#unnamed podcast project
bisexualamy · 1 month
my project falls in between the cracks of different overlapping artistic areas (it's not a film it's audio, it's audio fiction not audio journalism) but it really is something else that i qualify for a lot more grants now catered to "gender minorities" bc the other half of my production staff is a cis(het) woman tbh it feels a bit like a slap in the face.
i am a trans person writing about other trans people yet i do not qualify for so many of these grants for gender minorities bc they're specifically for "women and nonbinary people". i am a trans person who does not qualify but so many cis women do.
talking about transmasc erasure is exhausting bc ironically ppl get so hung up on the man part of the trans man identity and i just want to shake people and say i'm trans i'm trans stop forgetting that i'm trans. my experiences with systemic gender discrimination are closer to women (trans & cis) and nb people than they'll ever be to cis men's
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bethanydelleman · 2 months
I had tears pouring down my cheeks while I was driving home this morning because I listened to a podcast about the Radium Girls and how hard they fought to hold their employer to account for poisoning them, even though they knew they would die regardless, because they wanted to protect the workers who came after them. Even though their community called them liars and they were in horrible pain, they fought. And then the host started talking about how the Manhattan Project used knowledge gained from the Radium Girls to protect their workers and how the ghosts of those girls and women protected people going forward...
And it made me think of all the ghosts, unnamed and unknown, who in their death protect us: the ghosts of the Titanic, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, the Quebec Bridge, and so many others. Disasters that made us change laws and protect people, not just because they were horrific but because survivors and survivors families demanded that we change; kept screaming and fighting and pushing until someone listened and something was fixed.
What a debt we owe.
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lucidreamer-uwu · 1 year
What's on your D.D.D.? || Brothers Edition
~ What I think would be on their D.D.D.s ~
His D.D.D. would be absolutely filled with documents. All the saved student council minutes of the meetings are there. All the projects, files, program flows, everything.
His email app would always have pending and/or unread notices. Emails he would frequently get are usually from RAD officials, Mammon's debt reminders, and other miscellaneous emails. And his emails would always have that 99+ bubble notification on the app. And no, it isn't spam-
Keeps notes for each of his brothers and Diavolo. Mammon's note has the most content, rivaling the amount of stuff that's on his to-do list note.
A MILLION alarms. He keeps the alarms as his reminders just in case his memory fails him. Which was rarely, but he still wanted to make sure. His alarms would be mainly his wake up call, feeding Cerberus, feeding Beel (or making sure he isn't about to go on a rampage), an alarm to leave the house, an alarm for the late bell, and one that is unnamed but is secretly to check on you.
His calendar app is PACKED. He always has meetings or things to do, deadlines, submissions, the whole burnout recipe.
His camera roll would sometimes be FILLED with random photos and photos of Belphie and Satan giving him the finger because they managed to get their hands on his D.D.D. Otherwise, it's usually filled with pictures of art like paintings and stuff.
Would have pictures of you and his brothers. He'd also save any pictures that are sent in his chats if it proved to be memorable or of importance to him. Also has a secret private safe where he stores all the photos that he gets sentimental over. That safe is locked tight with a password that changes every hour of the day, fingerprint required, and face recognition. If the app senses that you are not Lucifer, it will set off the curse he had conjured, take a picture of the intruder, and shut down the entire device (I bet he has his brothers' baby pictures in there). The only willing selfies he takes out of his own initiative is with Cerberus.
Normally he wouldn't have game apps on his D.D.D. but he had to download one because Luke and Levi influenced Diavolo into playing a multiplayer game and Diavolo asked him to join so that he could get more friends in the game because he needed to unlock an achievement. He did want to download the copy emoji expression game after he played it on Mammon's phone but he didn't wanna risk another incident.
Phone wallpaper would range from photos of artworks he finds good, and inspirational, motivational banners/quotes from artists he admired.
His music would be composed of vintage records, probably podcasts, and deep focus classics.
Has broken his D.D.D. because he tried texting his brothers while he was furious.
His storage is full most of the time.
This boy has accounts on any and ALL the banks of the Devildom. So he'd have a dedicated folder where he collates all those bank apps.
He's part of the student council so he has at least SOME files for that. He keeps it to a minimum though. His email and social media accounts are more cluttered than Lucifer's because he's often too lazy to keep it in check.
His notes app contains all his debts — and something of a ledger too. He keeps track of them not with the intention of paying them off, but to remember who to avoid.
He sets alarms to wake himself up in the morning so Lucifer doesn't beat him to consciousness, but he always manages to hit the snooze unconsciously before he wakes up. So he's extremely thankful if you're the one he wakes up to and not an angry Lucifer about to kill him, or a pissed off Levi who was ordered to wake him up.
Has some event reminders in his calendar app just so he doesn't forget to go to his part time jobs and his magazine shoots. Other events would include everyone's birthdays. (Like he'd actually forget your birthday, but he likes the look of it there anyway)
The guy's camera roll has TONS of pictures of the latest watch models, jewelry, expensive brands of clothing. Would also have pictures of his brothers doing goofy things. Has lots of party pics too.
He doesn't bother putting his brothers' pictures in his private safe. Instead, he keeps them in sorted albums — one for each brother. He keeps his blackmail folder, however, in the private safe.
His private safe would have pictures of you obviously. Your selfies together, the pictures he takes of you, with your knowledge of course, and maybe some candid shots of you sleeping and walking around or doing school work too. Besides that though, there are also images of things he wants to get you in there, like matching outfits, things he think that you'd like, clothes he thinks would look great on you, and all that. He can't risk you finding out before he actually gets it for you, he wants it to be a surprise!
Has FPS games on his phone and some multiplayer games too because he thinks that single player games are boring. Also because sometimes, it's the only way he can stay connected with Levi when he locks himself up in his room.
Lock screen wallpaper would be the best #bestfriendgoals selfie of the two of you and his home screen wallpaper would be the cutest picture of you two being all cuddly.
His music playlists would be composed of heavy metal music, pop music he likes to dance to, slow dance songs he imagines dancing with you in, rap music, and sweet love songs he has yet to gather the courage to send you.
The only one of the brothers who hasn't lost his D.D.D. Mainly because he doesn't want to even think about the price he has to pay for a new one.
He only keeps a few school related things on his phone, neatly organized into one folder just in case he really needs it.
His email rarely has any back logs, mostly because of the fact that he regularly reads his mail to stay updated with news about any of his anime subscriptions.
Despite claiming that he's a shut-in otaku who has no social life, his social media — both personal and all his fan accounts — get a lot of notifications per day.
Notes app would be filled with his personal otaku errands, what merch he needs to get his hands on, games list, and school schedule.
He sets alarms to wake him up in the morning because he knows he can't rely on his broken sleep schedule to get him up on time. Most times though, he stays up to hear the alarm without a wink of sleep, then proceed to sleep after turning it off.
His alarms are also scheduled every thirty minutes before his anime shows are coming up.
This boy's calendar is almost as packed as Lucifer's but in an entirely different genre. Anime events, comic cons, cosplay events, merch release, anime releases, birthdays of his favorite anime characters and their voice actors, and the birthdays of his brothers', Henry's, and yours of course.
Camera roll would be filled with mostly anime pictures obviously, and cosplay outfits he likes. Some of them are of his brothers and Henry. And a good portion would also contain merchandise screenshots and photos.
Private safe? PFT as if he has a private safe... — he does but denies it because it's filled with selfies of you two and pictures he's saved of you from group chats and private chats he has. He also keeps pictures of him cosplaying in there. He'd die if anyone saw what was in the private safe, but would somehow be excited by the fact that someone had guessed his password, because only TRUE Ruri-chan fans would be able to know it!
His D.D.D.'s storage space has been long gone and is running on a single megabyte because of all the games he's had installed on it. He has a hard time choosing which game to delete whenever a new one catches his interest. It takes him HOURS to decide.
He thinks that having IRL photos as his phone wallpaper is breaking the otaku code and a total normie thing. So he has an anime lock screen and home screen.
Has anime playlists and soundtracks for DECADES. This was another sole contributor to the murder of his D.D.D. storage. (I'm convinced he likes to dance to the rhythm of "kiss kiss fall in love!").
His D.D.D. has been dropped in the toilet more times than he's willing to admit.
A fair amount of his D.D.D. contained school related files. He was the student council secretary after all, so he has almost all the documents that Lucifer has on his D.D.D.
Unlike the first born however, Satan likes to keep his email tidy and rid of clutter no matter how stressful it was to handle all of RAD's emails.
He doesn't use social media often, even Levi's on it more than he was. But that doesn't falsify the fact that he gets a lot of fan mail and love messages. He's blocked a lot of them already, but somehow they still keep coming and don't ever seem to run out.
All his pranks and plots are stored in a safe folder of his notes app and regularly updates it, noting down which ones failed, which ones succeeded, and makes sure to also take note of how to further improve them.
He has a list of books to read in his notes app too. And a brief to-do list. Also secretly notes down things he think would be fun to do with you.
Has a short set of alarms. One for the morning, one for the night, and one for when it's time to feed the kittens at RAD.
His calendar would only be filled with the most important events like his brothers' birthdays, yes — even Lucifer's, your birthday, and events at RAD.
On the contrary, his camera roll would have a variety of contents ranging from every cat in the Devildom, pages of books he fancies, blackmail, embarrassing photos of Lucifer, you, and aesthetic library pics that he's sent you.
However sad it might be, he keeps a private safe so that he can keep the pictures of his brothers from the Celestial realm having a great time before he existed as himself. It's also where he keeps pictures of any memorable moments he genuinely finds comforting when he's frustrated. He'd rather die than have any of his brothers find out about it.
Doesn't have games on his D.D.D. BUT does have photo editors for entertainment purposes. His usual subject being Lucifer.
Lock screen wallpaper is of a bundle of cats on the sidewalk of some alleyway of the Devildom. Home screen wallpaper would be a picture of your soft smile. Makes him smile whenever he unlocks his phone to you.
He has classical music and podcasts on his D.D.D. Anger management podcasts mostly.
Misplaced his D.D.D. once and found it weeks later under a pile of books in his room. The screen was cracked.
He doesn't have space on his D.D.D. for anything school related unless it's a screenshot or picture of homework or projects he needs to submit.
It doesn't matter what app it is, social media, email, messaging app, it's always full. His inboxes never seem to be empty. No surprise there. He spends his time scanning them to give him an ego boost when he's bored.
Notes he takes are mostly the must have beauty products he needs, different self-care routines, and make-up, skin care, and moisturizing tips. Also takes note of the outfits he has to get his hands on, and ideas for his new product lines/ideas.
His alarms wouldn't be as hectic as some of his brothers' were. Just one for every essential. He's more of a timer kind of guy. He has a gazillion timers saved for 15 minutes, 30, and so on, to keep track how long he's been doing things. Being stunning requires self-control and discipline too you know!
He doesn't save birthdays on his calendar because he believes that if someone meant that much to you then you'd 100% remember their birthday without having to note it down on your calendar despite your busy schedule.
He does however, keep track of all the fashion events on his calendar. When the new season's wardrobe comes out and whatnot.
OBVIOUSLY, his camera is filled with selfies and self portraits of himself. He absolutely loves scrolling through them. He also has selfies with you in them. He takes selfies with everyone he likes so there's one photo album for that too. And one for all the miscellaneous pictures of clothes, make up, and cute color palettes.
Honestly doesn't have a private safe. His sentimental pictures are out in the open and he isn't afraid to flaunt them.
He has about one or two games on his D.D.D. He isn't good at them but he doesn't like getting left out when you play them with his brothers and the others at school.
His phone doesn't have a picture background. It has one of those aesthetically pleasing phone themes he likes having so that his apps are cutely designed as well.
He likes to listen to pop music, breakup songs, and love songs. But he also keeps party music on his phone too, along with some soothing background music to fill in the silence when he's taking some "me" time, which was often.
Don't ask him how his D.D.D. got stolen five times. He'll throw a fit and rant til the devildom freezes over.
Just in case anyone needed it, Beel keeps student council stuff on his D.D.D. It wasn't as organized as Lucifer's or Satan's was though.
It wasn't as if he neglects his email or the messages he gets from random people, but it looked like he did because he's got piles of fan mail and school emails. He actually tries his best to answer all the heartfelt messages he gets when he has the time.
His notes were simple. Whenever he wanted to eat but couldn't, he'd type down whatever food came to his mind and was sure to have it later on. This way, he was fixated on the feeling of excitement rather than his hunger.
Also takes note of the food he wants to share with you and Belphie.
He doesn't have an alarm to wake him up because Belphie's alarm clocks have that covered. He has alarms for practice and classes though.
He takes note of all the big games he has upcoming on his calendar. Saves every important birthday and every important RAD event on it too.
His camera roll would strictly be anti-food because it's only torture for him. It does have pictures of his brothers, you, the purgatory hall residents, the demon lord's castle residents, and his game team.
His private safe has any picture with Lilith in it.
Like Asmo has games he knows you and his brothers play because he likes to spend time with you guys too.
Phone wallpaper would be a picture of the whole family, and a gym quote for the lock screen.
Workout music took the majority of his playlists.
Because he's tasted a D.D.D. before, his only comment was that it needed a bit more seasoning and hellfire mushrooms.
The only school related files he has on his phone are homework and some student council documents that Lucifer requires him to have.
Like most of his brothers, his social media, email, and messaging apps are overflowing because he rarely checks on them and is too lazy to go through them when he actually looks at it.
"Notes? You guys keep notes?". He only takes notes of errands in case he forgets and the random date ideas he plans to take you on.
Alarms don't work on him but he keeps a ton of them anyway. One for every class, one for the morning, one for every single action he only absolutely HAS to do for the day. His brothers are starting to get annoyed because they were the ones being disturbed and needed to wake him up to shut it up because he made it so that only he could turn it off.
Calendar app is a ghost town. It only had the occasional birthday events and some important dates he wanted to remember, nothing important. He's too lazy to commit to organizing something as tedious as that.
Camera roll has pictures of him sleeping because his brothers often like to take his picture when he sleeps and has the audacity to tell him to send it to them afterwards.
He has one dedicated folder for his brothers, one for you, and one for others. He likes to take pictures of the stars so it's mixed in with pictures of the purgatory hall residents in the "others" folder.
He keeps any photo of Lilith in his private safe too. He also keeps the pictures of his brothers being sweet to him in there. He'd die of embarrassment if any of it got out.
Has any game that any of his brothers tells him to get — except Levi because he can't process anything he says when he talks about games. He'll try anything once. He often forgets to delete them though so most times he complains why his phone acts up, until Levi tells him about his storage being full.
Constellation, galaxy, starry D.D.D. background.
He saves any loud music he can find. He uses it to stay awake and plays it on full volume through his earphones when he's studying.
His D.D.D. has endured many falls from various heights. One time it fell from one of the top floor balconies of RAD because he fell asleep using it.
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Hello my dreamers! It's been a while since I've last posted, hope you didn't miss me HAHA! I hope you liked this post and I know my inbox is overflowing but I'm still working on them I assure you! So keep those asks coming!
Also! If you want to be part of the tag list that I will create, comment "dreamer!" in the comments and your username will be saved to the list! If you don't want to be part of it anymore, simply send me a dm and you'll be removed.
Keep dreaming, dreamers! ♡
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dice-wizard · 1 year
Hello everyone looking for a new fantasy tabletop game!
As it nears backer release, there's never been a better time to pre-order Exalted: Essence
Pre-ordering gets you access to the beta document and the early release backer pdf.
What's Exalted you ask?
Exalted is an epic fantasy TTRPG where players play the titular Exalted - humans elevated to superhuman/demigod status - in a wild and unique setting that draws inspiration from the ancient world rather than medieval Europe. Creation (the setting) draws key inspirations from the entire world. If you're used to having to make yourself visible on your own in other fantasy, there's probably some representation in Exalted.
It has explicit queer and trans themes about finding your people, creating your own identity, and having the power to punch back at the people who hate you. This isn't incidental. The writing staff is queer as hell. You can hear me break this down more here.
Curious to learn all you can? Well you can get a detailed overview of the entire game on the podcast Systematic Understanding of Everything hosted by myself, @presidentofbirds and @phillycuriosity
If I'm used to D&D 5e why should I pick this up?
Well, I presume if you're reading this post you're already interested in trying something new, so:
The entire game in one book. Exalted: Essence is self contained, character types, equipment, enemies and all!
An exciting style of fantasy that's different than classic D&D but like, textually gay, and very easy to have scenes like ballroom fights, epic galas, and touching homoerotic healing scenes - no house rules required.
But also, tactical depth and combat you can really sink your teeth into if fighting monsters and villains is your bag.
An excuse to use all your d10s at once
Character building and advancement mechanics designed to be familiar to a 5e audience. Characters "level up" based on story beats, and have Advantages, which are functionally similar to class and race features.
A world welcoming to most heroic archetypes, so it's easy to convert your favorite OC.
Extremely kissable dragons, demons, gods, elementals, ghosts, faeries, and unnamed ancient horrors
I'm a fan of a previous edition, what's Essence got for me?
Design focused on alleviating some of the previous versions' missteps
Virtues are back, baby
2e fans will find it an improvement from second edition's mechanical strengths - it's pretty easy to convert all your favorite 2e Charms to XS.
Streamlined versions of familiar rules to make it painless to introduce new friends to the game we love.
The Cliff's notes on Ex3's new Exalt types.
Did I mention it's all of Exalted in one book?
How does it play?
d10 dice pool looking for 7,8,9 as successes. 10s count as two successes, which can lead to explosive, heroic outcomes
Combat system designed to keep all players engaged the entire time - even characters who aren't focused on fighting at all.
Combat also narrows the gap between experienced and new players and players who want to win at RPGs and players who just wanna vibe so GMs aren't tearing their hair out trying to balance encounters.
Social system designed to resolve in a single roll so you can be immersed in role play and not interrupt it with constant rolling - without sacrificing a variety of social approaches
"Ventures" system for characters working on long term projects from traveling across the world to crafting magical wonders to building communities without forcing this to be "downtime" activity
Characters have access to Charms - exception-based special powers that make them extremely good at whatever they focus on.
It's easily my favorite game (and the project I developed that I'm the proudest of), so I'm excited for everyone to try it out.
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candlecoo-sideb-art · 8 months
so who are these ocs? What’s going on with them? They seem pretty cool
Awe thank you!!!
These characters are for a project me and a friend has been discussing. It's still unnamed, definitely a work in progress and everything's subject to change (and has previously)! I'm hoping to make it into a podcast at some point or another media if I can't pull it off as a podcast.
The watered-down premise has to do with aspects of dreams, how they influence people and our perception. All wrapped up in a Sleep Study that is more then it appears to be.
I don't want to give too much away. But I can introduce you to the main cast;
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From left to right we have Griffin, Furkan(Khan), Bo, Ophelia and Tou.
Each of them signs up for the study for different reasons and hoping to find a solution to their problems, but also because the study pays well!
Also cause I can I'm gonna give a fun fact about each of them!
Griffin spends more time perfecting his look than either of his sisters combined and is always late because of it.
Khan while looking like a snarky asshole is actually very kind and willing to help others, but he is still a bit of an asshole and is liable to complain.
Bo has a bit of a strained relationship with their family and spends alot of their time helping out at a community garden. Though won't admit to it unless they are comfortable with you.
Ophelia was terrified of the Disney film Alice in Wonderland as a child, and though she denies it, the film still makes her uneasy as an adult.
Tou may be the most put together now but she had quite a rocky period a few years back, but is now in a healthier state and happily married to her former neighbor Shirley with her son Marc.
I hope you enjoyed this lil sneak peak!
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Odd jobs are few and far between in Nearobo. Peter knows because every day he walks the streets of his village in south-east Liberia looking for one. In a good month, he might make $20 (£16.70). That’s hardly enough to feed himself, let alone his children.
But today things are looking up. As part of an innovative new donation scheme, Peter receives $40 (£33.40) per month for a minimum of three years. No paperwork. No requests for receipts. No catch of any kind, in fact. Just hard cash transferred straight to his mobile phone. 
The 59-year-old casual labourer plans to use the money to buy materials for a new home for himself and his family, he says. “Although it is going to take long, I will continue until my house is completed.”
The scheme is part of a new-look approach to development assistance that, if taken to scale, could potentially turn the £156bn international aid industry on its head.
At least, so says Rory Stewart, the former UK foreign secretary turned podcaster-in-chief (he co-hosts ‘The Rest is Politics’ with Alastair Campbell, a surprise hit which has topped the Apple podcast charts virtually every week since it launched a year ago). From his new base in Amman, Jordan, Stewart heads up GiveDirectly – the world’s fastest growing nonproft – who are behind the initiative.
“It’s a rather radical, simple idea to help people out of extreme poverty. We deliver the cash directly … there’s no middleman and no government getting in the way.”
It feels like an odd statement from someone who has spent much of his life in government service: first as a junior diplomat for eight years (during which he penned a bestselling book about dodging Taliban bullets and hungry wolves whilst walking across Afghanistan), followed by almost a decade as a politician at Westminster.
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Pictured: Rory Stewart and GiveDirectly’s Ivan Ntwali talk with a refugee household in Rwanda. Image: GiveDirectly
His enthusiasm is even more surprising given his initial caution. During his various ministerial stints at the UK’s department for international development (including three months as secretary of state), he was an out-and-out “cash sceptic.” 
Giving away money with no strings attached was, he felt at the time, an impossible sell to tax-paying voters. What’s stopping recipients spending it down the pub? Or investing in a hair-brained business venture? 
Quite a lot it turns out. No one knows the value of money more than those who don’t have any, he argues. Give an impoverished mother-of-four $40 (£33.40) cash and, 99 times out of 100, she’ll spend it on something useful: repairs to the house, say, or school fees for her kids...
By virtue of GiveDirectly’s model, participants can spend their money on whatever they choose, but the charity’s research indicates that most goes towards food, medical and education expenses, durables, home improvement and social events.
On the flipside, Stewart also has numerous examples of well-funded aid projects that deliver next to nothing. A decade ago, the then United Nations general secretary Ban Ki-moon estimated that 30 per cent of aid money disappears in corruption. There is little to suggest much has changed.
The aid industry doesn’t need corrupt officials to see its funds evaporate, however; it has its own voluminous bureaucracy. Stewart recalls once visiting a $40,000 (£33,560) water and sanitation project in a school in an unnamed African country. The ‘deliverables’ were two brick latrines and five red buckets for storing water...
The beauty of direct giving, he stresses, is not just that it annuls opportunities for thievery and red tape; it also frees the world’s poorest individuals from the well-meaning but, very often, misplaced guidance of donors. An aid expert in Brussels or Washington DC may well have a PhD in development economics, but who is best to judge what a single mother in a Kinshasa slum needs most and how to obtain it most cheaply: the expert with her degree, or the mother with her hungry children?
Empowering recipients to decide for themselves helps end the kind of “mad world” where aid agencies pay to ship wheat from Idaho, US, to Antananarivo, Madagascar, only for local people to sell it in order to buy what they really want, Stewart reasons.
“So often, these communities are having to turn the goods we send them into cash anyway, but just in a very inefficient and wasteful fashion … instead [with direct cash transfers] they are given the choice and freedom in how to spend it.” 
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Pictured: Villagers in Kilif, Kenya, at a public meeting about the GiveDirectly programme. Image: GiveDirectly
Is the system perfect? No, clearly not. Stewart concedes that opportunities for fraud and coercion exist. To minimise these risks, GiveDirectly employs field officers to meet face-to-face with recipients, as well as a team of telephone handlers and internal auditors to follow up on reports of irregularity.
By his reckoning, however, the biggest impediment to direct giving really taking off is donor reticence. At present, only 2 per cent of official aid is given direct in cash. Stewart thinks it should be closer to 60 or 70 per cent...
‘My children will not have to beg anymore’
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Happiness Kadzmila from Malawi enrolled on GiveDirectly’s Basic Income project last summer. She will now receive $50 (£41) a month for a year ($600/£496 in total).
What are the biggest hardships you’ve faced in life?
I am a divorced mother of four children. I got divorced in 2020 while I was eight months pregnant with my last-born child. Since then, I have been depending on working on other people’s farms. I get paid $0.49 (£0.43), or a plate of maize flour per day. As a result, it has been a challenge to feed my children, buy clothes for them, and to pay their school fees My firstborn child is in year 4, the school charges $0.69 (£0.61) per day for her. My second is in year 3, I pay $0.49 (£0.43) for him. There were days when I would have no food in my home, and my children would go to my neighbours’ homes to beg for food. This made me feel sorry for my children as a mother.
What does receiving this money mean for you?
I was so happy the day I received cash amounting to $51.75 (£43.56) from GiveDirectly. I used the money to buy maize at $9.88 (£8.32). My children will not have to go to our neighbours to beg for food anymore. I also bought a sheep at $34.58 (£29.10). I will be selling sheep in future when they multiply. I also bought lotion and soap at $1.88 (£1.58).
How will you spend your future payments?
I plan to renovate my house. I have always admired those who sleep in houses made of a roof with iron sheets because they do not have to think of fetching grass every year for a new roof. I will also start a business selling doughnuts to sustain my income after I receive my last transfer. I did not know that an organisation like GiveDirectly would come to help me this way All I can say to those who are giving us this money is ‘thank you’."
-via Positive News, 3/3/23
More and More People to Help
In addition to their universal basic income programs, GiveDirectly also has dedicated programs where you can donate to emergency disaster relief, people living under the protracted civil war and human rights disaster in Yemen, refugees, and survivors of the Syria-Turkey earthquake.
They have also commissioned a number of large-scale, third-party studies on the effectiveness of their numerous universal basic income models. Find these and other projects here.
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Below the cut is the contestants and their matches!
Each poll will be 1 week long, and they'll go out 10 at a time. The exact date and time polls will start going up is a little up in the air right now, because I'm going out of town over the weekend. So they might begin as early as Monday 18th, but probably not later than Wednesday 20th. I'll let you know the night before.
Anyway, just think of this delay as time to write propaganda ahead of your dog's poll going up!
Ruff Ruffman (Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman) vs Muttley (Wacky Races)
Snowy (Tintin series) vs Dog (Columbo)
Maliketh, The Black Blade (Elden Ring) vs Wolfie (Until Dawn)
Unnamed Dog/The Imitator (The Thing) vs Whisper the Wolf (Sonic IDW comics)
Queen Teatinu (Healin Good Precure) vs Nigou/Tetsuya 2 (Kuroko no Basket)
Melody Amaranth (Super Lesbian Animal RPG) vs Pappy van Poodle (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball)
Sunkist (HLVRAI) vs Dog that can Drive (Drawfee)
Hylian Retriever (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) vs Wolf (Minecraft)
Bee/Bay (Dragon Ball Z) vs Shadow (Homeward Bound)
Blue (Blue's Clues) vs Ein (Cowboy Bebop)
Snoopy (Peanuts) vs Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
Argos (The Odyssey) vs Barkspawn (Dragon Age)
Diogee (Milo Murphy's Law) vs Winston (Hannibal)
Good Boy (DuckTales) vs Bear (Person of Interest)
Daisy & Winnie (The Mistholme Museum Podcast) vs Heidi & Jackie (Hello from the Hallowoods) 
Missile (Ghost Trick) vs Sparky (Frankenweenie)
Bond (Spy X Family) vs Goddard (Jimmy Neutron)
Scratch (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs Iggy (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Cujo (Danny Phantom) vs Cujo (Cujo (1983))
Momiji Inubashiri (Touhou Project) vs Tequila/Ernesto Salas (Arknights)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) vs Scooby Doo (Scooby Doo media)
Shrimp (The Upturned) vs Holidog (Holiday World)
Rapunzel the Corgi (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) vs K9 (Doctor Who)
Blue (Wolf’s Rain) vs Shiba-Warrior Taro (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Annoying Dog (Undertale) vs Old Dan & Little Ann (Where the Red Fern Grows)
Chou Chou (Shoujo Cosette (Les Miserables anime)) vs Porthos (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Pompompurin (Sanrio) vs Krypto (DC)
Sorry-oo (Moomin) vs Tau (Palia)
Jake the Dog (Adventure Time) vs Lesser dog (Undertale)
Noodle (Nona the Ninth/The Locked Tomb series) vs Nina Tucker/Alexander (FullMetal Alchemist)
Lucky the Pizza Dog (Marvel Comics) vs Seymour (Futurama)
Wishbone (Wishbone Series) vs Angelo (Final Fantasy VIII)
Ox (Dimension 20: Unsleeping City) vs Hewie (Haunting Ground)
Bingpup (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) vs Elena (Spiritfarer)
Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home) vs Charlie B. Barkin (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
Polterpup (Luigi’s Mansion) vs Gromit (Wallace and Gromit)
Santa’s Little Helper (The Simpsons) vs Slink/Slinky Dog (Toy Story)
Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog) vs Twig (Hilda)
Zosimos/Zozo (The Glass Scientists webcomic) vs The BTS Wolves (Midnight Burger)
Unnamed Dog (Teletubbies) vs Shigure Souma (Fruits basket)
Dachsbun (Pokemon) vs Hector J. Peabody (Mr. Peabody & Sherman)
Inuyasha (Inuyasha) vs Frank the Pug (Men in Black)
Sam (Sam and Max) vs Barnabas (The Sandman)
Duck Hunt Dog (Duck Hunt) vs Mira (Silent Hill 2)
Fairy (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Shiloh (Shiloh series)
Makkachin (Yuri!!! On Ice) vs Becquerel/Bec (Homestuck)
Rush (Mega Man) vs Dogmeat (Fallout 4)
Dog (Good Omens) vs Zamazenta (Pokemon)
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sasusc · 7 months
So I saw a few things about Norman Reedus doing a podcast that some people didn't like. I had to find it. It's on Spotify...Lipp Service with Scott Lipps.
They talked about a lot of little things...TWD, DD spinoff, other projects, fans, and Nova. The Nova stories are so cute. Nothing new about his projects, but he did mentioned he wanted new writers for the spinoff. And I don't see that as a bad thing. He wanted some French writers which makes sense when the show is filmed in France, takes place in France, and they would want to bring in writers that know the culture and locations and people.
Also about the fans... It didn't seem that negative unless you felt called out for bad behavior. He couldn't even use a public bathroom in peace. Dick out at a urinal is not the time to ask for a picture with him. And it's rude--especially when the man is already with someone--to want him to date an unnamed actress because they worked together and be upset that they aren't dating. I know I would be pissed off if people keep insisting I should be with someone else when I'm perfectly happy in my current relationship.
Actors are people who just want to do normal things without being mugged constantly. Let them be unless they look open to interact with you. As he said, people think they know him because he's been on TWD for 11 years...been on other things. That's not the same as knowing him personally.
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zestymimblo · 1 year
Writeblr Introduction
Ignore the fact that my current WIP is open in another tab, and I'm putting off working on it so I can type this out.
Hello! My name is Milo (he/xe) and I'm an aspiring writer. I've wanted to be an author my whole life, but I have yet to write a story that I didn't dislike immediately after I finish it. Hopefully interacting with likeminded people will change that!
About Me
I absolutely adore D&D and various TTRPGs (my current favourite podcast is Midst).
I'm a 20 year-old gay transmasc person from Canada
I work in the film industry, but my plan is to be an author as well
Some of my favourite genres are Modern and Classic Fantasy, Dieselpunk, and Adventure
My current favourite books are "Ocean's Echo" by Everina Maxwell, "Hell Followed With Us" by Andrew Joseph White, and "So This Is Ever After" by F.T. Lukens
My Current Project
It is currently an unnamed project (even though I have 4 chapters) in the first draft and before the first edit.
It's about a transman navigating a world full of Magic as weird and creepy shit begins to happen around him. Full of gay moments and transmasc rage... also body horror.
What I'm Looking For
I would LOVE to meet people who I can bounce ideas off of, and follow folks that have cool stories that they're working on.
If I ever get out of the cursed first draft, I would also love to have beta readers (my friends can only put up with so much!)
That's me! Don't be afraid to reach out. I'd love to talk to folks :] ((I'm also tag game-friendly))
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lugosis · 8 months
now that i’m in the podcast class i have an excuse to work on the unnamed monkees podcast during the school year and claim it’s for my final project but like based on how slow i am at writing the script for the first episode this is going to take me a while to write all of the episodes and id like to have them all written before recording anything. the unnamed monkees podcast will happen it just might take me til december to bust it out. especially because i’m like religiously fact checking everything i write down and trying to actually have sources that aren’t my beautiful mind.
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bisexualamy · 3 months
<- writes projects too ambitious for his own good
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whimsy-of-the-stars · 11 months
whimsy-of-the-stars: a writeblr (re) intro
hi there! this post is here because I can't edit the old one on desktop bc I reblogged it! :( Anyway i’m whimsy-of-the-stars! the only name i really go by is my actual one, but i’m hesitant to share it online. some info about me:
relatively new to tumblr
currently in high school
i aspire to be an author, as well as a poet and musician
I enjoy cartoons, comics, fiction podcasts and novels
Currently, I'm foraying into the world of itch.io, so you might see me working on Twine games or ttrpgs too!
Learning languages is fun! my main focus right now is Spanish!
I’m in the LGBTQIAP+ community
I like to read (YA): fantasy, sci-fi, fluffy romance, some mysteries
I like to write (YA): fantasy, sci-fi, fluffy romance, superhero
oh and I kinda have an original poetry tag within my posts! It’s “whimsy of the poetry” lol. there you’ll find my 1 (one) poem posted so far!
I’m really bad at coming up with names so most of my projects are untitled. now onto mini WIP intros!!!
unnamed apocalypse story
status: roughly halfway thru the first draft
genre: uhh queer apocalyptic mg/ya
this one is new-ish! ok, not really. It's from April 2023 Camp Nano, and I never finished it. I'm hoping to resume writing soon, probably for July Camp Nano. I'll make a WIP intro soon!! | SWEAR! (casually has never made one before)
Anyway, it centers around a bunch of teens who get lost in the huge forest right before the plant-centered apocalypse hits. They have to survive in unfamiliar woods as this freakishly fast-growing plant continues to creep closer and closer, releasing dangerous pollen; not to mention they've gotta get along with each other. featured in this wip are: silly diary entries, hand-drawn maps, new friends, and questionable poetry!
The Quest for Calamint (a Twine game)
status: jam version (aka simpler, more bare-bones version) available now here! better, cooler version coming in or after July, probably, along with full intro post!
genre: Wholesome fantasy interactive fiction :)
Go on a quest to get your best friend, a little goat named Calamint, back from the faeries who stole him and the rest of the dairy animals on your family's farm. Navigate the forest, talk to the right faeries, and solve the ex-queen's puzzle to get him back!
Side Projects
currently, I'm slowly working on a few small tabletop roleplaying games!! There's one about wizard girls, one about a seaside vacation where you become a delivery kid, and one about summoning a ghost with your friends! however I’m also thinking about a bunch of other things as well for the One Page RPG Jam of 2023 hosted on itch!
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tranthologies · 1 year
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It’s a pleasure to announce that one of our lovely voice actors Avalon Willowbloom (she/they) will be running a D&D 5e Feywild one-shot on Saturday to promote our crowdfunding campaign!
The one-shot will be hosed by ESP - Enchanting Sorcery Productions, and will take place on SATURDAY MAY 27TH at 8PM EST!
The one-shot will be GM’ed by Avalon Willowbloom (she/they), a voice actor with Tranthologies who also voice acts a bunch with Faustian Nonsense. She likes the scary, silly, and strange most of all.
The players will be:
C.V.V.M. (any neopronouns) is an artist/voice actor for podcasts such as Tranthologies, The Domestic Life of Anthony Todd, and Station Arcadia among others. In qis free time, qi enjoys writing and drawing - and is working on an ever-expanding D&D homebrew world. Ey have been playing D&D and other TTRPGS for 5 or so years.
Shawn Tumbokon-Flowers (he/him) is a VA for various side roles in Tranthologies and larger roles across the [Listless] Network, including Nicky Dixon in The Children of Room 56. Recording out of Chicago, he’s been on many podcasts and even on live radio. He’s a fan of D&D, has been a GM for 6 years, and can’t wait to play for Tranthologies!
Maegan Fellner (she/they/he) is an actor who also sometimes writes, draws, and knits sweaters. Some of their favorite voice acting roles include Vela in Flower/Serpent, from Tranthologies, and Lady Luna in The Knight and the Sorcerer, from Unnamed Anthology Podcast. On stage, Maegan has played Celia in As You Like It, Benedick in Much Ado about Nothing, and Olive Ostrovsky in 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. As a huge d&d nerd (and fan of fantasy nature), he's excited to be participating in this one-shot!
Kayla Bell (she/her) is one of the writers for Tranthologies. She usually infects everything she writes and does with horror, but always with a smile on her face.
This one-shot is going to be a whole lot of fun, and we hope you tune in to watch!
But remember, the one-shot is promoting the crowdfunding campaign for our second season, which you can donate to here:  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tranthologies-season-2/x/33577128#/
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a9saga · 2 years
you know, i remember... this seriously must have been like 10 years ago now.. i wasn’t on big time rush tumblr at the time but i had a mutual who was a fan. i saw this video on my dash of big time rush swearing, like a lot, with no context. and i guess some people thought it was just hilarious, which it is. but i was very confused by it. like they were facing some webcam but having what clearly seemed like a private conversation, and there was mention of some “sarah” between them, and beneath the video there were so many memes about like “fuckin sarah and her smartass fuckin mouth”--which, again, is hilarious. there was one of timmy turner’s dad making the “dinkleberg” face but it said “sarah” under it. if only i could find it, but anyway, that clip never left my memory.
a couple years ago kind of out of the blue in early quarantine i put on stephen kramer glickman’s podcast episode with logan and they brought up briefly there was an incident that happened while they were shooting the movie, where after they had all just worked like a 20 hour day they were about to go on livestream for the fans to announce a tour and they didn’t realize they were already recording. they just started letting off some steam about an unnamed staff member who, to be fair, they both kind of acknowledge didn’t have any leverage over them or anything and didn’t really even do anything wrong, was just kinda doin her job on a hectic day. and then afterwards, when that all came out and was circulating on the internet, on one hand, it looks really bad for nickelodeon that their stars were just speaking like this on camera for their fans to see, but on another hand, they were in the process of filming a movie and were on that livestream to announce a tour. the stakes were so high for this project to make so much money that very moment that like... what are you going to do to punish them for that? i guess they just kinda got a “👀👀 don’t do that again”
and that situation, i guess, if you look it up, still has some surviving lore about this ‘sarah’ and what she apparently did to piss them off, which i assume is 99% speculation. i guess the really funny part to me is that sarah didn’t even do anything wrong. sarah didn’t even do shit, other than her job. the guys were just so overworked and that moment she was another easy person to be annoyed with. fffuckin’ sarah...  🙄
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ear-worthy · 27 days
Three iHeart Podcasts For Women: Fashion: Past-Due Female Recognition; Katie
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If TV can do it, why can't podcasting. Networks like Lifetime and Hallmark program shows that appeal to women. Therefore, it's only fair that iHeartPodcasts has several excellent podcasts for women. 
To be clear, podcasting has podcast networks that are female-owned, such as Critical Frequency and Earios.
First up is Climbing In Heels, which just returned every Friday for season three. If you didn't know (I did not), Rachel Zoe is recognized as one of Hollywood’s most powerful fashion authorities. She welcomed audiences into her fast-paced life as an A-list stylist on her Bravo show, The Rachel Zoe Project and her fashion brand is known globally.  The podcast's marketing pitch is: "Host Rachel Zoe’s podcast Climbing In Heels promises to be your weekly dose of glamour, inspiration and fun!"
 I listened to an episode with celebrity stylist Dani Michelle, whose clients include Hailey Bieber and Kendall Jenner. Zoe is a sold host, keeping down the melodrama in favor of sharing her expertise and that of her guests with her listeners. The January 2024 episode with Kroma wellness founder Lisa Odenweller discussing health and nutrition was informative, and kudos to Zoe for not turning it into a Kroma commercial spot. I think the best episode is the March 29, 2024, show with actor Jamie-Lynn Sigler, who played Meadow Soprano on the hit HBO TV series The Sopranos.  While Sigler continued to work in the entertainment industry after the show ended, she was diagnosed with MS, which she didn’t share publicly for 16 years. Zoe does a superb job as host, as Sigler discusses her career, motherhood, and MS.
Season three promises, "Conversations with incredible women across many industries, from models and beauty industry stars to doctors, entrepreneurs and TV personalities, and Rachel will be sharing her insight and knowledge of her over 20-year career in fashion."
 Next, we have Womanica. Here is their marketing pitch: "Historically, women have been told to make themselves smaller, to diminish themselves. Some have used that idea to their advantage, disappearing into new identities. For others, a disappearance was the end to their stories, but the beginning of a new chapter in their legacies."
I listened to several episodes and loved the show. Its premise of women not getting the attention, respect, adulation, and recognition they deserve for their contributions is inspired and so overdue.
Every episode starts with the title "Disappearing Acts." Then the five-minute episode highlights a woman whose contributions have been overlooked by history and society.
There's an episode on Fanny Eaton (1835-1924), who was a model and muse for dozens of iconic paintings from the pre-Raphaelite era. Her face can be found in museums around the world, and yet she remains unnamed and overlooked even today. Jean Ritchie (1922-2015) was the mother of folk music. She was an instrumental voice in the American folk music revival of the 1940s and 60s, and introduced a traditional dulcimer sound to a wider audience. Sophie Germain (1776-1831) was a French mathematician and physicist who contributed to the study of acoustics, elasticity, and number theory. She was forced to assume a fake male identity to have her work taken seriously, but her efforts paved the way for further breakthrough discoveries in mathematics.
Take your pick. It's a daily show. Womanica is a podcast for everyone. For all those male-oriented podcasts where the host whines about men playing second fiddle to women and minorities, please listen to some of these episodes about women who made major contributions for little or no recognition.
Finally, we have Katie Couric. Unlike other celebrities jumping on the podcasting bandwagon like carpetbaggers and scalawags, Couric began her podcasting career long before it was cool to be in podcasting. Ten years ago, a celebrity starting a podcast often elicited a "what happened to their career" comments.
Couric has done a nice job with her show. Last week, iHeartPodcasts
and Katie Couric Media announced the launch of the ninth season of Next Question with Katie Couric.
The marketing pitch is: "Katie is back on the mic for a new season, promising listeners intimate and unexpected conversations with some of the world’s most interesting and influential people."
The season premiere serves up Couric with Kris Jenner to talk about Kardashian-Jenner stuff. If you're into that, you'll love it.
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nataliescatorccio · 1 year
In regards to Joey and Kat being seen together at the premiere, I THINK they're actually dating. People are pointing out that they were in Iceland at the same time back in January plus Kat mention in an episode of her podcast Return to the Shadows that she met her current boyfriend during the pandemic and folks keep mentioning that they worked together during the pandemic on some unnamed Netflixed project. Perhaps it's coincidence but seems to add up! Either way, hope they're happy!
honestly i'm not one to speculate whether people are dating or not. if they are then good for them, if they're not then also good for them. i just find it funny that kat mcnamara seemingly knows everyone
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