#tyzias entykk x reader
sludgewolf · 8 months
Hc of Trolls being a Very Vocal Species
Just a personal hc I have of trolls making different insect like noises and how that affects their communication (+ some x reader hcs)
Characters: Chixie Roixmr, Polypa Goezee, Tyzias Entykk, Lanque Bombyx, Mallek Adalov, Marvus Xoloto
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
The longer you've spent on Alternia the more you learned about the hell murder planet and it's inhabitants
A thing that you can't believe you only noticed once you got yourself some quads filled was that trolls are a surprisingly vocal species
they're always somehow making some kind of noise to better express themselves
it's so common for them to do so that it even snuck into their speech patters, specially with your more chill friends since you discovered it's considered very informal to do so
Galehk once lent you a book to help you understand it better but to no avail, so you just went back to observing and sometimes asking your quads some questions
Through that you discovered that they found it weird that you were so quiet and thus very difficult to read during conversations
once you explained that humans just can't make some of those sounds they grew more understanding, but now you do make an effort to make some noises like clicking your tongue or sighing
you even told them the ultimate human secret of talking with your eyes and concealed facial expressions
Chixie, Polypa and Lanque taking it much quicker than Mallek and Marvus did
sometimes having whole conversations with you from across the room while your dear Skek Boy and busty clown were just lost
Mallek even getting a bit salty for not understanding you for shit
But it wasn't easy for you either, troll language wasn't one size fits all and each of your friends expressed themselves differently
Tyzias swears to you those are just different accents but you say it's their little special ways
Chixie Roixmr
She's very musical, usually putting them in her songs
her chirps resemble the ones from crickets, though much longer making her able to sing with them
Some of the songs she wrote for you are made only for chirps and purrs
even if you can't understand the lyrics you love them with all your heart
Strangely when Chixie is angered or any of you are in danger you hear a deep rattle noise coming from deep into her chest
it almost doesn't sound like her, the rattles make her sound much bigger than she is
usually making whoever is attacking her exitate giving her the change to either run or take them out
Also, when she rapped as The Mask this rattle frequently snuck into her performances
Polypa Goezee
Though very quiet, especially for a troll, once you gained her trust you saw how vocal she is
She purrs a lot, and I mean a lot
the loudest being while she tells you the plots of her favorite romance books, the purrs giving the tiniest distortion to her voice that's just the cutest thing in the universe
Buzzes and chirps when talking about things that can't be explained through words
and sometimes even with things that can be explained but she claims clicking just conveys it better
Strangely she doesn't growl or hiss, claiming that it would be unprofessional of her to do so
or maybe it's because she doesn't want to scare you
Considering her line of work and outer personality it would make sense, that is, only if you didn't know the real Polypa
Tyzias Entykk
Doesn't vocalize this way very often since it can become a bad habit and sneak on her while with a client
but on some extreme circumstances the most she will allow herself to do is growl at an attacker or click when she's almost passing out from exaustion
You drag her back to her coon as she melts to your touch , her clicks making you reminisce of a long forgotten memory of summer nights by the riverside, nature bringing the world alive among the darkness that surrounds you
Lanque Bombyx
Also very musical, will and did use this to flirt with you
Squeaks when frightened though he tries to hide it with his life
if you heard him squeak, no you didn't
Sometimes he'll let out these high pitched hums almost inaudible to you
this is a subtle way for Lanque to tell you how he feels without him actually needing to go through the embarrassment of doing so
Mallek Adalov
One of the most vocal trolls you've ever met
clicking and chirping while casually talking, even on the day you met
They're not shy about it and was one of the first trolls you noticed vocalizing like that
When lost in thought or upset that a code won't work for no apparent reason they click like a cicada
and you started associating this sound to spending the night laying at the sofa next to Mallek's table messing with your palmhusk as you wait for them to finish whatever they're doing
Their hisses and growls are kept only for situations that really call for it, none of them ever directed at you even during big arguments
thankfully you don't hear them too often but those are the moments you're remembered that trolls are in fact predators
it would seriously scare you if you saw anyone else doing it like Mallek
Their purrs on the other hand are for you and you only
Mallek purrs a lot and it vibrates their whole body
the purrs are just the perfect volume that you faintly hear when next to them but once you rest your head on Mallek's chest or under their chin you can hear them loud and clear
and you know those are the sounds of their love for you
Mallek will use said purrs to lull you to sleep on the regular
especially when you're sitting on their lap while they code
also voice warble,there's been multiple nights when you just play around with how Mallek's purrs modify both of your voices
Marvus Xoloto
A lot of clicks, almost being able to talk with only them
and Marvus has more than once tried to have whole conversations with poor clueless you this way
maybe as revenge for excluding him in your concealed facial expressions conversations
or maybe he's just doing it to pester you, who knows
You regularly see him talking to his lusus only with said clicks
The most musical of all and almost sings through his rasps and wrirrs
he uses them as his not-so-secret weapon during concerts making his fans go completely off the rails into a totally different mode of transportation
But off stage they sound so, so much different
the rasps that almost sound like growls and the wrirrs that are high pitched and sharp will soften once you're alone
almost like a lullaby just for you
though when Marvus is feeling silly he will sneak a honk in with them just to startle you awake
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vikkirosko · 10 months
Hello! I hope your vacation went well.
Can I request MSP Reader and the hiveswap trolls with purple blood reader (the adult reader from the headcanons with highblood reader helping Signless and his group and who is now Male Condesce's matesprit)
Reader is on Alternia because Condesce is here to kill the Heir to the throne, and she thought of taking a walk while he's doing his business.
She meets MSP Reader by pure chance, and MSP Reader's quest for friendship pushed them to become friend with reader.
After becoming friends, MSP Reader (separately) told their troll friends that they wanted them to meet their new friend and asked if they could come to their hive with reader. The trolls accepted, not thinking that this new friend is reader, the matesprit of the emperor and well-known figure in alternia (even if her traitorous acts aren't known).
They were all scared at first, but reader is nice and respectful and is happy to talk to other trolls than Condesce.
For Chahut's part, it would be funny that she takes MSP Reader and Reader to the clown church (location that reader DESPITES with all her heart) and she had a insult fight with The Grand Highblood.
Platonic headcanons Unexpected friend
🤍 MSPA Reader ♦️fem purpleblood!Reader 📫
Reader has been wandering around Alternia for a long time, finding more and more friends. However, he knew that there were only teenagers on Alternia. That's what he thought until he met you. You were an adult troll, but he had no idea who exactly you were. However, he didn't feel any danger around you. You were surprised to see him. You would never have thought that you would meet such a strange creature, and even more so, you did not think that you would make friends with him
Reader was sincerely glad that he was able to meet such a friendly adult troll. You told him that you arrived on Alternia with your matesprite, but while he was busy, you could safely walk around the neighborhood. Reader invited you to meet his friends. He didn't know exactly who you were and he was sure that you could get along with his friends, but when he saw the fear in their eyes, he didn't understand why they were so afraid of you until they told him who you were
It was hard for him to believe that you were cruel. For all the time that you talked, he could have sworn that you were kind. Only a little while later, his friends told him that despite the fact that you were close to the emperor, you were not as cruel. There were rumors that you helped trolls from other castes, and someone even said that you were part of a rebellion that happened a long time ago. No one knew what rumors could be believed, but Reader wanted to believe that you were a good person
You knew for sure that if Condesce found out about the existence of Reader, then the alien could have serious problems. That's why you decided not to let this happen. You've already lost a lot of people close to you and you didn't want anyone else to get hurt
💚 Daraya Jonjet ♦️fem purpleblood!Reader 🖤
Daraya was surprised when Reader said he wanted to introduce her to his friend. However, she did not expect that this friend would be you. Daraya knew a little about who you are. She knew that you had been Condesce's right-hand man for a very long time and it could be dangerous. However, when she saw you, you didn't look like the cruel troll that some thought you were. You looked like someone who had been through a lot of bad things in her entire life
You were sitting quietly together in an abandoned shopping mall and you really weren't as bad as Daraya thought. You were quiet, calm, and you knew a lot. You remembered well what Alternia used to be. Daraya listened to your stories about the past. You remembered the past with a wistful smile. For you, it was a long-lost past that you could share with few people
You told her about the distant planets you visited. Together with Condesce you have been to many places and seen many different things, but you really missed Alternia. Despite the fact that your homeland has changed during the time that you were gone, you were glad to return. Daraya showed you many different places, no longer feeling anxious about you. You really were much better than other adults
Daraya knew that soon you would leave the planet again, and a new stage would begin on Alternia due to the change of heir, but while you were there, you helped her prepare for life when there would be changes on the planet. Daraya was good and she didn't deserve to suffer because of the actions of your matesprite
💙 Tyzias Entykk ♦️fem purpleblood!Reader ☕
Reader knew that Tyzias was interested in history in some sense, so he decided to introduce her to you. You witnessed many events and Reader was sure that you would be able to tell her a lot. However, when Tyzias saw you, she was scared. She knew exactly who you were, even though she didn't know you personally. She knew how long you had been with Condesce and was afraid that you might find out that she wanted to change her life on Alternia
She was wary of you for a long time until you yourself started talking about the past. Reader told you that Tyzias was looking for information about the revolution and you immediately realized that it was about the revolution that you once helped. You didn't mind telling her the truth, knowing that she wouldn't tell anyone that you once helped those about whom she had been looking for information for so long
She listened to your stories in shock. It was hard for her to believe that you, the one who was close to the emperor, the one who was considered his right hand, helped those who opposed the ruler. You knew things that could not be found out in any book or in any document available to her, and you were happy to share your knowledge. For her, it was valuable information, and for you, it was stories from your life that you kept to yourself for a long time, not being able to talk to anyone about it
Tyzias knew how much you both were risking because of the topic of your discussion, but you weren't going to let anyone hurt her or her loved ones. You've already failed once and were much more determined. You've lived long enough to think about a huge number of options, and now even if a new revolution was brewing, you were ready to help and this time to prevent failure
💜 Chahut Maenad ♦️fem purpleblood!Reader 🪓
Reader was sure that you and Chahut would be able to find a common language, because you were from the same caste, at least he hoped that was the case. When you and Chahut met she was surprised to see you. She expected that the strange alien's new friend would be anyone but you. You really were from the same caste and she had heard a lot about you. You were the only purpleblood troll whom the emperor allowed to come to him. You were the emperor's right-hand man and were known not only among your caste. Some were afraid of you, but Chahut treated you with respect
You treated her gently, seeing her as a child, because you were much older than her, but you were wondering what your caste had become after so many years of your absence from the planet. However, when she brought you to church, she saw the irritation on your face. Only those who knew you personally knew how much you disliked the clown church. But most of all, Chahut was surprised when she saw how you behaved when Grand Highblood contacted them
You and Grand Highblood have known each other for many years and each of your meetings ended with you swearing, and this meeting was no exception. Chahut watched in surprise as you and Grand Highblood swore like two teenagers. When the connection was interrupted, you continued to grumble, but Chahut saw that some of the rumors about you were just rumors
You knew that you had enough time to chat with Chahut and tell her what you knew. You understood that she would have to leave the planet soon, but you didn't want her to get hurt or die. You knew better than anyone what was waiting for adult trolls and you hoped that you could save as many people as possible
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Luxii’s master list!! X33
Ships: (I don’t do ships with canon trolls like this anymore but if ppl still wanna read em they’re here!)
Galekh x ♦️ Tyzias:
Lanque x Fozzer :
Lanque x Marvus :
Lanque x Tegiri:
Tyzias x Stelsa:
Jupitr x ❤️ Krispy (my fantrolls!!)
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homestuck-writing · 3 years
can you do something with tyzias? like with a chaotic artist reader if that’s okay? she doesn’t get enough love imo. thanks!! i love you writing btw!!
💙 This woman both loves and hates your enthusiasm, part of her is too tired and just wants to finnaly sleep, the other part of her loves to see you creating chaos.
💌 She's not very artistic but she will support you, as long as you don't put yourself in danger because of art, she might be busy often, but she won't stan to see you overworking yourself.
🎨 Tyzias is not super good at expressing her enthusiasm, but if you make something for her, she will appreciate it, if it's something digital she'll make it her background, if not, she'll put it on her desk.
💙 She enjoys spending some time in silence just watching you create something, she thinks it's relaxing, she tries really hard to compliment it and not just say "it looks good", tries to make some remark about the colors or the shading.
💌 While she tries to be responsible, she's also a rebel, so she'll let you cause havoc for a while, until she thinks you had enough, or think you might be in danger
🎨 As a teal, she's not immune to gossip, if anything she might even use your chaotic side to make the workplace more "interesting", finds it especially funny if you make Tagora worked up.
💙 If you ever try to use your art to help on her cause, she'll have very conflicting feelings about it, she likes that you're trying to help Alternia be a better place, but at the same time, she really doesn't want to see you in any danger, she won't stop you, but she will limit your actions.
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
Yandere!Tyzias Entyyk x Reader Headcanons
💙 Stalker might as well be Tyzias’ middle name - She’ll spend hours following you and watching you, either out on the streets or while you’re inside your hive, and makes sure to remain inconspicuous.
☕ Wants to know literally EVERYTHING about you. Your likes, dislikes, past, memories, dreams, fears, what you look for in a partner, etc. If you have info abour yourself that you’re not willing to share, she’s not afraid to ask around to fit the peices together herself. She’s filled up journals with all of the ever-soanding list of lovingly detailed information she has on you
💙 Tries to be as lowkey as possible when it comes to her obsession and feelings for you. In her eyes, subtlety is key in (what she sees as) a courtship process. Every movement, action, and word spoken is calculated. Her compliments? Rehearsed to perfection and said during an exact precise moment. Her hand placed comfortingly on your arm? Planned and calculated for the exact right time. The goodbye hug that lingers a bit TOO long? Completely purposeful.
☕ Claws her way tooth and nail to acquire the title of your “best friend”. In her eyes, the route of acquaintance to friend to love is the best and most successful route to go
💙 When she finally deems it the perfect time to cinfess her feelings, if you reject her… She’ll play it off cooly. She’s definitely seen this as possiblity. Tyzias doesn’t particularly like violence and often finds herself too fatigued to do anyrhing close to it. That’s why she offers to get you something to drink as a friendly gesture!… The drink is, of course, drugged.
☕ Tyzias will glady keep you drugged up and weak as long as she needs to, until you finallg realize that you both are in love and are soulmates. Until then, she’ll try to make things as easy as possible for you. And she loves to cuddle up with you on her splaysac while you’re too tired and woozy to fight back! <3
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I don't necessarily ship all these, I just put whoever I thought was the most fitting, but I think the dynamics are really interesting to think about! Anyway, Polypa should host her own dating show.
(text source: GilpinGrace on twitter)
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hi-i-do-stuff · 4 years
hrff..,, i also run a request blog and havent had any asks so im asking you...,, hope you dont mind! Can I get some uhh overworked Tyzias, Bronya, or Skylla (in their own fields of work respectfully) comfort x reader..,,,? this doesnt make much sense to me either so do with that what you will. thanks!
Ok first of all, I'm not very popular with fanfiction so far either and I wish you luck and you bet your butt I will be over on your profile asking and reading stuff because support is one of the best things you can give an author.
Second you just requested some of my absolute FAVORITE characters so ofc I'm gonna write this, even tho it seemed to take a decade I still have other things to write but as soon as I saw this I definitely wanted to write this request. So sorry for the wait and enjoy something I enjoyed making♡
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Tyzias Entykk
Current time: 9:00PM
Current mood: Bored
Current place: her hive
The shuffling of papers were all you cared to hear in the moment of silence. You were laying down on your stomach in a small pile of pillows, as the one and only Tyzias was working away on something. All you knew is that it had been three days since she started, she hadn’t taken a break, and you were just bored out of you mind. You could take a nap but you just woke up from one. You sighed and made groaning noises trying to get her attention, after a few minutes of doing that she slowly looked to you “WWWWhat?” she asked harshly, which got you to shut up for once before you whined and looked up at her from your position. She knew what you wanted she just didn’t have time. “Not right nowwww.” she said turning back to her stuff.
You were having absolutely none of that.
She was obviously tired and needed a rest, so you got up and jumped over behind her and gave her a hug from behind, she jolted before going back to work as you rested your head on top of hers “ Zizi you need to rest, please just for a bit.” you whispered loud enough to hear. She paused and for another minute she just sat there before she put the stuff she had in her hands down, crossed her arms and sighed, leaning back “I guess if i wwwwanna be productive i should rest a bit.” you smiled and did a little ‘yay’ sound and let her go, walking beside her and helping her up from her chair, and guiding her to the pillow pile you made, to which she flopped down onto her face and screamed into the pillow for about 11 seconds. You sat next to her and gently patted her head “I know i know.” you said before she pushed herself up with her arms and moved to you, wrapping her arms around your waist, laying down as you pet her hair, in less then a minute she was out like a light and you kissed her forehead and curled up with her.
~Story End~
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Bronya Ursama
Current time: 12:00PM
Current mood: Just a feeling of awkwardness
Current place: The Brooding Caverns
You weren’t paying attention to what Bronya was saying, although you usually loved to listen to what she had to say she was kind of going on and off topic, and she seemed stressed about something and you were kinda just looking at her face as the both of you were sitting on the ground with grubs in your laps, the one with Bronya jumped from her lap to yours earlier, now you have on in your lap, one on your head, and one in your hand. After another few minutes you snapped yourself out of your stare and put the grub in your hand down and took the other off your head and put them all together then back in one of those small Recuperacoon things lying around for the small grubs. Then you turned back to her and gently rested one of your hands on her shoulder and she immediately shut up and looked at you like ‘Did i do something wrong?’ which broke your heart as you gave her a concerned look back “Maybe you should take a break..?” you questioned quietly, she hesitated before nodding and getting up, helping you up as well “Yes maybe i do need a break.” She chuckled nervously before leading you to leave the main cave room place, you still didn’t know what to call it.
After you finally got to her surprisingly large hive you took the lead and dragged her off to her bedroom or Respiteblock if you can recall correctly and you plopped her down on the first confortable spot you could find and you flopped down onto her chest and cuddled up to her to which she laughed and wrapped her arms around your shoulders and gently played with her hair. This, this was perfect. You loved this.
((I might write the skylla × reader later but I really wanted to post this ahhhh- and I apologize if it's bad and that I took 2 months on it lol))
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Skylla x fem reader? (Also side note your work is amazing!!!)
absolutely dear! thank you so much
- skylla is your knight in shining armor - or, more accurately, cowgirl is shining boots. she’s stronger then you, I guarantee it - yes, even if you’re an indigoblood. she loves to pick you up bridal style whenever she can. seeing you laugh as she’s doing it makes it like a drug she can’t get enough of.
- ladyy loves you, and you love ladyy! although skylla loved you already, when she brought you to her hive for the first time and ladyy jumped up on you and licked your face, she knew you were the one.
- sometimes you get to help out around the ranch with skylla, and those are your favorite moments with her. seeing her out in her element, moonlight illuminating the spark you know so well in her eyes... it’s truly intoxicating. 
- the two of you go on double dates with tyzias and stelsa on dates. hell yeah, wlw double dates! it’s a fun time for all, and with two teals by your side, the four of you have plenty of fun.
- whenever the dates are done, though, or you’re just coming home, it’s a cuddlefest. skylla loves being the big spoon, and her favorite cuddling position is under three blankets with you in her arms and on her lap.
- she snores. so fucking loud. you bought you and ladyy both earplugs the second time you stayed the night at her hive. sopor slime only muffles so much, you suppose. 
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luminousbravery · 4 years
*runs up to you* i need you to assist me with my evil plans. My friend has a crush on Tyzias and im trying to get them to kiss already. I need double date headcanons for Tyzias with her human s/o and Chixie wirh her mutantblood s/o
Ah, yes... I love evil plans. Gather 'round, while I turn hour friend into a simp!
Tyzias' S/O is gonna have to force her to come take a break.
Meanwhile, Chixie is just a little nervous!
But you two S/O's are so super plotting for the best night ever!
You start with a night at a drive in theater.
You all gossip, and just generally talk ablut some of the bullshit caste issues!
Tyzias falls asleep on her S/O's shoulder on the way home...
While Chixie mumble sings a song to everyone.
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yourfriendsimf-o · 5 years
imagining being half awake and cuddled in between tyzias and galekh and they’re pressing kisses all over my neck and jaw and galekh’s hands are running over my thighs and underneath my hoodie while tyzias holds my hands and presses tiny kisses to the corners of my mouth and the tip of my nose and there are small whimpers and grunts of love + adoration coming from all of us and
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Text post with friends-
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sludgewolf · 3 years
Pale Tyzias x Reader
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
It's normal for you two to spend the whole night studying in the book hive
She often bounces ideas off of you, both about her studies and her side projects
You can come to her hive whenever, she gave you a key for emergencies and she just asks for you to message her when you're coming
And besides, it's not as if she's going to be sleeping when you arrive
Stelsa loves you even more now since you help her encourage Tyzias to have a healthier sleep schedule
You're one of the few people Tyzias trust with her precious mug
If you know anything about the Signless or the Summoner's Rebelion you have to tell her
She's so enthusiastic about this, it's honestly adorable
As her moirail you get the privilege to just hear about and even participate on her side projects, she really doesn't see the point of hiding them from you unless you're put in direct danger
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vikkirosko · 3 years
I want to request a Tyzias oneshot but im gonna give you a title instead of a prompt.
The title is: "more espresso less depresso"
Hopefully this is like a fun little challenge. Im sorry if i gave you a hard time you can skip my request if you want hshshshiwhdifjdjdjiedhduhedjhdhdhdhdhdhd
It's really funny. And don't worry, you didn't give me any trouble.
💙 Tyzias Entykk x Reader Oneshot More espresso less depresso ☕
You were looking at Tyzias, who was sitting at her desk, immersed in books. She was immersed in her research. She was very serious, and even upset. She hadn't rested for a long time. She didn't even eat properly. You tried to tear her away from her studies several times, but you couldn't. You were worried about her. She literally fell asleep behind her books. You didn't want her to ruin her health because of her studies. But Tyzias refused to take a break for food or sleep. According to her, she had very little to do in order to complete the research. You wanted to cheer her up somehow. When she started to nod off again, she was woken up by the clatter of a mug on the table. She opened her eyes and looked at you. You put a big mug of espresso in front of her. She looked at you blankly.
"More espresso less depresso"
You smiled at her. Tyzias smiled at you. She was pleased with your care. She knew perfectly well that she needed to rest. But she had to finish. And she was glad that you were giving her this opportunity, even though you are against it. But you understood that it was important for her and wanted to help her. Tyzias was grateful to you for this. She will definitely rest as soon as she finishes. In the meantime, the coffee you made her will be enough for her.
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hi, I sawwww the request you did for that nepeta anon a little wwwwhile ago and wwwwas wwwwondering if you could do something similar for mmmme? I wwwwas hoping for stelsa <3 tyzias!reader, mmmmaybe wwwwith stelsa comforting the reader? I've just mmmmissed her alot recently and it's kinda bummmming mmmme out 😔 thanks in advance!
Oh hey! Course I can! It would be my pleasure ^^
Tyzias Reader x Stelsa: Missing Stels
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You felt like your thinkpan was spinning..you were so overworked and overwhelmed. You knew you should of stopped but you just had to keep working. You didn’t want to be behind!
But you just felt your pan was gonna explode.
As you were thinking you heard some walking to your room, You moved your glasses some in a sigh to look at who it was.
It was your lovely matespirt, Stelsa was holding your white mug in her hands with a smile on her face
“very funny” You grumbled, but thankfully took the mug from her and taking a big gulp of the water. That was some good ass water.
Stelsa had started rubbing your shoulders softly as you continued sipping your drink. You hummed in content as she did so, your back felt so tense.
“but I need to finish this,”
“er, 2 months?”
You looked away from her a bit, you knew she was right, but it really felt wrong to not finish your work. It felt wrong.
But looking up at Stelsa’s worried face hurt more.
You have a nod to her finally sitting up from your chair and following (the now smiling Stelsa) back to your room to get some snuggles and shut eye.
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(if u wanna read the fic this is based off of, you can do so here!)
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
headcannons for pale!yandere Tyzias? If that's okay?
More than okay!! ^^
💙 Did you know? The "S" in Tyzias' name stands for "Stalker!" Seriously, any free time this girl has is devoted to following you, finding out where you are,who you're with, making sure you're safe, the works! If you just so happen to spot her or bump into (which doesn't happen often, as she's rather good at sticking to the shadows and remaining relatively inconspicuous), she acts just as surprised as you are! She doesn't want to worry you or make you think anything is wrong (and have you leave her she needs you and you need her you're her moirail she loves you so much). With a tired smile, she'll casually wave off your questions or surprise and comment on how nice it is to see her moirail, and ask if you want to walk together, and maybe come back to her place…?
☕ Tries to be as casual and lowkey about her incredibly strong possessive and obsessive feelings towards you as possible - the last thing she wants to do is lose you now that she has you! And… Oh, how she relishes in every moment knowing that you'reher moirail. How she pities you, how comforted and happy and safe you make her feel, and she felt utter bliss knowing you feel the same…! You two were destined to be palemates and she will let NOTHING get in the way of that.
💙 Have a bad day? Come into Tyzias' arms and she'll make a pile of whatever she has lying around so you and her can have a Feelings Jam together! Now, Tyzias doesn't particularly like acting out acts of violence (and is way too fatigued to so, anyways…) Luckily for you, Tyzias is a teal - and a teal with connections and a bit of power, at that - and teals TALK. If anyone hurt you or, God forbid, made you cry, she'd make sure they'd never leave to see the light of the moons ever again, and that is a promise. She'll pin whatever evidence they need for them to be convicted - and on Alternia, there is no defense, just prosecution! No matter what, she'll make sure whoever hurt you is culled, and painfully, at that!
☕ Tyzias can be VERY affectionate - especially after a long night of work. Sometimes, a gal just wants to be held in her beloved moirail's arms, listening to the comforting lull of your bloodpusher as she leans against you, listening to you as you comfort her. She breathes in your comforting scent as she's lulled to sleep. Speaking of which, she loves to steal your clothes (they smell so much like you, and she loves it! Plus, it helps everyone knows that you're one of her quadrant mates. The same goes for you, as well! She's more than willing for you to borrow or wear her clothes - and actively encourages it, even!)
💙 If she finds her obsessive growing stronger (or worse), she'll try to resist it - she's afraid she'll drive you away… However, she finds she can't resist her urges to coddle and protect you, to make sure you're safe… And when you least expect, she'll invite you over and offer you something to drink… In moments, you feel the world go dizzy and dark, and soon awake tied to a splaysac with the softest silks she could barter from Tagora. She'll shoosh and pap you as you cry and squirm, completely ignoring your pleas for answers and to be let go as she whispers sweet nothings to you. She'll keep you here, with her, as long as she needs to keep you safe! And she doesn't see that ending any time soon...
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