#uterus health
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sup3rqu33n · 3 months
So I have an IUD for the past 2 years…
It’s been helpful. I’ve been in remission for a year now, and it’s amazingly unstressful… but it’s not all perfect… and things have been off.
I don’t have periods anymore, but I do get these monthly days where I have lots of mucusy stuff. I call it my ghost period, because cramps too. So like there ya go.
I have the iud because of endometrial neoplasia. My oncologist said the options were taking out the uterus or putting the iud in, and other such things.
So I was trying to explain it to ai but she didn’t get it. She did help me feel a little better though.
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drneelima · 17 days
Retroverted Uterus: Is It Normal or a Health Issue
The Retroverted uterus is a gynaecological condition where the uterus sits tilted towards the spine instead of its usual forward position. In most cases, this condition doesn’t affect reproductive health and is considered a normal variation in female anatomy. However, in some instances, this may impact regular bowel, urinary, and menstrual health too.
“We often find a Retroverted uterus a common denominator of urinary tract infection, painful periods, and abnormal pain during pregnancy or sexual intercourse. Some women even find difficulties using tampons, which is usually the case with a Retroverted uterus,” says Dr. Neelima Mantri, a leading gynaecologist and best laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai.
Know more at: https://www.drneelimamantri.com/blog/retroverted-uterus-is-it-normal-or-a-health-issue/
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Bombay Hospital And Medical Research Centre
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lenbryant · 8 months
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Making it illegal to use the roads to travel to a free state is so authoritarian dictator.
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redditreceipts · 7 months
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and, probably the most interesting thing I have read so far about uteruses:
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"the uterus is only for making babies and if I don't want to have babies I actually don't need it and they can just cut it out" is really just medical misogyny but you aren't ready for that conversation
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holistic womb healing tip:
aim to keep your womb warm by avoiding or limiting the amount of cold you put into your body and replacing it with warm foods + liquids. this increases blood flow to the uterus and aids in fertility! even if you're not trying to get pregnant, on a spiritual level, having a fertile womb allows you to naturally magnetize the things that you want in life with ease.
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eveshmeve · 1 year
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ode to iuds
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xiaq · 1 year
Me: Languishing on the couch like a victorian maiden if victorian maidens had electric heating pads.
B: Oh no, did your period start? Should we make hamburgers for dinner? To make sure you have enough iron?
Me: With pickles? And sweet potato fries?
B: Of course with pickles and sweet potato fries. Those help you absorb the iron, I'm pretty sure. Does that sound good?
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alex51324 · 8 months
A sensitive topic, but useful information
If you have a uterus, etc., and are dysphoric enough about it that you don't go to the gyno, here's a thing I learned this week that may come in handy one day, if you start having pain or other symptoms from that department:
There's a way you can at least get started on having all those organs checked out, without taking your pants off.
It's called a transabdominal pelvic ultrasound--you lay down, fully clothed, and just pull up your shirt as far as your ribcage, and undo your fly and push your trousers/underwear down to your hipbones. (And if you still feel too exposed, you can get a drape for the parts of your abdomen they aren't working on at any given moment.)
The technician goes over you with the little wand-thing (like you see on TV when pregnant people are getting a scan of the fetus); it takes a while, but it doesn't feel like much of anything.
Note: It's common, if you possess the relevant anatomy, for them to do what's called a transvaginal pelvic ultrasound along with the transabdominal one--that does indeed involve taking your pants off (and worse). It gives a better view of the ovaries, apparently, and it can be more convenient for them to go ahead and do that at the same appointment. But both my doctor and the technician who did the test were completely understanding and familiar with the concept that someone might not be up for that. All I had to do was hint to my doctor that I wasn't comfortable with the internal, and she said that was fine, we'd just do the transabdominal scan, and if that didn't provide enough information we'd talk about options based on whatever the findings were.
(The person at the central scheduling hotline, on the other hand, was kind of confused and kept trying to schedule me for the other thing, but honestly, I got the impression she was either very new to the job or just not the sharpest crayon in the box, bless her heart. Once I got in the room with the technician, she immediately grasped the situation and everything was fine.)
So it was all very easy and nontraumatic, and I probably should have had it done ages ago*. If you possess those organs, and are having pain or other symptoms in them that you've been hesitating to bring up** to a doctor because you're not comfortable having an internal exam, there are options available--hopefully your doctor will suggest it right off the bat, like mine did, but if not you can ask for it by name: transabdominal pelvic ultrasound.
(*I've got ovarian cysts, which is common and usually not a big deal, but if I'm reading the report correctly, mine are really quite surprisingly large. I haven't actually talked to the doctor about the results yet; with the holiday weekend it'll probably be Tuesday before I hear back.)
(**I didn't bring up the subject; the doctor felt something when she was palpating my abdomen during a routine physical, because of how fucking huge this cyst is. I should have brought it up.)
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pro-birth · 8 months
So according to various evolutionary models I have seen, they pinpoint the first childbearing/birthing animal to a female shrew-like mammal in the middle Jurassic period. And Idk what the science behind that would look exactly, but it got me wondering about how the uterus evolved with that ability.
I know a lot of feminists and women’s activists argue that the uterus is not primarily a childbearing organ. But maybe we should respect the fact that it kinda is? Maybe it isn’t a sexist thing to say if it’s literally ingrained in our normal biology?
Regardless of whether you have children, a healthy and functioning uterus has health benefits of all sorts for the woman who has one. I’m not saying that if the uterus is primarily for pregnancy then you have an obligation to become pregnant. BUT, the uterus was formed before, during, and after our mammalian ancestors gained the ability to birth live offspring. That is a fact, and you know what else?
This switch from egg laying to gestation is likely what enabled our ancestors to survive the meteor strike 65 millions years ago. Little pregnant Juramaia were able to flee into caves and other safe crevices while the world burned and froze over and struggled to equalize. Countless lives of our own ancestors in turn were able to share space more effectively by not having to leave behind eggs to guard in what little room they had.
It was the childbearing purpose of the uterus that has allowed humanity to thrive and survive. This primal tradition can even be seen in historical and present day women figures fighting for changes and their own destinies while pregnant!
I’m not saying that pregnancy is all sunshine and roses, or that it should be mandatory. I’m just saying that this ancient gift should be respected, at the least, for literally and figuratively birthing us. That we should respect the power our uterus holds for our own lives, just that fact that we COULD birth and raise little humans who can change the future.
The uterus is a childbearing organ that gave us life. I am okay with that; maybe if society was too, we can make it into a new age of true equity.
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alpha-whoore · 22 days
tips tmi para todxs lxs útero portantes en este agujero del infierno ♥️
- cambiense el tampón. no sé lo dejen quinientas horas. les va a hacer mal. creo que es entre 4 y 8 hs que hay que cambiarlo.
- vacíen la copita/ disco después de las horas recomendadas (o menos si están con el sangrado a full). les puede hacer mal y se van a cagar manchando como yo.
- no se dejen la toallita mil horas tampoco. las infecciones urinarias y demás que puede traer eso es tremendo. aparte de que se pueden paspar feo.
- usen ropa cómoda que les permita que les respire todo. es una paja que se les esté colando la tanga con la toallita puesta.
- si usan botellas de agua caliente o calentadores eléctricos, Ojo! tomen descansos y no se lo pongan directo sobre la piel. se van a cagar quemando.
- TOMEN AGUA E INTENTEN COMER BIEN. no me hagan ir a buscarlxs.
- el dolor no es normal. vean a sus ginecólogxs. pregunten. saque se dudas.
- si están sangrando más de lo que sangraron en su vida vayan al médico!
- todxs tienen un tip para limpiar sangre. si consultan con sus madres, padres, figuras parentales, amigues, etc, les van a poder recomendar la mejor solución es una paja igual. yo dejo todo en remojo con un poco de jabón en polvo sobre la mancha, si está muy arraigada un poco de bicarbonato (intenten que no pase tres días entre que se les mancho y entre que lo lavaron), y después lavarlo normal.
bueno. eso nomás. si se me ocurre algo más, les aviso.
✨besos, cuídense.✨
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soldier-poet-king · 29 days
Will my suffering never cease
- went to good Friday evening service even tho it's not a day of obligation, didn't go yesterday evening to Maundy Thursday for a variety of reasons
- priest manages to fit homophobia and transphobia into his sermon. Not even gay marriage. Just unions, that let ppl share taxes and have hospital visiting rights. And big bad scary surgery. Like. Completely unrelated to the matter at hand. Says SO LITTLE abt the Passion, managed to talk for 10 minutes without really saying ANYTHING. Takes Pilate's 'what is truth' and instead of engaging in the long philosophical and theological discussion around that question, decides to use it as a rallying cry against wokeism and a godless progressive society.
- my two ex best friends were there. Ran into them. + One's husband, who I introduced her to a decade ago. Like I'm mostly over that, no longer shitty and resentful, fully know that it was partially my fault and born from my own terribleness at 19 and undiagnosed untreated mental illness. Still uhhh hurts tho??? As a reminder?
- music bad. Ok I'm petty. I'll give the trads (1) point. I don't like guitar mass. I will NOT agree with the trads in assigning moral weight to my aesthetic preference. It's simply a preference, which does not make any musical form inherently superior to the others. But the triduum really lends itself to Latin hymns and chants, in my heart. My other fave church music is traditional Black spirituals. I would greatly prefer either. But just. If it sounds like an acoustic version of a pop love song. I just. I can't. I KNOW I'm the weird about Jesus romantically girlie. But I am not vibin with this folks
Literally would have simply Walked Out. Hit da bricks during the homily. But was with my family so 1) cannot out myself 2) did not have house keys on me, so I was suck regardless
Anyway I said I wasn't going to do fun things today but I'm so upset and cranky and I did chores all day, I am going to catch up on dungeon meshi. Marcille is my best favourite cringefail girl I'm obsessed with her and surely the wlw neurotic fussy mage who loves her friends will not betray me like this
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orbitalsockets · 2 years
I cannot explain how terrifying it is to come to the realization that I could be charged with felony manslaughter if my endometriosis and PCOS forced me to have a miscarriage because of the current upheavals of Roe vs Wade.I cannot explain how terrifying it is to realize that I could lose my birth control - the one thing that's kept my ovarian cysts in check for the last six years of my life. I cannot express how terrifying it is to come to the realization that if you have irregular periods, PCOS, endometriosis, migraines, anemia from heavy periods, or simply are not in the place to have children right now, you may lose the medication standing between you and a very different, more miserable, possibly fatal timeline.  Check in with the people in your life impacted by this - Let us cry and be mad and rant about how fucked up this is, because this isn't a conversation the courts should even be having. Reproductive health includes access to safe abortions. Reproductive health means not being called a murderer when your hostile uterus can't develop a fertilized embryo. Reproductive health means LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE WHOSE BODIES ARE BEING PUT AT RISK BY UPHEAVAL OF LEGISLATION.
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lostlegendaerie · 6 months
hey uterus-havers,
I'm looking for a long term birth control solution that suppresses periods as much as possible, since my IBS is trigged by said periods and appears to be linked to my endometriosis. I have been on Nexplanon for about 14 months and have been getting LOTS of ovarian cysts, one of which was 8cm in diameter and required emergency surgery to remove. I'm not very sexually active (maybe a couple hookups a year) and super super do not want a pregnancy. (I think it would kill me). My gynecologist is sweet but I'm not really satisfied with the options she's offered.
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megraen · 2 months
My Hysterectomy Journey
So, I thought I would explain this so other people could feel empowered to act as well.
But the backstory is that about two weeks after turning thirteen, my periods started. They were always very heavy, needing to use the extra and super pads, having to change them every two hours and lasted seven days. I was told that it was ‘normal’ to have heavy periods, and that they would adjust themselves.
At fifteen, when the flow hadn’t changed and my periods left me suffering with crippling cramps, nausea, back pain, diarrhoea, and even actual vomiting, I was put on the Pill. Estelle. It did little to help. But a friend told me that continuously taking the pill would stop my periods, so I did that.
After turning eighteen, I had discussed a hysterectomy with my doctor. He was against it because I was young and would regret the decision.
At the age of twenty-two, seven years of non-stop using of the pill, my doctor advised me to go off it. This was because I was suffering from daily pelvic pain that my doctor was convinced was caused by continuous use of the pill. Stopping made all those horrible symptoms I experienced on my periods come back.
For the next few years, I would have to continue dealing with my horrible period symptoms and the pelvic pain outside of my menstruation.
When I turned twenty-nine, I saw a new doctor. I expressed my concerns over my uterus and the issues listed above with the symptom I get. This doctor was the first person to tell me that using TWELVE pads a day wasn’t normal. From here, she got me a referral to a OBGYN, who ran a bunch of tests on me. Endometriosis.
For sixteen fucking years, I had been suffering with Endometriosis yet had been gaslit by everyone around me that what I was suffering was normal. So, after discussing my options with the OBGYN, the best answer for me was an Hysterectomy.
Now, understand. I had no desire for kids of my own. For multiple reasons: the world is overpopulated, my genetic tree is a bad one, the idea of pregnancy and labour scared me (I’d read up on what happens, and it’s just a NOPE from me), and the cost of raising a mini human is a lot financially, mentally, emotionally and physically. I have a nephew and two nieces, so even after holding them and caring for them, the desire to have one of my own still wasn’t there.
I want whoever to reads this to understand, that if you think something is wrong with your uterus or just want a hysterectomy in general, it is YOUR body. You know it best and what you want. Don’t let some doctor or anyone else pester and gaslight you. I didn’t in the end, and I got the surgery I had been wanting since I was fifteen years old.
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They took everything by the vagina and ovaries. And while it’s a six week recovery period, I have never been more content in my life. The ongoing pressure in my pelvic area is gone, as we believe it was caused by the endometriosis, and that I will never have to deal with another heavy seven day period cycle again is PERFECT.
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