless.
A stab of pain went through his chest, “Yeah, baby,” he said. “I’m here.”
She was hesitant but as a fresh wave of tears came over her in gratitude, she started to lean into him. And Joel grabbed onto her instantly.
He wrapped her up with his arms and drew her close, “I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
“I thought…” she tried to say, “I thought I was dead.”
“No,” Joel cut her off, “I won’t let that happen.” He squeezed her tight to his chest, saying the things he needed to hear just as much as her. “You’re okay. You’re safe.” Because with him there beside her, she was safe. He could keep her that way.
“They used one of the oak trees,” she muttered, “They climbed and secured a rope across the fence and into the house. They waited until I was alone.”
Joel swallowed hard, putting a hand to the back of her head. “It’s over – they’re all gone.” He shielded her from the bloody mess behind them, “Let’s get you clean up. Tess and I… we’ll take care of everything.”
They managed to get (Y/N) into her house and while Tess volunteered to help with a shower and taking care of her injuries, Joel set out to correct his mistakes.
He gathered the raider bodies and burned them outside the fence line, the acrid smoke masked by the house fire. He found the stolen supplies and placed them back where they belonged. He reset the traps and reloaded the weapons. He even managed to dampen the spread of the house fire so it wouldn’t jump to the other buildings.
Late into the night, restless with the events of the day, (Y/N) asked Tess why Joel hadn’t visited her yet. He had been out all day and into the night.
Tess stayed by her side, resting in an armchair. “He’s trying to make things right,” she said, “He’s working out his frustration.”
“At me?”
“No,” Tess said warmly, “With himself. With those raiders. And… I’m not sure he can stand the sight of you hurt.”
(Y/N) laid in bed, contemplating her words. “He’s going to have to come in eventually.”
“He will,” Tess continued, “After he’s figured out how to apologize to you.”
“He doesn’t have…”
“Oh, yes he does,” Tess smiled, “He won’t rest until he feels like he deserves your forgiveness. And even then…” she shrugged her shoulders. “He’ll blame himself for you getting hurt.”
By morning (Y/N) was able to shuffle towards the window, curious at a thudding sound outside. She pulled blankets closer to her bruised body and peered apprehensively towards the still smoldering lookout house.
It was emitting nothing more than ashy white smoke, meaning the fire could no longer find anything more to burn. And behind the house, beyond the fence, was Joel.
With an axe in hand, he was chopping down the oak tree that helped the raiders get in.
{2012 – three years after the raid}
After many heated arguments and prolonged visits, the old routine came back.
Joel and Tess returned to their usual trade routes, checking on (Y/N) whenever possible. (Y/N) rebuilt her radio and kept more frequent contact with her friends. She managed to rebuild her defenses and even had Bill attempt to break in a couple times to ensure maximum security.
Her wounds healed but left scars.
She no longer beamed, but simply smiled. She no longer welcomed with open arms, but with a small wave.
Joel struggled to look at her during visits. He tried to distance himself from conversation but couldn’t deny how badly he wished her safety. He’d stand on pins and needles waiting for her to pick up the radio. He’d frantically search the town before finding her reading in the café.
He was head over heels now. Dependent on her being alive and well. And that terrified him.
He had a taste of the panic that consumed him when she was in danger. When he saw her hurt. When he thought of her dead. It made him weak in the knees.
Joel knew that if he let himself he would love her until their dying day. He’d deal with their bickering and name calling and teasing because at the end of the day, he’d kiss her and hold her close, and remember a time when it wasn’t so scary to love.
But that panic ate at him. Reminded him of a grief he couldn’t go through again.
It led him to distance himself during visits. At least he tried to. It didn’t stop him from thinking of her when he touched himself at night.
If he let himself… he could love her like she deserved.
He maneuvered around the trip wires guarding the paths to her town. He ducked under explosives and jumped over potholes.
It had been nearly seven months since he last saw her. They briefly spoke each week on the radio just to check in, but it wasn’t the same as seeing her in person.
He knew he shouldn’t be as excited as he was – knew he shouldn’t have gotten her an extra gift with his trade – knew he shouldn’t have gone out by himself while Tess handled other trades.
But he couldn’t help himself.
She was sitting on her front porch when he reached the gate.
Maybe it was the fact she never interacted with other men, but the sight of him put butterflies in her stomach. She hadn’t felt a man touch her in years and the back and forth between her and Joel was putting her frustratingly close to the edge.
“Hey, there,” she called, watching him saunter over. He had one of his blue button downs on, a worn jacket on top. The corners of his lips barely upturned at her voice.
“How have you been?” he asked gruffly, taking a seat beside her.
She shrugged, “Did you find what I need?”
Joel noted her vague change of subject, “Yeah, here.” He opened his pack to retrieve a few packets of seeds and medicine.
(Y/N) became transfixed with how his hands moved, large and strong, her eyes moving along the veins and tendons working on the back of his palm.
She was just following the line of muscle along his arm when he waved the goods in front of her face.
“You okay?” he asked, holding out the medicine bottles, “You don’t need these because you’re sick, right?”
She felt warmth bloom across her cheeks, “I’m fine.” She cleared her throat, “I haven’t seen you in a while is all.”  
Joel’s deep look of concern remained, “What’s the matter?”
She turned her gaze to her town, swallowing hard, “Nothing really.”
“(Y/N),” he said quietly. The baritone of his voice reverberated through her spine. His breath near her ear made her shiver. It was making him suddenly afraid. “What’s going on?”
Feeling him so close was sending goosebumps across her skin. God was she really that touch starved? He was overwhelming her without even touching her.
She stood up jerkily, “Nothing’s going on, as per usual.” She walked into her house, throwing the seed packets on the kitchen table and making for the stairs.
Joel got frantically to his feet, bewildered by her behavior. This wasn’t one of their usual arguments – something was wrong and if she kept evading his questions then he was going to get frustrated.
“Then why are you upset?” he followed her up the stairs and into her bedroom.
She went for the en suite bathroom, placing her new pills in the medicine cabinet. “I’m not.”
Joel felt that annoyance build in his gut, “You are.” He stood in the doorway, cornering her in the bathroom. “Why won’t you give me a reason?”
When she turned to see the way blocked by his broad frame, she gulped. He was bracing himself by putting both hands on the doorway and (Y/N) couldn’t help trailing her eyes along his build.
He was looking at her with a face full of concern, lined and rough with just a hint of frustration at her lack of answers.
It was hot. And (Y/N) hadn’t realized how low that heat had traveled since first seeing him walk through the gate. God she really was that touch starved. She was feeling breathless just looking at him.
Joel looked even more worried, “You sure you’re feeling alright?”
“Could you back up please?” her voice was small and nearly desperate, “Please?”
His eyebrows rose, lifting his hands in surrender and retreating for the bed, “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to corner you.”
She shook her head, heat putting a flush across her chest, “You know I’ve never had a problem being alone.”
Joel looked at her, silent as he sensed a confession coming.
“I’ve always enjoyed the peace and the freedom,” she said quietly, “But there was something I didn’t expect after all these years.”
She took a step forward and Joel had the sudden urge to grab her and hold her.
“I didn’t expect to feel lonely,” she said, “But I am. I’m so lonely here by myself. And it’s driving me insane.” She took another step towards Joel.
He reacted instantly, reaching out to offer his hand. When he found hers, he pulled her closer to him, “I can help with that.”
If he let himself… he could love her fiercely. And with her looking at him with such wide, desperate eyes, he felt ready to snap his resolve in two.
He pulled her closer, having her stand between his legs, “Would you let me help you?” With his free hand he ran a few fingers up her arm and she gasped. A high breathy sound as a shiver ran through her body.
“Fuck,” Joel said, “How long has it been for you?”
She shook her head, already feeling dizzy, “Help me.”
His cock began to ache as blood flew to it. “Tell me,” he said, “Tell me what you want me to do.”
“Help me feel,” she whimpered, “Not feel so alone.”
He groaned deep in his chest, pulling her closer to him, “If I do, a lot of things are going to change.”
She was lightheaded with his hands pulling on her wrists, placing them on his cheeks, “God I hope so.” She held onto his face, tilting it up to where she could plant her lips against his.
He responded immediately, reaching for her waist, groaning against her lips.
It was overstimulating having him touch her, even the barest of touches on her waist had her trembling. His hand wandered up her back, exploring her body with slow, steady hands. It was making her gasp against his mouth, eyes screwed shut and lips wet with his.
“You’re so sensitive,” Joel murmured, “Don’t worry – I’ll go slow.”
He retook her lips, swallowing her unsteady breaths. He started to stand from the bed, keeping his mouth on hers. His hands went from her sides to her jaw, holding her face up to him.
As he stood, her neck began to crane to keep her lips to his, sucking in breaths whenever she could. With him at his full height, she was flush against his chest. It was evident he was beginning to strain against his pants as she felt the bulge press into her midsection.
It sent fast trickles of warmth down between her legs. “Joel,” she said breathlessly, “God, Joel… it’s so much.”
“It feels good?” he muttered, pulling away to kiss her cheek, “Too much for you?”
She shook her head, easily turning her head to give him access to her neck.
“Needy,” he grinned, kissing the soft skin of her neck, “So needy for me.”
She moaned, planting her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. His lips were hot and wet as he nipped and sucked the column of her throat. He teased a sensitive part above her collarbone, relishing in the gasp it produced.
He sucked until he knew she was branded with his lips. He ran his tongue across the new hurt, already planning for the next spot to bruise with his teeth.
But her legs were slowly becoming water, unable to support her as she gave way to the feeling of Joel taking care of her.
“I’ve got you,” he said into her neck, arms wrapped around her waist, “Let go, baby.”
She fell into him, and he easily laid her on the bed, eyeing her against the sheets as he wondered where to go next. He was drawn instantly to the wet patch growing on the fabric between her legs.
“Fuck, baby,” he growled deep in his throat. “You’re that wet for me, and we haven’t taken off a single piece of clothing yet.”
She responded with trying to take her shirt off, making Joel laugh.
“Don’t,” she said, “Please.”
The desperation in her voice was driving him mad. Joel took her fumbling hands and pinned them above her head with one of his own. “Let me do it.”
He bowed his head and started kissing a trail down her chest and across her shirt. She started to squirm as he kept pressing his lips down her clothed stomach and finally her clothed heat. His free hand crept up her shivering leg and began to tug at her pants.
Her wriggling made it easier as he pulled at one hip and then the other, dragging the pants away. His lips went to kiss each inch of newly exposed skin as her clothes were tugged down. He finally released his hold on her hands, eager to remove her shirt as well.
They made quick work of leaving her in nothing but her panties. Her breasts full and perked with arousal. Joel eyed her with a mouthwatering gaze. She was so desperate for his touch her back was arching off the bed in search of his hands.
“If I had known sooner,” he said, laying on her until his face was level with her chest, “I would’ve done this years ago.”
Needing something – anything – to grab onto, (Y/N) wove her fingers into his hair. He smelt of wood oil and coffee and leather, sending her into another spiral as his lips found purchase between her breasts.
He laid claim to the valley there with new bruises, trailing his tongue after his handywork. With his body pinning her down, he could feel every shiver as he kissed and nipped around her nipple. She pulled at his hair and drew a moan out of him.
“You’ve waited this long, baby,” he teased, “Just be patient.”
She cried out when his took her in his mouth, running his tongue around her nipple. His hand found her other breast, giving it the equal attention it deserved.
The sound of her sensitive cries had him rutting his clothed cock into her. He was starting to lose control of himself, years of pent up frustrated feelings getting the better of him.
“Hang on,” he said, pulling away to remove his shirt, “Nearly there. I want to help you feel good.”
“It’s so good,” she whimpered, “You’re so good to me, Joel.”
He grinned, claiming her mouth once more, “You’re trembling, sweetheart. You’ve been on the edge this whole time.”
She nodded frantically, a look of pain between her brows. She was pushing him by the shoulders – pushing him down to between her legs.
“Is it too much?” he questioned her pained expression.
“Please…” she cried to him, “I need you, Joel. I want you now.”
He knew she was already overstimulated, had been from the start. He would need to be careful about how far he pushed her before it wasn’t enjoyable anymore.
He conceded, “Okay, baby.” He ran a finger along the elastic of her underwear, “You ready for me?”
“Yes,” she pleaded, “Yes, please, god.”
Joel was painfully aware of how aching his cock was now, already spurting with precum. It was an effort not to jerk into his hand as he freed himself from his pants.
She could barely concentrate on the length of him, just inching her hips forward until he grabbed her hips in warning.
“I’ve got you,” he said, “Let me help.” He planted a kiss over her clothed heat before dragging her underwear down and off her ankles.
He groaned, pumping his cock a few times, “You’re so goddamn beautiful.” He ran his tip through her folds, covering himself in her slick, “And so wet.”
He lined up at her entrance before bracing himself above her, chest to chest and lips nearly touching. When he sunk into her an inch, they both moaned at the pressure. He wanted to see the look on her face as he pushed in another inch.
Her hands flew for his face, holding him as she adjusted to his size. Her mouth fell open in a silent gasp, looking at him with pinched brows. He growled at the expression, urging himself to keep going slow. She was already wriggling with how sensitive she was.
If he dared brush her clit, she might have just screamed.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he watched the slight pain in her pinched brow. He wanted to know the instant it was from actual pain and not pleasure, “I’ll stop – just tell me.”
“No,” she pleaded, “Give it to me, please. God, Joel – fuck me.”
He rutted his hips by accident, bewitched by her words. It was going to be quick, he already knew. The pair of them desperate for love.
He started slow, rolling his hips into hers, keeping himself chest to chest with her. He wanted to be touching as much of her as he could. He wanted to hold her as she came. His lips found hers as his pace started to grow.
She was already tensing around him, every sensitive nerve in her body reaching a breaking point as her orgasm grew. She kissed him back, whimpering with every thrust of his hips.
“I’m…” she said breathlessly, “I’m so close, Joel.”
“I know, baby,” he said, rocking into her with more force, “I want you to. Give it to me.”
She ran her hands down his back, digging her nails in as her body began to seize. Joel wrapped his arms around her, holding her against the bed as she gripped the hair on the back of his head. She cried out from the overstimulation the orgasm was giving her, combined with Joel’s constant motion inside of her.
“I’ve got you,” he breathed against her neck, “You’re doing so good, baby.”
And as she trembled, still clenched tight around him, Joel felt himself start to tip over the edge.
“Fuck,” he ground out, “Fuck…” as he pulled himself out of her to spill between their bodies, hot and thick across their stomachs. They were breathing each other’s air again, pressed into each other in an embrace.
And when Joel realized she was still trembling after he calmed down, he pulled away. “Shit, baby – I’m sorry.”
She was weak with the pleasure, pained with the sensitivity, and dizzy from his body on hers. He pressed a lingering kiss to her hair and went for the bathroom, wiping his stomach clean of his cum before running a washcloth under the tap for (Y/N).
He returned quickly, sitting on the bed and carefully cleaning her skin. She squirmed when he reached between her legs and as an apology he kissed her thigh, “I’m sorry.”
She put a hand to his cheek, drawing his gaze, “I’m okay.” She smiled, “I’m better than okay.”
He looked relieved, dark brown eyes beaming with her smile. He quietly got up and retrieved some clean clothes, dressing himself and then taking his time in redressing her. Much more gentle then how he was taking them off.
It was cautious and intimate, Joel unsure of himself when it came to such acts of love. He didn’t want to overwhelm her any more than she already was.
“I knew if I let myself do this… I wouldn’t be able to turn back.” He crawled up the bed, refraining from touching her sensitive skin too much, “I’m in love with you, (Y/N). And that scares the hell out of me.”
“I know,” she said quietly, completely spent and exhausted from her shot nerves. “I love you too.”
You’d never know Joel was a hardened survivor by the way he smiled at her words. “What took us so long?”
“You’re always getting on my nerves,” she said sarcastically.
“And you’re always driving me insane,” he said in return, settling against the pillows. He looked at her now with a more innocent, inquisitive expression. “How do you feel?”
She turned her head to him, “Like I want to stay in this bed with you all day.”
He continued to smile, but his eyes were still warm, lovestruck. “I can help with that.” He got closer to her, slowly wrapping her up close to his chest. He pulled the blankets over them, asking softly, “Is this okay? You can tell me if it’s too much.”
“It’s just right,” she said, melting into his chest. “All I need is you.”
Joel kissed her hair, remembering how safe she felt in his arms. His own fears drowned out by the contented sigh escaping her.
And suddenly the world was quiet. And they were just two people that fell in love.
It’s written in my rules, but I’m going to write it here too. I don’t accept requested smut. I’m new to the writing and will only write it when I feel like it. Thank you.
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marblemoonstones · 4 months
gone astray ❤️‍🩹
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summary: you and taehyung are scared, but at least you’re together.
warnings: f reader, deaf!reader, blind!taehyung (in one eye), angst !!, not edited much
word count: ~3.1k
a/n: please go watch the music video of love wins all by iu, as this is based on the video! (it’s also just a masterpiece) i included some song lyrics in it, but it’s not officially a song fic. 
i hope the multiple povs make sense. i tried my best to label them so you could tell them apart!
also, i did my best to show a deaf reader accurately, but i know that it’s not completely accurate, so please excuse me if i portrayed something inaccurately. the same thing with taehyung being blind in his right eye!
♪ run away from the world, run on
go to the end with me, my lover
will it be a bad ending for us two, gone astray? ♪
~ her point of view ~
The leaves crunch underneath my feet as Taehyung and I run through the abandoned forest. Even though I’m tired, the small shadow above my head reminds me that we’re running for a reason. They can’t find Taehyung and I. We both promised each other that we’ll be together until the end. And we’ll keep it.
They fly past a rundown building, giving us a moment of relief. Signing to him, I say, “Let’s go this way.” 
As quiet as we can, we sneak into an abandoned building. Passing a giant crater filled with water, we stop, staring at our reflections. 
Mud and dirt cakes my cheeks, and dried blood sits on my face as a reminder of what consequences our friends faced. I look like a mess, while Taehyung, even with the same marks, looks as handsome as ever. 
“I look like a mess,” I sign to Taehyung, trying to finger comb my hair.
He just grabs my hand, making me pause and look into his brown eye. A small smile appears on his face as he brushes a stray hair aside. 
I know this is his way of saying that I look beautiful. He presses a short kiss to my cheek, and that’s when I realize we’ve been standing out here too long. 
I gently tug his hand and lead him into the building. 
♪ dearest, darling, my universe
would you take me along? ♪
The steel walls lead us to an open room with high glass ceilings that has a giant pile of clothes in the middle. There’s no bodies, just clothes.
“Is this what happened to our friends?” I sign to Taehyung, gesturing to the heap. 
He just shrugs, wrapping his arm around me, his brown eye sad. I stare at his blue eye, the misty look in it familiar. 
Two people with differences. This is what makes them come after us. Our friends already got the punishment. It’s up to Taehyung and I to survive. 
All of a sudden there’s a shadow above the glass ceiling, and I drag Taehyung behind a turned over piece of furniture. 
In each other’s arms, I feel secure, if only for a fleeting second.
♪  far away in the universe from earth to mars
will you please go with me?  ♪
After they pass, we decide to keep moving. We find side street with empty shops that’s just outside the building. It’s littered with debris and dust, but it’s hidden away from them, so we pause. 
There’s an old mannequin in one window that’s surrounded by TVs, and on top of one of them there’s a grey camcorder. 
Taehyung grabs it as I look around.
-his point of view-
Holding the camcorder up to my left eye, I peer through it, curious. To my surprise I see her. But not in the present. 
She’s healed and it’s as if it’s before they came. It hurts my heart to see her like this as I think of what our life was before them. I have to pull the camcorder away before my tears threaten to fall. 
~ her point of view ~
Taehyung pulls the camcorder away and I swear that I see a glimmer of tears in his eyes. I give him a questioning look and he just hands me the camcorder, urging me to look through it.
I do as he says, and my world is now back to before. My Taehyung is back to before. 
Walking slowly over to him, I reach my left hand up to touch the side of his face, all while still holding the mysterious camcorder.
I feel his soft skin beneath my fingers, somehow forgetting about the cuts and scratches. 
He’s back. 
My love, before they came, is back, with both of his umber orbs that crinkle at the corners when he smiles. 
I smile through the tears as I slowly pull the camcorder down.
The grey world comes flashing back, and there’s my love now. Still as beautiful as before, just with one cloudy gaze. 
♪  crush me in your arms
give me a lovelier kiss, lover ♪
I grab Taehyung’s hand and decide that we need to leave this area, having stayed in one spot for too long.
“Let’s go,” I sign, sighing as I look around. This was a nice respite but we really should keep moving. 
I turn to go but Taehyung stops me by tugging gently on my hand. Looking at him, I see his finger pointed. Following it, I see the dirty street sign that says ‘Magnolia Street.’
I know why Taehyung’s pointing to it, and I know he wants to visit it, to see if it’s still intact. Of course, I also want to visit our old home, but I’m not sure if I can with all the memories it holds. 
Then I look at Taehyung’s face. His eyes are pleading and I can already feel my resolve crumbling. 
I nod.
♪ love is all, love is all
love, lovе, love, love ♪
Taehyung and I had bought the house when we were first married, excited to fix up the two-story. We painted the walls together and chose the furniture, two young lovers with no idea of the future. Those were some of my happiest days. Being able to be with Taehyung all the time made my heart almost burst with joy. 
Now, the cheerful yellow paint is peeling and as I open the creaky front door I gasp at the state of the inside.
There is a thick coat of dirt and dust everywhere, and many holes in the carpet. The walls are peeling and I can barely stand to look at the furniture because of its condition.
I feel Taehyung’s hand rub mine, and I try to relax, even as my heart is clenching. 
Walking through the living room to the dining room, I look at the table, still set up with cutlery. The dead flowers in the middle add to the dreariness and I inhale a cloud of dust as I sit down. 
Taehyung sits across from me and pulls out the camcorder, once again peering through it. 
I smile slightly as I pick the fork up and bring it to my mouth, biting into a fake piece of food.
-his point of view-
The colorful world is back again as she takes a bite of the delicious looking pastry. Her eyes shine as she chews it, and flowers are blooming on the table, highlighting her beauty. I feel myself smile.
~ her point of view ~
Taehyung smiles and I blink wistfully. 
“I can almost taste it,” I sign, imagining eating a fluffy piece of strawberry cake, not unlike the one we had at our wedding. It was so rich and Taehyung and I fed each other a piece, eyes glowing at the sugary goodness.
I reach for the camcorder, taking it and signing to Taehyung, “Your turn.” 
As he mimes a bite, I look through. He’s now eating a piece of strawberry cake, getting crumbs all over his mouth. Smiling fondly at him, I get up to wipe the crumbs off his mouth. 
♪ in the еnd,
how is it us?
for us? ♪
< camcorder point of view >
She gets up and lovingly brushes the crumbs off his mouth as he gazes into her eyes. The feel of his soft skin makes her smile as they are transported into a world of their own.
The couple is now in a fancy restaurant, one like their first date. The candles on the table are slightly fuzzy, as if it’s a dream. But the couple doesn’t care. 
Standing up to dance, he leads her in a slow waltz as the room starts to fill with shadows. They swerve dangerously close to the couple, some even reaching out in an angry manner.
The couple just laughs, ignoring them.
Eventually she holds his hand, and the couple makes a mad dash for the restaurant exit. They reach their claw hands out too close, and the couple barely misses them. 
~ her point of view ~
I run upstairs to the attic with Taehyung in tow. Is it still there? 
Stopping abruptly in the doorway, Taehyung all but crashes into me.
“Sorry,” I sign, distracted by the sight in front of me.
It is still there. While the tarp over it is ripped, my wedding dress still stands.
I had a designer friend of mine make me my wedding dress, and, sticking to the old tradition, Taehyung couldn’t see me in it before the wedding.
“I trust your judgement, baby,” he signed to me, and then kissed me on the cheek and left. 
The sleek silhouette is tasteful, with long and airy sleeves that have the smallest puff in the top to make it look more regal. The nipped in waist with a thin pearl belt accentuates my figure and the smooth fabric drapes elegantly down the skirt, folding in layers at the end. The simple veil added to the classic elegance aesthetic that I was going for.
I felt truly beautiful in that dress. 
When I walked down the aisle, I carried a bouquet of hydrangeas and baby’s breath with a pearl necklace and matching pearl drop earrings. 
I smiled shyly as I snuck a glance at Taehyung. His face was the happiest I had ever seen him and he looked like a lovable golden retriever. My golden retriever.
Our first kiss as a married couple was those like from the movies. Sweet and soft, a perfect fairytale moment.
Now, the sight of the dress makes me tear up for the millionth time. Why was it that I had to leave behind everything? All those happy memories and moments are tainted by the thought of them. 
Taehyung hugs me from behind, kissing me softly on the cheek. I don’t have to sign anything to know that he sees my tears. I also know that he probably has his own glistening in his eyes.
I lean more into his embrace, and we stand there together for a minute, a whirlpool of thoughts in our heads. 
Then I get a striking thought. What if I tried it on? 
“Baby, I know this is crazy, but what if I tried it on?” I sign to Taehyung, pleading silently with my eyes. 
“If it makes you happy, do it. I think we’re safe enough here for now,” he signs back. 
I slip it on over my clothes, surprised that it still fits (albeit a bit tight). Thinking about it, I remember the photobooth pictures we took after our wedding.
< camcorder point of view >
The couple stumbles into the cheap photobooth, drunk on their happiness. They have a limited amount of time before their wedding reception, but they want to spend a moment with just the two of them.
With their wedding attire still on, she fixes her veil before they both sit on the bench. Although they’re crammed together, the couple enjoys it, smiling giddily at each other. Then it’s time to take the photos.
First they try to be serious, barely holding in their grins at the camera flashes. Then, he gently hoists her onto his lap, poking her sides playfully, chuckling as she jumps. She laughs loudly, covering her face with her hand as the flash goes off again.
For the next pose they try a cuter angle. She throws her left arm around him and squishes his bread cheeks with her right hand. He pouts, still looking as handsome as ever for the picture.
After, she fixes his hair, trying to get ready for a (hopefully) nice photo. He just makes faces into the camera and the flash goes off before she can adjust herself. 
Oh, well, who needs a nice picture in a photobooth anyway? 
The photos come out and the couple looks at them together, overjoyed with the results.
~ her point of view ~ 
“Remember the photobooth snapshots we took?” I signed to Taehyung, still clad in my wedding dress. 
He nods, reaching out his arms. 
I look as him quizzically, until he gestures for me to come to him.
As I do, he carefully places his hands in mine and starts to slowly sway. 
I rest my head on his shoulder, breathing him in. Feeling his warmth, I close my eyes as we sway to our own unknown rhythm. 
< camcorder point of view >
The now married couple walks into the reception to congratulations. As a special surprise for their guests, they’re going to sing a song together. 
She starts in with the inspiring melody, and he joins in with a smooth harmony. Confetti starts falling down but the couple doesn’t notice, lost in each other.
At the climax of the song, he brings a small red flower from his pocket and places it behind her ear. He already has a matching one behind his.
Her face is soft and full of love as she sings the climax, hitting the high note effortlessly as he dips her back. 
They come back up to thundering applause. The couple sweetly kiss, feeling each other’s smiles on their lips. 
Bathed in golden light and dusted in confetti, it’s clear they are meant for each other.
~ her point of view ~ 
After our short dance (if you can even call it that), we go to our bedroom. The wallpaper is faded and the furniture has cobwebs, but the four poster bed still stands. It was a gift from my mother for our wedding and has beautiful carvings on the wood. 
Feeling a rush of silliness, I climb onto the bed and start jumping. The bed creaks but doesn’t break, and I take it as a sign to keep bouncing. 
Taehyung joins me and we hold hands like we’re in our lovesick teenager years. 
I grab a pillow, intending to hit Taehyung with it. As I grab the pillow it rips open, feathers spilling out of it. 
Laughing, I whack Taehyung with the case, getting feathers in his hair. He grins cheekily and also grabs a pillow, rips it open, and lets the feathers fly. It’s a snow of feathers in the room now, with them settling on our hair and clothes.
Taehyung and I flop back onto the bed, breathless with joy. Beaming, I turn on my side and brush a stray hair out of Taehyung’s face. 
♪ I slowly film you with my eyes
please make a serene smile once again ♪
I still. Even after all this time, he makes my heart flutter with just his glance. 
He smirks at me, then presses a quick kiss to the corner of my mouth, then the other corner. My nose is next, followed by my lips and soon he’s peppering them all over my cheeks. 
Giggling, I try to push him away but fail. I lay there in his embrace, warm and cozy.
♪ as we hovered slowly
in the night of that day
will you courageously set with me? ♪
A shadow suddenly passes by the window, and I get a glimpse of them flying by. I sit up and bolt out of bed, signing to Taehyung, “We need to leave, now.” 
We go downstairs and out the door, glancing at the sky. They are nowhere in sight, and Taehyung and I run. 
We’re not entirely sure where we’re going, but somehow we end up making a full circle and end up back at the abandoned office building. 
Just as we’re about to go back inside, I get a sudden feeling of dread, and I turn around and there theyare. 
“Run.” I sign, grabbing Taehyung’s hand and sprinting inside. We start to make random twists and turns in the winding hallways, hoping to throw them off. 
But they are too fast.
Stopping in our tracks we realize we’ve made it back to the room with the huge pile of clothes. There’s nowhere else to go, as they are blocking the one and only exit. 
Turning around, I quickly scan the room for something to use as a weapon. Spotting a metal pipe I pick it up and bring my arms up to hit them. 
Before I can blink Taehyung snatches the pipe out of my hands and uses it to hit them. 
Three times he strikes them with the pipe. I can see that he uses his full strength, but it’s not enough.
They just glow brighter.
The power of his blows knocks him back and he falls to the ground. I immediately go to him, wrapping my arms around him and holding him close. 
Taehyung find my hand and grasps onto it. His palm is warm, and I clench it tightly. 
If we’re going down, we’re in it together. 
Just like we promised.
They turn red, and I feel my heart break. 
This is it.
♪ destroy me slowly and chilly, ruiner
I want to get sad with you, my lover ♪
I don’t want Taehyung to see this. I gently lower my other hand over his left eye as I take a shaky breath. 
I feel a single tear fall as a cold feeling washes over my body. It seeps into my bones and takes over me.
♪ run away from necessity, run on
go to the end with me, my lover ♪
~ his point of view ~ 
My heart is breaking as my love covers my eye, putting me into darkness. I feel her shudder, and I know that it’s happening. I’m just grateful that she is here. All I want is to be with her.
A bucket of ice is dousing me and I feel it in my soul. The slight feeling of drowning overtakes me. 
♪ two of us, side by side, gone astray on purpose
crush me in your arms
give me a lovelier kiss, lover ♪
< camcorder point of view > 
The couple slowly lifts into the air and then there is a bright flash of light. 
A wedding dress with a veil and a torn shirt and pants float down in a whisper onto the pile. 
♪ our love wins all, love wins all
love, love, love, love ♪
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stardustprompts · 1 year
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she who became the sun ( the radiant emperor #1 )  -   shelly parker-chan change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying  tw ;  death , war ,  violence , sexism
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‘they say there’s luck in names, and you’ve certainly had luck enough.’
'in my experience, lucky people tend to be the laziest.’
‘where’s the fun in suffering by yourself?’
‘you think you’re that good-looking everyone wants to see you?’
‘desire is the cause of all suffering.’
‘I don’t appreciate being made a puppet for another man’s dirty work.’
‘when I ask myself if future pain is worth it for this life I have now, I always find that it is.’
‘I always knew you had a strong will. but what’s unusual about you is that most strong willed people never understand that will alone isn’t enough to guarantee their survival.’
‘more so than will, survival depends upon an understanding of people and power.’
‘it isn’t strength, but knowledge, that will be our best tool for surviving these difficult times ahead.’
'undoubtedly, chaos brings danger. but there will be opportunities, too.’
‘it’s due to chaos that we’re living through a moment in which even ordinary men can aspire to greatness.’
‘are you going to stab me?’
‘you can’t pray away your fate.’
‘I was merciful. I let you live.’
‘you cause me trouble as well as shame.’
‘you disappoint me.’
‘any power with such comprehensive reach should be understood.’
‘any power with such comprehensive reach should be understood. perhaps especially if they’re on our side.’
‘in my father’s eyes, I’ll always be the failure.’
‘(name) is an easy person to love. the world loves him, and he loves the world, because everything in it has always gone right for him.’
‘you and (name) are two unlike things. don’t fool yourself that he can ever understand you.’
‘I know what it’s like to be humiliated.’
‘any kind of fool can stumble into success once or twice.’
‘you two are such a bad match. can’t you have a single conversation without fighting?’
‘can’t you have a single conversation without fighting?’
‘clever people know when to give in.’
‘if you join his side, you’ll regret it.’
‘how little lives are worth in this war. theirs and ours, both.’
‘you have a lot of feelings in you.’
‘to win a hundred victories, a hundred battles is not the pinnacle of skill. to subdue the enemy without fighting is the pinnacle of skill.’
‘what someone is means nothing about what kind of person they are. truth is in actions.’
‘I didn’t mean to kill. at first.’
‘I wanted to live, so I took a life.’
‘all that means is we have to make this life count.’
‘who did you become, when we were apart?’
‘I might not know you, but I know what you want.’
‘you’ve opened my eyes. there are so many more options than I thought.’
‘you saw something in me that I didn’t know myself.’
‘what kind of man bothers to see potential in a woman, and encourages her despite her own doubts?’
‘rest assured that the only reason I helped you is because it gets me closer to what I want.’
‘you know what’s worse than suffering? not suffering, because you’re not even alive to feel it.’
‘learn to want something for yourself. not what someone says you should want. not what you think you should want.’
‘don’t go through life thinking only of duty. when all we have are these brief spans between our nonexistences, why not make the most of the life you’re living now?’
‘why not make the most of the life you’re living now? the price is worth it.’
‘maybe your suffering is worth whatever it is you want to achieve. but mine wouldn’t be.’
‘that’s all past history. I never think of it.’
‘do you believe that? that one day we’ll be out of a job, because of peace?’
‘have the courage to take power for yourself! do you think it will come to you if you wait?’
‘do you actually believe the idiocy that comes out of your mouth?’
‘you never accepted me for who I am; you never even saw everything I did for you, all because I’m not like (name)!’
‘you always push everyone away. what do you find in it, the loneliness? I couldn’t bear it.’
‘you trust too much. I admire you for it. that you prefer to drawn people closer, rather than push them away. but it’ll get you hurt.’
‘the worst injury you can do to a man is shame him. he can never forget it.’
‘it must have been painful, learning that true wisdom lies in obedience.’
‘are you always thinking do little of me that my defeats seem inevitable?’
‘i’d have thought you’d be the last to cry about (name’s) fate. why can’t we just stand back and let it happen?’
‘so you’re going to save (name) from himself?’
‘and here I thought I was the only one who got manipulated by pretty girls.’
‘why are you lowering yourself by dirtying your hands like this? let someone else take care of this trash.’
‘you were only ever a pretender. you only sat on a pretend throne.’
‘why do we have to play these awful games? what for?’
‘what does anyone want but to be on top, untouchable?’
‘who do you think I am, to think I can make anything happen in my own life? i’m a woman.’
‘I know you don’t want that life. a different one isn’t impossible.’
‘you have something I don’t; you feel for others, even the ones you don’t like.’
‘you want me to believe you’re different. that you can give me something different. but how can I trust that? I can’t.’
‘are you fool enough to believe the future will match your dream of it, with no consideration of the reality of the situation?’
‘I don’t admit anything! I don’t need to! you’ve already made up your mind!’
‘you can’t reason with fools who refuse to see reason.’
‘he was right about you. you’re worthless. worse than that; a curse.’
‘there are people who say that grief will hurt as much as it’s worth.’
‘there are people who say that grief will hurt as much as it’s worth. and there is nothing worth more than a father.’
‘(name) would never put himself on the line for me, or anyone else. but you, you’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?’
‘i’ve wanted and struggled and suffered for that fate my whole life. I’m not going to stop now.’
‘you are trouble. I’ve never met anyone more trouble than you,’
‘are you so certain of the possibility of change? it seems to me the outcome is inevitable.’
‘what I want has nothing to do with who wins.’
‘every time the world turns its face from you, know it was because of me.’
‘stop blaming yourself and let yourself want it.’
‘stop blaming yourself and let yourself want it. i’ll give it to you.’
‘I have everything I need. whereas you, — you still need me.’
‘nobody expected anything of me. nobody ever cherished me.’
‘I cherish you.’
‘you think you understand me. but don’t forget it goes both ways. like knows like; like is connected to like. I understand you, too.’
‘pure emotions are the luxury of children and animals.’
‘more fool I am, to hope against hope for a change in his nature, that he might actually try to be useful.’
‘I presume you’re not here to kill me.’
‘you think you have power over me because you know a secret. but you don’t.’
‘how can something like that stop me, destroy me, when nothing else has?’
‘look at me and see the person who will win. the person who will rule.’
‘I presume you realize how much I dislike you. wasn’t the last where I said I wanted to kill you clear enough?’
‘you betray you ignorance in less than a sentence.’
‘how willing you were to think the worst of me. why aren’t you happier? i’m just being who you’ve always though I was. i’m giving you the ending you believed in.’
‘the times and means of our deaths have always been fixed, and this is yours.’
‘even the most shining future, if desired, will have suffering at its heart.’
‘i’ll follow you, as far as you want to go.’
‘I wasn’t born with the promise of greatness either. but I have it now. because I wanted it. because I’m strong, because I’ve struggled and suffered to become the person I need to me, and because I do want needs to be done.’
‘you said you’d be different. you lied to me.’
‘when you did this, did you even stop to think about how it might make me feel to bear witness for what you think is justified?’
‘I want what I want, and sometimes I’m going to have to do certain things to get it.’
‘you have two choices. you can rise with me, which I’d prefer. or if you don’t want what I want— you can leave.’
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