#until it's so overworked that I hate it lmao
livvyisb0red · 5 months
“Let me cheer you up ;)”
Wealthy!Best Friend!Hawks x Stressed!Reader
Summary: Keigo’s beloved best friend has been overly stressed with work at their agency; his only way he thought to calm them down is to have a night-in at his penthouse with some drinks and music.
- Best Friends to Lovers (?) -
**CW: overworked, kissing, alcohol, cuddling
*Reader is a prohero with their own agency
Another sigh fell from his mouth as Keigo set his phone on the small table in front of him, careful not to knock over his glass of water.
“My one weekend off and everyone is busy!” He grumbled before falling back onto his sofa, the multicolored screen catching his attention as he sits upright, allowing him to fixate on the sitcom that illuminates from the screen.
A few episodes pass before his phone buzzes on the table.
*1 message from: Loser ^///^*
- dude i’ve had so much to do at my agency since my assistant got a new job - 9:30 pm
~ I bet :( Do you want me to send my assistant over to your agency? - 9:30 pm
- omg please i’d literally cry. - 9:31 pm
~ Of course! What all would he be doing? - 9:31 pm
He leaned forward to get a sip of his water before checking his phone again.
- honestly he could probably come in tomorrow. if there’s two of us looking through these reports we can get it done in about two hours. I’ll be paying him a little extra too since he isn’t part of my agency. - 9:32 pm
~ Alright! I wish you luck. You leaving now then? - 9:32 pm
- yeah probably. why? - 9:32 pm
~ I’m booooooooorrrreeeedd - 9:33 pm
Keigo had sent the message with hopes that his best friend would want to come over. He knew they’d want to!
- kei I’m so stressed idk. i just wanna chill tonight - 9:34 pm
Well this didn’t go as planned. He had another trick up his sleeve. Hoping it would work, he took a deep breath and pressed his thumb against the screen of his phone.
~ Let me cheer you up ;) - 9:35 pm
“Fuck why did I do that?!” Keigo immediately got anxious after sending that. What if they get mad? Will they hate him? Oh god. Intrusive thoughts starting swirling through his head, playing out the worst possible out come over and over again until…
- yeahh it’s friday why not lmao - 9:36 pm
Jumping off the couch, he cheered loudly before rushing back to his phone.
~ Dress up for me, and bring a bathing suit ;) - 9:36 pm
- okay feathers lol - 9:36 pm
Keigo rushed around his house speed cleaning everything to make sure it was nice for when (y/n) came over. He took the cover off of his hot tub, making sure it was the perfect temperature for the two of them. Throwing some snacks together on a plate for them, he thought it would be nice to pour some Rosé for them. Rushing to his room, he looks for something to where quickly finding some nice dress pants and a white button up for him to wear.
Taking off his t-shirt, he looks at himself in the mirror before taking a deep breath and throwing his dress shirt on, barely buttoning it up since they would be getting in the hot tub.
The knock on the door pulled him out of his trance, and brought him into a new one. He practically appeared at the door, opening it for his dazzling bestie.
“Hey feathers.”
Oh boy. They did NOT have to get that pretty for HIM. If it weren’t for his ego, Keigo would be on his knees IMMEDIATELY for them.
“Hi chickie” Keigo choked out with a wink. He took their hand leading them into his penthouse, while grabbing the glass of rosé to hand to (y/n).
“Oh my god, you didn’t have to do all this for me Kei! I’m serious!”
“Why wouldn’t I? After a stressful day I would wanna be pampered too.”
Walking over to his coffee table, he grabbed the remote putting on music that just begged to be danced to. Keigo strutted back to (y/n), hand out, inviting them to dance with him.
“Really, Kei?” (Y/n) shook their head, giggling before taking his hand and accepting the invitation.
The lights in the room changed to a hot pink before Keigo put his phone back on the table, looking back at his best friend, admiring their eyes. They danced for what felt like hours, the upbeat, glittery music mixed with the pink lights and alcohol had them ignoring anything that happened around them. Keigo grabbed (y/n)’s face, looking deeply into their eyes before asking a question which would change the night for the better.
“Wanna take a shot or two?”
Laughter erupted between the two of them before they made their way to his liquor cabinet, pulling out a bottle of Ciroc and two shot glasses. They each took a shot before chasing it down with more rosé. Slowly but surely they made their way back into the living room before Keigo looked at (y/n), gesturing to his balcony.
“Let’s take this outside, babe.” Keigo practically drooled from his mouth.
They both got changed in his room before making their way to his balcony, with Keigo leading the way and opening the sliding door. He climbed over the side before grabbing (y/n)’s hand, guiding them into the hot tub with him. Thoughts started swirling through Keigo’s mind. He wanted to put his arm over (y/n) more than anything, but the fear of ruining the relationship they had took over. So he just leaned back and looked over to the city around them. They both let out a sigh, soaking in the relaxing feeling of the warm water washing around them. Keigo jumped at the feeling of someone’s head on his shoulder, looking down at (y/n), who was looking back at him before shooting a wink. They both laughed, realizing the others feelings.
“You cool with this?” (Y/n) asked in an almost whisper-like tone.
“Uh YEAH!” He cheered, causing them both to burst into laughter for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.
They cuddled up to each other in the hot tub, his arm over their shoulder, their leg over top of his. Keigo looked at (y/n) with longing eyes before pulling them onto his lap. He looked up at them, running his hand up their body before resting it on the back of their head and pulling them into a kiss.
The kiss lasted hours in their head, when in reality it was only a few seconds. They looked at each other before Keigo let out a drunken giggle and kissing (y/n) once more, this one with more passion than the last. Alcohol running through their mouths, causing kiss to be sickeningly sweet to both of them. Keigo pulled away, leaving his hand on their waist.
“I think we are both too drunk for this, but just know that I’ve liked you for a long time. I don’t want anything happening between us while we’re drunk. I’d rather not have any regrets in the morning.”
(y/n) looked at him with the most mesmerizing smile Keigo had ever seen before kissing him once more and nodding in agreement.
“I was thinking the same thing, Kei”
They both got out of the hot tub, drying off before heading back inside.
“Do you want a sweatshirt and sweats to change into?” Keigo asked from his bedroom.
“Yes please! Thanks!”
Keigo came down the stairs with the promised clothes in his hands.
“You can get changed in my bathroom over there, you know where it is.”
Watching as his friend left the room before checking the time on his phone, 1:37 am.
“Wow” he laughed to himself before looking back up and seeing (y/n) in his hoodie and pants which were way too big for them, but he loved it.
He put his arm up, inviting them over to the couch with him so he could put his arm over them.
“You know it’s almost 2:00, right?”
“No?! That much time passed?”
“Yeah, we should get to bed, I got a TV in my room so we’ll have something to watch while we fall asleep.”
“But I just sat down!”
Keigo giggled before picking them up and carrying them up the stairs into his room and laying them on his bed. They both got under the covers before tangling themselves together. He didn’t even get to turn on the tv before they fell asleep together with a new future ahead of them.
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mothytheghost · 7 months
Rgb's Harsh reality and past
Today I would love to explain the details and how his world around him was messing him up. This will have Spoilers so please avoid if you haven't read or finish this comic! Remember Im not a great person at explaining things because of a difficulty I have. But I'll try my best ;v;
Rgb Didn't seem to have an easy job working in the Arts industry. He had harsh treatments for slacking off and treated poorly not only by his boss but others around his working environment. Sharing that someone called him an idiot is a red flag for a working environment. The environment he is in isn't healthy for him and could easily tire himself out and hurt his mental health. The fact he was seen sleeping on his desk could show that he rarely gets any sleep because he is becoming a workaholic. Driving himself to keep signing paperwork until his tasks are done. Trying to keep himself caught up .
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See how boss is capitalized like BOSS?. Do you see how Want is written?. This shows how aggressive this person is towards him. Trying to get him to wake up by hitting him with a newspaper to keep him awake. This is a sign of work abuse. And how everyone, including his boss is pushing him to work harder and faster. Rgb is being hitted and forced to overwork without any sleep.
Now let's go over how his audience treat him? The answer is, do they care?. Do they wonder if he's alright?. Not Really...His audience are always excited to see him. They didn't care about how well he is. They just love his talents. And no one in the crowd acted realistic about him. They saw him as a idol, a star, anything special to them.
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Now the Doctor was a guy I really wanna smack lmao. But anyways. The way he doesn't take him seriously. How the audience reacted with him like it's a comedy. No one takes him seriously. They think he's still in character.
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How everyone laughed at him. How much anger and frustration he's in. They all think it's an act. His mental state is bad and he isn't in the right headspace. How angry he gets when he wants to smash a mirror. It's a sign of aggression and low self-esteem. His hands has grown shaky because of how weak and distressed he is. Yet the doctor tells him therapy is a old scam when he needed help.
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He instead offers him to wear gloves and tells him to Not look at mirrors.
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Rgb has been overworked. Has his troubles Ignored, and been laughed by his own audience. This shows how much his mental state has gone through. As a person. As a human being. He's been treated as is he's just a cartoon that could do anything to keep people satisfied and happy. Rgb was a character that was misunderstood by everyone around him. running away from his own troubles was because he was scared. finding a hero because of his second chances with Hate. Many hero's we're lost by mistake because of him. Would I say it was all of his fault?. Yes but no. He showed he wasn't a bad person because he found His Hero. He loved her and Comforted her when she's crying. Yeah he was a rat with her at first. But the more they bonded the more Hero saw him as a best friend. He lost many hero's because he keeps repeating a mistake he kept failing to fix.
Any critics about this small talk is welcome.
Anyways to get out of the blue I'll tell a dumb joke!
Why do we tell actors to break a leg?
Because every film has a cast
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thegoober010 · 3 months
I have a bit of a different request this time! (It’s not Mettaton, I know, shocking.)
Could you do some Sans x reader headcanons? Preferably hurt/comfort if thats alright :33
TW/CW -> None really- Just a depressed reader!
word count -> 1k/1164! I didnt write as much on this post sorry!! im pretty tired rn its 1:15 am where im at rn LMAOOO
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"Are you alright?"
Fuck your life, you just came back to the house after a long, grueling, shitty shift. You were so tired you almost collapsed onto the snow before you even made it home. You just wished it was peaceful for once, that you didn't feel burnt out, overwhelmed all the time, you just wanted to sleep and never wake up, maybe then you wouldn't feel so tired. As you opened the door you placed your bag on the couch and made your way to San's room, who was not only your best friend but your boyfriend as well. He always helped you, even though you didn't particularly enjoy talking about your feelings to him especially on nights like this he was always there for you, always making sure you were okay and took care of yourself and had a good rest after these long days. You mumbled to yourself as you opened the door to his room until you realized. "Fuck he's not here." You grumbled. You rubbed your temple as you sat on his bed, you were stressed and you needed him. Why can't he just be there for you? Why does he always have to be off somewhere else and then appear late whenever you need him. It pissed you off even more, you knew you were thinking irrationally, he was always there for you it's only a few times where he can't be and is busy, you were just too stressed to think properly though, too stressed to even think about anything else besides how badly you just need someone to help you out right now. You crawled on top of his bed, covering yourself with the blanket. The shift was honestly terrible, many customers were overly rude at Grilby's today, mostly newcomers, and it was so damn busy you couldn't really do much about those people/monsters, you were so frustrated by all the orders and all the insults thrown your way, in fact you got way less tips than usual which caused you to be even more upset, money wasn't much of a problem but come on! Tears swelled up in your eyes from all the built up frustration from not just this shift, but all the past shifts that were almost the exact same situation, you hated working on those days and how underemployed that place was because you had to work twice as hard due to that as well.
After a good 10 minutes of you laying on the bed, muttering to yourself about all the stuff that happened and about how much you just needed someone for once and crying silently, you heard the door creak open. You wiped away your tears quickly with the blanket, shifting slightly and pretending to fall asleep. You knew it was sans and if he sees you like this he'd ask, and you don't want to bother him with any of your problems. "I know you're not asleep." Sans said walking up to you, he sat on the bed near you. "What happened?" he asked. You let out a sigh as you hugged the blanket tighter. "I don't want to talk about it." You grumbled, your tone annoyed with a hint of sadness. Sans stared at you for a bit before fixing your hair. "Are you sure? I mean you've been coming home more upset than usual, is work alright? Anything happening?" Sans questioned, his tone of voice growing more concerned. You furrowed your brows as you could feel the corners of your eyes sweet up with tears once more. You covered yourself with the blanket, not even daring to look at Sans. "Stop it, just STOP. I told you I'm fine! You don't have to pry into every little detail of my life I just want you here with me I don't want you digging into this I told you I'm fine, I just wanted you here with me, fuck." you yelled at first, calming your voice down as to not wake up Papyrus and to try to calm yourself down. Your voice cracks, you didn't really mean to come off as rude, you're just tired, you don't want him to get worried or to try and fix your problems, you just want him there with you, to give you a hug or just give you comforting words, you don't want him prying too much into this, you don't want him getting worried.
Sans seemed taken aback by your remark. He stayed quiet for a bit before nodding, he understood how you felt. Everyone has different ways they deal with this situation and how they want others to react, some want others to pry into their life and try to help solve their problems, others just want them to be there with them during this but not get too involved in the situation and many other things, everyone reacts differently to this much stress. Of course he was a bit shocked and to be honest a little hurt by your words but he knows you're just stressed and don't mean to be rude. He truly does understand, he knows how you feel, so he will be there for you. "You're obviously not fine, but I understand you don't want me to be involved in the situation, you just want me to be there for you, I understand." Sans replied, he gave you a comforting pat on the shoulder before laying with you on the bed. He let out a long sigh as he crossed his arms behind his head. "Take some deep breathes, that usually helps with stress, and make sure to sleep well." Sans said, you nodded. "Come on, let's take a few deep breathes." Sans said, you rolled your eyes but it does usually help. You did as he said and took a few small and quick deep breathes, trying to make the tension in your body disappear and just try to relax. "Feeling any better?" Sans asked, you shook your head no which caused him to chuckle a bit. "Yeah I kinda thought so. Deep breathes won't immediately make you feel bette but it helps with tension, for now just rest, cry if you want, I'm here for you alright... I won't judge you for being emotional okay. I love you too much for that." Sans said giving a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You nodded, you turned your head to face him and give him a small smile. "I appreciate that.." you muttered, he gives you a quick nod. "No need to do that, just rest, I'm here for you. No matter what happens remember that okay, I'll always be here for you." Sans replied, he wrapped an arms around you, pulling you closer. You let out a soft sigh as you moved closer to him, you closed your tired eyes and felt yourself slowly start to fall asleep in his arms. He kept his arm wrapped around you and watched you slowly fall asleep.
"Sleep well, I'm here, okay."
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avianyuh · 7 months
hoshi/kwon soonyoung as a boyfriend
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you will have to be THE #1 Horanghae supporter
on a positive note, it's very easy to shop for him when it comes to birthdays and christmas, anything Tiger will do👍
no but seriously, he's such a sweetheart
and he's so whipped for you
if i was to write a bf post for every member of svt (and hopefully I will), I know all of the boys would love whoever they loved, as they are a family and want to see each other happy, and the same goes for if you were dating Soonie. the boys would all love you and treat you like you were part of the family
you'd probably be very close with the other 2/3's of BOOSEOKSOON, so BOOSEOK + most likely Jihoon
you & woozi would probably bond over thinking the whole horanghae thing is dumb, but hoshi knows that you both lowkey support and overtime you'd out yourself as a supporter anyways...I mean come on, he IS your man, let him have this one thing :)
i'm sure his family would love you too and he'd be so proud that you are his
just in general, i think soonyoung would just be so happy to have you and imo, i think he'd have the hardest time keeping your relationship a secret
i also think that if the relationship were to go public, i think he'd still be respectful with the fans, but i don't think the public would be getting an "i'm sorry" apology from him lmao, don't forget, that boy is a gemini in five houses, he's never sorry
but i think he's have a hard to concealing you because 1. he loves to be out with you and 2. he always makes a scene because he just HAS TO take your picture literally everywhere...
and you're always like, "no, we already took twenty photos at the restaurant, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME"
and then he pouts and you give in
let's not forget him wanting to take you to the practice room and dance with him
and late at night when he comes over or you're at the dorms and he shows you a new routine he's been working on
or him teaching you some of svt's choreo's
and you somehow stub your toe on a chair or something
and you fall to floor in pain
and he's just laughing at you
and you're looking up at him in horror and you're thinking to yourself, "damn, i'm dating a psycho..."
but then he lifts you up and squishes your cheeks, "i'm just joking, are you okay", and kisses you all over and you feel better
speaking of dancing...
we all know soonyoung is a hard worker
between being the main dancer of the group, choreographing svt and performance unit dances, and obvi getting the horanghae agenda out there-
shocker...he gets tired
and though you hate to see him overworked and you do worry about him
you have to admit, having him come home, eyes fighting to stay open
and him dragging his feet across the carpet as he walks right into your embrace, whispering how much he missed you and how tired he is
and you taking off his clothes and getting him in his pj's
you love it
especially when he wants you to hold him until he falls asleep
he's so adorable
buttttt, just remember that if you're dating him, this is yours:
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you can't tell me that this man isn't good in bed...HE'S A PROFESSIONAL DANCER, you know what they say about dancers...
ummmm, very expressive, yeah let's go with that ;)
anyways, 🫶horanghae🫶
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saerins · 2 months
I just finished reading and I WAS screaming, shouting, giggling, kicking in the air, biting my pillow OF HOW YOUR FAN FICTION ALWAYS MAKE MY DAY BETTER
It's nice once in a while to visit Tumblr and read my fav writer 😭😔🦈💥
Ofc, I have a question for you! 😋
Has Sae even jerk off for anyone except y/n? Like, I was so shocked how you describe sooo spicy wohhh 🌶🌶👅👅 bro go all in for y/n
And have you seen hiori in the latest chapter? He LITERALLY has the same pass as Sae like girl, COULD THAT MEANS THAT THEY FORESHADOWED THAT SAE WOULD APPEAR SOON?? HSHDIDJ (definitely not delusional, in Sae we thrust) 🥰🥰
Hopefully you take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself 😔🫶
-your gorgeous handsomely 🦈
IN SAE WE THRUST LAKEOWKSMW (i know it’s probably a typo but i’m crying 😭)
stop making me smile 😠 (ty ily <3)
hahahaha has priceless!sae ever jerked off to anyone he knows irl ? nope. none except yours truly yn :’) i hc he probably has to some random adult vids hahah but none so of those he knows irl :D
and also i gotta admit something ……. i haven’t read bllk since chapter 206 lmao i still have it open, it’s one of my 100+ tabs 😭😭 i hate reading and it’s just a part of the match and im blueballed until the next chapter so im just gonna wait for this arc to finish :’))))) but i feel you, im waiting impossibly for sae our man to come back …. if ever …… SIGH
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biggestsimp12 · 9 months
Your writings so good,I cant stop reading the ones I've requested before! Could I request Another Aoi ryugoku with a s/o that overworked themsleves,like an all A's student,perfect attendance,and one day Aoi doesn't have a meeting so she hangs out with s/o at their house and she finds them you guessed it,studying,and the fluff prompt 38 or "are you tired" cause i feel like aoi would kinda scold or get onto s/o for not taking care of themselves well,but she only it cause she cares
She definitely would lmao
Aoi Ryugoku x s/o that overworks themselves
With following fluff prompt- 38. "are you tired?"
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She would definitely scold you. There's no need to study that much, you'll probably get an A anyway. (that's what she said-)
"Are you tired? Come here, let that book to the side."
"Aoi, I need to study this chapter-"
"Nonsense. That book won't worship you if you keep looking at the same page for 1 hour."
She would pester you until you give in. If you still won't, she will snatch that rendom book of yours and throw it on the highest closet.
Will throw you on the couch and force you to relax and watch a movie. She hates when you overwork yourself.
"Aoi, I seriously need to study, I have a test next week-"
"Next week? Sounds enough time for you to relax until then."
(She had a smug expression on her face when you came back with the test and had an A without studying ever since-)
(I had this written for a while now and forgot to press the post button 🤦‍♀️)
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symbi-eat-me · 2 years
Follow the Leader [Glitchtrap x female!Reader 18+ Smut]
[WARNINGS/TAGS?: Female coochie-owning reader, SMUT!!!! with plot, heavy mind control, dubious consent/non-con, pet names, reader being instructed, fucking a bunny furry virus???]
Summary: You've been working on the Fazbear Virtual Experience for a while now, and tired of being overworked you've finally decided to take the mysterious virus plaguing the game head-on. However, the virus may be a little more...technical to deal with than you originally thought, and it has bigger plans for you.
Uploaded this on AO3 months and months ago and somehow forgot to post it here lmao. I should probably be jailed for this, but I stand by the concept of Glitchtrap being hot. If u find that weird (valid) don’t read this, you’ll hate it. Also I headcanon Glitchtrap as being the fragmented soul of William Afton, its not super prevalent at all in this fic but probably important to know that Glitchtrap is HUMAN, the bunny suit is just the form he takes within the game.
PSA there's definitely a bunch of errors in the language I used regarding game design and whatnot, I tried my best !!!
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You slammed your car door a little harder than you had intended to. Sighing, you grasped your bag and made for the front of the building. Another day, another 8 hour shift.
Although it was something you'd never admit, you really did like your job. But fuck, was it tiring - especially at the minute with your current project. You worked in games development at a small studio in your nowhere town. To your initial excitement, Fazbear Entertainment (the company that had enlightened your entire childhood) had hired your company to develop their new game.
At first, everyone had been bouncing off the walls with excitement about the project. It was so much bigger than anything you'd ever done before, but you were all ecstatic to make it happen. Within a few weeks however, it was clear than they had hired your small company to maximise their profits - work you to the bone and pay you pennies since it got you 'exposure'. Despite this, your manager was confident that it would turn out well (and whatever they were paying was clearly good money). Sure. He didn't seem to be as happy when Fazbear Entertainment shipped you bucket loads of shitty old circuit boards with the vague instructions of 'use these to make it faster'. And he certainly wasn't happy when your team had spent the last 2 weeks scanning the boards for any scraps of usable code, only to find out that they were housing some kind of age old virus.
So that's where you were now. You weren't so sure anymore that this game was going to be the big break for Silver Parasol Games, not when you were spending every shift attempting to dig out some seemingly invisible trojan horse instead of working on the actual game.
You sighed again as you slipped in behind your desk, mumbling a greeting at Anna when you passed by her. While your computer loaded up, your eyes wandered around the room until you settled on staring at your coworker, Jeremy. His back was facing you, and he seemed to be rooting around for something in a drawer.
Jeremy was a nice guy, he really was. He worked as a part of the quality assurance team, so he mainly spent his time testing the game. He was the one who flagged up this mysterious virus that no one else had been able to catch properly. You knew Anna and Raha had both seen it, so it was definitely real, but the stress was clearly getting to Jeremy most of all. It was like he'd seen a ghost most of the time. He used to chat to you on your lunch break, quite often. But now he never seemed to be away from the game, muttering to himself and making notes, presumably on the bugs he came across. Made your job easier, you supposed.
It was strange, and you'd been so backed up working on the game with your insanely tight deadlines that you'd hardly had time to think about it. But now, seeing him hunched over whatever he was looking for...it was uncanny and made you a little nervous. Your superiors didn't care much for any of you, especially Jeremy. They treated him like he was crazy. Hell, the stress of these deadlines would make anyone crazy. You really didn't blame him for acting a little off every now and then.
Finally he grasped something and wandered off again, in the direction of the testing room.
You tried to push it to the back of your mind, which was more than easy as you checked your pile of emails and anticipated how much you had to do today...
The day had passed by at a snails pace, and you'd even volunteered to stay behind to finish scanning the last few circuit boards Fazbear Entertainment had shipped. You glanced outside as you finished up, it was almost completely dark already.
Exhausted, you began to pack up your things. Once again, you felt your eyes drift to the desk that Jeremy had been stood over earlier. You were suddenly reminded of everything that had been going on with him. As frustrating as it was proving to be, this game really was important to you at this point. If you wanted to cut down these late hours and sleepless nights, you had to see this virus for yourself.
Without giving yourself time to consider, you shoved your bag back under your desk and headed for the testing room.
You had played the game before, of course. It was part of the job, you couldn't program without seeing the final product as you went along. From Jeremy's mumbled description, the bug seemed to be a visual issue, something about it latching onto one of the character models. However, it only seemed to show itself in specific situations in the final version of the game. And it seemed to like Jeremy - he must have unknowingly found some way to trigger it or found a spot of weakness in the code. Something like that, anyway.
The room was dark, with the blinds all closed securely. You didn't want to bother with any of that, since you were going to leave in a few minutes anyway, so flipped on the weak overhead light.
You slipped on the VR headset that sat on the table in the middle of the room and prepared yourself. Every time you loaded up the game, a sense of pride swelled in your chest. It was nowhere near done yet, of course, but just seeing what your small team had managed to achieve so far was...nice.
You weren't so much of a horror fan yourself, and the sickening gaze of Freddy on the title screen was still enough to make you feel uneasy. As the music started up and you stood in the main hub of the game, you felt your heartbeat rise a little. You were suddenly very aware of how alone you were in the empty studio, and the thought of Jeremy made your palms clammy.
You took a deep breath, telling yourself not to be so stupid.
Glancing around, you focused on the task at hand. You were unsure of how to trigger the virus itself or where it even was. Jeremy was pretty clear in that it had just shown up out of thin air, after he'd played for hours. You hoped it wouldn't take you that long to find it.
After flipping through the few finished levels, you selected night 1 and got started. You knew this game like the back of your hand, so you powered through it like it was light work. Despite knowing the precise mechanics, the unpredictability of the AI still shook you a little. You flipped a light on to your left after hearing footsteps, and felt your heart race as Bonnie stared right at you.
Fuck, the design team did such a good job on these models. They were still terrifying no matter how many times you played.
After a few rounds, you tapped your heels irritably. You didn't even know what you were looking for, not really. You had stupidly thought it would be obvious. Viruses didn't work that way, you should know that more than anyone.
Back in the main hub now, you continually flipped through the available levels and sighed. You should probably leave, it was getting late.
You stepped away from the console and turned to your right slightly, readying yourself to remove the headset. That was, until you heard a light buzzing noise in your right ear. You glanced more over to the direction of the sound, and gasped.
That was it.
It must be.
At first it looked like a green blur, easily distinguished as an issue with the graphics. But within a few moments of staring, you could discern the shape of a rabbit. You'd never seen this character before, but seemed to recall Jeremy briefly mentioning a rabbit.
That was the virus alright.
It was almost...scary. It just stood in the far doorway, staring and staring and staring and waving its hand at you. It was hardly even visible without focusing your eyes on it. You couldn't tell if it was supposed to be an animatronic or something else. It was fucking weird, whatever it was.
"Y        o     u."
You nearly jumped out of your skin. The soft buzz that it was releasing had paused, only for a moment. In its place had been a whisper, of sorts. It was glitchy and hardly discernable but you could still make it out.
"a    r e      n o t      h i    m."
Your breathing was practically shallow gasps now. It hadn't moved, it still just stood there. But it was...talking?
"H-hello?" you tried.
"Y   o   u         a     r  e     n  e     w."
It was almost like it was struggling to talk. It separated syllables strangely as it spoke, and the crackling glitchy buzz that overlaid every word made it difficult to process.
You couldn't understand it - this character that you had no knowledge of had its own completely independent AI. You had a horrifying moment where you considered whether this was what Jeremy had been doing for the last few months. That's why he was so stressed? He'd been programming this character all on his own? But why?
"I-I'm not new, I made this game," you spoke. You couldn't help feeling embarrassed, you were shamefully aware of how you were just speaking into an empty room.
"Y o    u g  a v e  m  e l    i    f e."
It almost hurt to listen to, with every word you felt your head aching. It felt like it was drilling into your skull, but you knew it must be because of the sharp noises it was making.
"I-I think Jeremy made you," you said. It was stupid, you knew, to speak to an AI like this. But it must have some sort of question answering system within it, for it to be able to respond in the way it was.
A deep noise rumbled from it, sounding almost like a laugh, "h    e   c     o   u    l       d n    e v     e    r."
A sudden thought gripped you, out of nowhere. "If I play the game will it be easier for you?"
You weren't sure where the idea came from, but you figured it was worth a shot. It only showed up after you'd played a few rounds in the first place.
It didn't respond, only seemed to hold completely still for a few seconds before continuing to wave again. You took that as a go-ahead and loaded up a fnaf 3 game. Anxiously, you glanced around you when you'd loaded into the office. It wasn't there, of course. It must have been anchored to the lobby somehow.
Your hands were shaking a little as you flipped through the cameras. Springtrap stared intently at you wherever you seemed to look, and it reminded you of the virus rabbit in a strange way. It made you uncomfortable.
Fuck, video error.
As quickly as you could, you flipped open the console to your left and fixed the error. You were anxious to open the cameras for a brief moment and simply stared at the little Bonnie figure on the desk.
To your dismay, when you finally got yourself to flip through the cameras again, you'd lost Springtrap. You hurriedly checked the vents, but he was nowhere to be found. Your heart beat in your throat when a ventilation error message blared at you. You knew this game, why were you fucking up so much? You could hardly think straight, let alone process what you were doing.
As you flipped through the console, you heard footsteps and quickly pulled it down. Dragging a weak scream from your chest, Springtrap jumped at you and ended your game. Taking a moment with your eyes scrunched closed to compose yourself, you tried to steady your breathing. This game had never made you feel like that before, and you hoped it never would again.
Apprehensively you opened your eyes, to find yourself at the game over screen. The console in front of you blared, and you prepared to press the return to menu button. However, your eyes flipped over the console again, making your heart rate race again.
Follow the leader, the screen read.
You definitely hadn't programmed that in. And no one else had, to your knowledge. The words seemed to bounce around in your mind, never settling but making you feel foggy.
When you returned to the hub, it was like you could feel breathing down your neck. Tentatively, you turned around.
It was closer to you this time, much closer. It was only a few feet away, instead of being in the far doorway. Now, you could get a much clearer look at it. It wasn't an animatronic at all, instead some kind of costume. You could clearly see stitches on the fabric, and stains that covered its body. It was a rabbit, but had big human-like hands that made you uneasy. Its smile was uncanny and seemed to pull at its cheeks, exposing big white buck teeth and a deep black void behind them. Its glaring purple eyes weren't directly looking at you, instead they looked off into the distance, but you had a sudden vision of them coming to life and twisting to stare right at you.  For a character model, it was sickeningly detailed. You began to question if Jeremy was behind this after all.
You felt ill.
It continued waving, just like before, crouching over oddly, like it was trying to get down to your level considering it's tall stature. If it were real, it would have towered over you at at least six and a half feet. It still had a nasty green glare to it, but now it was closer it appeared less blurred, and you could see the purple waistcoat and bow tie it wore.
"G   o   o  d," it said.
You could've sworn it sounded clearer now, like the white noise it emitted was starting to clear to make room for its voice. Its movements paused for a moment, again appearing as though it was thinking. Like it was considering its options.
The silence was beginning to scare you. Visions of Jeremy clouded your mind - hiding in the storage cabinet, watching you sneak to the testing room, smiling wickedly as he snuck up behind you with a knife. You felt sick again, and shoved the thought deep down. Why would you even think that? Your mind was playing sick tricks on you.
Suddenly you wanted nothing more than to take the headset off and glance around you. It had been a while and you finally craved the stability of the real world.
“N   O."
Your attention snapped to the rabbit and your knees went weak. It didn’t exactly shout but it might as well have done, the voice was so strong and flung around your skull in a way that made you dizzy.
“N     A   M    E.”
It took a moment for you to process its words, but you complied. You told it your name in a barely audible whisper while unable to rip your eyes away from its own. The soft movement of its hand, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, mirrored your own heartbeat.
It didn’t respond, again just staring at you. You grappled with the idea of simply tugging the headset off and leaving it all behind. That was a bad idea, you decided. You didn’t know why.
Despite this, the silence was killing you. You needed to know how this thing worked. In some strange attempt to get answers, you began relaying facts about yourself. “I’ve been working here for 4 years, since I graduated. This game is the biggest project I’ve had to deal with so far.” You continued spewing out details of your background almost mechanically. You spoke of your work, how you lived alone, how you spent your time, and probably more - the words started to mangle together in your mind. Your body felt heavy and warm as you spoke. You could hardly think - you felt as though you were on autopilot. Everything came naturally, the words you spoke and even the position of your head while your eyes kept fixated on it. With every second that passed, you felt more and more of your mind slipping away. It didn't feel bad, in fact you welcomed it. It felt completely natural to let go.
What you were giving your consciousness to, you didn't know.
Your limbs felt fuzzy, in a complete state of relaxation. You had stopped speaking minutes ago, you managed to realise. How strange.
It only took a second after that. All you saw was the rabbit stop waving. It's eyes flickered back to your own with a low tilt of its head, it was finally looking directly at you. In one swift movement it stood to its full height in front of you, and seemed to breathe.
A crackling glitchy noise filled your ears as this happened, before everything went completely silent. The soft buzz of the console was all you could hear to fill the void as you looked up at it.
"G o o d l i t t l e b u n n y," it said.
You hardly had the energy to respond, simply staring blankly back at it. Its voice had changed again, becoming almost completely stable. You could hear it perfectly clearly now, vibrating in the back of your head as though it was your consciousness itself. Like it had replaced your thoughts with its own.
It sounded like a man's voice now, deep with a slight accent. Despite that, it was still not quite human. There was something about how the tone changed, how a static noise accompanied every word, how the vowels were drawn out for slightly too long. You couldn't put your finger on what it was, but you knew it wasn't human.
You managed to break from your trance enough to speak freely and gain feeling back in your body, but it still felt like it held a leash around you.
"What are you?" you asked as clearly as you could.
It laughed, "I a m  t h e  s h a d o w  o f  a  s i n n e r,  t h e  s o u l  o f  a  v e r y  b a d  m a n."
You held back a gasp as he bent down to your eye level again, and reached a gloved hand to your jaw before continuing, "s o  y o u  h a d  b e t t e r  b e h a v e."
The hand on your face wasn't solid, he was still a hologram within the game. But you felt a weak weight on your skin, like a shadow, just like he said.
You felt yourself nodding at him, open-mouthed.
He moved freely now in jolting movements. Rather than moving in a solid motion, it was like he was comprised of a slideshow of images.
"T h e  d e s k," he raised an arm to gesture behind you.
He didn't need to say more, his words were laced with subtext that you somehow understood on impulse. You remembered, there was a desk behind you in the real world. Carefully, you backed up until your thighs hit a solid wooden surface. It took some maneuvering since you were practically blind, but you managed to hoist yourself up onto the surface so you were sitting on the very edge.
"G o o d  b u n n y," he praised. There was more distance between you now, but the confounds of the game made it so you couldn't move significantly far away from him.
In a way, you were trapped.
Your head was buzzing and hazy, and your entire body was so warm. You'd never felt anything like it. If you could imagine what being a part of a video game would feel like - this would be it.
A particular warmth settled in your abdomen - strange but not unwelcome. Your mind was frazzled enough not to question it.
"I t s  b e e n  s o  l o n g," he murmured.
You didn't know what he was referring to, but didn't care much to find out. A wave of need overcame you and clouded any thoughts you might have. A need to submit. You noted his tall and intimidating stature, which had been terrifying to begin with, but seemed captivating to you now that you considered it.
“Y o u  a r e  g o i n g  t o  h e l p  s e t  m e  f r e e.”
Your hands were clammy against the cold wood of the desk. It was becoming much too warm in the room but you couldn't do anything about it, not daring (or wanting) to turn away from him.
“D o e s  t h a t  s c a r e  y o u?”
Freezing up, your voice caught in your throat. The incessant hammering of your heart in your chest was telling you that you were scared. But your mind was telling you something...different. You began to nod, but instead ended with confusedly shaking your head.
"S o  m i n d l e s s  a l r e a d y," his grin almost seemed to deepen.
His words rattled through your head, echoing and making you sleepy. As hard as you tried, you couldn't concentrate, couldn't process a single complete thought. It was nice, in some strange way. You didn't have the mind to question it, at that point. All your mind kept drifting back to was him, his words and his eyes that looked you up and down.
He chuckled, a low rumbling noise that felt as though it swallowed you whole.
"L e t  m e  h e l p."
Against any conscious decision of your own, your hand moved up underneath your shirt. The line was completely blurred between what you were making your body do and what he had control over. Either way, you welcomed it.
You grasped at your shirt more firmly and lifted it over your head, before hurriedly repeating the action with your bra. His chuckling repeated, the low echoing noise reverberating down your body. Your eyes were blurry as you struggled to keep them open, but you could still make out his large glassy eyes staring directly into your own from where he stood.
With you hardly noticing, your fingers tugged your trousers down. You let out an unintended sigh at the air hitting your clammy skin.
"G o o d b u n n y."
One hand grasped at your chest, while the other traced over your underwear. A passing thought made you aware of how wet you were, evidence of how intensely worked up he'd somehow managed to make you.
Your nerves felt as though they were burning. You'd never felt need or sensitivity like it in your life.
"P r o v e  y o u r  d e v o t i o n."
You hardly had a mind to nod as you yanked your underwear down your thighs. Your fingers thrust into your heat, not giving time to treat yourself delicately. Although your eyes were clenched shut, the feeling of his glowing eyes pierced into you. Again and again your fingers curled into you while your palm hit your clit with every movement. Your spare hand dug its nails into your chest, surely leaving rows of scratches as if you'd been mauled by a wild animal.
The buzzing static in your ears dazed you. The sensation in your cunt made you whine pathetically. The rabbit that watched you, controlled you, made your head tip back and your back arch.
A string of pleas left your throat as you felt your peak surfacing at a much quicker rate than you were used to.
"L o o k  a t  m e."
Your eyes shot open to see him standing over you. In your position, you were close enough to lying back on the desk, but still had to crane your neck to look him in the eyes as he towered above your compliant body. He did nothing but stand there, but the buzzing feeling of him so close to you made your skin itch and crave his approval.
"Y o u  h a v e  b e e n  s u c h  a  g o o d  b u n n y. J u s t  p r o v e  y o u r  l o y a l t y  t o  m e."
Yielding whimpers escaped your lips as your fingers curled to hit the spots that made your thighs clench together. "I'll be good, I'm yours, please," you repeated again and again.
The sound of him chuckling while watching your shaking body sent you over the edge. You whined and begged as your hands barely stopped digging into you despite your overstimulated state, like a possession had completely taken you over.
After minutes of you gasping for his mercy, you had finally relaxed. The gentle static of the room started to consume your ears again as the blood rushing to them calmed. Your mind remained blank, hardly remembering where you were, only thinking of him.
"W e l l  d o n e  m y  l i t t l e  b u n n y. W e  a r e  g o i n g  t o  h a v e  f u n."
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bbymelsworld · 1 year
Hello f1 writers community ! (Yes it’s me again)
So I have an other idea that won’t leave my head lol, what about a mixed between a fic and a smau where’s the reader (who is a driver) is very love in the paddock by everybody and very love by the fans but medias (journalist and all yk) are always hating on her and bringing her down to the point that she start thinking it’s real and overworked herself ect and nobody notice until it lead to a crash bcs she passed out while driving bcs she was to exhausted and everyone is worried and finally connected the dots and yeah yk happy end ect ?
Lmao I think i just gonna keep posting idea 🤓
Once again no specific driver ( like that you guys could make different fic for different driver lol)
And please maybe a black reader but if not it’s ok too !
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months
Thinking about Dante and Jude's romance. I'm thinking of Dante falling first ( something he is utterly devastated by) and Jude falling second ( surprisingly not as devastated. Annoyed, but not devastated)
Like for Dante even when things between him and Jude start getting better, they still butt heads. A lot. Dante is more often than not thinking he hates Jude ( he doesn't, not anymore, but hate is an easier emotion to pinpoint ) and thinks about him constantly. And eventually this "hatred" goes over a point where he's just going " stupid Jude with his stupid pretty eyes and his stupid pretty face-" without really clocking in that he's already fallen until either he actually hears his thoughts or someone ( probably Shauna) points it out. And when he realizes it, he's just devastated lmao. Of all the people in the world, why the one he hates the most ( again, he doesn't. ). And like. It's not that he goes into a deep denial of it. Rather when he realizes his feelings he first takes a step back to ask " okay is this real" and when he figures out it is he's accepts it as fact. It's a fact he hates, but it's something that he accepts. I think after that things go back to normal between him and Jude, with the added flavor of " I'm actually down pretty bad so I know things you do will have an Effect on me and I hate it"
Jude falling second wasn't originally the plan- I think I wanted her to fall first only to show off her softer side. But I think I can still accomplish that and have them realize their feelings a little later. Besides, Jude is like. Busy™, romance isn't exactly on their mind unless it's Shauna rambling about a new crush. But bc they are actively trying to be better towards the people they care about, Jude is a tad bit softer around them,and particularly so with Dante ( bc of everything that went down between them) When Jude finally is able to relax and gather his thoughts, they would realize she has feeling for Dante. They're annoyed about it. But outside of that they're like " welp another thing to stress over I guess".
These two don't get together for a while I think. Again, Jude is busy as is Dante and they both are pretty work oriented,so they would rather focus on stuff they gotta do first. Which is fine, the rest of the Kalos gang makes sure they don't overwork themselves to death ( ESPECIALLY JUDE),but. They still have their little moments. Jude is very adamant on not using their aura to get a sense of how Dante feels about her; it feels wrong. So to them they're just waiting for a hint that doesn't make them constantly overthink.
And....yeah. That's all lol.
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what do you like doing in your free time?
why is your name clenched buttocks (I wanna know the reason, pls its so funny lol)
what are things you're good at? (own it babe) (and i don't mean 'babe' in a weird way - just gotta clear that lol)
do you have a best friend?
do you write OG stories and/or fanfics?
one thing you hate about yourself
one thing you love about yourself
do you want a pet? if so, what pet and why
(pls at this rate, its sounding like an interview, so sorry 😂 i'm just...i have a lot of time in my hands and i decided to do this for no particular reason)
fave type of music?
what made you like bsd? and did you always like it? (cause for me, i didnt like it too much at first but it grew on me the second time around)
have you read the bsd light novels and what's your fave light novel if yes?
any pet peeves?
what's your 'ideal' partner (do you have a type like Kunikida or are you fine with anything as long as you're having fun)
Would you rather be single and rich or taken and with a normal salary?
are you happy with where you work/study?
what's your dream career?
what's the app you use the most?
would you rather draw or write?
*** (P.S just pick the ones you want to answer) **
i think im going to look like a weirdo asking so much questions but whatever. at least we dont know each other HAHA i hope you have a good day. <3 and also i love your analyses. just keep posting what you like. i find some of your posts funny lol
good day.
(# you asked and i delivered) (# just me looking for an excuse to use this line) (# cause you said you wanted more questions in your other post TT) (# also ik this isn't a real tag but i wanna be ✨creative) (# fan behavior? idk anymore lmao) okay bye mwa <3
i have no free time. I either overwork myself or sleep. however, assuming that i've got a sliver of time to do something, I swap from one obsession to the next <3 rn it's going for insanely long bike rides and turn down every road I feel like until I'm lost,, and going to the gym like an absolute maniac bc i want my arms to be the size of a regular adult's legs
my username is what i desire in life. it is was I strive to be worthy of. it is beauty and life itself, it is the culmination of the universe's most wonderous accomplishments all squished into two raging enormous, gargantuan muscular earth shattering sea trembling ass cheeks 😩😩 (BUT in all seriousness I chose this bc I felt like having tecchousthiccthighs wasn't quite as pleasant??? eheheh buttocks is a funny word)
MY TALENT IS SAYING ANYTHING THAT CROSSES MY MIND TO STRANGERS i've been on this spree lately where I just straight up call anyone pretty when I run into them and HOLY MOLY PPL ARE SO CUTE ABT IT this is your sign to compliment someone today ✨✨ but nah baby i'm good at everything it's a curse ngl (U CAN CALL ME WTV HUN IT'S OK KJKDJFKJS UR SO ADORABLE WHAT)
no best friend bc i can't do commitment and bully friends that get too close to me 😍😍 BUT i'm gonna tag @bellyjellyfish for being my one and only and somehow not hating me thru my unironic "uwu" phase <33
I wrote a 700 page story when I was 12 and it remains unfinished bc I kept rambling and there was no plot 🕴️I love writing but abandon a whole lot of works bc I dream up the rest of the plot and go "oh well why write it now i've been there done that" I DO WRITE FANFICS 👁️👁️ I have a wp account where i wrote a bunch of awful stories and it still stands to this day! (no i will not disclose it don't even try me grr)
I hate how sexy I am 😭😭😭😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
I love how sexy I am 😳😳😳😳🥶🥶🥶🥶😜😜😜😜
I WANT A TARANTULA I WANT A TARANTULA I WAS A CHILEAN RED KNEE TARANTULA AND I WANT ONE SO BADLY OMFG I've always liked spiders but the ppl I live with would absolutely kick me out if I got one??? once i live on my own i'm def buying two cages so that whenever I have guests, I just put out the empty cage, hide the real one, and be like "oh no what happened to billy my tarantula, he escaped again :(" just to wreak havoc
fav type of music is classical bc i'm edgy and not like other girls 🤩🤩🤩 something about la campanella just hit so hard when I was like 10 that I have taken it and ran, but I do listen to rnb a lot, never in just one language tho bc sometimes english sucks my d
I liked bsd as soon as I saw ranpo's silhouette in the first episode, I was like "him. I want him 🏃‍♀️" but it was solidified in my head as soon as I saw natsume bc 1) he's hot AF IT'S NOT FAIR I WANT HIM 2) I had been reading his irl works and fell in love, so I started exploring other bsd authors and it introduced me to gogol (i'm so in love with his writing style it's not ok) soooo yeah :)) I started reading bc someone (you know who you are) liked chuuya and I haven't looked back since, tbh it's one of my favs just bc of the characters and their depth
I've read all the light novels I could get my hands on, and I have to say stormbringer FOR THE ONLY, SOLE REASON THAT I AM IN ABSOLUTE LOVE WITH ADAM
pet peeve hmmmm idk??? i'm chill with everything except pickles I hate those mfs, but if I had to chose smth it would be when someone shoves a ship down my throat (it's me i'm bitches go stan satosugu rn)
no ideal partner! I'm aro fyi, but also I feel like I'd be chill with just abt anything?? if u match my energy, we can be partners in chaos and i'll feel understood, and if you don't, I get to learn abt a different kind of lifestyle and get to have someone sane to hold me down (or to corrupt), so either way it's a win. I find culture to be incredibly attractive, speak a language I don't or tell me about a tradition of yours with a wholesome smile and I'd move mountains for you 💖💖 teach me abt something that you're emotionally invested in and an expert, and I'm literally yours <3
haha i don't ever wanna be in a relationship so i'll take being rich,, but honestly it ain't about the money, i'd want to have a normal salary and be taken, but it just ain't my vibe ?? dunno how to explain erm-
app i use most is my local library app bc i'm constantly trying to renew my books that are incredibly close to being overdue 🫡 but nahh i don't use my phone that often it still irks me i'm actually a 60 year old gilf who hates technology and complains abt kids these days
I CAN'T DRAW BUT I ALSO CAN'T WRITE YOU'VE GOT ME AT A DEADLOCK BRO??? if it's which I would rather be GOOD at, i'd say drawing bc imagine thinking abt something and just printing it out on paper??? yall fr got some magical talent omg
WHAT IF WE DO KNOW EACH OTHER THO??? WHAT IF WE'RE ACTUALLY NEIGHBORS??? CHILDHOOD FRIENDS??? YOU NEVER KNOW AND YOU PROBABLY NEVER WILL MUAHAHAHAHA i'm gonna stop now but ty for all your questions and have a wonderful day, darling <33
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mnoxsk · 2 years
Can I request Trey x reader where adeuce is making his life a living hell about his crush that hes driven to screaming it out for literally everyone to hear
Ngl I had a brain lagged reading this lmao but I think I totally understand what you mean now aha
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"𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶."
-Genre: Angst to Comfort (Trey x Male! Reader)
-Warnings: Reader in the story having a breakdown
-Summary: You've been overworking yourself trying to help everyone to the point you look like a mess and when you thought everything was over for you until you realized he was always there for you.
-It all started where Deuce would ask you to help him understand how to use certain spells during lessons. It was really harmless since you were so smart to easily show and use them!
-After that it seemed as if there was more responsibilities you had to shoulder. Deuce would ask for more lessons and notes and sometimes messing them up to no repair, leaving you to rewrite them all over again. Ace is also asking for you to write his notes down aswell and Cater seems to want you to always hold the camera for him during his livestreams (WHICH WOULD LAST AT LEAST 4 OR 6 HOURS.
-Trey obviously noticed since you'd always be to busy to go out on picnic dates and spend time with him and isn't so happy that you're doing that. He would try to convince you to stop what you're doing and take a break. Those eyebags seem to make more layers everyday.
-You would be to stubborn to listen to him saying that you will in a couple minutes when that hasn't happened EVER. He at least thought that if you wouldn't take a break that he would at least help you with what you had to do! Need to write down some notes? He's already doing it! Need help assisting Cater? He's the man for the job!
-Even though he's helped alot he knows that you're not getting any better especially being assigned to make the cake for Riddle's birthday. Since your parents were bakers at a pastry store where you first met Trey and Riddle you didn't want to let Riddle down.
- Cater let you off the hook to stop helping him since he can obviously notice that you can't seem to hold the camera without any shaky hand movements and knows that you need to do the cake.
-Trey see's all of your hard work go through the night, where you would have to write down notes for Deuce, Ace, and yourself included. He hates that whatever he does to shoulder that responsibility you'll just take it back. He doesn't like you to suffer :((
-The day that you have to make the cake was the day you had a breakdown because you were getting everything wrong. The cake batter? It had salt in it. The icing? Had baking powder in it. When Trey would try to reach out him hand saying if you need help you slapped his hand and dropped to the ground crying.
-"Everything I do I just mess up! I just want to disappear if that means I could be at peace! I never wanted any of this!"
-His heart SANK. He's never seen you this low. You may have complained a few times in the past about a situation that you were upset about but you always seemed to have a smile to chase it. He blames himself that he couldn't stop this from happening. His prince from crying those tears.
-He would hug you while rubbing you back, saying that he's here for you and that there's no need to worry because he's here (he would give you alot of words of affirmation for your efforts and that you'll be okay now because he's here for you :(( <3
-After 15 minutes he was able to calm you down and told you to rest. While you were doing that he was able to make the cake layers and prepare the icing along with making a batch of red tarts.
-He would gently wake you up by rubbing your back asking if you wanted to help him make the cake. If you didn't he would be okay with it! You need more sleep anyways! If you want to he would play music in the backround while you both dance to it, making the cake :>
-Once it was finished and Riddle's birthday was over Trey would come to your room and do self care on you! He'll help wash you, brush your hair, cook your favorite food, everything you need to do he'll do it first! He won't let you do anything!
-Will threaten Deuce and Ace in front of everybody that if they tried asking his boyfriend for anything, if it was just picking up or borrowing a pencil he would turn them into his next meal. After that expect Deuce and Ace to be careful with what they ask you (that's if they have the audacity) for weeks!
-If you surprise him with something like food you made or bought a trinket for him he will treasure it forever! Expect him to remember what the food tasted like even after months! As for the trinket? He has a collection of things he loves and treasure that are by you! Expect him to have photos of what pastries or food you made for him!
-Trey will be more service-y and touchy for weeks! Expect him doing everything for you! He loves you so much and doesn't want you to suffer again :((
I hope you liked it! Have a lovely day and if you have a request be sure to do so!
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uselessheretic · 2 years
i like… don’t think ed and izzy’s relationship is abusive. mostly because i don’t think they were ever actually in a romantic/sexual relationship and assume that for the most part whatever work spouses dynamic they have going on was unspoken. idk what they got going on but it’s definitely toxic and it’s not without intense emotions on both sides, but i wouldn’t say that what we see on screen for the majority of the show would be classified as an abusive relationships. mostly it’s an HR violation lol.
that and i think we’re fully seeing the actual catalyst and undoing of their relationship. the way izzy and ed behave towards each other in episode 10 is not the same way they were in episode 4. what’s happening currently is unprecedented for both of them where the series has been a gradual escalation, especially from izzy. by which i mean… i think ed and izzy are both toxic but honestly i don’t think they started that way lmao like i think izzy was the more normal one ep 4. he just ramps up more and more throughout the series as he tries to keep his dying relationship with ed going until eventually ed's like "okay bet" and wins the most toxic boss award again. but god, man’s really said “i can make us both worse.” i mean, he was gonna leave in ep 4. whether that was him being dramatic or something they’ve done a million times before (which i can see them having tiffs with each other before but i assume that ep 4’s argument was the worst one they’ve had so far) we do see izzy set boundaries where he’s willing to leave if ed won’t adhere to them. WHICH IS A GOOD THING BTW it’s absolutely insane to me that people act like izzy should follow ed’s every order without question like they need HR in there nowwwww
so i don’t think their relationship is abusive. i think it’s an example of your home life and work life becoming way too closely entwined where you’re working with a dynamic of boss/subordinate while also facilitating a much more personal relationship that’s likely also has (questionably) unrequited romantic feelings attached to it. their dynamic is of an overworked employee (this is a workplace comedy after all) i mean the way ed gets him to stay is literally by offering him a fucking promotion lmao. this just… goes super off the fucking rails when the toxic and tentative balance of this gets upset by the introduction of stede focking bonnet and they’re forced to deal with the fall out of it (and really fucking suck at it) until it comes to its explosive conclusion and changes into something new and not yet defined (snipsnip)
that said… it’s wild to me that people insist izzy would be the abuser within this because if for some reason izzy and ed decided to be in a romantic relationship the way they are currently, what was previously toxic would rapidly come into question and the way their power dynamic is set up makes it so that their relationship would be extremely susceptible to becoming an abusive one. it for damn sure is not with izzy as the abuser tho lmao. that doesn’t mean ed is an abuser, like this is speculation of a romantic relationship that doesn’t exist, but the two are not a good match. they make each other worse and i really cannot imagine a more explosive and volatile pairing for the other. (this is absolutely not ship hate btw i’m obsessed with them both and am a big steddyhands proponet as an option that does have potential to be very normal and more or less healthy for each other. also ed/izzy is fun!)
but just like... it is weird and creepy when people paint izzy as an abuser to ed and does so at the expense of excusing ed's violent actions against izzy, while also making an argument that izzy invited that violence onto himself. like making fun of someone for getting dumped doesn't justify permanently maiming them???? this isn't framed as muppet humor either, the show takes it seriously where we are supposed to be afraid of ed in the moment. it's not slapstick.
but whatever my point is ed and izzy are not in an abusive relationship imo because they're just... not in a relationship. if they did date though (god knows why) their dynamic is extremely susceptible to abuse and it's not one with izzy coming out in top.
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fstive · 2 years
WIP :/
actual Thingy (?)
Heartslabyul is a dorm known for its longer list of rules that its students are expected to abide by. Should they break even one, the person will be scolded harshly, or even Beheaded if it goes too far.
almost every member of Heartslabyul, apart from the riddle, wear a face marking shaped like one of the four playing card suits: heart, spade, diamond, or clover. These markings vary in size and location, but most of the Heartslabyul students have theirs behind their ear or under their eyes. The students also appear to be assigned a specific playing card to represent them, whose suit corresponds to the marking on their face. These cards appear on their dorm uniforms.
Heartslaybul is a dorm know for its longest set of rules for a dormitory, other than Pomfiore. MOST. heartslabyul students have to follow, Most of the rules consisting bedtimes , clubs , or other things. If a student breaks one, that specific student will be punished, or beheaded
Almost every member of heartslaybul , have a marking on their face, or a part of their body. Mostly hands, Legs , or arms. The uniform is neutral, Members are not aloud to wear anything innapropriate such as.. : R34 Hoodies, shirts n stuff like that ( Sorry idia😭). headphones are aloud during study groups and/or clubs. Members uniforms don't have to correspond to the students marking fully, other than tiny patches or pins.
About the members
riddle is filipino, and japanese. He is autistic ( obviously 😭), hes good at masking it until the topic of hedgehogs come up. Riddle used to be in the gargyole club along with trey, malleus and lillia. Riddle is now in the light music club with Lillia, Yuu, cater and sometimes even leona when he isnt feeling like absolute shit💀. after riddles overblot riddle became More softer with his punishments but still beheading people.. Mostly floyd , And the Adeuce duo. Riddle sings alone in his room whenever he feels like it( i added it cause i felt like it💀), He is also very single . ABSOLUTELY HATES COOKING.
TREY CLOVER { he/they }
trey is black and chinese. trey had dyed his hair with riddle a few times To see how he would look, He looks suprisingly good with blond/purple. trey has adhd and is quite bad at focusing but still tries his hardest. due to gettinv into fights at school protecting riddle, His glasses had broken a few times, So riddle got him some heartslabyul themed glasses. Red, roses, clovers and more. And trey was absolutely estastic. Its been a while since hes gotten gifts from other people so he was happy. trey is still in the gargyole club . [ angsty 😭😭] trey has really bad sensory issues so he uses his magic to help it. magic usually didnt work so he spent hours in his room overworking himself to fix His sensory issues, it never worked. then he realized he was stuck with them.
cater diamond | she/her/they
YASS MAGICAM GIRLIE!! transfem cater/kae . kae is Black and japanese!! shes autism. really sucks at masking it.. but she tries 😞, her and jamil/neige/floyd ( wtv floats ur boat 🤨 ) are dating. shes in the mountain lovers club. but mostly in the light music, they play the Guitar because scrunkly! she decorates her phone wayyy too much.. And damn does she have alot of nsfw😇 they and lillia have a shared magicam account where lillia does singing, sports and books. And she does outfits, manga and grwm's!!!!
Ace trapolla | he/Spade
ADUCE CANNOSN BECAUDE !!! ace is fully black, and fluent in japanese. ace is in the BAKETBALL(according to the twst wiki😭) HE LOVES FOOD BECAUDse... Ace has alot of manga hr shares with cater and idia.. Assuming he goes outside💀
deuce spade | he/Ace
ADUECE????!?!!?!#^ duece is Guatemalan and japanese. Deuce is in the track and field club, and Visits the mountain lovers club to see cater whenever he needs help with his phone. HE 100 PERCENT HAS BROKEN ATLEAST 3 PHONES..
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eurydicees · 2 years
so. about platonic atsuiwa........
i believe they would have that weird kind of friendship where they don't know each other's favorite color but do know about their deepest trauma lol
like, atsumu will constantly rant about his love life (or lack thereof) and iwaizumi will listen with full commitment but pause him to ask things like, "wait, who was that guy again?" or "huh what high school were you from btw?" "what was your brothers name?" etc.
(and somehow its not awkward at all. atsumu answers and they move on)
i might be a bit obsessed with iwa's mom friend energy but can you blame me. he needs to take care of other people all the time or he will die. and with oikawa living overseas now he needs a new brat to take care of, you know.
but its not the same as it was with oikawa, because atsumu gets offended when people try to be caring with him. so iwa has to be sneaky about it, too. like instead of outward saying "don't overwork yourself" he has to go out of his way to invite him to do stuff when he knows the little shit's gonna spend the whole weekend at gym practicing serves again. and atsumu always agrees when iwa asks to hang out because he's a friendless lonely bastard who cries when people show him the slightest bit of love and attention
also atsumu calls iwa to rant about how much he hates samu twice a week. iwa tried to tell him once that he actually loves his brother very much and it's obvious but atsumu brushed it off by saying iwa wouldn't understand lmao
for iwa, tsumu is mostly a brat who needs him but he's also one of the most understanding people on earth. when iwa rants on the phone about his work or his family, he feels like he reaveals too much at the end and tries to cover it like "i mean i dont even know why i get so damn depressed over it this is so stupid" and atsumu will be like "nah i get it. want me to drop by with ice cream?"
and he does!! everybody wants to eat ice cream and cry sometimes!!! iwa needs to be babied too, thank you very much
tsumu's way of caring isnt as clear as iwa's but iwa gets it. instead of dragging him outside (like iwa does) tsumu will come over to his house, order pizza and put a random episode of friends or gilmore girls and sit silently with him and iwa it will be more than enough for iwa.
i feel like this is getting too out of the canon storyline and sounds more like an au but idk
one time iwa said he wanted to try dying his hair and they did it using grocery store hair supplies and at the end it looked so horrible that they both laughed until their eyes watered and the next day they went out to buy brown hair dye to fix it. then atsumu messed something up and the dye didn't work, iwa decided to get a buzzcut..
one time they sent a selfie to oikawa and he was.....not happy about it :D
iwa teaches atsumu how to cook some basic meals and atsumu tries to show off to samu with them
the first time iwa remembered atsumu's birthday and got him a little present atsumu cried and then said a bug got into his eye
they make fun of each other's choices of men
they go to gym together and atsumu always listens to music as he works out so one day iwa asked him to share a link to his gym playlist and it was just full of anime opening and some female kpop bands
i think this is all i have. its like 1.30 am rn so i think i'll go to sleep. hope you like these xx
oh my god yess yesssss yess YESSS !!!! i am YELLING !!!!!!! loveeeeeeeee all of this oh my god. gym buds atsuiwa is so good. iwaizumi teaching atsumu to cook (osamu is deeply offended that atsumu didn't ask him). atsumu forcing iwaizumi to watch romcoms and tv shows of the like (oikawa is deeply offended bc iwa refuses to watch telenovelas with him, but he'll watch friends with atsumu miya).
you're also so right that they literally know about each other's worst fears but atsumu would not be able to tell you what "aoba johsai" is if a gun was put to his head. iwaizumi could tell you the worst memory of atsumu's life but absolutely could not tell you what his favorite animal is.
like, atsumu: yeah i know iwaizumi best out of the whole national team we go to the gym together all the time
kageyama: what middle school did he go to then.
atsumu: ....
hinata: kageyama you went to the same middle school, that's cheating. atsumu, he went to kitagawa daiichi btw
atsumu: i'm quitting this team
and you have the way iwaizumi takes cares of atsumu vs oikawa so right tbh, like oikawa can get the tough love yell at rant kinda thing going on, but atsumu gets a more subtle kind of care. so true. man. i'm obsessed w all of this THANK YOU
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Hello! 'Tis I, commenter from your fic! Much more capable of writing coherently now too😅
Casual question-- what's your writing workflow/routine like, if any? I personally got the fatal flaw of writing wildly as soon as inspiration hits, only to end up aimlessly moping once the "new fic" hype peters out in a few hours. Do you use a particular regimen to keep the words flowing (are daily word counts still a thing?), or is your technique more freeform?
Hiii yes I recognize you!
I wouldn't say I'm a professional at this, but I came to terms with myself, agreeing that I'm gonna write no matter what, even if I don't feel like it. I agreed with myself to a routine and it pretty much works. I have a job, 12 hours shifts at the office, so I mostly spend time writing there. My deal is to write at least something until my shift is over.
I don't exactly look at the word count but rather at sentences and paragraphs. If I feel really bad one day and I barely can tie two thoughts together, a few sentences is enough. Or maybe even a vague rambling with the general idea that I will edit later. In average, I'm writing about 1-3 paragraphs a shift. If the day is great, it can be more; sometimes I can just sit and finish the whole thing (mini-chapter?? How do I call it? Events between the "..." separation marks).
I'm just a workaholic, motivated solely on finishing things. I don't get much enjoyment from the process. So the sooner I do my job, the sooner I get the treat for that. My way of doing things probably won't help folks with executive dysfunction though...
I rarely give myself freedom, I'm more prone to overwork myself, actually... Sometimes I would force myself to write through pain until someone points out thar it's not gonna help. I think I just hate that part of myself that can procrastinate and leave things unfinished (although it's been many years since I've done anything so irresponsibly).
Idk, maybe you can blame it to my autism or my personality type (ESTJ, hello) or maybe on my existential urge to create things so I'll be remembered after I die. When your creating process is directly tied to your trauma, it will work like a clock lmao...
Also please just DM me 🥹
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horce-divorce · 2 years
wisdom tooth update! its fine im just having Moment about the surgical healing process so ill put this under a readmore
tl;dr im healing fine, and also, it bears repeating that I CANNOT BELIEVE how people go walking around like wisdom tooth surgery is No Big Deal So Normal And Minor You'll Be Fine Right Away. we are now at week 2 and I'm just finally starting to get my mojo back but my face is still very sore and I am still having thrice daily body horror moments every time i have to irrigate the (still massive) wound in my face
posting bc it reassures me and also on the offchance this isnt actually normal and someone else can spot that lmao
proceed w caution if you don't like graphic descriptions or pictures of mouths/minor surgical wounds. no blood/gore, just TMI
frantically doing research about what healing wisdom tooth sockets are supposed to look like bc nobody tells you JUST HOW MUCH OF YOUR FACE they have to carve up to get those suckers out???? i have like an indoor chelsea grin situation going on????? but apparently this is all normal, I think??! MOST of the images I see of healing sockets look a lot less dramatic/have MUCH, MUCH smaller incisions. but i have found a few comparable ones to mine. and it doesn't look infected or anything so yeah ig this is just. normal????
i mean i would really expect my incision to be uhh h smaller by week 2. but idk like i said. its otherwise healing fine?
like. im kidding about the chelsea grin thing obviously but also kinda not really. like my actual jaw, like the joint, like the BACK of my mouth, WAY ABOVE the gums, is still split open. like way way more than you'd think would have been necessary. like an additional half inch above my socket. it's basically 2 sockets. that are attached like 1 big socket that goes from my gums into my cheek.
i even took a picture if you wanna see!!
you dont!
but im cursed to look at this 3x a day whether i like it or not!
Tumblr media
look at that! that's 2 weeks post surgery to the day.
its not my gums. that is fully a half inch up past my gums. tbf that sucker was sideways so they probably had to break it out hamburger style instead of hotdog style or w/e, but also, it's been 2 weeks? i expect it to take longer for bone and tissue to fill in the socket, but an incision should be closing up after 2 weeks, shouldnt it????
idk cus like, this is the only "complication" i've had btw, my face/cheek muscles being an issue... nurse suspected I overworked them on days 3-4 in an attempt to get pain relief; I was stretching/massaging/trying to chew too soon. I was only afterwards told how deep the injections go and that they can cause inflammation for weeks afterwards. oops. (i still dont think i'd have been able to talk properly or chew until about day 5 anyway, but i def made it worse. part of me wonders if the incision was even this big to begin with, or if I did that by overworking it.......... 💀)
anyway, my cheek/jaw muscles, right on the incision, hurt way more than my socket. they just keep getting tighter. and tighter. you know that feeling when a tendon/muscle is out of place and then it goes TWONG back into place and you're like "UGHK" ? it's like that inside my jaw, under my tongue and under the socket, except it never twangs back. my face just gets tighter and tighter like a rubber band that won't break, the more i eat/talk/smile the worse it gets. heat helps but it's inflamed as well so im trying to alternate heat/ice.
that said it's gradually getting better every day. vast improvement even from last Friday. but man. that + realizing how far up into my face that incision actually goes has me in a serious recurring body horror moment. i have hated absolutely every single second of this whole process :) this is my personal hell :)
licherally can not BELIEVE the amount of NT people who go walking around like wisdom tooth surgery is NO Big Fuckin Deal Back To Work on Day 3. it's WEEK 2 for me and I am just now getting back to normal, I can eat pretty much anything now (still avoiding crunchy and spicy), but i have to be so careful about how much I use my jaw.
maybe I am just more attached to my teeth and bones than the average guy (i.e. have sensory processing issues) or maybe it's just that ive never had any other surgeries. maybe i hate all surgery this much idk. but what the fuck lol. i do NOT feel I was adequately prepared for this. no way. everyone was like "oh it's fine you'll be in and out in 10 mins, I didnt even take my vicodin bc i didnt even need it, I was back to work on day 3, everybody gets it, they do so many of these all the time." ok but, do you have a fucking adamantium skeleton. you are the creature that god forgot. who are you people. like yeah they cut into my jaw and broke my bones right out of my face, but it's totally fine and im instantly normal again!! couldnt be me!!! what the fuck!!!!
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