#we love you Ro. seriously we do.
kyeomofhearts · 5 months
Again & Again | C.SC
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+ summary: you caved in and fucked your best friend, but it was only a one-time thing… right?
+ pairing: scoups x fem!reader
+ word count: 4.3k
+ content: fwb!, chubby reader (love ya'll), friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, mutual pining, pussy drunk cheol, size kink, angst, fluff
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (Final)
+ WARNINGS: drinking!, smut, dom!seungcheol, sub!reader, rough sex, praise?, sizekink, creampie, pls lmk if I missed anything
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“I’m ready!”
Seungcheol’s ears perked up at your sudden announcement. Turning his head, only to be met with a breathtaking view of you. The way your clothes hugged your figure had his head spinning. He always loved seeing your curves and the way you filled out everything nicely. Although you weren’t wearing anything out of the ordinary, it was just a simple outfit. Something that would match the mood for Jeonghan’s party.
But Seungcheol being… well himself, he was mesmerized. He was for sure going to struggle to keep his hands off you, especially at Jeonghan’s party. As much as he was willing to risk it all for you, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he kept it to himself.
“Let’s go then.”
The car ride was comfortable, nothing different from the ordinary.
Well, maybe a little different.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Seungcheol looking at you at times. It was easy to guess what he was thinking about… but you were literally two minutes away from Jeonghan’s place!
And they would know.
You took a deep breath.
“Don't even think about it.”
“What?” Seungcheol tried playing it off, even though he knew he had been caught. Even his voice raised a few octaves.
“We can’t! Not now at least…” As much as you tried hiding your pout, you couldn’t.
Of course, you wanted to fuck Seungcheol but with how rough he got… you knew you would get your makeup all messed up and that was something you did not want to deal with at the moment.
“Well… can I get a kiss before we head inside?” He gave you puppy eyes after putting the car in park.
God was he annoying. It annoyed you that his tricks always worked on you. But before you could say anything he was already leaning over the console, fluttering his stupidly long eyelashes with his lips puckered. He knew he looked stupid but teasing you was his favorite thing to do.
Without a second thought, you leaned in to give him a light peck. That should be good enough to hold him off for the next few hours right? Nope. Just before you were finished pulling away, his hand swiftly pulled you back to his lips. You couldn’t stop yourself from following his lead, especially when his hand was keeping your head steady.
Before it could escalate to something more, you felt your phone vibrate. Finally, pulling away while ignoring Cheol’s pleas, you went to check who had texted you.
It was Jeonghan, asking why you weren’t there yet.
“We can continue this later Cheol. Jeonghan’s asking me where we are.” You spoke softly, you knew how sulky Seungcheol would get if he didn’t get what he wanted, but it had to be done.
But fortunately, that was enough to convince him to hold off on his desires. And so he finally stepped out of the car, but only after telling you to not move an inch.
After he opened the door for you, you both began to walk to Jeonghan’s place. It was a nice walk to his place. It would have been even more nice had Seungcheol not tried holding your hand. Was he trying to give you a heart attack? Seriously, everything he did made it feel like he was your boyfriend… which he was not. It really didn’t help your blossoming feelings for him either, it was like he was purposely adding fuel to the fire. But you knew there was nothing behind his gestures, he’s been like this even before you started hooking up.
“C’mon… my hands are cold without yours!” God was he annoying. He was a living embodiment of the pleading emoji, always finding a way to use his puppy eyes to his advantage. But you loved to indulge him every single time.
You rolled your eyes, “What about your other hand? If I only hold this one, then the other one will stay cold.”
“The other hand is connected to the other, so once you hold my hand they both get warmed up.” Seungcheol countered all smug as if that didn’t sound like the dumbest thing he’s ever said.
“I don’t think it works like that-”
“You guys took forever!” Jeonghan said while looking at both you and Seungcheol. You immediately ripped your hand away from Cheol’s.
Jeonghan’s eyes were carrying an entertained look to them, you hope he didn’t see the whole thing between you and Seungcheol. That would be really hard to explain.
But before you could think anything of it, the sound of your favorite voice (besides Cheol's) had gotten your attention.
“y/n~ there's a special surprise waiting for you in the kitchen!” Soonyoung had yelled out behind Jeonghan.
“And… that's my cue!” You immediately sped off towards the kitchen. Tonight was all about having fun and you were going to take advantage of it. Head empty, no thoughts. That is what you were striving for.
Now Seungcheol and Jeonghan were left alone.
“So… you and y/n? Finally?” Jeonghan prodded after your swift departure. He has been waiting for the day that you and Seungcheol finally got together.
“No… not yet at least,” Seungcheol said with a sigh. Even when he didn’t mean to get all sulky, it always happened. It was like second nature to him.
Jeonghan raised his eyebrow to this. While it was amusing to see both of his friends be blind to the other’s feelings, it was just as frustrating. For the past few years, he witnessed how stupid people could truly be. How was it possible that you and Seungcheol were not aware of each other’s feelings? Anybody could see it clear as day. But he couldn’t do anything about it, since at the end of the day, it was not his place to get involved. So with a loud, disappointed sigh, Jeonghan patted Seungcheol’s back. All he could really do was provide advice and comfort.
“Just tell her man, I am more than sure that she will return your feelings.”
Seungcheol groaned at the thought.
“I will but I still need to find the perfect-”
“Time, yes I know that. You’ve been saying that for years now.” Jeonghan was displeased. “But what if y/n begins to think that she’s wasting her time with you? What happens then?”
Seungcheol really wanted to fire back but he couldn’t find anything to say.
And just like that, Jeonghan went inside, leaving Seungcheol outside in the cold.
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Jeonghan's 'party' was quite small in reality. It was really just the guys with some of their significant others, nothing crazy.
Except for Soonyoung and his drinking.
You weren't known to be a heavy drinker but when it came to special occasions, your friends knew you could get down.
Luckily for them, today had been quite stressful in terms of work. So after a few pleas from Soonyoung and Seokmin, you indulged in a few shots. After all, a little never hurt... right?
Needless to say, you got wasted within a matter of hours.
It wasn't your fault though! The games Soonyoung came up with were really entertaining, you just couldn't help yourself.
The burn of the alcohol didn't phase you as much after your fourth shot. The aftertaste was still disgusting of course, but nothing a chaser couldn't fix.
Soonyoung, being the lightweight that he is, was already nearing the edge of blacking out. And Seokmin... you didn't know where he went to. Maybe the bathroom? Well, he was for sure in the house, you'll find him sooner or later.
God, your eyes were beginning to feel heavy and it didn't help that everything was starting to look blurry as well.
You decided to stand up and walk off the sudden drowsiness, that usually helped you wake up a bit. Instead, you felt a sudden rush go straight to your head, which threw you off balance.
Maybe you should-
“…And I think we’re done with the drinks,” Seungcheol said as he magically appeared behind you, taking the empty cup in your hand and throwing it away.
His free hand snaked its way down to your waist. "Feeling good? Need some water love?"
If you were in the right state of mind, you would be definitely thinking about how intimate this would look to the others.
But all you could think about was how his hand was leaving a warm, tingly feeling on your waist. The way his touch was firm yet gentle at the same time.
You were so focused on his touch that you forgot to answer the question he had originally asked you.
He leaned his head further into your neck, "I'll take that as a yes... did you want to head out?"
It was nearing ten o'clock, which should be considered a reasonable time to leave.
"Hmmm... I guess so."
The idea of climbing into bed and just dozing off was so tempting. Unfortunately, you had to wait which was the worst part of it all.
Before you could continue thinking about how comfortable your bed was, you felt something cold press against your cheek.
You shrieked at the feeling.
“Why would you do that?” You yelled out in surprise.
Turning around to look at Seungcheol, you couldn’t help but freeze. His gaze sent you shivers, or maybe it was because of the water bottle still pressed to your cheek. Either way, you were rendered speechless.
“You need to drink your water that’s why.” His tone was innocent but the smile that accompanied it was quiet… mischievous.
“…and maybe because you ignored me today. ”
There it was. He always found a reason to pout and sulk to you.
So you did as you were told and drank from the bottle. It did help wake you up a little bit but you were still far from sober.
"Let's say goodbye to everyone now." He took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. This action alone making your body burn up.
You don't remember too much after that, only slurring out your goodbyes to your friends.
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It had only been a few minutes since the two of you had arrived at his apartment. He decided it would be better in your case since his place was closer to Jeonghan's compared to yours.
“Since when did you have these products?” You stared in drunken awe, most of your skincare products were in his bathroom.
Shit. He hopes you don't think he's a complete freak. He bought your skincare products for the nights that you would spend at his place. He just wanted to make you feel at home with him. (And maybe this was his way of convincing you to stay the night with him since you had everything you needed…)
“Um… just figured it would be more convenient for you…” he prayed that you would think it was a kind gesture rather than him being a weirdo.
You took a second to respond, admiring how thoughtful he was when it came to making you feel comfortable.
“It's cute, I'm honestly more surprised you were able to get some of these products, some of them are exclusively online...” your eyes flitted to look at his. "Although, I don't think I'm capable of doing my whole routine right now." It was true, you were barely able to stand, imagine trying to do your skincare like this…
“I can do it for you,” he chipped in immediately after.
This filled you with that warm feeling you were now getting accustomed to. What was he doing to your heart?
He tapped the toilet lid, waiting for you to sit so he could begin his work. You knew it was pointless trying to stop him, once he had his mind set on something he wouldn’t let anything get in his way from completing it.
“Not yet. I still have to brush my teeth first.” And maybe this was your time to calm down before he eventually caressed your face for ten minutes straight.
Seungcheol took advantage of the little time you gave him and got changed into something comfortable. He also pulled out some more loose-fitting clothes since he knew you liked wearing baggier clothes to lounge around in. He wondered if it would be too ridiculous if he put them in the dryer to warm them up for you. It shouldn’t be, right?
"Are you sure you want to do this?" You asked apprehensively.
"Of course." He said without a second thought.
"Anything for you, remember?" His eyes were filled with something, some would say love but you didn't want to get too ahead of yourself.
He started to warm up the oil cleanser in between his hands. Then he gently applied the oil to your face, rubbing it in slow circles as to not irritate your face.
It was at times like this that made you worry if your arrangement was a bad idea. Sometimes you wish you would have just confessed to him instead of jumping straight into bed with him. Maybe things would have turned out differently had you done so.
Unwanted tears began pooling in your eyes. Why were these thoughts eating you up all of a sudden?
Seungcheol was quick to notice the tears.
"Did I get it in your eyes? I'm so sorry-"
“Cheol… I don’t think I can continue with- whatever this is,” you hiccuped, “i-it's just too much for me.”
His heart dropped.
What do you mean stop? He thought everything was going great, he was even planning on officially asking you out tomorrow.
“Why? I mean if that's how you really feel then we can stop, but at least tell me why, love.” Though his tone was understanding you could still see the concern in his eyes.
“I don't know... I just feel so conflicted. Like the way you treat me makes me want more with you but I know that's probably not what you want.” It felt as if a huge weight had been taken off of your shoulders. He’s right, you can't just end the arrangement without telling him why.
Continuing, “I just can't help it, I really like you but I know this is just casual for you and I would hate to put you in an uncomfortable position.” You ignored meeting his eyes, knowing you would cry even more if you saw the way he was looking at you right now.
On the other hand, Seungcheol was stunned, to say the least. But he was also relieved to hear the reason you wanted to end things was because you liked him but now he had to stop you from crying. He needed to let you know that he liked you just as much if not even more.
He was usually good with words but he didn’t really know what to say… so he hugged you instead. Hug was actually an understatement. His whole body tightly engulfed yours. He didn’t want to let you go at all.
You tried wiggling out of his grasp but there was no point in trying, he had a very tight hold on you.
“You actually had me worried there for a second, I thought I actually did something wrong.”
He cupped your face, which, by the way, was still oily because of the makeup remover.
"I was planning on asking you out tomorrow," he let out a soft laugh, "but I guess you beat me to it." He pressed a light peck to your lips.
“Wait, so does that mean…” okay that sounds dumb. But in true fashion, you had to ask him if he really meant it (even if he just confessed to you).
He laughs at your confusion but nods nonetheless.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way though," he says wholeheartedly, "I actually wanted to avoid making you feel like I was only using you."
Before you could think of anything to say his hands returned their motions on your face.
"We should finish cleaning you up before we continue talking about us."
It was quiet but not uncomfortable. Soft giggles from either you or Cheol came and went.
He had finished around ten minutes later.
Your eyes were beginning to get heavy again, the sleepiness slowly creeping over you again.
And again, he noticed this. He was always able to read you.
"We can talk about it tomorrow," his tone was soft. He tried his best to not disturb your sleepy state.
His hand went to the small of your back, lightly guiding you to his bedroom.
Once you climbed onto the bed you fell asleep not even a minute later. Seungcheol quickly followed as soon as he cuddled up against you.
It was calm.
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It had been almost an hour since you had woken up. Your head wasn't hurting as bad as you thought it would be. Maybe it was because someone kept making you drink water throughout the night.
Speaking of him, Seungcheol was currently busy with making breakfast, which left you the freedom to lounge around the living room.
Until a certain thought came up.
Well, more like thoughts.
You were recounting last night's events and what still weighed on your mind.
You knew you had confessed to Cheol and that he returned your feelings… but something felt off. It still felt like you needed to tell him something but you couldn’t place your finger on exactly what it was.
“Here,” Cheol had placed the food right next to you. God, it wasn’t even anything special but his food looked so damn good.
Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to eat it.
“Is something wrong?” Seungcheol asked apprehensively, his gaze filled with worry.
You didn’t know where to begin.
Maybe you should tell him about the guy you had hooked up with a while ago, the one that didn’t know where your clit was… that’s a good start right?
Obviously you know you didn’t really do anything wrong but it still weighs heavy on your mind from time to time.
"I need to tell you something, but promise me you won't get mad at me," you pleaded.
He looked at you incredulously, "It can't be that bad."
Taking a deep breath you begin, "I slept with someone else. But, this was before we came up with the arrangement, I think maybe a few days after we..." your voice immediately got stuck in your throat once you caught a glimpse of Cheol.
He was oddly calm. Too calm for your liking.
"Did you like it?" His voice didn't hold any trace of anger but you knew he was bothered by it.
You knew that you had to be cautious with your wording.
"No! I think I was just confused at the time so I experimented ," Your voice was meek. "It didn't mean anything, I promise."
He looked at you briefly. "That's too bad."
To your dismay, he stood up and walked away into his bedroom.
You felt frozen in a way, confused about how to handle the situation. But rather than letting it grow into something worse you decided to follow him to his room. Talking it out will for sure help.
As you walked towards his door, you noticed that it had been left wide open.
Was this a setup?
Carefully, you stepped inside his room while searching for him. You were met with the sound of the door slamming shut, and a sudden presence behind your back.
"Cheol-" He turned you towards him, his hold was quite firm; though not to be confused with harsh.
"I'm not mad I promise," he leaned closer to kiss you. While his tone was gentle his kiss was not.
He pulled away for just a second.
"Why be mad when I have you all to myself now?"
Before he could go any further he pulled away again.
"Is this okay?"
Immediately, you nodded to let him continue his ministrations.
He cupped your cheeks once again to kiss you.
After a minute or so, he moved down to your neck. At first, he pressed light pecks but eventually started lingering on certain spots.
"Need to let everyone know that you're mine."
With that, he continued marking your neck, making sure that everyone would be able to see that you were now taken.
And while you loved the feeling of him marking you up, you couldn't help but want more.
"Cheol, please," your breaths were labored.
He hummed into the crook of your neck.
"Can you please just fuck me already?" You were growing needier by the second. Your panties were sticking uncomfortably against your heat.
He scoffed at your sudden urgency.
"I still need to prep you though," he tried reasoning with you, but to no avail, it fell upon deaf ears.
"We can do that any other day Cheol," the thought of having to wait a second longer pained you.
But, if that's how you wanted it... how could he deny you that?
He roughly exhaled before focusing on you again.
"Clothes," he instructed with a tug to your (his) shirt.
He did the same in return. Once you were both done stripping, he pushed you towards his bed so he could begin his work on you.
“Are you sure that you don’t want to get prepped first?” He was lightly tracing his fingers over your inner thighs.
Had it been with anyone else you would for sure need prep but Cheol was always careful with you, you trusted him.
“Yes, god, please just fuck me.” Desperate couldn’t begin to describe how you were feeling at the moment.
With that final confirmation, he began to work. While he knew you didn't want to be prepped he still wanted to work you up a bit. Gently, he grabbed a hold of your thighs and started spreading them apart.
He trailed soft kisses at an excruciatingly slow rate. But eventually, he landed on your core. He peppered it with another round of kisses, the pressure varying between each kiss.
After a minute or so he pulled away and slotted himself right in between your legs.
Holding his cock in his hand, he stroked it twice and then ran the tip up and down your slit. No matter how many times you fuck Seungcheol, you will never get used to the initial sting of his cock. It also doesn’t help that he’s so big.
He slowly nudged the tip towards your entrance. Gradually, he carefully pushed himself deeper inside you, cautious knowing that he hadn’t prepped you. After the first few seconds the feeling went away, leaving you with want. You moved your hips to let him know you wanted more.
"Fuck," you manage.
"Can't take me?" He almost pulls out fully before snapping his cock into you again.
You hated when he got this cocky, but you couldn't deny that it didn't turn you on even more.
“Shut up,” you tried hiding the pleasure in your voice while he slowly went in and out of you.
He only hummed in response. Soon he became enveloped in you, his thrusts were slowly picking up pace while he held onto you tightly. Your senses were completely invaded by Seungcheol, only being able to think about him.
“I will never get used to how tight you are,” his voice was strained, trying his best to not cum inside you. (because that would be embarrassing, not for you but for him)
All you could do was moan in response.
After a few months of consistent hookups, Seungcheol had learned about your body pretty quickly, from your kinks, to your turn offs… he practically knew your body inside and out.
Which explained how he knew you were on the brink of coming, your walls tightening around him being a common telltale sign.
Usually, he would edge you for a good hour or so, but after last night’s ordeal he just wanted to show you how much you affected him. So with that, Seungcheol lazily brought his free down to your clit and began to rub slow yet firm circles. He knew that playing with your bud would immediately send you over the edge. It also didn’t help that his pace was becoming more erratic, by the looks of it, you would be coming together.
And just like that, after a few more thrusts he felt you begin to spasm underneath him, letting a loud string of moans out during the act. Seungcheol dipped his head towards your lips as he came inside you, making you swallow his groans in the process.
Shortly after, Seungcheol’s body fell completely limp on yours, feeling only pure exhaustion. It felt nice, only being able to feel his heavy body on top of yours… kind of therapeutic in a sense. But unfortunately that didn’t last very long, because after a minute or so, everything began to feel wet and sticky.
As if reading your mind, Seungcheol mumbled out a low, “let’s get cleaned up.”
While you were obviously up for it, the thought of having to stand up at this very moment felt horrible. As he slowly pulled out of you, you couldn’t help but just stay on the bed. This did not go well with Seungcheol.
“Y/n c’mon, we have to get you cleaned up,” he whined while tugging on your arm.
“Just five more minutes, I still can’t feel my legs!” Were you being over dramatic? Yes, but it’s not like he’s not used to it.
“Y/n we have to get ready to go out.” This time he pulled you all the way up, keeping you steady while you regained your balance. You did recall him mentioning going out today but you don’t remember exactly where.
“Really? Where are we going?” The excitement of going out completely masked the feeling of your jelly-like legs.
“Nowhere in specific.” Your smile dropped. What does he mean nowhere? You hated when he turned things into surprises. (Hate is a strong word but you get the idea.)
He shrugged his shoulders, “Just wanted to show my new girlfriend off to the world I guess…”
Ugh. He is so annoying.
“Never say that again, ever.”
Yet, you couldn’t hide the smile slowly creeping up towards your face. Hearing him call you his girlfriend was definitely something you could get used to.
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I am so so so sorry for leaving you guys hanging! It was not my intention I swear,, I just kept taking and adding to the fic which is why it got delayed so bad… at least the finale is here right? The last part was not proofread so I’m hoping that it’s legible, hope you enjoy :3
1K notes · View notes
You're Not Cute
Pedro Pascal x Reader
Summary: i saw a fucking tiktok of pedro reciting shakespeare and i will never forgive him for not letting me lie on his lap while he strokes my hair and recites said shakespeare to me. i thought you were a feminist pedrito?! i trusted you pepe. fuck you (me).
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, actor/actress!reader, reader has hair im sorry if ur bald T_T and whipped for pedro and reading this, established but not public relationship (shhh it'll make sense), pedro go to jail party, crack fic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: we all know pedro pascal watches his edits, but i wonder if he's ever... read fics of himself 💀💀💀💀 hi papi! if you're reading this first of all why second of all i love you the tiktok in question that has me at gunpoint tumblr. look at this gif. this is your man??? this is OUR man? fuck off. ALSO I HAVENT PROOFREAD THIS COS I GOT CHORES BYE Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz
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My eyes dart from my reflection on the mirror to the grinning man who popped up from behind me. I turn to him just as he begins wiggling his brows. I make a face him as he narrows his eyes and snaps his fingers while trotting over to me, "looking good, mi amor," he rolls his tongue to mimic a purr and gestures like a cat, "RRRRRRRRRRR."
I roll my eyes at him as I chuckle, turning back to my reflection, "hands off Pedro."
He gasps in offence, raising his hands, "I haven't even touched you yet!"
I lean in to more clearly see the dark blue line I was drawing by my eyes, "ok then," I shrug, "sorry for assuming."
Pedro tilts his head and waves his hands, "apology accepted--" he moves forward until he was close enough to snake his arms around me, "--in form of touching you."
I huff at his shenanigans but do not fight him off. In fact, I lean into his back hug and rest my head against him as we both look at our reflections in the mirror. I motion to my face amidst my scrutiny, "is the eyeliner too much?"
"Nope," he kisses my temple then retorts rather seriously, "it's yas slay."
I make a face.
His serious expression only lasts two seconds before he explodes into laughter. I release a huff as I bring my hand to my face while he thoroughly enjoys his own stupidity. I release one airy chuckle before giving myself a final once over, deciding I looked well put together enough. He inhales deeply to catch his breath then sighs against me, "you smell soooo good."
"It's called a shower," I moved to elbow him off, "you should try it sometime."
I grunt as I struggle against him. I hiss when I feel his mouth on me, "PEDRO!"
He pulls back, all after managing to leave a wet bite on my neck.
Pedro recoils and raises his hands in defeat. I punch him on the chest before wiping his mark.
He sighs, "it's kinda hard to shower by yourself, ya know. I need some help. Also!" he points, "you're dirty now, you got a little," he motions to his neck, "dribble on you-"
"PEDRO PLEASE," I pinch my fingers together, "my interview is in like, ten minutes," I point at him and scold, "contain yourself. Stay in your room."
I begin to storm off and he watches, moaning like a baby, "you mean our ro-"
I feel him follow after me. I snap, "STAY IN YOUR ROOM!" halting in my tracks. I push him back as I grab the door knob. He gives me a puppy dog frown. I give him one last point before closing the door behind me on my way out, "stay here."
Alas. I was in the living room, with a laptop set up in front of me as I did my online interview. I was glad that my Pedrito followed my orders and stayed in the bedroom for the entire duration. Not long now before it ends.
I smile to the interviewers as they begin to wrap up our short segment. I, along with he two hosts from a live news channel, laugh at the closing remarks. Suddenly, I find myself looking out to my side when I see an incoming Pedro just about to pass by.
He was stretching as he walked. He looked like he managed a brief power nap.
Oh fucking shit, he's going to the bathroom. And he's going to pass behind me to get there.
"Now, do you want to invite your fans to watch your film?" the male host asks.
"Uhhh," I trial off, as I turn to my side, rather un-inconspicuously. Pedro was soooooooo close now.
I panic as I turn between my camera and my impeding doom, "uhhh."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Aint no way he was about to pass behind me and expose us like this.
If I say his name, they're going to know it's him, but if I don't they're going to ask who I'm talking to anyway, but if I ignore him, he's going to pass and reveal himself. FUCKKKKK-
And in the split second of panic, I burst out the secret fourth option, and quite possibly the worst one, "FUCK!"
Yeah. Everyone stops.
Cue, my string of panicked apologize, "shit, I'm- fuck, SORRY SORRY SORRY!"
I catch Pedro, just as he realized what he has just done, or what he was about to do, rather.
"Sorry," I cover my hands on my face, "Sorry I-"
The interviewers laugh at me as I recuperate.
I sigh, turning to my side, "it's- there's a ghost that lives in my house."
"Oh, wow, you live in a haunted house?" the female host chuckles, "how thrilling."
"Yeah," I turn back to my camera, "it's quite stressful."
The interviewers chuckle as I regain composure and wave at my camera, "anyway, the ghost in my house says go watch the film with your loved ones, with family, friends, and your house ghosts too. We all worked very hard on the film, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed working on it."
"Right!" Pedro agrees off camera, making me tense in my seat. He adds rather weakly as we make quick eye contact, "right."
The male host laughs, "wow, your ghost is really excited about this film."
"The ghost is going to get evicted soon. I'm calling an exorcist." I force a smile.
Finally, we say our goodbyes and I immediately shut my computer before any other fiasco happens.
"Sorry!" Pedro says immediately once he drops to his knees next to me, "I had booger brain. I woke up from a nap."
I look down at his messy hair and remorseful face. He grabs onto my legs and continuously apologizes to me.
I roll my eyes at him and tilt his head up at me as I grab him by his dark hair, "apology with tears."
He pouts, "I'm really, really sorry, baby. My booger brain..."
I release my grip on him and he immediately sits down next to me and pulls me into him. He continuously apologizes and I lean into his touch, beginning to feel bad for how genuinely remorseful he was. Just a little. He's kinda cute when he's pathetic like this.
"Pedro it's fine," I say, turning to him, pecking his lips repeatedly, "nothing happened. The hosts played it off too, which was really nice of them."
I crawl onto his lap and embrace him. He sighs and embraces me back. I nuzzle my face into his neck and murmur, "weren't you going to the bathroom?"
"Hmm? No, I was going to make a sandwich."
I snort, "of course you were."
I pull my head back and we look at each other. Pedro rubs my back. An idea springs into mind. I smile deviously, "I have decided that your apology will be in a form of Shakespeare."
When I shift off him to lie on the sofa and prop my head on his thigh, he looks down at me with furrowed brows. He brings his hands to his chest, "is the genuineness of my remorse not sufficient enough for you?"
"No, Don John," I sigh, "hark to me. From the top. Much Ado About Nothing."
Pedro chuckles airily before gathering my hair and pulling it back so that he could comb through it with his fingers. He sighs, and I turn to him as he scrunches his face, "I don't fucking remember."
"Do the, 'I must be sad when I...' like, feel like it, or some shit."
Pedro throws his head back and laughs. He sucks in a sharp breath, "like," he says with his exaggerated LA accent, "I have to be sad when I feel like I need to be sad."
"Exactly! Do that part," I giggle.
He continues, "I also will totally not smile at your lame jokes," he purses his lips and makes a face.
"Wait, that's what that means?"
Pedro nods at me, "yeah that's what that means."
"I thought that meant, like, I'll cry when I want to and smile when I want to."
"Well," he caresses my cheek, "you're not too far off."
I wave my hands, "ok, ok, now do the rest, and do it properly this time."
He playfully growls at me, "well, it's kinda hard to do Shakespeare when this cute lil thing is distracting me."
"Do better then."
"I'd rather do you."
"What? You started it!"
I roll my eyes make a zipper motion to my mouth.
Pedro clears his throat. He mumbles some lines to himself to jog his memory, "... sleep when I am drowsy and tend on no man’s business," he states in an exaggerated manner, "laugh when I am merry and claw no man in his humor."
I hold in a laugh as he raises his hands in dramatics.
"And then," Pedro calls, "Conrad says something but I can't remember what he says."
"Pedro!" I whine.
"What?! I can't recite something I forgot, now can I?" he replies, busying himself with brushing my hair again.
I cross my arms, "boomer."
"Yeah, but I'm your boomer," he says pinches my nose. I wrangle against his actions and sequentially sit up.
Before I could retaliate, a phone rings across the room. It takes a second for me to realize it was I that received a phone call. I go ahead and answer upon seeing it was from my manager.
"What have you done?!"
I pull my head back at her tone, "uh... hello to you too. What do you-"
"Are you aware you have a mirror behind your sofa?" she says.
I make a face. What does that-
I freeze, expression dropping as I turn to Pedro and slowly then to the mirror behind my sofa. There's a mirror behind my sofa. I have a fucking mirror behind my sofa.
My manager hums at my silence, "so, you want to make a statement with the ghost in your house before people catch on, or-"
I sigh as my manager begins to run down the possible things we could do. Pedro looks at me in concern as I wipe my face in frustration.
"Yeah, okay, okay. Let me call back in a minute. Bye."
Once I hang up, Pedro shifts on his spot and raises his brows at me.
I purse my lips, "they could see you in the mirror, Pedro."
He knits his brows, "see me in the mirror?"
I raise my brows at him.
He tries to piece it together, "see me in the... OH."
"Yeah, oh. My manager already spoke to yours, and they want to know what we want to do before people start making memes about your ugly face in my fucking mirror."
Pedro gives a guilty look. He throws his arm on the backrest and drops his head on his shoulder, "I... could change my name on Instagram to 'Ghost'."
I roll my eyes, "not fucking helping, Pedro."
"NO! But I'm serious, I-"
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oneknightstand-if · 2 months
Mc suddenly,out of nowhere sits on the RO's lap and proceeds to tell them things like "I love your eyes." Then placing a kiss on said eyes and also things like "I love [place insecurity of the RO]." And yeah u got the idea.
Merlin: What place of insecurity? Also snack time!╰(✿◕۝◕ )╯
Adrian: Man, this better take place near the end of the series otherwise Adrian jumped so high in startlement that he's probably on the roof now.
Arthur: *takes your hand and presses it against it against his chest so that you can feel the acceleration of his heart as he leans forward and -- yes, he's the only one who can take this seriously*
Percy: I'll be sure to let the organ donor program know that you've got first dibs on my eyes and duodenum.
4̸0̵4̴ ̴E̶r̷r̸o̸r̶ ̵N̴o̵t̵ ̵F̶o̵u̴n̵d̴: (ʘ‿ʘ)
Cassandra: Oh, exchanging compliments, are we now? Then I love your ${bestfeature}.
Gwen: *if (frame > 1) or (height != "short")
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Vivian: She's turned into a puddle. Literally. Now she's sitting on your lap and you may or may not be floating in a lake at the moment.
Lorelei: *if (gender != "female") and (height != "short") (ʘ‿ʘ)
Broderick: . . . . . .
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Broderick: . . . . . . *sliiides back in again* And y-your eyes are like ${insert-jewel-here} and-- a-argh, nope, I can't do this! *slides back out again*
Merlin: Very well, then I return as well! Obviously, as the resident ${incubus} of the group, I can tell that you ${MC} most definitely need--
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seungmin4president · 9 months
"You feel so good" hyunjin says between his kisses on your neck while his cock is hitting all the right places inside of you.
"Such a pretty whore hm? Too bad changbin cant see you like this because you're all ours right? Our little slut for only us to use" seungmin says while pulling your head off of his cock to see your pretty fucked out face you could only nod in reply, not trusting your voice.
You're probably wondering how you got in this position. On your hands and knees sucking seungmins cock while hyunjin is fucking your hole so good.
Well basically it all started while you were having a sleepover with the rest of the stray kids members, dahyun, soyeon, and shuhua.
Heres how it went down.
"Y/nah! Truth or dare?" Your friend dahyun said jumping up and down like a child "truth" You responded confidently not knowing what dahyun has under her sleeve but still trusting your gut to not trust her enough to say dare.
"Do you like doing group hugs-"
"Thats a boring question, y/n if you were to have a threesome with two of us who would it be" minho asked cutting dahyun off, well if you were being honest the question dahyun asked was boring but you weren't thinking he would just say that out of the blue so it really caught you off guard.
"What kind of question is that?!" You shout at minho who is across from you, eyes widening. "I wanna know too" changbin says making everyone look at you waiting for your answer. You look at everyones faces to see if they are being for real.
"Im not answering that" you say waving your hands in the air while shaking your head "cmon y/n you have to answer it dont be a boomer" chan says laughing at you "youre already a boomer old man but seriously y/n answer" seungmin says looking at you with dark eyes, if you weren't extremely embarrassed right now you would be able to see the change in his eyes from when he first got to your house and now.
"Okay fine uhmmm maybee.... seungmin and hyunjin??" You say looking down to hide your embarrassment.
Hyunjin and seungmin looks at you with suprised faces then looks at eachother and smirks and everyone else does a dramatic "ooohhh".
"Ahh really y/n?" Changbin says while shaking his head, disappointed in your answer "what? You guys asked and i answered you cant get mad because its not you" you say smirking at changbin while flattening your skirt.
You have a bad taste in men" minho says looking at his phone "its already 11:00 we should get to bed i have somewhere were going tomorrow" he continues while getting up.
"Lee minho its a sleepover, we're meant to stay up until 5am" shuhua says pushing minho back down to the ground "no he's right lets just sleep i dont wanna think about this day again" you say still embarrassed because of what just happend a few minutes ago.
"Ughh fine but im getting a drink before i g-" "no your not" soyeon says cutting shuhua off pushing her to their shared guest room "bye guyss" han says waving at them.
"We're gonna go too" hyunjin says taking your arm in his hand pulling you to your room with seungmin following "wait huh but your ro-" "sh" hyunjin says cutting you off (can you tell i love to write people getting cut off?) Not caring about saying bye to the others.
When you get into the room hyunjin told seungmin to lock the door "why are you telling him to lock the door?" You say looking at hyunjin curiously "wait guys if this is about the game it was just a joke i didn't mean it"
"Oh? So who would you actually have a threesome with" seungmin says walking towards you slowly "yeah.. is it by any chance changbin and minho hyungs?" Hyunjin adds on kissing your neck biting at some spots that will definitely leave marks, you dont even remember when he moved you to sit on his lap on the bed.
"I- uhm" you say stuttering because of the tension in the room "if it is we'll just leave but if not..." seungmin says tracing your thigh with his hand, moving his head to your ear "we wont hold back from fucking you to oblivion" seungmin then starts kissing down the other side of your neck but not biting.
You moaned softly biting your lip "so who is it then y/n" hyunjin says stopping and putting you on the bed so he can stand next to seungmin "its.. you guys" you whispered "hm what was that? You're gonna have to speak up do you want us or no?" Seungmin said looking down at you.
"yes i want you okay? I want you guys and you guys only. Now just come and do something" You say making hyunjin and seungmin smirk walking back towards you "well you're not getting anything with that attitude maybe say it a bit nicer then we will give you what you want" seungmin says while once again tracing your thigh with his finger
"Please just use me seungmin please" you begged. Seungmin looked at hyunjin and hyunjin hummed in delight "as you wish" seungmin says as his hand goes under your skirt.
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❗please dont copy my work ❗
❗©️seungmin4president ❗
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infamous-if · 1 year
On theme with the thirst tweet asks how would the ROs react when reading thirst tweets about the mc instead of themselves👀👀👀👀👀👀
I love these sort of "pop culture" scenario asks. I think they're my fav lmao
HMMM I feel like we always need to specify if they're dating or not because the reactions can vary so much omg I'll do if they're dating since people are more interested that!!
Orion: I did say Orion is mildly possessive so I think he'd just be pissed at the thought of anyone but him thinking of MC in that way. "...This is inappropriate. Do they have any personal info on their account?"
Director: "err...why?"
Orion: "I'm going to report them." (he says this completely seriously)
And then he'd save some so he can ask MC later: "Is this what you like? I'll keep that in mind."
Victoria: Victoria is very open and not afraid of speaking about things like this, but when it's someone she likes she can be surprisingly shy. It really depends. I can find her staring at the tweets like "this is what people are saying about MC?" I think she'd want to one-up them and send MC texts of her own. She'd be just a *bit* insecure knowing people see MC the way she sees them, but she'd understand it too. "MC is attractive, I'm not surprised" kind of deal.
G: Would laugh, would agree, and then say some thirsty things of their own. I think they'd just find it all funny and just be like "wait let me take out my phone i want to like this tweet lol"
Sebastian: (nervous/awkward laughter, blushing profusely) "People say this about MC? Don't they know we're together?"
Director: "they don't care about that."
Sebastian would just be scandalized over it, and then be very aware of the content of the tweets and won't be able to stop thinking about MC in that context. Seb isn't a stranger to talking like that though he's pretty much a pro when he's in the mood so he'd test it out and see how MC reacts lmao
August: Probably laugh a little. And then just ask MC directly how MC feels about it. I think they'd actually be smug knowing people think of MC like that and August is the one who MC likes. Though August would wonder what exactly MC likes in terms of...that. IDK August being thirsty is such a funny visual im sorry like they're just so indifferent it would make laugh
Seven: "How did you find my alt account lol"
Seven gets quite embarrassed sometimes, so they'd try to play it off with jokes. But Seven, much like Orion, would ask MC if that's what they like to hear. They would be a bit jealous, but more in a humorous way. I promise, Seven has probably thought much thirstier things about MC than anyone on the internet can think of lmao I can see Seven teasing MC about it but the teasing would just be subtle ways to find how MC feels about all of it.
I just realized this cast is just filled with a bunch of people pleasers (MC pleasers?)...rockstars, amirite
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tillthelandslide · 4 months
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Same For You (13) : Take Me Higher
A/n: hi!!! i'm so sorry it took me so long to post this, to those tha saw the unfinished version i accidentally posted, sorry haha. Once again I need to thank @procrastinatinglikeapro for listening to my ideas on this one and helping me always :). I miss you all and hopefully soon can get to a more regular posting schedule. For now, I hope you enjoy (p.s i love this series hehe)
Series Masterlist
(12) June
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. Smut. p.s its a long one but trust me its worth it
She's stressed when she arrives at the studio, hands shaking with everything she does. The writing on the page is unsteady, fingers trembling against the strings of the guitar, making the music sound wobbly and flat. She doesn't have the band to fall back on, she can't ask Abbie to record her parts and she most definitely cannot escape the worried looks from the four men. Oh yeah, Jamie was sitting in on the session too. She wanted to impress him, but instead she feels like a mess. It's a nightmare.
George sits at the soundboard, thumb resting under his chin, fingers playing with his lip. He wants to ask if she's okay, but he also doesn't want to put more pressure on her. She sighs deeply, running a hand through her hair before throwing it up into a messy bun.
"Sorry one more time" she says, rolling back her shoulders and adjusting her grip on the guitar when it inevitably slips. Ross’ hand clamps around the arm of the chair, watching her, knowing how she was feeling, wanting to envelope her in his arms and take her worry away. 
It was hard seeing her like this, from the moment they met her there was an indescribable ease that radiated from her, like meeting someone who was already exactly who they were supposed to be. Music came naturally to her and seeing her like this was… unsettling. They all felt sympathy for her, knowing (without her having to mention) that something was seriously wrong. 
"We can take a break Y/n/n" George says, eyes finding hers through the glass as his fingertips press the button that allows her to hear him. Her eyes flick to Jamie's who smiles and nods, agreeing with George.
"No I'm good G, once more I swear" she says and he nods.
Matty’s hand hovers over George’s fingers, they don’t touch but when George sees his eyes flick to his, one look in his eyes and his finger stays put on the button for a moment, broadcasting Matty’s next words into the other room.
“This is it Y/n/n okay? You’ve got this” his words have her easing slightly, shoulders rolling back before she breathes in deeply, eyes shutting before they open again and she smiles, nodding at Matty.
She sees the red button light up, indicating that recording is in progress and her fingers move against the guitar again. She plays the guitar solo flawlessly, but all of the guys notice how her fingers buzz slightly. She finishes and sighs deeply, she still thinks she can do better.
"That was really good Y/n" Jamie says, smiling widely at her, putting his thumbs up, normally she’d tease him for it, call him an old man just to make him laugh, but she doesn’t… even he knows something is up then.
"Perfect" George says, and her eyes find him through the glass again, he knows she's going to ask to record it once more before she does and he speaks before she gets the chance.
"Don't ask to do it again Y/n/n, it was perfect... get outta that head of yours okay?" he asks and she nods with a sigh. George looks at the guys, leaving the microphone on so she can hear him.
"Going to go for a fag okay" he says and she nods mumbling a "be there in a minute, don't wait up" she says, nodding to both Ross and Matty. Jamie follows the man, phoning someone on his way.
Matty thinks about hanging back, but since his conversation with Ross he's apprehensive. It seems that ever since Ross told him to act the same, he’s been doing the opposite, he didn’t know why, but he felt a level of pressure now, although he knows that wasn’t the man's intention. But when Ross' hand finds his shoulder and he smiles, he knows it's okay.
"Hang back okay?" he says and Matty nods. When he enters the room, she's unplugging her guitar, placing it into its case. It's then that he realises she's using the light blue guitar, the first of two her brother had bought for her. 
"You alright love?" he asks, she doesn't speak but nods and he knows she's lying. He crosses his arms over his chest and looks at her, she stands from her spot, standing opposite him. She lasts three seconds before she sighs deeply, rolling her eyes and chuckling at him.
"That's not fair" she says, pointing at him. He shrugs and mumbles a "don't know what you're talking about darling" she sighs again. Her hands find her hair, letting it fall down her back from its place in a bun.
She finds it funny how quickly she breaks around him, walls falling down and colliding with his own, destroying them in the process.
"Liv called me this morning, apparently something happened at June's school, some bully pushed him over in the playground and he busted his lip... just shook me up a bit" she explains, hands resting against her forearms, almost to protect herself. She finds it a little ridiculous that she's shaking so much, but she wanted nothing more than to be there with June.
"Hey it's okay" Matty says, stepping forward, hands finding hers against her arms, running along them to calm her. She looks up at him with soft eyes, he smiles softly down at her and some of the tension eases from her.
"Is that what's gotten you so shaken up?" he asks and she nods, he pulls her in then, hugging her tightly.
"And why I'm messing up" she says, he pulls back slightly, shaking his head down at her.
"Don't do that... you're fine, we all get off days" he explains and she sighs.
"Mine had to be on a day when Jamie's here... wanted to impress him" she admits, despite thinking it sounded a little silly.
"He's impressed, trust me" he says, pulling her to his chest again.
"Do you know what's happening with him?" Matty asks and she nods again, mumbling her next words into his chest.
"He's in the emergency room at the moment, waiting to be seen" she explains and he nods.
"Want me to drive you there?" he asks and she shakes her head.
"No it's okay... He'd hate that" she says, laughing at the thought of an angry June. He hated fuss.
"Okay, but he'd forgive you... do you want to be with him?" Matty asks and she nods.
"I do... but it's fine... I'll wait until Liv calls me again" Matty nods and hugs her again. There’s a moment of silence before Matty speaks again. 
"Any reason you're using that guitar" he points to the open case and her eyes fall to it.
"Didn't feel right using the green one today... don't know why, just a feeling" she says and he nods, placing a haste kiss to her forehead before pulling away.
The pair leave the room after that, joining the other men downstairs, both who have finished their cigarettes now, Jamie still on the phone. She smiles at Ross who wraps an arm loosely around her shoulders. George begins talking to Matty but he doesn't really listen, too busy eavesdropping on what Ross says to her.
"Heard anything from Olivia yet?" he asks. Of course he already knew. Matty still appreciates the fact he encouraged him to talk to her. 
"Not yet..." she says. After Matty and her share a fag (mainly to save time) they return to the studio. She records some more for the track, less shaky this time. Half way through her recording some vocals, her phone rings by the sound desk. George pauses the track and speaks through the microphone again.
"Phone's ringing Y/n" he says, she rushes into the connecting room, taking the phone from the drummer's hand. "Girls" is the ringtone and they all smile.
"Sorry... Liv's favourite song" she says making them all chuckle before she's picking up.
"Hi" she answers, before her face is covered with panic. They can hear someone talking quickly on the other side of the phone.
"Okay, okay, okay" she says quickly "Liv! Breathe!" she says and they hear the phone go quiet. Her eyes flick between the guys and she speaks again "I've got an idea but just bare with me okay?". Liv mumbles a "okay" before Y/n removes the phone from her ear to speak to the guys.
"Okay... June's had stitches, but Liv's boss is being a dick and demanding she goes back to work but it's too short notice to get a babysitter and he can't go back to school" she explains and all the guys nod. George is slightly confused, but Jamie the most confused out of all of them for he didn't know who Liv or June was. Y/n and George had briefly spoken about the passing of her brother but hadn't spoken about his son or his girlfriend.
George shares a look with Ross, one in which reads "I'll catch you up later".
"I know it's a right pain in the arse and I understand you saying no... but could he come here for a few hours? Just until Liv can pick him up?" she asks.
"Of course love" Matty says and Ross smiles whilst Jamie nods, he doesn’t know who she’s talking about but he didn’t mind if it helped her out.
"Yeah... no problem at all" Ross says and then George nods too. She brings the phone to her ear again and continues talking to her sister in law.
"Bring him here okay? - Yeah the guys said it's fine... Yeah? I'll send you the address" they hear her say.
"Love, I can take you to pick him up," Matty says, drawing her attention to him. She shakes her head but smiles at him, mouthing a "thank you" as Olivia speaks.
"Okay... see you soon. Love you too" she says. She hangs up then sighs deeply.
"Sorry about that" she says, eyes finding George's then.
"You must be so confused" she says to George and Jamie, both who nod. She proceeds to tell him about June and Olivia whilst Matty and Ross clear up a little, having heard from her that her nephew was a bit of a menace and had already sustained an injury today and didn't need anymore.
20 minutes passes by and her phone buzzes with a text from Olivia, explaining that they were here. She leaves the guy's in the room, each working on something and not wanting to disturb them. She walks down the stairs, leading to outside. She finds them outside, June smiling widely at her and running and jumping into her eyes. He lands with an "omph" from her and it makes him giggle. 
"Careful Junebug, don't get any more injuries whilst I'm gone" Olivia says.
"Mum!" he complains "don't call me that" it makes Y/n laugh, pulling him gently back by his chin to look at his lip. He has a few stitches on his bottom lip and it's a little jutted out, making him look poutier than usual. He also has a small cut on his chin that’s clearly been cleaned but didn’t need stitches. 
"Ooo, look at you" she says and he laughs, pulling back and straightening up as if proud.
“Look cool huh?” he asks and it makes her laugh, eyes flicking to his mum who rolls his eyes.
“It was that Rory kid again” Olivia says, clearly angry at the fact. Rory was a child in June’s class who was a huge dick, he often made stupid jokes about how June didn’t have a dad and truly deserved to be shoved himself. She puts June down, placing a hand on the top of his head to keep his attention on her.
“Better have pushed him back June” she says and Olivia laughs when June’s eyes flash with mischief.
“Oh he did a bit more than that, didn’t you June?” Olivia says, the child's eyes flick up to Y/n and he nods proudly. 
“Punched him” June says matter-of-factly, the tone making her laugh.
“Good on you bud” she says, turning to her sister-in-law. She doesn't doubt that Olivia had to have the mandatory "we don't condone violence but well done for sticking up for yourself" talk which gave her plenty of space to be the proud auntie, congratulating him for giving a mean kid what he deserved. Problematic or not, she didn't care. 
"Thank you so much for this Y/n" Olivia says, pulling her into a brief hug and accepting the bag of his things.
"Happy to help... tell the boss to" she leans forward slightly so only Olivia can hear "fuck off" it makes her laugh. The door opens behind her and she turns, seeing Ross. She smiles at him and he smiles back. She's kind of happy that he'd be the first to meet her nephew.
"Sorry, was just checking you were okay" he says, stepping onto the street. It's very kind, a fact not going unnoticed by Olivia. 
"Ross this is Olivia... Oliva, this is Ross" she says and Ross smiles at her, offering her his hand to shake.
"Lovely to meet you" he says "Nice to meet you, heard a lot about you" Olivia says, making the man raise his eyebrows at Y/n who rolls her eyes at her sister in law. 
Ross' eyes then land on June and Y/n watches as he kneels down to greet the little man.
"You must be June" Ross says, each of the women chuckle when June grips onto Y/n's calf and hides from the man.
"The bassist" his words have the boy coming out from his hiding place, smiling widely at the bearded man.
"Nice to meet you, how about we go upstairs and you can have a go on my bass huh?" he asks and June nods happily, grabbing his hand in that completely uncaring way children did. Y/n stands mouth slightly agape at the sight, heart beating rapidly in her chest. Just when she thought she couldn't find him any more attractive.
"Thank you again" Olivia says, pulling her into a hug again, murmuring a "he's hot" before pulling away.
"I'll call you when I finish work" she says as she opens her car door.
"Junior" she says, drawing the child's attention from the man who he was talking excitedly too.
"Be good for auntie Y/n okay?" he nods before his mum shuts the door and carefully drives off.
"Ready for this bud?" she asks as June takes her hand again, one holding hers, the other holding Ross', he nods and the three of them walk him upstairs to the studio. Jamie meets them at the top of the stairs, introducing himself to the child. Maybe it's because Jamie is a father himself but June isn't shy around him, immediately talking his ear off and allowing him to take him into the studio.
The boy's eyes fill with childlike wonder when he enters the room, clinging to Y/n when he sees two tall men sitting in the room. One with curly hair like his, a guitar resting in his lap and the other tall man sitting behind a drum kit.
"Don't be shy June, they won't hurt you" she says with a laugh, one hand finding the back of his head and giving him a gentle nudge forward. Suddenly, the June she knows springs to life, straightening his shoulders and moving forward confidently.
"I’m Junior, but you can call me June" he announces and it makes her laugh loudly, her head thrown back. Ross smiles at the sight, his heart doing a harsh pitter-patter in his chest and skipping a beat. Matty puts his guitar down and walks up to the boy, leaning down and offering a hand to him.
"Hey mate, I'm Matthew, but you can call me Matty" he says and June accepts his hand, shaking it harshly.
"Matty" he repeats and the man smiles and nods. 
"Some grip you've got there mate" he says, eyes flicking up to her, the both of them smiling widely at each other.
"You've got hair like me" June says happily, flashing a toothy smile at the man, his dimples showing on his cheeks. Matty nods at the boy before he loses interest and walks over to George, staring up at him with his mouth open. Y/n watches with her finger in-between her lips, trying to hold in her laughter.
"I'm June!" he announces again.
"Hey mate, I'm George" he says, shaking his hand too.
"Just George?" June says, cocking his head to the side.
"George Daniel, but you can call me George or G" the man says and everyone begins to smile.
"George Daniel? Aren't they both first names? That's weird" they all laugh loudly at that, George cackling, eyebrows raised at her.
"He's got a point mate" Matty says and she laughs.
"He's cheeky" Ross says and Y/n nods "little Dylan" she says with a smile, June then runs up to them, clinging to her leg again.
"He sounds like Dad" the kid mumbles to her. The guys fall silent then, waiting to see what she says.
"Dylan had a really deep voice just like you G" Y/n says to the guys before she looks at June again. When she met June, Olivia asked for videos of Dylan so June could get to know his dad despite him not being able to meet him. She doesn't quite know what to say.
She's grateful when she feels a large hand rest against her back, before the man is speaking.
"Your dad used to play bass too, right?" Ross says and June nods.
"How about I show you some stuff?" Ross asks and June jumps excitedly, taking Ross' hand and dragging him towards his bass which rests in a stand. She finds Ross' eyes and mouths a "thank you" he just smiles at her. She watches as Ross takes the bass in his hands, playing the bassline to one of their songs, it makes June smile widely, raising his eyebrows at the man.
"Wanna try?" Ross says and the boy nods excitedly. He hadn't been learning for too long (a fact he tells Ross) as the bass was a big guitar and even now looked a little funny resting in the small boy's hands. Despite this Ross teaches him something simple, smiling impressively when he plays it easily.
"He's good, '' he says to Y/n who smiles and nods. Ross tries to teach him something a little more advanced, an original baseline he had written for the song they were recording today and she smiles when June gets frustrated because he can't quite reach the right strings.
It's like watching a splitting image of her brother, when he'd get frustrated at her for not getting things quite right. She walks over to the pair, sitting down opposite June, next to Ross.
"Try this" Ross says, adjusting the boy's hand slightly, this time when he tries his fingers reach the right strings and he cheers happily.
"Hey mate" George says as he joins the group, "that sounds good" June smiles up at him at that.
"Ross taught me it!" That makes her smile widely and she can't help but reach for her phone, snapping a quick picture of the child.
"Wanna record it? Be on your first record?" George suggests and June nods excitedly.
"Alright with you, auntie Y/n?" George says, his tongue peeking out at the corner of his mouth, making her laugh and roll her eyes at the man.
"Of course... going to be on your first record at the age of 6 bud" she says. Ross takes the bass from the child and he hugs Y/n tightly. Matty and Y/n set up everything ready for him, plugging in the bass.
"Okay mate, so this is how it works, see this" Matty says, pointing to a little red button to the left of where they stand, the boy nods.
"That will turn red when George clicks record" June nods again.
"And then you'll hear these little clicks in your ear phones" Matty says, nodding to George who clicks play briefly so June can hear what he's talking about. He then pauses the track to allow Matty to continue to explain.
"The metronome" everyone smiles at the boy's words, it also raises a few eyebrows, each of the guys impressed.
"That's right" Matty nods.
"Then you'll hear Y/n's beautiful voice okay?" June nods again and smiles at her. She rolls her eyes at the compliment but smiles at Matty.
"We can count you in and then you can play yeah?" June nods.
"What if I mess up?" June says.
"Don't worry about that mate, auntie Y/n messes up all the time" Matty says making her laugh loudly.
"Unfair" she says, eyes finding him, he sticks his tongue at her and it makes the child smile and laugh.
"Ready bud?" she asks and he nods. She shuffles back, allowing Matty to take over, the man counting the child in when needed. She watches proudly as he smashes it, getting the short baseline right on the first go. Ross steps in to take the bass from him and watches as the child pounces on Y/n excitedly, knocking her from her crouched position.
She cushions the child's fall with two hands on his back as he hugs her tightly. She laughs loudly and everyone smiles fondly at the sight.
"Smashed it kid!" she says, nuzzling her face into his neck and embarrassing him.
George does a quick edit of the new recording and then plays the track out loud. June sits up suddenly, clutching her hand tightly.
"You did that bud" George says through the microphone.
"Rockstar" Matty says, making him smile widely again.
By the end of the day, June is well and truly tired: having had a go on the drum kit (accompanied by George and making a load of racket), taught a simple guitar riff by Matty (after they spoke about their curly hair together, something y/n found ridiculously adorable) and having played Ross' bass again (crawling into the man's lap and working with him to reach the right strings, something yn snapped a few pictures of, immediately sending them to Olivia).
Now he's asleep in Y/n's arms on a sofa in the studio, with an inflated ego (having received a multitude of compliments by the bandmates), indented fingers and a happy smile resting on his busted lips.
"You're really good with him" Jamie says, sitting opposite her. The guys are working on this and that whilst laughing together.
"Thanks" she says, smiling down at the child as she smooths a hand through his curls.
"How old is he?"
"Ooo rough age that" Jamie says, making her laugh.
"Matty told me about your brother... Sorry to hear it" Jamie says.
"It's okay... been a while"
"6 years I'm guessing" Jamie says and she nods with a smile, eyes back on her nephew.
"You're really close with him huh?"
"Only known him for 4 years... but he's the most important person in my life" she says, eyes moving upwards and finding the boys. They were all sat at the sound desk, Matty's legs resting below the various buttons, arms hooked over his knees as he laughed with his head thrown back. George had a hand hooked behind his shoulders, laughing that bizarre cackling laugh he did that instantly made her smile. And Ross, sat next to Matty, eyes crinkled as he smiled widely, dimples showing and eyes sparkling, Ross’ chesty chuckle ringing around the room.
"One of the most important people" she corrects and Jamie looks behind them, where she's looking and smiles widely.
"They really care about you, you know" Jamie says and she nods.
"I know..."
"Think they would've been heartbroken if you guys hadn't signed the contract" he admits and she chuckles.
"Was always going to sign the contract Jamie" she admits and he nods.
"I know..." he pauses but she knows he has more to say, he hesitates but then speaks again "just want to make sure you're doing it for the right reasons" she knows what he's suggesting. That she was doing it because of them. She couldn't deny they nudged her in the right direction, made the decision an easier one, but it was always going to be the right thing to do. The offer was too good to refuse.
"I've wanted this since I was 6 Jamie... And we had plenty of opportunities but they were never... right? This feels right" she explains and he nods slowly.
"But does it feel right because of them?" he asks; it was a fair question. But she knew the answer. Her eyes find them again anyway and she smiles.
"It feels right because this is the first time we have worked with people who haven't shut down our ideas the first chance they get. It feels right because Abbie and Matty work well together, because Clara and Ross come up with dope basslines and because for the first time ever Jay doesn't fight against others' ideas, he rolls with them. It feels right because we've met people who are just like us, with a creative vision that they nourish instead of stomping out and a label who supports that. So yes it feels right because of them, but not just because of them" she explains and Jamie nods and smiles.
"Good" he says, reaching for her hand and squeezing gently before leaving her. Her phone begins to ring and the boy in her lap stirs gently, but not enough to wake up. She answers quietly.
"Hi" she says in a hushed voice.
"I'm downstairs"
"Okay... June's asleep..." she says.
"You got him?"
"yeah I've got him, be down in a second" she hangs up, hand drifting through the child's hair again.
"June my love... gotta wake up bud, Mum's here" she says and the child groans, stirring in her lap and nuzzling his head into her hand.
"Everything okay?" she hears, her eyes snap up and she sees Ross smiling down at her.
"Yeah just a stubborn child" she says, chuckling and attempting to wake the child again. When he doesn't wake she stands unsteadily, the child heavy in her arms. She begins walking with him but struggles.
"Can I?" Ross asks, gesturing to the child in her arms. She trusts him with her life and the offer is so sweet it has her stomach dipping and soaring. She nods with a smile and allows the man to carry the child, the two of them walking down the stairs. Matty watches him and smiles when their eyes meet.
"Hi!" Olivia says when she sees the pair, practically fawning over the man that's carrying her child.
"Thank you Ross, that's really sweet" she says, opening the back door of her car and allowing the man to slide him into the back seat carefully.
"No trouble" he says, smiling down at her.
"How was he?" Olivia directs her question to Y/n who smiles widely.
"He was an angel" Olivia raises her eyebrows at that.
"He played the bass with Ross and even recorded a bit for a track" she says, Olivia smiling at that.
"Oh that's amazing, thank you squish" Ross smirks at the name, reminding himself to ask about it later. "Forever going to be the best auntie, he's never going to shut up about his rock star aunt at school now. Thank you again... all of you" she says, directing the last of her words to Ross.
"Our pleasure truly... He's welcome anytime" it makes Y/n smile widely and Ross smile back at her. She knows Olivia is going to ask something a bit personal before she does but she doesn't have the chance to intercept it before it happens.
"Do you have kids Ross?" she knows he doesn't, Y/n had told her basically everything there was to know about the man. In fact, she was one of the only people that knew how confusing her thoughts about him and his friend were.
"No" he chuckles "my brother has a son... he means the world to me to be honest" he admits and it makes Y/n smile again.
"That's really sweet" Olivia says, eyes landing on Y/n and she smirks and raises her eyebrows again.
"Anyway... we should be going" Olivia says "thanks again", she steps forward, wrapping her sister-in-law in a tight hug.
"If you don't fuck that man I will kill you" she murmurs into her ear. Ross catches the gist of the words and it makes him smirk, turning his head so as to not look like he heard on purpose.
"You're so annoying" she murmurs back before pulling away, Y/n hands her June's bag and she then enters the car, stopping once she's nearly inside.
"Seriously do it, it will be good for you" Olivia says.
"Goodbye Olivia!" she says, rolling her eyes and shutting the woman's door. Y/n then turns to Ross, as Olivia begins driving off.
"Sorry about that" she says, awkwardly running a hand through her hair, hoping he didn't hear her words.
"Thank you for today... you were really good with him" she says, stepping forward slightly so they were closer.
"You're welcome... he's a good kid" Ross says, pulling her closer, hands closing around her waist. Someone drives past and beeps at them, Ross pulls away and takes her hand, taking them round the corner of the building for some more privacy. He pulls her towards him then, his back finding the wall of the building as he holds her flush to him.
"Care to explain what squish is?" he asks, one hand hooking under her chin, gently holding her face in his soft grasp.
"You caught that huh?" she chuckles and he nods. She laughs and rolls her eyes at the thought of having to explain this just because of Olivia.
"Promise not to take the piss out of me?" she asks, hands finding his chest, flattening against the covered flesh, smoothing against it and smiling at the sight.
"Me? Never" he says and it makes her laugh again.
"When I was younger... whenever people said things I didn't like, didn't agree with or things that made me uncomfortable, I would try to hide my opinion but without knowing it I would squish my face up... I showed videos of Dyl and I to June so he'd know his dad a little more y’know… Olivia has been calling me that ever since" she explains and Ross smiles.
"Well now I've just got to see that" he says, pushing forward slightly, nudging her body with his a little.
"Never" she says.
"Please" he begs, she shakes her head. He pulls her tighter towards him, nuzzling into her neck and mumbling another "please", drawing a "no" from her.
"I can be really persuasive" he mumbles into her ear before his lips find her neck, lightly moving against the skin. Her eyes flutter shut at the feeling and she sighs.
"Please" he mumbles against the skin, leaving a simple peck there before pulling back. She supposes it's because she knows he may reward her if she does it so her nose scrunches up, her eyes squint and her lips purse.
"That's simply adorable" he says, a jokey tone to his voice before he places a peck to her scrunched up nose. Her face falls back to normal and she shoves him lightly. He copies her previous face, scrunching his nose, lightly mocking her.
"You're mean" she says, hands pressing against his chest, sending him backwards against the wall again.
"And you're adorable" he says, leaning forward before he dips to the left, nuzzling back into her neck making her giggle, hands finding the back of his head, attempting to pull him away from her. Her hands grasp his bun, lightly tugging at it, he moves with it, pulling back from her neck, smiling down at her.
"Careful squish... might have to listen to Olivia if you do that again" he jokes but his words let her know that he did indeed hear her sister-in-law’s words earlier.
"Don't get cocky now MacDonald '' she raises with a huge smile. They fall silent for a second before her eyes flick to his mouth. It's a comfortable silence, undeniably sweet.
"You made his day today... thank you again" she says and he smiles down at her again, hands finding her chin again.
"It was nice... made me miss the little man though" he admits, referring to his own nephew.
"When do you get to see him again?" she asks.
"I'll arrange to visit them soon" she nods at that.
"Could come with me if you'd like... if you're not busy of course" he suggests and she nods.
"I'd love that" she doesn't think that it's perhaps too early for them, that it would be hard to explain to his brother what they were when they were asked, she didn't even think that she'd likely have to come up with an excuse as to why she wasn't available. She just agreed.
"Yeah?" he asks.
"Yeah" he smiles down at her, liking her answer.
"Besides" she says, tugging him forward slightly until their lips graze "you with kids? Hot." she admits making him smirk.
"Oh really?" he says with a raised eyebrow.
"Very" she says before pulling him the rest of the way, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. 
Meanwhile in the studio, Matty is tidying up the space, putting things back into their original places. But when he goes to walk across the room, his foot hits something, kicking it slightly further across the floor. His eyes flick down, spotting the black notebook in which he's seen her scribble in a fair amount now. He leans down, grabbing the book and raising it up, but something slips from between the pages, landing folded at the tip of his boots.
He should've picked it up carefully, and gently placed it back in-between the pages. But Matty was just a man, a curious one who often did things against his better judgement. Things he knew would likely cause him more trouble than they’re worth.
But not this, not when he unfolds the paper, and reads the first line and knows this is definitely worth it. It’s a song scribbled out onto the page, the ink spills across the paper, the words almost completely linked, as if it was pouring out from her and she couldn't stop it. The title is directly in the middle, written untidily at the top of the page.
“Take Me Higher” it reads. A complete contrast to all the other writing of hers he’d ever seen. 
Let our passions ignite, bodies tangled in the night
Don't lie, don't deny, I set your souls alight
"Souls" he murmurs to himself, hearing George mutter a "hmm?" To which he quickly rushes out a "nothing don't worry" before he continues reading.
You're the fire, dark desire, come on now, feed the fire
Heat rising, bodies colliding, dripping sweat, tastes like sex
Rhythm pounding, hearts racing, together we're finding what's next
Matty feels his heartrate pick up, his chest constricts just slightly, the air expelled from his lungs in a sharp exhale, one which comes out shaky and broken. He reads over the last two lines of the verse “heat rising, bodies colliding, dripping sweat tastes like sex”. Images flash through his brain, all of her in compromising positions, her beautiful body lathered in sweat, glistening under the dark light of his room. He feels his body heat, cheeks flushing as his eyes darken. “Rhythm pounding, hearts racing, together we’re finding what’s next” he reads the line again, mind plagued with thoughts he shouldn’t be having. Like her lips wrapped around him, or pressed against his own, or him, in between her thighs, driving into her until all he knew was her name and all she knew was his. 
Her back is the one pressed against the concrete now, thighs spread, one leg hitched up, resting against his hip as his lips move quickly against hers, tongues fighting, saliva mixing until they don't know where one begins and where the other ends. She feels slightly exposed, the skirt she’s wearing hitching upwards the longer she holds her thigh up over his hip. The cool air meets her clothed core, her panties visibly soaked. Resisting him this long had been a difficult feat, but this, right now, was harder than any of those days combined. This is reckless though, she had been trying her hardest to hide this, but all it would take is for one of the others to come out and they'd be caught. Maybe it added to the thrill of it? Maybe it would be easier if they were caught?
Her back arches as he pushes forward more, she feels him against her core, hard and desperate. He pulls away when he realises what he’s done, not wanting to push her too far. But with a sigh she grabs his shoulder, hand drifting down his chest, down across his stomach, beginning to dip down until he’s breathless, curving back up at the last minute, landing on his hip.
“Tease” he mumbles against her lips making her chuckle against his mouth. 
“I'll show you a tease” she murmurs, teeth closing around his bottom lip and taking it with her as she pulls away a little, the hand against his hip pulls slightly, until his clothed member collides with her clothed core. She releases his lip from the attack of her teeth, letting it snap back to place before he pushes them back to hers, tongue pressing eagerly against hers. He grunts into her mouth, one large hand finding her thigh, his palm squeezes the flesh and her skirt slips slightly, revealing more skin to him. He rolls his hips forward experimentally.
“Fuck” they say in unison. This was the furthest they had gone, it wasn't much, but my oh my it was euphoric. 
Matty reads the words “touches” what seems like a thousand times, plural. His mind spirals at that, what was this about? Who was this about? He looks around the room, George sat with a pair of headphones on and of course Jamie is nowhere to be seen. Surprise surprise he thinks. He slides from the room then, escaping to the bathroom. He perches on the lid of the toilet, hand placed on his thigh, nails digging in when he reads the next words.
Now we're touching the sky
We are ready to fly
Take me higher, we'll soar and defy
I got the feeling that we're gonna -
He feels his blood rush south, imagining the way she’d sing this, voice breathy and high pitched, hitched in her throat as if she was about to… he imagines her again, sweaty body sprawled out on his bed, thrashing about amongst his bed sheets, back arching off his bed. She’d moan, a breathless sound, something akin to his name. His cock twitches under his jeans and his hand finds his hair, tugging harshly, other hand gripping the piece of paper so harshly it crinkles. He tries his hardest to resist the urge to please himself… tries. 
“Fuck” he says, what would it feel like if she tugged his hair? That image of her arching her back flashes through his mind again. Only this time he’s hovering above her. His hand moves back down from his hair, he shouldn’t - he knows he shouldn’t but he can’t help himself. His palm finds his aching member, pressing flat against the hardness, eyes fluttering shut as he imagines driving into her. The way she’d sigh, the way she’d moan his name, begging for more. 
Hit that level, strum that bass, flick that switch
Let's get sinful, baby, let me be your demon's itch
Craving your touches until we unleash hot rock and roll
“Ross” she says, hands moving from his back to his bun, tugging at the hair until he growls into her mouth. Well he definitely liked that, she thinks. His hips move against hers, rolling forward, hitting her clit with every rotation. 
He pulls back for a breather, eyes snapping south, accompanied by hers. He watches as he rolls his hips forward again. He sees his member bulging and straining against his jeans. Her eyes snap to the same thing he’s looking at, although it affects her much more. She caused that. Her, the one who had been shaky all day, messing up things that were supposed to be second nature to her. She did that to him, the man she had idolised since a teenager, loving the way his quiet nature fascinated her, the way his passion for music shone without him having to thrust it into people’s faces.
The man who belonged to her favourite band, the man who she had grown close to, the man she had begun to picture a life with, before hers had really begun.
She also can't help but notice how well endowed he was. She’s not surprised, the sight only confirming her suspicions, but it has one too many dirty thoughts bedevilling her mind, like how he’d feel inside her, how he’d likely reach places inside her that no one had ventured to before. She knew then, that she'd let him, and only him, paint those places with his cum.
He hears her moan his name again and his eyes snap to find hers again. Mouth falling open as he grunts, seeing her like this - back arching, chest pushed against his and she moans, eyes dark like the night - made him crazy.
He leans forward, lips finding her neck, kissing up to her ear, sucking the flesh behind her lobe. 
“Let me please you” he demands into her ear.
“You are” she says, pulling him back from her neck, not wanting him to leave a mark. He shakes his head as he looks at her. 
“That's not what I mean,” he says, lips pressed against the skin that's exposed at her chest, wandering downwards, over her covered skin, drifting south. 
“Oh fuck” she says, realising what he means. He's on his knees then, lips pressing against her skin, moving to the left until they’re grazing her inner thigh. Her head falls back against the wall as her hands weave their way through his hair, goosebumps rising across her flesh. 
We'll ride on passion's wave and lose all control
In your eyes, I discover lust burning inside
Matty’s hand dips below the waistband of his jeans and underwear, rolling his palm against his cock. 
“Fuck” he grunts, he hunches slightly, slipping down the toilet a little. When his head snaps backwards it lands against the china, it digs into his head but he truly doesn't care. Nothing could get her off his mind, the lyrics she had written plaguing his mind with dirty, filthy, devilish thoughts. He imagines the way her small hand would wrap around his cock, he copies the movements, hand finding himself aching and hard, his fist encloses around himself. Her hand would be softer. He'd still be warm in her hand just like he is his own, but he knows it would be better, because it was her. He gives himself an experimental stroke as his eyes snap open, finding her words and reading them again.
“Fucking hell” he says as his eyes scan over the page, his hand moves slowly, up and down, up and down. His eyes mirror the movement of his hand, but quicker, trying to decide which line to reread, which line is his favourite, which line would make him…
He moans, thumb running over the head of his cock, spreading the precum that's seeping from him down his shaft. His eyes land on a particular line again, and he mumbles it out loud, wanting to hear how it would sound, not in his head. 
"In your eyes, I discover lust burning inside" he reads out loud, doing his best to keep quiet. But then a moan is tearing from his throat and his hips are snapping up, thrusting into his own hand.
Explode like dynamite, carnal desire can't be denied
In this darkness, we'll do what we want, our secrets we won't hide
"Ross wait" she says, fingers finding his chin, tugging lightly at him sending him backwards, feeling the way his hair scratched her fingertips, making her think of heavenly it would feel in-between her thighs.
"Do you want to stop?" He asks with a rogue kiss to her inner thigh, tongue peeking out just so before he pulls away with a smirk. Her dark orbs find his: reflections of each other. She shakes her head with her mouth agape, the way he smirks has her core fluttering and her pulling her lip between her teeth.
He stands, fingertips pulling back her lip "don't bite that lip" he warns.
"Why? Wanna do it for me?" He grunts, pushing his mouth to hers, nibbling her lips before his tongue finds hers, fighting with each other, his winning in the end. 
"Do you want this?" He asks against her mouth, his voice is soft, letting her know that it truly was okay to stop, if she wanted. His hand finds her core as he poses the question, stroking against the wet fabric of her underwear, making her sigh against his mouth.
"I want this… just not here"   she allows him to weave his hand through hers, dragging her body with his willingly, giggles and laughter falling from them easily as they practically run back up the stairs. Her palm finds his mouth when they are near the top, silencing the laughter coming from him. His hand finds her waist, tugging her towards him, spinning them at the last instant until he's pressing her against the wall, trapping her against it with his lips. She moans into his mouth, her body working on its own accord, arching her back until her chest is flush against his. It was reckless, all it took for them to get caught was Jamie to come back from wherever he had disappeared to or for Matty or George to round the corner and see them in their current position. Which was getting more compromising with every second, because now, Ross is pushing his leg forward, her thighs separating and making way for the limb. She holds back the moan that attempts to tear from her throat when she feels the muscular flesh press against her in a way so heavenly her eyes flutter and the moan slips from her mouth into his.
“As much as I love those pretty little noises, you've got to be quiet” he says against her mouth. She gently shoves his shoulder, intertwining their hands again and pulling him further along the studio corridor, opening the first door she finds. The room is small, cold and dark, various cables and different pieces of equipment are placed on shelves which line the walls. She tugs him in the dark room and he quietly closes the door behind them, spinning them again until her back is pressed against the dark wood. 
His lips bruise themselves against her neck as her hands weave into his hair again, and she doesn’t stop herself from tugging at his hair time, she wants to know his reaction. And she's so glad she does, because when she tugs the strands, it sends him a little further away from her neck, he growls as he pushes forward again. That singular noise accompanied by a subtle bite of her neck has her raising her leg again, hooking it over his hip and behind him, her heel landing on his behind and pushing against it, loving the way he grunts again, one hand sprawling out to catch himself against the door. It forces his clothed member to rub against hers again and she loves how he isn't hesitant when he rolls his hips forward once more. The seam of his jeans rubs against her clit over her panties and she can't help but moan into his mouth, a little bit louder than before. 
His hand finds her thigh, pushing against the fabric that sits bunched there, pushing it further up until it rests against her hips, revealing herself to him. And what a sight, it has him salivating, panting, needing her - desperately needing her. But this wasn't about him, no this was about her. And god when he sees that little wet patch seeping through the fabric of her panties he so desperately wants to taste her. 
His lips find her ear at the same time his hand moves down to her centre, pausing at her inner thigh until he speaks “let me please you love, will you let me do that?” he murmurs into her ear, taking it into his mouth after he utters the sentence. She nods vigorously, his hand begins moving and she wishes he’d stop staring at her like that for she knew if he continued she wouldn't last long.
Her eyes fall down to his hand as it moves again, he watches too, slowly inching closer to where she needs him. She didn't want to miss a single second of this. His hand drifts across her thighs, upwards grazing against her core before he jumps over it with a smirk. Purposefully missing it and landing on her lower stomach. His large hand lays flat against her abdomen, practically covering the whole of it, slipping under the hem of her top. Two fingers find the little piece of jewellery attached to her belly button, ghosting over the metal before it disappears again, inching south, back to where she needs him. 
"You're such a tease" she says, making him look at her once more. He watches the way she bites her lip again and the way her eyes have darkened with lust for him.
"You're so beautiful" he says as his hand moves down again, fingers hooking under the top of her underwear and her breath hitches again. Two fingers toy with her folds making her sigh, pulling him forward until their mouths graze again. They don't kiss though, she simply pants into his open mouth as his fingers tease her, playing with her, searching her face, watching the pleasure appear.
"So wet for me" she swallows his words with her lips as he easily finds her clit, beginning to rub slow torturous circles against the bundle of nerves. Her back arches, her tits smearing against his chest. 
"Fuck Ross" he pulls away after she says it, mouth hanging open as his fingers still.
"Why'd you stop?" She says but then he's slowly inching a finger inside her, making her sigh, the loud moans she's been trying to suppress getting harder and harder to do so.
"I've been waiting to hear you like this for so long" he groans as he kisses her again. His moans fall into her mouth and she moans back, knowing he'd swallow it. His finger slips from inside with a whiny protest from her, but she immediately shuts up when he begins tugging the lace down. She watches the way he pockets the fabric with a smirk, she mirrors his expression, her tongue peeking out of her mouth and swiping against his bottom lip. 
He looks down at her again, without the barrier and he moans her name, pulling back completely away from her, her thigh nearly falling from his hip. His hands weave into his hair as he stares at her, eyes raking down her form, not knowing what to land on. 
“I knew you’d be perfect but jesus christ Y/n…” his words trail off but they're everything, the best collection of words she thinks she’s ever heard. Suddenly the words, I and knew and you and be and perfect and especially Y/n are her favourite sounds. And the way they fall effortlessly from his lips: they’re perfection. He is perfection. 
“Don’t make me wait any longer” he’s back in between her legs in a split second then, holding her thigh against his hip harshly. 
He mumbles a “keep that there, pretty girl” before he lets go of the flesh. Pretty girl. They were her favourite words now, definitely. 
His finger moves back down, faster than ever before, he slides one in, just one, feeling the way she convulses around it. He swears at the feeling, eyes trained on the way she takes it, so perfectly. She sighs and it's his favourite sound. He thinks he should record the noise, hide it in tracks for the world to hear, without the slightest inclination of how lucky they are. He pulls back his finger before pushing back in and curving and oh my it's heavenly.
"Ross" she moans again, gripping his shoulder harshly "more" her eyes find his and his hips move forward on their own. His body fails with a singular sigh of his name, the man never hearing it sound so perfect. Another finger joins the other, working in tandem.
His eyes fall down to see his fingers working inside her, curving slightly and snapping up to see her reaction. Nothing could've prepared him for it, a clench of her hand on his shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut before immediately snapping open, eyes bearing into his, glassy and glistening. Her back arches again and a pretty sigh of his name falls from her lips again. 
But what really gets him, what causes him to twitch in his jeans, his eyes to darken impossibly more and him feeling the hardest he had ever been in his life, was the way she clenches around his fingers. 
"Look at you…" he murmurs, eyes unwavering from her cunt now. "So fucking pretty, clenching around my fingers like that" her eyes fall to see what he's talking about, and she can't deny… it's hot. The way his thick fingers move in and out of her, the way her cunt looks wrapped around them and the sounds… the sounds might just be his favourite, that and the way she moans his name.
“Is this good for you?” he asks with a smirk, knowing the answer anyway. It's cocky, but it's hot. Really fucking hot. All she can manage is a quick nod, her mouth falling open and a moan beginning to slip. He quickly catches it with his mouth, not wanting to be heard by anyone else. 
“Rhythm pounding, hearts racing, together we're finding what's next” Matty reads those words again, and he’s unsure whether it is his imagination or whether he actually hears her moans, but he swears he hears them. His hand halts on his cock, and he steadies his breathing, focusing his attention on listening. It rings out again, barely there and oh so quiet but it’s something. His hips fail him again, rising on their own accord until his thrusting into his hand, once and then once more before he wills himself to stop again. 
And to focus… to listen.
Ross’s fingers curve again as his thumb finds her clit, applying euphoric figures of eight against the bundle of nerves. His pace accelerates and she really tries to hide the moans, hide her pleasure, but she fails… Miserably. Her back arches again and he fails to cover her mouth with his this time. He thinks the noise she lets out is beautiful, his new-found favourite melody, but he knew if they got caught they’d be screwed. And so his unoccupied hand snaps to her mouth. She giggles against it, a moan tearing from her half way through, muffled by his mouth.
“Shhhh” he says, laughing because she laughs. “You’ve got to be quiet love… we don't want to get caught” despite his words his movements don't falter. His hand loosens from her mouth, allowing her to reply. But it comes out high pitched, a mumble through her teeth, trying her hardest to remain quiet. 
“Stop being so good at this and maybe I’ll be able to” she says, eyes fluttering as her voice hitches again. Her words inflate his ego and he smears his mouth to hers, meeting her tongue with such an unfathomable force that her head clatters against the wood. He mumbles a “sorry” into her mouth but she doesn’t seem to care, clenching around his fingers again as her tongue fights against him.
Matty sits in the bathroom next to them, hearing little noises here and there, not able to stop his imagination from running wild, allowing his hand to set an unforgiving pace against his cock. He muffles his own moans with his fist, biting into the knuckles to silence himself. He knew this was wrong, getting off to her noises well aware that it was his best friend drawing those pretty noises from her. He feels conflicted when he doesn't feel jealous… it just turns him on further. Making his hips stutter upwards, pistoning up into his hand.
“Fuck” he moans. He wonders what it would be like to be there with them, he swears he'd deal with just being able to watch, if they’d let him. He wonders if Ross would let him touch her too, if he’d allow him to join in. He thinks… he would. If it's what she wanted. 
His pace quickens, the sound of skin colliding against his hardness filling the room. The paper has been discarded to the side, still in his line of vision and when he manages to keep his eyes open, they never leave it. He lowers his fist away from his hand for a second, opening his mouth and letting his spit fall, coating his cock just like he'd imagine she would. The sounds are wetter now and it feels better, so much better. 
It feels like she'd feel, wet around him, clenching him, ready to milk him for all his worth. He tightens his grip, hoping she'd be just as tight.  
“I want to taste you” Ross murmurs into her mouth, catching the oncoming moans with his own again. He wants to taste her, she loves that. “I need to taste you” he repeats. She loves that even more. She pulls away, lip tucked in between her teeth as she stares at him.
“Want that?” she nods, vigorously.
“You’ve got to stay quiet darling” he says and she nods again.
“I will” she won't. 
Her head falls slack against the door with a thump as he drifts down to his knees, he looks up at her through his eyelashes and if that didn’t do it for her there would be something seriously wrong with her.
“Careful sweetheart” sweetheart, she sighs. She giggles a school girlish noise that slips from her lips before she has the chance to stop it when she sees him smirk again. She was never one for pet names, but when they came from his mouth, she loved them. She was obsessed with them, never wanting him to say her name again, only sweetheart and darling and pretty girl.
He fucks up into his hand, continuing to bite into the flesh, although it doesn't silence his grunts as much as he wants it too. He grunts when hears a thud against the wall next to him. What were they up to? He didn't know. But he could imagine. And by god did he imagine.
He settles himself in between her thighs, one hand gripping the back of her calf, drifting up and down once as his eyes land on hers again, wanting to check once more that this was what she wanted. With a singular nod his tongue meets her skin, separating her folds, causing her back to arch again. Her hand snaps to her mouth, covering it completely, the moans falling freely into her palm, dulled out as she bites into the flesh. 
Her other hand falls into his hair and she smiles against her palm as his hand finds hers, manoeuvring it until his hair band is out and she can tug against the free strands. His fingers cover hers and he tenses them together, silently letting her know she could do what she wants.
So she does, tugging harshly and likely hurting him when his tongue swipes through her folds again. He moans into her and she moans into her hand. His beard scratches against her skin, a new feeling to her, but she likes it. The dull pain mixed with intense pleasure is a blissfully heady mixture that she’d never experienced before, her previous partners being subpar in comparison to him. 
He pulls back briefly to mutter a “taste so good love” before he dives back in, swiping through her folds and collecting her juices just to quench his thirst before he focuses on really giving her the pleasure she deserves.
He finds her clit again, sucking the bud and making her clench around his head. He couldn’t wait to do this without her hand swallowing her moans, to really hear her, hear the noises he was easily pulling from her. 
“Oh fuck that’s good” she says, hand slipping from her mouth momentarily before its back there again. He can do better, he knows it and she does too when he smirks up at her, fingers finding her puckered hole again. Two easily thrust in and he loves the way she instantly flutters around them, the pace he sets is unforgiving and it's not long until she’s on the edge. 
She pulls away slightly when he sucks at her clit again, tongue swiping through her folds in the next moment. His fingers leave her to grip her hips, holding him to his mouth but she doesn't care, because it's not long until they’re pushing back in. He has her reaching a high she knows she's never reached before. Safe to say he’s ruined her for anyone else, not that was even an option now. She had him now and was never, ever letting him go. 
His fingers curve, finding her g-spot and the way he caresses it, it has her shaking beneath him. The way his tongue moves against her is possessive and when she feels his tongue moving, in a very particular way that sure feels like his name, her eyes fall to him.
He's already looking up at her, and her hand falls from her mouth but it still hangs open. She’s his, he’s marking her from within, she’d feel him for days, she was convinced of it and the thought was a welcomed one.
Her mouth falls open and no noise comes from her but she spasms and shakes as his fingers pull from her before pushing back in and curving and hitting her g spot again and again, over and over.
“Fuck ross” she says, although her words are barely formed and end up sounding much more like nonsense.  Her fingertips envelope his chin, thumb smoothing over his beard, coated in her wetness. It's a sinful sight, one which a cold shower or two would definitely not fix. Her mouth falls open further and her back arches again. His fingers hook one last time, mouth completely closing round her clit and she breaks. She shakes and he sees her through it, fingers held inside her, caressing the bundle of nerves within her, as he kitten licks at her clit, finally pushing fully against the whole of her as she cums. 
“Ross” she moans, a quiet murmur of his name that might be his favourite yet. Accompanied by a shake of her body and the closing of her thighs. 
Her hand is still holding his chin gently and when the sensation becomes too much she lightly tugs against it. He obeys, pulling from her and licking his lips clean. She watches as he brings his fingers to his mouth too, cleaning them off with a smirk. Her hand grips his chin. It's her new favourite site.
“You’re good at that” her head falls against the door and she sighs, smiling to herself “really fucking good” her hand slips from his chin. He chuckles at her, standing from her thighs, hand enclosing around her waist. He wanted to kiss her but wasn’t sure she’d like that. But then she's pulling him to her, lips finding his, tongue finding his. He tastes like her and she moans, it's erotic but he loves it.
Her fingertips find his chin again as she pulls back, looking at his beard which was still slightly glistening with her, she chuckles at the site. 
“Made a bit of a mess” she laughs and he smiles. 
“Good” he murmurs, pressing his lips to hers again, a brief kiss. 
“Never gotten head from a guy with a beard before” she admits and he raises his eyebrows.
“Don't want to hear about your ex-boyfriends after I just made you come” he says and it has her raising her eyebrows too.
“Guess I won't tell you how shockingly bad they were in comparison then” she says, turning her head slightly, his lips find her jaw, pressing against it as he mumbles a “oh no… that I want to hear… tell me more” 
His hips thrust into his hand once, twice more, before they're sputtering upwards. His cock twitches in his hand, ropes of cum hitting his stomach, he groans a loud, drawn out noise into his bawled up fist. 
"Oh fuck…." He can't help but think how she'd take it if she was here, would she let him coat her chest? Would she beg for him to cum down her throat? He shakes the thoughts away, guilty grabbing handfuls of tissue and wiping himself clean.
"For God sake' he says, hastily removing the obscene amount of come from his stomach. He tucks himself back into his trousers, zipping them up, lifting the lid if the toilet and flushing the tissues. He washes his hands and takes in his reflection.
He shakes his head at himself "fuck off" he murmurs, talking to himself.
He shakes a hand through his hair, and splashes his face with water before he leaves the room, taking the paper, folding it up and placing it in his pocket. He sends a text to George explaining that he wasn't feeling too well and heads home.
Her hand drifts down his chest, but he encloses it before she gets the chance to touch him. Her eyes find his and she furrows her eyebrows.
"Your turn" she says and he smiles but shakes his head, placing a simple peck to her lips.
"That's not why I did that love… I wanted to please you" he explains.
"And you did, you really did" she smirks "now I want to return the favour" he pecks her mouth again after that.
"Another time I promise… we should get back" he says and she frowns. Did he not want her?
"Trust me love… I want to, I want you so badly, but if we're gone another minute I fear our little secret won't be so secretive anymore" he says, silencing her mind as if he could read it.
"Okay" she says and smiles at him. His fingertips envelope her chin lightly, bringing her lips to his for a sweet kiss, one which disabled her momentarily.
"Trust me love… I promise we will have another chance… I'd quite like to get between those pretty little thighs of yours again" he says, his voice dropping an octave. It makes her blush deeply.
"Okay" she says coyly, smiling a dopey smile up at him. 
"Let's get back, yeah?" She nods at his words leaning up to press another kiss to his lips. He smiles into it and suddenly everything feels different between them but at the same time it's as if nothing has changed at all.
George is somehow none the wiser when they return to the studio, too buried in work to realise how much time had passed. She asks where Matty is and George shrugs explaining that he left a while ago but he wasn't sure where he went. George lifts his phone and sees the message his curly haired friend sent reading it aloud to the pair. 
"Hope he's okay" Ross says and George nods, placing his phone down again.
"It's getting late, you should probably head home soon too" George says and both Ross and y/n nod.
"And you?" Yn asks and George smiles.
"I just want to finish this up and then I'll head… you guys go" George says with a smile. Yn smiles back and leans down to hug him and Ross' hand clasps around his before they're leaving.
It's dark outside the dark and a chill runs through her body but it's not long before Ross is wrapping an arm around her frame, warming her instantly.
"I'll walk you home if you like" the air around them feels different now, it's somehow both more comfortable and more exciting. She wants nothing more than to let him walk her home, invite him up to her room and let the night unfold. But Matty is on the forefront of her mind now and she's worried.
"I'd love that…" she hesitates and Ross frowns slightly at her, reading her facial expressions and somehow decoding what she's thinking. She half expects him to sigh, for him to step away from her frame, but her heart swells when he pulls her in tighter. She’s surprised once more at how he seemed to be able to read her mind. 
"You want to check on Matty…" his voice trails off and she nods, unsure on what his reaction would be.
"Is that okay?" She asks, one hand gently holding his face. She feels the way his cheeks shift, a smile tugging at the edges of his lips until the crinkles that she loves form. He nods at her. He knows now that on some level, she was his, and he'd do anything to keep her.
"Yeah love, text me when you're home though yeah?" She nods. She watches as an idea seems to pop into his mind, his face lighting up and his smile spreading.
"We have a day off tomorrow…." we have the day off tomorrow, she liked the sound of that. In fact she loved it. They were a we now, or at least in some way. 
"We do…." She smiles and he smiles back, just as wide.
"Let me take you on a date" he says.
"Hmm… what's in it for me?" She jokes.
"Oh absolutely nothing… I'm not worth the trouble really" he jokes back, stepping away from her briefly, as if to walk away. She’s quick to grab his arb and pull him back.
"Hey hey hey, where do you think you're going?" She asks, making him chuckle a short laugh.
"Yes I'd love to go on a date with you" she says through a giggle.
"We'll go on a date then…" he says.
"Good" he confirms it with a brief kiss before pulling away, she watches as he scrunches his nose up, eyes crinkling at the edges as he does and his lips pursing.
"It's a date then squish" he says and she lightly shoves him, but before he goes too far both hands wrap around her small wrists and he tugs gently. She crashes into his hard chest with a little "oomph" and he looks down at her with a smirk and all thoughts and ideas of scolding him for it disappear.
"I'll make it worth your while" he says, his voice low, it makes her shiver. She blushes, her mouth opens and closes, at a loss for words. He chuckles, the kind of one that's just an exhale through his nostrils and his grip loosens around her wrists.
"Go check on Matthew, text me when you get home and I'll see you tomorrow, 10 work for you?" He asks and she nods. 
"Sounds perfect" she watches as he looks both ways down the street and then back over his shoulder and up to the studio, before he turns back to her. No one was around, the street dark and empty. So he leans down and captures her lips in his, in a kiss that completely blows her mind. His soft ones against hers, tongue folding over hers, blissful sighs falling from her and soft groans from him. In those few moments, all that exists is him and them, the world slowing around them like something out of a romance novel. 
He pulls back and all she can do is nod and she chases his lips with hers. It makes him laugh and she slowly opens her eyes to see him again.
"Wow… that was some kiss" 
"You should go… see if Healy is okay" Ross says and she nods, leaning up for one last kiss.
'Dream about me' he says against her mouth, their lips momentarily separated and she nods before his move against hers again.
"As long as you dream about me…" she says, pulling back until their lips just graze.
"I have every day since I met you" 
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @promocodesorry75 @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx @k4tie75 @insidemymind19 @zzzhealy @maybeiwouldlikeyou @at-her-very-foreign @not-alien-girl-v @sinarainbows @friedlandblog @momentum2023 @youlooklikeshitandyousmellabit @Inhalerbea (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊, those with a line through are the ones i couldn’t tag)
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kingdoms-and-empires · 6 months
Can you tell us the ROs ideal/preference MC? (Imperious, stoic, carefree, friendly)
Or is that too spoilers..? :((
Preface: All personalities dont really matter in terms of ingame roleplaying. I do want to implement something like, making sure to not crack a joke at the wrong time and having everyone pissed at you for doing so, but thats an idea for now.
Amina: First impression, Friendly. After some time, Carefree. Homegirl is tired of keeping the facade up. Be funny to steal her heart away from her brain!
Astrid: Carefree when you first meet her, then Friendly. Being overly friendly at first would probably hesitate because she'd think it was out of pity. She cracks jokes, and would appreciate jokes that isnt mean spirited or malicious.
Cheris: Imperious first, then Friendly. Cheris wants someone dependable, and nice.
Edward: His is a more weird one. First impression, probably Imperious and then Stoic later. I really think he would resonate really well with someone who pushes themselves out of their comfort zone out of duty.
Lucina: She would devour all our personalities. Imperious is the noble prince, Stoic the quiet prince, Carefree the funny prince, and Friendly the happy prince. Would all be something she expects of us as her fantasy fills in the blanks for her.
Mary: Friendly or Carefree. Mary only wants us to be happy, and doesn't really like that we take so much upon ourselves.
Max: First impression, he would be the opposite of Lucina. He'd hate the fuck outta whatever we do. Friendly? How fucking dare you pretend youre harmless. Carefree? You can still laugh after what you did? Stoic? Oh boo hoo, lookie me, im fucking sad and dont like talking, serves you right! Imperious? There's the fucking princess I imagined, pretending to be better than all us regular folk.
Nysthe: Stoic (for mystery factor), and then Imperious. Nysthe has high expectations for us, and she'd prefer an MC who can deliver and act accordingly so. Plus she is the attacker, she'd want to bring down your walls and make you hers.
Veriel: Friendly first for first impressions, and then Imperious. Veriel also has high expectations he places on us. He really thinks and believes that youre Argent's future, and will really appreciate an MC that takes their role as Crown Prince/Princess seriously.
Voryn: He values approachability foremost, so probably Carefree or Friendly first, and stay that way. He really dislikes authority, so Imperious would be his least favorite, but he really likes bringing introverts out and including them so Stoic would be quite alright with him.
Zera: Friendly first, and then...he wouldnt care. If you make it (you will) through the first impressions and he begins to like you, he wont care what your personality is so long as your actions are what he approves. By then he'll be so in love with your princess that he'll just be happy to be around you.
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im-notbean · 9 months
Headcannons of; Quackity x Greek! Male! Reader
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On god bro. I just really want somebody who speaks Greek on the QSMP. So in orderto cure this fantasy of mine I have now created this, sorry if you dont like the fact that Y/N is greek but I had to do it. Sooner or later okay-
⚠︎ Warning ⚠︎
Some cultural things you might not understand
Might not be accurate to the cannon QSMP
This post has both Q!Quackity and CC!Quackity
Grammar mistakes
Characters might be a bit off to you
Mentions of Homophobia
Author kinda pools info about greek food-
If anything bothers you from above please, don't read!
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・Your accent>>>>>>
・I'm sorry but he just loves it, especially when you pronounce certain words.
・Like saying yogurt and bread shit like that you know?
・If you say Alex in greek he gets scared- (Άλεξ [Álex] might not be accurate lol)
・Praise. Him. In. Greek.
・He get's so mad if you don't, goes full on Mexican on your ass-
・Quackity definitely respects your boundaries, so he'd ok with you not wanting to be public about your guy's relationship
・Especially with Twitter and shit (I refuse to call Twitter "X")
・Makes the funniest jokes and yall know those corny ass pick up lines
・Like "I wish you were my Xbox, cause I wanna play you all~~ night ♡"
・He definitely does those daily
・He can't cook for shit, so you have banned him from the kitchen
・It's always akward explaning that to your parents...
・Quackity loves it when you cook for him
・Especially Greek deserts (I'm just gonna fanboy over greek food for a hot minutes)
・Like tiramisu or like those almond cookies
・Incase you don't know what I'm fanboying over, Tiramisu is an Italian dish so I'm not gonna go over it in much detail
・Basically a layered desert with espresso innit
・Baklava is one of the MOST iconic Greek deserts, it's layered with phyllo pastery, melted butter, and nuts!
・The most common are pistachios and walnuts by the way and theirs a layer of cinnamon-orange syrup pored over it once it is baked!
・Loukoumades are the Greek version of fried dough, their normally topped with honey, cinnamon, and walnuts.
・He loves then sm
・If yall decide to make your relationship public, he wants you to decide how to do it.
・I personally believe you take over his stream one day as his "Special Guest"
・A cooking stream because y'know- it's iconic
・Your baking a classic greek disk.
・Gyro (Pronouced Yee-ro by the way)
・Basically Gyro is a dish that is a mix of lamb and beef (sometimes chicken too) that is made to fill pita bread.
・The sauce that is paired with is called tzatziki (it's really fucking good.) it normally has tomatos and onions and paied with greek fries.
・So your cooking the meat and stuff and Quackity just comes up behind you and you turn around right cause you know he's their
・So quickly, you bend down and kiss him.
・A little smooch before you kick him out th kitchen-
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・You guys met on the train to the island.
・He tried talking to you but he seriously could not understand you, it wasas if you were speaking another language.
・When the government had paired people up, you didn't get a partner :(
・You also didn't really want an egg either, but you didn't mind babysitting them!
・Phil is so greatful for this-
・Quackity had heard about your egg sitting and decided to leave Tillin (I think i butchered this ngl) in your care
・Tillin loved you, she also liked the fact that she could understand you and offered as a translator.
・When Quackity came back he was surprised to see his own child translating what you were saying
・Once the new members joined you were assined partners with Tubbo (I am not sure if the new members have assigned parners ngl so...also are we getting new members today?)
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・(Not even joking- ANYWAY LMAO)
・So y'know how Tubbo can get info out of Curchuro (prob butchered that again lol)
・You can do it also, sence your the only person on the server who can speak greek and not English he thinks the info he tells you is safe.
・You get Tillin to translate to Tubbo about what Curchuro tells you >:D
・Quackity learns about this and then he realized what the fuck is happening
・The he realized one day, you were gone.
・Along with the eggs.
・He never realized how much he liked you until you left...
・Quackity tried looking for you and the eggs
・But he never got far
・Tubbo also tried to help look for you, to no avail
・Not gonna lie, you and Phil got locked in a cage togther 😂
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Week of November 12-18
What I Read
I’m using the summaries provided by the author’s unless otherwise stated
Up In Your Arms (Prologue)- by @cherubispunk - 1940sgangster!Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader. Summary: The beginning of it all asked like whiskey and cigarettes. But smelled of the interrogation room.
Y’all I do not think that I can overstate how EXCITED I am for this series! The way Lu writes has me on my knees, just waiting to gobble up every little word she drops!
My Brother’s Keeper Chapter 3- by @diversemediums.
This story lives in my mind rent free! And Tess makes an appearance in this chapter!
Seeking What Is Desirable Chapter 1- by @chloeangelic - Joel Miller x f!reader. Series Summary: Albert Camus said that “A man is always a prey to his truths; Once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them,” and it made me wonder hoe we justify romantic affairs- if we are free when we enter them in secrecy or only truly free when we have burned the bridges we ran over to reach the arms of each other.
I don’t know what it is about Joel Miller cheating on his wife that makes me absolutely FERAL. This story is going to be a long one so a lot of this chapter is building the story but we also get some absolutely stellar Joel smut.
Cherub Chapter 2- by @cherubispunk - dealer!Joel Miller x AFAB!reader. Summary: you will forever be his fallen angel. his cherub.
Listen: grimy, disgusting ass trailer park Joel is my Roman Empire. I think about him all the time. I wanna be his Trailer Park Princess and just cook and clean for him even though I know damn well he barely showers.
Best Kept Secret Chapters 26 & 27- by @lincolndjarin. Summaries: Ch 26- judgement day, Ch 27- judgement day (din’s version)
This entire series is AMAZING and I urge you to read it if you haven’t. That said, these two chapters have been my absolute favorite so far. I am not ashamed to admit that I cried multiple times during both chapters. Also, Ro put these chapters out 5 days apart which is majorly impressive!
Me and My Husband Chapter 4- by @beskarandblasters. Din fins himself unable to stop thinking about you so he tells his riduur he’s leaving for another bounty, but instead goes to Naboo to look for you.
You and Din get to know each other better and make plans for a getaway. Meanwhile, the guilt of his situation is beginning to weigh on him, but he just can’t help himself.
Hot & Heavy Epilogue- by @tieronecrush. Series summary (paraphrased.) over the course of three summers, Joel Miller becomes woven into your life.
Okay, so, I have SO many thoughts on this series in general, the conclusion to it and my friend Sam. This series is so beautifully done and it is one of my go to comfort fics. This epilogue is quite long at 17.k but was absolutely necessary to wrap up the series. I still found myself wanting more even after reading all 17k.
You and Joel fall in love, break up, get back together, hide your relationship, fight and makeup all over the course of three summers. And then this epilogue takes you through the next three summers. Sam, being the amazingly kind person that she is, put up with me screaming in her ask box for MONTHS about these two. And we became friends because of it. I am insanely proud of her for finishing this series and it remains on my top recs list! If you haven’t read it yet, you are seriously missing out!
I Know It’s for the Better chapters 1 and 2 -by @planet-marz1. Ch 1 summary: Joel returns home with a heartbreaking confession. Ch2 summary: Still reeling from Joel’s confession, you find solace in someone new.
Mari wrote her first fic and dropped two chapters in the same week! If you like Joel angst, this is the fic for you. Mari writes a beautiful, if sad examination of how infidelity can rock a relationship and a a community.
All Three Dogs- by @macfrog. Summary: “dog metaphors are all about devotion, devotion to a person, a concept, a place etc, to be a dog is to be devoted.”
Listen: this might be one of the most beautiful, devastating things I’ve ever read. It is so raw and reading it felt like a punch to the gut, in a good way obviously. I actually cried both times I read this.
Halcyon Prologue- by @justagalwhowrites. Summary: Your best friend, Joel Miller, takes you to the prom.
A modern, no outbreak AU (these are my favorites). Kit has teased that this story will be a long one (which is definitely her jam, and mine) so this is just a little stage setting but I am already screaming, crying, throwing up for it. Everything Kit writes has me up in arms, head over heels, generally clawing at the bars of my enclosure. Let’s all buckle up for this baby, shall we?
Three’s Company- by @wardenparker and @absurdthirst. Summary: Joel Miller and Frankie Morales have both had a things for their daughter’s elementary school teacher, unbeknownst to each other. They have also both been long-standing members of a nearby anonymous sex club that they discover said teacher-you- also belong to.
Don’t let the summary fool you! This first part is surprisingly soft! I love it when Joel Miller has feelings. Like, maybe even more than I love it when he does nasty, depraved stuff to me.
Sticking It to the PTA- by @walkintotheriveranddisappear. Summary: Joel Miller is a good dad and an active member of the school’s PTA. You’re a new mom in the school district, and you just want to make sure your daughter, Ellie, makes lots of friends. When you learn about Joel’s reputation as the “slutty single dad” of the PTA- you can’t help but hate him-especially after Ellie becomes best friends with his daughter.
Okay this is probably one of my favorite “situations” i have found joel miller in. Just like the last entry, this one is softer than you’d think at first. He’s a slut, but a soft slut. You and Joel strike up a friendship, reluctant on your part at first, just as your children do. Soft, sluttiness ensues.
Stuffing- by @toxicanonymity. Summary: Joel leaves for the day and Uncle Tommy keeps you company.
*tongue out sweating emoji* i am a HUGE fan of DVP and this fic tics a LOT of boxes for me! It is HOT HOT HOT
Sticky- by @ezrasbirdie. Summary: You send Joel a new toy to keep him occupied while you’re away.
This was SO hot and SO sweet. As usual, Birdie has once again proven that they have mastered porn with feelings. My favorite part was when he went into his room, pretending to nobody but himself, that he needed a new pair of socks.
Moonshine Chapters 5 & 6- by @pimosworld. Ch 5 summary: Cain makes an appearance while you and Joel reflect on your past and futures. Ch 6 summary: Joel mediates an argument after some patrons causes a stir at the bar.
This series has me in a chokehold! This is the second Joel x Reader x Frankie fic to make an appearance this week. This is a post outbreak version and it is MUST READ!
What I Wrote:
I released part one of my new Joel Miller miniseries, When My Time Comes Around. Part Two will be out tomorrow night at 6:00 pm CST.
I did make a few mod boards this week as well!
This one for @wannab-urs Dieter Bravo series, A Ghost of You. If you stick around here long enough, you’ll hear me shout about it constantly.
And this one for my wife @party-hearses. Not for a fic or anything, just for our general vibe.
Cherub Chapter 1 by @cherubispunk in preparation for the new chapter.
My Brother’s Keeper chapters 1 and 2- by @diversemediums in preparation for the new chapter.
Part Two of When My Time Comes Around drops tomorrow and the final part next Tuesday! It is kind of bittersweet thinking that it is already almost over because this story lives in my mind rent free right now and has been taking up a large portion of my brain power.
Unfortunately due to said brainrot, i haven’t written anything else, but i have some thots thotting for Solo Sessions and Excuse Me, Mister Officer?
I also have 2 requests in my inbox that I am desperate to write and get out before the end of the year.
See you next week, Besties! 💚
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 11 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Enjoy the fluff...because the angst is coming soon *evil cackles*
Warnings: Steddie related smut and fluff, nothing too dramatic here. Just feels.
Word Count: 3181
You grinned as you sat on the back porch watching Dylan kick a ball around with his sister. Aurora was a few months shy of 3 and you felt like time was flying by. The more she grew the more she took on Eddie’s features. Her hair was wavy just like his and she preferred like her father to have it long. Every time she laughed, she cackled like he did which always made you laugh harder. 
She was definitely a daddy’s girl, always becoming excited when Steve or Eddie walked in the door. Of course, she didn’t understand that her parental situation was much different than the other children but she did grasp that they were both her dad. Ro seemed to come up with her own system of getting their attention if she wanted one more than the other. 
You three figured out that when she called for daddy, or “Da-ee” as she pronounced it, she was referring to Eddie. When she wanted Steve, she would say dada or dad. Dylan’s name she always struggled with but seemed to settle on Din for the time being. 
Things were going a lot smoother at home now that Steve had finally graduated. A few months ago, he started teaching social studies at Hawkins Middle school right down the street from the high school you worked at. Since he was so close, you two were able to have lunch together and your son was able to catch a ride with him since he was going there as well. 
The day he started sixth grade you felt like you wanted to curl up in bed and cry all day. 
“Mom! Calm down. It’s just middle school. I’m not going off to college yet.”
“Yet! Stop growing! I hate it. I feel old.”
He laughs as he gives you a big hug and you kiss the top of his head. 
You loved knowing that Steve would be able to keep an eye on him but he promised Dylan he wouldn’t embarrass him. 
“You don’t have to talk to me or anything if you don’t want to. I’ll just sob at my desk after you walk by.”
“Dad! Seriously! Oh my god. Why are you guys acting like things are going to be any different?”
Scott, the owner of the mechanic shop, DID pass it to Eddie and true to his word was able to be home a lot more. With his new income level, he had started setting money side for different things that made you fall for him even more. 
“Ok, so this is for Dylan and this one is for Ro.” He slides some papers across the table for you and Steve to look at. “Every month these accounts will take a certain amount until they graduate high school. They can use these funds for college or whatever they want to do.”
You and the other man exchange a look as you beam at each other. 
“Nothing. Just…all of our children are growing up!”, Steve teases as Eddie sticks out his tongue.
“Daddy!”, Ro shouts as she waddles towards the porch. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” Eddie lifts her into his arms, giving her a hug as he comes to sit beside you. “Baby.”, he grins giving you a kiss. “What are you three doing out here?”
“Din ball.”
“You’re playing ball with Dylan? You wild animal.” She giggles as he kisses her cheek before placing her back on her feet so she can continuing having fun. “What about you, mama?”
“Oh, you know. Just drinkin’ booze waiting for my rockstar and professor to come home.”
“Well shit, Y/N. You’re going to be waiting awhile then because neither of the men you love are there yet.” You smile as you lean into him and he wraps his arm around you. “Steve and I have a surprise for you tomorrow night.”
“Please, no.”, you playfully whine. “Every time we have a surprise, I always end up crying or pregnant!”
“Don’t worry, baby. You’ll love this one. I promise.”
Since Kierra had a date, Robin was babysitter tonight, donning a huge smile as Steve invited her in. 
“Hey Robin!”
“Hey, kid. You ready for me to kick your butt at video games tonight?”
“Pfft, like that will ever happen.”, he grins as he throws his backpack over his shoulders. 
“Here. Give this mommy.”, Steve whispers to Ro who takes a box from him and runs to your side. 
“Mommy! Dada…” She hands you the gift and turns to point at her father.
“Hm. Is this from dada?” Aurora claps at your understanding and nods. 
“Well, from dad and daddy.”, he winks.
“Do you want to help me open it?” The toddler giggles as you both tear into the present. 
“Dress!”, she exclaims as you lift the beautiful green garment up to inspect it. “Purty.”
“Guys… you didn’t have to—”
“We know.”, Eddie chuckles. “Go put it on, princess.”
You kiss and hug the kids before running upstairs to change and do your hair. It had been a while since the three of you went out anywhere especially anywhere in a date like setting. As you descended back to them, your breath catches when you find both men dressed up as well in black suits. 
“Oh wow. You two look amazing.”
“Us? Goddamn that dress looks beautiful on you.”, Eddie grins as he takes your hand. 
“Did I miss something? An important date or did YOU miss something.”
“No, honey.”, Steve laughs. “We wanted to do something special for our anniversary.”
“That’s next weekend though.”
“That is correct, sweetheart. But Dylan has a game Saturday afternoon and Ro has that birthday party she was invited to. With this being our 5-year mark of us getting married, we didn’t think it would be fitting to just celebrate at home.”
You beam at them as you link your arm through theirs. 
They took you to an expensive restaurant just outside of Hawkins, insisting you get whatever you wanted and chuckling when they saw the apprehensive look on your face. 
“On day you’re going to understand you DO deserve all this. I don’t know what we have to do but we will figure it out.”, Steve grins. 
“I just…it’s too much…and I feel like I don’t do enough of this stuff for you guys!”
“Sweetheart, you married us, took our last names, and gave us two beautiful kids. I think you’ve done more than enough.”
“Aw, Eddie. That was disgustingly cute.”
He laughs as he playfully grabs your cheeks and pulls you in for a kiss. As the meal progress and the wine flows you three take the opportunity to really talk about things that you feel like you haven’t been able to due to your busy lives. 
“How are the kids treating you, Mr. Harrington? Is it better than dealing with customers at Family Video?”, Eddie asks.
“Eh. I deal with a different set of customers.”, he laughs. “I love teaching. Seriously, the kids are great but some of these parents, man. Fucking hell. One mom wouldn’t return my calls about her daughter struggling until the report card was sent home. She yelled at me saying I didn’t try to notify her enough.”
“Sounds about right.”, you grin. “I’ve gotten a few of those.”
Steve clears his throat as he brings the wine glass to his lips. “Ironically, it’s the same girl our son has a crush on.”
“No! Steven Harrington are you serious?! How do you know he likes her?”
“Are you kidding? He sits with her at lunch, walks her to her classes, and I overheard him offer to help her study.”
“Ha-ha! Kid has game.”, Eddie says with a huge smile. “Now all he has to do is play the guitar for her and she’ll be totally smitten.”
“Oh my god.”, you cringe. “My baby is growing up too fast.”
“Definitely come a long way from the little boy who knocked on our door and called us ‘Mister’.”
You grin at the memory. You had no idea how much that one interaction would change your life forever.
“What about you, Munson?”
“I, unfortunately, have nothing as exciting as you, sir. Work wise anyway.”
“What do you mean? Is your mom bugging you again?”, you ask him.
“Uh, not exactly. I actually wanted to tell you guys about this but…”, he sighs. “My dad has been sending me letters.”
“What?”, you and Steve say at the same time. 
“Yeah, I haven’t opened them mostly because I already know what he wants and there’s nothing he can say that would make me want to testify on his behalf. Wayne went over there last year and commanded he leave me and my family alone. Seems only my mother listened.”
“Eddie, baby.” You scoot your chair closer as you intertwine your fingers with his.  “Maybe…maybe we can go down there and talk to him.”
“Hey, no. No. Promise me you won’t go down there, Y/N.” His fingers lifted your chin to face. “Promise me.”
“I promise, Eddie.”
The man releases a heavy breath as he kisses your forehead. “What about you, babe? Still nothing from your mother?”
You shake your head. “And that’s fine. I’m more upset with how I explain to Aurora why her grandma doesn’t like us but… It was hard even talking with Dylan about it. Half of the family he grew up with doesn’t talk to him anymore.”
“He hasn’t mentioned Charlie at all. Not to me anyway.”, Steve sighed. 
“Me either.”, Eddie followed. “I’m kind of surprised Charlie hasn’t tried to call or anything. He just kind of gave up.”
“My son told me what happened when you went to pick him up after he took him. I genuinely believe that him calling you dad shook something inside of him and now he thinks Dylan doesn’t want to have anything to do with him which isn’t true. I don’t know.”, you shake your head. “I haven’t found the courage to tell him Vivian is pregnant. I feel like Charlie should tell him… I don’t want him to feel like he’s being replaced.”
“Never a dull moment in the Munson-Harrington household.”, Steve replies holding up his glass of wine. 
The three of you giggle drunkenly as you stumble into the child free house. 
“Oh my god, it’s so quiet. I love it.”, you slur as you sit at the bottom of the stairs. 
“It is pleasant but it feels weird.” Eddie leans forward, placing feathery kisses along your neck.
Steve crawls past you two on his hands up the stairs and into the bedroom. You and the metalhead grin when you find him on the floor on his back. 
“I’m fine! I just need a little break.”
After tossing your shoes to the side, you grab a pillow and place it under his head as you fall beside him, curling up to his chest. Eddie comes down with you, covering you with his suit jacket before placing his head on your tummy and closing his eyes. 
Your eyes startle open as Steve’s watch beeps at 7am, reaching over to quickly quiet the device. Both boys were still knocked out so you carefully tried to reach above you to grab your purse so you could look at your phone to make sure Robin hadn’t tried to call you guys but you misjudged how far it was, spilling its contents on to Steve.
“Jesus Christ.” 
“Baby, oh my god. Are you ok?”, you giggle as he groggily smiled. “I’m so sorry. I was trying to get my phone.”
Eddie’s arm suddenly moved to search his pockets before producing it in his hand. “You asked me to hold it for you.”
You thanked him as you snapped it open and scrolled through your messages. 
“Dylan still beat Robin at video games and Aurora threw a tantrum because she wanted to stay up late with Viki.”
Steve rubbed his eyes before taking your phone to look at the pictures she had sent. 
“Seems like she’s going to be a night owl like Eddie.”
“That’s my girl.”, the metalhead laughs. He pulls himself up into a sitting position as you do the same, leaning against the bed. 
“Well, we still have four hours before we need to pick them up. What ever could we do in that amount of time?”
You smile as Steve’s arm grabs your own lifting you on to his lap. “I’m sure we can figure something out.” His lips connect to yours as you slide your tongue along his own. As your hips grind against his, his fingers delicately trail down your shoulders bringing the straps of your dress along with them. 
You moan as he licks down your chest to your tits, open mouth kissing your nipple as his tongue plays with the bud. Turning your head towards Eddie, you reach for him and he scoots closer to encapsulate your lips with his own. 
As you crawl over to him, Steve brings your dress down your legs and tosses it above him onto the bed. Eddie’s strong arms hold you to him as you rub yourself against his pant covered groin. 
“Fuck…I still think you two are so sexy in suits like this.”
“Yeah? You want to make yourself cum while we’re still wearing them?”
His palms slid down to your ass as he guides your movements. A stuttered breath left Steve’s lips and you both turned to find him stroking his cock as his lust filled eyes watch you intently. 
“There you go, sweetheart. Cum on my lap.”
You whimper as you cling to his neck, pressing your lips to his so he can swallow your moans as you cum. 
“Come here, honey.” Steve reaches for you, helping you to your feet before placing his hands on your ass, guiding you forward as his head dips between your legs. 
His tongue eagerly glides between your folds as you run your hands through his hair. Eddie leans over the boy’s lap, taking him into his mouth, and bobbing around him just the way he knows Steve likes. 
His moans vibrate against your clit, driving you crazy. “Yes, baby. Just like that. Your mouth feels so good.” 
You mewled at the sounds of the metalhead gagging behind you as he took the man as far into his throat as he could. 
“Fuck me.”, Steve groaned as his head tipped back. “Stop. Stop, stop, stop. I’m going to fucking cum if you keep doing that.”
Eddie wipes his mouth as he moves out of the way, allow you to descend on to Steve’s cock. The man brushes your hair from your face with his hands as you grind and bounce against him. 
“I love you, Y/N. Still fucking beautiful—mmm—God…” His lips passionately kissed yours as your hands roamed his chest, absently unbuttoning his shirt so you could feel his warm skin. Steve’s arms wrapped around your back, lifting you up and placing you on the floor underneath him. 
Hastily, he removed his suit jacket with his shirt, tossing it to the side as he thrust his hips against yours, placing his palms on either side of you for leverage. Eddie tenderly reaches for his face, bringing his lips to his own. 
Your pussy clenches at the sight, reaching your fingers between you two to rub your clit. Your free had reaches up to caress the metalhead’s cheek and he turns into it, gently kissing your fingers before leaning down to kiss your lips as well. 
“Fuck…I’m…Steve…baby, please.”, you beg. His chest falls to yours and your arms wrap around his shoulders as he roughly rolls his hips into yours. You whimper his name repeatedly in his ear as you come undone around him.
“Yes, honey. Oh my god.”, he mewls as his breath and pants warm your skin. He chases his high till a few moments later you feel his hips sputter, clinging your legs tighter to him, as he pumps his spend deep into your body. 
As soon as he pulled out of you, you watched with hooded eyes as Eddie fully slid his pants off and took the other boys place between your legs. You both moaned as he guided his dick into your entrance, watching himself as he slowly pumped his cock in and out to the tip.
His hands grasped your thighs, opening them as wide as they would allow as he smirked up at you. “Princess, I could watch myself disappear inside of you all day. Fuck… you feel so fucking good gripping me.”
Eddie’s strokes were precise, pushing himself deep into your cunt making your toes curl. Steve leaned towards the other man, placing gentle kisses down his chest, along his stomach, to your bundle of nerves. You moaned as his tongue flicked rapidly against your nub while the metalhead ran his fingers through his hair and pressed him harder against you. 
“Yes! Fuck! Don’t…don’t stop.”
Eddie’s pace picked up as Steve continued to play with your clit, his mouth making obscene smacking sounds that made your eyes roll even as you tried to watch them. Your body began to shake as you came, screaming Eddie’s name till your orgasm stopped coursing through you. 
You lazily tugged on the man’s head, silently begging him to stop. His lips detached from you long enough to find your own. You hummed at the taste of yourself as the other boy hovered over you both as his hips smacked against yours. 
“I love hearing you cum, sweetheart. Mmm—one of my favorite fucking sounds.” Eddie’s rhythm faltered as he came inside of you.
Both men continued to kiss along your neck until the metalhead gradually pulled out of you and fell to your side. 
“Do you want to take a bath?”, Steve whispered, chuckling as you aggressively shook your head. 
“Tired. Cuddle.”
“And food, dude. I’m kind of hung over but also kind of hungry.”
“Excuse me. I am not the fucking butler. I will take care of the lady and you can go get us some food.”
You and Eddie laughed as the boy crawled towards the door before rising to his feet and heading downstairs. 
Steve lifted you onto the bed, disappearing into the bathroom, and returning with a rag as he cleaned you. 
“Thank you…for tonight. I had a lot of fun.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, honey. It was nice for it to just be us three.”
You nod as the other boy reappears with leftovers from dinner. “It was nice. I mean the kids are great but hot damn are they exhausting sometimes.”
“And clingy.”, you add. “I hope you know I’m very proud of you both and love you so much.”
They grin as they kiss your cheeks at the same time.
“We love you to, babe.”
“Here’s hoping we don’t kill each other in the next five years so we can do this again.”, Eddie raises his cup of water, flinching when you smack his arm. “What?! What did I do?”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @alienthings
@steddieloverrr @manda-panda-monium @decadentwombatmiracle
@katie-tibo @marsupiooo @local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics
@lunatictardis @adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair
@actuallyspencerreid @moviefreak1205
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@idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie @k-k0129
@micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri @sashaphantomhive
@chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes @munsonzzgf @munsonmoonshine86
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dietmountaindewbae · 5 months
what about fetus sub Al?
xxii. room on fire
alex turner x reader
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word count: 7784
summary: Alex (btb!), Andy, and Matt invite you to see The Strokes live in London
warnings: sp*t, unpr*tected s*ex
song recommendation: automatic stop by the strokes
───── ୨୧ ─────
Closing shut your locker you grab your heavy backpack on your shoulders, the day felt like it was slower than ever but you were happy your next period was a little more fun, literature with your favorite teacher, you read a few pages of the book you were reading in class at home when you couldn't sleep, hearing some music while at it, a lot of people hated to read with music but it just fed your imagination.
Suddenly you heard three voices calling out your name from the hallway, running up to you, "You won't believe it!" Andy said to you, "You won't, you won't!" He said as he giggled from the excitement of Alex and Matt catching up to him.
"Won't believe what? Why? What's going on?" You asked them, they were all jumping up and down nudging at each other's shoulder, smiling at a piece of paper, they were acting like three little girls finding out their crush likes them.
"You will shit yourself!" Matt said.
"It's not me that has" The bell rang meaning to go inside the class, the teacher could be fun and all but hated delay, "I can't with you three seriously, I'll see you in class" You walked in, Alex and the rest following behind you, and that's when they all circled you, "Quit the bullocks, what's going on?"
"Guess who's coming to London?" Alex said, he was blushing from the joy, and you hummed.
"The vines?" You guessed, they all said no with their head, if they were this excited it had to be huge, and that's when it clicked, "...The strokes?" You said with a hint of doubt, Alex finally showed you that piece of paper, and you gasped so loudly, "Really?!"
"It's official, we have to go!" Matt announced.
"Go where mister Helders?" The teacher came inside making Matt's smile turn into a serious one, he looked like he had shat himself... again.
"N-Nowhere" He answered.
"Go back to your seat, please" He nodded sitting behind you while Alex sat next to you.
"Come with us, love, we don't always get to be 16 and go to a Strokes concert" He whispered to you, "Everyone is coming!" He insisted.
"Of course, I want to go, I'll do my best to convince my mum.... plus, what's the point of having a strokes shirt if I haven't seen them live?"
"Young lady if you're going to socialize with Alex let it be outside" The teacher raised his voice, the rest teasing the both of you with their stares and giggles, you and Alex were close, but not as close as you'd liked, he hardly ever spoke to you about a secret he had, or when he was feeling down, yes, he did it sometimes, but not as much as Matt or Andy talked to you, you tried to make him, but it maybe wasn't as easy for him to trust you, you wondered why, you've known each other since middle school, he wasn't always like this.
"Sorry," You said giggling along with Alex.
"Do you think everyone at school will go? Like... Lauren maybe?" Lauren, what else could you say? She was your friend, not your best friend but you hung out with her often, Alex and Lauren talked a lot too, he said it was friendly but what Lauren said was different, you didn't know why but when he asked you about her you felt a little off.
"O-Oh, I don't know, maybe" She liked pop music better but she pretended to like them because of Alex, she liked him but he played dumb about it, and when Lauren noticed that she began to play dumb as well, hoping that it'll grow some interest on him, maybe it was working.
"I hope you can come with us, we'll book a room and everything, I'll talk about it later with me mum"
"How's Penny?" You asked dearly, she was the kindest and coolest woman you'd ever met, and for the rest of the class, you kept whispering to Alex about how excited you felt.
A few days passed and soon enough Andy got tickets for the three and begged their mums for a room in any place they could get them, your mum wouldn't agree to let you go with three boys to London for a massive gig of some "messy" rock band, you were short on money, and for what you knew everyone was going, except for you, either you got a job fast or not go at all.
"Girls, you won't believe it!"Lauren announced during lunch some other band would come to London as well, she already had her tickets to The Strokes, but she sounded way more pumped about this other band, so you sat there, ears pitched, on the look for what was she going to say next.
"So what are you going to do?" Your friend asked.
"I'm selling my ticket for The Strokes," Your heart skipped a beat and you were fast to say you wanted it.
"How much?" She gave you the price, but you were still short though, you had to think of a bribe she couldn't say no to, "How about I give you what I have on me and... do your homework for a month" Lauren laughed at you.
"Until the end of the year!" She demanded, you stood your ground.
"It's for a month, you should be thanking me" It was a good deal, you weren't just giving her money but you were saving her from getting kicked out of school for skipping class to go out with his 20-something boyfriend-situation.
"Deal" She handed you the ticket, and you gasped and hugged her, "Have fun" She rolled her eyes.
"Thank you!" You took your things and ran to get to Alex, all three of them had breakfast outside by the hidden threes to have a smoke, you had never felt so excited before, your little heart was about to beat out of your chest, and your lower abdomen hurting because you were running too fast, pushing people away, until you crashed with a boy falling on your ass, "Oh, Alex!"
"Love, a-are you ok?! Oh God, I'm so sorry I didn't see you" He helped you, picking you up from the floor, and you gasped his name, "What's wrong?"
"Guess who's going to the gig?" He gasped as you showed him the ticket.
"You're coming with us?!" He spun you around, picking you up in the air, "Oh my god! That's so great" He hugged you so tightly you were happy to feel short on air, "I knew you would manage to go, so I booked an extra room for you, I knew you would make it" You hugged him close, it was so nice and considerate for him, you didn't expect for him to do such a thing.
"I'll give you back every penny! You didn't have to" He shrugged and waved it off, scratching the back of his head.
"I suppose that's what mates do, right? Besides, you shouldn't be thanking me, you should be thanking Penny" You broke into laughter with him, your eyes locked in a stare, "We made it!"
"I know, we're going to see The fuckin' Strokes!" You yelled, "We're going to fuckin' London to see The Strokes baby!" You both jumped up and down like little children, you were so happy feeling the euphoria of just the thought, and then it died as your mind couldn't escape reality, 'not that fast' it said, "Shit..."
"What?" He says.
"Me mum, she's gonna kill me... and I need the money for the train!" Alex pursed his lips and you massaged your forehead, a pulsing pain in your head increased, and your stress murdered your excitement.
"We'll figure summat out... leave it to us"
That same afternoon, around 6 o'clock your door was almost knocked over by the various and brutal knocks on it, you went running downstairs in your pajamas and a giant wet towel on your head, "Oi!"
"It's us!" Andy said from the other side of the door.
"What the fuck are you-" They shushed you, coming in one after the other, you pulled Alex to the side, "What are you doing?" You whispered.
"Taking care of it just as I promised... nice pajamas" He joked, your snoopy pajamas were your favorite, and you followed Alex into the kitchen where your mum was. You are certain that she won't let you go after this, she hates it whenever people just come into the house with no warning, but she said hello to all of them with a warm hug and a smile, they bribed your mum with her favorite biscuits and tea.
That evening, they made a PowerPoint slide called "10 reasons why your daughter should be allowed to go with us"
"No. 1 reason is..." Matt said, "She'll be well taken care of, protected, and have her own space"
"No.2 is, she's the only one with enough brains to lead us through London," Said Andy.
"No 3. is, we're proper lads, and we'll behave as such" Alex smiles at you.
Seven slides after, and a couple of biscuits and cups of steaming tea, your mum agreed to the proposal, mainly because they had taken the time to make the slides and gave her plenty of reasons to trust you with their company, after all, she's practically best friend's with Matt's mum and had a good concept of Alex and Andy, maybe she was in a good mood today. After the boys left, you were left alone with your mum cleaning the dishes as she gave you the money for your train ticket, and you spent the night packing with a smirk on your lips, listening to the strokes on your MP3 all night.
You kept counting the minutes to see them, and when the time arrived you were bright and early at the station, smiling at Alex when you saw him waiting for you at the entrance, "Ready?"
"I was born ready for this moment" You exaggerated making him break into laughter, "Where's Andy and Matt?"
"They took the train earlier to check us in, so once there, we'll just shower and go" You jumped up and down feeling your heart pumping faster, "I'm delighted you came with us actually, so happy"
"Why?" You said once inside the train, Alex like the gentleman he is and the one he promised to be, put your bags away, "Dips on the window" You said.
"Knew it," He sat next to you, unwrapping his scarf, "Well... to be honest, I don't think Lauren likes the strokes with the same passion as me and you do"
"But... even if she doesn't like them, I thought you liked her," You said to him puzzled, "I mean... you're always talking to her, hugging, kissing her cheek... thought you'd be happier if she came" He even kissed her at a party once, even though he says he doesn't remember doing such, you did, and you didn't want to sound so bothered by it but you were, it made you feel strange, even a little jealous.
"But that doesn't mean I like her, besides, I think she only likes them bigger boys, way more fitter than me" He cleared out, and you playfully squeezed his arm.
"You're quite fit Alex, don't say that" He scratched the back of his head again, you notice he often does it when he's nervous, he takes a peek at the book you take out from your purse, along with your music and your wired headphones.
"What 'ave you got there?" He takes your book away from you, it was an edition of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry, then he grabbed your MP3, going through your music, he had grown interested, he didn't understand why he wanted to touch your stuff, wanted to see what's inside your purse, your books, your music library, your head, he wanted to know more, he always did, "You win the prize for the most interesting girl... not that you're not pretty, you're beautiful" He talked to you with such shyness it made you feel special, and the look in his eyes, the little sparkle in them, he bites down on his tongue, feeling as though he had completely fucked up with the words he chose to say, you weren't answering and he was panicking, you stared at him with a grin on your face, it made him feel nervous, his stomach going in circles.
"Thank you" You answered, he could finally breathe, "D'ya wanna share?" He hummed as a yes, discreetly sitting closer to you so you could share your music, and your book with him, you smiled at him, watching the threes go by one by one, all in a row, a beautiful landscape hidden in between them, watching them go by so fast made your eyes tired, your head fell to his shoulder you were quick to take it away.
"Oh sorry," You said to him taking a little space but he pulled you in, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as an instinctive, a few butterflies woke in your stomach, and in him too, even if he wasn't sure what was he doing, he went with it when he saw a beautiful smile appear on your lips.
"Don't worry, you can fall asleep, that's what me shoulder is for" He smiled at you so kindly, it made your heart melt, his sweet cologne, his soft skin, and his coffee brown eyes, you could spend the whole train ride counting his long eyelashes, and then, you fell asleep on the crook of his neck, and he rested his head on yours, you felt safe and warm.
A few hours on the train, and one taxi drive later you arrived at the hotel, the boys ordered some pizza, but you were thinking about looking flawless, so you juggled between having pizza and applying eyeshadow, it was hard but it paid it off very nicely, you heard one thousand knocks at your door.
"Can we come in?!" Matt asked, you opened the door with your toothbrush in your mouth.
"Hey! I swear, give me two seconds" You gathered your hair into a ponytail to spit on the sink, Matt, and Andy laughed at how funny you sounded, but Alex was in awe, you had chosen to wear your strokes shirt but you customized it into your own original off the shoulder shirt with some holes poked in it, you had traced the outline of the boys from a magazine, and painted them on your shirt with black paint and a thin brush, it fitted you big like a dress, fishnets, and your dirty old motorcycle boots, but what had him so invested on you were your eyes, even in the dark they sparkled, and your red plump lipstick.
All of them were dressed in their best gowns, wearing light washed ripped denim jeans, chunky belts under their graphic tees, and tracky shoes, zip ups, and denim jackets, Alex's messy and spiky hair looked cute on him, he chose to wear a white striped blue navy shirt, ripped denim, his jean jacket and dirty reeboks.
"Take as long as you need" He whispered, again Andy and Matt laughed at Alex signing him to sit on the bed next to them.
"You got that look on your face man" Matt teased, while Alex denied it.
"What face? What look?" Matt signed him to look at himself in the mirror, his cheeks were flushed, his mouth dry, and his heart going fast, he looked flustered.
"That face" Alex rolled his eyes and gave him a little smack on the head.
"Fuck off," Alex said to Matt.
"I can see little birds around your head and everything" Andy teased, but as Alex was about to say something else you walked out.
"Done! Let's go, let's go!" You grabbed your giant messy leather stubbed purse fixing your hair before leaving, "Wait, do you guys think I look ok?" Matt and Andy put their thumbs up, they were in a hurry.
Alex was the only one who came back and looked at you from bottom to top, his eyes smiled at yours, and said, "Gorgeous" He grabbed your hand and shut the door.
The venue wasn't big enough to fit the number of people inside, all pilled up together outside the Alexandra Palace, it felt like a huge ball of mass, you were holding on to Alex's arm for dear life, shaking from the cold, he noticed it and gave you his jacket since he knew you would be too embarrassed to ask, he felt like he had acquired a roll, as your protector, someone who not for one second would take their eyes off of you, even if his arms looked so thin they were strong, he made sure to take good care of you, and not only that, he proved himself he was good enough to be with someone like you. He hadn't noticed how much he liked you until you softly slept on his shoulder, his stomach felt the butterflies much bigger, wilder, his heart had warmed up for you, and he never admitted to it, until spending that ride on the train, he had always wondered with that idea on his head, he always wanted to get to know you better, take you out, but he couldn't, he knew he wouldn't ever, he never wanted to be your friend, and whenever he talked to you he knew if he had the chance to make out with you he would, and that would ruin everything because he knew he wouldn't let go of you after that, it was different with Lauren, she was the only thing that kept him from acknowledging the fact that he only wanted you. Once inside you pushed your way to the front, Alex behind you, his arms caged you against the barricade, grasping it for dear life, making sure not to squeeze you as more people tried to make their way to the front.
Suddenly the lights changed color, and everyone started screaming as Julian came out from the back, you jumped up and down like a little girl, he was so hot when he looked all sweaty and messy, everyone began to cheer and you joined in, it was huge, your euphoric heart was beating in your ears when they opened the gig with Reptilia, you were having the time of your life, hugging the people you loved the most, taking pictures of everyone all together, you never expected to meet them, you never believed in the right place, right time until you teamed up with them, even if it sounded silly, those boys really made you laugh, mostly the one that grasped your arm tightly, you took his arm away, but quickly grabbing his hand, for a moment his heart had shrunk but rushed back when you took his hand, and your eyes so tender, he was melting.
You found yourself jumping up and down along during Soma with Matt, just like two kids, the crowd was wild, you were screaming at the top of your lungs every single letter of their lyrics, dancing with each of the boys, there was crowd surfers, people jumping on each other, Alex grabbed your hand and your bag to assure you had fun, he was having enough fun watching you smile, and sing, twisting your feet, swaying your hips, your hairy was messy, and your eyeliner a bit runny but in his eyes, you never looked so beautiful, Matt nudged Alex's shoulder.
"Kiss her!" Matt yelled, "Go on, take your shot either you take it or leave it!" Alex laughed so hard, Matt had planned perfectly his joke as Take it or Leave it began, he could protect you, and be tough, but when he had to speak and tell you something so risky, he got scared of losing you, not only losing your friendship but also losing the little you two had built together over the years, he was so scared of not being the boy you needed, but he had nothing else to lose, the timing was perfect, there was no better place, he took the shot, and if things went wrong he didn't care anymore, he would still be there even if he had to start in first base all over again.
He called out your name, you were dancing with some random girl you met, and you turned to face him, he didn't look ok, he looked pale, and his sweat was cold, "Are you ok?!"
"Yes, I'm ok but-" He held your hands together, "I have to tell you summat!" People started to push you far from him, you were suffocating, not strong enough to fight it.
"What!?" Your ears were ringing from the loud music, he was trying to say something but he was fighting himself mentally.
"I have to-"
"Al, come closer I can't hear you!" The struggle to find the right words to phrase what he wanted to say was unbelievable, he felt so nervous and excited by the hope that maybe you could like him too, so he didn't think about it anymore.
"I like you!" He screamed but the music was only getting louder and the crowd rowdier, the only way to make it out in one piece was by jumping and throwing yourself to the front, you were struggling to reach Al as the crowd went crazy.
"You what?!" You asked again, you saw him annoyed, that look in his eyes was different, he was looking at you differently, he grabbed your elbow, finally being pressed up against him, he hugged your waist securing you in his arms, "I'm sorry I couldn't-"
"Shut up" He crashed his lips against yours, cupping your cheeks, deepening the kiss as the rush took over him, his body pressed up against yours, the room was silent and his lips on fire, his mouth tasting like heaven, his lips kissing yours until he was running out of air, he demanded more, so his tongue slipped inside your mouth in an eager but lovely kiss, it had set free all of the butterflies on your stomach, he was happy you returned the kiss just as eager as him, you bite down on his lower lip before breaking the kiss.
"Al, is that what you were trying to do?!" You smiled at him.
"Yes!" He sighed getting closer to your ear, "I like you, I have for a while now... I can't help meself when I'm around you!" He gave you another peck on your lips, it was softer and sweeter than the others but it ignited a fire within you, it tingles, and  you ached to be closer to him, it was never close enough, "I was too shy to tell you before cause I thought you wouldn't like me, I made excuses but I don't care anymore I just wanted to tell you, that's why I never made a close friendship with you, I never wanted to be your friend!"
Your cheeks burned as you kissed him again, it was more euphoric, scaling up another step, this time his hands dropped to your hips unconsciously, he pulled you closer, his arm around your lower back, while your hand was scattered on his hair, the crowd reduced to just you and him, only in that room, gasping for air but hungry for more, he couldn't handle it any longer and neither could you.
"I do like you, and a lot but I was also too scared to tell you," He shushed you with a kiss, he had always imagined this in his head, he always had a soft spot for you, always so caring about the others, a true honest friend, and not only were your looks, it was everything about you, he didn't want anyone else, he had to make it official, and the thrill got the best of him.
"Do you wanna be me girlfriend?!" He yells loud enough for Matt and Andy to hear it, they rush to save you two since you were getting further and further away from the front, they wrap their arms around you two, pushing the people away, jumping up and down, making Alex hug you tighter to him.
"So what do you say?!" Andy screams into your ear, Alex's brain couldn't decipher what made his heart go as fast, maybe it was the fact there was a small chance that you might say no, or the fact he was watching his favorite band live, with the girl that set his heart on fire since that kiss.
"I say yes!" You screamed to Alex, making him blush hard, you kissed his cheek and Alex tried his best to not hug you as tight since he was all sweaty, but you didn't care, you pulled him in closer, kissing his sweaty forehead.
"She said yes!" The crowd cheers you all up when they hear Andy announcing to everyone your answer, some of them were nice enough to make room for your little circle to go back to the front, Matt and Andy climbing the barricade while Alex held you the same way he did before, he gently puts his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder, and you cup his cheek kissing his lips and his nose. He gets hypnotized by the way your body moves against him, the sweat that runs from your neck to your collarbone making your chest shine, the little strap of your black bra falling to your shoulder, and he doubts it but he slides it back in place kissing your shoulder, you knew this was something he was afraid to do, but he felt enough trust to do it, you smile at him, dancing, sweating and crying from the excitement, you truly felt alive in this moment, this is something that was meant for you, you were sad about the concert ending but it was the start of something new, only one more song left, and they sing a cover from The Clash as a perfect way to close it, you sing with Alex but his hands travel down to your hips to make you face him, and he took a step forward to kiss you with a tremendous passion, Matt and Andy cheering for him, you had never thought Alex would be like that, so eager, people were pushing Alex, making you bend your back over the barricade, and you laugh as you see Julian's face upside down but nevertheless Alex leans in to kiss you just like that, he pulled you back in to not let you get hurt, you feel it inside him, he wanted to touch more than just your hips, and that shyness only made you get hotter, you grab his hands and put them in your bum, feeling his cheeks get hotter, and your tongue goes inside his mouth the moment he catches his breath, you gave him obvious signs that you wanted more, and he was ready to give you more.
The rush back into the hotel made you leave Matt and Andy in the lobby, the moment they turned their heads, you two had disappeared into the elevator, being all over each other, all sweaty and sticky, you had little to no clothes, and you were even feeling hotter as Alex hands grasp your bum the same way he did at the concert, you were blushing hard, he was following your lead, paying attention to your moves, feeling good about himself whenever he heard you sigh, but that wasn't enough for him, he wanted more noises, more touching.
The elevator door opens and you grab his hand, opening the door in a rush, and kicking it shut with your dirty shoes, walking to the bed and laying down gently in the white and cold bedsheets, you shiver, and he stares at you with a smile, "Are you sure this is what you want?" He asks, just to make sure he wasn't getting carried away or even making you do things you weren't a hundred percent sure of doing.
"Very" You answer with confidence, crawling across the bed and pulling him to sit down on the bed, you throw your leg over him, straddling him in between your thighs, "And you?" He pulls you in closer, sitting you directly on his crotch, that was his big answer.
"Can I?" His hands gently pull on the ends of your shirt, you give him a nod, and with the same gentleness he takes off your shirt, throwing it to the ground, you wore only black panties and that same beautiful black bra, it was simple but quite enough for him to get him all worked up, it was the first time he had seen any girl like that, ever, "Shit... is it too late to confess summat?"
"No, no, what's the matter?" You ask, getting a bit nervous about what he was thinking.
"I've never-... I haven't, you know... done it before?" You try to not giggle from his self-aware nervous self, you know if you did, he would get even more embarrassed, "I know you did it with... you know who, and I just... haven't had the chance, this is possibly as far as I've come to" He giggles from the nerves, and you massage his shoulders to make him feel at ease.
"And Lauren?" He shrugs.
"Never actually did anything with her" He confessed, "I just held back, wasn't ready... but now I am" You lean in to kiss him very slowly, "Now I feel stupid"
"Why?" You stayed quiet to hear his answer, you knew if you spoke too soon maybe your chance would get ruined, and you wanted him so badly, and he didn't want to feel unprepared.
"'Cause I've got this gorgeous girl in all of her fuckin' glory and I don't know what to do" You hug him closely, your chin on his head, and his hands lightly caress your back up and down slowly, you know exactly what to do.
"Just... relax, and enjoy the ride, don't think about anything... just let your body do it, ok? There are no wrong answers" You knew if he had no time to think then his heart and his body would do the rest for him, so you lay him down in the bed, feeling his shirt climbing up his hips, his boxer's band clinging onto his jeans, and your fingertips run over that uncovered piece of skin turning it into goosebumps, you look at him through your lashes as you hold the button of his jeans in between your fingers, he nods and you unbutton them, taking his zipper down and pulling his jeans off, he wore grey boxers, his cock battling his way out through them, his tip was red and warm, peeling off his skin as it grew bigger and harder in your hands, his hands run through his face and cover his mouth as he sees how your mouth opens to suck him off, the feeling of your soft tongue around his cock felt so good, kissing his tip and sucking it in your lips, your back arching as you tongue presses flat down on his cock licking it up like lollie, and spit on it, tugging it out.
"Oh... that's so fuckin' good love" His eyes roll back, biting down on his lip, his hands search for your hair, caressing it at first to then push your head down against his cock, you were determined to take him all in but you couldn't without gagging, you choke and Alex gets worried, had he done something wrong? It sounded like he did, "Are you ok... I'm so sorry" You grab his hand and hold it tightly.
"Alex... it's ok, don't apologize for that, you're just too big for my mouth" You climb into his lap, "What are you doin' with that shirt on, baby?" You tease him, enchanting him with your seductive voice, he immediately takes it off but never lets his eyes tear away from yours, you run your hands down his chest, so warm and soft, "That's better..." Then he takes the opportunity to unclasp your bra, sliding it down your arms and throwing it to the floor along with your clothes, he sighs as his hands slowly grab your tits and knead them gently in his hands.
"You're so sexy..." He kisses you slowly, running his hands down your smooth and fragile body, his fingertips grazing your back, he wants to touch every inch of your skin but wants to keep something from you, something that won him over, "Do you mind keeping the tights on?" He asks in his most shy and quiet voice.
"Why? Is that a turn-on for your Turn-er?" You tease him and he says yes with his head, now he has flipped your body to make you lay down, pinning your hands to the sides, and a smudge smile crawls to your face.
"You'll see now" He crawls down your body, peppering it with wet and loving kisses, he rips them apart with his hands, pushing your panties to the side, your pussy glistening with your juices, "Fuckin 'ell, you're so fucking pretty... I wanna taste it" He hints, you hum a yes immediately pushing his head down in between your legs, your fingers rub your clit and spread your wetness all over your pussy, getting him invested, if he could, he would watch you do that for hours, but when you were ready, he threw one of your legs over his shoulder, eating your pussy as if he was kissing you, spreading open your lips with his thumbs, and letting his tongue dance around your clit in circles.
"Fuck... me!" You choke out, pulling his hair and pushing his head on your pussy, his thumb pressed down on your clit, studying how your body moves with every touch or simple movement, he was amazed, he didn't even know what he was doing but if it felt right for you, it was right for him, and he thought about what could your body want, he was too ashamed to ask what he could do next, so he decided to check up on you.
"Am I any good?" You manage to push yourself up and say.
"Don't speak, just keep going" He submits to your orders, and keeps giving you head, he went deeper down, sucking on your little hole and pushing his tongue inside it, it turned him on so much, the flavor of your cunt, it was special, he could be smothered in it all day, his lips turned plump as he sucks harder on your clit and he goes back down to fucking your hole with his tongue, the sensation so overwhelming on your body, you feel something rising from there, all piling into your tummy, he sees you turning and twisting on the bed, your legs quiver, he sees the green light for him to continue, pressing his tongue flat against your clit, feeling more sweetness leaking out your pussy, and he doesn't end until you do, covering your face in the pillows so you muffle your moans as he licks every inch of your pussy and your sweet release, his dick was so hard, his impulses took over him, he climbed on top of you, throwing the pillow away so he could kiss your mouth, you feel his hard tip poking your inner thigh, "Fuck..." You sigh into his lips, "Do you wanna... you know?" You said with a giggle.
He bites down on his lip, his eyes sparkling, dark, and dilated by everything you've done together, "Yeah, I want to" He quickly fetches his jeans from the floor, Matt had once given him a condom as a joke before a party, and he carried it around just in case, but the one single condom he had, he couldn't find it anywhere, and he was certain he had put it somewhere in his pockets, "Shit" He slams his hand to his forehead.
"What's the matter?" You crawl to the edge of the bed where he is sitting, and you caress his shoulders, "Are you ok?" He felt like the No.1 idiot in the whole century.
"Don't have a condom" He muttered under his breath, and you quickly fetched your purse, you had an old condom in there, but nothing was safe enough, so you took matters into your own hands, you both wanted this, and it was going to happen.
"Get on top, come on," You tell him as you lay down in the bed, once he has settled on top of you, and his nose is grassing yours, you ask him, "You wanna take a risk with me?"And how could he say no when the girl he had this massive crush on was naked, on a bed, willing to give him what a man always wants, and there was not a single condom, "I didn't come prepared, didn't know this was going to happen, so I guess I fucked up too" You make him feel at ease when you make his stupid mistake that he was beating himself up about, turn it into a much human one, "So either you pull out or I will raise your kid into a killer machine" He breaks into laughter, blushing at your jokes, you didn't know what else to say.
"You know what? I think this was meant to be, love... right here, and now, as if everything had lined up for us, you kno'? I-I will pull out in time, don't worry" He kisses your temple, his fingertips lightly tracing the lines of your lips.
"Or... I've got a better idea" You tease him, "But first you better start fucking me big guy, and then you'll see" Alex pushed himself inside you with such ease it made a shiver crawl up his spine, he couldn't help himself, he moaned hard into your mouth, biting down on your lower lips, he makes a fist with the blankets, as his hips thrust inside your pussy slowly at first, but hearing those little gasps that come out of your mouth made him lose control over himself, gathering a pace that made your legs shake again, his hand slides down your thigh, putting it around his torso, you wrap him in, grabbing his bum and making him chuckle, he pushed himself deeper in, burying his cock inside you as he sees you bite down on your bruised lip, your eyes roll into white shiny pearls, his arms grabs the headboard tightly for support, "Oh my God... harder, please..."
"Like that?" You couldn't believe how terrifically good he was at this, and how he had the audacity if he was doing it right when he knew he was, judging by how hard you were trying not to moan, you were completely wrong about Alex, he wasn't shy, he wasn't reserved, he was cocky bastard, and you loved it, he knew what he was doing to you now, he was more confident about it, going harder just like you asked, driving your head to the edge of the bed, he feels so hot when your walls grip him, "God... you're so fuckin' tight" He hums at the feeling, grabbing your hips and driving them against his, the sounds echoing all over the room, you were sure everyone could hear it by now, you felt so close, you take your hand to your pussy, rubbing it in desperate circles as you bite on your knuckles, he sees everything so closely, how his cock glistens as he thrusts out of you, your pussy red, and your neck arched, your fingers so dirtily masturbating yourself, he was losing it, and he quickly pulled out of you before he could finish inside you, "Fuuuck" His voice shakes.
"Can you handle five more minutes, Al?" You were panting, trying to get your heart to go back to its normal rate, but it was so hard.
"Yeah, I think so..." You kiss him hard, pushing his body to the other edge of the bed, and strapping his arms down with your hands, he sees how your pussy slides down his wet cock slowly, your hair all over your face, you body covered in sweat, and kisses, his eyes focus on your hips, rocking back and forward, your clit rubbing against the short hairs on his cock, you didn't. know what it was, but he looked so hot with his little ingrown hairs, he looked more manly, his eyes couldn't believe what was happening, his brain wasn't working, he was just feeling everything so deeply, it wasn't just the need for the closeness or the warmth, it was what was behind all of that, the love, and the intimacy, you both felt it.
"I think I- fuck..." You choked out as he had taken advantage of the fact your whole body became stiff, this was the moment, he pressed your body against his tightly, feeling his heart about to beat out of his chest as he drove himself inside your hole, "Oh fuckin'... I'm gonna-... don't stop!" You cry out, you stare into his dark brown eyes as your insides squeeze out your release, you wanted to be the one in charge, so quickly push his arms up, pinning them down, fucking yourself into his cock, you were panting, and gasping for air as your pussy became a dripping and soggy mess.
"If I could cum inside you I would, but you feel so fuckin' hot... it-t's, you're-" He chokes in his own words, that same stiffness and need to keep fucking you until he finished took over him, he went faster and harder, losing control over himself.
"Come on, that's so good, Alex... come on big boy, you can cum wherever you want to" He squeezed your ass so hard, his mind clouded with lust and the pictures, and noises the came out of your pretty lips, this feeling overcame him, the sounds of your skin, the words that roll out of your mouth, your hands on his body, the love, just one last thrust of his hips and he quickly pulled out of you, "That's good Al..." You see his tip was leaking some cum already, you quickly get on all fours, and jerk him off fast with your hand, opening your mouth to let him slide to the back of your throat, and you pull back, sticking out your tongue so he could see himself cumming all over it, moaning and whimpering, so cute but so hot at the same time, he covered your whole mouth with his warm and creamy cum, you hum as he settles down back to reality, blushing hard as he sees you had swallowed some of it, but it was too much, the taste wasn't bad but the texture felt too much for you, you slowly walked to the bathroom as best as you could spitting that ball of cum off your mouth.
"I'm sorreh" He said once you laid down on the bed next to him.
"For what?" You ask him, and he shrugs and sighs.
"I dunno, I made a mess didn't I?" Alex beating himself up for that little detail in such a beautiful moment made you hug him closely, this was huge for him, and he wanted you to feel good.
"I liked it..." You confessed into his ear, "It was just that I didn't know what to do with so much, it's not a bad thing baby, don't worry about it" You kissed his cheek lovingly, "I had a great time"
"Me too" He turned to face you, your eyes focused on his completely, "And I hope we have more fun together..." He teased making you blush harder and giggle, "Sorry for breaking your tights... I'll buy you new ones"
"What you need to buy are condoms," You both break into laughter.
Watching the sun peek through his honey-colored eyes, were probably the second most beautiful thing, the first one was his face and big nose, how you love that nose and his cute smile, you were in deep for him, his arms around your waist, warm and cozy, and you didn't realize when you both fell asleep until you heard Alex's phone buzzing through his jeans, both of you woke up together as you heard knocks at your door, he quickly put on his same clothes from yesterday, while you changed into fresh ones. Alex opened the door with his face all red, Matt and Andy on the other side of the door with naughty grins.
"Matt is callin'" You stopped dead in your tracks as Matt and Andy look at you and back at Alex.
"There you guys were! Hello, good morning" They joked towards yours and Alex's red faces, you stood behind him and he glanced at you, "You have 5 minutes to be downstairs, we'll see you there, bye love birds" Alex shut the door, hearing their little laughs all the way down the corridor, and you couldn't hold it in either, you laughed and collapsed to the floor, your laugh so contagious him laughing just as hard.
In less than 5 minutes you were downstairs with Alex, him secretly holding your hand as you both check out, "That was very fast" Andy teased towards Alex.
"Fuck off" He raised his middle finger to him and Matt both, he didn't care about their little giggles and jokes, in this moment, it was sunshine and happiness, he wrapped his arm around your waist as you wait outside for a cap to come and pick you up.
Thankfully you were right in time for the train, Alex made a deal with Matt to take his seat next to yours in the back, and when the moment came, once inside the train he sat next to you, putting your bag away, and hugging you close to him in the seats, you stare into the sky as Alex's stares into the reflection of the window, your hands holding his as the other sits in your lap, legs crossed and your eyes a little tired but still mesmerizing, and in that moment he realized how much he loves you.
"What are you thinking about?" You say as you see him so lost in his thoughts, he smiles at you so brightly.
"Nothin'" He chuckles, you wait for him to speak since he has the words coming out the tip of his tongue, "It's just that... I'll need to check all my dirty jeans to see if I can find the condom Matt gave me"
"Oh... your mum won't be happy" You joke, and he pulls you in closer to him, maybe it was the boredom of the long train ride but, you inched closer to him, a not-so-clever idea popping into your head, "Hey..."
"Meet me in the bathroom?" You teased him, pecking his lips gently, he looked straight into your eyes, a small heat wave coming to his body, you weren't joking, he could see it in your eyes, you chose to wear a skirt on the train ride with some knee socks to keep your warm, you discreetly pull down your panties, and hand them over to him. He's in awe as he sees you leaving to the back of the train, into the bathroom with a cheeky smile on your face.
"Fuck" He sighs.
What?! Bonus chapter bitcheeesss! sorry for the 4-day vacation you guys, hope you didn't miss me much love you 💋
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allieebobo · 1 year
Hiiiii!!! I loved the k0fi update!! But it did make me wonder something 👁👁👁 (Some spoilers i guess!), but does Tobin have a crush on the mc no matter what? It kind of got that vibes if (SPOILER) gets picked as their partner. You know: red cheeks, getting shy, Deepal's smug expression aksjssk. At first i thought they were just very nice and friendly, but now I'm seriously wondering lol
Anyways, i loved the update!!! (Oh, and feel free to answer this ask after the update goes public if you want!!! I just needed to get it out of my mind hahaha)
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((Wanted to reply to these asks only after the public demo is out...))
Looks like the cat's out of the bag 🤭
Yes, all the ROs start out liking the MC, in different ways. Some more platonically/sexually/romantically than others (no spoilers here!) These feelings will eventually evolve/morph throughout the rest of the book though, depending on how MC responds.
In order to avoid spoilers to the most fun/juicy parts of each RO route, I've resisted the urge to add a bullet point after the "gradually" part of the narrative arc i.e. what happens after MC decides how to respond—but it will change depending on who MC's been flirting with, and some major decisions in the later chapters (there's no romance lock yet) but it will happen at some point in the later chapters. Enjoy your free-pass now, I guess ;)
Initially: MC is hot. I am hot. We could do something about that 😏
Gradually: Ugh. (*rolls eyes*). Feelings, I guess.
Initially: I like and respect and really appreciate MC being on the team. I love spending time with them.
Gradually: And... they're…. cute. 🥰 But MC's a freshman. Everything's shiny and new for them———(redacted)
Initially: Goddamn this freshman.
Gradually: Goddamn, this freshman? Why??
Initial: Aww, I love MC. What would I do without MC in my life (affectionate)
Gradually: Oh fuck, I love MC. What would I do without MC in my life??? (*flops face-down on the bed*)
210 notes · View notes
bri-in-ur-attic · 25 days
Someday, Our Fascinations Will Align
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Do you remember the moment you fell in love? The moment when you were the only two people in the world. That splendid, magical moment when all your sadness was forgotten.
I dedicate this to @engardeitsme <333 we share an unhealthy amount of love for the B.R.B, she also did an amazing fan casting of these idiots which is how i envisioned the brotherhood and is also writing a fic series of the battle maniac!! 100% recommend it
Heads up: kidnapping but (Name) vibes w it, typical black rabbit brotherhood violence, perspective changes, this is a long fic like over 7k so prepare yourselves
pairing is battle maniac x fem!reader , but there are implications of P x reader
longest fic I’ve ever written and its for a bunch of assholes that were punching bags for P *sigh*
“Hopping around Elysion Boulevard doing God knows what and in the end, getting yourself hurt! Like seriously you’re running my medic supplies dry!” 
“Quit your yammering the black market will provide you more.” 
Most people shrivel at just the mention of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, yet here you were scolding the one who was infamous for putting unfortunate souls in the Liar's Coffin 
It was a simple negotiation really, in exchange for your medical knowledge and treating their wounds, considering they live life on the edge, you were sworn with protection from the Brotherhood without paying the dumb fee.
And by negotiation it went more like you were kidnapped against your own will after the brotherhood tried to rob you but deemed you more useful by keeping you by their side
For a bunch of criminals, you could tell they care for each other’s well being and soon enough, they grew accustomed to you. The brotherhood was amused by your gutsy attitude and feistiness as if you weren’t surrounded by dangerous criminals, amusement turned into respect which then turned into kindling a fondness towards you 
The Eldest, Cyrus would tease about small you were compared to him and often annoy you by holding things above your head
Buckethead was the one abusing the microphone constantly, for an oddball, he had quite an elegant name, Oswald. You liked to call him Oz for short to which he had taken a liking to, it sounds similar to odd funnily 
The baby of the group was Bonnie being merely 16 years old, at first you had no idea that there was a sister in the Black Rabbit Brotherhood as the name speaks for itself let alone one being this young. She was quite touchy by wrapping her arms around you and constantly wanting your attention by whining about the tiniest scratches she gets and wanting immediate medical attention 
And finally, the one who was currently at your mercy was the battle maniac of the group, if you were being honest all siblings were battle maniacs but whatever
You would always butt heads with him at any chance you got as he always gave the best responses to your remarks, he was simply fun to argue with
“For God’s sake go easy on tightening those bandages, my arm's ‘bout to bust!” 
“Awww is poor bunny about to cry cuz he can’t handle a bit of pressure?”
“Shut up, just do your damn job.” 
“Shame that these bandages and medicines are wasted on you.” With a huff, you finish wrapping his arm  
“Oh and it’s not a waste to use 'em on Bonnie’s paper cuts?” 
“Any injury no matter how miniscule it might seem isn’t worth not treating, one cut can turn into a nasty infection.”
Finishing wrapping the bandages you pat on his shoulder firmly
“Done, Rojo.” he winces
The brother with the red scarf hadn’t revealed his name and identity to you while the others have unconcealed themselves to you, he was a tough nut to crack compared to the others. Heck you found the Eldest to be more approachable than him 
And so you nick-named him Rojo (Ro-ho) because of his red scarf 
”Stop calling me that.”
”Oh? You don’t like Rojo? Then what would you like me to call you? How does Bun-Bun sound?”
”Call me that and you’ll be fed to those monstrous freaks.”
After washing your hands, you grab a rack with a sigh
”Look, I gotta call you something, Rojo is the best I could think of unless you spare me the trouble and give me your damn name.”
His masked face directs to you, seemingly in deep thought and then looks down on the floor 
”Elyas.” he let out begrudgingly 
”Elyas ..” you repeated in a soft tone testing how his name rolled off your tongue 
”That wasn’t so hard now was it Elyas ?” With a cheeky grin you walk out of the room 
Elyas watches your figure get out of his range of sight and takes off his rabbit mask running his hand through his dark waves 
“That woman is gonna be the death of me..”
It had been about a month of being ‘held hostage’ by the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, overtime they let you have more freedom such as wandering through the Malum district as long as one of them was accompanying you, quite restrictive freedom but you have no combat abilities so this didn't bother you all that much as the brothers and sister pretty much acted as bodyguards
Now that the Malum District officially had a doctor, the Brotherhood originally wanted to charge those who seeked you for medical attention but you gave them an earful before they could
Today you were meeting with the Robinson family and the one escorting you was Elyas , who recently trusted you with his name
The walk was quiet and a bit tense, if in different circumstances it would look as if the the two of you were on a awkward first date due to the close proximity and stiffness 
Up ahead seeing the Robinson’s small run-down house up ahead, Elyas leaned his back against the neighboring houses 
“Hurry up, make it no longer than 10 minutes.”
”Oh what a pity, I was hoping to bake a pie with the Robinsons today.” you say sarcastically and knock on the Robinson’s door 
Civilians nearby peeped their heads out, seeing the poor doctor being held captive by the ruthless Black Rabbit Brotherhood, the residents viewed you highly for aiding the District with daily check-ups 
“That poor girl, God knows what those ruffians make her go through..” one of the civilians say
Seeing the Battle Maniac glance up in their directions, the neighbors duck their heads away 
You knock on the door and call out for the Robinsons
“Mrs. Robinson? It’s me, (Name).”
And it didn’t take long for the aged woman to open the door, her gaunt features welcome you
“Oh Doctor (Name), it is very good to see you, please come in.”
Closing the door after you come in, Mrs. Robinson leads you to her husband, who looked in better condition than the last time you saw him, the Robinson children also greet you while the oldest nods his head with a small smile 
“The echinacea tea did wonders to me. I can't thank you enough Miss (Name).”Mr. Robinson says with weak smile
“It was my pleasure, I’m glad you have been making progress to a full recovery. I was going to check on your health but it seems your immune system is doing all the work and my visitation is unnecessary.”
“Oh hush dear you are always welcome in our humble abode, you have always been very kind to us, do please stay for a little longer will you?” Mrs. Robinson directed her hand towards the living room  
“Ah I wish I could, but I’m afraid my time here is limited for I have an invisible lengthy chain on my ankle.”
“That hooligan from the brotherhood is it? Honestly I send my condolences to you for dealing with those bad men.”
“I can hold my own against them. They cannot be tamed, but they can be reasoned with.”
“I see, well good luck out there dearie, please take care of yourself too.” 
“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, best of wishes to you and your family.” With a small bow you make your way to the door
“E-excuse me, Miss (Name)?”
The eldest of the Robinson children was Finlay, though he was barely a child as he was in his young adulthood 
Now having your attention, Finlay grasps his hands together 
“If you don’t mind, may we talk for a bit?”
“Hm, I suppose I have a few minutes to spare but do make it quick, the rabbit who’s acting as my esquire isn’t known for having patience.”
With a deep breath, the fair-headed boy looks at you with a deep gaze that is laced with worry
“I hate to see you go off with the evil brotherhood, surely there must be something we can do to help you.”
With a sad smile, you shake your head
“I very much appreciate your concern Finn, but I accepted my fate and I swear on my life that I am ok. Besides, who will provide you all with check-ups if I escape this dreaded town?”
Finlay’s expression hardens “Then you don’t have to escape, hide in our home and we can take care of you just like how you’ve taken care of us.”
“Finn..please don’t risk your family’s lives and your own for me.”
“But I would risk my life for you! Because I-”
“Alright, time's up!” 
The door violently burst open revealing Elyas 
Upon seeing you and Finlay, something in Elyas cracked as he approaches Finlay in a threatening way and grabs him by the collar of his shirt 
“So you’ve been extending the doctor’s session eh? I'm afraid you're gonna have a fee for that, blondie.”
“S-sir please I’m sorry! W-we don’t have anything to give you! We're barely getting by after this month's fee!”
You immediately grab Elyas’ arm and attempt to pull him away from Finlay 
“Cut it out! I was about to leave anyway!”
“This piss-haired rat got greedy and reached over the time limit, now he has to pay the price.”
You get between the boys and with all your might push Elyas’ chest away from Finlay, while doing so, Elyas’ puppet string accidentally pricks your cheek but the minor injury barely bothered you
“Stop! It was only for a few minutes, let it go!” 
Elyas looked at you and you hear the crinkling of his gloves due to his fists clenching 
Letting out a sigh of relief you look back at Finlay who still looked like he had the heavens scared out of him
“You will no longer visit this house.”
You look back at Elyas with wide eyes and before you can protest he grabs your arm and pulls you out of the Robinson's household 
“Wait a minute!..Elyas!”
With a panicked look, you look back to the house and see a distraught Finlay reaching his hand out 
“Please just stop for a moment!”
Ripping your arm from Elyas’ iron grip you rub the area and glare at him
“What has gotten into you? I know you’re a jackass but you really have crossed the line this time!”
“That beggar boy was the one crossing the line by wasting our time.”
With a sigh, you stay silent briefly
“You know.. you were a hypocrite when you called him greedy when all you and your siblings do is suck up all my time like a bunch of mosquitos.”
Now it was Elyas’ turn to stay silent, he turns to you and looks down at the small gash on your cheek
He approaches you slowly and grabs a hold of his red scarf, ripping it. He then daps the blood off that was on the plump of your cheek 
You felt almost every negative emotion under the sun towards Elyas, fear, anger, frustration and even amusement 
This was the first he made you flustered, you’ve been in close positions with Elyas before but it was when he needed treatment. Now he was willing to be this close to you to do a quite sensual gesture  
“What are you doing?…”
Elyas lets a scoff ”You said it yourself, any injury no matter how miniscule it might seem isn’t worth not treating, one cut can turn into a nasty infection.”
With a small hum, Elyas continues to treat the cut on your cheek ”Sorry.” His apology was quick and blunt but there was a hint of sincerity in it 
”It’s.. whatever I’ll treat it myself when we get back.” 
Backing away from you, Elyas’ hand hovers over your cheek and feel his finger brushing over your injury 
You look up to meet his eyes that were concealed behind his rabbit mask, sometimes you wonder how these guys could see through those atrocious masks 
Desperately wanting to see what he was thinking, you gaze into the eyeholes of Elyas’ mask, to see what the hues of his eyes were and if they even held light
You wanted to see his humanity
Immediately he withdraws his hand away from you and makes a quick turn to continue his way 
“Let’s go.” 
Recovering from what just occurred, you slowly make your way behind Elyas
”I’m still gonna visit the Robinsons.” 
“You won’t be a mile radius near that shithole when I’m around.”
”So what you’re saying is as long as you're not breathing down on my neck I can visit them?”
”What I’m saying is if I see you interact with that scrawny piece of shit, no treatment will ever be able to cure what I’ll do to him.” 
It felt like Cyrus slammed his greatsword on him when Elyas realized what he had just said, visibly stiffening but regained composure  
Then it hit you, Elyas was jealous 
This new found discovery both appalled and terrified you 
He was the equivalent of a school boy who was crushing that just happened to have violent tendencies towards his rivals, it seems you won’t be visiting the Robinsons for a while for Finlay’s sake
You couldn’t but help feel bad for the poor boy, his feelings towards you was obvious but you never really saw him that way, sure you thought he was adorable and very kind but he just was never really your type unfortunately 
But Elyas?..
The both of you didn’t quite have a pleasant start and to this day you had lingering feelings of resentment towards him and his siblings
Despite that, your fondness for them grew more than your grudge 
After all they guaranteed you safety when you weren’t even sure if Hotel Krat could be a place to seek refuge and for better or for worse there was never a dull day with the brotherhood. You weren't just surviving, you were living
And the somewhat intimate moment you just shared with Elyas and how he and his siblings aid each other is enough for you to believe that the brotherhood has a soul that was tainted due to the result of evolving in a harsh environment 
Hiding your smile, you follow Elyas towards the Red Lobster 
Oswald and Bonnie were present, hanging out and having some downtime
”We’re back, but I’m gonna head back to headquarters real quick, don’t you knuckleheads plan something idiotic when I’m gone.”
Oswald only waves his hand dismissively and Bonnie sticks her tongue out at Elyas 
“How was your trip (Name)?” Bonnie asks in a cheerful tone
”Phew it was quite something, I’ll tell you that.” You place your hands on your hips and bounce on your feet making eye contact with Bonnie with a nervous smile 
“Speaking of trips, I call the shots on taking our doc through Malum next week! I haven’t done errands with her in a long while!”
”Hey! It’s my turn to hang out with (Name)! I thought we were following the pattern!” Bonnie complains and lightly shoves Oswald 
“Since when did we ever agree to that? It’s whoever gets to her first the one going little sis!”
With an audible pout, Bonnie sits back down on her seat
”Not fair! (Name) please tell him off!” Bonnie drags out your name
”No can do Bon, first come first serve.” You say with a cheesy grin
”I’ll beat you to her Oswald! You’ll see!”
”Oh really? Well that’s a shame ‘cause I already got to her!”
Oswald dashes from his seat and grabs you by the waist hoisting you over his shoulder 
“Oz! This is very unnecessary!” trying to hide your grin but fail as you grab onto his shoulders 
“Hold on tight doc!~”
Bonnie jumps from her seat and dashes towards Oswald who was now carrying you 
The two siblings laugh hysterically chasing each other while you cling on to dear life to Oswald’s shirt and join in on the laughter
“What did I say about planning something idiotic while I’m gone?”
Elyas voice suddenly echoed throughout the room causing the siblings to stop 
“Ahh lighten up brother, we were just having a little fun!”
”Not much fun anymore when you’re dizzy! Now put me down Oz!”
“Alright alright down you go doc.” 
Setting you down with ease, Oswald then wipes off invisible dust off of you
“There you go all in one piece.” 
“Quit touching her. Now scram, Cyrus asked for you and Bonnie back in headquarters.”
”Huh? What for?”
Elyas simply shrugs
Oswald let out a loud groan ”It better be good, c’mon Bonnie.”
”Watch my cheesecake for me (Name)!” Bonnie then scurries out of the room right behind Oswald 
“Hey, what did Cyrus ask them for?” 
“Nothin’ I was jesting.” 
You shoot Elyas a blank stare 
“Don't give me that look, I don't want to deal with their annoying asses when I play this.” 
Elyas held up a record and walks over to the gramophone 
Once he plays the record, an elegant sound of a violin plays along with an accordion that harmonizes with each other
The gramophone changes the setting of the rundown tavern of the Red Lobster into a more elegant atmosphere, both you and Elyas lean against the bar table. The sound of the singer’s rich voice singing in a language you somewhat understood
“Say Elyas, do you comprehend French?” 
He only shakes his head “I never knew what the hell the guy was saying, I just like how it sounds.”
“From my limited French knowledge, what I’m getting at is that the singer is longing to meet his departed lover..”
Concentrating on the singer’s words you close your eyes 
“You will come back
Halfway through the song there was a solo 
“And..listen to my heart,
I will wait for you
Even if my heart hurts..
So that you can hear my words
I will wait for you..
I will wait for you..”
The record meets its end as the accordion slows down fading away bringing you back to the dreary tavern 
“Since when did you understand French? "
"I'm not quite fully fluent in it, the Monad Charity House taught some classes."
"You went to that Charity House?"
With a nod of your head you continue, then grabbing the chain of your necklace, you show Elyas your graduation necklace that was hidden under your blouse 
"Yup, I grew up in the Charity house and wanted to become an Alchemist at first but I couldn’t read alchemical equations for the life of me. However I liked science enough to pursue the medical field."
“I see, glad you didn't join those egotistical smartasses.”
”Heh, I suppose so, I didn’t even like them all that much if I’m being honest.” You look at Elyas “Seeing how you and your siblings ar-were Stalkers, were you all in the Charity House as well?” 
Elyas notices your slip up and crosses his arms “Nope, the four of us grew up in the alleys, the Sweepers in our area taught us since we were young.” 
“Oh, it must’ve been rough growing up in such a place.”
“But it’s what made us strong and outlived the other weak fools. We survived this far, and we will continue to do so together as a family.”
Turning your head away from Elyas you chuckle softly
“What’s so funny?” Elyas asked in a condescending tone 
All this time, you believed the Puppet Frenzy and the Petrification disease brought the worst out of humanity, from those who exploited Krat’s vulnerable position and ransacking homes, to survivors who were now in a dog eat world where the strong live and are victorious while the weak can only hope for a quick death 
There were countless times when the Brotherhood made it clear they couldn’t give a rat’s ass about fighting with honor, as former Sweeper Stalkers it was in their psyche to survive and win, simply that. But there were cracks to their rough exterior, their love of family for one another. 
The reason the Black Rabbit Brotherhood lived this long was their camaraderie and sticking together as a family. 
And most recently there was another Achilles heel to their bruteness, you.
The feeble yet firm doctor who doesn’t carry a sword but a stethoscope and briefcase full of instruments to life. Unlike the brotherhood, gentle and merciful 
“It’s just, you four are a group of delinquents with disregard for others, but I find it quite endearing that you all got each others’ backs. You all understood you were stronger together.” 
“Oh? Getting all sappy on us now, are we?”
“Quiet you, I still don’t like how you treat the poor civilians here and would find an escape route at any given chance.” you didn’t quite mean that last part, but you wanted to get a reaction from Elyas to get back at him
And it seems to have worked too well as Elyas stayed silent and motionless with his teasing disappearing in an instant 
“Would you.. actually?..”The tone of his voice almost makes you feel bad, the desperation and worrying riddled in his words
Caught off guard by Elyas’ question you stutter out “Uh-Uhm yeah..I would.”
You side eye Elyas to get a glimpse of him, he faces the floor, silent
“Hey.. I was jesting.” a callback to when Elyas repeated your words 
His head suddenly turns to you, you expected him to implode on you but instead your ears were met with a light chuckle
“God…you really are a pain in the ass.”
Looking towards Elyas you also let out a soft chuckle, then you glance down on his hand that was draped on the table, there was this urge to get close to him, to feel a connection 
You already suspected he has some type of attraction towards you, and may you be damned for reciprocating them 
Slowly, your hand itches closer to Elyas’ hand. Once the tips of your fingers meet, you feel his fingers flinching, taking this as a sign he didn’t want to be touched, you pull your hand back slowly
There was a sudden pressure on your hand and the feeling of leather'
You look down to see Elyas’ hand on yours but he refuses to meet your eyes 
Instead you feel him squeezing lightly
“Hey Elyas you lying asshole! Cyrus said he didn’t fucking ask for us!” Oswald's eccentric accent breaks the peace
Immediately the both of you retract your hands 
“You just lied to steal (Name) away from us didn’t you?” Bonnie jumps down from the level rail and tugs on your arm “C’mon let’s get away from these dumb dumbs!” 
As Bonnie drags you away, Oswald and Cyrus walk up to Elyas
“Ha! If you wanted some alone time with doc, you ‘coulda just said something!” Oswald teases 
“Shut up.”
Cyrus laughs and slams his large hand on Elyas’ back making him let out a groan
“Ah good evening Miss (Name)! What can I get for you?” The black market merchant greets you
“Say you wouldn’t happen to have some records on you would you?”
“Is that even a question worth asking? Of course!” He then pulls out a crate full of records 
“Feel free to look through this mess and pick the one you want.”
Kneeling down, you browse through the records looking for a certain one 
“Nope..nope..not this one…found it!”
Pulling out your desired record, you pull it towards your face, admiring the beautiful artwork that decorated it
“Oh? Fascination? Now that’s a classic!” 
“An oldie but a goldie. Here’s the ergo.”
“Thank you very much, oh and you’re aware that it’s the instrumental version right?”
“Quite aware, I weirdly prefer this version.”
“To each their own I guess. Well I hope you enjoy it and have a pleasant night.” The merchant tips his hat
“Thank you, good night to you too.”
You walk back where the gramophone that Elyas played earlier was. Taking out Elyas’ record gently placing it away and slipping in yours 
Resting your head on the table, you close your eyes and let the music immerse you in a different reality
It sounded as if the violin was singing, synchronizing with the backing instruments, perfectly capturing the beautiful feeling of falling in love
“You’re up late.”
Your eyes stay shut briefly and let out a deep exhale
Pushing yourself off the table, you look up to where Elyas was, you could make out his figure but couldn’t see his face where his mask usually was
On closer inspection, you noticed that his shadow lacked the silhouette of the rabbit ears his mask had
“Come now, don't be shy, I won’t run if your face is ugly.”
This might just be the first time you’ll see Elyas without his mask, the anticipation was killing you
Realizing Elyas hasn’t yet moved from his spot, you had an idea 
You turned around with your back now facing him 
“Come down when you’re ready, I’ll wait all night, I certainly won’t mind listening to this for hours.”
Then you hear Elyas’ footsteps descending down the stairs, with each step he takes it makes your heart beat faster
Just what could he look like? Masculine, feminine or a mix of both? But you have a hard time imagining a feminine face for Elyas
A gloveless hand rests your waist, while another grabs your hand, twirling you around and you meet face to face with the face you longed to see
Messy raven hair was the first sight in your field of vision 
Elyas perhaps has the most beautiful blue eyes you’ve ever seen, it wasn’t the type of blue that pierced into your soul, rather it was a calming blue, his eyes reminded you of the romantic evening nights that was once common in Krat’s skies. Elyas had quite a pale complexion, making the dark circles under his eyes more prominent. The bridge of his nose had a scar kissed on it, his appearance was almost exactly how you expected him to be, rugged but quite pleasing on the eyes, dare you say it, handsome. 
What somewhat surprised you was how young Elyas looked, he looked like a man barely in his early 20’s. At the prime of young adulthood, around the same age as you.
You’ve seen how the other members of the black rabbit brotherhood looked like, they all possessed unruly jet black hair and a birthmark somewhere etched on their faces. Elyas had a few beauty marks patched on his face, from under his cheek, chin, even one near his nose. You’re enticed to caress the moles and the scars on his face
“With the way you’re eyeing me, I can’t tell if you’re eating me up or about to run off with your tail between your legs.” 
Ignoring his teasing, you continue to gaze at him
“It’s just, you’re so beautiful…”
Elyas’ eyes widen, his face reddening and he lets out a small chortle
“You’re quite the beauty yourself, doctor.”
Bashfully, you lower your head, and lightly smack Elyas’ chest
“Hey, don’t you get shy on me now.” gripping your chin to lift your face up
Wordlessly, Elyas then guides you to the center of the floor, hand firmly on your waist still 
You stare at the decomposing wooden floor of the Red Lobster, in this moment, you momentarily forget about the dire situation around you, the disease, the frenzy, none of it mattered in this one moment. You look up to the source of your escape from reality, he looks down at you with the same amount of longing 
Everytime Elyas’ foot moves forward, yours moves back, when he leads you toward the left you follow his footing, coordinating with his movements causing the both of you to form a slow dance 
Your hand rests on his shoulder while the other is held by Elyas’, now lacking the gloves
His hands were rough, almost having a sandpaper-like feeling, years of brawling in the rigorous culture of the alleys left him with textured palms
Elyas’ gaze turns into an ambivalent expression, him two months ago would laugh at his current self for being vulnerable and soft towards the flimsy doctor. For years Elyas’ heart conditioned itself to lock itself away from tender emotions such as love, it only had room for his family, but somehow you happened to make your way into his heart and heal what the world had done to him. What one hell of a doctor you were. 
Elyas never was bothered by the fact he’s put a few people six feet underground in the past, leaving his hands stained with blood. Guilt now had a hold on him. Not for the ones slain by him, but for now tainting you, a doctor who dedicated her life to saving lives now associating herself with death himself.  
As soon as the music reached its’ climax, Elyas grabs your waist and lifts you up in the air, spinning you around and gently setting you back down leaving you in a brief daze 
As the music reaches the end, Elyas dips you down 
Slowly bring you back up, his hands still hold you, as if he wished for this moment to never end
Meeting Elyas’ eyes, your hand that was on his shoulder moves up to to cup his face and he closes his eyes, indulging in your warmth 
Soft and docile, you felt exactly how Elyas imagined
Would…your lips feel the same?
Opening his eyes, Elyas keeps them lidded as he glances down at your lips
Understanding what he was asking of you, you give him the most love-struck grin and close your eyes, leaning forward 
Like magnets, your lips pull in towards Elyas’
Bliss would be an blatant understatement, nothing could ever comprehend the overabundance of emotions you were feeling, both negative and positive 
Each movement of your lips with Elyas’ sent adrenaline of excitement and a sense of freedom, sharing saliva with a parlous man like Elyas would be considered unorthodox, but who is left in Krat to judge you?
As time went on, more and more residents succumbed to the Petrification disease and more mutated monsters infested the district, ever since the Alchemists promised a so-called cure to the disease, Krat’s problems seemed to have worsened, those damned Alchemists had done something horrific to those refugees in the Cathedral.
You knew those Alchemists were suspicious from the start, this only worsens your disdain towards them
Much to your dismay the brotherhood refused to let you out in the district anymore, leaving whatever surviving residents to tend to themselves 
You couldn’t help but feel hopeless couped up in headquarters, surely there were those who have yet to succumbed to the Petrification disease that is need of medical care
Cleaning and organizing your medical tools, you hear Elyas approaching near you, he takes off his mask
Your relationship with Elyas reached a new degree, it has no label yet but the feelings are there and real. And so you just let it happen and see how it goes from there
“That frown has been common on your face these days.” Elyas says as he grabs and raises your chin, 
With a tight smile, you grab his hand on your chin and intertwine them with yours
“You know why I’ve been getting frown wrinkles.”
His eyebrows furrow “And you know why we don’t want you going out there, the world is going to hell, it’s too dangerous.”
You sigh and break eye contact, but keep your hands connected 
Stroking your cheek, Elyas leans closer to your face “You worry too much, let’s just look after each other now eh?” 
Calloused hands grab your cheek to direct your face towards him, Elyas leans forward to capture your lips in a soft kiss to which you return 
The newfound connection you’ve made with Elyas is yet to be revealed to his siblings, but you assume at this point they’ve connected the dots by now with how insistent Elyas is to be close in your presence and they bite their tongues to avoid his retribution 
Pulling away, Elyas hovers over your face 
“There’s an intruder in the District, stay in headquarters until we deal with this pest.”
Your eyebrows downturn “Intruder? Is it another Stalker?”
”Not sure, but he does wield a weapon and has competent skills with it.” Elyas stares off in space deep in thought “So stay put, will you?” Looking at you with a hardened but pleading look
With a sigh you nod 
“Thank you.” With one more quick kiss, Elyas slowly parts from you and heads out the door, “We won’t take long.” 
As you watch him leave, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread, no one outside Malum has ever made it far into the District due to the immense number of carcass monsters increasing 
But it gave you a sense of hope?
Who would be bold enough to infiltrate the den of the notorious Black Rabbit Brotherhood unless they had a motive to put them in their place. For the longest time, you thought humanity lost its willpower and strength, God knows what’s happening to the world outside of Krat. Despite your affections for the Brotherhood, you can’t help but respect the one who has the guts to face them. And it’ll be a shame if Krat’s last spark of hope gets snuffed out.
With a determined look, you go against Elyas’ wish. Grabbing a cloak and a small messenger bag, you make your way up to the roof
The Malum District was the embodiment of misery and despair, P never thought that he'd ever miss the Puppets that he once loathed and wished to eradicate 
Any sight of puppets would be a welcoming sight compared to these monstrous sights 
As he makes his way through the streets, P notices writing on the walls
‘The Angel of Malum, Doctor (Name) where are you? Please we need you!’
‘Damn the Brotherhood for taking away our Angel!’ 
‘Prayers for the Angel of Malum, our beacon of hope’
This (Name) person must’ve be an important figure in the Malum with how many memorials he’s seen for this doctor 
While observing the walls, there was a sudden groan heard from one of the houses
Raising his weapon, P stalks closer to the source of the sound
Heading inside, a gold-haired man was the first thing he sees, tainted with the blue of the disease 
“W-who are you?.. (Name)..?”
The slouching human lifts his head up looking up at P, his deathly pale blue face had a look of hope that fell immediately 
“Oh… you’re not her…they’re still holding her captive... If she’s even alive...”
”Who?” P asks
”She was our angel (Name)…she gave comfort and aided to those in need of care…until the brotherhood took her away…” The blonde man lets out a violent cough ”Mister…you must save her if she's still alive and well…those awful Black Rabbit Brotherhood caged her up in their hideout…my final wish is for her to be liberated…”
Contemplating, P then nods  
“Haha…thank you…oh and if you see (Name) tell her that I, Finlay… love…”
Before the man could finish his sentence, death came for him first, his confession forever lost 
Stepping outside the house, P continues his way
*chirp* “Geez..poor guy, looks like he was the only survivor in his family judging from the other corpses inside the house..”
There was a sudden clamping on his leg
”Ha! It’s funny seeing ‘em all flustered!”
He looks up to see a girl with a rabbit mask
”Hey…the idiot’s actually a looker…” she then jumps back and retreats 
P struggled to get the trap off his leg, each time he squirms it bites harder into his leg 
“Oh my goodness, I’ll come down and help you!” 
His head suddenly swings up, a woman in a hooded cloak gets down from the roof and rushes towards him
“How in the..how are you not bleeding?” The woman looks at P with confusion and curiosity “Are you… a puppet?”
Staring into the woman’s eyes, P nods his head, the hooded woman then had a look of reluctance before sighing
“Well alright then…let’s get you out of this bear trap.” She then presses on the springs, making the jaws of the trap lower. Feeling the pressure going away from his leg, P closes his eyes and lets out a sigh of relief. Opening his eyes, he looked at the lady who helped him. Up close she was quite pretty
She then offers her hand to him with a gentle smile, “Can you stand? That is quite a nasty trap you fell in.” 
He grabs her smaller palms and with her help gets back up
*chirp* “Excuse me Miss if you don’t mind me asking, but just why are you helping my pal here? Considering people don’t treat puppets too well these days.” 
“What the- did your bottom just talk??” The lady looks around P, looking for where the voice came from
*chirp* “Down here! I’m his guide, Gemini!” P grabs the lamp from his belt and raises Gemini towards the woman 
“Oh.. interesting..” She looks at the lamp with intrigue, looking from the lamp and now to P “Well the reason I came to your aid, I get this feeling that you’re special.” 
She continues, “The moment I heard you made it into Malum pass those awful creatures, something inside me just ruptured, like fireworks.” The lady then looks up at the dreary sky with a bittersweet smile “It was a feeling I hadn’t had in such a long time, hope.” 
She looks back at P, her hopeful smile doesn’t falter. “I have no idea why, but I just have this gut feeling that you’re important, so please beware, the Brotherhood is wanting to put you under the ground.”  Despite finishing her sentence, the kind lady had her lips in a tight line, almost as if she still had something to say
“If you do fight the Brotherhood…please refrain from killing them.”
*chirp* “I hate to be that guy but they're the ones who came after us first! If push comes to shove, we just might have to!”  
A sigh of disappointment escapes from her lips. “Then please spare them for my sake, like some sort of favor.” She then gives a friendly smile “I'm (Name) by the way.” 
“Doctor (Name)?” Hearing the beautiful boy talk for the first time surprises (Name)
“Yes... But not so much anymore, my patients have been limited to the Brotherhood these days.”
*chirp* “Well maybe that’s another darn good reason we need to get rid of them! They’re practically holding you captive!” 
“I-it’s not necessarily like that!” (Name)’s hands rest on her forehead “maybe at first it sorta was but not so much anymore!”
P’s face gave away that he still wasn’t too satisfied with her response
“Come with me.” P says as he raises his hand towards (Name) and she stares at his mechanical arm 
“Such a straightforward boy aren't you?” (Name) giggles but then shakes her head “I care too much for the Brotherhood now, but I believe they need to be humbled from time to time.”
Reaching inside her bag, (Name) pulls out three pulse cells
“Here, a fight is inevitable and you best be prepared, but I once again beg of you to not kill them, maybe a good whooping will do.” 
Graciously accepting the pulse cells, P looks at (Name) and nods 
Holding her hands to her chest (Name) smile gratefully at P “Thank you strong one. Once you liberate this city, I'll deal with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.”  
(Name) slowly steps away from P and makes her way back up climbing back up to the roof 
As P watches her disappear, he looks at the pulse cells given to him by the first person who’s ever shown him kindness outside the Hotel, 
He firmly grasps the items, humanity is still worth fighting for 
Managing to make it back in headquarters with no one noticing the doctor’s absence,  in the nick of time the Black Rabbit Brotherhood were anticipating the intruder as the Eldest hauls the Liar’s coffin on his broad shoulders
The Rabbits were on the hunt
(Name) peeks out the window upon hearing the loud eruption on the front gate, humanity’s last hope crashes into the Black Rabbit Brotherhood’s lair
The four criminal siblings march toward, the one leading the group looks back at headquarters one last time, inside someone precious to him resides in it
“Bring it on, you ain’t seen nothing like my brother.” 
“The toy is mine! Mine! Root for me brothers!” 
“Argh no! Knock him out bro!”
”C’mon, you played nice with the others! Don’t you wanna play with me, mister puppet?” 
“So this is Geppetto’s puppet huh? Gotta admit: he knows what he’s doing.” 
One by one, you watch as each of the brotherhood get overpowered by the puppet you met earlier, it seems he was keeping up with his promise of not maiming them
Cyrus was holding his ground for longer 
Finally, Elyas jumps down, facing the puppet 
“We don’t get extra points for fighting fair. Survive and win, that simple.”
Elyas lasted longer than his other siblings, but you started to see cracks in his battle stance, he too was no match for Geppetto’s puppet 
“You’re no Bastard, nor Sweeper. Those moves of yours…”
As you watch Elyas retreat away from the battle after a nasty hit, you notice him limping a bit. That set off all the alarms in your head. Grabbing your medical bag, you dash outside to his aid
Pushing the door with all your might, your outburst grabs Elyas’ attention who was on his knee, grabbing on the left of his side 
“(Name)? What are you doing out here?! Get back inside!” You ignore his demands and rush next to him
”Quiet Elyas, you’re injured! Where does it most hurt?”
Reluctantly, Elyas looks down to his side, letting out a groan 
You take off his mask and hood,  revealing his pained expression “Breathing..hurts..”
Looking at his face that was induced with anguish increased your worry tenfold. Both of your hands grab his face in a gentle cradle and slowly Elyas succumbed to your touch, closing his eyes and breathing slowly
You now had a prang of remorse and regret, was it a good idea to help Geppetto’s puppet? You hadn’t meant for the brotherhood to get seriously hurt, at worst you expected bruises and maybe minor cuts but Elyas was showing symptoms of broken ribs 
You turn around and see Oswald and Bonnie who are kneeling with fatigue. Geppetto’s puppet and Cyrus were still battling, you had to stop this madness before it gets worse 
“Rest here.” As you get up, Elyas looks at you like you’ve grown 10 heads, he yells for you to stop, but you ignore them 
Right as P parried the Eldest brother’s blow, he staggers, giving him an open to attack
With a look with intent to kill, he raises his weapon for a deathly blow 
“STOP!” The doctor P met earlier gets between him and the Eldest with arms wide open, immediately he halts
”Please, don’t kill them.. you’ve won, fair and square..” P notices on how much the girl was shaking
On que, the Eldest falls on the ground passing out due to exhaustion
”Brother!” The other siblings run to the Eldest’s collapsed body
As Oswald and Bonnie ran over to Cyrus, they look to you for confirmation 
Immediately you get beside Cyrus and put your ear on his chest, desperate to hear any signs of life 
Thump thump
You let out an exhale that you held in for too long, “He’s gonna be alright..”
Bonnie gasps in relief as Oswald embraces his sister 
Rising from Cyrus’ chest, you feel a hand on your shoulder, Elyas who’s hand was still on his side looks at you with gratitude and enamorment, he then looks at the puppet, face immediately souring 
You grab his arm and shake your head, “Please, just let him go. It’s not worth it.” Elyas looks at you with a strife look before sighing and glancing back at the puppet.
“There’s a passage to the Krat Hotel inside, we better not see your face again, now fuck off.” 
The beautiful puppet gives you one last look before heading inside the headquarters, you give him an assuring smile and watch him leave, perhaps you’ll see him again one day
“What’s the deal with you and Geppetto’s puppet eh?” Elyas asks in a skeptical tone and a raised eyebrow, clearly irritated
Your eyes roll 
It had been about over a week since the Black Brotherhood’s defeat against the puppet, a humiliating defeat, but they all survived in the end
Cyrus had made a full recovery, Bonnie and Oswald had very minor injuries but Elyas was still healing from his broken ribs
The skies of Krat started to heal as well as the gloomy gray clouds started to dissipate, the majestic blue skies was returning along with heaven’s beacon 
Sitting on the roof of headquarters, a bittersweet smile creeps on the doctor’s face, it had been so long since she felt the sun kiss her skin
“Never thought you could ever be more beautiful until now, that sun does you justice, love” Elyas joins his beloved on her leisure on the roof
“Elyas you need to be resting!” she scolds him but he brushes her off
“Oh shut up, can I not gaze at the sun with my lady?” Elyas sits down next to (Name) and she gives in to his wishes. His arm wraps around her waist and pulls her close as she rests her hand on his chest
The pair admire the skies in comfortable silence until (Name) speaks up
“To think I met you in grim circumstances and I embrace you as if I knew you for years, have I gone crazy?”
Elyas snickers “You know you love me, as do I with ardent.” His windows to the world gaze into hers, they were each other’s worlds
“I’ll admit that I can’t help it, I really do love you.”
Elyas leans his forehead on (Name)’s and makes a vow
“(Name), one day, we all will get outta this shithole. And when we do, we can start over, maybe we can live like a real couple. I promise to get you out of here and give you a life you deserve.” Elyas’ words touch deeply in (Name)'s heart, somehow falling for him even more
“And Elyas, I pledge to stay by your side no matter what the world throws at us.”
They lean in for a kiss, it was as tender and passionate as any other they shared 
The world around them was in chaos, but they knew they would be ok as long as they were together.
A/N: *SCREAMS IN AGONY* that was the longest fic ive ever written phew you deserve the world for reading all that cuz it was like over 7k words , but tbh i have mixed feelings over how i wrote the ending, its kinda shit imo
but once again thank you so much for reading, it actually means sm <3333
my friend who knows French helped with translations on the lyrics to Someday so shout out to him lmao
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
So the thing about Star Trek: Picard is...
Say what you will about the first season, but it’s meaningful. In fact, Rios says explicitly what it’s about in the fourth episode: “the existential pain of living with the consciousness of death and how it defines us as human beings.” Pretty much all of the character arcs are about different reactions to this, and the supposed “grimdarkness” of the setting reinforces this point; the Federation has become reactionary and xenophobic because it was a utopia that experienced mass death right on its doorstep for the first time in living memory. The conflict with the Synths is ultimately rooted in the fact that we die; they don’t. The fact that the finale was called “Et in Arcadia ego” really just telegraphs this; “Even in Arcadia [utopia], I [Death] am.”
And the second season, for all its many flaws, carries this theme forward, proposing that love, togetherness, and companionship are the only meaningful candles in the dark. Q is dying; he awaits meaning, and he doesn’t find it. And so he opts instead to do one last favour for Jean-Luc so at least he can spare his favourite mortal from his own fate of dying alone. Jurati is able to connect with the Borg Queen because she recognises that her own motivation is something similar: the Queen can feel herself dying across infinite realities and she doesn’t want to be alone. Seven and Raffi find each other; Rios gives up his entire life for a shot at love. It’s an infernal mess, a budget-saving exercise in want of a plot, but I’m going to be honest: I kind of adore it. I think it’s beautiful for all its flaws.
Throughout the first two seasons, we have serious contemplations of transhumanism and identity in the face of death. Picard escapes death using technology, even as his friend, a living machine, embraces his end as a necessary part of being human. Soji loses her identity even as she gains knowledge of herself as an immortal android. Jurati too embraces transhumanism and, to some extent, loses her identity by so doing, but–in an interesting twist for Star Trek–this is not stigmatized; this is framed as what’s best for her. All of this is philosophically rich, high-octane fuel for thought, as speculative fiction should be.
The third season, meanwhile–for all that I have loved (some of) the nostalgia hits injected directly into my veins–bugs me because of how absolutely lightweight it feels. Death is gone. Not just as a theme, but gone from the narrative. Sure we kill off Ro, and T’Veen, and Vadic, and Shelby, and Shaw, but it feels like nothing. Death holds no dominion; Data is back; so’s the Enterprise-D; so’s Q (or maybe he’s come in from an earlier point in his timeline; it’s not clear). Kirk apparently is alive again, resurrected offscreen sometime after Generations and kept in a covert warehouse awaiting new adventures. Apparently Terry Matalas has already formulated plans for bringing Todd Stashwick back if when he gets his “Legacy” spinoff. I’m half-surprised that they didn’t reveal that Romulus magically popped back into existence in a background Okudagram somewhere. The Federation is as “grimdark” as it has ever been depicted, but unlike the first season (or Deep Space Nine, or even the first season of Discovery), this is never seriously interrogated or problematised. We go through the motions, cargo-cult-like, of moral debate in episode 7, but it’s not connected to anything. We hear that Vadic was the product of Section 31 war crimes; Picard looks shaken up by this, but then he and Beverly immediately decide to commit some war crimes of their own by executing her. This is never mentioned again. The whole exercise feels perfunctory, as I have said above: like ten-year-olds playing with action figures. It doesn’t feel like Picard, and frankly, for all of the surface detail it gets right, it feels even less like TNG.
So no; I’m not pleased that the first two seasons were ignored.
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shepherds-of-haven · 8 months
the screenshot game got me thinking..what are all the RO's like if they have to pose as a couple with a friend they *don't* have feelings for? I got Blade and I genuinely can't tell if he'd be more or less awkward, lol
Blade: he would be way less awkward with just a platonic friend, he would have just be breathing deeply through his nose and letting the other person talk more, but it would be wayyyyy easier and more comfortable to pull off and believable, lol! He's far smoother with someone he doesn't have feelings for and would be able to lie pretty easily, lol!
Trouble: I think he would be pretty awkward about it because he's not great at actively lying, but depending on the person, they could put him at ease! If paired with someone who's naturally outgoing or can just brush it off and make it funny like "dude don't make this fucking weird, suck it up and act like you're my husband, I'm not going to jump your bones you dipshit kakhead!! (Ayla)" he'd be fine; if it was someone he's not as comfortable with like a Lavinet or maybe, like, Red or Riel, it'd be slightly weird but they'd just forge past it and give it the good ol' college try. Mostly he'd just stand there uncomfortably looking lost and like he doesn't know what to do with his hands, lol
Tallys: she's smooth regardless if it's someone she has feelings for, is sleeping with, or is just platonic friends with, it doesn't really change her behavior either way (except that she's more outwardly handsy with a FWB or lover, lol)! She'd be like "seriously, you can't be mature about this -_-" while Trouble freezes up like "yes......... you are my wife and we are looking for a honeymoon suite................." but she'd be the one swiftly and graciously moving the conversation along and selling the whole bit!
Shery: she's certainly less awkward with a good friend (pretending to be a fake couple with someone she has feelings for seems like it would cause her to melt into a puddle on the floor), but she's still definitely a bit awkward about it, lol. Luckily for her, most people would just assume she's like a blushing virgin bride or something, so she'd be able to get away with letting the other person talk!
Riel: he's an unapologetic liar, so I think he'd be able to manage this successfully either way. He's probably more internally comfortable with a platonic friend than the object of his affections, but then again, he might also enjoy the 'fantasy' of roleplaying this with someone he had feelings for more! The sexual tension would be an added complexity, but honestly he probably wouldn't be that mad about it, lol
Chase: he LOVES this either way. he EATS IT UP. He's ridiculously over the top and hammy about it whether with a friend or with someone he has feelings for, honestly: it's just his motivations are different (to make the friend want to die of embarrassment and troll them if platonic, or because he thinks it's wildly ironic and hilarious if with someone he's already sleeping with/has feelings for and it's just another way to flirt outrageously with them). he also just loves lying and spinning stories for people, so this would be just a boatload of fun for him!
Red: I think he'd be smooth about this either way, but he'd definitely be far more internally nervous and overanalyzing everything with someone he's attracted to versus with a friend. (But on an external level, he'd pretty much just act the same.) With a friend, this is just like any other mission: whether they're pretending to be a pair of merchants or a married couple, it doesn't really matter to him or make him feel any differently about it (though certain pairings would certainly make the whole charade go smoother. Someone like Lavinet or Briony?? Sure, they can collaborate on a lie and 'make pretend' very easily. Pair him up with Blade? Why would you do that.). But if it's with someone he has feelings for, half of his mind is occupied at all times with keeping focus on the mission and reminding himself that this is about work and reining in slut-Red's innermost hopes that this scenario could lead to very interesting resolutions to the tensions he's been sensing between himself and his crush... (don't think about that, don't think about that, this is a very important mission and it would be very scummy for you to think about anything else besides that.' slut-red: unless?...)
Ayla: I think she'd definitely be more comfortable doing this with a friend than she would be with the object of her affections! Every little thing her crush would do would throw her off or make her jumpy, like if they put an arm around her waist or hold her hand, she'd jump and hiss, like, What are you doing!! You can't just do that!! MC: Aren't I your spouse though LOL She'd get flustered and also a little singed over the fact that MC is only doing this for the ruse, so what is she getting so excited about... It would just be a difficult time for her! With a friend she'd just roll her eyes and go along with it, or she might even have fun with the whole situation, so it'd definitely be way easier for her!
Briony: I think she'd be a bit more comfortable and happy with the fake couple scenario if she was doing it with her crush, because she'd view it as a way to 'safely' flirt with them all she wanted, and it would make her very happy to hold their hand or be treated like their girlfriend/wife and she could happily commit to the fantasy of it with her whole heart (for the mission's sake and authenticity of course)!! So she'd have way more fun and would be more comfortable acting affectionate/flirtatious with them if she also held real romantic feelings for them. With a platonic friend, she could get by well enough, but she'd be just a little too cautious about not wanting to make them feel uncomfortable or crossing the boundary of their friendship/making things weird (like she'd always be whispering, "is it okay if I take your hand?" or "i had to kiss you on the cheek earlier to sell it, i'm so sorry if that was weird....") So basically it would actually be more uncomfortable for her with a platonic friend because she'd be over-conscious of making them uncomfortable or crossing some hidden boundary between them! (Ironically, she's very thoughtlessly physically affectionate with her friends as it is, but there's a huge difference in her mind between taking their arm and walking down the street as friends and literally pretending to be their wife and playacting romantic gestures at them).
Lavinet: she'd be excellent at this either way, though, like Briony, she'd definitely internally enjoy it more with the object of her affections than with just a platonic friend, because she'd also enjoy committing to the bit and losing herself in the fantasy of it all! Her "comfort level" and external behavior doesn't change at all, but her general excitement/enjoyment of the affair does, if that makes any sense!
Halek: he's just wearily along for the ride if they're just friends; he's pretty much expecting this is going to lead to fucking if there's attraction between them (this kind of scenario always does) lol. He's not mad about it either way, though!
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l3viat8an · 8 months
bye because the way i was getting over my OM hyperfixation then LEVIATHANS PRETTY ASS (the new card) decides to show up on my tumblr page and make me fixated again
Tumblr media
evil man indeed
also we havent talked in a while!! hi ro! whats upp??
Helpshsj Levi really pulled you back in and said you can’t leave yet!!!
‘n he’s seriously soooo damn pretty in that card!!! I pulled sooo many times and finally got it ‘n ughgsjsgsh I love him sm :(( anyways-
It has been awhile! Hiii, I’m doing okay, been busy with college + my new kitten but that’s not super new news jshsjsh how have you been?
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