#unclear what this is
andypantsx3 · 1 year
the thing about moving in with bakugou is that you basically get your own personal chef—if that chef took absolutely no direction and set the menu according to his own whims and snarled like a dog with rabies every time you even breathed near the kitchen.
"are you for real?" you ask the first sunday morning of your new life together, when you wander into the kitchen to see petit fours laid out in neat little rows along the counters. you reach out to touch a tiny eclair, marveling at the dark, glossy shine of the chocolate.
"if you say a single fucking word i will cram that so far up your ass you taste it in your throat," your pro hero boyfriend growls, from where he's bent over, icing the final row with military precision.
"don't tempt me with a good time," you say absently, watching his hands work with rapt fascination.
bakugou snorts, finishing his final pastry with a deft twist of the icing bag. you wonder at the sight of him, all rough hands and flexing biceps—a man known for his unparalleled ferocity in battle, poring over what have to be the most delicately decorated petit fours in all of human history.
the contrast is unbelievable.
"so what's the occasion?" you ask.
bakugou scoffs. "the occasion is i don't wanna eat some inferior shit," he says, like that all explains the hours and hours of planning and execution that must have gone into this.
"and petit fours was your first thought?" you ask.
bakugou gives you the witchiest look as he shoulders off his apron, an arm flexing enticingly. you laugh, the message received that if you talk any more shit, you'll never get to put one of those things in your mouth.
as if on cue, your stomach growls, and bakugou looks smug.
"okay, they do look amazing," you concede. "i just thought you'd want to take it a little easier on your only day off. these look too good to just be a thing someone whips up in their own kitchen."
"knew you'd want them," bakugou says, but you can hear he's pleased. the tips of his ears go pink like they always do when he receives the praise he so clearly wants, though he'd chew your head off before he'd admit it. "you've been fucking complaining all week about not having something sweet with your coffee."
"they're for me?" you ask, thrilled by the admission.
your boyfriend's ears go redder, and he glares at you like he's been personally slighted by your open acknowledgement. "if you can't shut the fuck up about it then you don't get any," he growls, leaning over the counter to glower into your face, as if trying to cow you into submission.
you just lean up and kiss him, laughing.
your own personal, foul-mouthed, bad-tempered, handsome, thoughtful chef.
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sabreurs · 4 months
sokka trying to get katara to give up on her waterbending bc it could get her killed. and katara refuses to give up and continues to practice anyway. bc sokka and katara represent the survival of both the people and the culture. sokka had the safety of their people thrust upon him by his dad, while katara is the only one in their tribe that can carry the weight of their culture. both are heavy burdens, and they're struggling with their roles bc they're just two kids trying to rebuild in the wake of genocide. but they refuse to give up, bc that's what the story is about.
holding onto hope, regardless of what you face.
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Pin-Lee suggesting that Murderbot start reacting to its injuries more to let humans know it’s been injured after realizing that it’s been casually walking around after a fight leaving a trail of Fluids. It’s like “I could.. probably write some code for that I guess.” and Dr. Mensah is like “don’t worry about it if it would be distracting to you. Just.... tell us afterwards. We want to know how you’re doing” and it’s like “i can give status reports yes.”
Pin-Lee is like “I still like the idea of you giving an indication you’ve been hit. For example.” she points finger guns. “Bang oh no I have definitely hit you with a projectile. Indicate that somehow.”
Murderbot, with extremely flat inflection which would not immediately seem like a distress call to nearby humans: “Ouch. I Have Been Injured.”
Pin-Lee is like “hm no there’s gotta be some sort of. I don’t know, you don’t have to verbalize if you don’t want to, maybe there’s like an alarm noise you could make? or an “AAA!” sound? Okay let’s try again BANG”
There is a brief delay (less then a second) and then Murderbot responds with damage vocalization option 2.
“File:Wilhelm_Scream.ogg” blasts through the station.
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gascreates · 7 months
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emotional support frog
who will absolutely eat your hand.
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hotpotghosts · 1 month
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hi-intrepid-heroes · 4 months
love watching junior year as a non-american because at times i genuinely can’t tell which parts are made up and which parts are just how the american school system is
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For those who are unfamiliar with Deltarune
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This is Kris, they're the main character of nutdealer 2
(their skin's not usually blue. it just does that sometimes)
we know almost nothing about them. However, we do know this:
They are nonbinary
They like (most of) their friends
They do NOT like us
They enjoy eating moss
They are going to touch the cheese
that's it that's all we know
Other additions:
They play piano (probably) courteousy or @/mystykmarigold
They are "normal" courteousy of many people
They like to flush bath bombs down the toilet. Their mom doesn't like that courteousy of @/sacrificialcat
They are a knife enjoyer, as well as a chocolate enjoyer
They like(d) to mess with their childhood friend both courteousy of @/the-beasts-have-arrived
They use apple shampoo, and apparently smell enough like apples that a friend associates it with them courteousy of @/spyret-the-shitposter
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“You’re upside down, and you’re drenched. But you’re safe.” | Ted Lasso 3x05 ⇆ 1x02 ⇆ 1x05
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
what is it about being referred to by your name when you don't necessarily need to use it that's so incredibly intimate and disorienting. names are literally for being referred to and yet
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aledethanlast · 9 months
Kevin, tweeting with the fury of the righteous: now that the truth about Neil and Andrew is out I need it to be known that there IS a great exy fued, and it's between both of those assholes and me. They are the banes of my existence and there is not a day that goes by that I don't consider burying them both and moving to Panama. All you fans wishing them well and hyphenating their names are real sweet but it couldn't be me.
Neil in the replies: when am I picking you up from the airport?
Kevin: six. Do we have dinner reservations yet or is that on me?
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bleue-flora · 2 months
What's often interesting to me, is Dream spells it out in the finale and people often still don't get it, so I thought it'd be interesting to see what he was actually referencing here. To see where it all started.
[24:27] Tommy: “That first war, me and Tubbo versus you–how it should have ended–why’d you take it?” Dream: “Tommy, you ambushed me and killed me. You stole all my shit! You tried ambushing me in a little cave–you don’t remember that? I feel like you just–your memory is just–gone.”
So here is the ambush Dream is talking about, where Sapnap and Tommy basically decide to just kill Dream and then kept all of his shit. [Death 1]
He gets killed again when he tries to take back his stuff. [Death 2]
Tommy kills him for fun right after he respawns with nothing. [Death 3]
Then after Dream gets his stuff back (via our boy Punz) and he takes the discs to get Tommy to stop, he gives Tommy back his items. But unsatisfied, Tommy goes after Dream, gets one of his discs back and hides it in the little cave. Dream tries to find it, while Sapnap and Tommy try to stop him. They are unsuccessful until, Tubbo brings them axes and they sneak up and corner Dream in the little cave, ambushing and killing him. Once again, taking all of his shit, (including, yes, the other disc.) [Death 4]
[27:58] Tommy: “Think about that, we could’ve been friends but no because you have to figure out the reason you have to get–”  Dream: “Yeah we could’ve but you–you ruined the chance of that long ago. It was you.” Tommy: “I ruined it?” Dream: “You ruined it!”
And I don’t think it’s unfair for Dream to say that in the finale, because for Dream it’s this stream early on, these moments that started it all. It’s these instances of of Dream getting murdered and robbed and made fun of over and over. Him, trying to not just make peace for everyone, but also reclaim respect and peace for himself. It’s Tommy chasing after Dream when he has nothing to kill him and rub it in his face. It’s Dream, even after all of that, giving back their items. It’s these instances of violence taken too far to the point they clearly pissed Dream off and didn’t care or follow his very simple request of just giving an apology and his belongings back that shape my distaste for Tommy and sympathy for Dream. It’s these moments that I feel like are gone from Tommy’s and our memory that highlight a different story.
[28:34] Dream: “Yeah, we could have been friends if you weren’t a little shit.”
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pallisia · 21 days
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soulsov nation it's happening
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Does anyone else see the vision
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seven-oh-four · 2 months
marina designed the bosses in the memverse to represent the biggest traumas of those trapped in the deep sea metro:
- fighting and killing people who look just like them
- being forcibly imprisoned and put under constant surveillance
- 8-ball
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luchsyy · 2 months
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had my first art school related traumatic experience yesterday
low quality pic but. i wish i could finish this sketch but now it's ruined lmao. whatever it's okay i'm fine it's alright
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homolobotomized · 8 months
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