#steve is fabulous
dragonmama76 · 10 months
Eddie and Corroded Coffin are back in Indy for the last stop on their first national tour.  It’s been a whirlwind and they are grateful to have a night off at home before their last concert.  Even though they are physically exhausted, no one wants to sit in the hotel.  Gareth calls down the desk and asks the concierge to suggest some up and coming places they might take in a show and a list is sent up right away.  Looking it over, they decide on Greener Pastures which has a drag cabaret.  The concierge made a note that it was a new break out hit with a wildly talented headliner.  
Fame will get you everywhere, so their manager, Chrissy, calls the club to make sure they won’t be standing in line to get in and they are assured that they will be able to slip in before the official opening of the night.  
Robin Buckley generally loves her job as the weekend floor manager at Greener Pastures.  Even though in real life she is still a bit socially awkward, here she plays her part with ease.  Dressed in a fashionable, tailored suit with her hair slicked back and some heavy eye makeup she has a confidence that she fervently wished she could carry into her personal life.  But when she gets the call from the manager of Corroded Coffin she can feel the facade slipping a bit.  Assuring her that getting them in quickly and quietly is no problem, her brain starts to go into overdrive.  But this is her job and she knows how to execute.  First stop is the doorman.  “Harry, we have some VIPs coming in soon.  You know Corroded Coffin?  Well we are hosting all four of them tonight.  Please walkie me when their car pulls up and go ahead and let them in right away.”  “Sure thing, Rob!”  Harry replies, nodding agreeably.  Second stop is her lead waitress.  Robin instructs her to sit them at a front table and make sure they get the best service.  And then finally, well, she has to tell Steve.   
Steve stares at Robin, his mouth open just a little.  “I’m sorry, what?  It sounded like you just said that Eddie was coming to see the show.  You can’t possibly mean our Eddie.”  
“I do.  I do mean our Eddie.  Eddie Munson.  Corroded Coffin front man and our old pal Eddie.”  
“How?  I mean….do you think he KNOWS??”
“How should I know??”  Robin throws up in her incredulously.  “Their manager called and said they were coming and could we make sure to have space for them and maybe let them in early and I just said great and of course and no problem and now I’m here talking to you.”  
“Okay, Rob, breathe.  I’m sorry.  Don’t get stressed.  You just go out and do your job and I’ll do mine and it will be totally fine.  We’ll see him and he’ll probably recognize us and it will be just fine.  It’s not like what we do here is a secret, we just haven't seen him since he left.”  
Robin nodded.  “I know you keep saying it will be fine and I’m sure it will be.  Fine.  Of course it will.  I mean, look at us!  He may be a rockstar but WE are fucking amazing ourselves.  You’re practically famous in this town as it is.”  
Steve smiled big, “That’s the spirit!  Hey!  Let’s do the VIP number tonight for his table.  Make sure Maria sets it up, ‘kay?  Love you Rob, but I have to get ready!”  
Eddie and the guys are having a great time enjoying the show.  The singers are all fantastic and the performance is top notch.  Plus the service is some of the best they’ve ever had.  Their waitress is attentive and friendly.  He makes a mental note to thank whoever it was that suggested they come out here tonight. 
Suddenly the lights go out and the announcer’s voice booms out,  “And now, our very own, the lovely Miss Stevie!”
The music starts with a quiet riff and suddenly the spotlight shines in front of Eddie.  Miss Stevie is sitting on a stool that’s been placed right in front of Eddie.  She gives him a big wink and sings,  
The minute you walked in the joint, I could see you were a man of distinction, a real big spender.
Eddie sucks in a breath and can feel a blush rising.  He enjoys a man in drag, but he wouldn’t say it’s normally an attraction for him.  This is a definite exception.  
Good looking, so refined. Say, wouldn’t you like to know what's going on in my mind?
Miss Stevie was something else.  Gorgeous brown eyes and a teasing smirk.  Tall sparkly heels, fishnets, babydoll slip dress.  She reminded him of someone, but his mind couldn’t hold on to a coherent thought.  She was singing right at him and he never wanted her to stop.  
So let me get right to the point, I don’t pop my cork for every guy I see.  Hey big spender!  Spend a little time with me.
As the chorus of ladies came in to pick up the song, Steve leaned down to whisper in Eddie’s ear, “Hey man, if you want to come backstage later and say hi,  just let Rob know” Indicates Robin with flourish and a wink, and hops gracefully back on stage to continue the song.  All the while flirting with Eddie for everyone to see.  
The song ends and Eddie applauds enthusiastically, wanting it to never end, but also hoping it would end quickly so he could go meet this beauty.  
A couple songs and an encore later and Miss Stevie finally struts off-stage for the last time that night, blowing a kiss to Eddie as she leaves.  
Robin heads over to Eddie.  “Mr. Munson, Miss Stevie mentioned you might want a private tour backstage?”  The guys hoot and holler while Eddie blushes, but he eagerly agrees to go. Turning to the guys he shoos them out the door,  “Okay, alright, I guess I’ll see you guys bright and early tomorrow!  Don't get into any trouble on the way back to the hotel.”
Robin is already moving at a brisk pace, so Eddie picks it up, never quite managing to catch up to her as they move around tables and down a dim hallway past open doors with performers kicking back after the show.  Finally, they get to the last door and Robin knocks once and enters.  
Steve is at his makeup vanity, wig off, carefully wiping his face when he catches a glimpse of Eddie trailing behind Robin. He turns grinning, and in his best Southern accent says, “Why, Eddie Munson, as I live and breathe!”
Eddie does a double take, “STEVE HARRINGTON??  What the HELL, man??”
Steve and Robin collapse in a fit of giggles while Eddie just stares.  
When the fit of laughter eventually subsides amid comments like, “Your face, man!  I wish Jonathan was here to capture this all on film!”  and “I thought you would have at least recognized Robin, though!” 
 “Yeah, what’s up with that one??  Have I changed that much since high school??” Robin demanded.  Eddie sputtered,  “It was dark in there!  And no offense, Buckley, but you were NOT who I was paying attention to.  Christ, Steve, how does the King of Hawkins High become the reigning Queen of Indianapolis?”
“Couldn’t take your eyes off me, huh, big boy?”  Steve purrs, and enjoys watching Eddie turn a delectable shade of red. 
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weird-an · 10 months
Glitter everywhere. It doesn't get off.
Glitter will look good in a coffin. Billy knew it had been a stupid idea to snoop through Max' Halloween box. There had been so much glitter and all Billy could think about was David Bowie and that Drag Queen he once saw in California.
He stood in front of the mirror. Put a bit of blue glitter on his finger, a shine of silver and pink in it.
Now it's around his eyes and somehow on his chest, too. He stares at himself. He never thought he could look like this. He never thought he could... be that.
He hears footsteps. Heavy and way too early. He tries to rub the glitter off. It stays on. He scowls at his reflection, a silver speck in the dark of his room.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Neil stands in the doorway. Anger turning is face red, like he tried some of Max' makeup for her devil's costume last year.
"I'm sorry," Billy manages, throat dry and head filled with memories of bruises, all purple and violet. He prefers glitter on his face, he thinks.
"Oh, you'll be sorry."
Neil moves, but Billy does, too.
He's out, before Neil can grab him. Just jumps out of his window. He's running, he can't see, he can't breathe, he's just muscles and adrenalin.
He gets into the Camaro and drives to the only safe place he can think of. The only place he wants to be.
He rings the bell, leaving a trail of silver behind on the button.
Steve opens the door.
"Wow," he says, staring at Billy wide-eyed and...smitten? "This looks great on you."
Billy's blood rushes in his ears. Is there glitter in his blood?
"My dad doesn't think so," he says, voice smaller than he thought it would be. Closer to how he feels than how he want to show.
Steve pulls him inside. He's putting his arms around him, until Billy stops shaking. He kisses Billy, again and again, so sweet it hurts and so long it doesn't.
"You're really pretty like that," Steve says.
Billy snorts. There's glitter on Steve's lips. He likes it. A bit of him on Steve.
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harringroveera · 1 year
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Steve: You have very nice tits (affectionately)
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vecnuthy · 7 months
Another @jal00t haul 🥹🖤✨️
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Not shown is a patreon exclusive, which I absolutely adore a totally normal amount.
Thank you SO MUCH yet again, Jal!!
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steveandnatlover76 · 2 months
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Steve: Why is Tony so angry?
Natasha: Because now the reporters on the Red Carpet are only paying attention to us and not to him.
Steve: Hahahaha, that’s tough. But we do look great together.
Natascha: We make a fabulous pair. Smile for the cameras, babe.
Steve: As Carol would say, Romanogers forever!
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mrjeremyman · 3 months
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Rushed this one a little but eh whatever
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quiche-pocket · 4 months
Watching Howl and…. Is this anything? Or has it been done before? If so link please 😭
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fizzigigsimmer · 6 months
Hawkins School Of The Arts Presents: The Nutcracker
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Happy Holidays Harringrove Fandom!!!!!
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wrestlingarsenal · 5 months
This match between the Fabulous Ones and the Guerrero Brothers took place in Houston late in 1985. The blond Fabs, looking buff and spectacular in matching snakeskin trunks, portray the Privileged White Heels in front of a largely immigrant audience. The Guerreros, Hector and Chavo, are the oppressed and down-trodden ethnic Babyfaces, forever mistreated, cheated, and abused.
Check out both Guerreros apply gorgeous Headscissors on Steve Keirn early in the match, with the camera fixated on their snug yellow trunks. I normally cut out the Babyface Shine from my edited match videos, but I kept their Scissors this time because they are beautiful.
The Fabs soon isolate Hector in the ring and totally dominate him. The Face-in-Peril performance is especially lengthy in this match, with poor Hector acting utterly helpless, meek, and compliant to the gringos' colonial oppression. There is no commentary for this video so you can hear the crowd noise, with heated fans screaming bloody murder each time their beloved Hector gets blind-sided, double-teamed, or elbow-smashed by the cocky blond bullies.
We see Hector endure Gut Kicks, Headbutts, a huge Back Body Drop and a throw from the top rope where he sails about 8 feet in the air. He sells the bejesus out of each move, looking utterly delirious and broken, which gives me a boner (love that about Hector.) The Fabs proceed to toss his spandexed ass out to the floor a couple times, whereupon he goes Ragdoll on the dirty floor until his own partner yanks him up by the trunks to toss his beaten carcass back in the ring for more punishment. Why is Chavo helping these gringos tyrannize his own brother?? We also see Chavo repeatedly distract the ref, enabling the devious Fabs to work together at choking and smothering poor Hector. O the injustice of it all!
In my Blogger's Cut of the video, I may have deep faked the finish to give the Fabulous Ones the "W". I mean, they actually should've won after Hector clearly went fully ragdoll in the Sleeper Hold.
The entire 23-minute match is available on YouTube if you want to see what really happened without my edits and added notations (but it's hotter I feel with my revisions...)
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killjoysecrets · 9 months
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Dr D has lots of different wheelchairs, some that are all terrain, but he doesn't use any of them and makes Show get things cause he's too busy running the radio station
Submit your secrets here
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 9 months
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𝔈𝔵𝔬𝔡𝔲𝔰 "𝔉𝔞𝔟𝔲𝔩𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔇𝔦𝔰𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯", յգՑգ
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childoftheriver · 1 year
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Some Asia pics shared on FB. They all look adorable but, oh Gregory…
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krispyweiss · 25 days
Song Review: Steve Earle - “Yer So Bad”
Steve Earle didn’t completely erase Tom Petty’s sonic fingerprints from his cover of “Yer So Bad.” Yet, Earle’s contribution to Petty Country: A Country Music Celebration of Tom Petty, totally sounds like a Steve Earle song.
That’s because of Earle’s growl, prominent mandolin and spiraling steel. But Petty’s still in there via the lyrics, Earle’s vocal homage on the choruses and the cover’s rock ‘n’ roll rhythm section.
Petty’s associates couldn’t have asked for a more loving interpretation. And Earle fans will embrace this new Earle track as well.
Coming June 21, Petty Country’s 20 selections include songs from Chris Stapleton; Dolly Parton; Willie and Lukas Nelson; Margo Price featuring Mike Campbell; Marty Stuart and His Fabulous Superlatives; and Rhiannon Giddens featuring Silkroad Ensemble and Benmont Tench among others.
Grade card: Steve Earle - “Yer So Bad” - A
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ringthedamnbell · 2 months
Fact Cat: Useless Pro Wrestling Facts, Stats and Trivia
Hello all! Here we go again! Another robust round of facts, stats and other useless knowledge of the business of professional wrestling.
Brian Damage Hello all! Here we go again! Another robust round of facts, stats and other useless knowledge of the business of professional wrestling. Some of these facts you may be well aware of and some maybe not so much. In either case, they are just meant to be fun and educate just a smidge. So let’s go and learn a little something… Continue reading Fact Cat: Useless Pro Wrestling Facts,…
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stoneoferech · 10 months
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Exodus "Fabulous Disaster"
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Reading Shaun Simon's 'Stranger Days: The True Story of The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys' and wondering what track was planned for the scrapped Danger Days MV... and how similar it would have been to the plot of the comic...
do we have answers for this? do we have ideas??
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