#unfinished but fabulous!!
dragonmama76 · 11 months
Eddie and Corroded Coffin are back in Indy for the last stop on their first national tour.  It’s been a whirlwind and they are grateful to have a night off at home before their last concert.  Even though they are physically exhausted, no one wants to sit in the hotel.  Gareth calls down the desk and asks the concierge to suggest some up and coming places they might take in a show and a list is sent up right away.  Looking it over, they decide on Greener Pastures which has a drag cabaret.  The concierge made a note that it was a new break out hit with a wildly talented headliner.  
Fame will get you everywhere, so their manager, Chrissy, calls the club to make sure they won’t be standing in line to get in and they are assured that they will be able to slip in before the official opening of the night.  
Robin Buckley generally loves her job as the weekend floor manager at Greener Pastures.  Even though in real life she is still a bit socially awkward, here she plays her part with ease.  Dressed in a fashionable, tailored suit with her hair slicked back and some heavy eye makeup she has a confidence that she fervently wished she could carry into her personal life.  But when she gets the call from the manager of Corroded Coffin she can feel the facade slipping a bit.  Assuring her that getting them in quickly and quietly is no problem, her brain starts to go into overdrive.  But this is her job and she knows how to execute.  First stop is the doorman.  “Harry, we have some VIPs coming in soon.  You know Corroded Coffin?  Well we are hosting all four of them tonight.  Please walkie me when their car pulls up and go ahead and let them in right away.”  “Sure thing, Rob!”  Harry replies, nodding agreeably.  Second stop is her lead waitress.  Robin instructs her to sit them at a front table and make sure they get the best service.  And then finally, well, she has to tell Steve.   
Steve stares at Robin, his mouth open just a little.  “I’m sorry, what?  It sounded like you just said that Eddie was coming to see the show.  You can’t possibly mean our Eddie.”  
“I do.  I do mean our Eddie.  Eddie Munson.  Corroded Coffin front man and our old pal Eddie.”  
“How?  I mean….do you think he KNOWS??”
“How should I know??”  Robin throws up in her incredulously.  “Their manager called and said they were coming and could we make sure to have space for them and maybe let them in early and I just said great and of course and no problem and now I’m here talking to you.”  
“Okay, Rob, breathe.  I’m sorry.  Don’t get stressed.  You just go out and do your job and I’ll do mine and it will be totally fine.  We’ll see him and he’ll probably recognize us and it will be just fine.  It’s not like what we do here is a secret, we just haven't seen him since he left.”  
Robin nodded.  “I know you keep saying it will be fine and I’m sure it will be.  Fine.  Of course it will.  I mean, look at us!  He may be a rockstar but WE are fucking amazing ourselves.  You’re practically famous in this town as it is.”  
Steve smiled big, “That’s the spirit!  Hey!  Let’s do the VIP number tonight for his table.  Make sure Maria sets it up, ‘kay?  Love you Rob, but I have to get ready!”  
Eddie and the guys are having a great time enjoying the show.  The singers are all fantastic and the performance is top notch.  Plus the service is some of the best they’ve ever had.  Their waitress is attentive and friendly.  He makes a mental note to thank whoever it was that suggested they come out here tonight. 
Suddenly the lights go out and the announcer’s voice booms out,  “And now, our very own, the lovely Miss Stevie!”
The music starts with a quiet riff and suddenly the spotlight shines in front of Eddie.  Miss Stevie is sitting on a stool that’s been placed right in front of Eddie.  She gives him a big wink and sings,  
The minute you walked in the joint, I could see you were a man of distinction, a real big spender.
Eddie sucks in a breath and can feel a blush rising.  He enjoys a man in drag, but he wouldn’t say it’s normally an attraction for him.  This is a definite exception.  
Good looking, so refined. Say, wouldn’t you like to know what's going on in my mind?
Miss Stevie was something else.  Gorgeous brown eyes and a teasing smirk.  Tall sparkly heels, fishnets, babydoll slip dress.  She reminded him of someone, but his mind couldn’t hold on to a coherent thought.  She was singing right at him and he never wanted her to stop.  
So let me get right to the point, I don’t pop my cork for every guy I see.  Hey big spender!  Spend a little time with me.
As the chorus of ladies came in to pick up the song, Steve leaned down to whisper in Eddie’s ear, “Hey man, if you want to come backstage later and say hi,  just let Rob know” Indicates Robin with flourish and a wink, and hops gracefully back on stage to continue the song.  All the while flirting with Eddie for everyone to see.  
The song ends and Eddie applauds enthusiastically, wanting it to never end, but also hoping it would end quickly so he could go meet this beauty.  
A couple songs and an encore later and Miss Stevie finally struts off-stage for the last time that night, blowing a kiss to Eddie as she leaves.  
Robin heads over to Eddie.  “Mr. Munson, Miss Stevie mentioned you might want a private tour backstage?”  The guys hoot and holler while Eddie blushes, but he eagerly agrees to go. Turning to the guys he shoos them out the door,  “Okay, alright, I guess I’ll see you guys bright and early tomorrow!  Don't get into any trouble on the way back to the hotel.”
Robin is already moving at a brisk pace, so Eddie picks it up, never quite managing to catch up to her as they move around tables and down a dim hallway past open doors with performers kicking back after the show.  Finally, they get to the last door and Robin knocks once and enters.  
Steve is at his makeup vanity, wig off, carefully wiping his face when he catches a glimpse of Eddie trailing behind Robin. He turns grinning, and in his best Southern accent says, “Why, Eddie Munson, as I live and breathe!”
Eddie does a double take, “STEVE HARRINGTON??  What the HELL, man??”
Steve and Robin collapse in a fit of giggles while Eddie just stares.  
When the fit of laughter eventually subsides amid comments like, “Your face, man!  I wish Jonathan was here to capture this all on film!”  and “I thought you would have at least recognized Robin, though!” 
 “Yeah, what’s up with that one??  Have I changed that much since high school??” Robin demanded.  Eddie sputtered,  “It was dark in there!  And no offense, Buckley, but you were NOT who I was paying attention to.  Christ, Steve, how does the King of Hawkins High become the reigning Queen of Indianapolis?”
“Couldn’t take your eyes off me, huh, big boy?”  Steve purrs, and enjoys watching Eddie turn a delectable shade of red. 
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pool-spidey · 2 months
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Do y'all see my vision?
+ bonus: Peter with Deadpool Chihuahua
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alex12ander · 3 months
Some more old fanart 😭 (Monster high)
There's some unfinished genderbend G1 Draculaura.... and count fabulous!!!
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There's some coffin bean G1 and G3 Frankie Stein and Watzit! (Kinda still like this one..)
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And some unfinished G3 Lagoona na Fanart...
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I was disappointed that the music videos didn't have it's own outfits, so I drew them in some new...... 🫥
I think it would've been kinda cute if i finished it and made the background dancers more dancy 🤷 but i didn't and I don't really feel like drawing anymore..
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darlix747 · 12 days
i’m convinced that the star rail character team is a bunch of mcr fans. cause why are there not one but two characters that are EXTREMELY killjoy coded recently ?????
aventurine - uses a fake name (like killjoys do), bad past with the Big Bad Corporation (like bl/ind), themes abt freedom, already has a mask, from a desert, already has a gun thing going on, and flashy manners of dress
boothill - uses a fake name, bad past with the Big Bad Corporation, “the corporation killed my family” common ahh killjoy backstory, already uses a type of raygun, flambouyant dress/personality, rock music associations, is a cowboy (killjoys are sorta just cowboys in neon with rayguns instead of pistols)
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dirteater69 · 6 months
i watched wendigoons analysis of no country for old men earlier today and it got me thinking of themes in stories reflected through characters, and i started thinking about the themes of the killjoys fic im currently writing and how they reflect through the characters, so im gonna write some of it down now before i forget. im only on the third chapter and there will be at least ten when im finished, but this is based on what i have written and planned currently so i hope it makes sense. the main themes are pretty vague in my mind, but im thinking it will be along the lines of how real people shape themselves into characters+how real events are mythologized, how ideologies and hopes affect people, heroism and villainy, how committing and experiencing violence changes someone, what normalcy means, clinging onto or rejecting social norms in times where they have kind of lost all meaning.
in this post i will mainly write about how these themes reflect in the characters of jet star and party poison (at least how i write them) and their relationship and thoughts about each other.
party wants to be the hero and shapes themselves into that character: they are the leader of the killjoys, they are very charismatic and a good fighter, later on they become an important figure in zones society in the wake of the analog wars and lead many battles. they end up being seen as a hero by many and their actions in battles and other things about them are talked about around the zones as myths or folktales.
the thing is, deep down, party does not see themself as a hero. they feel that they have something at their core — whether that’s queerness, inability to conform to other social rules, committing violence — that makes them unable to embody the ideal of a hero that they have in their head. they feel that because there is something ‘wrong’ with them, they don’t deserve to get the things they want. this manifests most obviously in the story in their romance with jet, where they think that they can never, or should never, be in a relationship with him because they would taint his (perceived by them) normalcy and moral purity with their wrongness and strangeness; however, this is only part of the fact that they dont believe themself deserving of a good life at all.
they are the first of the killjoys to ever kill someone: it happens when they are all escaping battery city, and party ends up accidentally killing one of the bl/ind guards chasing them down. though this action may have saved all their lives, party still feels immense shame and horror at having done it. the night after, their first night in the zones, they have a nightmare where they are eating the body of the man they killed, and jet appears to kill them in a way reminiscent of putting down a sick animal. at their core, party believes that they are a villain and a danger to the people around them.
of course, in the middle of a horrible war, the zones needs a hero. that is what party shapes themself into: a loud, confident, violent leader of the zonerunners to take down bl/ind once and for all. there’s a sort of split in party’s identity, where on the outside, they are the hero of the zones, but on the inside, they believe themself to be a morally corrupt fraud who is going to ruin everything good and beautiful they touch. combined, this makes for an absolute monster of a martyr complex: if they die for a good cause, then the world will both be better because the thing they’re fighting for (the freedom of the zones, the destruction of bl/ind) has succeeded, and because the evil that they bring into the world simply by existing is gone.
one other thing i want to touch on with party is how they deal with social norms. before beginning life in the zones they knew they were nonbinary but didn’t really have a safe way to express it besides going by they/them around kobra and later, when they met, the other killjoys, but when they enter the zones they begin to present more femininely. in the first chapter, party and ghoul (who is transmasc, and who i have a ton of other thoughts about) have a whole conversation about gender, which might be one of my favorite parts that ive written so far, and it ends with them swapping pieces of the school uniforms they had to wear at the school in battery city, with party wearing ghouls skirt and ghoul wearing their pants. i haven’t written any more in that vein yet, but i want to explore party’s gender more in the fic. they are definitely very open to rejecting gender norms, at least when they have the opportunity, and it’s an extremely joyful experience for them to present the way they want, but it still sort of claws at them. to them, gender nonconformity doesn’t fit with that idea of heroism that they have. when they present more femininely, they almost feel like they’re betraying the people in the zones that believe in them, like they’re ruining the hero.
this is where we get to their perception of jet star. i mentioned earlier how they feel like he’s too good for them to pursue him romantically, but there is so much more to that. to party, jet is the ideal of heroism that they feel they should be; more so, he represents the ideal of american masculinity that they betray when they present femininely. they piece together true and half-true things about him to create a version of him in their mind that they can compare themself to, furthering their idea of themself as a villain. when they decorate the masks and ray guns of all the killjoys, they make jets red, white, and blue. this idolization also ties into the shame that they feel about the violence that they commit. there is of course the nightmare they have of him killing them for having killed the bl/ind guard, but there is also the fact that while they are a very active fighter in the analog wars, jet mainly works in the medical tents. they destroy things, he fixes things. (never mind the fact that the destruction they commit is against bl/ind) this idolized idea of jet eventually ends up clashing with the real him in a scene late in the fic, where they have a whole breakdown at him about how bad of a person they are, including how they’ve ‘ruined’ him by simply being his friend. he doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about.
but what is actually going through jet stars head throughout all of this? well, while party is eager to show themself as a hero, jet tries to portray himself as the ‘everyman’, the regular person in a world of chaos and absurdity. this is how he’s been coping with the trauma he’s experienced at the hands of bl/ind: he is sent away from his family’s farm in zone 8 to a ‘reformation academy’ in battery city, and ends up staying there for several years before escaping with the other killjoys, but throughout those years he thinks of it as something fleeting and temporary; surely, he’ll get back to zone 8 soon, to return to his normal life. he’s not actually some kind of crazed desert rebel like the rest of the killjoys, he’s just a regular american farm boy who’s been thrust into a strange situation by forces beyond his control, and as soon as he gets the opportunity he’ll return to that life. even when beginning life in the inner zones, surrounded by the stranger aspects of zone culture, this is how he thinks and portrays himself to others — or, at least, tries to. it’s related to how he deals with trauma. while party thinks of the bad things that they’ve been through as yet another thing that makes them wrong and unfit, yet another thing that makes them the villain, they at least acknowledge that it’s happened. jet just tries to suppress those thoughts completely.
however, his entire idea of returning to a normal life in zone 8 falls apart once he sees what’s happened to it. when he travels to zone 8 for the first time in years, it’s entirely under the control of bl/ind, unrecognizable from the wholesome farm society he remembers. his plans for a normal life — and, furthermore, his thoughts of himself as a normal person — begin to fall apart when he sees the place representative of his old life destroyed. party is with him in that scene, and though he has to break through all his layers of emotional repression for it and it makes him almost feel physically sick, he manages to explain some of his issues to them. one of the things they say in response is something that will be very relevant to both their character arcs: “normal isn’t a thing anymore”.
jet is soon embroiled in the chaos of the analog wars along with the other killjoys, but he still clings to some ideas of normalcy. whereas party is an avid fighter, jet stays out of battles until it is absolutely necessary for him to join, instead helping out in the medical tents and administering first aid on the battlefield. though he isn’t explicit about it, he does kind of look down on the zonerunners most active in the fighting, especially the ones that don’t show any shame or remorse about the violence they commit and sometimes even delight in it (cough cough, a certain bomb-building thrill-chasing black-haired city-born adrenaline junkie with no regard for social niceties, mayhaps?).
of course, the main exception for this is party poison, because love makes you ever the hypocrite — and it is love that he feels for them, though he doesn’t realize it, and certainly wouldn’t admit it for the majority of the story. party falls for his front of the normal, well-adjusted american farm boy, and he falls for their charismatic hero persona in turn. while he does help people in his role as a medic, and sees it as far more preferable to shooting peoples brains out with a blaster, bl/ind goons or not, he finds his unwillingness to fight kind of cowardly. this ties into many other things he believes about himself, like shame about not having fought back against bl/ind when they were taking over zone 8 and he still lived there, as well as the idea that he can’t truly be useful to his community. the latter relates heavily to his issues with normalcy and his own identity: he’s spent so much effort on trying to make himself as palatable as possible that he’s almost cheated himself out of an identity, trying to appear normal to the point where he feels like he doesn’t have any real good traits or talents left. party is the opposite of all of this for him. they are loud and unapologetic about who they are (or, who they want people to think they are), they don’t have any qualms about doing what they have to in order to save the world, they are the ideal of a true zonerunner and hero.
circling back to jet, the thing about him is that he is not as normal as he tries to make himself seem. throughout the story, he slowly gets more comfortable showing small, strange parts of himself to the people around him. he seems to have taken party’s words to heart, at least partially: normal isn’t a thing anymore. it’s only small things, he still deals with some heavy repression of trauma and trouble facing a lot of his own feeling and desires, but its a start. he has his own quirks and absurdities, his own traits that make him a unique and fucked up person. i don’t have every part of those developments planned out, but i know that at least some of it will be in relation to gender, like growing his hair out and presenting more femininely in other ways. he would have a lot more inhibitions to let go off before really being able to face his thoughts about his own gender than party would, just due to the environment and pressures he’s been raised with. (a full exploration of jet’s gender would not really fit in this fic just with the story outline I have planned, but i might write a continuation that goes more into detail. my hc for jet’s gender in the music video era is a he/she transfem, though this fic takes place many years before that and jet still thinks of herself as a cis guy for most of it.) the point being, jet is not actually the one of the killjoys who is the most normal; he is just the one who’s the best at pretending to be.
when jet and party actually acknowledge their feelings for each other, they both have to break down a lot of emotional barriers to do so, and it’s a large part of them beginning to reject the characters they’ve resigned themselves to. party has to realize that they are not an inherently horrible person and that they do deserve to live a good life, that jet is not an untouchable object that they’ll ruin by being close to. jet has to accept that he’s allowed to love someone he’s been taught he’s not allowed to love, that just because he’s in a relationship unlike the ones he’s ‘supposed’ to want doesn’t make it any less real. it heavily involves them letting each other off the pedestals they’ve put each other on, and loving the real person underneath the persona. that is actually an interesting thing that is true for both of them: while they fixate on the fronts that the other puts up, it’s the real person underneath that they fall in love with. jet idolizes the heroic leader that party tries to be, but falls in love with their kindness and vulnerabilities. party envies jets projected normality and righteousness, they fall in love with the strange quirks that make him who he is.
their emotional journeys won’t have full resolutions in this fic, but if i finish it i will probably write a continuation in which the analog wars have ended and there is more focus on the characters emotional development. it would show more of that theme of them letting go of the roles they’ve placed themselves in: party realizing that they don’t need to act a specific way or have a certain personality to be a hero, they just need to help people; jet letting go of his attachment to normalcy. they don’t need to be perfect heroes, they don’t need to follow specific norms or rules. they just need to be who they are, and that’s some fucked up kids stuck in a fucked up situation just trying to make the best of it.
of course, even with those emotional issues resolved, they still struggle. I mentioned at the beginning the theme of real events being turned into myths, and that would certainly be relevant to the killjoys, especially to party. during the analog wars, the image of party poison as a hero and leader of the zones spread quick and they were mythologized into an almost godlike figure. (this is true for the other killjoys as well, but not to such an extent.) this image comes to haunt them even when the wars have ended: wherever they go, they are expected to live up to this idea of themself that they have long since let go of and never even really fit in the first place. the mythologizing is to the point where certain people who preach about the figures of party poison and the killjoys don’t even know what they actually look like.
there is also the fact that while the analog wars have technically ended, there are still attacks occasionally made by bl/ind, and the killjoys have to defend themselves with violence whether they like it or not. the ‘end’ of the analog wars also brings along some other questions about the themes: how do the killjoys deal with the absurdity of their lives when they can no longer blame it on existing in an active war zone? how do they rebuild their lives after all that non-stop violence? again, this is if i finish the fic im currently writing.
im not sure how to end this post but it’s been fun to write and i hope other people might enjoy reading it. i might write a similar one about how the same themes reflect in fun ghoul and kobra kid, but i dont know.
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lukasspookas · 2 years
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workin on somethin
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All my ask blogs! (TW one is from D*nger D*ys)
figured i’d put em’ all in one place for everyone-
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m4lexxx67 · 9 months
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Trying to draw Lettie Lutz from The Greatest Showman for a deck of multifandom tarot cards. Usually I hate drawing curls but she's worth it ^^
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vincentbriggs · 6 months
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I made another pair of gloves with the same art nouveau design as my previous pair, this time in dark purple and gold. Unfortunately the leather is that disappointing stuff from Fabricville that stains, so I'm going to have to be very careful to not get them wet. (I still have enough for at least one more pair, and leather is expensive so I'm going to use it, but I won't be happy about it and I won't buy leather from Fabricville again.)
The gold is Angelus leather paint, and I couldn't trace the design in pen like I did on the light coloured leather, so I lightly painted around the edges of the stencil with a thin brush before removing the stencil and filling in the entire design. It smudged a bit on some of the edges, where I either used too much paint or wasn't pressing the stencil down flat enough, but it's not too noticeable. It took a few layers to get it opaque enough, so painting it went much more slowly than before.
I'm still tweaking my pattern a teeny tiny bit every time I sew it up, and I think I'll lengthen one of the fingers by a couple millimetres, but other than that it's just about perfect. I'm especially pleased with the fit of the thumb!
I think they turned out very nice and that they look like fabulous wizard gloves. I have an unfinished purple jacket on The Pile that ought to look good with them when it's finished.
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bisexualsmallishbeans · 7 months
I really, really hope Lizzie's poem is prophetic.
Looking at her first task again:
You’re mesa-in up my mind, With your fabulous behind.
... it's pretty self explanatory. She was insane about her husband, and Joel looked great. There's nothing else to be said here.
You won me a bone,  I’ll never leave you alone.
And she never did. Those married people, bless them, they stuck together :(
I hope you stay alive, And also thrive.
This one. This one gets me.
Because if Joel wins? Think of how incredible this would be.
His wife's wish, perhaps her dying one as well, was that her husband would stay alive, and thrive, in that death game.
Don’t forget to shift, When ur near a rift.
And finally... of course. Lizzie forgot to shift at the edge of a rift, and now... well. It didn't end well for her.
Lizzie's poem always felt a little unfinished to me, like she wouldn't be around to see it through to the end. And now that she's gone? And her husband has sworn to win the series for her?
I really hope something comes of this poem, is all I'm saying.
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corruptedcaps · 11 months
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Oh, quiet your whining. I'll give this body back to your girlfriend when I've completed my unfinished business or whatever. You think I want to possess your Rebecca’s body? It's so dorky and unathletic. Don't forget that I used to be head cheerleader before I died, so this is a huge step down in my eyes. It's not my fault her body is the only one I could possess.
But let me tell you something, I won't waste this opportunity. Being stuck as a ghost as so dull, and now I get to experience the living again. Sure, her body might not be perfect, but I'll make it work. And hey, I'll even bring some of that cheerleading spirit into her life. She'll thank me later when she's the most popular girl in school. So, quit complaining and let me do my thing. I promise you, I'll give her body back in top-notch condition. Besides, it's not like you have any other options. You want me gone? Help me finish my business, and then I'll leave you all alone. Deal?
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How am I supposed to find out my unfinished business if I have to be stuck in your girlfriend’s clothes? That's why I went shopping for clothes more my style. It's not like I can roam around in those frumpy outfits of hers. I need something more alluring and fabulous. More my liking. Her body actually isn’t as bad as I thought. Especially after I hit the gym with it. Only a week in and it’s already more flexible.
So, I hit the stores and picked out some seriously sexy clothes that will make her old wardrobe look like a joke. Picture this: a sleek, black leather mini-skirt that shows off her now toned legs. I paired it with a low-cut, crimson crop top that accentuates her nearly perfect curves. Oh, and let's not forget the stilettos that add a touch of sophistication and make me feel powerful.
But the real showstopper is the crimson lace lingerie set I bought. What a peek? Of course you do. It's daring, it's fierce, and it's exactly what I need to remind myself that I'm still desirable in this world. It may be Rebecca's body, but I'm the one wearing it, and I'm determined to make the most of it.
So, here I am, looking fabulous, ready to take on the world. This unfinished business won't know what hit it once I get started. Oh, and don't worry, I'll return all of Rebecca's clothes to their boring place in the closet when I'm done. But until then, this body is all mine, and I'm going to make the most of it.
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I was finding it hard and frankly boring trying to figure out what unfinished business I had so I recruited my old friends to help. I must say, it's been quite entertaining to see how easily I've manipulated them into following me, all without them knowing it's me inside Rebecca's body. It turns out that all she ever needed was a strong personality at the wheel.
My old clique fell right into line, just like the good old days. They can't resist being around the "it" girl that I’ve made Rebecca into. It's amusing to watch them compete for my attention, trying to be the one closest to the new popular girl. It’s kind of hawt making them bend to my will as Rebecca, when only a few weeks ago they were her bullies.
They listen to my every word, take my suggestions as law, and treat me like a queen bee as they should. I've perfected the art of a withering stare and a cutting remark that leaves them quivering in their boots. They want to be me, to be close to me, and they're falling over themselves to earn my approval.
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I know you're mad that I've been taking so long, but you can't deny the improvements I've made to Rebecca's life, her body, her social status. Look at how she's thriving now, thanks to me! Besides, it's not every day your girlfriend becomes the center of attention and the most sought-after girl in town, you should be happy.
I get it, you miss the girl you knew, but let's be real, she was never this captivating. With me in control, she's more confident, more assertive, and more irresistible. I may be in her body, but I've taken it to heights she never dreamed of reaching. Never in a million years would she had tried out for the cheerleading team let alone run it like I do now.
Plus you can’t say you’re not happy with how hot I’ve made her. Weeks in the gym has given her an even better body than I had before. Her naturally slender frame was crying out to be whipped into shape. Plus look at the added effect it’s had on these tits, aren’t they glorious?
Tell you what, why don’t you touch them? Hell, give them a good squeeze. Oh fuuuuck yessss just like that. Bet Rebecca didn’t let you do this. You’re getting horny for bitchy little Rebecca aren’t you? Go on big boy, show me how much you love what I’ve done to her by taking out your dick and stroking it for me. Oh my, that’s certainly bigger than I expected from you. Yes stroke it for me baby, stroke it for baddie Becky. Oh you like that don’t you? Becky is a much better name don’t you think. Cum for me baby, cum for Becky.
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You can’t be mad at me for making you cum every day this week, I’m just doing what comes natural to me, which is being a hawt piece of ass. Plus I’m not forcing you to do anything. I know you’ve been looking up ways to exercise me from Rebecca’s body to try and soothe your guilty conscience but I’m sorry to tell you babe, I’m never leaving. It’s my body now.
I’ve realized my unfinished business is to live a long and full life as Becky, the ultimate bitch. Come closer, darling. Look into my eyes and see the fire that burns within me. I’m more alive now then she ever was and even more than I had ever been in my own body. Being Becky has been the best thing to ever happen to me and soon it will be for you too.
You see, while you were busy searching for ways to banish me, I was doing my own research. Those books you've been reading, the ones on magic and exorcism, well, they caught my interest too. And I've delved into the dark arts, learning things that would make your skin crawl.
I now possess power beyond your wildest imagination, and I must say, it's quite liberating. I've discovered spells that can bend the very fabric of reality, including one that allows me to remove someone's morals. It's a fascinating little trick, and I believe you'll find it quite enlightening.
Like right now I’m sure you’re feeling all urges to purge me from this gorgeous body I’ve perfected just evaporate from your mind. In fact you feel a deep devotion to me, Becky, your gorgeous girlfriend. As much as I love that dick of yours i need a man to match it but don’t worry, I’ve got that all worked out. I’m a matter of moments you’ll be my handsome, strong and arrogant boyfriend who loves to bully as much as I do. You’ll have no memory of Rebecca or the loser that she was. All that you’ll remember is Becky.
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Oh, darling, you know how much it excites me to see you bullying others. It's hard to keep my hands off you when you're radiating that aura of arrogance and charm. Who would have thought that beneath that sexy exterior, there was a deliciously dark and handsome bully? The way you sneer at those lesser souls, mock them, and make them tremble in fear—it's a work of art. Ugh I can’t stand it anymore, let’s get back to your car and fuck, it’s so hawt to hear you yell out Becky!
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Neat 1886 Victorian in Auburn, New York has 5bds, 3ba, 2.5ba, and is a reasonable $449,900 (Well, in comparison to the $1M price tags we see lately.)
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In the entrance there're beautiful doors, railings and stained glass, all original.
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I can't get over the elaborately carved fireplace in this sitting room- I wish they would've taken a full photo of it.
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Pocket doors and a magnificent original fireplace. The woodwork is just stunning in this home.
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There's a small bedroom off the sitting room, which could be turned into something else.
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What a fabulous built-in piece in the dining room. Look at the stained glass in the middle. Spectacular.
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Off the dining room is this pretty guest powder room. Love the window.
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I rather like the simple kitchen remodel. I wonder if that wonderful antique work table conveys.
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Lovely curved woodwork going up the stairs.
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The bedrooms are plainly and neatly redone, ready to be decorated.
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This one has a beautiful corner fireplace.
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Renovated bath combines vintage and modern.
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This bedroom has a lovely en-suite.
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I like that the bedrooms aren't dark, even though they have the original dark woodwork.
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Unfinished attic has possibilities, but it's great for storage.
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2 car garage and plenty of parking around the back.
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Nice sized yard with a cool she shed.
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kabutoden · 6 months
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okami is so funny to me god of all that there is decides that she wants to be a wolf for the benefits of 1. biting people 2. doesnt have to keep on clothes 3. nobody make her take a bath.
i remember as a kid seeing a bunch of skinny waifish ameterasus as people and no i think she’d look like a classic beauty like the ladies in ishuku’s paintings. she literally has bonus lives the more she eats and while I know issun’s passes at her weight whenever you break a bridge are supposed to be fatphobic humor its lost because I was replaying the game with the beefiest, fluffyiest skin there was. god woman is large she’s got to be to me mom of everything shes large to contain the great wonders of the world. other thoughts. she’d show up in the worlds most fabulous garment (unfinished here) and then slowly shuck the layers over time until she got to run around like dog again. woman who says there is an animal inside me. im the god of all that there is and I am going to run around in thick furs and howl moon and wield a giant sword because shes just the most awesome wolf ever i love ameterasu and ameterasu loves the world she made. thank you queen
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commanderdazzle · 2 months
I finished reading the Dungeon Meshi manga on Friday night and I hadn't posted about it yet because I had to gather my thoughts.
I loved it a lot, most of the characters were absolutely fabulous, even if I'm never going to remember all of their names.
I especially loved Laios and Marcille and definitely ship them together.
I'm going to try to convince my mom and sister to watch the anime, but I don't know if my sister while watch something unfinished.
And, as usual, I hate, despise, absolutely loathe a character, but that's going under a cut.
It's Kabru. As an autistic person, his dishonesty and not being upfront about his thoughts and feelings makes him so, so irritating, and he never seems to fix it.
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thecruellestmonth · 8 months
Spooky Jason Todd fic recs
Some of the best Jason Todd fics featuring the supernatural and the unsettling, the dark and the dreadful, in the spirit of the Halloween season. Reminder: read warnings and author's notes carefully.
"Six of Swords" by campitor https://archiveofourown.org/works/37046005 - Six of swords: upright, symbolic of a rite of passage, of change and transition; reversed, a symbol of unfinished business. Six vignettes detailing the birth of the Red Hood and the deaths of sons, from UTH to Lost Days.
"The Hollow Man" by sister_wolf https://archiveofourown.org/works/121473 - He didn't even know that it existed until it showed up in Gotham one night, this-- this thing that's wearing Jason's body like a costume. But not his body as it was when he died-- older, no scars, no marks at all. How is that even possible? (Or, the one where Red Hood meets the ghost of his fifteen-year-old self.) This story was written back in 2005, when Under the Hood was the one and only Red Hood Jason storyline, and fans were still speculating about how Jason came back to life and transformed from Robin to Red Hood.
"Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter" by skylarkblue https://archiveofourown.org/works/40999275 - Jason returns to Gotham to find another dead Robin. He steals away with the body and resurrects her, but there begs the question: what will they do? Destroy Gotham. That's what they'll do. It's ALIIIIVE! In which the second Robin resurrects the fourth. This is a story about friendship and tender acts of care, and this is a story about revenge and destruction and being fabulously unhinged. Come for the spooky resurrection horror, stay for the Dead Robins toxic friendship. [dark fic, graphic violence CW, resurrection horror]
"Ghost Story" by InsaneTrollLogic https://archiveofourown.org/works/14624928 It starts with the phantom sound of laughter, glimpses of motion just out of sight, a boy in a tattered Robin suit, and the sneaking suspicion that not all of Jason made it back from the dead. Maybe the real monsters are the family we made along the way... [graphic violence, depressing family dynamics, extreme supernatural harm inflicted on a child]
"No Lazarus" by join_the_conga https://archiveofourown.org/works/11307267 - Jason Todd is the second Robin to Batman. He was savagely beaten and killed by the Joker, and was subsequently replaced by Timothy Drake, the third Robin. Jason comes back from the dead and regains his faculties with the aid of Batman’s enemies abroad. This is a version of that story where Jason has nothing to bring his mind back to his body but Bruce Wayne—and the figment of the Robin that Jason once was. Every detail is unsettling and hostile to human life. Everyone hurts, and everything is awful. [content warning for some medical horror, canon-typical Gothic horror sensationalism about insanity and disfigurement]
"The Daughter of the Water" by chucklesbuckles https://archiveofourown.org/works/46605205 - “To walk the world!” it croons, bright gold spilling over its cheeks, highlighting the springy white curls crowning its head. It bends, cold wet hands cradling Talia’s face, wiping her tears away. It places a soft kiss to her forehead, tucking a loose curl of hair behind her ear, torchlight eyes burning. “Thank you for the body.” Creepy and wet!
"Haunting" by the_authors_exploits https://archiveofourown.org/works/7392994 - It makes a strange juxtaposition, the Batman so dark and frightening, crying over a dead boy behind a dumpster. An alternative scenario in which Jason meets his extremely sweet, extremely creepy Batdad. Obvious horror elements, but somehow the atmosphere is soothing instead of horrifying.
"promises" by sunspikes https://archiveofourown.org/works/40731531 - After a nightmare Jason's on the hunt for tea to soothe his sore throat. It turns out to be with Bruce, and he finds comfort in more than the just the tea. You've heard of hurt/comfort, now get ready for comfort/hurt!
★ "Rise Up With The Sun" by blacklettered https://archiveofourown.org/works/19053271 - His son came home on a Wednesday evening and Bruce did not call for the slaughter of the fattened calf but it was a close thing. A quiet and heartwarming reconciliation between father and son. (Also there’s a bunch of freaky Edgar Allan Poe shit happening in the background because lowkey Jason Todd walks the earth as if living and yet remains irrevocably connected to the forces of death and decay—but that’s not as important. Happy yet creepy ending!) ★
"Sealing the deal" by orphan_account - In which Bruce Wayne is kidnapped and it’s somehow not the most difficult part of anyone’s day. Or, in which Jason Todd is a selkie. One of the few really upbeat stories on this list!
"Down to Dust" by Sparkypants https://archiveofourown.org/works/47407291 - It's not the warehouse that Jason has nightmares about. It's Bruce. Bruce deciding to cremate him instead of bury him. Because if he had, what would Jason be now? An infinite number of pieces, cast into the wind. Smoke hanging in the air and never whole or home again, part of him always missing.
"bird of winter" by knowsphere https://archiveofourown.org/works/4992139 - There is a ghost in the manor. Damian meets a friendly ghost, who has returned in a new form to the world of the living. Based on Batman: Gotham Knights #34. This little story is soft and wintry, like a spoonful of mint ice cream. Damian is a sweetheart, and Jason gets a happy ending. A nice cleanser after reading too much horror.
"oh, just hangin' out" by mikkal https://archiveofourown.org/works/42365103 - Jason doesn't remember agreeing to imitate a dead butterfly, but here he is. | No. 3 A HAIR’S BREADTH FROM DEATH | Impaled - A Whumptober special, featuring gruesome gore and spooky Lazarus Pit side effects. And also an adorable Damian. Happy ending.
"Confessional" by Temeritous https://archiveofourown.org/works/45307363 - The woman grabbed him by the arm and snarled nastily, “A nice boy like you deserves to know what everyone thinks of him.” Then her eyes pulsed from dark brown to bright purple and she disappeared between one blink and the next. There is a witch here, so this story counts for Halloween. [content warning for a random bystander frankly confessing an extreme sexual fantasy while under the effects of a truth spell]
"Ghostgirl and Zomboy" by shauds https://archiveofourown.org/works/16476446 - "You don't make demands of the ghost, asshole, the ghost makes demands of you." He should have known better than to make his big comeback in October. Perfect time to read a mostly upbeat ghost story set during Halloween.
"(No Sense of) Preservation" by crying_jaybird https://archiveofourown.org/works/26959063 - Sometimes, Jason thinks about how if Bruce had made a slightly different choice, he would have been embalmed. [content warnings for trauma including obsessive thinking and death idealization]
"One Foot in the Grave" by samiraxlula https://archiveofourown.org/works/25047856 - Dying can be the birth of something new and awful, to make the worst of the living wish they weren't. But what happens when you steal from the dead? There are forces in this world that are unknowable and unstoppable.
"Osiris" by Sparkypants - The Joker killed him once, but Jason Todd had died over and over again, waiting for Batman to save him. Resurrection or not, Jason's death still haunts the corridors of Wayne Manor. It waits in the shadows, threatening his entire family. Bruce would go to hell and back to his protect children. This time, that may not be enough. Love can transcend everything, even if it can't overcome everything.
"between heaves of storm" by pendulum_north https://archiveofourown.org/works/49817317 - There were unnatural changes happening to him, he has no idea when it started, or how long it's been occurring. The opposite of life is not death, but a state somewhere torn between the two falsely-erected poles.
"suicide is the highest form of self love" by XanthosSamurai https://archiveofourown.org/works/30094071 - Every single night, Jason Todd dies. Every single night, Red Hood kills him.
"Never Come Back" by Wisetypewriter https://archiveofourown.org/works/32436694 - Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. [RHatO (2016) #25, psychological suspense]
"Mask Of Blood" by Kieron_ODuibhir https://archiveofourown.org/works/20964923 - “Jason!” Batman had shouted, arm desperately outstretched as if to catch what was no longer there. He’d sounded wrenched apart. As though having experience losing this one of his several sons made no difference at all to the shock and pain of it, or even made it worse. Desperate to save his son, Batman consults Gotham's resident occult expert, Jason.
"two headed calf." by feliform https://archiveofourown.org/works/35118601 - Based on the "Two-Headed Calf" poem by Laura Gilpin. The Lazarus Pit heals Jason incorrectly, but at least he gets to die loved by a mother. [body horror, child redeath]
"Satin in a Coffin" by InsaneTrollLogic https://archiveofourown.org/works/24745558/chapters/59825830 - At the behest of several dead Robins, Stephanie Brown kidnaps a Robin. Steph sees dead people; Steph-centric.
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lostcauses-noregrets · 3 months
since you are our eruri fanfic enciclopédia, I have come to say that to the person that wrote vampire!erwin x human!levi and killed Levi in their au, you are a sadistic lil thang that I haven't gotten over it, why did you kill human!levi, and in the process hurt vamp!erwin (that was already pretty broken)?
anyway, hope that the ao3 ghost hunts you a lil, if anyone has a happy ending vampire au, Im accepting to help me dela with the pain (has a very weak heart and beed fix it aus to help it heal).
I'm afraid the vampire genre isn't known for its happy endings Anon! The Eruri fandom does have a few though...
Thicker Than Water by @ladymacbethsspot This one is fabulous. Read it immediately.
Sanctum by @huxandthehound
Clash by Elivra
honey down ivory by kimchiimoon
Ambrosia by birdfriend
These Bloody Nights by @imawarlock
A Curious Man by @ackbang
Amour by baccuroth
Datura by @ellabesmirched Unfinished, but well worth a read.
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