#verse : post tfatws
burberrycanary · 8 months
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) ∘ a Post-TFATWS Stucky Fix-it
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Stucky, Endgame Fix-it, Road Trip Get Together
When Bucky doesn’t set the alarm again, Steve rolls the pencils back up, retying the narrow leather strap, and doesn’t let himself second guess making his way over and collapsing on top of Bucky on the couch. Gently, Bucky settles his hand on Steve’s head here in this dim quiet space where the last dusky light is falling out of the sky through the big picture window beside them.
Steve is eighty years too late for this to be a problem he could beat with his fists and a dangerous shield.
But right here, right now he can take a little care in thinking through how to put what he wants to say.
“You don’t gotta—not ever, Buck.” Because that's the most important part: Bucky gets to choose. “But you know I’d listen.”
Read Chapter 23 on AO3
Many thanks to my betas @village-skeptic​​​​​​​​​​​, @booksandabeer​​​​​​​​​​​ and @zenaidamacrouras1​​​​​​​​​​​ 😘
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wiintersfist · 7 months
HE'S WELL ACCUSTOMED TO KEEPING HIS HEAD DOWN. ' take the bus, james, ' his shrink insisted that morning, eyebrows raised and lips pursed into a tight line that boasted no nonsense, ' immerse yourself with the general public. keep your head up for a change. ' another day, another attempt to penetrate the bulletproof armor that bucky barnes wears snug around his body. only this time, she succeeded. a little bit. barely.
HE WOULD SAY HE LUCKED OUT when situating himself at the very back of a bus that's nearly empty, but it was entirely intentional. maybe he's not utilizing his HYDRA - crafted skill set to infiltrate governments and murder anybody in the organization's way these days, but you can't unravel what's been sewn within each crevice of his brain with such precision. he utilizes those skills to seek out a bus that he knows will be void of screaming children and sweaty men.
HIS HEAD ISN'T HELD UP, but doctor raynor will simply have to celebrate the small victories. instead, the soldier stares down at the notepad in his hands. he studies each name, crossed out or waiting for the chance, with a heavy feeling in his chest and a bad taste lingering on his tongue. making amends should feel good, and yet . . .
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MUSCLES TENSE. his head snaps up. eyes closely follow a woman as she ventures into the bus, his body shifting to the very edge of his seat as if he's anticipating the necessity to make a break for it. but she sits down. she's quiet. she's unassuming. like him, her nose is buried within a book ( one that he sourly hopes contains better content than the one balancing between his own hands ) .
HIS GAZE LINGERS. it has the ability to burn a hole through the side of her face. ❝ i know you. ❞ he speaks up, voice quiet beneath the uneven roar of the bus' engine. he doesn't smile. he doesn't exude any sort of warmth. but he elaborates, so as to not scare her out of her own skin : ❝ from the magazines. i read a lot of 'em. you work for stark, right? ❞
@dr-foster ➔ 023, the back of an empty bus.
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ao3feed-sambucky · 2 months
(who knew) I go where my heart goes; didn't know it'd lead to you.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MYhWnpP by mozzysticks (mbbmdymm) After the cookout of TFATWS, Bucky is once again alone in New York, adjusting to a new schedule to keep himself busy as he makes amends. When routine sets in, boredom becomes overwhelming. When an invitation to return to Delacroix comes, it shakes up his routine and stirs up feelings for a certain gap-toothed pretty boy he may be in denial about. Words: 2740, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of (sure thing) this love is a sure thing verse Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Marvel Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sarah Wilson (Marvel), AJ Wilson, Cass Wilson Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson Additional Tags: Falling In Love, Town of Delacroix Louisiana (Marvel), Bucky Barnes Feels, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, POV Bucky Barnes, Romantic Comedy, Fluff and Humor, Bucky Barnes Loves Sam Wilson, Captain America Sam Wilson, Post-Canon, Light Angst, Developing Relationship, Original Character(s) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MYhWnpP
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walkitoffrogers · 9 months
If we've never written together before, you'd like to try out a different muse with him, or you just want a new context for loved pairs, here's a quick rundown of all of Steve's verses that currently have open starters. As always, advance plotting welcome but not required if you prefer to just wing it!
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castaway: An MCU/616 mashup where the events of Castaway in Dimension Z happen midway during the five-year blip. Steve returns to his own universe (or possibly another one) with almost no time having passed for the ten years he spent trapped in Zola's world. Prior knowledge of this comics run is not required. Given that Steve could have ended up in any dimension, it's also ideal for fandom crossovers/AUs/duplicates/etc. (starter here)
gods & avengers: The Avengers are reincarnations of Greek gods, and Steve accepts the mantle of Hades during the battle of Wakanda to defeat Thanos and stop the snap from happening. Would love any/all Avengers or other muses as gods! I purposely left it vague about whether the whole world knows what they are, or if it’s a secret so wild nobody would believe it anyway, and I think both would be fun to explore. (starter here)
alt!tfatws: Instead of immediately returning the infinity stones, Steve returns to the past in an attempt to alter the timeline to keep Bucky from Hydra and Natasha from the Red Room. Instead, he’s captured by the Time Variance Authority and held for four months, until he conspires with Loki to break out. He returns to his own timeline the night of Sam’s Captain America speech. (starter here)
alt!postblip: Rather than return to the past, Steve passes the shield on to Sam and stays in the current timeline like a character who didn’t just undo 3+ movies of development. He’s there to help Bucky and Sam readjust to the world post-blip and learn the ropes on being Cap. (starter here)
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bloodstainedstar · 4 months
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Please note: This section will be updated from time to time.
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From late teenage years all the way until he falls from the train during a mission with Steve in 1945.
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From the time he gets picked up by Zola until he fights Steve in the Helicarriers in Washington in 2014.
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Post Winter Soldier, during his two years as a fugitive from SHIELD in Romania, and after Civil War. The only difference here is that he didn't go to Wakanda to get his programming out of his head with Shuri and Ayo's help, instead he got a pardon and is living in New York, trying to get accustomed to modern times.
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Post Civil War, it covers the years Bucky spends in Wakanda learning to embrace a peaceful life while receiving Shuri and Ayo’s help to get the HYDRA programming out of his mind.
Tracking: ❝ NOW YOU ARE FREE ❞ / VERSE
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After the events of Endgame. Steve doesn’t get stuck in the past and comes back from returning the stones. Bucky continues adapting to modern life in New York after obtaining a full pardon, supporting Steve and the Avengers when needed. My own take on the Thunderbolts verse (TO BE UPDATED).
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Steve got stuck in the past after the events of Endgame, and Bucky tries to move on without him in his life. After getting his pardon, he starts seeing a therapist and teams up with Sam to take down the Flag Smashers in the events of TFATWS.
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Follows the canon events from “Winter Soldier: Second Chances (2018)”. Sharon Carter approaches Bucky with an idea: helping him set up a program that helps him save criminals who want to leave the life of crime. He still uses the identity of the Winter Soldier.
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Captain America and the Winter Soldier have been trying to take down a shadowy organization known as the Outer Circle, which have secretly been manipulating both of their lives from the beginning as well as manipulating various other secret organizations like SHIELD and Hydra, being partially responsible for his years of brainwashing as the Winter Soldier.
Things came to a head when both Steve and Bucky confronted Revolution, an agent of the Outer Circle. Revolution told Bucky to kill him and take his place in the Outer Circle’s leadership. He played to Bucky’s thirst for revenge, telling the conflicted hero that he could take the organization down from within. Being against this, Steve shielded Revolution to prevent Bucky from going ahead with the plan but Bucky’s bullet went through Steve’s arm before killing Revolution.
Bucky remakes himself for the Outer Circle. He sheds his domino mask, restyles his arm, attaches a new arm, and dons a new uniform. He then walks into an Outer Circle leadership meeting, and reveals his new codename.
“I am not the soldier. Or the partner. Or the weapon. Or the Starpoint. Those men were Bucky Barnes. And Bucky Barnes is gone. Now I’m the man who’s gonna upend your world. You can call me the New Revolution.”
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Post Winter Soldier, Bucky gets captured by SHIELD and despite Steve's efforts, he is imprisoned to later appear in front of a judge and a jury, awaiting his trial for everything he has done as the Winter Soldier. In the same trial, Natasha testifies about the Red Room, as well as Steve, Sam, and some others.
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cybernetic-asset · 10 months
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[ please forgive me // i've got demons in my head ;; textpost ] [ ;; face ] [ we can get a little crazy just for fun ;; NSFW ] [ i don't play around that often ;; prompt ] [ it's a closed discussion ;; answer ]
[ The War Was in Color ] -> 40's era [ There is Noone Here But Me ] -> Post-fall but pre-WS [ Counting Bodies Like Sheep ] -> Winter Soldier Era [ A Means to an End ] -> Post-Winter Soldier to Civil War [ TBD ] -> Wakanda Era [ TBD ] TFATWS Era
Character Specific
[ Zemo ;; We laid our names to rest // Along the dotted line ] [ Loki ;; You're familiar // Like my mirrors years ago ] [ Steve ;; I know you'll find me here // After the fall ] [ The Captain ;; Such a pure devotion to your skin ] [ Rumlow ;; Open up my box and pull the strings ]
This list will update continuously, check back for more
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vvolfstare · 11 months
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✪ main ✪ bio ✪ face ✪ muse ✪ wishlist ✪
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general I play Bucky based on an MCU timeline with 616 plots/connections added as needed. Specifically, I almost always include his history with Natasha in the Red Room, whether that relationship was romantic or platonic.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Bucky with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Steve Rogers (happy to write and rewrite every AU for my favorite idiots), Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Brock Rumlow Possible Ships: Natasha Stark, Matt Murdock, Tony Stark, probably most of the Avengers NOTPs: Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Howard Stark, Alexander Pierce, MCU Peter Parker (he thinks of him more like a son or a little brother), most muses who are significantly younger (if he's calling them "kid," he's gone dad-mode, sorry) Family: I have a lot of love for Dad!Bucky and Brother!Bucky, so I'm always happy to play against his canon or OC kids and siblings Other: all Avengers, Kobik, Ian Rogers, Logan Howlett, Howling Commandos
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default verses:
catfa: An MCU verse with any events that take place during or before Captain America: The First Avenger, before Bucky's fall from the train.
winterverse: An MCU/616 verse with Bucky's time as a captive, first with the Soviets and then with HYDRA. (winter!soldier)
catws: An MCU verse with any events that take place during Captain America: The Winter Soldier or relate to Project Insight. (winter!soldier)
cacw: An MCU verse with any events that include Bucky's time on the run, including the Avenger's Civil War and his time in Wakanda, leading up to the battle against Thanos.
alt!postblip: A post-Endgame canon-divergent MCU verse where Steve passes the shield on to Sam and stays in the current timeline like a character who didn’t just undo 3+ movies of development. He’s there to help Bucky and Sam re-adjust to the world post-blip and learn the ropes on being Cap.
tfatws: An MCU verse that takes place during or after the events of The Falcon & the Winter Soldier.
thunderbolts: An MCU post-TFATWS verse where Bucky continues trying to atone for the Winter's Soldier's actions by joining the Thunderbolts.
mcu: An MCU verse with any events taking place after Bucky breaks from HYDRA, usually divergent from the above timelines.
616: A mix of 616 and headcanons, typically written for comics muses who don't acknowledge things like the MCU Civil War or Thanos.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
mcu/comics aus:
captain!barnes: Any AU verse where Bucky takes the serum in Steve's place, or Steve falls from the train and Bucky picks up the shield.
dad!verse: Any MCU/616 mashup AU where Bucky has canon or OC children. While I'm happy to accept children from any muse, please do not assume Bucky is still with the other parent in the present timeline without prior discussion unless they're on the OTP list.
earth-3490: A blip comics universe where Steve is married to Natasha Stark (Iron Woman). When he discovers the Winter Soldier file, he takes it to his wife, she has time to adjust to the idea, and the Avengers’ Civil War never happens. Also open to a poly ship with Steve/Toni/Bucky in this verse.
hydra!world: A comics universe set in Earth-85826, where fascist dictator Arnim Zola rules the world with HYDRA. Bucky works deep undercover as a double agent within HYDRA while secretly helping the resistance.
superhusbands: An MCU AU where Bucky doesn’t fall from the train in the Alps. Steve catches him, and they go after Red Skull together. They’re both on the Valkyrie when it crashes into the ocean and wake up together seventy years later.
welcome to westview: Roughly a month after Endgame, Natasha is dead and Steve has returned to the past. Devastated and struggling with rehabilitation, Bucky ventures into Westview with Wanda for a false happily ever after scenario.
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fandom specific aus:
bodyguard: A no-powers AU where Bucky is an ex-Army Sergeant who now works in private security.
horror!verse: Bucky is infected with lycanthropy during his time as the Winter Soldier. (werewolf!bucky)
super!mcu: A mash-up of the Supernatural and Marvel Cinematic universes, where the Winchesters manage to stop the first apocalypse shortly before Thanos snaps away half the universe.
twd!verse: A zombie apocalypse AU that follows a Walking Dead timeline. Bucky may still be a prisoner of HYDRA or surviving on his own.
you jump, i jump: A Titanic AU set in 1912, where Bucky is being forced to marry a woman he barely knows to preserve his family's name and fortune, but he meets someone aboard the ship who has him dare to imagine a different life.
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awnterslder · 2 years
ayo  !  i’m  terrible  at  keeping  up  with  my  own  interest  trackers,  but  i  love... world  building  ??  throwing  back  and  forth  visuals  and  details  about  our  muses  ??  who  they  are  as  separate  people  and  together,  whatever  dynamic  they  find  themselves  to  be  in  🥰🥰🥰  uhh,  so  i  guess  consider  this  a  plotting  call  ??  i’ll  come  start  yelling  at  you  about  headcanons...   
under  the  cut  are  just  verses  /  visuals  we  could  explore  (  that  i’ve  been  vibing  with  lately  )  ———  feel  very  free  to  comment  or  send  in  an  ask  (  i’ll  answer  ‘em  privately  or  just  throw  myself  in  ur  dms  !  )  to  specify  what  you’re  interested  in...  it  helps  a  lot  because  ya  girl  is  incredibly  indecisive,  though  you  are  more  than  free  to  send  in  multiple  !!
🚩  :  tfatws  /  post-tfatws  :  this  is  pretty  open  to  anything. he’s  working  on  his  sense  of  self  and  some  more  of  his  amendments.
👻  :  bucky  in  madripoor  :  slipped  back  into  the  shadows  to  tie  up  some  loose  ends  in  regards  to  old  soviet  projects  /  hydra  projects.  hops  back  and  forth  between  his  and  natasha’s  safe  houses.
😎  :  undercover  missions  :  our  muses  are  undercover  somewhere  !  whatever  dynamic  they’ve  developed  for  their  covers. what  their  mission  is  ??  i  dunno,  we’ll  figure  it  out. deep  undercover  or  something  a  little  shorter.
🔪  :  the  winter  soldier  :  set  anywhere  between  the  late  1950′s  -  2014.  takes  a  lot  of  inspo  from  the  comics  +  headcanons.  anywhere  closer  to  2000  -  2014  generally  follows  the  mcu.
🤟  :  modern  au  /  the  dad  au  :  a  somewhat  underdeveloped  au,  just  sort  of  a  ‘what  if?’  feeling  ———  explores  bucky  trying  his  best  to  be  a  good  father  figure  to  his  daughter,  winnifred.  winnie  or  win  for  short.
🗣  :  stranger  things  :  hello  ???  the  parallels  between  hopper  /  bucky  are  so  uncanny. he  could  be  a  cia  agent  that  is  looking  into  the  happenings  of  hawkins  from  a  distance... maybe  he’s  disguised  as  a  neighbor  or  working  at  some  old  vintage  store  to  keep  an  eye  on  things,  he  could  be  the  winter  soldier  undercover  in  hawkins,  or  he  could  be  the  winter  soldier  stationed  in  the  gulag.
👀  :  other  :  y’got  something  for  me,  bestie  ???  could  be  anything  else  in  my  verses  page,  or  if  you’ve  got  another  idea  /  dynamic  you  wanna  explore !
and  if  you’re  cool  with  things  possibly  getting  shippy,  then  you  can  add  ‘💙’  if  you  wanttttt...  (  also  bc  i’m  dense  as  heck  )  if  not,  that’s  awesome  too  !  😎
and  if  you  wanted  my  disco  it’s  yucky  #6234  !  just  let  me  know  what  your  handle  is  before  you  add  me,  please  and  thank  you !
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redvanillabee · 2 years
What is the worst meta you have encountered. What claim has been so preposterous that you have contemplated deleting the Internet. Please bless us with others’ failures of critical thinking
Trust me, Mundie, when I say I have wiped most of them from my brain. Otherwise I will surely have gone insane.
I do remember reading something that is clearly a headcanon being billed as a meta. I think it was something for TFATWS; someone was literally headcanoning what Sam and Bucky might have done during the off-screen downtime, either between episodes or in the time-skip in a montage. They were headcanons inspired by canon events and characterisation, sure, but they are theories, speculations, and creative writing on what Sam and Bucky have gone up to in that unmentioned time. Then that OP tagged the post as 'meta' and I just, *facepalm* my child, that is not meta. Meta is analysis. You wrote a headcanon post. Please learn the word.
The actual 'bad' take I've seen isn't one meta, but I see people keep trying to refute it, and it is: the idea that AC/AOS is somehow not MCU canon, and they need Marvel to somehow 'adopt' AC/AOS back and 'make it MCU canon'.
LIke, first of all, AOS literally is an offshoot of MCU; you have the same Coulson as in The Avengers (2012). Same for AC; you have the same Peggy Carter. Please. (Not to mention the fact that James D’arcy’s Jarvis has already been adopted into the MCU, a la Endgame.)
There was this whole deal about how AOS has split off from MCU from S5, and I really don't understand. They say that because Daisy prevented Earth from being shattered by her/Graviton, it has created a new branching timeline and therefore is no longer in the same MCU timeline.
Which. My brother in MCU. Allow me to point you to Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 20.
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Thanos was heading to Earth as the events of AOS S5 were unfolding. I really would say when Daisy prevented the Great Quakening from blowing Earth apart, she ensured that the real MCU timeline could continue, that there would still be an Earth for Thanos to land on and for the events of Infinity War to take place. How have they created a branching timeline please enlighten me.
Then those same people were saying that S6 was definitely not in the MCU timeline, because no one got blipped and the team did not address the Snappening. Again, my brother in MCU, do you know which other main MCU team didn’t get blipped? That’s right, OG6 Avengers. Just because no one got blipped doesn’t mean the blip didn’t take place.
As for the whole ‘the blip didn’t get addressed’ thing, I think we can all agree that Marvel is pulling a lot of strings in the background deciding what can/can’t AOS mention, but the plot of S6 does not suggest that it can’t take place concurrently with the aftermath of the blip. Think about how small the scope of S6 and S7 actually is. They were mostly in the Lighthouse, I think there was one park scene, they were in rural Ohio for a while, in a desolate temple somewhere...and then they travelled into the past! For all we know, while Daisy was busy containing that atomic bomb on Sarge’s death mobile, Steve could be out there holding a support group with gay Joe Russo.
There were some points made out there about continuity issues between AC/AOS and main MCU, but like—look, Marvel is three plot points wearing one big trench coat pretending to be one cinematic universe. There are loads of show out there with blatant plot holes or continuity issues, like Glee, but we don’t go around saying ‘x episode of Glee doesn’t count as canon Glee-verse’, right?
(Also. Since the beginning of the MCU, Disney’s been putting more and more Marvel attractions in Disneylands around the world, where the general premise is at least MCU-adjacent if not compliant. If you take a look at those Marvel attractions, you will find that AC/AOS are at least Disneyland-canon. In Avengers Campus Paris, there’s a restaurant furnished as ‘an old SSR facility’ that showed Peggy’s red hat from AC, as well as a picture of Michael Carter. In Hong Kong Disneyland, they put the Blitzkrieg Button in the Howard Stark section of ‘Stark Expo’, regularly play the AOS theme outside the SHIELD building, and feature the 0-8-4 from S1E02 in the SHIELD equipment room.)
So yea. This turned from lowkey dragging bad meta into writing essentially a counter meta.
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gotlostonmywayhome · 2 years
I got a theory about Phase Four of the MCU. I have no idea if anyone else has posed this or something similar so, this might not be as interesting as I think it is. Or I could be waaaaaaaaaay off base. I’m going to put it out here anyway cause why not.
I think Phase Four is disjointed because the movies and TV shows are taking place in different multiverses from one another and that is going to be a big reveal in Phase Five.
You still with me? 
Okay, let me explain.
Phase Four started out with our heroes who were brought back by the blip and living with the aftermath. It was Wanda dealing with the loss of the family she always wanted and never got the chance at. Sam and Bucky were trying to figure out their place in a post-Avengers world. Things were still anchored in the Infinity Stones saga, dealing with the aftermath of half the population returning and the chaos it created. WandaVision and TFATWS along with Hawkeye work as companion pieces in their way. They are the only three shows that live in the aftermath of the Snap/Blip. She Hulk and Ms Marvel mention the events of Endgame but the chaos of half the population disapearing and returning are not a thing anyone deals with or even mentions in either show.
Then Loki sets up the multiverse that was hinted at in Endgame with the first season ending on the fracturing of the Prime Timeline Kang tried to keep as the only timeline. New timelines similar to the MCU started to form. Every movie and series since has been disjointed from the story line Phase Four started with.
Hawkeye, WandaVision, TFATWS, Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Spider-Man: NWH and Doctor Strange: MOM all take place during the Prime Timeline. Everything else might have some commonality, but are in a diferent universe.
Spider-Man: NWH and Doctor Strange: MOM have a connecting thread, but none of the other moves do. Every Phase Four entry since Loki have virtually no running plot thread or even seem to acknowledge something that happened in a previous series, not like how Phases One thru Three did. No mentions of two kaiju sized Egyptian Gods fighting in streets of Cairo in Ms Marvel or She Hulk. How has no one seen the dead Celestial sticking out of the ocean? Wong mentions that memory erasing spells are messy, but is that a reference to NWH or something else that happened in that universe? The end credits of episode 5 of She Hulk hint that mutants may already be a thing (shoes referencing Deadpool, Cyclops, Cable, and several others) and I wonder if that is a fun Easter Egg for us nerds to squee over or a hint.
Kang and the Multiverse saga is coming so, what if Phase Four is setting up all these other ‘verses and not outright telling us so it can be a reveal in Phase Five. Phase One set up the idea of Infinity Stones and Thanos before it was finally revealed that would be the overarching storyline during Phase Two.
No one is communicating and I’m putting more thought into the MCU than the creators are.
(I feel like the latter may be the truth)
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burberrycanary · 1 year
Still Left with the River (The Paradox of Motion) ∘ a Stucky Post-TFATWS Fix-it
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I’ve finished Still Left with the River (The Paradox of Motion), which is a post-Endgame, post-TFATWS Stucky fix-it that involves a lot of food.
Food serves many roles in the story, picking up from how eating together can be social and communal as we see at the end of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Food also holds memories—finding what you ate as a kid again or pulling back up shared memories that haven’t come to mind in a while. And food is part of how this story is a complicated love letter to New York City.
But, especially for Bucky, food is a doorway back into the world. It’s a way to be kind to himself and experience pleasure with his body that was tortured and controlled for so long: turned against him. Food—restaurants, bars—are also a way for Bucky to get out of that brutally bare apartment and be around people again; to have a chance to form new connections in a world where pretty much everyone Bucky has ever loved is gone. What he has left is New York, which like him is still here, however changed—rebuilt over and over, transformed beyond recognition maybe but persisting in its bones, in the essential parts.
But then Steve’s body has experienced a lot of pain in his life, too, and he knows a hell of a lot about loneliness.
In this story when Steve comes back, Bucky is generous enough to want to share with Steve some of what he’s found—parts from their shared past that have endured into the present and some of the tender-pale and fragile-green shoots pushing up out of Bucky’s destroyed and rebuilt life—while Steve is struggling to find his footing in a world that’s once again changed while he was gone.
To borrow a line: I love you. I want us both to eat well.
Of course, Bucky would be generous with Steve. But also, after loss piled on loss, Bucky has somehow gotten back the only other person on earth who could understand so much, who can remember with him. Though regaining something isn’t the same as getting to keep it, which Steve and Bucky know all too well.
“Steve.” Bucky’s thumb runs back and forth through the fine short hairs at the nape of his neck. “C’mon. Come upstairs. You’re gonna love this. Gołąbki and kopytka. They do it right with fried onions and a little sugar on top. Everybody forgets the sugar.”
Leaning closer, Steve thunks his forehead right into Bucky’s, which is a small jarring hurt he didn’t mean.
“But not us.”
“That’s right,” Bucky says quietly. His warm living breath fans out against Steve’s face, from the corner of his mouth across the lower half of his cheek. “But not us. So c’mon, you mook. Up.”
Still Left with the River is a story about survival. It’s a story about food, art and grief.
For those curious, a list of foods in the image from the story are below in the cut.
1) Classic halal cart chicken shawarma
2) Fries, served with aioli not ketchup, that came with their lamb burgers and...
3) Orval trappist ale
4) Grocery store cookies, the kind that come on a plastic tray
5) Pastrami sandwiches
6) Peak summer peaches
7) Sorrel (aka Jamaica)
8) Gołąbki with rice and meat
9) A huge diner breakfast with both pancakes and hash browns
10) Old fashioned sugar cookies
11) Whiskey (I figure Steve has been around enough to pick a good bottle by now)
12) Harissa cake (aka Basbousa)
13) The NYC cheese slice speaks for itself
14) Horchata, and...
15) Oreja tacos
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wiintersfist · 7 months
THE MOON'S BRIGHTNESS is dimmed by the gloom of clouds overhead. they conceal stars from view and selfishly elbow their way to the forefront of the night sky. owls coo overhead and crickets chirp down below. there's a featherlight breeze that makes the trees sway back and forth in a tedious, timid dance. fingers curl into fists from where they're buried deep within his pockets, the muscles in his jaw fluttering beneath the pressure of clenched teeth.
THERE'S A CHILL IN THE AIR. it isn't the kind of chill that makes itself known with a punch in the gut when you open your front door in the morning, but it's there. breeze tickles his cheeks. he shifts his weight from one foot to another. he struggles to quell a tight pull in his chest, just as he struggles to swallow back a lump lodged in his throat.
BUCKY BARNES IS NO STRANGER TO GRAVEYARDS. he's visited plenty since freeing himself from the shackles of HYDRA. it never gets any easier to stare down at a tombstone, trace your fingers along letters that spell out a name you remember too well. but this is difficult in a different way. he's not responsible for the body that lies deep within the earth.
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JOHN IS. or, at the very least, he feels that way. the soldier steps forward, attempting to keep his presence unassuming and light. few would use the word light to describe any aspect of his personality, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try. for all of their differences, bucky knows how john walker feels right now. he's felt that same overwhelming guilt eating away at every fiber of his being countless times before.
HE'S QUIET WHEN HE STEPS BESIDE THE BLOND. it's funny, really -- out of the corner of his eye, he very well could mistake john for steve. strong shoulders, boyish hope turned realistic exhaustion, undeniable pain and guilt written across his features. he stares straight ahead at lemar hoskins' headstone, memories of wide, frantic eyes turned lifeless and blood raining down on a city square.
❝ Y'DOIN' ALRIGHT? ❞ his voice is low, his words unassuming. he doesn't push john to talk, doesn't even spare him an expectant glance. it's easier to bottle it all up and bury it deep down inside where it'll never see the light of day again. he knows that better than anyone. but he also knows how unhealthy it is, courtesy of one doctor raynor. screw her.
@battletrio ➔ 009, an empty cemetery at night.
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zemothethirteenth · 11 months
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Main Verses
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{ Colonel } Family deceased ; commander of EKO-Scorpion
This verse covers the years between Age of Ultron and TFATWS; this is Zemo’s heavy researching period, though it may also cover the two days in which he’s looking for his family. This verse is also useful for anyone who wants to mess around with how CACW plays out. There will be little to no playful flirting from this verse.
~ Ideal for : Scorpions ; Bucky Barnes (in Winter Soldier mode) ; Avengers looking for an antagonist (I’m cool if you’re looking for an antagonist in your multi-character thread, just shoot me a message and we can figure out a fit) ; Avengers who would like to be better at making amends than the MCU allowed them to be.
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{ Baron } TFATWS Era ; nebulous Zemo parole universe ; you trust him, don’t you? - Default Verse
Can be during or immediately post TFATWS. I will always assume post TFATWS if a timeline isn’t specified. The circumstances of his parole are actively nebulous and may change from interaction to interaction to better suit the thread / plot.
~ Ideal for : Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Sharon Carter, John Walker, Lemar Hoskins, Flagsmashers
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{ Citizen V } Speculative Thunderbolts ;
Assumes that Zemo has been released on parole explicitly to 'work off' his debt to society.
~ Ideal for : Bucky Barnes, Yelena Belova, John Walker, Ava Starr, Alexei Shostakov, Antonia Dreykov, Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
Alternate Universe
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{ Hunter } Canon divergent; Family deceased ; HYDRA hunter and infiltrator ; commander / former commander of EKO-Scorpion
Drawing lightly from 616 and fanon; Zemo’s parents were formerly members of HYDRA, with his father a well-positioned operative in their Sokovian division, and his mother a scientist working on the Human Enhancement Process with the mind stone. Zemo had been mostly unaware of their involvement until after both had passed (along with Karl and Heike) in an ‘accident’ that he suspects might’ve been something less accidental. With access to their documentation and files, and his command over EKO-Scorpion, he’s taken to trying to find out as much as possible about HYDRA through whatever means necessary, while simultaneously ridding the world of them.
~ Ideal for : Most people, really. This verse exists primarily for ease of interaction for those who want to play with a different dynamic. * NOTE : This verse means that either CACW did not occur, or Zemo was not the perpetrator of it as his beef is no longer with the Avengers over his family's death. It may also mean that he's mistakenly made his way into someone else's universe due to HYDRA shenanigans or other methods.
{ hunter-slip } - the same as above, just in the 1940s
(Starter here)
~ Ideal for : Bucky; pre-serum Steve; Howard Stark; etc.
Mutual Specific Verses
{ Husband } - exclusive to Heike being alive (ofsokovianbaronesses)
In which Heike survived the fall of Novi Grad, but was comatose / an amnesiac during CACW-era, and went into hiding in Madripoor upon Zemo’s arrest. Baron-Adjacent.
{ chaos&contempt } - exclusive to Loki and Zemo being in a very cold truce due to Bucky (kissedbymischief & thecoldsoldiers)
In which Zemo and Loki have a very, very strained relationship that is formed entirely around the fact that they are both respecting Bucky enough to not kill each other. For now. Baron-Adjacent.
{ Two Kinds of Hearts } - exclusive to Bucky and Zemo's wedding threads (smertzimy)
In which Bucky and Zemo have begun an entirely too fast relationship that has resulted in them getting married. Everyone's worried, but they seem happy. Baron-Adjacent.
{ Bound To You In Sin } - exclusive to Secret Relationship thread (bloodstainedstar)
In which Bucky and Zemo are dealing with a relationship that they both know can't be allowed to come to light. As such, they're having to work hard to maintain that secrecy. Baron-Adjacent.
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polizwrites · 2 years
WIP Update - 6 July 2022
  A more successful week  - I touched 6 fics (1 WIP & 5 new works) for a total of  2291 words.   I posted the next chapter of my eventual Stuckony Star Wars AU WIP,  and kicked off a new  Stony Western AU  WIP with its first chapter.  I’ve also posted fics for the first three days of  the  @steverogersweek event:   a bit of pre-war Stucky fluff,   a domestic Stony ficlet  and a  Team Cap as family ficlet.    I also posted a WinterIron reflective free-verse-ish piece  for last week’s @flashfictionfridayofficial  prompt and a @starkbucksbingo square here on Tumblr.
I’m sitting at 8 active WIPs  (with a couple of maybe TBCs)  with my current   deadlines being the finish of the Steve Rogers Appreciation Week, and my submission for the @reforgedzine - which I haven’t done much more than think about as of yet.
See below cut for the WIPs  (arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc) I am working on  -   feel free to send me prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding any of these projects   (or any other WIPs I’ve got out there) – they really help feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Steve | Tony | Bucky Bingo Round 2 [STBB R2]  (Runs thru 30 Jun 2022)
Ended up with 21 squares filled with 16 fanfics  -  see my Masterpost for details
Avengers Bingo [AvB] (Runs thru 24 Dec)
Two  fills posted and 0 WIPs - I decided to further challenge myself by pairing up each square with a unique combo of 2 original MCU Avengers! With the help of the STB Enthusiasts Discord folks - I’ve got all 16 squares   planned out, at least in terms of who to write about, and half of them have some sort of idea or crossover square to go along with them. Feel free to toss other plot  bunnies my way…  
* A2 - On the Run  - Natasha & Steve - crossover with  MWAPB - Farmer’s Market?   post CA:CW Wakanda ?
*  A4 - Mutual Pining  - Steve/Thor - crossover with  MWAPB - Thor.
* A3 - Reunited  -   Clint & Natasha  -  Endgame Ronin scene?
* B1 - Death - possible crossover with  MWAP Crying square – post Snap Bruce & Steve  mourning?
*  B3 - Road Trip  -  Bruce & Thor  - Post Grandmaster, pre-Thanos  space shenanigans
*  C1 - Opposites Attract - Clint/Thor  - there was a fun Tumblr  headcanon going around about a Bumbling Foreigner whose ignorance of  local customs  results in him flirting with/proposing to the prince -  this seems like a perfect matchup!  
* C3 - Reincarnation AU  -  Natasha & Tony  - post-Endgame
* C4 - Bodyguard AU  -  Thor/Tony  -  young!Tony - crush on Cap plays into attraction  (obvious title - Thunderstruck)  - holding on this til next round of TSB.  
* D1 - Friends w/ Benefits  - Clint/Steve - crossover with MWAPB Hawkeye/Clint Barton.
D2 - Romeo & Juliet AU  -  basic idea:  Steve (jock) & Tony  (geek) trying out for title roles in R&J - despite their respective  friend groups thinking it’s a terrible idea.  Both cliques end up  becoming friends.  
*  D3 - Bed Sharing  -  Bruce/Natasha - AoU compliant.
Man With a Plan (Steve Rogers) Bingo [MWAPB] (Runs thru 31 Dec)
Six fills, 1 WIPs and several Vague Ideas/potential cross fills with other bingos.  Prompts cheerfully accepted!  
* B2 - Next Door Neighbors  - filled this with Chapter 1 of Come Down From Your Fences  (And Open the Gate) which came in at 765 words. 
* B3 - Farmer’s Market  - see  AvB On the Run above
* B4 - Powerless AU  - if Sunqueen and I decide to continue   Wrong Number, Right Call ,  this would be a good fit.  
* B5 - “I don’t really want to wake up just yet.”  - this would probably be a good fit with Chapter 5 of   Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’) which has been stalled for a bit at 747 right in the middle of a smutty scene.  Planning to circle back to this next month.  
* I1 - Steve is here for TFAtWS  - this might go well with my BBB  “Oh, hell no"  square - Steve trolling  Bucky & Sam by sending the old man in with his shield?  (moodboard & ficlet?)
* I2 - Found Family  - filled this with Ain’t No Party Like a ‘Saved the Universe’ Party  which came in at   1546 words.   
* I3 - Thor  - see AvB Mutual Pining above
* I5 - Dogsitting - possible crossover with  BBB “Run”  square - Steve & Bucky dogsitting for Lucky?  (moodboard + ficlet)
* N1 - School AU/Teacher AU  - if I decide to continue on with Technicalities (see Stucky Bingo  College AU above)  - I could fill this square  :: ponders::
* N3 - Online shopping - this might be fun as a crossover with BBB Thighs …?  (even tho lingerie is a “nah” for me) Steve and Tony buying a new wardrobe for Bucky  that show off his ass-ets?
* G4 - Canon Divergence post CA:TWS - possible  crossover with BBB  Kill List Bucky wreaking havoc on Hydra bases and  Steve & Sam catch up with him
* O1 - Crying - see AvB Death square above
*  O2 - Sex Pollen  -  Teenage Groot pollen =  aphrodisiac  hi-jinks. Quill & Gamora  warn the  couple (stucky)/throuple (Stuckony)  ahead of time, so no  dub-con.
* O3 - Hawkeye/Clint Barton  -  see AvB - Friends w/ Benefits  above.
StarkBucks Bingo - Round 3  (SBB_R3) - Ends 31 Dec
1 fills, 0 WIPs and 2 vague ideas - need to see what potential crossfills I can come up with. 
* I4 - Canon: Avengers Academy  - will probably do Stuffed Marvels sketches of Tony and Winter, as I know very little about the game/canon. 
* G1 - Flower crown - came up with an idea to go along with a past Flash Fiction Friday prompt: Dancing in Sunshowers: Bucky making a crown for Morgan - not sure whether to do as moodboard or ficlet (or a combo)
* G5 - “I’ll catch you.” Wrote  Salvaging Icarus  - a double drabble for this square and last week’s @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt:  [#FFF159 Pride Before The Fall].  Will post to Ao3 sometime next week.
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round 4 [BBB_R4] (Runs thru 7 Jan 2023)
Nine fills and  two WIPs -  looks like I’m already in good shape to start with  a Row 4 and/or Column K bingo!
* B3 - Sam Wilson|Falcon - this would be a good candidate for a continuation of After One Or Two False Starts
* U2 - AU: Roommate  - Still wanting to use the Meet Ugly prompt: 02. I bought a house three months ago but I’m finally moving in and discover you’ve been squatting because you’re homeless    – probably WinterHawk with  recovering!Bucky being the squatter in Clint’s apartment building.  
* U4 - AU: Arranged Marriage - will probably pick Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion  back up for this one.  
* U5 - Kill List -  see MWAP  - G4 - Canon Divergence.  Post CA:TWS above
* C2 - “Oh, hell no” - possible crossover with MWAP I1 - Steve is here for TFaWS
* C4 - KINK: Aftercare -  probably holding onto this until the TSB bingo 😁
* K1 - Thighs - possible crossover with MWAP: N3 - Online Shopping.   We had some fun in the Discord Bingo Party last weekend combining these prompts with Summer Holiday - here’s my summary:  Thanks to the wonders of the internet,   Sam had found the perfect outfit for his boyfriend to wear during their beach holiday – a high cut brief-style swimsuit - grey with a red star on one hip.   It would show off his thighs of betrayal perfectly.
* K2 - Comics - sew the  Stuffed Marvel Classic Comics Bucky Barnes I drew up last month.  
* K3 - KINK: Edging  - I have a smutty WinterIron idea for this - combining with TSB KINK: Orgasm Denial/Edging. 
* Y1 - “Do you trust me?” -  Using this for Chapter 5 of Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’) - Mission Four: Pour Some Sugar: Part 2.   Chapter 5 picks up mid-sexytimes with Steve and Bucky and is currently sitting at 705 words. Current Last Line:  [a little too NSFW]
* Y2 - Never the fall that kills you -  this might be the title for the remix I want to do of   Seeds of Love  (by the super-talented @hddnone). Crossing over with My TSB Secret Admirer square & may combined with a reverse hanahaki prompt from @lacrimula-falsa​   just for funsies.
* Y3 - “Run”  -  see MWAP I5 - Dogsitting above.
* ADOPTED1 - Peggy Carter - possible crossover with with MWAP - G3 - USO Tour (Peggy regaling Bucky with stories of Steve’s exploits while touring the US) or  N4 - Soulmates  (WW3some shenanigans!)
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 2  (SRB_R2) - Ends 31 Jan
Five fills posted and two WIPs, thanks mostly to the @steverogersweek event!
* A2 - Team Cap  - Posted Team Cap, Reunited  this morning as a crossover with SGR Week Day 3: Family.   306 words of the Barbershop Quartet celebrating Bucky’s freedom from the trigger words. 
* A3 - Domestic  - Posted  Baby You Can Wear My Clothes as a crossover with SGR Week Day 2: Clothes.  223 words of Stony clothes-sharing. 
* D1 - Pre-War Era - Posted A Fan for His Fella as a crossover with SGR Week: Day 1 - Birthday.  277 words of Stucky birthday planning fluff.
* D3 - Body Painting - crossover with SGR Week: Day 6: Art I have a basic idea for a soft Stony fic as a a follow up to Day 5? 
* D4 - Avengers Compound - wrote up A Star-Spangled Celebration as a  crossover with SGR Week Day 4: Food &Traditions  The gang gets together for Steve’s birthday, coming in at 499 words.
* E1 - Scars - Wrote up You Don’t Have to Hide as a crossover with SGR Week Day 5: Touch  549 words of Steve and Tony getting more comfortable with each other physically. 
* E2 - Comics Nomad Steve  - SWC sketch of Nomad!Steve
Tony Stark Bingo - Round 6  (TSB_R6)  {Ends 28 Feb]
Got my card and am raring to go!  Carried over two squares from the last round, and have several ideas to potentially play with. 
* T3 - Pepper Potts/Rescue -  remix of sabrecmc’s  Indecent Proposal
* A2 - KINK: Alpha/Beta/Omega Society - next chapter of Flawed Hypothesis or an idea that @deehellcat sparked over on the Discord server - potential collab?
* R2 - IronWidow  -  next chapter of Lady Natasha's Consort and Lord Steve's Companion ?
* K2 - Secret Admirer - see BBB Y2 - Never the fall that kills you
* K3 - KINK: Orgasm Denial/Edging -  see BBB KINK: Edging   
* K5 - Protectiveness -  @lacrimula-falsa tossed out a great  underworld AU prompt a while ago that I tweaked:  Tony (The Engineer) provides the best weapons and gadgets in the business and Steve is a master forger (The Artist).  They both discover someone has put out a hit on the other, hiring The Soldier.  If anyone wants to collab on this - let me know!
On other creative fronts:  I have a Yeti in progress with Count Orlok and Myotismon in the works. I currently have two August slots available.  Am also gearing up for a classic monster/horror con in October and a  superhero con in March - so need to build up stock for both.  
if  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts (for a friend or something for yourself!)  you can plan ahead for  the next holiday season and check   out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 80!).   They’re  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design  requests  for any fandom!
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retrocognznt-a · 3 years
@buckygetyourgun​ Gets a asshole child prodigy 
Another night in the studio, another night working until 3am. Of course she took breaks, and one big break to come back to the apartment to take her special needs dog outside and play a bit before returning. Khloee always had these stretches where she just painted and painted and painted until it was 3am and she needed to go home and take her dog out before bed.
Standing back from her station, she looked somewhat prideful as she idly washed her hands with her paint cloth. Returning to her easel, she moved the canvas off the frame, moving to put it up to dry. Settling it on the drying rack she hums to the music in her headphones.
but then the creaky metal door slams. 
she didn't flinch, since her flinch-instinct was severely suppressed. but she settled the painting down before pulling out an earphone and turning.
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“You're not a student.” She chuckles, knowing damn well who this guy is. “You probably shouldn't be here. Might get a fine.”
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masqe · 3 years
@crimsonscorpii ( bucky )
As the sun eventually sets, and takes with it the light of the day, Sam is forced to bring his training to an end. The weight of the shield in his hands is starting to become familiar, starting to become a part of himself that it needs to be in order for him to use it well. The rest of that weight . . . well, he's been carrying it ever since Steve had handed the shield over to him. Whether he's ready to wear it, and ready for the world to see him wear it, only time would tell.
A familiar figure stands on the porch. Was he watching Sam this whole time? Or was he waiting for him to finish up so they could have a conversation that the both of them might have been avoiding? Sam certainly has, though, since he kind of lives here, he'd left the ball in Bucky's court to decide when he would leave. Because that's what they'd agreed upon, right? That after all this was over, after the Flag Smashers were dealt with and Steve's legacy was safe and no longer in the hands of a stranger or the government . . . that they would go their separate ways. That's what Sam had said. Even if it's not what he'd ever wanted.
' You out bird watching, Buck? Can I get you a pair of binoculars? ' Usually, his delivery is great. There's never a joke he's messed the punchline of, never a retort that he's stumbled over. But this time the quip is said just for the sake of it. Because if he doesn't make light of this situation, he might just do something stupid. Like ask Bucky to stay.
He sets the shield down against the porch railing, then leans against the wood himself. He taps Bucky on the elbow. ' What's up with you ? '
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