alicia-x-itachi · 6 years
So this old blog has been dead for awhile for many reasons, mostly related to my mental health, a hiatus from RS, and having zero drive to produce any story or art content... and because I’m just so sick of everything.
https://youtu.be/DmqIQLqlHuA TL/DR, this song sums it up
I’m sick of being shut out and ostracized every time I try to make friends or share my RS-related creative work.
I’m sick of being expected to shut up and take it while the entire fucking fandom bashes Zaros and Zarosians day in and day out and gets praised for it, and told I’m shaming others if I dare protest the dominant view of my favorite characters.
I’m sick of all the Guthix fellating and being yelled at for pointing out that he is Jagex’s Creator’s Pet, not Zaros.
I’m sick of having the knife constantly twisted into my gut and being reminded about the blatant out of nowhere character bashing that was Endgame because I dare to like the wrong characters or pair my OC in ways other people don’t like.
I’m sick of being shamed for daring to like or dislike fictional fucking characters, or for fictional romantic pairings.
I’m sick of being the only one told I’m not allowed to share my creative works, and of being passive aggressively sniped at every time I try to share my writing, my OCs, or my opinions on lore.
I’m sick of being screamed at about how I supposedly romanticize rape and glorify an abusive relationship BY PEOPLE WHO FUCKING ROMANTICIZE AND GLORIFY ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. Sliske/WG is a fucking abusive and fucked up romantic relationship no matter how you slice it and you don’t fucking get to throw stones from inside the biggest glass palace imaginable.
I’m sick of being lectured about how my OC is a child and a damsel with no agency and given no fucking evidence to actually back up that claim, and I’m sick of her being misrepresented as a rape victim.
I’m sick of being expected to read minds when nobody bothers to fucking tell me shit, and treated like shit because I’m autistic and bad at social interaction.
I’m sick of trying to love and support others and be a good friend or romantic partner, only to have all that love and care thrown back in my face and told I’m selfish and only care about myself.
I’m sick of being vilified, bullied, and shamed into silence, and being slandered and lied about, all while being told I’m faking depression for attention and that I was never actually bullied or harassed.
And I’m sick of myself being so weak, insecure, and frightened that I lost all my passion for doing what I loved, and just stopped writing and drawing for a year entirely. I broke my promise to myself that I would remain strong and keep doing what I love, even if Jamflex itself got in on the Zarosian bashing because that’s what’s in vogue and refuses to fucking acknowledge the Zarosian genocide even happened while expecting me to care about fucking Naragun.
You know what? I shouldn’t care if nobody listens to what I have to say. I have every right to like and dislike whatever characters I want, ship whatever I want, dislike any pairing I want, and speak my mind about all of it. I must be strong, be unafraid to share what’s on my mind no matter how unpopular.
And no sanctimonious asshats who think their opinions are the only correct ones and think character bashing is actual good writing should stand in my way.
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alicia-x-itachi · 6 years
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Made a (quite belated) gift art for my lovely Runefest host…he said he liked Zaros and angels and I went, “why not both”?
I also think this is my first time seriously drawing one of the RS gods, so whee!
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alicia-x-itachi · 6 years
the autistic ping
Look, we’re not actually narcissists
When you talk to us about an emotional issue
And we respond with a personal experience or anecdote
We’re not trying to make the conversation about ourselves.
Most times (at least with me), I have to find an experience within myself that is similar to what you’ve described
So I can furnish an appropriate emotional reaction to what you’re experiencing.
It’s sort of like when you ping an IP address to fix a faulty Wi-Fi connection.
It’s not personal, it’s just how I navigate Feelings™.
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alicia-x-itachi · 6 years
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a good quote from the disappointed rabbit
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
listen, ghost stories are fun and all, but can “world guardian is a brainless moron” as a character trait go and die the fiery death it should have done so a million years ago
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
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stimmy business
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
In my time as an adventurer I’ve been pleasantly surprised to come across new and different spells and forms of magic that aren’t commonly taught by the major magical institutes--most particularly the Lunar spellbook, which is mainly focused around healing, supportive magic, and spells for mundane day-to-day tasks. Recently I also learned of another set of spells, not exactly new so much as it is an ancient spellbook once lost to the ages. A hero of ancient times gifted me with the knowledge as thanks for rescuing him, and I’ve written down what I’ve learned of this magic and how it works after testing it out extensively as well as I can.
Read the rest on AO3
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
World Guardian Timelines
Since I know that a few other people in the fandom are making (and struggling with making) timelines for their Adventurer/World guardian characters, I thought I’d list a few things that helped me in the process.
As everyone knows, RuneScape’s canon timeline (especially for the Fifth Age) is all buggered up, with most of the quests supposedly taking place over one year, 169. Now, no matter how fast your character works, even if they teleport everywhere and sleep four hours a night, that just does not work, and I probably don’t have to go into the reasons why. As a result, fic writers usually spread the quests over a span of several years.
However, given the amount of quests and their ambiguous order, this has its own troubles. Here’s a few things that helped me put together my own timeline for Aileen:
-Start by establishing your WG’s current age and birth year.
-List the most important events in their life, whether canonical or non-canonical. Important quests, personal matters, turning points in the story. At what age did they start adventuring? Significant births, deaths, marriages, and such? Sicknesses, injuries, and forced down time? Place these in an order, and establish when they roughly took place.
-List the quests your World Guardian has done. It’s up to you to choose them. Are there any that never happened in your timeline? Are there some that were done by someone else, either a canon character or another OC?
-Here’s the Wiki list of quests.
-Here’s a helpful list of Fifth, Sixth, and Ambiguous Age quests from the lore forums.
-Out of your chosen quests, list those that have to take place in a certain order chronologically.
-If you want to leave something out, leave it out. If the only reason you want to include a certain quest is because the events are a requirement for a subsequent quest, try to work your way around it. Is there any other way your character might have obtained the necessary item/information/skill/contact to proceed? Be creative.
- Think about the logic by which the events progress. Does your WG do all quests in one area in one go and then move elsewhere, or do they proceed in the order of a series regardless of location? What reasons they might have for relocating?
-Think about your WG’s preferred method of transport, and thus how much time you have to allot for travel. A teleporter will get about quickly (but will be dependent on runes), whereas someone who walks, sails, or rides ox-carts will need considerably more time for travel. (Also, you can have all manners of side-adventures while on the road.)
-Once you have a list of your chosen quests, think roughly how long each of them will take place. Start with the significant ones (whether major storyline movers or turning points in your character’s story), establish a length for each, and place them. Then move towards smaller and less significant items, and stuff them in between as you wish.
-Finally, on a more general note: gameplay and story segregation is your friend. If it looks bad or doesn’t work in a story, leave it out, or work your way around it somehow.
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
Sweet vindication <3
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anyway, jagex is out for me personally and this ship gets more canon by the day
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
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Keep reading
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
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A wild ice mage in her natural habitat, complete with snowdrop! It’s kind of a shame there isn’t much winter wear in-game.
I need to get better at backgrounds... I’ll probably shade this later, too...
(Snow and glitter brushes made by Obsidian Dawn)
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
Jaina sees being World Guardian as simply being the hero she always dreamed of being anyway--adventuring, and helping those in need when they need it, particularly for the Zarosian people who need a hero most. She sees it as carrying on as she would have anyway, in part because she resents Guthix and does not want to be chained to him or his vision for Gielinor--so doing good for the world and others because she wants to is her way of reclaiming her agency and control over her own life.
World Guardian reblog game
What does being the World Guardian mean to your World Guardian?
To Doktin, it’s her duty to Guthix and to all mortals – an obligation to that she has to fulfil, no matter what. She sees it as making sure gods have no more power over mortals than any ordinary mortal would.
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
It might seem a bit simplistic to say, but Jaina’s is Sliske. He’s one of the few adversaries she’s faced that she greatly fears, because not only does he actively stalk her, he always seems to have the upper hand over her and be able to put her easily at his mercy. (He also happens to be a master of her weakest magic, shadow, and she finds the Shadow Realm frightening.) She is determined to stop him and be the one to personally kill him, so that he’ll never render anyone else defenseless or harm anyone else.
(I don’t yet know how I’m going to handle Endgame in my ficverse, so not yet sure who rises in his place!)
World Guardian reblog game
Today’s topic: Who, at the moment, besides the Elder Gods, would your World Guardian consider their greatest enemy? Bonus points for how they’re presently dealing with them, however well or poorly.
Zorial’s greatest enemy at the moment is Amascut the Devourer. After having learned about her role in forming the order of the Slayer Masters and subsequently exploiting and abusing the first Masters, she gets royally pissed. This is due to the revelation having ripped open some old wounds and shattered her idyllic vision of the Order to some degree (fic to come on this, hopefully). However, post Menaphos quests, Zorial has no idea where she is or how to deal with a goddess (despite being the World Guardian) and at the moment she’s been sidetracked by the Magister’s machinations.
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
Jaina collects magical staves of all stripes, but her personal favorite is the Ancient Staff, which she has taken the utmost care of since Eblis agreed to sell it to her. It’s symbolic of both her prowess as a magic user and her Zarosian faith. In a pinch she can use it as a bludgeon for close-quarter combat.
World Guardian reblog game
What’s your World Guardian’s favorite weapon? And why, if you’re up to it?
Hemloc uses a Noxious Bow almost exclusively, because she fights a lot of magic users and is short enough to make getting close to (inevitably big) things a bad idea
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
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Wahisietel coming from the well, armed with salt to chastise everyone.
(from this)
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
Just another day in the Necropolis
- A new AU every two to three days (notables include McDagannoth’s, Chopped, ScapeRune)
- Very few nicknames remain the same for more than a day
- Everything about Muertoreb and his growing gang of merry bros
- Kilt fishnets, because why not
- Losing our sanity over bad Suejarrat bios and badfic (and roasting/sporking the Helwyr out of it)
- A very SFW NSFW bin
- When the madmother’s away(and even when she’s not), the madlings come out to play (Zori: “I leave for (insert time interval) and THIS happens)
- Something something microwaves and booms
- Zori give soul  Zori: MY SOUL IS OFF LIMITS
- Regular mass spam deaths and WG pets
- Twittermad Tomfoolery (@Nomad_Scourge)
- Torvi. Just Torvi. 
- The face of no regrets.
- A fertile breeding ground for even the most ridiculous headcanons
- Adriusnet could you not
- Floof Friday, and every other day of the week
- Slide and other good autocorrects and typos
- The deer couple
- Derpfic by a Geena
- And some of the most face-meltingly awesome fanart, fanfic, and people you’ve ever seen
And many more….
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