#viscose blouse
jaipurhightech · 7 months
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Tunic For Women - Pure Cotton Pink Floral Printed Top For Women - Indian Tunic - Short Kurti - Kurti For Women - Summer Blouse For Women
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Ready to Wear Rose 🌹Flower Kurtis Price Rs 499 Get Amazing Discount Explore On Our Website For More Visit https://punnjab.com/collections/rose-flower-kurtis
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ratinayellowbandana · 9 months
Hi! Number six of the drabble prompt list, and if I may suggest, with a sad jealous Laudna.
hi! I'm sorry this one took a few days. I um. got a little carried away with it again. these were only supposed to be like 500-word prompt fills, and this is uh, slightly more than that. so I hope that's ok.
for those who don't want to find the prompt, it was: "You just didn't look for me." naturally I went ep 64 with a healthy splash of canon divergence, some good old-fashioned hurt/comfort, and pate as a thinly veiled metaphor.
length: 2k
Laudna whirls on her, snaps, “We looked for you. And the others. Every fucking day.” She holds Imogen’s gaze, holds her piercing stare until Imogen tilts her head. “You just didn’t look for me,” she whispers. 
Imogen steps forward, quiet but insistent. “No, sweetheart, no, we did. I did. Every day.” She does not reach out, afraid, not of Laudna–never of Laudna–but of herself. Of what she might do if given the chance at the wrong time. Her heart pounds an unsteady rhythm.
“I want to believe you,” Laudna says. She toys with the brass ring on her left hand, twisting it around her finger anxiously, twin snakes coiling. “I do, truly, it’s just…” 
Imogen studies her, searching for answers in a frame both foreign and familiar. Laudna is pale and gaunt, cheeks drawn in, though that’s hardly unusual. Her stringy dark hair lacks luster in the eerie light of the red moon, crispy and clumped together in places by something Imogen can’t identify. Cast in the long shadows between buildings, Laudna is on edge, ready to claw and screech and lash out with those wicked talons if provoked. She is wild, and she is beautiful, and she is frightened.  
“I understand,” Imogen speaks slowly, gently, distinctly aware of each word’s weight. 
The others are still in the inn, consorting in the tavern. The Hells and their new friends, chatting, laughing, and drinking the night away, simply happy to be home. Introductions were made, and tales of grandeur waited to be spun. 
Laudna had been unnervingly quiet after the initial elation wore off. Her hands remained folded in her lap or picked intently at the skin around her nails. Pâté’s silence was even more concerning. He had been coaxed out of hiding in Laudna’s hair with the promise of scratches and nudged his beak into her wrist until she began stroking his greasy fur. 
She spoke when spoken to, adjusting in her seat and responding eagerly when prompted. The moment the attention shifted, though, her forced smile would drop. Every so often, she sent a furtive glance in Imogen’s direction as if to ensure she was still there, then looked away just as quickly. Exhaustion crept at the corners of her eyes, and her gaze would fall to her lap whenever the conversation turned to the adventures in Wildemount. 
The group from Issylra hadn’t said much about their travels, but Imogen gathered their transplantation had not been as, ah, pleasant wasn’t quite the right word. Illustrious, maybe, Imogen considered, fussing with a seam on her new dress. Laudna’s blouse was tattered and stained with a thick substance that did not match her ichor’s usual viscosity. 
Laudna had stood abruptly, muttering something about air, and disappeared outside. After making puzzled eye contact with Ashton, who tossed his head at the door and sighed heavily, Imogen followed her. 
She had found Laudna around the corner, curled into herself against the wall of the Spire by Fire. A feral thing, hardened and reshaped by whatever circumstances found her while they were apart. 
She has not calmed yet, and Imogen is reluctant to curb the swell of emotion that has Laudna dangling by a thread. She is tangled in it, ensnared in a knotted web, and Imogen is unsure how to extricate her. She is all jagged pieces and raw edges, a tempest of fury and loss that Imogen cannot rely on her mental connection to unravel. Laudna is something of a mystery to her now in a way she has never been, and it’s all Imogen can do to not toss her circlet to the winds. 
Instead, she waits. 
Laudna is muttering to herself, tugging at her clothes. Pâté flaps about her head, wings of sinew and bone making an abominably wet sound Imogen hadn’t realized she’d missed. The tip of one wing tangles in Laudna’s hair, and she swats at him irritably, sending him tumbling through the air until he manages to right himself. Imogen extends a hand, and he flies to her, settling in her palm on his hindquarters. He gives a disgruntled shake, and his wings squelch back into his body, tail coming to rest around his paws. He peers up at Imogen, then looks back to Laudna.  
“I tried,” he croaks in that gravelly way of his, and Imogen strokes his disgusting little head with one finger. 
“I know,” she assures gently. He could be referring to any number of moments across a lifetime, a few weeks, mere seconds ago. She sets him on her shoulder and feels pinprick claws pierce the fabric of her dress for stability. Crass and wretched as he is, Imogen can’t find it in herself to hate him. He is an extension of his maker, creepy and ungainly and off-putting, so Imogen must love him a tiny bit. She scratches under his chin, ignores the feeling of magic-touched bone, murmurs, “Thank you for keepin’ her safe.”
“Boss didn’t have the best of times without you.” He pipes up, a little rueful, in a manner Imogen assumes is meant to be quiet. Laudna, only a few feet away, catches it.
“Pâté,” she snarls. He squeaks and tucks himself into Imogen’s collar. 
“He’s just confirming what I had already guessed,” Imogen defends, an attempt at lightness that doesn’t quite land. “It’s not his fault you haven’t told me anything.” 
“He ought to have stayed in my head. Then he might leave well enough alone,” Launda warns. 
“You don’t mean that,” Imogen counters calmly. 
Laudna spits, “He should have stayed dead.”
She huffs a sardonic, dry laugh. “Not everyone deserves second chances.” 
Imogen inhales sharply.
There it is. 
“Laudna…” She softens. She cups Pâté protectively. His fur oddly damp against her skin. She takes a cautious step forward. 
The pieces begin slotting into place, building the frame for a jarring picture of something severe enough to reopen this old wound. 
The fight sapped from her limbs, Laudna slides her back down the wall until she sits in the filth and dirt of the alleyway with her knees drawn close to her chest. Imogen winces as rough stone drags across jutting bone and paper-thin skin. 
“Are you… Do you want to be alone?” She asks–because what else can she do?– and half-fears the answer. 
Laudna’s head jerks up, and something Imogen can’t decipher flashes in her eyes. After a moment, her head shakes minutely, and Imogen lets out a relieved sigh. 
Tense silence leaches from the pores of the building’s rocky exterior.  
“We tried to find you all. Every day. We didn’t–we didn’t know where we were. Where anyone was, and–” Laudna breathes at last. “Orym was… was angry. Vengeful. And Ashton…. He was our friend.”
“I hurt him,” Laudna continues as if Imogen hadn’t spoken at all.
“Hurt who?” 
She shudders. “I killed him, not Prism.” Inky tears well from eyes pressed shut. Her voice is impossibly soft, hollow, seeming to ask, Do you hate me yet?
The narrative is convoluted at best. Imogen fruitlessly attempts to splice together the fragments of memory slipping through Laudna’s teeth like snowflakes, to arrange them into a cohesive whole among the scraps she gathered at the table. The Issylra group returned rattled, apprehensive and tense, but this is deeper. Laudna is shaken. 
“Wasn’t he a member of the Ruby Vanguard?” 
“He was confused, just like the rest of us. Angry at the gods.” Laudna’s eyes flicker to the glowing red moon. Her fist, clenched in her hair, tightens. “And I killed him.” 
Imogen steps closer. “We’ve all killed people.”
Laudna shakes her head. Her voice hardens once more. “I don’t begrudge you the shopping or fraternizing with royalty or, or whatever else it was,” she says lowly, “But we didn’t have that. We didn’t save a toy store or home-cooked breakfasts. We spent every moment fighting to get back to you. And now,” she swallows, “we must reckon with the cost.” 
She is utterly exhausted; Imogen can see in the dim light. Although bone-weary and at her wits’ end, Laudna’s elegant cheekbones curl with shadows that twist and hide in her skirts. Hunched and fearful as she is, Laudna is still hauntingly beautiful. Something warms in Imogen’s chest. 
“You did what you had to do to survive,” she says, “No one can fault you for that.” 
“I’m sorry.” Laudna’s voice breaks, fracturing in tandem with Imogen’s heart, and she sobs. “I’m sorry.”
“No, Laud, no–” Imogen crouches next to her, yearning to touch, to take Laudna in her arms and bite and hiss and growl at anyone who dares approach. She restrains herself, carefully plucking Pâté from her shoulder and setting him on the ground between them. He turns to her skeptically as if to say, Really? After what she said? Imogen nudges him in Laudna’s direction. He sniffs, beak in the air, and ruffles his fur before bounding to Laudna’s ankles and putting his weird, cold little dead rat toes against her shin. She ignores the pawing fragment of her soul, ashamed. 
“I’m sorry,” Laudna mutters, “I must seem…I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.” 
Laudna begins incredulously, “I–”
“You survived,” Imogen reiterates, “against gods and people powerful enough to destroy them.” She sighs, “I sent you a message every day, you know? Sometimes more than once, if I’m honest, ‘till my nose bled and Deanna had to patch me up.” Imogen offers a half-smile. “All I got was static. I just had to hope you were out there, somewhere, lookin’ for me, too.” 
Laudna looks as if she might melt into herself, refusing to look at Imogen. Her shoulders shake, and she confesses with a gasp, “She’s back. I brought her back.” 
Imogen’s blood chills, but her tone remains neutral. “Who, Laud?” 
At last, Laudna meets her gaze, eyes wide and wet and horror-struck. “Delilah.”
The name hangs between them like a stone ready to drop and shatter and bury itself into their flesh. Searing rage erupts in Imogen’s veins. 
“I’m sorry,” Laudna shrinks back, “I’m so sorry. To all of you. You all gave so much to–to find me. And–”
“It’s not your fault,” Imogen interjects.
“–and I wasn’t…I was weak. I lost control.” 
“Laudna,” Imogen cuts her off with the steely calm of a thunderstorm on the horizon. She cannot afford to process this now, not when Laudna is trembling in an alley. Not when Laudna, unmoored and terrified, needs her to be an anchor. No, Imogen will save her questions and unfiltered anger, for another time. A time when Laudna is safe and warm and at no risk of coming unraveled in her hands. When Laudna is in a place to know Imogen’s wrath is not, could never be, directed at her.
“Laudna,” Imogen repeats, because she cannot bear the thought of her not understanding, “this is not your fault. None of this.” She does reach out, then, offering a lifeline should Laudna choose to accept it. She does, hesitantly, as if waiting for Imogen to recoil. Her fingers are cool, bird-light against Imogen’s red-scarred palm. Laudna seems to notice at the same time.
“Imogen,” she exclaims, words still tear-tinged and quivering, “your hands. They’re–are you alright?”
“Oh, they–they don’t hurt, usually. Promise. I’m fine.”
“I should have–I’m sorry, I suppose I was–”
“Laudna,” Imogen interrupts again, not unkindly, “please.” 
It’s then that Laudna seems to notice Pâté clawing his way up her skirt. She scoops him up and holds him to her, murmuring apologies into his fur.
“‘S’okay, boss,” he rasps, squished against his maker’s chest, “I can’t hold a grudge.”
They sit like that, hand-in-hand, hand-on-rat, until the easy stroke of Imogen’s thumb against Laudna’s has smoothed out the worst of the jagged edges. Until the tension falls from Laudna’s spine and she relaxes into Imogen’s touch. 
“The others are surely wondering where we’ve gone.”
Imogen shrugs, snorts, “There’re so many people at that table I think they’d hardly notice two missing.”
“Still,” Laudna says, “we ought to get back.”
“Do you want to?” It’s her choice. It always will be if Imogen can help it.
Laudna considers. “I think I’d rather like to hear the end of Chetney’s story from the Savalirwood.”
“Oh gods,” Imogen groans, flushing at the memory, “no, you don’t.” 
“Fearne and Deanna, hm?” 
“Best to let them tell it.”
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iamacolor · 5 months
2023 sewing projects - part 1 details at the end of the post (click here for part 2)
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Note: I work for a fabric shop so I get most of my fabrics for free as well as some patterns as I have to be wearing our products at work (I definitely consider it a perk). Without this job I would not be sewing as much and I'd probably be buying most of my fabric second hand or on sale as I used to do before. I also sometimes sew during work hours so keep that in mind if you're also a sewist, go at your own rythm 💜 Although I have basic training in pattern drafting I prefer to sew from pre-existing patterns to save on time (as i have to regularly make myself some new clothes for work) and discover new techniques and styles - but I often change stuffs to adapt the designs to my style.
1 - first outfit for my friend's wedding (this one was for the henna night), it's made in a linen-viscose blend and it's very easy and quick to make + i can easily wear each piece separately!
2 - second outfit for my friend's wedding made out of 100% silk muslin (it was a big remnant i found on sale) - i ended up making made a lot of changes from the base pattern: i lenghtened the sleeves a lot, i changed the skirt piece as the og one was too short for me and also too wide for my narrow fabric so i just cut rectangles in the desired length and gathered everything at the waist - the skirt is fully lined both in silk and in lining fabric - I also took a lot in at the middle back and some on the sides (i would've have loved to make a toile but sadly a nasty tendinitis kept me away from sewing for a few months so i had to speed things up before the wedding)
3 - i made this bodysuit last week - it was my first time working on a knit fabric in a while and i should have lenghtened it a bit more than i already did as the shoulder seams are being slightly pulled back - in a viscose/polyester milano knit + modified pants from a magazine in a viscose , large pants in fluid fabrics like that are great for all seasons as i can easily put some tights on underneath when it's too cold. I'm so glad i found a knitted fabric to match the print on the pants!
4/5 - this dress and blouse have the same base pattern from the same book but i modified the end of the sleeves on both (they were supposed to be gathered on a wrist band and closed with buttons) to create a ruffle effect with an elastic - on the dress i took out the collar piece and slightly adjusted the side seams to make them more fitting + i traced another skirt piece based on the back of the skirt in pic1 and added a ruffle at the bottom - the dress is made in a viscose twill and the top in a coton double gauze
6/7 - both of these tops are made from the same pattern, i simply lenghtened the sleeves for the checkered version and on both i tightened the sleeve band - it's a very quick pattern to make. The dotted one is made from a very fine coton corduroy and the checkered one is in a coton double gauze. The pants are made in a thicker corduroy, I'm very much in between sizes when it comes to pants (depending on the brands I cover around 4 sizes between my waist and my thighs at their thickest) I ended up cutting the size for my thighs and simply deepening the folds and the darts to make it fit at the waist + I wanted a loser fit on the legs so i added 1cm on each side
8 - this shirt is made in a linen and viscose blend (same fabric as the pink matching set) except for the contrasting blue elements which are in linen-coton - i had fun playing with the classic shirt finishing and deciding what to do in blue (the buttonholes are threaded in blue!)
9/10 - this top is made from a simple coton gauze, the bodice is lined with the same fabric (super quick to make although the fact that the right and wrong side are the same means i've put in on wrong at least twice lmao) - the pants are made in coton gabardine (i've also had to trace between sizes here - this is a us sizes pattern and for this i'm in between 6 and 10 with a slight redrawing of the crotch and the side seams under the pockets) I love this pattern because it comes in a slim legs version, a straight one, a wide version (this one) and a short version. I've made another large version in orange and a slim version in white.
11 - these pants are made in a coton-linen twill - pretty straightforward in their making, as always I am in between sizes for pants so I cut a size 10 (can't remember if this was in us or uk sizes)and ended up having to do my usual changes for pants by deepening the front folds and the back darts (which I also had to make longer to accomodate not just for my waist circumference which is 2 sizes smaller than my thighs but also the arch of my back). Really like how large the belt is and how the fold is pressed all the way down the leg. I wore it with the green top, a red jacket and gold shoes for christmas eve!
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Wardrobe building?
Hey hey! I just found your blog today and I love it! I haven't read a ton of posts, so this might not be in your neck of the woods, but I thought I'd ask.
I am really struggling with clothes rn (headed to college soon so I'm kindof learning to dress myself, v just being a carbon copy of my mom's style :) One of the things I love is a solid shirt and whatever cute skirt or pair of pants I have. I feel like everyone knows how to shop for solid colored t-shirts except me. Do I need a few staple bodysuits? Sometimes they seem too thin, and I do not need something that is plastered to my body. What material do I look for? What style? I am trying to build staples, but I'm not sure where to start.
THank you so much!!
Hi love! Congratulations on this next milestone in your life – so excited for you! Sure thing, I'm a fashion copywriter/editor by trade.
For bodysuits: Assuming you're seeking options to wear in replace of a regular tee/blouse (not shapewear), I would look for styles made from polyamides (natural polyamides include silk, wool, bamboo viscose, and synthetic polyamides are usually nylon) with a little bit of elastane (spandex) to ensure they flatter your unique curves/body shape. ALWAYS wash these fabrics by hand or in cold water and air dry them to ensure they don't shrink!
I suggest scoop neck/crewneck styles in long sleeve/short sleeve/tank top silhouettes for all seasons and a turtleneck option or two (long sleeve or sleeveless) for colder/transitional weather. For winter, I love this sustainable option from Boody. I also love Skims, Naked Wardrobe, Commando (pricey), and Girlfriend Collective (sustainable) for bodysuits (brands that immediately came to mind.
Silk/vegan leather options also are fun (and can work well as a faux blouse, so you don't have bunching in your pants for work/dinner out, etc.)
If you need any additional personalized style recommendations, feel free to book a one-on-one consultation with me: https://calendly.com/femmefatalevibe/dream-girl-aesthetic-personal-styling-session?back=1&month=2022-12
Hope this helps xx
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heywoodvirgin · 11 months
Can get formal and accessories for Miss Vénus?
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
In her Corpo days, Vénus formal outfit included mainly dresses / skirts and blouses / suits that she likes to match with high heels boots or stilettos. For her office look she goes for mid length or just above the knee dresses most if the time, or pants suits. For dinners and special occasions she likes to be bolder and often picks shorter outfits ! if there is a special occasion :3 she usually goes for leather, satin, cotton and/ or viscose ( the real thing !) . She likes dressing up whenever the occasion allows it, SHE LOVES SHOWING OFF , yet on the discret side, telling everyone " Old Money here, better than you"
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She varies her looks slightly though, changing the length, or how much a dress is revealing depending on occasions, but in all her style remains quite unchangeable most of the time.
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Accessories : bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
She’s an earrings lady, put her in a jewelry shop and she’ll go straight to the earrings section. She got a whole collection; a soft spot for geometrical shapes, triangular is her all time favorite. Do they have a meaning tho? Who knows, maybe they reveal a sharp character? Wink.
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Vénus also likes to wear gloves, for style and when she ...doesn't really like to leave fingerprints behind...
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ofstormsandsaints · 2 years
Hi babes idk if you want to make headcanons but could you do headcanons for how Beatrix dresses?
Absolutely! please do ask me anything
Fashion headcanon - a Beatrix lookbook
While writing this headcanon, my brain couldn't stop thinking about @nutaella-kookie 's take on a lookbook for Beatrix. So I will list down all the points I agree on, then go into detail.
-Huge Grace Kelly inspo
-Shades of cool blue, light sand/beige, cream, touches of brown and white
-Shuu and his mother do have a similar colour palette because they both know what looks good on their fair warm-toned skin, with their golden locks and their piercing blue eyes.
Richard Jenkins photography
Jenkins is specialised in historical period so if you are looking for any accurate historical fashion depiction: here
And obviously, I had to take a look at his work after I'd found the Beatrix dress on Pinterest. (yes, the red one).
Through the centuries, she would dress like this in the human world: following diligently the fashion trends and requirements of the upper-class.
Mostly wears her hair in an elegant bun, thin strands of curly hair escaped from the hairdo and framing her face as she roams the castle, looking for her eldest.
She doesn't like it when she can't keep her hair under control - because her curls soften her features.
In the human world, she would not care that much about her appearance or about the variety of her wardrobe. She focuses on having lasting pieces that solely evoke her status.
She is rather modest: no eccentric lacy pieces at the end of her sleeves, no too-tight corset, no hats jabbed with peacock feathers, or shawls of the finest Chinese silk, embellished with threads of vermillon and gold and her shoes are simple heeled-boots, often black.
But she does like adding some feminine accents to her outfits with pearls essentially. But also lockets. Victorian golden pendants set with small rubies, sapphires or turquoise, glazed with faceted glass, smooth enamel. She owns a whole collection. All with different sprigs and flowers carved on the precious metal - each unique. Karlheinz gifted her one, a stylised chrysanthemum carved on the concave side of the locket. It was a few days after Shuu's birth.
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On her day-to-day life
A boss. (because I find the term 'girlboss' rather infantilising, in my humble opinion)
Beatrix is an efficient woman. The strict, rigid façade left aside, I do imagine she would favour practicality and versatility over anything.
Here, we are talking about how she would dress in modern days, both in the demon and human worlds:
Silken shirts, white embroidered blouses, polo-necks made of the finest wool, long sleeves always, coordinated vests and high-waisted trousers made of viscose topped with a fine leather belt to accentuate her waist, golden, fine bracelets, no rings except her wedding ring.
The mature combo of old money and dark academia.
She would make an amazing Ralph Lauren model.
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Haute Couture gal
Ok Bea, time to shine.
3 words: Dior.New.Look
And now, 3 names: Christian Dior, Jacques Heim and Pierre Balmain
@samsvenn : being a Dior model is in Beatrix's DNA, that's why Reiji looks so damn good. (your headcanon was amazing)
She was born to wear these 1950s-1960s dresses. Full petticoats, boned bodice, slightly padded busts.
Only top quality fabrics: velvet, damask, taffeta, silk and lace obviously.
Straight or sweetheart necklines mostly, she doesn't like to draw too much attention to her cleavage while her shoulders and neck are already exposed by her hairstyle and dress.
Even if Cordelia is known for her alluring, flamboyant looks, Beatrix manages to shake the audience with her composed yet regal posture.
But there is this one time when she left everyone astounded.
Even Karlheinz.
We are talking about a long silk lavender dress, paired with small diamond earrings, a matching necklace and a oh-so delicate tiara. The light purple accentuated elegantly her eyes yet highlighted her golden locks. While the rich fabric was lightly reflective - making her shine like a distant star.
She'd wore this dress at a reception, soon after her honeymoon with the king. The court was marvelled, Cordelia gave her a dirty look but stayed calmly next to Richter while Karlheinz offered to open the ball.
She accepted, took his gloved hand and held it firmly as they started waltzing magnificently.
It was soon after her honeymoon.
And soon before she'd announced him that she was pregnant.
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue May 1974
Beska Sorensen wears classic white linen trousers and a cotton bandana print jacket. By Anne Klein. Trousers, viscose rayon, blouse. Makeup: Strawberry Lipstick, Creme Rich-Creme Blush and Crimsonberry d'Almay. Hairstyle by Rick Gillette.
Beska Sorensen porte un pantalon en lin blanc classique et un blouson en coton à imprim�� bandana. Par Anne Klein. Pantalon, de viscose rayonne, chemisier. Makeup: Strawberry Lipstick, Creme Rich-Creme Blush and Crimsonberry d'Almay. Hairstyle by Rick Gillette.
Éditrice/Editor Gloria Moncur Photo Arthur Elgort vogue archive
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lemonbombsfjl · 1 year
AKA: garb, garb-adjacent, I have no time to sew
Pennsic 50 is nearing, and you are frantic trying to get everything together in time, including a wardrobe.
Don’t drive yourself nuts. Cheat.
War garb tends to be very forgiving, considering that groups other than the SCA attend, the weather is notoriously fickle, and you need to stretch what you pack to potentially over two weeks. We *all* cheat. We all include clothing that is not period, but doesn’t scream mundane.
• stick to woven fabrics.
• for your own comfort and sanity, stick to natural fibers. Linen, linen-cotton, thin wool perform best. Cotton works pretty well. Silk, it first has to be real silk, and the type of weight and weave will make a difference how it performs. Ramie, viscose, and rayon will soak up sweat and humidity like a sponge and bring it along with you for the day. Synthetics will look wrong, trap sweat against your body, retain odors; they might be cheap but they really aren’t worth it. Leather looks cool, but it is heavy; save it for accessories and, y’know, armor. Performance fabrics: reserved for your jog around the lake at 6am.
• Stick to simple shapes. Shift dresses, caftans, draw-string waist pants, solid peasant blouses, full skirts all can be tucked in with your garb. Choose colors that compliment your garb for optimal flexibility.
• Look for garments without obvious closures (buttons, zippers), visible pockets, ruffles, modern trim. Lace is difficult, as are prints. Avoid highlighter/neon colors. Sequins and glitter should be avoided; although there were period versions of such bling, modern decoration is made of plastic and looks it. Glass shisha mirrors may be an option if you must sparkle.
• Ethnic clothing, such as tribal dance wear, is usually accepted. You can usually get away with modern ethnic garments, such as kimono and sarees at larger Wars like Pennsic, but wear a real natural fiber one (thrift one?). Real embroidery is good; printed decoration is not.
• Don’t wear Halloween costumes. It will look like a Halloween costume. Most are horrible quality.
• Basic leather belts, plain linen or cotton hankies, nice basic veils, a good straw hat, a period bag, a simple basket, plain shoes/boots/sandals all uplift your outfit.
Some examples of cheater garb below:
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Shop: amzn.to/3CvVHp3 I’d order a size up for a roomier fit.
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As a shift, or bath house babe!darker colors can be worn over a longer dress.
Shop amzn.to/3CcLQ7f
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Wear over or under a skirt. Comes in a few colors, mix & match. Side seam pockets are okay. Buy: amzn.to/3NcViO6
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Change out the button for something more period, or a Norse brooch. Wear over skirts or a long dress. amzn.to/3NcMGqL
As an amazon affiliate I may potentially earn commission from items purchased through these links.
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arianaofimladris · 2 years
My Yennefer cosplay is complete. I took inspiration from her description in The Sword of Destiny in the dragon tale:
 She was wearing just two colours, as usual: black and white. Black hair, long, black eyelashes forcing one to guess the colour of the eyes concealed beneath them. A black skirt and a short, black tunic with a white fur collar. A white blouse of the sheerest linen. On her neck a black velvet ribbon adorned with an obsidian star bestrewn with tiny diamonds.
 Now I’m not sure why there is a tunic in official English translation. In the Polish original Yennefer is wearing a short kaftan, caftan, something that would be closer to a jacket/jerkin/surcoat than a tunic, I think. Anyway, I picture something entirely different when I read “tunic”.
 There is one additional piece that is mentioned the next day in the story, a white kerchief Yennefer uses on her hair. I made one too as an optional addition.
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I made the jacket out of two different fabrics. The fur collar is optional, I managed to buy some real fur collar second-hand, it’s probably older than me. For the scarf I used some viscose leftovers from the blouse, and the skirt is black linen.
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littleboxcat · 1 year
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Peter Reads Egon's most personal & intimate journal entry yet.
This is a continuation of a fic I posted earlier on my tumblr page. I have not yet uploaded it onto AO3
Peter Fanned the pages scanning them for something savorer, or unsavory rather. His attention was snagged when Janine’s name appeared again. Hello, peter thought as he began to read.
Date: July 2nd
Janine and I are partaking in a viewing of Médée at The Met.
The Diva’s voice was how I would imagine the sirens sounded as they pulled their unwitting victims to their death in the Odyssey. Sadly, I find myself hooked. Janine’s hand was placed on my thigh. Did she notice my aroused state? I must conclude as the intermission is soon to be over.
“And then you took her home and made sweet love to her. C’mon Egon, land the plane will ya! Geez.” Peter was startled by his own voice. He had said that loud. He looked around dumbfounded and then continued.
Date: July 2nd
Time: 2:45am
It was in my aroused state that I have found myself in Janine’s humble abode having just experienced for the second time in my life a rite of passage.
Peters’ eyes nearly bulged out of his head. He read on.
-Janine favors osculation.
-Tea on the tongue leads to interesting intermingling of flavors in the mouth whilst kissing.
-She is observant. (She did indeed notice my engorgement during the performance.)
- Janine experiences a full-face/(body?) flush when sexually piqued.
-Her skin is also warm to the touch.
-She has beautiful Clavicles.
-It is difficult for me to not notice the gentle slope to her full bosom and erect mammillia beneath her blouse.
- manual massage to them is favorable. Tongue and mouth are ideal.
- Aggressive when aroused.
Again, Peter stopped. He closed the book around his finger making sure to save the page. He peered down at his own crotch. Was he getting hard from reading about Egon’s sexcapades? Nah. He bounced his left knee and thought about Ghosts, dumb technical words he had heard Ray and Egon say, and slimer sliming him for the umpteenth time until he had maintained a neutral state. Peter re-read.
-Aggressive when aroused. 
I bet she was Spengs. It took you long enough to do her. I mean all that pining and no penetration, I mean com’on. Peter thought to himself as he continued to violate Egon’s privacy.
I have taken into account the magnitude of reactions to stimuli Janine experienced and have pinpointed approx. 5 actions to experiment with upon our next coital encounter.
For instance,
Frottage of my pants covered vascular engorgement against her vulva while clothed, yielded an unmeasurable amount of low viscosity vaginal fluid to be released. This liquid covered both the gusset of her undergarments and my fly area.
However, this may be a combination of both of our fluids as this act was quite pleasurable to myself as well. I did notice my own Cowper’s fluid leaking from the meatus during the act.
Ehk, Meatus?! What are you doing, having sex or makin’a hamburger? He chuckled breathlessly. Peter had made it a rule that if he needed a dictionary to read something, the book was probably going to be a snooze fest. He absolutely hated textbooks, one day someone would place all of the world’s books into a neat cassette tape that he could play in his Sony Walkman. They were already doing it with kids books in Teddy Ruxpin. Why not all books.
In Uni, anytime he needed to study, he would end up sleeping. He owed Egon for helping him get through grad school. Had it not been for his dear friend he would probably have dropped out. This was the first time Peter wanted to have a dictionary nearby. He decidedly called what Egon had written, scientific smut. Egon, ever the inventor.
I hypothesize that usage of a phalangeal digit may produce a similar reaction.
-perhaps usage of the tongue?
-Possible experimentation with foods. How does Janine’s diet effect the bouquet and palatableness of her vaginal transudate?
*It might be time to revisit Masters and Johnsons “Human sexual Response.” I should take a visit to the research library.
Despite the textbook nature of Egon’s journal, Peter still sported a simi-chub. This time he didn’t try to think it away. If it was gonna happen, let it happen. Besides, he was home alone.
Oral stimulation of Janine’s’ erect mammillia yielded audible approval.
(Her breathy squeaks did something to me. I did not last to penetration.)
-She moaned when I moved my hands against her undressed body.
-I would like to try using ice on the skin, possibly on her nipples. Will it increase Janine’s arousal state?
-I believe manual stimulation leading to full release approx. 2x prior to coitus will allowed me to extend the period of time with which my next orgasm will happen.  
-I will experiment with the thrust to ejaculate ratio (TER) as well as time between arousal states
-I postulate that the longer the period to time between my own release the more time is allotted for Janine’s Physiological and psychological arousal response.  
*She did state that she experienced full sexual release during our frottage episode.
-I penetrated Janine in the missionary position. I experienced a very clear heightened arousal state; quickened heart rate, flushed skin, slight throbbing in the genital region. Janine, however, requested to be on top. This produced deeper penetration. This also seemed to allow her to create the pacing. I observed a similar physiological response in her.
At this point, Peter had already unsheathed his hard-on from its jean prison and was lightly stroking along with the journal entry. Was he really going to do this while reading his friend’s very intimate, deeply personal thoughts. Yes. Yes he was and no one had to know. Just he and Egon’s journal and the office. Slimer was nowhere at the moment. Besides, it had been a minute since his last tryst and as nerdy as the entry was, it was doing it for him. He continued stroking and reading.
-Her moans were more low and elongated.
- I did not last long, neither did she. This was my first time experiencing a form of Kabzah.
-Female orgasm is not dissimilar to the male. An inverse of rhythmic contractions from the inner vascular walls similar to my own corpus spasm without the outward release of seminal fluid.
*Is squirting possible?
- I would also like to test which position during active Penile/Vaginal interaction (PVI) yields the longest coital connection and which produces the highest pleasure response in Janine.
*Note to self, study more on tantra. I might need to brush up on my Sanskrit. I have my work cut out for me.
Writing this has caused me to become aroused yet again. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to try one of my hypotheses now.
Peter was already on his last few strokes. He was not paying attention to the journal anymore; or the door to the lab for that matter.  His eyes closed tight as he pumped himself faster. A dark figure stood in the door frame. Peter climaxed with an audible grunt spurting into his own hand; Panting as he opened his eyes to see Egon standing there in the doorway. Huffing. straight faced. Eyes wide. Eyebrow low. For a hot moment the silence stretched on for eons. The silence lasted until the eventual heat death of the universe, at least in Peter’s mind, which had ceased to function.
Peter shouted as he grabbed a pillow from the couch absentmindedly holding it in front of himself with his cummy hand.
“I now understand the adage feeling your blood boil.”
Egon stated matter of factually, in a calm and cold way.
“Spengs I can explain.”
“Don’t. I wouldn’t want you to debase yourself.”
“I…I’m just gonna go. I—I’ll clean the pillow.”
Peter Lowered his head and cowered making himself look small. He quickly pushed himself back into his pants and backed out of the lab leaving the journal on the couch and the mop laying on the ground. Egon was still silent as if processing. Egon turned slowly toward Peter, still cold and calculated he spoke.
“Peter, I’m not angry with you. I am pissed with myself. I should have known better than expecting anything better of you.”
“Hey! Wait a Minute.--”
Peter stopped; Egon’s words hurt but he deserved it. Still, It felt like Egon was a parent who was deeply disappointed in a son. He didn’t view his friend as a father but he knew this particular kind of shame.
“I really am sorry. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I did it anyway. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me big guy?”
Egon sighed. His face softened. He lifted his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and pointer.
“I need some time to think about it Peter.”
He stated as he shut the door in peters face.
Authors note: It would take Egon some time to get over this but that’s a story for a different day.
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jaipurhightech · 9 months
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Indian Women’s Wear Beautiful and Trendy Short Kurti | Embroidery Work Short Top Tunic For Women | Mexican Designer Short Kurti For Women
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mydailyfashionworld · 3 months
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Cest Moidew
1. Cest Pure Floral Bell Sleeve Blouse:
This is a blouse with a pink floral pattern;
The upper part of the garment has a good stretch, so it can be worn off-the-shoulder, and with a tie and a set product, you can fully emphasize the delicate mood;
Bell sleeves create an elegant mood;
Shirring on the side creates a natural, slim fit;
Recommended to style with jeans of appropriate length;
100% Polyester.
From: https://www.wconcept.com/product/cest-pure-floral-bell-sleeve-blouse/720058453.html
2. Cest Simple String Pants Skirt (White):
This is Cest Moidew’s simple pants skirt;
This is a clean-looking flared skirt;
The skirt is designed with shorts underneath, so you can wear it comfortably without worrying about the short length;
Thanks to the shorts, it's a versatile item that offers both comfort and style, allowing you to create a casual look;
The ribbon at the waist adds a lovely touch, allowing you to create a cute and stylish outfit;
Outshell: 60% Polyester and 40% Viscose.
From: https://www.wconcept.com/product/cest-simple-string-pants-skirt-white-/710740667.html
3. Cest Striped Off-shoulder Top (Red):
This is a top with red and white horizontal stripes all over it;
It has an off-shoulder design and is perfect for creating a delicate mood as a set with a tie;
Slim fit;
Good elasticity and comfortable to wear;
Great for styling with various bottoms such as various jeans and white skirts;
 95% Cotton, and 5% Nylon.
From: https://www.wconcept.com/product/cest-striped-off-shoulder-top/720058753.html
4. Cest Sweet Mesh Layered Skirt (Ivory):
This is a skirt from Cest Moidew that maximizes the feminine mood with chiffon material;
The long layered skirt creates a lively and pretty silhouette;
Lined for stable wear;
Comfortable to wear with waist banding;
Great for styling with a variety of tops;
100% Polyester.
From: https://www.wconcept.com/product/cest-sweet-mesh-layered-skirt/720058728.html
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arvaelartoflife · 3 months
What I wore in a week - 19-23 February 2024
Monday was an usual Monday, things were quite slow, everyone was still nostalgic about how good the weekend was. I was not in the mood for anything special either, so I wore this laid-back outfit to office. I felt really cool in it. The navy blazer and the striped soft viscose jumper are new additions to my wardrobe, so I really wanted to wear them. Also, I felt really comfortable and confident in this outfit. Although the boots are not what I would choose for office days, but sometimes its great to wear something that you would think is not appropriate.
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Tuesday was much more busier thank Monday, I had a lot of meetings, trainings to do, so I decided to wear something more professional than on Monday. I also decided to wear basic colors black, grey and white, I only played with a striped blouse, which I think really provided the interest in the outfit. I paired it with an elegant black pair of pants and a slightly oversized grey blazer.
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Wednesday was busy as well, needed to do a client pitch so I wanted to choose an outfit in which I feel comfortable and confident yet look professional, therefore I opted for my favorite pleated skirt which has a beautiful golden color and paired it with a collared viscose cardigan - wore it as a blouse and put a camel waistcoat on it. I wore it with a golden watch and jewelry, although I took this picture in a rush so they are missing from the picture.
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On Thursday there was a dinner after work, as I did not want to go home to get changed, I decided to wear this outfit for daytime as well. I decided to pair a high waist black satin skirt with a flowy navy satin blouse and wore pearl necklace and earrings. I also wore a sparkly jacket so that the outfit would be festive.
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My favorite day of the week. I was really tired, so decided to work from home that day, but decided to wear something more decent than sweatshirt and sweatpants. I wanted to remain comfortable, so decided to wear the same pants from Tuesday with the same belt, but I wore a white T-shirt with a viscose soft jumper on top. I love how the white T-shirt neck and white sneakers pull this outfit together.
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Leave me comment if you would like to!
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sanstropfremir · 4 months
✨🎥! Forgot to say, I have a wedding in April but no dress/suit/clothes. I’m desperately looking but every single day I’m more disappointed in the quality of the fashion industry. Even the most basic thing is shit quality and cost 5 times what it should. So yeah, if anyone has recommendations on clothes (not necessarily for weddings or events, but in general) that are good quality, let me know
i know how you feel, affordable decent clothing is fucking impossible right now. honestly my best advice is thrifting/secondhand. idk what the situation for that is like in spain so maybe it's not possible, but it's always worth a shot, especially if you've already been looking for a while. it does obvs take more time than shopping new bc you have to sift through racks, but you're more likely to get a good find of better quality for a more reasonable price. my general thrifting advice (honestly this applies to any clothes shopping also) is first look for the colour and shape that you like, and then look at the material content. this is very important. do not look at brand that means nothing. always always always check the material content on the tags. ideally you want to be looking for garments that have 100% natural fibres; wool, cotton, silk, linen, rayon/viscose (yes it is natural despite the name). if you can't find 100% than something with an 80/20 ratio or more (to the natural side) can also be a safer bet, but my rule of thumb is the more polyester is in a garment, the worse it is in every way.
my general advice for wedding attire is unless you need black tie, don't worry about trying to find a full suit or a really fancy dress you're only gonna wear once. get a good pair of dark formal trousers (black/grey/navy), wear a dress shirt or a formal blouse, and throw on a nice tailored jacket that's in the same colour family. is it technically only semi-formal? yes, but who does true formal weddings and actually cares about sartorial rules. in this economy? psh. some visual aids:
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it's a great combo for any 'events you have to look nice at' because you only have to buy individual pieces, you don't have to buy them all at the same time, and they can be reused for other events. just find out what the colour theme of the event is and get yourself a shirt or tie/pocket square/scarf/other accessory in that colour and you're good to go. also do not forget a good pair of shoes. this is also very important; always have a good pair of shoes.
hopefully this helps! i'm sorry i don't have better recommendations on where to actually go to buy stuff/what to buy, but i haven't shopped new in......quite a long time. but at least having some tips to go by should help. and tbh sometimes you do gotta cough up the money.....BUT only ever cough up the money for something that is 100% natural fibre and is a piece that will get use outside of a single event. otherwise you just gotta be patient and keep looking; if you are patient things have a way of coming to you.
#diligence and perseverance are so key to any kind of shopping but especially thrifting#tbh these are fundamental tips for building a wardrobe in general so if that's a thing anyone's been thinking about:#always start with good trousers and good shoes#all these photos are from the sartorialist's blog btw if you want more fashion inspo check it out#fashion tips#answers#text#✨🎥 anon#also i know that most people's level of sewing skills are not good but dont be afraid to get something thats not quite perfect#minor things like sleeves too long you dont like the buttons etc. rolling up sleeves is an easy fix and will give you a bit of character#and sewing on new buttons is a very very easy to learn skill and is very useful to have when one inevitably comes loose.#plus its way cheaper to buy/find new buttons and you can play around with styles#trouser hems as well if theyre too long you can neatly roll them up and give them a good press and no one will know#if you happen to have access to a sewing machine or are just a determined hand stitcher#there's an easy way to take in the fit of a formal trouser waistband#but thats a bit long to put in tags so if someone wants to know ill do a separate post#also for thrifting if you know the demographics of the areas you're shopping in look for secondhand stores where a lot of older folks live#you're much more likely to find good quality bc older garments are better made#also if you have large enough feet to wear men's sizing or are on the verge (40/41/42) you can often find very nice dress shoes so so cheap#that can also be another post if ppl want i will talk about shoes for literally ever
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anielskaaniela · 6 months
Learn How to Sew Two Lounge Sets with Free Printable PDF Patterns | Sewing DIY for Beginners
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Hey! I have a new video for you on my YouTube channel where I teach you how to sew two lounge sets with free printable PDF patterns. These lounge sets are super easy to sew, even for beginners, and they are perfect for lounging at home or going out. You will get a lounge pants and a blouse, with two different necklines and methods to finish. You will also learn two different ways to sew shorts, perfect for summer. You can download the free PDF pattern in five sizes from the link in the video description. All you need is 3 yards of 44" wide fabric, or 3 m x 150 cm, and a sewing machine. You can choose any fabric you like, such as soft silky cotton, silk, viscose, tencel, linen, or cotton. The result will be a comfortable and stylish lounge set that you can wear anytime.
This video is a great way to learn some basic sewing skills and make something beautiful and useful for yourself or your loved ones. You can also customize the lounge sets to your own taste and preference. You can mix and match the colors, patterns, and fabrics to create your own unique look. You can also add some embellishments, such as buttons, lace, or embroidery, to make them more fun and personal.
If you are interested in watching this video and learning how to sew two lounge sets with free printable PDF patterns, then click on the link below and check it out. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel for more sewing videos. I would love to hear your feedback and see your creations. You can also share your pictures with me on Instagram using the hashtag #sparrowrefashion. I will feature some of them on my instagram.
Thank you so much for reading and watching. I hope you enjoy this video and have fun sewing your own lounge sets with free printable PDF patterns. I'll see you in the next one.Happy sewing 😉!
Link to the video: [How to Sew Two Lounge Sets with Free Printable PDF Patterns | Sewing DIY for Beginners]
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