fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[Image descriptioon: A tumblr text-post, edited whiteout/blackout-poetry style, and superimposed over a photograph of sunflowers. Resulting text is below.]
Friendly reminder that xenogenders/neoprns do good for people
Submitted by @untableflip
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Questioning NPD culture is educating yourself on NPD and it’s stigmas and imagining yourself giving a public speech about what NPD is really like and being heralded as a saviour for people with stigmatised mental illnesses.
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klavierpanda · 2 years
For the ask game: scarlet, maroon, blush, lavender, timberwolf, burgundy :))
-All of us
Scarlet: You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something
Maroon: You taught me something new
Blush: See you on my dash makes my day a little better
Lavender: You inspire me
Timberwolf: I trust
Burgundy: I get excited when I see post froms you
!!!! Thank you& :D
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happysadyoyo · 2 years
So our good ole friend over at transmisogyny-explained has created another blocklist of "transandrophobia truthers," calling us transmisogynists and racists. So I decided to do their job for them and not only make it easier to search for but denote whoever is nonwhite or non-men. Notably, this is probably not a complete list as I don't know all or most of these people. It's simply info I've gathered from their blogs.
† non-man ‡ non-white * very special circumstance where someone is cataloguing stuff to read later ** dead url
Final notes. Just because I've compiled that stupid list from t-e doesn't mean that I agree with all the people on this list. In fact I have had very vocal disagreements with a handful. I just think it's dumb to see that shey are posting dead urls, people who don't actually talk about transandrophobia, and claiming everyone in the list are of a certain flavor of queer.
Anyway, feel free to point and laugh at t-e for being stupid and check out the blogs below to see if anyone catches your fancy.
Adding this here in fun big letters: non-man just means the person being labelled as such either doesn’t identify as a man (cis, trans, or nonbinary). 
Basically, since t-e is making such a big deal about Men(TM) being awful and mean about the big bad trans men wanting to use a term to describe a specific sort of transphobia we face, I want to show it’s not only men who are affected and/or care about transandrophobia.
acidmatze‡, alytyler†, am-bass-ador, amillsiancatalog*, anarkittyuwuuniverse, angeryspice, anonymous-frogz, anti-transphobia†, archangelofcupcakes, asterosian
bastard-to-bastard**, b-dsm-5†, bearcubbuttcheeks**, bigenderdragon, bluepoxx, boymph, botboyblue, brushofentropy, budgiefics**
cackled0g, canonicallyill‡, canofhorses**, cashmere-stardust†‡, champivacacommonghost**, chickensalad, crippled-dad, curiouscarnifex
danphanto, deinacrida-weta, doberbutts‡
enbygesserit, evergardenwall, evilprivilegedgncbrowntransman‡, experimentalbeing
(enbygesserit and evergardenwall are the same person)
fakeboism, fallowearth**, fluxphage‡, felix-lupin, felix-makes-flags**, fucknuggetmaguire
gem-femme†‡, good-morning-czernobog
hannibiscannibis, happysadyoyo, howlsaur, hussyknee†‡
jaspicosmer, jordansspot, joseph-lavode
keelan-666, krispykremebronuts
lambkinn, lucy-is-not-lucy**
mad-dispunktional**, maidenofghosts, malhare, manstrans, man-squared, minecraftgender, miraculouslumination, mylifeas-iseeit
norvtown, nothorses
penis-peeper, pixelnepeta, petalsbleedingbeak, primordial-soup-slut‡
raw-bean, rebornfromsea, relientk, rottingcompost†, rohans-ponies
sailorcore‡, sarcasticsabreur, satanic-big-tiddied-transgoat, secretkeepersystem, shinas-spicy-chicken-leg, sink-drainage, sometimesmostlywitchcraft, spaacejunk, spite-and-waffles†, springfieldfields, starfox6664, st-dionysus‡, sunsetjackal†, susspirria, sweetsweetemo
tallnoser, thatonecrowguy, the-highest-warlock, thereddestofsons, tigerinkangel†, tinyfrog-jpg†, tradwoof-tadashi**, trannyskeleton, transagendas, transandrophobia-teacher, transandrophobiatruther, transfaguette, transgentleman-luke, transmasccalkestis**, transmascissues, transmasc-pirate, transman-phoenixwright**, two-headed-lamb, tylenol-milk-tranny**
tylenol-milk-tranny is a former url that got taken by a fan of the original blogger and is mostly dead
ughwhyislifelikethis, undeadcorvid† , unicornlamps, untableflip†, urfavisatransandrophobiatruther
whilomm, whitehairedanimeboyfriend‡, wilderun, w-0-r-n-n, wrenstep
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TMRA blocklist 2.0
For anyone who’s tired of seeing racist transmisogynists and their defenders on their dash.
Let me know if there are any URLs I should remove, change, or add (but be sure to send receipts or I won’t add them).
Obviously, this list exists to avoid interacting with transmisogynists, so DO NOT send anyone on it hate or harassment.
St-dionysus, Nothorses, Penis-peeper, Transgentleman-luke, Anti-transphobia, Bastard-to-bastard, Satanic-big-tiddied-transgoat, Danphanto, Hannibiscannibis, Miraculouslumination, Cashmere-stardust, Mylifeas-iseeit, Untableflip, Amillsiancatalog, Vaspider, Enbygesserit, Acidmatze, Tigerinkangel, Joseph-lavode, Rottingcompost, Jaspicosmer, Evergardenwall, Manstrans, Fallowearth, Sarcasticsabreur, Experimentalbeing, Angeryspice, krispykremebronuts, Asterosian, Tradwoof-tadashi, Maidenofghosts, Keelan-666, Raw-bean, Deinacrida-weta, Shinas-spicy-chicken-leg, Evilprivilegedgncbrowntransman, Bigenderdragon, Fakeboism, Tylenol-milk-tranny, Ughwhyislifelikethis, Commonghost, Susspirria, Trans-stuff, Transmascissues, W-0-r-n-n, Canonicallyill, Secretkeepersystem, Rebornfromsea, The-highest-warlock, Boymph, Bearcubbuttcheeks, Happysadyoyo, primordial-soup-slut, Transandrophobia-teacher, Fluxphage, Yharnamsnewslug, Curiouscarnifex, Starfox6664, Transfaguette, Chickensalad, Springfieldfields, Whitehairedanimeboyfriend, Transmasc-pirate, Undeadcorvid, Hussyknee, Transagendas, Sailorcore, Thereddestofsons, Spite-and-waffles, Anonymous-frogz, Illegalxalien, Unicornlamps, Lambkinn, Relientk, Wilderun, Doberbutts, Gem-femme, Two-headed-lamb, Tallnoser, Howlsaur, Whilomm, Transman-phoenixwright, Transandrophobiatruther, Budgiefics, Sink-drainage, Mad-dispunktional, Anarkittyuwuuniverse, Urfavisatransandrophobiatruther, Minecraftgender, Jordansspot, Tinyfrog-jpg, Brushofentropy, Wrenstep, Lucy-is-not-lucy, Good-morning-czernobog, Rohans-ponies, Thatonecrowguy, B-dsm-5, Canofhorses, Champivaca, Am-bass-ador, Fucknuggetmaguire, Spaacejunk, Pixelnepeta, Felix-lupin, Sometimesmostlywitchcraft, Norvtown, Malhare, Archangelofcupcakes, Alytyler, Felix-makes-flags, Transmasccalkestis, Trannyskeleton, sweetsweetemo, man-squared, bluepoxx, petalsbleedingbeak, sunsetjackal, cackled0g, botboyblue, crippled-dad, bireaucracy, kienansidhe, cios-correct-opinions
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Aroallo culture is thinking you were originally aroace, but then experiencing sexual attraction with certainty and then going “well I sure do feel this a lot”
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Can I offer pronounhoarders a pronoun archive in this trying time?
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prettygoodnames · 2 years
Can I please get some masculine or neutral powerful sounding names, like Tempest and Atlas?
Meaning: highest rank
Origin: English
Meaning: lion
Origin: Turkic
Meaning: raven
Origin: Irish
Related names: Bran
Meaning: to tame
Origin: Greek
Meaning: king, lord
Origin: Welsh
Meaning: blood red
Origin: Irish
Meaning: swampy area
Origin: Middle Low German
Meaning: enduring beauty
Origin: Egyptian
Meaning: of the forest
Origin: Latin
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foreverasmolmew · 3 years
Only My Friend Group
Me: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Friend A: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Friend B: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Friend B: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Friend A: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Me: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Friend B: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Friend B: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Me: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Friend B: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Friend A: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Friend B: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Me: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Friend A: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Friend B: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Friend B: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Friend B: *is tired of flipping tables to the right position. is out of breath*
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[Image description: A tumblr text-post, white text on black background. The post has been edited blackout-poetry style and superimposed over a photograph of rainbow coloured roses. The resulting text reads, "i am queer. you are queer. queer rights."]
i am queer. you are queer. queer rights.
Submitted by @untableflip
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urfaveisacatboy · 2 years
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Benson from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts is a Catboy! requested by @untableflip! 🐾 [ID Start: A picture of Benson from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts with cat ears overlaying a picture of the catboy flag. /ID End.]
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klavierpanda · 2 years
*holds gently* thank you, I shall cherish them :D
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“Transmisandry/Transandrophobia Truther” Blocklist
I intentionally try to avoid these circles, so I’m certain there’s plenty of URLs I’ve missed. Feel free to add on.
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[Image description: A piece of whiteout-poetry, superimposed over a photograph of white flowers growing against the sky. The resulting text reads, "follow me if ur pro mogai, use neo pronouns. you are people."]
follow me if ur pro mogai, use neo pronouns you are people
Submitted by @untableflip
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klavierpanda · 2 years
Red (/j), lime, orange, grey :))
- Shy + Flip
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Hehehehehe :))) Timelords my appear to be gods but I assure you we are not hehe
I like how there's a consistent logic between the first three and then just orange :)))
Thank you both!!!!
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klavierpanda · 2 years
A5& :)
- Flip
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I do indeed have autism, how'd you know? /j I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what that drink is but the can looks cool! And the bear is because of the bowtie isn't it? /pos :D
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