#vests and jackets
kateally · 5 months
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csparks31 · 5 months
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fractangle · 1 year
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Pride month vest project, a patch a day #14: All Pride is Kink to Bigots
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dognonsense · 1 year
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Not the "people before profit" patch jacket being $449, fast fashion is fucking beyond satire at this point
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png-magician · 1 year
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x-brik-x · 1 year
I'm seeing a lot of people say that punk fashion is expensive and inaccessible, which is very wrong. here is a list of some ways you can make punk fashion easier, cheaper and more accessible for you, since that's... kinda the whole point.
others are encouraged to add onto this!! (just don't recommend corporations like amazon. not cool.)
1. patches!! you don't need to buy them. DIY patches are not ugly or boring. in fact, they are encouraged here!! DIY, in my opinion, is always the best thing to do when it is an option and is safe to do so.
2. speaking of DIY, spikes!! you can make them!!
cut the top and bottom off of an empty can. cut down the middle of the cylinder and flatten it, so it's just a flat rectangle of metal.
cut out a shape that is kind of a third of a circle, but around 3/4 of the curved edge is taken up by triangle shapes. (I'm not very good at describing, so here's a badly drawn picture)
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roll it into a cone, leaving the 4 triangles sticking out at the bottom. this bit is optional, but you can fill it with hot glue to make it more sturdy, just be careful touching the hot metal. I tend to hold the cone by one of the triangles with a bit of fabric wrapped around my fingers for this bit. cut 4 small holes in your fabric in this kind of shape:
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and put the spiky bits of triangle through the holes. fold the triangles in on themselves to secure the spike in place. boom. spike obtained. this is one I made and attached to a little piece of fabric to test this method out:
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3. battle vests!! (like the base jackets). the best places to buy these are charity shops and second hand websites in my opinion, but if anyone else knows any better options, please reblog with those!!
a good trick I find works well on eBay is to filter search results to your country (or state? can you do that in the US? idk) so that a: fast delivery because local, and b: all the sellers of everything that shows up are in YOUR TIME ZONE.
why is this important? when people sell something for really cheap, it goes FAST. check eBay at like, 2am or something. all the scalpers in your area are asleep. grab the cheap stuff while they can't.
4. sewing!! want patches, but can't sew for whatever reason? I've heard of a lot of people with joint conditions like arthritis complain about the inaccessibility of patch stuff, and that does sound extremely annoying, however:
safety pins!! while they are still a little fiddly, they're much less work so you don't have to fiddle about for long. if you can, you could even ask a friend to help, since it doesn't take long at all I'm sure someone will be willing to help out!! (I know I would, but that's just me, and I love this kind of thing). safety pins on clothes are also widely considered to be a symbol of solidarity, so if anything, you're adding some extra love and meaning to your patch pants/battle jacket.
if that's still too fiddly, fabric glue is always an option. unfortunately this means you won't be able to remove/reposition patches, at least without leaving a massive patch of residue, but if you're ok with that then fabric glue is probably your best bet.
for people who prefer sewing: as for where to get the thread, I've heard a lot of people recommending dental floss, as it's apparently much cheaper and works just as well. I haven't tried this myself so can't confirm that, but I thought I'd share it regardless.
5. where to get fabric!! old clothes. rip em up. you don't need any kind of fancy fabric from the craft store. my patches are made of old jeans that I grew out of.
don't have any old clothes and you don't want to waste any good ones? I'm not sure about other countries, but in the UK, as long as you're not on private property (trespassing), dumpster diving is perfectly legal.
I definitely ;) do NOT encourage ;) trespassing rich people's land ;) to steal from their dumpsters ;)
or tbh it doesn't matter too much how rich the person is, since it's all going to landfill anyway. if it's in the bin, it's free game, but you didn't hear that from me. ;)
please add onto this where you can!! and if I missed something or got anything wrong, add that on too!!
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pleucas · 9 months
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double black
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tabooi · 6 months
okay so at first i thought tinky was wearing some sort of jacket with lots of pockets but after looking a little closer i realized that hes actually wearing a fuzzy button up with a UTILITY VEST on top
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they've covered the reflective strip with fur and added rhinestones but im fairly certain this is the exact one. idk something about this detail is extremely funny to me.
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linktoo-doodles · 2 months
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Was thinking about how I'd redesign ken's aged up character + just warmup doodles of ken in general.
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tooled around with his hair length too, my friend @brambleberryjam likes imagining him letting his hair grow out a bit longer as his own subconscious way of remembering shinjiro
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reginns-forge · 8 months
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the myth, the rat, the bastard
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kateally · 5 months
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groovyace · 3 months
Let's do this one more time REDHOOD REDESIGN YIPPEEEE 🎊🎉🎊🎉
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I will be posting notes on the design choices in this one later. Screaming into the void.
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fractangle · 11 months
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Pride month vest project, a patch a day #29: Wheat But Not Bread, Fruit But Not Wine
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teaboot · 4 months
How do you make your patches for your vest? They look so cool!
Acrylic paint or matte fabric paint
Old black jeans
Cardboard or cardstock, ideally thin cardboard from packaging waste
Xacto knife
Old sponge or makeup dabber
I pull up the logos from the bands I love and trace them onto printer paper or wax paper wirh pencil. Then I put that paper pencil-side-down on cardboard and rub the back hard until the pencil is transferred to the surface. Then I take an xacto razor and cut out the shape of the logo. Put the newly-made stencil right-side-up on the fabric and sponge paint on.
Let the paint dry, then go over it a few times if needed with a brush. Fix errors with black paint.
Sewing the patch on, I get double-sides fusing from the fabric store to make iron-on patches, or just pin them down and sew by hand.
Highly recommend double sided fusing for all kinds of patch jobs if you have issues sewing for any reason, just know that the glue melts into the fabric and will leave marks if you try to remove them later.
Glad you like 'em! ♡♡♡♡♡ V proud 😊
Current status: ⏬ ⏬ ⏬
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Addition: here is what it looked like when I originally thrifted it- tag said it was a distressed denim forever 21 jacket, size large ⏬ ⏬ ⏬
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for a lil how it is/how it started ♡
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dognonsense · 11 months
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decked out my vest with some free badges at pride yesterday. Im really proud of how this vest is coming along!
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cherrirui-official · 4 months
Uhm uhm uhhh INCREDIBLY self indulgent Trolls Au that's centered around John Dory and Bruce called Beach Bros bc I like them and I think there should be more content surrounding them as a duo *looks at you with my big wet eyes*
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EXTREMELY short explanation + design refs under the cut! CW for mentions of drowning
There's a lot I got planned for it but for now the basics is that after I'd say around 8-10 years after Brozone split up, John Dory received the postcard that Bruce sent him. Now bc JD believed none of the other trolls were alive (since he went back after all the pop trolls escaped Bergen Town and found the Troll Tree empty) JD was ECSTATIC to find out that at least one of his brothers was still alive and immediately began searching for Bruce. Took him about a couple of days but eventually JD managed to locate Vacay Island!
And then almost drowned while crossing the waters... On Bruce's fucking wedding day.
After that ordeal, JD decides to live with Bruce and Brandi on Vacay Island!
Again there's a LOT more to it but it's late and I am extremely tired, I'm gonna go to sleep lol. ALSO if y'all have any questions abt the au, feel free to ask! I'd be more than happy to answer them as best as I can :] !!!!
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(also while making designs for them I accidentally made JD look much younger than Bruce I think, oops 😔)
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