#stelsa x tyzias
magicwormonastring · 2 years
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some hiveswap drawings yaa
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if request are open I think it'd be funny if you did that post that starts with "yesterday my date made me promise to "not talk to any random russians this time" only for me to immediately become best friends with a kosovan gang member. saved on a technicality" with tyzias. and possibly konyll (did I spell that right?) as the gang member. if u feel like it lol. have a good day snom
any day someone calls me snom is a good day! here you go!
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[image descriptions: Tyzias tells you a story near the bar.
Tyzias: yesterday my date made me promise to—
Stelsa: not talk to any random Russians this time!
Tyzias: —only for me to immediately become best friends with a Kosovan gang member. saved on a technicality.
Tyzias: after I successfully taught him how to play uno via google translate, I explained to him that my date's phone got stolen, promoting both the most threatening and the most hilarious sentence ever typed into a translator:
Konyyl: we will find them and put them in the SHROUD! / end ID]
this is part 1! I'll reblog this with the rest!
this took way longer to finish and to post than I thought, so thanks for your patience!
[text source: sadclowncentral on tumblr]
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Here’s a fozzias thing and some memes with it because no one asked for them
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
Tagora x Tyzias is a better ship than davekat and also Stelsa x Tyzias. Stelsa feels like a prop for Tyzias and their interactions feel shallow and even Stelsa feels insecure about the relationship. I still love Stelsa though, she deserves better. Tagora x Tyzias is kinda spicy and bounce off eachother pretty well, a good contender for a pitch ship involving Tyzias.
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Tagora x Tyzias is a better ship than Davekat and Stelsa x Tyzias. Their rivalry is fun to watch. I can definitely see a pitch going on during school days. They might claim such feelings are separate from the school life. But they still go at it just to one up the other. The only other thing worth noting about Stelsa is that she is worried about Tyzias having some trouble with the hemospectrum caste system and how Alternia life style is. She doesn't want to see Tyzias get killed, but maybe doesn't fully believe in The Signless like her girlfriend does. Which is ironic given that Stelsa is a Blood Player, the same type as The Signless/Kankri/Karkat. But nothing about her much goes too deep into it, besides that she is Troll Jewish. So it could be a play on her beliefs with Troll Jegus is different cause she is a Jew, but dunno. Other than that, she and Tyzias do struggle on communications with each other. It's given for most relationships in general, but this is particularly the case that is causing a rift between them.
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hi, I sawwww the request you did for that nepeta anon a little wwwwhile ago and wwwwas wwwwondering if you could do something similar for mmmme? I wwwwas hoping for stelsa <3 tyzias!reader, mmmmaybe wwwwith stelsa comforting the reader? I've just mmmmissed her alot recently and it's kinda bummmming mmmme out 😔 thanks in advance!
Oh hey! Course I can! It would be my pleasure ^^
Tyzias Reader x Stelsa: Missing Stels
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You felt like your thinkpan was spinning..you were so overworked and overwhelmed. You knew you should of stopped but you just had to keep working. You didn’t want to be behind!
But you just felt your pan was gonna explode.
As you were thinking you heard some walking to your room, You moved your glasses some in a sigh to look at who it was.
It was your lovely matespirt, Stelsa was holding your white mug in her hands with a smile on her face
“very funny” You grumbled, but thankfully took the mug from her and taking a big gulp of the water. That was some good ass water.
Stelsa had started rubbing your shoulders softly as you continued sipping your drink. You hummed in content as she did so, your back felt so tense.
“but I need to finish this,”
“er, 2 months?”
You looked away from her a bit, you knew she was right, but it really felt wrong to not finish your work. It felt wrong.
But looking up at Stelsa’s worried face hurt more.
You have a nod to her finally sitting up from your chair and following (the now smiling Stelsa) back to your room to get some snuggles and shut eye.
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swarmishstrangers · 3 months
Pretty please. Can I have Mspar x Mallek headcanons where Mspar is sick? How does Mallek react the first time? Does he react after finding out they are much warmer than when they were not sick?
OKAY OKAY INHALES EXHALES I actually think about this one a lot too! Both if Mspar were sick and if Mallek was sick, both for thinking about how they go about taking care of each other and also..troll sicknesses? I imagine you got your basic fevers and colds (probably not called those on Alternia tho) But I also think about their more extreme illnesses? Not going into that tho! I'm getting into my hcs for you >:D
꩜ Mspar can't actually catch most troll illnesses! They've seen their fair share of troll illnesses because they've taken care of a few of their friends who have been swamped by sickness or a virus. Poor Tyzias..She was having a horrible time being sick for a good week. She thinks she got some good work into her group project, but she was devasted that she felt so sick she couldn't work on much. Mspar and Stelsa took care of her though and Mspar came out of it fine! They did make sure to shower thoroughly or to not physically see any friends for a good few days juuust to make sure they don't spread whatever Tyzias had. All of that is unrelated to Mspar getting sick for these hcs. I just wanted to note that Mspar is immune to most troll illnesses.
꩜Mspar is however, still susceptible to the troll cold and fever equivalent. To whiiiich they weren't expecting to get sick since they hadn't up till this point, so they were completely unprepared when one morning, they woke up sick as FUCK. Eyes stingy as hell, throat so itchy they wanted to claw it out, body ravaged by weakness and soreness, nostrils stuff and so they had to resort to uncomfortably breathing through their mouth, and a heavy awful fog weighing on their head. They. Felt. Awful. And they don't even know where they got it!!
꩜Mspar felt incredibly weak, the weight of them trying to push off their blankets was unbearable, it was like they weighed a ton now. So they had no choice but to lay there, hopeless and unable to think any complex thoughts.
꩜They weren't aware that a day had passed since they succumbed to laying in their blanket pile. While their body wasn't able to get up, they weren't actually resting. It was so hard to breathe, and they couldn't comfortably sleep. They hadn't eaten, not even a drop of water. They were miserable. And unbeknownst to them, their certain ceruleanblooded matesprit had been trying to text and talk to them, but their lack of response made him panic, thinking something had happened to his matesprit..
꩜Mspar woke up to a completely different but familiar place. It took some effort to open their eyes to truly take everything in, and they slowly come to see a troll. Mallek. His expression was one of pure worry, his brows knitted, biting at his lower lip just a little as he wrings at his wrists. He was on his knees beside them where they lay on his couch, his upper body and arms rested over their blanketed body as he looked on when they started to wake up. His expression softens only a little, reaching out his hand and turning it so the back of it can come up to press at their forehead. The second his hand comes into contact with their forehead he flinched away a little, almost like the temperature burned him. In reality it wasn't exactly that, not to where it hurt but it was the first time their warmth was able to catch him off guard. That was way too warm, even for them.
꩜Mspar comes to, their weak and strained voice calling his name, asking them how long were that out, did Mallek bring them here? How did he know they had gotten sick? Mallek explains everything. "you were out for hours when I brought you here; you were not responding to any of my messages and it showed you did not even open them; i got so worried something happened and; i found you in your watch tower; you did not look good so; I brought you here;
꩜Mspar was having trouble thinking, speaking. The brain fog roaring and their throat in agony. Mallek sees how much they're struggling and he pushes off of them briefly to lean down to the ground next to him, trying to find something in the basket he brought with him in case they woke up. "this =! going to be pleasant i am not going to lie; but you need to take this so your symptoms subside;" Mspar feels gentle fingers coax their mouth to open, they feel something pill shaped pop into their mouth and then Mallek holds their mouth closed. The pill tasted subtly sweet.. before the pills outside melted and out poured a liquid. It tasted absolutely horrible. it tasted alcoholic but the bad kind, the really bad kind, it tasted of only the bitterness of citrus fruit and none of the sweet, like a very potent and worse syrup medicine, and the taste of horrid alcohol. It made them weakly struggle to open their mouth, but Mallek held it closed, looking at them apologetically. "i know i know i am sorry; but you really need to swallow this;" Tears are in their eyes at the utterly horrible taste, but they soon painfully swallow. They immediately wanted to throw up, but Mallek held their mouth closed to make sure it stayed down. Once Mallek was sure they had swallowed, he released their mouth, immediately hugging them. They were so warm..it was unnerving to Mallek, his cooler head pressed to their much hotter one.
꩜As soon as Mspar swallowed the medicine, they felt as it went down their throat, that the itchiness went away along with the coolness the medicine was spreading open up their nostrils for what felt like in ages. They could breathe. They still had their other symptoms, but they could feel that they weren't nearly as bad. They could feel Mallek kiss their warmed cheek, "you are staying here where i can watch you; so i can take care of you;" Gratefully, they can't express through words, but they nod. Other than the fever making them warm, Mspar felt warm in the moment at his declaration of taking care of them in this state.
꩜The thought of Mspar being able to catch the alternian equivalent to a fever wasn't something that crossed Mallek's mind. They seemed immune to other trolls' illnesses. Of course they'd be. They're so God damn lucky on this planet. But when he finds they've been sick from the fever equivalent, the trade-off for being immune to the more dangerous of troll illness is being able to get sick from the cold and fever equivalent.
꩜Mallek did as he set out to. He took care of his sick matesprit. They were...couchbound instead of bedbound. They stayed in his respiteblock on that couch near him and his husktops and desk where he worked so he could keep a close eye on them. It was honestly one of the few times he took very consistent breaks just to check up on them, refill their water bottle, or stepping away for a long period of time to make them food that would be easy to keep down (soup, he made them soup). Mspar worried Mallek would catch whatever they have, but Mallek assured them that he "has the immunization jab for this sweeps varient..so vaccine they were guessing. Damn they didn't even think about trolls having those.
꩜When their sickness started easing over the next few days was when he took breaks to check up on them..and then cuddle with them on the couch. His poor snake brain couldn't resist the warmth. Mspar was SUPER glad he couldn't. His coolness felt amazing on their uncomfortably warm skin. You know how cats purr and how when they do its said to have a lot of benefits like reducing stress, lower blood pressure, and just general healing? Yeah. Trolls' purrs can do that too, + it being a way to show someone they love that they feel safe being around them. Which is to say Mallek purred a lot when they were cuddling.
꩜Mallek couldn't cure them right away but it only took about a week and then some for them to finally be completely healthy. They thanked him a bunch for taking care of them, giving his face obnoxious kisses. He laughed and told them no problem. But despite how nonchalant his words sounded, it and his expressions carried so much warmth.
꩜Yeah uh! Who would have thunk that quadmates taking care of their quads was also super intimate for trolls? It's another trust and vulnerability thing to them. Most trolls hearing of other trolls are sick, even if they're friends, typically bow out for a while and wish them luck and start talking and seeing them again when they're better. Seems like an asshole thing to do, but they're trolls, and they don't have the same standards humans do when friends, family, or partner/s are sick. Vulnerability and, by extension, trust are HUGE I can not stress enough, HUGE for trolls. Alternia is a dangerous and unforgiving planet. It's such a hard thing for trolls to ever feel completely safe, to completely trust anyone because of the nature of other trolls and their planet as a whole. So?? To give complete trust in someone you deeply care about and leaving yourself vulnerable, in a position that would leave you susceptible to attacks, like getting sick, that means so utterly much to trolls. It means you feel that you're safe being around them at your most vulnerable with them.
꩜Mallek doesn't get sick very often but when he does..he trusts Mspar SO much to take care of him when he's weak and vulnerable just as he did with them (and of course they do)! >:D
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Yo uh, I have a biology project where we have to mix three "couples" to get 3 babies, so anyways I decided to randomize which hiveswap character goes with who. Whichever 3 couples makes the cutest baby gets to be my project. Anyways, here's the crackships and my opinions on em. Each character is used once. Cirava x Marvus (Honestly? Crackship but kinda cute) (Redrom) Ardata x Lynera (I actually ship this one) (Blackrom) Folykl x Zebruh (Hehehe) (Blackrom)
Diemen x Vikare (Aww cuties) (Leave it to interpretation) Boldir x Fozzer (Actually ship this one) (Redrom) Marsti x Chixie (I never thought about it, but it's cute) (Redrom) Charun x Kuprum (Opposite energies, but sounds interesting) (Blackrom) Tegiri x Lanque (Hehehe) (Blackrom) Bronya x Konyyl (Cute, cute) (Blackrom) Chahut x Remele (I actually love this) (Leave it to interpretation) Elwurd x Galekh (Hehehe) (Blackrom) Polypa x Tyzias (Honestly? Slay) (Blackrom) Mallek x Skylla (E-boy and cowgirl) (Leave it to interpretation) Stelsa x Nihkee (Fun fun) (Just like Tyzias, Stelsa only has blackrom open for this project) Daraya x Azdaja (honestly? Another slay) (Blackrom) Tagora x Zebede (Last two! Last two! Anyways uhhhh) (Blackrom)
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mittsuchan · 10 months
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The lack of Tyzias x Daraya content online is abysmal so I decided to fix that one piece at a time.
Tyzias will eventually see that she and Stelsa don't align on what's fundementally right/wrong and they'll break up, I swear it. Daraya is RIGHT THERE ZIZI!! I will not be taking criticism on this ship lmao
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sludgewolf · 2 years
Platonic! Stelsa x Reader - Watching Legally Blonde
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
She loves every second of the movie
Stelsa relates to Elle so much since some trolls won't take her seriously because of the way she dresses
From now on will be using "what? Like it's hard" to shut any bulgehead up
You migh've introduced her new favorite movie
She insists on watching the musical right after
the next time you meet she's memorized all the songs and can reenact all by herself
but she still convinces Tyzias to perform some with her
Stelsa loves how the musical took it's time to develop Elle and Emmett's friendship before they became love interests
it made her start to actually ship the pair instead of just accepting that it was there, like in every other movie
She also took you and Tyzias shopping to hunt down Elle's pink court dress
she just needs it so much
and she's already planned on ordering another one for after her adult molt, so she can keep using it in space
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lepiosprites · 2 years
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Now that i’ve swapped both of them hand holding edit time
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zelpixel · 4 years
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Romance n kisses
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geospace888 · 4 years
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° 03-08-19 °
Stelzias chibi doodles!
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Skylla x fem reader? (Also side note your work is amazing!!!)
absolutely dear! thank you so much
- skylla is your knight in shining armor - or, more accurately, cowgirl is shining boots. she’s stronger then you, I guarantee it - yes, even if you’re an indigoblood. she loves to pick you up bridal style whenever she can. seeing you laugh as she’s doing it makes it like a drug she can’t get enough of.
- ladyy loves you, and you love ladyy! although skylla loved you already, when she brought you to her hive for the first time and ladyy jumped up on you and licked your face, she knew you were the one.
- sometimes you get to help out around the ranch with skylla, and those are your favorite moments with her. seeing her out in her element, moonlight illuminating the spark you know so well in her eyes... it’s truly intoxicating. 
- the two of you go on double dates with tyzias and stelsa on dates. hell yeah, wlw double dates! it’s a fun time for all, and with two teals by your side, the four of you have plenty of fun.
- whenever the dates are done, though, or you’re just coming home, it’s a cuddlefest. skylla loves being the big spoon, and her favorite cuddling position is under three blankets with you in her arms and on her lap.
- she snores. so fucking loud. you bought you and ladyy both earplugs the second time you stayed the night at her hive. sopor slime only muffles so much, you suppose. 
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krmt-art · 5 years
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happy pride month ! 🏳️‍🌈
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davekat-sucks · 3 years
stelzias (stelsa and tyzias) is better than davekat?
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Stelzias is better than Davekat.
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