#friendsim x reader
kurohaai · 1 year
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Volume of very good bois
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sludgewolf · 3 months
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when will they confess??
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abandonedafterimage · 3 months
I can feel my Homestuck interest coming back soooo
You guys should send me Strider requests, or just homestuck requests in general. the striders are my fave tho (yes, also Bro)
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Its been a while so some of my homestuck knowledge has left my brain, so what some things are called have probably left my brain. but thats not gonna stop me.
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sunlitewhispers · 7 months
Marvus and his money headcanon
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(Been surfing through the marvus tags and I've got some thoughts to share regarding this clown)
To start off, I personally think troll currency is more digital than physical. Like everyone uses a card to trade or get items (and its only due to the empresses restrictions on things when she removed the adults from the planet) but physical money is still real, it's just a fun thing that highbloods and high midbloods use to flaunt and to trade amongst each other.
To signify the value of the bills, they have a strip of color from the cast they were made for. For example, Teals =80, Cerulean =90, Indigo =100, etc.
(There were coins that were common amongst lowbloods and low midbloods, but that got discontinued when moving to cashless/digital. There is evidence preserving the old currency existence such as in museums showings of the old times and extremely old paintings in the clown churches.) (You can think that these coins are caegars or not)
With that out the way! On to Marvus and his money 💰
I imagine Marvus doesn't really care about money nor feels that it has a heavy connection to his identity compared to performing/entertaining. Marvus just knows that people wanna see him and lose their shit at his concerts and are willing to drop stacks to be there even with the risk of being culled.
With that, Marvus can be loose with his money, quite literally throwing it around to which some highbloods would critique the act as 'disrespectful' and 'rebellious' since money is one of the ways ancestors can provide to descendants and give them a clue to their existence. (If they want or have left a will if they died, regardless, the empire still sets them up with a small fund)
I dont know if philanthropy would be an actual thing or just be a thing highbloods (like Zebruh) say they do for approval points. But I imagine Marvus would be the type to do so in the most unconventional means.
He probably stopped his tour bus once to grab a grubshake or a handmade sandwich from a small cafe and threw a fat band on the counter saying, "Keep da change lol." Leaving the workers there in awe and fear cause damn he just weirdly blessed them, and damn they now gotta fight off his fans from stealing the marvy money. (If Marvus is there, his fans are certainly gonna be there too.)
Marvus definitely buys his crew lunch or, if he's hanging with someone, offers to pay for them when he's out and about. He stresses tf out of his accountant because he doesn't keep track of how much he spends in a day. You know his ass absolutely has a money gun to use at his concerts.
Bascially when you're Marvus, you're a baller who is a big spender.
When interacting with Marvus, depending on his quadrant, you're gonna see how he moves with his cash.
•♡ Matespirit ♡•
if you got this man in this quadrant, good luck on getting Marvus not to spoil the fuck out of you. Trust and believe he'll take any chance to drop some stacks on you. If you guys are out and you say or point out some items, you can bet that Marvus is buying them.
Oh, you think that clothing line is cute? Guess what? He's ordered the entire line to be sent to your place.
Big fan of video games? No problem! He is getting the newest console out on the market in your favorite color with your name on it.
Love sweets? Bam! He's gonna invite you over to his crib and have you watch a team of trolls bake the best desserts of Alternia.
Money ain't a thang to this man. It gives him a chance to show his love through the material means and show that he wants you to enjoy yourself and time with him. Small part of him uses money to be a temporary fix when he has to go on long tours. If he can't spend time with you on troll FaceTime or in real life, he'll send gifts to show that he's still alive and thinking about you.
However, if large displays of affections through money don't appeal to you or you start to feel overwhelmed by the purchases or think he's being disingenious in his affection, he'll pull it back.
He'll likely give you a card that's connected to his account so you can have the control to buy what you want without feeling like you have to ask him. (And such an act will give him a small piece of security to know you'll have the means to survive financially on Alternia, especially if you've expressed times of financial hardships to him)
Also doesn’t matter if it's public or private, He's gonna randomly place bills on your person, i.e., stuffing them in your pockets, slipping them in your shirt pocket, pinning them to your jacket. If you ask him why he's doing that (or wonder where he stores his cash)(btw he literally has no pants pockets) Marvus is gonna give you a saucy wink and smile all dumb and say "a mf gotta pay dem feez 4 havin a wicked mate lik u b ;0)" than he'll place a smacking wet kiss on your forehead and be all noisey about it while doing so.
•◇ Moirials ◇•
In this quadrant, his spending habit might look casual to outsiders, but with you, they'll be a tad more personal. Still be extra af like in matespiritship but he'll be spending money to clear his mind or yours.
Feeling stressed about some unfinished work? Don't worry. He'll reserve a spa service just for you.
Need to cry out some hard feelings? He's gonna get some matching pajamas and grab some emergency blankets to get that session on.
You know that one ring that SpongeBob and Patrick have to show off their friendship? He's gonna get something like that to represent your guy's moirallgience. Anything involving moirails, he will buy and send them to you.
You're definitely gonna be his merch tester and probably be brought to his trips to the galleries when he goes to buy art pieces. (Need your support and opinion when bidding for art pieces.)
Like with matespiritship, if you feel like he's being insincere or rather prefers more handmade gifts. He'll try to schedule days to create personal gifts. He might pay someone to tutor him about your interests just so you can rant without having to stop and explain what you're talking about.
Marvus will remember what your favorite snacks and favorite meals are for when you're hanging with the crew or just him. Compared to where he won't care about what someone orders, you don't gotta worry about an order mess up or reminding him. He got that locked in, unless you want something different, then just point him to it.
If there is a fucked up order for you, he will raise hell. Typically, he won't care if something he orders is messed up. He'll pay for another one. However, on behalf of his moirial, this mf gonna walk up to the counter like that meme saying they asked for no pickles. The first and hopefully (in his opinion) only time you'll ever see him asking for a refund.
A thing that'll be a routine of your relationship is him swinging by your place late af in the daytime to grab you and get some breakfast before he has to start his night.(Unless you spend the day at his hive than he'll order said breakfast and catch some more Zzzs with you.)
•♤ Kismeses ♤•
Now in this quadrant, compared to the other two, Marvus is a clown who's mischievous as hell. This bitches antics are gonna be up to 100 when it comes to him.
Honestly, you're gonna be on your toes for buying things. It'll become a back and forth of him randomly, not having money than to him having it though being really annoying and lazy with it.
If your someone who's well off, you better hide your wallet. Marvus will snag your card and make an excuse how he left his cash in his other pants/trailer/hive and buy the most stupidest shit under your name. (He'll troll cash app you back but do it so tediously that you hope your account crashes)
If he catches a single hint or a word, even a wrinkle of disgust on you, Marvus will make it the bane of your life.
You dislike the residue of his paint left on your face after a hate-makeout session? Marvus now has to buy this one face paint that is known for being messy. what? His manager told him, too. :0)
You think cowboy boots are clunky and tacky? Guess who's strolling up in some bedazzled purple lined boots that jingle when he walks.
You make a comment on how creepy troll beanie boos plushies are, he's gonna get a brand deal with them and send you a crate of his new designs. A note will be attached saying "4 my numba 1 fan ;0)~".
Similar to moirallgience, you will be a merch tester, yet you won't know if he's being serious or wanting to rile you up. Regardless, when you shit on the design he's showing you, that's how he'll know his fans will love it! Doesn't matter if it's the simplest design, an eyesore to the public, he'll promote it to the point that even your small-time friends will surely mention the product to you. Might even send a shout-out to you on Chitter for your 'help'.
Don't ask him for a bill if you want something from a vending machine. Marvus will pull the most crumpled weirdly stained bill you'll ever see in your lifetime and smile at you plainly like, "Here u go buddi dats all I can find on me atm lmao." Additionally to this, he will slowly count his bucks out if you all are in a line somewhere. (Marvus knows no one will rush him and if you complain, he'll pretend he lost count and start over)
To conclude this, watch out for when he's feeling more petty. He'll make a habit of sending you items in loud peculiar packaging that suggest to those handling it that there's something inappropriate in it when there really isn't.
•♧ Auspistice ♧•
With this one, Marvus doesn’t fit the vibe of where he might truly kill his kismeses. Nor does he seem to want to be in a situation to be aggravated enough to join in murdering someone (Going off his response to MSPA reader when the clown fight happened). However, Marvus may strive on not becoming active on those emotions. Close calls can exist.
A tiff among his roadies about best faygo flavors is a good way. His manager hassling him, and trying to change up his brand is close enough. Groupie sea dwellers trying to follow him back to his trailer and not taking a hint is a real close call.
If you mediate for Marvus a few times, he'll certainly be grateful (and a bit embarrassed) he'll grant you a gift card of some shop of your choice as thanks.
On the other hand, you've been around long enough to spot a murderous Marvus, then you're undeniably a part of his inner circle. With the exception of being his paid emotional bodyguard coach.
As business-like, it might seem in the beginning, you're a trustworthy and skillful individual in Marvus's eyes. He knows dealing with irritated trolls, particularly enraged highbloods, is not a fun nor easy task.
Other trolls may feel like this relationship is wandering into moirallgience territory.(which might be) Marvus won't really care about those opinions and possibly offer to meditate for you in the event he catches you in a tense position.
You’ll be called for his long tours when he has to do shows for sea dwellers and, without a doubt, be put through the ringer. It'll end with you guys munching on loads of the troll version of ice cream in silence.
At any point, you're too stressed to de-escalate a situation. He'll give you a paid vacation and make sure you don't come back until you are entirely stressed free.
He may tell you once he calms down that you should open a private business due to your and I quote "motherfckin dopeazz obzi-va-tional skilz."
Small note : Marvus has dealt with people trying to form a quad with him just for the fame/money, as we seen with Zebruh. So if he catches signs that what's happening, he's going to be acting distant and extremely scripted around you, then like ghost you. You'll be blacklisted from his concerts (unknowingly), and future clowns might keep a close eye on you if you hang at the churches.
Welp, that's all! Hopefully, this was entertaining to read! I do apologize if some parts feel rushed or that there were more details in some quads, I tried to keep them around the same length.
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swarmishstrangers · 3 months
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Did a redraw of a Mspar/Mallek piece from 2020! Blep
[2020 piece can be found below the cut]
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vikkirosko · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do headcanons of Marvus xoloto x (female) (horror comic artist) reader who writes really dark humor and bloody comics. But has a chill, kind personality. If so thank you!
And I hope you have a good day/evening/night! :]
💜 Marvus Xoloto x fem!Reader headcanons Horror comic artist 🎤
When Marvus first saw the scary comics filled with dark humor and blood, he found them interesting. He was even more interested to find out who their author was. He was surprised when he found out that you were the author of these comics. You didn't seem to be a fan of horror movies or black humor. On the contrary, you were relaxed, with an eternal soft smile on your lips and a kind character. It was very different from what he imagined
Pretty soon he found out that you really were the author. A couple of times he saw you at work and your concentrated expression seemed nice to him. You were both popular, although unlike him, few people knew you by sight, but you received a huge number of letters from fans of your work. However, it was always quiet at home and Marvus could relax there, spending time with you
He invited you to his concerts several times. You were standing backstage, where he brought you so that you wouldn't get hurt in the crowd. Sometimes, when his performances were delayed, you sat in his dressing room and worked on a new issue of a comic book. When he came to the dressing room, he kissed you on the temple, rejoicing at the well-held concert and the fact that you could relax together after that
He was the one who first read the new issue of your comic. You showed him a lot of rough drafts when you couldn't decide what to draw or which scenario was better. You trusted him and listened to his opinion, and Marvus never imposed his point of view on you, only sharing his impression and letting you decide for yourself which choice is better to make
Marvus liked the fact that despite the fact that you drew horror comics, you remained kind and relaxed. He liked your comics and he liked you. You were both creative, and it didn't matter to him that you, unlike him, for your fans, remained a faceless author whom they would not be able to recognize in the crowd
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frangenda · 10 months
Im WAAAAY Late But...
Playing Friendsim2 (which I should have done forever ago) and am on Volume 2 absolutely LOSING MY MIND
and then this????
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Mallek??? Mallek pls u can't do this to my heart????
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morsartis · 1 year
Gamzee x Standoffish!Reader
Life wasn’t always kind, it didn't wait for people to catch their breaths, it didn't let you get used to what it threw at you, and it certainly never slowed down. Life had taught you the best thing to do was to meet it halfway and keep trudging. You had built a calloused exterior over time to deal  with it. The sort of exterior that pushed people away because you couldn’t bring yourself to accept a hand held out in your direction. There was always some clause, some string, attached and you’d be damned before you fell for it. So for all of life’s pitfalls you’d hardened yourself against the potential. It worked as long as you didn’t count all the people you never meant to rub wrong- which you rarely did. If people were meant to be in your life they'd chip away at the walls you'd been steadfast in reinforcing, though you could admit to yourself you often made it far harder for people than you meant to. A small sacrifice for protection against getting hurt again.
Or so you had told yourself.
You’d been happy to be a prickly douche to whoever so much as looked at you for too long, snapping and glaring at every little thing life threw at you, and then you'd met Gamzee. The most spaced out, laid back motherfucker you had ever seen. Nothing fazed the troll. No barbed comment, no sneered look, no potential fight. It was as if he lived in a perpetual bubble of chill and good peace. After awhile it seemed almost cruel on your end to be mean to him at all. You’d been looking for a roommate to share your apartment with- rent was getting tighter each day and you knew it was only a matter of time before a check finally bounced- and Gamzee had simply made himself right at home. 
You had wanted an Alternian roommate specifically to guarantee they’d mind their business so you could mind yours. Too bad Gamzee never got that memo. Or maybe he had and simply ignored it. Just like he’d ignored your attempts to make him leave you alone and stop letting himself into your room to “hang” or sprawling along the couch to be in your personal bubble. No matter how many times you snapped and snarled and attempted to get him to do as everyone else did and fuck off he had remained. In fact the more you tried to scare him off the more he seemed to make himself right at home. It completely baffled you at first as to why you couldn't make him leave and then slowly you had begun to accept it. 
Begrudgingly and with the same level of discomfort as someone having their teeth pulled. 
That seemed to be all Gamzee needed to get truly comfortable. The minute you had begun to see Gamzee as a friend and start to open up to the clown he’d dug his claws in with all the glee of a child refusing to let go of a beloved toy. He invited you everywhere with him, sometimes not even waiting for an answer. You had thought it the desperate actions of a quadrantless troll- until he finally introduced you to his “palest of diamonds”. Karkat was like looking in a fucked up funhouse mirror. The two of you snapping at each other and pushing away in all the similar ways. It was no wonder Gamzee had seemed so comfortable with you. He had a type! And apparently you fit the bill. It had taken much longer for you and Karkat to get acquainted than it had with Gamzee but when you did it was clear the clown had used the same tactics he was using on you now to get Karkat as his moirail. 
A complete and utter disregard for your stubborn and standoffish nature. 
Though according to Karkat your long term roommate had a dark side, one you hadn’t seen and was hard to believe, but sometimes you thought you caught glimpses of it when he thought you weren’t paying attention. Calculating lucidity that would flicker in his otherwise stoned and glazed over eyes. It was easy to dismiss. 
But today you were reconsidering that dismissal. 
It had started out all the same. You’d had the day off work and had taken to lounging on the couch with your phone using the TV as background noise. Whatever conversation you had started out having with one of your few friends had devolved into archaic memes and had long abandoned coherence a good fifteen minutes or so ago. Gamzee would be home soon, you had memorized his schedule out of necessity from the times he’d wandered into the bathroom to grab some of his things while you had been showering. The mortification had been brutal and your landlord had banned changing the locks in the apartment for reasons lost to you. So the bathroom lock remained broken and you had memorized Gamzee’s schedule as a consequence. Since then there had been no mortifying bathroom mishaps. Not that Gamzee had seemed bothered at any point, he hadn’t been creepy about it either, just grabbing his things as if you weren’t there at all. You weren’t sure whether to be grateful or concerned but had settled uneasily on grateful. Today was no different than any other when he got back. Humming and chuckling to himself as he shed off his jacket and left it on the floor when he came in- another losing battle with him- before wandering into the kitchen without a care in the world. It was as if he hadn’t even realized you were home as he rooted around in the fridge for what you assumed was faygo. The two of you would have to go grocery shopping sometime soon, food and drinks were getting low again. You could hear him shut the fridge with his hip and the soft hiss of carbonation as he unscrewed the lid on his soda and wandered into the living room where you were still curled up on the couch. For a moment neither of you said anything and then you could feel as his eyes slid to and over you. Again that rare lucid clarity came to his eyes in a brief flash before it was replaced by the ever present glaze as he smiled wide to see you. 
“Hey buddy! You all up and got the day off?”
“Yeah. Figured I’d just relax.”
“Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.” He was still smiling that crooked smile as he hooked one long leg over the top of the couch and began climbing over it. You watched mildly unbothered by whatever strange fancy had struck him now as you continued sharing memes on your phone with your friend. Unfortunately that was all the acceptance Gamzee needed to plop onto the couch and then flop directly on top of you.
“Gamzee what are you doing?” You asked calmly. Maybe a little bit tiredly knowing from the start that it was a losing battle. 
“I’m just gettin’ my cuddle on.” He replied cheerful as ever. One arm snaked underneath your back to wrap around you as he began slowly inching his way up your body to rest his head on your chest. He’d had the fortunate thought to tilt his head so you wouldn’t be gored by his long goat-like horns. But it didn’t stop him from snuggling himself closer. Sighing heavily you set your phone aside and wrapped an arm around his neck. 
“Didn’t we have a talk about this yesterday?”
“I dunno. Did we? I just wanna get my motherfuckin’ cuddles on. Feelin’ all sorts a clingy lately.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked curiously but Gamzee’s mind was clearly already drifting away as he snuggled into your hold. One of his hands dangled off the couch with the bottle of faygo and you hoped he wouldn’t drop it. It took forever to clean up and you’d just cleaned the rug not even three days ago. For a while the two of you just laid there, Gamzee’s ear twitching as he listened to your heartbeat. His clawed fingertips on the arm wrapped around you tapped what you figured must be the beat of your heart on your side. You were half asleep underneath him, the chilled weight of his body helping calm you, when he finally shifted. You glanced down at him and found his chin resting on your chest as he looked up at you. Again that lucidity had returned to his eyes as he watched you. 
And then the unthinkable happened. The thing that turned your thoughts on the clown upside down. 
He slid in closer and before you realized what he was doing he had pressed his lips to yours. The first thing you registered was that they were cold, the second thing had been the slick slide of the greasepaint he wore as his mouth moved against yours, and the third was the way he was still staring at you. His eyes were still open, still watching, as he pressed his mouth to yours insistently. Your sound of confused surprise was muffled as he shifted his head just so and his tongue licked across the meat of your bottom lip. Eyes wide and shocked you tensed and he nipped lightly at your mouth before pulling away a more smug smile on his face. 
“You taste like popsicles.” He told you voice pitched strangely. Swallowing nervously you struggled to find words to even say to him. 
“What the hell was that for?” You hated how meek you sounded but the shock had been too great. He’d never even given you an inclination he saw you as anything more than a good friend.
“A motherfucker can’t just all up and kiss his matesprit?” He asked, clearly confused. 
“Your what?” 
His eyes suddenly went as wide as yours, a startling look on his face as he seemed to struggle to keep them open most of the time. 
“Oh shit.” He breathed, “I forgot to ask you.”
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animatedautisim · 1 year
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marvus let me smash
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biidkes · 5 months
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The true matesprits. (A moment with my dear wife was enough to understand how much those two love each other. They're soulmates.)
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Hello!!!! :)
May is ask for some platonic yandere!Karako Pierot headcanons? Especially some with a lowblood reader who is the total opposite of him?? Idk I just think the idea would be really cute lol
I'm not entirely sure if Karako cares about bloodcastes but sure! I usually only do troll characters based on quadrants so I did what I could, although I added platonic because I forgot trolls can technically have friends outside of quadrants. I was vague with the pairing though as I just wanted to focus on the cute dynamic :)
Yandere! Platonic! Karako Pierot with Lowblood! Darling
Pairing: Possible Pale♦️/Platonic (Just Friends, no Quadrant, leans more into this actually-)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Dubious/Possible Moirallegience, Obsession, Karako following you like a lost puppy, Slight manipulation, You sort of take on a secondary guardian role like Bronya, Violence/Murder, Protective yandere, Clingy behavior, Blood mention, Jealousy.
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Karako acts as a very energetic kid at times.
For a purple blood he does have his temper issues but is usually pretty tame.
Most of the time he's just excited, making excited and curious "Honks".
Compared to some Highbloods, I don't actually think Karako cares much for the bloodcaste system.
Bronya is actually a jade blood and is his caretaker.
Karako doesn't mind what trolls he talks to as long as they respect him.
He can also be rather cute to be around!
When he does meet a Lowblood darling he doesn't think too much of it.
Although he does notice you are less energetic and more stoic compared to his overly excited behavior.
Despite this, Karako would probably still stick around if he felt comfortable around you.
It's not like you're mean, you just keep to yourself.
You may originally try to ignore the honking purple blood following you but it's hard to.
He's young for his caste and doesn't seem to mind too much that you're a lower caste compared to most in his caste.
You may still be hesitant to hang around him, yet soon even you can't help but pay attention to the honking troll.
He never really talks although you somehow still understand him.
"Honk! :)"
A friendship/Moirallegience with him just feels like you're another guardian to him.
He met you after running from Bronya again and when you try to return him like his tag says to the clown refuses to leave your side.
Bronya actually commented on this to you and allowed you to watch him since he's so fixated on staying beside you.
With Karako it doesn't matter if you are just friends or actually fall into the pale quadrant.
He just likes to stick beside you :)
If anything, actually, you probably fit more into being buddies than actual Moirails.
Although you do bring out the best in him just like he does with you.
For example you calm his temper, while he brings out a more excitable side in you.
It's up to you with what way you want to take it.
Karako isn't a bad purple troll to be around compared to others.
He really is just excitable and happy to be around you.
Others may judge him for being around a Lowblood, but you calm his temper.
It doesn't matter what others think...
Karako just likes that you're there for him :)
There's no doubt your companionship with Karako brings you closer to Bronya in the process.
It's good to speak with her since she gives tips on how to care for Karako.
Plus she likes to know what he's doing when he's run off....
Speaking of running off, Karako does it less when you're around.
If you aren't around... he'll run off to find you.
He goes from frantic honking to relieved/excited honking when he sees you.
The dynamic between you is a bit funny.
Others see you as a stoic Lowblood who is a bit rebellious against other castes.
Yet now you have an excited Highblood following you around like you're the best thing ever.
Karako is still a purple blood and can be violent.
He has a temper and will defend you if you are being picked on.
His caste has been known to be violent.
It makes sense that he'd protect you, especially as a Lowblood.
He doesn't mind letting rage overtake him to kill another troll over you.
Best you calm him before he spills unneeded troll blood.
Karako would seem like the type to get jealous, but it comes of as a but of a huffy tantrum with upset honking.
He would probably attempt to hurt someone over jealousy, so you'd have to stop him... again.
Overall, Karako wouldn't mind a Lowblood whose the opposite of him.
You two would get along fine!
He'd actually never leave you alone, someone would have to pry him off of you first.
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kurohaai · 1 year
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Adult Mallek x @mokii639's MSPA Reader! Thank you for enabling me drawing them again🌸
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sludgewolf · 22 days
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Them again since they won't leave my mind
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Hello hello!!!! Oh my goodness I hope your requests are open, I haven't seen any hint they're closed so I apologize if they are!!! If so just ignore this. BUT IF THEYRE OPEN -
Please can I BEG for a: zebruh x purpleblood partner? LIKE ZEBRUH IS UTTERLY AND TOTALLY flushed for reader, like a total SIMP But theyre struggling to understand if they feel sorta flushed for him or just REALLY PITCH for him. gn if possible but I don't mind if not!!
(My requests are not open I am getting to the last ones I have in my inbox, thank you! ❤️)
HI THERE!! Yes they are closed atm but im getting to the ones in my inbox! SO SHHHHH SHHHH IM DOING IT!!!
YESSS we loveeee lovestruck Zebruh in this house!! HES A BIG PITCH CRUSH OF MINE
Oneshot Zebruh ❤️♠️x Purpleblood reader(SIMPPPP LOVESTRUCK HEAD OVER HORNS)
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Oh. My. GOODNESS!!! Zebruh laughed in delight seeing the notification in his Chittr inbox. His face a bright indigo as he read the purple colored message. It was a simple answer to the indigo blood’s question but it made his blood pumper SING to space and his grin hurt so much by how big he smiled.
The way you talked, the way you dressed, oh heavens it made Zebruh feel he was on cloud nine. But…
At the same time it felt as though you made something else spark in him, something different then the deep crimson feelings…the red feelings that made him want to embrace your clownness and kiss your face all over! As well as…how interesting it would be to see those feelings go deeper, more darker…
Zebruh found his face then scrunching some as he scrolled on your Chittr feed. You had so many fans, so many admirers, simply for who you are… He LOVED it…Zebruh loved the thought of walking up to you himself and saying how much of a NOT big shot you are. He’d love to see the bewildered confusion on your face mixed with a snarl. The indigo found himself laying over his couch gushing and squealing to himself. Zebruh just couldn’t control himself! He had to text you again..
Possibly to ask you out… >:3
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nibblyjimbles · 1 year
Can you do POV thing where reader is pinned down by Mallek ?
Careful what you wish for anon!
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swarmishstrangers · 1 year
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Mspar looks pretty psyched about their new snake bites their matesprit helped pierce
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