#twice a day is something i would choose when i have a choice. of course. and id have to change train once. there's absolutely nothing that
mirmidones · 2 years
i loooooove it when people don't listen to me (chewing on own hand to placate the rage)
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kangmoon27 · 7 months
Control You | Jungkook FF
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Pairing: Supreme leader/cult yandere possessive Jungkook x force wife Yn.
Summary: Growing up it was never in his wanting to be the leader of a cult but if it means he could have you and control you then he's up with it.
Growing up, he really hates the fact that he's next in line. He hates the fact that he has to stay here in this kind of society. He wanted to leave but sadly he couldn't, soon the whole society will be controlled by him, everyone will follow him and it's because he's born to be the leader of this cult.
Jungkook never wanted to be part of this but he doesn't have a choice, he had to, he's born to be like this, he's born to be like this.
Of course he tried to leave his birth place but always failed. It's either someone caught him nor his mother will beg him not to leave this place while kneeling on the ground crying.
But something made him stoped from leaving this society and even convinced him to stay. It's not something, it's actually someone.
Choi Yn who's a daughter of one of the cult member. She's born brave and talented who's absolutely gorgeous but everything seems to be wasted if she will just stay here in this toxic society where everyone admires their leader who all did was to brainwashed his people but not Yn.
She's smart enough to understand the wrong doing inside this cult she belong to. She promised herself that one day she will leave this place and have a better life far away from here but it was ruined. Her dream was ruined.
Jungkook became crazy for her. He keeps on following her around like a lost puppy, begging her to accept his proposal to make her as his wife but lady Yn never agree.
Jungkook will surly do everything for her so he made a deal with his father. He said he will stop trying to leave this cult of only Yn will be his bride and without thinking twice his father agreed.
Yn has no other choice but to actually marry him. For the sake of her family she had to do what he says. As simple as that, he's in control while she's under control.
"A beautiful shade of light pink will surly look good on you my lady" he whispered while kissing your neck. He stared at you through the mirror while smirking. He pulled the zipper of your dress up and turned you around.
"See, I told you, it will look good on you. But it would be much better without it." Your husband said while biting his lips. You surely did turned him on, just the way you look so helpless with those pity eyes. The way you never argue and just always do what he says. Being an obedient wife like how he wanted surely keeps on turning him on.
His thumb brushes your lips. He smile at you before pulling you by your waist and k'ssed you. You gave yourself freely knowing what the consequences would be if you didn't.
After some moment he finally pulled away and took a deeper breath after the breathless k'ss you both just did. The smile on his face never vanished knowing he won his battle, he won you.
"Just stay like that and everyone will be safe under my control baby." He chuckles before grabbing your hand and pulled you out of the room.
Everyone is complementing how good looking you were and how lucky you are that their supreme leader chooses to marry you. But that's what they just thought cause if only you could speak up right now all you wanted to do is to shout and course them for talking bullsh't.
You've never got this so much attention before, no one even thinks of taking your side when you tried to asked them to leave this cult. Not even your own parents but now they all complementing you just because you're the wife if the leader. Position really speaks loud and if you don't have it they your voice is useless cause no one will believe you.
"I told you. We loon good together, everyone literally said that my love and it's time for you to believe it." Jungkook whispered and kisses you. His hand travel down your waist and pulled you closer to him completely closing the gap between the two of you after seeing someone approaching you both.
"Long time no see Yn. It's been awhile. I missed you." Junghyun said trying to hide his pain. Your eyes meet his and it begin to filled with tears. You missed him so much. The memories of both of you flashes back and begin playing in your brain. You wanted to tell him how much you missed him and love him but it's too late. Both of you just looked at each in sorrow. The untold and discontinue story between the two of you hunted in regret.
"It's appropriate to talk to someone's wife like that mostly to your supreme leader Junghyun." Your husband said while gripping his hold on your waist. Junghyun bow at him as respect while you're left being shameless and scared. You knew exactly what will happen as soon as you get home.
"I'm sorry supremo. My apology if you think that was ruined." He glance at you while you just looked away not wanting to have another commotion that will burn your husband in anger.
"Please excuse me. I'll take my leave now. Have a great day." With that Junghyun left leaving Jungkook offended and mad.
He feels insecure after facing your ex lover. Knowing you used to love him fully and naturally not by force like what he did just to get you.
"Fck I hate him. Fck it, we're going home." Whisperings those and pulled you away with him.
"Tell me how good daddy is, huh?" His hands circle around your n'ck as he pushed his full l'ngth inside slamming his hips back then forward to make you whimpers and cries
He loved the wet and creamy texture of your c'nt. "So good!" You whimpered again grabbing his biceps to dig your nails inside them.
"The way you fill me up makes me wanna get fcked every single day, hour, minute and second" You looked into his eyes as he did the same.
He attacked your neck while his h'ps kept moving.
You started crying while hugging him, feeling him deep buried inside you made you feel disgusted. You can feel how every inch of his organ touches and feels you. Soon he c'm and thinking it was done Jungkook bang the wall and keeps on going.
He flipped you, facing the pillow as he pushed himself back in your c'nt while his fingers played with your f'lds. His t'ngue l'cked your back and started s'cking on it leaving marks that you unwanted.
"You're mine okay, just mine." He said shot himself inside you. "Sh't knee down and take me like you own me. Be obedient."
A knocked on the door woke you up only to find yourself alone in your bedroom. You tried searching for your husband but he's no where to be found and once again the door knocked. As soon as you opened it your eyes light up but your smile came crushing down realizing how bad thing would be if your seen to be together.
It's you against the whole community. "What are you doing here?" You asked but Junghyun just smiled at you and pulled you into a deep k'ss.
"You send me a letter that you wanted us to run away right then let's go. It's our time now we should leave already before everyone wakes up." Junghyun started pulling you hand and walked out of the house using the back door.
The whole tribe wa quite, it's middle of the night and people are already sleeping. This is exactly what you wanted. Escape from this cult and be with him but something isn't right.
You never sent a message nor letter to him mostly about running away knowing how Jungkook gripped on your n'ck is. You pulled away from Junghyun making him look at you in confused.
"T-this is wrong, I have to go back and you should too! It's his plan Junghyun." The confusion is written on his face. He clearly didn't know what's happening until every one revealed themselves one by one from their hiding place, soon your husband also came out looking so sad and betrayed.
"Was I not enough for you my love? I gave you all even my whole life but you still choose to be with him and continue cheating on me?." Jungkook cried infront of his people trying to get the sympathy of each and everyone of his cult.
"How could you both betrayed our supremo!! You both deserve the worst punishment!!." A woman from the crowd whom you called your mother speak up breaking your heart even more. He's really good at manipulating everyone that's he's already been the victim that even turned the table and make your parents turn on his side.
"N-no no no please mother I love your daughter very much I would be more in pain if I'll lose her. It's all his fault if he'll be gone then me and my wife will never have a problem again. It's all his fault." Jungkook said crying to convince everyone that it's Junghyun's fault.
You run towards Jungkook and started slapping him while he just let you do it to him as everyone started drugging Junghyun away shouting the word "burn him Alive, burn him Alive" repeatedly.
"W-what? No no no no no I love him!! I want him it's my fault." Your mother came to you and slapper you, your body landed on the ground and looked at her in disbelief.
"How could you do such a thing Yn!! All supremo wanted was to give you the best and love that you need. You're lucky enough that he choose you to be his wife and this is what you will do in return?!." She picked you up and pushed you to Jungkook as he immediately locked you in his embrace.
"She's all yours supremo, don't worry we will take care of him." Your mother said before turning her head on you. Soon you and your husband was the only one left.
A hard slap landed on your cheek. Falling on the ground while caressing your cheek you saw him going on his knees and grabbed your chin so hard.
"I'll break you tonight. I'll break you into pieces and mould you again, I'll mould you like how a perfect obedient wife would be cause I'm in control and I controlled you."
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st-eve-barnes · 6 months
Leverage (Michael Gavey x fem Reader)
Chapter 1
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Summary: When your ex threatens to release some very personal videos you are left with no choice but to do what he asks: seduce the biggest nerd on campus, Michael Gavey. Will you rock his world or will he fundamentally change yours?
Word count: +2300
Warning for the entire fic: 18+ for explicit content and language. Kissing, oral sex (male receiving), dry humping, hand job, fingering, p in v sex. First kiss and loss of virginity. Experienced reader. Enemies to lovers vibes.
Fluff, smut and of course angst (my favorite combination! lol) I haven't watched Saltburn yet so all characters in this fic except for Michael are my own.
Chapter 2 will be posted next week and the plan is to post weekly, there will be 4-5 chapters (depending on how far the muse takes me)
All my fics are also on AO3
You should have known something was off the second Ben sat down in front of you in the library that morning. You two hadn’t spoken since you’d broken up, some 6 months ago now. The split had been amicable but neither of you had felt the need to pretend to remain friends afterwards. He was a stranger to you now and you preferred it that way.
You both moved in different social circles in the university these days, meaning he was living his dream as a popular fuck boy getting drunk every night and you spent most nights in your dorm room focusing on your studying.
“I need a favor,” he bluntly started the conversation.
“No,” you answered without looking up from your book.
“I think you should hear me out first.”
“Ben, we haven’t spoken in months,” you sighed,”What makes you think I would help you now?”
He leaned closer to you over the table, making you lean back to keep the distance between you two.
“The firm I’ve been dreaming of getting into is offering an internship to whoever scores highest on this upcoming test,” he explained.
“Great, you should start hitting the books then.”
“It’s no use.”
“Why not? I thought you were so smart?”
“I am so smart,” he smirked, making you roll your eyes,”But not as smart as him.”
You looked up and noticed he wasn’t looking at you anymore but his gaze was drawn to the guy sitting a few tables away. You recognized him instantly: ugly outdated shirt, even uglier beige cargo pants and big glasses on his nose, buried into his books as usual. The biggest nerd on campus and beyond: Michael Gavey.
“He’s your competition?” you snorted,”Good luck with that!”
“Luck won’t help me, that’s why I need your help.”
“What on earth am I going to do? I suck at math, you know that.”
“That’s not why I need you,” he shook his head and sighed,”A job at that firm is my dream, it’s what I’ve always wanted and worked towards for the past two years.”
“And if you pass that test you’ll get it.”
“Nobody can beat Gavey, everyone knows the guy’s a fucking genius.”
“Then he deserves the internship, don’t you think?”
”He can literally get any job he chooses, I need this one and I won’t let that freak take it from me.”
For the first time you leaned forward and looked into his eyes, indulging him and giving into your own curiosity.”What do you want from me then?”
“Look at him, I bet that guy’s never even had a girl look at him twice, especially not a pretty girl like you, that dude’s got virgin written all over him, hasn’t he?”
“How is that any of your business, Ben? Maybe he’s not even interested in girls, you ever though of that?” you opted, deliberately ignoring his compliment.
“Oh, believe me he’s interested, I’ve seen him stare when he thinks nobody’s looking. He may pretend to be above all that but the fucker is just as horny as the rest of us.”
“Speak for yourself.” You leaned back and kept your eyes on him while you crossed your arms,”You still haven’t told me what you want from me.”
“I was thinking, having a pretty girl like you pay attention to him might take his mind off all this studying, a distraction like that could kill a man’s entire focus.”
“Only a man who thinks with his dick.”
He smirked at you,”Or a man who’s never had his dick touched.”
“You’re fucking disgusting."
He lifted his hands in innocence,”I just want you to distract the guy a little, make him forget about stupid tests and internships so I can have a fighting chance.”
”You want me to fuck him,” you realized.
He gave you a lazy smirk, his gaze hardening suddenly,“I want you to do whatever it takes to ruin him.”
The words left his mouth so casually and easily it was making you nervous.
“You’re mad, there’s no way. Ask one of the whores you always hang out with, I’m sure there’s plenty…”
“I’ve asked, none of them want him.”
You sighed, annoyed.”Of course they don’t.”
“I need it to be you.”
“Because you’re the only one I can convince to do this.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that and you shook your head,”You’re out of your mind if you think I would even consider…”
He didn’t let you finish your sentence but instead shoved a photo towards you on the table.
“What is this?”
“This is what I would call leverage.”
You looked at him in confusion,”This is just a blurry picture, what am I supposed to be looking at?”
He smirked at you,”Do you remember that one night we got insanely crazy drunk and I borrowed my roommate’s camera?”
It was only then that you realized what you were watching. It was a picture of a video. A video of a night you had tried very hard to erase from your memory, a night you wished had never happened.
“You kept that?” you asked quietly, the unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach quickly growing. 
“It never left my computer,” he said as if it was something to be proud of,”And I guess…we’d both like it to stay on there wouldn’t we? And not…get lost on the internet or around university or something, I mean…I imagine you wouldn’t want that, right?”
You looked at him in complete disbelief and your voice was shaking with your next words,”You wouldn’t…you wouldn’t do that.”
His dark eyes stayed locked on yours,”Don’t doubt that I will do whatever it takes to get what I want, sweetheart.”
You shivered at the cold determination in his tone.
“I’m sorry,” he added,” but I need you to do what I ask if you want that video to stay with me. Get to know Gavey, make him believe you’re interested, how far you take it…is entirely up to you. Just make it work.”
You found Michael in his same spot in the library the next day, leaning on his elbow while he was taking notes in one of his many text books. 
For a few moments you just watched him from a distance, watched how enthralled he was in his work, how focussed his eyes were on the pages in front of him, how he kept pushing up his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose in concentration. If the world around him caught on fire right now he probably wouldn’t even notice, all he had eyes for were the numbers in front of him. Ben was right to fear him, this guy’s focus was top-tier, it would take a lot more than a silly girl like yourself to break it. 
But what choice did you have? You had to try.
You stood frozen for a while, uncertain as to how you were going to proceed. You didn’t want to be here and just the thought of what you had to do made your stomach turn. But Ben had left you with no other choice. If that video ever saw the light of day it was over for you.
You swallowed your nerves and walked up to Michael’s table and took a seat opposite him, trying to act both casual and confident. But you were too nervous to pull either of those off.
You cleared your throat before you spoke,”Hey.”
Michael didn’t react, he didn’t even flinch, making you think he hadn’t heard you at all. 
You opened your mouth to speak again but he beat you to it,”What do you want?”
He was still writing and didn’t bother to look up at you.
“Michael?” you asked carefully,”Michael Gavey?”
“You know my name, congratulations, what do you want?”
Your heart sank. How were you ever going to distract this guy when he didn’t even acknowledge your presence? How were you in any position to get his attention when he wasn’t even interested enough to grant you a simple glance?
This was going to be a lot harder than you thought.
“I need a tutor,” you blurted out.
“I’m not your guy,” he answered immediately with a small shake of his head.
“So you’re not the smartest guy on campus then? Shit, I must have been misinformed,” you tried to lighten the mood and it seemed to work.
His lips curled up into the tiniest of smiles but it was gone as quickly as it appeared,”Flattery doesn’t work on me.”
“Flattery works on everyone. Come on.”
He was shaking his head again all the while still writing things down in his notebook, determined to keep up his act of ignoring you and it was starting to piss you off.
“It’s rude not to look at people when they talk to you, you know?” 
Michael just shrugged his shoulders,”Tutoring is a waste of my time, go find someone else.”
“You’re the smartest guy here.”
“I already told you, flattery will get you nowhere.”
“I can pay you,” you blurted out and just like that you had his attention. He stopped writing and put his pen down, finally looking up to meet your eyes.
“Right,” he sighed,”Because money opens every door, does it?” 
His gaze was hard and his lips pursed in a thin line, he was clearly annoyed with you.
“No, that’s not…”
”You rich pricks think money will buy you everything your little heart desires. It’s fucking pathetic.”
“That’s not what I meant…I’m not…” you sighed, defeated as you watched Michael pack up his notebooks and rise from his seat.
“Piss off, spoilt little rich girl and ask one of your rich friends to tutor you. I am not your guy.”
And that was it. You failed before you even had the chance to really try. You weren’t one to give up easily but after that interaction you had no hope of ever getting close to Michael Gavey. The guy was rude and insufferable and clearly not interested in you in any way.
You tried to carry on with your days after that but the weight of Ben’s threat was hanging over your shoulders and dragging you down, making you anxious every day. You were frustrated at the power he still held over you. And even more frustrated by the fact that there was nothing you could do about it.
Your mind was somewhere else entirely when you started your shift at the local pizza place that Thursday night. At least work gave you something to do and keep yourself busy instead of eating yourself up with worry every night. When the manager called asking if you were available for some extra shifts that week you jumped at the chance.
You were working on automatic pilot that night, making your way through the tables and taking clients orders when you arrived at his table.
“Good evening, sir, how may I help you tonight?”
It was only when you looked up and the person in front of you lowered his menu that you recognized him. Gavey.
He opened his mouth to speak but stopped when his eyes met yours, a flash of recognition running across his face.
“It’s…you,” he realized and looking at your name plate he called you by your name.
“Yes, it’s me, hi,” you sighed, trying to stay polite even though he had been so rude to you last time. God, please, don’t let him be a difficult customer, you were not in the mood for this tonight. “What can I get for you, Michael?” you asked with your best customer service smile.
Much to your surprise Michael returned your smile with one of his own, a little awkward and probably as forced as yours but at least he wasn’t calling you names or yelling at you this time. And instead of avoiding your eyes he couldn’t seem to look away from you tonight.
“You…work here?” he asked, confused,”I’ve never seen you here before.”
“I usually only work the weekends, I’m filling in for a sick colleague tonight,” you explained,”The extra money is always welcome, you know.”
“You’re not…you’re not one of them,” he realized, his voice softer than you had ever heard it.
“One of who?” 
“Those vapid rich cunts you always hang out with.”
And just like that he was making it harder to remain polite again.
“They’re just my class mates, Michael, they’re not friends. Unlike some people I am mature enough to be civilized and polite to people even if I don’t like them much. It’s called being an adult, you should try it some time.”
Michael was quiet, his eyes dropping down to the menu before he gave you his order and sank back down into his seat. You almost felt sorry for him seeing him sit there all alone while most people were out with friends tonight.
Almost. Maybe if the guy wasn’t such a dick all the time he’d have friends to have dinner with and not look like such a loser.
When you returned with his food shortly after he just gave you a polite nod and a quiet “Thank you”, which you reciprocated with a quick nod of your own.
“You didn’t spit into my food, did you?” he then asked, making you turn back around.
“No,” you sighed,”I wouldn’t do that. Not even to you.”
He smiled weakly,“Not even when I deserve it?”
You couldn’t help your lips from curling up into a little smile at his unexpected admission of guilt,”No, not even then.”
“Thanks,” he nodded quickly.
“Enjoy your food.”
When you came to his table later to clean up you found a napkin properly folded with your name written on it. You opened it to find a generous tip inside and a message: “Food was excellent, customer service needs some work”
You shook your head and rolled your eyes,”Fucking asshole.” But then you read the next line:
“PS If you still want that tutor meet me in the library tomorrow night at 8”
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
I Choose You
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Pairing: Fem! reader x Gabimaru (reader’s skin color/ hair color/texture not specified) (also I'm unclear on Gabi’s age but obviously he’s 18+ here)
Summary: When reader and Gabi’s marriage is arranged, neither are sure what to expect. Overtime, however, they find that their connection goes beyond just duty.
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: both characters are lil shy and awkward at times (but its sweet), arranged marriage, bathing together, fingering, mutual virginity loss, cream pie, not proof read
a/n: I lost the sex scene not once, but TWICE, so I hope you enjoy because I suffered for it. Also I think this is literally the first Gabimaru smut so that’s cool
Your wedding day was something you pictured your entire life. You spent a lot of time thinking about the dress you would wear, the food you’d eat, the people you would celebrate with. Most of your daydreams, though, were spent wondering who your husband would be.
You thought about the ways you’d meet him. Maybe while out on a walk, or when you went to the market in the village. You imagined him being sweet and charming you. Taking you on dates and winning your heart. You pictured him as gentle, but strong, and, of course, handsome.
None of those things happened. There was no romance, just an order from your father. And now you sat next to your husband, a man who’s reputation proceeded him. Gabimaru the Hollow. He was not unhandsome, you noted, but that did not do enough to mitigate your fear of him. He was your father’s most fearsome shinobi, capable of things you couldn’t even imagine.
He was unassuming, despite his reputation. You expected him to be... well meaner. Or louder. Or something. He was oddly quiet, not speaking to you beyond what was necessary for the vows. He barely ate, too, though neither had you. But that was because of your nerves. 
You knew what came after a marriage ceremony. No matter who you had married, you’d be nervous for that. But the fact that you didn’t know this man beyond his reputation made it even scarier. You weren’t ready for it, but if he wanted to have sex with you, you had no choice but to comply. It was what was expected of a good wife and you’d raise to be, above all, a good wife.
You tried watching Gabimaru out of the corner of your eye. He seemed disinterest, bored even. You wished you could read his mind, or that you at least felt brave enough to start conversation. You wondered how he felt about this. Anxiety fluttered through you. What if he was displeased? Your hand almost instinctively went up to the scar down your face, but you resisted. Perhaps he did not think you were beautiful. Though you had no strong feelings for the man, it still poked at your insecurity.
Suddenly, your father was announcing the end of the festivities. Your stomach churned with anxiety as you and Gabimaru were led to your place on the compound. The house was modest, but comfortable. There was even a private bathing area attached to it, which you were excited about. You, however, weren’t in the frame of mind to be all that excited over your living situation.
“Congratulation on your marriage. I hope you will both make our clan proud,” your father said, with very little warmth in his voice. He was never a kind man and you couldn’t imagine having to endure relentless training with him. 
Then the door shut and you were alone with Gabimaru. Your heart was beating so loudly in your ears that you almost didn’t hear him speak. “Do you know where the bedroom is?”
“Oh y-yes,” you replied, glad to have a task. You began walking and he followed behind you. “Since the wedding was announced, I have been preparing the house for us.” It was strange to have an ‘us.’ “I hope you will find it satisfactory.”
“It’s nice,” he noted. 
“Thank you. Oh, here we are.” You stepped into the bedroom, which felt significantly smaller now that both of you were in it. “There’s sleepwear in the dresser.” 
“Thank you,” he replied, pulling out what he needed. You took our your own and slipped behind the changing screen. Maybe it was silly to protect your modesty around your husband, especially when he was most likely about to take it all off, but it made you feel better.
Gabimaru was already on the bed when you stepped out. Your knees were weak, but you pushed yourself forward. You lied down next to him, hoping he couldn't hear your heart pounding. You were still as stone, waiting for him to move, to touch you, to have his way with you. 
But then he surprised you. He softly said goodnight and turned his back to you to sleep. You felt a wave of surprise and relief that he did not intend to have sex with you. Though it did a lot to help your nerves, it did little to improve your insecurities. This time, you allowed your fingers to run over the scar on your face, wondering if you were not enough.
Over the next few weeks you got to know Gabimaru, who was nothing like you expected. You were waiting to see anger or cruelty or something to be scared of, but you never saw it. Indeed, he seems the opposite. He was quiet and unassuming, albeit a little strange. He had some odd habits, such as searching every corner of the house twice before bed, and was aloof at times, but never was mean.
It was strange, though, to see how other in the compound treated him. They were certainly afraid of him. Many avoided him altogether, or seemed uneasy when having to speak with him. Even your father’s most skilled and dangerous shinobi seemed on edge around him. If they acted that way, you knew the stories about him had to be true and yet, you had not been able to feel any fear towards him since the night of your wedding passed.
It was still a mystery how he felt about you. The first few nights after your wedding you kept expecting him to reach over and touch you or tell you he wanted you. However, at this point you have fully dropped that expectation. It was still a little odd to sleep next to a relative stranger, but you did feel oddly safe with him around.
Though you appreciated him never forcing himself on you, your fears of him not finding you attractive grew worse and worse. Why else would a man not sleep with his wife? You didn’t blame him, you knew the scar marred your beauty, but it still hurt. You tried not to dwell on it, as it was something you couldn’t change. Instead, you resolved to be the perfect wife in other ways. You were determined to connect with him.
“Gabi - uh do you mind if I eat with you tonight?” you were so nervous to ask that you didn’t even notice the nickname you’d given him. It caught Gabimaru’s attention, though, throwing him off. 
“Oh, um, sure,” he replied, sitting down at the table. You felt a small rush of triumph. Gabi was often out late, eating long after you when he got home. Sometimes he didn’t eat at all. When he was home, he always went off to eat alone. It was one of his odd habits. 
Gabi began to devour his food. And you mean devour. Shoveling it into his mouth so quickly you couldn’t imagine he even tasted it. You couldn’t help but laugh. He paused at the sound, looking up expecting to find you mocking him, but there was not a trace of malice in your laughter or your face. 
“You don’t need to rush!” you said kindly.
Gabi knew the way he ate wasn’t normal. He was taught to eat this way in his training. Eating was a necessary evil, not something you took pleasure in. He was trained to eat his food for sustenance, nothing more. Gabi wasn’t sure what to say, so he just said, “Sorry.”
You smiled fondly at him. It stirred something deep inside him that he couldn't quite place. “No need to apologize. I just want you to enjoy it. After a long day you deserve it.”
You deserve it. Gabi had never been told that before, at least not for something good. No, only punishments were deserved. “I guess I was just taught this way.”
“I can teach you a new way... If you’d like,” you added as to not sound too assertive. 
Gabimaru, in that moment, realized he would like to learn. “Yes... please”
You modeled for him, picking a few noodles up with your chopsticks and slurping them up slowly. He mimicked you, though still went a little too fast, causing the noodles to go a little haywire. They whipped around to hit his cheek and chin. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“That will happen if you go to fast,” you explained. “Try again, just a little slower.” Under you gentle instruction, he was able to slurp the noodles up with out a mess. You then instructed him to take a little sip of the broth and allow it to swirl around on his tongue before swallowing. Gabi’s eyes widened as he truly tasted his food for the first time in years. He couldn’t believe how good it was.
“This is so good,” he said. You beamed at the compliment, which only made him enjoy it more. You both sat together and ate slowly, an activity Gabi never thought could be so... nice.
“Do you have a favorite food? I want to make more things you’ll like.” He didn’t, what with how eating typically went for him. He told you as much. “That’s alright, we’ll just have to find your favorite together. I’ll try a bunch of different recipes and you can tell me which you like best. Would you like that?”
Gabimaru was not often shocked, but you really threw him for a loop. He did not expect much from a marriage. Honestly, he hadn't even really wanted it, but knew he couldn’t refuse the request from your father. Knowing him, he’d assumed you would be the same. Your kindness and gentleness with him was disarming. 
“Yes, thank you y/n,” he replied. He was unnerved. Not in a bad way, like when he faced a strong opponent. He just didn’t know what to make of you. Gabi asked if there was anything he could do. He always felt best when he was given commands. It was comfortable for him to not have to make decisions for himself, rather just do as he was told. 
“Oh, um,” you were surprised he offered to help. You were not used to that from the men you knew. “Some help cleaning the dishes would be great.”
Gabimaru nodded and joined you at the counter. You fell into an easy rhythm of you rinsing and him drying. There was silence between the two of you, but it was comfortable. Pleasant, almost. You almost wished there were more dishes to do just to prolong this time. 
Finally, however, you finished. You didn’t want to push too far, so you just thanked Gabi for his help. Gabimaru nodded and started to exit the kitchen. He paused in the doorway, turning back to you. 
He said what he had been thinking since he first heard you say it. “I… like when you call me Gabi. You can call me that from now on. And thank you again for the food.”
Your heart soared with pride. You were so pleased that your plan was a success. “Of course. I look forward to more meals with you, Gabi.” With that Gabi disappeared into the hallway, leaving you both with the faintest hint of a stirring that you couldn’t quite place. 
The evening you shared dinner with Gabi seemed to be the icebreaker you both needed. You noticed that he started coming home earlier and made effort to eat with you. You loved watching him find joy in food and learning all the things he liked. You were slowly spending more time with each other and little by little getting to know each other more. 
Gabi was still very guarded. He seemed nervous in ways or, rather, like a fish out of water. You quickly realized he didn’t know what it meant to live a “normal” life. It was why he ate too quickly, couldn’t do laundry, and struggled to make conversation. You knew it was all because of your father’s cruel training. It made you resent him more. 
The only good thing it provided was more opportunities to connect with Gabi. Each time you taught him something new, you felt yourselves grow closer. It had only been a few weeks since that dinner and you felt yourself growing fond of him. 
Well, more than fond truly. You were nervous around him, but not for the reasons you originally were. Your stomach filled with butterflies. As much as you learned about him, you wished for more. The time spent with him wasn’t enough. 
You wished for a touch, even. Not that you were necessarily ready for sex, but a brush of hands, an embrace, anything to give an indication of how he felt. You felt he was connecting to you, but the lack of intimacy nagged at you. Could he just not be interested?
Little did you know that Gabi was very much interested. He savored the time you spent together, arguably even more than you did. He knew he wasn’t the best at companionship, but just listening to you talk brought up feelings in him he quite honestly didn’t know he had. He always feared he was disappointing you, but was soothed by the smiles you gave and the gentleness you showed him. 
Gabi wanted to touch you, but he didn’t really know how. He was scared of hurting you or making you afraid. You were everything he wasn’t: sweet, kind, a caretaker. He knew you must be aware of his reputation, of who he was, and felt you must think he’s monster like everyone else does, even if you didn’t show it. 
For those reasons, he felt he didn’t even deserve to touch you. There were, however, a few times in the night that your bodies had  drifted together. Gabi was a very light sleeper and woke up the instant your body touched his. You were so warm, your scent so sweet, that he couldn’t pull himself away. It felt wrong, to steal these moments from you, but he couldn’t help himself. He always slipped away before you could wake and realize. It was better that way, he told himself. 
What he felt for you was already dangerous. It went against everything he was trained to become: an unfeeling killing machine. If his judgement were to become clouded with feelings for you, it could put not only him but you in danger. He simply could not have that. Still, it was much easier said than done. 
“Gabi there is something we need to work on,” you said, pulling him from his thoughts. 
“What is that?”
“Bathing? What about it?”
“I don’t think you do it… right,” you said politely. 
Gabi didn’t know there was a right and wrong way to bathe. He said as much to you. 
“Well you don’t seem to indulge in it much. And when you do you’re barely in the bath for a few minutes. I don’t see how you can even enjoy it.”
“I was taught that baths are to be completed as quickly as possible. Any lingering could dull the senses,” he replied. He left out the part that those senses were necessary for his job of killing people. He didn’t want to fill your head with that vision of him. You looked at him with such empathy that it made his chest ache strangely. 
“I know you were raised in a … strict environment. I imagine on a mission lingering in the bath is not advisable,” you replied, “but at home with me you are safe. I can promise you that. You deserve to relax. To feel clean.” 
To feel clean. Gabi doesn’t think he’s felt truly clean in a very long time. He sometimes wondered if he was tainted the moment he was born. He wasn’t sure a bath would change that, but he could not resist the sweet smile on your face. 
Gabi followed you to the bathing area, the part of the house he admittedly spent the least amount of time in. “Let me put some essential oils in the water before you get in. It’s good for you skin and smells nice. Would you like rose or lavender?”
You might as well be speaking another language. “Um. Which do you like?”
“I’ll take that one then.”
You smiled, which made Gabi’s chest feel lighter. You opened up a small bottle, putting a few drops of liquid in the water. Steam rolled up from the water as your swirled it around with your hand, filling the room with a pleasant scent. “There, that should be good. I’m going to get a few things, you can get in if you’d like.” 
Gabi started to undress, which made your cheeks tint. You turned to gather some bars of soap and towels, but couldn’t help but peak over at him. You almost gasped seeing how his body was littered with scars. You of all people knew what it was like to carry scars; your heart ached for him and the pain he must have endured. You felt like you should look away as he stripped his lower half, but you could make your eyes move. You did not have much to compare to, but he looked large even when soft. Your cheeks had to be flaming red.
“Is everything okay?” Gabi asked as he stepped into the bath, his body disappearing below the water. Gabi wasn’t really uncomfortable with nudity, nor did he ever think his body could have an effect on you. He wasn’t sure what was making you blush, but did think you looked particularly pretty when your cheeks were pink.
“Y-yes, sorry I was just...” you mumbled, fumbling to pivot the conversation, “Wondering if the water is warm enough?” You told yourself to get it together, that there was no need to be bumbling like an idiot over nudity.
“Yes it’s good.” 
You pulled yourself together and brought the soaps over to Gabi. You sat behind him, feeling grateful that the water and candlelight made it difficult to see much. You could see that Gabi still looked tense, though. “You need to relax.”
“I... I don't really know how to do that,” Gabi admitted.
You couldn’t help but giggle, which Gabi delighted in, despite feeling vulnerable. He always felt that way when you were teaching hims something new. “Try closing your eyes.” That went against all of Gabi’s instincts, but he did not want to disappoint you, so he complied. “Now try taking deep, slow breaths.” That Gabi could do fairly easily. You watched his chest rise and fall slowly over his shoulder. “Good Gabi, just like that.” Your praise made his cheeks burn. “May... may I touch you?”
Gabi’s pulse raced. He hoped his voice didn’t shake when he said, “Yes.”
“I’m going to start with your hair.” You collected some water in your hands, gently pouring it over the top of his head. You repeated the actions until his hair was nice and wet. You tried to focus on the task at hand so you did not get too nervous about the fact you were finally touching him. “This soap is specifically for hair. It smells like sandalwood. I think you’ll like it.”
You lathered the soap in your hands, before putting them in Gabi’s snowy hair. You gently rubbed little circles over his head to get it nice and soapy. You then allowed your nails to run over his scalp, getting a deeper clean.
“Wow,” an almost inaudible sigh left Gabi’s mouth. He couldn’t believe how good it felt just to have your hands on his head. Gabi didn’t really know what it meant to relax, but he felt a soothing sort of warmth starting to spread through his body and wondered if that was it.
You smiled at his reaction. “Feels nice, right?” Gabi nodded, letting himself get lost in your touch. You scrubbed at his hair until the bubbles rinsed away all the dirt. You hesitated a little before moving down to his shoulders, feeling little butterflies in your stomach. You ran the bar of soap over his shoulder and upper back, before massaging it in with your hands. 
Gabi’s body tensed at first under your touch. He was not used to anyone touching him, at least not in a gentle way. However, the more your hands work over his body, the more he relaxed. You savored the feeling of his body beneath your hands. You could easily feel the strength of his muscles, thick and firm under his skin. The texture of his scars was a little rougher than the rest of his skin, but you didn’t mind at all. You were extra soft around them.
You were nervous to ask the next question, but you pushed through. “I- I will have to get in with you to do the rest of your body. But if you don’t want me to, that’s okay.”
Gabi almost said no, solely because the thought of you being naked in the bathing pool with him did something to his senses that more than dulled them. But he even with all his training, he could not resist it. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”
Your hands were shaking a little as you stood up and undressed. You left your clothes in a messy pile behind you as you walked to the other side of the bathing pool to climb in. You were so nervous about Gabi seeing you naked that you almost let out a laugh when you saw that he still had his eyes dutifully closed. He really wanted to look, but didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He kept his eyes screwed shut even as he heard you stepping into the water.
“You can open your eyes now, if you’d like.”
He did, finding you up to your chest in the water. He could see the very top of your breast at the top of the water, but nothing more. You looked so beautiful with your cheeks flushed and shoulders bare that it made him shift nervously. You approached him slowly settling a few inches in front of him. He watched as you continued your work down his body, lathering and massaging the soap down his arms, his chest, his legs. You didn’t touch him between his legs and he was glad for it. He did not trust his bodily control that much.
Though having you so close to him and touching him made him nervous, he could not deny it felt amazing. He never lingered this long in the bath. Between the warmth of the water and the way you scrubbed him clean, he his body felt lighter than it had in a very long time. He was in awe of how you found the easiest ways to change his life.
“All done,” you said finally, “How do you feel?”
Gabi gave you the sweetest smile you’d seen in all the time you've know him. “Clean. Thank you.” You smiled equally as brightly in response. A thought dawned over Gabi that he knew was a bad idea, but he wanted to show you he could learn to be gentle. To be a normal person. “Can I... return the favor? It seems only right. And it would help me practice.” 
The thought of Gabi’s hands on your body elicited a stirring in your lower belly. There was not a single part of you, though, that did not want it. “I would like that, thank you.” 
You turned your back to him, sitting between his legs. Gabi took the soap from side of the pool, which so slick it slipped through his fingers and dropped into the pool. You both laughed lightly, breaking some of the nervous tension.
Gabi mimicked exactly what you did, starting with your hair. His fingers got a little tangled at first, but with some patient instruction he got the hang of it. He had a surprisingly careful touch that soothed you. You waited so long to know what his touch felt like and you were not disappointed. You had to fight the urge to lean into it more, to press your body against his.
Your breath caught in your throat as his hands slid around to your stomach. He did not touch your breasts, nor the space between your legs, but each time he got close you both blushed deeply. Not that you knew given that your back was still to him.
“Was that okay?” Gabi asked when he finished.
“That was perfect,” you replied, turning around to face him. You were so close to each other now, faces just inches a part. You felt drawn to him, like a moth to flame. Your voice was just a whisper when you asked, “May I try something?”
“Anything,” he breathed.
You leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. It was the first kiss either of you ever shared and you both felt it ignite something deeper in you. You pulled away, breathless. Gabi was in stunned silence.
“Was that okay?” You asked nervously.
“Yes of course I- I just…” he trailed off, not sure how to explain it. Not sure how to not expose all his vulnerabilities to you. “I just never thought you would want to do that with… someone like me.”
Your brows furrowed. “Someone like you? What do you mean.”
“I- I’m not a good person,” Gabi admitted, “I don’t deserve you.”
“You’re my husband.”
“But you didn’t choose me.”
“But I am choosing you,” you insisted, “I have chosen you ever say since our wedding. I will continue to choose you for as long as I shall live. I- I don’t care about what you think you are or what people say. I have seen you for who you really are. You are a good man, Gabi.”
You are a good man, Gabi. Your voice echoed in his head. He couldn’t believe that you could think so highly of him. Feel so strongly about him. It loosened something in his chest, filling him with such an aching want he couldn’t speak.
You mistook his silence for disinterest. “I hope I have not overstepped. If you do not feel the same I understand.” You went to turn away, but Gabi grabbed you.
“No, don’t go,” he urged. “I’m sorry, you know I am not good with words. I just never thought you would feel that way about me.”
“You do yourself a disservice, Gabi,” you replied, “truthfully, I thought you wouldn’t feel that way about me.” Your eyes dropped to the water, feel self conscious. “I thought I may not be beautiful enough for you.”
Gabi was astonished that you could think that. He gently cupped your cheek, making your eyes meet. The way he looked at you made your chest squeeze. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” His thumb brushed over your scar. “I hate that you’ve been hurt like this, but I promise it does nothing to mar your beauty.”
You leaned into his touch, feeling all the insecurity and anxiety you’d felt the last few weeks melt away. “Gabi we haven’t made our marriage… official you know,” you blushed as you spoke. Gabis brows wrinkled in confusion, then shot up when he understood.
“Do you want to?”
You nodded. “Yes, I want to be with you like that. I know we didn’t chose each other initially, but we can choose this.”
“I would love to,” Gabi replied, his head spinning at the mere thought. “I’ve just never done that. With anyone.” Now you were surprised; you could believe he was a virgin like you. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Nothing could be a disappointment with you,” you assured him. You took his hands in yours and squeezed them. “We will get to learn. Together.”
Gabi loved the sound of that. You both wasted no time climbing out of the tub. You didn’t bother covering yourself with clothing or a towel, allowing Gabi see your entire body. You felt a little shy under his gaze but not uncomfortable. He was mesmerized by the droplets of water dripping down your curves.
“So beautiful,” was all he could manage, but you felt the weight of the feelings behind his words. You took his hand in yours, loving its warm roughness. You found yourself in your room quickly. You both laughed with nervous excitement as you climbed on to the bed and settled next to each other. “May I kiss you?”
He was pulling you in the second you nodded. The kiss was deeper than the first. It was a little messy on account of both of yours lack of experience, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You let your hands trail his body, liking that your got to feel him without the barrier of water. You loved everything you felt, scars and all.
You sensed Gabi was still hesitant to touch you. You took his hands in yours, placing them on your sides. “Go on, Gabi. Touch me,” you urged softly, “I want you to.”
He could not deny you anything. He allowed his hands to explore your body. He couldn’t believe how soft you were. Feeling braver, he brought a hand to your breast and squeezed gently. The little gasp you made made blood rush between his legs.
He felt instinct take over and brought his lips to the sensitive flesh. He kissed it, ran, his tongue over your nipple, then sucked lightly. Your body arched into him, your fingers tangling in his hair. He loves that, how your body reacted to him, as if urging for more, which he was more than happy to give.
As he kissed at your breasts you could feel him growing harder against your thigh. You squirmed with need, thighs pressing together for friction. Gabi could not resist touching you between them any longer.
Though he had no previous partners, he had a general idea of how things worked and how sex was supposed to go. Lord knows he heard men talk enough about it. So he knew women were supposed to get wet, yet he was still shocked by the slickness between your legs. In the best way possible.
“So wet,” he murmured, running his fingers through it. You were practically shaking with anticipation as his fingers ghosted over your clit. He noted how your body twitched and made a mental note to go back to that. He slid a finger inside you savoring the gasped you made. You were so wet and warm and tight around his finger, he couldn’t imagine how you’d feel around his cock.
Gabi never cared that much about getting off; it had always just been a matter of necessity for him. He never really did it out of desire or want, but he wanted you so bad it hurt. He pumped his fingers inside you, watching your face carefully for response. When he found a spot inside you that made you gasp particularly loud, he zeroed in on that. As your breath grew ragged, he remembered the other spot he wanted to try. He slid his fingers out of you and brought them to your clit, rubbing it.
“Feels so good,” you gasped.
“You like that?” he asked.
“Yes,” you replied breathlessly, “Don’t stop.” Gabi continued touching you just you asked. Each little circle he rubbed made the coil of pleasure in your lower stomach feel tighter. Gabi’s fingers felt so much better than your own. He leaned in taking your nipple in his mouth, sucking. The sensation caused the coil to snap, spreading pleasure across every inch of your body. Gabi watched as you came, your face went slack with bliss, your body arched. He wanted to watch you do that over and over.
“You’re good at that,” you said with a shy giggle when you came down from your high. 
“Thank you,” Gabi beamed at the compliment. 
Your eyes traveled down his body, seeing how hard he was with need. Gabi felt a little shy under your gaze, but let you look. You looked up at him. “You’re so handsome,” you said, “And I want all of you.”
Your hands traveled down his body, taking his cock in your hands. You pumped the length a little and Gabi’s hips stuttered. It was such a slight touch, but it drove him wild. You pulled him closer to you, rubbing him against your slick cunt. His head nudged against your hole and you looked to him for more.
“And you’re sure? I don’t want to hurt you.” Gabi heard the first time could be uncomfortable for girls; the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you.
“I trust you,” you replied definitively. That almost meant more to him than everything else you have said to him. 
When he finally pressed into you, you both gasped. It was such a full, foreign feeling, but not unpleasant. Gabi tried to steady himself as he felt your gummy walls squeeze around him. “Are you in any pain?” he asked though gritted teeth. 
You felt very full and a little pressure, but nothing painful. “I’m okay Gabi, keep going.” He did has you bid him, rolling his hips slowly so you could both adjust. Each moment that passed made the pressure melt to pleasure. His cock tip brushed the sweet spot inside you. Each sweet sound that left your mouth urged him to continue. He gripped the bed sheets tightly, trying to not to spill too soon. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Your bodies completely pressed together as you kissed him. You both loved the connectedness, how you didn’t really know where one started and the other ended. You both didn’t knew sex was supposed to feel good, but you didn’t know it would feel this good.
You hips bucked up to meet Gabi’s, pressing him deeper inside you. Your second orgasm snuck up on you, seizing your body with warm bliss. Gabi got lost in the feeling of squeezing him, moaning his name in his ear. His hips twitched as he came, filling you with his warm release. 
You were both breathlessly and smiling as you came down from you high. You felt so deeply connected to Gabi in that moment that you couldn’t believe there was a time you didn’t know him.
You pushed his hair out of his eyes, smiling up at his face. “I love you, Gabi. And I choose you. Always.”
“Thank you for showing me what love could be,” Gabi replied, kissing your lips. He held you close, glad that finally he would not have to slip away from you. He could hold you, choose you. Forever.
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astarlightmonbebe · 1 year
the appeal of yeojeong as a normal guy who’s just a little bit off. not enough that you would notice when talking to him, of course, but it’s just there, under the surface. a disturbance. and i think it’s interesting because typically you have two types of guys somewhat adjacent to this: guy who seems totally normal but is secretly sadistic/a psychopath, and then guy haunted by a traumatic/troubled past, who has that secret layer of torment running beneath the surface of their image. but yeojeong breaks through these archetypes, and i think part of it is because he’s just so...calm. it’s not that he’s living a double life (kind doctor by day, killer by night) or hiding part of his past (everyone he worked with knew about what happened to his father, and watched his downward spiral during his college days). he’s not the typical male character who is, at every attempt, trying to outrun his tragic past (even though he does run once or twice); he’s not haunted by flashbacks, or suffer from PTSD in the way that is usually portrayed in dramas. and i think part of that is because the glory is a story about victims. it’s dongeun’s story, first and foremost, even though it is also yeojeong’s story, and hyeonnam’s story, and sohee’s story. but it’s a story about dongeun’s pain, and when it’s not about her pain, it’s just about the pain of victimhood - unlike other dramas, this isn’t a show where male pain outweighs the rest.
so yeojeong is just a normal guy. he’s handsome. he has a good career. he’s a plastic surgeon, an interesting choice when both his parents were/are hospital directors, and his father seemed to have worked in the er or something of the sort prior to his death (or at the very least wasn’t a plastic surgeon). something could be said here of yeojeong choosing the ‘safe’ path as a doctor, a path where he cures pain and makes people happy without the added risk of being attacked by one of his patients. there’s no proof of that in the show - why he chose to be a plastic surgeon - but it’s an interesting thought path to travel. 
dongeun says he must have lived a good life. that he’s never had to worry about the path that he’s on. and that’s true, to a certain extent. to everyone, including her in the beginning, yeojeong is perfectly friendly. he’s perfect, but not the perfect that people perceive as too perfect (i.e. the guy who’s hiding things); he has his moments where he spazzes out, gets into fights, goes crazy over dongeun texting him back, teases his mom. he’s perfectly well adjusted (a perfect contrast to dongeun’s ‘maladjustment’). he wears flip flops to work and gets the same coffee order daily. he plays go with old men in the park.
he likes to listen to the fizzing of vitamin tablets in water because it calms him down. is this a strange thing? only because he thinks it’s important enough to mention to his therapist. he does it at work too - drops the tablet in, closes his eyes, rests his head. he does it at home - drops the tablet in, opens the drawer, draws a knife. it’s about the noise. bubbles rising to the surface, like bubbles rising from underwater. he stays underwater until the last possible moment, when he has to break the surface in order to breath. dongeun makes him feel like he’s at the eye of a storm - a deceptively calm center, while everything else rages outside. and i think it’s kind of important that he makes that comparison, when he’s someone always seeking that calm. the soothing noise, that makes him feel lonely.
so he’s just a normal guy. a normal guy who receives letters on a regular basis from the prisoner who brutally murdered his father. he doesn’t like letters, he tells dongeun. who knows what he does with the letters - does he keep them? does he throw them away as soon as he sees them? he must have read some of them; maybe you only need to read one to know what is in the rest. maybe he’s still reading them; maybe he keeps them without reading, an invisible torment. it’s not what he does with the letters that matters, but that he receives letters at all. 
can you still call it a haunting if you’ve almost made your peace with it? if you’re living with it? 
he’s just a normal guy, who looks his therapist right in the eyes and tells her that she couldn’t fix him. he diligently attends therapy for years on a regular basis, even though it doesn’t work. he finally abandons it when he moves to semyeong, because he chooses to embrace dongeun’s revenge. he chooses his own revenge, too, in a way. the dark part of him that he can’t escape. the one that makes him pick up the knife, who asks dongeun who to kill before she even tells him she wants any of them dead, even when he’s a doctor from a family of doctors, and doctors don’t kill - they save lives instead. 
you couldn’t fix me, he tells his therapist calmly. so calmly. as if there’s not a bloodied man sitting next to him, a man he dreams of killing. the man is just life to him, just like the letters are life to him to. a dulled numbness. an acceptance of it. 
is your son going through hell? can you even tell it’s hell, if it’s what you’ve become used to? is it hell when you’re a doctor dreaming of murder? is it hell to no longer be tormented by dead men and living murderers who send you letters? is it?
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ghoste-catte · 6 months
I'm on my hands and knees asking you about your favorite gaalee moments (spin offs count bc why wouldn't they)
Anon ... I'm sorry I took a while to answer this for you, but it's because you activated my trap card. But without further ado ... here are my top 10 GaaLee moments.
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(My 10th pick and rationale beneath the cut)
The Drop Kick So, I feel like we don't talk about this kick often enough. Because this is actually the first time anyone draws blood on Gaara (we see the scratch on his face once his head pops back up). As much time as was given in canon to Gaara's reaction to Sasuke drawing his blood, I don't really understand why Lee being the first to cut him wasn't as big a deal.
The Primary Lotus This is ... probably the first time Gaara's been touched hand-to-body in years. I've written a few times (and shout out to @egregiousderp for their hand in this headcanon) about how this was probably the first approximation of a hug that Gaara had since Yashamaru. He replaces himself with a sand clone halfway down, but for the initial drop, that's just Lee holding him.
The Rescue I wasn't able to find my favorite screenshot from this moment, which is the one where Gaara's sand is rushing to save Lee and it kind of looks like a heart, but anyway, I just love this pivot. The fact that Gaara uses the very weapon he used to crush Lee's dreams to save him. The way Lee still tries to be an equal partner in this fight despite his injuries. The "I don't hold a grudge!"
The Talk This moment means a lot to me. It's a deep conversation to have, and it's one that happens on two levels that I think aren't fully addressed by the narrative. Of course, on the surface, they're talking about Kimimaro and Orochimaru, but the subtext goes something like: Gaara: Even if people love me, I'm still a monster. All they would need to do is be desperate and lonely enough, and I might seem like a good choice. Lee: The fact that people love you proves you're not a monster! Obviously Gaara gets the final word in this conversation, but I do like to think it sinks in later on and influences their relationship in the future.
The Walk Home I hate that we only get to see this in flashbacks in filler episodes (although we do get to see it twice from two different perspectives!)
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But I love this moment because of the way that Gaara chooses to carry Lee: he slings him over his shoulder with one arm. If you go back and watch Gaara and his siblings returning to Suna after his fight with Naruto, that's exactly the way first Kankuro, and then Temari, carry him when he's wounded.
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This moment is during that time where Gaara's still learning how to be a person and not a weapon, and the fact that he chooses to carry Lee with such care … it feels relationship-defining.
6. The Eighth Gate That flashback that Gaara has to Gai and Lee's relationship shows that he's really internalized the defining impact Lee had on his life. The genuine care and concern that he looks at Lee with in that moment despite Lee's stubborn insistence that he won't be sad makes my heart ache for the both of them.
7. The Retreat If you've ever read one of my fics that's set during the war and notice that I mention Gaara carrying Lee around on his sand, this is what I'm talking about. I love that Lee sees the sand as an unequivocal source of safety instead of threat at this point (to the point of entrusting it to carry Gai-sensei in his frail state). And I love that this seems to be Gaara's default way of pulling Lee out of danger ... it's at least the second time he's done it, after all:
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8. Gaara-kun! This was one of The Moments for me. We as a ship had been speculating so long about the degree of intimacy of Lee and Gaara's relationship. We'd spent, I think, a decade at this point writing fics where Lee called Gaara "Kazekage-sama". Then the Perfect Day for a Wedding arc dropped, and here's Lee calling Gaara "Gaara-kun" just like he does the rest of his friends ... wind was blown into the ship's sails on this day.
9. The Double Date Gaara and Lee go on a double date with Tenten and Kankuro to Ichiraku Ramen. This is canon. 'Nuff said.
And now, for number 10 ... drumroll please ...
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10. The ILY I know, I know - those handsigns don't mean the same in JSL as they do in ASL. But my little hard-of-hearing heart can't help but see Lee shooting double "I love you"s at Gaara in this moment. And even if he's not, the starry eyes and blushy cheeks say it all. This is flirting, y'all.
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cnwolf-brainrot · 18 days
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T-May-NT Day 16: Favorite Episode
OK, THIS WAS A HARD CHOICE because, favorite episode?? Of any TMNT canon??? That's a tall order and I had so so many that I debated picking... however, there's one episode that I would always choose to watch as a kid, one that I still adore to this day, so I stuck with it without thinking too much about all of the other choices I could make because then I would never be able to pick just one.
Turtles in Space (Part 3): The Big House, from TMNT 2003! One of my favorite episodes of all time, there are just so many little moments from it that made it a childhood favorite, and it still holds up so well rewatching it now <3
For some of my out-of-order favorite moments in this episode along with some of my ramblings, see below the cut!
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I absolutely love Don's dorky little salute here; sweetheart you just got captured by aliens after surviving the vacuum of space, I don't think they're looking for a salute.
And then the fact that after the triceraton pushes Don both Leo and Raph immediately jump forward to defend him? PERFECTION, I love how protective those two are!!
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"FLOOR WAX???" haha I thought that was so gross as a kid
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These shock things are only used like twice in this whole episode. Guess who got it both times? So fitting for his character, honestly I love it.
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*Giant muscled alien bully walks through the cafeteria* Raph (immediately): I'm gonna fight that guy Don (who already knows its inevitable): RAPH NO--
That's not exactly how it went but also yeah that's basically how it went
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Also "green guy green guy!!" always cracked me up for no good reason
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"I got a rock?" *visible brother judgement*
Also though this whole sequence shows all of the turtles so perfectly. The fact that they all looked at each other, knowing that they had all (well almost all) started thinking through and working out an escape plan, and then the subsequent way that they were each using something they brought to the table to form a plan (Raph timing the door, Don figuring out the smoke bomb, Leo putting it all together)? All so well done, I love this scene.
Speaking of which:
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The fact that Don took one look at the floor wax through Mikey's vomit and said "I'm gonna make a bomb with a bit of dirt" is so hilarious to me. His little "I love it when I'm right" is also adorable.
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Don't think I'm hating on Mikey, he was just waiting for his moment to shine! Seriously without him swiping that keycard they would have been toast.
The fact that the two idiots in the back literally forgot to make sure that their own plan was going to be carried out like come on guys
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This moment.
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I love this episode a lot, there's a whole lot more that I love from it but I digress; good episode.
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beskarandblasters · 5 months
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Me and My Husband
Chapter Ten: We Nearly Drowned for Such a Silly Thing
Married!Din Djarin x F!Reader
Series Masterlist | Series Playlist
Main Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist
Synopsis: Din Djarin is doing what any typical Mandalorian would be doing after reclaiming Mandalore, finding a riduur and settling down. He’s still a member of the Guild on Nevarro, taking bounties here and there to support his new family. But when he meets you while you’re working the front desk at an inn on Naboo, he finds himself hooked, feeling like he’s found something new and exciting in his now mundane life. How long can he keep up appearances with his riduur? And how long can he keep his little secret with you?
Series warnings: reader is able-bodied, set post season 3, canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), some liberties taken with Mandalorian culture/weddings/marriages, infidelity, eventual smut (starts at chapter two!), switches between Reader and Din's POV, no use of y/n
Chapter summary: Three cycles later, you and Din reunite.
Word count: 1.6k
Chapter warnings: cycles = years, alcoholism, descriptions of chronic pain, angst
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Three Cycles Later
Din sinks into his kitchen chair late at night, the exhaustion of the day hitting him all at once. He takes off his helmet and rests his head in his hands. This house is a skeleton of what it once was; a safe haven for you and him. Now it’s just empty and cold, all of the joy sucked out of it. He never bothered to properly furnish it. He just assumed that you’d help him with that, but of course, you never got the opportunity. So his house is stuck in the past, a mirror image of what it was like when you first stepped foot inside. 
Ever since he and May separated he’s been living at his house on Nevarro full time. He works for the Bounty Hunters Guild to support himself, and also Grogu whom he has partial custody of. But… he’s struggling. He’s struggling with addiction, drinking away the pain late at night. It never fully works. The pain of losing you and his creed never disappears, it’s always in the back of his mind. So he drinks more and more, hoping that one day he’ll finally drink enough to chase away how he feels inside. He’s chasing a high that he’s never even had. It doesn’t help that his choice of beverage, Kowakian rum, causes the worst hangovers. He wakes up every morning practically unable to move from his bed, the bed that smelled like you when he got back here after your breakup. It’s wearing down his body to the point where he’s not what he used to be. He’s slower and stiffer, his body aching with every move he makes. It’s affected everything in his life, which isn’t much to begin with. It’s harder for him to go after bounties with the same speed and determination he used to have. when he comes home, it takes twice as long for his body to recover. When he has Grogu, he finds himself unable to keep up with him, the young child’s energy wearing down his father’s body more so than it already is. The truth is… Din’s in pain at every single waking moment, mentally and physically. 
This physical toll on his body affects his performance at the Guild too. He’s unable to take as many jobs back to back, needing more and more recovery between them. And if a job seems like it’ll be too strenuous for him, he can’t take it, making the jobs he can choose from slim pickings. So on top of struggling mentally and physically, he’s struggling financially, too. He never thought for a second he would end up like this. 
Does he regret it? Does he regret cheating on May with you? It’s hard to tell. You were the greatest love he’s ever known and part of him finds solace in the fact that he got to know that love for a fleeting moment. But on the other hand that same love cost him everything and sent him on a downward spiral though. 
He is the only person to blame for all this. 
“This is the only job I have and… I think you need to take it. Rent is due on your house and you’re behind,” Karga says, sliding a tracking fob across the table toward Din. 
He takes a deep breath, grabbing the tracking fob with a gloved hand. He squeezes it and says, “Fine.”
“It’s on Naboo and I know for some reason you won’t go there but… I think it’s in your best interest.”
“Right,” Din says, choking back a gulp. 
He rises from the booth, his joints stiff and achy. It takes him a second to situate himself before he can walk again. Karga notices and looks at him with concerned eyes, noticing how his friend used to be so strong and capable but has turned into a shell of who he once was. Din walks away, a limp in his step, and once he’s gone Karga lets out a sigh, as if he was holding his breath. Karga’s eyes are fixed on Din as he walks out of the Guild, feeling nothing but pity deep in his gut. 
Din decides he’ll go to Naboo in the morning. He needs a good night's rest. This bounty is located in Theed and he’s feeling a weird mix of dread and hopefulness about going there. Part of him wants to see you. Maker, thinks about you all the time, what you’re doing now, and who you’re with. He wonders if you finally left Naboo and moved somewhere else like you always wanted. 
But if he does see you he wonders what you’ll think of him, if you’ll see his weathered stare and think he’s pathetic. The rational part of him knows you wouldn’t, you’re too kind, too caring. But the mean, self-conscious part of him tells him that you’ll be disgusted with how he’s let himself go.
He’ll decide if he wants to see you or not in the morning. 
He takes off on Nevarro and sends a transmission to May, letting her know that he’ll be picking up Grogu after he collects the bounty he’s going after. As for May, she doesn’t know whether or not to believe him. She just associates every bounty he’s gone after was code for seeing you. To this day, she’s never asked Din about you. She’s never inquired for a single detail about who you are or what you’re like. To be honest, she couldn’t care less. To her, it doesn’t matter if you’re the most perfect person in the galaxy because in her eyes Din is the only person to blame for what he did. 
Din makes the journey to Naboo, parking on the outskirts of Theed like he did all those cycles ago. He’s flooded with déjà vu and for a split second he thinks he’s here to pick you up for another adventure but the limp in his step is a harsh reminder that those times are long gone. The walk into Theed takes him twice as long as usual, and the entire time dread and anticipation swirl in his stomach. He follows the direction of the tracking fob but to be completely honest, his find is focused on anything but the bounty right now. 
And because his luck is terrible as always the first thing he sees as he steps onto the streets of Theed is none other than you, staring at him with an astounded expression on your face. 
Standing before you is Din. You never thought this day would come, not after how you left him three cycles ago, running away from the Crest parked in the field. And yet here he is, walking towards you like he used to. Except he’s… different this time. You notice right away. He doesn’t have the same saunter in his step, instead, he’s slower, his body moving in a way that looks painful. What happened to him when you left? 
Your heart hurts for him seeing him like this but there’s also a part of you that’s angry he never fought for you, that he never chased you. He just accepted his terrible fate and disappeared to wherever in the galaxy, probably his house on Nevarro you assumed. Maybe he knew deep down you’d never take him back, not after he messed up so badly. 
“Hello, Din,” you say, putting on a fake smile. 
“Hi, ca’tra,” he says, almost wincing at his words. You both remember the last time he called you that and how you told him to never do it again. 
“I’m sorry. That was wrong. I-” he rambles but you cut him off. 
“Don’t worry about it. How have you been?”
“I’m doing great. I’ve been super busy with jobs and taking care of my son.”
He’s lying. You know he is. But you let him continue his lie anyway. 
“That’s so nice to hear, Din. How’s he doing?”
“He’s good. Still getting into trouble, of course.”
“That’s what sons do,” you say. It’s funny to share small talk with someone you once shared your hopes and desires with. It’s strange how life works like that. 
“How are you? Are you still at the inn?”
“Mhm. I own it now. Del retired two cycles ago.”
“I’m proud of you, ca’tra.”
“Thanks, Din…”
The conversation hits a lull, neither of you knowing what to say. After a beat Din says, “Do you ever think about what it would be like if we were still together?”
You knew it was coming. 
“Yes,” you admit because you do often think about the way things could’ve been. 
“Me, too,” he says. 
“But… Everything happens for a reason. And what we had… wasn’t realistic.”
“Oh,” he says defeatedly. 
You’re hit with the same feeling like you had in the Razor Crest all those cycles ago where you feel like you need to flee, now. Being with him feels like drowning. 
“It was nice to see you, Din. But I have to run to the inn now. You here for a bounty?”
“Yes,” he says awkwardly. 
“Good luck,” you smile, reaching for his hand and squeezing it. 
“Goodbye, ca’tra.”
“Goodbye, Din.”
You let go and walk down the street, feeling the glare of his visor practically burning a hole into you. You don’t dare to turn around to look and see if he’s still watching you, though. You blink back tears, trying desperately to hold yourself together. You can’t deny that you miss him, but the way things ended between you two was for the better.
The end
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End note: We've made it to end for these two! Thank you all for following along and special thank you's to @wannab-urs, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin, @noxturnalpascal, and @catchallfangirl for listening to me drone on and on about this series for the past three months. I first conceptualized this series back in the beginning of October when @wannab-urs made a typo on a fic rec post. And the rest was history. This is the first long term series (long for me okay😭) that I’ve ever completed and I’m so proud of myself for sticking with this. Thank you to whoever made it this far. I’m extremely grateful for you. 🤍🤍
But of course I’m never done with the tin can man, so if you’d like read another Din series from me click here to learn up my upcoming fic Was it all a dream? which is coming 1/22/24!
Graphic by @nostalxgic
Banners/dividers by @saradika-graphics
MAMH tag list: @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @catchallfangirl @noxturnalpascal @nervoushottee @mandoisapunk @pr0ximamidnight @angel-in-beskar @dameron-grant-spector @xdaddysprincessxx @drewharrisonwriter @milly-louise @engie115 @survivingandenduring @unit-1021 @rentaldarling @csarab615 @swiftiegirliepop @spookyxsam @missladym1981 @sarap-77 @decembermidnight @devineconjuring @pedroslittlelady @handspunyarns @kittenlittle24 @harriedandharassed @midnightnoiserose @jbb-sgr
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Could you do pranks with blackpink? Like either the member gets pranked or they team up to prank another member? Thank u!!
I was a little confused but went with the first option!
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It was a harmless prank, just a simple mayo and toothpaste swap. Her toothpaste was almost run out anyways and maybe she just… misplaced the backup. Jisoo would definitely have been so confused. However once she gets that it was a prank… you better sleep with one eye open.
This of course led to a prank war between you two. Her response? Some good old fake roaches in your salad. Let’s just say it really freaked you out the first time. However she insisted that it was good for you, more protein and all that.
After that, you knew you had to come up with something more for the next prank. However, try as you might, you just couldn’t think of one. Until it struck you, you turned all the clocks in your apartment to 5 minutes earlier (including her phone). To this day, she never caught on.
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You had been around Jennie too much. Of course this wasn’t really much of a complaint for you, however, you will admit, life was a little … dull. So what better way to spice it up than with some spicy chocolates. You had found the perfect fake chocolates at a prank store nearby, and it wouldn’t shock Jennie that much that you were to randomly surprise her with chocolates one day.
And it really was harmless for the most part. You got a good laugh out of it and quickly handed her a glass of milk. And that was the end of it, or so you thought. You had forgotten one little detail — Jennie cooks your dinner. That phrase ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you’ definitely came true for you.
Not only was your dinner extra spicy tonight, your drink had a little something extra in it as well (laxatives). You spent the rest of that night in the bathroom, and Jennie ordered actual chocolates from your favorite chocolatier. Let’s just say you learned better than to mess with Jennie’s chocolates that night.
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Let’s just say Rosé should’ve thought twice about dating a graphic designer. Usually it was quite useful, you were able to edit her pictures and create truly beautiful images. However this one time, it was the most nerve wracking moment of her whole career.
Your prank on her? A fake dispatch article for April Fools. And it was one your better works, if you were being so honest with yourself. It looked real, it genuinely looked like dispatch had just leaked Rosé and yours relationship. Except for one minor detail, it was never posted, just created.
After you showed it to her, you immediately regretted it. You saw her face instantly lose all its color and felt her grip you in fear. Of course, you immediately wrapped her in your arms and told her it was a prank. And thank god you did, she was nearly in tears.
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It was the best day ever! Lisa was finally coming home to you from her world tour. Of course, this meant a home-cooked dinner and your favorite dinner (and a prank). Your prank of choice this time? A bedroom full of balloons. After all you were just so happy that Lisa was coming home.
Lisa would obviously be so happy to be reunited with you after all this time. Of course she called and texted you while she was on tour, but it just wasn’t the same as being with you. It was even better when she came home to her favorite meal — which you had learned from her mom. And you even let her choose the movie since you insisted it was her big night, little did she know, it was just to butter her up before she discovered that your bedroom was a literal balloon pit.
Honestly Lisa would probably be the best sport about it. She wouldn’t even get mad, she’d just laugh and play with you in the balloon room you’d basically made. Of course, the next day would be full of popping the balloons, let’s just say you guys were finding rubber for weeks afterwards.
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somnambulic-thing · 2 months
Happy one year my most precious!
If you feel so inclined, maybe you could give us a little snippet of something you've been working on to celebrate?? Like one of those metal claws at the arcade that grabs the stuffed animal, but you with one of your wips. xoxoxo
Betty, my one and only. <3<3
I threw some change into the claw machine and got you a vampire boy. (You just don't know it yet.)
a little something from the Moonshine universe.
It’s been three months now. Roughly.
Three months since he walked into the library for the first time. Three months of walk-by smiles and half-whispered ‘Hi’s and ‘So long’s. Three monthsof eyes locking whenever they met, pausing whatever you were in the middle of for a weightless moment with your stranger.
Three months of chance encounters between shelves that led to little ‘you go right, I go left’ dances and ended with glances thrown back over shoulders every time.
You liked to glance at him and his dark melancholic eyes that gained something wild when he turned his full lips into a smile for you.
There was no way to know when he would come by, he and his notebook, no fixed pattern to the weekdays that you could recognize. He always came late in the day and stayed until closing, tucked away in the darkest reading corners the library had to offer but never choosing the same place twice in a row. It had become a thrilling quest for you to find him, his enigmatic presence luring you into sections you had no need to be in. Professionally speaking.
A few times you saw him leaf through books you had picked out randomly the day before as a means to disguise the real reason for your presence near his hiding place of choice.
So he had watched you too. Closely.
He never checked out any books, always put them back right before he left.
Three months and today he was leaving early for the first time.
You don’t want him to.
Three months and today you’re about to speak to him - really speak to him - for the first time.
There had been no need to do so before, professionally speaking. You enjoyed what you had going on exactly the way it was. This little limbo you met in.
Enjoyed it a lot.
So much that bumping into his chest while rounding a corner was filed under ‘highlight of the day’ on days that were pretty nice to begin with and resulted in you rounding corners with a little less attention just to hear that dark chuckle and the soft, low ‘careful, wanderer’ before he brushed by you to hide again.
What if you talked to him and it broke the spell?
Well, you are about to find out.
“What if you come back and the book you were reading is gone?”
He had to pass you at the front desk on his way out and your question hit him halfway out the door. He stopped dead in his tracks, craned his neck and peeked around the doorframe, bracing himself with one ringed hand curled around it while his legs stayed on the other side.
“Are you talking to me?”
“Indeed I am.”
He smiled, the slight curl of his lips somewhere between soft and mischievous. “Then I read something else.”
The smile widened before he softly tapped the doorframe, thinking, metal clinking against wood. “Maybe I’ll ask you for a good recommendation to save me from aimlessly wandering the shelves.”
His voice was smooth and deep. You knew that, of course. But hearing it like this, in actual conversation with room for all the pretty nuances to unfold caught you off guard.
Your face felt hot before you even had a chance to reply.
“Well, in that case, I shall prepare myself for that day,” you said, voice not at all wobbly like you had feared it to be, but soft and playful.
“Oh,” he said from deep in his chest and then clutched a hand to it. “I don’t think you have to.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because you already know what I like.”
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thelunarfairy · 6 months
Hey I LOVE your Yugi twins analysis post!! ( not because I like the toxicity/ incest I just think it’s a great analysis of tbhk) and I wanted to ask your opinion on a thing
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun as a series is a Gothic Romance
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I’ve been going insane about because I’m a huge fan of the genre
( some examples: Crimson Peak ( movie), Jane Eyre, Dracula, Rebecca ( novel and movie), The Fall of The House of Usher, etc)
and I’m 100% convinced by now but I need validation
agree or disagree?
Oh! Thank you!! I'm happy to know you liked it :3
Yeah, I don't like incestuous relationships either, but if it's in the story we have to analyze it.
I don't know if this helps you, but here in my country, this anime is within this genre. Even if elsewhere it does not have this classification, the story itself leads to this path.
"How is the Gothic novel characterized? The Gothic novel is an essentially hybrid manifestation, a link between the novelistic and the novel in which an atmosphere of mystery, affliction and terror prevails."
There's a strange duality to the relationships in this series. If I were to ask you if you could name me any JSHK romantic relationships that are TOTALLY HEALTHY, could you name them for me?
Mitsuba x Kou It's not canonically romantic yet, but even before it is, Kou is aggressive and demanding of Mitsuba, not to mention that he puts Mitsuba's wants above his own. Mitsuba, on the other hand, demonstrated a desire for "death together", which Kou tried to do without hesitation. A guy tried to take his own life for someone else, and Mitsuba wanted to trap him in the PP arch along with him.
Aoi x Aoi Akane is extremely possessive, aggressive, jealous and intolerant. When I say intolerant I am referring to anyone who has a romantic interest in Aoi. He doesn't give her the power of choice, he simply decided that she is his. Traces of an EXTREMELY abusive and DANGEROUS relationship, yes, imminent risk of death. Many REAL LIFE cases start like this. Aoi is jealous of Akane's popularity (in terms of friendships), and doesn't think twice before impaling him.
Hanako x Nene It follows a fine line between Aoi x Aoi, the difference is that Hanako is not aggressive, BUT, he is vengeful. We constantly see him punishing Nene when she shows interest in other guys. He makes decisions about her life alone without consulting her and without allowing her to choose what is best for her or not. He is jealous, possessive, insecure and needy. Hanako would be able to kill Nene if he believed it was the best option for her. I don't need to mention the PP arc or the number six arc. Nene is a girl who tends towards disrespect, she flirts with other guys in front of Hanako, even though she is about to enter into a relationship with him.
This is just a SUPERFICIAL summary of the three main ships in the series. They all seem to want to culminate in tragedy, something that fits into the gothic genre.
Besides of course, the relationship between the twins, a mysterious and dark relationship, you can't follow this relationship without thinking that there is "something strange"
If we compare, for example, the relationship between Edward Elric and Alphonse, we see here a healthy and common relationship between brothers, with its ups and downs and with great brotherly love between them. Remembering that Edward's entire journey is dedicated to his younger brother. Ed made a mistake in the past and his younger brother suffered a serious consequence, Ed took responsibility and promised to solve the problem. They are together almost all the time and yet you clearly see that it is a healthy relationship.
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Not in the case of twins. There's a strange ambiguity in what they consider "love", it doesn't feel like sibling love, and it's not ordinary love, it's something more obsessive, more… how can I say… suffocating? There's something I still can't see. It's not just "maybe it's incest" it's something more than that. Maybe one day I will be able to organize my ideas and think more clearly.
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So yes, JSHK fits into this genre, it fits into many other things in this genre too, I only focused on relationships because you talked about the twins' relationship.
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blackjackkent · 2 months
Rakha's conversation with Kagha is... interesting.
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"Go on. Say it. You think I'm a monster."
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"Monster? Too kind. A demon, more like."
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The most interesting thing about this is that the drabble I wrote yesterday has Rakha considering that term as applied to herself.
And her determination was that she believes (or at least very much wants to believe) that she herself is not a monster, though perhaps the "beast" Urge is. She is coming to draw a distinction in her own behavior between the unreasoning violence of the "beast" and the violence she is capable of by choice. That one conversation with Lae'zel early on has turned out to be pretty fundamental to how she views herself right now - attack with purpose.
And so her opinion of Kagha is similarly nuanced. After all, Kagha ultimately let the girl go. And her actions were, at least in theory, not out of cruelty for its own sake, but in service of her grove. Does she like Kagha, or think that threatening Arabella with a snake was a productive choice? Not really. But "monster" is a loaded term for Rakha right now.
"You're protecting your own," she says. "Sometimes cruelty is required." Maybe not the particular cruelty Kagha ended up choosing, but still...
(A/N: Wyll disapproves. The only option I had that would make him not disapprove was to say "Only a monster would threaten a child" which, like. Seems unlikely for Rakha to say at this point. She would threaten a child, if it seemed likely to accomplish something necessary. XD Wyll's influence is already starting to rub off on Rakha somewhat but it is very early days still. Lae'zel approved though so there's that.)
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Kagha looks at her with mild curiosity and some surprise. "First you urge grace. Then you speak truth," she says coolly. "You've surprised me twice over. A shame the grace period ends. The viper's fangs have been bared. She must guard her brood." She shrugs. "No matter. I took back the Idol of Silvanus and the rite has resumed. We will seal the grove. Free from harm. Free of intruders."
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Rakha feels more than usually aware of Wyll's eyes digging into her back, and changes the subject abruptly away from these matters of morality. "This rite must be born of powerful magic."
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"The Rite of Thorns," Kagha says gravely. "It is the Treefather's gift, that none come to harm. When we speak the final prayer, the Great Vine will sprout forth. The grove will be cloaked in bramble and thorn. No one enters. No one leaves. Sanctuary." She scowls. "None of this can happen while outlanders infect us. Silvanus demands that we choke them out."
Rakha raises an eyebrow thoughtfully. She has to admit to a certain amount of interest in the magic as Kagha describes it. A tremendous amount of power must be involved; she could already feel it prickling on her skin as they walked through the grove outside. When the Rite is complete, there will be quite a show, that much is certain.
As for the refugees... the beast in her head, of course, thrills to the idea of their bodies stretched bloody on the road, but Rakha herself takes no particular pleasure in their fate. And Kagha, she decides, is unpleasant, regardless of whether or not she deserves other monikers.
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"You'd leave them to die on the road," she says. It isn't a question, just a statement of fact.
Kagha stiffens. "I am First Druid now," she says pointedly. "I protect the circle - whatever the cost." She looks at Rakha appraisingly for a moment. "You showed great mettle at the gate - the mettle of a skilled sword for hire. I want you to provide your services to the tiefling leader - Zevlor, he's called. Offer to guide the outlanders out of the grove. I'm sure they'll reward you well." Her eyes harden. "They're to be gone before final prayer. If they are not... the viper must strike."
Rakha considers this in silence. It's an idea, certainly. If their path towards Lae'zel's creche takes them in the same direction, there is no reason why not. And should the refugees be attacked, it would be an easy way to sate the beast for a time, in tearing the attackers apart.
Certainly I am ready to finish our business here and be gone...
"Then it seems I'd best speak to Zevlor," she says slowly.
"You will do more than speak," Kagha says sharply. "This tale ends but one way - with the outlander rot clenased and the grove forever shrouded."
"Damnable woman," Wyll mutters bitterly as they turn to walk away. "And what was that nonsense about cruelty is sometimes required? You yourself saw the child had to be out of her grasp."
"The girl did not need to die. But cruelty is sometimes required," Rakha says. "Or do you regret the blade you put through the goblin's chest?"
"That's not the same thing," he says hotly. "And you know it."
"I know very little," Rakha says flatly. "We will speak to Zevlor. If he requires assistance and our routes coincide... well." She shrugs. "I suspect the druids will face a greater punishment, when the Rite is complete."
He squints. "What do you mean?"
"They will all be trapped in here with Kagha."
Lae'zel snorts sharply and Wyll gives a startled laugh. "Hah. True enough. Thank the gods for small comforts."
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boundaryfailure · 4 months
[the better reality | nms apollo & traveller]
At the center of the galaxy, you are left holding the cinderblock-heavy truth of the world you live in. The enormity of it all sits almost demurely in its place on your exosuit, that little red starseed and its cosmic significance.
Sixteen minutes. Always, sixteen.
Of course, Nada only hushes you when you try to speak about what you’ve seen. They stretch their palm outwards as you rush to inform them, sweeping away your words before they come. They are afraid — you know they’re afraid — to lose their haven to realization. Of course, despite everything, even though they have severed themselves from their people, they are still Korvax: they still fear the Atlas they reject so fiercely. You can’t bring yourself to shatter anxious Nada’s naivety.
You still find it in yourself to feel stung.
Still, though, they can see the anguish in the lines of your posture (Why won’t you listen? Why won’t you hear me? How could you leave me alone with this?), and they have never lost their kindness. Nada’s fingertips light gently on your shoulders, and when they draw you into an embrace, you return it twice as fiercely.
Polo squeezes your hand as you pass them.
“Nada fears, Traveller-Friend. Some things are best left unexplored.”
(TRAVELLER, the Atlas had said — had pleaded.)
You miss Apollo so terribly.
Sometimes you dream of a better reality: one where the world had yawned wide as you came out of the portal, and your friend was there to greet you.
Getting the details right can be tricky. You know what Apollo sounds like, sharp, sometimes guttural, mechanical and harsh at first blush. You know that standing beside them would suffuse you in subtle golden light, that it would play off the starsilk strands and fine leather of your suit. The details get sketchier and ruin the picture if you dwell too much, and so you try not to linger too much on any one point. Broad strokes.
They are bigger than you are, you remember from the tower transmissions; they are built sturdily, like industrial equipment, like a blunt force weapon. They get testy when you poke fun at it — “I don’t make fun of you for being soft, do I?” — and you know that this body is not necessarily theirs by choice. There had been grudges involved, and vengeance quests, and altogether you can understand why they choose to walk as a lone iteration entirely, free of the wistful togetherness of the Space Anomaly’s menagerie. Such tenderness doesn't suit them.
But Apollo could bludgeon you into an entirely new iteration, and Apollo chooses not to. That is how things go, in the reality where you break through to one another. The two of you cut a wonderful contrast walking worlds together. The gear you have chosen means that beside their simplicity, you are all tritium-hydraulic agility and solar-vitrified stealth, and they snipe at you over comms because they are made for steady distance and could never keep up with your gimmicks.
“Somehow Artemis was never half as much trouble as you are,” they tell you, with their strange blend of indifference and annoyance over-top a curious attachment.
“With Artemis, we really would have been unstoppable.” The thought slips out unbidden, and you pick at the enameling adorning your right pauldron as if to distract, or to mollify.
“… Yes,” Apollo says, a reply you don’t expect. Their tone is thoughtful, but not closed off, and you realize you’ve earned the rare right to their emotional input, such as it is. “We would have.”
In this reality, the pressing loneliness of all the world before you abates with your friend at your shoulder. Apollo is not necessarily talkative — in fact, without you there to prompt them, you think they might go days without a single flare of vocal activity — but their heavy tread at your heels and their ruthless haggling at trade stations compress the frightening vastness of it all into something uniquely enticing.
(The weight of the last sixteen minutes rests lighter on your shoulders, knowing that they, too, understand. They take the news of the galaxy’s infinite end steadily, a steel-stubborn levee refusing to succumb to the waves of despair that had submerged you before.)
(“Well, we all have to die sometime,” they had told you, rolling prism-studded shoulders. “And what time will be more interesting than this?”)
(They hear you, they listen, and they are not afraid.)
(In this other reality, they choose to do what no one else does: to accompany you. To understand.)
(And you know fully by now that those other iterations are just as real as you.)
(So just knowing that, you think, alone in your ship with your face to the stars — just knowing soothes the sting.)
Sometimes you dream of a better reality.
In it, all the world lies before you, and Apollo is at your back, and beneath the tint of your helmet, your eyes are wide and wonderstruck.
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ye-xiu · 1 month
omg al darling pls give me your queen of tears thoughts i’m really behind and need to know if it’s worth finishing <3
tbh i am also behind but i keep up with spoilers and episode recaps for everything i am watching bc i don't really care about getting spoiled. with that being said, where do i even begin? i would have loved if the show ended on a melodrama note in the second half, with the hong family having lost queens group but recouping that through baekhong's work as a lawyer and ceo respectively and with them rekindling their relationship (without marriage or another kid) while hae-in would, well, die due to some bout of medical realism that has to remain here, but with the two of them choosing each other in their lifetime, roll credits, fin. i am putting a read more from here on in bc this is sort of my thoughts on the show in general but also the second half, since describing the second half doesn't really work without talking about the set-up of the plot. plots? whatever is happening here. (also! spoilers ahead!)
of course we did not get a well-polished plot, something as sensible as this couldn't fly with the deranged fans this drama spawned like you wouldn't believe. so in a way this fanbase deserved exactly what they got lmao. this show has been crazy from the beginning bc as much as i love hae-in, people kept acting like she didn't treat hyun-woo like shit for most of their marriage when she did. he was only marginally better off, but my one big issue was that hyun-woo has to apolgize for everything he ever did, for wanting to divorce in the first place, while the show depicted right away how awful his marriage was. so now in the second half we, of course, get hyun-woo doing everything for hae-in to make up for all his audacity, like the good kdrama male lead he is (where is moon gang-tae when we need him? kim soo-hyun can act with some fire in there, so why does he not?) hae-in keeps getting worse and he is by her side, so whoo for tha ti guess and she does apologize for how she treated him after 10 eps of grovelling lmao. anyways.
they grow closer again while hae-in stays in the hospital for her treatment, but in comes mister i-still-want-to-be-cooked-over-an-open-fire-like-a-rotissiere-chicken eun-sung. i do have to say i love park sung-hoon in this drama? not as good as the psychotic bully-slash-killer-slash-second-woman he plays in the glory, but really good. it's giving kendall roy in sucession s2! it's giving this is why rich people tax middle class families until tax evasion or murder become lifestyle choices for those families! it's giving the rite of passage creepy high school boyfriend straight women go through amped up to the max! he is so good at being evil and he shines here, somehow, in all his creepy despondency and obsession with hae-in. at one point he swipes in and tells hae-in, who is losing her memory, that he saved her life and then he does it again, using the times hyun-woo's saved her as his cover story. he keeps rocking brown three-piece suits and a crazy-good blowout and side swoop while he does that, which might be the worst thing. hyun-woo punches him in the face, which is the saving grace of this entire second half of the show. he runs over hyun-woo with a car in the PENULTIMATE episode for the hell of it, because he can't see hyun-woo and hae-in be together again. the man is batshit insane and he stands by it.
as for the plot:
the head of the hong family (hae-in's grandfather) has a slush fund, because that is the second most realistic part of the show. eun-sung and his mother scrounge around to find it to take the rest of queens group, but well, i honestly don't care much about this plot. yang-gi (hyun-woo's best friend and divorce lawyer, who is apparently barred twice over in korea and can also hold up with business law and attorney work in court lol) helps lower hyun-woo's crazy ass charges, so he lives to see another day while everyone is looking for the goddamn slush fund. eun-sung and his mother found it first btw. hae-in keeps mistaking eun-sung for hyun-woo, her memory loss gets worse, we get it. several people working for eun-sung keep trying to kill hyun-woo over the span of the last five episodes. we get another reborn rich cameo from kim shin-rok, which at this point is the only thing keeping me from tuning out of this whacky ass drama. the hong family grandfather kills himself and all of kdrama twt and mdl are mad that the raised rating wasn't an explicit scene between baekhong but seeing an old man die (i kid you not). they keep trying to convince me kim soo-hyun was in the marine corps and i keep not believing it. german hospitals apparently can do life-saving surgeries on non-german citizens, which is unheard off in this neck of the woods but alas. hae-in has to trade in her memories to have that surgery, so that is our 11 o clock moment. or something. hyun-woo gets arrested by interpol right after, so there goes that dream. soo-cheol ends up with his wife again, which i care about as much as a tree cares about a leaf falling in a forest. big yawn. hyun-woo employs yang-gi again to beat the interpol charges and they do (yippie!). eun-sung keep acting like he's hae-in's husband after her memories disappeared and all of us know it's so deeply joever but the death bell has yet to strike. in comes the car crash bc we go two for two on car crashes in this show. eun-sung is now, after 15 episodes of washed up nonsense, pursued by the police bc nothing screams real crime like vehicular manslaughter in a kdrama. tried and true to the very end he goes!
haven't checked into ep 16 yet, but i know it ends with a montage of hae-in and hyun-woo together for more years, marrying again and having a child, and then hae-in dies. hyun-woo as an old man visits her grave in germany (potsdam doesn't allow graves on the grounds of sansoucie so i wonder where they supposedly put it?) and then we get a fade in of young hae-in leading now-deceased and young again hyun-woo to heaven in a field of lavender, goblin style minus the good writing. hyun-woo kept apologising for things until the end but don't ask me what it was about, i stopped caring. i assume that eun-sung lands in jail or something for his five billion crimes and all the times he wore light blue ties in this show. fin.
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airi-p4 · 1 year
The choice
Summary: After sharing her secret with Luka and getting back to dating again, Marinette's boyfriend informs her he has decided to leave Paris because it's dangerous.
Now she has to choose: stay with her family, friends and superhero duties or leave Paris with Luka? The choice is easier than expected.
Warning: salt 🧂🧂🧂
The choice
Marinette gulped when she saw the new message her boyfriend Luka had sent to her a few minutes ago.
'Marinette. I have to talk to you. It's important'
She couldn't deny she was worried, anxious, and a little scared.
She knew that she didn't need to be. That now that he knew about her being Ladybug and that they had started dating again, that she had nothing to worry about. She knew she could fully trust him, and that he gave her all the love and comfort she could ever ask for.
She was happy with him, even with those akumas messing with their dates.
But since when have good things lasted for her?
There was a glimpse of worry she couldn't ignore.
"Luka! Sorry for the wait!"
"It's fine, Marinette, I saw the akuma on the news. Good job" he praised, kissing her check rewardingly. She felt her cheeks warm up at the contact.
"I didn't want to keep you waiting, so I handled it as fast as I could" she bragged and he smiled fondly at her.
"Thank you. You're amazing"
She blushed at the compliment. She was so glad she found the courage to tell him about her secret, even if he already knew. They had just started dating again and she couldn't be more thankful to have him in her life.
"And what did you want to talk about? You said it was important…"
"It is." Luka held her hand gently. "Listen Marinette: I want to leave Paris"
"Eh?" She jolted in shock. "Why?"
"Because-" he looked down as he talked. "I was almost akumatized the other day and I realized I was putting you in danger. I can't stand the thought of me betraying you under Miss Butterfly's influence, so I decided it was best to leave"
"But Luka-! I'll protect you!"
"I know you would, Marinette. I have no doubts about that" he reassured her, caressing her hands in his. "But there are things that go beyond our control and I don't want to risk your safety"
"But…" she shrugged sadly.
"But-" he interrupted. "There's something I want to ask you"
"What is it?" she looked up at him again.
"Would you come with me, Marinette?"
"Eh?" Her eyes glowed in awe.
"We're adults now, and we can freely decide what to do with our lives- and I know I want you in mine" he spoke softly and honestly. "But, for me, your safety will always come first" She listened, fascinated and moved by his concern and care. "I'd really love it for you to come with me, Marinette. But I know it's a difficult choice to make and-"
"Huh?" He blinked, surprised by how quickly she answered.
"Yes, I want to go with you, Luka! Wherever you go," she grinned lovingly.
"Are you sure?" He blinked twice. "We are talking about choosing between me or your city! With your family, friends and superhero duties, Marinette! If you need time to-"
"Gosh- It makes it even easier when you say it like that!" She laughed at his seriousness and confusion.
The question sounded ridiculous to her, choosing between…
On one hand: her family, friends, and Ladybug duties…
Her family? They hadn't been very supportive of her. Sure, they cared and loved her, but they never really checked on her despite knowing what was going on at school with Chloe and even sided with Lila when she was almost expelled! Their bond wasn't as strong anymore, not since then…
Her friends? She wished she could still call them that, but they had turned their backs on her in favor of Lila. It hurt her deeply, especially Alya. She had very few people left who she could call 'friend'.
As for her duties as Ladybug… She had been doing it for years! The thought of getting rid of Chat Noir's uncomfortable advances for once sounded like a dream come true. Of course she wanted to quit!
And on the other hand, there was Luka.
Her loving, caring and reliable boyfriend who she loved deeply. Her best friend, cool and talented, who always checked on her to make sure she was doing well. The one who welcomed her with open arms to comfort her anytime she needed someone. The person she trusted the most, even with her life, who was always so protective and always put her first (which was apparently the reason he decided to leave and ask her the question)
So yes- choosing between Luka or the rest, seemed like a joke.
"Marinette?" Luka called, snapping her out of her thoughts.
"It's not a difficult choice at all, Luka. It's easy, in fact" She smiled happily at him. "I love you and I want you in my life. I want to be with you and I'd rather take you than a bunch of people who don't fill me with joy anymore. Or anything else, really"
She loved when he stared at her with those glowing eyes of his, filled with love, fascination and adoration. Even when his mouth was absurdly open, lips curved upright.
She loved it when Luka was happy. But she loved it even more knowing that it was her that made him happy.
"So you're really coming with me? Even though I haven't told you where we're going?" Luka asked with joy and a bit of disbelief.
"Yes, I am! I want to be with you. Anywhere. Always"
"Always" he smiled like the lovefool he was. "What about your earrings?"
"I think Socqueline could be a great Ladybug. She was my inspiration when we were at school together. I learned a lot from her and I know I can trust her" she pressed their hands together.
"Sounds like a plan" he leaned in to kiss her forehead and she giggled, content with the contact. "We can leave tomorrow. Or next week, if you need more time"
"Tomorrow sounds perfect" She grinned. "Thank you for taking me with you"
"Thank you for choosing to come with me" he smiled, caressing her hands softly. "I love you, Marinette"
"I love you too, Luka"
They melted in a tender kiss, needy but steady, losing themselves in their mutual love.
It was the best feeling in the world, they agreed.
Years later, and away from Paris, they cuddled happily together on the sofa of their living room. Wedding bands on their ring fingers and toddlers running around the garden. They thought fondly over how thankful they were for all the choices that lead them to that precise moment.
The choices to their happiness.
The end
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 1 year
Oh requests are open! May I please ask for your HCs on how yandere Aramaki would go about "acquiring" and keeping his Darling? How would he be different towards a darling that decided to try to run or fight verses one who came to the conclusion antagonizing him would be a terrible idea? Thank you!
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Sooo, this lazy but incredible man is... different. He's not like a very strict yandere, but he's unpredictable.
If you had the misfortune to meet him, chances are you had already been in his mind for a long time. Either you are someone who works under him or someone who's been in contact once or twice.
Charming fella, so he will use that to make you swoon. No doubt, if you won't comply ... Those vines aren't there for show darling. He won't hesitate to use force if needs be.
Now, he's a dangerous mix when it comes to a yandere. He likes the methods Sakazuki uses, he's lazy like Borsalino but he's caring like Issho. You need to be on your toes babe.
He is more of mental punishments than physicals. Those scars are invisible and he can always deny them. Physical,on the other hand, can be harder to hide and if someone were to question them, suspicions would arise.
You won't like him when he's mad babe, oh no. He lived for two years without moving, he can and will chain somewhere and forget you exist until your mind is broken.
He can be incredibly sweet when you behave, but his mood is like the weather. Be careful what you do.
If Stockholm syndrome doesn't set in fast enough, you will live to regret the day you chose not to submit.
He will make your life harder than it needs to be
He will be the sweetest man you ever encountered. Gifts, dinners out, travelling, whatever you wish.
Keep him updated of your own free will, and he will be like a puppy. A very delusional and dangerous puppy.
Nothing will ever happen to you, he's a determined man after all and he's an admiral. His powers aren't for show only
He's very forgiving if you forget something or make a mistake, it happens to best of us too, he will say.
Of course you can go out, with the right guards, you can go about everywhere. You need only to tell him so he knows where you are if something happens.
Smother him in love and he will be putty in your hands. You could have thought that it was possible but it is.
Those vines changes, the only difference is how you choose to act.
The choice is yours.
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