#tw pregancy
cute-sucker · 11 days
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note: this is an unofficial part 2 of this boxer!rafe and his sweetheart <3
boxer!rafe can't stop thinking about you pregnant, and some would say he got more protective when you did get pregnant.
you weren't showing yet, but he was always keeping a watchful eye on you, protective hand wandering to your midsection.
after the scare you gave him at the games, he watched you all the time, willfully bringing home more food than was needed, feeling willing to come back home when he heard your whines through the phone, and buying you the most beautiful sundresses ever.
sometimes the two of you would spend more time together, looking out the balcony as he smoked a cigarette, and you looked outside with a dazed expression, hand stroking your stomach. he watched the way your nose wrinkled when a trendil of smoke reached your nose.
you made a screwed face, and then looked back at rafe with a pointed look, "i don't like that."
the next day all the cigarettes in your house were gone, and he went back to boxing. it was sweet the way your small proclamation could command him to do anything. sometimes you couldn't help but test it. test how much he loved you, and how willing he was go to. you knew it was bad the way you were acting, but you ached for the attention.
so it was all to plan when you woke up craving a burger.
not just any burger. it needed to be homemade, or even one of the burgers that rafe had made you during your first date. you remember it so clearly, the way his hand scimmed past your back as he helped you chop the cucumbers, a soft hand twirling a tendril of your hair.
it was all in your head, and suddenly you needed the burger with your life. you were pawing at his chest, soft whines leaving your mouth. he woke suddenly, taking a deep inhale of air.
"what's wrong?" he muttered, words slurred with sleep. you couldn't feel but feel bad as you pouted at him. you were wearing a pretty nightgown with a bow at the top. you watched him scan your swollen body.
you were pulling all the routes as you lowered your voice, "i need a burger."
he looked at you incredulously, eyebrows raised putting his rough hand on your shoulder, "right now?"
you frowned, before rubbing your stomach, "yes."
he groaned, falling back to head head first. you bit your tongue to stop giggles from spilling out of your mouth. he was so soft with you now, and you knew that months ago he would never act like this. but you couldn't help but tug at his arm as a grunt fell from his mouth.
"do you really need it, mama?"
now you couldn't stop your smile. you loved it when he called you 'mama,' and you loved the gentle tilt of his mouth when he called you that. and you rested your head back, nodding. finally, he gave an annoyed sigh before getting out of bed.
"goddamn it," he groaned, pulling a cleaner shirt up his head. you rested at his feet watching him put on his clothes. there was something so domestic about the whole scenario. tanyhilll was full of pictures of the two of you, small pieces of the two of you.
finally, as if he realised you were watching him, he scowled looking at you. still in your nightgown with a frenzied look on your face, he seemed to sigh again.
"ah, don't you think you should change?" he murmured, hands skimming over your top. you melted at his touch, practically hopping into his lap with eagerness. he let out a laugh before gently pushing you away, "listen. you gotta change out of that. can't have you looking like that."
you gave him a cheeky smile as if it was the middle of the day instead of three in the morning. somehow you found increasing amounts of energy and rafe was always confused about how you did it all.
"look like what?"
he shook his head, eyes flashing with slight annoyance, "nah. 'm not doing that today. get up bun, 'n go change."
although he sounded demanding you couldn't help but feel your heart drum harder at his words, biting your lip as you pulled on one of his old sweatshirts.
that night you got your burger, and he got you.
please let me know if you'd like to added to the boxer!rafe taglist!!
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akamikazae · 11 months
K & S <3
thank you for the ask<333 Answering these out of order just in incase u wanna avoid the angsty answer 
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
-Oohhh I love a one bed trope—either platonically or romantically (but I ike both those set ups to be a bit different tho) -hurt/comfort  <333 bc I live for angst  -I love an enemies to friends to lovers. Just adore watching two people’s relationships grow and change thorough years, slowly coming to see eye to eye, forming an unbreakable bond and falling in love. But theres always that teasing nagging way they pick on each other present —So also love a slow burn !   -Also have recently been very into historical aus! Its so much fun to research and the possibilities and different periods are endless! 
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
Oh god there are so many to pick from, published and unpublished. I loveeee angst, and making myself cry ahah  Most recently I’ve been working on something w my oc—not sure if it’ll make it in the long fic or not but its about how she deals with the concept of motherhood and failures and the lingering loss of war/shinobi life. 
Putting it under the cut just in case tw pregnancy, miscarriage/still birth?, Death, grief  
Akami sustained a pretty severe injury in the field as a teen (Danzo’s failed assassination attempt) she managed to drag herself home, but was forced to very poorly patch the wound herself with fire and ice. As a result was told she couldn’t have kids—she was young at the time and so focused on Anbu it never bothered her.  Sasuke changes things, and after 4 years of domestic bliss miraculously she finds herself pregnant—she has lots of conflicting feelings about it, considering both sasuke/kakashi’s thoughts and making them worse in her mind. Akami's relationship with her own mother had always been strained--feeling unloved and unwanted by Umiko.  They eventually decide to go for it—though she makes it rather far along, it doesn’t last due to her old injury. It nearly kills her.  So does the loss, not only because of the death but because of her self-perceived failures and inability to create life. She feels more like a monster than ever, because all she’ll ever be good for is death and decay. She feels rotten from the inside out.  It strains her relationship with both Kakashi and Sasuke, not because of the loss but because of her anger, shutting down and shutting them out.  
If you made it this far sorry ik it's a lot haha����I have a lot written for it, idk how it happened sort of just spiraled from me one day—I feel like it might be too much, so not sure if it’ll ever make it to the long fic, but I find myself thinking about it often, and adding more to it often—probably b/c of my own confusing thoughts on motherhood. 
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themoonobserved · 1 year
I'm getting an abortion tomorrow. This choice has been an extremely hard one but I know I am doing the right thing for everyone. Extremely grateful to live in a state where abortion is still legal and frankly am more energized against 10 & 12 week abortion bans everywhere.
Feeling very grateful as well to have had people reach out and be so kind while i struggled with waiting for the test results, getting the test results, and making this choice. Also people who I have leaned on, who have distracted me, and who have just read my posts about this event in my life.
And if you're reading this: thank you.
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ryan-monster · 2 years
Had a dream that me and my family were home at night and outside on my bedroom window, we watched a GIANT fucking deer on the street like bigger then any house and electrical thingies that idk the name in english. It was messing around with the people on the street poking at them with it's nose but since it was so big, the sheer force of that poke sent people flying everywhere. Saw it crush cyclist on the street with the tinest poke. I started screaming "GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW GET AWAY!!!!" so my Mom and Brother who were watching would be safe if someone ended up squashed on our window (they did) then suddenly, the deer turned black like, no shadow at all just super solid black and became 10 times more aggressive. We managed to fortify the house enough with wooden planks so we were safe from giant black deer. But the deer wasn't the only animal that turned aggressive, ALL animals inexplicably turned solid black and started attacking people.
For some moments we decided to chill but when it was morning again, we heard some noises outside our backyard. Looking through a weird rectangle opening (that was most certainly never in our backyard door) with those bar things that jail rooms have, I noticed a bunch of dogs including Rocky, our dog. Rocky started getting closer and closer and with his teeth tried to take out the key in the keyhole somehow, dream logic I guess. I quickly grabbed the key but then he turned his attention on the bars jail thingy and tried to shove his nose between them but we wouldn't let him we couldn't trust him he could also have gone crazy. Then out of buttfuck nowhere, comes 2 little gnomes from the right side of the door that with their tiny little fucking hands, manage to pry open the bars I think they even broke them. Suddenly a big crashing noise happens and this big ass muscled dude, solid black color with big ass eyes and creepiest smile was in our living room. Idk what happened to my family in that dream but I just opened the door and started running the fuck away from there. Never ran so much in my intire life I even jumped to the neighbours backyard. There were solid black dogs running after me and I think the man was behind them.
That dream ended or rather completely changed the story cause now I was making my way to a trailer my Brother owned with a girlfriend and slept there a couple if days with them. My Brother must have magicly transported himself there.
Then, the dreamed changed again, and I was back in my house pretty fucking pregnant o.o it was still too soon only a tiny baby bump was seen but o.o had no idea who the Father was. And somehow I knew it wasn't the 1st time I got pregnant I think I had a miscarriage the 1st time. I looked outside where my paternal grandma was sitting and the patio was full of water from an hose my Mom forgot to turn off. I told her and she went to fix it, the moment the water stopped the patio was super dry. Then my Dad comes and gives me the weirdest most uncomfortable hugs I've ever gotten saying something I can't remember now, I think that he was proud of me? For the pregancy? Then got inside the house and I was super tired of walking cause you know, still pregnant, so I tried to find a place to sit. The only available place was the magicly turned dining room into an hospital elevator full of hospital beds. I sat on one of the beds for a bit but old cranky nurses arrived with a patient from my house's side and told me what I was doing was wrong and that I shouldn't sit on those beds. I told them I was pregnant and they shut up. Also there was a random ass person in one of our rooms laying all covered by blankets on a bed and I think that was also me? I think they were a VTuber from VShojo, Froot???? But they were still me???? Like I was standing in the room but also on the bed but was also not????
I think the dream ended with that jdhshsvsj I woke up and immdeatly stroked my belly jdhdhdhsj
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I desperately need people to understand that Orthodox Jews having a lot of kids is very different from Fundamentalist Christians having kids. Fundamentalist Christians have a lot of kids because they want to raise a Christian army. Orthodox Jews have a lot of kids because of a thousands-of-years-old extinction anxiety rooted in history.
Jews make up less than 1% of the global population, and continuous genocides and ethnic cleansings have threatened our existence. The global Jewish population still hasn't recovered from the Holocaust, and we still haven't recovered from so many genocides. There's a reason we still talk about the Ten Lost Tribes- the trauma of so many of our people being stolen from us.
I've seen people mock people who genuinely *do* want a lot of kids, as if every one of them is lost and brainwashed. There are modern, progressive people who really *do* want to have lots of kids, even if it means being pregnant multiple times, because the Jewish population is *tiny*, and our existence is always threatened.
There's a common saying that sprung up after the Holocaust - "Six kids for the six million".
Don't talk about every person wanting lots of kids being "brainwashed" until you understand the deep desperation Jewish parents face to not disappear off the face of the earth. Until you understand the trauma of losing so so many of your people, and desperately not wanting your people and culture to be lost forever.
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digenerate-trash · 5 months
I have not looked at multiple people talking about piss as a kink to then go and see people feeling shame for having eggs as a kink. dol has tentacles, vines, and a harpy. The fandom should have been talking about eggs sooner. No shame, unless shame is a kink and then I’m sorry for interfering with your kink.
Brother no offence It takes a lot to embarrass me.
Personaly. Not into piss. I'm not versed in the kink. Don't know a lot about it but you'll never be shamed on my blog for liking it. (Personaly I don't get why people want to shame others for harmless kinks)
But eggs???
We talking
Because my man my body is doing some absoloutly wild shit right now and instead of a breeding kink my body has decided to just wanna have some eggs all up in there. Like a motherfucking Easter basket.
Dol tumblr shoulda been talking about it sooner. (Especally with ivory wraith they seem like the type). Because really your right. We got a bird. Crazy aphrodisiacs. Plant people. We even have a crazy doctor who buys your parasite children (they also seem like a motherfucker with an egg kink) we should be talking EGGS
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bihansthot · 5 months
full of baby yet?
Whoever you are anon I love you 🤣🤣🤣 sadly I am not full of baby yet but hopefully soon, I think Bi-Han is going to kill Syzoth soon if he has to wait much longer. I’m still trying to figure out if I’m going to lay an egg
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arcadewonder · 1 year
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she’s gonna kill her husband.
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transbeeduo · 4 months
cbeeduo rock paper scissors for who gets pregnant. Anyway I think ranboo birthed michael and tubbo birthed wizard and bug
AWESOME AND REAL HONESTLY!!!!!!!!!! Im soooo obsessed wjth the idea of them all being bio kids…. Little newborn piglet and fox kit that r both snuffling into their parents’ soft fur… Nobody would guess they’re biological and i find that really really funny. Yeah this goat and enderman/ghast each gave birth to a fox and a piglin respectively. Isnt that awesome??
I think Ranboo and Tubbo would’ve both argued amongst themselves over which one of them would carry Bug, because both wanted to be the one to do it so the other wouldn’t have to…
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i found your post on pinterest!
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nyctcphiliacs · 4 months
why do i want to make everyone have a baby 🥴🙃
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faofinn · 7 months
No. 20 "People don't change people, time does."
Blanket | Found Family | "You will regret touching them."
Part 1 | Part 2
There was a gunshot or two as Finn made his way to find Jess, but he couldn't find it in himself to care what he'd done. He kicked each door through, sweeping each room and trying to not let his heart fall at each empty room. 
Finally, the door he kicked in wasn't to emptiness, but to Jess. He almost forgot to sweep the room, desperate to get to her. She was alone, thankfully, her wrists bound above her head, bloodied and bruised, but alive. 
Her lip was split, dried blood still smeared across her face, and bruises already starting to show. She managed a tentative smile, leaning into Finn’s gentle hand against her cheek. He was quick to cut the bindings, wrapping an arm around her to keep her up. 
"I'm so sorry, Jess." His voice was soft. "We've got you now, you're safe."
Fao followed Finn as he found his girlfriend, ensuring the room was still clear and nobody was creeping up on them as his brother comforted her. “Come on, Finn. Let’s get her home. Is she injured?”
"I'm fine." She tried to protest but as she made to take a step, her legs gave way. 
"Oh, careful." Finn said softly, his arms gentle as he scooped her up. "I've got you."
She thought about protesting again, but thought better of it as she relaxed into Finn. "Thank you."
Fao led the way out, glancing at his brother almost constantly to make sure both him and Jess were alright. When they finally got to the van and Finn could set her down on the bed, Fao was quick to drape a blanket over her shoulders. “Here. You must be frozen.”
Jess couldn't hide the flinch, a sharp, pained gasp that trailed into an awkward laugh. "Sorry, Fao."
“You’re okay. You weren’t expecting me to be so close to you.” He said. “Can I check you over quickly? Make sure you’ve got no injuries hiding?”
Finn was sat behind her, acting as a pillow, and he rubbed her arm. "He'll be quick and I'll go find dad, yeah?"
She shook her head, her hand gripping onto Finn’s. "No, I'm alright. I don't need to waste your time."
“You’re not wasting time. I’m sure you’re fine, but you’re shaken up and I don’t want to miss anything nasty because you can’t feel it right now, yeah?”
"I'm fine."
“Literally two minutes?”
"Not here." She glanced at Finn. "Please?"
Fao sighed. “Alright, when we get home?”
"You need checking over, Jess. I can't overrule."
“When we’re at home, we can do it quickly and then get you curled up on the sofa with Finn. Do you want some water?”
She shook her head. "No, thanks."
“Alright. Let’s head off then. Finn, are you getting Fred first?”
"Yeah, I won't be long." He pressed a kiss to her hair, adjusting the pillow behind her. "Promise."
“Go on.” Fao said, watching his brother leave before he turned to Jess. “You helped us find you, y’know?”
She wrapped her arms around herself. "I did?"
“Yeah. That little ‘note’ you left us in code.”
She managed a smile. "Oh, you saw it?"
“Yeah, and good job too. It was useful. We’ve got you better trained than Finn.”
"Even Apollo is better trained than Finn."
“Oh, that’s true.”
Jess laughed, though it broke off into a wince. "Better behaved most of the time too."
“Definitely.” Fao said. “Are you warm enough?”
"I'm fine, Fao, really. I'm not you two, I'd say if something was wrong."
“Hey, that was uncalled for.” He shot back, but his words held no heat.
"I'm sorry the truth hurts." She teased.
"I'm not wrong."
“I suppose not, but still ouch.”
Once Finn had sorted things with Fred, they headed back to home, though they took a much longer route to avoid being followed. Finn stayed in the back with Jess whilst Fao drove, and it was a relief to get home. Things were as they should be. 
They headed inside, Fao right alongside his brother and his girlfriend. “Right. Basement then, make sure you’re okay and we can all head to bed.” Fao murmured, leading them downstairs before Jess could argue. 
"Uh, Fao?" Jess spoke up. 
“Yeah? What’s wrong?” He asked, frowning as he picked out supplies. 
"You're not going to tell anyone?"
“Tell anyone what?” He asked, turning to face her. “If you’re worried about confidentiality then I won’t tell a soul, I swear.”
"Can you leave it off my notes?"
“I can’t promise until I know what it is, but if I can I will.” He moved closer to her. “What’s going on?”
She folded her arms with a huff. "If you don't agree, I'm not gonna let you check me over."
He sighed. “Fine, fine. It won’t go on your notes.”
"You promise?"
“Swear on my life.”
Jess sighed. "Fine."
Fao grabbed a stool, sitting down in front of her. “What’s going on, then?”
"I'm pregnant."
“Sorry, you’re what?”
"We didn't plan on it."
“You’re pregnant? You and Finn?”
"No, me and Harrison. Of course it's Finn's."
“What the fuck?” Fao breathed, and then shook his head. “How many weeks?”
That was a long time to have not told anyone. And to think, today she’d crashed her car, been kidnapped, beaten up… Shit. “Okay. Jesus Christ. Have you had scans and stuff?”
"Yeah, given everything that happened as a kid."
He nodded, moving closer. “And how are you feeling now? Any pain?”
She shrugged. "A bit, I'm not gonna lie."
“And that’s new?”
"Since earlier, yeah."
“Noticed anything else?”
“We’ll make sure everything is the way it should be.” Fao murmured, still reeling from her news. “Uh, anything else? Besides that obviously, any issues? You’ve been through it today.”
"Nothing really. My head hurts, and I generally feel like shit. I just want to go to bed."
“Yeah, alright. Shit day, eh?” He said. “Let’s get you sorted.” He was gentle as he checked her over, always checking in to make sure she was okay as he cleaned up cuts and scrapes. She was lucky to have gotten off lightly, just superficial stuff really.
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arcanewonder · 1 year
hi! your blog is so cool and everything you do so amazing! i hope this isn't a bother but how did you get your sim to do a pregnancy test? it's so cool! ty in advance and love your posts!
hiii, thanks for the kind words. that was actually supposed to post on my gameplay blog and i accidently posted it to my main. 😅 you can find the mod that was used here, though anon!
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arcadewonder · 1 year
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third baby incoming shortly. :)
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beskarfrog · 10 months
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he was definitely not ready for his baby's arrival
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digenerate-trash · 8 months
Genuine question
I've gone through and retagged the pregnancy stuff I've posted, should I tag the posts about pc's babies tw pregnancy too?
I think showing off your Pcs kids is fine?? like kids are okay (people post kylar and syd as kids and that's fine) it's just that pregnancy itself can be triggering and uncounterable.
people have their own issues with all kinds of stuff and just tagging stuff helps people avoid topics they might be avoiding. but the presence of babies shouldn't be an issue
(if someone else has a better answer please comment or rb)
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