#two different star designs because I’m not sure what I want her to look like
saucetail · 5 months
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a stargleam + a little gif of worlds worst girlfriends under the cut
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cogentranting · 2 years
Rating Non-Disney Animated Horse Designs
I’m back by popular demand/well not really but my optimism’s grand
A sequel to my Disney horse Rating post for all the other random non-Disney horses. Dreamworks, Bluesky, random cartoons, anything I could find. Featuring: Altivo, Spirit, some Barbie horses, and a few abominations.
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Horse (Sing)
6/10 I don’t hate it and I feel like I should because it’s really hard to anthropomorphize horses that much without making them into the stuff of nightmares.
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Shadowfax (The Lord of the Rings) 
5/10 There’s nothing WRONG with him per se, but it’s SHADOWFAX. Lord of all horses. He should wow me, and he doesn’t. Check out Gandalf’s weird sock-boots though. 
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Hervé (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper) 
-6/10 Horses' mouths don’t look like that. Horses’ mouths should not look like that. This thing wants to eat human flesh but can’t because it has two solid curved huge teeth with no physical  relationship with its jaw. Also this horse has the beginnings of male-pattern baldness. 
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Princess Brietta (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)
1/10 Her eyes are flat like they’ve been painted onto her socketless skull. And there’s something very off-putting about this shade of pink. 
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Beauty, Merry Legs, Ginger (Black Beauty) 
4/10 Ginger isn’t ginger. That is not a sorrel horse. There’s ONE requirement. Beauty’s the best of the three which is I guess what counts. 
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Hans, Klaus and Greta (Ferdinand) 
2/10 I hate them so much. The core design isn’t that bad but the way they move and pose is. No horse should make that face. The one on the left is stretched putty.
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The Grand Chawhee (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
I know what you’re thinking-- “isn’t that a mule or a donkey of some sort?” No. He’s a racehorse. Maybe a thoroughbred. And it’s his birthday so the other horses let him win. 
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Stella (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
1/10 She gets one point for being nice to Chawhee. But she’s clearly some sort of alien giraffe hybrid. 
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Odette’s horse (Swan Princess) 
7/10 Just a nice little palomino design.  
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That little shaggy pony (The Quest for Camelot)
12/10 Amazing. Look at the determination.
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Buck (Barnyard) 
2/10 See this is what that horse from Sing COULD have looked like. 
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The Horse in the Back, Not Klaus But I Couldn’t FInd a Better Picture (Klaus)
9/10 He matches his owner and I respect that
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Leah (The Star) 
4/10 This is horse is voiced by Kelly Clarkson. That has nothing to do with her rating, I just thought you should know. 
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(Starchaser: The Legend of Orin) 
8/10 for both. I have questions but I do not want answers. It’s better this way. 
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Fred (Over the Garden Wall)
7/10 don’t love that his head is a different color than his body in a weird way but he looks neurotic and fun. 
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The Chariot Horses (Prince of Egypt)
8/10 I’ve just always liked these guys with their square faces and fun hats. 
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Altivo (The Road to El Dorado)
7/10 Look at the little curl in his mane. Good personality. A little too much “Dreamworks Face” 
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Donkey in Horse Form (Shrek 2? one of the Shreks) 
3/10 Look at his face. I DREAD what he might have to say. 
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Esmeralda, Esperanza, Ernestina (Madgascar 3)
2/10 They’re coming for you. Coming to drag you into the Abyss. 
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Police Horse (Madagascar)
7/10 I like his face shape. Compare him to the Madgascar 3 horses-- look how much more identifiable as a horse he is. 
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Melvin (The Lorax)
10/10 He’s not a horse, but he’s so fluffy I love him. 
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Babieca (Puss in Boots)
4/10 This horse has dead eyes. 
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Onyx (Rise of the Guardians) 
13/10 She’s the leader of the nightmares and I would fully support her terrorizing the dreams of children. I’m pretty sure she and her mares ate the boogie man. A true Girlboss.
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Yi Min (Kung Fu Panda but I think just an online game) 
-20/10 Just from a design perspective there’s far too much going on so it’s hard to even make it all out. Also I would have zero idea that this was a horse if the wiki page didn’t tell me it was. It has split hooves? 
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Spirit Jr. (Spirit: Riding Free) 
8/10 Objectively I know the design is good  but my heart rebels against this show’s existence. 
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Boomerang Thomas Stone (Spirit: Riding Free) 
8/10 I’m not doing all the horses from this show but I had to throw him in because he’s cute and he has a middle and last name for some reason.
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Horse (Centaurworld) 
Why are there two distinctly different designs for her? This one gets a 9/10. The round one is like... a 5. All the other creatures in this show are eldritch abominations that will haunt me in my sleep now. 
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Esperanza and all the other horses from this movie (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) 
10/10 No notes. Perfect horses. 
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Rain (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) 
15/10 I don’t have a joke here I just really like the way they differentiated her and made her pretty without too much anthropomorphizing. I like that she has a roman nose.  I like her feather. 
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Spirit (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
100/10 He’s everything. He shaped me as a person. No other animated horse can compare. 
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: *melts into goo* I swear the vibes I get from this story and where I can go with it are a mix of Ariana Grande's "Dangerous Woman" and "I Didn't Change My Number" but Billie Eilish lol That lost song is actually where I got the title because I saw a TikTok where some did the Steddie AI followed by the lyrics "Take it out on you...and your best friend to."
So this is set in the 80s and I chose to make the reader plus size because I haven't done it before with these two and because we plus sized babes are sexy bitches ;). (All you souls, no matter your size are beautiful. Never forget that <3)
Warnings: Dominate Steddie and Sub Reader, she's not a virgin but she's definitely new to this. Everything in this story is consensual! Even though they are rough with her they do come up with a safe word and tell her she can stop if she wants (and they would! I would never write a version of these boys who wouldn't.)
There is degrading (mostly about how the reader wants to be used), spanking, choking... rough smut for sure but followed with aftercare.
Word Count: 3953
This wasn’t normal for you. You never got in trouble at school but today was just one of those days. Carol was picking on you again because of your appearance. Every day it was something different. Your hair looked flat, your clothes were hideous, or something you were reading at the lunch table made you “a dork”. 
Today, it was how fat your ass looked in your jeans. You slammed your locker shut as you turned to face her. “At least I have an ass, you ugly bitch!”
“Y/N Y/L/N!”, Ms. O’Donnell scolded. You hadn’t even noticed she was there. She sent you to the principal’s office where he gave you a week’s worth of detention after school. 
You were surprised when you entered the designated classroom to find it empty except for the teacher in charge. 
“Ah Miss Y/N, I presume. In for offensive language and bullying a fellow student. Come in and have a seat. I’m waiting on two more.” 
You flash him a soft smile as you slide into the desk in the front corner. The door opens again and fear dances through your eyes as Steve Harrington saunters in and throws himself down in a desk in the middle of the room. 
“Our very own basketball and swim star himself, Steven Harrington. Currently in detention today fooooor…”, the teacher looks at the papers in front of him. “Being caught in the girl’s bathroom. Huh. Did you get lost?”
Before he could respond, the final student entered loudly swinging the door open as he flew in. “Hey! Mr. C! How are we this fine afternoon?”
“Mr. Eddie Munson. Always a pleasure, sir. What are we in for today?”
“I may or may not have caused a disruption in the lunchroom today.”
“Mhmm. Well, since everyone is here, we can start. Detention begins at 5pm sharp and if you aren’t here on time, I do get to tell the principal who will do with you as he will.”
“Sounds sexy.”, the metalhead grins as he sits on top of a desk and crosses his legs. 
“Mr. Munson, I know you’ve heard this many, MANY times but for the new prisoners can you please…shut up.” The boy salutes him as the teacher continues. “The majority of the time, you guys will be here, SILENTLY, doing homework or reading, I really don’t care. Just be quiet. Depending on what is going on that day this week we may help out with things. The theater kids have a play on Friday and need help with the sets. As I’m sure Mr. Harrington knows, there’s also a game so the pep squad may need stuff set up.”
“Other than that, let’s just shut up and get through the week, okay?”
The first twenty minutes go by extremely slow as you try to focus on the homework in front of you. After a while, you felt someone watching, turning your head to see Steve staring at you. Something in those admittedly gorgeous brown irises sent a tingle through your body. It felt like he was trying to read you with the little information he had in front of him. 
You jumped as a loud beeping echoed through the room and a small devious smile spread across his face. 
“Shit.” The teacher pulled his beeper off his belt, furrowing his eyebrows anxiously. “That’s my wife. I’m going to make a quick call but if I come back and I catch you all talking or fucking around…” He points at the metalhead accusingly as he runs out the door. 
“Jesus Christ. I thought he would never leave.” Eddie sighed as he got up and slid into the desk in front of Steve reaching out to high five him. “Harrington. What are you in for?”
“Fucking Tammie told Ms. Luhrmann I was hiding in the girl’s bathroom.”
“You pervert.”
“It’s not what you think, ok! I left Nancy a note but she never showed up.”
“I told you, man. You need to stay away from those good girls. Speaking of…” Eddie swivels around on the desk to face you. “What are you in for, sweetheart?”
You curl a bit into your body, hoping they’ll just leave you alone. You don’t belong here. This isn’t normal for you. You just wanted to get through the week and never think about this again. 
Two hands, one of them covered in rings, come into your field of view in front of you as they press against your desk. “I asked you something, princess. Don’t be rude now.”
You closed your eyes at the deep tone of his voice. He sounds so sexy…
“She can definitely speak. Talked back to Carol today. It was amazing.”
That grabbed your attention as you turned to look at him. When you yelled at Carol, he wasn’t in the immediate group but he must have been nearby. They were his friends after all. 
“What did that bitch say?” Eddie asked Steve but his eyes never left you. 
“Said she had a fat ass.” The other boy rolls his eyes. 
“And what did you say?” He asks, speaking to you again. 
Your eyes found his before they left to scan you lips, down your curvy body, and back up to your face. 
“Boo!” Eddie shouted as he slammed his palms on the wood in front of you, making you jump again. He and Steve both chuckled as he sauntered away, back to his friend. 
“She commented on the fact that Carol lacks any kind of an ass and then followed that up with the word ‘bitch’.”
“Ooooh, you bad girl. You’re not wrong. That evil little person has nothing behind her. I prefer a girl who has some extra umph you know? Plus, their pussy always tastes the sweetest.”
You exhaled shakily at his words, having only heard or read them in stories. You definitely weren’t a virgin. You had been with men and had boyfriends but none of them ever spoke like Eddie had. They were always extremely shy type guys who had no idea what they were doing on top of you.
“Mr. Munson!” The teacher came back, sighing with his hands in the air. “Really?”
“Sorry, Mr. C. I had a question for the pretty girl but she doesn’t seem to be capable of speech.”
“I don’t blame her when it comes to you.”
The next day, you became more aware of Eddie and Steve’s presences. You didn’t realize you actually had a couple of classes with Steve and lunch with both he and Eddie. The metalhead’s eyes watched you walk past the Hellfire club table as you tried to ignore him and the other boy constantly turned to glace at you as he ate with his friends. 
At the end of the day, you filed into the detention room, surprised to find both boys already there and seated in the front row, much closer to you than they were yesterday. 
“Ok troublemakers, collect your things, we are headed to the theater room.”
“I believe thespians refer to it as an auditorium, sir.” Eddie replied in a comical voice that made you smile but only Steve caught it.
“Yeah whatever. I don’t care. Just paint and behave. I’ll be right back there watching so no funny business.”
“Can we talk, Warden or is that still a no-no?”
“Yes, Mr. Munson. You can speak as long as you paint.”
You descend to your knees and they both follow suit. Steve reaches over for the paintbrushes but as he leans over towards you, he lifts it out of your grasp and hands it to his friend. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want something? You gotta ask for it.”, he smiled over at you as he waited. “No? Ok then.”
They froze as he sat back to look you over. “Please what?” He laughs as your face scrunches in disgust. “I don’t know what you want unless you ask me for it.”
“Please, Steve…can I have a brush?”
He nods as he passes it to you and you immediately duck down again to focus on the task in front of you. 
“Your voice is pretty. You should talk more.” Eddie’s eyes remained on the board as he painted. 
“It’s not that she doesn’t want to talk. She just doesn’t want to talk to us.”
You don’t know why but hearing Steve say it like that made you feel bad. It wasn’t exactly that you didn’t WANT to. You just didn’t trust or know them. King Steve was close friends with the people that tortured you daily and Eddie was the resident bad boy your parents warned you to stay away from. They both intimated you greatly not just because of their air of dominance but because you wanted them to wield it on you. 
You wanted them to use you until you or they couldn’t take it anymore and that scared the hell out of you. You were so inexperienced when it came this stuff plus…how do you explain that to someone? Shouldn’t you want to be wined and dined? Yes, you did. You absolutely did but you wanted to be fucked senseless first.
“I do want to talk to you.”
“Then why don’t you?”, Eddie asked.
“You scare me.”
“Well, shit, sweetheart. I’m not a fucking devil worshipper like these asshole people think.”
“It’s not just you and that’s not why.”
“I’ve never made fun of you, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey. She has a name! Steve, you should have told me.”
“Yeah, you never made fun of me but you never stopped them either. You laughed along with them while they picked on me and degraded me in front of the entire school. You’re just as much an asshole as they are.”
“Y/N!”, the teacher hollers from his seat. “As much as I am enjoying watching you tear the king of Hawkins high a new one, I don’t see much painting happening.”
Blinking, you shut your mouth and begin moving the brush again. 
“If you ever talk to me like that again, I don’t care where we are or who is in the room, I will throw you over my knee and punish you. Do you understand me?” You turn to look him, finding his angry eyes penetrating yours. “I said, do you understand me?”
“Steve, come on.” Eddie rolls onto his back as he stares up you. “She doesn’t play like that. Do you? Probably still a virgin.”
“I’m not a virgin.”
“I see. Ok, not a virgin but definitely not a hardcore kind of girl, right? You like the missionary, vanilla, candles by the bed, listening to slow 70s tunes. Am I right?”
“You don’t know me. Jesus, no wonder you two are friends.”
“Oh wow, Eds. Look at her. No, she doesn’t like that at all. I mean, on some nights yeah, but you prefer being told to shut the fuck up and do as your told.”
“N-n-no. I don’t.”
Your answer makes them giggle. “I would not have pictured that. You like being used?”
“Edward Munson! I swear to God. If I have yell at you guys one more time, we are going back to the classroom to sit silently.”
As detention came to a close, the teacher asked if you wouldn’t mind staying a little later to put everything away. You agreed especially since he told the guys they could leave. You needed that space away from them. 
When Steve scolded you, you felt your panties dampen but you meant what you said. He never did anything to keep the popular kids from picking on you. You saw him laugh with them multiple times. Thinking about Eddie asking if you liked being used, had your pussy clenching around nothing as you rubbed your thighs together. You didn’t know enough about him to really form an opinion. The town talked about him a lot and his club he had at school but you two never crossed paths. 
You kept thinking about them as you collected your things and headed down the hallway to leave for the day. Suddenly, a hand covered your mouth as arms lifted you by your waist into a nearby open classroom. 
“Hey, sweetheart. Steve and I wanted us to finish our conversation. Now that that asshole isn’t here, we can!” Your eyes widen as you listen to Eddie speak. His tone light but there’s a strength behind it that frightens (and excites) you. “Now, where did we leave off? Ah, yes. You were just about to tell us if you liked being used.”
Steve lifted his palm from your lips, resting it gently against your throat.  “Please.”
“Nope. We already had that discussion. You have to say what you want to get it.” Eddie sighs as you push back against the man behind you and he quickly tightens his grip on your neck. “Sweetheart, give me a word. Any word you feel like you’ll remember in any…overwhelming situation.” His eyes seductively raked along your body. 
“Vanilla.” You aren’t sure why that’s the first word that came to mind but it was the only thing you could think of as Steve loosened his grip and your head fell back against him. 
“If there’s one thing you are not, baby, it’s vanilla but… that’s fine. If at ANY point during our little talk here you feel unsafe or you want to stop just say that word. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I understand.”
He steps forward, running his thumb along your bottom lip. “Good girl.”  His fingers trailed down to your shirt, grinning before he roughly ripped it open exposing your bra covered breasts. “Now…I’m only going to ask one more time. Do you…like…being used?”
“I-I-I don’t know. I want t-t-to be.”
His eyes widened in genuine surprise. 
“You said you’re not a virgin, right?”, Steve asked and you shook your head. 
“Aw, Harrington. What she’s telling us is she’s never been fucked properly. Is that right?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, Eddie, that’s right.”
The metalhead rolls his eyes in frustration and takes a few steps back. Steve flips you around and slams your upper body down against the desk, reaching around to unbutton your pants as he pulls them below your ass. You hear the sound of a lighter being closed before the echo of his palm slapping your skin reverberates through the room. 
As a handcuff belt buckle places itself in front of you, the smell of smoke fills the air. 
“Sweetheart, this would go a lot smoother if you just listened and did as you were told.” He bent down on his heels so his face was level with your own. “Yes. What?”
“Yes, Eddie, I’ve never been fucked properly.”
“That’s better.”
Steve’s hand moves to hold your face flat to the wood and your arms reach to claw in front of you. You whine as he spanks you again. “Stop moving!”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m…” Your apology trails off as the tears start to fall down your cheeks. 
Eddie balances the cigarette between his fingers as he runs his thumb under your eye. The gesture was sweet in contrast and he noticed you begin to settle. His eyes flicked above you and a few moments pass before Steve slides his hand off your head to between your shoulder blades. 
“You said you were afraid of us. Why?”
When you don’t immediately answer he sighs and the other boy delivers two hard slaps to your bottom. Instead of pushing back or fighting underneath the weight of his palm holding you down, you laid still, accepting it. The only movements you made were with your face as you winced at the feeling.
“Why?”, he repeats. 
“Be-be-because of… how you m-m-make me feel.”, you whisper. 
“Did you hear that, Stevie?”, Eddie smirked up at him.
“Just barely but yeah. Y/N, I was there when you shouted at Carol, remember? I know you can speak louder than that.”
Your face scrunched at his words and the metalhead held his chest as he laughed.  “It kills you doesn’t it, princess? To both hate someone AND want them at the same time.”
Suddenly, you felt yourself being lifted as Steve tugged on your shirt and adjusted you so you were facing him again. “You hate me, Y/N?”
When you took too long, his fingers pinched your cheeks roughly as he tilted forward till his nose was touching yours. “I asked you a question. You fucking answer! Do you hate me?!”
“Yes! You fucking asshole! I hate you!” You defiantly glared at him as you screamed at him. 
“His friends kind of suck. They don’t even know about me. Do they, Harrington?” Eddie snuffed out his cigarette, tossing the butt in the garbage. “I mean it’s fine. I don’t care. What I do find fascinating through is this electricity between you two even though you both hate each other.”
“I don’t hate her.” Your eyelids fluttered at his admission. Why did you torture you with his friends if it wasn’t because he didn’t like you? “If I hated her, I wouldn’t want to make her cum right now.”
Eddie pressed himself to your side as his lips hovered over your ear. “Has anyone ever made you cum before?”
You couldn’t tear your eyes from Steves and you didn’t even both trying. “No. No one has ever made cum.”
“Good girl. See? She’s learning. I knew you were smart.” Eddie’s palm slid along your shoulder, bringing your bra strap down your arm. His fingers, almost delicately, freed one of your breasts from its confine and you panted out a silent moan as the pad of his thumb grazed your nipple. 
“Do you want Steve here to make you cum?”
You couldn’t help it. Your hand wrapped around the back of the other boy’s neck as you brought his lips to yours. The first thing you noticed was how delicious he tasted. You felt like you could orgasm just from this alone. His hands remained still against your hips except for the little twitch of his fingers when your mouths connected. 
Your bliss was short lived as a hand abruptly clung to your neck and violently shoved your back flat to the desk. 
“Did I ask you if you wanted to fucking kiss him?!” You trembled as Eddie angrily shouted in your face. His gripped tightened against your neck for a brief moment before he let go and you turned to the side as you gasped for air. 
“Munson.” The metalhead glanced at Steve realizing quickly the man was gone. His eyes were black with lust and need, practically hyperventilating as his hands dug into your meaty hips. “Jesus fucking Christ. Fine. She said she wanted to be used. I guess we’re doing it this way since someone can’t fucking listen.”
Steve hastily unbuckled his belt, pushing down his pants just enough to free his cock before spitting in his hand and stroking it along his length. You gasped as he breached your entrance, giving you no time to adjust to the size of him as he stretched you open. He was much bigger than anyone you had every been with and you cried out as you reached out into the air, grazing your hand along Eddie’s shirt as you grabbed the fabric. 
“How does she feel, Harrington?”
The man’s grunts filled the room as he slammed his hips into yours. “So, fucking tight. My god.” He slowed his pace as he craned his neck to watch between your legs as his dick disappeared inside of you. 
As you continued to moan, you focused on Eddie as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his own cock, pumping it with his fist. “Open your mouth, princess.” You did as you were told as his fingers tangled in your hair, pushing you lips to length. “Good girl. Fuck me…” His teeth bit into his bottom lip as he slowly thrust hips. 
The feeling of you moaning around him causes him to wipe his head towards Steve, watching as the boy pressed rapid circles into your clit. With both of them inside of you, you were quickly hurtling toward that ledge. 
“Yes, pretty girl. Take it. Fuck…your mouth feels amazing.” 
Both boys thrust into at a fast pace, Steve slamming his hips into yours so hard the desk underneath you began to shake. You started to gag and gurgle around Eddie’s cock. 
“Wh-what, baby? You gonna cum? That’s right. Just let go and feel it.”
He pulled himself out from between your lips, continuing to pump himself as he watched you. Your body shook as your back arched and you came.
Steve murmured obscenities under his breath as your pussy clenched around him. 
“God damn. That was so fucking sexy.” The metalhead shoved his cock back into your mouth as they both chased their highs.  
Steve came first, pulling out of you just as he released ropes of his seed on to your stomach. Eddie soon followed, holding your head in his firm grip as he came down your throat.
You laid flat against the desk, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to catch your breath. As you heard them pull up their pants, you half expected them to leave you there having got what they wanted but were startled when you felt a napkin being run along your stomach. 
“Geez. Always so jumpy.” Eddie gripped your arm as he helped you sit up so he could adjust your bra and shirt. “Shit.” You followed his eyes realizing what he did; that when he tore open your shirt a lot of the buttons flew off with it. On impulse you covered your chest with your arms as you tried thinking of excuses to give your mom when you got home. 
While his face furrowed in thought, Steve lifted you off the desk and guided your pants up your legs before buttoning them back up. 
“I got it.”, the metalhead snapped his fingers as he tugged his shirt over his head. Gently, he removed your blouse, handing it the other boy before throwing his own over your head. He smiled in triumph at himself as he walked around you both towards the student desks and put on his leather jacket. 
“Do you drive here or…?”, Steve asked. 
“Yeah, my car is out front.”
“Good. Come on. We’ll walk with you.”
As they started to head for the door, you reached for Eddie’s arm, turning him around, and yanked him to your body as you leaned up to kiss him. It startled him at first but after moment he keened into it as his hands cupped your cheeks. He definitely tasted different than Steve but you still wanted more. You could kiss him all night if he let you. 
After pulling away, you pushed past them and headed for the parking lot, feeling their eyes watch you as they followed. When you guys got to the parking lot, you were thankful for the slight breeze as it cooled your still somewhat sweaty skin. 
There were only three cars remaining; yours, the BMW you assumed was Steve’s, and Eddie’s van. Steve reached across you, cutting you off as he opened the vehicle door for you. You paused for a moment before turning to look at them. You weren’t sure what you were expecting but the soft eyes that looked back at you were completely different than what you had experienced these last two days. 
You wanted to say something but weren’t sure what. Thankfully, they understood as Eddie stepped forward, placing his hand on your shoulder as he guided you into your car. 
“See you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
@sidthedollface2 @luna-munson83 @devilinthepalemoonlite @corrodedcorpses
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taybatwo2 · 8 months
Vampire Heart Draculaura Review Part 4 of 4
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In this final part of my review, I’ll be comparing her a bit more to some other Monster High vampires.
Including my G1 Elissabat (who really needs her hair de-glued) and I’ve had her hair “restyled” like that ever since I got her just because I liked how she wore it up in the flashbacks in “Frights, Camera, Action.” The picture above has mini-dress Draculaura with Elissabat, the true Vampire Queen. Luckily she’s pretty cool with this Draculaura playing dress up, as long as she gets to try on her outfit too.
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Also, I had never undressed my Eissabat before and didn’t know these were two separate pieces!
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And here is she is!!! I kept her puff purple sleeves to make it fit more with her color scheme. It’s not a bad look at all and I would have loved to have seen a true Vampire Queen Eissabat Collector doll.
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Something like this, but even more dramatic. Give her some large vampire wings, layers of bows and bats and deep purples, a better looking tiara to house the vampire’s heart than what she wore in the movie, the works!
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I think her boots look better under the dress than Draculaura’s though.
Her purples and large bell skirt gown are also kinda reminding me of this collector Barbie:
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The true Vampire Queen….
….and now
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Jump scare!
I wanted to compare G2’s hair play Draculaura (my favorite of my G2 Draculaura) due to the light pink steaks in her hair (as I thought it was the same light pink Saran) and her “darker face-up.” Turns out, it is actually a shade darker than Vampire Heart Draculaura’s and her makeup is not as dark as I remembered.
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The difference in these dolls are night day, so onto something a bit closer.
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Draculaura’s 50 dollar Amazon Exclusive collector doll vs Amazon’s Exclusive Collector 90/100 dollar doll.
I never thought I’d say this, but I actually way prefer the new doll over the old one in every way except for the lack of diary in the current release.
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I was actually never a huge fan of the Collector Draculaura’s eyes (they look better far away and look like they were designed by Tim Burton) or her extra long body (I did like the chest articulation though, but thought an ever TALLER Draculaura looked odd), and prefer the new face up and eyelashes on the newer doll.
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It does look like they have that same really light pink Saran.
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They both have crumby stands that don’t hold the doll very well (at least Collector Draculaura’s is beautifully detailed).
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And surprisingly non of these lace/lattice patterns were present on Vampire Heart’s Draculaura’s skirt. The embroidery on Collector Draculaura is still unmatched though, and she’s still an extremely lovely doll.
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Buuuuut, she surprisingly has more in common with Haunte Couture Draculaura than Vampire Heart’s and visa versa.
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She’s like the in between of Vampire Heart’s and Haunte Couture (similar colors to Vampire Heart’s, buuuut the same layered skirt with bat wing edges, heel/sole to her shoes, and a cape that attaches to her wrists…and I guess hats and rooted eyelashes that Haunt Couture has).
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Well, Draculaura likes to reuse and update pieces of her wardrobe from her long life.
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“Come play with us Vampire Heart Draculaura.” For fun, I compared OG Draculaura (whose hair has been degreased with LA’s Totally Awesome, but she just needs to be retro-brighted and I haven’t had time to do that).
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She has the much skinner eyes of the OG Draculaura than the more “show accurate” Creeproduction Draculaura, but has the darker pink skin tone of the Creeproduction.
Well, I think that’s everyone, let’s get you to the Vampire Heart ball, or whatever ball your vampires are celebrating this week.
Huh. Looks like Valentine has offered to dance with you Draculaura. I wonder if he’s reformed in this timeline too….
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Wait, now the famous movie star -and nothing else- Elissabat wants to dance with you instead. I’m sure Lord Stoker will be glad at all the attention you’re receiving….such a graceful model Vampi-
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Tripped over Fangelica….it looks like she’s in this timeline too…
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Anyways, all bow down to the Vampire Queen, the most beautiful of Monster High’s Skullector’s dolls (to date and my opinion).
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….seriously I really want a diary to go with her…stop leaving those out Mattel!!
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gingergari · 6 months
Hi!! (I'm sorry this is the third time I'm trying to send the ask, I think my wifi is fighting with me aksdasl) I love your Mareach babies! and the art you have of them :''v Also their names are perfect bc of all the meanings jsdskd I'd love to know more of them bc I too love twins whdjwhdw How are they when they grow up? Or even when they were still babies!
i’m so glad you like mela and pera! :^) (and dw, the internet’s been wonky here too)
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on the backend of things i’ve used mela for a mareach kid for a few years but it’s only this year when i was actually like. designing her that i was like ‘they should have twins. something something runs in the family (on my dad’s side of the family his mom had twins and the twins also had twins) something something legendary star twin having twins’ so i trialed a few names (mainly arancia) before i settled on pera! :^)
i’ve been having the time of my life this semester (/s) so i really haven’t developed them very much unfortunately :( but that’s what asks are for! (so please send more if you’re curious!)
this is getting long so here’s a post cut
mela is the more excitable twin and comes up with a lot of ideas, but as they grew up she defaults more to pera to lead because she tends to execute them better and think of details mela would miss
though as kids pera would go along with whatever mela suggested bc she thought it was fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (mela was the one who proposed playing with fire, pera would probably just say ‘lets do it outside’)
i think they fully developed their own ‘firebrand’ around 3-4! but there were signs beforehand, like mela sneezing smoke as a baby and having a higher normal body temperature than pera
(but peach’s magic is so strong there was little doubt that her children would inherit her abilities, and they do end up doing so to some degree! fire just manifested early)
in terms of them as babies, they were definitely a handful but overall ‘good’ babies
once pera knew how to walk tho it was a wrap
very adventurous and loves pursuing knowledge no matter what it takes (nosy and persistent) meanwhile mela has that same curiosity but doesn’t really know what she wants. the happy hobby pursuer
we know mario has experience with younger children and babies (mallow, goombario if you squint a little, watt, yoshi kid, himself (PiT moment), olivia) and peach likely doesn’t have nearly as much but it’s still a different ball game when it’s your kid and two of them and being prince consort(? king? in my head he stayed prince consort but i like @istadris ‘s thing) but he does have a huge community so they do end up well traveled/being cared for and spoiled by many of mario’s companions, and especially so by luigi, peasley, and daisy
back to them being more grown up
mela is the oldest (and as such wears warm-reddish colors in accordance with my headcanon of mushroom world sibling pairs) so technically she’s first in line for the throne, but she doesn’t have as much of an interest in it and believes pera would be a better choice. pera (wears green tones) to her credit does show more interest so they may forgo tradition once more when the time comes but joint ruling was never out of the question
but they don’t have to worry about that for quite a while (but i think peach would do well to make sure both are prepared regardless because of her own experience)
as a pair they aren’t as joined together at the hip as mario and luigi were/are mostly because they didn’t grow up in an environment where mela or pera absolutely needed to protect the other (nor were they ever forcibly separated like the bros were in yoshis island) but they absolutely love each other and would be friends if they weren’t sisters
when they were little tho they were obviously fraternal and always wanted to look identical so they mostly dressed the same until they got to be maybe around 6-8? wide range ik but yeah
but i’m not entirely sure what the situation with bowser is like when they’re growing up but it isn’t as volatile as it currently is. the @justcallmerosey post with clementine giving me ideas tho👀
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Green Arrow #1 (2023)
I promised to yell my feelings about this issue so here! Are! My feelings!!!
Spoilers beneath the cut, obviously. Also, I won’t be including scans since I want to encourage people to buy this comic. It’s already selling so well that it was expanded from a 6 issue miniseries to 12 issues before the first issue even came out - if sales stay strong, maybe we can get an ongoing!
First off, love Sean Izaakse’s art so so so much, I adore his designs for the characters and the way he makes them move. Roy and Connor’s new looks are a little busy but I forgive him because they have such lustrous hair. (Though I still long for a Connor with a curl pattern.)
Starting with Ollie hitting on Dinah while barely conscious? A+. Also, the bit where he realizes he’s on an island again and is like “HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME???” made me laugh out loud.
I’m not going to lie, on the first double page spread, I’m...not sure why Doomsday is there? Or whose arm is sticking up out of the rubble? Does anyone know?
Why on earth would Dinah call Connor “Hawke?” That line felt really weird to me. Izaakse has been calling him that on Twitter so idk if they’re trying to rebrand him that way or what. Are they making it his new codename? I guess it’s slightly less dumb than “Drake.”
Also, I love the flashback panel of Roy and Connor with their arms around each other, but I am very tired of this thing DC has been doing lately where we see the aftermath of big moments and not the big moment itself. I suppose I shouldn’t complain considering that they nailed the most important reunion in this issue, but I really would have liked to see Connor’s reunions with Roy and Dinah, especially considering that Emiko and Dinah both had basically zero reaction to learning that Roy wasn’t dead. (And in that vein, I’d like to see an actual conversation with Ollie about Connor being ace and not just a flashback panel that’s like “I told my dad, and he was great about it! This will only be addressed annually in Pride issues from now on!” Bonus points for Ollie being very supportive but not 100% getting it and getting a chance to learn.)
JASON SAID THE VAN HAD FINGERPRINTS THAT MATCHED. ROY’S LEAD CAME FROM JASON. Jason and Roy are another set of characters where we were robbed of a good, satisfyingly emotional reunion, but in the single solitary panel we were given of the two of them together, Jason did say he would find Lian, AND HE KEPT HIS PROMISE. Can we please stop discoursing about whether or not he is a good friend to Roy now?
Ollie says that Roy is the greatest marksman in the world and my heart grew three sizes. The last time this came up was 2006ish and it was contested, with the heavy implication that Roy would soon surpass Ollie. I guess he finally made it! I’M SO PROUD. (Although... Shado is the greatest marksperson in the world. I choose to believe that Ollie is using a gendered term deliberately, especially considering what he says to the Manhunter at the end of the issue. Anyway lololol get fucked Merlyn, enjoy being #4.)
“I may have taught Roy and Connor” what did you teach Connor, Ollie? Stop lying.
The flashback panel of Ollie and Dinah fighting back to back is! So! Good! Very Doc Shaner, which is always a compliment.
The first time I read this I wasn’t sure if they knew it was Lian, because obviously she’s a lot older than they would have expected. Rereading the panel where the family reacts hits different when you know: the dumbstruck look on Roy’s face! Dinah’s comforting hand on his shoulder! Connor saying “Good form” because he is a PROUD UNCLE! And his little smile on the next page as he wrangles the guy she shot HE THINKS SHE IS SO COOL.
I truly feared that they were going to let her go so Roy’s line, “You threw your first ninja star when you were two years old,” stopped my heart. And then Roy’s speech, besides being heartbreaking, is full of so many great details. I love that he has a sweet tooth and Lian doesn’t. I love the panel of them watching Point Break. I love that they remembered his missing arm in the flashback panel of him mourning Lian.
And on that note, the line “I don’t care how you’re here”...sometimes I get frustrated by DC’s refusal to try to logic their mangled continuity back together  because it feels lazy to me, but here I think it was handled really elegantly. Lian was five and dead and now she’s not; Roy was missing an arm and then he wasn’t and then he was dead and now he’s not. They don’t know why, they’ve accepted that their lives are weird, and they’ve moved on. What’s important to me is that this comic sets out very clearly what is canon and what the characters remember experiencing (short answer: everything, because Roy clearly remembers both pre-Flashpoint and the New 52), because that tells me how to understand their relationships and their choices. I don’t care how they got here either, I just want to know what they’ve lived through.
God, the way he just goes to his knees and gives her all the space in the world. Trusting that she will make the decision that’s right for her, even if it’s one that hurts him. Offering his love on her terms. It’s so perfectly Roy and exactly what Lian needs in that moment.
AND THEN THEY HUG AND I SOBBED FOR TEN MINUTES. Lol @ Izaakse signing this page like “Yeah. You’re welcome.”
AND THEN A FAMILY GROUP HUG. I appreciate the acknowledgement that Lian and Cheshire interacted in Catwoman, because I was so frustrated that nothing came of that.
“They’ll never let our family be together.” This is such a smart move! If you only have 6 (now 12!) issues to bring back Ollie AND Lian AND Connor AND Mia AND (I hope) bring Cissie into the fold for the first time, giving all of the various deaths/disappearances/continuity hiccups one unified source is a great way to fit them all into one story.
And then: DYSTOPIAN OLLIE!!! Dystopian Ollie is always a good move! Dystopian Ollie wants you to use gender neutral threats! Dystopian Ollie has a chainsaw arrow! I love Dystopian Ollie.
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melonnade · 8 months
OC-TOBER DAYS 2-4 (commentary about each character under the cut)
2: NEW OC - Luo Yuqing
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3: OLD OC - Tess (joint effort between @millidew and I)
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4: REDESIGN - Sanya Harris
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Day 2 - new OC: technically Xiang Wanyi is my newest OC but he was Day 1, so I’ll just do my second-newest. for a long time, Luo Yuqing didn’t really get much character development from me. from the onset, I knew I wanted a character like Song Riyuan as the protagonist of this OC universe. SRY needed a friend of some sort but I didn’t really have a clear-cut idea, so I just quickly scribbled in LYQ’s design without thinking much about it and made their concept “cloud recesses wangxian but lesbians.” so for a while, LYQ has just been “what if Lan Wangji was a girl?”
after fleshing out SRY a bit more though, I figured LYQ deserves some more actual thought from me too, so she has this sort of inverse character development thing with Riyuan. Waymond Wang in Everything, Everywhere, All At Once has a quote that lives rent-free in my head: “When I choose to see the good side of things, I’m not being naive. It is strategic and necessary… This is how I fight,” and “We have to be kind. Please, be kind.” This is SRY’s mentality at the beginning of the story. LYQ has a more cynical worldview: sometimes kindness hurts more than it helps. It’s more similar to Megumi from jjk’s “who’s to say that someone you save won’t kill anyone in the future?”
not going to get too much into plot, but over time, stuff happens and the two begin to slowly swap ideologies. after a time skip, LYQ has basically SRY’s original mentality, while SRY has taken on LYQ’s. I get so excited just thinking about how they’d interact when they meet again—they’re still so, so important to one another but there’s this distance now that they’re not sure how to navigate. to SRY, her old mentality was the reason why she wasn’t able to keep the two of them from being separated—she hates that part of herself. to LYQ, her memories of SRY were what got her through everything—she takes on that ideology as a sort of homage initially, but grows to believe it completely. there’s so much fun potential here for different situations.
I’m just going to try to describe her in a sort of stream of consciousness way. overall, LYQ makes me think of the North Star—always there, always constant, never wavering. basically, she doesn’t give up ever. not in a Naruto Uzumaki bold, confident kind of way, but in the same way Sisyphus keeps pushing that boulder, slowly but surely, over and over again. Luo Yuqing’s character is like the way waves against cliffs over the course of centuries can turn rock to sand. not sure how much this makes sense, but these are the types of associations I have in my mind with her. the vibes, if you will. she’s very fun to think about, now that I have more of an idea of what she should be.
Day 3 - old OC: Tess is the very first OC I ever made, before I even knew what an OC was. she’s a group project of a character, so I guess Millie and I have shared custody. she’s very edgy, very cringe, and was very fun at the time to make. I don’t think I ever drew any ref art of her, so this is just a drawing that I made today of what I remember her looking like. Tess is so funny to me because I remember thinking, “if she’s an assassin, she can’t be 12, because I’m 12, and 12 is too young to do anything like that. she can be 13 though.”
I drew her with her manic pixie dream girl traveling companion Sel, since I didn’t want to separate them!
I think Tess & Sel’s creation was a formative time in my life because this is basically how I make every OC now. they always come in pairs—their personalities are developed around one another, so I almost never make individual OCs. you can pretty much group all my OCs into two: Luo Yuqing & Song Riyuan, Qin Tianxiao & Xiang Wanyi, Haneul & Anna, Zach & .Soren, Atlas & Louisa, etc. If a character on my Art Fight doesn’t have an obvious foil, it’s most likely just because I haven’t drawn their ref sheet yet. anyway, I just think it’s funny how that moment in my life influenced my entire creative process, even now. if you spend enough time looking at my OCs, there are definitely clear patterns that I tend to follow though!
Day 4 - redesign: another part of my OC creation process is when I scrap certain universes, I try to reuse the characters if possible. either I’ll essentially blend them up with another character to create someone new or I’ll just stick them in a brand new universe. Sanya Harris initially was a best friend/sidekick-type character in an urban fantasy monster-hunting OC universe that I’ve abandoned. (like all of my other OCs, she had a partner OC too, but he’s been recycled into Zach lol). she was a college student working a part-time job as a motel receptionist in rural Kansas. now, in her current backstory, she lives in California and is a teenager going to summer camp. this whole situation is very funny to me.
actually, a lot of my OCs would fit for the “redesign” prompt because all of the recycled ones are basically redesigns. for example:
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let’s compare the art I drew of Tess to Haneul’s original design from 2021. “they’re the same photo” meme etc, etc.
their personalities are very similar too—they’re basically the same person. again, I find this hilarious, but yeah, there are definitely character archetypes that repeat in my OCs that are easily identifiable if you’ve been watching me make a lot of them over the years.
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
My Top 10 Favorite Movie Villains (Outdated)
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Number 1. Palpatine/Darth Sidious (Star Wars) - In retrospective, Palpatine is easily the best villain in cinematic history. In the first two movies of the original trilogy, he never appears once, he’s only mentioned as “The Emperor,” and based off what we heard from Vader after he chopped Luke’s hand off, The Emperor sounds like a bigger and scarier dude than Vader. Then Return of The Jedi happens, and we see that he’s just a frail old man, yet he somehow manages to not only have Vader under his thumb, and based off what we see in the climax of the movie, it was primarily based off manipulation and not the force lightning he shoots out of his fingers. Then the Prequels happened, and The Clone Wars happened, which is honestly the exact moment that young me liked him more than Vader, and the moment current me rediscovered just how well written Palpatine is as a pure evil, card carrying dark lord, and as a politician. Sure he’s one of the strongest sith lords in the series, but that alone isn’t what makes him scary. It’s his careful planning, and the best part of it is that he rarely appears onscreen, yet his presence can be felt 24/7. I am not as much of a Star Wars fan as I used to be, but I will admit that I LOVE Sheev Palpatine and I’m not afraid to say it.
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Number 2. Bowser (Super Mario Bros Movie) - Bowser here is as accurate to the source material as he’s always been, with one small tweak. He’s still goofy, intimidating, and a simp for Peach, but the biggest difference here is that this take on the Koopa King is much crueler than he is in canon, which makes sense because he ain’t a father yet. He casually kills his own koopas, intended to dunking his prisoners into a pit of lava during his ‘wedding’ with Peach as TRIBUTE to her (Bro that ain’t how that works!), threatened to DESTROY the Mushroom Kingdom if Peach didn’t marry him, and almost went through with it if it weren’t for Mario! Also Jack Black KILLED IT in this role! THIS is how a video game villain should be adapted into a movie. 
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Number 3. Green Goblin (Rami Spider-Man Trilogy) - The MCU can try all they want, but they ain’t surpassing Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin. Norman Osborn here is pretty much portrayed accurately, despite being more pitiable in the trilogy. He’s a bad father, and the owner of a big time corporation, who’s more focused on securing his own success, that just so happens to view Peter Parker as a son. Then he drank an experimental super soldier formula, and got super strength and advanced agility at the cost of his sanity. Now he has two personalities, the “bad but not that bad” Norman Osborn, and the downright devious Green Goblin, who Norman is AFRAID of but also entranced by. The Goblin in these movies are honestly the best take on him to ever exist because he’s the perfect amount of dark due to his actions, fractured mental state, and every last word he speaks being so vile, but at the same time Gobby looks really ridiculous and is a meme machine. I also like the Jekyll and Hyde situation here, where instead of it being a “Normal guy”and his “impulses,” it’s a bad man and his own evil. What can I say other than best comic book movie villain ever.
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Number 4. Death/The Wolf (Puss In Boots) - The best take on The Grim Reaper. Inevitable, terrifying, enigmatic, cruel to those who try and delay the inevitable, etc.
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Number 5. The Riddler/Edward Nashton (The Batman 2023) - I expected Matt Reeves to make the Riddler an egotistical manchild of a serial killer with a Zodiac Killer design, a very high intellect, and saw style puzzles. I NEVER expected a catholic, terrorist, cult leader Riddler that looked up to a young and angry Year-Two Batman. EVERYTHING about him screams “The Lord will wipe these heathens away and Batman will help us,” yet at the same time it works so well. Sure, he has this whole chaotic cult leader vibe to him, but at his core, he’s still egotistical, he thinks he has all the answers, when in reality he’s just a pissbaby who’s lashing out at the world. Despite how different this take on Riddler is, Paul Dano and Matt Reeves did this character justice.
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Number 6. Dr Robotnik (The Sonic Movies) - Jim Carrey’s traditional over-the-top nature works so well with Robotnik that it’s criminal. And the best part is that it doesn’t take away how much of a threat he is in the slightest!
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Number 7. Sauron (Lord Of The Rings Trilogy) - Despite appearing in these movies as just a flaming eye, Sauron has a firm grip on the entire narrative through this flaming eye, and The One Ring. No matter where the main cast goes in Middle Earth, Sauron’s shadow is always looming. An accurate adaptation of Tolkien’s biggest evil. 
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Number 8. Judge Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - One of the 3 Disney movie villains that I enjoy, and LOATHE. Frollo is a monster who sees himself as some pure and noble figure, and this is evident through his actions and beliefs alone. This guy tried killing a baby Quasimoto because of how hideous he was, and the only thing that stopped him was the fear of not being “pure,” so he raised the boy in the Notre Dame Cathedral’s bell tower and basically pretended to be his friend. Also lets not forget about his hatred of the Romani and the fact that he LUSTED over Esmeralda, while also hating her! BRUH YOU HAVE PROBLEMS! Well thankfully karma slaps him directly in the face as he dies falling into literal hellfire of his own creation, looking like a complete and utter devil. He was a great villain for the movie, but aside from that GOOD RIDDANCE YOU PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE.
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Number 9. Colonel Muska (Castle In The Sky) - The only pure evil villain Hayato Miyazaki has written, and I can easily say that he sticks out in a way that a good villain should, while also being a huge steaming pile of shit.
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Number 10. Koba (Planet of The Apes Trilogy) - Making a Bonbono a tragic, yet downright heinous villain is pure genius.
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polkadotpatterson · 1 year
ok it’s been a while since I did some late-night reblase-fuelled fic-rotating unhinged angstposting so here’s some of that. which ended up almost veering into Actual Fic Territory whoops
thinking about. abner and parker. what if you were part of the team that cursed a guy and then you died because of it. what if you were both dragged back into this hell to face each other in a pointless showcase game and then you both got thrown back in the league and were even on the same team for a while and watched the coin melt and maybe sort of almost forgave each other for a moment before the world ended.
what if you fell to some weird moist team and made some weird friends in a weird garden and just when things felt almost okay he fell to a new team too and you waited for the league to burn again. and then you didn’t face each other all season but at the end of it they opened the book like they always do because there’s no escape from this game, not ever, not even after you all killed a god. you’ll always be here playing and burning and being puppeted around on their little stage for everyone’s amusement.
and what if back when you fell you had said to yourself no, I’m not doing this again, I’m not going to be their star. maybe some part of you was afraid you couldn’t live up to that anymore, but you buried that deep beneath the part of yourself that was so tired and angry, so it became easy to say no, you’ll pitch how you want. not terrible, but bad enough to be off their radar. you’ll put on a show, but not the kind they want.
but the gods can’t be so easily defied, not even after you’ve proven they can be killed. they love to forge stars, design their pretty little constellations. they look at you on the day the book opens and they set you alight in a new way, different from your first team’s spark that still burns inside you, different from the flames that consumed you when you died.
they say you’re a star again. they say he isn’t. he’s just some guy. not a firewalker. just a batter for the crabs. you can be just some guy, too. watch! you barely win your first two games. you give up ten runs to the millennials. the gods have given you something, some new understanding of the game, something stranger than your own magic, but you do not let it rule you. you will never stop fighting with all that you have.
you did not know velasquez alstott, but donna did. there was no one to protect her this time, no trace of her fire eater ability left to save her. on tv, you watch the firewalker step up to bat. you watch vela burn. you watch the firewalker hit a home run before her ashes have time to settle. donna is crying. she’s dead, and donna is crying, and the firewalker is being the perfect golden boy again, hitting his little home runs as everything burns around him.
you said you wouldn’t be a star again, but that doesn’t mean you won’t stand on the mound two days later and stare him down and do your damndest to strike him the fuck out.
he’s spent so long looking away from you. he’s looking at you this time. maybe remembering how you cursed him. maybe remembering how you burned. you’d throw the ball right at his perfect little face if you could. maybe you try to. it sure doesn’t land anywhere near the strike zone.
(he was just a kid)
he swings weakly.
(he’s still just a kid, even after two thousand years)
he swings again. 1-2. you can almost taste the strikeout. 
(it wasn’t your team. not really. it was the fans. they voted for it)
it tastes like ashes.
(that’s what you tell yourself, sometimes)
he hits the pitch. he always hits the fucking pitch. that’s what he does. star player. burned brighter than you ever could, while you were burning in the background.
vela burned, too, and he still hit the fucking pitch.
donna’s thinking about her. she misses the ball when Winters hits it. she lets him score. you don’t blame her for it.
(who do you blame, Abner Pothos?)
if he’s going to look at you, you’re going to look back. you’ll stare him down until one of you breaks.
(maybe both of you)
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
How do you do such cool creature designs
Teach me your ways
Thank you! And to be honest, I’m not completely sure. but I think I have two main pieces of advice I could give.
The first is figure out your concepts/references and the second is don’t be discouraged by a first attempt that doesn’t turn out that good.
(This ended up a lot longer than I thought it’d be, sorry it’s so long. This is my first time making a tutorial thing so I hope it helps! More under the readmore)
To start, I’ll use Shattered Future Randall and Claire as examples:
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With Randall, there was a collection of concepts which came from Randall himself, the masked gentleman and the mask of chaos. To list them, there’s bird (from the gentleman), lion (from Randall’s floofy hair) and the sun/moon/stars (the mask).
The lion and bird related concepts are easy to see in the design, but the sun moon and stars come into play with the mask’s horns. The mask itself has the five horn-like things, so I used those to crate the sun/moon/star horns.
At the top is the sun, then the second set is the moon (a crescent when viewed from front on) and the lowest set is the stars.
Then there’s Claire. She admittedly had less to work with, but I also had the need for the spectre which helped. She also has a big tie to time, which is shown through the Roman numerals, the clock hand antennae and the snake (ouroboros).
She also had the connection to fire through her death, which is why she has the furnace-like mouth.
Gathering concepts is the starting point for your creature. It helps to look up which animals or symbols represent what, and I’d recommend looking up different mythical creatures for inspiration.
Admittedly, these two were more concept than reference related, so for the reference example, I’ll use the centaur au.
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For these, I looked up multiple pictures of the creatures I used on Google and on tumblr. The biggest example of this is Hershel’s wings, which are based off of an inverted picture of a blue jay (with a few adjustments)
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I did this because Luke and the Professor colours are already (not perfectly) inverted (Luke has white, blue and green, the Professor has ‘black’ orange and red).
Luke’s main bunny body also took a lot of references, bunnies are surprisingly hard to draw lol.
Then there’s the second point I mentioned: don’t be discouraged by a first attempt that doesn’t turn out that good.
For the example, here’s some concept art for Shattered future Randall and Claire
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You see, they didn’t quite start out too good (especially Claire lol). Claire’s face shape didn’t appear until the third or fourth time I drew her, and Randall’s horns weren’t worked out until I drew them for the silhouette.
Randall didn’t even have paws in his first design, and Claire’s numeral spine used to just be firey.
When drawing your own creatures, try out different things. You don’t like a certain part? Draw it differently as many times as you need to and if it still doesn’t work, then just remove it or replace it with something else.
Redraw the whole thing if you want to, but each time you draw it you’ll get closer to what you want.
This ended up a bit rambley, I’m not sure if any of this really makes sense but I hope it helps!
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hey hey! you should introduce me to your ocs!
I should, shouldn’t I?
Ok, I have WAY too many ocs and stories for one post, so I’ll pick one of my more recent ones.
So this is a sci-fi story I started working on back in May, I think, though there were some earlier versions that were so different they don’t really count.
It takes place 300-400 years in the future or so, I haven’t figured out an exact time frame, but humanity has more or less explored the whole solar system. The protagonist, Kade Serrano, is a 15 year old kid from Earth who joined the United Terran Forces’ space exploration division. He’s a very talented tactical cadet, so for a field exercise, he and two other cadets, Kai Asif, a gunner, and Elan Sep, a pilot (I’m bad with names, don’t @ me) are assigned to a basic patrol mission guarding a military factory out on Kerberos that’s producing an experimental fuel that they think could be the key to interstellar travel (via wormholes or something, it’s not really important). But something goes wrong, the factory blows up, and the kids are transported way out into space. Their ship, not designed for much more than patrolling, is heavily damaged because of the blast, and Elan is severely injured. After about a week of them desperately trying to save him, he dies. Shortly afterwards, a ship picks up their distress call, and they’re saved.
But that’s just the backstory! So, basically the rest of this needs a timeline, so here are the big events (this entire story is told non-linearly, we start at the very end and we slowly figure out what happened from flashing through the timeline)
Kade and co. get blasted into space, Elan dies.
Kade and Kai are rescued by some aliens. The main ones are Exdar, who is basically a giant shapeshifting slime creature, and a very talented hacker. Hu’s honestly one of my favorite characters. Hu and Kai are bros. Another important character is Garitso Ky’dai Vifepo, or just Garitso, who’s kind of a big, strong mole-looking alien, who’s a really good mechanic. Kade and Garitso become pretty close friends. The other one is Ans’hevei’skz, or Ans, who is basically a sentient pile of rocks (well, she’s a parasite that attaches to and can control a specific type of rock, but whatever). She’s the leader of the aliens, and is REALLY important.
The aliens turn out to be part of a rebel group fighting an evil galactic empire, and they’re like, ‘since you guys have no way of getting home, want to help us fight the bad guys’ (earth’s, like, not on any star maps or whatever, so it takes a long time for them to figure out how to get back) and since these kids were practically raised on Star Wars, they’re like, sure sounds legit (I know this sounds like every Star Wars ripoff ever, but I promise it’s not)
So Kade and Kai join up with the rebels, and for about two years, everything goes exactly like ya sci-fi books always go: the rebellion gains ground, becomes a legitimate threat, Kade and Kai start dating, etc., but something’s not right. Kade realizes that they’re winning battles that they shouldn’t be winning, entire warships disappear, they’re becoming very powerful very fast, and a lot of their allies seem shit-their-pants terrified of Ans. Things just aren’t adding up, so he investigates, and it turns out that Ans has gotten her hands on a nasty doomsday weapon capable of destroying planets.
This is where we get some character info on Kai that becomes really important: Kai doesn’t like killing. At all. He believes that sometimes it’s necessary, but he always tries to make sure as few people die as possible. Planet destroying super weapon is, understandably, something he is not cool with. He doesn’t believe Ans can be trusted with it, as she’s been know to be pretty callous and not care about civilian casualties, but he knows that Ans will never give it up willingly, so he decides to steal it.
He meets with Kinj, a young imperial general who’s trying to change the empire for the better (note that Kinj is NOT a good person, he’s just the best out of a lot of bad options, and Kade is pretty morally dubious at this point) Kinj and Kade strike a deal, where Kade helps Kinj stage a coup to take over the empire, and in return, Kinj protects Kade and the super weapon from Ans and the rebels. Note that, at this point, because of the weapon, the empire and the rebels are roughly equal in terms of numbers and how much space they control.
Kade steals the weapon and switches sides, becoming Kinj’s main tactician. (Despite being on Kinj’s side, he absolutely refuses to use the weapon.) Kai is understandably really upset, because Kade deemed it to big a risk to tell him about all of this. Kade also starts going by Leo at this point, because I love it when characters get new names when they become villains and also it creates a really interesting dichotomy between Kade and Leo and I just really like it.
So, for the next six years, Leo and Kai fight on opposite sides of this massive galactic civil war. Leo tries, at first, to find a peaceful/diplomatic solution, but after years with no progress, he eventually just tries to end the war as quickly and decisively as possible. Things aren’t going great for him though, because after a majorly military coup and stuff, the empire is really disorganized and kinda falling apart while the rebels just get stronger. Kai and the rebels eventually find a way to Earth, which joins the rebellion. At this point, Leo can never go home or see his family again, so angst.
Eventually the war comes to a horrible battle over a planet called Galloran. It rages for six days, and costs billions of lives, including Garitso. Eventually Kinj is defeated and Leo is about to be captured with the super weapon, and believing that Ans would kill so many people with it that it’s worth any price to stop her, he uses the super weapon to destroy Galloran, and escape. (Very ‘you have the thing you once swore to destroy’ vibes here)
Leo goes into hiding, trying to rebuild the empire so he can kill Ans and end it once and for all, while Kai chases him throughout the galaxy, trying to capture him and end it once and for all. This has been going on for about two years by the time the story starts.
So, yeah. Basically my idea was that I wanted to explore the idea of a very morally grey villain protagonist who knows he’s a monster, but still believes he’s doing the right thing, and like a non-linear story where we slowly realize how he became what he is. Also, I very much enjoy gay star crossed lovers and tragedy. The whole thing has a very overt anti-war message that I hope came across here. Very ‘war corrupts anyone it touches, no matter what’ and it’s also very anti-government. Yeah! This took a while, and is incredibly long, so I guess we’re done here.
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cimeret · 2 years
Finally got around to watching some Tales of the Jedi and I have some thoughts ...
Life and Death
First of all, can I say how great the animations look? All the nature scenes in that first episode … I liked that we got to see so many different and beautiful plant and animal species. Makes me just wish I could travel there to go hiking and study all the weird plant life. This scene ...
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... absolutely gorgeous! Kudos to the animation team!
The village scenes were great, too. I’m very curious to learn more about the culture of the Togruta and their language and traditions. Although I’m not really sure if it’s wise to take a toddler on a hunt if there’s the Star Wars version of a saber-toothed tiger roaming the forest. Especially since Pav-ti was also traveling alone, unaccompanied. But I assume that the area is generally considered safe and animal attacks are rare. She also set Ahsoka down on the ground in the clearing and talked to her out loud, so she probably felt relatively safe.
As soon as the predator appeared, I started thinking about how Ahsoka’s abilities in the Force will show up, since that was obviously what the scene was going for. I liked that it wasn’t anything flashy, she didn’t Force-push the predator, she didn’t levitate her mother or the gun ... instead we got a bit of dramatic retardation when she was dragged deeper into the forest and then a calm, gentle scene where she connected with the beast. To me, that works so well because that’s what the Force really is, in its essence. Connection, peace, understanding—not something to be used for aggression or grand special effects. And to see an innocent baby like Ahsoka use it without showing the slightest fear of the predator … just with curiosity, trust and kindness … It was a really beautiful moment.
And then the ending … “Ahsoka is Jedi”—very gripping. Theatrical, yes (also considering what will become of Ahsoka in the future), but in a good sense.
Also, I really loved all the different designs of the Togruta! On an aesthetic level, I always thought they were one of the most beautiful species in Star Wars.
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I’m a little on the fence about this episode. I actually watched it twice because it felt a bit unsatisfying at first and I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything. Dooku and Qui-Gon are two of my favorite characters and I was really looking forward to learning more about their relationship, but they both acted so strangely reserved that it was hard for me to figure out what they were thinking. For example, the first time I watched the episode I thought they acted surprisingly distant toward each other, the second time I watched it I got the impression that they had a close relationship and worked very well together. You could really end up with different interpretations of their characters depending on how you choose to understand looks, body language, what was said and what was wasn’t. I was puzzled by Qui-Gon’s almost lack of reaction when Dooku threw him around and attacked the senator with murderous intent. Their brief exchange at the end felt warm, but again, it was so brief that I wondered: don’t you want to maybe talk about what happened? Or am I supposed to infer that at this point in the timeline, what happened is a repetitive thing, injustice and corrupt senators and Dooku losing his cool and trying to Force-choke people, and that they’re both kind of frustrated and resigned and already know and understand each other’s point of view, so there's not much to talk about? Not that it wouldn’t fit their characters as I see them. Personally, I think they’re two of the most stoic and introverted Jedi—introverted in the sense that they internalize their thoughts and emotions for the most part, so they naturally don’t talk about or show them much, and they don’t feel the need to do so. Unlike, say, Anakin and, to some extent, Obi-Wan (who really should have had someone to invite him in for tea and a long, quiet talk). But I digress. I don’t know, I think I would have liked to know a little more about Dooku’s and (especially) Qui-Gon’s thoughts on the whole situation and how it reflects the politics of the Council and the Senate, aside from the obvious things we already know. Like this, the conflict, reactions and resolution all felt a bit set up and on the nose, but that may also be due to the episode’s short runtime. And I guess the series first needed to introduce Jedi!Dooku's character for people who only watch the movies/shows and don't know anything about his past?
Things I liked:
- the slow built-up of tension in the beginning! Maybe it’s because of the Halloween season, but it felt almost creepy, like the beginning of a horror story. Would be really nice to see Star Wars experiment some more with different genres.
- the detail with the woman who betrayed the kidnappers’ location for some food. She looked so ashamed with her own actions it hurt. And how quick the other villagers were to explain and sympathize ... So much compassion was probably unrealistic given the fact that several villagers were seriously injured by the Senator’s actions and the whole ordeal could have ended in a bloodbath, but it didn't bother me. The episode was dark enough.
Other stuff:
I disapprove of Dooku’s and Qui-Gon’s fashion choices. Qui-Gon, where is your cloak? You look like a youngling in that tunic. And while I love Sith!Dooku’s cape, for Jedi!Dooku I will always headcanon him with a regular Jedi cloak. I don’t care, I just love the cloaks. Everyone should be snuggled up in cloaks all the time. Except for when they do the Dramatic Cloak Drop, of course.
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There were so many things I loved about this episode! Dooku and Mace as a team! Raxus Secundus! All that ambiguous politics that I always wished they had done more with in the prequels! The little bit of murder mystery feeling we got with Master Katri’s death! And her funeral at the end; we know nothing about her, but it still felt heart-breaking seeing all the Jedi coming together and lowering her casket into the ground.
I liked that the episode portrayed Dooku’s character in a more sympathetic light. His view and concerns were definitely understandable. His character has so much potential and it’s great that we finally get to see some of it on screen. It’s interesting that he asked Mace if his behavior was partly motivated by the fact that he wanted the seat in the Council—I would never believe that of Mace, but Jedi are only human sentient beings and we always act out of self-interest, sometimes unconsciously, even if we do our best. And of course it makes sense for this series, which tries to give us Dooku’s perspective, to show us an incident when Dooku makes some really good points and when, in contrast, Mace’s approach with his strict adherence to the rules was rather detrimental to the situation.
And despite the differences and tension between Dooku and Mace, I thought they had great chemistry and I would so love to see more of them going on missions together. All the silent looks they shared! They would actually make an awesome good cop bad cop team! And I also feel like they could have a similar dark sense of humor. That’s also the one thing I would have done differently: it would have been nice to see them interacting in a bit more casual and friendly way at the beginning. It’s enough that Mace had a strained relationship with one Sith Lord. He can be Dooku’s counterpart in the episode and have an opposing opinion without repeating the role he already took towards Anakin. And a little more levity would also serve Jedi!Dooku well, because if you only see him smiling and joking after he has fallen—that would be really tragic. Don’t get me wrong, I like the rather dark and serious tone of the series and of course Dooku and Mace are especially dark and serious people, it just would have been nice to see a lighter side of their friendship. That would also make Dooku’s betrayal hurt so much more.
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They both were awesome in the fight scene! I love how pretty the forest looks with all these pink flowers … and Mace fits right in with his pink lightsaber … and Dooku is just casually blocking shots behind his back … easily my favorite part of the episode! Next to Ki-Adi Mundi’s enormous head in a hood.
Would love to talk about episode 4, too, but I’m still at the point where I’m screaming and making unintelligible sounds, because there were so many good scenes! Dooku and Jocasta! Dooku and Qui-Gon! The tree! And of course Yaddle! The imagery when she lifted the door to let the light in! And that “I’m afraid” quote!
I just have so many feelings about everyone. Why must you do this, Star Wars?
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sage-nebula · 2 years
I just watched the new tdp trailer and I’m super hyped! What do you think of the timskip designs? And do you have any thoughts or predictions about the way the season will go?
I think they look great! Rayla's is my favorite so far. I'm a sucker for when hairstyles get changed in a big way and I love the bun + half-braid crown look she has going on, it's wonderful.
As for thoughts and predictions . . . well, we see that Callum is using dark magic again like a dumb-dumb. We already knew that he was going to be studying it again thanks to something his voice actor shared, but actually using it? Oh, Callum. You sweet, pliable idiot. We also see Aaravos holding up the Callum figurine at the beginning of the trailer, which confirms that he's going to switch his focus to Callum, which is something I've been thinking about ever since the conclusion of season two, tbh. Callum seeks mentors to tell him about the different primals so that he can learn them. Although he didn't learn about the Sky primal from a Skywing elf, he still used advice that he had gotten from Villads to come to the realization he needed to make the connection. He can speak to Lujanne about the Moon primal, and Janai about the Sun primal, and there are other elves and creatures for the Earth and Ocean primals . . . but Star is beyond him. As far as we know, there aren't any Startouch Elves around beyond Aaravos. And any Star primal creatures there are (such as the monkey on Rayla's shoulder in the trailer) probably can't speak a language he can understand. So if he wants someone to explain the Star primal to him, his options are limited. And I've felt since season two ended that Aaravos will absolutely use that to his advantage.
(. . . did Aaravos show up in season two, or was that just season three? Good grief, I need to rewatch the series before November 3rd. It's all blurred together for me.)
Even if Rayla tells him not to trust Aaravos, I have a feeling that Callum's residual anger at her having left him on Read for two years will make him refuse to listen to her out of spite. Not to mention, Callum is very easily tempted by knowledge and magic. He's also only seventeen, and therefore still at that age where he has all the confidence to thinks he could totally stop Aaravos from manipulating him and taking things too far, without realizing that no, he's getting in way over his head. Just like he was the first time he used dark magic despite Claudia shouting a well-intentioned warning at him to stop because he didn't know what he was doing.
So I think Aaravos is absolutely going to get his claws into Callum to use him as another pawn. And I think Callum is going to willingly walk into the trap without realizing that's what he's doing. I don't want that to happen to him, but I think it's definitely going to.
As for other things, not sure! I'm still very suspicious of the whole Terry situation. Something about him just isn't right. It makes me feel like Claudia is manipulating him somehow . . . making it so that he's okay with dark magic (and even thinks she's amazing because of it) so that he won't leave her. Like maybe they struck up a mutual affection before he found out, and then once he did he tried to bail, but Claudia's abandonment issues reared their ugly head and she made it so that he wouldn't leave, all while pretending that it's okay because he's totally making his own choice here, she's just . . . influencing the choice he makes. I mean, the fact that "trees to meet you" is an Earthblood thing and not just a dorky thing that a dork like Callum (and Claudia) would make up just . . . doesn't feel right. Something's weird about it. I don't trust it.
But anyway, other than that, I don't know! Guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
“  i’m not gonna hurt you. i’m just here to help.  ” (I SAW THE DRABBLE MEME AND I WANTED TO SEND IT BUT I FIGURED I CANT YET SO I WENT WITH THIS AND ILY mwah*
memes for that specific brand of ships . accepting
Melissa let out a heavy sigh as soon as her key turned halfway and she unlocked the door to her home, slipping inside and not bothering with the lights while kicking off her heels and dropping a designer back onto the nearest surface without so much as looking. There were hundreds of dollars all over her - the make-up she wore, the expensive perfume on her skin, the dress tightly hugging her frame...
...And yet she was pretty fucking pissed.
This life of luxury and freedom of choosing her own path as she saw fit had been a dream; a siren song strong enough to push her off the original path of being a star and instead turning herself into an entrepreneur of sorts. Although paper trails were hard to follow for a business like hers that existed in the grey zones allowed by the legislation, Melissa nevertheless had one or two LLCs under her (real) name, some trusts and a couple of off-shore entities she had incorporated in case if she ever had an emergency.
It was growing apparent that she wouldn’t have a choice but leave the country very soon.
Running an escorting agency had been a goldmine... Until her girls got wrapped up with Vought. It was to be expected, of course - when you offered exclusive service and supes were the most adored individuals everywhere, it would be strange if they did not require company of the female, paying kind for their parties. However... The problem was that Vought’s legal and PR teams were absolute nightmares. Melissa was absolutely not signing any sort of document that could bind her (or her girls!) to some corporation with such intimidating tactics just because they employed laser eyed bast-
And then she screamed when she realized there was a man sitting on her couch during the entire time.
“Whoa, easy,” the stranger said with alarm in his voice, particularly when the modern day madame grabbed the nearest antique to use as a weapon (it was a porcelain vase, and the actual living flowers and the water that it contained were all dropped to the polished floor in seconds). He stood up from his seat, both hands raised and palms turned towards her, flat - he appeared to be unarmed, although it was difficult to say with the limited lighting provided by the pool area illumination alone.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m just here to help,” he enunciated his words slowly, making sure she understood him - but Melissa just scoffed, free hand gesturing towards his overall location with evident displeasure.
“Funny words for a man who just invaded my property.”
“I swear there is a good reason for that, ma’am - if you just allow me to explain? I have some ID I can show, I will just lower my han-”
“Don’t you fucking move or I’ll call the police. Tell me who you are, what the fuck you want and why I should not throw this at your head right now.”
He sighed then - but seemed oddly calm and even resigned with the overall situation; almost as if he had been prepared for this scenario, but had hoped for a different outcome. Craning his head to look at her better, he nodded and remained on the same position as if he had been caught trying to rob a bank, and elaborated.
“Name’s Chris Redfield, I’m with the government and I was hoping we could chat about one of your girls. I believe she goes by Violet?” Melissa did not react to that information, but she did seem to breathe a little bit easier. She wasn’t overly fond of the authorities, but at this point... She would rather deal with them than with private corporations.
“We have information that one of her clients is probably a wanted supe from southern France, masquerading as an expat here. I can’t go into further detail without having your assurances that you’ll agree to hear me out and... Possibly put the vase down? It’s a fine antique ma’am, and I really just want to help you - and your girl.”
Against her better judgement - Melissa lowered the piece, and set it back on the table where it had been before she turned the thing into an impromptu weapon. Sighing, she moved to a seat closer to the stranger, turning on a lamp and letting her hair down by removing a pin and dropping her figure unceremoniously to his side. The man also sat down again - under decent light, his features were interesting - pretty enough to draw eyes in a room, but also common to be forgotten later. A chameleon.
“Fine, Mr. Redfield. Show me your ID now - but no sudden moves, are we clear?” she frowned, looking at him rather menacingly for a woman with her build, “I’ve blinded a man before with a hairpin for getting too handsy at the wrong time - would hate to scar a pretty face.”
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stargazeraldroth · 8 months
A few things! About the AUs as Pokemon!!! Both questions and ideas :v
- Is it primarily Out!Codes that are Legendaries and Mythicals, or are others, like Nightmare’s Gang and Blue, also in that category? On the one hand, you could have a pixie trio of the Stars… On the other, long suffering, regular trainer Blue who wants these random Legends to stop stealing his food, thank you very much!
- For Ink’s eyes- Maybe they could be two different colors, like his skeleton design, and when he goes all Mega Danger Noodle they turn like, a blinding white? Sort of like when he’s emotionally blank as a skeleton? As in! Maybe one is a golden star and the other is a blue one when he’s smol, but they turn into Actual Stars in his big form!!!
- Are Error, PJ, and Gradient based on Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia here, or something else? I think you mentioned they’re dragons, so that’s where my mind went, but! I could be wrong! Either way, do you have any design ideas for them?
- I thiiink you said something about Ink also being Necrozma, but! Consider!!! Nim as Necrozma, perhaps? So she’s still connected to her kids… Maybe her absorbing them is just, like, her body on autopilot while she isn’t doing too well, and she’s instinctively looking to absorb them either in a weird attempt to protect them or to just regain her power? I’m not sure, just a thought!
- Would Core also be a Legend? What do you think they’d be based on???
- Is Fresh Hoopa. He feels like a Hoopa.
Oh boy, I don't know if I'm gonna have answers to ALL of these questions. But I'll try and give answers to them! Last night, I actually started considering making non-Legendary/Mythical versions for characters like Ink and the Twins, because I do have! Ideas!!
It's primarily Outcodes, but not every Outcode qualifies, you know? The Balance Guardians are Legendaries (Ink might be Mythical, idk) because they preside over forces in the universe. Ink's literally usurping Arceus, and Life & Reaper are basically Xerneas and Yveltal. CORE gets to be a Mythical because of their unique thing with their omnipresence and stuff. Eris (Reapertale!Chara) and Bete Noire would also be in these special categories, but characters such as Blueberror would not
From now on we're referring to Ink's larger form as Mega Danger Noodle. I'm actually a bit torn on how his larger form works because, while I want it to be this grand thing where people can barely look at it, I don't want it to be this thing where it's so unfathomable that it causes death. Like, a little eldritch horror and the feeling that what's standing before you is NOT something you should ever be seeing, but the real danger lies in its strength and power, you know?
Yes! Error's based on Giratina, PJ's based on Dialga, and Gradient's based on Palkia. I always give PJ and Gradient powers involving time and space respectively, so this parallel is perfect. Ah, a bit off-topic here, but I actually thought of a God AU based on the whole sequence in Legends: Arceus where Volo's fighting us at the Temple. Just a fun thing to imagine, not too important, though I guess it could also work here? Only, instead of wanting to tear down Ink or being banished to the Distortion World, Error's just anti-social as hell and doesn't like being around people, and his staying in the Distortion World got twisted over the ages. But back to the question at hand, I imagine they're similar to Ink in the sense that they're very eldritch-inspired, you know? We have the God of Time, the God of Space, and... whatever Giratina has authority over (I've seen people say it's antimatter but I've also seen people say it's gravity, so idk), I feel like they deserve to be these horrific beasts. Similarly to Ink's Mega Danger Noodle form, they take on forms that people can just manage to wrap their heads around, but they have this overwhelming aura to their presence. A way of saying you're standing before one of the oldest gods of this universe, and if you're there on bad terms... well, what else is there to do but pray?
When I said Ink took some inspiration from Necrozma, aside from his Mega Danger Noodle form, I meant it more like Ink's the one who generates light. It makes sense, I think, being the universe's sort of Creator Deity and all. The whole "Let there be light" thing. I actually haven't decided what I want to do with the Tree Guardians- Nim, Lanny, and Quetzalcoatl- because I have two main ideas for them: The Lake Trio and the Tapu Guardians. Part of the reason I don't have Nim immediately associated with the Dreamtale Twins is because, unlike them, I don't really associate her with any celestial bodies? Like the Twins have a very obvious sun-moon motif, and then there's Nim lmao. So what if the Twins aren't from this world, whether they come from outer space or through an Ultra Wormhole, and Nim just... happens to be the one who finds them first?
I think CORE would be more likely to be a Mythical than a Legendary. As for what they're based on... I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting Celebi vibes. CORE needs to be something elusive and mysterious, something incredibly rare to spot, but also willing to lend aid when needed. And I feel like the lore bit where Celebi's Pokedex entries says it primarily stays in peaceful times works perfectly for CORE, being a pacifist and all
I do not think Fresh would be a Legendary or Mythical, but I can see the similarities with Hoopa. However, a few days ago I evolved a Pokemon of mine, and consider...
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All Stars 1 (2012)
Yeah... I'm gonna go ahead and say this is the worst Drag Race season I've watched so far (I've yet to see Down Under). I blame the format not the cast though; since this is a cast worthy of being called All-Stars. I felt hyped when the queens were walking down the street doing the intros in the premiere. But then the teams twist was introduced and the season was ruined from that moment. Part of the issue is the judging - what happens if one half of the team gives a stand-out performance and the other half flops? What if another pair delivers two equal but average performances? You could make arguments either way on which is better or worse. I think the twist also hindered group interaction since it pushes the queens to mostly talk to their partners. Plus the season only has 6 episodes with double eliminations every week, so we barely get time with the cast. Furthermore, the challenges were unfamiliar and poorly executed. It was a bad decision to replace the usual staples. The premiere was a photoshoot instead of a "make an outfit out of a junk" challenge, which is what the first 4 seasons all started with. The Snatch Game became the Gaff-In; a challenge so unfunny it becomes ironically funny. The Makeover turned into lip sync choreo with a celebrity; where all 3 teams were even. The Ball turned into this superhero/supervillain story; where one team talked about melanin and the other talked about vaginas and nipples.... yeah. There's also an outdoor basketball game for a mini-challenge. And the finale is a series of public appearances instead of a music video. Oh, and there's one episode where the queens had to prank people in the streets... WTF was that? Talk about CRINGE. It felt like I was watching an entirely different show. It's so awkward trying to convince strangers to do embarrassing things. And it took up 15 minutes of the episode. I also wasn't a fan of the red siren twist for the lip syncs (ie. where the partner could tag themselves in). It was such a mess when Yara Sofia pressed it. Speaking of lip syncs, the final 4 face-off between Jujubee and Raven was a very emotional one, and one of the few good moments of the season. The Latrice vs Tammie lip sync was good as well. But the rest were meh. The other issue with AS1 is the winner's story. I love Chad and all, but I don't feel like she did anything to warrant a win here? It's like this season was treated as a formality or a rubber stamp or a means to end just to give her a crown.   All in all, this does not feel like an All-Stars season. I'm glad that most of this cast got their chance at a real All-Stars season in later years.
Queens Ranking: 12. Pandora Boxx She spent the entire premiere complaining about having to be paired with Mimi Imfurst, and that defeated attitude is what sent them both home first. 11. Raven Here she goes again, being an asshole to Mimi in Untucked; all mad because Mimi was 3rd in the fan voting. And then next episode saying Mimi didn't deserve to be there. I did enjoy Raven's stand-up routine though, and her Supervillain look was one of the top runways this season. Her getting naked in the photoshoot was a bold decision too. But I do think Raven was the weaker half of "Rujubee" in other challenges. 10. Nina Flowers I still love Nina, but she had the smallest edit of the 12 All-Stars this season, and she didn't really do anything memorable in those two episodes. 9. Chad Michaels It's funny how I wanted Chad to win Season 4, but I couldn't care less if she won AS1 or not. Talk about a boring winner's arc. I don't mean boring because it was predictable, it was boring because she didn't do anything memorable this season. Sure, she won 3/5 challenges with Shannel, but those wins didn't feel notable. Part of that is bad challenge design, but at the same time, I can't think of a funny quote or an iconic runway she delivered. I didn't laugh once at her Bette Davis in Gaff-In or her vaginal rejuvenation story in the superhero challenge. 8. Mimi Imfurst Mimi was calmer this time... until everyone ganged up on her on Untucked, but can you blame her? She was the bigger person and tried to make things work with Pandora though, even when Pandora was resistant. And I actually liked her lip sync better than Chad's, even if she was overdoing it and getting into Chad's personal space and giving an underwhelming reveal. "Mandora"'s photoshoot and runway weren't great. Both photos were just expressions of their tense partnership in an uncomfortable way. While on stage, the blue outfits with the lime green fur weren't visually pleasing. 7. Alexis Mateo More or less the same Alexis as Season 3. She had outside beef with Mimi on Untucked, and she made points about the Latina queens being discriminated. Otherwise, she played off of Yara well in the Gaff-In. And "Yarlexis" had good chemistry in general. But I felt like Yara was the more prominent half of the pair. 6. Shannel Shannel was this stern workaholic and she took charge in a lot of the challenges. She was frantic in the pranking, and she lead the choreo twice - in the girl groups and the F4 superhero number. If anything it felt like Shannel was the stronger half of "Shad". Her premiere and finale runways were great too. But she fumbled the finale challenges; where she had the worst stand-up routine and overtalked in the group interview (which is just classic Shannel). I don't think she was making Final 2 either way though. "Shad"'s photoshoot came off pretentious. Their Gaff-In impressions weren't funny. And their superhero stories about vaginas and nipples felt juvenile. They had the tightest choreo in the girl groups, which is why I gave them the win for that one, but their outfits were the least matching. 5. Latrice Royale Latrice is still one of my all-time faves, but all the things I love about Latrice were kind of missing from this season? She played Oprah in the one comedy challenge and it wasn't funny. She was then shown digging in that trash can in the next episode. And her runways weren't the best this time. 4. Jujubee I'm probably going to like Jujubee less with each appearance, but she was my favourite of the Final 4, so there's that. Her Fran Drescher laugh carried her team in the Gaff-In and she had the best stand-up routine in the finale; although she was swallowed in the group interview. "Rujubee" had my second fave photoshoot in both categories. But they suffered from poor communication in the pranking. Jujubee had a stand-out lip sync in girl groups, but the pair just repeated the Season 2 choreo. The superhero stories were... okay. 3. Tammie Brown AS1 cemented Tammie as an icon, with the show fully embracing her weirdness as everybody kept commenting on it. "I'm from Planet 15, we have two moons"; "I CURED MY GRANDMOTHER"; "HA! HA! I'm acting"; "Well come on Teletubby, teleport us to Mars!"; "We have to sniff the Flowers" (as she sniffs Nina Flowers); "She likes to wear grass... grass underwear because it's always green"; "Sexy orangutan shake it and do your thing". 💀💀💀 Her Gaff-In "jokes" were so confusing and dumb, but she sold them with such conviction that I actually would've saved their team from the bottom 2 lol. "Brown Flowers" surprised me in the photoshoot though. Tammie looked great in the Opposites Attract, and I liked the pair's sensitive embrace in Half Baked . 2. Manila Luzon This season made me appreciate Manila more. She could've been a decent winner, and she carried confidence here. I was impressed by her Cruella de Vil entrance look. The Teletubby was... an idea. And I liked her runway with the black high heel and feather on her head. Her Madonna in Gaff-In was fine but not really funny. And then she gave us a creepy lip sync to "Nasty" and that was that. "Latrila" looked high class in the Opposites Attract photoshoot, but Half Baked was weird. As for the pranking, Latrice revealed post-show that they actually had the second most points but were put in the bottom 2 anyways. Shady producers. I mean, I thought Raven and Yara were the least effective on the street anyways. 1. Yara Sofia Yeah, she remains my favourite from the first 4 seasons. Her Charo is one of the few things I enjoyed in AS1. I loved her hair clothes line runway look, despite what Michelle said. And I liked her 60s Glam look including the reveal. She really didn't need to tag herself into the lip sync against Raven though; I face-palmed during that. "Yarlexis" were the only funny team in the Gaff-In. Their sinister Half Baked photoshoot was my fave, but their role reversal in Opposites Attract didn't quite work for me. They had the best outfits in the girl groups, but their choreo wasn't as good. And Yara seemed too pushy with the strangers in the street in the pranking. Teams ranking: 6. Mandora 5. Shad 4. Rujubee 3. Brown Flowers 2. Latrila 1. Yarlexis Favourite entrance: Manila Luzon Challenge ranking: 1. Finale public appearances 2. Photoshoot 3. All-Star Girl Groups 4. RuPaul's Gaff-In 5. Superhero vs Supervillain 6. Pranking in the streets Lip Sync ranking: 1. Jujubee vs Raven ("Dancing On My Own") 2. Latrice Royale vs Tammie Brown ("There's No Business Like Show Business") 3. Chad Michaels vs Mimi Imfurst ("Opposites Attract") 4. Raven vs Yarlexis ("Don't Cha") 5. Chad Michaels vs Raven ("Responsi-T-slur-ty") 6. Jujubee vs Manila Luzon ("Nasty") Season ranking so far: 4 > 2 > 3 > 1 > AS1
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