tanuki-kimono · 6 months
First of all- thank you for your work with this blog. I really enjoy the information you share, and the kimono designs are wonderful. I have a question- I know you've talked about how 'men don't/didn't wear Bright Colorful Designs' is more complicated then people assume! (Which makes sense- saying 'in X period men Never Wore Colors' isn't true about, say, the Victorian era either!).
But to get to my point- I happened to be reading a very old collection of mysteries called "The curious casebook of Inspector Hanshichi". In them, a young Hanshichi is described as wearing a very bright red and yellow striped kimono that made him 'look like a merchant'. At the time I assumed this implied he was dressing a little flashily- I'm curious if I was right about that!
You most welcome :D
And the parallel you draw with Western men fashion is pretty accurate: we tend to think menswear was always pretty dull (arf modern business suits) when in fact this tendency is quite recent!
As to your question about fashionable Inspector Hanshichi (for those who don't know: hero of early 20thc detective novels with "supernatural" elements written by Kido Okamoto), I think you are right. The "look like a merchant" is probably a mix of:
He's dressing below/above is condition. I don't remember Hanshichi exact social status (is he a yoriki? a doushin?), but samurai class were supposed to dress differently from merchants for ex.
He dressing flashy - "nouveau rich" style. Merchant class was at the bottom of social order BUT hold in fact all financial power in Edo period. Some merchants tried to emulate samurai dress (=conservative), while others didn't hesitate to show their wealth and dictate new fashions.
He is dressy flashy - dandy style. Hanshichi is a wakamono (young) and probably fashionable man, following whatever trend he likes - a late Edo heritage of early Edo kabukimono (flashy young samurai)
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fuckyeahmeikokaji · 1 year
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Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子) in the trailer for A Young Man's Stronghold (Hiko Shonen: Wakamono No Toride, 非行少年 若者の砦), 1970, directed by Toshiya Fujita (藤田敏八).
I’ve uploaded the trailer to my YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/UVGUw1GZC5k
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intimidatingsqueak · 5 months
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Filming Wakamono no Subete
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alpaca-llamasama · 1 month
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hproramble · 10 months
First video (again!)
Anyway, since I'm currently struggling with finding an internship, I figured why not upload this sub that I finished some time ago and never uploaded for some reason. This song was made personally for me, actually.
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redsamuraiii · 1 year
Masami Nagasawa sings a cover song of Lisa Loeb’s Stay for Hikari Mitsushima by Japanese Drama and Movie
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yume-kara-samete · 2 years
Wakamono Brand - Miyamoto Karin
Miyamoto Karin LIVE 2022 Haru ~Amethyst~
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notokra · 2 years
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powerbook145 · 5 months
Katakana for emphasis/difference
Earlier I was telling @earhartsease about the use of katakana not only foreign loan words but for emphasis/difference. I found a few examples in my Kanken training app, so I thought I'd share them here.
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Here the question is asking you to convert the syllables オギナウ from katakana to the correct kanji and hiragana combination. In this case, the katakana is used to supply the syllables but not the information in those syllables (not the character, with its embedded meaning, or the cutoff between the character and the hiragana that completes the adjective.
The correct answer here is 補う.
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Here the katakana アイウエ (a i u e) are used like an English multiple choice ABCD. (Correct answer ウ, U, because the compound 若者, wakamono, young person, is comprised of 2 訓読み, kun-yomi, or native Japanese readings).
And here's an example of me answering the type of question in the first example.
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pikahlua · 7 months
MHA Chapter 402 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 各地の戦況は… かくちのせんきょうは… kakuchi no senkyou wa... The state of the war in various places...
1 荼毘完全沈黙‼︎避難民の無事も確認! だびかんぜんちんもく‼︎ひなんみんのぶじもかくにん! Dabi kanzen chinmoku!! hinanmin no buji mo kakunin! "Complete silenced from Dabi!! Confirm the safety of the evacuees!"
2 轟焦凍任務成功です! ショートにんむせいこうです! SHOOTO ninmu seikou desu! "Shouto's mission is a success!"
3 そして soshite And...
4 トガ増殖停止‼︎消えていきます! トガぞうしょくていし‼︎きえていきます! TOGA zoushoku teishi!! kiete ikimasu! "Toga's proliferation has stopped!! [Her clones} are disappearing!"
tagline 2 「僕のヒーローアカデミア」 「ぼくのヒーローアカデミア」 「boku no HIIROO AKADEMIA」 My Hero Academia
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1 そして soshite And...
tagline No.402 THE TEARFUL DAYS  堀越耕平 ナンバー402 ザ ティアフル デイズ  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 402 ZA TIAFURU DEIZU   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 402 THE TEARFUL DAYS  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 トゥワイスが消えていきます…! トゥワイスがきえていきます…! TUWAISU ga kiete ikimasu...! "The Twices are disappearing...!"
2 重量軽減これで浮力が確保できます! じゅうりょうけいげんこれでふりょくがかくほできます! juuryou keigen kore de furyoku ga kakuho dekimasu! "With this weight reduction, we can secure our buoyancy!"
3 同刻 どうこく doukoku At the same time...
4 AFO‼︎死柄木に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎しがらきにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! Shigaraki ni sekkin!! "All For One!! He's approaching Shigaraki!!"
5 泥ワープ圏内に入ってます‼︎ どろワープけんないにはいってます‼︎ doro WAAPU kennai ni haittemasu!! "He's entering range for his mud warp!!"
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1 雄英から降りて緑谷くんは ゆうえいからおりてみどりやくんは yuuei kara orite Midoriya-kun wa Midoriya-kun, who left UA,
2 あれだけの至近距離でなんとか死柄木の攻撃をいなしているなんとか膠着状態を保っている! あれだけのしきんきょりでなんとかしがらきのこうげきをいなしているなんとかこうちゃくじょうたいをたもっている! are dake no shikin kyori de nantoka Shigaraki no kougeki wo inashite iru nantoka kouchaku joutai wo tamotte iru! has somehow managed at such a close range to dodge Shigaraki's attacks and maintain a stalemate!
3 泥ワープ どろワープ doro WAAPU Mud Warp
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1 巻き戻しを注入した時点で… まきもどしをちゅうにゅうしたじてんで… makimodoshi wo chuunyuu shita jiten de... "At the moment I injected Rewind..."
2 此処がゴールだった…… ここがゴールだった…… koko ga GOORU datta...... "this [place] was my goal......"
3-4 弔に「僕の"個性"」を譲渡する事で とむらに「ふくせいひん」をじょうとすることで Tomura ni 「fukuseihin (kanji: boku no "kosei")」 wo jouto suru koto de "By transferring my copy of my quirk to Tomura,"
5 彼は僕を超えた僕となる かれはぼくをこえたぼくとなる kare wa boku wo koeta boku to naru "he will become a me that surpasses me."
6 まだ…密着さえすれば‼︎ まだ…みっちゃくさえすれば‼︎ mada...micchaku sae sureba!! If only...we were glued together!!
7 来いAFO こいオール・フォー・ワん koi OORU FOO WAN "Come, All For One."
8 OFAに邪魔されずに 緑谷にじゃまされずに Midoriya (kanji: OFA) ni jama sarezu ni "Without interference from Midoriya (read as: One For All),"
9 円滑な譲渡を行うには えんかつなじょうとをおこなうには enkatsu na jouto wo okonau ni wa "to ensure a smooth transfer..."
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1 おいで oide "Come here,"
2 死柄木弔 もう一人の僕 mou hitori no boku (kanji: Shigaraki Tomura) "other me (read as: Tomura Shigaraki)."
3 先生… せんせい… sensei... "Master..."
4 邪魔だよ じゃまだよ jama da yo "you're a nuisance."
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1 やはりすでに"意識"は呑まれているか やはりすでに"ぼく"はのまれているか yahari sude ni "boku (kanji: ishiki)" wa nomarete iru ka Indeed, you've already consumed my consciousness, huh?
2 まァいい maA ii Well, that's fine.
3 ならば出向くまでさ ならばでむくまでさ naraba demuku made sa "In that case, I'll have to go over [there]."
4 おい oi "Hey,"
5 …あれ… ...are... "...that..."
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1 わあああっ‼︎ waaaa!! "Waaaagh!!"
2 その情けない表情を以て そのなさけないかおをもって sono nasakenai kao (kanji: hyoujou) wo motte "While you have that pitiful face (read as: expression),"
3 若者に夢を見せた責任を取ろうオールマイト‼︎ わかものにゆめをみせたせきにんをとろうオールマイト‼︎ wakamono ni yume wo miseta sekinin wo torou OORU MAITO!! "let's have you take responsibility for showing dreams to the youth, All Might!!"
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(the little bubbles containing ハッ are "hah" noises from Izuku breathing heavily)
1 オールマイト助けなきゃあ‼︎緑谷出久‼︎ オールマイトたすけなきゃあ‼︎みどりやいずく‼︎ OORU MAITO tasukenakyaa!! Midoriya Izuku!! "You have to help All Might!! Izuku Midoriya!!"
2 丁度いいや!行ってこいよ‼︎ ちょうどいいや!いってこいよ‼︎ choudo ii ya! itte koi yo!! "Such good timing! Go [get him] and come back!!"
3 その間に先刻俺を痛め続けた上の連中 そのあいだにさっきおれをいためつづけたうえのれんちゅう sono aida ni sakki (kanji: senkoku) ore wo itame tsudzuketa ue no renchuu "In the meantime, that lot [of yours] above who kept hurting me earlier,"
4 全部壊しとくからさ! ぜんぶこわしとくからさ! zenbu kowashitoku kara sa! "I'll destroy all of them [before you get back]!"
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1 運命などこの腕で好きな形にねじ曲げてやるさ うんめいなどこのうでですきなかたちにねじまげてやるさ unmei nado kono ude de suki na katachi ni nejimagete yaru sa With these arms, I'll twist fate into whatever shape I like.
2 僕も一緒にねじ曲げます ぼくもいっしょにねじまげます boku mo issho ni nejimagemasu I'll also twist it together with you.
3 一度は抑えた筈の涙が いちどはおさえたはずのなみだが ichido wa osaeta hazu no namida ga The tears he had once held back
4 再び溢れ零れそうになるのを堪える ふたたびあふれこぼれそうになるのをたえる futatabi afure kobore sou ni naru no wo taeru are about to overflow and spill again, and he resists it..
5 その泣き虫は治さないとな そのなきむしはなおさないとな sono nakimushi wa naosanai to na You need to fix that crybaby [thing].
6 良い弟子でありたいから いいでしでありたいから ii deshi de aritai kara ...because he wants to be a good disciple.
7 OFAの面影が ワン・フォー・オールのおもかげが WAN FOO OORU no omokage ga The One For All vestige
8 緑谷出久の中で みどりやいずくのなかで Midoriya Izuku no naka de inside Izuku Midoriya
9-10 一足先に別れを告げた ひとあしさきにわかれをつげた hitoashi saki ni wakare wo tsugeta bade him farewell there earlier.
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1 オールマイト!!! OORU MAITO!!! All Might!!!
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1 "個性"がなくても "こせい"がなくても "kosei" ga nakutemo Even if I don't have a quirk,
2 ヒーローは出来ますか⁉︎ ヒーローはできますか⁉︎ HIIROO wa dekimasu ka!? can I become a hero!?
3 できるよ dekiru yo You can.
4 だって君は沢山頑張れるもの だってきみはたくさんがんばれるもの datte kimi wa takusan ganbareru mono Because you are one who can do your best a lot.
5 夢を捨てきれなかったもの ゆめをすてきれなかったもの yume wo sutekirenakatta mono Because you are one who cannot abandon your dream.
6 私も わたしも watashi mo I, too,
7 捨てきれないんだよ すてきれないんだよ sutekirenainda yo cannot abandon mine either.
8 私の…… わたしの…… watashi no...... My......
9 夢… ゆめ… yume... dream...
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1-2 平和の……象徴に…… へいわの……しょうちょうに…… heiwa no......shouchou ni...... "[To become] the symbol......of peace......"
3 後よろしくな あとよろしくな ato yoroshiku na "I leave the rest to you,"
4 空彦 そらひこ Sorahiko "Sorahiko."
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1 そいつの夢 そいつのゆめ soitsu no yume "That kid's dream,"
2 叶えてやってくれ かなえてやってくれ kanaete yattekure "please make it come true."
3 お師匠ォオ‼︎ おししょうォオ‼︎ oshishouOO!! "Masteeer!!"
4 志村菜奈の最後… しむらななのさいご… Shimura Nana no saigo... Nana Shimura's end...
5 何故 今思い出す⁉︎ なぜ いまおもいだす⁉︎ naze ima omoidasu!? Why do I remember it now!?
6 理想ばかりが先行し実力の伴わない女だった りそうばかりがせんこうしじつりょくのともなわないおんなだった risou bakari ga senkou shi jitsuryoku no tomonawanai onna datta She was a woman who put her ideals first, without the power to back them up.
7 実にみっともない死に様だった じつにみっともないしにざまだった jitsu ni mittomonai shi ni zama datta And then she died such a pathetic death.
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1 オール・フォー・ワン OORU FOO WAN All For One,
2 おまえはオールマイトに負ける…必ずね おまえはオールマイトにまける…かならずね omae wa OORU MAITO ni makeru...kanarazu ne you will lose to All Might...for sure.
3 だって datte Because...
4 こいつ koitsu This guy,
5 自分もろともーー じぶんもろともーー jibun morotomo-- together with himself-- (Note: The implication is that AFO has realized All Might plans to take AFO down with him.)
6 おまえより俊 (とし) 典の方が おまえよりとしのりのほうが omae yori Toshinori no hou ga compared to you, Toshinori is
7 イカレてる IKAREteru crazier.
8 もっかい死ねば もっかいしねば mokkai shineba "If you die once more,"
9 せめて幼稚園児くらいにはなるかぁ⁉︎ せめてようちえんじくらいにはなるかぁ⁉︎ semete youchienji kurai ni wa naru kaa!? "will you become about as old as a kindergartner!?"
tagline 全てを賭して‼︎ すべてをとして‼︎ subete wo toshite!! Risk everything!!
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vashtijoy · 11 months
6/5: happy pleasant boy day!
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Originally 爽やかな少年 sawayakana shounen. Some relevant examples of sawayaka+person from ALC:
爽やかな若者 sawayakana wakamono—"a fine young man" (or young woman);
爽やかな好青年 sawayakana kouseinen—"a clean-cut and likable young man";
弁舌が爽やかな人 benzetsu ga sawayakana hito—"an eloquent speaker" (or, "a voluble speaker"!);
弁舌爽やかに話す benzetsu sawayaka ni hanasu—"to speak eloquently; to give an eloquent speech".
Sounds about right. More commonly sawayaka means "refreshing or pleasant", but more as in the environment, or a drink—a refreshing breeze, a pleasant morning, a cool drink etc.
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kaissauce · 1 year
one of your posts was about kirby getting infantilized in fandom; i also agree that happens way too much, but how do you handle people pointing at the anime and saying "he's literally a baby"?
i handle them by pointing at the games which are in a completely different canon. you don’t see escargoon, tiff, tuff, NME salesman, etc. in the main games whatsoever. you don’t see king dedede ordering monsters from nightmare to defeat kirby. you don’t see meta knight straight up teaching kirby things like how to sword fight or drive a warp star (heck, he knew how to do both those things before he even faced off meta knight for the first time). you don’t see the warp star being something tied to Kirby’s vitality. There is no GSA.
The anime’s universe is unique to the game.
Kirby never even said “poyo” until after the anime was released, and even then he doesn’t even say it in every game after that, just a few like Mass Attack, a spin off game. AND he doesn’t even just say “poyo” in the anime he can talk and speaks words albeit only a few times and sparingly which makes sense considering he is a baby in the anime.
For the game universe his age was never stated, though he is called young, introduced as 「若者」 (wakamono) meaning young person but never is he called a baby or infant. Overall his game age is up for interpretation with the only thing going off of is that he’s “young” which has a wide range.
what annoys me especially about people bringing anime canon into game canon is that people don’t even treat all of the games canon with the excuse that kirby is “out of character” like in kirby’s avalanche where kirby actually speaks in full sentences and is very sassy even somewhat rude. Like somehow they find a game like avalanche less canon than an anime with characters never seen before in the games. literally just say you pick and choose what you like to go off of but don’t try to pass it off as factual canon. because there hardly is one
Kirby “lore” is vague. it mainly leaves pieces around to inspire the player’s creativity to piece it together in their own way because there simply isn’t enough to go off of for a concrete canon.
I love seeing other people’s interpretations but what peeves me is when people ignore the pieces given and/or grabs pieces from the anime’s canon and it wouldn’t be as nearly annoying to me if it wasn’t the most common interpretation
but im not here to change people’s minds or tell them what to do. i’m here to put my interpretation out, regardless of how different because i make content that caters to me and really yourself is the only one who can make the exact content you want to see so who am i to complain? i just wish i saw more variety when it comes to kirby
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punipunijapan · 1 year
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Young people in Japanese is 若者(Wakamono)🥳🇯🇵 ⁡ Elderly people in Japanese is お年寄り👨‍🦳🧑‍🦳(otoshiyori). ⁡ Do you have any Japanese questions? It is the perfect time to start learning Japanese🇯🇵 Take Japanese lessons online with our professional Japanese teachers \(◕ω◕)/☆ We can teach you Japanese step by step and make the customized lesson for you. You can take a FREE trial lesson here now🌸👉 http://kakehashijapan.com ⁡ #learnjapaneselanguage #studyingjapanese #Japanesevocabulary #nihongo #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #kanji #kanjistudy #Japanese #Japan #Japanesephrase #learningjapanese #japanesewords #Japaneselearner #japanese #Japan #japaneselanguage #japaneselessons #japaneselesson #learnjapanese #japaneseteacher #japaneseclass #JLPT #japaneselanguage #learningjapanese #日本語 #日本語勉強中 #日本語勉強 #🇯🇵 #jlptn5 #jlptn4 #jlpn3 #jlptn2 #jlptn1 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZwCKSyjdo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marinerainbow · 12 days
I think I'm getting a little bit back into Dragon Ball. Though I'm still on my WFRR/Tooniverse kick... I'm certain you guys know what happens when interests collide XD
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I know this is silly, but what does it matter if it's fun? ^^ also, I'm gonna give everyone Dragon Ball-esque names. I'm not sure how well I'll do though, so if anybody has any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear!
Gume (Eddie Valient): A retired world martial arts tournament champion. After the death of his brother, Slooth, he lost his passion and resorted to alcohol to drown his sorrows, and refuses to partake in the tournament anymore, but has taken on a private investigator job. Even so, he is still a very skilled fighter, and pretty powerful for a human. A bit rusty around the edges, but he's still a formidable opponent.
Eddie's name is the first half of gumshoe. A gumshoe being another name for a private detective. Teddy's name is a misspelling of sleuth, another name for a private investigator.
Shoa (Delores): Shoa had also competed in the tournaments herself- in fact, that was how she met the brothers. However, nowadays, she's focused on trying to support Gume, and can be found in the city's bar as simultaneously the bartender and the security guard. She'll still help out Gume with some of his jobs, and can very easily hold her own in a fight. It's no wonder Gume and Shoa make an unbreakable pair.
Delores' name is a play on the second half of Gumshoe. Her and Eddia complete each other in more than one way ^^
Usagi (Roger Rabbit): A spry and cheerful acrobat who first introduced Gume to chi. He was looking to train under Gume, and his persistence managed to break through the gruff man. Usagi was actually quite surprised that Gume hadn't already harnessed his chi, but was more than happy to teach him everything his wife taught him. As such, the two slowly but surely developed a close bond and alliance.
Usagi is the Japanese word for Rabbit (according to Google Translate. I apologize for any mistranslation)
Uta the Sairen (Jessica Rabbit): Uta didn't originate from Earth. She came from a far-off planet after her home was destroyed. Her ship had landed on Usagi's property, and the two have been inseparable ever since. They fell in love sometime while she was teaching Usagi how to harness his chi, and she's taken it upon herself to protect him. Uta wasn't too sure about Gume, especially when he saw her and made some wild accusations about her purpose on Earth and why she chose to marry a human. But after seeing how protective she is of Usagi and her new home, and also having the chance to fight alongside her, Gume has had a change of heart, and would trust her with his life.
Jessica's name is the Japanese word for song, and her species name is Japanese for siren. I'm thinking maybe her planet would have been home to Betty Boop, Holli Would, Red Hot Riding Hood, and other attractive toons. I'm not quite sure why their planet could have been destroyed, but I'm certain that will become a plot point in this AU.
Beebee the Monoian (Baby Herman): Another alien that came to Earth, though only because he was searching for glory. Despite his jolly sounding name and youthful appearance, Beebee is a rather temperamental and nasty old man that uses his looks to sway humans and become a famous actor among them. He even convinced Usagi for a time that he was a friend- though Uta saw through his tricks and doesn't buy his act one bit. Even so, he had grown a soft spot for Earth and Usagi, and will help out when needed.
Herman's name is just a fun misspronounciation of baby. And his species' name is the second half of Wakamono, which is Japanese for youth.
Axit, Android 07 (Benny the Cab): A robotic creation of the infamous doctor. Axit was an experiment gone wrong; meant to be a war weapon, it seemed that somehow emotions had been programmed into him. Or at least the ability to process them. It wasn't too long before Axit rebelled against his creator, and set on his own journey. He met Usagi, and the two have become great friends. Despite being a machine, Axit has grown rather friendly and boisterous, and serves the city's public transport system. Though, being a weapon of war, you don't want to get on this androids bad side.
Benny's name is a jumbled spelling of Taxi. And his android number is for 1907, when meters were first implemented in taxis.
Doctor Domo (Judge Doom): A mysterious and cruel scientist who seems to make it his life's work to take over the city. Not much is known about him, not even his colleagues- now employees after he took ownership of the company Clover Tech- know much about him... There are rumors, however, that Dume is not as human as he claims to be...
Doom's name is just a fun jumbled spelling of his own name.
Pin-Kuu, Android 47 (Smartass Weasel): One of Domo's most successful creations just so happens to not be entirely machine. He, along with his whole team, were taken as humans and experimented on. None of them remember their human lives, but have become very powerful due to their mechanical enhancements. Since he is the most 'obedient' as well as ruthless and intelligent, Android, Domo has placed him in charge of the others. Though Pin-Kuu, along with his squad, aren't too happy about following the doctors orders... And now, with all the power at their fingertips, they'll be able to take matters into their own hands soon enough.
Smartass' name is a slight misspelling of the Japanese word for pink. And his Android number is for 1947, when the events of Who Framed Roger Rabbit take place. Also, notably, the same death year for Al Capone. (Also, for those who don't know, yes, they should be called cyborgs, but for some reason, in Dragon Ball, Android 18 and 17 were always called androids. As such, the weasels will carry this tradition in this AU)
Dori, Android 20 (Greasy Weasel): Dubbed as the second in command by Pin-Kuu, Dori is a rather selfish and wicked minded android. He was surprised when, after many failed experiments, Pin-Kuu not only survived but also rose the ranks in Domo's little army, and it wasn't too long before the two became 'allies' (or rather friends, as they would call each other after being given the freedom to live as humans again). Dori also makes it clear to anybody- especially pretty women like Uta- that just because he's part machine doesn't mean that he's lost his touch.
Greasy's name is the shortened japanese word for green, midori, and his Android number is for 1920, when the alcohol prohibition ended.
Ao, Android 14 (Wheezy Weasel): The second eldest living android, Ao doesn't look all that threatening, especially since he's not so obvious with his unnatural powers as the rest of his team are. But make no mistake, Ao is just as ready to break free of the lab as much as anyone. Though he also seems to be the only one really concerned about the bombs Domo planted in their chests as a precaution. If it weren't for Ao's sage advice of laying low for now, the others probably would have gotten themselves blown up. He's proven to be an irreplaceable member of team Android in many ways.
Wheezy's android name is Japanese for blue, and his Android number is a reference to cigarettes costing between 14 to 20 cents in the 1930's.
Kiiro, Android 11 (Psycho Weasel): One of the oldest androids, next to Axit, Kiiro has seen it all. Even as a human, he was wild and unstable, pushing Domo's limits with his expertise and patience, and even prompting the doctor to build a special suit for Kiiro; one that, with a push of a button, will restrain him if needed. The agonizing experiments as well as his imprisonment have driven Kiiro to madness, and he looks forward to the day he can rip the doctor in half for everything.
Psycho's name is Japanese for yellow, and his Android number is in reference to the first public asylum being opened in 1811.
Akka, Android 48 (Stupid Weasel): Even with all of his power, Akka is... Not the sharpest tool in the shed. But somehow, he still retained his big heart despite all the experiments. He will follow his brother and friends to the ends of the Earth, and had unfortunately only humbly followed what they did (though it didn't really help that it was drilled into his brain by Domo that he was only a tool for destruction). When they had a chance to live freely again, however, it was Akka who came to a good, normal life easiest, and the first to befriend Usagi and Gume despite their part in his and his team's defeat.
Stupid's name is a slight misspelling of the Japanese word for red, and his Android number is meant to be the one right after Smartass' as they are brothers.
Bonus! My OC's
Hanni (Poppy): As Usagi's cousin, Gume expected the woman to be as goofy and energetic as he was. He never would have expected a down to earth farmer to be related to Usagi and Uta. Hanni chose to live outside the city after some incident she doesn't like to talk about, and is much happier working on her rhubarb farm. At first, she was hesitant to learn how to fight and how to use her chi. However, when the Earth and her loved ones barely survived a massive threat, Hanni sought out Uta and Shoa to train under them, not wanting to just stand on the sidelines the next time help was needed. Even if she isn't the strongest human, her patience and kind heart shine through, especially when it came to a certain group of androids.
Poppy's name is meant to be a misspelling of the Japanese word for honey (I would have used flower or poppy, but I preferred how honey sounded).
Mura, Android 62 (Shiny Weasel): One of the last androids that Domo created. He put all of his perfected experience into Mura, making her a formidable foe in battle... Though he never found a way to reprogram her attitude and fierce independence, and that was part of his downfall. Being in the same boat as the others, Mura became close with all of them, especially Dori. When Hanni saved them and gave them a chance to live life as humans again, it was actually Mura that softened up to her first.
Shiny's name is the first half of the Japanese word for purple, murasaki. And her android number is a reference to when moonshine was illegalized in 1862.
Urufī (Moony Wolf): Originally, he was a brute of a martial artist. Snarling and pushing others around and seemingly holding onto some kind of anger in his heart. It wasn't until Gume humbled him in battle, and Hanni stood up to him on her cousins behalf, did Urufī really look inside himself and change his ways. After he became calm and caring, he and Hanni actually fell in love and lived together on her farm for some time. However, the two had decided it was best to remain friends for some unknown reason, and Urufī moved back into the city. Now working as a butcher, he and Hanni still cross paths at the market, and get along quite well. And he will always come to fight when his new friends are in danger.
Moony's name is the Japanese pronunciation/word for wolfy (I hope I spelled it right. Please correct me if I didn't.)
Fokushī (Henry Foxworth): A sly and conniving con artist, Fokushī plays with peoples hearts and trust like his life depends on it. It does become very helpful slipping away from enemies, but he's not a very strong man to begin with. And he knows it. When he met Hanni and used her kindness to get what he wanted from her before leaving, he had no idea that he would become the target of her new friends- nor would exoect a meek little thing like her to become so strong.
Henry's name is the Japanese pronunciation/word for foxy
Banī (Ben Cottontail): A city boy who is actually weaker than Fokushī, Banī seems to only focus on his life rather than the whole world around him, especially after he and Hanni split up and she left the city. Being one of the many humans killed and brought back to life, however, really scared him. He has no idea how it happened or what to do with this information, but he's become much more defensive. Even if anyone on this list could fold him like a lawn chair.
Ben's name is the Japanese pronunciation/word for bunny
Rati (Terry Ratt T.): One of the few empathetic scientists thar had worked at Clover Tech. He knew that everything Domo was doing was wrong, but was powerless to stop him. When the androids were still enemies, it was actually Rati who told everyone about the bomb and gave them the device to activate it, believing this to be more of a mercy kill for the androids- though was pleasently surprised to see Hanni wanted to give them a second chance. It took a long time for them to trust him, though once Rati proved he wanted nothing to do with Domo's experiments, he's now a trusted 'repairman' for the androids, including Axit. And has even become a close friend to Mura and Ao in particular.
Terry's name is the Japanese pronunciation/word for ratty.
This AU definitely needs some polishing if I'm gonna do more with this, but I hope you guys have fun reading this! ^^
May Akir Toriyama rest in peace. He left behind an unforgettable legacy.
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twistedintern · 2 years
An analysis of Trein’s valentine messages.
Text beneath the cut contains content from paid merchandise that I own, coupled with a hefty helping of personal musings and theoretical rambling.
If neither of these pique your interest, dear visitors, do feel free to scroll right on past.
(Please do not leave comments or privately message me requesting links to or images of others’ thank you letters (especially the students’) from this year or last. I previously shared Trein’s from last year not too long ago and am expecting the staff’s notes from this year within a week or two--make no mistake: I have every intention of sharing those when they arrive.)
[Mozus Trein’s 2021 Message]
Dear student, You have sent a present...to me? I am not especially fond of people stepping beyond their station. Students should focus their attention on other students, and behave accordingly. ...Having said that, I do appreciate the gesture. If there’s anything you don’t understand from my lectures, you are welcome to ask me. Mozus Trein
Deliberate thought and careful wording
Clear professionalism and adherence to hierarchy and rules
An expression of gratitude
Willingness to repay the gesture in kind
[Mozus Trein’s 2022 Message]
Dear juvenile--- First, I should thank you for the gift. However, if you want to ensure your teachers view you charitably and grade your tests favorably, I’d advise being a good student and showing up to class punctually rather than giving gifts. But perhaps a thank-you note isn’t the place for a lecture. The sentiment is appreciated, at the very least. Mozus Trein
Use of the term “juvenile”
Reluctant acknowledgement of sentiments
Obligation to see that proper etiquette is followed
Gentle reprimanding in the form of advice
Notable changes in language and tone between messages The very first--and frankly, most startling--difference between these two messages is Professor Trein’s method of addressing the reader (presumably “Yuu” or the prefect). His informal “student” has been abandoned in favor of a curious and irregular (and almost--almost!--dare I say it... demeaning) alternative: juvenile.
His surprise, while previously clear, is not quite so palpable in this year’s message. There is an absence of ellipses which would indicate that something has occurred that might contradict expectations.
Where he once simply gave an opinion on gift-giving and stations and propriety, he eagerly divulges with criticism and instruction.
What he is not saying, and why it is just as, if not more, important than what is written (or, explanations and conclusions) I will start by conceding that this year’s message came as an utter shock to me. His word choice and pacing lends itself to a portrait of one who has grown frustrated--perhaps downright irate--with recent developments and behavior.
At first.
Upon further review of the messages (after some rather... less-than-model, incredibly vocal griping on my part. I was hung up on the word “juvenile” until a friend suggested that perhaps the writers took the wakamono from one of his voice lines literally), a few outstanding details came to my attention. Namely, how the drastic shift in what he deems necessary to speak at length about when faced with responding to a particular gesture (the act of giving gifts, in this case).
There is, without a doubt, present in the second message some of the same reluctance and hesitation that colored his first. What has changed is his willingness to accept that there is an individual who would tread or even cross boundaries in order to show him admiration and good will.
How do we know his reaction is not out of anger? Professor Trein does, in both instances, take pains to communicate that the gifts are not unwelcome, and moreover does well to convey his (somewhat reluctant) appreciation. He’s less displeased with the person than what the act could ultimately suggest (i.e., bribery/exploitation, unsavory intentions, inappropriate affections).
Taken a step further, measured change from reserved and indirect but amenable to insistent and harangued in people is more often than not a means of defending one’s psyche. I personally feel it belies a growing (non-romantic) attachment to or responsibility for the reader (the prefect). This itself may be due to both his paternal instincts as well as a subconscious desire to maintain emotional distance since the death of his late wife in an effort to avoid pain associated with loss of those dear. He therefore chooses to rebuke to remind both himself and the recipient that theirs is a relationship best kept formal.
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ivynajspyder · 1 year
It's a little surprising seeing the greater Kirby fandom interpretation swing to "Game Kirby is a Baby and MK (and/or Dedede) is his dad".
Because back in the aught's, when the anime first aired, much of the fandom HATED the idea of Kirby being a baby who needed others to take care of him. It was a huge controversy.
In fact it was the standard, at least in the English speaking fandom. to see Game Kirby as a grown-ass adult with a job lol, I guess because it was funnier. (There are some people who'd probably lose their shit to see that Game Kirby is now an actual child and blame the anime for ruining everything lmao)
Game Kirby's age was originally kinda vague- the word they used in Japanese was 'wakamono' or 'youth/young person', which in practice can refer to anyone from elementary schoolers to college kids lol. I'm not sure why the games have started pushing that Kirby is genuinely younger now (probably Marketability) but it is what it is.
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