#tw illness and death
mandos-mind-trick · 10 months
I'm forever grateful for this fandom
I've been meaning to post something like this for a while. I debated doing it during my next follower milestone (which is very close) but today just felt right.
I've been in a funky place these last few weeks due to a lot of things going on, and this time of year is always a struggle for me. I'm feeling better now, putting aside how today makes me feel, and some things have happened that are going to continue to make things improve slowly but surely.
Today marks twelve years since my mom's death. She died of colon cancer, which the diagnosis for came on rather suddenly and traumatically (that's a story in itself) and she fought for two years before finally succumbing to it on August 14, 2011. I was only 15 when it happened, sitting across the room from her when she took her last breath.
She and I were very close. I was a surprise child, born about 20 years after my siblings so I was raised as an only child. My mom was everything to me since my dad took on the more stereotypical gender role of working all day. (I was close with my dad but not nearly like I was with my mom.) My mom was the glue that held our family together and her getting sick and then ultimately passing really took its toll on my family, and me.
My mom was the one that introduced me to Star Wars. She loved the movies. She went and saw the original trilogy when they came out in theaters, and she instilled that love into my siblings and I. I still remember the day when she finally let me watch The Phantom Menace. I think it sticks out to me because if you had known her, you wouldn't have thought Star Wars would be something she was into. We went and saw the two remaining prequel trilogy movies when they came out in theaters and even the Clone Wars movie (the last one to come out before she got sick) and it was just so special that we shared this thing as a family that we all loved.
I didn't watch Star Wars for ten years after she died.
I rebuked anything and everything that had to do with Star Wars. Every new movie, every new show that came out, all I could think was how much she would have loved it (even the sequel trilogy.) I tried so hard to hate Star Wars because every time I saw anything related to it, it just brought up all those horrible feelings. The pain and grief of losing my mom and in a way I felt like I was betraying her because she'll never get to watch Star Wars again.
I don't really know what changed my mind. I honestly couldn't tell you what switched, what caused me to risk dipping my toe back into the world of Star Wars. Maybe it was all the Baby Yoda memes.
I decided early last year that I was going to watch The Mandalorian. It felt like a safe place to start since there were no emotions attached to it like other things. Also, I've been in love with Pedro since Game of Thrones so that also helped. Watching it, it didn't really feel like Star Wars, but at the same time, it reignited the feelings I used to get watching it with my mom. It took me a long time to watch the first two seasons (the only two that were out a that time) but I'm glad I did it. I went back after I finished those and rewatched the prequels and decided I was going to watch the Clone Wars show. I never really got into it when it was on TV, since I was reaching that stage of pubescence where I was trying to distance myself from anything that felt too childish.
Well, long story short, here I am now. The Mandalorian helped me ease myself back into the world of Star Wars, and the Clone Wars dunked me in head first.
I still think about it, I still think about her when I watch things. It's less painful now and more bittersweet. There's a sense of melancholy underneath everything that just kind of sits there. It never goes away, but sometimes it gets buried enough I don't feel it.
I certainly don't regret coming back to Star Wars. I certainly don't regret getting involved in the fandom side of things. When I decided to watch Star Wars again, I was sort of flailing between fandoms. That awkward spot when you leave one and have to find something else to occupy your every waking (and sleeping) moment. I had just left Marvel due to a toxic friendship (that's a whole other thing in itself) and had briefly jumped into Kpop (I still love Kpop but yikes at the fandom side.) I needed something and Star Wars decided to be that thing.
I didn't plan on getting so involved with the clones. I originally started this blog as a Mando blog (hence the name) and my first Star Wars fics were Mando fics. A lot of them have never seen the light of day and probably won't and that's okay. I hadn't realized, even when I first started getting into the fandom, that there was such a community centered around the clones. I remember when the Clone Wars movie came out, I desperately searched for any fics related to the clones, and there was nothing. So to return fourteen years after searching to find an entire fandom based around the clones...it was a bit unbelievable.
I'm so glad I found this place and eventually became active within it. Y'all have helped me more than I can ever say. I went from debating quitting writing entirely to enjoying it again. I'm writing like I did seven/eight years ago. It no longer feels forced, like I'm forcing myself to write so I don't lose my ability. I like what I'm writing. I'm proud of it. Y'all have helped me get over the impostor syndrome, the hatred I used to have for my writing. I can look at my works and feel confident in them because I know that they're good and I believe that they're good. That confidence and positivity has translated into other areas of my life. I still struggle sometimes, I still question myself, but it's never to the end of "I should quit because this is utter garbage" anymore. (When I say my writing is trash now, it's coming from a joking place, not a serious one.)
A lot of that growth has come from me and the work I've been doing, but you all have had a hand in it. I'm so grateful for all of you, from the silent readers to the dedicated commenters. You've helped me in so many ways. I'm not going anywhere, no matter how bad things get. I may have to take breaks but I'll always come back here because I have a reason to. You're stuck with me for the long haul.
I'm so glad I found my love of Star Wars again. I'm so glad I decided to engage in this fandom space. You're all so special to me and I love each and every one of you and I am so thankful for you. I can only continue to repay you with my writing and my unhinged thots.
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bamsara · 7 months
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A background for the Lamb's room in The Rehabilitation of Death for a future chapter scene. Don't worry, not all of that blood is Narinder's.
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catboymoses · 6 months
I know this might hurt to hear for some but the ending of Falsettos is the necessary climax and conclusion to all of the men's character arcs.
Bill Finn didn't write it just to be a downer ending. He wrote it so Marvin would have to overcome his misogyny and take on a caregiving role and so he could learn to rely on his family for support.
He wrote it so Whizzer would have to overcome his pride and allow himself to be cared for and loved. To bring him and his family together.
He wrote it to knock Mendel down from his g-d complex. To show him he doesn't have the answers, that he has to help his family process their feelings instead of just pretending everything is fine.
He wrote it to teach Jason to give up his king, to concede, to learn from his mistakes. To teach him about being a man.
Whizzer's death happens at the end of Jason's bar mitzvah because it symbolizes all four men finally growing up. Becoming men. It is their final step out of falsettoland. Ignoring the ending robs them of their growth.
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floofanflurr · 2 months
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Take him back ⬇️
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Y’all wanted me to take him back when I did the first drawing and shared it with no context!!! So I took him back!!! (Still with minimal context.)
I’ve been working on this on and off for half a year and despite my best efforts, you can see my style changing if you look closely. Oh well!!
I like to imagine that Frisk is falling down here and did a Big Dumb™️ and tried to give their SOUL to Asgore since they’re dying anyways.
Papyrus does not support this venture.
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kishdoodles · 9 months
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"Oh no, that's the eviscerated remains of your town's storyteller, ZombieCleo. This can only mean one thing - there's a demon among you, and if you don't find it... well... let's not dwell on that, shall we?"
Cleo's Blood on the Clocktower minigame has me so hyped!!!! Wonderful ep I highly recommend it !!!!
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queerly-autistic · 4 months
The episode is called 'Red Flags', and the entire through-line of the episode (and the episode before) is Ed displaying the absolutely textbook suicide warning signs.
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I'm particularly impressed that they so heavily featured that sudden sense of calm and happiness; where Ed is suddenly smiley and at peace to the point where some crewmembers are wondering if he's 'better' now, but it's actually a huge red flag that he's made the decision to die. Because that's a warning sign that most people would misread - would assume it's a good thing - unless they've had specific training/experience on what to look out for.
I'll say it again: the gay pirate romcom explores mental illness and suicidality with greater depth, and understanding, and realism, than the majority of serious dramas I've watched in my life.
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ramons-elevator · 5 months
In light of Em's death, I wanna point out how long its been since we lost an egg life. Not just permadeath. Just a life.
In the first month of the eggs, we lost almost half of them (Tilin (Day 23), Trumpet (Day 23), Juanaflippa (Day 24)) and Chayanne, Ramon, Leo, and Richas all lost a life (Day 13, Day 15, Day 36, Day 42).
Then in May, Tallulah, Dapper, and Bobby all lost a life (Day 55, Day 56, Day 57) and Bobby was the last permadeath we experienced.
Now Em lost a life on Day 293.
Day 293.
In 236 fucking days, no eggs lost a life.
We went from 3 eggs dying and 4 of them losing a life in the first month to one egg dying in 236 days.
These eggs went from being a competition experiment to being the reason why the islanders want to be better and strong.
No matter what, love is the strongest thing and it shows with the QSMP
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strawberryspence · 1 year
Steve is 19 when Eddie first says it. It's the night Eddie comes home from the hospital, body all bandaged up to help him heal. Steve picks him up, drops him off the brand new trailer and has to say his goodbyes. He's the one who's been staying with Max at the hospital since Lucas started going to school again. Eddie watches, seated on the door, shoulders leaning against the frame.
Eddie waves at him, hand still wrapped protectively on his middle. There's a tired smile on his face, "See you tomorrow, Steve." It's the first time Eddie ever calls him by his first name.
Steve is 20 and Eddie Munson has been saying, "See you tomorrow!" as his goodbye to him since that night. Robin thinks it's for him and for him only. Steve watches Eddie, something he does a lot these days. He watches as he says his goodbye to the kids, says goodbye to Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, Argyle. Eddie never once says the words, "See you tomorrow!"
Steve waits for everyone to be gone, hitching rides from the other older kids. Eddie turns to him when everyone has finally left, "Are you staying, Stevie?"
"No. I am leaving too."
Eddie smiles at him, cheeky and dimpled, brown eyes shimmering like a fucking gem against the cheap yellow fluorescent light, "Well then, see you tomorrow, sweetheart."
It clicks. It's not a goodbye, It's a promise. Eddie will see Steve tomorrow, come hell or high water. A promise made for him, and him only.
Steve pulls Eddie by the lapels of his ridiculously shiny jacket and kisses him straight in the mouth.
Steve is 23 when Eddie and him move in to their first apartment together. It's dingy, kind of old, but hey, it's freaking cheap. They unpack boxes of things that was given by Joyce, Karen, Hop, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Sinclair. It's not much but it makes their bare home more livable.
They sleep on the floor with Steve's old mattress laid in the middle of the room, unopened boxes and furniture scattered surrounding them.
It's the first night they sleep together in their first home.
"See you tomorrow, sunshine." Eddie kisses his forehead, his nose and then his lips.
Eddie never says goodnight, just see you tomorrow.
Steve is 25 and it's the first time Eddie won't see him tomorrow. Eddie has to go to New York because Corroded Coffin just got discovered by an agent who wants to sign them.
It's okay. Eddie still calls every night, thank God the time differences of Chicago and New York isn't that big. Steve makes sure Robin isn't using the phone, so Eddie could call and tell him about his day with producers and songwriters and music and Steve can tell him about school essays and presentations for his Education class.
And always, always, just like every night since he was 19, Eddie ends the call with, "See you tomorrow." With whatever name he feels like that day. Sometimes it's sunshine, sometimes it's Stevie, sometimes it's love or baby or sweetheart. It doesn't really matter because it's all Steve.
Sometimes it's not true. Steve doesn't see Eddie the next day. Sometimes it goes on weeks and months on ends before the greeting finally means they get to see each other again.
That's okay. Steve's okay with it because if not tomorrow, he knows he'll still see Eddie again.
Steve is 34 when he hears Eddie say the greeting to someone else for the first time. Adoption is exhausting and repetitive and long and grueling but in the end— with a tiny little baby, cradled right against your arm— it's perfect.
Kids are always a mess. Steve knows because he has seven of them already, all grown up, all spread out in the country, all doing things on their own. And it's exhausting and takes out so much energy from you and your partner.
But with Eddie, all the weariness in his bones dissipate at the image of him, rocking their child on a rocking chair, humming a soft song as he finally tells them, "See you tomorrow, peanut."
Steve is 47 when Eddie and him finally get married. Joyce and Robin plan the wedding and as ridiculous as it sounds, they separate the two of them the night before. Steve rolls his eyes, kisses his groom on the cheek and waits for Eddie to say the four magic words.
"See you tomorrow, fiancé." Eddie whispers against his lips.
They get married the next day, under the bright beaming sun, spring flowers surrounding them as their daughter reluctantly spreads flowers for them.
Steve thinks he's heard so many variations of the greeting, but, "See you tomorrow, husband." might be his favorite from all of them.
Steve is 54 and it's the first time Eddie doesn't say it to him before going to bed. They both silently slip into the bed together, hands intertwined together like the other will float away if they let go.
Apparently being tortured and experimented with half of your childhood has some bad outcomes. It's the day they find out that El has a brain tumor.
Steve is 56 and the Party sleeps beside him and Eddie, tucked into each other like they're 15 again. The last time the Party had a sleepover was in 2000. They still all have sleepovers, don't get him wrong. What Steve means is the sleepover where they're all squished together on the floor, clinging onto each other as they sleep soundly, knowing they're safe and sound with their friends.
They have a sleep over just like that one last time.
"See you tomorrow. I love you." Eddie whispers, just as he falls asleep.
The expired eggos in their fridge gets thrown out six months later.
Steve is 65 when he gets to meet their first grandchild. Eddie is adamant that he is not crying, but his glasses make his tears more visible, making them look like actual diamonds coming out of his eyes.
Their daughter laughs, and lets them hold him for the first time. Steve is a blabbering mess of tears, holding the baby close to his chest. They stay the whole night, to help take care of the baby and their daughter.
And there's nothing more beautiful than the moment the nurse has to take their grandchild away from their daughter and she whispers, as gentle as a feather, "See you tomorrow, Ellie."
Steve is 73 when Eddie first forgets to say goodnight. It's Alzheimer's, it's—
It's not okay. It's never going to be okay. But Steve has to be okay, has to carry on for the love of his life. He takes care of Eddie, because he vowed to do so the day they got married, because he loves this man and he will do anything for him.
Steve tucks Eddie at night, after fits of confusion as to where he is, as to who he is, and kisses his forehead, soft and gentle, and says, "See you tomorrow, Eds."
Steve is 82 when he hears it for the last time.
Eddie's health has been declining. Nine years after his first prognosis, Steve takes it as a win, nine years and his love still battles it everyday.
They've been living in a nursing home, Steve is also getting too old to take care of Eddie. His bones are weary in ways that never goes away, his sight and hearing has always been bad but time has made it worst.
There's something called terminal lucidity. The doctors explain to Steve, in the most gentle way he's ever heard, "You're husband will probably, theoretically, have a moment of clarity where he remembers everything and it will seem like you have him back, but for us it is the sign of his health declining further. I am sorry, Mr. Munson."
Eddie gets it a few days later, and they talk nonstop. They talk about the kids, their grandchildren, about their friends, about how they've lived their lives. They open up photo albums, and point and laugh and smile and cry. Steve excuses himself to go to the bathroom, but only so he can call the others, so they could say their goodbyes. The kids fly in, from all around the country, to say goodbye.
Eddie goes a few hours later, warm and comfortable in his bed, cuddled next to Steve with a big dopey smile on his face, "See you tomorrow, Steve."
Steve smiles back, as Eddie closes his eyes. He stops fighting the ache in his bones, the never-ending beat in his scars.
"See you tomorrow, Eddie."
Steve doesn't see Eddie the next day, not the next, not the next, not the nex—
Until, he finally sees Eddie again.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
I ran into one of my childhood bullies and asked how she was doing, and she told me her dad wanted euthanasia due to some unspecified illness. Then her dad walked over to us and said, idk why it's illegal, I want to die.
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cerealbishh · 3 months
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"Hey, we found you."
"I guess you did!"
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Yorki and ‘His Illness’;
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Oda really knew how to drive the knife in when it comes to the story of Yorki and his crew, man…
From the choice of scenes before we get to see the bed-ridden body to the actual real world equivalents, its really rough on the heart.
What we knew about Yorki, from the scenes right before the announcement of his illness getting worse, is both his confidence and his strength.
The scene we get to see is his crew surrounding his brand new bounty, Yorki cheering and proudly proclaiming his joy for it. We see the great swaft of muscles on him, his chest fully exposed and his hair bright and fluffy along his shoulders. His face is clear, his arms fill out his coat, which is important later on, and he holds such a pride that he reminds me quite a lot of Luffy. We see him break up fights, offering advice to his men and we see him joking and drinking alongside his caring crew… and Brook. Brook is always by his side, during the mornings when he brushes his teeth, to the night when they drink side by side. They’re always together.
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[ buff pirate cowboy! ] Until they’re not. Now comes the topic that may be a bit rough, the real life equivalent of what we see Yorki suffering from. I'll list the symptoms and y’all can make what assumptions you wish, and again, I’m not truthfully claiming its any REAL ILLNESS, but I mean simply it is inspired by, acting the same and such. We see a cold compress, so it’s bothering his body temperature. We see sunlit windows, open to the fresh air as if that could help. We see spotting across his face, and hands; small wounds, growing in number. We see his hair, like a mock halo loosely scattered across the pillow he lays in, and it’s stringy now, not glossy or kept. His mouth his covered by a mask, so they believe its airborne/touch. These sound to me, a lot like a certain sickness, one passed by blood which is interesting given the scenes we see before this are Yorki and the members who now are sick, sword fighting with a rival crew. It’s also notable this sickness, and spots of this illness do not show up until the few month mark. Brook would have had to watch he changes wrack his body. Yorki, would have had to watch the changes wrack his body. The doctor states he's unsure what it is, perhaps the plague, but is treating it best he can, as what he believes it to be is unknown. But knowing what we do on old methods of that certain sickness, it would make sense. The mask helps, the spit and body fluids being a factor, but the idea of sunlight and fresh air helping is an olden falsehood. The men come into the room, and Yorki speaks to them through horse coughs, offering words of encouragement and laughing through the mask as they shuffle out. They know the truth of this serious matter, and Yorki does too. They leave, each crying their hearts out for perhaps they did not realize the truthful change until that moment. Brook certainly looks perturbed, staring blankly ahead at the bed. Note, most do not get too close to the bed, standing feet away, and not touching Yorki.
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What a physical change from the man we saw before. But not too much mentally… or has it. He has a mask, mentally and physically still up; he gives them hope, tries, but… they see through it after months of his brushing off of the sickness perhaps.
After everyone leaves, Brook remains to stand, away from the bed until called. Called. Yorki calls to him, stating his name as he always did. “Brook.” “Yes.” And Brook comes closer, but not quite to the bedside, staring ahead with a blank expression. Than Yorki leans over, and grabs his hand, and in a flash of a moment Oda CHOSE for us to see, Brook looks disgusted. He grimences, brow furrowing at the wounded hand that touches him, but than we see what he sees lying in the bed; a weeping, broken husk. Yorki has begun to weep, sobbing as his confident facade is broken and melted away in front of his Vice-Captian. And Brook melts too, dropping to his knees and forgetting all of these ideas of illness, tossing any safety away for his crew and himself just to make Yorki feel seen, or perhaps because of his own need to love his dying partner. He clutches Yorki’s hand, and now we see the true damage the illness has done; Yorki’s wrist is thinner than Brooks. His arm is gaunt, and we see the bone. He is withering away, has been for months it seems, but Yorki always was good at excusing it with a confident smile. But now, in the bed, unable to stand and wracked and eaten away by something we can only claim perhaps as some blood related illness, he weeps before his partner. “Brook-” “YES? My Captain?” “Give them HOPE.”
I’ll just include the rest of the scene here for your own enjoyment.
I could dive into the fact that Brook believes he failed those words, or the fact the crew did not just die of poison, and their deaths were so gruesome the anime had to censor it. The fact Brook continues to “give the crew hope…” or the way he mentions he may not have made it out of the triangle alive.
However! That is for another day.
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kadextra · 4 months
Genuinely curious as someone who hasn't fully been keeping up with qsmp, how do we know qbad's gonna die?
We’ve been expecting it to happen for around 6 months :’) here’s a recap of it all for you
From the first week of September q!Bad has been suffering with a soul infection. back when all the egg kids went missing, he was grieving and lost the will to live. he let himself wither away, getting attacked repeatedly by monsters called “soul vultures” which tore pieces out of his soul. it gave him symptoms like colorblindness, hallucinations, and turned his eye blue
skip forward to the end of purgatory when the nuke exploded. he shielded Dapper with his body, and was the only person who got hit directly by the blast and lived (rip q!Maxo)
but the soul infection absorbed the radiation and accelerated. especially the nasty head wound hidden under his hood- look at his skin and you could see it start growing
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it affected his mind- since early December he’s had lapses of memory where he forgot people, places, and his own kids over and over.
but now this long and tragic slowburn is finally reaching the climax. the past two weeks since the island reset, he’s been coughing more, forgetting more, getting weaker. his kids Pomme and Dapper made him medicine which he’s been taking to keep going just a little longer. the infection has gotten 10x worse and is consuming him completely, as you can see below
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the eggs are all in despair
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but his body just can’t fight this illness anymore <\3 he admitted as much to Richarlyson in last night’s stream, after their deep discussion about death with Dapper and Empanada.
This is it, he’s dying tonight or tomorrow.
q!Bad has implied multiple times that because he’s a high-rank demon creature, when he dies it won’t be a permanent thing. it’ll be something like a factory reset- which is just as painful tbh because it’ll be the death of who he once was. he’ll be wiped blank. but there is a chance he can recover, it’ll just take a lot of time. so he’s not leaving the server, it’s gonna start a new chapter of lore for this character
That’s where we’re at now :’D
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alchemicaladarna · 4 months
We all expected Dapper to wander around the flower fields and *jumpscare* we find Bad's body and it's going to be haunting yet sad at the same time, but I argue this is infinitely worse.
Like, I thought Pomme might have seen Bad die yesterday, but nope- they don't even know he DIED. They spent the entire day looking for him, confused as to why he's nowhere to be found. They're just two kids looking for their dead father.
And then the last scene; Dapper riding out alone to the middle of the ocean to look for his dad, thinking he just wandered far away.
The ghosts try to hold him, try to shout, but we could barely whisper, "Oh honey, he's right here. He's in the fields- please just look closer. Wait Dapper, where are you going? Sweetie no, don't leave, there's nothing- don't leave-"
And then we or Bad's ghost is just left on the shores, helplessly watching her get farther out into the horizon, unable to follow, unable to call her name.
He was there, Dapper. He was right there, the whole time. And he's still there, waiting for you.
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ihavehisdvds · 3 months
“I reject the dreamer
I want to sleep forever.
I want no more of Sunrise
It brings only the prelude to lies.
I reject the beams of Moonlight.
Let my soul be where it lies.”
- A response to Oscar Wilde
Original quote by Oscar Wilde: “A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
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queerly-autistic · 4 months
The thing that gets me the most about this scene is that Stede doesn't rescue Ed. Not in the traditional sense. He doesn't grab him. He doesn't pull him out of the water. Heck, he doesn't even lead him out of the water.
No, what he actually does is just be with Ed, exactly where Ed is. And that's the most powerful thing he could do.
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And, crucially, Ed is still underwater. Stede's presence hasn't changed the fact that he's underwater. But the difference is that the weight has stopped pulling him further down, and, most importantly, he's no longer drowning.
I've talked about how much I love the way that this show explores mental health, and this is just a shining example of that. Stede's love for Ed, and his unwavering supportive presence beside him, doesn't fix his mental illness. It doesn't pull him out of the water.
But, fuck me, does having that love and support make it all feel a bit more survivable.
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galaxygermdraws · 9 months
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The Life Series returned to my brain and I have to cope with it so I did this??? I don't really know why I did this I just. I needed to get some scribbley thoughts out (please talk to me about my madness It has been like 4 days I am trapped here)
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu)
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