#wanted to draw my character with cove :3
kennico · 30 days
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refreshing drink 🥤
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cybersp4ced · 10 months
hi im CY also known as CYBER MONDAY also known as SIGN HERE also known as SYNAPSE RETROGENESIS also known as SCIENCE RASCAL and a billion other names!!!!
im a Minor [16 !! birthday may 3!] and im a xenogender mexican werestar girl who's pretty genderscrewed
mie/mym/myrself [<-prefered] cy/cyb/cyberself, she/her, it/its, plural they/them/themselves
INTERESTS: Flatland, Nuclear Throne, Rain World, speculative biology, bugs n plants n fish n fungus, Underverse, Hollow Knight, probly more but I forget
I DO: drawing, gaming, animations and animatics and memes, writing fanfic, 2d specbio, writing poems that dont rhyme and are bad, knitting, taking pictures, programming
@2d-dreams my flatland sideblog and its related blogs: @messiahdev my gamedev blog where i make flatland games n other stuff like shimeji and ukagaka; @the-arts-of-being my fanfic's Ask/Send-the Characters-Anything blog
@ants-colony my gimmick blog abt ants [they hibernating]
usually dont tag anything other than own ramblings and spiders, bugs never tagged many bugs here
#cyber.txt - general chatter from me, sometimes goes along with other names like yv.txt or cipher.txt etc.. but always use this
#cy art - cy art
#pinboard - things that are important to me like resources etc
#treasure cove - things that are like emotionally important? like "#fave"
#cookie jar - nice things
#hall of fame - funny posts i want to see again i think
The Arts of Being [TAoB], completed fanfic of a guy in a 2d world. Also Memories of a Broken Plane [MoaBP] section TBA
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christiansorrell · 7 months
Play-By-Blog #6: The Isle by Luke Gearing
Welcome to my ongoing play-by-blog of The Isle by Luke Gearing! We are playing this adventure with its original system, The Vanilla Game (adjusted somewhat to fit the format). You can check out the Play-By-Blog Repository to get all caught up if you wish.
How Play-By-Blog works:
I write up the situation, NPCs, and more, just like a DM.
You vote in the poll to help decide the character's course of action.
I roll the dice, resolve actions, and write them up next week.
So on and so forth for the rest of the adventure!
[Text in brackets is out-of-character/GM text!] "Non-italicized quotes denote text from the original adventure!" "Italicized quotations denotes NPC dialogue."
Our character: Medon Girou - Magic Cutpurse
Our map: The Isle
[You can use the link's above to find Medon's Character Sheet and map of the Isle. On the map, you are currently at B.]
Now, back to the adventure!
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[Our first tie vote! To adjudicate this, I went through and found that the majority of folks wanted to take a violent approach focused on attacking the monk (there will be options to not necessarily kill him, if the fight goes that well) so we'll be going with Option #3: Strike Now with your Katana, cast Sticks to Snakes when you are able]
This was not the reaction you were expecting, not from a supposed man of god anyway. You look down at the slash the monk drew across your side. Its not a flesh wound... yet. For a split second, your mind is torn between two courses of action, fleeing or fighting. No, you need to fight. There's no future where fleeing gets you inside that monastery.
You draw your katana and strike out at the monk, now at the top of the stairs between you and gently rolling waves of the cove below. You slash out, slicing easily through is robes, revealing an aging set of heavy sailor clothing beneath. He barely avoids a wound, but he's on the back foot now. Even just one well-placed slash could take him down [Attack Roll: 6 - Success, below AV of 11 and above enemy AC of 2] [Damage Roll: 5 - Monk has 5 Flesh, 0 Grit remaining].
You turn and run further up the raising path leading back up towards the isle proper and the monastery beyond, hoping to position yourself for casting Sticks to Snakes, if you are able. He may not allow you that luxury. He slashes at you as you go, but misses [Free Attack Roll: 19, Failure - over AV of 10].
[Next round begins! Initiative: 2 - Even, player goes first!]
Now's your chance. You look down at the monk, still standing near the top of the stairs overlooking the cove. Small shrubs, grown in the rough patches of dirt between the rocky outcroppings, have been torn away with the recent transport of cargo. Branches and small sticks litter the path.
With your offhand, you cast Sticks to Snakes, muttering a hurried incantation and gesturing with crooked fingers at the ground below the monk. You feel the arcane power welling up inside you and traveling down your arm and off towards the monk, but something's wrong. It's too much and it's not right, not focused in the form you needed. There's just too much [Spell Roll: 10 - Failure, over ST of 8. The spell is now Corrupted.] [Miscast Roll: 3 - "You cast a random spell on your original target, in addition to your original spell."] [Random Spell: Wizard Eye].
The energy leaves you. An ethereal floating eye, visible only to you, appears immediately to the side of the man's head [Wizard Eye miscast]. In the same moment at the monk's feet, five sticks [2d6 roll of 5, 2 of which are venomous] wriggle to life, turning into living snakes. They surround the monk, following your command - to attack! Four of the snakes strike out and land their bites along his calves and ankles [Attack Rolls: 6, 2, 3, 6, 6 - 4 successes (including 2 venomous)] [Damage: 1 each for 4 total] [Saving throw versus Death (due to venom): 4 - Success, 13 - Failure]
The monk cries out in pain, beginning to kick down at the snakes before his body quickly weakens and a bloody foam forms at the side of his lips as he coughs. He yells out once more towards the monastery, weaker than before. The knife falls from his hands and he looks to flee, his dying mind panicking, but loses his strength as he goes, falling down the stairs and lying still in a dead still heap at the bottom [XP Granted: 50].
There is just the sound of the waves against the rocks and the soft slithering of snakes at your feet.
After a moment, the snakes revert back to sticks and the Wizard Eye fizzles. You head down the stairs to check the body. Other than the fishing pole, sack of worms, and fish in the bucket, the monk has little of value on him. Around his neck is a piece of twine holding an unusual iron seal, you take it. It doesn't look valuable but it looks esoteric, specific - the kind of thing the right person may want very badly or that could get you into places you would normally be barred from. Lots of stories you could cook up around why you have this seal, why you should be let into the monastery.
Beneath his robes, you find his arms and chest to be covered in tattoos, the kind commonly seen on lifelong sailors. What brought this man to this monastery and to this god? Well, perhaps he's in his heaven now, after attempting to defend this holy place.
You find some old rope along the jetty and roll down a large stone from above the cove. You tie the rock to the monk's torso, after carrying both to the furthest end of the jetty, and push the rock over the edge. With a deep crack, the monk's body whips off of the wooden slats at your feet and out and down into the sea.
You rest for some time [Grit healed: 1d6 roll of 5 - fully healed] before venturing forth. The midday sun hangs high overhead.
[This was a fun one! I lot of interesting roll results leading to some unexpected outcomes, for sure. I was going to have options to keep the monk alive and question him which would have worked when he had 1 Flesh remaining but those venomous snakes back a big, deadly bite! See y'all next week! - Christian]
[PBB #7 is up now!]
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Hi! Hope you’re doing well💖
I would like to request a Oneshot of Cove Holden (Our Life) with a fem!MC where they’re in school on Step 2, and get teased because they obviously like each other but won’t say anything, and they’re all flustered, and you choose the ending ! 💖💕💖💕💖💕
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Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Character(s): Cove
Genre: Fluff
Type: Oneshot
Description: Pinning gone horribly right
Warning(s): Female Reader, Reader is MC, Takes Place in Step 2, Classmates Being Intrusive, 1202 Words
Hello!! I am doing well, I hope you are too <3
Thank you for requesting for Our Life btw! My smile when I saw it was something else I'll have you know- I got so happy xjdbl
Also, I'm sorry for the wait! I hope you enjoy \^°^/
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Twas the little things. The curt glances when the other wasn't looking and finding ways to be with one another despite it all. Rambling about each other to the people closest to you both.. the list goes on and on. Many caught on quickly- Lee, your moms, and even Derek.
"So-" I held my breath, "When are you and Cove gonna start dating?" Lee huffed out a couple giggles at my silence, "It's obvious that he likes you too, you know!" Exhaling a little too dramatically, I slap a hand to my warming cheek, "But that doesn't mean he does!" She groaned, "He literally climbs through your window, (Y/n)!" Maybe she had a point- who would climb into someone's window if they didn't like them? "Are you going to ask him out first or wait for him?" Lee, always the more excitable of us, asked a few questions at a time with unmatched fervor, "How will you ask him out though? It'd be so cute if you brought him somewhere important to you guys!" My heart lurched in my chest at the thought. There was no way I could- what if it ruined our friendship?
"Geez, stop going in your head. You'll make yourself feel worse!" I knew she had offered me a soft smile despite being on the other side of the phone, "You don't have to confess, (Y/n). I'm sure he'll do it himself eventually."
"I can't just confess, mom!" Cove knew his hair was stuck up in a few places from how much he messed with it. Running his fingers through the foamy strands, combing, and tugging at them. His throat was tight, voice squeaky as he waves his free hand, "We- We're just friends, anyways. I mean, what if I mess it up?" Listening through the phone, he could tell his mom was shaking her head. "Take a deep breath, baby." Her voice was like a cloud and it reminded him of home. "You can take your time, okay?" He knew he could deep down, but that didn't stop his mind from going into overdrive. "But.. what if.. what if she's gone by then? Mom, I don't want to wait-" His mom hushed him gently, "It's okay." There was a few seconds of quiet before he heard her take a deep breath, "You don't have to wait, but don't force yourself if you're not ready, alrighty?" Clenching his shorts within his hand, he releases a breath - along with the rest of the tension in his body. "..okay.. okay, thanks, mom." She hummed cheerily, "Anything for my baby."
After having such a talk with Lee, it only kept Cove on my mind. In the margins of my school papers I'd find little doodles of things that reminded me of him; hearts, surfboards, and seashells. I found myself drawing that little orange one from when we were younger a bit too much. The look on his face when he discovered it in my box of treasures was so cute, I could feel my chest ache just remembering how amazed he sounded. It honestly wasn't fair how much he made me feel. Although I definitely don't mind, it feels like I'm laying in a pile of fluffy pillows. Warm and suffocating in the best way.
"Hey." Glancing up from the page, I see the certain boy that had captured my heart and mind, "Cove- uh, hi." Nervous, I pull the thin sheet closer to myself. His shoulders shook with a laugh that bubbled in his chest and his eyes were overflowing with affection, "I finished early, how far-" One of our classmates groaned, tossing his head back in feigned disgust, "Ugh, just say you like each other already." Their face dissolved into a wide grin when Cove froze. He looked as stiff as his board. "Of.. of course I like him, he's my best fr-" Getting cut off was irritating, but I think I was too lightheaded to feel it. "More like boyfriend!" It was someone else who spoke, a girl, but I couldn't lift my wide eyes from my hands. "C'mon, (Y/n), you literally talk about him whenever you can!" Huffing, I frown and squeeze the paper in my hands, "So what if I do?" Cove seemed like he was about to fall over at my words, his face was like every shade of red. The few who started it backed off with giggles and knowing looks, getting exactly what they wanted. I knew I didn't hide it well when Cove wasn't around, but who wouldn't talk about him and his pretty hair and cute smile and dorky habits?
It was after school when we talked again. I think we were too nervous to speak to one another, either that or too embarrassed. Waiting for my mom together was normal, sometimes his dad would pick us up if he wasn't at the shop, but now it felt foreign. Awkwardness was eating away at us. That in itself was strange, having always been at ease with each other.
"..um, about what happened in class earlier-" Sighing, I shake my head, "Just forget about it." I could imagine the frown on his face. "What I said, I mean.. you can just ignore it." There was a sharp in take of breath before I felt his hands on my shoulders. They were warm, possibly sweating from his nerves. "I don't want to!" Everything caught in his throat, coming out as a small squeak but evening out into an exhaled breath. He looked panicked as he spoke, fumbling over a few words at a time, "I- I don't want to forget what you said, I won't- I want to hear it." Taking a deep breath, he met my eyes, "All of it."
He.. wanted to hear all of it? Did he mean that.. "..how I feel?" The grip he had on me tightened, the cloth bunching against the palm of his hands. "I-" Pressing my lips together, I swipe my tongue across them, "Well, I.. I, um.." I turned my head the other way, "..like you. Like, like like you." A few seconds of waiting turned into a minute, and then three. At least it felt so with how dense the air became. "(Y/n)-" I feared the worst when he coughed out a laugh, but when I found myself being brought forward and tucked against him I thought I stopped breathing. "I like you too, for a while I-" His relief came out as sob-like chuckles. "You.. you like me too..?" It felt impossible... and stupid. "Y-You're telling me if I said something earlier we would've been together!?" All this time, every moment, I could have with him from here onward could've happened earlier - it made me shake in disbelief. But maybe it was my laughter. How ridiculous we must've been, dancing around each other in fear when we were both equally longing to be together. "Gosh, I- Cove, we're so dumb!" I watched how his lips quivered when I held his face in my hands.
"Hey, now! None of my kiddos are dumb!" Stumbling away from each other, we both let out various panicked noises. "Mom!"
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tricerapor12 · 1 year
Hi! My name is TriceRaptor or in short Traptor. I love making art, and is a big dinosaur lover.
Posts and Arts
When ART REQUESTS are open, you can request said fandom's canon characters. i accept other's OC requests to, but it has to have some kind of connection to said fandom.
Asks are always open.
Some AVA/M stuff
First purple design,
Desing and headcanons,
Purple searching
Yellow can't cook,
He just wants to introduce a modpack,
New Friend,
Cowboy Green,
Little Purple,
Summoning shrine,
Possessed Yellow and Red,
New sticks,
The agents,
Yellow team,
Green and Purple (ship),
Pride Month,
Draw fanart of a character,
(Ava/m but with ninjago quotes, Ava/m but with ninjago quotes part 2)
Grab them like kittens,
Purple tries the grimace shake
Elytra redesign ,
Failed.... successfully???(ship),
Stick Alan
New game
Meme art
AvA Raptor au
Raptor CG and Purple, Sleepy raptors , Final design
Some TSAMS stuff
Fanfic art, Fanfic art 2
Designs and sketches
Meme, Meme 2, Meme 3
Au idea
Sun and Cat
Another family member
Dragon Sun
Merry Christmas
Meme art
He's back again
Sun dose not like Eclipse's return
Going on a trip
Canon Evil Sun
Kids cove
A Scaly, a Furry and a Avian
Silly Ruin
Tsams AU:
- Solar Maximum
S.M, More S.M!, Virus Fight , Differentce, More S.M Sun Info, Meme sketch, Sketch:D, They asked for no pickles, Redesign and final Form,
Solar Maximum comic story
Stop Ignore It
Ask 1, Ask 2, Ask 3,
Solar Maximum fanfic
- Evil Sun Squad
The Squad, Christmas Sweaters, Dragons, Sleepy, You know what that means
Ask 1
- Burning Scales
- Blood War AU
Hazbin Hotel
Alastor sketches
More doodles
My OCs
Rusty(old design), Red (triceraptor hybrid), Storm (triceraptor hybrid)
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caelum-et-ocean · 1 year
hii, this is for the ship thing! im rae :3 i like writing and going on walks and i adore being outside, especially in hot weather. i also like baking, frappuccinos, and being alone. i don't like cold weather all that much, nor do I like shirts where the collar is constraining, pilfered bedsheets, berries of any kind, and the sound of a door being knocked on, LOL! i like all character tropes ^^ and finally (kind of mentioned above?) my hobbies include girlblogging, writing, watching youtube, drawing, making jewelry, going to metal concerts and moshing, and being the workaholic I am, working is one of my hobbies.
In this case, I would ship you with…
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Cove from Our Life: Beginnings and Always!
I can see you two wanting to go on walks together in general & since the setting of the game (Cali) can get fairly hot, you can enjoy that too!
Added plus, I think depending on what you ask in-game, he does mention that he’s interested in learning the drums or the electric guitar! That being said, maybe you two can also bond over music :D
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sugar-omi · 10 months
aaaaaa thank you im really glad you like it (both the writing and drawings aaa)!! 🥺👉👈 if you want to share the link you want, but i appreciate you making sure if i was okay with it first! 💕
i want to draw some stuff with cove and his experiences with the timeline reset stuff and i will send it your way if i do 😭😭😭
aND AOUGH I FEEL THAT SO MUCH,,, ricky montgomery, cavetown, and mxmtoon (and also conan gray!) give me so many fcuking emotions when i think about different characters and scenarios. also line without a hook makes me think about cove and aaaaaa
oh and one more brainworm i had sdfklj like i thought about mc when you mentioned them and how theyre like just vibing with qiu and tamarack in golden grove and i think that like,,,,one of the differences that makes them and jamie/frankie different is that they dont have the continued experience of baxter just slipping through their fingers all the time, with cove he was always there, he was a constant for them. jamie/frankie constantly fears losing the person they love the most and always ending up alone, while mc doesnt have that inherent fear. i really can see mc having told cove that they would always look for him at the end of watching that play at the theater and they absolutely mean it and they hold onto that tiny hope somewhere in them that even though they feel like something is off or missing that they will find it, they just have to keep trying (if they have the shell/friendship bracelet too this also helps i think in reassurance that what they feel inside isnt just their imagination, it isnt just a dream) - 🕐
ofc!! <3 everyone needs to see it its so AAAA my brain worms are worming today too omg *link
omg not conan gray
I love him but he makes my heart hurt!!!! some of his songs are my family issue anthems like pls!! that man is a genius
also yeah!!! I thought the parallel was brilliant if I may say so myself 😎
mc!2 always worrying abt losing someone close to them, even after years of being together n things being good, sometimes the fear strikes them. they'll wake up several times in the middle of the night just to check cove is there...
whereas mc!1 is always filling themselves w baxter. being with him, touching him, doing things for him. just making everything about him, consuming him and everything he is because he's everything they've been missing and what's making them feel whole, he's what they've been looking for and they're going to make sure they never feel empty ever again.
also I love going to see a play w cove!!! I always choose it. I believe in reincarnation n I want cove to have that assurance too 🥹
mmm I'm tryna think abt my cove song
I'd say nonsense by Sabrina carpenter I think. ngl I mainly listen to sex songs or sad songs, rap, or emo/punk 💀💀💀 n pop n indie ofc
my taste is limited lately lol I'm very picky
OMG SZA'S "SPECIAL" IS SO THIS AU?? or it could be the og leaving cove for baxter spiral.... it kinda fits maybe "far" fits this reset au better? mmm
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covecornerarchive · 1 year
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Ahoy, Me Hearties! Welcome to Harlowe Hearse's "Cove-tober," art challenge! Proceed only if ye dare.
This is just a fun art challenge I've had in mind for a while, and wanted to throw out there for the Candle Cove community to join in on during the spooky month of October if they please!
If you're familiar with the popular yearly art challenge "Ink-tober," it'll be a lot like that. For every day of the October month there will be a prompt, and based on it you can make a piece of art.
However, unlike Ink-tober, you're free to make any type of art of your choosing, whether it be drawing, sculpting, writing, etc! Absolutely anything as long as it uses the initial prompt as inspo.
The only thing I ask is if you post your pieces, you tag them with "covetober." This is just to make them easier to find and see.
If your piece does include:
NSFW, Heavy Gore, or any topics that you think may be triggering for anyone at all or that minors shouldn't see
Please put it under a "read more link" (click the squiggly icon that is next to the "add link" option in the set of icons that pop up when editing posts) so as to keep this a safe and fun experience for!
The Art Prompts:
 Bravery Cave
 Favorite Crew
 You Have To Go Inside
 High Tides
 To Grind Your Skin
 Favorite Pirate 
 Cutlass Islands 
 Come, Come, RIP
 Calliope Music 
 Favorite Villain
 An AU (if you don’t have one, free day!)
 Birthday Present
 A Crossover 
 Favorite Background Character 
 An OC (if you don’t have one, free day!)
 Free day!
Ohhhhh yeah. There's some loot involved!
At the end of the month when the challenge is finished, the ten posts with the most notes will be put in a public poll where people can go and vote for their favorite 3 (I trust given the chance people will have the decency to not vote for their own posts. We're pirates, not jerks people).
The prize for the three winners: I'll be taking character(s) illustration requests:
1st Place Winner: Will receive a full color + shaded illustration.
2nd Place Winner: Will receive full lineart.
3rd Place Winner: Will receive a cleaned up sketch.
I won't be giving notes to any posts for the challenge until it's all over just to keep things fair. I might also post some of my own art for some of the prompts throughout the month, but for obvious reasons they won't be a part of the challenge or considered for the poll.
If your posts include NSFW or any of the other elements listed earlier as cause for using the "read more" link, they will not be considered for the poll.
Request Rules:
I'll only draw at most 2 characters per request
The requested characters must either be candle cove related, or oc's/ self inserts.
You can make specifications about the request (what the character(s) are wearing, what they're doing, a specific color palette, a specific version of the character, etc.) as long as it isn't tooooo complex.
I won't be drawing any NSFW, SUPER heavy gore, fetish art, or anything I end up being uncomfortable with
The Cove-tober Art Challenge will begin on October 1st! May you have fair winds and following seas me maties!
(September 16, 2022)
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lunarcovehq · 2 years
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I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know, Where I'm losing all control, ‘Cause there's magic in my bones, I-I-I got this feeling in my soul, Go ahead and throw your stones, 'Cause there's magic in my bones...
As the night draws to a close, a wave of relief begins to wash over the residents of Lunar Cove whom have almost made it through the night. But, with an hour left until sunrise, it is becoming abundantly clear that not all have been so lucky. 
The dead may have been brought back for one night only to visit the town that they used to call their own, but in order to stay, there were given strict instructions- they would have to kill another, so that they can live on in their stead- and some of the dead chose to take the mysterious person who brought them back up on the offer. 
Now, there are new residents in town. One of the resurrected is known by the name of Park Binna and is one of the 13 who were brutally murdered back in 1992. Another is Jonah’s cousin who died just over a year ago. And there are many more who made the choice to stay, by any means necessary. You may not realize in the coming weeks who is a resurrected and who is someone who recently moved to town. They will try their bests to hide their identities and avoid the council’s eyes and the consequences of breaking the accords. But, they are hiding in plain sight among you and are here to stay. 
This marks the final plot drop for the event, but rather than end the event today, we have decided to extend the event so that people can have more time to create event starters and play out their event threads. 
This means that we will not be reseting the starter rule. Please continue to respond to event related starters and post your own. If you would like to resume your normal threads and create new ones that aren’t event related, feel free to do so, but we do ask that you avoid making any non-event related/aftermath of the event related open starters for now. We will check in later in the week to see when you’d all like us to reset the starter rule, but for now, we want the current starters we have and event starters to receive as much love as possible.
We will still be accepting and if you would like to bring in a new character in the midst of the chaos please feel free to do so. Just know that as we mentioned before, it is Halloween and so acceptance may be delayed by a few hours until all three admins can review all of the apps.
With this plot drop, there is also an opportunity for all of our current players to apply as a resurrected from this specific event. They can be one of the thirteen or they can be connected to another character’s backstory etc. and unlike our typical resurrected that can be found here who are brought back from a typical necromancer, these resurrected were brought back by an ancient spell dating back to that of the Reapers meaning that they will have all of the same abilities of a typical resurrected (be able to see the dead/anyone in the astral plane at all times without being able to communicate with them etc.), but these resurrected can also be vampires as well as any other species. Their lives will still be tied to the witch who brought them back (who they do not know nor would they be able to recognize - more to come on this in future events). And they will also have the added ability of death empowerment meaning that these resurrected will become stronger when being around any recently deceased or after having killed.
We know there will likely be questions on the above, so feel free to reach out if you are interested in applying as a resurrected and have fun!
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ylimekpa · 3 months
My MC from Our life: beginnings & always
FULL NAME: Adam Smith AGE: 8 (Step 1) 13 (Step 2) 18 (Step 3) 23 (Step 4)
Male gender
Noelani (Adoptive Mother)
Pamela (Adoptive Mother) Elizabeth (Adoptive Sister) Lee (Cousin) Unknown and deceased biological father and mother
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Step 1:
A very enthusiastic, respectful and kind boy, always trying to include everyone. Very close to his family, especially Lizzy. Very emotional, she cries at the slightest situation. He loves to hug people even if they are strangers. He quickly empathizes with people even without knowing them (that's why he didn't accept the money that Cliff was going to give him since he felt bad for Cove). He loves to draw and collect beach objects (mostly so he can draw the details). He loves sports like beach volleyball and handball. He fell in love with Cove at first sight (he even heard the wedding bells). He never denied her feelings, but at the same time he wanted to be Cove's friend and supporter.
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Step 2: Preserving many things from childhood, in this new stage he began to excel in his studies with minimal effort. He continued to improve his drawing and learned to play the bass. Also, he grew too big for a kid his age and started getting acne, but those little things never bothered him. His biggest confidant was Lee since he had no friends other than his family, Cove and Derek (it should be noted that he has a special ability to socialize, but being an introvert he prefers to be in small, trusted groups). Here he is more open with his feelings for Cove and certainly lets her know it. He even tries to make moves to confess her sincere love for him (although they go awry). When he finally kisses Cove, they mutually decide to make their courtship official and public in a couple of years (although that didn't stop him from telling Lee).
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Step 3:
Despite being in a relationship with Cove for two years, he is still very demonstrative about his feelings. He never lost contact with Derek (as he promised since they were children) and became very close to Miranda and Terry. He always remained on the sidelines regarding Baxter, but he still considers him a good friend-neighbor. He joins ORCA to keep Cove company, but he also loves helping care for the marine ecosystem. He works selling his paintings on the internet and at festivals, and has a band called “The Wagon of Memories” being the bassist and second vocalist. At this age he loves to wear dresses and even bikinis since it fits him well with his height and he also feels “divine” and is not ashamed of anything. He begins to want to become independent from his family and plans to live with Cove in the future (he even mentions the idea of having children).
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Step 4:
After studying various art and health courses, he bought a tattoo studio at age 21 and is less active in band activities (but always attentive to the team's needs). He lives with Cove (he proposed to her at the age of 22) and has Cove's fish and her cat as pets. He is bolder than he was at 18 and takes advantage of any situation to embarrass Cove (always in private)
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Since no Our Life Crossovers seem to exist (outside of "crossovers" between Beginnings and Always, and Now and Forever, which I DO NOT COUNT), here's some more. This time involving Kingdom Hearts.
There's a few different ideas in that direction that I've got, the first involving a Moment in Step 1.
In the "Ghost" Moment, the noise that wakes the PoV character (to whom I will refer by their default name and pronouns (Jamie Last, they/them) for the rest of this) seems like a pretty good set-up for one of those "a World is Falling" storms. I personally (usually) have Jamie go outside to investigate (and thus, meet up with Cove), meaning the two are together as the World Falls. Presumably, they either manage to avoid attention from the Heartless long enough to reach safety in another World, or at least one of them gets a Keyblade. (If I could draw well, this would be where I put some basic design sketch for a keyblade I could imagine either of them having) Depending on how much of the timeline of KH someone wants to bother with, they could end up in Daybreak Town (Pretty sure there's two versions of this, so that'd just be another decision), The Land of Departure, Traverse Town, The Destiny Islands, or Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion. Most of those also come with timeline decisions. Either way, they should probably end up with someone capable of teaching and/or protecting them, since they are 8 years old at that point in time. If they end up in the Land of Departure, I feel like they should be there early enough that they are at most 3 years younger than Terra and Aqua by the time the Plot of BBS starts (Because how old Ventus is is NOT something I am willing to get into) If only one of them has a Keyblade, the other learns magic to help, because these two WILL NOT be separated by anything less than death (or their parents, but those aren't in the area, so the point stands). I figure if Cove has the only Keyblade at the start, at some point something along the lines of "It should have been you..." would end up being said, though I am not entirely sure if it's an actual sentiment, or just something said in a moment of significant self-doubt. How they influence the plot? A lot, probably. Canon Divergence to be expected, though I don't have any exact specifics in mind.
Another major possibility I have in mind, is in the days after the "Happiness" Moment, in Step 3. Since Cove and Jamie are both 18 in that Moment, you can get away with just throwing them into whichever mess you feel like increasing. I personally feel like that'd be a good time to throw them into the plot of Kingdom Hearts (the one without any extra words added on). If either of them has a Keyblade at that point? That's one big derail of the plot of that game. If you have them travel with Sora? They probably won't derail as much. If you have them bump into Riku before he emerges in Hollow Bastion(aka Radiant Garden, but it's like a settlement turned into a zombie, rather than the people of the settlement), and travel with him? That's gonna cause a LOT of ripples, probably.
And the last idea for this post, is a relatively big, and silly one: During the Wedding DLC's events, everyone attending the wedding (or at least, everyone specifically named) ends up in the plot of a Kingdom Hearts game of your choice, all together. This includes Jeremy, and your choice of Shiloh (I personally do NOT recommend the "basically unchanged" version, or the "I'm cool enough to not be shy anymore" version). How many of them get Keyblades? I figure about half of them get Keyblades, my personal preferences being that Cove, Kyra, Liz, Lee, Miranda, Jeremy, and possibly Shiloh, end up with Keys. The rest either stay out of fights (Pamela and Noelani, Baxter (?), and any unnamed guests (plus the staff at wherever you decide on for the Reception), or prove themselves to be reasonably (or unreasonably) competent at fighting without Keyblades (Cliff, Derek, Terry, Jamie). Liz, Lee, and Kyra are the only ones who don't say some variation of "literally anyone else should have this thing" about their Keyblades. Jeremy may or may not actually try to hand his over to someone else (aka, whoever is standing closest after he realizes that the giant key is, in fact, some kind of magic weapon). Shiloh? His reaction depends on how his personality has changed by then. If he is a more genuine, but still rather pleasant person, he doesn't speak up about not feeling like he should be the one with a Keyblade (though he does think so), but instead accepts the responsibility of protecting those who can't defend themselves effectively. Miranda is torn between being elated at a Magic Thing, and terrified by the situation, but she pulls through, with an optional pep-talk from Terry.
There are, of course, more options, but those three are all that I'm putting into this post.
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bookloveravenue · 1 year
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Harlequin Crew (book 3): Carnival Hill by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti 
I thought that I was broken before, but my damage never tasted as bitter as this.
The Harlequin boys are more than just a memory now. More than a daydream of our youth and an idea to cling onto.
They’re my greatest weakness and my biggest regret, but I’ve started to realise that coming back to Sunset Cove was always my fate.
My heart beats to the turn of the tide here. My skin only warms beneath this sun. And my soul will only ever be home on these streets and with the men who grew out of my memories.
But nothing is the same as I remember and the time for childish games is coming to an end.
I may want to pretend that the last ten years never happened, but the nightmare I lost myself in has followed me home and I can’t keep ignoring the things I once did to survive.
The question is, will my mistakes be the end of me and my boys? Will the choices I made then change everything now? And will the life I never wanted steal away my only chance at the life I’m afraid to wish for?
This is an enemies to lovers contemporary series where the girl will end up with multiple love interests and all of the characters are in their late twenties. Trigger warning: this series features gangs, violence, dark romance and jealous/possessive themes.
January 5, 2023
My Review: 4/5 Stars
Another book of chaos and another horrible cliffhanger. Dang. These authors really know how to pack a painful punch of a cliffhanger. Never been so glad to read a series by them that is actually complete. At least I never have to wait long for the next book. So this book picks up right where the last one left us. In a bombing that has Rogue buried in the rubble as Fox, JJ, and Maverick desperately try to dig and find her. And Chase. But they don't know that he was taken by freaking Shawn. Really rough time for Chase in this book while everyone thinks he is dead for a while. The war against freaking Shawn continues. And what happens most in this book is there is a lot of truth and revelations. Good and bad. Some of it having the power to bring this family back together where we thought it was hopeless before. Yet, still devastating. And on the romance side, things are still chaotic. JJ and Rick seem to understand that Rogue needs all of them. Chase is starting to see it by knows he won't be allowed to stick around. And Fox is still being dumb. Though I have to say Rogue is a bit back and forth as well. Lots of frustration all around and things blowing up. But I think we're a step closer to getting that happy ending. Eventually. This cliffhanger may have blown things up even worse, but I'm hoping that these boys won't be dumb for too long in the start of the next book. We shall see! This series is pretty chaotic but as this way of drawing you in too. It's hard to put the story down when you want to know what happens next and see everyone finally stop and think for a bit. Plus I love of our cameos from the Brutal Boys series. Always fun. Oh! And absolutely hilarious to see mentions of Dark Fae in this book. Fox clearly needs to keep reading the series if he is ever gonna understand how his future is gonna look LOL. Off to the next one! Expecting yet another brutal cliffhanger but hey at least then after that there is only one more.
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pqrachel · 1 year
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I posted 165 times in 2022
That's 83 more posts than 2021!
162 posts created (98%)
3 posts reblogged (2%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 163 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#digital - 82 posts
#fullcolor - 35 posts
#screenshots - 29 posts
#blanksford - 28 posts
#4if - 26 posts
#justsometext - 25 posts
#traditional - 21 posts
#pokemon - 19 posts
#colostle - 19 posts
#life is strange - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 49 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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This was originally gonna be a part of a #SixFanarts challenge where I draw 6 characters I’ve never drawn before but I didn’t like that I completely copied the poses of all the characters I chose, and I want to be more original when I do that challenge because I think it’s really cool ...and I need practice doing original compositions anyways. (I even color picked directly from the game and oh my gosh what even is color theory, like why is his skin purple here?)
But yeah here’s Cove from “Our Life: Beginnings and Always!”
Definitely my favorite visual novel. I chose this scene because even though it’s the very first scene with Cove it’s still one of my favorites. I’ve been a neurodivergent kid out on a hill in my neighborhood just like this and I resonated so hard with Cove from the very beginning.
I never talked about the game on the blog because I went to make a post about it after my original playthrough and it ended up being a huge rambly mess. Then when all the DLC came out I replayed it again and got to marry Cove and it was perfect and went to post about it again, and that one was even longer somehow. So just know I super love Our Life and I’m very excited for the sequel.
Though I probably won’t be playing the Our Life 1 non-Cove DLC content when it comes out because I love Seaweed Babe too much. Like you give me this entire super fulfilling life with Cove and I get to marry him at the end, then you expect me to play through it again, see the precious lad, and not get swept back up into loving him all over again, like how?
6 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
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8 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
As a part of my continued effort to be a video game character, I quickly dove into Monster Prom’s modtools and made a quick event where you can say hi to me in the cafeteria. It’s nothing much but I still enjoyed making it and being in-universe.
Here’s the link in case anyone wants to say hi.
11 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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I’ve really enjoyed the SandD tier content started by lighthouseraiders on TikTok. I’ve been kind of busy doing animations and the Colostle journal stuff so I didn’t finish these but I still really enjoyed making it.
Huge thanks to jdstorm and nerdicorn_the_shipper (also on TikTok), their SandDtier cosplays were the main inspirations I used for these sketches.
I really would’ve liked to do more with them but maybe later I guess.
12 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I’m taking a bit of a break from ArtFight to do a quick drawing challenge for @lif3-0n-m4rs. I saw the post and really liked both the drawing and the character so I decided to give it a go. I had a lot of fun with it!
Original Post: https://lif3-0n-m4rs.tumblr.com/post/690218739345571840/
16 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thesffcorner · 1 year
Avatar: The Way of Water
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Avatar: The Way of Water is the sequel to James Cameron’s Avatar, finally out after 13 years in development. It follows Jake Sully (Sam Wortington), now fully integrated in Na’vi society, living at the rebuilt Hometree with Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and raising a family. When humans return with a massive army as well as plans to terraform Pandora and make it humanity’s new home, Jack is forced to face everything he thought he left behind, and make some tough decisions about how best to protect his family. 
I was never a huge fan of the original Avatar; I found the story predictable and unoriginal, most of the characters boring and underdeveloped, and the only real draw for me was the world of Pandora. Even 13 years ago, as derivative as the Na’vi were of an amalgamation of various Native American tribes, I genuinely enjoyed the world and hoped that if there ever were sequels they would build it up even more and explore the other clans. 
In preparation for this sequel, I rewatched the first film, and I’m sad to report that I was in fact wrong about several things. For one, not all the characters are flat; Jake, Commander Quaritch (Steven Lang) and Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) are actually developed characters with their own goals, motivations, and personalities. Jake especially, gets a lot of internal struggle, and his journey from a jarhead whose only motivation is to get paid and get his spine fixed, to someone who deeply connects with the forest and with the Na’vi way of life is very well done, even if Wortington’s acting leaves a lot to be desired. 
My main gripe with the first film really is the plot; the white savior narrative is the main driving force of the film, and there is something so intrinsically insulting about Jake being a random alien nobody who is not only someone who wants to help the Na’vi, but who is blessed by their goddess Eywa herself to be Pandora’s savior, not to mention how easily he beats the humans and unites the many clans. Just simply becoming Toruk Makto and uniting the clans could’ve been a full film, and yet Avatar squanders it in less than 20 minutes of screentime. 
The Way of Water suffers from many of these same problems, while introducing a whole host of new ones. Before I get into my long list of complaints, let me say some positives first. 
Visually, the film is gorgeous. CGI has come a long way since 2009, and the attention to detail is staggering. I love everything about the Na’vi designs, from their bioluminescent skin to the way they move and their animal-like mannerisms. The new clan introduced in this film, the Metkayina look amazing, especially the way their bodies and arms are adapted to water. Likewise the designs of the tulkuns are beautiful, as these truly massive, deeply intelligent creatures. 
Generally, all the designs from the animals in the water, to the locations new and old, like the Cove of Ancestors, or the Hallelujah mountains are beautiful. The CGI combined with the film being shot and cut with 3d in mind makes the experience of watching it in the cinema worth it, even if it ends up being more of  spectacle rather than a compelling story.
While I didn’t love how Quaritch was brought back, his design was very well done. I loved how his squad still clung onto the human way of dressing, walking and hunting even in their new Na’vi bodies. There was also generally a better integration of the characters who were meant to be humans in Na’vi bodies into said Na’vi bodies; in the first film both Jake and Grace looked very close to the uncanny valley, especially their faces. This film avoids that; Jake and Quaritch look a lot better. Kiri is the only character who sometimes looks awkward which is ironic because her face is the one on all the posters. 
Now let’s get into some gripes. 
The first one is the plot. There isn’t one. This film is 3 hours and 15 minutes of vibes. Stuff happens, but one cannot call it a plot, since there’s no real progression of events or even a heightening of tension. To explain this I will have to go into SPOILERS, so if for some reason you don’t want this film spoiled, skip this section. 
The film starts with Quaritch and his squad waking up in Na’vi bodies. In the last film, supposedly, they gave their DNA and memories to scientists on Earth who have somehow fused them (?) with Na’vi DNA and now they are all Na’vi. The new squad remembers everything the OG people remembered up until the point where they handed off their DN, but they are not actually those people. 
Here we run into problem nb. 1: why would Quaritch, a man who was so racist and hostile to the Na’vi, so determined to exterminate them from Hometree by any means necessary, so dedicated to the survival of the humans, agree to give his DNA to this type of project? And if this new Quaritch has enough of the OG’s memories and personality, so much so that he cares about Spider enough to risk his life to save him twice (we’ll talk about Spider later) why isn’t he more conflicted about this? 
General Ardmore (Edie Falco) tells the Na’vi squad that their mission is to find and kill Jake Sully because apparently he’s what’s stopping them from relocating the Na’vi and terraforming Pandora. I don’t understand how Jake’s guerilla strikes are doing any damage to the insane amount of military power these humans have, especially because in the first film, the humans on Pandora had been there for years, and had one base. Here, they have a massive compound and have made rail tracks into the forest and spread all the way into the ocean. How would Jake, even with his successful attacks stop them?  
Quaritch is the luckiest man in this movie, because Jake’s kids chose this very moment to explore so both groups end up at the compound where Jake and Neytiri killed OG Quaritch. Jake has 3 kids with Neytiri: Neteyam, Lo’ak and Tuk, and he has also adopted Kiri who is Grace’s daughter, born out of her avatar body after Grace died. Jake also semi-adopted Spider, who is in fact Quaritch’s son. Spider was born before Quaritch died, but because he was a child, he got stranded on Pandora since he couldn’t be put in a cryopod. 
The two groups fight and eventually Quaritch captures Spider. Afraid that Spider would betray their location (and not even once considering rescuing him from his deadly enemy) Jake decides to quite literary ABANDON the Na’vi and even worse, force Neytiri, their literal Tsahik and LEADER to abandon them as well, under the excuse that Quaritch would come for them and put the clan in danger. 
I have NO idea why suddenly now Jake is afraid of Quaritch; he doesn’t know about the terraforming plan and he killed Quaritch once before, and that was before he was even fully Na’vi. What’s so different about Quaritch now that makes him more of a threat? He doesn’t have an army, he has a squad of 10 people!  
So at this point, one might assume that Jake’s kids would maybe rebel and go after Spider? Nope, Spider is entirely forgotten about; Kiri mentions him once. 
Ok, maybe Jake realizes that he can’t run from the war and must convince the new clan he’s hidden himself among into helping him win the war? Wrong. Jake actually is the one who convices the Metkayina not to fight, which leads to Quaritch capturing the leaders’ children. 
So what is the plot? Well, there isn’t one. After Jake and co arrive at the Metkayina village, he and Neytiri drop out of the film and we follow the kids learning to swim, breathe, ride, speak and hunt underwater, for 2 hours. 
In those 2 hours we are introduced to a dozen subplots which either lead nowhere or grind the film to a halt. I am not kidding when I say that most of this film felt like a Fallout 4 playthrough; sure I am in a rush to find and save my kidnapped child, but why don’t I spend several hours doing side-quests in Boston harbor or customize my settlement?
What doesn’t help is that none of the new characters are interesting, entertaining or at all developed. The two new adults we have are Tonowari (Cliff Curtis) and Ronal (Kate Winslet), the leaders of the Metikayina clan. They have a collective 15 minutes of screentime as stock characters: Ronal is feisty and doesn’t trust outsiders and Tonowari is strict, wise and good at fighting. That’s about it.  
For the kids we get Tsireya, Aonung and Rotxo. Tsireya is the beautiful princess who falls in love with one of the outsiders, in this case Lo’ak, and the one who is kindest and most easily charmed by the newcomers. She is actually the best character out of the 3, because the 2 boys are interchangeable; they are both assholes, and are both mean to the Sully kids, especially Aonung who takes it to a whole new level by literally trying to murder Lo’ak and leaving him stranded in a bay full of dangerous, carnivorous fish.
Jake’s kids fare no better: Tuk is an annoying cold who only serves to tag along and needs constant rescuing; she could be replaced by a lamp and nothing would change. Neteyam is the older brother who is Jake’ favorite and supposedly perfect. He has no personality and serves to take the fall for every stupid thing Lo’ak does, and dies. I would call him the Boromir of the group, but that would be a huge insult to Boromoir. Lo’ak for his part is extremely stupid, annoying and whiny. He has a strained relationship with Jake which could be half-interesting if the film ever actually committed to exploring it. 
As it stands, Jake comes off as a wildly incompetent and abusive father, but Lo’ak consistently makes every wrong decision ever, in order to justify Jake’s abuse. 
The only remotely interesting characters are weirdly, Kiri and Spider. Kiri is interesting because no one knows who her father is or how she was born; she also seems to have a very strong connection to Eywa; she can hear her, she can control nature, she can breathe underwater longer than anyone else, and sometimes goes in a trance that seems to be caused by Eywa. At one point, while bonding with Metkayina's version of the Tree of Souls, she manages to speak to Grace, but before we get any answers, she suffers some kind of stroke. The film seems to suggest she has epilepsy (?) but it never follows up on it, adding it to the list of dropped plot points. 
Spider is similarly interesting because he’s a human raised by the Na’vi. He ends up developing a relationship with Quaritch, seeing him as a second chance to have a father. Quaritch for his part also cares for Spider and takes his advice, and later his please seriously. The issue with Spider is that the film tries to have him teach Quaritch’s group how to become Na’vi, and suggests that he’s bonded with them, and might actually betray the Sullys. However, Spider never once falters in his beliefs; even at the very end when Neytiri quite literary threatens to kill him, and actually hurts him, his sole priority is saving Kiri, so at no point did I or anyone believe he would turn to Quaritch, especially because what Quaritch is doing is so painfully, obviously wrong. 
About 2 hours in, the film introduces more characters and a subplot that turns into the main plot. In the first film, the human mission on Pandora was to mine unobtainium. The reason they wanted the Na’vi to move was because Hometree was on top of the largest quantity of the metal on Pandora. This film never once mentions unobtainium; instead there’s a new Mcguffin, which is the fluid extracted from tulkuns which stops aging in humans. I don’t need to explain how bad on a story level this is; instead I think they should just invent a new expensive thing that the humans are after in each subsequent film, and pretend like the previous things were never mentioned. 
The way the substance is extracted is by elaborate tulkun hunting, which Quaritch uses to lure Jake out after torching Na’vi villages along the coast didn’t do the trick. 
In one of the many subplots, Lo’ak, as mentioned, is stranded by Aonung. A banished tulkun, Payakan saves him and befriends him. Because Payakan is banished, when Jake tells the Metkayina to send the tulkun away, to save them from Quaritch, Payakan doesn’t know so he gets tagged by the hunters. In incredible dramatic irony, Quaritch once again captures the kids and forces Jake to come out of hiding. 
There is a very stupid fight between Jake and Quaritch, during which all of Quaritch’s squid and Neteyem die, and the fight ends in a stalemate as Lo’ak saves Jake and Spider saves Quaritch. 
In the end Jake realizes what he should’ve known from the start, BEFORE a bunch of Na’vi, including his son died for NOTHING, which is that no place is safe while the humans are on Pandora. Except this film can’t even do that right, because in the end it’s not like Jake returns to the Forest with Metkayina reinforcements. 
Once again, it makes NO sense that Jake a) ran and b) actually believed that Quaritch wouldn’t find him or wouldn’t hurt his kids to get to him. Moreover the fact that Neytiri, THE best hunters on Pandora, and literal leader of the Na’vi agreed to let Jake do this is ridiculous. She already killed Quaritch! She is able to destroy whole planes with one arrow! 
Moreover, if Jake ran because he was worried Spider would be used by Quaritch to find him, why wouldn’t he try and save him? 
The thing that really gets me is that the film is on Jake’s side. No one ever stands up to him, and even when people challenge him, the movie contorts itself to somehow make him right in the end. How do you take a character whose whole motivation was that he was the chosen one, who changed into a different alien race to protect the people he met, the people he was so devoted to he LITERARY died for them, and makes him a coward that selfishly runs and hides? And for what? Because the man who he already killed once is back? 
Jake Sully deserves better than this. His arc in the first film was so simple, yet so effective; he was self-involved, he was reckless, he was selfish, and he learned how to become a leader, he sacrificed everything to help right the wrong he recognized humans were doing. 
This film takes that character and downgrades him back to being selfish and self-involved, and worse, makes him a coward. Jake Sully from 13 years ago would never use civilians as a shield between him and Quritch. The Jake who learned what Hometree means, and why the Na’vi have to fight, and can’t just move, would never tell the Metkayina to send their tulkun away. And worse, this time the movie thinks he’s right. 
The Way of Water is a case study in how not to make a sequel. It retreads the original, but it also devalues it. Watching it made me yearn for the simple yet competent storytelling of the first. This is just a mess. 
If you only care about the visual splendor of Pandora, maybe go see it. If you care at all about the story, stay far far away. 
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quilleth · 3 years
I’ve been binge playing Our Life Beginnings & Always over the last week, and 1) regret not trying it sooner because it’s so sweet and 2) am really excited for the upcoming wedding DLC. Which of course means the former fashion design student in me decided that obviously I needed to design a wedding dress for my MC, Sylvie, and that said dress needed to be mermaidy. I had some issues with the last gradient but luckily had some close matching pastels and colored pencils to fix it, and I really like it!
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ddwcaph-game · 2 years
If you have the time and would like to talk about it, could you please talk more about changing / switching from choice script to making it a vn? I just really like hearing you talk about it, maybe you could talk more about how it's going? What you're planning? Why? Etc? Don't feel pressured to do this, regardless thank you ^^
Hiii! Omg, it's nice to see someone interested in the VN development. 😊 This turned out to be kinda long, but it's your fault, hehe. Just a reminder: I will still update the Dashingdon demo for Mr. Time Being.
The conversion process isn't actually bad since coding in Ren'Py has quite a few similarities to ChoiceScript (find and replace works really well), and I'm very happy I found something similar to the multireplace feature by using custom tags (it's something I abuse a lot).
I haven't tried coding the stat subroutines yet, but the problem there is actually how to display the locket notifications (and all the UI stuff in general). I'm not sure how I want to do this (I'm thinking your locket will briefly appear on the right side with all the stat/relationship changes), but I'll cross the GUI bridge once I've moved the existing stuff over.
As for stuff I'm planning, all the text boxes and stuff will definitely change when you go from world to world! So the text box (and maybe choices?) will probably look something like lined paper at the start, and then become futuristic looking when we go to Lily's story world, for example.
I'll share how things look like once I've started making them, but don't expect anything anytime soon.
Oh, and since MC's Twin is going to need a sprite, this means your MC will have one too! (They'll probably share the same assets.) This will be the most painful part for me to draw and code, but I've looked into some tutorials and examples and it looks doable, so... let's hope my coding powers will be able to handle it. 😛
The customization screen will appear when you first open your locket, and it's something I'm definitely excited for (and hopefully you are too)! I'm probably not gonna draw baby MC and Twin, so your locket will have the 9-year-old picture too if you kept the picture with Maggie.
The other thing I'm concerned about is the backgrounds. I'm going to need A LOT of them, especially because there's very few ones I'll be able to reuse. This is a problem for future me though, since I imagine it's one of the last things I'll be working on (if I don't get any help by then).
I'm still undecided about the title change, but if I actually go through with it, it's probably the best time to do so once I release the VN demo. I've also discovered the amare tag recently, so I'll start using that since I think it fits my story quite nicely.
Speaking of VNs, I checked out Our Life: Beginnings & Always last month for some "research". I played as Roselyna (she's my goto character along with Wayne), and I gotta say... her situation with Cove has quite a few similarities with Wayne. 😅 I love it so much.
I'd say that I'm looking for recommendations, but even that took me a while to finish (I'm kinda finifugal too). I'll definitely check out more once I'm working on the VN demo full-time.
Anyway, I haven't really done much yet since I'm also working on Chapter 3. It's uh... going very slowly right now since I'm drained of energy and motivation, but this ask really brightened my day, so thank you! 😊
And since we're on the topic... I really really wouldn't mind answering more questions or doing some prompts. My inbox is very lonely, and they really do help a lot with the development, as well as making me feel like people actually care about my project. It's a terrible feeling to say the least.
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