#twice x gn! reader
mechaknight-98 · 16 days
Road Trip (NSFW) FT Nayeon and Tzuyu
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Author's Notes: I just wanted to write a short little 1500 word jaunt but no my brain made it 7500. No matter. It was a fun ride (Pun intended.) Not currently sure what the rest of the release schedule is going to be right now, but there will probably something smaller maybe two however enjoy this special holiday release.
 Driving from Anaheim, California to Houston, Texas is the worst. It’s not the most terrible thing I’ve ever had to do, but it’s in the top 20. Still, it was worth it. I was going to see my favorite K-pop group, Twice, and I would fly back after dropping off the rental. "Take photos," my dad convinced me. So, here I was, driving thousands of miles.
During one of my photo ops stops, I noticed a broken down van, smoke billowing from the engine. Three people were standing outside of it. I sucked my teeth.
“Sucks to be them,” I thought. As I passed, something told me to stop. I didn’t want to, but I did so against my better judgment. I stopped and walked over to them.
“Hey, do y'all need help?” I called out.
A feminine, accented voice responded, “Oh God, yes!” As I neared, I recognized two of the three faces. It was the matnae and maknae of Twice.
“Ehh, Nayeon and Tzuyu?” I said, bewildered.
“Ehh?” Nayeon replied, “You know us?” She added, and I nodded. Tzuyu laughed.
“Good, so no intros needed. You asked if you could help us. Can you drive us to the hotel?”
Tzuyu ran up to me and hugged me tightly, her eyes holding the cutest puppy dog pout. I sighed, resigned to my fate, and said, “Sure, let’s grab your stuff and go.” That’s when you approached.
“Thank you so much,” you said. “I’ll make sure the company pays you back for this.” I shrugged at your words, but you insisted. We loaded everything into the car and raced off to the hotel (metaphorically, of course). On the ride there, it was Tzuyu and me in the front, with Nayeon and you in the back.
“So, what’s your name?” Tzuyu asked with a hint of flirtiness.
“DJ, and you… don’t answer that. I already know… sorry, muscle memory.” I replied. Tzuyu laughed at my gaffe, as did Nayeon. You, of course, got it. They’re stars while you and I are seemingly normal.
“So, who is your bias?” Nayeon inevitably asked.
“That’s a setup… but I’m stupid, so Tzuyu,” I replied confidently.
Nayeon laughed and scoffed, then looked at you with a “Can you believe him?” look.
“Oh, so I’m your favorite,” Tzuyu acknowledged. I nodded, then turned on the Bluetooth for the radio. Tzuyu began to rock out to my heavy playlist as it started.
“Ugh,” Nayeon scoffed.
“I can play other stuff. I take non-country requests,” I replied. You laughed at my response, as you had been catering to the diva for the past few days. Conversely, the maknae piped up,
“No, I like this music. Especially this band. Chaeyoung introduced me to them.”
“Wait! Really? Chaeyoung introduced you to Architects, Tzuyu?” I asked, intrigued.
Tzuyu nodded before saying, “But please call me Chewy.” I gave her a thumbs-up as I continued driving. As we landed in New Mexico, I decided to get some photo ops at the Area 51 museum. Before stopping, I apologized to the rest of the passengers.
“Sorry, just wanted to get some pictures,” I explained. You and the girls nodded as I got out. Nayeon, being her sexy but conceited self, asked me to take some pictures at a nearby station. I obliged, and she posed.
“Be sure to send me those later because I look sexy,” she said confidently. I nodded as Nayeon went back to you. Meanwhile, Chewy politely asked me to take some pictures of her, which I happily obliged.
Her photos bordered more on the cute side, but when she wasn’t taking photos, she made some quite suggestive and flirty comments.
For example, when I showed her one taken with a silly hat on, she said, “Oh, that’s so nice. You make me glow, but can you make me squirm and scream?” Her tone was hushed enough so only I could hear her. I turned to her, and she just gave an innocent smile as if she wasn’t spouting filth.
I chuckled, which she mirrored as we talked.
“So, DJ, are you a professional photographer?” Chewy asked politely.
“Nope, working on getting there though,” I replied.
Chewy nodded before asking another question, “What’s stopping you?”
I laughed and partially joked, “Mostly money and experience. Once I have those, I’ll be there.” Chewy laughed and said,
“Well, I think you’re pretty good.”
While we were talking, Nayeon scoffed, “Chewy is swooning.”
“Really?” you asked.
“Can’t you tell? She’s been extra doe-eyed with him. She’s going to eat him alive, but that’s just her. She always goes for the kind and naive ones.”
“Hey, you used to be like that too, if memory serves correctly,” you countered.
“We were in high school, and I didn’t know any better,” Nayeon rebuked, and you laughed.
“Let Chewy have her moment. He seems nice.”
“That’s the problem,” Nayeon scoffed. While no one was looking, though, she leaned in and sneaked a kiss on your cheek.
“Thank you for ‘being my manager’ for this tour. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have,” Nayeon admitted. You smiled at her words before saying,
“You’re welcome, Nabong.” Nayeon’s lips curled upwards in a mischievous grin.
“I think I may need one of your full-body massages,” Nayeon said, emphasizing the word “massage,” letting you know what she meant. You smirked and said,
“Anything for my favorite bunny.”
After taking pictures, I continue the drive to the hotel. Conveniently, we're all staying at the same place.
You, Nayeon, and Tzuyu check in while I search for parking. When I finally enter, I try to be discreet.
"Um, one room for Dracul Bram?" I ask in a low tone. The hostess looks at my ID, then up at me with a confused but amused grin.
"Room 104," she says, "behind the check-in station and around the corner." I give her a thumbs-up and head towards my room.
I would have made it if not for someone behind me calling out, "DJ, where are you going?" I turn to see Chewy waving me over. She’s at the bar with you, Sana, another manager, and Nayeon. Resigned, I join you all.
As I approach, Sana laughs and says, "Oh wow, you’re so tall." I shrug, while you notice Chewy glaring at Sana. You chuckle internally, recognizing that Chewy is interested in me. Nayeon shoots you a knowing look, also noticing Chewy's reaction.
When I sit down, Sana quickly starts her flirty "interview."
"So, DJ, I hear you're quite the photographer?" Sana purrs.
"Um, still an amateur. I lack the funds and experience to be considered 'professional,'" I reply. Sana smirks.
"So why don't we help you get more experience? How would you feel about being my photographer for the concert in Houston?" My mind stalls as I try to process her proposal. The air grows thick, and while I'm dumbfounded, Tzuyu glares at her unnie. You and Nayeon laugh, recognizing the game Sana is playing. Chewy, completely unaware, takes the bait.
"But unnie, I thought you liked Mark a lot more. Maybe you should take him, and I'll take DJ?" Chewy proposes.
"Game, set, match," Nayeon whispers in your ear.
Sana smiles and replies to Chewy, "I don't know. You said DJ takes really good pictures, and I haven't seen them yet..." Before Sana can finish, Chewy quickly says,
"Fine... I'll take the room with Dahyun," Chewy sighs.
"Deal," Sana quickly agrees with a smile. I'm still reeling from the initial proposal as this deal unfolds around me.
Before I can fully process what just happened, the bartender approaches, asking for our drink orders. Chewy, still flustered from her exchange with Sana, quickly orders a soda. Nayeon orders a cocktail, and Sana, with a smirk, opts for something stronger. You and I both go for something simple, trying to keep up with the rapid-fire interactions around us.
"DJ, how did you end up driving from California?" Nayeon asks, leaning forward with genuine curiosity.
"Well, I wanted to see you guys perform and take some photos along the way. My dad thought it would be a good idea," I explain, feeling slightly more comfortable now that the conversation has shifted to neutral territory.
Chewy brightens at this. "So, you like road trips and photography? That's a fun combination."
"Yeah, it's been an adventure," I admit, smiling at her enthusiasm. "And now, unexpectedly, I'm here with you all."
Sana, not one to let the spotlight shift too far, interjects, "Well, it's lucky for us that you stopped to help. Nayeon and Chewy would have  been stranded otherwise." Her tone is light, but there's a genuine appreciation beneath it.
"Definitely," you agree, raising your glass in a toast. "To unexpected adventures."
Everyone raises their glasses, and the mood relaxes further. As we chat, Nayeon nudges you and whispers something in your ear, causing both of you to laugh. 
Chewy, noticing this, leans in closer to me. "So, DJ, tell me more about your photography. What kind of subjects do you like to shoot?"
I start to answer, but I'm interrupted by a sudden buzz from Nayeon's phone. She glances at it and then groans. "It's our manager. He needs us for a quick meeting."
Sana rolls her eyes but stands up. "Duty calls. DJ, it was nice meeting you. Don't forget about our deal."
Chewy stands up reluctantly, giving me a small, shy smile. "I'll see you later, DJ."
As they head off, you stay behind for a moment. "You handled that well," you say, clapping me on the shoulder. "Welcome to the world of K-pop chaos."
I laugh, feeling more at ease. "Thanks. I think I'm going to need all the help I can get."
"You'll be fine," you assure me. "Just keep being yourself. They seem to like you already."
With that, you head off to join the others, leaving me at the bar to reflect on the whirlwind of the evening. As I sit there, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness about what the next few days will bring.
I decide to pay the tab before finishing my drink and heading to my room. I upload the picture to my tablet before sending the photos to Chewy and Nayeon. While going over them one of the pictures of Chewy stands out. I send it to my phone and make it my wallpaper while keeping my home screen something more nerdy. After that, I decided it was for the best if I went to sleep for the night. 
After I finally got comfortable and passed out you and the rest of the girls get out of your meeting. Nayeon Dramatically absconds with you to her room while Chewy checks her phone she notices my pictures. She smiles and sends me a cute little message. She is a little sad when I don't respond. She also decided to turn early.
You on the other enter your room hand in hand with Nayeon. She beams at you ready for her “massage”. She begins to strip for you and your smile grows wide.
“You always look like a kid in a candy store,”
You smile then reply, “With how hot you are can you blame me?” Nayeon grins and looks at you happily.
“Oh, I'm going to enjoy this,” she lies on the bed and spreads her long legs. You marvel at her thick thighs and buoyant ass. Nayeon beams as you stare at her “Well come on fuck me,” she says with an arrogant smile that drives you wild wild. You strip to her as she does her “sexy” shimmy she does whenever she's feeling herself. You line yourself up with her entrance. You rub her clit and pussy with your rod as she patiently waits. After a few minutes of teasing, she jams you inside her.
“Oh yes,” she moans as you bottom out in her. Her tightness takes your breath away as you wait for her to stop clenching you. When her body finally acclimated you begin to thrust in and out of her. She moans uncontrollably as you begin to thrust harder and harder.
“Yes, Yes, Yes,” she moans deliriously from the pleasure. You groan as you feel her tighten before she climaxes. You watch as her body arches back and her slick floods out of her. As she covers you cock and crotch in her cum you keep fucking her until you reach your high. You flood her with semen as you reach your orgasm. As the two of you come down from your mutual high you gaze at the clock.
“Shit! We can't do anymore because we have to get up early tomorrow,” you say stressed Nayeon nods before and the both of you pass out. 
I wake up early the next morning, shower, get changed, and get ready for the day. When I walk out, you, Sana, the other manager from last night, and Chewy are all waiting for me.
“Oh good, we didn't miss you. Congratulations, you've been selected to drive in Twice’s caravan,” you say to me.
I blink a couple of times before saying, “Huh?”
Chewy laughs and responds, “We are still missing one van, so we figured since we are all going to the same place, you could help us out again.” I process the information slowly.
Confused, I look at the group and realize that I’ve been temporarily enlisted into Twice’s caravan. Today, I’ll be driving the manager (Sam), Sana, and Chewy. I blink a few times but relent, “You all know I'm flying back, right?” I ask, concerned.
You nod and say, “As are we.”
I shrug and say, “Well, okay then.”
You clap your hands together. “Good, see you at the next hotel in Houston.” I nod quietly as I pack up. The girls and Sam follow me to the car. As we load up, Sana asks, “Hey DJ, you're big and strong. Can you help me with my bags?” I nod and lift her bags into the trunk. Sana smiles and caresses my arms.
“I knew you could do it,” she says seductively. I nod as Sana goes to sit. Chewy walks close to me, and instinctively I load up her bags. Chewy smiles, and we get ready to go. She takes her seat in the front with me. As I check to see if everyone is buckled, Sana flashes me a flirty smile. Once everyone is secure, I start driving.
Fifteen minutes into the drive, Chewy asks me what music she should put on. I catch myself before saying, “Put on Lorgar’s audiobook.” Instead, I suggest she put on the Whiplash playlist. She does so and is surprised when "Perfect World" by Twice is the first song. I catch the smiles aimed at me, then the confused look when the second song, "Backbreaker" by Fit For a King, comes on. Initially, my passengers are confused, but as they listen to more of the playlist, they start vibing with me.
After about six hours of driving, we make our first stop at a gas station. I take a few pictures of the desert and plains, which Sana sneaks her way into. When I finish, she gets close to me and says, “Oh, you're really good.” I thank her for the compliment, while also noticing Chewy sitting a little way off with a forlorn but cute pose. I snap a few photos before going into the convenience store section of the gas station and grabbing her a snack. When I walk out toward her, I sit next to her and hand her the snack. She looks at me and pouts, “I can't eat that. It will go straight to my thighs.”
I raise an eyebrow. “And why would that be bad? You have the sexiest thighs,” I say. Tzuyu giggles.
“You're just saying that,” she responds. I shake my head, resisting the impulse to pull her closer.
“You are super pretty, and I think one honey bun won't be the end of the world. Fifteen in two hours, though…that might be a problem,” I joke. Tzuyu smiles and leans on my shoulder.
Sana and Sam watch from a distance.
“Oh, she's got him,” Sam says with a laugh. Sana nods with a pout.
“He just looks so cuddly,” Sana laments.
“Yeah, I get that, but you get all the attention. Let Chewy have this one,” Sam replies.
Sana pouts again. “Okay.”
When we all get back into the car The next song up is "In the Mouth of Madness" by Nightmares. Chewy digs this one and asks about their other albums. I wince when I have to tell her this is the only one. She frowns but is understanding. After that "Cheer Up" comes on which garners a few more smiles.
When we all get back into the car, the next song up is "In the Mouth of Madness" by Nightmares. Chewy enjoys it and asks about their other albums. I wince as I tell her this is their only one. She frowns but understands. After that, "Cheer Up" comes on, garnering a few more smiles.
"You like us," Chewy says.
I nod and reply, "Well, yeah. If it weren't for you all, I wouldn't have gotten through the pandemic. I was alone and isolated for most of it, and you nine got me through by being this giant pastel pink sign saying, 'Things will get better!' So I fought on." Chewy smiles warmly.
Sam hears this and says, "The little Once that could." I chuckle along with the rest of the car.
After a few more hours, we arrive at the last hotel. Curiously, we are the first to arrive, beating out the rest of the vans. Cameras and flashes surround the car as we step out. Momentarily blinded, I grab Sana's and Chewy's bags and help them check-in. When I go to check into my hotel, Sam stops me.
"We got you a room," he says. I nod and gratefully take the room key as we head to the elevator.
"Chewy likes you," he says out of the blue.
"What? No," I scoff.
Sam's eyes narrow. "Yes, she does. I have never seen her this engaged with someone, especially someone outside of Twice."
"She's just being nice," I say, still in disbelief.
Sam rolls his eyes as we exit the elevator. "You say that, but she loves the whole knight-in-shining-armor thing. She eats it up, and you being the bashful knight type—she's going to eat you alive."
"You make it sound like she's a maneater," I respond, confused.
Sam grins wickedly before entering his room. "She is, but she has picky tastes. Anyway, be careful—or not."
Left alone with a lot to process, I lie down and think about the day.
"Do I like Chewy back?" I ponder. 
"If I do, am I willing to give up my anonymity to be with her?"
My thoughts halt when I get a DM from Chewy saying, "Hey, can you come to my room? I need help ordering food." Without hesitation, I go. My heart had already chosen for me. When I get to her room, she’s in shorts and a crop top with a giant heart shape on it. She smiles at me.
"That was fast," she teases.
I smile and say, "Well, anything for royalty, I guess." She looks confused.
"Your song, 'Queen of Hearts,' and your shirt," I explain. Chewy looks down and laughs.
"Okay, I thought that was your first humor miss."
"I am always missing," I reply. Chewy smiles and pats the bed next to her. I walk and lie down next to her. She nestles closer as I help her order room service, wrapping herself around me tightly.
A knock on the door interrupts us. I go to open it, and Dahyun, Sana, Nayeon, and Jihyo arrive, along with you, Sam, and another manager, this one female.
"So, you're the Machine God I’ve been hearing so much about. The name's Sara," the female manager says, amused.
I look at her, confused.
Sara rolls her eyes as she says, "Oh, don't give me that puzzled look. You drove here straight without any breaks except a couple of stops for gas."
I nod, understanding now, as I walk back to the bed with Chewy. When I sit back down, you and Nayeon notice how Chewy moves her legs onto my lap.
"Oh, someone is staking her claim," you whisper calmly.
Nayeon whispers back, "I wonder how long until she drops the shyness and he sees her true self."
"Oh, it'll happen before we head back. I can see it in her eyes. She wants him badly, and she's barely containing herself. We probably delayed it tonight."
"What was that?" Sara asked, catching your whispered conversation with Nayeon.
"Oh, nothing, just discussing what we should order for room service after we leave," you reply quickly.
Sara isn't convinced. "Right," she says sarcastically, before turning to me.
"So, DJ, what does DJ stand for?"
Expecting this question, I sigh. "Promise not to laugh?" Everyone looks at me, puzzled but nods.
"My name is Dracul Marcus Bram Jr., but my family calls me DJ," I say. The room falls silent before Sara responds.
"Okay, I see why you prefer DJ, but I think Dracul is pretty badass." I give a thumbs up and try to blend back into the group dynamics. The doorbell rings, and Chewy jumps up excitedly. "I'll get it, Drac," she says, kissing me on the cheek. My mind blanks for a moment. I sit there, stunned, as Chewy fetches the food and returns. Seeing my dumbfounded expression, she smiles.
"What's wrong?" she asks.
Still processing, I hear Sam laughing. When I finally regain my composure, I feel an unexpected calm and confidence.
"I just didn't expect that," I reply. Everyone hears the newfound steadiness in my voice and is taken aback. Usually, when Tzuyu shows her real self to someone she likes, they become more timid. This is the first time anyone has taken her advances in stride.
Tzuyu feels a shift inside herself. In her mind, I transform from "Cute Teddy Bear" to "I want this man to father my children," though only for a moment before settling on "Datable Material."
The silence grows uncomfortable, so I say, "The food looks good, Chewy. We should eat before it gets cold." For the first time, Chewy is the one flustered. She giggles and smiles, bringing the food over. She got a burger, and I got a quesadilla—though it might have been called something else, it had all the ingredients.
Tzuyu and I eat comfortably while the others watch. You notice a change in our body language. We're no longer timidly stealing glances or shyly flirting. Chewy gives me ravenous looks, and I reciprocate with calm, measured passion. If you were more observant, you would have noticed our touches growing more frequent until we were holding hands.
The atmosphere between us shifts. Instead of a bashful princess and her shy knight, we exude the air of two confident equals—me, the composed diplomat, and her, the assertive Empress. Her eyes say she wants to devour me, and I feel the same urge. Yet, with an audience, the battle must wait. We're so engrossed in our little world that we don't notice the others leaving until the door closes and Dahyun says, “Goodbye.” We wave politely, but as soon as the door closes, Chewy grabs me and pulls me in for an emotional, sloppy kiss.
I love it and let her take the lead this time. She broke the kiss. She was frantic, “should I go fast? Should I savor you and make a mess of you?” Tzuyu said as her mind raced. 
I smirked and calmly replied, “It's not a race,” 
Tzuyu gave me the sexiest and most ferocious glare before she said “I am going to drain every single last drop of cum from you and make you scream my name all night,” I surrender to her fervor this time as she brings me in for another kiss. I guess savage maknae wasn't a cute nickname. Her kisses were messy but also extremely hot. She was vicious but she knew what she wanted and I was going to let her have it. 
While she kissed me I felt her hand slip into my sweatpants. I feel her hand reach my rod and she begins to slowly stroke.
She breaks the kiss and stares at me luridly. 
“Ah Tzuyu,” I moan out. Tzuyu smiles
“Whose cock is this?” she asks innocently
“Yours,” I moan she nods happily. 
“Good. Now I'm going to suck my cock and you're going to paint my face. Can you do that for me?” she asks hungrily. I nod as she pushes my sweatpants down and moves to my cock. She continues her glacial pace that I both hate and love. She looks up at me her gaze is ferocious as she devours me. Drool pools around my shaft as sloppily engorged herself. She comes up for air and resumes stroking me.
“Do you like it?” she asks innocently. I nod helplessly. She goes to my frenulum and teases it with her tongue. I moan her name again. She smiles and goes back down on me. I try to hang on but everything about what she's doing to me has me on edge. I tilt her face up bring her lips back to mine and kiss her. Her eyes are wide the entire time with surprise but she happily accepts the kiss. When we break it she smiles. 
“I appreciate your adoration,” she says before slapping me,
“But tonight I'm in control,” she says firmly I nod.
“I'll let that transgression slide because you're so cute, but next time I won't be so forgiving,” I nod and feel my cock twitch in her hand. She notices 
“Are you close babe?” she asks sweetly. I nod and she does everything in her power to get the largest load possible. 
“Oh fuck Tzuyu,” I scream out as I cum all over her face. She smiles as she gets up. She sauntered off like a satiated predator. As I lay there the weight of what just happened hits me. My cock despite having just orgasmed is still rock hard and overwhelming my body with thoughts of pinning Tzuyu down and railing her. When she does get back she is fully nude and sauntering back for seconds. Our eyes narrow as both our predatory natures rise to the surface. Who will be the first to submit? we ask each other with our eyes. I get up and approach her I strip down as well before reaching her. She looks up into my eyes. I see vulnerability but also a deep fathomless lust. I kiss her forehead which makes her smile acutely and then I bend her over the bed and impale her.
“Oh fuck Dracul,” she yells as I fully rest myself inside her. I wait for her to stop shaking, and then I start thrusting. Tzuyu loses it as my cock ravages her pussy. I put one hand on her hips and the other firmly groped her breast. She moans uncontrolled. I take my time with her body searching for the best angles hoping to get her off. Eventually, I find the winning combination of thrusts, touches, and kisses as she yells, “fuck Dracul I'm cumming.” her womanhood tensed and tightened around me before she squirted profusely over my cock. When she finishes I pump my load into her causing her to orgasm again. 
We fall into bed and pass out after that when I wake up we are spooning and my cock is still deep within her. Feeling me stir she moans as she jolts awake she turns to me and trapezes on top of me before she begins to ride me. Her hands pin mine as she aggressively ruts and grinds into me like an animal in heat. With her ferocious tempo neither of us last long as we cum together. She smiles as she gets off of me and my cum drips down her thighs. 
She goes to shower, giving me a chance to do the same in my room. When I finish, I notice a message on my phone:
“I didn't say you could leave. Meet me downstairs for breakfast.”
Tzuyu’s possessiveness is both sexy and annoying, but I comply. When I arrive, she’s sitting with Chaeyoung and Dahyun, looking relaxed and pleased. I grab a light breakfast of an omelet and toast and join them. They all smile and wave as I sit down.
“So, you're DJ?” Chaeyoung asks. I nod and extend my hand for a shake, which she accepts. Then, I surprise them by praying over my food. 
While we eat, you and Nayeon join us. You notice a few bite marks on my neck and discreetly point them out to Nayeon, who laughs more openly. When Dahyun asks about it, you casually say, “Inside joke.”
You grab a plate for Nayeon, who’s “too exhausted” to do much herself. As you sit back down, Nayeon gives you a mischievous glance before turning to Tzuyu and me.
“So, Tzuyu, did you enjoy DJ last night?” she asks.
I laugh and start to get up, but Tzuyu grabs the edge of my shirt, stopping me. I sit back down as she responds, “I did. He was great. Why? Are you jealous?”
The group falls silent. You look at a stunned Nayeon, then an amused Tzuyu. I marvel at Tzuyu, who turns to me and asks,
“So, what are your plans for today?”
I take a moment to gather my thoughts before replying, “Well, I was planning to visit a couple of tourist sites, play some Commander, and then catch the Rockets game tonight.”
Tzuyu eyes me cautiously before responding, “Okay, but get back as quickly as you can. I have some things I want to discuss with you for tomorrow’s concert. We have a soundcheck today.”
I nod and ask when the soundcheck is. She gives me the time, and I reply, “Oh, I can make that.”
Tzuyu smiles and says, “Perfect!”
  After breakfast, we all split up. Tzuyu corners me, and I can see the arousal in her eyes.
“Do you think you could spend more quality time with me tonight?” she asks. I nod, and she smiles before kissing me. Her tongue pierces down my throat, leaving me breathless.
“Be ready. Yesterday, I only got a taste, but tonight I'm going to devour you,” she says firmly, making me squirm. I nod and give her a timid thumbs-up, fighting the urge to let her have me right there. Tzuyu smiles as she walks away.
When I get to my rental car, you manage to find me.
“My boss has been looking over your work, and he's impressed. He wants to offer you a spot for the rest of the tour,” you tell me. I sit in the car, shocked, before responding,
“How much would the pay be? I’d have to quit my job.”
You eye me nervously and ask, “How does USD 150,000 for the rest of the stops sound?”
I blink at you a couple of times, then calmly say, “That works.”
You also hand me a check for $30,000 to cover the rental, gas, and any other minor expenses. I look at you and sigh.
“I’m going to use this to buy more professional camera equipment since everything else is already accounted for and budgeted,” I reply.
You smile and say, “Well, then you'd better hurry.”
I nod and leave, allowing you to go back to Nayeon with a dumb grin on your face.
Nayeon smiles and says, "Based on your look, I assume he took the deal."
You laugh, relieved, and nod, replying, "Yes, and the dummy is using the money to buy more professional gear."
Nayeon gives you a confused look before asking, "Wait, why is that dumb?"
"Well, short answer: we were going to have him use the gear we already had. But since he's doing all this work to get better, newer gear, we get a return on the rentals. So he's saving us money, and we don’t get used gear. Plus, he's the only one liable,” you say, elated.
Nayeon nods and laughs at my over-eagerness. “Okay, great! Now we 
have some unfinished business,” Nayeon replies.
You approach your starlet with the fervor she deserves. She smiles as she watches you strip bare excited to have you inside her once again. You approach her bare body and begin to kiss her feet, because if there is one thing that Nayeon loves it's being worshiped. so you start with kissing her feet, then you meander to her thighs where you let loose upon them. You spent almost an hour kissing biting and licking her thighs until Nayeon couldn't take it anymore
"Fuck me till I beg you to stop" She whined. You smiled before taking your cock out and plunging into her. 
"Ah Fuck," Nayeon moaned as her pussy acted more like a constricting snake than the bunny she moonlighted as. you moan as you impale her. 
"how are you still so tight?" you ask. Nayeon laughs as she coils around you tightening her pussy even more. 
You two begin to fuck in earnest. You grind ruthlessly into each other's hips as both of you attempt to maximize pleasure for yourselves. You loved that you could be as selfish as you wanted being Nayeon's lover because she was equally as selfish. it made all things with her so honest. you lift her hips to get deeper trying to hit her cervix which Nayeon loved despite the soreness it gave her. when you feel your tip hit her cervix Nayeon moans, and you keep pounding into her tight pussy. 
Her walls continue to get tighter miraculously as you push in and out of her forcing her to take more and more of you. her eyes roll into the back of her head as her tits bounce due to the force of your thrust into her. her blissed-out face makes you smile, and yet somehow her pussy tightens around you again. As she starts convulsing she starts cumming violently around your cock. you groan and push through feeling her walls forcibly trying to milk you. you push past the tightness and look at her.
"I love how fast you cum Nabong. It's so hot," you say as Nayeon moans all around you. you keep thrusting into her while her mind is broken by the pleasure she feels. eventually, you can't hold it anymore and you cum inside of her. You moan as she moans your name before flooding her guts with your seed. After that, she begs you not to go again due to her sensitivity.  
While Nayeon and you were having fun, I was getting a myriad of things done throughout the city. After finishing lunch, I got a text from Tzuyu asking me to meet her at the soundcheck, which was a bit earlier than anticipated. So I headed to the venue. I was stopped at the gate by security, but just then, Jeongyeon arrived. She laughed at me waiting and said to the security guard,
"Why is Tzuyu's photographer being held up by you?" The man went pale. Jeongyeon grabbed me and took me with her.
"You're lucky I was here; otherwise, you'd have been stuck until we left," she teased.
"Thanks, Jeongyeon-noon," I said. Jeongyeon looked at me, disgusted.
"Nope, I hate it. Just call me Jeongyeon," she said firmly. I nodded.
"One last question. Do you know where Tzuyu will be?" Jeongyeon nodded and had me follow her.
We arrived at the staging room. She opened the door, and Tzuyu looked up, making eye contact with me before her face erupted into a smile and a light giggle. Jeongyeon smiled and said, "Don't have too much fun, lovebirds," and then left for another area.
Tzuyu scowled, then turned to me with a happy smile, beckoning me to sit next to her by patting the couch. She hugged me and said, "What took you so long, babe?"
I replied plainly, "I didn't have any credentials according to the security guard, and Mal couldn't vouch for me." Tzuyu nodded as she cuddled me.
"Did you have fun before at least?" she asked happily. Dahyun walked in before I could answer.
Her cute, bewildered look was adorable as she asked, "OH! Am I interrupting something?" I shook my hands, and Tzuyu confirmed she wasn't.
Dahyun sat next to us and pulled out her phone. "I was mostly doing banking stuff since Mal gave me a check for helping you all."
Tzuyu nodded and smiled, "Okay, well, it's good to see you." I gave Chewy a thumbs-up, and she smiled. Dahyun took the lull in the conversation to talk to me.
"So, DJ. How are you feeling about all of us so far?"
"I love it. This is the most... interesting time I have had in a while, so I can't complain too much." Dahyun smiled and said,
"That's great."
I nodded at Dahyun as Chewy nestled closer. As we settled in, a camera flashed. Stunned and confused, I waited for my eyes to readjust, then saw Sara and Sana holding their phones, laughing.
Sara turned to Sana and said, "Oh, got the two lovebirds nesting." Sana laughed with Sara as they walked out. Chewy held me tighter. About 18 minutes later, all of the girls were called for the full run-through. I got up, but before I could join them, you stopped me and handed me multiple badges.
"Here are your badges for the soundcheck and tomorrow's concert," you said firmly. I nodded.
You nodded then said, "Now I know you are hired to be Tzuyu's photographer, but feel free to get some shots of the other girls here and there." I nodded in affirmation.
"Great. Now, last thing: have fun. This is meant to be work, but nothing says we can't enjoy it. Although, based on the noises I heard last night, you certainly know how to have fun."
I laughed and threw you a curveball, "Yeah, I’m sure you do as well with Nayeon." You looked at me, shocked.
"You picked up on that?" you asked, bewildered.
I nodded and said, "Just because it seems like I am not paying attention doesn't mean I am not."
You nodded before saying, "Remind me not to underestimate you."
I smiled and said, "Don't worry, everyone does."
You furrowed your brow, then said, "I won't make a habit of it. So, what did you get today?"
"I got the Nikon Z6III, a Z8, and Z9 cameras, and five various Z-mount lenses."
"Wow, you must like Nikon, but question. Why only on hold? You need them, right?"
"I do, but not right now, and I am waiting for the check to clear. So if you are messing with me, I'll know beforehand."
You considered my words. "Hm, that's quite cunning of you."
I shrugged and replied, "If you think so." You laughed before signing off.
I spent the rest of the soundcheck recording videos and taking pictures while weaving in and out of the "crowds." You watched from afar and noticed my shooting style. It's exceptionally patient, which you found surprising, but you didn't watch me for long as your manager duties and your love for a specific bunny-associated idol forced you to pivot your focus constantly. after the Soundcheck, I head back to my rental followed by Chewy, Mina, and Chaeyoung. we hop in and Mina says, 
"So Mr. Bram if that is your real name I have a question for you. What are your intentions without Maknae?" I look at her then Chewy then at Chaeyoung. I consider saying something dumb but decide on the rational option. 
"I like her and I hope she likes me back. otherwise, just take it slow I guess," Mina eyes me suspiciously but relents.
When we arrive back at the hotel I was expecting a quiet night with Chewy, but I am quickly thrust into a party with the rest of Twice as they get out their pre-concert jitters. 
it was hectic among other things. there was drinking, karaoke, dancing, and other shenanigans. I was able to steal a few moments with Chewy and we were able to discuss the photos I took today. She also liked the photos I took of the other members. 
"Hey, lovebirds. No discussing work," a drunk Nayeon said to us as we chatted on the edge of the "party." 
I tapped out at about 12:45 AM, while the Extroverts of the group plus Nayeon (she is an honorary extrovert) Mina, Jeongyeon, and Momo kept going. I got to my room and was surprised to hear a knock on the door. I open it and Chewy is waiting outside. I wince before saying,
"I am sorry Chewy but I can't do anything else tonight." Chewy smiles before saying
"Good me too. I just wanted to cuddle tonight." I give her a thumbs up and we get in the bed before passing out. I wake up before her and shower. after the shower, she looks at me with a hungry look. I sigh and say,
"As much as I would like to spend more time with you I have too much to do." Chewy rolls her eyes before getting up to kiss me and then shower herself. 
"Fine but can I ride with you?" I nod and we get ready.
fast forward we pick up the cameras and lenses. I also pick up more memory and a few other essentials. I charge all of them at the hotel as Chewy and I float around doing our various concert preparations. When we have to leave you and Sara ride with me while the girls ride together. We arrive at the venue and it's on from there.
I hustled around the venue, my camera clicking away as I captured the energy of the final preparations. The air was thick with excitement and a touch of nervousness. Tzuyu spotted me from across the room and made her way over, her face lighting up with a smile.
“Wish me luck,” she whispered, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. Her eyes sparkled with determination.
“You don’t need it, but good luck anyway,” I replied, grinning back at her.
The lights dimmed, and the roar of the crowd surged through the arena. The concert had begun. I moved through the crowd, capturing the electrifying performances, the fans’ ecstatic faces, and the sheer energy of the night. 
Now and then, Tzuyu would glance my way, our eyes meeting for a brief moment amidst the chaos, a silent connection that kept me grounded.
After the concert, the atmosphere was jubilant. The group members hugged each other, celebrating their success. 
Tzuyu found me in a quieter corner, her face glowing with happiness and exhaustion.
“Thank you for being here,” she said, pulling me into a tight hug. “Not just for the photos, but for me.”
“Anytime,” I replied, holding her close. she tried to protest due to being sweaty and smelly but I informed her that we were well past that
Just then, you approached us, holding an official-looking document. “Well, you made it. (I nod) I take it you had fun? (I nod again) Good well there is only one last bit of business. Are you willing to do the rest of the tour?”
I looked at Tzuyu. Her eyes were hopeful, yet she remained silent, not wanting to sway my decision. I thought about the journey, the connections I had made, and the possibilities that lay ahead.
“I’d love to,” I said, smiling as I took the contract. Tzuyu beamed with joy.
As the celebration continued, Tzuyu and I slipped away to a quieter spot on the rooftop, overlooking the city lights. The night was cool, and the city seemed to sparkle just for us.
“We did it,” Tzuyu said, leaning against the railing, her hand entwined with mine.
“We did,” I agreed, looking out at the horizon. “And it’s just the beginning.”
“Promise me something,” she said, turning to face me. “No matter how crazy things get, we make time for moments like this.”
“Promise,” I said, sealing it with a kiss.
We stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the city lights casting a soft glow around us. At that moment, I felt a sense of peace and anticipation. The future was uncertain, but it was bright, filled with endless possibilities.
As the night wore on, I reflected on my journey. From a chance encounter to this incredible moment, I found love, friendship, and a new path in life. And for the first time in a long while, I was truly excited for what lay ahead.
Tzuyu and I shared a final kiss under the stars, ready to face whatever the future held, together. 
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halsinsheart · 6 months
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a/n: welcome to kinkmas day 1 aka me delving back into writing.
summary: halsin & reader get distracted while mushroom foraging.
tags: NSFW MDNI, size difference, gn!reader, pet names (love, little one, songbird)
wc: ~1.8k
kinkmas masterlist || reblogs > likes
“Woah, look at that one there!” You pointed to a unique shape poking out from the rotting wood of a felled birch, garnering the attention of your large companion who chuckled softly at your childlike fascination.
“Some Purple Jellydisc; inedible but interesting to look at nonetheless.” Halsin crouched down next to you, his expression equally as captivated by the fungi as yours was.
Food rations in the camp were stable at the moment, but considering how your party seemed to grow and with inclement weather looming on the horizon, you coaxed Halsin into foraging with you. However, coaxing might have been an overstatement because the druid all but jumped up from his spot where he was whittling in favor of joining you on your excursion. You were a decent distance into the forest now with a basket on your arm that was slow to fill, but in your defense, you were understandably distracted.
Halsin stood sturdy against the incoming storm’s wind, a pleasant buffer between you and the elements. It was also the most opportune moment for you to admire just how broad he was while your mind wandered with thoughts of him. The irony of the man built like a tree worshipping the Oak Father wasn’t lost on you, although you wondered exactly what type of oak he would be. Perhaps a Southen Live, with its wide expanse and evergreen foliage? Or maybe the Bur with its massive heights and impressive longevity?
“Ah, here we are- Lion’s Mane! Edible and full of flavor.” Halsin’s deep voice shook you from your rambling thoughts and as you took in the mushroom he was slicing, it was your turn to laugh.
“They really know how to appropriately name these guys. Shame that Turkey Tail isn't edible, it’d be funny to serve it with actual turkey. Hey, wait, there’s Old-Man-of-the-Woods!” You scrambled over one of the broken trunks in front of you to squat down in front of the fungi and cut the fruiting body off before placing it into the basket with the others.
“I’ve been here the entire time, little one, ripe for your harvesting.” The joke was delivered with his usual charming smile as he held his arms out in a gesturing manner towards himself.
Thoughts faltered within your head for a moment as you processed his words and tried to grapple for a response that didn’t make you sound like an immature teenager. “Ripe for my harvesting, yeah? If we don’t find too many more edible things I might have to take you up on that offer.”
“Of course, I'd hate to see you starve. By all means, consume me, little songbird.” His voice lowered at the same time he leaned in closer while his stance widened and his chest puffed outwards, only making him appear larger.
Swallowing the air stuck in your throat, you braced yourself on the tree behind you and looked up into the hazel irises of the druid. The pet name nearly made you whimper as he loomed over you, but his words gave you confidence. You would consume him wholly and entirely. Lips met in a fevered kiss and your hands cupped his face gently while his own covered a wide expanse over your hips, squeezing ever so slightly. Again and again, you kissed until you were gasping for air, leaning your head back to obtain some oxygen, yet Halsin persisted with kisses along your exposed neck.
“Breathtaking.” He whispered against your skin while his hands massaged your ass before he plucked you off the ground.
A surprised squeal of excitement left you as you clamored to hold onto him while you were lifted several feet off the ground. Finally, at eye level, you took advantage and kissed him again, reveling in the decadent noise that left his lips when your hands tugged at his hair. After a couple more tugs, his hair fell from its half-bun to frame his face and tickle at your cheeks. Your legs wrapped around his thick torso, though you didn’t have a chance of crossing your ankles around his back, your legs simply too short and his body far too wide. 
Traveling your hands down his neck to his torso, you pulled at his tunic until the front laces came loose. Halsin shuffled you around in his arms like a mere burlap sack so he could shrug his shirt off, while you were left to ogle at his combined balance and strength until he brought you back to him. His warm chest was now bared to you and his hands made quick work of your shirt, being mindful not to tear it while he discarded it. When your bare skin met, it felt like a jolt of electricity coursed through you and ultimately ended as a pulse to your core.
“Please,” your voice wavered as you pleaded with him, tugging at his hair to no avail in an attempt to remove him from the sensitive part of your neck, only earning a breathy chuckle before he responded.
“Please what, my love? Share with me your fantasies and I’ll make them a reality,” his breath fanned across your neck as he relished in your scent, hands caressing up and down your back while his eyes closed.
A desperate whine left you when you realized he was making you voice your desires out loud, still, you were desperate enough to obey the demand, “Please, touch me more. I want all of you.”
“I’d love nothing more,” his last words were nearly a growl, reverberating down through your bones and back.
In one swift motion, you were laid in a soft patch of white clover that embraced you as gently as the druid hovering over you did. Your limbs splayed out as they welcomed the caresses from both plant and druid, the latter of which ever so slowly slid your bottoms off until they were discarded to the side. Halsin sat back on his haunches, fingertips still ghosting your skin while he simply admired the view of you splayed out just for him.
A shiver ran down your spine at the teasing sensation and you parted your legs in a silent beckon for him. Never one to ignore the call of nature’s desires, especially ones that concern your desires, Halsin obeyed. His movements were skilled and experienced, much more than that, he listened. Every movement, every noise, and every twitch you gave told him everything he needed to know about how you were feeling and what you needed from him. 
So much so, that it didn’t take long for you to be drowned in ecstasy not just once or twice, but until your body movements were beyond your control and any attempt you made to quiet your noises was futile. Only by the grace of the gods were you finally able to beg for him to stop, and even then he took you over the edge one more time.
“You always taste divine, I can’t quite help myself,” he chuckled under his breath as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “but now you’re more than ready for me, little one. And I intend to give you all of me.”
“Ha, I’d expect nothing less,” you responded breathlessly, still recovering from the praise his mouth and fingers gave you, trying to ignore the way he used your words from earlier against you now. 
Sweet kisses were peppered across your face as Halsin slowly slid inside of you, making sure to pause every time one of your small hands squeezed at his bicep. Your mind melted as he pushed deeper inside of you, each additional inch making your eyes roll back. The stretch burned yet the way his heavy hands massaged your hips emboldened you to take more.
Once his tip reached the deepest part of you, he pulled away from leaning over you to down at where you were joined and back up at you, “Well, not quite all of me, though I’m sure we can improve that.”
“Sh-Shut up,” you mumbled while your face heated with embarrassment at his words and your lower half relaxed in anticipation of what was to come.
“Fair enough. So long as you sing for me, my love,” his lips pressed kisses into your hands before holding them to his heart and leaning down once more to shield your smaller form from the rest of the world, his forearms resting in the clovers next to your head.
Nodding, you both agreed to his request and gave him the okay to start moving. He kissed you one more time before giving a testing thrust, after seeing you adjusted to that alright, he slowly picked up a rhythm as smooth as the flowing river. You weren’t new to this, weren’t new to him, you knew what to expect. And yet, when he put his efforts into chasing your high, you found yourself gasping and hands flying to hold onto his shoulders for stability.
The sounds of the daily nature activities didn’t stand a chance at drowning out the noises that resulted from your coupling. You only hoped you were far enough away from camp to avoid the walk of shame, though shame was far from any emotion you had over this. The number of times your pleasure crested was impossible to count while in your current mind state, with some ebbing right into another high.
Halsin was familiar with your body inside and out, and he could see the focus leaving your eyes as your mind went white from the overload of pleasure. His words of praise and sweet promises kept you grounded long enough for you both to worship and relish in the other’s body for one last, deliciously sweet high.
Heavy breaths mingled as your foreheads rested against each other and Halsin’s movements ceased except for the adoring caress of his hands that rubbed back and forth over your thighs. As your lucid thoughts returned to you, a smile spread across your face and your own hands reached out to brush a piece of hair from his eyes.
Decadent bliss filled the small clearing that you shared as pure unfiltered adoration radiated off of one of you flowing into the other and returned tenfold. Within this solace, where the forest surrounded you and hid your tryst away from the rest of the world, you longed for an eternity more of sharing your life with the large druid, whatever may come.
Whatever may come. Including the vampire elf’s near-tantrum when you returned to camp after many hours with less than adequate storage provisions.
©halsinsheart ~{2024}~ you do not have permission modify, copy, repost, or enter works into AI.
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cceanvvaves · 9 months
coffee mugs; p.jh
(moved to isanggayfrog) warning: none
You glared, so she glared harder.
Moving in with Jihyo is, so far, the biggest step you two have taken in this relationship. You used to fantasize about it - think of all the late night talks and breakfasts and bed there would be! However, the first few weeks - months, even - were... worse than expected. The two of you had never lived together before, which meant that you didn't know each other's living habits.
You always fought about little things: where to leave dirty clothes, whether to keep the curtains closed or open, what time to wake up on weekends, and so on, and so forth.
Thankfully, you and Jihyo had sat down and talked and came to agreements, so things became better, and living together became natural for the both of you.
That doesn't mean you didn't get into disagreements from time to time.
Jeongyeon had come over earlier that week with a mug set for you and Jihyo. Unfortunately, you didn't get the chance to open it until now.
There were two mugs inside: a brown mug with the words 'TOP' in white, and a white mug with 'BOTTOM' in brown.
You and Jihyo simultaneously understood that this was one of Jeongyeon's not-so-funny pranks, but the competitive flames in both of you ignited. Neither of you would accept to use the 'BOTTOM' mug, because that would admit that you were... well, the bottom in the relationship.
Of course, the mugs didn't actually connect to your real-life dynamics, but you felt the need to show your dominance nonetheless.
"Y/N, please," Jihyo repeats for the nth time. "Just take it. It's not as if you'd be crowned 'World's Biggest Bottom' or something."
"You begging like that doesn't seem very 'top' either," you point out, somewhat teasing.
"I'm not begging." She huffs. "I'm simply trying to convince you."
"Not gonna happen."
The two of you stand there for a couple more minutes, glaring with your arms crossed in an attempt to intimidate the other. Neither backs down.
"It's just a mug," you finally sigh. Jihyo's eyes light up, but her face falls with your next words. "You take it, it fits you more."
Her lips part. "Are you crazy? What if the girls come over and see me holding that? They would never live it down."
"Then why don't we just keep it in the cupboard?"
Jihyo blinks. It's a logical solution, but she shakes her head. "I'm really close with Jeongyeon. She might feel bad if she doesn't see us using it."
"Then you take it." You purse your lips to prevent yourself from laughing at Jihyo's expression. "I'm pretty sure Jeongyeon only gave this to us for a laugh, Jih."
"I knew that the moment we opened it." She smirks. "I just wanted to see you admit that you were a bottom for me."
"What?" You gasp. "If anything, you're the one who-"
You weren't able to finish your sentence because a pair of soft lips smash onto yours. You immediately melt, hands falling to rest gently on her hips, smiling when you feel her playing with the hair on the back of your neck.
Jihyo's lips part, allowing you to deepen the kiss. You're pretty sure this kiss wasn't innocent - this is definetely still related to the mugs. And you're not losing.
You turn around to pin her carefully on the counter, making sure not to hit the mugs so as to avoid breaking them. Cleaning up wasn't on your to-do list today.
Jihyo's grip on your hair tightens when your hand slips underneath her shirt, your cold fingers caressing her stomach.
Smirking, you pull away only to put your lips on her neck instead, kissing and even softly biting at her skin.
"Not in the kitchen," she forces out, a blissful sigh escaping from her throat when you reach that certain spot.
She whines when you stop. "I'm thinking you didn't kiss me because I looked hot, did you?"
"No," she admits. "I wanted to catch you off-guard and make you agree to take the white one."
"That's cheating," you complain. "But it didn't work anyway, did it?"
"No," she repeats, rolling her eyes.
"Instead it was the other way 'round." You grin.
Jihyo frowns. "I didn't agree to anything."
"Your body certainly did."
"Y/N!" She scolds, lightly slapping your arm.
"What? Forget about the mugs." You're laughing now. You take her hand in yours and kiss the pout off her lips. "You said not in the kitchen. What about in the bedroom, my love?"
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jaehyunsbreadbasket · 2 years
Kinktober '22 Day 3- Park Jihyo
Prompts: Public sex, Brat taming
Word Count: 804
Synopsis: Jihyo's partner has been teasing her throughout their whole shopping trip, and in the mall food court, she finally snaps.
Consists of: Dom!Jihyo, Sub!AFAB Reader, Public sex, Brat taming, Degradation, Vaginal Fingering, Mommy kink, Humiliation, Reader wears a skirt, Brief breast worship, Mention of strap-on sex
"Shut the fuck up and stop moving," Jihyo angrily whispers in my ear. She acts as if it's totally uncalled for, for me to be squirming around and trying my best to hold back my moans while she's literally fingering me; in public no less. We're in the food court at the mall, completely out in the open, people everywhere you look; God, how shameless can one woman be?
I guess this is what I get though, I brought this onto myself. I know I shouldn't've been teasing Jihyo throughout our whole shopping day: "accidentally" dropping things right in front of her so she'd see me bent over, "subtle" little touches on her body as we stand together, pretending to need help changing into something only to let her have a teasing peak at my bare body. I'm sure the latter was the last straw, but what can I say? I've been craving her all day.
"I-I'm sorry, Mommy...", I'm trying to speak as quietly as I can, desperately not wanting anyone to detect us. It's hard to hold back the moans threatening to come out of my mouth. My eyes are rapidly looking from side to side, praying that I won't catch anyone looking over at us.
"You know what? Now that I think about it, there's really no point in making you be quiet. Your pussy's so loud everyone's probably heard you already...", Jihyo hooks her fingers in me a few times to emphasize the squelching sound as I close my eyes in embarrassment, "But I don't think anyone would be surprised that a slut like you has a nasty, soaking cunt. Or that you're so needy that you have to be tended to in public. How about you open your legs wider so they can hear you better, hm?", she smirks into the side of my neck after she finishes saying hushed words of filth into my ear.
"But-", I start.
"'But' nothing. Open your goddamn legs," fearing upsetting her further, I comply. My skirt rises up my thighs as I spread them; my heart beating out of my chest at how much more exposed I am in this position.
Jihyo thrusts her fingers in and out of me at a steady pace, using her thumb to rub on my clit while she does so. I can see how focused she is on it: eyes staring at my lower half, bottom lip being held by her teeth. I know she must be throbbing too at this point, and a very large part of me wants to relieve her tension: reach over and play with her too. But in the state she's in right now, I know she'll shoo my hand away, "This is supposed to be about you, you're the one who wanted to get fucked so bad," she'd tell me.
That's okay though, I'll take care of her later.
My eyes drift down to Jihyo's tits, and my mouth starts to water. I think back to last night, when I had her plush, heavy mounds hanging in front of my face as she roughly bounced on my strap. I sucked and nibbled on them, leaving hickey's all over her; thinking about the marks still being there turns me on even more. The image of her big, bruised tits brings me closer to the edge.
"M-mommy, I'm gonna-", I grasp onto her arm as she moves her hand faster in and out of me, circles my clit with more pressure than before. To anyone around we probably just look like one of those clingy couples that always have to be touching, cuddling even in the most public of places. I really hope that's what we look like. If only everyone knew what was really going on: that Jihyo was making me fall a part on her fingers in front of their very eyes.
"Let go, whore. Cum on my hand. Let everyone see you reach your peak," She places light kisses on my neck as she brings me closer and closer. After her working me a bit longer, my legs are briskly closing round her arm, shaking softly. My head immediately falls to her shoulder, my whole body spent. Now we really have become one of those clingy couples, me gripping onto Jihyo as my heart settles back to it's natural tempo, she rubs her hand along my back, giving me a soft kiss on my forehead.
She reaches over our table to get a napkin, pulling her hand out of me once my legs open up again and wiping my juices off of her hand, balling the tissue up after, "Let's go home, baby," she grabs my hand with her free one and pulls me up, "but don't think we're done just because I'm being nice to you again," she warns.
Prompt from: @buckyownsmylife
My Kinktober 2022 Masterlist 🎃
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isanggayfrog · 3 months
the person you were kissing wasn't me | p.jh
synopsis: it's better to keep some things to yourself.
warnings: angst, fwb situation, idk if i missed anything
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you huff as you run, your uniform tie and hair blowing in the wind. the soles of your feet ached from how long you'd been standing at the restaurant you work in, tending to customers and serving dishes.
despite the tire of your bones and the muscles screaming at you to rest, you happily run your way to the home you shared with your best friend jihyo.
well, best friend was one way to label your friendship.
growing up together was probably one of the reasons you and her were so close. met in middle school, stuck together through high school, and now living together as you navigated through college and took on part time jobs.
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the first incident was when you were both fourteen. young teenagers driven by recklessness who believed they were invincible never ended well. that's how you found yourself in detention after skipping school to hang out at the convenience store nearby.
how the teachers never realized that putting partners in crime together in one room was a bad idea, you'll never know. even more of a bad idea was when they left you alone.
so you and jihyo sat in silence, listening hard for footsteps approaching. but none came for a while, so you let your guards down.
she walked over to sit beside you, leaning her head on your shoulder as she picked on her nails. "have you ever kissed someone?"
she said the question so nonchalantly that you barely registered her words. when you did, however, you almost jumped in surprise. "why would you ask me about that?"
"because," she said, turning to look you in the eye, "haven't you ever wondered? kids our age usually do."
"i-i never.. really thought about it."
she made an expression of disbelief. "but aren't you curious?"
you shrugged, resting your cheek on the palm of your hand. "i mean, sure. i've seen enough romance to want to know why people like it."
jihyo looked away, thinking. you watched her side profile, ingraining it into your brain, but admired her as a friend. only as a friend, you always told yourself. you don't like her that way.
when she turned back to you she paused, staring deep into your eyes, before she spoke. "do you want to try?"
"try what?" you whispered, as if the two of you were up to no good once again.
"to kiss," she whispered back, leaning slightly closer. "i've never.. and experiencing it young couldn't hurt, right? i mean, we're just friends trying it out."
just friends, your mind echoed, she only feels that way towards you.
"okay," you breathe out.
and that was only the first time.
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the second incident was a little later in eleventh grade. a new student, austin, had recently joined your school. he was your typical bully - a jock, tall, muscular, a total jerk to those who refuse to grovel at his feet and kiss his shoes.
you loathed that guy.
especially since he never left jihyo alone. you understood why he'd taken a liking to her - but god, couldn't he chase some other girl instead? although, you'd feel bad for whomever he ever took an interest in.
so one day in the cafeteria, you in a conversation with jihyo about the latest biology homework, he pushed through the doors and marched his way to your table.
austin pushed you away by the face and sat between you and jihyo, squishing you against the wall. you grumbled in annoyance, but chose to stay silent.
"hey, jih." he flashed his oh, so charming smile at her, stealing your glass of water and taking a sip. "so, you wanna come over to my house after class? i need your help with, uh, chemistry."
his buddies laughed from behind, with you rolling your eyes and miming a gag.
"um." jihyo was evidently uncomfortable. "no, sorry. i have plans with y/n."
"oh." austin spared you a glare before coming back for another attempt with jihyo. "c'mon, this loser? you'd be spending your time better with me. i could make you have fun."
your nose flared. this guy really needs to go. you watched with narrowed eyes as the glass of water in his hand tilted ever so slightly.
jihyo sighed. "no, i'm really sorry-"
austin poured the glass's contents on jihyo, creating a blotch on her blouse that made the white cloth somewhat see-through.
"oops," austin smiled 'innocently, "my hand slipped. c'mon, sweetheart, i have an extra shirt in my locker-"
"hey, man," you fumed, shoving him away from jihyo. "leave her alone."
he scowled at you, because how dare this lowly worm even talk in his direction? "what are you gonna do, huh? cry to mommy? tell the principal? my dad knows a lot of people, you don't want to mess with me-"
"yeah, go tell your daddy you don't have game." you shed your jacket and wrapped it around jihyo protectively, whose eyes darted around in embarrassment.
"don't- what!" austin spluttered. "how dare you assume that! i could date any girl i wanted!"
"yeah, go ahead!" you shouted. "just not this girl!"
"and why not?"
jihyo answered that for you. she tugged you down and planted her lips firmly on yours. she let the kiss linger for a moment before pulling away and glaring at austin. "because i'm taken."
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it's true the two of you aren't as close as before, or maybe your friendship had simply changed because of time, but she's a little different now. you don't see each other as often despite living together, due to schedules and shifts that don't align.
which is why you're excited to surprise her with your early return home, just before she left for her night shift at the convenience store.
you stop in front of the elevator once you reach your floor, panting. she can't see you so disheveled, so you attempted to fix yourself.
until you heard voices.
you recognized the voice as jihyo, so you peeked from the corner to see who she was talking to.
"you go home safe, alright?" she says to some man, patting his shoulders. "text me when you're home."
your heart almost stops when she gets on her tiptoes to share a passionate kiss with this man.
you can't tear your eyes away, no matter how much the sight drained all happiness from you. every hope of someday confessing your feelings for her evaporated, as did the excitement of getting to surprise her.
but you didn't have the right to be jealous. even though you and her kiss from time to time, and share a lot of things other 'friends' don't share, you weren't officially together. that doesn't mean it can't hurt, or that you can't feel like you'd been betrayed.
so when the man leaves, you pretend to have just arrived and greet jihyo with a smile you hope she didn't realize was fake. "hey, jih! guess who got released early?"
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cherubiyeon · 10 months
Can I request? Maybe something that involves married life with TWICE Sana. If it's alright, maybe for gender neutral reader? Also, love your works. Keep up the work, dudette. Your one of my favorite writers here haha.
calico skies | twice minatozaki sana x gender neutral reader
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chamomile tea and bread, you and your wife, underneath the calico skies, after work.
✩ warnings. just fluff, you're married to sana, mentions of food
✩ word count. ~1.7k words
✩ playing. calico skies [paul mccartney]
✩ notes. HAHA this is so short sorry anon but tysm!! btw requests r open feel free to request!! i appreciate requests !! <3
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y/n trudged wearily through the front door of their cozy apartment, the weight of the day's work clinging to every step. the apartment was dimly lit, the soft glow of lamps casting warm, inviting pockets of light. the scent of something delicious wafted through the air, a familiar comfort that made the exhaustion in y/n's bones ebb away just a bit.
"hey, you're back!" sana's voice, tinged with excitement, reached y/n's ears even before she came into view. y/n turned towards the living room, a tired smile forming on their lips as they saw sana standing there, her eyes bright and a grin that could light up the whole room.
sana's arms opened wide, and without hesitation, y/n found themselves enveloped in a warm, tight hug. the embrace felt like a soothing balm to y/n's weary soul, a reminder that they were home, truly home. y/n wrapped their arms around sana in return, burying their face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her familiar scent.
"missed you," sana murmured, her voice a gentle whisper that sent shivers down y/n's spine.
"missed you too," y/n mumbled back, their voice muffled against sana's skin. it was a simple exchange, but it held a depth of emotion that words alone couldn't convey.
sana's grip on y/n loosened, but her touch remained, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on y/n's back. then, with a soft chuckle, she pulled back slightly, her gaze meeting y/n's with unspoken affection.
"rough day?" sana asked, her brows furrowing with concern.
y/n let out a tired sigh, a mixture of frustration and relief escaping with the breath. "yeah, you could say that."
sana's fingers brushed a strand of hair away from y/n's forehead, her touch gentle and soothing. "well, good news is, i've got something that might help."
y/n raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "oh, really? and what might that be?"
with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, sana leaned in, her lips brushing against y/n's ear. "a magic remedy called 'sana's hug and kiss therapy.'"
y/n couldn't help but chuckle, the heaviness of the day slowly dissipating as sana's playful spirit worked its charm. "oh, is that a new medical breakthrough?"
sana grinned, her expression infectious. "absolutely. doctor's orders."
before y/n could react, sana's lips found theirs in a soft, lingering kiss. it was a kiss that held the promise of comfort, of home, and of shared moments that could chase away even the darkest of days. y/n's eyes fluttered closed, their arms instinctively winding around sana's waist, pulling her closer.
when the kiss finally broke, y/n's lips curved into a genuine smile. "i think i'm already feeling better."
sana's laughter was a melody that filled the room. "see? miracle cure."
y/n pressed their forehead against sana's, their eyes meeting in an unspoken exchange that spoke volumes. "you have no idea how much i needed this."
sana's fingers threaded through y/n's hair, her touch tender and full of love. "well, lucky for you, i'm here to provide all the hugs and kisses you need."
with a soft chuckle, y/n nuzzled their nose against sana's, a playful glint in their eyes. "do you offer a money-back guarantee?"
sana's response was a gentle peck on y/n's lips, her smile soft and full of adoration. "no refunds necessary. just a lifetime supply of love."
y/n's fingers brushed a strand of hair away from sana's face, their touch feather-light. "well, then i'm definitely getting the better end of this deal."
sana's laughter was a melodic sound that filled the room, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "you're always trying to find loopholes, aren't you?"
"hey, it's my job as the 'skeptical one' in this relationship," y/n teased, their tone affectionate.
sana's fingers trailed down y/n's arm in a slow, soothing caress. "and i'm the 'hopeless romantic' who's here to prove you wrong."
y/n's lips curved into a soft smile, their gaze locked onto sana's. "you're doing a pretty good job so far."
sana's grin was tender, her voice a gentle whisper. "well, there's a lot more where that came from."
as their eyes met in a lingering exchange, the unspoken words hung in the air like a promise—one that needed no formal declaration to hold its weight.
a contented sigh escaped y/n's lips, the earlier weariness now replaced by a sense of calm and belonging. "you know, i'm starting to think that 'sana's hug and kiss therapy' might just be the best remedy in the world."
sana's fingers intertwined with y/n's, their touch warm and reassuring. "it's a patented treatment, only available to a select few."
y/n leaned in, their lips brushing against sana's ear. "lucky me, then?"
sana's laughter was a soft, joyful sound, and she pressed a gentle kiss to y/n's temple. "lucky you."
after a few more moments wrapped in each other's arms, sana reluctantly pulled away, a playful pout forming on her lips. "as much as i'd love to keep you here forever, i have a special surprise for you."
y/n raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "a surprise? now you've got me curious."
sana's grin held a touch of mischief as she took y/n's hand, leading them towards the balcony. "it's nothing big, just something to make our evening even better."
the balcony was bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of twilight. sana's touch was a gentle reassurance as she guided y/n to the railing, their eyes drawn to the canvas of colors that stretched across the sky.
"wow," y/n breathed, their voice a mere whisper. the sky was painted with shades of pink, orange, and lavender—a breathtaking masterpiece that seemed to stretch on forever.
sana's voice was soft, filled with wonder. "two years of staring at this view, and it still takes my breath away."
y/n's gaze shifted from the sky to sana, their heart swelling with affection. "you know, the view might be beautiful, but i think i prefer staring at your face."
sana's cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and delight, her fingers gently brushing against y/n's. "oh, shut up."
y/n chuckled softly, the sound a warm melody that danced in the air. "hey, i'm just stating the truth."
sana rolled her eyes playfully, a fond smile tugging at her lips. "you're such a charmer."
"only when i'm with you," y/n quipped, their voice tinged with sincerity.
sana's laughter was soft and melodious, a harmonious blend with the evening breeze that rustled through the balcony plants. "alright, alright. enough with the flattery, you smooth talker."
y/n feigned offense, a hand placed over their heart in mock hurt. "smooth talker? i'll have you know that every word i say is backed by irrefutable evidence."
sana shook her head, her laughter bubbling over. "evidence? is that what we're calling it now?"
y/n's grin was infectious, their fingers intertwining with sana's once more. "you're just jealous because you're not the smooth talker in this relationship."
sana leaned in, her lips brushing against y/n's ear. "oh, really? want me to prove you wrong?"
y/n's playful smile turned into a mischievous smirk. "i'd love to see you try."
sana winked, her tone teasing. "later, perhaps. right now, i've got a surprise for you."
y/n raised an eyebrow, intrigue sparking in their eyes. "a surprise, huh? you've definitely piqued my curiosity."
sana grinned, her fingers giving y/n's hand a gentle squeeze before she turned and disappeared into the apartment. y/n leaned against the balcony railing, a soft smile still playing on their lips as they waited for sana's return.
it wasn't long before sana reappeared, carrying a tray with two steaming cups of chamomile tea and a plate of freshly baked bread. the fragrant aroma of the tea filled the air, mingling with the warm scent of the bread.
sana's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she approached y/n, setting the tray down on a small table by the balcony. "ta-da! chamomile tea and bread—your stress-relief combo."
y/n's expression softened as they took in the sight. "you remembered."
sana's smile was tender as she poured the tea, the liquid cascading gently into the cups. "of course i did. i know how exhausting work has been for you lately."
y/n reached out, their fingers brushing against sana's wrist as she handed them a cup. "thank you, baby." y/n's fingers brushed against sana's as they reached for a cup, their touch lingering for a moment. "you really do take care of me."
sana's smile was soft, her gaze unwavering as she met y/n's eyes. "it's my favorite job."
as they settled into the chairs, y/n cradled the warm cup of chamomile tea in their hands, the fragrant steam rising and mingling with the evening breeze. sana took a sip from her own cup, her expression one of pure contentment.
"can't believe how lucky i am," y/n murmured, more to themselves than to sana.
sana raised an eyebrow, her voice gentle. "what was that?"
y/n's cheeks tinged with a soft blush, but they met sana's gaze with sincerity. "i said i can't believe how lucky i am."
sana's fingers reached across the table to brush against y/n's, a tender smile curving her lips. "i'm so lucky to have you too,"
they shared a moment of silent connection, their fingers entwined on the table—a touch that conveyed more than words ever could. and then, y/n broke the silence with a soft chuckle.
"you know, i think i'm going to request 'sana's surprise tea time' as a regular thing."
sana's laughter was like a melody, the sound carrying a promise of warmth and comfort. "you don't have to request it. it's already in the contract."
y/n feigned surprise, a hand over their heart. "oh, i must have missed that clause."
sana playfully rolled her eyes, her gaze dancing with affection. "it's in the fine print, right next to 'y/n's endless hugs and kisses.'"
y/n's grin was unabashed, their voice tinged with playful mock. "well, it's a good thing we're both committed to upholding our contractual obligations."
sana lifted her teacup in a playful manner, a soft smile gracing her lips. "here's to us, two and more years of marriage."
as their cups clinked together, the warmth of their affection enveloped them. and as they sipped on chamomile tea and savored the simple pleasure of each other's company, y/n and sana found themselves exactly where they belonged—in each other's arms, under the canvas of calico skies.
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betweenujb · 5 months
cherry wine
nayeon x gn reader
warnings: straight up fluff, a little bit of wine
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The way the breeze passes through the leaves and the warm air brushing against Nayeon’s skin makes it feel like a dream. Dating an idol was nothing short of busy and with your 40-50 hour a week schedule, you rarely had time off to spend with Nayeon. Your schedules finally lined up, so you decided to take Jihyo’s advice and go to Bali for a week away.
The view from the mountain villa you had rented was breathtaking. Nayeon stepped out to watch the sunset while you took a moment to rest. Days filled with the most beautiful scenic hikes and walking around the surrounding villages was fun, but still tiring.
Over the past four days, Nayeon wished she could paint every sunset as she looked out from the balcony over and through the dense forest. Tropical birds passed through the orange glow of the sunset, giving Nayeon the opportunity to take pictures in the hopeless effort to capture the peace she felt.
Time ticked by as Nayeon leaned against the wooded railing. The sun had gone down at least half an hour ago and the mountain was lit up by the stars. A few crickets chirp to harmonize with the rustling of the leaves. The sticky heat of the day mellowed out with the cool breeze, making Nayeon never want to leave her spot on the balcony.
Once you adequately rest your sore legs, you push yourself off the plush mattress. You shuffle over to the cart in the room that held a few bottles of wine and other spirits. Pouring yourself a glass of red wine, you turn the lights off before you step out onto the balcony and quietly slide the door open and shut behind you.
“The stars are out.” You make the obvious comment just to break the silence of the night as you slip a hand around Nayeon’s waist to pull her close to you. She jumps and playfully smacks your arm but immediately settles into your embrace.
“You scared me.” She whispers and even though there are no other people around you, it feels right. It’s so quiet except for the sounds of nature filling the night.
You chuckle and lean down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead before sipping your wine. A comfortable silence falls around you as you look up into the sky. The stars and the moon are just bright enough to highlight every beautiful feature on your girlfriend’s face.
As you stare up at the sky, you feel your wine glass being carefully pulled from your hand. Without looking down, you smile and rub small, soothing circles with your thumb into Nayeon’s hip. “Sure, go ahead. I didn’t bring that out for myself or anything.”
Nayeon just thanks you by placing the wine glass back in your hands and leaning up to kiss your cheek. “Think of it as payment for scaring me.”
You shake your head with a fond smile drawn across your lips, your focus still on the night sky above. It’s like a black blanket, well decorated with twinkling diamonds.
After a few minutes, you look down at Nayeon. She has a content look on her face as she stares out into the forest below and the peaks of the mountains on the horizon just past the tree line. “You’ve been out here for a while. Everything okay?”
Nayeon looks up at you with that look in her eyes you fell in love with almost two years ago. She places a gentle hand on the side of your face and gently strokes your cheek with her thumb before looking back out. She nods and relaxes even further into your embrace. “I don’t think I’ve felt this happy in a long time.”
A hum of agreement leaves your lips as you take another sip of your wine. Your grip tightens a little around Nayeon’s delicate waist to better support her as she sinks further into you. “Bali was the perfect choice.”
“Even though it’s blazing hot out during the day?” Nayeon asks through a small laugh and glances up at you.
“Sure, it may be boiling hot during the day. But at night… it’s perfect.” You smile down at Nayeon before looking out at the mountain peaks, taking a deep breath. The earthy smell of the forest and the slightest hint of the salty ocean that’s been carried over by the breeze fills your senses.
“The second you start to feel just a little too hot, that breeze passes through to cool you down again. It smells like the Earth and carries with it just a hint of the ocean.”
Nayeon looks up at you, her eyebrow raised in disbelief. “You’re getting all of that from the breeze, huh?”
You give her a small nod and take another sip of your wine. Another comfortable silence falls over you before you set your glass down on the small table set up on the balcony. You scoot the table back to a far corner and pull your phone out.
Soon, a slow song fills the air, and you extend your hand before you put your phone down beside your wine. “Care to dance with me, Miss Im?”
“You certainly are a charmer.” Nayeon laughs, the sound filling your heart with love as she takes hold of your hand.
The space on the balcony is large enough for you to sway with Nayeon along to the gentle beat of the music. It reminds you of the first time you asked her to dance. When your hands were so sweaty that you had to keep wiping them on your pants so Nayeon wouldn’t be able to tell you were that nervous.
“You have such a nice speaker that you brought, yet you’re using the tinny speakers on your phone?”
Twirling Nayeon around, you let out a soft chuckle. “If I go get my speaker now, then I miss out on time that I could have spent dancing with the most beautiful girl in the world.”
A soft blush makes its way up to Nayeon’s cheeks. She rests her head against your chest and notices your heart’s beating a little faster than usual. “Is your heart beating faster from the oh so strenuous dancing, or are you suddenly getting all shy on me again?”
You keep Nayeon close to you as the song changes to something even slower. It gives you a moment to gently rock back and forth with her in your embrace. “Neither. My heart always beats this fast when I think about you.”
Nayeon pauses for a second as she looks up at you. She keeps the gentle motion you have with her and asks you in a soft and teasing voice, “What are you thinking about if I’m right here with you?”
The sudden but very welcome feeling of your lips against her forehead causes Nayeon’s eyes to flutter closed. “Well,” you say as you slowly pull back, “I’m thinking about you.” The slow song playing from your phone fills the momentary silence between you.
“I’m thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you.” You press another kiss to Nayeon’s forehead.
“I’m thinking about all the ways I wish I could make time go slower right now.” You press a gentle kiss to her cheek.
“I’m thinking about how you took a chance on a goofball like me.” This earns a small chuckle from Nayeon as you press a kiss to the tip of her nose.
“And I’m thinking about how you shine brighter than the moon itself.”
Nayeon’s eyes twinkle like the stars. She takes a second to find her voice before she speaks. “You think I shine brighter than the moon?”
Your answer is a small nod and a soft kiss against her lips. The song plays out, leaving you to listen to nature’s music. The lingering taste of your wine on Nayeon’s lips makes you smile as you listen to the night serenading you once again.
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r2katsu · 1 year
scenarios for your jealousy...
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mha m.list | gn!reader | fluff
"You're dumb, and i thought you were the smart one here. I don't need anyone else you idiot, i just need you." he sighs "Now come here and stop pouting, they were the one all over me and i already pushed them away."
"Be jealous all you want, i ain't going no where." he already put his arms around you pulling you in a tight hug.
katsuki, tomura, twice, dabi
"It's quite adorable for you to think that I need anyone else but you, i get it you can get jealous from time to time but in all seriousness I only need you so don't go around worrying about someone taking me away from you...hm?" he kisses the top of your head while holding you close.
DABI, keigo, hanta, shota, denki, sero
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ryupages · 2 years
twice reaction — you self harming.
members - oldest line + sana
requested - yes!
genre - angst
warning(s) - blood, suicidal thoughts, cuts / cutting, depressing themes
note - the requests i’ve gotten for me to write sh reactions with different groups, is bittersweet. i’m glad u guys find comfort in it, but i also hope you are ok. i hope you are healthy and take care of yourself <3
nayeon — 나연
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it was too much to handle. nayeon knew you struggled with self love and acceptance, she held you whenever you had nightmares about your troubled past. that part never bothered nayeon, she loved to be the one you seek comfort from.
so now, to be standing here, eyes never leaving the scars on your arm.. it was too much. for the first time, she just didn’t know what to do. she never realised how long she was staring until you softly spoke.
“nayeon?” her head snapped up to look at you, realising how anxious you were.
she didn’t want you to think that she was judging you; that’s far from what she was doing. after what felt like forever, you watched as she left the room. you felt more anxious, wondering if you pushed her away. you sat on your shared bed, wanting to cry. you always appreciated the times she was there for you, but what if this is her breaking point?
after maybe fifteen minutes, nayeon returned. arms filled with snacks, bandages, and extra blankets, she smiled as she wobbled her way to you. she set everything down on the bed, before plopping down next to you.
“we are going to watch your favourite movies, and if you wanna talk about anything, we can do that too.” nayeon gave a big smile, and you couldn’t help but mirror her expression.
you spent the rest of your night in nayeon’s hold, feeling at home in her arms. even with this, she never looked at you differently, and you loved that. you knew you were gonna be okay with nayeon next to you.
jeongyeon - 정연
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jeongyeon completely understood your struggle to accept yourself as the way you are. she knew it wasn’t an easy journey to learn to love yourself, so she always made sure to let you know how beautiful you are.
but, even her words weren’t enough sometimes. you tried to do anything to fight the urges, but the thoughts you had about yourself never left you alone. you fought with yourself, trying to everything but pick up the blade. in the end, you caved in, going into the bathroom to find a razor.
you looked at your arm, now covered in new scars. you felt nothing but shame as you began cleaning yourself up. but the sound coming from downstairs made your heart drop all the way to your stomach.
your girlfriend was home.
you panicked as you quickly rushed into your shared bedroom, looking through the closet. you grabbed and threw on the first hoodie you saw before rushing downstairs to greet your girlfriend. you felt the panic leave your body as you saw jeongyeon, your smile growing as she noticed you and had a smile of her own.
“hi, my love!” you beamed, opening your arms to jeongyeon.
she smiled even bigger and began to move towards you, but halted immediately. you began to grow confused, looking at her eyes and trying to see what she was looking at. for the second time that evening, your heart fell to your stomach.
you had spots of blood on your hand.
“what happened? did you accidentally hurt yourself?” you stayed silent, your arms instantly dropping to your sides as your fingers played with the sleeves of your hoodie. it all began to hit jeongyeon like a brick, and she already felt tears form in her eyes.
“y/n..” she said, barely above a whisper as she slowly approached you.
she tried to lift up your sleeve for a better look, but you pulled your arm back instantly. she winced, unsure of what to say. she took you in her arms and spent the rest of the night tending to your cuts, thinking of ways to get you help before it’s too late.
“i love you so much, y/n. you’re not alone, i promise. bear with me, just a little longer.”
momo — 모모
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after dating for a long while, about two years, you had confided in momo about your history of depression and self harm. she was shocked, to say the least, but she never wanted you to feel uneasy or uncomfortable around her so she pushed away her shock and reassured you that she understood, that she still loves you.
what she didn’t know was that you were still doing it.
“y/n, can i ask you something?” you looked up from your book, noticing the serious look resting on momo’s face.
concerned, you quickly nod and carefully watch as she plops on the couch next to you. your mind was running laps as you waited for her to speak.
“so.. i was washing your clothes and i noticed some blood on the sleeves of your sweater.” you didn’t notice that you had stopped breathing for a moment.
momo took in your reaction, which confirmed what she was thinking. she ripped her eyes from you and stared at the ground. it was silent for a moment, with you not knowing what to say and momo trying to recollect herself and her thoughts.
finally, she looked up at you again, blinking away any tears that dared to fall. she smiled gently as she grabbed your hands, her thumb massaging your knuckles.
“next time, if you ever feel like.. you know, you can tell me.” momo spoke softly, her grip on your hands gentle yet firm. “i don’t care if i’m out doing something or if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.”
the floodgates finally broke open, and momo pulled you closer to her and let you cry onto her shoulder. you mumbled the words “thank you” repeatedly as she rubbed your back soothingly.
you never felt more grateful than right now. at least you had a little bit more hope that you were gonna be okay.
sana — 사나
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her positive and cheerful demeanor made it impossible for you to open up to her. she spreads smiles wherever she went, you don’t even remember the last time you saw a frown on her face. you thought that if you told her, she’d crack and lose that warmth she possessed; so you decided against it.
sana left for practice not too long ago, so with the coast clear, you headed into your closet. after rummaging through clothes and shoes, you found the blades you were looking for. a tight, bitter grin fell onto your face. you walked over to your bed, sitting on the edge as you lift up your sleeve. thoughts begin to swarm in your head, making you feel numb as you place the blade on your arm.
“hey, y/n! is my bag in our room?”
your stomach tightened in fear as the door opened, revealing your girlfriend, frantically looking around your shared bedroom.
“i completely forgot my bag, have you seen—”
sana’s eyes finally laid upon you, her breathing coming to a halt as she scans the scene in front of her. you only watch in terror as her face falls as she keeps staring at your arm and the blade in your hand.
“y/n.. what is.. what are you..” she was so lost.
why? why were you doing this? how long? why didn’t you tell her this? were you ashamed? embarrassed? sana had so many questions that she wanted answered. but looking at your tearful and scared expression, she figured those questions could come later.
sana made her way over to you, gently taking the blade out of your hands and placing it on the nightstand. she sat next to you, grabbing your waist and lifting you onto her lap. she rocked you back and forth, whispering sweet nothings in your ear and reassuring you that you’ll be okay, that she’s here to help you and that it’s not your fault.
it broke her heart that you were struggling with this on your own, and she didn’t even notice. sana mentally promised to you that she would help you, that one day you won’t feel the need to do this to yourself anymore.
“i love you, y/n. please never hide something so delicate again.”
a/n :: gifs are not mine!! credits go to those who created them <3
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labrujitadelamor · 11 months
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Imagine #6:
They placed their hand on your thigh while you both sat in an empty parking lot and watched the bright lights of moving cars pass by. You leaned forward and bit their lips. They pulled you by your neck and gave you a kiss like you'd never experienced before. Their tongue had a flavor that was a cross between cigarettes and gummy bears. It tasted bittersweet~, exactly like the relationship between you both. 
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blurbios · 1 year
Being Twice's Doting S/O
warnings: none
other: gn! reader, fluff
part 5 of League of Villains' Doting S/O
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Usually he’s the doting one, making sure to always shower you with compliments, ensuring that you feel loved. You made sure to do the same, but you wanted to do more for him. Over time you learned that he loved physical contact, whether it’d be hand holding, hugging, kissing, he was a fan of all of it. Behind closed doors he was all over you, he never really initiated whenever any of the members, besides Toga, were around. They all knew you were together, so you figured why not just go for it. You were all out parading around town in the late night hours to celebrate the success of an important mission. Jin was at your side, head thrown back laughing at some joke Compress made. You figured everyone was focused on their own conversations and riding the high of the mission, so you slowly reached you hand to his and laced your fingers with his. He turned to look at you, head tilted slightly. “None of them care,” You said, closing the gap between your bodies. He looked back at the other members, all in their own little worlds. He squeezed your hand and brought it up to his clothed lips. You smiled up at him, “See what I mean?” 
“Well if that’s the case.” He swiftly maneuvered himself under you and picked you up on his back. Your arms were draped around his neck, head on top of his. You felt like you were on top of the world, you hoped this meant he wouldn’t be scared to be affectionate around the others anymore. When you got back to the hideout, all the members filed in one by one. “You have to get down, if we wanna go through the door, baby. Yeah or at least duck or something, I don’t want to hit your head!” 
“Fine.” You huffed, you kissed the top of his head before dropping down. You walked through the doorway and extended your hand towards his. He grabbed it as he stepped through, shutting the door behind him. 
“Ahh Jin, you and y/n are so cute!” Toga yelled across the room. You blushed and held his hand a little tighter.
“It’s mostly him.” You said as cheesy as it sounded. 
This made Dabi and Shigaraki wince, “God, you’re embarrassing.” Dabi commented. 
“Who’s embarrassed?” Twice asked. 
You looked at each other, “Not me!” You laughed. 
The two of you walked over to the couch where Dabi was sitting, Jin sat first and you sat in his lap. 
“Ugh, I hate you guys.” The blue eyed boy got up and practically stomped down the hall to his room. With the rest of the couch free, Jin carefully toppled over, keeping you in his arms. He loved being the big spoon and now that he knows the members don’t care about your relationship, he was more than happy to hold you in front of them. 
“I love you Jin.” 
“I love you too and I'm never gonna let you go, I hope you know that.”
“You couldn’t if you wanted to, you’re stuck with me forever pal.” He laughed into your hair, more content than ever before. 
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a/n: i just know he gives the best hugs :(
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pumpkin-cake · 1 year
MHA Villains - Dates With Them
(includes - tomura shigaraki, touya todoroki, jin bubaigawara, atsuhiro sako)
warnings - mention of murder, cursing
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it’s not like tomura can really take you out to dinner
but he does have a hobby that if you weren’t initially interested in, he could teach you
video games! that was easy enough, right?
even if you happened to be inexperienced, tomura will not hesitate to crush you in a game of super smash brothers
he plays either ridley or sepiroth
once you get too mad and rage quit since tomura is being a dick, he eventually compromises and you guys find a multiplayer game with teams so you guys can work together
you guys decide on lego starwars, and even so tomura has to tell you what to do a lot of the time
you guys just hang out and eat junk food together, and it ends with you conking out on his lap while he plays a single player game
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unlike tomura, touya doesn’t give a single shit about being caught
yeah, it’s not ideal, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t get to spend time with his beloved however he wants
the two of you find a nice spot in a nearby park late at night, and the two of you sit next to a small stream with koi swimming around peacefully (you made touya bring bread for the fishies)
you guys sat with your lower legs in the stream, his arm around your waist while you calmly tossed tiny pieces of bread into the stream for the koi
unfortunately, your alone time didn’t last long, and a jogger spotted the villain dabi
before she could call the cops at all, dabi stood and was instantly in front of her, his hands igniting with blue flames and she was gone, dust on the ground
he calmly sat down beside you and pulled you close
“don’t worry, love, we’re alone again.”
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jin had zero ideas when you suggested a date
luckily, you had one! baking!
baking? jin didn’t know how to bake
you insisted it didn’t matter, and when he showed up at your place, you had everything prepared to make some kind of dessert
jin couldn’t remember the last time he had something sweet to eat
you were very patient, teaching him what to do and helping if he had any difficulty
you gave him an apron to protect his costume, and it was a good thing since the poor man was very clumsy and got flour and batter everywhere
once it was finished, you gently lifted the bottom of his mask and gave him a bite
he was instantly in love with baking, insisting you two do it more often
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atsuhiro was known by his villain costume, which luckily included a mask to conceal his face
with him in a casual outfit, you both went to a magic show (his idea, of course)
he was thrilled, wondering if he could solve any of the tricks
he held your hand eagerly as you both took your seats, but his eagerness wore off after about five minutes
the ‘magician’ really wasn’t that special in his opinion, pulling rabbits out of hats and ‘sawing’ people in half
“oh please, this guy calls this magic? preposterous…”
you decided since he wasn’t having fun, you pulled him out and had him do some magic for you, and he seemed to enjoy this a lot more
he loved impressing you, and you never failed to praise him with your amazement and awe
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fuckingstrange · 6 months
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| Day20: Irritated |
WARNINGS: Narrowly avoiding a meltdown, accidental shouting, caring!reader, brief mention of Accidentally Mean!Morgan
WORDS: 987
PAIRING: Spencer Reid x gn!reader
Reid's version of This fic from Day11 and inspired by the gif
The genius is vulnerable to getting overwhelmed and mad too, just like every mf working as much as he do
No fucking joke, had to remake this twice and I'm so mad.
Reid walks into the apartment, shutting it a bit harsher than he meant to. He takes a second to pace around the living room, his head feeling like it's spinning. It's dark out, and last he checked the clock it said it was one in the morning. He runs his hands through his hair, resisting the urge to tug it from how frustrated he is.
He kneels down, practically trembling from how riled up he is. He can feel a meltdown wanting to take over, tears springing at his eyes as he buries his head into the carpet like some puppy getting punished for pissing indoors. He doesn't know how he got so frustrated, only that the teasing comments from Morgan was the last straw.
Reid waits until his trembling dies down, the fact that he curled in on himself and hid his face in the carpet having managed to soothe him a bit, feeling hidden from the prying eyes he swears he can feel through the walls of his apartment. He stands back up, the frustration still lingering enough that he harshly tugs off his tie, ripping it off from over his head and tossing it on the couch. He decides to put his face in his hands, taking a couple deep breaths to try and calm down the lingering tension.
Just as he feels like he's calm, his phone rings in his pocket. He nearly sobs as all the anger and irritation just comes right back as it vibrates in his pocket, his hands moving to pull it out and answer the call, pushing it to his ear and shouting “Why the fuck are you calling me!?” to whoever is on the other end.
Your eyes widen at his yelling, leaning back in your chair and clearing your throat. “It's just me, baby. I wanted to know if you wanted me to get some Thai delivered to you, I won't be home in time for us to eat together unless you're fine with eating at like four in the morning.” You say, tone gentle in contrast to his harsh one. Your voice, even though gentle, over the phone makes Reid just get even more pissed off. “I'm not hungry.” He practically growls, clenching the phone so tightly his hand trembles and his knuckles turn white.
You lightly nod your head, remembering he can't really see your nonverbal responses, you just reassure him “Okay. That's alright. If you get hungry just text me and I can get something delivered for you-” You say, getting cut off as he delivers a harsh shout, saying “I'm a grown man, I can feed myself!”. Reid feels guilty for yelling at you, but he can't help it, the guilt only fueling his rage. “..I know you are. But, I know you didn't feel the best today. Morgan pushed it a bit too far. It's not my place to apologize for him, but I can apologize for you having to go through that.” Your gentle words of understanding seem to help Reid calm down a bit.
He falls to sit on the couch with a groan, moving to massage his temple with his thumb. “Y-yeah.” He chokes out, letting his head fall against the back of the couch. “He was too.. he took it too far.” You can only hum in response, asking “wanna talk about it?” In the least pressuring tone you can grasp. It's silent for a minute, neither of you speaking. Reid eventually croaks out a small “I don't know why he treats me like that.”.
His pained voice nearly breaks your heart, and you look down at the paper you're stuck at work from sitting on your desk, more than half of it done. You weigh your options, deciding to stay on the phone with Reid as you pack up, putting the files in your bag to finish before work tomorrow. “Morgan just can't see when you get uncomfortable. You're pretty good at hiding it, baby. I'm not trying to defend him or scold you, but we should work on getting you to use your words more.” You explain, the reassurance that you're not scolding him helps Reid calm down a bit more. “Yeah.. I'll, uh.. be more communicative in the future.” He mumbles in response.
You stay on the phone with Reid, letting him vent about the day, hearing when something triggers him and makes him talk a bit harsher, and hearing the positive impact your intake on the issues have as he loosens up a bit more. You don't tell him that you're on the way home, deciding to stop by the Thai place to get some takeout you offered him earlier, knowing he probably is hungry and just wasn't able to pay attention to his needs from how overwhelmed he was with the anger.
You wait until you're walking up the steps to his apartment to say, “Hey, I'm outside. I'll be right there.”, waiting until he hangs up to put your phone in your pocket. You reach the door, and Reid opens it before you can even knock. He immediately wraps his arms around you, head tucking into your shoulder as he mumbles a “welcome home”. You just smile, kissing the top of his head as you guide him backwards back inside, into the living room and setting the takeout down before you wrap your arms around him to return the embrace. He looks at the food, eyes lighting up. “I knew you'd be hungry. Thai.” You whisper, motioning to the bag.
Reid smiles at you, pulling you to sit on the couch with him. You each immediately begin to dig in, hungry as fuck after having such a shitty and long day at the bureau.
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cceanvvaves · 9 months
pretty face; m.sn
(moved to isanggayfrog) warning: swearing
You've been feeling eyes on you for hours.
There's this girl in the restaurant who's been eyeing you since you walked in, and it drives you crazy because there's just something about her that makes you all hot and uncomfortable in the button-up you were wearing.
And, mind you, the aircon was on full blast.
The only reason you were seated in such a fancy place is because of your friend whom you haven't seen for literal years. She'd called you the day before, suggesting dinner plans, and because you've dearly missed her you'd agreed.
You were finished with your meal, and now you were leaning back on your padded chair with your legs crossed. Here and there you pause your conversation to have a sip of wine, or to steal a glance at that girl again.
When your head turns for the umpteenth time that night, you find her already looking at you. Her chin rests on the back of her hand. Once the two of you hold eye contact, she smirks.
The tips of your ears burn. You were sure she knew just how she affects you: there's no way she doesn't notice how quickly you avert your eyes. Unfortunately, your friend also notices.
"Woah, Y/N." F/N sets down her glass of wine. "I brought you here to catch up, not to find a girlfriend."
"I don't know what you mean." You deny, fumbling with the ring on your left middle finger. F/N laughs, reaching towards you and grasping your hand. You jerk a little, surprised at the sudden skinship.
"Oh, yes, you do. Did you think I wouldn't notice you staring at her every time I tried to ask you about life?"
"I don't stare."
"Well, she definitely is right now."
Sure enough, you saw the pretty stranger looking in your direction again. But this time she wasn't focusing on you, but rather yours and F/N's intertwined hands. You pull away.
F/N was snickering now. "What, scared she'd think you're taken?"
"I need to go to the restroom." You roll your eyes and brush off your pants, desperate for some time alone to compose yourself.
You let out a breath upon reaching the bathroom. The white tiled walls made it feel too empty, but all you need is the sink. You walk towards it, the heels of your sneakers - which did not match your outfit - slightly squeaking against the polished floor.
You bunch up your sleeves around your elbows and splash cold water onto your face. It feels good: your body instantly cools down and your head is much clearer. You were about to walk back out when you came face to face with a certain someone.
"I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I'm sorry, but you just look too good."
You get a full view of her this time. She's dressed in a gray knitted sweater, and the brown houndstooth she carries matches her shorts. The length of her outfit exposes her thighs, and you have to admit to yourself that this was one attractive woman.
You tear your gaze away from her perfect figure and meet her eyes, which were once again on you. Her brown hair flows down one shoulder, her jaw is sharp and the slope of her nose is flawless. Her skin is bright and smooth, and the pink tint on her lips accentuates the smile playing on them.
She walks towards you and reaches behind you, and you expect her to push you up against the sink but all she does is leave her jacket on the counter. She then kneels to the floor, still facing you, and your breath hitches in anticipation of what she does next.
But you worry for nothing. She simply takes your shoelaces in her hands and ties them tightly. "You shouldn't walk around like this, cutie," she states. You almost bite your lip upon hearing her voice for the second time - it's like honey, smooth and sweet and you need to hear it more.
This stranger looks up, still kneeling, you gulp and Oh my God, you think. Her eyes have this certain allure in them. Her irises are such a rich shade of brown, like deep pools that allow you to drown in them. Her eyelids are hooded as she eyes you like she's a predator and you're her prey. You can't look away this time, she has you fully under her spell.
"I'm Sana," she says as she stands up.
"You're fucking pretty," you blurt out, and once again a shade of crimson unfurls across your cheeks. "Please ignore me."
"I can't, cutie." She walks closer, her arms indeed trapping you against the sink. "I've been thinking of you all night. Wouldn't you be kind and tell me what to call you?"
"Umm." Your mind blanks. She's close, too close, but absolutely zero part of your body wants her to move away.
Sana laughs at your flustered state. "Come on, cutie. Or do you enjoy me calling you 'cutie' too much?"
"I'm- I'm Y/N." There. Finally. You did stutter a bit, but at least you managed to form a coherent sentence.
"Y/N." Your name rolls off her tongue effortlessly in that mesmerizing tone, and suddenly you want to hear her to say it all night. "Well, Y/N." Her hand reaches up and starts playing with the silver necklace around your neck. "Are you single? The girl you were with seems a bit.. touchy."
Picking up on the annoyance laced in her voice, you chuckle. "F/N's just a friend."
"Really?" Her hand falls to cup your jaw. "Then you don't mind giving me your number? It's not everyday I see a face such as yours, you know."
"Yeah, no, what?" You hurry to pull your phone from your pocket.
Sana takes it and enters her number. After returning it to you, she giggles, and wow that is another sound of hers you're addicted to. Her eyes seem brighter, giving her the look of a puppy who'd been promised a treat.
She takes back her jacket and walks to the door. Before she exits, she turns to you and winks. "I'll be sleeping well because of you tonight, Y/N."
And you're left there dumbfounded.
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jaehyunsbreadbasket · 2 years
Kinktober '22 Day 15- Im Nayeon
Prompt: Orgasm Denial/Edging
Word Count: 359
Synopsis: After various ruined orgasms, Nayeon's partner finally lets her cum.
Consists of: Edging, Vibrator usage, Orgasm Denial, Teasing, Brief breast play
"Stop teasing me!" Nayeon whines out as I pull the vibrator away from her clit for the 4th time tonight, ruining yet another orgasm. I know she wants to cum, that she needs it, but it's too much fun watching her struggle.
"I'm not teasing you. I'm making you feel good. You're close, aren't you?" I slowly bring the vibration back to her bud.
"You ke-keep taking it away. Let me cum," she pouts at me, reaching for my wrist.
I pull away from her again quickly, the stimulation leaving her clit once once more, "You shouldn't have done that sweetheart. I was really gonna let you cum this time, but you're just so pushy. I don't like being rushed, baby. You know that."
I toy with her a bit bringing the vibrator to and away from her clit, on and off. Nayeon squirms every time I give it to her and winces every time I remove her pleasure. Her clit red and throbbing as I continue sensitizing it.
I let the vibrator rest against her pussy now, allowing her to feel some long term affect. "I want it so bad. I need to cum!", she screams out as she begins thrashing around the bed. She looks so desperate like this, so fucking gorgeous.
The way she shakes is so addicting, this time I don't want it to end, don't wanna see that frown form on her face when I deny her once again. I wanna watch her reach her high, "Go ahead, baby. Let it go."
I glide my free hand up her body and pinch at her perky breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers. Nayeon grips the bed sheets as she has a halfway fight to escape from the intense pressure on her clit, "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!"
And then her body falls still, completely stiff. I hear her breathing raggedly as her chest rises and falls, her finally reaching her high, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she rambles on, reaching for my hand to lace it with her own.
I take her hand and place a soft kiss on it, "You're welcome baby, you're welcome."
Prompt from: @waterkelpies
My Kinktober 2022 Masterlist 🎃
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isanggayfrog · 12 days
right where you left me | i.ny
synopsis: it's too late for another chance
warnings: angst.. mention of a husband, bad writing, kinda rushed tbh, not proofread
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an unexpected buzz coming from your back pocket.
your hand automatically moves towards it as if it had a mind of its own, surfacing with your phone in hand. the screen opened, revealing a singular message.
let's meet up.
it's followed by a time and place, but your eyes remain trained on the contact name. you haven't received a message from her in so long, ever since the falling out...
but you'll take the opportunity to see her again.
so now you're sitting at a table at a restaurant, waiting for someone who might not even come.
your fingers tap restlessly on the table, having declined the waiter's offer to take your order more than a couple times already. you check your watch - it's 6:52, and she'd told you to come at 5:30. did you get stood up?
but no. the bell at the door tingles again, signaling the arrival of a new customer. nayeon is there, she enters, and her eyes scan the fully-packed restaurant only to land on you.
your breath hitches. it's really been so long, you'd forgotten her effect on you. why you let her go, you would never find out, but she's here now.
nayeon's taller than you remember. her hair is longer and her features are better carved. she still has the sort of youthful beauty that makes her seem timeless, but her eyes have seen more than she did when you'd parted fourteen years ago.
"you actually came," she says, sitting in the seat opposite of yours and placing her bag on the floor beside her feet.
"um, uh, yeah." you clear your throat and fix your position. "you're... late, actually."
nayeon smiles, to your relief. "i know, i'm sorry. work kept me."
"it's okay, i know. adult life, you know."
she laughs, and you finally call in the waiter to write down your orders. she looks around at the restaurant's walls, remembering when it had been a small business you and her had gone to after classes back in middle school.
"it's barely recognizable, huh?"
"yeah." you smile. "so, what's up with you?"
time flies when you're having fun. it feels like you'd only been talking for a couple minutes, but an hour had passed. nayeon had told you almost everything that had happened since the two of you were nineteen - getting into college, getting out, getting a job - and in return you shared your own stories.
she mentioned nothing about a lover. a surge of hope makes its way up your throat, fighting to come out of your mouth in an offer of trying again, but your eye beat you to it.
a band of silver glints on nayeon's finger.
"nice ring," you nod towards it, "was it a... gift?"
she looks down at it. "well... basically."
the hope that had threatened to burst out shrinks back down into your stomach. "oh. you're.. engaged?"
she smiles for the countless time that night, but this time it felt cold and didn't bring warmth to you.
"married, actually." she shrugs and sends you a playful guilty look, as if she'd accidentally forgotten to mention it. "for three years."
your heart drops down to the pit of your stomach along with any last threads of hope. a lump forms in your throat, disabling you to speak.
"i um. oh. that's.. great. i'm happy.. for you."
"you're still sweet as ever!" she lightly slaps your arm. "thank you. he's amazing, we have two little boys."
you force on a grin, praying that it didn't look like a grimace. "really?"
"yes, i have photos!" nayeon pulls out her phone and starts scrolling through pictures of twins - small boys no older than two, laughing and giggling and sometimes covered in paint and flour.
they seem so happy.
a message pops out on her screen. come home, the kids miss you lol.
her face, if possible, brightens even more. she texts back a reply and looks apologetically at you. "y/n, i'm sorry, but i have to go home. i'm so happy i got to see you again, though!"
"no, it's okay! i'll get the bill, you go home to the kids."
she argues, but you insist. finally, she agrees and gathers her stuff, sending you a last wave before disappearing into the night outside.
you wish you'd had the courage to keep trying before you had broken up. you wish you'd reached out to her earlier. you wish, so much, that you were the person she was going home to, not him, that you were the one she shared a ring with.
but you were too slow, and you were too late, and you were too hesitant.
so now you're left alone, standing in the middle of a restaurant, watching the love of your life float away.
a/n: happy pride... or sad? HEHE sorry it's kinda bad, i haven't written for kpop in a while!
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